DAILY SENTINEL MONDAY, MEM HER Harper Jirh(Mi," MtM" JLetters of D r. Diem and Mr. Juru Tbe profefcoott which we made the Snath and to the world, through tha le-terri 1 con fliet, was'that wo were fiit'"" to reatore the I'nlon, Tbe outlay of Ireneure and tiilent (J Mood; waj unified on that ground, and on-thai ground alone. ,, , ' , , . VVfll, at length onr arms iiocwJa. enf the leader ol the armies of th C .i.Mert States iunendered.and their Kxcutive officer were scattered. The war f b!od ended, J.iiLJhere all war ehould have closed. 81 fr a the Smth. ern people ar concerned, it did. Never .'Uhe Malory t the world have anr pe.fle given op 1 heir ciuif WTwrnritl wiWjUj r nubly ms tbc people of t he Sju fi. r IIoldiT. ..UTI stftir our immense power a tl.ey did wtlh a heroism listwas sublime and at a'CfifiAW at were Btupendous, when i'rovidtnee gave Victory to their enemies, they accepted their condition with humility that 1 wphout hiitriiiaatiuri. . end with an unftinchine, vnc'oniplamiiijt siimiUuity .which roatk hf,m -. frrR'it-f Sgp'e. twiiB Wii.a !a?y 1a tour P sc'pliae, we will " ibw ttfMi aVJWce t lb Northern Chart IV. II. A; It., S. 1 U tIkljM. Tiy it "bittlhiei ' beoa one Of your om minis ter tot the Southern Ciiurcb aiid :soe -if they do not return good for your evil, and iu a moat Chris tian way heap coal of fiip.iiyour bead. : A many lav not grace to do this, let tbem at least pray for strength 0 obey the Apottl's in junction, 'lie uotone to another V. Ar. Of tU Km liet of names published in ..the Richmond paper, of perone appointed to act aa nmitteeof Kewpiion for Present Johnson, Lut IwaJre'liav been notified by Ceo'.. Terry th.t the will not hi permitted to Vorva, OB aei count ol former 1 nlfi!raie pim-uvin.. a C ii -Tf'HR I - , Oo our aide, r thoronH and complete aac caaa ought to inp'rrfsS ith abounding mag- VVrtullia IWiacni via . terj ithdj f!il amiiimifv vt tha Kortbertrpef'pla j tbhit retail There ara, however-, Ttrywbo disgrace our aeclion and our general bumai1ty by ibe exhibi tion of nieau and miilignant apitit which can not ba too' much reprobaid. It 1a painful to aee L.t tK im vpnerallr church People. nctiino- nioua philanthrope who love the men wTiifEaTe leaat claim to regard, and bate tbo whoie nohd ity abamei their mfannsa. For aimple, godly, f!hftian men. we hope we have, proper rpect. v,;i. eorJiaJlT hata Ui " blooa-beund ut Zioir" 4 the aavage jptfejuka UUi flsili' - A forced onion of the aovereign 'State of thia country can never be productive of laig good. Thanly nnion that tan life permanent is Th'nt iirndactd bf ihf .in'"r' 'ta"gl- ot civtiitieaaad tHWlAjHS. I?JDEESIOSSD S0M8 MONTHS 8IXCI k.imruioeiated t)iai t-uretUar w aarry oa theomti a4 arwardiug bina, tn Naw I ernV, S. aud tlfcoailtancei fitvtnjf ifta Br & for tbe junior urUier to r- movo to tht plaea, thrfOr, ty mutual oouwnt, tha ... t ....,.i,l !; Jt diiaol ad. Tha fcume ill h utt tdiit and cominued bj J, F. Foard, tha . W. U.iUMSUGlM IhOMlJer,,t,,w'fullTO0,OBn(i lt" Huuta ot lr. i oard to puTtlia raVoTlktid-patrouajr Kep. H-83 tf. - W.H,CCMN001M. IMPORTANT 50TICJE. mnE RTOCKHOLDER8 OF THE PKACE IS8TI- 1 TTJTB ara rejaetea t t prnt tn pernoa or tf rirway, at a DJMtiug t &e netJ oa impontoi uuinn o tbe City ofBalighoBtbath ot Octobw, tHS. Thianottca l aiveo to enasia Duicoui.trr diatanea to nd n tbair jproxiai by Uia "dalagata to th SLata Cn rent ion.