CITY AHD biATxJ 1XJSJU.SS.- vurau.w Jlaasbem of tho Two Araalea of .. s Generals or sad Lee. . ; ' Rev. Dr. Dreme. I The report of tbe Kc W ar reouwted to announce, that Dr. Deems ".- "7 mawcr et nt-tory in regard to which will preach tu the Preibyteriaa Church oa Sunday morning at 11 o'clock, and la th Mtbodit Church at alot. v t'.L'-w" r'V" Christ Ctiuicb eonjrregalioa iu this eity propoM to tiUblUa a tnuaioa, to b called 8t Paul's Church, to bs located an Misalonery BiU. Tba friend of lb enterprise throughout the Stat, art oUeittd to contribute to It. Donations should b forwarded to tar. Dr. Afason, Rector of Christ Cburcb: Gen.-Rugtr bas issued an order, calling upon all persons to whom bore or Bale were loaned by tba government last summer, to return tbeoi at one to CpL Garoutt la this city, or to A. M. BoUnsoa, Oxford, or N. S, Johnson at Fayetteville. tba stock will b sold at Oxford Dee, 17th, at fayelteville, 3rd Jan. and in this city on tba tub of Jan. Ladii fall. Tba ladies connected with the Episcopal congregation bar held a Fair for several nights, and wa learn bars done welt Tba object we baderstand is to build Sunday school room with tba proceeds. v Advertleemeut. .t!).eMjeade, attention i called t our advertise log columns. llassra. Fancette A Bro. Commission merchants! Newbern, bare opened Store. Seacard. A good tauner wanted bjr Dr. Jones of Tarboro. Houses for sal and real by Baker, Cowper & Co. 1. A. Thurston offers bis stock of Boots k Shoes ; at Cost, .y'v, -r':k: ,:-'''r: ': - "' 1 Messrs. Mitchell A Allen Newbera, bars a fin Stock.. Messrs. Baker, Cowper & Ca.j-iavit attention to . many articles. ... Ssllivo at CoT Mr. Jan. UcKimmon offers h:i goods at cost. Tba Granite Shoal Cotton Factory in Catawba Co., 1 for sal. It 1 desirable property. CMauTMa Girrs Mr. P. Tbeim at bis variety tor' offer many nioa thing. - Davenport Female Colleg will open Its exercises otttlie 20ib of Feb. under the Presidency of Rev. J, R. Griffsth. It is a good school in rw.qd.loction. Rout Oil.. This nseful article Is manufactured in ajiy quantity by ifessrs. Martin Jt lUllelt of Wilmington. ' .Louisburg Female College opens on the second -"Weedneiday in January nader tba Presidency of Rev. T. JI. ones. X'uinrjrra--Cerron . See Mr. Dasc-y' ji . tionl Vi .' . 1- Murfreesburo Female College opened its exerci ses iu October last. ''I . ' Andrew i Bardia of Wilmington are agents for Wilder' Patent Salamander Safe. St. Mary's School open lis 47th session on the 17 th of Jan. v j Wo. C. Doub's School open it next session on tb 18th Jan. .' maco interest ha been fe It br th. nublia. W refer to the strength of tba Army if the Tot, mac, nndor the immediate command of OoneraJ Meadej but directly by the Lieutenant C-neral, at tba two important periods of tba spring; M 1864, and the spring of 18G5. General JdVade eroewl th Rapidao, on tho 4th of May, 1864, with 120,380. General Grant aaja, in bin r P0"' that "by i'i o'elock of the moraine. 0! the Cth, be (Genera) Burnside) waa leading his corp into action nearthe Wildemea tavern," Burn ide force (the Niutb corps) nambervil- XO.QOO ten. Thus, A the aecond battle (Wthlrnei) after cross, ag'tyo Rapidan, General Mcn.l v had. under bit immediate command, one hundred and fortyJd thousand troop. From the boat in formiuon w eit obtain. Genvrvl Loe'a army commenced this scrips or battle thi.ut oeventy thousand strong, and received no reinf reeinnt, exrpt the sfliall of tbree or thounand that came from the Vallev undi-r Drecktaride. sbortry befcre the battle of Cnid Harbor. Alter the batlU of Spotsylvania Cuort House, rein h rcements, it) lure number, were aent lo Gen eral Grant from WaHlungton rand upon iiia b.rm ing a junction with General Botlrrj he waarfein forced by tbe whole atrength of the Army of tb Jamea. In tb meantime Genera I bad Wa oompelled to weaken himself by sending Ureck inridge back to the Vnlley, and dispatohingK Ifi wth "Oi fifteen or twenty th uantt men. to meet Ilunter, then moving oa.. Lyiioriburg.