, !.. CAf, W. AKM; ' CBAaUtoV. iiukGrBrotlicrs &Co.', Xz'Ltvt, hrdrn ;ni far..". I! ALT I HO RE WINDOW GLASS. TjrRjijiis Ghissware, Vial. Bottles, Jart, & , i.fCAS,8.fsO!U;s.4iS()lii, IMtUX, ALC, aud otbef Chemicals. Paints, Oils, Gluo, J-V'tiH't of LvRwoad. Ctik Snap, fee, &. Ko,; 3JS4S. Cmabi.b St., ..; 4 " BALIIMOKK, MD. .LARGE AND VALUABLE SALE. 0 iXTHi; 12TII 0?Di;OEMBKR NEXT, WILL BE ; J v) the tiglkest bidder, All of taeetcp. nux.ture and peri.bable property ef the late , i) lukrTtt'a ( !'., .'i 14 2',tf bt-bcU t ( Wheat, , ' Ad steeki f SodJ. i 0U, ' J' uiudeof id Cotton, tuil .f let Ran, " , . i . l' , out Htc, -3 4. 0f u?4fl, Mj Mai, , 4 Tube Of OleU, Id fea rf Catle, 6 ", ofglicsp, ' Vif, Cn ui plantation utentilt of wj - .) deleripttutvw,'.' TH ula will eouiuieoe ta the upper 8hoe.o plan tui.d, sad 'ot.tinu from day to d.y anil Bui.hed. lnvt i5i niunilii or4tt ruyable la specie r iu "ijait't la currency. Jio I end eppiered aecari- j reooiriu neiure delivery i in property. L, J. JONES, Adm'trix. , I lflt tit mnt fur jraar ISJil, tha twolarraasd laaad,' ana()(llog'f about una Ibuutaad aarat" Acs, oa Bhxoea Crk, and eoBtaiaiBg ioaa ef ma bi laad in Vi arras Uauutj. Taa laada ara ad iuirl-ly aUptid to tba growth of eottca aad tobacco. an i tkcbiti)a lor tb nt crap UaxealMBU Ob aoh of the alaBUiloni a wheat cru hat aeon ae'.i1. Ifnot vrtvetaly diapoaed of, tlier will be I Tttitsd t'otb bi&bt biddxr oa tha day efaala. , ' L.J. JON Ed, Adm'tiix. . Uut. jr- id-. -JUitclieL& Allen, ITS Of SORTU OAROLIAA 0 A N . s; WATSONS CTOTBEAtED BUG L All a" .:.r FIJlE-niOOFSAFES. 1- A Sii'ftJH ordrra to 1 E VilsS & WATSON U u -pinLitJELriHi, pa, -i ..,..,..,t w -,, on. 1 . MITCflfcLIi & AfaLEiVt ! JiEWBERN, N. C. - K.wWb, N.CftatlT. 4Ab-. CUBilSSlUKvi- rUKWAHUInli ,, Ol J. Countjf Wharf, ..Poof 6 f C ra v on Street, . C, i;U)br aJ-f'.l-I'.iaiH, SWEPSON,' MENDENHALL & CO. , GENERAL j in ' r. -1 ri ti -rr. r& it err n r. l r ,i J M.A A u til., A&W t OJiA AQSTJ3 rOHTIlKSXi E.V - TARTIC(ILAR ATTEifriON GIVEN TO " tha ale of Cotton, Cotton Yarns, Cottwa Clotli, KitsI Btoraa, L.al aad Maoufsiitared Tobaoee, do ,, U Serai eash adTanoe mad oa aoaalgniseats la (la. ' 1 1 - . , Of Jars aollelted for the purohato of Ooad. GT"All tvijnmtU U tit r utivrti ly , turawt a jof as shipped, oh all Bail lloadt. jtcu all thriiinni twrtu, throuyh to A' no. , . . . , t 'y ConsignmonU solicited. "S Tn- J.Fumnkr, Da Mix Worth, : . O.'JMl'rpuy, J.'jj-.l 8? li. SWaPSOS, i. W. SWE'rjipN, : ,C, PJHDENIIAtf,, Oliarlolta, N 0 Coiophoy SLops, New Vork Cit, Ilaw hiver; N C 'Greensboro, t- titUUf lis, ISCS tf. ;: .couiTTrimooKs & co., COJ1MISSION MVltCllANTS, ' , ,t No. S SoCTlI WlbLUtl UTBgKT, ,. " v:f.,;::A.