c iLw DAILhfSEiVniXEi; MONl)AV.;:iOl!Kil 2. ltf4 The mmi enes! tl bcaus th'T w"r- "-lPo4 attributes uile r trfOli dalea lO DM lUIOli:stu, "U rvriy Sinuate. raihrVtban openly 'baryta ih p iiiC.nued Ot (ho p---tullt M "I t' sU'-e!". cendjJaM, "but wll Miir the b iuroiithat he .was ttaexeeriioahl on that tr xind W" (to not IIi?t the Judifi-'i ken'i nttbii o i tbe Luton bad . Anything to do i h the election, " W hx-var r-e-eon to know ,tbs law abrt" the, eiti5m f that county even durit'g Confederate) ti-s t-ivnjr to lh Uui'iit, arid er. jjppoed t th war. V visited YaHi.iu duriog lbs rinttr of I86A, and beard mi'i saw mora evidence of diuVciioo to : the Richmond Goea-rnaient tbaua ww bad ever b 1 met wiih,, xW' bar) bo doubt tbal the P1- , l of Yadkin county i to-day a lot and a anxious to be) restored to their rijrhts i d privile filM the Editor ol th Proyrm himself. There tn oil have. Lett, oilier fetuses at ilm bottom of ibis, which we ar) not informed of now. . We do not know what queslim were prutig upon the peo - pie, what appeal were wade or what measure were resorted to, to proW'ttarr't;'' flat ' eppreheriel t'na the Jadfe remained st faumti in dignified retirement, whiht hu opponent canvass ed the County; tii' dofeut ti to be rretwd", for the Judf was trnJifetitiy qualified for ft poai tion Such baol too oflcu" been th fte -of ret mind in thi Stale, to be " barked at by Trey, pgrtoin Miy Httt ftftg wt-vof-for-1 - lff hunt mD(" vhil tbru trv . ni v ninrU re,(iiB tuiij tbeur: 1,'uif" . Mr. Peo matoa feet ft.tiu.l ore pi ,i -i , ,Som diMtrouf Vfit . not ''ir-ir ir ,i ht bout ly bing " ooMiittaiit ulu 1 i.nn, but taat fru Wher objection m. pnUn ua hd . oiMbii 4 ult,it7ujiu.4katvt 1m badtrpin .tbu ttoti htt-jn- iW of beiitg wry waftitnt ikitnt 'Puloiiiiv, h ItcteiL, W ..Jtm no bWQi.ajiiiaoiitfcnh , Prfec bomoginity of fewtiujf prerai). It iccaii . tht1l th " origuiI" bo gone i th bfuti ful city of oki, or lb vicinity. - Qui my we i.qt Jt Without being preumpinou r lacb nr.iclct in good Uete m4 w tfT hot by malting a wrong iapraaidonfceWiiiated to do aa tnormou deal ol .fcarm, and wpull it Hoi fcs admirable in the pre( ot atatw tf VubHc leefing at th J North, W bf certain that oxioyalt tim btfuf we i -inuate cbargt a grate( agaioat any peopia . CharlOlt ir-" U t inf y .Voote. ' Tie Nashville eorttD4.oudeut of the- St. Louin 'MqwllUatt, uuder date of Soptember 16, wnUi a iollowi MepewiTiplhree WeH taown Tmnwef Wn i Tbe remarkable Mr. Henry S.' Foo'e ii agMvidtlr.lrfaiii7t!.d:A aee not" tmfiequpntiy ia lbecuti e of aa inqnii Ure g"ronprat t(it Citi.r or io fme public Jilace, who h jf 3 uiktd or tu'rruaadvd liiui, no doubt f"T the' ' purpoi-i of akiag the - question which ia appfflOHt in tbe' pinit f all irq'iiriel " What iti pdlt.cl ptosprctt,', Qon. Jobn Bell retBiin1"! to bia , Lorue id tbla city m my -weeki tucia,'' Ui, baa tot maDy time own teen ia Dubiie. JU ieaet It baa not b-en mr Tortunn u km bim. It ia aaidhi bal b, b'b w. but . leebte t the Vf'ntiitig of Ue jr rt ba .. Imeu lurlber