-, ThiSreduotion of force waa not compemiaied by the accession gained from th ptrns in of Rich mobd and the furce between this dry and I'eiera bur: onder B?uregurd. OnJJhe ltof Mareh, I8G5, a month before the filial and oooefui assault on Lee's linen, the atrength of th army of the I'l'tumm i giv en by Secretarv Stanton a 103,73. This was the "available force present for duty. The ex act MrenKtB of tho army of th James, at that date, is not stated; but the number of ttnnp preaeot for duty in tbe Department of Virginia, waa 45,986.., These, without doubt, were nrlj all with General Sutler. Added to the armv ol the Potomsa, they make 1 49 259. It wa undf r stood in Richmond that, in addiiton to UN nutu ber here giveo. General Grant was receiving heavy reinforcesin' all through March, and it is known that towards tb close of that month, he waa joined j Generl Sheridan wwh his splendid cavalry. Altogether, it teem proha ble that the force in front of Kiehmond, and Pe tersburg nearly ajiprotimeted, if it did nc reach, 200,000. To meet this immense array, General Lee could muster not more than forty thousand men. j The number surrendered by bim is stated in thj report a '7 805 ; but we believe the num ber on duty, with arms in their hands, the mold ing of the day on which the surrender was made, did not reaoh 8,000. If it be said that ' 40 000 men behind such-defence as had been construc ted around this city, ought to have been able to resist. 200.000. tbeTenrvfa-tfaathe-akilful mn nosuvering of General Grant compelled General Lee to to extend bi lines that bis works were Where bis line F.nou-r. ka trampired siee the war prove luat the ri.olhi'i o i': iile r m - t v d?noiui 01 nu'ne irCMneilistion. . Tfcey hv with on erd ku wU ked thrniselets afiet v vanaaisbed Tiy u-ru br ccept.ii the br.isd atont eth of Fr- id-r ",f(.i,ii..,n without bi iio or re serve. 1 Ti e.t' Wfned. by futting" ihtrwwlr promuiljr into ithe na b wiii-H be in is li-4 would takrt them back itttn t!i Vui"tt s Tbvy reid tbe !e4er he aigurd thi m as l'lovisioual feot'eruor. nj ire'ea thr h witN all rrspeet enJ ecpnitcuc though mnr of them bud never betore '' th' men w ttieir chuce. ' They electcil cone.itoo iiposed. fw tlte mit part, of men la full s.'W) thy aiib the g veratuut, and these convention remodeled the t-ta'e constitution ia siibtUiil ac- cordance with the nire"tions of Preaidcnt John 'O. Thlr Xeg nUtnrc bsve been ttimtd with a similur auxiety to -.tifr the government "t WnBhinpton, Webellev that there haaaot bra anJ4. anoe of a priint boldiiit out by any utbera cnuvt-Btion or gunt any o itoitattoa r t r.ii.icnt Jot)uoa lor ti e aaoptioa o any measure thst In Ilia viw would facilitate th wrk of reconstruction. It but that theeleo t ns for ftwt fficer and "fw t'onj;rewinea have been lo many uuetrfelary. Tet there is no evident' that such elections were inspired by op position to the g..voroiu.a. iber is roa to oe- lieve that such elections were tufluenncd by per ?onl priltiictitins nd prejadices, rather tfasa by political motive. At H'fventa, taking th action of the Somber penpl sieee th e.eo of the war os M, it & s kurn emmently reaannabl a d proper, hiswy m'ghfbe ewshed without finding another in-ttatce of a vafcjatslied p(We aubmitting. with so etiod a grace. ' flooo iy would hsvevent'ir etl to pie iiof it i year ago. It ft opioffd t every eitl eonception f ttiepriu4-aud-rmpracticabicnar. acter of Ue noutneru peouie. Ttie gi qiieaion of the day is, now that we have thi JUpIav ot o I sen- and good feeling in the Suuiherii peoole. wheibor W shall euourac it, and iunke the nest of It, or Uicet It with distruat and aversion. It is a shame thai there should be such a question. Thu iluty of the government nd, of the Aori hern people to the premise ought to o pi tin enough to sveiy ijb lo exclude a'1 qutiou. A victo mthe war w areuoun.l hy every man ly ntiinut to generoit pHcy of rt-flonCilifttion. At Vutm men, ;a coniUteat devotlnn it that esuse in the name of which the terrible ti nprle wa maintaiued, wear morally obliged, in eonsintency. 