v t m m - auv. USATIsS -Advertisements occupying sot B o.c thn 50 linee. Of mliiioa tjp wbirh toi.nt tm i) a sfjiiH.i' : . WJff. E. FZLh, rE4itar aai Proprietor. ' siL- 7 nitiliined erv morning e- iliJiLi 1 Insartloe (iNfit,w pAblimed eerj morning t, (. IO on lS.t ?0.0Q 50. 00 1 00 3 ut 'i 60 S.00 5-60 I ( O'I'I t IJOI. (.J 3 ' " . 4 -Tor me-mtBii f qr two month,- - Thrc mouth. . . I week 1 ! UOLLII It&llItU UE ItiUUT THV" BE PHEIDES T. Ucurv Clay. J.00 Spt'.'la notices, nnder a r e. t.il kreri - 't tm 5 charged ondullar nt smir Ivr i h iotti it.ini. B'ix month V ' ' ; ,N 500 fy We soliuit the aid of oar friends in eiteud- VOL.1. RALEIGH, SATURDAY, SEPT.' 1G, I8G5. raoeral notices will be charged as eviveriUi-ineiiU. Tb slroiile aiinouaeeinent a ii(:Lii nr uiiirriftp- NO. 35. Tg our circulation will net be charged. THE DAILY SENTINEL CIlhlTmiMlTTITr JlJiil J j I - THE LITE TDRRWT. AuEirll'm S;eitv Ttvu Children Rescued. The ri!I1c'pli'lT ntra have hid very fullee- coutirs of the t tie vio'.eat rains in that city and vvirfnltf.' Tbw-f tltt.wjf jiiriljiqg- iuciuent w from the fTulalulphia Pr?! : la the B'nlhw.'S ern p:trt of the city there are located twelve fa:ri wiib Imminent kitchens, Jnto wh'n'h the water 0 wd with impetuosity. Mid so fait tiiat families iu the uppor part of the tiuusf did not know their. cellars vera full an til so'tug down stair.; Li one ol,tlie bastmeiit Vt-h' " miS a couple of twin children, little hoya, were asleep im era'd:e.' Tha mother, Mrs; Sarah Johnson? wai Up ntuira aitoodinr to some house hold duties, not. boitig aware of the inundation I hut bad 4tiik'-ii pine". H-r surprise maybe im i Tincd i) m df'utwndriig to find thawa"f.r even with the top Btp of th.j at lir a-ay leadtiijr firto the wmeRl. Terror of the; Jmoat thrilling ' kind 'seized npon her liiiud wlmn she thought of bar innocent b tb,-- In fain did alia aiiempt to go down stairs, bjit the water reached her neck as - her ieet touched tha lower sl-ps. It was time of horror for hfir. She hastily ran to the street. I'lnlp'l ha.p4 tiolp ! she crwd, and her shrill woe wis hetir,! above the jitiltintrtf of tb.p pUihtss storm. Two poltwi ofliwtr went U her aid, by wailing through thex overflowed, s'reets". " What lslh e nintr;r',wh Sfts TtjeTH atfef V -th"y luirrif-d ly axked. The poor worn in presented the picture of dtpair. "Save.my babe," wae all that she as she swooned ad- tell. 1 tie officer" .rescued her, or she would have been drowned the - next moment in two feet of water.