J-f.5 r 1 i . -'M1I4 AHrY- s en ti n e l.- WM. PLL, Editor. SAiriUUT, ArGUSi'vQ 1M5 . CUR TEEMS. - . --T1JK Jm-ktikkl irweied iry morning (inn---dayXPtd)Ht.t lhe following f !: From tHe present to (ho 1st ot January J4.00 Fur on month, - . ... . . j.l.W) w "rm rti r "' 200 Our terms aie irTVa-iably in -advance, 'lhe scarcity of money however, obliges ut sy to our friends, that nvpoiniible and prompt persons whodeiflre tire Sritttntl need not delay sendine tin their names at oee. tfho can send us lit C'tult in iv hurt time. Thtf money may bo sent in I? the Ilml i!o;iJ Coiiilnctori or the .Lvprot OUR Kif.sw to who the Sentfnel hs been ent, iff town or country, will pleast inform as at je whether they desire tt-or cot, - TIIE ciR( iir (if monet lead ui to fmggesl to out friend who find it inwnjnientjprniit the cah for the &hlinel,Xo aeadf Bacon, Flour, Meat, Butter, Fowls, Egir, tr for which we euu alwaya obtain the caah here, , APpaoicHi; Statc Conrention" we ofc, iwirre i teiinnito excite cnnmderable iriterepi The occasiotiTi an important one and 'demands cool,' wise heada. VV'e haveannonnoed the name if ttij eaniJitintei at they have been made ful.lic in noireral Countice, and we are glad to wilimny the deposition in many inttancei to brinji ,&ii-imt-xtalyiiii.nituj,ijutmen sentaait ia.tu,.Jbt"4bie" tedr itttrrB(irl . necessary to hae able mon,.to prevent the doing of wbatia not neceasary or propers T" -The ipifie 4ai'-4" f Stat Convention, lim it its action itricily to' araendmenU or roodilTrft- tionr-and imjirofementa in the jorganic law rsr onstitutifin of the State. While it may perform Jfter'mlative acta, because the greater may da bat tlie lfjfl can, y.-t t,haa do a6X7jpoperly"efttcr into the dqt'ja of It 'CoiiveiUion. To have two, bedies-atthe tame 'time or nearly, ao, doing the BHine thing, producea confuvon, intrrnptiutx and difficulty.: The State already hag experience eiidogh irt that ttrectiorr . " Our paculiar position make es fevesrUh, reartve, and such a temper, without proppt and strong aafegnard, often luads bdy of men to do mora than, ie alwayBiaeat -and bvst The Coiivelition-ia catied "in order to enable the loyal people of the -State to organize a State gov ernment whereby justice nay be establinhed, domeitic tranquilitv restored and loyal citiiena .1 r property; and in order, alo, that aaid State may be mt"fd to i ii t inpl relations to "the Federal government" Now, in order" to do this, U is manifestly best, that the Ounveution shall "devote itself assiduously to its proper work of res-. toralion and reconstruction, leaving questions of mere legislatioa to the more matured decisions of the people, when they come to choow members for the Legislature. v ?J7 ' The revocation of the ordinance of eesion, the abolition f slavery, the ordering of elections and laying down ruleaior the proper eonstruction . , of the Legislature, the ordering the election of a Governor and Lis qualifications, the election of members of Congress in -accordance with the Iiws of the United States, lore all. firofvar.ad - legitimate sohjectsof action by-Uie Cohventioh. In fine, whatever is neoccsary on nur part f ir the full and proper restoration of the State to the Vnionj should bejjone bj the" -Convention, but "beyond this prudence would dictate itL should not go. ". - ' "'. . 1 : -- ' - ;- , Quentionit of revenue and finance, of a police charaoter and those matters porUin'mg to the , future working of the commonwealth, should ie left to the. Lcgilaturo.t Vhether the Conveh-'- lion ahould do its work and dissolve Is ano'hei lunttcr. W't inc'ihe to think it should hold over .until the work of reiyns'.rueiion is complete Major. Go njeral rrtsnli, in Quincyi Illinois, thraahed a, youngmaa whp keptcoiupany.with the General's daughter against the Geral's wishes, and was arrested and fitted five- dollar f ir it. v The General's Jon, why helped, was fintnl five . dollars too.'