Til E MIL Y SENTINEL! WaL E. PjELU Editor and Proprietor. Th jttryt!' ii publubed twj moraine; 7of one month, - . - ". , $100 For o moU, ,v-'" '09 Tbree-awnthe, v " 3.00 -8 month., J - - so ; We solicit tb aid of our friend lu extend ing our circulation. ! ' ' ' ADVKIITISIIG Advertisement orenpymlr nut piorc than )1 linel of aiiuion t Tii wbivh cocmiue ' it t t loaertio f 1.00 I J wrti 1.60 1 1 month S " 1.00 1 1 month $ 6.00 10.00 15.00 30.00 80.00 1 &0 3 - a aa I a ' u I ok s',50 "J WOULD RATHER BE R1UHT THAN BE PRESIDE MT. Beary Clay. Special notice, nndcr a petil head, will b charged ondollar per iqnara lor h infrrlion. . Funeral notice will W charged advertisnneritA Tha limole announoemeat of a death or marriav von I RALEIGH, FRIDAY, iTOV. 17, 1865 NO. 86. fiH not be charged. . " , . BMW 1.4 nBsMVtTJIORBUliN. COM MISSION & SHIRPIN ' t'v: MtTtCHASTS, r:-; .W ' , MOEEfiKiMk CITT, K. J. GENERAL ! ArfKNflC FOR SHIPPING AND Forwarding GetUn, Turpentine, Kosin and all -kiudi'of Good or Proiuc. Prompt attention and modrat charge. We have regular teo pekt fro Morhad City to few York. Sk-Buslnetil solicited. , 7 IP. & 00. . AUCTIONEERS, FORWARDING AND COMMISSION . MERCHANTS, JFAYSTTKVaiB ttTBSET, RALEIGH, N. Ci Jan IT, 18M. Watson's New Piiotojsrapli Gallery. TatfiEBS IB EKJT A K ES T H IS M BT HOD OF Informing thiti,os of North Darohaa, that he ha rwemJy taken, renovated ana rentted the Gallery formerly occupied by K. Hunt, where he tt prepared to mak all kinds of picture in hn line, from the inlit miniature to life ne Portrait la oil. Nne shall v eicuso for sending work la - kUdaB..f the b'lil&Zt- Raleigh, -October 4-50-3m. ;...,'.?. SURGKON DENTIST, . , OFFERS Hid PROFESSIONAL SERVICES TO the citueos of Ooldsboro" and vicinity. Having hadifteen years' eitperieuce in the city of Richmond, Vo., feel eoufideot of being able to gie satisfaction to all who may favor him with tbejrjjjtronajfe. Artificial Teeth inadrted from one to an entire aett, on ttold, clilVer, or the Vutceuito Base, Kitracttng. Filling, and all other operations performed in the best i. -."j- I- X. n n r.rrlntrton. Qoldftborb. .U aiitora wi.i "... " - , - - of Dr A.C Telfair, SmUhheld, will be promptly at tended to. , Goldaboro, 5Mm. . '. - WK ARB-TBE SOLK AOENTeSFOK THE BALE of taw'n el-brteil Car Grca, for lu brleating the Axlet of Kail Rond Car. We hare on Mle eight JJajrei. Cmmry Vellow JKall Koad Car ejirenie. . . , AUo iO keg Axle Groaao for greamng the ale or i waggona, carta, An. Alio ft lot of Taw' plnt liar ' neee Dabbing for groaning harness, an,d a lot of Buggy .-artegreaee , ' . jjm( VQ. Sreentbero, Oetolier -5t-tf. lMsitert Ware. WB HATte A BEAUTIFUL VAUIETT OF PLA ted Tea 8tt eix piec esh. TEA AND TABLE STOON9 . SALT AND MUSI AHU oruuis, - KOllKS AND CUl'S. V ' "-ALSO- PLATED CASTORS of finest patterns, NAPKIN RINGS, &o , &o , &o., &o. The Goods are to o dcr erprtitlg for our trade, are of the beA qiiali'y of Plate on gennin. Alhta, warranted full weight of Kilver, and equal in appearanee to eolld Silter Ware. For tale low at v 41 Payetterille