-;., ; ket york. . Xii-tj-J S'lronrcf made ea contlgaaient. , '7''"' " " Bcpr.iimUe by " - - C0L. P. FOSTER, Exchange- Holct, JAMES HI NT ON, A. 1 1 o in e y at Law, ' A'ORFOLK, VA., , ' .TyILL PRACTICE IN ALL COURTS " of ioiMk and PurtauoiMh, Va.. and J 4. jUL.ia1,!:, Caadeii and Currituok, X. C. 8 lia. C. J; Iredell & Co., CcEfettioncrksFnuis, Nuts, Cakes, Toys, &o. AtXa.lJffteriiU8t.,X.'c.IuikSturtt mi.i:i..a, a. c . - Yl A T F Jt'F T OP X 1 1 A UKACTIFUl, ASSORT LJ UKiUnf Fiiocti aulC'otniuou Candica, Urangaa, I.omons 'AP"'rt Rsialns. Citron, Carrsnte, Date, ""U'5, Waltf, b.la and frugar Crsiikora, Currsul JUr, A. ' . . . . j -.'f-A-Li-.SO- ci f.i. 'av'srinietol . 01' FivO'-b aud German Teya, . aotfl ulir, aod bwyo' Topa, of etery style aud T.)'li..B.' - . ' - '. r j , -..a i . ate ropec.t fully invilrJ to rail. All will be ; i.-.;.!?'y rr-ivrd and riaily waittxl . u.-tvUt ;i(, jowi.;i-u. ' tiirjRCii ni:coisTRi;cTio.v. :! of Per. Pc. Itn,s and Rrt. Mr Moras of Ue iUlboaist Kpiopal fburcll. Soul h. and of ; v. l .-J.np Liiii t if the l'rot.'ntant KpincopuJ . it. lu h!, ( rrm. ' ciut by tuml, 10ta. ; , :;. 1 a ! ..-. 1. A'MrifH . -1 . K'U.Vl M, 55 Walker st.N.Y i f:A:- u.YSi FAKUjit.lUWh.MC. J (-. anted , I.I.-UK1 VOi.-Xfi LADY, AflBAD- "" l' m t .-tinfs. drtlre a ',fr in a l ar-i'iir, in a yj-d t,kber. - " i) ei,.or of tbaWit, BRANSON & FAimAR, PUBLISHERS AND BOOKSELLERS, ' . HO 40 FayetteviUs Street, nALLKJir, N. c, KEfP CONSTANTLY OS HAND AH ASSORT went f 8 (aed.rd Hooka, and lb latest pnblica n.u, eoaai.tlng of Te"lgl Histories!, and Uu ellaneoui bonis, with a largtuah pply of KCIIOOL UOUkM, . Cell and see OrdersUI a promptly I lit J. Jo- k. i.t en head will b ai et.ee obtained, if to b t4 u tlia Unite ejteU. Tbey io ji A ti fr (It pttba or ! ai aiiv avd la ibair r austav. IJJtANSO.V & FAUUAU, TUB AMKRICAKJIHtLi: SOCIETY hat aepotiud mi'k a Urft aaoibar of Liblat 4ad 1 I rtawiu fur oali T Vaiutiao at bir rata. JJKANiSOX & FAUUAU. ' AMOlili UI'K MTOCK aiay fraud Cop i(vt.kt, Slalaa, Cbalk Crajroat, aiata raaeiu, a. . BRANSON & FAUUAk. H"rltlK ChaiU, flpalllng UbarU, aid thr Uiprr- bhu lor BOltVOlt. BUANSOX A FARUAU. MP4I WAftll Lar Mp of Kunh Caruliat, . I'uejiat Map of Nuftb Caiullua, , PiMikat Maa af Viiflala. fill 1 IB faskkt Jtlop ef ta littad P'tUt, 1 M Hit ANSON A FARRAR, . afrATIOHEHY. - Jio1cap,nuttafTpirrFiii"'FapfrTBt, ? 3. cll, Kovaiupoa, Arasld'a Wiuiog F.aid, alto J - l'a .ai. BRANSON & FARRAR. Jl'VE.HILR liOOKt. Illuttratad, of craat varlol? la atylai and prieae- JL,A.Ak WW 1 U A'AXbllAi SIlRtlf UVHtG eoaaUatly kept oa bead. Aiao, Bleak Dooki aiada ta arder. BRANSON & FARRAR. BOOK UINDINC. 1 Of all klndi, don at abort .settee, aad lit the Tory seat atie. , . iillANSU tfAUKAtt. Jttt from the Preu, M A ft YHtt A RK E R A tbrtl Inrsarrailre ef early life aarnnr tha In- dltaaof Kortb Curollna. froai the (li'tad e 0 u art le yersao. The book ia it ptgoa, elegastty prlnlad. Prlea, per hundred $2. btf'gie eini. m eoota. lent. BRANSON & FARRAR. jT The Bfoat dodaoliouf oada to the Trade. JPJT C'ill for Catalogues, eoataiaiiig prioea. BRANSON & FA KH AR, vetoaers- a u. avaiaiga, a v. Th T 1 Alf - PniSClPAl, OFFICE, RaleighfJI. C. O. B ZJ33 , . Manager, SPECIAL AUNCIK3. Wllujlngtoo, Ureennbera', New llaree, - Hali.bury, UnldaboreV .. Charlotte, 83JArLAMlCSr, KEW TOKK, 'ASD 123 UOCTfi ST. " LirillLADUPUIA