wpt Sunday. - ; : , $1.00 loo 3.0l) BOO for one month, - " far two month, - ' " three Wonlk, -,'". I tf Mcii the aid of our friend In exlend inir our emulation. , - "lmiMim mi m " ' " hum AN AFFtlCTKD FJiOPLK. TheT-HiJ"" S-'andaril uf Auimt 30ib, con tains Vet.rrr from Jruulftm dated August 3nd, ,irned bv tliirtoen ot the Heads and., (Ul.hi of Umeatalile acoount nf ifio dwiri-sie. Mid unffjr- . f the p.-Upl there Bnd appealing f.r hiio eonr t ir brethren in tfio UritUIt empire. It from their etatemeqt that since limt winter ttie H.4 Und- ba4bi'Ptr m;v-i "fly d,dated bv drouRhi, locut, future and pen)euce in the ucKit ewlul manner. "The heaven .were shut in the wifiter," any the letter, and thf r"o wan no ruin providing became diaier and water area. Then thef cme Wue'a, widen I id .me the land. o that the Ii-trvext of the fi-dd wrished. And then there onme famine. And IJow wi) unto us, (here U denth! for the linger of the Urd hsrboen kindled, and fearful epi - jtmioi,f ehJra.i rising in " the towu and Tilm. around a must terrll.Ie." "" Tbw te of Jerusalem are el'iaod. None can ro out nd none can come-in.. The city l in a mute nf i, AU! it is time of great cuUnm t for JenrsMe-n" Suflh i the picture which thii Utter jre Jrthe condition of Palestine and Jerusalem. Well B.ijr;hi ihe eufftrer eall fr help up -n- their mure fortunate bre.tftren in Kng "Msind wTS'iiVO''iff M rhr off 'V"in" up fi t'W. wlth'-t! liudnws and liberality- which have al wit) uharacteriW the Jews in their liealinfu with onernher, tok active and vigorous m" MreJ Isr rili'viiR the want mid nlluvutin ihf m irhinli urirn net fir ill iti the mDeiil. gtVl4WU...n - - . Q ieen Victtula at Cttur. The l'ntle town of diburr, in Sne-fl 't!ta, on of the nnmTOUSi petty Pri'ieipVhiel of Germany, wai the went' on the Sfilb Aj!Ut,t of quite ari im poaiii)? rcremoJiy, which drew a j?t cr -wd of neoDle t'r.tm diff.-reut dir. ctions t' wu.,- Oa that dy a gtame ot me nin r rimji n u-is-hud beuM-xe?"ed bj order qfj.hc widowed Qu-en (Vict riaj "fhowi epuae. was for the first time unveiled tit public vipwund duly intuitura td in one of the qure of, thit town, f lie oc cision wan, o( course, art interesting one render ed the more hy the pra iml tndanc of the "ueeBTwno "Took parnirTtrt rTP'PdW'. J Thw itatue'Wai ftTreseiit troni lift M y ty to the to'wn of Cobirjt, lour oiiltrt from wiu.b. at U xteiiau, the country re"d.jtiee of the Uta Dake, the fttber of -Piinee Albirt, the latter wru .nra. This tired place was ocenpied hy the Q loen durina.ber - iVit to (Toburj Recent Londou paper contnin full jiartioulars- from their corr.