TERMS! t'atil th 1 of Janeary nt, fix n moBtn,p?z 'V two .months, ZZm Jplioft Jb i4 ef our friend toitwdjl Ptfttfrai flirtimwiU brtta s,tmleiBnt. .1 oar el' ' . White and Black. A correspondent of the New York JleralJ, lftji: It U wrong to etippos, as alleged by some Wtter writers, tnat were u a we soma a (tea- . . . l j . I I i mi ft . HUGHES It DILL, COHMISSroX AND SHIPPING MERCHANTS iCNBIOXMKNTS af Cotton, Naval Star ad To. KJ baeeo, will bar. our prompt atteatio. agist tor Hun-ay its or BOaamsBtp to eraw Sfeeliuirof hostility toward, jfca b!aal-TbW i iorkaiaUlfMl fat Bahvuaart jd phu t !ii iuch a manner aa-to create suoh may - . . ' Weling; hot at present it doe not3it. We npm uikt lhT to an earnest desire for their i .-are nu sincere regret that tney ore notJl- -niationally ud mentally preparedlor the ten ,1om "ddenly Ibrurt upon jhm..jAs jt , lberty witBlbom toooftenruni into licentious vtfi .and we are certain that iii the upbeavinga pfour social fabric, und6r the transition of tbe Tnstfew mtmtlvthe whit race has thus far bean the chief sufferer, tut has nobly and without a murmur flood the sltbck, and done it full duty imdly ana iainuu"j k-m nwi!ru d.lphla. T. . Htreaas, Nawbara. 0. W. Dill, Morehead Cityr I la E.- HALL, , C O M 3fl S S 1 0 K- M E II C II A N T, . . -122 Nobts W arn Stb!t, - AT"lir. ViLMINOTON. N. c. C0KSIOSMKST3 o( Cattae aad other prodac. - uouaj. - - RKKSitbBBr.WE; Pail, Betelgh, ; Wilmington, July 13, 1S65. S4 fitpd. : its care. . jfr, Davie' Wanlatton; ' The Vicksburg Journal Jays the freedmaVa Walilishmeot on-the plantation of JeflVDavi and t,a brother j4o a flourishing -isonditionJhere ere in "cultivation between three and four thou sand acres, planted with oolion, corn, potatoes end vegetables. The crops are looking finely.' y j.Uiad thaUhe .place will produce thia 1. ' T. Oa II It A W A V, , IiART.clr-LEWIS, P MASUFACTUREaS AND pBAtltKS IS ItIN, Shaat Iron, and Coppar wra Hardware aa d lloaa Funjiihiog Soodi crarlt, Conk lag StovM,. Kromne Oil, Lamps sad Wtok. Alio, a ssiacl itooa or JTamilv uroaari. - ITflrttyirirTsr'n.ta Srasar, IUtnsr IT, C. "'. au S Sm - '('-.'' :,.- . ifason from two to three thousand iaalee ofcpttonj should nothing happen tojnjurj the "crop and from twelve to iwonty tfiousand bushel of eorn besides potatoes, iic. For the fed and Infirm I a "Hdme Farm" if carried on. This' farm, situ sted on the JeffV Dai place, has about lire hun. dred acres la cotton and one hundred in corn. It will probably be self sustaining, and tnayyield a handsome sum. ' Wr ROTJ BUT ANDREWS, . , FA VKTTEVILLE STREET, ? " .' I RalettJt, If. C. 'if r HAVINQ reiuDied business next door to his old stand, has just rstorced from Nsw York with splendid asfjortment of Ooodt, which be oflors to his old cnatotnersand thspablioon th boatierm fbrCASH. His stock of ' FAMIL.flRdcERIES The Trtt of Mr. Jedwro Dvl-. Note from - ' one Of-WrjoniTetj 7 r' .' . is noi surpassed, if squajjed, io th City t , coffee; :smar, rjLOUB, meal. A talegrara dated Irom "Alfiany", "Aifguat 22od. j R. H, Gilltt, one of the couiikI fur Jeffurson Davis, 1tr a note to the Argut, saye Mr. Dsvis ha no more information concerning hi trial