Tfl 1, I) AHA' SKNTlNKi. ! tflviiilfMSrntS Oftiipjingbot more IbaalO t51l ": of nimiott i Ui h jMwsiitaea a snar ; I TnsrrUua.. $1.00 weeks ' tTiioath saonltis $ .a ;!. . 2.w - 1.50 3 60 . " t rr, k 3.00 3.&0 $4 00 1.00 1 00 - s f "' j-ar one month. - " . ...a. IfWlMtlS. - " I tvOl'LD ttiltUK - , - ... - HE RIGHT THkX BR PRE!lDliST.-JHcnry Clay I. . . " ' t : sprolal hesd.Vtlt La t-bait:ilon4uUc4cr square lur earU ias tikx. FiinrtaldotfreswiHbecuarjted asadvertiscatcaU. The s.iaiplr aiinoiinctment of dratb or Marriage . wTn"mif:b vitftiKrd;:'"":'':.''"'fci';;::' ''n'.",t"r": .,- wn aid of our friends ft, eg out ciK-u'"'""'- - , V v '4- r - ... ...... ....... Johnson tttq STATUS AS A STATESMAN, I .-i - 4j Ti.TTtl Vin 1?nfn Th -following" fa taleXilrom. W' K' York jfrntfrj;- Bennett tyminda' w of ft) atoiy loMbf the drunken Irishman : ue oau mauo gjiyMlernptii to mount hia bora, when ha ti I ma iF9Ttfsln Marr to nprLim.-; O fHUUU ' K . J,d Vert-i" d Wp," hen making degpv, rata effort lw threw himself to far over a to Ml w'Uwt otlu'r W of the horse. There now,' ft. "Atli blessed Vargin when, you are I wdfToa lira toomJZ. miMUmLj$& Li : tM.iM:FwfMennb tayi ltn thickly Before four jWrf hae pasael; IVjTTImi de" nouncine bim. 3 put Mm on record : .Tj.Pw.sldnt oftlie United States occupies to day the njst prominent and salient position of n wtenta'e of the earth, representing aa h a. th modal republio yjevStatea of North i a Power wVose fcofoaaal proportions, consolidated by the war, must throw it lengthen- - vFithialhe last few momus the thought km t-Tsieltuctand slatatanahip t.rib world have j pu "6tt ttiryrrw'r toltiww-wha tnanf man weif4a4Xdlf4i m assume a peculiar ana loucumjr imprest mt0(5 the intelligent and patriotie masses of this -tanntry, who havirteeu enKged?n?!rT6jitin , flusfrial and businer purauitaand in it, battle rtlier tban iU politics, now that the bloody drama nCe.iv'd strife is Ciosftii. The writer, sometimes diforinjf with Mr. John oii. has bad ample opportunity of BtuSvW' hia wculiir aid tnxrked traits or crharacter. Ilia erly bUtirev of lat has been frequently the topie Wnewpsber narazraph and sketch These are in the main correct j bat it is hi cast and 'grade -of mind and Intellect- h' moral force and atami thatjhe people are peculiarly interested in know- As a politician Mr.1 Jnhneon baa neVer been nretonrionaiii'.iiolitr, -..He know but little of what is ceiled tvtic and party drill, but no oooniara thoroughly comprehends-1 he intrigues' of poliuciins and w as little likely to :b caught in their fij.":, lie knows nothing of the coieo- inii nd appliances Trt (lie grocery or pothouse In 1iis department among uia iinraediat con irtitaenta he has' beeo iltn, unasmiwmjr, not to .. nimUt nd lias always won bis wav to niib hti fat'Ojf by '.the lileal CudTSaTurat bHllTancy of bUmind, his intense earnestness t wrposa, nd rl smpthTrrrh trri9 masses.