---- - -. - - - --Biftyaadexclarge-ATa ' are OIil'Fogy enough to believe, that the yonng man alone d served bothtLe th rashing and - the fine. Girls I.jlndcr age have nTrightlo keep company with young tjieu against their fathers' will-; aud it" is " jiot tery becoming in young men to keep compsc - uy with the Rirbi under such -circumstance.- If --vrf werre young we "-wmrld s cortt te-g where - vre were not wanted. Respect yonrtielvnaand other -.- jivopIa wUTreipect"you,""T'heii we were a young; -' man it was thought the beight of rudeness, of T low brvedin, for a young man ; to pay Special attention' to any young "lady1 without having first :-btained the -consent of the younjt lady'i parenm. o-a days boji and girts turn up lhir noses at euch an idea. - . Ths Standard wants men elected to the State Convention ''who will h anxious to do their work ant go )bWn?Sentirnt. ';;" ' ; ".' "".r-; True: The Senlind wants1 hcn ' eWtttl who will neither work nor go home, hut will stay here . knd growl because they belong to M party, i '. . ; - SiintarJ. - Did the--iStaay-smycn-tbi or any thing like it T This is too sober a time for ; enen tddraw "upon their fancies.-The Standtird is getting old enough to Lave learned to speak - the truth always. Mind thy stops, friend, or thee vrtll behave ugly. tw o agn to cpreHi our gr tuBiiiiiiQS t- 'ris'-'rar don'" iitA f Xdiidtfr 1 u..! y, l'utd-ot of :hc ork J-Rj;vrr RmJrr ji, f f t! a ii aun th it. it .ppnsd lb amy to rfj-iiri-. u 1 1 i-;u i m on that jtrjxr im.t line. t-regret now to bsvc t'.faiute thtil -Mf. Inj-hfX-hnt been r-wiircrtt vCero-iVl Terry, acting we prfcuuieruuUr-tuf ractioo fioru VV axhjft"'ri, , h) r-':''r-i lu pardon.- -We have heard no rra-tun slaved or .aurnutcd. Th event will hatenn ntrtuni!o tendency "in disquieting others who htt'. -rtf"-i vft'i pardons, -and who, donbile5 Mi i"ht thry couli t ly on them a final andfrai'oPiiMe 'If w tdjw resrrcttcd, nw, on account of public wmjf over whioh Mr, V presides lixchhvnd. ivrut. Wpeorffss to no lufe surprise at the forego ing. It iut nowevp'. to certain that Mr. l had liolaird it e cnd Uo'isof 1 is pardon, and not thot liii pardon jvp rr-voked bccauscof omthing ytn; Mom tt. -Wo ha'i rrp:d rhat the ex IijJeeJ t!mt (It fr lofiP-J person a! m cjuld make i.uil'T.u pardun bv nome uubfcquiui mis deed. - - ----- - ' . - . Tbfe "SiHtinel u tfce organ of no parly. Only tin- last remains of a party. -'Stan dard. ' , Th Sentiml itrwither controlled by a dead or a Using party, .but U'd!r to ventilate the mu timents of the benest, true tnen of the Sti who can a'wtja riar' Hbu prt to save the State nd the repu'au'oo ani honjr of her people. . 1 ,i The S'iin ffcri-rfiiiai:-ear t tim rfteet1 & is- tnnt intoniiutr.' M a hiiintil:-'M e Sentinel. lru!: lhe Stjxdard pruki ia eur4 at- tn e m'irt distant iu oaaUotts f ihe $entinl-Sin-dard. ' 'Tretty goor Bu, if the distant iritonatias of 'h bumljlt-liurt niaavs it prick "s eats, what will it Trot dtrhm it tmmilfr ? -WE RATtr 'Jt'CTiBoiaN'd tioai fhe'first ap pearnce of the A.niinrl, 1 1 a modest way, of courae, to tmnreas rtrougry upon lhe people of. he South, and especially uioh the "people of North Catolina, the same teachings promulgated ifl-tbefoHowififf article. - We do not dotiht for a mometit th ' Gen "Sueuck .' riei53eif correctl v President Johnson' true position. Wethink however, tha 0neral is wliolly miatakeu in his fiMtitakiyfint, Qjjtconv. lamia as dead as Julias Cae.r. We beg the" .peEp'9 fO. poridPT thg fo'lowing and act wuuly.