10 do ourutioot to have the Union fully restored just o soon a it ran bo done iMy, and without seeHfio of principle. AH cacrjftco 1 f principle, it is true, ouht t be ojun.scil, 1 he lime 01 merino- iog principle to the '-otith tor tbe sake of concilia tion and peace bus pna.icd forever. ' There wit never be auoiher cAmpromiBe sf right with th South, and we thiink heaven for it. Hut nuthing of the kind is asked,, -for ... now. The only anoritice that is asked for in a acrilie of feetiag. That ought to be made to the last title, urery old ltucwity and resentment should be utterly cleared from our souls. Every memory of former wroni should be effaced forerr. The favorable disiwxition of the Suulhern iieoole shoul 1 be met with a true broth erlv spirit, and the war slwultl bi made Oiear for their early return to b -eniov Men of the common birthrif ht. Thev are a sutl'urinir people. The war has left ihera dctolaU. Poverty liroodg ft-om the tlnuiio to the l!io Grande ' No clung i powibl jintii after the sectiritiOK and blessiniti of tfte von sJiU'itm are restored. "Tbe 'political and soeTaTsy- tm of the South mut be relieved fioia all bneer- r n: jlve a n i u i c. U tb America Tt lecrap Comf any. t -i . . Wbla(ttt Mat;rt " , Vxbhioto!, Doe, 15 T.i q'ieti..n a to whether tb Pteaidewt'a pardim resbwra tb recipient to ! political and civil right, was argued in thb Suprem Court to day, and will b continued next Friday. Th deciaione by th naval Court Martial in th cae of Ctn.ol re Cikveo for re'u-i"g lo accepffb arrenderof tb St.mwall, and sut pending hint for two years ha been set id by th Secretary of th Navy, and restore Craven to duty. Cotton in New York ha declined, aka 1400 bate, at 40 to SO cts; Naval Store quiet ; Gold 146i. , .; . ludlaua ' v , Wawoto, Dec 10. Indiana ha officially notified th Secretary of State, to-day of th Ratification of th Oohsli- lutional amendment, i - Tr Cisb Porui.4Tiox.-ln the Indiana Sta e constitution there i clauoe owhibillrs ae. groes from aoteriogth Slate. The Indian donate ha refused to ratify a smon.bneat reoeallnit that clause A bill prohibiting latminarnaae between white and hloi.s ha bvu introduecd tutu th At absuia Legislature,' i , t RAXXXGIZ KONET MAKKiTT. Ctrtd dnilg y JOllS O. Willi AM CO. . Mntkfl mmii Vtrnttr in CraAatae. . 1 Buvisa Ravis, '' ' If C. Bank .Voter Chariotle 38, Miners A Planter 40, tod Lexington 30. Bank of N 0., Cape Fear, 40. Farmer's, 87. Merchants 40. UoxborodO. Wades boro 25. JhomviP Ui Wilmington (Si Com, mere 25; Washington, Fayettevilte, Ctareudon, Yancey villa, Vl Ureenilmro' Mutual, 30. , Virginia tiauaaotes, average, so South Carolina do do . - Is Georgia do do ' ; 121 Coix tiold $1 44 ,' Silver I 40. Codpok Old Korth Carolina, S : North Caro lina Railroad coupons, Bo. Bond. North Carolina, 6. Nine coupon at. tacbed,78, - , Kicbanga on New York soiling at premium. - Ualclsh Money Market. Rilti Katicri Baak.' if -"North Caroliii. Buying Ratet. . , . 0. AK NOTk. Bank f Wadesbora ti ! - Wtiming ua, 1 " WMbtngUin, Ysneeyvills H Coavaemlat, Wiimint'a JJ Farmers, Oreenitboro, . ttf wreeiuboro Mutual, J 'J Merchants, Keaberue, Oxford Female Collcg. Tb1naefatigabl proprietor and President Mr. J. II. Mills.of this institution ha recently purchased th fin building of 8t. John's College, Oxford, and will open tba Female Colleg in those building on the 12 of Feb. next. Hi success show what energy and tact will accomplish. Tb Grand Lodge of tbe Slat sold tb buildings to Mr. Mills for $8,000. - Ceugrtsloua'l. WaaHtKGT0if.' Dc.14. In tb Senate,) Mr. Foot; of Vermont, announced tbe death of Sena tor Coliamer and -offered tba usual resolution of respect to memory of deceased. i tie vera! other (Senator joined ia paying tri bute oi esteem. In the House oi Representatives, th following - committee was appointed to take into consider tion the condition of tbe Ue o-oalled Confeder ate biate : ' Stevens, of Pa-, Whburno, of I"-. MorrilL of . Vt., Guthrie, of Ky., Bingham, of Ohio, Conk lin, of N. Y., Boutwell, of Mass., Ctow, ol Up., and Koirera. of N. Y. ..