iiepaiVed by the eonemp!aioq of onr ua Lionel treublfa," Ex Oovernor Jf. S. Brown, notber jf ltoelio ttragtiled long in tl elTirt to arrrt refdlution. but re at-Ut w pt awy apoa it turbid watoii, ia punning hi prgfeatiu iatbitcttytfofold. " ' 7ne f aria Mitrtoponceoto' th .iw iiti (JMtiti, after anu(wnciir.Quea yictrr'a'a departure lor - Uermany, relat'-a tbie piece ot (toaatpt " M Before ieaVitsg tbe "0kn lance to ipinring, snd oiderd a rjj.vhunie of 8niu G-ibla to make ;, htr a ipimtiwjfwheel. lie Hi Uhii on of u x. cuimte wwdoiariebip that M t r lftf. d one far eeeh of hM pRci-e at d' ViHta. The goo4 royal natron rtiuiiraft occupation-of the aiwiple ladira ol lie "old aiid utinttctrd timej, ahd. be aure, ber Jstnp'e will ; cot be loot on 'he crino lined and jewtiftdlaiwe of our-aire. The incli nationa and fancie tit qnftni dictate the fiWioa at tbe tpioiiiBg wbjl aa wull aa at the eourt toi Jet." - . tit Celi WjUfThe rnp'.i-a Leiwffh tle ia t-nurch ciri?y ana unou f ytut, in . x, growing ml 01 practioitii lb ivim t m per uniting uoD'etii-t'oLnJt . oii.tiiitd Milliliters to . officiate in tbtir pulpita, it agproachinr crisit On Sunday tveutr c. 17th imiaut. as if to rcake contempt 4or the rtcnt fatofal foil'iddmg ant aucb practice, aa ampbatio aa 'ponaiblA,' He, b. H. Tyog,Jr., iited KtT. Dr. StO'fl-(Preibjte- rian) to preach id' hi pulpit, ard the iuvltalion wu accepted. Among the dt?rpy prearut on the wccaaloii wat Vt.rljvg, tr., ana Her. lleury Y, ua jtfeK'her. Jiiimop rotter oras, toe Lurch Journal, rjdticiug tbi4 erent in a double leaded editorial, employ thii eniphnUc language : "Af ter what baa already taken place, thia act can bo . an or pas unnoticed iban the attack on Fort Staua It i an open eWtJeration-of war-" - THt WTU TiattiV. The only ron left W perpetuate ft fatnily, nairi of Daniel Xnh ter i b'n grandwo. A!iburtoa .Vsbtcrraott f Fletcher Webrf !"' U erjr promlaing Toung man now in tbe Auiericnii nary: Fjetitlter , Webeter left two xm and i daubtvr, the I.w-t till lieingV Kdward Webeter, ftlnjnr, who ditfd in jMexioo, Iff! no children. There are four rtbr grand children by hi much beloved Julia, bearing t!i name of A ppletotaf Thi i all f the tatuily of Daniel Webster. . Th play of ft Conltdtfr! I) u Mer " i barinir rrt eucceee in on -ffih i. 'ni"ot thea- ire. ' Gen, Butler appear in 1 n r tyrant of iiew Urleana,': making iotb .tu ,ir ; p rty to tu 1 Confeder.lias dauKhter, but i t.iii tf faithful naro, rbr ha - a C ot nh Butler nd beat bim with the broad aw od to a equate fght. iJutler atierward ui'der'Jike. to hat n th lover of the aaid dautihter, but be i tvprov).