THE DAILY SENTINEL. AOVKIITISIKG Advertiaeuieuts occuprliiK not More llantSUats of luuiiou t;p which consume a squarti WM.Ji ITLd, E Jitor and Proprietor. . Tli Swrurn. U published everf niorniog x trpt Sunday. BA SINTINIL i Insertion 4 ' I week $1.00 t week 160 1 month T l00 I month )10 00 . 3.59 .... 00 ISM - U.04 UM I0.W Cntil the lft of January next -. $4 00 " - For one month, - 1-00 - For two aionihj. . - - . 2 CO - guy We SolfoU Hit aid of Our friends in extend jig our c irrigation. ( v OHIO DO0CHATIC CONVENTION. 8Mecl of Hon. ir. PeiiUtelou. The following extract from the speech of Mr. 'P. before the Doimwratio-CooverttwivU worth reading, The war is at an nJ. , Many of its effects cm never be era"1!! The deep furrow which it has left io our social And governmental yteih can never be smoothed ver. Jts1nflaence on. the, f.-ebngs ind eharuoter of our peor.lo will remain. The relations of the people and. the eeotiont can nevor be exactly restored. The question which ' it has ried must be settled. , The result which if 'bat brought about must b accepted. W'ebaii- not recall the past. ' VV cannot nnda, what hat " "" Tieen Jmc, ; We cannot reestablish exaotly the old order of lli!ngr,trarwrtTiu be just and true. We ean bravely and honestly meet uew issue, ami the wU men, accepting the unavoidably jiojdto eoompliahe.d facts. W can, a, neatly "u possible, adhere to old landmark, and that - secure to ourselves all the Headings of good gov JL-.-grnme.rit. . ... . ' ,"',-' ";;' "Let tlie pant dead bury itsflead." Let u forget the war eepi Jo 4h . Juasoo. ,wMali,it j teaches. Let qs baiifah it an the memory of a horrid calamity, in which the innocent and the guilty, the pure and the winked, the unfortunate and tlis-undonerving, the eawpieror and tha con qured alike suffered it eommon ' woe. If : any . would recall jt Jo nourish hatred be twee-a the ti.t;.in nV in 1'iiiiie the Dentil of Vitlinr lection --- -- - r - J. ... . aealusteTtcnoniw, ios ins name una ois lame oe .. . 1 . i I - . . j . . ' . aocur.Hbd l let him be ammeinit maraiMthit. i When Mr. Lincoln delivered Lis Inaugural Ad dress, be said :' ." Suppose you -go to war. j After much utfiriiig)fc buib sides, and tha advantage on uekb.-you wiRJhave tlie same 4juesiwiis of : intercouraa to se tile" wlrtclr y ou-MvQiny.TIe; was rights e hnyo naJ. ' "avt naj mucn sufferiiuand wb'it are the questions remainiu"'? The ntnttis of ill negra in the Ktates, and the - la ion of 'tha i:&ate&ajaoag-Jilin Democrat Uiesequtstiont appear ot' snlution 1U brio if J tliem to the test of tha Constitution The Constitution declares that: the powers " not MptftM i9tv4-Jt alsadefins the rela .( HiaMai, lia power baa beeri i'en to tbt i1f"al rurWOtnent oFanyof its departmentg to intertere iit the ''' of the people of the Mattt, orta cha ordeGnt the relations of tha Sfat rt iaJi rthaar.v.K the war : W'yt Waged M n.ninlaiu the siitiremacvof tha Constitution, sure ly the suceesi of the war and the attainaient' of near e hold not bt made the occasion of impair- id it. These o'etion must U left with, the u, twelves. " If tha war iras sjjother pnrpose ; if DIack Re pnblicauis u was all a lie ; if coer h n was a baie "prewxt, and armed revolutiou was the real