- The Uoum reoIvedThars1l papi which may b otl'ored in relation to the condition of tb lt so-called Conkderato Sta'ea, shall be referred without debate and no member (ball be admitted from either of aid States, or'eliher of them " en titled to representation, uutil Congreu thali o de cide, - - ; - - - , . :, .. .; - fceverai eulogies wsr deliver4 oa death of late Senator Coliamer. J - Covereor lvlect of Georgia to be Inamara'ed. iliLienct viLLf, Gi Dec 14. Provisional Governor Juhnsoo sent dispatch to th legisla ture, thi morning, from President Johnson, sta ting that tbe Governor elect, Mr. Jenkins, should be inaugurated in a few days, when tho former would ftcc-tva instractioos rellie to being re ; lieved.' 1 ..''.',- : ' ' : The President alio highly commend tie administration and course of the provisional gov ernor. . ; Negro Ut-iStTectlon. Wittin the past two wk, w bav noticed in our exchange from different part of the Union, paragraph to relation to threatened negro insur rections. We have purpoaely refrained irom pub lishing them for reasou wbi;k wo deem perfectly aatislaotorr. We have at the same lime rceied iuklinn ol the deviltry batching among disaffes tednvgrot in our own eitr and wiciuity, which we have kept from th public, for reasons squally .satisfactory. ' VVe speak of it now 'to let the pub- lia know that we have not been asleep in regrd to those affair which ere Interesting to (very no-. fortunate white peraon. '" ' ( .1, . . How far tbe military auihoriiie of tbTs section ore posted in regard lo tbe movement of th di affBtied u monks," of course, wo are anabS) to elate, hut bar officient reason tobeliev they are wak to tbe important events of the day. That there i a partinlly, or fully organiied pljt of rascality on foot amoi g the recently freed ne groes, wa bavs not tbesligb:est doubt 1 hey have imbibed the 'idea that the property of their lale owners is to be divided among them by the Uni ted States auihoriiie ; and it b. become nece eiry recently, to disabuse their minds of this idea, by direct order from high military' an horny -'1 aey da Jot like it, of course, and w caa ery readily see the natural tendency of tbe negr mind when he see hi hope diir.pi imed Well, if white pepl WuUid exhibit a pniper atnt-tiut of dicreua, they would lose no time in )pricg fur a day wHcH mj require toeir pr. -oce at jboir hcmei. The rtegroea rdji,it, and if anyone doubts it, let bun goto th mlleient dealer in powder, Uid, tapv and! fire arms, w tb city of Newbern. Arte Urn Timet: at no point suffioientlr manned, wa nrst broken tba men stood teo or fifteen pa oe apart. 1 :";.';T"".v'i.,S il'.J TbM figures are given as matter of general and Iiiatorio interest, and not, for tb saka of ma king comparison or suggesting conclusion to tho disparagement of either aid Rick, Whig. ; Th Bravest are tb XendereiU" Th report of Lieutenant General Grant how, in a very oonpiO'iou manner, tbe genes roeity of bi temper, and w quota with pe liar pleaHur his testimony, to tb good conduct of tb men who lately confronted hi army. ' H ay i "Let (us) then hope for per petual pevc with that enemy wbose manhood nowever mistaken to oaase, drew forib uoh herculean deed of valor." ,' . ' This testimt.ny est not Deeded, for th civil ised world hid awarded o praise for bravery nod fortitude; by I w hail , thi