HIE DAILY SENTINEL. Ti A Fil' T Adveviucinroio ot irviti.Biil int-x. (huu LQ hacl -iltiPEIditor and Proprietor. aLautuua tjneiJuchxonirtuiir aquart.-... .- - 3 Bca ,. I tuontli ... . 1 in.iuiln . S" ' $ ..0 10.00 " is.Oa 3O.00 -JQ.00 v10 "J5 S.a iFon month, - - - - lM . 'for two tnoattu, - - - , ,a-00 . W. mow, " Six month,., - . - - ' ' ' 600 j". We "olicit the aid at aor fheade la eilend- ,in bur oirculatioa. , , ,, ,. . ., 'I WOULD RATHKK BE BlUUT I'll 1ST JJU PatttslDtJITr Betirit CUs- Special notice, andcr epeciat brad, will be charged ondolltn-fcriqaart'ldT mtb iutrtioit. RALEIGH, WtIDAY,JVQYi 1133; Fuaarat active mjli hecbfKd-nndrtiaf.aunt. The (impla aunuueuuutnt of ilcalh or Diatriage VOL. I. NO. 80. will not be charged. ; ; john u.tJaHUs;7-.: . ATTORNEY .ANDi'Ol'NSKLl.Olt AT LAW, - K KttHKKN, W. V. i 40 Km piU ' a ... A w. . CAttKAiv AYt". Farriss' Column. A; BARtlAM.""- B All ft AM. DltY GOODS ! ' f, Wli'- JtTf ';V?' '""' - iSt-nl-A it A A --laiai rf ! ! . WIT I Will J i 1 Inwrlioa.v,... 1 . 3 ,r - - 1 week gAKT & LEWIS, , MAKPFACTCRER9 AMD DEALKR8. IN THIS. h lro" "4 Copper "Ware, Hardware aad i' L Hu Furnishing Hood generally, Oooklag ", 8vea, Oiiy Lamp end WieaaV Alao , aalaet Sta" f mOr. arie. ,,.-,,., , Ho., FTrrafit.i.B Stbbbt, EauuBi N. 0. .,ia9Sai - . B: P. WILLIAMSON & GO. ' AUCTIOWKERS. ---'rOKWARmNO-AND COMMISSION" ;!,IERcrnANT.?, ; R ALEIGH, N. Ot Jim. 7, m. :" ;-.'' Watson' New PhotograpU (iallerj. -fTjg gtCHOi'IBEtl'TAKKS THTS METHOD OF ' L Worihin'g the cltuea Of North Carolina, that ' rfhM-'reoeatlf take, renovated and, 'refitted, th ' 0 il te'rt for mofTf p!4 b K.-Hua t, erj -he i prepared MMaxo ail una ei pirv. . F 1 ,, - .. -il- .. r ;....- tif . a Portrait il oil. iioehli have a excuse tor leaning wr iu bU Mtt.-t.at f th Stale to be done A U Uolie- Raleigh, 0.itobcr 4-S-3i. i; w Av . DENTSJRY.--., OFFERS HIS FROFES8I0HAI. -KBRVICR8 TO !.. ertiMif 0ldboro' and vicinity. - Uavlng hail fifteen ywu'expcriencetw-theeity of Riokaaead, vfc, 'fcrr -a'eatMeai f beta able to give aattfaotin to all who ma favor him tb tboir-jtroei --"ArtlflMat Teeth-tenOTto from on if an entir Mtt, on M. tlv.,4 i, Vtii or Kxtraotiog, v TiliiilK, 'I other operation! performed ta th best aBMiar.'fc" ' v.. - j.- . i , U orJor left Uk Mr. D. C. Carnngton, aulaboro, er-lr AJf- Xelfsir,fiu)UUIlaia, wiU 1. promp.tly t - tended tu.. . . . .. . . . . ..Uoldbnr,.60-:iia. . - i. - ' To llail 'Uottd Companies. - VV of -'w'e Oti'ltratcU Car Vcee, for lu brieatinK tli Axles of Kail IUail 0r. We bare on sale eigbt llftrrals anry Yellow Rail Koad Car -i.