Our Agenti all recriv liki Computation, 04 ait iwtt Uirvttjjh thtir JJuenptu JUutt w Ap- BU)I!Nnra lataediately after the war enllapaed, w. continue la r4elre applieatioo from Buyera J aad Haller of KBb KsTara. and tarite a still naora exteaited aae of (bis oheap, soarealoBt, liberal, and sattaiat'tory t- 1 PLAN OF BUSINESS. Parties sen eoinniuBicatetbroagh a.nta,or direct. Hulea in ina Bends of a I ageats Titles guaranteed aeoordiog to oar rales. (No, li.) FOR SALE. Jtif CottoB, Tobaoro, Turpeetine, Cera, Mining I and other Leuda, Mills, lowa rrup.rtr, Ao. All eBqulrio promptly anaw.rml with AIsps, Dla- grauu aad BasMhea, irreqiul ad. Itarlag reliable and active Agents la every Coun ty for ttie aale, psroBkae aaa leaaiag or rl.al Batata through tbeai, thia offioe is enabled, ia addition to ear regular Laad iJu.uieas, to ooll.ct all el,ate sent to It with (He greatent pof.itio dupatoh. Beptenber 3 ad, liio-.il tl. KELLOGG, WHEELEft '& CO. (OLD kTAMJ OF . . YOt KC.) BALEI0II, N. a, Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Drr Coods, Boots anfJJ?ljocs, Ilats and Caps, Groceries, etc , etc - LIQUORS I LlyUORSi! LIQUORS 1 1 1 TF. OFFER TO DiAiERS A FINK ARTICLE of MUIHKKY, lilt ANDY, OK GIN, Sj tfaft Ciftk of Cj.ho. 1 ' , . . ' 'ri. Oct. 17th, 1SRS el-tf. A, . SHASSB, ' Idle of 1'oUTiiburi!, Va, I T. NoaWoM'B, lateol Warronion, N. C. SIIAFEIt it NORWOOiO, Commission Mercbants, No, 5 Wat JjTttmtr, NEW YORK. ConsimimcHla of Cotton, TMiroo, 'JYavml AVores, urams ana an oiiut nouihern Products' golieltetl. Order from MerobantJ, Atenufaeturara, Plaa- ters and ether will receive prompt aud individual attention : . , i. . . i'. asrsa to- " 8ot J M Mor.haad, Orectiabnro. N C ; R Lsrtiter, Pre.idont R!eitb and Oaatoa K K; Mcllwaioe, Ko A Co, Doonana end dhB..,o,,.il(tlB A Tinhiil. Vetaraburir, Vei t. A Vol.r, fc ilm, HC; K P Klehardnn, K. kioea.ro f, N f ; cVr,ni"ur.l'l, tiiowiaboro. a Q ; ilkt, jSaixitkuu-ftdent N C NEW AKRIVAL OF IMcdicinea, a i n t s Oils. IVinduto Class. ! iSVuTi, Ar- , - - r a arner, CvmJit, Brush-1, WintM, Uraf djf, 8iicc Extras, I dc.t &-c, Pcscud's Drui? Store, ALL WARRANTED IRSSU AID FCKX, aad will b fuld a Mared ratat fur an, ar thaaga fur FLAX SEED, YELLOW WAX, COTTON AND PROVISIONS. OYRI.IGEil, Male and laaala, la great variety, ' PESCCD'S DRUG STORE. n PIT rlfPH. f.r tha Sick Bad. at O pfiSCUWaUKUU 8T0BB., BED PANS, Male and Peme'e Crln.U, at . PErfCUD S DUUO 8'i'OUE. mRIaiaCS, alnl di doable, la gnat rariety at VHSWRSSSS tBT.AKTTIOl Cumba for Darkiaa. at V PESOUD'S 1&UQ 1STOBE. OA DOZ. PlaatatioB BitUra ary low by the cate, JUrt, PESO III) S UKliW oiUKJB. tJjOJS.ylWWT, and Orfoariloaa, at raduoad priee, b7 at I'ESCUl' O VttUU DIVKK.. MhTieilT RLOUNISO CGItbV, that nott i delieate aad popular perfuat. ab wduaed raloa, at l'KUUy VliUUPlUUft. rAI4m.I4 WATEB.eortaiB'ytbemaatpon 1 1VL ular fologtie iutfoduaad lisoa the eairaBdor may be bad 4 DAMS' neea) lliaafMHi, Hie aa huowm. ivi 1 iR gBle at PESCUta UKUU BXUKJb. -vtiorr.iii i.Iwm Oil. earloat branda. at .. PESCUD