- "Where, madam,' are yowr-Wl'Jurriidly inquired the tticera, ai the -ffeotauiiiim partly recovered, front the tneula) (hock that she had received. "There t" raid she, as Uer eyes guz-d wildly ' ' There I" - poiutioK to!tlie verfl.rwt baiBentri ,Oood leavens J" exclaimed .the aflieera,-" they are drowned." As the word SiHiwned ftll upon tbft - par of thedespWiig mot bar eh agaiii fainted and was carried into a neighboring bouse. - - The dfBcera entered the dwelling where the Twhrtfrttdwi were, amd preieftiy tW-little ones -began to cry. It sounded like the voice of a spirit com in a; from the w tier' Othur people lived, for by Ibis time the rain bad ceased to lull. It was ascertained the twins were in -cradle, end that it mitt be ttostina: mtih lhent.. The force of ihffwnter bad buoyed it up against the ceiling, b it where could not be exactly told. The nvtlier had by this time, become more re conciled to-tirc situation. ''Her neighbor cheer ed her; the men already at hand spedse word of eiiCiniriiReniefit. ''The children still live, Hor w heard them ery, aid they are floating, in the cradle." The anxious mother told the men that shs bad kft the eradle near the centre ol the basement X Kara were s'rained to their at 'moot power to catch the "u,id of the voice of ' the eeemiojrly doomed babes; bnt not a breath nor a sound could be neurit a;ive the dnppmz it the gurgling ol the w.ter. It was now a time ot dexpair sad terror to alL The men present, however, preserved their presence of mind, and uia not relate their uouhis and mmarmniHi although they believed thoft that the Stillness of the babesfor the crying had renxed-wa that oiaeam. ineoiirpel on tne llrst noon: wa T inoved, and one T the police fficere bing a Louse carpenter, procured a hatchet, chisel, saw and augw, and in fire nii(iuu bad a portion of ,.,wift nwr turn..upv fc precise position of the cradle was s,x'rtii;l, and it was drawn benea h ft hole tliiit- was Cat through the floor and ceiling between the joiat-Thia-jaras a niomentoqa period. J lie baoes Were stiliin' the re pone of elumber, and llrctirtf,ri!tdtHfliW'f',tlia'rt;lII JTWIWf" - jilnved upon their chyhhy faces, as though the Ijule inn vt'O'ifsi were enjoying the drains ol angels. 1 he mothers joy mav he tmngiiied at 7- eheitisUrfaihrfrr t,H It Oartfiof t)J deflbed.""" - "Attend ;$::ra!ioTt ttf EdsIIsIi E.nijsratUam Sintj-Three DiyT Pasage ftona Lo'udoir to A summon') was waned yesterday by the Castle Garden ) immiswiouer tor Captatu Andersun, of --American sbip Villa Franca, to appear before the ,. CuMmissioj M . on .M m&xf m irmri ' at . ten o'clock, tu answer charges brotijjht Mriint him the oassengera .f the said sMp. I'he veasej cleared (rom La id xi on J.ily 6, and during the voyage the paiengrs xjorapUin of bein kept on L't ra' loii.i, toif. therwi1.a'oihtr irreulaiilies. Ih'J following l-j th4 " -r - . , srAitMfcN r or THK.ra'ssKKakBar - Thv ay 4uii.g tlie iair. roy,w,c,,in!n'1r)f;inj the l!:h ol July, iht only ouc-haif of tiio raiiuiis which they ar! iilli)wed by law were eveu served oat ti them. . The ifieat s .wl out during prent J'irt of tha vr-yi:e hud to ba dirwu overooarj, :.lt being ttiifirCi"."lIuijuai'' fc !!