-WH'et'NNrs rr-r--?: ---r, -, , - in !,,,. a ilrnajm for irreMiDif the aile ot waggons, earn, Ae. . AUo a lot of Tawl paUnt liar nei UubFing f"r groaning barueee, and a lot of Buggy ...egrea-e. .4 ' ' OreeBelmfoVOotnbcT-d-iJ-tf. . ri.it ed Ware. rtj suits i irtAimTt'i. vAitiETr oj pla. td T.Setta-six piecee eaob. ; TEA AND TA15LK Sl'OONS," - SALT AN l MU8TARI SP00N8, " forks an d cups. ; .". , ; ;. . -ALSO- FLAT RI-6 ASTO HS"of finest patterns, -NAPKIN IUNGS, &a, &o , &o., &o. The?e Good are inj l itr&f rprmflf for enr irarf, are ot tha bet quality of Plate oa genwlne Aiiait, wirrntel full weight of Mirer, and equal in ,-anoearifHse to aoltd Silver Ware. For sale low at , -j '4 1. Fijolto ilie Streer, RalelgbV. C. s 1). T. CA11RAWAY, Kalelfk, October 9, I8M &-jf... . "Viils ! Mails ! ! OA KKGSOF NAIL8, ASSOUTBD SIZES, FOB wV laio By W. R. ANDREWS. 8ptmber lft, Iflf-84-tf. - - iVUUTMSTATE IroiT7n'llrass?rcbrls. IOInrttni1 Titrt HorM Plw. complete. XiiO One ami Two llore Plow Caatmga, ready for 9.)l I'inw I'oui'fi and Lamlsnloil. Webaveon hand the bt anKortroent ef Pattern id the r Lata, aod are nrerarrd to laraiab t hrt airlicii, all kind of MII.l4tiKARINti. Mn.LSPINUl.KP. audallJUJLUlHUNS.'and IKON anu J1RA88 CAST 1 X t hut tin, v Iir riuired. All repairi on 8T1-; AM KN'tJINES and 40 Jilhh IRO JiS done at Die ulioriest nti Orduraaeui)ianicd with tbe eaeh, ihail hare our prompt atuuiioj. v. . - -- SHAY, WILLIAMSON & CO. RleigK,0,M!Min.- ''' . ATTO U N 11 Y AT LiWi -...... Hikueoao Stmit, ' ' . . RAI.KiJH, S. C, ."IXTILL attend aU the Federal Coorte la the .-..f T ... titaU. . . Speeiat atualion to baaiaetf rattltlog .fireai the ..war direct. .. - '; 6eptambrsod,lSi S)-tL Selling off at Cost ! IIARUIS t WILLIAMS, - - MERCHANTS, WARRENTON. N. C, TSTI'SDISa TO CHA50E THEIR BtTSINESS X ofler to the pevp e, VI n arren, xair wge ttaai ei Dry Good, Groceries, Hardware, &e., Jttfiet! ..... ..... i MoTrbanU and oilier are Inrited to call and ex examine our blink, we are determined to veil. We re ae img lor caj.li or eountry product. . j Warrvntoa. Ootuber 16 6V tf. WANTED, B AI.P.S (IP COTTON, ' FOR ' WHICH birheit aaatket rate will be paid. Ho S.o IL Pa "Yii it returaad frea the North, wlt aew 8torlc of , ,- v ... F ALL GO OD 6, Betected expreeety fer thil Market, .oatl.nag ia part of BRATrtK CLOTHS, - t , BROADCLOTHS, . ,." ENGLISH AKD 8O0ICH CABSIME&KB, BILK 3UIXEP A88IMERK8, ... . . . TRICOT