Street, Ealeigh, N. C, T. T. CARHAWAY, . With Hart & Lewis. Raleigh, October d, 18 H tf. ,T, NORTH STATE - Iron and Brass Works. inn An. ,! Two IIuho Plows, tromulvte. UHO One and Two Horse Plow aetmgs, ready for woodiug. Otiwt 1IA. Pinr and Laodtiides. : We bare on band the best emoruneut of Patterne in the btate. and are prepared to famish on short notiee, and all MILL 1KOSS, and IR05 and BRASS CAST INGS that may be required. - . . All repair, on STEAM KNAISE3 and oa MILL run S S rf.mo &t alia ahortmt notiee . i. Orders aeeompanied with the cash, eball hare our torewirt attentioi. ... SHAY,WILLlAMSpN&CO. Raleigh, Oct. i8-B-lm. - - or, us, ATTOItNEY AT LiW, HtlkSBOll'STIlMT, , Hear the Excliange Hotel,. ' -RALBlttH, . C, WILL attend all the Federal ConrU In the State. , . , ,. 1 '"" Special attention to basioess remtin(j frern the war direct. . Bepunibrnd.lg t-tf. "flhiioir at CostT IIARRI S & WI LLIA M S , - MERCHANTS, v -M' WAKRESTOS, N.'G, -f IHTENDIsa Tb CHANflK THKIR BPSISESS offer to the people of Warren, their large etock of Dry Good, Groceries, Hardware, &o., eUewstl . ; : , . v..k.n. .! ,t(M-r. are invited to call and ex iiuini ah, Ktnrk. u si are determined to sell. We t are sailing for cash or country produce. , Warrenton. OcioberUKtftf.- " . . . WANTED rr ni,E8 f cotton, for which Vt highett market rates will be paid. - BAKER, COW FEB & CO Oct. i,.6-tf- - t ' - " : ; 7?Wanted, A AcroVLISHKDYOUSa LADY, A ORAD A. nate at Greensbiito' Fsipale CoU,.go, dosi'a a position as Teacher in a Family, in a goua keiehber noon. Apply soon to the editor of the eMe. Oct. UUU Faniss' Column. - Ilax last retarnsl from the North with a sew 8tnck of 4 PALLGOOD S , Celected elpreasfy for this market, Qniiming in .' ' ... - part ef BEAVER CLOTHS, - BROADCLOTHS, ENGLISH AND S001CH CA83IMKRE8, SILK MIXED CA88IMERE9, TRICOT CASSIMERES, BLUE CLOTHS. CASSIMERES OF ALL COLORS I CORDUROY, , . v BLACK BILK VELVETS, ' GLOVEa AND SCARFS. SHIRTS OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS ! ARMY HATS, HAsY-eA-rsr ; HALF HOSE, SUSPEND ERB, HANDKERCHEIF9, jmECK Tr8S, v. XISEN AND PAPER COLLARS, SHOULDER STRAPS, MILITARY BUTTONS, AND LACES SCARF PINS, 6H0E OF ALL KINDS, TRINKa A1SD VALlHli.8. I E R p II AN T -T AI LOSING Done in the rerj best style by 0. M . FAR R I S S and his Superb Cutter, . MRr &KII??IT1I - -r . Suits of every description made to order at the shortest.notioe and in the vry best manner. . What yoa do not see in my Store, order and yon shall have it in the quickest possible time. C. WL f ARRISSS. Raleigh, Augn.t IS, 1R8S. JS-tf LOOKOUT! FOR THE BROWN STONE FRONT. (I). C. Jrll'KRAT'8 OLD HTAND.) TP YOU WANT TO DUY GOOD GOODS, CHEAP ld.if.dj. and goods that Will please at home and abroad, eall and examine our Peanttrnl assortment or FANCY AND STAPLE DRY GOODS, ROOTS'AND SHOES, LADIES ND GENTS' nATS READY MADE CLOTHING, &o, ; Before purchasing elsewhere. Your examining oar etock will net incur the least obligation to buy. We giarantee to make the trouble of examining oar steok, to your interest, for, if we do not