de sign, we conffont another question J What oiiht . to be, not what it the Constitution f-Arid to this diirrtiiiii wii am be4I? JiruUahtaJInn iilrh m tu- - tbority woi.ouud it to us. I see that a citizen X our own State, now on. thi ttnmp, aa aspiring mau, anhouncet thai he will never consent to the. . admisiion to Ofineressof Representatives a ad liko-" atorsfrom Southern State,-until they shat byJ tJair Totes, have adopted the penjiingatpeiidovnt to the Constitution, and anoturr changing ith rule of representation, unuuhey shall have shown theiaaptitude for free government, Vs Jie mock- , i " put their hands on'tbeir mouths and thur raouiht ' inthe,dust, aud tike fawning sycophants, degrade . tbemselve by base as'vilitr.,' ;-. v 'V - . I am in .'favor of no change in the Constitution. I would, loave t question of tufirae to the - State, bcaue the Uonetitution leave it there. I' wonld recosnize the right of tho Soul hern Slate to their old position in the fadoral yUiw,in tanliy.Tvithout delay. wiihout spnriinen't,-witb out eondilwn, save oniy. mat iney (.annwieue - the tuptemacy of .W.yonat ttiition, ant! fulaiit its provisions to be the binding rut of tho State'ai.d Federal action-! and this" because the Constitu tion ojeates a confederation of equal States. Two theories have atond prevaik-d in this Gov , eminent from its bejriiininjr."'. One, party det.iid ' the right of gecestjon ; tha other party maintained it. isotb agreea wain uv uwiiiiuuoui accesHiou "werei invalid, it Vas otterly void, inoperative lor V'.l purposes, ineffective npiB either the. people or the territory, either in touir rojutions to me v.j " eral or Stat government.'" They aUg agreed that if it were valid, it wvered Ihe tia which bound the State to the Uuion: Tha State resumed the dh-.ated nower. and became ftpain wholly in depuilnt, a4 it liu.1 t.ocn wholly sovereign. They both agreed that toe JbLiiUis were S-.tveretgn Wire indepondwit eiwpt Aa,ka Jkr..s..tLsy. - had consauUd to he bjund hy the Coftstitotion; and that whenever they recognized the power of the Federal G veri)int es defined, by the Con stitution, tbey hwl perfirnw their whole Federal obligation, and ffltt in no vut were' they Btib jeot to control or interference with tlie .organiza tion at their "local govirument or the mansg. meut of their .domestic policy. Tba one party, however, elaimed that wheB IbeyJeiiied the Fed eral power, and obstructed it operation, armed . coercion might-be used, to 'cowpel obedience, to its lawful requirements. Tbi wilf was the fx treme d-ictnne of the Feileraliats -this was the theory 61 ihoe who called themselves the friends of ihe Govern men t'Thisj i the thry oa whieh Ihe war was commenced. This was theory ".ot of coeu-iop, . This was the theory or Mr. J.'". ' 'coin, when be slid that afiera r the aD ques tions would exi.t as lMfore, This Wis the ttieory of the CritieiidenreslaUon. M.1" Republican ftrty t iioiiKnw. - , . - , . This wa the theory of General Sht-tm tn when he entered into his truce with General Johnston. And pe.ace ftom the i'uloniiic to the Hi Grande a ventabte pciu-e, and piufificni ion. R'-uiatanre -dernl aattsemr -WooM-- hue. ttstdr arwea ffri . would hiVB been dup-r-'-.l.