CA38IMKRE8, c-'i. . K CLOTHS. CAS5IMEBES0F ALL COLORS ! CORDUROY, " . ' CK BIT.S VilVRTH, " OWVUS AND 6CARF8. SHIRTS OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS ! ARMY HAM, i , NAVTCAM, BU8PKNDER8, . . , , .... , . . HANDKERCHEIF8, HECK TIES, . LINEN AND PAPER COLLARS, SHOULDER BTRAP3, i i MILITARt BCTTONS, T''-;.. ' . . AK LACKS SCARF I'IKh, . BHOE3 0P ALL KINDS, " TRUNKS AND VALISES. MERCHANT TAIL0RIN6 Done In the very belt ityto by C . M . FARRI8H and hi! Sup.rb Cutter, MR. CRIFPITH. 8niU of every dencriptloa made to order at the horteit notice and In the rry bait xeanaer. What yon do not set la mj Store, erder aad oS 6att Baye H la the (juickent pouible tlma.""" ., " V; M. I AKRIMS. Raleigh, AngwrtSJ, IMS. . , , ..JS-tf LOOKOUT! FOR THE RROWJT STONE FRONT- (D. C. MURRAY'S OLD 8TAHD.) IF TOO WANT TO DUY OO0D UO0D, CHJAP 1 flooda. and roodi that will pleaee.at bone aad alirnait, csll and examine oar beautiful anortmenf or ....... FANCY A?ft 8TAPLE DRY GOODS, BOOTS AND SHOES, : . . . .. , . LADIES AND GENT8 I1AT8 READY MADE CLQTflINO, &c, . Befora purchaeiug eliewhere Yoar examining our stock will pet incur the leaat ebuattea to boy. We guarantee to make the trouble ef exaalning itoek, to y iur interest,' for, if we do not eell oar will eauae eome one eUe to do to, at rery low figmei. Ladies Cloaks. milE BUST AND CHEAPEST IN TOWN. HAV X lug io!d nearly all of our fint itock, hae er- dored a new aupn'y by Kxpreil. . ' MUKKAY & TKKIJWELL, Brown Stone Frost, Agent READY MADE CIX)TI1ING,. &c... . fJu't Rlre4 b Expreaa.) 0 Fine Ctwfitraere Suits, ' " ' J me Y rontloloth Coata anil Sacks, ' -" 1 Slack Dooskiii and Catuimero P&nts. milELAROKSy &T0CK OF DALr HOSI&Ki AS X 'J own. Allot wuicowe are eeiuug ueivw mmi let price. .. .....vi Ilrown lonc Front, Agent. "hXROF OUR FIRM BKINO A RE8IDKNT OF J N. Vnrk. la na the epot at all timei t take advantaire of the Market. Should the LAlllt aad KN'ri.e.MKN nt Kaleixb. or the arroahdiac eoaa try, wlb tiy ertlriee net baad-will order what ever tbv may nooil, aaa Btt aeai aereae Expre can travel. , " ....... . m.....7Trr . . , MLiUIVl S iUfc.IJW.Cl.lJ, AgSUUI. . - Ladies Dross Goods, &c. 1rtfiAI7TIFCI. LINE OF POPLINS.' FRENCH II Mnrino'ii. Plain and Figured beLatnel. aad ether atylee of dre good", Uoop bxiru, saiaorat cam, .. . ' . , n i i . . Corieta; Ilemery, tvlovea, Ce., at 1 t MURRAY'S A-TRHDWELL'S, Agent. Oct. llh, J-tf. , .'