than j others hav. In a tetter from Davis, dated the 13th instant, PICKLES, UAMSr-CRACKERS, BUTTER, CHEESE, LARD, -. ; BUFF ALOE TOXQUES :, . ." ic, Sfo. 2k o, will b kept coaitantly on hand, - -AES0- trGillett, hi ti.: "I of the lFURNISULVj0 000D3 FOR DWELL- end the tribunal befor whicT:Tanfto answer. Your letter gave me the first notice ot th Wash ington Indictment,'' Dav! request Gillett to 1 hav a soataranea with Chase, O'Conor, bis only other counsel, so that they may be prepared for the trial as soon as it is brought on, and with -as1 j little delay a tbo nature' and importanoa of th .caw will permit. . ' ' ' , IV direct application to the proper departminT, I a-ung to oe intormeq wnen ana Detore what tri ' 'unal Davis is to be tried, remain unanswered. hecanse, it is supposed, neither has haen aotualhr iiBiBriimicu uj 1110 i rcBiuouv. Restoration of Southern Estates to Pardoueit .:. - Owner. During last week upward of a dozen oitizens of the South, who hsd obtained their pardons, mad personal application at the Freedmen's Kureau for the restoration of land .which bad teen taken into the custody of the bureau." On production of the csrtificates of pardon, the ap plicants were furnished with orders upon th lo ;eal agents of the bureau in the South for the restitution of the. property claimed, wltlt the pro vision that the owners be - mad to. . compensate th blacks for, the crops "they mat bo cuKirsting thereon, or leave them in undisturbed possession until the same are harvested. ' ' CROeKEHY,T-HARD- WARE, HOLLOW WAREK - TIN WARE, ;, V He iavites an inspection of hi stock su 14-tf ..' y-n.-: TIIITBEST, most expeditious 'i y..,: ' -'.AND' :., ' ROUTE FROAI CHARLOTTE TO THB ' , N o ft TIIER N C I TIES, . . VIA ' Silks! Silks!! Silks!!! FROM -. . . v t nttiuiui miagtoa, .., t -boi tk ha 4 b..Wm. ,: : ' ' ' 'r-PUBLlSiEffin'A'KTi,';1r,"',': ""r1; n'J'i,(,,10t(lM"B".t..,.ylo -,.,.. : ' AIS1 i Ilemled 1 rvupMtut 1 and illlul. .1...- - 1" 2500 TABDS JI ST RECEIVED BY HENSIIAW & THORBUM, rATETTBVUXB STREET, -r-- ' .if AiEiaL'L- " " -m JajfaWtjasr ta at jart trf tat pim eoplaa r lilts of priors ad do,, -A" USO- A LOT OP CRAPE M0RET2, MOZAidBU QUE J)E LAI NE3, CALICOES-, ., with variety of other-ty 1m of Ladin' floods. - -A l S O- OEXTS' FURNISHING GOODS, HATS, CROCKERY, K E R OS EN e" LAilPS, GLASS WARE, io., PAINTS, OILS AND " BRUSHES. -A U S C- A lari lot of LDBIJT3 EXTBACH. 80AP3 Ao., ae.,Ao. -- an ll-lm era era -iiooV f. 0.,- I 1'IKST CLASS 'NEWSPAPER, t . plht A aRMar(trl- &fwrtaaat -wiH A,f'f'tka,.uM a.4 x..t..k i.W.7 ;ft.VkaAh;7.T.rM?"f" DmrDsm s tiattn Urimnu .nrf u - 1 - ' .-: if, M the- 141 fur tli torrttt report TthH: at abova, a 1 Jtn A Valuablo Work I PTirioRouMEOLOcrciPsuftVEy; or o.i . Wal tdltloa m y,, plUb.d a. .00 BKRN'ARD. A BARRT, ... u.ij.jjWe,: r-? KitSOMaild Pr(1ri.l jf0-toV SMMUN. J6s 0. Baaa Two Vol. Ctlit: With oveai 4O0TirapsAiid ff2.00. WlOSPEOXUS-' ora 'PIIS great work is bow. for the first tiuie.ouVr- JL W f puolio. rt is the standard authority in alt matter relating to the miner.! mm( i-h.i,i. A W ORK OF INESTIMABLE VALI E to all pefons'buyinf orjellina real nronertv of any kind ia . North ajoUnaFiherie8, Farms, bwiimp Lanes, Water Pewt ; , COAL, COPPER, LEAD, IRON AXD GOli MIXES: Quarries, Lumber; Lands, to., eto, - sJ . '. .F wwral aeduetions made to the trad,1 , v - . ' . oil in s , FieM k Firaid Pablishinr Houha. : " . M . u i - : . . rt . - iio. uo rajeutTHia street, " loyalty w tb eummoa OovrnaiBt. -?