sell wUl eauae tome one else to do so, at very low ngu es. Ladies Cloaks. THE BEST AND CHEAPEST IN TOWN. HAV liugsold nearly all of our first (took, bar. or dered a new supply by Express. . WLJKKAY & TRJ&D VV tLLi, , Brown Sione Frost, Agent. READY MADE. CLOTilLNU, dec, . f Jat Reoeived by Express 50 Fine Cannmer Suits, ' Fine 15 toadoloth Coata and backs, Dlack Doeskin and Caaoimere Pants. mHR LARGEST STOCK OF HALF HOSIfcRY IN X iowa. AU ei wnionwe are .eiiiBa; kat price. . . . ... r Drown Sione Front, Agent nNBOF OUR FIRM BEING A RESIDENT vv v X'- - I. 1. A thm an.Vt .t all tmeS tO t.ke . t !. M.,k.i ShnuM the LADIES and htmiwr ,.i ... . .-. - ..dmi liidv -r u-i-tfk nr ih. .nrrnaiininff eoun- QAn UBmoii ... .jj i try, wish any articles not on own-wm ,.. w ever they may need, and have them here as soon as xprert eas travel. . j MURRAY h TREDW ELL, AgenU. TjifJina Drr.sa Goods. &C. -m i inrrtriTr Tree nr env ,tnh. mLflin . . m..: - .i tr ia i, aI.aIrm. and other tyles of dress goods, Hoop Skirts, Balmoral Bkirte, Corsets, Hosiery. Ulovee, e., at MURRAY'S & TUEDWKLIS, Agent ;. Oct ith, -tf. . ' : . :' ' ATTOItNEY AND OOUNSEIXOR AT LAW . . -- Bit KICO- H. C. ' i - fTTILL PRACTICE IN TUB SEVER A covnia V . ..., f Siurth C arolina. tis. and tne ciiprcuixj v ;n I.. ). tu Conveyancing ana eoiieciwn 01 criiu". , Office on reyettevHie etreei, - let. Jl-SaVlf. u. . . lor Sale. A GOOD SEW TWO HOUSE V ACJOW. U0U HA KtR,COWPERn1-CO. Raleigh, October iM tf " . v "; For Sale. TINE LOT OF SWEET POTATOES, CHEAP 1 T J to ese out lot. BAKER, COWFER C Baleigh, October JJ-6e-tf. I JOHN nUOHES, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR At LAW, KEVVJJKHX, N. C. M.8m-pd. ' : lor Sale. w K HAVE FOR SALE A LARGE LOT OF HA. VANSfAtilUAM. ., ' BAKER. COWPER A Co. Ocl.lt, 18S-5Of. , FOR S ALB. Al Shoulder. LOT of N; I Bacon Hame, Middlings and BAKER, COWPIR A CO. J Raleigh, Aug. it, 1865.. t Jno. Kins, J no. WaivaLAw, Wst. Peat. ling, lUpia&i & a., BEG LEAVE TO INFORM THEIR OLD friends and the oitisens of the State feuerally, that having re opened their NAHHLK AMU STONE UOKKS.on ths burat block, at . MannrJers Olil Blanfl, Fajcttevllle BU, they are now prepared to furnish MONUMENTS, VAULTS, HEAD STONES, SLABS, MARBLE MANTLES, Ao. Having associated with as one of the best CAR VERS IN THE COUNTRY, and from the arrange ment! we have made, we latter ourselves that we eaa furnish all work ia oar line as eheap as it eaa be done in any Northern city, fnr proof nfwhiirh, sail and examine our targe variety 01 vesigut ana our li.t of prices. We are also prepared to luruisn WINDOW SILLS, . - WINDOW CAPS, ' .- .