. . . , . Wanted, AN ACOOMPLlSHKDTOUNa LADT, A QRAD ..t MrMaeboro Feaialt CtfUce. mItm I poeitioa Teaeher ia a Family, la good paigbaor hood. Apply ooa to ma euuor oi ui , i Ocfc 1 61 If. , . , . . . i Now Arrival. ' OA BARBELS B ALTIMORI FAMILY FLOUR, At W. R. ANDRKWB. nox CHEESE, W. R. ANDREWS'. Bankers and Brokers.' yy,,t BUT AND SKtt ' Gld, . .. nouitii Hint ('ouroAi. - JOIIO. IMLLHllf it (ft- Raleigh, October H-S7 Im. 4 " " '"" lTor Halo. ... WBHAVK FOR 0AI.R A LARGE LOT Or HA VANNA MIJOAK. . .. - - BAKER, COWPKR A On,. . Oct. n, is--tf. FOR S I.E. ' ..; ' ' J; I Bacon Haras, Middling! "aa'il A LII ot no. Bhonlderx. ' B AKkR,. vOWFJtR A CO. Redolgh, Aug. J, !.- - - Jao. Kixa, Jao. Waitt.Aw,.. PlAT. 1 TEO LIAVK TO INFORM TIME IB . OLD JL frUndi and the altixeae el .the State eaerally that kavinir re ouened theit JHAKULr. I BTOK rMRK,-oir tbiHmTtit bWcir, k" T .Uaundcr'8 Old Slaiul rax llolJle SL they are now prepared to furaieh . .. MONUMENTS " . . . ;, . YAtJLTS, . J: ,.:.,v HEAD STONES, ...:'.: SLABS, - J-..1-"-MARBLE MANTLES', Sic. Hatag aeeoeiated with ns one of the .beet AK,- VKRa 13 THE COUNTRY, and from the arrange menti we have made, we flatter onrteWea that' We eaa faralih all work in our line as chp 'tfr 1ftiin be done in any Jiurthetn citjtt proof of which, call and examine our lafgeTariety of designa and our lit Of prtcei. " v We are also prepared to rurnleh WINDOW SILLS, . v : WINDOW CAPS, - - DOOH fiTEPSvifcfl&o. Aad to contract for all kind, of STONE CUTTIN, ANI ST'ONR MASONRY. R I1SIJVW IIITiXAWA CO.. .... . - . . RaVBKB ' "' ''--' " ' flee. W. Mordeeal, Etq., - Re. Pr, Maiioa, D. J- t. M. leck, B.q , , P. WiUiaia e. Brigg. Dodd, . K. P. Battle, Hnq, ,i BepUtaber S07 Sm. ! , : ; , i.i v '.-Ua MORE GOODS'" 44 JPayettevillo Street.. ZV . RALEKJU, X, C. .... - IN ADDITION TO OFR LABOR PTOOK BIf IIAROWAKB aud llOlfsH V;R kilMU fitl AetMlUa, we-bEraceired aoulbur lutst ' - BUOdY MATERIAL" Rime, Spokee, ltubn. Enamelled' Clothe" Dnali'nml Collar Leather, Band, Clip, Shafti, Ac. . t -ALrtOrr-.... ... Roger A Brother'! Celebrated " ; heavy , pjated on Albaua," , ,., .. ,; Hpooni aud Fork . , . ; , ,. Wright Brother 4 Cu 'e mKa tf VF'b.ffiHaic .. BedSorawa, Bodead Jointe, Tuba, Hucktte.'Xrefi, Waitem, loor Mat, toot Scraper j, llroniaa; JSrttPMe, Spittooua. ,, . ' J ? ...-.v..'. Anew Waabing Machine, Well JJucltttU, n troeta aad Rope. Conductor, Punehea, Bell Cord f..r Rail E"d Car, Coapling. 4. PaioU, Var'iUlic aud Oil. Kuroaene On, Lamps, Chimney and Wick. . " - Cooking Bue ortbe beat pattern , t t Pooket and Table Cutlery In great variety -aiid ; Iroaa. 