-sp jiidenU of the inawgaration trMhw -rtn,-whieh we need not in-rt, l few of our reuderj fuul any interest In a remote and ' niotiarchiul an aifir. But an Qvieeu yiclori ia. for her womuiily virtueu, Ken eraVfavorne wherever the Kulish lanaus i spoken, It may not b ftmiie fir us to in rl a brief tsxtract, relating what she did on the ocoasimi. Whiii the veil which c.meealed the 'atua w .'rff ""' moved,.'" the yoiiujj ladies advanced to the soend .f mh"ii! to lav their ff,irlan'l on the mo-iU'iient. Ad thistimo Urtr Majesty and her friend mood up, nd a noon as this part of the ceremonial wa over, mie aearennea irom in g'iimry, riranmi njr I the Duke Of Cohunr and followed - hy the oth-r ! Princes and Pnm-eSHeg, and waked to the ino'iu f 'iaent,' Upon which aha laid A garland and where I lome pf the ladiei were presented to her. She f theaj'iriijpd the gallery, and iinrnedia'ely af- Uirwrds left.". ' - Ute Ktatue i ueeorioea to lie auuui v-eu ivr.t m height and the I'riuce is) eepreeented in the C' tuine ofi( Knight of the tiurter. The fuoe i turned towards the Town Hall, iii front of whio.h ' the Keyal gallery, in whioh tut the Q.ueon dor. iiii'tlie'ceremotiv, wan tduced. "The pedeitnl tvara in front the insoiiption ; "Alliert' 1'iioce nf Sse Coburg and Goiha, D'ukoOf Saxony, Prince Consort nf Great Uritian nd Ireland, horn 9'irh Auw, 1810, died 14th D-eeni)er( IStVi " 1 lie mtae U eaid to be a faithful portrait oMhe d.? 'csnsed.'. Quron Victoria wa born May 24rli, 1813, and i now in her 47ch year, She succeed ed to the flThtVne in Febtuary, 1837, an 1 waa married February 10 h, 18.(9 She ba fami ly of nine children, all living and well to do in the world. - . . S.uia f Tetnperauce. ' A borne correspondent of the Nashville s- tt'te, writes under the date, Sep'euiber 8 : tlutil recently it has geneially been eupptwed thai thii order wifs nearly or quite extinct, in this purt of the country at least. A nd for a time, du rii.g the list fouy "years of terrible conflict and -nmgw, tlua impression baa hnd tome 'found Ujo, For, aa oc;ety became diaorfraniz -d from the effects of the war, all such moral orifintza tiotm were either broken' up entirely or erio"ly ''emharragti-d. Tkia wa the case both North and Soivb ; bul not 0 mu h at the North, .however, at at the'South. u tlie war waa rriel o-- most entirl ia the Sou'hern State, and of fouras both armies being there, tliorJer aud de tractiun followed a it ronwqtirnc.' -At the . ..v'.(;$L if the war the tmnretoion neemed to pre vail ihitt tho opler' 'waR'exHrirt' and th it, to Vdnk - of B. h a thin aa the Ord-r of the &u of Tvmt pera.ice wag entirely out of the quo' ti.iij and ah irh. But. ihanka to the eoodneoa of an Aliwisn ..li.'-ifig, auJ tbw InitWttliieM of f iw o.rU of the (food old ca'is.. the oruer tii e'lrvive um ' Wreck of moral and re.'ijrious Kiaociaiona, and today mm liviirg, worki-o; order in Penneee, anj u dtstin to be all over th S(iutlini Su ek, Omeilv and a'ow v vut sieadiiy and eure ly- it comuuv'ed4H operas iooa in tbsa city, only a f-'i- man lb aince, and U no doiur m.re (fl than thousitTida are aware of. - It wan revived iih o;ily a few Aiiiful adlierriu, th -n re"u'ar l", t!ek aHer week, a few mora g iod and tiJ6 -..E.air! mt aJJ'.to LUir- tiuihujr.