S DRUU STORE. CP'T" " hl Biiy.wooioaau OTARCII, iHwtf . rt Hloif) or b.ii aaitty, at T"ATIlAIROtf.Trepheroe.CMsliie, Pha- IV bia s aud Wvbater't IJair luiigoralon, tflaes aad While l'uiaatuwia. and PbiiOeonM, pomades, at -pKsuui) s iniuu erums. GIICROKU E'iey nd Female pillv at V l-KSCDO'S UHUaSlUKk. I I EM HOLT'S 8nolttdr's icitrsnt u- I I ehr. at PESCUIVS DRUG STORE. If) ADW AY'M Rrsdy Rilif, sl R. B. PilU, aod Perry Uavia 'Pain killer, at : PESUUJj'S DRUGSTORE. YKKS, dlroiigV, Ilekwlfk'S, Braad- rutli n, Uoraia, Jayna'a, and other popular pilla, ab MOUNT EACl.K TRIPOLI foe. eleaaaing MetaJt Of U kinda, Window Wlaal and Mirrera, at PESCUD'S DRUG STORE. FTECKERH. farlua. and Darn gtarch for AX 'otords, Paddiags, and Bl atug, PESOUD S iUUU SlUliib IITOLFF'S fttrhridnoi SrbBappa, Pure Old V V Port and glierry Wine and Coguso Bisodr, aa looted expreasly for aieuiral purpoaoe as PESCUD S DRUG STORK. VERY Superior Green and Black Tea at -PESCUD S DRUG STORE. CANARY Bird and Ramp Sural, at - ' PESCUD S DRUG STORK. iOOSTAR'aJ Rat, Ina.ct bud Bed Bug Kitortaina- v ut, at pesujjjv a unuu moiiK. FflOllIA'S CtfBdiUeu Powders forHoraee aad DI'RE Bermuda Arrow Root, snd Cos's Gelatine - t -r-r -- PESCUDU -: I. ruiLORiOB MB ia oa poond bottle, at A'EStJLIiJB. KEROSENE 0U and Lamps, at PESCUD'S. J)l!RB Sperm aai Bwee( Oil, l 1 ... v.., , 1 .PESCtTPS. A LL kinda ef Pa lata, drywaad groaad ta Oil la 1. , asaurud-paobagaa, at PESCUD'S. IyWST aad Whitewash Bru.bea, at PESCUD'S. 1ifl!TANO LINIMENT, MeAiiator's Olat 1A tneut. aad flray'a Oiutaeat,at , PESCUD'S. VZAMEA and PBrkeer Baklug Powder, at PESCUD'S. BATi IIELOR'S nj pbalou'i IJair Dye. at 1'EsiLTJD'S. IU Hi NK Toilet Powder aud PufTa, at A k" PESCUD'S. s UP. Was MaUbavst PESCUD'S. CHi:iMSiEAL aod Solution of Tin, at ' ' PESCUD'S. COIIK8 for Bottles aad Vials, at PESCUD'S. 7 LIXIK'S PeruvUa Bark aad Prototlde Iron, at a.d - I'PJMtJlJli'H. 11 OSLETTEK'S Bitter, at PESCUDS. KENNEDY'! Medical DiMOVerr. at PESCUD'S. I'rvsh Gardni and Crass Seed, OF SUPERB QUALITT, Wratrantl an reprutnted from li. HUJST, Ac VruuA if 1805. at . ' PESCUD'S. rnP"l fitlB.'ICltlCER HAS JUST RECEIVED A 1 Ur,fo supply oi Uarden aadtirast Seed, ef theatoat cbuitta varmiiea, fur sale wuolesale aad retau. : S-Hr Call and get aa Almonte. Afy fi eodi ihronch. out the bum, eau soud Biouiuraaduuia by ilieuraibof I tk Legulatareu ..... . id, w, Raleigh, Ocb XS-CU-tl. NOTICE. Eny ingr, Soiling' and Leasing- Real &tv ALL Person wlabing t buy, sell, or Less RaeJ Katatr, are invited to upon tha aubacribar at tit Hotel, oa te corner ot Wilwingtoa and Davie Streets, Raleigh, N. 0 , who prom i.e. to girt their baainea bia prompt attention, aad spar ae pa Las that will eoaAle bias to give entire tetiefatfa. - Bnag se wall kuowa tetbe eitia.ua ef Raleirh aad W.ke Coeaty, ho andaraicned hopes tbey will Bat neaiuaia te pat taeir puainca is nia narda. '. . tifcOH) T. CUOO. Af.ot ff-r Walt Co. of His Pioneer Laud UiHta. i (tte of fcutlo4 Kteli, N. C.) , v. arai.9, , (LaU of Wrr. U.a, Jf. C.) . . DAXCY. IIIMAST & m, CanwlwioO Parrhaalug Merchanta. JTa M CaaAa Brtaar, JIbw Ti HAVXO K8UMK0 01! E OLD BtfSlSESS, WK axa' ava- prvard ta rcU all kind of Pio daea. aod to aak ptrekane of Ooad aad aapptiat far ttf friad. ! ; T ', Vr.JOHX ARRTNOTOK, lata frf Warraatoi, II C., aat b fuaad m t , whaa ba will ea ploaiai to mm ku uld friaadi. ( rowiima bt! fKcAE'CrdtWii.l. gtoa N. a Tlll((iHE A llL;, wlra, ft. (1 ( (,:0K4K H. itliOWM, Wa binUn,C. bMITU UKO., Murfulk, Va. "Bar. 11-81 . Wood. BCP'T. OFFICE R. A 0, R. r0., KalcisU, N. C, War. 10, 1S6S. J rpJIK RALEIUH AND UA8T0N RAIt ROAD M. Company will Irairaiiurt wood from Tr Ri'er or any other poiut tbla aid for one half tba auul. Yb wood oat ia all Inatanoaa be diriUad bafore any ef It la traaaportad. The above ara our eay Tanaa. aad that at the bob- i VeBieaoe of tua eoaipany. ALBERT JOHNSON, ;Ua'l Rap't, Mrs. Ecld. Lhouinatic ointment. Iaoiaa Tow, CumUM Co , N. C, Dot. If. 'ti. Uai. 8. A. Bii: I take plaatnr ia itatiac that I bar found fr.ni rati. ia Ui. of your JilibU- M4 l ULXJaa.I. tlPrFrr Aa I eoald aot ret it after the Bat were ttopped t have baea anabia to git e it a fair trial, bat hate aaf f.ree ery little p4ia qoa, aqil sow ., enfaaaf a eNcA, which I have aot does for or lu ytsra. . Very traly yourt, J. P. flARBKNTOS. for isle by D. T. CARRAWAT, Ral-Hh, R. C. W H LippHV Wt uiBKUtn, M 0 6 I Biaaiia'e, rayattorilla, " Priiriroae A billingbaia, 'awbrru, . DrJTWalih. Kinaton. l M A A C A Saatoa, Norfolk, Ys. r KITTRKLL'S SPRINGS . FEMALE COLLEGIATE IXSTITCTE, CBAItVILLIca, M. o. I T7LL SESSION OPENS ON TBI 1ST WEDNE8- j I X' day la Uetober. TERMS, ir Sttsion, payahtt in United St (Oct Currency; Board, Wanning ad general Tuition, inoln- dine ibe eutire Kucliih eourie. A100 M liuaie, Piaao aad Ouitar, each, M M Auaientaud Modore llauguagea, each, td (HI lrawihg and Paiatiug, aavb. It 60 Cuibroidory aud Pallia Wax Work, ' 10 to Saeh young lady will brine with her aae nair ef abeeto and pillow eaaea, and her tow.ola, , Jfot utbar parlieulara, addreaa Rst C. B.RtDDICK, JKittreUia Kurinai. tf. O. Oetaber l-4-SBt,- T.T r-v - II. C. WHEELER, Or BALIM, MOKTH CAROLINA, " JAMES PALMER & CO. Wbolesalc Druggists, . AND DKAXER3 18 . Oils, Paitfta, Glass, rDe-Stuffn, ko. No. 439 Market Stroot, . l'hlladliIiU. Nor. II 81 l. , Fanlss' Column. Ho Se ILc , a. ifi. ffissasa, Ba jolt r.tirntd from th Hurlh' wilk a an Stock of .iT1 A. Ii L GOODS S.leotsd xprefly for this market. etstiauB? is " " ' part of BE AVER CLOTHS, - BROADCLOTfJfl, ESQ LIS U AND BC01CII CA8BIMKRE8, OIUC MIXED CA86IMERE-J, TEICOT CA38IMERE9, BLUE CLOTHS. CASSIMERES OF ALL COLORS ! CORDUROY, ' BLACK SILK VELVETS, "V . GI.OVKS AND SCARFS. S1TIRTS OP ALL DESCRIPTIONS I ARMt llATS, - NAVY CAPS, .BAJ.F Robe, SUSPENDERS, . UADKERCHElTS, NECK TIES, LISTEN AND PAPER COLLARS, BHOL'LDlfR TRAPS, . MlUfARY BUTTONS, ASP LACES SCARF PINS, SHOES OF ALL KINDS, - , TRUNKS AND VALISES. HE ROHAN T TAILORING Doae ia tba eery bent style by i 0. U . W A R R 1 8 8 and hit Haperb Cutter, MR. GRIP PI Til. Suits af