-- The N. Y'. Jkrald commenting upon General Schenck's Speech, aijys . - "General SchOick saS that "the Tmrit of the rebellion has' not jet been eitiuiruihed '"- that "ths Wea tbatone or more. fitatof of this Union have the riiiht to break up tha jyhole rovecnmetii at pleasure, we hare jmt passed li'iAUgh still prp ValU and that until it ia extinguished our;, work will not be completed. But he says funher, that inths view of the subject the present movements of President Johnson for tne fuftiorauon of the rebel States are' r garded hv the President as 1 "temporary experiinenis, simply to give the peo- 4-r-l -i,J.,. , 1 .1 !1 J.. pie an opportunity 10 iuuh nariuei iuuj wm. ue- velop the right spirit and ppl'icy necessary for a full restoration to their proper position," and ttiat "while reehyinifJ-hem as experiuaehts," the Pres ident intends that the military powerof the gov ernment snail hold tticm in caecit so mat 11 mey belbund t'lg back iu ri bullious ways,", they mav be curbed aVooca. . This expiation throws a good deal of light 1 upon the late and presentproceemugs in the Soul a erii States in ref.-rence to this buaifiesi. of -State organization." President Johnson gives a free, reijrn to the politicians concerned, but It is to try their tamper. If it .is good, they may go ou ; but'ifthey shows vicious and intractable spirit, he will show them that h -still haa his band upon the bridle, Genrar-Scbutk leaves! uir'inro dubt upiin this matur; ;ila say? that "oi.ly ten days ago, in -afuSl'and free inierwewv?uh'hini the Prtsstleiit'sai'l h regar W the local goren'. mtta't sot tip in the rebellions Htiti'sas tetiiporarv txpeiiuieiitK," Ac , w.,dahat in advortin'g 10 the recent etncibn iff E'dimond.-f where. the citizens maiiifet-W'J their reficrlious' spirit hi fleeting to office the-Jtcry riien- who hat recently been il arms agattigt tie g 0 v e 1 n rn e n 1 , rnrTpHHieiu. stated that ''it was wih hit sauctwn that the miW itary authsjtiea h id et- aside that election, aud he gave thU'-as an cx imple'of what might be cx ied in cases of a sinatl ir kih-I." For the in tVrniat'oii, thcrefum, nf-jdl parties iu the.Sat'ith wmecrncd in this work oj' rcutoiation, . "w give the benefit -pf our c&luntn's' fJr-'tho.-.-diffusion of this 4inpriwpnt T.evflatlnii'fi'i'm Qftrir'Scnenck. lie is ti-responsible, matt, aad lie dwSftcsiispealw bysiutbority.' It siinpty.- amuatiis to thitfi-'lhat if the people "orolirieiitJSiirge4 with this bwdaess of ifWitruvtioi Utrity-1h.i Or vindictive ap-'rit, their wyi k w it be 'rejected and they-will be 0 m. o U-d i-.. go back a.- d ' try it again. " Andy JJahj.ou . " is no trJur and wiil haa no triflrfri about him. - - r'vL'pou another mattecwe t-tvanodaubt Geu eral" Sehenck euho;A t-U otivvrsatioh' wilb"tHe. PresiilenW Th qa'tt pn of ne-rro suffrnjfo did not lr6nbk Win "in tha "least.-' This m 'a -qiiea- lion for lh luture and fc r tue bjuili usult to do: termhtc-. not fir winnd tre w4"B 4 -of th Union party being' dv3Turbiid ty a dUcussloA of -Hie auiijett Utirnml Ct'.' nc apeass cere nue a man ot tame, and his OpunQO is the common voii i f tne army j bat il i-t very tl ar that the aholrioj radica's, fo.Ii r sw'tn: ari bent upon d:ffcT'Uit course lliev are u-solvcd irjion i.nmn dia e and ujicoiKfitiiinHl n.'irro Hiillrsar,t ruhs or ruin anJ ihia j JhjjjHjjWjn)ii Vhiv.1!! l'rcmdaut I JhBos,suppitd A-fm AttaMeiW-le-peoe, Udeatinextj buiy in tae same grave the imp. a bleeessit -WSieM-of-th-yooih asU iba Slsorgauiiltig aboliucn fin. t.ci ofTbo Nirih 1 AitLiha.-&ntfa is-ifraid-f nft-in sKfn tlothitig iS.nif. . True bu the Ssiifhtl s not. He st co.kct ing a. large Hook, and 1 lifting hu pocket? with thoiV wool. tm.duT-ii .-. - ' The kniintl l not afraid oF;Wolvrs''ja4lep,a . f r . , i f, j. ... ',, ,.