- Butler U' removed from Commaiid and the C6o fel-rau daughter Uiuwpbi. - Th pin i fcrghly xciiicg. . t ' . - i - - Fxsi1. The Itrm Fenian hi dtricJ front ft 1 CfaeJi? worrl F'?!U In -tba"'ai.t;nni'.l jfr.:- jl is written i'tOtd. It wa a eanietriven to an or der or c'-afi vf profi (atonal soldirra' among the Paran Irrisb, long l tbr the Christian er Ia nrdinary time the Fiaiio conM.wd of thne le jrian, ta cacb legion wrre 3 OoO ota, but iii war Llicrt were Uuaiiy aeyea bgioca. VALUABLE PROPERTY FOR .SALt so bill's or conoxvn irocsaniDS OF TOBAKO,. , 'HOESE?, COWS, HOGS SHEEP, &c,, &a STOCK MliDICIt.t MEIH04I. BOUkJj, flouuUhf and KiichtA- Furniture, Farm i U'-ea.h, Ciurria-je, Sulkttj, &c. . T s 1 if)MrafsTRAlOn. fcrilH Till WtLIt AS A i .d of Dr. JoifrDb K'Mulif. doca4eii: I ba I ae", ail pah ib atiub, at ai tale idic in jthe County If Fraadiiu, no TkartUj, th 6lh if ot 0 tr.tu tba neriihab a iiroiwrtr beloDiiiuis to iu iMti, r thti- dcentwd. on tkt " Home riaoutmn, couiifiUj of 60 b of Cuia, l& bogibliaii PfTo- bv Hi,rrl Wif Wt, a larft BuMbtr U .WW if .nil teheep, a u'lu lot ol Mcdkium, Mod teal MeJica (uitrumenta. 4c, arTiuia, Sulkty, HuuM-boid and Kiuhea furuiture,, and awny wtber On tbe iy foi owiujf will bv ', at tbe "Hfcoay Haww" 'utilo, lioriW, Jtfee; Cow", Hog, farm in I'tuusl . T.0'10 DOUttd of &a CottuO, lama Lit r ('.ttdit 6w4, Ctta 8 in,' 4c On the lem dujt. n "pecti've'y, tbu two p antmtiorn will U reuu.il out fifltiu h'Uummt year, ea e pre Viuuiiiy dilp 'x d of. . A rmlit iifm m on tin wi 1 bo riron. Bond wilb appfuved curtty' Will' b rtitiir'I iermi mow par lirularly ii(iod m the dy ef !e $ j V , "- ilAhHU HAKK1.1, A.imiuuir.uur Wllb the will nneiod uf Jot B. Mma, Dvu'd. rraokliq Couuty, X, C 8epi lk-X8 tda." - ? : . - ,'IIIB - Hichmond to City Pomt F'di'tres MoiiBoe, Is or- folk and Baltimore, . mmv'7?rt"7TTl wjf C"f Point with: Mail Bwdi from'JPen tertory, Gaston, Raleigh, CharlotU and Columbia, S. V- , TIAVCfO J?FW AND HEOAyT STEAMERS II ot! eaua lad by any othvr line, it h tbe belt, meat xt)ditioa and moat eomfortabt Koate and Line roio North ' It leare Riobmoad at A. M and eoeneeu at th above-named wbarri, and arrive Is Hetiiaure to Breaktut. Through ticket gin to BtUlmQre, Philadelphia, Star X, and all etbr 'orthrn and Western eiiie. IUSN, At . . , r;- .-V - - Oattod, N. a ' I - C J. TROWBRrDE, .. p'. St-da-fa. ' " ' Perurir Va. THt UiLLJlU 5A;I0XAI BAJJK f ; . . p.. r, :, or. . .. , ', ' : 7 tOJVTIi OAIIOLINAV Athorlxe ieptemhef litbr-le-!-- ! ., Macio'itft.-7 - -JJ. Oeo. W. 8wpon, Pru't. , ' C. P."HeBdhtt; , Jo. 8. Cannon, Vie fu't, ' 7epb W. Puldea, . 1 .W. B. Quilck, Cathiir. ' ' AKD AFTER T3KJ1 TH SEPTEMBER, THIS Bank wui be pa for tie trantaeliua ef Bank ins bSr!nee. "' auid and f IItot Colh,'Pom-tto Ebrif and United State, tai and SMUtritie rahl and n.ld. i rST-i.y' . ,...., UncurMot mnriey di9"arrtd on the rnoit fT6 bliKtoiB. D(pln receir-d and eMrefal aUeatwa paid o the e netit sit N'.ie i.na n4&imt. i Col't 1-ni made at all puiuU i i the Stateuf tforlh CartlUia. . , , TRt.ArTji?TPARTireSrr-Tl .Orrie tf ' arraun.a tctjRie0Ti' 'WuUintau, ip lilt-, loti. J '. W , Tj ailff-tTy jvlmoca prmted te tHe uinlef-(tie ' b- nuiitt- t- t p'r that -TUV, alis OH KtrioyL BANKO N RTH OARLtM rt,1' t theCy f RWigb, la tha OiUtnty of W k. and Stat et MorthjOaralUa. ha been duly orpai-ned ea ter and aoour llm "t tb;Tt(aiTeeBt ff tbe Ant of Congrats, entitled aa Aet to provide a KationarCurranoT, ee:ued