!JJ.LU..LJia"l!..J. M I ill-' -"THE DAILY SENTINEL. Wii. E. LLt Editor and Proprietor. .Vur rti,pu.t n' t cuj.i infr not s in- tUu iU Hues M mimnn t)pe wi I h unikiiUH'i a luuarer" Tne StiTina. is paolu&ed ever morning ex lnaeruon 1IM M : SEWTIwEf i.- $ () looo - Y.oo - 0.00 30.00 cept Sundpy. TESM3: . Fwone'mlwith,- ' . .-'. For two monlljV , b. '.. r- Three months, " ! . - fcix months, - - $1.00 a oo 3.06 u week l Moixu Rtiittu on. HitiHV rum hk pkcVioEH v-udstrr cisy. - Bpedal notlt-s, under ...a. special head, will be chirged OottoIUr persquniv lor eab ime ftloa. '., Funersl notices will be rtSarged as sdvertiaoint. Ths simple announcement of a death or marriage will not be rhxrirM. ...i ' 6 00 $$p We solicit tbe aid of oar friends la jrtend Jnj onr circulation. , YOL. I. RALEIGH, TUKSDAY, SEPT. 12, I8C5. N0.3J. 1 1. 00 p weeks t 50 l uiouih . . l ou i mouths I .'.0 S.uo 6 .3.60 NfffS BY THE PAPERS. . SYMPATHY WITH THE BOJIIL T ' From (lit Boston Courier Sept. 1. . It U still a "reproach in certain, circles to be ,.'. .called a yniiftUili'r with the South. An Amer - Jean ma; sympathii e with Mexico or Brazil, Rui si a, India or China, without any imputation upon hi pitriottum or moral but to hav a kindly feeling toward his own flesh and blood, his coun trymen of the South, is io those circle still &r creditable, still 'disloyal," io apenk well of the Southern people in any rcs.ieot, oommpnd their courage, advert to tjie Sullen and wonder ,f ul development of ninohamcal ekilf and industry ninong them during toe war; to their persever ance and endurance; nr to praise the good faith and good spii iiu which, the war over, tliejr have , submitted to its sward and Rune to work to re -"'instate themaelvea as f-tiihtul citisens, all this eipoews na to malevolent imputations. . With the people to wliieu we allude nothing upon the ' suhjoot is acceptable that is not depreciatory! juuudein iiAtuf TwdtiTamir e r-Ano Hi u -A- fal len foe excites no ri'V in tlie.fr hearts: the 2wpl of hate wh cb ban fed thi'ut for sr many yenrs has eradicated the very trerm uf.ll Ramie sentiments .ward the ohjeois of their buatila passion -""""And -pittcrmvnwxtyvt "aurro.imiti woiM . geem more'dosorvitig of pry and syrnpithy than lhee etubt millions ot our follow citneiis It is tras their leaders led srvne e'ld forced mora of ,tBm into rebellion: bat b iw have ther suffered for their fitli.l War never more thoroughly scourirei, ''raoo erislu'd, ruined any country iu four gtyrt years than that. AJt ihe accumulated capital, the 'full of dodad.'g of prosperous sgrt culture, i swept awayc Juit any be replaced, it is true, but it will never he replaced by those who have lost it. and but in a s nrl-da?re.,Aven bythidr deaeendanta, for th' y are dead.