-'. Threap uaris ia the d uly ailowanOe of water to ,ath paasonger, but they comp.ain of only receiving three pints tbxottj)(lMnt the voyMewj-whw'h, tlwy say; waa not enough to boil ' their' rice iu. Tbey also Com. plain that, the OpHtio, on being- rfloionalrated . With, niii() uia of ihretiieoiiig "'language toaauld : them. They aim olaied that instead fif being in the tra;k to New York they were ' at one tune within the ii ttaence of the Gulf Stream, and io . a fair way of getting to M '.iieo,' bat how this is, wi'I be butter expl.tiuod at the trial. As many of. the passengers as an will be prc-ient at the Inquiry to aubiitauliato the .charged. Kundvy , U.raU. ) Me IHsa on Ma, (Iiuki h. Mr. Dana, form rly aiwK-.aie editor of the New York Tiibunf, MTSi' . , There in, perLaps no mher man ia ail the Northern State h i. withia tha la I three yew, has done no much a Mr. (ireeley to weaken, di vide and degrade hi country ; and it is fortunate he au not had the pre-tre of sm h art office to 1 make bis tflwrts tffM i.d pPHicious. jThs (,Aiiii0TK.-iU e bine now five calidt oaU;s .-r tlie Cimvehiiim, io this County: J. (!, IiU..I). H. Ktiirlin k, Chtiil.s Tesguev'E- B. .?uc, K.jr-,ai!i J-r. J. L, Julnwa.&i!m -.. . ..' . . Farriss' Column. Ho s." ih . a. v.. ?a?.s,:3s, Eat Jart rturoI frtim tie Korth with a Bw Stoek or. . W A. J a Tj, GO ODS, Sdeet4 ijitMily for this adwk.t, eoattUug ia . . j'.1. ' ' prt of . . BBAVER CtOTlff, " - ' PRMl)('r,0TII9, AND eoOTCH CASSIMKfiKrt, 8ILK MIXKI) CASSIMERKS TBtCOT CA331MKRE3, V ' , TLI1B CLOTHS. CASSHlKUtS Of AIL COLQRS ! CORDUROY, . Ul,rK(Sll.K VKLVKTS, UI.OVK.S AND PCARFrt. SHIRTS OF ALL DDSCIUPTIOXS! ARMY HATS, ... KAVY CAPS, ' -HALF HtSK, 8C3PENDKRR, ; IIANDKERCnElFS, NECK TIR3, USES AND PAPEft COLLARS, SHOULDER STRAPS, MILITARY BUTTONS, -- .... AND- LACES SCARF PINS, . 8HOE3 OF ALL KINDS, . - - t "xRl'NKS ASD VALI8EH. he n c TiTTTTTirroTi m a - . Dane ia the very bst 'style by 0, M ." F A ft R I 8 8 and his Superb CutUr, MR. CRIFKITH. . "Salts e? Try,dfl?artRt)?',rMlii'ri'. ho -Wit eotlo. sad In ths ry but nuntr. . X. Wkat yoa do not s la lay Store, order aad joe shall havs it la the quicVett puitbl. tims. C. M.rARRIS4. Ral.lgh, Aoguit IS, 18SS. ' ' t8-tf NEW C091UIS$IONTlfOI?SE. SWEPSON, MENDENHALL 8t CO., """ - GENERAL . Commission- Eercliants, ' ' .. 90 TBglliLR Or l Tobacco, Raw Cotton Cotton Tarns, Cloths and Naval Storei . . 7 Ps.at 8iasT, Nsw Yoaa. : Kobsrt R. Swepjnn, New York City. B. na.t O. Marphy, Now Y'rk City, C, P afendnbll,, Pre't Farmer's .!Ra!ikJfilss. boro'.N, C Daniel a. Vuilh, Company Phops, S, C. . G. . gwspion, Uaw Kivcr, P. 0., N. C. u ' '''-'"' ' -'-':';C; il -THE BEST, 3I0ST EXPEDITIONS " " ' ' ' ; 'asp-'' - J ' vmm ciiAiriiOTTs: NOJl TUERX--C ITIi:Sr ;- . - . -. ' ' VIA- ' ' Xortli Carolina Ilaitroad,'- c r ' rt!cish 4 CaMon Railroad, --- -...JctmburfC A Wcldon Railroad ASD VBKia k - ' VARIOUS CONNECTIONS. paseeager by tkis liu will at J a'clock p. m.. arrive at Baleiah t.H a m. Leave K ALLIUM I o cl'tt arrive at Uaatoa II a. m. i.ev utaivi I p. m., arrire as remi'iurg S.3S p. as., aad leave that, night