-' 1 ' j I or lincTadT We hava no objection to the wool from a sheep s bnc,"but have no particular anx iety for it wheo. ji Covers a wolf. j- .. . .A ooirSSiioiitTaJi of the Anii-.S'acj-u iVartJu'J ungjfei's the impeachment et J'tctiJent Juhuson. I'reaidcnt Johnson ouwt tn sen 4 Mima of the worst fanatics to a Luuabd Atylom and nave vhm ktipt- in c!os cwifinemcnt. '.tVofidcr Low the fallow woUi Legiu his impeaebwentt - The nhmoud Tumt w. - lci ' La ai clhr' wdl b aiunUfi C-i g'i4-i Ths fact has U en rtn-kin? cnt li U Jw lm kn t i t-1 i!v ' jutoaJlif tha l.it- tw nvi&U.. I-ihi ft.? gon'.lcmmi of luhtreiia L!t u w, L-t a'oy disposition; to take pjr: f- -' -te -Jr f struttiom, Th'yjfiu r ti, w i.i !- i- bie'itfiorev.it.- r General-Jotph K J iinHvd, to tie Fat te-jt, tm li i" p- 4 -1 to m Jefl , in reportr 1 t tn v ' on 1 a Vt r-' i i-l neunet wiHheJ t-y se iu-i a.;r urr mentioned. A corre 1it of 'h' X i Jltril'L, spoiiSibla fi..' u,ii hf- l-."'.-nr. 4 i i aation attri tit I tu tin J u n --. it . ..n i-bj bis Uii-fir'B r. tievur.. h-i.J j.ru .-- . i WTftrtJte "jsrdeat ifle:i to fump tiftl.f OUB azuwH f i Mir '' iiu-j Convention. Wod.r Lo a, .4 tz. tion ? --W learn tha': t H't o-.-r ' i t - u men whose lively deniesiVt'i3 hu ho, ii.'-"; I'. , vn. " 1 . I. ' put to. the. card, and u..'.p'r.4i L n: wh Uit, hs is) utterly opposed to the C'Mfnn. V ri der if there are not several pthers 'iu the pOgitiooT f Otiud the hrn sjcighl.br, inl cd'i. uV the stray ahecp and prepare f .r ti.o" r,uh-. . t incline now to fie opinion tfint 111 j n v of i e people of thi Go'inty are rpp jr l in ri,(i.iiitr. v T-liHu- The can't Jrolp-thiitk i-p rt t?rmirr -OrtVS when tfeev hfit it name). t : u. . SDTSBAT "om Special notice is e-ivt-n - O - ftt inasmuch as there U no -Kdndayv woi k d,i-in j this offinfl advertiseaifiitp rf--,f f r Imi,',' day's Sewiiid inuat bo sent in by 4 Vrloctr-K-pvi brdar afternoon. , . Halifax t'0ui. Court. .f onntv M ttti Kht p dld.itc lyr the "Ofcivi-'utlun, etc. .M. Editor : . you invito c'rre.pon-'.cr.ce commuivioatriijj lo'tt-news,' iLo , 1 iivrra--frri from this point T.(iay w,ii iho r. ufar time for Halifax Cocru:y'Cuu,itnd juite n tiirmmr ot persons were present l lie (. ourt convcni-d with ih4.fillowing Jui!r? on ti n bnch. h. vr-7 iire Piefee. Chairman, and Win. l! Sini.il, K :in V,, 1 1. 7 Parker. WVA-tMnieh-ai.l I li' Ji :. r'Mnr, assoeinte Jusi-cir. f'hrv .TrFrrinrpil 'ths proper offimT'lo admiiiiiter the -Htii aoirquuli fy voters, inspect t!in 'n(ill4. &o. Ihcrs cro sdtue delicnte ami pe rplexing questions prewuited to the Court ; amoi'i" tiiBin were tbeHP i I. . ehall bo dorm for the support ,of ihepour of th Cotinty Tor r:ither,.'h ov and r from whit noun-e shall the fmoh h. raid 10 btiv provision ' How shall the i ocup'unts 6l!i i.iif be f d 1 The sheriff stBted that ; there were twelve nriti imi-.t- ooifirwditt 4h jil,Hft4 he touod k Hopfw.!.l 10 nnu any kio wilting lone: us Jaji.-r, or 1 he ne reason'tbOt there was no inortey . jorr! provisions 1 nnaersiunI that lh; ! ntirs aitoi:i- ied commituia tot-XHiuioe into tlitsrf matters, and to provide ways and means for thairjroper miiouyo. riomw uua.in even oaaei 13 uiii.ein- tive, and impoaes-a heavy responsibility upon 'the tieauiJiAEiiiiiury rcsooroi s ct th p-oj "There wusmnch eviv'assing durinif the min ing .on (he SHfejeo'l ot a Convti n, - M artdr dates and-Jheir- sentimw i-rh puhlio tlehi-.of' tun .