-arii!4 M Wnuld I, ,i ,t f i j;,,. a up, l!i I i lb i i' 1 ii w ml have 1 1 1 ii pit, ii d. Oi lie o'i- r hn.d, th Stat gurrriiiiu-nts 'u!d have betju Uft li-t-ii tlte . fuiittions o! i ivil iiii.i-lv ou id i,vc b--rn ui.iin- ppi! by c e'.'s-l, tberiMlluw nor; id h iv W-fi SilmiuinL'reJ wjB!dlav-(rLr-nr1l,l,, -tnriRa' dairiu!!it,ie, the would, by this luce, have revolved bariaoiiiou.ry 'I WOULD VOL. I. ItALElGilV-WiiDiVESDSYi SEPT. 0, I8GJ. NO. 20. in their respective orbit, and then to the States would lie luit, a they properly belong, the que,-tionri)f:Ticfjrn7auffi;'8- and new Constitutions, and the relations of faboi.1 I thiok General fcihermltii-proved himge'Cven more wise, in neo- via ion man Krmninni in war, ana that bit states manship, more than his arms, would have main tained the Union. , """ ":l y But in these latter day a new theory liaa spmnir into bin. It ia the ollspringof riNjre than Yan kee ingeimity. atimnlated by more than Yankee fanaticism. It bold that acts of jtcesnion art tKith alid and invalid talid to destroy the State, invaiiu io aeairoT in a union me sutt or ir gfma adopted and ratified the Oonstitutioa, Hot part or in people or the United States, not at a majority of the people of Virginia, Jut in her ca- pcfity at a overwjn htafe, regulatinjf ber rl non iax"wive rejns, ine.oia vonteaeration had been practii allv dissolved, the mw ont bad not been formed. Virginia was tbeohitwlr iot ereie n, and as such; gave bef assent to th iFeder- ti uonstjtnnpn. tty that act a,lone by bar com mand tlone--her cituent owe obtdieiwe to the Federal OioverrtrDent. .Virginia repeals thatatt ,.gf wtifieationf nd theireby endeaVors to secede from the Union, an3 t release "herielf Trom ffeji . eraX oMu?aJlo!tMd J,Sr.ftttioMjrrapipJtdionc to Fedural law, . ' These f nDtlemoa aver that the act fif repoa! does not dissolve tlietie whic-h biHdt the terri tory to tha Union, but docs destroy it State Government ; does dilr it as a political oom. muaity ; does absolve Ui8. Fdfral Goveromonf from all du(i arr.1 confer upon it all power I . , . -.; . i ....... , ' ; r- -- i " umuresrnwui mm iimtroi. i win noi any mat 1 .I. ' .....I. ........ .!- ...... .1 .. I . 1.-1! .1 ' . the'ientlemon do not themSelm believe tbft doe tr?na,-bu I will any that if hoy a mnintuiJi it the wa But lor the Union, but ftir.conquent, and tho result is thin, "the South it suhjugate lt not to the Constitution, but-ta the will of th fX'ne.gro aulfrtt!fe) of new oonmitntioaif-efanind- ments to the Federal Constitution, Jho restora tion of taw,-or the ontinuinof iaUUary"jrulc, are qiu-nu-iiin oi policy, nai power, ana to fine TrffirrTtnTrtfa'thee gemlciroirrrrrot--tif all tliiiiL". xlesire to reduce them. . . -" Midway between. thega pouition is the theory dortled ljr h -Administration, per hops, I ought to 'tay: by lrejudnt Johnnftn. lie believet that the question ofautfrag belongs roth States. He believes that the ordinance ofeecet'tion wire invalid for every purposerurterly iidthat they do noTatlect either the territory or the people. BthrtSct6riiienbut; that the offii;ers of tin. Stiiie (iovernments, i& resorting; to w usurpers, ai Prverted the powart or h?J war became usurpers, and by force, and in fraud. ... 