- , , ." ". - Believing lirally thattbia s a 0 women t tf the people, lie hss actea bonestiy upon., that liy pothesis in the Various struggles in which chan kps of admiriwtrajioir: aiJd puMio pojiuv have thrown biro. No one more iboronzhly . thinks nnd esta for himself, yet operf at all times to sug eesiion. to liffht and information. ' He ix very careful in investigating facts and , l:i?nig down his preminsi; that being lone. ha drives borne bis conclusions witn a elearbesa surd logical. 40re ofc::dodtictipn oneonMled. Ha has none of the arte of the rbotoricmn, no word of flattery, no stit phraw of speech ;. but no man in America cad wore thoroughly fix the attention -of his nu lienor- i lis ptiUio-disousiions have lieu ri mainly in bis own 'State, where his Cecil liar manner is well known, and where he bad to meet in succession in. bis oanvaiu iar tioverrior two of the ablest popular orators of the ape. Mr. Henry wan an. eminent lawyer, nnd a do' v&endant of th Rreat i'atrick Henry, with muoh of the fire nnd Ixilliancf pf bis ancestor, and Mr, GentfyTi netf-msdd man; like Johnson, atid wlioo elocution for dramatic effect was eur iniswed enly by that of Mr. Clay ; yet these were both defeated, with a party majority in -their fa 5W at the ripening ofeich canvass. . Mr. JoUnsun'has been a close student: lis has never f jund time for the dissipation too often incident to public life' Perhaps no public man of his time is So five from the ordinary, vices.- Tina he is or e-er Las been 'winebibbery i a ! gross calumny. "- - . No qneitioa has arisen connected with the pol itics of the country that he Las not thoroughly in vestigated and exhausted. - Uia mind abhor an absnrdity natur abhors a ya aim. AVbatever opinions be entertains or line of conduct he may prescribe for hi? jacrrion ; are the rsult of eloar conviction, lo tuiok or. to act otherwise, would 'be to violate bis natural instinct. . . . He is a man eifled withlbe bihent mUllectual powrsPand fully competent to try conclusions with tliablesl meaof.iiia age upon any snhjaot US has had the opportunity toiovertiate. lyen tponajceaj question, if the kutbonUes and facta ' ere id before bim, and the occasion .were fit, -he would prove Lituitlf.a match for the Chief . Justice. """trtT,.':t4,"t,"':',"""-" . Sound in body, as be is found in mind, bis xtaoral and phwical courage have never been I president rrtineBtioned, 3'he pesitioff wnich be maintained in the Senate of the United State for the Uotps, i powerful pecti which he delivcrsd demon ttrating the parumdunt authority of the federal government; his unhesitating ana onward, course to the close of the war, amidst ' the disaffection of his entire