- , . .., -.-mjhh, ifwiimr, Baleigh, Sap. 10. aodtloet. NOTICE. DKRSONS holdinf etainia alur tha Tufaaa Aa'y- J. lum, araaaraattl raqiiaati tha "'uiidariigned'luiHifStatety.- ITAVtSO SOLD OUT THEIE FIRST f' 11 . otfr aa r.uraly rVaa ajwarftratf FALL AND MIHTB aated wttii graat .ara by pacially adapted to vb. waota of thU aoinmumtj la JWty year, bafor. tba war, aad now raautn r..u.i ..a offer araat UdB':aBMnta both to tba Wboleaale and ul,,7' deairabla Btyiaa. - ---- 4 BEACTIFCIi fiTOCK O'YLVK A U.U, in Sua- .JM .Call J- a n n - . .. W. jVBii-ia, P. Cwrt-: IL Jk - 'mirFlt fOWPER & CO. A U C T I O N AN U C 0 M MISSION Arprf.lmnts And Altor's at Law -Brokc and : toilcciora inCMfranj. Ang.J3-u. : ' " . Ot O Ubot Uob. Bep.8,186S-i8-tf Cbh'riforui, and a BAKER, COffPER A Co. TIT-HnFIEtD'S REMEDY i-Ott EHfcUMAlldM, Cara BbauiaTianiortaiB-.a pVaisnt tomo fot th. f-blaaad aarvou. coPEHACO Sep, 8, 18 o5 28 1 w. II AT81 n ATS ! I HATS 1 1 FOR . 1 At n ittvb HATS BO LOJfti EXPICT- I ,nFPT win Tntiiu-o. Leallier and Starh. rpAi M.rch of - ica fo W '' rn iK11.w rnwPKR k CO. - : i 1 ai ThaaaM W I" 'f " " , BJ(J UM aaavww' -. A New ItenUttjaJM- 1?r!iB " ; . r.i,ia STOCK OF READY Buatnaa. Suit.; A , Co.iOa.U Pt. rately. A on. 13-SL W U R 8 JOcKER. lTonse and Lot in Ealetgh far Sale. HALF ACRE LOT WITH A VE Y SEAT up atairt. Good garden spot atuJjiad. SnuaU.4 In the North waatera part of tha City. 80-tf. BAKER, COWPER A CO SHOES J SHOES n sOE"'lTT A N EXTBVBIVK STOCK OF THE BEST QUALI- " i - -.-....rt I Couftcttonarlea II a rr-T T. ASSORTMENT OF FRENCH GASDIK3 a.. ' WHARS TUCKER, Sale . A f VERY GOOD BIPINO &ADPLE, AND aro er a"od tUaXJUUidle 4t ot ood Br Soap which can be sold very low by box- . 80-tf. BAK.EK, LUrtn. vu. BANK NOTES fOR SALE. J22 Xoktu Watjh KThrcr, . " WILMINGTON, M. & COSSiaXMEisTS of Cotton ad ehar p'rcdui ,;"" lioited. ''"." ' . K'trcBto'Ser. W E. Pelu Ralaijb. : " Wilmington, July 13 18C5. ' 24 2 p4. ; COVtR!aMiT OF L'MTEI) 8T At 3 Praiident Aadraw John on, of TanneM.' ' . . . i aoratary of Mate W U. 8-ward, of A YoTb. e.eieUr'Ot Wat Eiw n M Burnioa, of Pn,n. Poattnaaiar lenral-Wi.H,j DunnitoD, of Obiol . SeeMity of tha Nary U id. of t'oBBo jtitst, 6eartaTr,of tba tutortrr juta lirla. of Iow wnU'jf 01 t"a lra-ury itugn retnilnch, oiJU. jAttornay uouaral ;ui tpard, ot Ken ucky. (Piakitient of i.a hesat luinf a ia tk JTuatvr, Cub. 8,aktr of ibo U' U' fcctiuyier Colin, uf luiilui4 : auraKMr court. t Ba'JnonJP. rb-'ic, tthn, t taiet Ju.tica . I. 4ae'Mi'w''yl3a erlr"." '. I. fjamuel Malaen Kaw Turk. ' 8. Rub't 0. trj-r, PrnnaylVaolfc . 4. Nathan Itffuid, Miua. w - . N ah H Sw.yne, Oto. . T. Saojual Miliar, loaa. .. 