- BOOR STEPS, &a.f ke, And to eontraet for all kinds of STONE CUTTING AND STONE MASONRY. KING, WIUTELAW At CO. Raraai re Geo. W. Mordecai, Esq., Rov. Dr. Mason, D. D. J. M. Heck, Esq , B. P. Williamson Co. Briggs a Uodd, a., r. oatue, esq. - September JO-47-Sm. . . r - MORE GOODS '44 Fayetteville Street, RALEIGH. N. C TN ADDITION TO OUR LARGS BTOCK OIT 1 HARO WAKE and HOUsjiK fURNIHUI NU OOODS, we have received another lot of BUGGY MATERIAL. Rims, Spokes, Hubs. Enamelled Cloths, Dash and Collar Leather, Bands, Clips, Shaft, Ae, ALSO Rogeri A Brother's Celebrated heavy plated oa Albatta." Spoons and Forks. Wright. Brother A Co.' make of Umbrellas. Bed Screws. Bedstead Joints, Tubs, Backets, Trays, Waiters, Door Mats, Foot 6craprs, Brooms, Brashes, Spittoon. A new Washing Machine, Well Bucket Wneel,- and Rope. Conductor, Punches, Bell Cord. for Rail Road Car, Couplings, Ao. Paints, Varnl-hes and Oils, Kerosene OH, Lamp, Chimney and wick. Cooking Stove ef the best pattern. fooket and Table Cutlery in groat variety end Irons, Shovels and Tougs, Pots, Ovens, Spider Kettles, Ac. - D. T. CARRAWAT, 60-8m. Win Bait A Lxwn. HART & LEWIS, , .. (Eittablubed in 1853.) y ; MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS TIN, ' . ' ' H COPPER ANJJ SUH-t-A lUUiM, COOKING STOVES, r .. " AND HARDWARE OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS MIDDLX STRXC MRS. THOMPSON. ' TT AS JtJST RETURNED FROM KEW YORK XX it" n etock of .MILLENARY, M.;.tnsa nf Tam Rnntiji. lateen. Ribbona Ac. viHPjiatu v vfi, " ' ' , She invite ber eld customer and the pnelio to give ner a cr.ii a nr oiu su. October a, ltx y-u, - , AlfVAIlLE PROPKRTV FOU AI.K " i i 'AT THOMASVILtP,, N. C. T OFFFR FOR 8ALKMY PRKsSNT RESIDENCE I The dweiling is a brick bonte, with lour, large iooms, three ire p'acea, a framed kitchen, stnose hnuee. ran try. erib aad all necessary buildings, with a fine woll f water. The lot contains six acre' of good land. Aiso. ar Soaa Factory, with W,Wo to 11 Wtl lb ef grease, and all the material for ma-log I0,tWtt to JO.IMM) pounds of eoep. I would sell the lot aad factory together, or I wi rent the residence and sell the factory, or the factory and material can be bought aad removed. Knrty ap plication most be mad to J. A- AUTUUlt. Thomaerille, N. C, Nov. 7&-lm. flRAKBERRIESt CRANBERRIES f CRANBER XJ ries, just received ent fr eale y tne measor. - , w a A R 8 IVCK.KS. November -76-tf. .180- DRY GOODS! Fall and Winter TradT GOI.OsTEni WILSON WOULD RESPECT fully eall the atteation af it. nnkile a. ... Mn eotnplete etock of , . FANCY AND STAPLE, FALL AND WINTER DRY-QOO0S. Which we are Bow nrenarad to offer at nrlnea vklcb we feel assured will compere favorably with these of any other House in the City. It consists of Silks Merinos, , r DoLanes, (all wool) Bombasines, Lnstro'8, Prints of the Best Make. ' . .PemgsticvUeaclted antlfib)cbod, Cumk'. 1TTI.:. I ni . I iv utiw iuu vuiureu, Corset Jeans, Ledles Hate of tha latest and moat approved styles. (Shoes to suit tha eeasoa, A Ae. AT J. C. PALMER'S 8T0BE. CLOTHING ! CLOTHING ! ! Wl HAVI JtJRT RECEIVED A LARGE LOT, Of tha Latest Styles of Mead Uade Cloth ln. consisting ef. plain and fancy Caatlmere Salts, Black Cloth Bulls, Overcoat, plaia and fancy (all wool) Shirts, Linen and paper shitt collars. Call and get ona or tnese travelling collars, at GOLDSTEIN 4 WILSONS' AT J. C. PALMER'S Store, Raitiaa, Oct. 17th, UU-ll-tf. : . ? -, r TLlSBlLli, BIACII AXD HCRDOCH. 