-.oiitit. .tio tUey.pi-cKPtit . n uiiner of njh'.'r; cuVtrtn- til, workinjr men, alio ur pfrit n exte (ti.'g thtf prineip i cf llie eaomi.Uitji.h'i ei),i JUne . The other J.iy a tA (hose up to the Vew Vjrk ll.xpital, "mid a p,i'it"tt r admitted "ill fi'nng, b rji J,. from lui'ii-j; Vf.tlIi'Wed his f:le tiiBih., Titu iuac win ni I sirftil a'iiiy, feel.njt tiie tettb rutting hid lnnrcK Th.rcid 'ht sur g-iri WH.lf! 4ii rn,tinii.di.iu. Uur c ml I d pCovr ft' thinjr.' ! J iht) iu.ih"W"U' ft'it aw tt-wfr"lt- 4 . ...Jtai UptlU.Mvri? 44r?W (o4 4tt 1m biHlfknL ifiis Li bh l-m iiiiiio I HOU11) VOL I. RALEIGIJ, TU'ESDAYrS'EP I Farriss' GoluniiL H rturntl lront the North with a Stock' of TP A. I. Ju GOODS , oleeUd axpreMly for thii lanrket, oomluiaj; la prt f .- Jr'. ' BEiVEH CLOTHS, - r B IU u ucuiTiia,. KSGU3H AS1J HpOICII CA8SIMKRK8, """'"ifticOT'CAssfrsiERRftf ' ' rr" CASSIMEUES OF JLLL COLQIiiili CORDlJROy, I unsctt TtrTtftrT; r - ortvrs Ayp pctftrs.- . SHIRTS OP ALL DESCRIPTIONS! AllMY HATS, . KAV1T CAPS;'- HALF Hi8K, 8USPESI)t:U3, 1 HASDKBRCHKlFrf, NRCK TIK3, LINKS AXI) PAPEIl COLL AM, BHorLDER STRAPS, MILITARY BOTTOMS, XV a LACKS SCARP PINS, .. " ' snoES OF ALL KISD3, "lRUN'Kd AM) VALI8E8. "M E RXMf-N IMP A 1 1 (hBi S - Don la.tha verjr bt ityla by C.-M. FARRI8S ar4 ht "nprb Catter, " - WR. GHIFPITH. fluIU of err deMrDti'ia mala to order at the aha tmt noilte and in th very bet mnnr. tea. What vim do not n In my Stora, orifw an 4 yo? h11 bare U ia the qiakat pntnibln ttm C. M. FA IIRIS9. Rl. igh, August 8, !.' SS-tf ,Ni:V COMMISSION HOUSE SWEPSON, MENDENrlALL.i! CO., GEN'ERAL Commission ZSJCorchants, run tiir ml or Tobaceo Raw Cotton Cotton Yarn. Cloth . and Naval Stores . 7ri. SmaiiT, Saw Teas. ' R.)hrt R. Sop.n, Nw Yrk City. 8ibuH i. Murph.r; New rk City. 0. P Mendeabal Pre't Farmer Bank, Hreenn Pi.icl O. W,.rth, Co'Bpmy 'hers. 2. 0. . w. w-p'n, Haw Huir P O,, N. C. an 8 tf TIIC BEST, HOST EXKB1II0C9 - ASD .'iROtTTE" FKOall CIIAKLOTTE 10 THK XORTUERX CITIES, VIA. Sorth Carolina Railroad, BalelRii A tiaston Railroad, - lr(ersltrsr 4 Weldon -Railroad ABB TBFia i - VARIOUS CONNECTIONS. - " ' PKngr by thi lin will lsav CHARLOTTK t ( M-oLx-k p. ti., arrW at Balei(rh 4.30 a. m. Lv B.AI.EIU II o'cl-ck a. m., arm at OnMon 11a. m. Lev. a VSTO 1 t P- arriv i Pter.brg ft.SJ p. m:, and Uave lht aU-for RrhmoBd and f. uorlh, or tay In PetrHbor, k S"i ailtht' rH d taka the car forCitf Point, toimeetin with tit Jm Rivw t,omTfr t.r art,ro pnin'. iMMn f-r wwteta or ftiibaru pyiaM wUl n YiUTiharg at 3 o'clock a. m arrlf at 11 a m. Lv. 0to 11 a m, rrtv. t RiJvijh T p.. m. Lv UU.iSh at 7.40 p. m. and am. ' P en jrtr aft lf?t rtU)j ,irejtterti tn pt-(,ikU Vtfcr ouUrUi. th cur. K. WlLKtS, td huit K 0. K. Kr!2 