- OverJ -imu-ibitd of at ttJ,me a listed- ia - many of tb 8'a'et have disappeared.. Another generation of -suiOher people tbut replace thrn, and inherit the poor remains Ot what was theirs. Thousands npot thousand of .familie, once comfortable and happy iu the r homas as a"T thnt the world h is eeu, are .ow destitute, suff ring, d prived of all atav and supjiOrr, and dpei.deot upon c larity and tlie" scanty ia.urus of thir own Ltbor for a bare subs at-nee It would sef-n that any decree ot eumiiv. might .be g-itiaS.id with this even that of a philnihiopist, i But the temper to which we allude thmtgh it exists, is not the dominant temnend the people. Thev do sympathise with their lately rebellious - nttrtrTttten. art wme WoTtr anil tr'tti art Ifta? ' . wIkk-s hnd have uhBtied. ,tlietn hr their ire.i- ' aua A hrave toe oraveiy varqniiiiea ana nuw ulmii.iva, exciies In the soldier ol our armies no fwIiD but a dexire to aid hint in restoring ihe - prosperity t the pati and rehuiiiiinjc the Kepub lie in more ihn its priittine grandeur and glory And indeed Hiisisin a great degree the actual wifrk awaiting our ditianded heroea. After . brief .jjjj.to their idd bimie)), multlrides of theni will return to the Sourh KTid find there better p portnnlties tor their energies than the INortb can afford them. They will go to sssmt in building , up a tree South, carrying with them Northern thrtf' and Not thern mnho'ls ol labor, and by their amUrSncs and example firirg the Southern heart . witn Mendiy einuia'ton in the work ot renewing i.the old and oiieiiing tiew ways of prowperous en' terprwe. Hulling in the South, they will feel itc ... Interests to be their own, and will actually join the native people in resis'ing tyranny, oJuiming na smerting the same liutsrnes tor tnoir new horns that was theirs by right in the old. There ia nothing in the way of complete fraternisation Between emigrants from the (orth and the Sojlh rn people, who ure eveir now culling for tbetn to come and help Trie same blood fl ws In the teins of both, the same thoughtsund aetdrationa, the same courrge to encounter and subdue the . obstructions ef nature, the same principles of "ilbt fty; and The same glorious recollections of the . old past, the lirotlierltood or the revolution, the war of 1812. and the Mexio ib cauipnlgns a'l bind them. far more Strongly than tile pasi fctrue- g'.t tun separate; and ihe sanio future now a sored to both cnarnnteesa unitrand ootnmunittr of heart egainst which no nnrrow feeotional ha red can ever prevail. - Prance ahio Enoi.md The Putt holds that the meeting ot the hYeta of Kngland and France represents an enprrciation of lnternational'ohli guionu, the significance of which none niny die einhle, The put pose of this great naval de ' tnonut ration is ptcifio, not only as between the two great countries enpiged ia it, bu'-its it oon Oerns alt other countries with which they have Ifl.iti- ns . luogland and France have found that -Uiif intercuts ars fundamentally the Same.