8buaU and Tofigv Pot, Qtren, , Spider Kettle, Ac , ...... ,. . . 1. T. LAKKAWAI,. . "t &0-3m. '.VitiI UAar'A'tiwii V ..haut TLEwis.r,;; ' (ISatabligned in 1853. . .MANUFACTURERS AND DEALEBA." i COPPER AND SHEET IRON; f cooKviHxov,Kg;ri HARDWARE OP ALL DESCRIPTIONS MIDDLE STREET. . ,v .., ...,., - 5 MRS. THOMPSON HAS JCST Rr.TURiv -with a fine stock of AS JCST RETURNED FROM NEW TORK fine ftoek of " " 7'' , MILL EN ART, ' ' ' a u-.t.i;nr nf n.m. Bunnell. Lace. Kibbo Ac tibiaitef heboid castomers and, tliejnWio'U) Fa 1 ii ; w (nit r " T ra a e. GOLTf eWITJIOWWOtJID RKPRi T .ll.4aU -Ue. wtotrtloa of th yu bit W our v.ty -WHch vre are-a.iw Trrera tii aftVrKt pricM hlrt .weal.anrsA wl nvawi alterably with theee o any ether House in the Oit. con.iiitiiTif v m.,J'lfkUtPJXntsM U Bunt Make. . .t,S?JH.tey.ij ttnii olortHl, j, C.-re.,t Jeaaa, l.die Jiata-at-te iateet and numt approved etyleii. iShuo. u tail the ...inn AA..Jlo. -V?.. ...... i' -,;1 , . . , - . ' 'Ljl'ggaiKR'BJS.URaV - OffTMINtf? IOTHINU ! ! -TTT8 UTB Jt'TiRRCEl VRP A" LA0 K LOT, .-A l .J'.f UK l.(l-ttvl. of Head Made Clothing, contiieting of pjain and 'fancy Cataimere Suit.. fltni.lTFlrtth-Suite.- Otfere.mti, plain and fnc. (Ji ewol) lhirHTl.lfttJM't-piipM4Ttr. Call and get one of tlioce travelling collara, at 'J .... - AT i-.C. FALMEU'S Store.,, RAMMwa, Oct .ITtfi, 1S5 l-tt ; , 1 Henevwai-.V""" - f fti.um Pt.'net, HAI.TIMOIIK. ,,. A'E)Y.iOXA; v panjl510 V AfJPlOJJANj'Se".- FOR TUB BALK .r .' CoMoii Yarn, Shertinga and Oenabargg, Wool . . . aud Yjl)aOoo4, -x Chapel II 111. "Tayotteville. fha:Vireti;'j?i.." Heo. W Willianm A Co , Fayettoville. 'lAWt. 't.Lifidajiy..."., . .. Mreabr, Junioa riloan,. b(., " Oreeiiaboro. Thomefti R'r Taeev ,r - --ehartvtto. : ItlMickleJSjuj., CiMtr Unin v . Bauk, " ' Baltimore. October 1 4-1y. . .BUIGGS & DODD,- FaYETTEVILLE STREET, ' (NEXT DOOR TO W--.lt AR. S. TUCKER'S,) . .....s i .... rfc-v.. -. - - v ' RALKK1H, N. C, R8 NOW RKCKIUNa AND OPKNING A FINK llARDH AKi:, FAMILY GROCERIES A" . .1 H . CRiUCKkRY. . Pcron wishing to purchaaewjll do well toeiu ine their atock belnre buying. They alao otTiir fur ale . . Musoii & H.ttulinV (a 1)1 net Organs. Priee from flit .t $ Bill. ' ' -ALSO--' k roi5f-& RJilccP'g Family 8cln Wa Prio from $M t $U5. -' v - -- w 'tuaid& - Portable Steam Eiifrlnes ana Saw Mills, . k i - . - J X D - L, ' J i All liinda nf Woml'i'iiiil Jioa working Mao'hincry Tlicy hovn ula.i nu liAm! a Inl of lieixiod liand