by a pl. le of Uai'ed Slate eo-.ij. and to rorlHa f r tae oiralatl' and reUawptiba lhare f, arpruced Jun SJ, 11, aad km umilu 1 w lb all fit prviion of M aet rcqotred to beeospUod with W n tumaioucing th boiaM of bankine arflarf til ant. : , Now, ibarr r. I. i'URSMAS CL VBK, Cnmp Uni et "f the Ctt !, Ha hnhy c"tf ir.at 'TH I KLIft N-tnOVAb PANK Of. SOMd.O.'B 0U,'.n l tbe (i i f Itvlsuh, in tbe Oi eoty of Wae ad Aat Ar..5inU.CariiavM-aitwia-eonmii'ne the luilum uf Baakiag adr th aet alereuld. - ...... Curreory Hur.au. " ' ef th '- -. Oomptrtiller of th Currtary, Tr.tiury licptrtin.nt. It te i time ay whereef; witaea aiy bead nd ! ol oflloe thi Uth day of September, Istia. - i. FREEMAN CbARKI, , i , - Comptroller, - OepUBber M 4 !.' FBE&ICEKl'S Cfi'ICE, CHARLOTTE & 8. f" ; C.KAI1 EOAD. 7 '.-'' tt(VAM.2Tt(, "S. C, S.pteniber Xl.ltti . rrSFIROli' IH J.ISS C'F TRAVEL FROM CUAR X lottte Wa.mugteui Aeguita, Atlanta Oa, and oiuar point South:' ' T . - - ; - ' Ly .Char'otte, at- . j . 10 AM Arrive at VV ujualiory at ! I P M " uicat A'atue at - j i r t A M ArrSVeat AbUvilla at 1 :' s IPM AuWe at VYeaUiiig'loa ef : I I A If ,'! .: :, -..-" amraaisia. Lav Was bin (Urn at Arrive at Abbevitla.et . . , ! Arrive at lua a ' Arrive at W inualn.ro' at Arrive at Cbarlott at t 4PM AM T P M - A M PM ,1 Couneetinr with, the vorth Carojina Ctntral Bal' Road gvTog Xorth at I P M. K uiitrruptioa is line of tratet between tbi e'aceand Nw York- Coaaee- Uou are made at vVaabiaitton, wa , with train te At- leuta and Auguata. Ample. atage atjenmauedation for paaaenger and bagi;a(( Th liue betweea Charlotte end Waactagtsa iut ttian two dyt , AH.AiH.N)aen,I 'gent, - Sop. 7-44-t. i CharlotU. S C 'n J2TVi.HV& MhMBtllS OF TI1 g.-sventtoa ea be ae. tta.ut seated, at tbe rXAN,-TtBX".t0IhIa.-1flii4'Xnia, atttiT .nra't. and god Uimif. to .at wbt-be futniKhed. Tri aio.Uru. P-trjirt i 1 oiuj. r. ; -' '.. . WM X i:AI.V, . , Pr A. J. Paartir. .. Rblelfih, "cp. II, ISf'J le. , , te the vaetei f the AppiOacliiag Con. vcuno.i 1 taooriD-r rpeiuiioy aatiacfi blmaelf a eaaJrUe fr the tfJlu. f A.u tit puoikixper te tbe aporoaolimg state CeawuLivk. JitP.WriLlAX3. Aag. It, Ui td-f i. ' 1 Tilt: OLD LINK OPKN. a AVISO SOLD 0V1 TH'IB HRST PI RC IIAS B, -aw g.r an ...'! a w . i . " f ALL AD HISTKK GOODS. elc'ud : with : peat care l-y our C . T'. Vf V peciali, adaptidwthe waouof thuMJj Our hue h log eeu in eoMtant opyaliou fur more i.n forty year. Ufore tbe wr-, and now -hi.. .Vft.nit'.i. coffer treat uida euanu both to tbe Vhoi.ate and Rrtait Trade. Our line of Ladie' Dree. OopU i ft. .cat te. day, copri.t al. TCtit dirWSty.e. w 11 It S ICCktR. A.1 BEAtTIFI'L STOCK Of LADTE3' ASl) MI3 Hat., ia Straw -aad Veb. .tall and ,oe them. It M U v . HATS! HATS!! HATS 1 1 1 - t f'5 : rplIAT LOT OrriXE HATS W LOXa EXPECT 1 td baaarriv.d. Thoe io rcu of a place .lor tb'kutl can find here a tyiUb ORotba. W II U o A New item - r n tslnewt. WB OFFER A LABOa STUCK. Made CloUiing, oun.ltiB(! tlent and Y ouib I BuiineH Suit. A o, Coat, V eat ana rani. apa rateiy. - ' W 11 i rTUchtR. AN KXTKJfSIVS 6T0CK OF TH liK&i tu for Uautlaiaaii. Ladio.. Muso and Chi d run. W H A R S TUtKKK. CntifretletiariV I Cenfrctloiiarle 1 1 A FCtb ASS0RT5dK5T OF FRSNCU CANDIES Toilet AHlHf Toilet Artlflerr IASC'V SOArs, niKAU.t.tii-yi'i a 1 Kuaodoat. which io mn'b desired and ujulvar ,iiyiVd. ; ' W Ii A R s trcKKR: ; n,uriHl nrorerlee I I OrererlM I 1 1 -: AjjkittiBiW"iiiua.jv.v.v"';-. 