section, evineed ft moral eurage unsurpassed by the most brilliant feat of amis. The people of evrV seetion nd shade of opin ion shouldirust biiiH for he will prove himself equal to the niiMity task of reconstruction, and tCorongliriDasfer Jf the sitautjtm;;; - Mark the prediction. IVo man since tn e days of Ueaeral Jackson will so thoroughly stamp bis own individuality ipon the administration of the .government. Old party lines will Is wiped out, and be will Tally Wound bim a graf national party, whose wa toll word viH be solidity, atrength and glory f our mora' uni'ivl coun'y . The Union, tlie'national honor and the national rredit, thy muj sj?d h:ill be preserved. Always tn sym jathy Kith the pre at nnssand heart of the ns tion, bewiU administer the govsinment upon avund arfd broad principles, aorking the greaiott good for the greatest wumber, and any ooubina lions or Cinjnes that niay attempt to pull bim down fnd themielves lifted up. , HUGHES &. DILL, , : HEW BERSE. H. C. - CCN8iaSMKNrSrofCotloofTrTl Stores and Ts Hit, will have oarjpromut atleatioa. - Agents fot Marrmy's lw Stesinihlpf to New Tsr n4aillf vessels or Battiaiore an! Phila delphia. ",r ":'. ;.. T J. floemss, rTswbsrn. Hrr " .r . O. W.-Du-'h Mowhed Ctty. . . --. aa 8 ! A.. ICTHAIX, t c o m rs s i o n..'m k it c II ant; ,-22Mohth WaraaSvaKKt, " WILMIN0T0NVN. C " CONSIGNMENTS of Cotioa aad lhsr producs so Hoitahl. " ' Un to Rev. Wt E, Pai.t- BaUisk, . Wilmington, July I3.18Gj. 81-2m pd. - ' - 1. T. CA11AWAV, -.v-V-- - '..'wits ', ' tM3Vbsetiwsi:wi -eepper Wsrs, "ilataware aa d Luoats FuraishlBg ttodlf gsnsr.tty, . Coinf 8tnvaj-Kne -Oil, Itsipps ani Wick. ' stlset stock of FaniUv Orocni, . , . " He.' i i, t sb vujlT Svi'aavTlltai'a ; Tt. X7m W. ROBERT ANDREWS, FAYETTEYILLE STItKET, ,.'.v- . Ra.iW n. oM f?tt HAVlKfil remmed business nsrt door to his old stand, basjuut returned from New Yerk with sut'ddid sjsortmentxf Ooods, which he uilers t his otd eustomers snd the publie ou the bent terms far QAiyi Uia slovk wt. . . . - FAMILY GR0CE2IES Is not surpassed, If emailed; in the City j. . COFFEK, SrQAll, .'PLOUPsMKAL, -h WCKLKS, H AMS, CRACKKR3, BUTrEIl, C1I KKSK, LARlV. , - v-HUFF ALOE TO.S'tJUES if Ac. will be kept constantly liaad. . .',. -ALSO- . PrTRNTSIIiafQ GOODS FOR-' DWEU ' "jS'ds CROCKEUVrUAHD , 'WAPJC-IIOLLOWrjft'AltE,-: 1 11. TIN ,JVAUK, - ,l:5V " . ic, Ao -I Ue Invites an iuspsetlon of bis stock, au U lt " -1 - - THE BEST, MOST EXPEDITIOUS AMD ROUTE FROSI " "CIIAKLOTTE TO THE NORTHER CITIES, l North Carolina Railroad,! -V Ralelsh & Gaston Railroad, ' ppfptHtrtnrs & Weldon Railroad . 