8. Santual F. )?iA Catifornla. Ll!TfT-WAr eiHBaAia. WingSa'd SeMt, of Virginia. UlyWS. Grant, of Ohi'i. Adja'aat Genera Lursoio Thoma, Delaware. Ju'lito Advoeta Oeotrai Joseph Unit, D. C. Quanarmaatar Qaoaial M'JBtguuiery U. lleigi.f eB. GO VCR X H EST t.F KORTR CA Ktu !f A. 1 William W. HolJen, of Wake eounty, Pro ltioual - Guvarnor. . Joi. 8. Cannon, of Perquimaoi, Aid wiUi tbe rank f colon ot. 1 , n ntJHfR BANK OF KORTH CAKU mm - . , , ,.. ...... ii... Manw . I ii ,1 1. r ' i. , !,,,,. u, m hj iu, I m a , ,r .a .11 1, vrrn J . 1 '- Tullrt Artlrleal Tl ViVv "" iv ... v - u rau if i A,, k'.J A SI 1 1 k. .a anri . .VIr . I'lTII. ATTRACTS. LUtiOUAap " v umt ...i., - -r-AXCT BOAf", Soaodont, which aally . . ta ao murh deaired and aoivar- f Btl S xivtiaiv. Gold coin for aale also, .3(1 tf. BAKER, COWPER i CO. -Er;Ff9rl1t;- PhyaUlan and Gupeuntandent. Sap. , 1S6J iT ?w. ... atroiii? bv the bo'ndi "oTChrTitfiin" Wye. VV'ametfy deaire to aee the paople tttaltio tiona of tha United Statea laboring for the pro roodon of oach other' welfare We desire to all partiea aa united aa poaaible, and xhitll rejoice in the reunion of the denrniinjnaof Ohriatian -whiob hae ben split aaunder by the war. Hut we know that Smithern -church-. peVple..rtnot be dragooned VnUi Iwing tlieir Northern reliiren, and never canV'v them until they become renl "ly licly. They jiertaitdy areQot ao now. VFfca Northern eccleHia-'tical convention andeh-orcli naneraaeem to delight in doing all that uin be dona to iaporat ti.ir Southern tratbren," and then becauite those, Niiitiwrn enrm'mna ao not . . ' . ' r At -1. . ruall to tne urnum i "k; lea, tbey eoollyand impud 'lv urn the world and eay, tFoa aee thoy wi I r-i ' pt eventa!" Tha Southern Mjithl C -. i a apecial leot'of attack. JJta iri n "M1y, and wilfully, and cootantlj !i',':f';t'r -:..(! A ape tmen of thin kind of thli .' i l hf 1 iaf ftaiie Tsf 1 nuul-i.. t I Ororerlea! It Ut Wg in part, of Coffe... 6u,r., T.aa, Candl... aiaung in v - vin..a. riuiced Oyatera, in Kirja.-BtBrEU, DMm, o Tana. Sardines, Lohatars, Cheeao, Craokera, Ac. Balaton, Canned ruiU, W. H. A R. B. j CCKER. FINE rURNTTTTRD FOR BAUD. a LOT OF VEKY l SK r LH.MlUlU'. I u.i- iV iiating of BedaWad'a, Sofia, .C'baira, tin Tab'oa. Sideboard, fine Crockery ana Uasa ware, ocas, mmT- lraaa, Una Carpeta, ., 4o. Ano a very Una rose iP' ,- BAKER. COWfER ItO. Colonel: he fit Una, of PavidaoB, Private Cecretary. . . iUB&dlC-r ..fiLWaAaj.'and i Uagly, of Faafa. tank A.aiamnt Stcretria. S M Pariah and 1 I), PulUn, of Wake, Clerk i. a&siiJi&'ixm Jouaiban W orth of Raniol)h, Xreaaurer. Donald W. Bain, of Wake, Co Uf Clark to Treaaatw. ii H. Thomas, of Carterai, Jieoretarjr if Kuu. NEW GOODS' JUST RECEIVED AT Til & C.O.'S a!-., i laneal 1 Ltqaoral I.iquorall niBTrvTi vn BTC8T .V v""Pl-: -AnaeBradiaa.-OMJliUL . rrenon, -- rr-",... :... Cham- bon and Star bisaeji r' ". a I. A a pagna V.uer .-- if I. R8. TUCKER. t igara ana, tooacux- " , Q ROCKERY K-'S. TUCKER -or-' Cotton Bagging Sugar, Coffoe.& , ic, For Sale. -AoSa.-CiifftteKl!iA Mack erot. Pot- ton Bag (rin K, Iron,- Adamantine Cundlta, Win rmr, Cemha and Hole LeathT, .. BAKJtR CUnPfcR . . aa A 0 J. 18-tf Na 22 rAIEriEVIIXE STREET, B AGGIXG ROPE AND TWISE lialeigh, ST.