wuud ork.inff ni.whinorv noil a flucond baud JO borae pttwer Tiwithl W.ni-fcnrva .naciltnit err ni. An ,oi B. . ... ....... which are ..itrrcii hi. vcrv low price. Raleigh, October ,U. i -. - . . ...... ,1. i ,i, , hi . iilLLSEORa STREET, ,. .iieJ'ilMliHVtaMli jsr. o. I r I n 1 fl 11 'PHTS POPrLAR HOTKL, SITUATED .O.f I enu-, Ktr..,.t in il,,. ty..nii!.iril " Cilv nt Oak " ha already enrnct tlie n pnlnlioii, under liie iiauare ment of it ewritiiivd friiprlctor, of being tblct Hutnl ii tlie-Kuuth. Jt i t"ltd Wilblii a few yarda 4f.'ritJt!t4iat, aud lnt nar the buaint part of It pluaaant and clean nun, a nnerai isoie, aim av tr.iitive aervanta, will uiako. UuU conifortnhle, the ean be eountod on at-tho hxclianjle Uotvl. u ... RANDALL 4 CO. Raleigh, October U ift-ltu,., , i, . IS JJ en, andUo who are travailing aad wlh onifiM-table o,aartv ead good eating, top at Quote's" ' ty 'terini wfll he al moderate a prsibli ... ih tU.u " Yr.u Vill alwav Bnd conveyaoe t th depot te-t'ike yen tottberf the- XoWlt in tbi C'itn bo'-eara . inn,uia far Cook', whera yon 31 11 get Uod. tuiigt9, go" ". mat-rat otr to rink, end a p i ok K you wmb It J, whll be fjHpared t accvuiuioitata IS 0 JB mera Uriar-Ueajpru. h,, C c, to 'ptptitiiM. 1Sw Mtt . : 1 T1U1NIJ AVlNtl-RKCKSTLt I'L'RCRASKD THK I I lt iC Crackem. ooniwoiily called "Hard ..1 .1 I..- nt ),. ,1 M l.mmii '1.... ..1 in. ri nm. . , " " . .-.t 1-' r m ... b ciin oiitjr iff tut iDuuuf iiini w Turnout -tr t4 -AtMrfi vi. ;ii ...II ili. i.i T H i-tf box of 5 pound, by th iti.mrfltV" Arnlf either to Dr. W. R Miller, Coionel CoKiznissio-n - i Al oicjianis. 'TtR TJNDERSIflNBD HAYB AOOIATEI) t 'thiimmdvii lu lnisiiiuei, ami have -eauhlwiied an AtCfiOS ASH COMMISSI liofSK A.N')',iRS'KRAj, rur tiie i.iie and .ur -iii.?r t aU U lnii'tif pnSporl.f, oolieiitiiig n'siwa, An. Oil. ot the firm bping xaelicfoc laarwer, wilt ahro legal. al ico, iHBiiiiiip nud iljnt titlcy. dtaw. n- vejaacca aod altemiVtw pTltiiitil huaincpa gone- rlivhi'Hi in and out of the Oourla n e -ilVpe; t"Mnt at olif oftii'a oa r'avnttiiviU)irt'ct one diW above 0. M.f farrUw' (Sture. J. Q A. BAR II A t. ;W- K. BAIUf AM. tfalelgh, October -iJ tf! r ooKioqi AHi-Ks ' """44 FAVETTEVlttK ST.. . at JtAYETTE'VILLE. ST. ; ,.T!aC.XItlldren tHit ForaHftieii. - 4tAYETTEYTLl."E ST. J BAUUU, - at 44PATt:tTE'lL1.ST: 1fIIf DOW CLASS, prrTY.Ktc, 1 1 at djtrEAY ETTK Y1LLE iff. TKRS0NS VISITINd BALEIUH. WELL AS X "eiti e tBrHedlWtnrrl'htitt tvFytter1il HUfeet and the .rti '. nrHi-ht. : . ii