-itJ aVthavaa sub-KdiUr or eorr.i.oiid, RaUjigbyK. C. Kvsry paper la North Carolina will nlr aert three times,- and ssad bills to W. B. S. 4 Co. II AS eaUrsi I I Ur THE DAILY-EXPRESS ... Petertbarc, Va.,1 -'..v.- po It FiftMBtk vvar. iiria an. r form, with' aw tycs. aadarVuanlaT: oignj nitwrinf iiatisiarK ana dally lncras Ina airoalallon, and effars to m'arebatiU and othrrt daairiaa to sommnQtoat with tk Hustkara onblia advantag rM by ttia. - . ' ' ' ATJ T I B 1 1 8 1 H 0 RATH r r ' r; 00 . 1 41 r not .'. , n 44 0 m Cotton Prospect and Price,' A planter from the parish of St. Charles, who considers himself fully-posted on cotton statistic, informs th New Orleans limit that there her r were over 400,000 bale of cotton raised any saso'rl west of fle Mississippi.. He thinks that lher:wre nearly 300,000 bale between the Mississippi and the itio Grande when Kirby Smith sitrendered, and rba40,000 bales will be added hy thl year crop. Of the old crop a great deal North Carolina Railroad, ; Kalclgh Gaston Railroad, , . Yetersbiirsf 4 Weldon. Railroad . . ". .. aso vasia VABIOUS CONfTECTIONS. PMiangan (y this line will bar CHARLOTTE at t o'clock p. ., arrive at Balalgk fie, as. Lv BAtKiaH s.e'oloek a. at., arrtv at Oastoa 11 m. Laav OAST0W lp.,ai arrlv a Patartbarg 6.80 p. m., and lsav that night for JRlobmoad and tb aorta, or slay la PsUrfbarg, gat a good alght's rait sad take th ears forUty Point, eonoaotlag with tha-Jsma KUar staaara for aorthar point. , Pauaagara for watra or eenUara point will laav Ptribarg at .J o'ulack a. m., arrlv at CD On month, .Two atoatbs, Thrs montJia, Ha month a, Oaayaar, , , ; ."i J, TW ISV4UI, CI Twk, , f (0 fid . Oasnioatk.V " ' II 0 Two aiontbi, ,' II 0 Tbra month, ' II 0 .-. Slimbatbs, . i . , s 00 1 Oa year, - - 0 00 Parsons diiblng a TaUr qeaatlly of spas tha l abora dsilgaatad, Will b aesommodatad oa liberal tarms. ,.- . , - . ' SUB8CEIPII0K lAIIS. ' SlngU opy, maUsd, . I Ota. . On month, do " Tbra months, d fl 00 - Siimeaths, do I 0 Addras, ' . j A, F. CRITCBFIELD A CO.! ' Aagll tf -. . Pawr.barg. Va. jrjTho New York NeVs. i i H DAlLYv AND. WEEKLY. i ing i.7bTuk;fwv, p,l,a; r. Semi-Weeklv aad WaaItIv ' jarl"i;aSetyrKalTaKW,-afrt. .w.iift. - im II. I..... !. :,7 ., .," "HILl ... ... .. ,, .ui primarily t davatad to A . A . .. V, . . " ., 1 V :.TTT"w",?iw wta-tti)ror-irtTa . tb ',?'M"' ia tt will not b. aa- ' m SU -1 ( u Wrooiative f th want f ,ha goaaral pobjio -Wtltjit will not tr th. ar.n. of plin'Z - f. 'ttr, tlt'l'r ff " ''tHhl.lteto. . aSthry , arU.(-!wayi eonautaat with a a swantaajloyaltv to tb aunniM, i J..-. dornu. aea." TirTiatnantaTrTti - - fraLb,-h A" : wadari, U attxaati T rry effort will b mada to rind.Mh. i i a a4ulaiU,n, ..pwUlj, , t-.b.itr. aommnalty; r aad npwatioB may b mada kaowo.