1D V.HflB . - VARIOUS. CONNECTIONS. Psiseaiters by this llns will leave CIIARL0ITE 'lnv . krrlre at naiaiira sv . KAifclGH. Volock a, m., arrife at uuwiui. m i asva uMni uli m tm n Xeav GA8TOS1 p. m, rstersourj tainAXr 1 m arrlvi fl.30 p m., ana. leav tuat aign. .t the Berth, r ty In Teteriburfo get a good night' ....... . ni.i .. , i rt iadtakath ear for City rtnt,eoBneciiDgwna the falmsS-lllveTKeamaTrfiir ttorthsfn points. PasssBt-ers faT western or southern points will , . n.t.ratiiirf at S.39 'o'clock a. ., arrive at fiantoB 11 a. m." Leave UaaiuB 11 ., arrlva at n.l.Uh V n m. Xaara Ualatah at 1.40 P. W. and a an . Passeni?rsare reipei-tfullj reqaetted to gel tickets before eaterlng the cars. ; K waKes, ' . ' Eng. ana Sop't N. C. B. K. A. JOHSSON, fiup't Balelgh A Otston R. R, iB. M. PUNLOP, ' Bnp't PeUreborg A Wldo R. R. Aag. tl-tf STROTHER t CO., ::.. TIAAKlXin TAT 13PTTSITT'r liUUK AJN JJ ,Jyl l.ltlil i llA U, n- , a. n I ver Mr. jeninaw wvir,j. FA YBTTEYILLE 8 T It II l5 T, alALEIOH, N. C. A RC prepared tf prist at short Dot ire, and ia th aCk ber ,i vie. BOOK, -PAMI'HI.KTS, POSTK&S, CIRCl LAR3, Ao., Ae., A. HAXD BILLS, 411 rtlNf.SS CARDS, t'Ol'KT liLAMKt, ILKCXI0N TICKETS, iti As., AS. Prlee moderate. Their old titfbit snd cuetonert and tb public will be served hcrfal'y aads.ini Uy. aa -U " Silks! Silks!! Silks!!! -i ' . FROM 500 -i'aeds -mi uvvvmn m EN8ffiW & TII0IUH1RN, rATBTTCVlIxn TOEET, RAUlflll. .-A L. QvQ A LOT OF CRAI'iT.3J0UET7.JWOZ.tMBI. L'AINIS," CALICOES, i& wit" variety efotVef styles of i;tt((roos7 GENTS' FUUNI.SinN fiOODS, IIAT., "CAPS, BOOTS AKD, 8 II O CnOCKKUV, KEROrtKNil , ' , ' LAMPS,. (il.ASB' ' : ' . WAKE, Ao3" - -.7.x. .s and brushes: '' v ' A Isrgs U .6f.LUUlTd.rXTUACr-VS0.iP3 &0.. &e(le. : ! ait ll-lot I"! t H H in B n ft: B 5 P f : 99 ft- n CT3 CD H I -a.'"' A w W 5 cj CO rj H O B a a. p- o M o a - ' n O cr a.' , 0 Ml to 't (Si H on ft o ei -IP! o II- "H a rv tm O O m o G i i t3- era K Q ' O - r t- - a o m o ej. t-3 b g- H ft ft c o d. H O tj. a n at IVEWGQODS! NEW GOODS ! 1 NEW GOODS!!! jrst -uErEiVED i At J, C. PALMCSS OLD STAND, ..J rniNTH, ass&rtrd style, and bcautifui ,'-La.e 1 OooiUaKiubriddsritis Irish. Linens, Embroidered I Muslin t'urt.iins, Ladies and Cents. ilOstery, -A-1 s Or - irnnn cvidi? i-imrsitLDIISRfVf. paatic "UUl ' ii'Imi iuni,iraiTO,v fjhemisetU, Skirts, plamsnd EaibwMsred, and si- most every article needed in a Lady s wardrubs. : New styles and very drsirable. . .. -ALCO-rEUFTJMEItY AMD SOAPS. STEAM VtiWUl IpSS n,l.TI(.,-" STJ10TIIJ2IJ & CO.. itALEinir, s. ( The on!y ttam I'vwtr in t Cu'y.) GOLDSTE mm J&M'BBIf":BA9SS'. XTERLnCj CtMPBElt A ALCSIGUT, rDnnsnBR8i(ANt Dealers in lloolrs, 'Stationery "&c, rtXTINf R tn -foMijH iir vWh ci of VKfMl Biiuk. roBnisting vt Priuicr. t j.-Hiuj I.ooW. Header, Aittiuiljt's n KnKlih'OinuVvr ; alto IHngham'e Latin ilrmiiira j tVusr. We rtt, onr lliHtka I ) Ti-h-r n.l Uin-ksellei ig II rate terms si fS ftV. t.y mliUliiiraiuli.if k"i!jd. VU, l''.it (iMitilllsa corlel ar lint uf piuw JJrji. shunts. - . i a.