-- ""7"?iir nmln of jflct u to" secure lhe peseo on Which progress, and prosperity depend, and to . this end they have certain duties to pTrurm They may not be called upon to prmeot wesk Powers or to resirnin the aggresdve proohvites of strong Powers when their own interests are tut iuvulvJ . It might be proper to eetxblish that principle; but it could only be 'evtwblisfafd n Eutnneon a. more compeherii,ive underntund inj. and in America. England and France Lave .reeogniied an identity in ihetr intqrtsts. , . Moris thai Stf BAaoi5t.i For The Ports rcouth J urmil tell a t'ange aneclota regard Ing the puroliuKe of an old piKoeof furniture and What grew out of it A Mia Meyberrv. now living ut Cipe Elsr.iibc'b. Portliind. purc)-Brd at I aucuon in t on-mouth, abut two yeais ago, ai o'.d mahgnny ntuffad hairthat wns a curiosity, only payjnirdifiy Cents for it.- While endeavoi i'ljf lo repair the rushed haircloth cus'iion. she f nd some pt pens 'hat are S'lid to posTTM g'eat tfilue rne a n ill tf one of tint Derby lemily, t at. U i ! tinmied. sIT-scts sundry litU-s in Eog luh'l. ILe further report 'I ti tt a si-ccmf mi nger Wis et-iiLtii Lnghind slm rsrni wiih sum li st enabled her to in v St f 50 UOO io Gov- lut-nt ecuiit;ts jtar. The Jitirnal gives authority for the story, and- It is fun cautious a paper tu wuke any rush ot 'onauttientio tftW meat. B-ifsn CaiiS4, Farriss' Column. io -i,,'iL . ITftt Just rtnidl from th North with ft ttw Stroll t : , FALL OOODS Solecte4 expreisly fur this market, ouiiitlaf In . r . . pti) ef BEATS K CLOTHS, . BEOADCtOTHS, EN'S LIS II AND flco:ci( cAtsraTtRis, SllJL MIXED CA8fMBRE4, . , ' IRICOT CASSIMEUES, BLOB CLOTHS. : CASSIUEEfiS OP allcoloksi ' SLACK SlLiyTKLrETS, v OLOVE8 AND SCARFS'. r SBLRiaOFAlL DE&CillPTlOXSt ARM! HATS, . . NAVYCAB3, ' ' '- JIALP H.-8E, SnsPESDERS, HN0SER-nEIF3, NECK TIKfl, .-'LINEN AND PAPER COLLAR!?, BHoULDsTR STRAPS, MILITARY BCTTONS, - AND LACtS OAR PINS, 7 " BQOE9 OT ALL KINDS, " " . ' . TRCNKa AND VALISES 1 MERCHANT TAIL0BINQ D e-ia lb vry hit atyls by . i 0. M . F A Rl9 ao't hU -inporb Cq'tUr. MR f H I F PI T H. ' - ' J- ' Suits ef every duor'pMoa isd to -otdv at the he trst entice and ia tbs t ry but mtoBr. "vTbat you do Dot tuta my Stora, ordar end ton shall have it ia the qulekett pnuible Urn. - ' C. H. FARRISS. ey coM.viion novate SWEPSON, MENLTENHALL &: CO., GENERAL Comuiission Merchants . FO TBI S1LI Tobacco, Raw Cotton Cotton Tarns. Cloths , and Naval Stores It Eabl SmsivSaw foa. " Robert R. Swepnon, New Ynrk City. 8muBl Murphr, Nw'Tark Citv. 0 P Mandeahalij Pres't Farmer's Baqk, Oresns noro , a. v - Daniel O. Worth, Company Shops, IT. O. 7 Q. . Bwpon, Uaw Rivtr Pvp., N. 0. 