21. (iating in part,.vX.CM..gJfar.jTea,.5an4! Soap, Starch, Bpiee. V inaKar, spiceu uyaier., is Cam, gardinea, tobitcra, Mmun, Canned Fruit, Cheew, Craoker, Ac. t . zx. m a a. ivv.&a. Wises I Wine 1 1 Liqanra! lienor!!. OCR STOCK CAS SOT Bit auei-Ij&u. bubt chamDarae. Sherry, Madeira and Blackberry Win, French, Otard an4 Cognac Hrandie, Old Hour ban and Staz WhUktt, Plantation I itter, Chant- bain Cider, Schaidaia S-bnappi, porter, A'e. Ac, Cigar and Tobacco. W. H. A. R. S. TCCR. CROCKSRY ASDGLXS3 WARK. -tater-. W. H. A R. fl. ICCEER.- BAQQiSQ ROPE ASP TVTBfl. : 7 W. II. A R. S- TUEER. , We inrUe ipecial attantien of Country Aferchnti and the Retiil Trad to .our ext-natre Stock whicb ill ha natantlTDlenihea trotn to p'incii at Northern Mark.ta, abd parchaatr Will find it to tbelr adrantaea to riva aa eaii. a we are determined to ell good a luw a any bonae S juU of the Potoiaaa , difforene le freight eonxdervd. 1 -'t-tt W.- ti;- m a, S. TCCRS R. Ralei(fb, 8epternber lS-82-tf. ' i New AnivaL : 2Q BARRIL8 BALTIMORK PAMILT FLOUR, - v . .if- R. ANDREWS'. BOIES CHEESE, W.R.ASDREW3'. 10,000 REQAIS, At . W. R. ANDREWS',' Ra'e'gh, Sep. JS-et-tf. WHEELWRIGHT CO.. , SHIPPISO AMD Commission Merchants, v. : . lis Wat-tV-Ff w Yokx, ryrr D0TT0N, T0B a.C0, N VAfi S10RK3, atC , AC, jroid on oonii uint .-v.-: A meaibar of th boui. it now 'jfa R a' nigh pnrcha lag Cottn, all peraott deair'.uj to ell will do w.'l te eU oa 0. P. Cook, it th. .nr. of P. D. A W. E. Clara, oi the aii'i aid of Hrget: St, neat doer Ket ef Mn William A Uayeooa' Drug btore, Spt It-XI-tf. , NOTICE. Bnyinp, Bellingf nd Leasinf; Eeal Estate, AL'i Parlno ni.biog te buy, or Ltaae Real Eatate, are iavi'ed 'e el up'u ibe ucrlbr at 1,11 Motel, o the eorner of Wilwingtoa and Dvie itr"tj. ba.Ulith. W. 0..hu.nr4ni.,.ta ira4h4-. tiaaln ai prompt atunttoa, aad ipar no. pern tbat will eaanta ntia o gtva ntir aatinta'tion - Beinc in W.ll kaowa to th c'tntna of Ralalgh and Wake Cooaty, the anderlgn4 hnpe they will -not hantaU te put tbir buirirma in h I ha- da. , ' .1.. ; .:'; WK0Ri.BT.C00K". :i Agat for Wake Oe. of the Pioneer Land Offlo'f. .apt, mtntt. -. IISWLt1ION. rpHE UNDSRSIU3F.D SO MS MyXTlIS SINCK J. having aaeocietad'thentNlvea together jo carry on th Commiiaioa and Forwarding beainesa;" in New Berne, N, 0, and eircunurtuncta hajiog arisen which render it Impracticable for the junior parkner to re more to that place, therefor., by mutual eoneent, tbe Co-pturtner.bip ia.tbi day di.solved. Tba-bu.iiH. will be aeltied np and eoutlnued bjr J. i Foard, the mtlnued bjrJ. Ft Foa JNO. F. FOARl), ! aenior partner. W, H. CUMMIGIU Tbe Junior