-nate, nna privat-i aents 01 inuis'iaual vjtedh Spoken of and various- Opinions xprps-ed a i.i- tne-proper. ncuon to oe nu t in reference lotliem In the afternoon a public mpeiina was held of which Thomas W. liarrix, i'eq.. w as appointed rturt- .....J ill w ti.:i 7. j . o ' . Theobje.nt uf ill meoticit was announced bv the ohairmao to be the nomination of candidtttes to represent Halifax County in the. Cyivcntion, or to jjtve an opportunity to tn'mrwb, wmhed to beconie candidates to declare themselves; A ido- f twn was niude and carried that the netirc pro- eea to iiomiiiuiv, wnen -ijie nnmes til iviesisra Rdtyird Conigland,. W. W. Hrick?U and -W. A Daniel, Ksqs , were presonted. J ho namei nls r Messrs.. W. B. Pope, -W; J Hill and -M.-iViggir.s were proposed,, hut woro wiilidiiuvu. MpConigland, being called on, -addressed tlw mMtfing at sgme length, declared bimsVlf in fa vor of lhe platform ns published in the Standard a. short tima since, with the exceotion of the re pudiation of the IStafe debt, and declared himself utterly opposed to all repudiation of debts wheth er public or povatSybut favored, the adoption of liberal measures .for the protection of the debtor ngninat the oppression 01. the creditor. .Mr. Briekj:lLwj8inderstood is sgrcing snb-thintial ly with Mr. Coniglaml. ;,Mr. Wv A, Daniel ex pressed himself as hopeful as to' the eloraIi?;.n of our rights'in "Shivery, and dispo-cd jti fmpr .it if at alt practical. Kofiie dicuil)n oconrred be tweoh Mr. Conigland Bd Mr. Pope, the latter adrooating a more liberal mode of relief to. the debtor of the country," squinting pretty s:rcngly at repudiation, if hot Adnpcatiug.it. - The .'0e being; . taken, Messrs -Conigland and Krickell re ceived the nomination of the meeting,' which shortly thereafter adjourned, f ' ' :, - WLLDO.V. - Aug." 21, 1865. . " - . For th Suiiovl. 1 he Wib L'roliw-Adooal. ifi a r acentna her, says that " the first etplorivs of the Slate, Ilileis;b and others, found the vine strerchin j in irlt directions in the primeval woods, cct.1 'inn Rtfttessoiit oonveys the imprccsion tLutir Ualttr HJeigh was in person ohe ot the early ''oxfloiers ojh Maip.-'.Thi notion is very current dinhng us. We have heard it in conversation rea l 11 in hnokimnd mfwupumtra, CoreS; Aif tin CS, r is ahneethcr untrue; and the mora commonibe -'4-' ,., u 6 1. ii'i -r ... 1- v,U . roa.ccept it at final, and recoaizmheUetthal more need it should be corrected -.ir Wilicrj v; Jr n j tt. . , ; rTZ ...... i t , , . llliTiiiia ti4ir;iia one. Ot ti e L uiU oV Slides. Our t-waa neveTrijn peraonr wiiwa me oor wotsTBftHr 7; v ZJLTf- - r. ti. .,l-..ft;hr,mB f,, 1 is now North tarotitM.- I he early expeditions for I iiQte'ry and settlement in Carolina owed their at btSjiesfc went -renewedand; : sustained fbyiki riaill HI Ull Vllin, UI CUIWl'l law, wwiw wmbi vu cuergy na per"Tf anee. no uv;iruiiiieu none of them. His interest in their- suce was entrusted to other tinnd- and those hands were moot wiely chosen whfle they laboured, td at I . . '' .1 : I.-.- .... .!........ . III raiicu, iiresecuii-Bi; n yism w unu schemes riot lew darine and sagacious at home. His presence" hers would nut proWdy have clmu ged the aotaal results of his erftci-phsos,- o'r fl-sb.' hia absence from the scene 'of 'their operations mfssfen" In anyHTgree the reverence which our: Commonwealth owes 01s memory, i.ne.oona pe ' twen us ..and-blm nngTii, to car" w-ntimenta 1 oniv, seem stronger anu'mure uiretw, conia vr i believe that he had evet, in rerk-n tK..n here-, yet tha truth is'bevond doubt, that his Wot.- vr touched the s i-l ot North t.areiina. . ' V ' ... . M . - . 1 iC .Vm"" Jtm i iqr airifcw, a irtt,y if ttf-lU- 1 fU-l thu. uuUi oh the eiiuitifiii, Iroiu slm k a mnko t-he.f'jUtiwlDft eitrjt's tt ti-iii n Is ui of ttiii biidbbil'rdts. i? -e It'rtJcii'in tin itMtj.t -at r''vi'!ujK'li. r-Ir-tms n t'lii'ij'i and wikfi' uttcnip,t. . iilm, reuian'Ci lor yun,ei;f("yt suboini:oii or 'iio,i tiHii. m hae tirmafiv, and i vtulhiiTk, Irtil'--- Is::-,. tjr ui; n.ii Jiuw Jour mniant d'l'y is t- " J j , jiiivnUUJll ol tlunas. 