1 an 8 tf THE REST, MOST EXPEDITIOUS ' "and -j EOUTE . PR03I CIIAHLOTTE T0 the XORFUERy. CITIES, via - -r , . ." - ' ' 1 Xortli Carolina Railroad, RaielR & CaSton Railroad, rctersbnrK 4 AVcldon Railroad :ft:..!.....;.lnJtM tmZ.lC-r3 VARIOUS CONNECTIONS. Passengers by this lias wlll'lssve CHARLOTTE at I e'eloek p m.f arrive at Raleigh t.SO a. m. bw BALEIdH e'gl irk a, arrtvwat vaswaiia. Leave a VSTO t p. at- arrive a' lteborK .! p. m.f and leave that nightjar PlchiBond and the north, or stay la Pterslar, get a f sod alght'i ret and Uke the ears fhrCitf PQineaoectlllgwth ths' Jams River steamers Ut aorffcera point. . P,Mn;rs for wester, or soathsra points will leave Ptrtbsr( at t it e'clook a. m., arrive si Gtn II a. ia. Leave Sastvti.U a arrive at. Raleigh T p m. tears RaUigh tt T.tB p. in. and I SB.: ; .. . . Puisngers srs respeMfally reqeetted togettioksti befors eoterlng the ears. . - . , n i.i.&ii.a, r ' ' Eng. andSup'tN C. R. R. " ; A. JOHNSON, euij't RaU'fih A aVin R, R. R. M. Dt'L0P, Aug. 11 tf Sup't PMirbu'g A Wsldtn R R. JOB WORK Of every df!':ripU in executad atltf.f office With SilksJ. Silks!! Silks!!! 1 ' 1 ' : "' -; " . '" ".'' - ' ' , ' Fii'oir , ' .2300 YARDS JUST RECEIVED BT IIENSIIAW & THORBURN, PATBTXHVILXn ETHEET, ,. " ; RALEIOft. -A L,S O- ' - A' LOT 'OP CRAPE MOUETZ. MOZAMBl. QUB OE LA1NF.S, CALIC0K3, o.,- with a variety of other styles of LsJies' CftoJ." GENTS' FUTINlSIILN'O GOODS, VKTS, - CAPS, HOOTS AND SIIOES," .-. CUOCKLRV,. KEROSRNE " .LAMPS. GLASS 4 t ,WAl:E.,49.f' PAINTS, OILS AND BRUSHES. -A US C- .Alarjelot of LC BIN'S EXTttACM, SOAPS kt.. ie fte J- . antl-lA" mr. ' : : - 6 ' I' a- n " I aVaaf u 1 ... -i w a- oT 'X J 9" ' S ' i S . 3 1 o . i o o 3 o CO rr-" CT3 o Ct3- o O t - . r v l -i a 1 - o -0--- CO -co 0 -a B at iEW GOODS ! New .Goods!! . Now GooctjlL!! JEST RECEIVED J. C. PALMERS OLD STASJV PRISTS, aasorted stli;s 'and bnatifu!. Lac O odo, Embroideries, Iruh Linens, .Embroidered lusliu Curtslns, Ladies aoi Gents. flOaicry. -ALSO- r C00PSKII1TS, LUiltS'.FLTtMSnnG GOODS, Chemiiettii, SkirU, plain end Entlir idereJ, and al most every article niedfd in a Lady's wardrobe. . Ni w style and very deairslde. ' A L. S O rERFUrjElTY AKD OAr3. STEAM TOWER I'RESS S'KIMIXG. STROTIIER & CO., ' RALEICII, S, C. Mi nly Skn rtKT jTfWl inthi Cy) . OLDS mm Channee of 'Time. ' - - O7.,.,,laft,rro J M., fiu.dy,.Aaut 13th, . 184, Tri-is will raa as Wlows. antit farth.r rdsri 1 COISG WEST tit veti. Leve Ri(h, r p t. T A . .4S l.l 1 6 A. 1S.S P. i.rt 8 S3 ---l?''.'",bor. . t ; : " Bill.tury, - ' j , Arrive ChsrluUe, : : ' " : ' Leave Raleigh, . j . . . . . " Sreeatbore, ."-r t ?'. Arrive ChaMuits ; C()IT(i KAST. ' : -i ttfc TSitii;- , Leave Chsrlotte, i ; "' , " fijUibury, , f ; ' i GreaaibnrA. J OS P. M in lei i ll A. M. ie Ma4tn.' 1- : r" ' : ' . ACCuMNUDATtA TSIS. Ljave" Chsrlotte, : : . -; - g J J( fiulishurv, t vj ; . 