16 Haxovsb 8t., BALTIMORE, I , T CoLnea Pise, MS W YORK. lXOMMllO-I VIVO) H ANTSf rpa ib ali or. . Cotton Yam, Rhcotlage aad Oanabarg , Wool and Woolen Good. RIFERgNCIS ! . ,. Chi. P.MaUaVJtsq -Ohiel II ill. -Chas. B. Mallett, Esq., ' ' Fayetteville. Gee. W. Williams A Co., , . Fayetteville. , Jeeee H. Lindsay, Esq., Greensboro. James Sloan, Ksq., Greensboro. Thomas R. Tate, Esq., " Charlotte. R. Mkkle, Ktq , Cashier Unton Bank, Baltimore.' Oatobor -4-ly. ' ' " - New Store. BRIGGS ife.DODD, FAYETTEVILLE STREET, (NEXT DOOR TO W. H. A R. 8. TUCKER'S,) , RALEIOQ, K. 0., ARB NOW RICErVING AND OPENING A FINE took of s. 1 HARDWARE, FAMILY CROCERIE AMD CROCKERY. Persons wishing to puree will do well to alan ine their etock before haying. They also offer for sale . - Mason & Hamlin's Cabinet organs. Prioe from 1110 to $e0, - . . i : -ALSO " v trover & Baker's Farallf Scwlnsr Ma chines. Price from SI to $14. . '"--'r ALSO Portable Steam Engines and Saw Mills All kinds ef Wood and Iron work in r Machinery. Thev have also oa hand a lot of aeeond hand wood wnrki.i machinery and second hand l-horse power portable 6team Kngine, need bat very little. AU of which are offered at very low prwee. , Raleigh, October S Mtf., COOKE'S HOTEL r i open, an tnoee wae are ..n - . .. .-.in.. ..j 1 nomrortanie qnaraerp ana wviuS, .p Cooke's. My terms will be a anodarate a possible for the time. You will alway And convey an at the depot U take yoa to either of the Hotel ta thi a . . I . . I . . - f i Onnbs'a B K ... ity i out oe sure w ib.h v. vwvw-,- will get od lodyi9, good fling, Mt'nra awssr to drink, and a ptp lo smoke If yoa wish It I :ll k. . . A t- uumuiSU. II or It teen. hot. of thoapproaehlns Convention. B.pt-mber 1, 1M JJ tf. ' ' 80 BOXES" HARD TACK" HAVING RECENTLY PURCHASED THE EN. tire lot of Crackers, commonly ealled "Hard Xaca atth etoeing w, vt m. w. w. ---ry at this poet, we caa offer great Inducement to to 1. 1 .. tr Tnrnentio. mekera and Other. W will Mil them at ( per box of ( ponnds, hy th quantity. Apply eltner to ir. w. n, miner, Foster of the venan;e noiei, or u VY. u. it. a. -iutjive.it. Nvmber S-74 tf, ' '' ' ' " ' ";; NOTICE. Baying-, Selling and Leaiing Real Estate. ALL Person wishing te bay, e, or Lea ileal Estate, are invited te tell po the) entuorlber .... . . . KAf i : . UJ T, . ; at hi ttott oa tna corner vi " nunui. - sueets, Baleiaji, . C , who promise to giv their basin hi prompt attention, aad spar a pain that will ooaWle him to give oatir atif aetloa. v Being well known teth eltiaen of Raleigh and W.ke Coi-nty. the aaderslgn.d hope they wial aot hesitate te pat their has Ineee la h U ha ds. " P . , BKOROC T. CO0K.B, " A gent for Wak Co. of th Pioneer Land Offlo. ep J, mt U tf. . ' , - t-nRtCH COFECTIOSEItlE. ANOTHER ftCPPLY Of" CHOICE AND Dl liebtful French faudy, Date, Citron. Net. A. . W. S. TUCKEIl. , Ral.?gh, Nov. 1-TA-tf.,.. . . . eVQi A.rBARnAM. ;--i-fr w,' k. rarhais. IvtrcTioisr . and '':"':-;"i;,V Commission Merchants, . RALEIGH, N. 0. THU . lTWDERgr(3jrEr HAVS ASSOCIATED themaelvat la business, and bar established an AUCTION -AW COXXISSION H0C8B AXD QKSEEAt - ' . ," ' , AGENCY, -for the sal and punha of all kinds of property, eolleeting olaims, Ac One of the Arm beinf a practicing lawyer, will give legal advice,. examine and adjust title, draw eon-. Versace aad attend to professional business gone rally, both la and oat of the ConrU. We will be found at out omea on rayenevUlejgtraitjina.doatjJio. c.