R. A. J0H!?3'Sr, Pap't Kf.'eiU A Umt'.n II. a. DT K LOP, Fon pM-rebom t ,Wiai a It Auj. 21-tf . J03; WORK; ItAIltFtt HU R1UUT T.Hif PBKSI,I)KS.t.Iierf 1 1. Pionecr Land Office. , , L P. OLDS $ COMPANY. IPRI.VC1PAL OFfHK. Baleijh, W. C. O.JB. OIJD3, Managar. ' - " -SPECIAL AG EKC1E3, WllmingtoB, ' Oie'-brV Nw bwaa, rittb irv, a0alJ'ibor', .. '- - . CUtl"iifc 335 ATLANTIC ST., SKW TOUK, AND 123 BJl'TH-HA . f HILAUbLJ HU. - 'GESTS IS ALL C0rjNTIE5. Our Autni all receive tikf VompeMtation, in all Sak through titefr - Ducriptivt LtU or Ap plicatloiUL. . :.: . 1 B'JIIIflNO iminiHatly after tha wr ollaptad,. 19 m eontlnn (0 rceaive ipuiifniom irm diiti ftnd.Holleri Bl.lSiiTATa, and tnvit a ittU more XMndt'l of tbU ebeap, avBea(, uueriu, aai atiifactory . :. rLAN OP. business. PartUi aa eommnnleatathronh aa;nt, or direot. .RalM In lb ban.ti.of a I Ant. s TilUi (uarautMd ooordiog to oar rule. (Ho. 14.) FOR SALE. p& Cotton, Tohacoo, Ta'pentina,. Corn, Mining itdther Land. Mill, Iowa rropart?, ., , Al tnqutH promptly aatwrl wtta Mp,iia grain and 8kth, if raqui 4. , . Havinc rrliabU and aotlv Airtni In' every Conn ty f.-r th !, pu-ha and liniit of Rl Enrt J througa lnm ion nnn u enauiea, ii-mi"i w our reK.nlnr Land Buaime, to soil Kit all liiatr)t to It with V grtt poMiai diptoS. Sptmbr 3ai, lb4-.-tl. g- T X : jrr -r-M ! ox H cs CT3 CD CD OO .1. era A O M H' H O M H CO ' CO O. ir a CO H S H O o o S o a ! M M m i m A H O 3 c 3 era CD .0 at o o CD ... t i t?ef- 0 .er f at iVEWr GOODS ! New Goods!! New Goods!!! JUST" RECEIVED At C. PALMER'S OLD STAND, PRISTS, aorted tle "and beautifui, Lao Oftxls, Einbroiderlta, Iriob Uneoa,- Embroidered Muslin Curtain, UJiu andUenda.' Uositry. -ALSO- - If U III I 01 Chemiietw, Skirt, plain and EmbmlcUjrvJ, d al not every artiole hooded in Iady'i wardrobe. Nw tyle and Tery deiirahle. .-A L. S O PERFUMERY AND SOAPS. Htf SCHOOL KOTICE. . ,- . MRS. ELLKV MORKECAI PR'iPfiSES TO nr en a S:lio3l for ehlldr. n frri 1 in 12 years oi l, her riHt-nce io Rnli"(th on the lt day of 0t nbernext. (Jirl will be preferred. 1 erms fiO per ffHi'B nf S TOonth. ..,. Pleigli. Sep. 13tb. S- t P'l - " BTEAJI POffES m FiiLSXLVU, , SaUtOTIIKH & CQ. ItAlXIGII, jr. GOLDSTEIN WILSOM'S TjU ilty i" ' t"4 26, !8G5. NO. 43. " .Channjo ol' 'irae. ONB,t f.rT4n P. M , riinifaT, Au.t t.Sth, l.'fti, Trii i will Tiu a .f Jlnws. Bunt farmer orderi ! ' c;oiawRT. lij. a ah. xAxix... : ; " reibr(, t : J. T A. M. " BAllatpury. . . : ' j ., . .. '. Arriv Charlvtia, : ; ie.lt) ' . Lav RuloUh, j "j ,0OA.'M ' HrtvnatHire, t ) U.-jfl M. ' r!ivirv, ! . i' i . a.i'O.