fur Richmond and tee aorth, or l'y in Petertbur;, get a good night's rest aad take tbs ears for Ciiv Point, connecting W'tb tbsJaaiet Hirer steamer f.ir aortuera poin'e. Paseeaiers fur western or scatbera polole will leave Peterabarg at 6.;Vi. o cluck . m., -arrive at tiastoa 11 a m. Leave Gastoa 11 a. m, arrive at Raieigh 7 p. . . Letv RUigh at 7A9 p. m. aad I Passengers ar replfolly reqaented togettickeu before entering the ears. . A. Hants, Kug. nd Pop't N C. K. B. ; a. jons.-m, ; : - ; Btip't Bsletgh A Gastna R. R. ) R. M. I) IS LOP, Aag. tl tf Bup't PeterAa'g A vS'eldi.a R. R. JOB WORK Of every descriiftloo eSecuteJ erthisolTice ith neatness od dispakb. Silks! Silks!! Silks!!! 2300 YACDS Jl ST RECEIVED BY IIENSIIAW & TlIORBURN, rATETTEVILTJJ STREET, " - FALKIGH, A-Li S O- . A LOT QUE ' )H OP CRPG MOUETZ, MOZAMBI I.AHM,' I A!.IUUK, CC. Wttfc a variety of tb,r bty'c:; of Ladies' God. -A L. S O- CKXTS' FUUN!HUX(;.C;OOOS, HATS, CA1VS, MOOTS AN I 8 II O E S , CUOCKKIIY, KEROSKXK LAMPS. GliASS WAGE, ;Ao., PAINTS, OILS AND BIlUSnES: -4age-Wt f--LU4U3STXXtJUI-V0J an 11-lm H S M, ft iXEW GOODS ! icw. Goods! ! - JVw Goods!!! .M 8T; REDKIVEft GOLDSTEIN WILSON'S AT :"J.-V. Vtl.MERS OLD STAND, PRINTS, nasorted oltJe Httld beautifuJ, Lae Ononis, Cuihriiideriec, Ii'mIi Linens, Embroidered Muslin Curtainn, La lice snd Oeots. Hosiery. -A L. S O IJUCP SKIIIT, LUHIiy H FiISLfLG COCDS, 'Cbemiiettt, Slvirtt, f St .il nilir..i.t.re4, and al modt every aitl'ile ri'el' 1 in a l-aty's wardrobe New sfylei andverv -Wrable. -A L S O -' PEnFtJMEIiY AliD ZOAV3. iter II 'f ., '.- . ha.. Arc, Ac. .V7frp t; rtJvll'''r.'"'Vt' a- H ?- h s a -" h ' '' ' - ft sS- po g J V 2 ! g b cj - H g.e-e ' O a m - J. , . .V. J , M V - ; I S - ' .H .0 H-O w 1 grig p,j j. g vSteim rowi:K rni-ss riMiMr, HTItOTJIKH.,. CO. rali:k;it( jr. c. ; (7V'inty Ssai lWtT V CVy.) ' of Time. N and after T ie P Sf f fUaday, A,.t !3th, ma M fullw,.tit fartksr !, Trtis will Orders : . COIXO WEST. t vaaia. Letv Relei(h, : , , , . " Oreeneburo, ; : " Fallnhury, . t . 1 , A nive Charlotte, j t ' , ACC,tOITlo vai. Lear Raleigh, (-- . . . Ureeoabern, t . b.lifbnry, i s j , Arrive Cbailutte, . : - j ' . c:oicj HAST, -hm nr,. - Leave Charlotte, "- f : : ' . tUliabBoy, - : - ; : " jrtwiibim, " f ; j Arrive halBigh, i ; ; j ICCeaMOhATIOS TSilS. Lv Charlotte, ' j . ; ; " ttitheburv, : - ; - " Urewai,b-re, . ; -----j-- Anriv Hxleigh, ; ;' . P.p. i.ir a. u. ll.K . t IMA. 1I.M t. . .II 01 P. M III " Uli sit A.M. IU A. X. toe - t ea p. M. . t.H Mail train anets, out aai wet, wltb the la leiitb Uius train fur Peternbarg aad the Norik nj with th'aLL B. Mililarv-railrAKil for Snl.t.hn.n iNcw'.'M ftf 'T'ihosd Citj and W(loiinjto. j trcuJ.t Irin lenvee Raleigh at U A M7 Chr- o . m., iiuepiog at von pan y Bhopi over ni-ht. , 1 he Mnil Tfjln will onlj rnoft.SaBtUy..Pasa tert nr.n.i'ill d ( procure tickets before aatarioi the trains, a adiliMoaal fare will be eoHeoted. , "' K WILKES, . Aug II tl. tf, Ksglaasr aad Sap'i, 8 0IIKDULK- Tlaloitli njul Gaston Tlail rontl. To take ctluct Tunvitay, Juae 9, IftsS. GOING NORTH lb VBAIV, Ieav Ral-I((h, Mill Hiuuk III A. M. ... i .J.... : l tl i . " i 41 t II r III . J... I II II ! Ill I '115 : HIT : UII III! ; 1.0 lluntsvllle, Wake, i KlttMll ,, t UendeMun.. Junetion, I r Ridgaway, . . ! ' H'airenton,. i ' r. w Maenn, , : ! ' . - LtMlelon, ! . : ' Hattoft, i . 