arery deaeriptloa made to order at the tkettcat Butieeand la the r-ry beat aiaauer. VnU What ysa do aot tat In mj Store, erdar and 7 ' " tn quiokeat poaaible tioe. V. SL PARRIK). Raleigh; Aqguit lS. 13S. I. S. WiLUCI, LLMnrurariif WALLACE & SOITHERLAXD, GESERAL COMMISSION: .WURCUAMi Oftpe avrrA. B. Mall' Rtorr, 3a o.23 NORTH WATEjt ST., WiJminston. O. WILL give prowipt Bersoaai BtteaUoa U ail Co, aifrnrarata of . .. SATAtSTDBia. COITON, SriRrTSrr.EPFVTIXI, Etk AJ, lajt, riu'ijaiuA.vCb'., Ai.' , till ig FiiESALEOkSHJllt.VT. - 1 ALSO TO FOltWABVlKQ XEHCHAXD1SE, . Sap. C. lSt 8tf.tf.. !. , ItOJtIN CAULDRONS. , W8 IEKp CONSTASTLT OX HAXD IRON I V", rrul. I..... rn , .a .ji..ti... " ' .MITl'ilfcLL A ALI.ET. (Of Xarburu, N. C.) Cardwut Xelcr3, cw'fccrii, S. C. GREAT BARGAINS " l. CLOTHS A.DJACY DHV GOODS. MM1B ' BCnSCRlBER KRSPK TEl'LLY AS-i- Boaneel to hia frlendi aad pat one, aad to the atembeia ef tha LegUlatar,aad ti itrangve rkiting the Cityrtbat he eoatiauae to c.rrr ra the - TAtLOIUNG BUSINESS at bis eld ataad, wbora be wilt be happy to aee tlt and sell tbeai great bargains la his line. He w. aid iao call the aiteatlea of those af te Military I) part man t wishing to purcba'a elotbiog, aaforaia 01 eiuiana' draa, to tba toot that tbry aut tad gnat bargains. Ia atria sad Ua a tbey eanfcotbe aurpaae ed by any la this elty or any other, lie dame it aa aeewaary to aay any thing of his owa skill ia tab Tailoring baaiBaas, but it will satBee to lay tbt bit ea peri, ace baa aot baea for a fw yours euiy. but fir the last yetrt. lie tborefore soiieiu a liberal pet renege. Pruaapt atteatioa will be girea to prna wlohiug ta bare setting done. Or don fraaa a di. Usee wilt be thankfully reeelred and promptly at tended to. Call at Store Ke. 1 fayetteville tjje.t, Raleigh, Ht. C. Wfid: PNTRIS3 hai scene d Boirdlns H. u.a B.xt door, about 1st yards frout the Capitol, where the will eatertaia aaeuibarl of tha Lagblutura or tranaient iloarderi. T.R. FENTRESS, KoT. 1-$S 1m, Alerehknt Tailor. fpni 8TJBSCRIS1R WOCLP KESPICTFULLT A. oul! attention of tb Ladies and Oantleniea of id City, aod tb publio generally, to a Urge aad beautilul stock ef goods eomprUing erary thing that w neeuini w eowpieie a warurona, - ForcbaapBeai there It nose that eaa eoajpete with the hoase of Measra. Dowse A Randall, So. Is Pay bUle Street, Raleigh, N. C. , Call asd esemiue bis good before yoa pKruhataelaewhars, and say word for it y a will lad eaeap goods. A new supply of goada has joet beea reoeired sad N Will eonUnue la. racelr asm by etecy suiiurtt that arrrrra. -i( ' The atricUat ktUn'ion wlll-aa pU by Mr, Bowen, tka prepriater, aad hi eterke, to those wh glee him alL . , Make ao atiatak. Be earUla to call at tha store No. li f ayetlerille Street, en taa earner of the e osntiqeere. T. R. FKNTRES?, no. if KayeUeriU. Street, Ksleigo, N. CL Tot. ) 8-!a. ...... THS Underwriters' Agency ar atw rote, CASH ASSETS, Three Million Dollars IsnM Policies of f Fire and Marine Insurance Made pajrall la Cold or Currency NcgouaUc and Bankstto Certificates of Insuranci Are laaaed by tbla Aaaocjarjoaw -" JOHN O. WHAMS CO., Agrnl. Ralkiuh, N C, Ko. 16. 