-. Arriv Citailm.1, ; . ; s - . Gidsn I'.AST. Lcav Ohi'l .tt, i : . s.0'1 P. M " Silu'tui-v, . : i j jj M (IrMBHb'irtt, ; : . : )u u Arriv K.leigh, "t ) .; 4 S A. M. ACfonajijLTir'ii haw, 11 Chrintr, : i i ; ?5 A. M. " Sliiv, : : : 9. on - -.jt...ibl (. p, - -. p-...n . Arriv Hitftihj i - : : J.tti) Mail trln eitnntnt,, ' and wt, with thuH Uib,.aiLi Ujuiui itniu-lttr Vutr-tHtHHt4 b N nrttt mid with ih U, d. Mill ry rnilr l fi,r ttiildabvro, Newborn, M T-hvad Ottv and Vt'l'.minsrtun. " Trrl;t Trt.T lVt if P Hi ti A ' 'MrCIS''r. li tuH-ll) V M,, storing at Company Shojji vr niieht Tb Mail Trltt will imlv.run t'u r-undny. Pn fCr ar, uo:i6 d ti pwuri tirimU b-for entrrtog lb lrio, iudtiiuniki Tar will o il ix'tfil. B WJLKKi, Aug 13 ii tf. ' Engineer aud iup't. . . son k i u i E Raloitrli and Gaston Rail road. Totak tffct Tai'.UKi, June 23,1805. GOIMi St)RTU. Mtto THA f. Lcav iRnl-igh, - .Will Wrook, i Ilu .tavjll. Wk,- ) i!.J,4Jikliflt.aB ' . Knirrli'al, ! lliinditivon, " Juictiiin, i - RUjvw,.y, " " Vt'krrrnton, Maoi, i -' J luleioii, i i : t o A..M. s vs II 4 fl III ' ' TTTt w- 8 11 " 6 ' 9 JO " t . 14 M 7 " It 5 i I t 1 I ... It . Anl t - - ! 1 t 11 (0. 1 HO Wldvn, ! P. M UOINU SOVTU. H1IL TA1M. Leav WeldoF, I ; i 10 0 1 A. M ! : ! 11 " s l : J4 P. M , i. i 1 j4 " ! I 1 1 HT " i t i HI " 1 :. ! " t -i i ' 31, " i s t 43 . I I -. t 4 44 - i , i- " i - s 8t " S.I est " t. , 7 01 " ALlsK'T JOI1VH M'ip.."fTrit. uJetit. , Hnnurn, s . 1. iHl.-t.. 11, Mitoutt, t M rreneii, ..' Hi iff'wsy, ' Junmi n 1 il .nil. Ifon, ' Knt.el V, ' . Finnliliiit n, ' ' Wnk." " II uiv " VII lirwoli, Arriv Kaliigh,, S3 tf. "It m TYnnf.lA ftv.,.,:, I If ,TT0 1. A XDH HWN&;il.l 101 na )U5-V.1'.:TQ N.. C. rlIIK nndtwl e. buy -tjhfi' .l a (Vuimikiumi and &'rwrd'i Kui1h in Vniniin'fJMn, M'd ulf-ir lhtiBJ:vL'Ji f"r tott in, iiHVut rij", Sheetiii"((, t otTon Ttrri, T jlmco i, Huron, Pi mr Au , A , and to pureh fr lnorfthtui or other, any good (oi l in t1" mrtrk-t. OlIVo N". i, Hnuih W'atr 6treot, np. tnie. . AuiHitJS, I8 . -ap4 - GENERAL ACEUlf; W. 33. OTJIjIOIs: kai.i:h;ii,n. c, WILL ATTRNln TO TllK CoLLPCTTtW "TIP C1iiB (riiniittbliiirtriiiatBr' and C"u," tftary' Departaient of tb U(.it?d ($tal, Mo, W to porcbttaand al, on Cumuiioion, of STOCKS, UOSLM. fiPKOIE. P.ANK SOTBi AND KKAL fc-ifATK. Prowptatf a'11 lyRW bln placed la bl h(ifflo"tlbS'.rfh rlirol:nRlH.k Rtr, erarol Fat'tvl'lii feujt and th tapiH fcuar. Auid tf WHOl.rfALR AM) HKT.UI. t AI ft ! fftriaf (lnb civ wnti I'LUTUISti, . . . WATCHES AND JfWrLlY, BEST IMPORTED WISES & BAJTDXSS , ' aw Ht0 o AM, Kli$4. ' , . o ii o v i: j: i vsJe r';., Corner of FayeUeviUs ani Ilafget B'Jf . n iin , RA, .KI..II, . C. Ai.raan It V-intt11, it. 0. i l''T r e Y't. . EEXMXr, Vi Cffnitttissioit-i- CA1. H- btir.rt, Kelnlgb, e. C. rniT l (Oi, I'l'iH 1 HK B.Vr.B OF . jtl," P-'ft T!1K , . piiri'liasp ar.d sale of State" asS 0;!:tr ST.'irXS ' asyiii-rvHAM. Mi.ff, yf.w-TrtKt:. W hv iud l 1. Vr . IV. CvVKTi, !t Pyl.Lft.J'!iM'r.ir X'Iii''f,y-j'-n -.n I" " rAu Wi ' T . 'Adveitifeimu'e njcwpjii g Mil liioiv ifcnti 10 Hj of milium. 