1 .1. - r.t. -n i ma oinio io uiegai- enawj as executed, are utterly void- Thit usurpation turtlanted the leffitiirtaie Governments, which lie dormant, inoporative bow, but entitled .to all the power and rights of the States, when the usurpation displaced them. Hence he "appoints Piovlsional Governors to eet the old machinery in motion, and sees a pivotal point ob which -iti revolution sIiHll rommence. T"r1rth lWdent had eons farther. Ho would have done better if be bad accepted Sher man' truce. tie would have done better if, when bo received the submission of armed (orcca, he had recognized the legitimate powefs oi or-ganieil-' Siato governments. But he bas done well in tlti,: that hs reoognixes tho power ot the State over the quetion of Soffrage ; that he sp- poiniso rov.aumai uovcrnor.: ine oiiuens OI points as Trov.sioirai Uovcrnor ihe citizens ot Olii--r--MiiaoMUMtte--tbat ' he dcires th States to mum their rations to the .federal I Government a soou a possible.-and to be reprs sented in both Houses of Congress tnd on tlieao points 1 desire to give him a coidiul and hearty approval. ZTIIE .BEST. MOST -EXrEDITIOlSjl " ASD . HOTJTJU FROM CIIAKLOTTE , Jro TUB X O Jl TJIER N CITIES, Xorlli Carolina Ealrroad, , -.. v rctersburs & Wcldon Railroad i -.- ..... ass laeia . .:" VAUIOUSCO,NTNnCTIOXS. rwsesgors by Uii lia will lsv CHARLOTTE at Jo olnctt p. ra., arm at RaJoigh 4. SO a m. Leav RALEIOH oVl n k,. m., rnre at umHob II a. n nn.t . . . . ...! m. Leave u.iaiUJisp. - arrir an lmirnuurg 6 3? p. a, and l.vrtht tight for Richmond and th Bona, rst;y Ptrbnrg, gt a g'ibd night's r.t aid" take lh ears for Citv Point, eonnalitigw-th ;L Jm Rivir ateaniot fr'nirthra points,- - Pengr fr wstotn. or nnthra poiat will lVt Pertlr t . e,c'KR-'..r'lv li. ilHitoq It a in. . tv Omtoa It a. m , trnv at RlutThT ". Bt7'sV,oiaW4 Ratt-ti'll tt I.0 P.' . hT$t -- - . . - - , t 01. ; ' ' ' ' ' .. ."' PurMugnri r resretfIly rqnst J togsttickt hfor Bt0Hngh ear. --. ; ; .' WTLK3 ....tiUg. o,I i'..f."l N. C. R. H, A. SyttSS'Wi ' ",:....; ;-';.!, Btt'i-Rlk" 0to 8-,R. - . . ;" - - - R. ji. dim oi', . -Angv Jl-tf "-Sup't PdUrshurg A r!doa R- R- JOB -WORK': Of every desxasptlow eieCttfei . tots tffic 1 ith B4111EK Uti KIUUT THAU UK PRESIDE Silks!-Silks!!Silksl!! ' - ' FROM" "" 2300 YARD? JIST EECEIVED BT IIENSHAW & TIIORBURN, rATxrrix1 v illxj street, BAtEian. A"L s o-: A LOT OF CRAPE MORKTZT HOZAMBr. yuis -1 1 m xAi.t), lAiwura, sa., with a variety of other styles of Ladies' Goods, -ALS O- CUNTS FURNISIILVO GOODS, 1IAT3, CArS.DOOTS AND SHOES, , CllOCKERY, KEJIQSENE - LAilPS.. GLASS WAKE," FAlfn&LOiLS MUi BRUSHES. -A L. S O A large lot of LDBIS'3 EXTSACTH, 80AP3 3-.tC4.. tall-lot 03 ' . H " I LJ 1 MJ I iEW GOODS New Goods!'! J-Z New Goods !JI ' - Jt'ST RECEIVED -i '" .-"'"-"".' :"' .at'.." J. C. PALMER S OLD STAND, PRl NTS, assorted stjles and beautiful, Lao G.-o-lp, Embroideries, Irteh LSuens, Hutbroidcrcd Muilid Curtains," LJji and OenU. llOait.ry. -A L. S O- ' f nOOPJKIRT LADIES FLTtXISlilXG C00DSf CheuiTctt7StTfr, pTain tn'd"Eaitr.n Jurei, and al Biott ev.ery articls needed in a Lady's wardrobe, i Xw tyle and .very desirabl. v '-..y:.::A LI S O "' 1? RFTJMEny AIJ D SOAPo. rntt It'' : " ' TixiHliiVEB i'HililvTixu," ST I Cv., I ;-BAtJEIGli'.:jr! 