-'M w Jat- cirfc A Valuablo Work ! - i-.. av-iairsoa tMi"S,. Yue Vol. Cloth. Vllt over loo Maps and ' - - . . JUustratlous. . .. . til". .JL d .ta.tb.e' rublia-ttT the standard authority in all nia tier ts'ntini te thejninersl end.agrlottl-' turn! resources uf ths State, and ia really ! A WORK OF lXmilLlBtE TAU E t.n all perons luyine or selling veal proirty of hty kd tnNrtlt tSrtfHnar'rslipries, Farms, ftwaaip i.ane9, Water I'uweis, . coAi.,,jn)pr.r!tti tun irontaSi) ooj,i itixei, - Quarries, Cilmber Lamls, ,etc.,'ta. jEST Liberal dcnutious made to th trade. Addr-s IV. 1) SMITH i.Ci. . -.'jf Field k Fireside Publishing llouns, ' ito. td Fayfttcviile Hireet, " , r An-: U Bt - - HaloigU, H . 0, Etery paper in Kort h Carolina Wifl please hi three tun, and send In Hi lo tf . B, .v k t'o.- mt TJIE DAILY EXPBE8& etrsiiiir;t Va.,J I I A3 entered upon lis ifreentn jr, in an ea- 1J larges form. with, aew type, under aunplnes highljr.aalterios: It h a large and daily taoxefs "lag elf eulatfirti, and offats to ntercthaats aad ethers doilring Wi oommnnlpats wilk the.Aeulhera uUl4, advantages turiiamed noae. ADf RRTlSfTtO R A I S - uis souaaa. i Tn wnV, ' '- ' - One month, . '" Two uinjnihs, - Three Dionttin, . Hit motilju, ' ' . On yafr 8 a U 10 0 IS US 24 l DO tio or u o 11 ii) IS t- vwo sQrias. j- Twoweek, -.fioe in into, . ' TwiJ uiuoihs, . . ' T"!ThreinmiUBir-' ' - - His months, j - ; Bil UK Hue rear. - . f.U - PBrsons-ileilrrns; aVrtster JiuanlJtv af JPSCS tbsa is adore ilei'lgualei, will be aoooniuudated ua liberal inrrua. H - SU BSC1UPT10X R.TES. ' Single oi.y, lmaile.1,1 . i CH. tin month, . 4o - : - ... 8& " Three months, de . f 2 US. ' His na i ai ( b, do ' . . t t Onaysar," lo , K en Addre... A. iVCni'TCn FIELD A Co., Aug-IS If Petemlurx. Va. Tlio Now York-News. DAILY AMD WEEKLY. THE NE yOfiK'WEEKLY NEWS : A GREAT FAMILY NDW8PA PC It I EESJAMIN WOOD, Paopaixvoa, A Jouroal of Polittr, Lltsrsmra.FijtilffBS," Mtr ket and Hsports, latereWinjf Nlrccllany, and sews from all parts of ths world. It eontaitii reading mattsr tlsn any other weekly pafer. ... . .... r - nu'iiovpic.vrs ixTBftL'ci:D. IMMENSE circulation determined on. - " - , - - " " a ' "''' i The Largest, Best find Cheapoet rapep-Pul) e - . - .d ia ew York. - - - - - Flrgl eop'ei, (u eopy, ose year. K cents. - tl 64 - T i 11 CO Three eopies, essr, - Flv et'pi; on y er,i lea eopios, ons year. , (Aad an iitra nopy to say eluk of ton.) Xtranty oopies, on year, f 30 10 . Th Weekly News is sett totlsrgymee at I Ci unvr tors daily hpws. To Mail ub'icr$rt,' , ' tlu per annum. Bis Moslhs, I . . ' lira Duller... t-fl- Payments Invariably ia advno.1S, fob ssLi: nr allkkhm-kai khj. Kpeciuien enfies of. Dally snd Weekly. News et,t rraa.. AdJres - - EESJ. M'OOD. lially 17ewi