80tf. johit p. roAiiDrt COMMISSION, AIT.HON AND FOUWIRULNG MERCHANT , , AltD AOSNT FOB ; . StIUng ; ur f mm goJ .tfsbtf. NEAR OLD COUNTY W11ARF, ErKRKMCK. A T Jerh Ina: President Bank of Cammer., New bora; Ur W J Rawkina, let pres't of R A tt R Rj Hob H Boydea. Vrea t of M V tt II. Haiumuryi uol Win Jolmaton. Proa't Charlotte A 0 R R, Cburlutta; Hon J M Moreliaad (ireonnlwro; Her Dr Decme. Ka eigh and Re. W K Pell, editor of Jfcat.nW at Raloigh. Wot. ia-i i-tr. FALMEB, IIAETSOOK & CO. WHOLIIUI luclinn ani Cflmmisjion spouse,; Car and Dock Mbbr Euildln-i, RICHMOND. VA. Jgy GOODS SOLD by PACKAGE ONLY. Proprietors V. 8. BqndedJgariiRoii GEO S PALMtR, tale of Wadaworth, Turner A Co. DAN'L J 11AKTSOOK, late of Howardaville, Va. WM, B. ISAACS, of Wu. li. Iaaaos A Co., Beukers. October S A-einoa. - A. ICXtl 1ST E, WHOl.KJlLg AMD BSTilt BSALBB l finav uut'umE buy .macs', ULOTiflNG. BOOTS AV 8IIQE9, BATS CAPS, . WATCHES AND JCWELRY, EES! IMPORTED WISES ft BRANDIES, ARB IWBOB or ALL BISDS. OR 0 CE II IE it Jec, , Corner of Fay ottevillo and Ilarg-otStj , RALKIU H, N. C. ALrsaB R. BesaaTT, ClAJk II. Bkubbtt, . Raleigh, ft. C. Jai. 0. Va Pblt, Nw York PCXXETX, yLN PEIT l TO:, Commission Hhrtjjanls FOR TH BALE OF Cutlou, Tilacco( tNavaJ Stores, ke Af.80, fOR Tl Purchase and Sale of State and Other STOCKS, 23 warriatu HTtT, New-Tori. Ws kv asiacistsd witk Wr. D. V.Oosbt, lata Pablis Troasuier for North Carolina. Aa . . te tf THE RALEIGH NATIONAL BANK IJORTH OAnOLIITA, RAUIUR, M, 0. miTED STATES DtTUSlTOliY ft FINAKCIAt AGIST Aalhrieel Scnteijibor ltfcy ISCJ. 3iRECT0RS: Geo. W. SwapsoB. Pratt. ; C. P. MonJenhall, iH. S. nuoa, YitFrtX ia. Vf. HolJea, W. B Cn'ick, Citkur, Thi Bank is new osea fof the trnjaetio of Balik -1 ag ouauaeaa. Wold aad Silver Cola, Doneajjs Xschsnge, aad United Staie. Stat itad loeal Seeuritie boasrht and sold . Cnourrent atone dlaaountoJ aa tb moat favorable tarsia. Depositee received and eareful attoniioa pid w mm wtwibuj oi.ouaiuesa anea aaa qrnna. , ' Co lection, auade at ail poiau in tba Slate ef Rnrtb waroiine. . yr f rt fr f VPPI.ICA Lf---'-i TION WU.I PK TO TfTK XKXT tore for i UlliiUnstoa antj WtWooT' I btoekboldera of the Wi'- KT,s,i l Railroad ,u,pa.,y M , M edaeaday the Jid iuat. "Ulr N..y. 1ft iOta,, ' W TIIOlU-,,,;, I Change of Ti RAO RAItKOADcOvp,.,. Change ofSchadula. On ! aft.r NurauUr tib lc ma aa followa t U6' a traia. Tsam aoiaa bobtc. Teva blml.lt.k . - . Arrive Uaston, , . t ( ' 4S' AT Hat tbaijs sotae atura. , . ..... Leave Oaalon, ArtlTO Raleigh, : 1 1; lutstr&ia ennnect with " tb irat,. 1,... ! Ureeuatwre and Kw York. Pa.atnB 1 l" bae no delaya betwaea those point. 