-0. We invite aperial W. H A R. 8-TUCKER. .itanttoB of Country MarehaBta our iineiT cji.v. rineirai i out J. Bhouldera. FOR SAXK. of No. I Basoa ' Ham), Middling! and BAKER, COWPER Raleigh, Aeg. ISHai. St , A CO. returned from Xew York with a tin haTB lu.t Y8.B. aaortmeiit of Fall Uooda, eontuting of ..J k. Retail Trade to 7. frooa tbe V diffar.ea i- f.aigbt .OBe,a.r-a. rml,. TT . II- l . llurrwr a Juurnal orvmivrv'mx-nrr'rr mKTt..i a naner devotinit it pictori il 'i' i- r a to the pro motion bf civilization in the " a a the low er claaaof ' Life in rJ'ieton." the Mewara. Harpeiaare Motliodlata, nndoi, u to have known tetter than to make statement Hk the follow ing In thetr eulIOTrsrtTftwturdayr : :Where d we find proof of nceeptnncel The Southern Methodnt Church at'pnriited from the K'n.it.Arn Melhodiat Church mi tho cround of alarefy) lVry iaaboliahed fcy-W-aHMw-iiftea i.. 6nul;lMn Oiurch acont the reaultt On the . v.-- . .- , contrary, ft reftw reunion. , ' And ..taVMe'bWtm "The Chriatlan Advocate11 are weekly harping on thetiime airing. i'c. arell informed ter.n know that the above extract from Harpar'a Journal contain at leaat three diattnet etatemctit or tmplioatHma contrary to hiatorfo truth: 1 The Southern Church did not ecpirate from the JNortherq. SL 1herooriitf d'ruioit Wii not merely alitvery., 3 The Southern Chureh bag not refiisd reunion. The ilithodut Epticopni Vfiurt in simenra ui vided by an act "fits liiytot t'yiihtlure.Jht Cen tral Conhrtncttn 184. which act vai by a bodyofwhUha tiit'jorifp inn Abolit.oniu:- Can any man deny that J I mm, wnas an ou rafle it ia to a'igoiatUa tha South Church wi bhiamatiol The North ioprated frorn , th South rnuoh the South did1 from the worth. Nor waaalavetJ tha only diffiimlty l The North rn Method! preachera had become political .ndaockl ieitatore; they .ibstituied the com- RiftBda of row fo,rh UW bf God. They' were for tnakiDg terms' of monUW-ritiTp not known t6 Christ, or tbs Apvk. V'h JJoly Scripf ura. It is ot true thai the Soutliero Chun h has refused to reunite. No olTer ba been madu them. " No KOTther-Gal-.Oonfereneei has met tmirakatha proppsttion, ; and-.no Southern Onfereoca to accept of rej .Let th- word k.i-aoe ti-Jiat the Auriher MdAodiM Htm txcetiinghi anxiovt to harrnoiten, that .at ; the'tfW meeting ot tn tw..f. .... "Iti orrarlisattoa it appointed one ot its moat ren table clergyman to h s fraternal meengw to th Northern General Conference, and tbnt Con LM.ra absolutely refused to hajre anything to . iiK Kina or bnrredeutiala ditanioniatal SILKS, MERINOS -...... ALL WOOL, PEL AlNES, Raleigh, September 12-82 if.. .rwAW.ACI. SOUTHICHI.AND. IWALLACEV& SOl'TUESLAXD, r GENKRAL C0iWlS8i0S ME11C4U3, : Office ever A. E. UH' Store, No. 22 NORTI1 WATER ST., . c. ...... THE RE'llTII(Eli,('-i:;fei "I wr.Ri.D BAiaijB as KJQI1T im si PaaaiMn Btnrjf ,tVf. A a tuoaue of aupport for hia family and torm. tributjb io th promotion of gvaaral iuta'iigonr., of right tbU(tfttaua action, me perptumty ol tha Icloi if lb a! State and tha prrprity of