1 ' l h.uivir and onaiiimooslT t ; .t.i:i- oni . cuuirv. ; -I lm North wmI ii"t wept- h v .u'Ii;iori of restoration which V o not i ''rr tf- Tiis eiifticnnn pf lsvrry by -ju.Mtiva cin; " 1 S4tuWofial law. i lyi . pittriotnf "mid fimnrM ' 1 ji ,J ,nt ui fie L'tiiiiii fsitt'es has Jm1". 1 . 1 iU -" I (,lij.l f'-e Net; ani his himentfit ih.micft r liiii 1 aily avuwtd it when he re r . 1 to if. ,, r 1 iiina;fnot;on m-his nianciptwii riM:tanr.w i ni o .11 tne CwurTa,. ConTraband ot Witr,- slitvi v i.' s j 1 -ln.d by tho.swolrd, and it is only a V--lj" j nt a.iI t,' civil war to assert any ela'in 10 it- - il lion. I lui met. tie f:o to which, in toe order ot l ivivi ! ifii '.'VJL1 mi domfd,and thin Jute decrsed I r v ,11..'. .'fiivs.nt me iiioinciii wucn too tiayr. "l "iir .H,u-jrf.Wm -raiipNi as it fl'atcd ovtr Fo'rt i turn-' i- Fray do mt deceive, do rot stultify 3 Mir-: Ires' 1 n t'hii point! Whatever itbanl po j hti.:i,; iiaiatjijBjSI jtb mity say or aMrmpt to- the i 0 mtr.i shtvery is doomed by the. puopKv ay.d tm . are. untjf yuut xnemitt .at the jVor-'i wl o wek-twr puny purposes: to delude j-ou liiat iio i- is 1 tie slisjiiifcst hope for thai institution iii futuie. Jtii s-i t',mg as any clnijrti in l up for tins rn na. iTu-.limi of slavery by anything thul '"n bjt jiiinie M'lia.k lik'o a conspiracy - to tliiu. -cflttft ani'tnjr t'10 politicians North and South, just so ...v;il ihe raasocsof the North "justly Jnstst jh. t viu hiill be hel 1 down in terrnorial con lliirtj-i, ind liitU-yim. shall be deuied etjuiility as ?t , -(!i,o tne u.aon, the Union. 1 We ueest'.cn voo,. then; - 1 - ioh ir:- d-iTre-with the few of such fal cuidf, of pvioodcd friends, and of devilinh jiruphets, aii W iuid tar? you to certain ruin by piofegaiohs of frfttttdpp-fakr-tbes-!' Whether 1'u ihoNorth or 1 ., ,stmth, ll y are euidos front the boituw t in iln liJ '(Gces of" dipmty a i iiu.t. I. I i " ,.ro s lo ted to fill your local po-.t-i l hofOr ntit cait from: nmong notorious -Tf.btls men who-e i.ames have bfen associated with the" eoh- !piriy that fcd to the rebellion mch-aou will he recttved as evidence, and such 'viii nee wili rip", ti ii.iUjjiidifrmjnt, tuWtbe tone'bf Mie South m Lei-:ino'is, a'udHr.hat ihi rtbelliou is unjcjiclu. 4 ; AhiLi'ii is. simply impossible that men of ih clawt L4u.-iisutaHtea to the Uoness til the t niua Slltl. ' " ' ' " .. . P.inies r now drilling in the North with re- mr.' 11' u to local elections, and the ohi tricks oi tha tra just cropping out, should sdmouUh the Si u. lj io dUavow any aJRtliiilwntt "with .n-v p '1' r-r t of- Xrii whose candidths or wh 'se iAulJim i i sriil. il by tho two headoddicaMit, ulioaa- dupnor t e.i inoi sectional appeals au seclioiml insinin i i.s li-ive rrvilied in onr civil -war. It fiiTfht in, we may be permitted to say, be-amiss t'4 gie liCflii- pxpression 01 aoutoeni rewiKD to -airy- ory'Htrac of this sort wboso -aigtdfic4netfb ; -li'-Bii jn,r m oay way, uun.tr the guise or I'tfii n r! -d-friendship; poiuti to lhSmiii at dm ptuJ to achieve by j:audiciatit fyat hat by fives ii l'ie rttullt of the vrtr'' '' - ? -. - , ' :- .- - - - ll!ic..''at body of the North mariji.' ic tf".. uioji r ihe pient guidance 0TO10 rrumd -o!. ufof ihnt.w;iy the war has demonstiated at wo luve berribei'oi'e.cxjdiilned. S6,'on the oilier hand, oilier' piir.ties wiTT dosire to t up the rebellion i nnty-t smopf 11 aown ngam, as bo 111110,1 ns po -'iiiioul ' bander, bfutum iulmen. but. tt the iStutii be not disoouraged nor dismny. d t-'i thai aoeoufft,- Jot these likewise are fut 1 I n- hhhh o! l icitl pnliffLiaus, and tbey willwmph r,m-(tni streocthen the South- if the South will ouly- pritnp;-ly, instantly, p-sseet.its.clt ia act as it reps reseii tn itself in the Sou hern jnuctialt, .and thro.' the voice of well known .Vouihrrn gentlemen. The S('tj'h?!'iiin?t ajten to, place itslt above me- iiicvm by all us puolio acts if, it would get rid of the hianerous misrenressntations'' of which it compfiriiis. Tho time is shoit; for prejudices sooiv luirdtiomto ti'iijiiaatne wall 9,0! aepara ion - aii l t'li) I .