1 "u .1 - P'"?"'". Peterabarg Eip,w, ..7. " Tiraaa eopy till forbid. MiStij House and Lot for ,T ! THE KUBSCUIBER OFFERS Fo R,T, 1 tb North western part of th C,,, ,AU r tabl dwelling House on a lot contnir' ?!'r' of an Mr of land. A bargain Buy fcJy ling early opoa the subscriber. '7 , -OefoJrer 6-l tf. II. J. Moore, k Of Etokes County, N. C. wir Hood, Bonbright A t, Importert and Wholeiiftle Deafera la . f UREIQX AND DOMESTIC DRY mm ! risllaaelphla. No. 523 Market Street 97-Oib. U Nor. k. K. R.IVE.V t (0. At ao. 40 Fajettcillle wrcct, RALEIGH, N. C. ; ' ' t-C0SSKQESCE WtHr RRCUTT FIK'r 1 b?e lor the pieionL otwwd r .I at the store of Moiisra. Rraatoa'A Farra, J, .', ' sokilb of Altai.. William A Il? wood i... i k. ..i al . i : .-' -- r"". oo, nuui.rou? irieocfa and ura.eiui fr past patronage, we rtspectiulij iu euatinuaooa. A. K. RAVEN i CO. :no. 11.81. tf. LOUISBURG -FliatlALEOLLCCir. rRAMKLIH COtlltTt, K. C. ' Tn EXERCISES OF THIS IXSTTTIT! will begia on theaeeond lrYedneadar In J lkM. ' hsrge will be the same at tfaoae sd.itci in U. areeaaboro Female College before the w.r, ,11: Board, per session of i month.., excluaiva of wsabing and ligbta, : fst Tuition ia regular course including Latin, it" SXTBA BTUDUY. Musie ea Piano snd fleilar, each, - m French and Wrawmj, eat U, lr. ..f Painting In Oil, ' , NsedleWork, The aboee ehargct, to be paid in uperio, m lnr alent ia currency, or proriuiona at uiuriel riei. d' I half In advance tko reuimuder at the ciomli !i seaeion. IUeh pupil will luruisb I pair iliwli pi.i .are and towe a . 1 boae deiriring full partieulsri, w HI phm tUn in at Louiaburg, tl.il. T. M. J0M3. Nor. 15-84 tf. FOR TUB BROWN STOXE FI10XT. (D. C. UUBRA VS. OLD STAND) If YOU WANT TO BUY OOOD GOODS, CHIAP Hoodt, aad rood that wilt nl.aM at kne.oi abroad, call aad examine our beeutiful t-iauiMl r FANCY AND STAPLE DRY C001'5, BOOTS AND SHOES, LADIES AND GENTS' UP READY MADE CLOTHING, Ac, Before purchasing elaewher. Your exassieinf " took will not laenr the least obli.-atio u ' gearaatee to aaake tha trouble of esaairii't atock, to your inUroat, for, if we do m l oauae loiae one tlae to do ao, atrery low tf Ladies Cloaks. nn:iE BEST and CBE APKST IN TOW'S. BI' A lag told neerly all of our Urn Moot, kr dated a aaw supply by Erre. WUKRA i fe THEpiVEtl, Brown Sum FioBt, Ajtrtt BEADY MADE CLOTHING; Aft, . Ju.t Received bf Exptl 50 Fine Csuwimere Fuit.i, .-. . Fine i'roa(clo:.li (Juuts and Ssc - jUaok poeskia and Cafsimcr PjotVM THE LARGEST STOCK OF HALF HOSIhKT O Towa. All of which we ars telling bei kat price. ... . MURRAY & TRKPWtfW . Brown Etona Front, A? ON OP OCR FIRM BEING A RES1. N.w.York, i. oa th. kpot at sll I advantage of the Market. Should th I-"1;, i OESTLhMKN of Raleigh, or the urroubitl try, wiaa any articiea bo aa -'" -- .M ; ever they amy need, aad have thn h,e .' , . . Eipreaaean travel.''1' , M UERAY dc TRED WELL, A? , Ladlc3 Press Goods, &c-rt ., BEAUTIFUL LINE OF POrH!, t Merino", Plain and Figured lel,i fc aiylaa of die,, goo la, Hoop Sairta, laluori -Coraeti,' Uoalary, Ulov.a, Ae-, at HURRAY'S & TRED WELLS, p Oct. 19th, 111-tf. J. We ATKINSON .& C0- C0MMISSIS.1ANDFCRWAR3I ... ASI ' A tren tg for QECCKITT FI,ltK A MAINE I.VcUBASt o t J- U PB.T Hvw li.rk. 5e 1 .k. , fir. Ii!'.tt I ..o--ir. t'"'-...r it it, 't? tf. fp , Sill. . . i ii Avil- i:,U,. J