partner moat cheerfully rocouiinend th Hou of Dr. Foaid tu public lav or and patrouaira. . Sep. 11-88-tf. Wi H.CCXINGUIM. ' Wont Uso any Other 1 ' T' WEBSTER'S VEGETABLE HAIR IN VI G 0 RAT 0 R, IS LIKED BX ALL IN PRKFEBKNCB TO.. ANY ia market for tea reaaon : I . I. Beeaeee it invariably turn frajf Jui'r to It original color la th tbort pao ef four week. ' i. Beeauaeit l eleaa and aloe, aad wiUaotalJia lit tain. -.', , I. Beean it remere all Davadiuff aad Scurf, and I a narmlea a water. 4.. Heceuae thouaand ar using It, aad very body host.: ' . .. a. Beeaaae It I peculiarly adapted to all 9iUj., eld and young. i " A. Bacaaa it i ry eeeb!e oot a die. t. 8tae it kHl kfair aute, ead- oiake the hair raiunaat aad aeft, . t. Becaaae it eare all haiaora aad dUeaaet ef the iraip. r t. Bread It arra aad preeeat C hair from feltlee. . 4. . , , . - , - 19. iieeaute it ia ae hattba, but an beneit artiele, n.a'.tam Jee eaa taatify tat if it don't pmv aa reewauLeqdtd, the money wa all bertfuaded. . EBrB .are and ma the I0TI5 -raiu a ecrdirg te dureenek oa the hvtcle. u; . For tale by . . . t ' P. . PE3CTJD. ' Rlel4h,S.p iWS-lm.;" v . Baxita, " Cowpxa, . u.osaa. BAKEB- COIVPEIU CO. 4. V G T,l O N AND C O M M IS SION And Altor' law -"Brokers and loliectorslicncrallr. (J nO lHKtAD, cjuo Cn'ton, Cfcl riform, and a kj toot Unn. DAK EH, C0WPE1 Ho."' Fep. 8, 1S8S-IS tf W UITHEl Cures RhenmaUem certain-a plnt onteylor tie feeble ud aervoun , . . , i . .BAKER, eOWFER teOi Sep i'l8"J8-iw,- : ' . '' -- FOR SALtV Q HEET Tin, Tobacco. Leather and Starch. BAKER, COWPER A CO. Ansr. 32-3t. ' " ' . Hon? and Lot In BaldsU for Sale. HALF ACRK LOT,. ITU -1 VERY. NEAP lloune on it,' four room down (tair.i, and two up niaira. Onod gardi'0 ap"t tta hil. Situatvd in tbr Nnrtii wtuneru part of Ute t'ity. JiO tf. BAKER, COWPER A CO Iox Sale. VV.T.HY BOOO R1WXO HADbLE.' AND two very (t'Hid aide aaddle. Also a lot ol aond Bar Moap which can be sold eery low by the box- ' ..' 8t) tf. BAKER, COWPER ft CO. BANK NOTES FOR SALE. , St A AAA 0F KORTrl CARO 1 U,VV7U Una, Bauk of Cape Pear, Bank of Cbarlotte, and Farmnr't baok. Go'd euin for aale alao. - HQ tf. - f-A KER, COWPER A SO... Cotton passing, Sojfar, Coffee, 4-,. tie.. A LOT of ale Saar, CbtTm, tfo. 1 Maekerel, Cot ton Bagaing, Iron, Adawantlre Candle, Wlaa Oltesea, Cuiry rmb aod Hoi. Ltb-r ' lUKkR COWp&R A r.'t. Augurt 18, 1866. ! . IS-f P'OHSVt K." , I BttJl Easi, t I OT of No. Middling and XV Shoulder. Ra'.lgh, Aug. 8 BAKER, COWPSR A CO. , B. WAX.LACC. 1 . X. OCTHlRLA.VD. WA1UCE ds SOl'TnEEIAXD, GENERAL COMMISSiOS . MERCHANTS, - ;otDca aeer A. E. Hall' Store, " No. 22 'NOlttil WATER ST.,- Wilmington, !N. G. WILL giv prernpt peraonal attention te all Coa ignmrntaof ... . . KATAL STOKES, C0TT0, SPIRIO TtllPENTIXE, E0- . iJ, tAtt, rttU13IU.3, sc., sc., timis fOS8AL!ORSRIPilESr. .: : . ALSO. ; - , ? TO FQQjrjRDfXQ UERCIlJLNDISJZ.'dx. Sep. 6. 16o5 26'tf. t- - -.. - J. L. PEKUY & bONt Commission ai FORWABDING MERCHANTS. ( BKAVfORT, N. C. : ; . riOSSlGNMESTS OP , COTTOX AND OTHER V eountry produeewj I recuiva prompt aUeetioB - ' Alt artiic directed tu ua at Moreboad City will I diapoaed of a-oording te th ihipper'e doaira.