1 1 1 t Ui'b vuntitue a quaj: t I Itwrlioa " '$1-00 J week I ,08 a , i i ti.i.tuti io oo 3 J.0u i uiunti 15.00 4 2 ',,0 3 " i 10.00 5 3.01) 6 ' 1 w,k S.5tl - (rtial ftotlce, nnder. a tirtf IieaJ, will ka" tb -(ieii wtuh, liar per mire Kr tatb iM-e llioo. Fuunral nitice will iHffhat gd a mlv,i tictrinbt. Th -tvniple auiKHiuccmpiu vf a death Ot tuariiaga i., v .t t !, i iirtfei. .... i. AHW ITUI IX 01 R Bl'SUESS I Gentlemen's lioady-Mada Clotliing. RE ADY M ADE "CLOTHING!! CH,OTI-II2SrGr Youth's Heady RTado JOH-BOTS. t V "6PF IS a La Mi S OTfc 0FKvAtY WXftg ' .11 Clulliiug, (.vittmn up osfjicial y fu City Irada. - . . W. II. 4 H. a. TUCKER. HATS! IIATSH IUTStH The largest orlweut ot Hats, ---- Hats, Hats, Hats, Hats, Of vry ty'eand nuaUty, fr th bpt Amwl- caa Wobl to tU Bneat Prn h F't. . V. 11 4 H rl UCWIt . . GENTLEMEN ' FURNISHING GOODS! GVODS. f ; 00QDS. A.'T-.ni'go Stock MSltlXQS, WOOL AS SILK CXDEX GARX&XIS, CRtYATl - , SHOES. K I CITIES, ' ' OLOYES, - SUCKS, (tf.-TFAliEGI, ' " UMNt'UUH, X-ISliN ASUPAPUttCUlUM. tie., . &),, Uo &o. Pub is ittantioB U d!rwted to th abov Itn f tiaiMi.' liv n a ea ', . .ZiT" V i latni-mlnd to ) . . - w. Ji. jt. i:. s. TUCKEIJ. , Rlti;h, S(.-plc8hr 19 T.tf jTwTTrkiNsoN COMMISSION AND FCRWRDMNG ANU ."-A gen I - tQt": : ' QECU' ITY Fill A MAI'C IXSCRAJTCE COM- O panr, Kw York . '.iuilatl Fira tnaurane Company, Nw York. Pi'iihorfy 1 ire Itifntmi"(i Cumpaiij ): timura, . " r Muryiftiid Life liisujpm t'lniiiiiy, HaltiuiJLrfc ' Wl.tntugtun, M C, tsp. I 3 mi pti. Nails! -ISTfiilal! f)A KEQSOF KAILS, ASdOKIEl) SIZES, F0 , 1 tai hy VT. R. AXDEEWS. Pept mb-r IS, 1eiS.gt'-'f. VU. M ILUA5I LITTLC, OIl-'KK.S hi prufaliinal aervice to the oldcfM iif HiileifMi Hiel vicinity. tliouTrt"ul (ieor Utile'. ao 12-ecdRw J. II. CRAWFORD, DENTIST, BAlEI'm, tt.C, ! lP 'r r r pt' U-V Vl u3 Sme 1 " ' IKpORlVSb eitijc-- of PaVlph ud 'itroond lug cuuiijiVn inat he lin i,jw ,J jin clhce at Hi :iliin'wll kMn !nr-i, and i ) rfirwt m eluan, eattact and l-l.wtiJ to In ert artifinial Tre'U, Ir-aa J uno ta ao euiaejuit.-iioi.. Ui wuil liHprord pn -cm let A pinctiee. w He. rerpM! fully oliiU hrt tf fttbllw f4tTi,tr JCP. -aw Hr-tlt Jan..--. lr-. ,1 CtlMioro X. C Military Academy. rnUK rnflTXA.tni.Sft YeWcf lh! lultutloa JL will b 'KiM o M n u lh 4d et U4tbr. Uta. Kili'pilUK tha M ill fy fe!iiro, the ((Kus'nl plMi of ih "! y, di;i t, t'B, Barv of rtadr, ,tit bw fthrrf rn Ton : Oi. linn Iriit nod fir (tl5) fur th flr tbr" Bii'Biu t.f tte tern, rri, t aptao. n,n li'it wi.l t il t.ii' f' beaid, 0-t . I wlili, .'"iH.iB, o ittt fcl, jiil rn.iti. r,,J alt n loin?.' Jt b slu.'e. t uu t farui-h,rlMtliait fur a itt:l bd. ClfoeUf lf 'h' n P"iiit . t9 ( J. B. Vt H 1 1 U, ' rip-ri te-lcBl U 1. . t,e fwp't C MUiiaiy aeimy. Prp t, ISfii tw-ia- ATTOfiNKV A T L A YV ' jSmr the. J.ccK-injt lL,tclt rffL utiMi l l'i:ii I'sl nl C(mr!i In' ilu y r u vjn-e j utij.vlm t-j b'!l ii -i'4.a it 'ifwwBttf iuA, UU JJ-tf. - - Uin fuit K'ltvrj- neatut ad t!: