4 ' . t . t HI tl i t i n a tii. Ittll A ra't. I..W... - wlMP'llwrrTOnrrtti-fi" j The irwin ! writ M YuV jri f frifllr-rtre beVnua " ou;'lW,Hlidi!l thv only iw 1 'know Tii alt"tiud's LnnHV far i'r-f ' 'Tor sum H.-veml Weeks 1 it hut? i.--ra w.t.-nn iq v iv PiiiMiiui, rvr euni H CouutV d0estt4Alr eu rM, mill 1141 a '"'' to do niOiUiiiwt-' We didi)'-qniieia it, and new ftrfjr JiiWiifirfj'I fture you, to drj apH of n " "sudden "H jnf'H ""' 'ik we wasn't that. , My friend, LMttlf rinrtljin, 1 Suppose , 4Hh4ywMHrt. Mr" U ' 'juniiii'jJu" i.Wiuviuamrt J maal txplode "T' m;. jnJllr belter. see Tro trying taJuiuapnixe. I'm tryio M jfiteti d'wp my fliflt.Vn eiwlgevoring to nut.4tii.fl nivsjif to.ib tijj aotiwotinilin eirtfowi4 'toViUfU. Cut I can! (lu, it,!Hil I MO. allowed a j(r"r sajYttlit rUTi vaBf to quarrel with aumbody S.-dnl tfieo nr;iTifTrtcii'lgT ainT rio giarit-Sitler; I Bint no Nora-f-ian bar. I aint no btr-eon- ' atriMpr, b,1t"jtUT4 hornewaled f th latklpg w ' and flinfio anil the slmi, I' . b a i H drt,P V" f? 'fJ longer. Some of your " f0IVi Kiivi got Jrj up or torn our folk Joutt. It's ;r)4nt,X"SMtfgpfrWrf. ' Ait yona editor gJMiwtnrTw to ; ao nni , to peon; mv and squib atAtMl fownvwr, :n t 1 every man what kaWw'rlle" t"ieWt WSW1- u w burs in og.-fn'4 P .fJw&y)'W'-t to l.i-r j r0W you nee, my arjie&a, th!itn whaW d'fiiirnioninu, and do yon Jeat tell em, one and wttTTr phiribug uoum, m-caU&l, thtrt if they d)f t. R ca or turn un Iymo to eav whiiCwe4l!!ivp'Jij;e,ret8,o wW, have iiiiDuiiiH8liai'U4fi.ljL nJ ikwtstnlljF rewdved '" to Yo 1 think v?ry hwnUil iWU witifterdof. rl'w hat'f iVe af fo'Xak it. I ainta gwine lo commit myt'li'. tJ koo wben to put bn the Vimkcs. I ami a ' p wine lo. aay all I thiak like ' Mr. KthtTid'i, or Mr. A lltriwr, to-ralleil.l Nary ltimi!N'?VO,"B'rB Jeatielfyoa Arteuiua. ifn4fWi'naylt rt td four ahowj Ifweaint lowed lo eiu:oiu liur entimsiit, we can kka it out in )i , and hatin ruua heavy in m fami 1, hnre, I Wed '"ttiai ao one that, all the U fifcalrfcaflft'oot'of mttWi6'Itad the riian drowned biinavlftn h'pw-.!t that night ' I kotild do 'i it arirt, hut yu i'ni tryin to harmonize, to aequiesc, to bikum i frlm and tereon. ' NowlfqppoW.tUaApoatikallj apSakinJ tJ We smm'd all." r Fatlal'tin wn 1! ii, a big feller and a lit ' " tie feller, w caWet, ot into a iite, and they font and fout andfoijl .Jonj.t,iioeI and every body Jl iwuni Wfhniferuiijf W fn- kep;hfJBi.n h 1&1lft tottt UnrtHirHChe little JellorT ravel - - iff and twWv Wvt.' w 11 a 4-ef rod- fcwlwfritwft wo u"j t-te iMa.4 WrffiVhat did tb"'Eifcllei-,doT ke'hrttf WthVWi'ln? ' Mpi hi'a pp.?. and ish tn'ef pjiw.iMlvjJSaTyitime j Xo, i TOIV hrunl aurl But ho kicked hun arler U as-down and throwd.5iBtlnbiiainddrBir hr ahoftt and rubbed saiul aw" y,iid iunt bfs ' gwiue boufhuntiift liirtiVlltijifopftrty., WanU to ttijUaMtitf io ffift4VBt.u'ia-i jaket if it mt eBrkJOftlHilUaw-i.l i - " But i i a gw vifli man ttt euiud. i aib'1. to fijBa ri-' I shan't ot ftn h -wet war. . I'aia'"t no gnorilUa IV5 4ft"l1r '"the batlij "anil" , J' tmtkef T sb(r fbrhem s'uhjdogrf- tea ana nnpijiyaiMi, to- ,I"'.v''eKJiir touarf tftuK f alfttiliamed ornuthin-, ,neith , er, tint repe'itV. ''. ' .Cwfr wm n jhorse,' 'ulinrt.-iKiiultid iiarihtn.i. Kobod nando't be flavin ' fa uj-r Wd.e,Jjnto tnntwrnTf homL ..doltartwWi. i mlV M'tfif i 'to 'thek -poor k widwd wr"'! tM fcttoifirif owiJ ndmeroua a,nd jierestia.it)ffiprii!?(in about "two miniuwid li balft ySheysndtrtflctit eat root and (drink . - braneh watuf rtnT rlonger- Poot, unfbttilnate thing t to cum iwtrJ 4W; awU'temrj world .at ich a (bn&X klft-YtfJuIftor five' of that I ai WiaiAra.ikr8WyVAwue?r, "v M 1 WktJitife-ew eh, iner a, ' v reeatn. There' .Bull Rim 5 Arpand 'llirpar' U4pfy:Arp; a.!l CbikaJioonny-JLrt that (iwrac. jer fh iikfer W pelHff btiok. I ;feo; . A myiVieur e en?' th -poorest people ou .je'faAa of the earih fmrwff are poor aud.prouJ: .Wi taaoVn'trtlly'tttV'h ! an4 the wlnuU 4iart Vitn'niitioft hiii'fijfto fi't JitouJ of it. "It jahowii ,JJr1iJu' AWrlttiii VvwtMiv when they Jhirik they. are i 4iihn4 on -"ictl W lDnlii't "our fonr fathm ..... litu, hiwwttiimrit-tmleTaTga"lea,' whert f irDt irf-r .tVtKlirftfAaHtllt '"'llk 'ihey ,ulftdjl t!'?' Wot if they hacloutl aupprt-.c.it wg.ll'!;iv I" tfn trei'Jon,and 'hey would It v?J ),nTe ft.iprflintinu'td Tfm rouqj Kjni tleorjre foVparflofi'Sg il'if-tj-ijrU-pm,, and to my , - ruuid, Uu1wMU-W'-w" vweil doWu it .. , 4 , would UbJlt) about bjUi, a t hambnej r Vim ku, t htl gool.Ru r"' t""0rietla" frfmij who thought Vlir',iill-,rni.ff Jen hav " , t.i.:-,of)p t4 4l,e uiolrH-f, d thiibiff . ai.ij( hiwe cot ' pVHffu a ia piiraoti. Wneu 1 OhusJI Oi nnty j, willing. risk, jnjseir wid th ,U'Ww vt Ihnt wi'KH.,iWfciho Umiibe..bofcor ooll 8o niofaat JaWnUw w ww'ilk v lTC WiJLimATbe Ereiaaid ennf! Dut I (lon-'t leal eay y it.' I'm a i d Until in tin. ertinand ehur. aivl eo oaa nywwv'V"" wi ua ves ixn a VWwyn''kt' ami 4 rvy nfnn fiel ftffpand; about . twirt irv-WltllHM.k Aaggety-and gif Wh, andlhen I low,t,t''ne W uttnilan hfnven ti,:ndilttbalrtrllyoh. tjBe. n .tailed flr'lia. Wtrtrftit-! Ui birmo !!Mja4aatwt'riilrthJhbiieMf"itW!iet Tor rti,(H tWa"" VTtn f iv' tu'tur1 ;Roifig round the ijtnVVK'i) n grtn o:f,i Miftiilf.'f, why 4,rItfit1hoh,'i'ftti,wr (tiilnjili".; 1 hute the wht.le Parity j.ifi'in. "JiTuniliMibim my Mnod lulea 4 The inmitution what w-u fuiinK'tl ;l';nji. to u by thoT)eaeifykI''",oni c.rMTsmw burette iiw put rivet if vidto t 8 t' H.innonite the " ' devil! Ain't w Miunn b iiii Ain't tie oT f n'vi'Mi f '"l fJ J WjlsM" t hy ' W'hole ATrJky la (Ji-piH ' town, womea sftiS children nii'lJ'iil'i'" nn l t aboonii and all A wart 4 lea'a ti-ll iH'W tiptt ii Sb?;ih HtT 'br Hh 'Stnell j;-fj(5tb.fTt,i:Tlify'faiiJ. w.lrklor ua'aitd they wrt work fvr tlietnpelve and tliev'jlkiMrioil to jeatlj tbii WMit-.c M ahorena the diTvi,X.WtV;l-leyre now baakrn in . the aoifftbVwV liTW rtiatin ear '! free " .O') 4ukWw&aUtr.Ud.ibat the. winter will cum agin, or that easteB-wl inaA. eoltf . ooati moiay. Swm f 'H- a hwnJid yean- old. aru Whintn 13 around aborsrin-tr. knowledge. The trih ia, py Cfiend, auvnl.lvJ'ivUy fooled abiit tliia bnt 1.1.. ('. .T.."-i,...w.,l ..I..r-.n. m ahitf lotitTV. a. .4 i(.u'l'kirnvtnj.it t() J .witii, bin. t.- lUe'f juuliAlir'W't lua aauat abiut-J)oaei id bv- 11.1 .11 i. . . . .. 1 ..1... ws-"'hnvitn vi Wit tiib phiiitaf cr. and'wnrk. I m """e'li't nw.itf frt inrjij(rr p'n'titrt 1 f "tin, and whi-n you 1.. r .L.j b.i k -, ,' sVj "a, U II ni ' t9 a be," "lljf, I etn't get mi'tiin to aitpport . i .U wunwVV'e tout ourlvea out of everything ficept ebddrtn aad land, iud J snppeea the land I luriidrf)f or I ' td Ut&Jie fjfoe for pti yaraa. - .. j f . Well, my tKcfia. I don't want nnch." I ain't ambUioui . aj ra4 to waa.'l Yo all hava got your ghowa and moukeya and airkuaaea aedbraca baeda and orgine, and cu ipUy oa the petrol yum and the harp of a thouaand airings, and ao on, but I've pot ooe favor to as of yooi 1 want enuf pow der to kill a biy yalteratump-tail dog that piowla roundmy premhtea at oi?lit. Pob honor,' I wont ahoot-aitv thing blue or blank or mollaiter., Will y aea it? Are you and ywnr foaka ao akeered of me and my foak, that you won't let ita bar any amynishim? Are tba aqnirla and crowa and black raaeoon id at up our little corn patebe f Are the wild turkey to gobble all round uawith Impunit? t It a taad-.do take tha hiderfoby, fhewWe eommHoitr to ma ttaelf to death to get out of the wav t t golly 1 H look like your people bad tuk tba rebalfobV for good, and waa never rwina tn aft- wver it 6 ber. wit friend. you tnnst send me a bttle powder and a ticket to your ahow, and' you win aarmomze, aerun. w. With these few remark I tbink I feel better, and hope I bait d wehoJy alia mad, I'm not 00 that Hoe at thta time-. I ant trooly your friend all preeent 6r -aeeonnted for.- ' ' ' i . , v, Bite ARPrao'cAiLSD.' P. 8. Old'nlanTJarrla wanted to buy my fid dle the other day with Confederik money. Ht eaid it w,Uld e wood affin.'"" Ue aava that Jim Jj'uuderbuk tol(i( bim'.Ui.ai VVajreti' Jack bad lead a man who bad iut rum frftm Virginny, ana m 4 man toldm counin Mandy that Lee bad whipped 'em .' "Old Harris aay that a foller by the natne of Mack V Million i eomin over with U millinft'of fticrt:'" But tierertheta, not- wlthstahdinl, oraebpw"or aomeow elae, I'm da bo'ua about the mouey.! .If you waa pie, Artemaa would you make the addla radJ.. ,! ; B. A. ... ' i apa p 1 1 1 - ;"u; i The flatio: $J 'ahall' Jnathaa: Wortb ba pint! atthabwha of 8(aU the aian "who ra aisled aeceatiionto the utmost and to the but ex tremity, or W'r W. Ilolden, who wag a aeceaaioai iat and (ted her out of the Union. Shall Worth, who tried to preaerr tha Constitution be elect ed or IIoloVo,- who attempted to deatroy 4W by -rlttng4tf- ua iaioaviaur reara war !. Theee'are tho queatbn the people wilt bare to decide on the 9ih inst Holdea tha aeceagiooiat, the jnan who in the Convention voted North Car olin out of the Uuion and info ruinous war or Jonathan Worth, the man who protested against the whole meaaure from firat to iaatf Mr. Hol- den by hia vote a a member of tha Convention ia Msponaibia slot u tue ruin, aeaoiauon ana misnrv which haa afflicted onr unhappy eountry thasit four year. For that vola waa tha beginning of the " Iliad of . oor woea." VVbila we are Ireeto aay Mr. Worth ta not our choice, wa can no longer hesitate between the two. We bad boped that Guv. Qrahan: would have been ia the. field, but a we cannot ha araunea, wa naaegita- -tfnglydscbire for MrWortbrnd "t6day place bia name at lb beaa 01 our columns. 1 nre are many reiuona for our preferanca -torf we ; think . bis record and claim are beyond cempariaon, but we are constrained .to participate mora ae tivelr in tlie canvass' than We ' intended, by tha course which the Standard haa leeu proper to pursue. :i ' - ' ' j We are neither to be bullied , nor intimidated itlh;r4iMort-of -ady man -and if we-tAouot have a ftee oboio, then wa ia not deaira to lea au election.' And. testdei, we are thoroughly Anitntw Juhnsun 111 our feeungs. We admire birq prtifoundlylHe Jia iakea a position whieb raise him in our.estimauon to the pinnacle of ha man er4luess,ud stamp hint unquestionably as the foremost statesman of tha age.The aa- aurajica then oa'lbe part of tba .Stanlard, that Ottft-auppui t of. Mr, Worth wilLcnauga Mr. John- Hou'a nolicv toward JNoriii uarouua, ta a renec- tioii on that great roan's principles and character that eall for an iii(ii?hnt reWu'ae from ALL of hi admirers Charlotte Tttnri ;4 State of Worth Carolina, - ui hr-u J I Exsoutivb DlrAatMEJTf,-' . . Raleigh. Nor. 2d, 1865. .w .1 Jti ! 'Mowing pawoni uhviog beao pardonad by the President. oltb? Vniwi 8tatas, will be eitilled fJ vote at election! hereafter to ba held in this State, in accordance with an Ordinance of the Convention ratified tha tenth dof October, vBy rft'Ooveraor:"" 'J"' ik, fii" MA uwVt Fr ifata acxatary JiAN0Lv-N G Jarrell. "n if- i v" "Ko(fKhnAV( r M Wlnr-haater; ! - ' I U--, T'Sifn 1 A foringtnn. ,"" " ' " C'khaRiibS Uufus Harnngor. I.KKom Hflnrv F Bond. Jame rierrlng. t'ASWEix "--Thos C Dudion," Q J" Farish, Jame M.tlone, W II llsndaraon, JordanX Motlet, Bta- yt'fiO- SMo M Pkrish, O W Pariah. ' HesuitRoN It U Biythe. j Chathaw rS'dward. . . .1 l'ltr William 3 Moye, Caleb Cannon, Jo L i )ltnMKir K' V Chessoa.' . . .VatW-H F JobnsoB. -. r -V 1 Uladks JaniraM White". - GAsriLt.K J"ohn0 Varey. -JTKs--Wm EOwtin. Wak tJark B Harrison,'' n - j PoLK-i-liaizel Hirks;- j pKKsoi--Jas W'Townsend. " 1 i Hiiaat William Foy. ; , . 1 IIisbtfobd U C Moon. '" f ''' ' pAWt'OTAna -VVm II Dr.vin, i To the Voter of Wke County. J ' At thTiaMt of nur atrt. I am tun Jiilate in Ibu Cuuftty lvr tX.11 Uyiue of Uotuiauat of UfHoamti Afsraibl.r.Hri .... .-. . n-- 1 t. 't'li f mitaiitiiin rR(Siiilrd the Goremor to appoint i( tothinift(-r ftf lbre pvrun to prepare anil ref,rtto ins irfgtw'r w laws lor irfimen,nit t i.-ciiy whataw rolaling ta rtheoa, uuKht to tw ra lit ad-ii. He li'jj .. iy ti faoanr 10 il;nt l out ui' tln'in, This wurk. with other iudispnbi ciiKitgi rarm. ill oci npf my wtiole time an to for littl tar wiin-liiiif aiaxlft K inT,"rttb the rteopl. I avi Hiyno.l' vf ih'u) 'iii)n to a.eur yon of my frattfu1 ini if j-nur eaafidoace rorontly xpreaa in aleetUig me W.U Common. If I am hoaored a'iiinby your'cnti tui)ce,l Khali slrivato merit, lj fey nrsrviee. '' Very respeetfutly yours, ; 71-tde. 1 JJ. Jf. MOORE, c . . .William K Bojrham, ' ATfOIliiriy AND OOTJNSEtXOR AT LAW, , . . RALBfSH, a. C . , ! ..... IXTiU. I'BACTICK tS TUB f KVMAI. C0UET8 1 V vf M'aJtit, rai.kliar A Mb, ana Johnston Co. tun. aii'l in tlx tiuiiii'iaa C'Kirt f aorta Carolina ;-j,tH.iiil aUi)U.u will ha. giva to Conwavaaeiag ami OiJuf XVuHk fttuvrally, aatl to tha Mtateaant ad iita w ataus. , . ' . . 1 0.(i.. ton 1'avettevili gtitot, V.48.i . Oct. ji-e-tf. " l" ard, H Ii Far tha Sentinel, i Ma. EuiToai Tba frlenda of Mwthtm Worth. baring pubiiahel tba following handbill, will you nleaae give it an insert! .m in the Stntiitel. and oblige' .4..'s j v;vi MANX' V0riiU3- .v The national Union Ticket ! or Governor: Jokathad Wobtb. of liaiidoluh County; ', ror VuAurttt ? Joaun Torxbr. Jr of Orange County. , , - - i . , . - , I , -for Ma Mofe SeuaU .- Katwav Irar. 'or lAtUmttof Common i T. Jarr. Utlkt. P. A. Doag, Jobm J. L. McCi'LLkaa. TO THE VOTERS Of WAKE COfWTV. rhe friend of the Unian and of the! liberal policy of President Johnson, who are .opposed to the policy of the "atrniiest sect" partynot satisfi ed with any of the eendidate now before the peo pie au w wnem, U 1 unaeraiooo, wiu rota lor W. Ilolden for Ooremor offer Ton the above ticket. . A vola for Oor; liolden, or IW these who rote for hint, la a vote far tba " atraiteat aect " party; We cannot fro U---"-- - .. n e uuer you lour geniiemen ur ua Legiala. tuae; all reapectable farmer, intelligent business men, reliable and trnatworthy.- They are identi ied with your interest; they are not 'politicians nor aeeker of cfice, and ran ba trusted. They have not been consulted, nor naked to be candi- didatea. Without their knowledge thev are Brought before yon, relying apon their oublic apirit to aerra yoa if elected.-. Let a elect them whether they deair it or not. We bare a right to claim tbair Brrtcea.A'-' t f- ; I. 1 hev ar friends and'aunrtortcm of PreaidHnt Johnson' liberal policy, and opposed to tha aim ut in -ainuiaas aeoi. j 1 2. They are in favor of tba earl- establish. ment of eivil' lawand the reatora'jon of the state a tn union, . " " t " X They are advocate of general aaineety. 4. Tbev are in favor of eoonomv la tha National and itat Goverements, and opposed to high tajtea. , i 5. Tbev are friend to tha ;r. and In favor of relief for the peocle. ' -. 6. They are oppoeed tu MgwaulVega-'and to negro teatunony against white people. . , I 1- -MANY VOTERS. R A T.FIQH MONET MAKEET. Carrtcud 4niit ip JOBS r Willi A Mi A CO.. '. .!BTBiJUtaa. j Old bonds 1 86 and upwards. s ' .V ' ' Gold $1 41 (Silver t 40. - ' Jv" Far F.aang p.r. If. C. Hani yotttChhTMA 3(1 U1n A Pi. SO, and Lexlngtoa 30. Bank of tV. C, Capa Fear, 40. rmrmora, ou. nercuanta 0. Uoiboro f 0. , Wade. boi25, fhomatvilla 22j. Wilmington 21 j Com mer.22: Waahinrton 15 : Fr.u.iii. i. Pi.... doa 15; YancejYiiie, 15; Miners' and Ma. Bank 40; Faraiar', Oreeaaboro, 6 ; CemoereieJ Bank Wil mington zo; iterchaau naaavNewbara.O, Qreens boro Mutual JO. ; ; ' . . , , Virginia and Southern aote 20 to 00. - Old Coupon 60. . Jf. C. Bail Road Coupon 4oTx ,1 v RALSIOH MARKET. aw ma lminuMa Mtrtkaul for all kind flocB ramuy, - 13 00 to to to to to to to to to to to to to to 00 00 It 60 11 00 0 30 30 30 26 40 I 60 . - Kxtra Saparflna, ' 11 00 8uperflne, ur' to 60 Coair per baabel, so Baooh per poena, auii, -' . 16 Laao -per pound, w 26 BuTaa per pound, wdull -4ft CHicaaaa (Spring,) - 25 Sees per dosen, dull 20 Canaan retail, per pound, ArMJte greea, -per buabei, 09 PaaaBsa dried, per bushel. '- 14 PoTAtoa Irish, per buabei, 59 PoTATons Sweet, . j . ?& 80 SO 20 .20 Oaloaa per bushsl, " J r I 00 Bsar on hoof, per pound,- a to to .te. to to to to to 1 to to retau,. v 121 Fatsa Poa per pound, f,reUllX 16 HaAlrper bnabel, (street price, 1 Corraa per pound, (retail 45 SoaAB -Crashed, per pound ' " 99 1 25 60 40 ' 30 20 T 1 26 I . -5 WBlte uoffee, ',' SO l- Light Brown, ,j 29 CoaamoB Brows, k , 1 Psas red ana white, per euibel, 70 Fo6BBa--pet cwt. r',., Oatb la heaf, - TJ HAT-nawcroprpsr cwt-r5" ""I 8U Tobacco -per pound, (manufao " -tt j tared), - . , 20 .to 50 48 3 30 81 2 50 Cotvom In bale, per cart., r , 45 CoTroa Yaaa tier bupeb. "3 60 to 'to lo 1 ) .' to BaaswAX per pound, 25 , Raos clean eoltoa, per pound). - Lamb per head, ' . ...-.5J retail, por pound, . Ill to to to 20 Salt par buibel, , f 5-, i--,-, FLaxsa aa per bnahel, - " 1 . i.. ' Nails per pound, by tba keg, . 10 1 0 1 26 12 JOII1T P. POAIUJ, COMMISSIOXa ACCildX AXDFOUWARDM , . , . . MEJiCIUNT,. 1 AND AGENT FOR J: , 5rllinj 'fir! $qdni SMtfsbte, If EAR OLD COyN TV, W ?I A R P, HEWEIRN N. C. 1 ! narKacncts. A T Jsitini, PrwKilout Bask of Comaiarsak New bera: Dr W i Bawdies, lata Prss t of K a R R Hub it jsoyaen, rren i 01 a v c n, ea'.uryi vh Wm JohntUia, Prai't Chatlotta A SCHK, CiiarlolC4 Hob J M Moreba4 Uronboro Fpv Or I)ttia, Ra Mh and Iter W 2 ril, 4n6r &f &tfHf? ai K)Jlgti. Oct. JWI-tf.., ' ? -. . (formarlyof Phtmaa at Cnthbert,) i llerctiandisd & Produce j"' ;. WILL GIVK HIS PERSONAL' AT- " teatloa to the sal ef all tiads of oooctry pro. 4aaa and tha-Bwrcbaa of Bferehaodiaeoa eoanaission. Hia long esporiene ia trad jastifu him la tha holiaf that satuta'tioa will loiiow bis operation. n taare. for solicits tha patroaag of his friends and tba pub. , Rafara to Hoa. Thos. Bra?g at Raleigh. (91a ' 7AJiTED. v4 . .t ACOMPtTKNT Tnaner and Piniaher, t tak . .... m wr a .j.... ...... ' j anarga Of a am ira iu ,uvbiiui oparKiiuo Xoose that will some welt recommended, g4-wilgr Will be paid. Apply to er address, - C.P. MEBANE & CO., " Oet. 9-M-fw. , llvbaaaavul. Appointments of JoslaH Turner, O'Seals', Tuesday, October Stanhope, Nash Wedu'day, October. Kaahviiia, do Thursday, October Louiiiburg, Friday, Oi'tobor , BrajwfielilSi ttalurdny, .- October .' Salisbury, , ' " Kovembev Morgantuni. r- November Asbville, ". November . October 23 00-tf. . ,. 2a. 2o. 'X. 2. v 4 T. f-IXTH COJiGRKSSIONAl, DISTRICT. XUK ARE AUTII0RIZKD TO ANN"l!NCR DR. IT J. O. HAMdAV a eaadidat for Coegrau tn tha tilth District, euaapotad of the Couatiaa of Raw" an, Cabarrus, Msckltnbrrg, Union, Oaaton, Lincoln, Catawba, Iradall, Alaxaader, Wilkaa, Yadkin fud Dsria. - - - - .. yQ.t..ii.Md,, ; y"ii--;tr',?'-i--'i 'w,.. . TTTK ARK Al'THORUKO TO ANNOUNCE W. f H. MIHH, Eiq , a a eaadidata for tba o or tbngof Wake Uotinty, at the aieetioaea tba Vtb of Novamben ; ... - ;.. t, 4 f: 67-tda. . irg ARR'Al'THQBlZKDTO ANS0UNC8THK0. v T It. HILL, as a Candidate" for the effie of R8AtINt CLERK toffee Ut of Couwoas of lb nilttital Asaamkly. . , a7 tl 1T7"B II. M00RK. Kao.u a eaadidata for Superior Court Clark in Waka, at tha aaauiug elaetioa. UctotwrM S7-lda. r-y Wn. R. lll'taiES OF TOWNSVILLK. WILL lib votxd for by a large number of tha aitisam f uranvilie Cuunty, as a eaadidata for tlia Legislature from said County. MAHV Vtrt'aKa, OoMiber 24 T tdo. COUNTY C01KT CLERK. i TT7BARR RKQUESTKD TO AKSOCNCE X J, FEHLL, Ksq.v as a eendidate for County Court CI", Tor tb Connty ef Wake at tba aiecttou la NovelMr. ' 1 ,1 Ont ta-uls. : r.., ;-J:.. y;i ! ' WB AUB AUTHORIZED TO ASS0LWCR MA, .WILLIK D. UMtMaa a Candidate Wrap resent Waka County in tha 8 lata Senate, at tba ap. proarbing alwtton. . ' ' r- - WE ARB HEQUESTKDTO ANr aeeae Uoa. KKNNKTH RAYMRR. as aean- pldat tarpreirt tfl people efJVakee ta ib UoasaM Commons, of tha aaxt ensuing t,agtsiawre - " HO!. JOSIAH TURNER JR.. We are rtaueated to anDeuhoe Hon. JOSlAH TURNER. JR . ef Urange, as a eaaibdaU for the Cunzreas of the United States from the fourth Connressionul District, at the ensuing election. Oct. 18-82 tde. WTtt ARB KKQURSrBO TO ANN0UNCB D1L B VI A. CRUDtP as a eaadidai to repraMnt tha Ctiunly of rrauklia 1 th Haaala.iatba ttui ttene- .Jl A - UI . ' ' - i ... V ' ' 0eu')8tb, l8nS.t-tde. ' . .r '' v .;rOR CtWGttEtlBs ' Ma. Emwa . The friends ef C. C. CL ARK Esq., of Craven CpuntT, announce him as a oaudb date to represent the 2nd Congrelional V Istrict, 14 the rext United ntatc t'ongress. "- ,i ! ' 'October. 17, "1B06-61 tde. ' ' '' ' . -' i . Ooldshiro' , Wilmington and lfw' Bern pa. puili.. - - , LIFE INSURANCE NOTICE, 'fiHE .liTNA LIKK INSUSANCJE.COM- -pany of Hertford, hava-appoiatad j . ; WILLIAM II. CROW, . j !. their jSeaarat Agent for th establishing aV,AtaU la Nnjrth Crrblina and Vlrgiuia,a(eording-to bis dis-entiiin.- This Company haa ao superior ta-this eouatW, is of long staaafng, and Ita Assets are ovV a million and a half dollar. " It ba a surplus ef B.iuv,vo oaar ana a-jora wnat t required to ralasaie an ita ponoiei. its stontniy raoaipu ara ever 1S0,. Out. Aad itia Issuing monthly nearly UOt policios. Il rates ara moderate and reasonable, aad all losaa promptly paid. Thus it is eommandad to alt who wish to provide fur their families and loved ones, a erta:nty fur support wben their eartbly depaaeaate tkalt have passed away. .1 . - , . For fur bor information, call on tha agent at hif yrarc jurmcrij orcupiea rj uenarai iiaywoed. WM. H. CROW, Agent 7-las. Raleigh, Ootobar 27 0 MITCHELL & ALLKi, . . J i... ; '.. AGCBfTS nx ...1. - A . ' TilE UNDERWRITER'S AGENCY, 4 ' COMIKMKD or THE - J : 1 Oormania, Hanover, Kiagara and Repubtia Fire Insnranee Companies of ; Vork, tipriiintiiiy aoutit 7"Ar At lUi'mt ttotlart atnU, A RE KOW PREPARED TO EFFECT IN8U. XVraaee on every description of property! DwulU inga Stores, Owods, Cotton, and other Produaa, as ston-4, or ia transit.- .,-.. . . j Sewbern, N. C, Oct. 28-08-lf. i- i J 4 w suArrn. p.r. iiiivms i late of Petersburg, Va. late of Warrenton, N. C. SIIAFER' tfe NORWOOD. Commission Merchants, Ctmiltptmenfs of Cottony ' ToIhhvo,' ffaval Uteres, Qrahs and all other Smtfttrn -A t JfirodtiM solicited. f Order from Merchants, Manufacturer?, Plaa. tars and ethart will raoaive prompt anl (odiridaal attantton. ' ' '' ' ' ' . j. ; . aspjta to- -. f '" . Oot J M Morehaad, Oraeaiheri, SO J R Lasaltar, PnMiileat.Krlaigh and Uastoa K it; Afcllwaiea, t)oa A Co, DoOBens and Johnson, Hattla A TsonoHUl, Pb.rsbarg, Vat K A .Veglav, Bm. Blm, ft R P Kiebardson, Kukiaghni Co, N C Saymsur !(, lireenshoro, U C ; U Wilkes, rerisrlDtadant N C R R- 1 - ' ' 47 tf. ' , Select Boarding School for Young: JUdiei, IKS, rPNORR 13 PREPARED TU UPKJf A It L Mchool for young ladies, at hi-r ri.lo w nrar Kalcai, N. C. 'I bs location is hoalthy, rtired aad pleasaeti Arrangt-nienls ara being malev to secure thflservistjl vf cwmpetent a-'L-tautx, nuil)ij:j iiwiii, ty will ba affo'ilml for the rultiraliou of the hearts and niiads of tfee J"uiig ladies plaited undor her ekarge. ' v , ,, , ). A the number of pupils Is limited, application must inrariahly ba mada in advance. : . Tba first. session wi I begin on tbeightr JSnuaiy, 116, rlosing oa tha tenth of Jane follow in i P.xpmr. titulars, address MRS. M. f. PKMbEll, '' ,' .' Salem, ITerSytbe Cooiity, ti. C, - "O-HobarJa 6-Sms. J. , v JAMES HINT ON, Attorney at , X.av, WILL PRACTICE IN ALL COURTS of Norfolk and Portsmouth, Va. and in those of Pawatanlr, Oarndt-n and Currituck, S. C. Cil-lm "r-"r: Residence and Fnrnltnra T IU ILL SELL OR LKAHR ID IT RESIDENCE AND furniture in lb City f RalaiRh. .Early iplta tioa sidirjted. Terms aacomutodauul Ui parcliasor. ii' ft A. M. LEWIS. Oct.3I-7Mw. ."e v ... 1 VS in ta lhK iM to aUM uuce. Cola, 'J A M ES R. I.OVK olJUarkaon I'ountv. as a (iwf wiits Sa. lional Union OandniRteh't.n -rt in th House of Reprselkes ottha UutVwl Sinte, In'ihe tb, Con-fraaaionat- Distritt, 'toinposed ef the XJountirs of Ashe, Aliegfianw, Warsuga. Y.i"V; Mitctiell, He OoWell. Bnrke. Caldwell, ' Hutberford, Tlt-aveland, Polk, Hendersnn,TritusTlriinlshRuh(i'imliel Madmon, Hayaood, Ja'Koon, Mat on, (fn'iokea and Ctny, Hit 25 1SG5. . - TO THE VuThKS, ... Of the Fonrth Cmictreimonal District, composed of ' the Cun-.tiet . nt wange. ( 'hnthntn, Craiivtlla, - atairen, Fnaikiin', ti nk,' Jolni nu andiashi . Fillasv Ciriuaia! -I bvrt-by ntinnHnee myse'f a eaa-Mate t repvutieat os 111 me nuxt Congress of tha Lnitea state-. Tlis short trie between '.bin and Abe ! ef election, pveoludes th posaibilltref a eanvasa Indeed, in tba prVeFntoonrfitinn of tb co ntry, aLbented poUtiral.cnmplgn.atv-a!l b e-precatii-by aii The particular t&aanrea Viiat will slaim tlieateetia f the ensuing Congress, caanat now. with cci liiinty be knoen.. Hence, idle apecutations and p-cvedflnf plrdffe are vain and naneeeKSitry., Thprei? oiie Jtietion however, whioh Beem to be agitating tu nou-ii extent theminda of the people 1mh S"rth an t Smith, hut wlllch prop, riy eomes wftjiln'ttie purview of th? StaWe Legis lature, 1 1 atluJa to negro suffrajjej, jo which I am atterly rpw',d. 't'am Intav'or. as tiodouht alt ' of us are, of the spwJy ttwiotati-n of civil law iu the ttalo. ,.,., t.. .,.'..,,; r:,.,,;.,.:! ' If I am benored fvllow aj tUens, by your suffrage with a seat in. .Congress, J can, only promise yea to guard -aaalously your. bst int-rea-te devote what -ability i may hsisc t the, advncnf r and preaervadoat ef ail yeur rijthia and to uphold and maintaia, to the full extent ef wiy pawor, whatever measwre wftl redonitd letbe weifr( freedom Mid honor of North Carolina. I aineerely andhrdei-ty " desire that enr people mav sm he ; resitteed to the enjoyment of all thefr right l)"mh nt p-rn and property, and that they may again be blessed with prosperity, "liberty and happiness. 1 ' ' A IT AUljIVrtTlMff Billiardaton, Bash Co., V, C, Oot, 21t. 1S05. . ; ".Sclluis; off at Cost ! ' ITARTll S irtTA MS, MERCHANTS, WAURKNTON, N, C, IHTTNDISQ TO CHAKtiE ,THIR, Bl'SINESS ofl'or tn the peon's of Warren, ttiuir largo atonk of J , Dry Goods, Groceries,. Hardware, &o , eteosif --'.- f Murdiants snd'ethera are. Invited to eall and ex. examine- our til-uek, a re are deteruiined to sell. Wa are sailing for eaah ornuoU-y produa,. WarrantPilOrlstBtLr 26 0 tf. . Iron and llraVs Works. . k. ji - . f. .It .n . v.i A lOtf- One aad Two V orso PIiiws t-irapletti. -"-SaOjBrswJ Two-HMoi'toW Cing,raady for wand Ini,: ' ."iOO Pinw Peials and Lanaides. We havsau hand thebet assartmantof Pattsrns ia Ibat tale, and are prepared, la tarn Lab on. abort n ntiaei, -aU kinds t MILL (4BARTNU; MILL SVlDLKti, and all MILL lRUS, and lRUixaudBRA3 CAST- TXIflll. I. - ... I i All repatra en BTKAM EVUISE3 and oa MILL IRONS 4ob at tba shortest notice : f ; Orders aceompaoied with the swab, shall: have our prompt attention - HlfAY, WILLIAMSON & CO. Raleigh, Oct. 20 M-lm. J e D I L A F K COMMISSION i KUKWAHDING tMEB GH ANr, i f Old County Wharfs Foot of C r a v en 5 Street, rr -.---jam BEawB. K.' C. " October 30f!9-8mos. 'ir SfftPSDN; IVitNDcNHALL CO., - . GENERAL .COMMISSIOI MEBCHANTS. l j kAH.L Sf.tKEy YQUK. ' l AimCLAR,AlrTEM'TrON OJYEN TO tha aale of Cottim, Cotton Yarns, rotton Cloth, Naval Stores, l,f and Msnufaoturnl Tubsesa, Ae. Li'-ersl easn-(Hnees made n consignment in hand. - - ; Orders; solieited th purchase ef Qonja. " SfsOPAU eonvijnmtnia to in art .tove.fd btf In" Bvrance a mm m Mpjmt en mU Kail Jtuad,--and from all ikippmg ffirtm, i through lo Aiw! York, mltethrr advtct rif MpnteHl W recrieed or not. : asr!twgnirjna yoncja"K' Tat "" ' ' '' ' it.'!" .''.I "' '- f ti ..- Thos. J8cMcr.s,' ClmrloftV N C DANitLWKTrr,.'; , "; Company Shops, " S. O. MiRiu if. i New Yoi i City. : Robert R. 8wkP8on.' O, W. PwSl'SO.s; J j, ."flaw lUvor; 0- P. Mknenhai,i, ..Greensboro,!' --Oetobar re, ne.e tf. . N C . WALLACt. : , a. pouTHcnLANn. OESLRAL C0MMI"Or MKRt:IANTS, i' J,' Otbce ever A.' Mali's Miore, Nr. tl NOKTU 'vVA'l Ml .KT V U mi i lylon", ' K. . C. WILL irr prompt po'rsufaal att t, n to all Con. Signnienta of . JfVAT,ST0Rr.S fOTT'iN UrniTTSTn-pnTrxp rna. J- IJf.TAR.mrniiiNs, ai . ac MrPbK FoRJIAI.KOItSKll'KlA'f. - . - r.r) - - - . TO FOBmnJtfJS Q MIICIIASDISE de. "8,.a, Ihvio 2d-tf. V ' :. BEESWAi-iJiLLOW. Lii' " -t-TT I W" rTic. el'terln cah or and Tal. nr. .w.A. WAf 11. r-MtTFI A CO, Tournament and Conina!.'n.l'artj. ri'.UfcKK WILL UK A X01 li.a.MU:,AM l . R, X lualmri I'arlyatlo ur, , N i tl, Tuesday thaMihof i-i-iuhar, li', 'J from the aujoiiill-g Counties ire trfj e-fuliv Stivitd to at tend. r ' - - Th Kriirhts will h BitJrvssed ty fM W V Oraeaot trsnkliu. ' 1 '," DR JA5. r. 'LIFT0.X, t"" --htaf IaiahaL Oet. 10-64. lw. .