- sa. tarries store. -. J.Q A. BARIIAM. W. K. BARHAM. Raleigh, Oeteber -! tf. pOOKlXO CLASSEH. 44 FAYETTEVILLE BT. pkRKSSlPiO COMBS aj at J 44 FAYETTEVILLE ST. The Children not Fonrotlpn: 44 FAYETTEVILLE 8T. GENUINE DURHAM SMOKING (TO BAOOU, at 44 FAYETTEVILLE ST. yiNDOW GLASS, PUTTY, ETC., : ; - 44 FAYETTEVILLE StI a PERSONS TI8ITINO RALEiaOs' WELL A3 eltisen, are Invited to call ia at 44 Fayettevllla a tree t ana see tee e--ur or Hf ...!.. . P..T. UARRAWAY, With Hart & Lewis. Raleigh, October t, 1881 M tf. HARDWARE IfWHOLESALE. Mitchell & Allen. , So. 22 Pollock St, Newborn. NC. . ARK RECEIVING, AND N'"W OFFER FOB male. a'larie Stock of Builder' and House. k. jpers lirdwre of evaryAescription, Carpenters', Cooper', Blacksmiths' and JMashlniit' Tools, Pock- t Knives, Knives A Forks, Soitsors, Japanned, pi iated and Plain Tin War,. Ulow and Wood " W ue, P ulor and Cook Stores, with a large variety of other Hus furnishing goods, eonsisting in part Cut and Prea.eif Gls, China and Queen' War, Brlunnla aad Plated Ware. . -1 PAPER HANGIN j8, . , " 't BORpERS AND TENTRES; . , -PAPER AND PAINTED WINDOW SHADES ALIO, GENTSVXADIES' --' " .; AND - .. . ... BOYS' SADDLES, WHIPS, BUGY AND WAGON HAKNESS. BRIDLES, &c ' AGENTS At CONI8r.OV MEHCIlANTH Forth sal of any art'.ol of Manufacture vt Pro- duo. .. - , .'.vi: ' . Niw, . 0., Oct, IT, 18B& H im. - On Consignment. i 0 BUNCHES COTTON YABirl ' 1,1(0 Pair Ladles', Gent', end Child' Shots, Dee Blaak aad Drab Felt Hats, whUk will be sold by tb Case or Doi.p, at very low prloe. , . , . , ; MITCHELL & ALLEN. Nwbr,lT. C, Oct., 17, lbcJ-Cl-Sm. :. MITCHELL & L1 1, auk nt roa -,. ... . ..5 i THE UNDERWRITKR'S AGENCY, coMtoecn or the Qsrmuia, Hanover, Niagara and TWpubllo ' Fire lnsnranee Companies of N. York, nprmting el Tkrtt Million! Dollar, lutn; 1 A UK NOW- PREPARED TO -EFFECT INeU. raac oa every dearriptloa of property i Dwell lugs, Store, Goods, Cotton, and other Produce, a stored, or ta transit, - Newbera, N. C, Oot. 28 6-tf. . 'i DE.W. E. JONES OFFERS HI8 TR0FB8SI0NAL SERVICES TO the eitiienrof Raleigh. OOlee over P, W. feseud Drug Btore. ' ,. Caa be foncd at night at th residuue of Rev, J. it. Atkinson.' v . . , Raleigh, November 2, 18o JJ lot pd. ' ! (formerly of Plttnmn A tnthbort,) ; Merchandise & Produce ; Gnmmtssiou lertliant FETEUSBU&O, TA., WILL GIVE HIS -PERSONAL .AT- " W ten lion to the wl of all . inds of country pro duce and lb purchase of ejTerchtndisaon commission. Hi long perleae in trade justidee him in the belief that tatisfa tioa wl') fo low hi operation, he there for solicits th patronage of hi, friend and the pub. He generally. , Refers to Hoa.Tto. Bragg at Raleigh. (Vim,

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