Eni! dinff, So. 19, City 11 .Jl tqtiere, au s tf .. Kew Vuik Cl:r. JOB' WORrr : ' Of evry descriiition MtectibsJ attlisof!li,e wltli 1 neatest and dinpekh, . : rRosrfecrus 1 1, 31 1 XiX T O N DVSPATC If Of TBI I Il aniierlya4 will eaantBee tk pakllsell ' I L Uilr ,N l!r,-iui4r tSsUiiilt k Wl. mingl.'B, K". O., ue lt them the tAih 4av of fteatsoi 4- btt-nirtfy-rV'j Tttr-Boti is nvtan'f Iff lime aTT' uiioo.ijj jnii.eciii j sua win leiy prtl test a jm'as riiuwlU bs srsrel la ataklat (lie MsS."-" FIRST CI.ASS NNVSt'ArEtvri fspn. il H-il,.n gaailiuura rl mtinel tte -"-l-s-i'w., t -xiu ,ii ttiS turmiiiu(( bf-lhe Niiheni enA S.-ulm ilwkj.a. ' . itmi : - - - . f.r She rr, - lt,aa i iMomlit, - ' ; -. , TTI It i"n tn. V. A" Wall lv ediila will bsnallUksJsiiuaaas - a,a k iiuait.or uit be mail miUt r - - JtshriMu jutlllv it. . . . . . at Wilmington, K. C, Safe of Allred Jlnr.iu, H ,, W. 11. Bstsisit Jjaa U. Baaav.- likttNARO T BARRY,- .it Kdilor aad Prsprleurs. . aa l ias. vnosriXTrs . t fit- IT Is proposed, ia eraaeettoa with a (eaeHl artat-' to bniissn, te ItablUk a " ; hD.illyrSeiniAVeeklyantl'Vyeekly-- jisie.a, sea 'IVU( V AtBejIJ Bf MWKJTMsJf IIHFHy,' Ai Iti nun. import, it will b 4moU4 i t-ha Interests ef those r lassss of the oounaalf v brae'eTTgTna auilguafloa, ad will strlvs te elevata and aU ani! tbeut in s.Mordaaoe with ths prog raaslre idess of the r. At the' me tins tt will set be aa giindfnt.PT rin,ijrrf'Utie ef th wests ttf the (aaerat (mt.ltJ., WbiJait will at vtartkeareaa kfaWitlead aU.tiatcrihii, it will be made lb vehlal ef late pordent dkr auMoa of Kieie v Rallwo'el ettjuulaa, astbejr wiay ert, a'wayt oailaat with aa aa larrrint loyallf to- Ilia Sininia OoVeraeaeat. It ill g'e afi tbe laient bi, foriB,a4 aam. tli'' t)-U(tw 'tliI y aad tody ef UiHpe "--tad U wi t have a sub JCditir t aikuatpaaisiit ta every Count; In the HtirH., thcrebv assuriog a issat intereit which jjai.tJi uil of labdutij li atiresih t sll section. - a,.' I .. Kvery elfurt Will be bia le tj resdiir lit "Jjuiaa' " an aeuHtil; Hj eitip.-mltj m WumtcamuuulLf, aati a valuable medium ibrvu'h whisk their wi and operations may b uade Sacaa. AdterUaia 111 be arranged at low raias aad th as'itst atlrasU, iudneeoieots te secure It he " tended. .... ' The sttSDf th Journal will bs doutls Saediiuu, sad it will uontela ) 1UI1T KaStly prlaud pajf.s. It will bs sottaa upta theieat stile f tvaiMi.a ' printed i.n aaw material. . I'ally, rr oae (ear, ' t t laily, sit SBoatht, ' -.: t k4 bally, one month, - ' BemL Wefckly, one year, .... - ( Iti . Heaai Weekly, sis aieathi,. sy . ( 2.9? Jreaa. n seaiy, sis uealhi, , gag Persons deilrlag to sabioribs will seal la their earn. Immediately, but may withheld th prlea t iubsnri4oa until the recent of th tret nan bar. If (uoisient neouragea,Bl 1 realised, th