orth Cartilica, tba aifuiteriber propoaea, on ma own respouiibiiny, to connect with a geuerat printing butimn, tbe f ti li. cation of an independent, biuh-toned, puhtioii, I literary and sewa journal in tha iiy of t.kigkl Ba.expocta to entai'iiaa ina )na ana nja un jourral, aa ai.ona the re)iUtjr matl.l.einite. i re stored to tn state iv wiu oe pnnita on eritirelf new type. pre, it , inane bit; hot ityle of the ait " . K rm m fi. :JHEELwRluni - " GOODS. JAGONET MUSLIN Conri,. MlFfS1 TOXWBACCO, NAVAL 8I0RESC:. AC, BOMBAZINES. ACATATjAS, - I'll I NTS, B LE AC HEP AND V UNBLBAC1IEP POMKSTIC, AVilTniT-io-foTi. r n no I - t a JU i WIlt rrompt poraonal tt.-aiivo. to a.l Con "M T ' aignment of JEANS, MARSEILLES, IRISH LINEN, TABLE -i GI'OTnSvNAl'KlNS. LA ' PIES A N P MkSSESL.COr. TON POSE, ie., &., &o. A! Cum, FIXE assortment of Udiea' Dress Trlmmini, a,. ,l,,u m.H Lionn lUndkoTnbiela U"llra ana Velret and Silts Kbona, Bonnet ana Ao. ' - Ribbon Edging, A A FfS E ainortment of Balmoral and Hoop XV. Skirta, Sb.wU, A. ; A.F! FlSE assortment of choice rerfumea, ea. Toilet Soapa, Cr-uiba7ru.tM, o. Pon Chit- r...A .a.nvnint if Mon'a. Bovl. and Jr.n'. Ilr.ti! Gentlemen' Cotton Ho, Hand karohiafa, Linn and Paper Collar, A o. A Oooi aasortmenfeof Grocer ies kept oonstant'y xinhiind.. '.;':;'i '.;.''" ";' All of thV abova, aa wU as , ainny other artlol got mfcniioned. Will ba AoM eb.ap f or ah., - Girt Baa eau. i tf tf. : . . : ..n J receivea on o"""'s"""- , .- . -.'..v.. ing CU..n, all panon desiring to sell win woil tmH w0. D-Cook. at stors -.IF. - . .u. .,k . ile of Harirat-. 8t, nxt aoor B.i orM.fr William. A Hr-o.d'. Drag Stor.. pt ti-il?tf, - : y H rATixTEVIUKTLRALKIGH--Double BarrelrJ Guna, r . . n Anna' . Gn Tube, Gun Caiw', M Cartridge., Powde, and Shot Uame Bugs, Shot Pouche. Powder Haatora-d very fine Child's Carriage.. For.a1.tow... D. T. CARRAWAY, . Wita Hast Lewis. 3l-tf. - FOR SALE. ; N r.. STATE BOS D, OLD 6 PER I si.t oo. 1 aplondid Gold Walh, 'nKER.PERreO, .8rpt.'m8e6,'-t JVJ& W J,4tr &M ITH A C0, WINTER GOODS 1 1 Now ha are Thj first Of thosw prodUrtMina has beeoi ,iB4 lo aay that I can eat man a beaa unced - scholarly " by even Ihe Northern itbkit o again with wax that haw ulliv,w AudtrV crme, thi Southern iMk odi,t - Xhurch bi behavt-d -with dignity, wbila te Northern Melhodutpn-M hnt tr-emrd wiihiUificatioB. ' Jut before-opening Ihe Ur Tjer, from which we have qu-.tod. th. re was U.d r. ...d Mr Mhratt o( the 'Meiho u. thunh, South. Titi prdnoanced .r.,,w(iu. Do thesa repre.entativt p,ilemh f. fuae ' to .!.- Vnt .tail. Dr. D-eros calmlt guards .. ii..lfiaJifwa .aiftjn,5ti.!1rh iTerf jhings.: .v!.u n.nt 'Union.. sad Mr. Mtfn tell I Zr'Z. w. aa Bentlriien. and" Chr stlans,- that VesiraWeend may be ri-ed, , W w,ah ail our re.rn would ordor this p-1 , . uj A. Townwnd of livs tity, and calm- l7t.thesrartic ea. Iu.tead of using langnafre " S-'rlSS- Sww Sotrthr-th Northern. UMaiX Church should .(-Si Them-a nag aDearWbithreBrwe iosuhed A Ti n fia tears until we hrought thing to jurt such ' IJ a tntriAP. W dPCaUia atttnrrtis iu MEW FAIL r AND FOR 18G3. """ ;' m . VtBirW'W tTiS TKU'-VLRASURB If A "'"r'r'V,""," "j" .. nd thtf BUblU XI. form ni menu. ..u.