A A X OAitRAvyAY, ; J - ' ! v"itii II art Lewis, R.lolgh, October SflV W-Ur3--- l -- - -NOTICE - ; - Jtuyiagv 6eUias and Leasing RobJ EaU. ALL Person wiablng to buy, aoll, nr Laee Real Katate, re.lnvitd 'o'ili up-n, th cuhaeriber at hi Hotel, on tbeeornev oWiluil)Mili and Dayie atrat, Hligh..M...O. wio mom !. ftv their bulbeM hi" prompt attention, and ajra nc pain that wilt isha'clc Ki M give entire atunfieation "4enf!o wrll ktrowa twiba tin orit.tolnb 4" Weke Cti-fltyllu unijsrsigaeijKipM thy will not beliiat to put their baaiux in hia ha da. -'" HKORtM" T.WOKJ!, , Agent fur Wake Co. of the Plooew Laad Dfflc. , ep 1, 18H S tf. : " ,'. . PALMER, HAETSOOK & CO. . . .'v.vKf ,i.mon'K v'a."" - : ;K$rOOOD9 S0UEfcyFAOlIAOn ONLY.' Proprietors U. S. Bouded Warebonsc, Ho -1. IIKO S PALM"Ry!atonl' Wadworl,Turiiwr 4 - DAN'L'J II AllThlKiK, lute i.i llnwaa-iUvill. il. ' WM f. ISAACS; of Mai. B. Iri.io" A fit., H.itikerv. .vOetoboF Ba-araoli,' '.- WHOtMALK AMI MKTML JDIiAl f lt IN f A.KSiY HQr 41 F - C-C90J. . . iJ T H 1 NO , , .iUiU . .V, WJ4, A' tv - fl, -. v , WATCHES AND Ju.wrj.RY, . . IST JXPORTED WI5E3 ft ERAN-WES, ... ... .... fl,i.tivna..'i' Ai t. tw'vt., .. a i: ooi:r ins .r--, -v, ' Ccracr ef yayertcvlile fend K..i set CfA , an s na. F.r.n,'X. i" ', ' a'cdKMlSSICN A.kD FCRWAaCllNG . . 'AJ' SLcri iTiiUh L maijik rN-rt. Wfv n-fiajiy,'w-"i.wlc,-.' .' .. t J; E.UiUk.V lnT finnTnity Oni(ipny, Tfuvr YT.iT., . .. Pcabmlv irc Insitraiino t.'fr, i:!i n . h'.ttoii.iii ( Marviaid Lit Fn.'rrfico ConiyiM'. l.irfiioii.riN" Wiiuniijjtira. 0., tti(..)d &i fm 'd.- , N Li V ' c o f -a 1 bMoN ilit c s i: ' SWEPSON; KENCEKHALl I CO. cirvi.ttAr; -n th a I a or TobaWlw. Cul'u, C'-f oa Yarns, Viid ?iav&I Stores f:t I'tt.RL hTaricT, Nar,,Ti hik. Cloths'. ' FnbcTt Rf WCtiin. !( Yfirlt City. -..-i. ..ttaaanl . Mrpj,l.'. Vers .Viljjj ;-.t7 ' ,., y CP Mtndnali, i't'o t 1 4rm"r i.-.nk,.lrnit-bof i N C. . . " 1 - ; . .'ltoaiet 1. Wotth. .fonvpawy !hrw. N. C. . y. .-rtw.pn, Ujr Kivsr P. 0., A. d -" au S tf ... i -, .... -'';'- .' '-v. v -l'-..-- . ; ,st' al3-ljH 4 0KI MOM iSIT-H i j(c,Tl'FR rtl'PPLY OF rllOlfS .M). J)g xV ii-bfut fii-'ieh ntkv-4wj-'i.wifi. uU, c.. 10,000 "sy - Raleigh, Bep. JStl-tf. Viiater nf'tbe Kmbaiire ItoUl, o Ui - r. "?. !... t ... v. II A It 8. TUCKER. lNTeiub?-7t-.tf' - it. ... "i" 'j M. " . .WiL tt it. fr. 1 LLIvl.U. RaUlgh.IS o. r-tf. . -- .. rf-. - , ..... .1 . . . BAKER, COWPER & CO. W.R. ANDREWS'. Kiv her a call at her old iland. ot. n-56-tf. ::'.'"7 v . aw v.