-ii"i is the on4y pl-ice of reluge uod 'firibittfie".r(Sr"-rh('-'.,3iUttt?i-the Union wlieia the loyal- Northern masses lortg t soe and welcome her. . v . t-. - Tlie President of the United Stales wo affirm Jhis Ii'oiji hit publioacta.-ihns no design to forca noijro euffraee on the South, Therefore lot. this l bugbear" lb! Such srj jUsuewtfuhi-defeat iifiy party iu; lh Worth tlutt iKunlt:8S the South shall turn out jn the end todeueive the hopi yf itaNnrtlvern trionds.. The Chief Magistrate re popes on a e'ear and In-movable" position. His policy, in effect-, suys i'"iYou see the provisior.s (of my Actot .Amuc.stj?4: 1 nave ..(to. given you the imrrn t cim ilia.; I a4eo desire to see new order i patriotism in the Soti'th. AThilo Ip- joXi t-lxs ...&iIi8 A4, within the JJnion, I demand likewise lor the nation all the results for which the wjtr wns fought,. It is for voit to do the rest. I eii r ti sti i h ft Niul h f r an obvious "reason. Jt is for the. South herself to iay-whethcr her jo bation shall be longor short." And these things lie has a constitutional right to sny'and demand. I.cttorTrum Geticral- Joseph E,iJoniJ8on. 7'ihn Fredcnckbiiig Leger gives the fcdiewing liWTy- s4 pauwiui- leWct irvw Gec Johajetou.; .-.. IitifrAt.o Sr atnus.- ) JTccklenhurg: County; Va.;' .' , : . July 17, ijtrj. I 1 Ou biin iuy " views ot the lulure course and" ofua.'! The Cftatt'ia so plaip that vny little can bo said nr written upon it. e oi (he aoubh ryfturtsd the iaesuoiis-at Lsun between its anoVJtw-Utirtrd-NiatTa-tw ttw-.aTtrttKm.mt of tLe sword, foe uecision has bton made an4k - j - - - , - ,13 . , , ... ? , t, r uuktl ".wimp cuiuuub. , ?i 9 si.rii toiiBUU ,. - , , , . . t ', . ,. . W J..VIIUIIII lUO VIUU 1. 0 1 11 !! V, to promo: e ineT tilfare of our neighbors a'id kin dred, and tuffttvre. the propperitv of the country. We snvtiid at otitt com meiite the duties of pt ace (ul citizens by entering upon some useful -pursuit,' qualifying bursilfes to vote, if possible and at the ?'hj .ytir. rotes should he caat for conservative Ttieii- iiii-ii wlio uoderstand and will rhiijitaiil the oi't-rnpis 01 ir.iua Bs-viue oi me uniteu Otativs. ifihis iifte c'i'uriie wk xh I bae ricoirmi 1 trded iu art ihtMS a-i'iji whom l lave couveised ou eunjece an4 iifiba which I have adooted for tnv- i wn, as far ai practicable." - , '- 1 -: - v Try truly voius, - . - i ; , . E. J0UN'ST(3S'. , Ve are oblited to our eorrespcadent "Weldon- - i u:. .- ........ i. 1 ." ., " ' " .7 t ' ""-K"""" II" J '.ia J.tlor d.J reach us tilllburs' Jday evening. . rNEADVERTISEilENTs FOR SAUJ, y IStll'U Duil.,..tfB farairtij,til turrtus. bull, C.iti, At, 4C, A!i i ' ttrtfrlTr tf iili .l'JlM. t Ii.:rjr, Liut Ai ',! hhlut -.Try hniist UliiT, i;v'ii', Aug. tt, iKih-i Fine liVs For JSale.- ON ih V'.k cf S(iiU'lijberVxt7Tatardj IT ! at public auction, at the North ,ro,,li 7 M.)Myie-,yi Hiir flVK IXK H7T vM-mimuK bol a Mies ana acea. tfc ' iuaa at 1 1 o'clock A.M. ... August 2 Ma a IIP I'bE SERVANT WAXTED itXSiLli, a flmt rii, uif ncuiubermt Hrr I T . Woii.b, whe eeriarstaKfs taking if d.Mj.h.'.H.v.w..o.!Ji a.aa iJn.L.ft roota- da tie - t kiu vuutul UiiaM, l,l.rt tgat will b.'pi4 , T gnoi burnt scenrcd. Apply to ths J)tur uf tx. 1? visas. Iiiae4iately. , .-"--" "" . Aagutl it, I Hi I v : iV i-r-lr J.or of N. I lfn.tt Uiimi, -jriUJlu : B.nr.x.by the barrot ; LeaJ knV.."MK nwti bbeet Tin bj tfte--wauitaTi ui ,;,., K,.rci1. Oil. Sail, BugM, Fih. ibr tntt. nd Ilri), , Utiher, Flour. Mait fwr. Jtufcit, Okwilt, eaMas,Jk. i MedleWttJS"' ritti lus.iciaeii, and a, ni.