-... v.- V I u t In.t lniuniod from w iobk, whera b. h.. .T.4 with gr.at ear. a l.rg d rood aiaortmtnt of , - . 1 - t r -. ;t !a ; Staile .Mid Fatiry Dy Of .,'- ': Erabraeing U... B-st,la..nd -P'l - Together wjltt jtaw-J-api,. - SklrlaTLaalt.' Cloak., Ladie.' aad Mi.ae Straw Hata, trimmod j Ladioa' untnuimed Uoojieta, . . !Tbav '. tt .ddiUon-. my atook .O.f .Dry Good., .i.v, jtn tlnnlrnf v K GROCERIKS. -hi h will b aold t price o to bmra al f and XTcSS: UtVtTco'mmio"' SIS- ndCr".trr; cornor.of Jlargatt and.F.y ettavilt btraat,.- ' .'.'. I I B aMSB; fafcpoJ a4.Wvrl-yihat I ,. i. io wan hwutvand can aall tbcapor than any other man, or mora. r i r r, und LOOK for vor9iv. v a ..... t.. ionwtly nd treatvoa vig.,., IS or do I oil and. ilk and tint i saf- withyoB IX T. CAltllAWAY, '''"., " wits :::..'...':, :''--," II All T &"'IIJE'W;I: 44 FAYETTEVILLB STREET, ' RaletRh,5..C AVE JUST received, - - . 10 boxes Collins Axes, "lBO-aetts Cnp and Queers. 800 " Plate". ' 60 dosen Tumblers, . - i i 80 barrels iugar, , 10 bags Coffee. - tO boxea Candles, ' 6 boxe Starch, ' , 10 boxes Sosp, - . 'i cafe Conoe'ntratd Potaaa, 6 case Couoentrated Lya, - 1200 pounds aerified Copperas. . SO ponntl Drirovu. 6 o-roe Matclte. " ". " ,'' . ' T.rmr Haloratus. Yesst A$ew, Pepper, Gwaawoa, Ginger. JIace, i.tChi.il19. ' J W,?1 Suw-rans. T.a Kettles. friL. Saddle. Hridle. Martingale, Buggy rv mtiu a a - -- X AVAL STORES, COTTON', SPIRITS TERPENTINE, E03- ls.TAR, fituvisiuAS, w, umwi ' FOR SALE OR 8H1PMT. ALSO . TO FOR WARDINQ MERCHANDISE, tr. ' Sep. 6, lSf5-2d-tf. ' ON Thursday night, h May lst, I waToonea of thiity N. V. State bridt ke4aclvhy three or more penwu.. v uum - man and two were wnue. ten nun,oerti iiom-nrt; to ten inclusive and were payable oa 1st July 184. .nr.i.oao SilI ha been reouveieai Jeu to 147, lueluaiv. pyauia lai w uiy .imw. 810 tO 619 iucuaiVM, dated 1st Jannai y 1860. ami iaaued under an!' Aet aulhoriziHg ihrjmljie Treasurer te tell the bond, oftht State or certain pvrjwtct'. rati fied I6lh February 16, chapter 48 cam ""o were payable to Seth J6nea or beaters but were and theref.ire, not Uattamruuia ij A few Cotipona only were attached to th tlrt twenty, l waa reo bed alaoof twocertificateaot Bank block ninirTd Bank of North Carolina for 200 hara ftM- i " -other of the Bank of Cape Fear tor 2ol ahare. . I will give S reward ot ooo lor recovery oi Bouda,.ot proportional um for " ?"' "tm,"rf of them. oETlf JOaha. Wake Co, If. C., Aog. ft-iawtiw imi 1. T. CARIlAWAY't . WITB hart & LErvvis:, MANCf ACTTJBERS AND DEALEBS IN f 115, Sheet Iron aad Copper Wre, Hardware and hh Vurnlihtnc Good generally, Cooking A tnw e regUtered, I delirerr i ort of 1856 chapter 16. CENT FOB , w;rt mtached to th fiit tw Stove. Keroeen UU, Lam pa aaa nwi let took of Fmilf "-oeene. H. 4t, FarsTTavin. Stbsst; RAtties, S. C -aalta ' .. . - BOOTS & SHOES. "Wholesale. BALL, BEAI.Ii Be CO., J06 MAI OT.jlKlCHMOKD V A. Baida devoting biS whole lint, tu IB