1 N . i j" at P.M Arrive Weldon, r ; . GOINO SOUTH. aMAII, TBAII. Loav Weidin, 1101, I .11 tl ... 111! "1- 14. ' 1 IT I -III til i III 4 el l 444 III II lit A. M P. M 0 an tun, i : Llttletoa, i - " Maeon, r Warren te, t ' Ritgeway, i Janoii'in. : " , lndtrm, . -, kitttell's, s - kianklinton, ' ' Wake, . t : H iiuvdls, " Mill Brook, Arrive -Raleigh, M tf. ...V L - m M roe ALBERT JOHNSoK, 6aprtata'aL , f, i. annanw. ew. H. HAistr " " N. V. COMMISSION HOUSE. WIXlliSTOX, N. 0. 'P11E nndertlirned hav tabltsk4 a Conmlssloa 1 and Forward'iig Houn la WllnlDgioo, and Oder t-beir aerv ee fur Ih at Of Cottoa, Havat BtoroS, butiDis, Cottoa Yarns, Tobseoo, Baooo, Ploar, As, A., aod to purehaas for nrebaatsor others, aay oeils Kohl to tint uiirkat. Aaat lb.' 1 k, - V ; 14 latpl TnoiiiAS n. noons Bfpi-tfu'ly announces to the publto that h hat resuoied the ; II AT BTJSUSTKSS, Jfo. ll3ciore Si PliTEBSbLRQ, VA., sail having reoeived e XEAV STOCK OF JCQOBS is prepared to sell oaat reaipotble tormi as stay be fnand altewber.' - .. H solicits tb rVlioi'sale sad Retell trad. MR. JOHN H'OODHOUIK wi'l b pi r-ared U le bis old frlenda and tuelvmert, Ask IS lai GEUlUL rOTESS ACEMY. GUXjIOK KALKIUIl.X.C. WILL ATTEND TO TBB COLLECTION Of nao,aatallb tu-irrerinntr" and Com" lisary'l f lMarf.iHnlJI of tbe 0 ailed H tales. Also, to tb (lurckateand sal, on C.ogseti'SlCB, of. - 8T0PK8, BONDS, SPBCfK, RANK ASP Prompt attentluB given to sll bolnss plaeed (a his baud. ' ' Om.-e at the N' rtb Caroiio Book Htor, enraeroi Pay;tviil btreet aid tb Capitol Bquare. Aag ' tr ' WOO!) t'Olt T1IK nPlTOL. S'kALI.U I it'll "till. rn. Rr,i;i',iii,u by the ewii-rnlgnod tiutil the i'Jtb of drptember tint, to furuinh anl)ii'ier ijiimitity of Wood for the use of tire palilic oDicrs la tb tapitol, aod for ba Hints ConveulloB ttie nuinj winter aod . I ... t I . t. t. . .. I LI I . . Spring J K wuou to iu aiu. utt and nicaory, io b ututvera sua metnufru n toe wo u noaee oa the Cupnel .-'I'lire front tune to time, as required. l;..llii wilt s'iitsttie pric per tord atabicb tbey ill fur-Hi J. ... ' - . ' '! riif'it of ri'ji't t'nir hi ! not advatitageous te the elate is resrrd. ,, KUtJfiHT U. UKAI'I.EY, heeper of Capitol, Aug. 2t-tsep?0." " ' i. CIiajiLro Ca. II. Bassarr,' :'"-7 -.Uetaigb, K C. Jaa, 0. Vis fiLf. hew York. EEWETT, Vi .ri.LT VCO:, Commission Jllailianis r..: ton THE fiAt.B i.f Cotton, Totoci'o, Naval Hk ALBO.Tttlt Tl'K Porcbase ana Sale of Mate ami (Mltor ST01KS, 21 WHITIHAUL IHt.KT, N. A Yiina. Wsksv