trst Somber will be ljusd H the lit of January, lilt " ; Address, I N.,K SITU, Priater, " . - iag. IS tf - , Rafelga,!. Tlf K Proprietors or that long aiteblisksd ail (tt, UlaV faiiiiy Veorhel, . . THE SOUTllERM FIELD AO FIRESIDE. tk treat plaur in tf rwlng i, aunereei fries e o J .air.)ti that lis ubllcatioa will Be reiamed last as suOn a ths niail u( lbs eoastiy ylU aa slle them to circulate the seas. This is aa old" paper published f..r many j ears at Aaguils, Oa ,'aad (..entirely devoted to " rOLITE tlTCBATUML - It I a cc tor the lireeid. aa trumul f, .1..;' parlor, aad aft.ind i'ei,iaL! eoaipaaidat t tks house, wif sod sifrU'ullufalm. It i a leri-e. oiAl bara thaal fcn.I.;..r,..1a ... - witnew type, .. . 4 . a'aam-riiubicriBtiaia s rear j ala-'aaBik .. ouMicuNtiiXT maso mo. Magazine, M m taUol rem ae I at th tame lima. Tkl. tin lndored and rtcoa.niended to th frstarau at large by th.Orad Lodge uf North t'arolliia. At regards uiatur and t) 1 Kraby, it will bs sjusI l any puhlioatioa la the United tltatel. l one year (1. - Addrea - - MM. JU. atllTH A Ci., - - " - aith, fj. C." A limited owtil.or of sai'rrlHemet.ti aduiiti.j n.. each ublicsti.aL J as aVwr.rBDir ireonrellr l.u . . cken(s rej.ectfully lnnud at oua l.wai all fart yf iu, 1,1111,. ; ..." THE DAILY RALEWH HEjnao - TltG-LNMRBIdSJ- rj, UAtLVtf OliTATSIO " tt BWMTytterintt tiOiu the ii Ultary aetbtxt. ' tiee, roj.osll fjiblialwdy iffe Clly -vf ltaieigh a dally nswsp'paf to b oslleiL lb ItALtluilttfi. OtrtiU. - v. , This napes wli; ooiitatn a rrcotl of tli events of thefenuhtry, huih otril sod luiliUry ia latent milisr Y.idor u"fltlng the InfvMia ,' ue 1-eoplO of orth X'arolma aud uf Ibe Bouth. tlie i4ala n. ..L .1 .u. ....... . vl i rvvitiuo, aa,, Mt ura 1 mi'.UaBrv.ling mtttev a te ti.nelly luao tbe .Junius of daily lmt a(Mm. I-S VlC it n d SB Jiums 110 an pBrj..,, m ,uU,T,: aad at-' litbai a.irations te gratify, we .hall sl.eae ' (eel called uptfB ta do.o, ,iak our licLi eeuiimeale jn regard In tb ga4 lueainici alt.cliBf ilia ialar- ' tol our I' t,umwf,jf- i .rin.a tWr wr-t-ertonal aoiBn.1y. , l'rri o in the City dctiring iq ruh-crlle for th ' HalelKh Ileoord will plaee ,'all St our offiu ia kha -old "dteBf.itr" fcuildit,j nirar the Court Uoaae, ajtd eppwit th 1 it.,.ri' Jl iii'a, to give ut tbeu Bua. '1 l.ltJI l.-.urf: cr j-ir, Is etuti tut thraaaiuaUis U I U ; ir in U 1.0 ; Bat toalsrs ) till ptt bundiod ou in. ... AirornHiig, or.e.)uar foreauhla. enrtu.n one dollar A lihare) ddani.)U le ad. ierl.i,ement by ths Bi 'Eth or Jaar. f ,. , " 'i-r tt ibo pper will U bstf-' oa J ham.Uy Biumiiij nivt. ... -r.r-- J "-M-riTAIs, Ill llallV ba hjB t,'!. . mt-weekly f ,t tt.e t.vrn.i. Ii it t.taad :t I .5 I " -; t ': - -fltr f . 2 - i.Wws !( . jugviiwuifite-i-j r t i tn- V) 'a.a.:.:-J?..: ....... , .. -y