'c, 'If 8,'ca'm Fr Prut T."-Bery Cly. STERLIXG, CAMPBELL & ALBRIGHT, 4 f PUBLISHERS, AND Dealers in Booki, Stationery &c, OEKEXBBORO, N. O., J.. sptQNTIVCS to vllia M Our Own Sertr of itcnimi iiaoiie, (ana tat In r or rriuiart, iipttio Book, Kvkdtrn, Arithmtties ad Kaitlitk Urammarai iljo BUiKhaai't Latin Oramuiar and Caiiar. V cller oar Hoot to fchcrs ant Jjookwllori on a mods' rat turtui as ar vffMd by pubiUkr In toy part of toa. For liiira toploi or list of price adlrn ttabov. talttlia :AValuablo Work I MTB tmm GEOLOGICAL T R0ri:tl)OM IMMOK. Two Vols. Cloth. With over 4O0 Haps and JUimUjiUou. . '. PEICE 3.00. rpill.3 great work it now. forth first time, offer. J. ed to th publio. It in the itand.ird authority iu all ratter relating to th mineral tnd agricul tural reaonrces of tp tiiata, tnd is really- A -tYOUK OF INESTIMABLE VALVE to all person buying or telling renl property of any kind io North Carolina Fiahtrie. Fermi, Hwamp l,anes. Water rowers, . . Coal, wvper, lead, iron a'o gold KixFst . iurrW,'Lniuber tmdarre;7te pi- Liberal deduction nude to the trade. Addrens W. It. SMITH A CO.. FieU A Fireid I'uhUnhiiig Mouse, t T." Mo. 68 FavetUvilU Ktreet. Aug I4-5t ' Ttarctt;n7 If. -Cr- Eve ry paper In North Carolina will please in timea, and tend bill to W. B. ti. A Co. erf three THOLZAS II. I.IOOIIE Rspetfully aanouonta to th public that b Ca ruuaM th -IIAT- -BUSEISPTCSfVr- Ns. 119 Hyeamore Hi., PETEHSUCHG, VA., uj baring rctvd - NEW STOCK OF GOODS I prpard to 11 oa a raonabl trai a may b . foand Itwhr. i . " n tolloiu th Wkoltial sod RUII trtd. M i1 0 II N WOODIIOD8E will fc platd l hi old frUnd tnd astotnert. 4 as IS l , . v CE.EItAL HCSKES AGEXCY. . " I HAIiLlUH,),!, WILL ATTEND TO TBI COLLRCTION OF Claims tgtlnsttb Quartarmatter's and ComiMry' Dcpartoiaau of tb United Stat. Alto, t tb purohau nd !, oa Coaiiuiailon, of STOCKS, B0ND9, BPECIB, fAJiS, NOTES AND Pro-pt atuntio. g.v.n to rJI b...M. pi... In hi, Offlo at tb Bonk fiiort. orar ol Fav.tfvill. Strt and tb Capitol Squar..- " Aug l tf - W'DOn FOR THE HAIMTllL. QEALED Paai?03ALiIwiLL BE RECEIVED O by th undersigned until thsSOtb of Scptemhr nxt, to rurslsh-t nuliioleat quautity of Wood for moient quantity or wood for I tb as of th publin omcas th . of th. publi offic. in th fc.pitol, and for lh Stat Convention th nsuint- winter tud tpriog. Th wood be sound Oak tnd Uk-kory, to b deliverrd and jnieaBurd in th wo4(ious on th Capitol Hquars from time to tim required. Bidder will slat tb price per cord at which they will furnish it. Th right of rejecting bid not Advantageous to th Slat it reserved. - - - ROBERT H.BRAPLEY, .. " ' ' Keeper of Capitol. Aug. 24-tsep20. - f , ALS-aan R. Banatrr. Cas. 11. Dunn, . KaUlgb, M. 0. ! Jat. 0. Vm Plv, .nw. ivtk-.... : KE.,CTf, VAX PELT & f0t Cow mission 2J,Xe rr ants FOB THE SALR Of . Cotton, Tulaccn, Naval Storey &c.f - ALSO, FOR THR Tarchase and Sale or Oilier Stock, 23 wmisHiLt Siavsr, Ntw-Vous. W bar aaaocbittd with Mr. P. W. Contra, lat Troaiarar for Aartb Carolina. Aag aO-tf. KITTUELL'3 8riUNG9 FEMALr 1-OLLECIATE INhTITlTE. GHAiiVlLLE COUNTY S. C. . 