edilotia'' conduct of tbc ppr, with cuei. other kelp a will U rqurd, hee. u toanKage fifteen or twenty of tia kbleat peaa ol the I-tale lo contribute t it eolasM regularly, in. general ch racttr, it. aiodet will at 1 th '' National InwUigencar" In It paloiieat ; It will ba ieesed diiy, mi weekly and weekly, ti ' U want of the pubtio deinid ; and a It wui c. tain S fatthfoirerdf the hiitory of th timet, lil :' valuable fTtSH papfvr, rtise. tattoni on ernntwti id " law and olitioal cOn'i'y, ,w'l 4 political, literal , moral and eientilio e.s.ij of petmnnt Va.m, t.s, weekly will b printed in Ian eoetavn Hrui foriiMwg and preaarvBtion, , A. a family newspaper tba wetkif , will bo every wy dealrable. - , Ibe war hat demonstrated fully, tfc itrcnuta ni power f tba K publie to mauvuin the gornBMt e.Uliiinbo by our futber, againtt ail atttmpu di.member or dtrt.y it j that lb liuion of tbw ' State under on gafcttral cTernicent atill reetirtt' th aootion and protection of All. Ighty (luo; ttl iardity ..nd imjraeticalility of lb Btaia right'i doctrine vt esion, and tbe -Mripoi-aibi'iiy Jf p-tuaring African glav.-ry in the tuited State ft aoee.pl Lthe't-hlgi ai a .blutioB si. the wafcT " I pniiti " Tba et)tHi " will aeitbtr ba aeati! ,. on tit' D bna-Bor fciioi y partitan on th Hi . IU po ilicala will b imbibed lrum the f,,uoii (J . of cooerva'iiDl drank at oy lh illuatriou fjnrf Ctay and tba fthoi of th Hi public, and aot n Xhr pool of Northern or Soutkera radicalito. It' will neither be agrarian nor arletorralie. ll wUlart labor to bring oown or level any on, but le furilj aud elevate alt - ,tball be a leading aim of " Tb SeBtin." -foxerand keep nliT ia Onr owb people lb fiaasa sf ivil liberty, a J' Stoufy for their indeleaaille njiu . aa American o!;ueh, and art-wsdytng devotit : ihe Con.ti.Btioa end the law, a ths bett meiMiaJ wIMiawi to com, of prcaerviug invlila'a th ol th Stataa. . !! ' Finally, "Th Pentlnel' will strive te eoutriMl to th cultivation of lb tpirit of mutual kindi, forbetnaDO aiid coi.fi uinoa among onr own penj , end the via oration ot amity and good faelmfc ,jC lb people of all atetlrmt of tba t'ntoa. " ' ' ...(... nA I,.. ;).. Knntkarn Btatti"l be jcjuveiited ahd d itcntbralled fr mb licatmnf of poverty and indolef a. Vigor, wiergy, and , pri muat na re jvea. vur .-enBuiry o. -olatvd, our people redi.oed to poverty; but th a'"" muit again be mi to bloom and Musjoui at the f' oor hornet nav oeea maue oncenwn, . , muat again 6 mad th aboue of good r, ment aud ho.pita lty. t 1 t lh tfentir!" will U luat end genernai tt-4, negro in bin new eonditton, alway opening W WJ th road to improvement and elevatios ai Ur of hi intellleeno-, hi. icdotry od Virtu, Jt tf orariBg u uiuu kuit w w mi.., jr . -- . t At race. ' ' Iu rearter will Had - Tb Sentinel " t I tpliited, relisbl and tboronuh newtfapar. , Daily, for at moti(h ia advaoe, Semi Weekly, lor one yr, , do. for lis month, , Wkly, for on year, 41 J I et,-1 rnHX special attention of Jlerohahl tilnvited to j number. iwders, qpHJ Firat subwriptio iufrafter tb reeclpt f n.bar. :'" ' W. A. fkbl - - i rnl.M Ilama. . n- Wh tll. UlTinK"5, 1 ami rwu.uB r - ailoels. Forks, Use. Hand , thank. for roar UbsraJ patronage wb.oh 1 Irae v-n.'y . on Cart and I eiid far lh lt Bfteot. yeara. 