- Xraftlin Buka- 1m "ti tit Bitttrs by Be . v L'1- -- " BAKER, COWPKK V. 1gh, Aug. St. C9- A FIXE LOt OF Fl'RXITl'BJE FORStTF s VNE-niea 'fhpoy Pula. 6u tlffioa Dm. r -M.'"?.'10' W" 0 Lalf kWffi W,'B vam wl. at 8duadi 0mii BtdBtsad for children, with thack aas Bair tras V fiti Qa tarK, lUir Mattrass , Oat MnallTaetao(t Twu y.irtau'iblss . A sett tif Whits rr.r e Ohtaa. tn!.. .nd T..) W..hln wl sad toXZ? t ?iaM' ,daAeUMGtMfet eonaiatine nf hnhlau, J1U .ntir,.m RowK'Cei.rylass aa4 Trsssrvs biahat nlr i Avrit of Tin Wart, several-, neet Blorss eiffc othu Hmdware. . Oaa vary nioa tjuitr. An MI. I len.ioi vi v.rpar.ng. Drass Andirons, Skovsl mi Oje Eight-day Clock. ,"i GEORGE R. WI LSOiNV AUCTION A3fD GENERAL . Commission Merohat" 11. Campbeirg Wharf, . ' NORFOLK, VA." - - INFERENCES . v'' Tt Rlenmn A Sous, f P. S. Mawhi St York. - . J. Kimo & Co , Old raidD.f of Nwfolk 1 - --Bttlmorj: gsnsrstiy.:-- r;;v. -Agant for Soann, PhoiplatatoJXiVo, Millvr'i Ballini' re Firs1 ana Burglar-Proof Safes. Auirost 2fi- -'-,".' -: ....u.iiti, 'iririct of Raleigh, , R a uieii N ,'Cj J'jn. S3. ISiiji St I . A Iki .... . " ,'J Fi'Ul 'IRDKH, I , - Extract. nj CAPTAIN Jrthn E Mcrver, J8th MichiVt,' Infsntry, Provost Marshal. . JJUtrim i faloigh i -ereby sppoijited Commandant of ths i I'ost of Baleiph, and will perform the duties of ' ! 1 rovost Marshal in audition to the duties of Post Commandant. . Mr command of Bi ig. Oen'l jf. p, HAami . HENRY A. HALE,! Aug. M l w . Capt. & A. A. 0. ,. ,I?OOTS & SHOES. BALL, BEALL U 00., Jud Maii Sr-, fiicKMosTt, Va, - - " rl!!E rp.ei.tl ritUiitmn ij Maichauta is invi,l o L our New atol Ccinplvte ansortment of Bonn and Shoes, of all kmjs, Stylet nnj Variotiw- ja'jjeA: Misses. Children; MenVBoyVarid YunttiW The Retail Trade will find it to their sdramsgs ti call and pxarniue ouV SrpekJcTiire goinrvls wine to piirebsw. ; """'"-- . " Aug. ft-tf. - - -' .," ? ; IIOTIOB ON. Thursday night, 4th May last, I was robbei -f thirty lLC.,Stt bonds of i;0t0 esrb. br three or more persons, one of whom was a klsck man and two were white. . Ten numbered from or to ten inolusive and were payabtis m at Julvm (Of these No.'8 has been teeovered) Ten froui IS5f to l4t ineluiice, pyble 1st July 1865. Tea from 610 to 619 ilic'usive, dated Jst January 1860, swl iwied under an " Act authorizing tht publie Trtowv to lellthtbandt of tkt State Jor certain purjxHH wti- . fied 16th February!, chapter 43 Said bonds wero payable toSethJonm or 'beater; but vrrs registered, and tlien-for. not. trr.nsfarabls.liv deiiveg- -.tttact eflioS thapttr 18. A fewCoupwt Jilv were-at. inched to the fiij-t twentv. Isrurob- I nea ninn-T'T TWnTeiTrncafci-nrTtaKV- KraperTiiirot "Bai'V ofNyrth CsioTina for 200 bre N. f.S. Tli - J i I. Kn ,.f ll. ..11 t n .. l- , -1 '" f I w ill )ti a rewatd of J50 for rerttvery of iJ skmU, or a irotortaniniil- sum for anw unwriiis t of them.- - hr" ll lOSt A ! WaUA.., 'N,CV Aug. as-Iswtw - fm TO the Me tub pi i of the Aiinronchmi CS- J tlJaj-TtKaTTBs a-t'iirar.lHt -for ths Riselssl ? Xar!iip f-tiJJ(iTtl Carolina State OonTsstiofc whiph1spslittiti;4t-ia Rslsigh on ths Sijl dy f 0'btv atxt-'IUjneifu;ijT -- J Auy. 18-1 J JAMES H. MOORE. ,. K u itr c umuissiq a -no ij frz I SWEPSON, MENDENHALL & CO, Commission IMorchants roa ths sals' or Tobacco. Raw Cottoa. Cottoa Yanu. CloW and Natal Stores 79P8AKJ. Sraaar, JTiw Taaa.- . EuWt R. Pw,pK, K Yr C'Uf. -- 5amuel 0. Marpbr.NeW York Cityi C. P. MeDdaahall.VPres't.Faraisr's.-Baak.'arsstH biiro', Jf. C. DaolelJ. Worth, Compaov fhnps, S. C. ,:, ..v W. W. 8wpo, Usw Kivsr, P. 0., S. C, ao-8 tf , .. ; . . .