aioplaU4 ai h o Vr V PwbM rnaaarar lur N-vik Varvlln. . Aug M. Airat R Bkinsit. C!BT, ls ."' JO (. -."".' WBQICtALC AHD'BBTAII. t4MC IN C L 0 T II 1 N i , BOOTS V iliors, pi ATS & t'AI'ji, WATCHC8 ANr.JtWElRy, best riposuk 3mu m wm, I Corner of Fiyetterille and Hargrt Sts , ea l ist BAbKlun, N. C,. ,; New Map of Korlli Carolina, ' FINELY EMBELLISHED, SIX BY EIGHT FEET ' PHIS is tb LATEST, LAR'IPST and vary UEST I Map of t Btat ever published, and 1 aontly ' tsaat4 M rollers. Tb Map can be bad oi.ly t arBlor. the balance of tb o (rrtUU.nbln la at heads. Prioe, (Kiprcm.it to any pntnt,) liu,0e. BRANSOS A FAHKER, eel tf Raleigh N. -WANTED, - o NK Thousand Buahels of Kl, XSrl). Da V. ft. MILLER. August liMui " Dft. WILLIAM LITTiLE. " """" QiFF ERShls profesnlonal services to th eliisea 'cKaleigb and vicinity. . ' 4 See el Col, Qeorg Little's. ' 4a 12odtlt - J. II. C1UW FOUD, DENTIST. BALEIOH, V.&rfL v- '. ' Ofiet Over P F. Pejcud't'jhmj More, : INFORMS the eitiieo of Ualelph end sutyo tid ing ceoaiies that he bas opened sit cilice at the above wall known stand. ajitLia prepared to cleanse, -. extract and fill, end to itncrtertboial tretb.trcra , eee to ea i.tlr set, an t,ba fiu.t improved ptin clpleeof praeiioe. - - kfX.fi respeotfully rolli'its a share of publio patroote. . .. ef 14. list Jan. ' B. P. WILLIAMSON & CO.; AUCTIOSECHS,? i ;""" M'' FOEWAEDINQ AND COMMISSION -- fA TKTTK VI I l,K i TA-A'A- ft; , BALE 10 II, N. P: : ; i ? .,. Jbit, mi. n- daxct, umy t ccmpam.; t COMMISSION ATiD PUnCIIASlTiG - 5irncii..Ts, ' ' No. 80, CDAB''6t.:-XkW .VoRIf'. ar ereparad to receiv ail kimii l t'rodere. aad t Biaka bftebascs of Moot! and uuiiltrs lor eer friend " -, Dr. Jo Aaeteeroe, Tt ef Wanrenton, K C.S lea b foasd with as, Wbur to itl 1-e ()! id t ' err ti oi rrirni I. 6. DaSCT, of Tsrfcnro , . C. - jo h tirsAs, iT.orF'-ciii .i r . P. It. Htsav, let of Warrp-,r n, Jf. Aag. H elm Calls&qro' N. . Militiirj: Anitvi. friBB EldflTrl Academic Year of tUi-s l'iiit.itlo " A. Will begta - M atr o4ir M-Wt, I -R... Ese.pting the Mill err fiainrc, i.h i Wn f the Academy, disnipiin, uur of f A , -ul l.n a brtofor. " Taa: Oo hundred and fiv ir . f.rtt three atootbi of the term, i'ti.ii n imim, Tbl ebarg will eover all esfnimn ft h'i;.rd,4'uH, liirbtS, wubloc. 'oltioa, ni of hn- k i-t -' eat eUaedeee. Baoh eiedent em , ;h vltVtj '' fof a siiigi bd. (ilreelar Turrit fun r'i-" n'Strdi't'"" to - J It. Wtlt IK, " Supei i ta-ieet'Ui' -el.-A-.r!-5 Late Sup't i f ti. D. Military icocy. , Bp 4, llfta-If t4w. Tj.1 OliDS. ATTOItJVUY AT L 'BALIIUH, N. t" , .. 117TLL atUad -all tb moral CpbHs in tb basin refui i'ig front 'the t T riiaU. Special alteo'lo to war direeb U.pte saber Ind, m tt, MO TIC IT ALLITRrOVrfHAVIM! Atccl 1 the N 0 Inrlitulion t- r t) 1 t i I J v , tbe Btted, wtll peee prwwot Uiki m iw !xT v itmi.. . w J. I' AIM t.f II Iw. ' ' i'i.- h V .-, 1....w--.nvv.v A

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