- Adrartiala -wUI b. .rr.a w r,t M4 h, mot attrMttvS- -iaouoapanUtoiMura itka-itandrA . rT . Tea ai bf to Jwareal " wl,l b doahl mdtm. d U-wiU eonui i u HT pr0d p.,M. I h b oUa Buin tba b..t ml. r ..C..' i prlatod on aaw autarUl. vryrv-, -.. ' . 1 GRMfl i rt ?v-; -'V ""'Vt tor eyr, Aa ... i Di.y,U Bjoiitba, o lall, oaamoatB,. . " . I a - 'J.wsysar, ioi . . w. 3kiy,tUmoaths, sea Wk.ly, als months, 1 r B Paraons daair.D( t, .nbierlb wilt saal la thair -aam.i immadiauly, bat may wlthhbald tba prta. or subjorlptloa 1 tb veo.iPt of tb. first s.mW, " " -h,UJ - ml ragat Is realliad, th ,' numb.r will b Uiaad oa tb 1st of January, U. ' - kJ.!(k, K. O. ittg 19 tf V GREAT miim UWl RESCUED . THE SOUTHERN FIELD AD FIRESIDF. 1 t.ka nvat pUaanr la l'forilng Its anmiroas frl.ad and patron tbai it. pub lo.tloa will b. nm Ju . .. .naatha jn.a tao.llt s Of tbeont y Wifl able tham bo elrCuMo tba 1m. L ... tsastlrely aviid.o ., . , " ; P0IJT2 ltteeattjtle. Ttlg. tor tb r.a., omamtnlfor ill parlor, mi aa i-a psnbl.eon.panioB to tb. 0u., Y ww uw aipiilUUUUIftMlll,, It li a larga, tight pg .h.jt, baadom.ly prUud "" tjith aaw typ. . ' -?ff"'fl."-bw,Pt' on . ' nth IS. ' ' iVEW GOODS f mm GOODS !! A Journal ifPolltlci, tiuratara, FaiMoBi, Mar IV 1 W aO Orirhi till ket FlnsIal Bporta Int.raitlng MisealUny, ;1 lj T "vUIJo ! J J UbJ bws from all parts o'fth world. It contains JUST RECEIVED THIS iW STOKE, OUll WOAJIJLY. SlASONiq .MaQAZIN'K Will aTharu ..d at lbs lam tlm. ThU'lfaga tin is tndvmd auj raoommsnrtad to tba frateruitv at targ by the O rand-Lodge of North Carolina. A regM natter and typrapby, it will La iiiul to Buy publieatidn ia tb Un'laJiutaa, . - " Tssws' tberiptioB on yr S. ' ' , Addr . ;. . WJl. B. SMITH CJ, . .. . . : . ' : KaiiU, ti. V. A limited Bumbarof adrertUaiaonu aamlttcd iatu rh pabiihatloft, . , . &ai Nawananara vnrMli lli ..i.. v- or faadrng Bjattar tbaa any ether j ohaanas r-pactruyy invltri at ;no Jrom all parti of v . , au -tr " ' ; , ,, V ' - -. THB-NEW YORK WEEKLY NliWS A GREAT PAMIIT - NEWSPAPER! ' BIIfJAMIX WOOD, - . - . . PBvriiTa. weakly papar. NEW IMPROVEMENTS IJITHODUCED, r hrniJy bw44odinaxaad.l , at .. - ... i 'H-.-.1.- ' i - 1.. - I. . : crop as woll aa the old will " be entirely cleared iTf or VEe couhtr jftpfors tb first or M arch t. ItK the limited stbclt.on7 hand andthe orop prospects now before us, he 'thinks sFxty or sev enty cents per pound will be the pravailing'piice io January neit. j l .i Birraur'. . Berald'i Washington. Dispatch. Ntnateett-twentietnSr aye more, ot the em ployees of the departments are hostile to the policy of tha President. The bureaus, almost without Kcpplion are presided orer by bis political foes, h0 have crammed tbeir resptctit offices with the bitterest of radicals and nezro wor.?liipperiv AViih tome few designing exceptions used' for a HWsHworapBlUtttt i arpoinVd by thea.wiia.J i - .. . vi hot unqualifiedly committed -to negro suffrage- and equally and no employee, however etlicnrit and competent, is not promoted who is npt of the iuie strip. Tba proscription and favoritism ba Uome a studied system in many of the bureaus'. We hope the President will Ukejiote of this in I .tJffi.eiJBureau. iofluenca. it ..gigantic power in a o'ate. , , BalalicbaT P. m. Laavs Ralstgh at f.9 p. u, and 9 -Pasteagar ar rtptfullj rqnitdtagttekt tefor orermg th ews. . -. a,, n iiB.aa, Sag. aad Bop't K. C. B. B. - k JOBNSOy, . Buo'l Balslgh wastoa . B. - b. m: dunlop, : Aug. tl-tf up'tPUrburg A Waldo BB. GOLDS! at J. C. PALME B 8 OLD flTAJTD, PRINTS, assorted style sod beatttifu'r Lac UboasiXaibroideries,' Irish I.lBCns",Enitf Uldrdl Muelin CuHainsj Ladies ajid Oent HOslary RTRfiTHER &. CO.. XlftftK AATn TOR VmmiKC HOOP Sk'IPtTUMS'FLlWlIG GOODS, lUy IV All J J UD I IVlll AlilU, j Chemiiettf, Skirts, plain and Embroidered, and al: lost every article needed In a iJuly s wardrobe, j Saw style and vay y driirahta. " ' - A L. S PERPUMIUirjalillSOArs. "ABT-ff 1 STEAM POWER PKESS PK1.NTLNG, STKOTIIEIl .& CO.. RALCIOII. N. C. Th. only Sttam Wr iVTw Tyy IMMENSE CIRCULATION DETERMINEDJJjL Tb Large it, Bet tod Cheapest Taper Pnb- Iulicd In New York. - - fi'Bgl eop"i, ee aU. Cna 0iir7,B year..:-.- a Tbia eiiplaasa ftU, .w - Plv ooptwe, on yaar, " $75 Tan enpa, on. year, " If to - v,(Aod aa atrapy to any elob ef t.)' Twenty eopTti, on yaar, T"' ' ISOTO-" Th Weakly News It ( to Clorgymeo at 1 id TH2 DAILY RAtEIGII fiECOaL. 4. Ul BSSrir pnrui t Ir'tm tb. Miiitart uih.;.i. via, pro, oao to jubi lb th t'iiy. .,f Rli, k "4 uailv aawtueoar to ba OalUd tha' k.I.Cum Tb paper will eoatalB a record of tha Imntant I veBts of sb eoumry, botb airlj and military tt,- I ltt Bsi!t.ry affautlnr tt intareiti of tb ppl or -J orth Caroltua and of tb btath, to itatly mf!tl iwlwtVWB, 4rniok . at bar .-A miteeHaaaov reading wattar ad usually found i iba e iu.mBS of. daiU nriinara. .. Hviiie WNm la mlim. ",.! . -"1 " jrtOTfTTrtr-Trnmtyr-Wo lkTt wbaoorer w. " , la.l C4lla upJa to duao, speak tut bBBttBt uirnt FAYETTEVILLE ITHEET, :- RALEiaB, N.C 1 1 A KB praparad to print at torraoftc, aad rath XI keV took daily news. To Mt Mubtrribara, " . 11 par annntn. SiB Montha, ft IMIanw ftW Taj aunts tnrariahly In sdraBea. "VW FOR MAI.H 11V ALL KCKS ICAI.P.HS. loB.r.tt.tirgr Bioaaarfs-aa-otiBg-t' it -iol t.op1a,Bijwrpu I.OHi4.u Jt1u.i or . parsons la th t;ity dwirleg to. rub ar Knlikti h..Ci r I alii .lc. wlt-t uL!'! ol I 'Heglit'i-t.iiiMi5 near- ijieCuwrt" 0 , bar 1 atylfc DUUIt". PAMPtlLSTS, POSTERS, . CIRCULARS, A., Ac, As. ; Pr1 aaodarata, HANB-BILL8, ' Bl'BlNEaS CARDS, COURT BLANKS, -XLHUTION IICKKT3, Aa.; Aa.,- Ao. Tb air .old frianda sad enitom.r lurHtiiiMl ai.if,:...i . a.- , iu mi my a wirll.lf la iiik,i,'E. IT. .l. 8:. Is tin uni. ami - 11.. .a i"r,OiMjii, 11 gi ut thair Biiaia. 1 i'KHMrt.-hinglB j7TiT5hfaniuiurtbr month - BhvNJ, WOOJ, IWriiiBa tflTK'ATIEaTffRruoXiTCTBias fjlIJ. von MDiuont I'ifT3i SBonthw-vearr- 1 .. ' Ira. Addrsi" Dally Nawi Bail-log, So. IB, City Hall qoarv tf ., . . New Tvk City. and,lh pthlie.aJ.1 b sari 4 ebaarfklly aad promptly. 1 . JOB WORK ",Of vry drtscrijition fiecatel at ttisolCc with oealiiea bud dispatch,- -- fTL B't numbar of tba pn.r wil b. UsaaJ 1 uormlajr mainlng asst.' j , ' - ,;' ; l.w': ."Mt'l-UAai pav is tr - ' - " .... w ti. .uu . Tha D.tl, bit k..B tamporarilr apeda b'..ut. of tba btai,r. of tb. aanior .ditur. It ii itanaJ B3t ily for tb praiant. 1 r J-X1l - ..t " : "m-; ' ' :

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