1 hop by Bells, tan 'JZiA, Tire Iron, Plow Iron ! A IZa ..,s.." ituiiou to butinisi, Id I weon Boxes. Asles,pring , t n nn.ic au 11 - i ban.t dealins and merit a coatinaance f theam. 'o. l.IUw.H J' ' : A. CREECH , plan of- aeparatton wfitni we b.hjjm pass we uMn B trtlt ICi.b athnowledped vUiJejMtjipr. a. a, 1. - ttw. rtri.VA mil ilk tilt IH W - lauUsia,in which .w ot -r l.jr- ... Lh- winitt did what rui-tatr. in-.i j t- - j - b and the ApostVs. o hftihreo. we rejtjMrt lof beg Tar ja-iuWjtnfV.h.v. fft . : KITTRELL'S .Sl'KINOS . fEMALIi COLLEGIATE, 1XST1TITJ;: ! .; ' cnASYiLts county.c. 1J rlV)E Fall Bln oftbttaew tnauiau- w vr J B tb lt Wadnoa-y in Ootoher next. p.rtu.ulr.. "f KlUDlCK. iiurtl il'Ili--V- eon Dpxeav a ---r":: - - , Bnr ,., r'l.n h uaen y":" ATJoT made.-p snd ready 00 cega vu. - ...i. .i.M. for delivery, 60 dos-B le 7 2i doien Ptarr" .t. fr th. North Our atock will rece v. -"-"Vb ' - s rartoui a toiiiiiii r give a eatl tf.re aomg 6 c irtOjl.2w. ,onr New and Ccmpletw amortment of Boot j Ladiea. MhMK CI.Ildfn. Mens, Bov's Snd Youth a The Retail Trade will find It to tictr-dratn to call and examine our .Slot tK;tire going else where to purchase. . : ' ak. so-tc r B. P. WILLIAMSON 4 CO. AUCTIONEERS, FORWARDING AND COMMISSION mi? R.CHAN TS,r;, fAYSTTXVlLZS iTRSET, " .-....,.. rBALKlG'H,js.iI-.r:-.- ':'.: June 7, 18$. l: tl-'m. . WtC" Raleigh, Jun SO, Wi. ' ' !- dur axebange will eon for a fa y I be Iiv two tnnertjon "L1 '.irROgFECTUS IV lL M I K TON D I S V A T C S UK wnderaigned will commeaa me p- .,11 w I . T.;t. V. -..pr andrr tn al.O'.e inJi CASTlNtiS. "l 1 . , a. .i r.,!...!..). a n.atnn KdVh.: lh. faitras ot"' To theJualtccoffhePcacelii Wake County ,-ol.lienc. to an ordeY mad oy a wn istts I which met at the Court House on the 9th, day . .... ... rnuMted to meet at the Court House la the city ot Raleigh on Saturday &. 30 in.t,to trauvact V'k.. . J. 4.- I EtlXlSKHnUi W V . New Hap of North Carolina, FINELY CMBEILISHE0.8IXBY EIGHT FEET rn'HIS i th LATEST, LAR0F.ST and very BEST 1 Han of t1 State ver publiatrd, aud ia neat'y in on n ted on roller ThaJMap ei in bad Only ft r-ar Sto'r the bshnrewef th a tee iituiB brine 1 our BeBd. Prie, (Kxprv4 any point,) ie,to j.l.jif,- ...... , . . ( mington, N. C, oa or Hul the 1MB or., o . ber next. Tb.y do not d. em (t aewsta J ' . extended jroopectu i and will only pr b pain or xpen wUi ipreo. " , PATCFlRSr CLASS NEWSPAPER, TtA...(tt wMaallt 111 , fiilful eoicom'"- of tbe Jfwrthern aud ri.i.ft 5 . :. For one year, . . ; tS - Six e-Mb, ' .... :. '4. . ;lhre aaoahll., '. . . tuAti tn- O. A Weetlr d.j.a wt't oe r Th Comntereial reeii bnain!", ant' will eoi tai Mreeial Attention, of cei.tirm.B wall l"J.. n ' . ... :.v. r, 1 aaumi'lrnl nniiibeT of tha uiai' Uahrd tt3'ttify it. , . v r, x-fr- A-Mlr.aa w at H lnilO,",,' - ' A''id iUr m, E i. irvS4XD 4 jjtr W. H. Bkabo. ' tirJ nr. .:. fci.or and l'r f''