'T'GE Fall SaMn of thlwInatUulina will opn J. on th lat tVdnilay in Octiitir next FuT prUoulri, Ctretilar, or iHra RKV.C. B. KIODICK, " 11- - ' Kiltr.ll'a fcpriiiga, K. C. Fine IIom For. &i!e, ; V OHth 9ih ef Eepttmber eJt. fyturdy, I will Mil t publis aui'tinn, at th Norlh Citrulina I,tt-' ati Aayiuia, T f.sil I S IV ss iioiii, tonprUiiiK hot sties and agi. Th al t tab Biaeo i n io A. ? ' ji. a.. tnr. U1, :'.St i td - -; gtCWUfd. Special soticeJ, under a-special heal, will es charged oudollar per square for each Uit rtisa. Faneral notices will bs charged a sdrmlwaiwil. Tli tioipli) announcement of t death oratarritgt ' rill not ) ihnrged, - g)"l',:,.J J... ..!!!. ' no " num. " XJLCSCUD Ha ja.t ntarntd f. tk Korthr ltls wttk t (took cf sh a;nd p.dr d medio ines, RE?fCa BRAHJY, B0URB0ST WBIBKST. POST AND MADKIRA WINKS, PAIHT8, , ; OILS, VARNI8UK3,, BRUSHES Ot ALLKISDS,PB.FlJtBRY,AHI , XOILKX AKTtCLKS, WIN- DOW - GLASS, BP1CES, JLAVORINa IX- ' TRACTS A DYK 8turrsf which hb wnx EEtiiowroscjAsar. sT- Oon.tantly relv(n tdditlot t hi (t. a T tf wHoi KsiLt iNo term. vtkLt tn f f 1 CLOTniNG. .0()Ti .mim RATS & CAfr!J. WATCHC3 AND JEWELRY, BEST IMPORTED WIHE3 flfc BKANMES, aifB Liqrots or all tian. OR QCff !!'$.& rfc, dc; Corner ef Fay ette rUle tnd Harget Sti , ' i RALE.iaB, N. C. New Map of- North Carolina, . , FINELY EMBELUSHEO.SIX BY EIGHT FEET-- 'nilia Is lh LATKST, LAR0E8T and vry BIST .1 Mapof tt Slat vr tiublishaih aaJ ! .tl monnttdt on ruiIhaMiiKJoaa- Jj h4 on! t nor Ktnr. th bslane of tb ullr diticia kouig la " oar hands. I'rle. (Sinr4 to atv nnlnt.i tl o-' . . . BRANSON k FARHCK, ARDdrCllAIXCCijf,- F0BWAHDIKO AND Oommiion Merchants-.. . Xear old County Wharf,) J0. t. i'uiD. aa 8 tf v- W. HT Cbkisssim. m.m CitV tiSMrS anni it.Hvf,, ... k ...a bin to tbt off, , , WANTED. Thousand Bunhl0f FLAXSEED. a. VY. R. MILLER. August 10-lm R. 'ILI.rAM" LITTLE. OFFERS hit professional torvlc to the sltiltsj of Raleigh ami vicinity.- -, - - wuio at utorg L.itta,s, ; u Tl-todSsr 'wjLmii ii. oLtFEn & rrv COMMISSION, RECEIVING, f UHWAKuJNG -- HERK NEtY ItUKNK, H. C. H S w , ' 1 L M 1 0)TTON YAR.V3 ,., nnu niir-Mlrtt,, 1' IAJ L' It, UKIKIi JJLUli 1 ALW, 1 0 RECEmNa Aim Tcnvr&jmwa aoouj j Ru)rllDs f EtiBr and il!ln ...i.i. ..i rnni. v.. v. ' . iv- " S.lpbia, Baltlttor. ,.4 B" , ' W "..'g 7 , - ,- , I - . i.i ...... . ' 'V ' f - , J II. CCAWrOBD. D HJ 2STT IS T . . niH.UK, 11, V , t f Offlrt OUr P Ki'tseutfi Drug AVors.J. INFORMS th cltiseui of RleiKh and sarroutd. IngconnUes that he has opened anomcsattbs ajov well known stand, and u prepared to clean., stract tnd fill, tnd to in-ert Teeth, trom " ont to an tntire t, on the tnt improvd orln etples of prnotie. - -.-eiu.P respectfully folkUs a sbar of tnLlla patronage. , tug- 14, tlst Jan. B. P. WILLIAMSON. Cff.? Al'CTIONEKBD, FOIlWARniNG , AXD COMMISSION MERCHANTS, rATXTTEYULE LTttKET, : ". s RALEIOB, N. Ci '. : Ja.. JT, 186. V,g DAXCV, fOMPAXV, COHllISSION-lfJffPURCH'ASIKG- -SIKKCIIANTS,' N. 80. CriAR Sr. Niav Vrir II AVlt.I BF.f-T.MKD OUR 01.0 BL'MMKSS, VT . 1 "fin if (unja.or I'rtxiare, f to wak. pveh.. 0f Vooti Hud Mupplie l-'r our fi !i,!. . r . Ir. Johh AamOTi,s. 1m of tt nrrsnton, N ft, ill b plwMtd to Ii It.uti.l wiib ,it, wbsi be aiv hi u!,l (riendn. , J. 8. lev, of", C. fH-ii. iit ini, ui, or ,ithd Jfarh, If. C. . V, M. UVm, lat of H rr Aaj. 22 clat. , ,