- ifeattfort Sopt 14, ibi 4 Jtn-pd. PRIVATE D lAHUiKCI IIOUkC, M' BS. MtRV JT..1EB HAS Rg-OPKSED A private Boarding; Ilou.e. and room a fumLhad. 'Jb boua 1 (ituated on the western tide of the Capital cieuar, and he detife th. patronag of all who prefer a private bearding houae. Couj tuimedi- at'y ' :i'L ... .- ; . . . Kalelgb, Sep. X8-4S lw. ' .' - ' I). T. CARKAWAY, --.f '".:,! ' wrrx , : V. ' ' HAET & LEWIS:, , MANTJf ACTTJREB8 AND DEALERS IN 'PIN, Sheet Iron aad Capper Were, Hardware and X llouae FurnlahiEa. Jim d...xnralir t'okug Itbvet, Kveroaep Oii, Lamp end t iok. Alio a aaiaot tock or ramilr ",hm;. j Ne. FrrtayiLLM Sraatv, RaLarea, N. 0. . t,Sai jVi i '.A , v U i, I500TS &; SHOES. f , . A Wholesale. BALL, BE ALL 2c C O., . ' 106 Mai! Sr., Rich mono, Va. - - fipHE epcial attention of Mervbanl I inviud to 1 oar Nfw and Ccmplete aosoitment of BootaT aud Sliowt, of all kinds, Ktyli-ii'-artd Varietl, Ladie. Mian. Children. Men a, Buy' and Youtb'a, The Retail Trade wIM find it to their adantf?e to call and examine our Slock before going ebw- where to purchtae, - An.46-tf " B. P. WILLIAMSON ICO. ' AUCTIONEERS, , FORWArfDIXtt AND COMMISSION -MBRCHANTS, -A ft TTOVll LK a TUl'S T, : :- ! . RALEIGH, if. C: " Jane 27, 18S. . ,. ; ;. e ; li-Oaa. New Map of iVorih Carolina, FINELY EMBELLISHEOrSlX BY EIGHT FEET f PHIS theXATEST, LARGEST and eery EKST L Map of th S.e'e ever pnhlit.ed, and la s.iUy moaitei on rollrra. Th Mp eae ne had only t tar Store, the balani-ewf the ir e iitia bring--? ear band. Price, (Kxpreiaed t any pit,) ft HQ - , uRANSOii a fa er, ' ; an! tf , , . Raleigh S. 0. "WAJSTTED, BEES-WAX Jj;T ALLOW. WS WILL p.y tha hight pri-, either le tank or trade, for any tntlty .mnax (aJU UJ- WAl ii. bAliXii A CO. MM GOODS! NEW GOODS!!! ULN'SilAW&.'TIlOnBURX- RALEIQH. - I WE ITAVB JUST RECEIVED AN ELEGANT aaeortment of i w . , 4 LAiDlES'DHESS OOODS,"" D PEL'AINS ALL WOOL; j-.--. MERINOS -ALT WOOL- ' - W)MBAZINE3, ALPACCAS '! i .'n-:.-r.- and fi"''i -i ' ( THE B EST ASSOHTM ENT OP PRINTS 1 rer brought to ibia uixrket I DRESS TRIMMIK08, A BEAUTIFUL SUEO tion of - .... . UALMORAL'8KTi:T3" ! EVEilY VARIETY OF IlOOP SKIRTS. A - LA;bE WT-OP 010VE3, 'A BANDSOVX aeertmnt- ef Leie- and - Mie -flata, asi -LUkdreuf Mantle, eli tooL ' -AL8 . A EINE LOT OF LADIES AND MISSES SHOE ' Purchasfrs will riND rrio their ad vanoage to call and eur (tnck before httyti e wbtii. W.tavemade arracgeintnt to keep ,a band ratant y a larg aad complete, aatortniut of Uooda of every dec riptioa te uit thi markeu i ua a eu : t .. .. f . , , .. . , HEKSHAW & TH01lBTJOr Next Door to P. P. Peictid' Drug Store., Raleigh, Sep. tt 4-tf. . A OiftI A Gift!! XXT Kill" MESS JTJtO EVERt-MAk.WO- -I f xaaa and chl d in th County, eopy ef the Tt-tWfii T A ST E" N T " eat' bound 1 r alf, 1y nlling -it Tncher'. In addition' w will Ueach oa a PalrofBbofe -ana of th Beat' improved ty and latett fkah-'' Ion, n the meat reaaoaab! Urma. Alao. the l--plX a- tipncakiri, wbioh, i not-tv-he fergottea j wae aaaniea. I W. E. & E. S, TUCKER. , Balelgh, September Jfl.is-tf. 1 : H HUOHE8 &.OILL, ' --"- ! ,wr nw BERJIS, H. CL CCVSIONMBMTd of C-Hoo, Naval Store aad T. baqc. will kve our prompt attaetloa. Agent for Murray' lio. of 8taaxhip te New York, and eailing eeaaeU tor Baitlatora aad Phihv dlphia. i . . .. , . , : . .. ... T e. If raa. Newborn.. , . . ' '" ow,. .