04 " , Mreaakbore, ; .: I t.M P. M. Arrive Raleigh,. ' t ' ! t f.80 " Mail trsta"eoniieAtt, eait and wut,.wllh ibe R t1gh and Qailon train for Pster hurg ani ibt North attrttti -rtie U. , MlH'ary rallrsl fot Woldtboro, Nrber, M.irohead City and Wilmlntoii freight TTla Ivsves Baltigb at II A M, Ctt-r-" A. M., stopping at Compsny Shop, aver nirfttt- . .. ... J , , 1 be H Train will only nia esT'Suaday. Paeoea -f r are nouik d' to proeur tickets bfr entering the traHis, m additional far will he e d'eefd - .WILKES AngllSI if. . Eeginoar and Sup't. SCHEDUL.E " - Raleijzh'and Oastdn. Rail . road. To take effVet Tueoilav, June S3, I865. GOING NOfiTII. . i , tu tAt. Rallgb, : y; s . : Leave - f - t (t . a it- r o tax ft ss rW- 1 ' 14 n in A. M. Mill Hrooit, llunUTllI i-1 Wak., , i . I Pranklinton, KittnU's, : ' s Hendrtrson, i ' JwiioHon, t r Kulewuy, : Wsrrentun, : t M," .. t J . llitlatoo, t i flatiton, - . i u t u H i t CO Arrive W'sldon, ; i P- H goixo south. H Alt, TBa'IKV A. X P. M 33L-tf. 8up. riot; ndant' W. . O. ANDREWS. HJ. K H ABdIS'. ' N. 0. COMMISSION 'HOUSE. IaXDIIISWN S&-.IMRD1IH. wrwuiv.-rnv w n " ' ' i. . ...... ' v.-, ... HfllE endarii?nsd bave established a Cnmmlmtnn JL and Korwurd og Uoute in Wilmington, and offer their sarviaaa fur the iai Tit Catk.n, (raral (Sli.rt-s, Sheetlnits. I'oIIob Yarns, Tobaceu, Bacon, Kloar, As, A;, and to pnrchaae for merchant or otbsra, anj , gocidsel l tu thtamarkat. . i ' R ' ' Ulet fin, j, houtn water omst, np (laim.f Aaicuat JS. IS . - IS Jinpd SsnS33BaM9raaaasBaTMB TIIOr.IAG R. I.XOORE RMpeo(fu!li naounoi to ih publlo iht( bt bar I HAT BUSITJS; No. 119 Hycsiuore St , PliTIOHSBlUG, VA., ... aud having received a SEW STQCK OF GOODS is prepared to sail on as reasonable tarms as may bs foaad eUewhere. . 9 lie solicits ths WLoltsaie and Retail trade. MR. JOHN WOODllOUgR will be p1aad.U see bia-old friends and euatfnnors. Aug U ia. EERAL -BUSINESS AGENCY. B. GTJLICIC , KALLlUII.Jf. C. . WILL ATTEND TO Till COLLSXTiptf OP Claims ag.iinit the QimrtTmatr'l and Vuia" iasry' lia.rtmefiU of . tbe Ubiwd glaUa. Alao. te tba purvbaae sod sale, on Coniailaioa, of 8I0CK3. B0D3, PPECIE. RANK ITCHES A!TD j ftlAli 13IAIS. ' Prompt attaatlun gfrea to all builuaai plated la Bit an(t. . .'. Offloa at tbe N"rth-Crolina Bonk Storfc corner pt Payettovtile t3treat ana the Capitol equara. Aog te-U . ' W03D FOR THE CAPITOL . rt? ti rn rRoroALs nitL he, 'klwiivwi tiv the anderyiireed until tbe 20fh of Sfptmirrtr uextto fiirnislt a sullioicnl qiinnilty or w ood lor SV J - aV " '.. . I . , the U'S f!l tlif public tiineen tn me r tipttof, and tor be iStaie Convention too ensu'nn wsnuir. aud aiirlnir Tbe Wo; to be .Sound Una and Hi-koiv o OS ni'liVPriu au'i niwautru iii iiiq w v u uuirse vo 1 . i . . i --.I:....- . j i. - . ' h Cspitid .Square fro:n time w tim, as re'itueu Di'ldui will state tbe price jei cord at ebvvf tney will ftiniihli it , ,. 1la right of rojft.us; bids not advantageous to tha Slaw le reserves, . pOUERt II. BRtDLEr, Keeper ef Capital. Aug 24-tsefJO. ... L.av-' WalddD,Ti "Tl 'T"" t It Oaiteo, i i t . i . 4 H i " , i-iibdi, ' '..i - i -!' WanS, r i , : I I '4 . " WarrmitoD, t I . , : 1 T RUgwy, "t ,i i t I f - Jun-tl ,n ! i i : I " Haatirrioa, i i s, I II ' Kltt-eli's, i J t r i 4 " FrinkUnt'.n, i i : : ' i 4i " Waka, . i r , I l- nurrtv lie, i : : i Ot WJU Brook, : t ' f l ' Arrive Ralvlgh, I - : ' 1 i TOO ALBERT JOHN'S iW, Cass. II. BTT, HaUigh. N. C. Jit.C, Vs ft.T, l Tork, .r.--T, ELXXfcTf, fl$ PELT & COi, Cumtnission '.StertJanU TOR TRIAL8 0 ' . Cotton, -Tolacco, Naval "Stores, &c,f '. "ALSO. Toft THS ... rarcbasc and Sale of state and Other . r 83 wtirsttan bratiT, Kiw-Tork. We hare ao-UUrt t b o, Mr , W, CuetTl. lata PuMia Treatuier tr North Carulina.' Aug IV. - 30 tf. " W HOLCI tB AD STtl, CtiLIB fM ' ' f&Wt &KB S-TlPtE qy Galas'. CLOTHING, BOOTS At StIO. MAT A CAP, WATCHES AND JEWELRY BEST iMrOKTED WTKES & BUAIfEIIS, Ann HyOOl or A Li. 1101. ' "Corner of Payettcrille and Harget SU VS0 8 RA Ki H, S l!. A'rw Maj) of ,rili fafojina.;. FINELY EM8EUISHED.SIX BY EIGHT FEET ' j'urs t b. nf ht, tiAM est dvr hkt I Map f t e S a e"v-r tahlia' od aitl) nilt mnn' tm on r.ll r -The M .p e- . Q,4 . If or Kt,i-e tht b ln it tb u..i ix -t l.inir In our hand. Prlc, ( fBpria ' i ifiei,) S't'.CS. . . : JiraS a bvrh, - - sal tf . lt.Mi,!, Si. 0 l' I 1 n II! ' , "FOIRDTrCMUUI.T"""" " FOUWARDIKO AND Oomm i ss i o rvJS I c r.ckauts. , Kear old County Wlmrf ) n a w Ja T Foasd. , a tf u u k s . . t; , W. (1 (tini eetx. City pa -era eonv dallv for una mnnlh ai aaaJ biiia id thli i rS 'e - WANTED,- N'K Tbouastid liu.lieli uf 1'L tX KED . Da IV. A 1 LER. oujfuil li-Ira OK. WILLIAM LITTLB. OFFERS his prolosifonaUerrices io the oiiliens of ItalcigH and vicinity. umoeattoi Ukurr Lit He's an 12 eodSw WILLIAM II. OLIVER & CU, COMMISSION, RECEIVING, ABO FORWAPDIJiG" HEMHAHTS. T I AVISO riuied bn ln at ihtir Id ttiod. I K've siriot prjnai aiUuuoD to the ssls oratiip- I mini ..r ... - COTTON. NAVAL STORKS. COTTON VARN3 AID NIIKKI LW, i'LOint. OtUEU ... Ffit'l lXeio. ; ALSO, IO , . RECEIVING AND rORWAJ&XHNO OOODS Rernlar Unci ef J' e".,ai isillng tsearls sta.t "o ranalng bleii Vpw li.ru. Now York. Phil. delphis, tla titoora and Btim in J.ln J. "II. CRAWFORD dentist; ;.balj:iwu. n. c, Office Ovrr P F. Vj.'-vrf Drug Store) ' INFORMS tbe iitiior j of M'.nlf'jiU and euj round- Inecouii aa tbat be Ima iiniAj en otru'est the ahavottell kiioDiin l Hud i lirmmri-d tu clone. extract and fill, end to In.ort artiinniil l io'li. Ir -m one to sn ei.tlr Ct. en tbo niuait nuoruvrd i.fiu- cij.lc-i ol paouve - , tie rticotruiiy toii 'ita a snare r pnblia patroiidge. ' au(r ii.--.tini 4n B;P7'ilLLlAl!itir&;C0.T iriii.sifus, rortWAEDINQ AND GOMMISSION MERCUASIS,' " RALEIn, N. Ci JunJT,1ST. " . tit- DACYt IIVMiN tt CCMPAAT, - . COMMISSION AND-PURCmSIKG' No. 80, Ct-DAft fit. NlwTork. i.VI BK-.CMIS 'OtJt 0L!v i u-t E are p'TareU lo rmewj ait k.B'ls 0' I'mdarr. 1,1 io ma a 4 f i-li.jji f o ,u hhi Miipphaa tL HHf frirn Ja lr, .toBs A'HtT' ir, Ut of u'rriton. If fl . can be f,uu4 o ua w et h lil be 1 1 aa a t aerve b-e "I I t-iro i" J 8. Daircr .if .'aibon.', N: ft. J n it i tb t.td o f-n lnd .K.-k, K. C. l' P. M" livaAJi. l.e vt Wcicatju, A. Or- Avg 33'fisa,- ! R EmuitT. J", ' v V.-.

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