- it-mea nty."- - tti'fir , "CHURCH BBcOnSTAUCTiqJf.f Letura of Rer Dr. DeerneaadReT m Mora of the Methodiet p4coral Church,' honth, and of Kee. Bihop Elliot mf th Proteetant Ep icopal : hurch. J In pamphlet foru.? faent by Baaii, lOct. Ceopy.f 1 advien Address i Wll, A. TOWKSEND, 65 WaJksr stN.Y. - ' BRAKSOAT& PARRAR, Raleigh, A'. (2. . Spt28d , - v . - , Houses and Lou on Illllsboro Street :':'; i"-;w.:;: lor Sale. '.,",',,.', ,.- WE OFFER FOR StLS TWO HOUSES AND. lou oa Hi laboro Street, Ra eigh N. 0. , Una lot coaUiui on and a ha'f ore good boeae os it with Ae room , good out buUdiuga, iiab'.e and carriage bout The other lot contain two scrci, gpo.4JiMS.4e-.lMl U.iWlvh".eTea room, gtwd eutbund in K a, atabtea an J. carriage house. i Both house ar -well located, In good order, and . ga ia each. .. . ' , . BAKER, COWPER A CO. Sep. IS -tf. . FOB SJAI.K. r. 1 N. 0., STATE BOND, OLD 6 PR ft CENT FOE I $1,00. i . " , ,, I tpleodid Gold Watch,; "i ...... ' I 8ae Black Silk Dra. : ' v . BAKER, COWPER CO. . '' Sept. IS ISM, el-tf-'.' "'; , , - . IMPOUTAAT NOTICE. . - THi SXOCKROLPERS OK THE PEACS INSTf. TtXh! ar rrqueated td he present tn person or by . proxy, at a mtetmg to be beld on Important bullosas, in the City of Raleiich oa the 6tb ol October, lBoi. Thi notice la'sjiveu to euable Slookbolder at a Mtae to send In their proxies by Uie delegate to tht State Conrontlun;:', , T. Mud KB, Treasurer, A.; , Raleigb, S.p. 10, lS'fie eodiloct. , ,, , "COOKE'S' HOTEL.' 18 open, and those whe tre travelling and wish euinfurtabl quartera end good eating, stop al cooke'a , My term will be aa moderate a possible for the timoa. Ton will always Bnd conveyance al th depot to take yea te either ef tbe Howls is tbi City t bt be ure to inauire foe Cu;k'. where yoa will get- ged tix-yiny, govi tatinf, oiin ral mtr t drink, and a'ptpe lo atnoke it yoa wish it. ' "'J will be prepared to accommodate 1 er JO mem ber of tbe approaching Convention.' i ttEO.T. COOKS. September ; 1; 18 J3 tf, ' ' - ' f 110 ae.-ommodate tbe public tbe Raleiyh A Outoa , X Ra id Com aj will C '8TINUS ofa . kind wheat the Patterns ar fbrrlahed st their sHAp. -';"- o ALlilRr JOHN-ON, ; -4 . Aee- SX tf.W Hni ;0?.!Q2.r;;:'.'i:; To the Justices of the Peace In Wake ConntJ.. IS obediencs lo an order made by a called , Court, which metal the Court House on tiie Sih. dy oi arpt, 180J, you are requested -to meet at be Court House' ia the city oi iiaitigh on &atrdy th SO itiil., to transact important business. 1 - n i. i. r Emu., c. c. c. SL lS-td,

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