announcement from the Commander in Chief with peculiar sat isfaction, it a contrast to th narrow and ec tional"views of Sumner, Wilson and Co. In contrast with these gentlemen who never smelt gunpowdr-on who deolined to head his reg imetit we give this declaratiog of the Com man-, der-in-Cbiel, and regard it as an ev'i,denc of tbe magnanimity of tba man Norfolk' Virginian. ' '" ';- B F.Butler. Tbe following rfaolution wa recently present ed to tbe House of Representative of Viruinis by Mr. Hurst of Norfolk: , Whereat;, It is currently reported and gener ally b. lieved that the ceMirated Hadtlr8tin General 15 F. 13 u tier is about to take charge of tin military department, witb powersex.raordi- Bry, tkorafora, . - "V . : Rcoteed; That whatever mony may remain in the State Treasury be immediately divided amone the widoaa and oruhnn of deceased anl- diera, and Oourier be di.Dulolied in fhfrtsrtisurl oounte requesting tbe peopl to secret Cr bury tbeir plat. .' .. --, 1 ; Tb reading of the resolution gave rise to con siderable merriment, and wa laid on tho lull on motion of Mr. Ellis. .. ' taintv. su l reooive th-t stimulus that can come on ly from a participation ia all tbe failure of Ameri can lit. :.. ..'.;,: And speed v consummation 1 just as needful for the nation at larire as for the Son'h. The national finnneei.'ss all admit, are bset with peril. Tbey rest 00 a foundation of irredeemable paper, which never baa been and never caa., be a safe bai. What is more noceMiary than all els to stay up the national crexlit, and restore soundness to all the bu siness operations of -th emtitef,-ia-a regaining 0 something like the em uilibrium oiirsue between thi and foreign lnd. Wuf th'' prp4nderanae must continue to be scores of millions agaiust us until the great Southern staples are reproduced and surjolied for export. . As a prerequisite to that, tli South must azuin be vit ibted with th life-blood of our institution Keep her under the iron herd ol a mil iter r covernnient, and thure will be no more chance of her acquiring energy, and thrift tho there is in the ease of Mciico. Treat horwiih karehnens and she will yield toliscoarairement or. what wooHf bo still woi-ee, to rancor and. yiodlctire- sm. lbe Stetttb. would be worse, even, than a par alysed limb upon our body piHitio. It would bsao inour ihle ulcer, cankering and consuming the very life ol our nation! system. Of any specificmeasure of reconstruction, wdo not now peak. We do notregatd it a a qaa-iiiou of measures so nucti s 01 upmi. 1 a iruiy unsrai spirit prevail la t5onrre, and it would very easily atMtp4Ll the mealies, neitdful for last, safe and quieit 1taving-tha spirit, ' Presi- , dent Ji.hnscm h torned reconstruction to its pres ent ttttge in a wonuertiiiiy jort tuna lie has m tde no concession of p- i- oi i.le, and yet he has in spired the Njuiliein people with uuli ofifideno in his good will and f drnesa. that ttiftre is nnthjmrhe ajjtsil thgjiLjL'cJL'!'jj ' ..'' ..' " ctigeTTUliy accord. No msn, lo-dny, is more populnr with tbe South thn he. Conrre htm but to o tmplete the work of reoontliuotion 111 the sum generous- spirit to bind the South to it. and to iuprccnt Northern con.tit uents wiii hook of tteel. It ha but to show adit- position to smooth Sod facilitate, rather than im pede an I bur, to obtain ir -m the South a ready a c"6m7tiiiMtt-fr'wrry-- reasotiabhr-requiieineiit-- b beet gt -en to tlieexprvs desire or fre-nltnt Johnson.. Evepy man in Congress who refuses to show this pi'it. od di-vo'es biiuneir to the pepet nation of bitterness towards the Houth. onght to be accountei a public enemy. Ncm Turk !, - Bank of Csps Far. f " cnerlotta, , 3i '1 Coiamere, IS " "TTarendon, 14 Fayette 111, U ' D. Carolina 4 Roiho'O, 49 Thomavlller"TorMiners Planter: Virginia Bank notes, avsrsge, 2') Routh Caroliua " . JH Georgia " . ' lUfr Coiw Gold, 1,43: silver 1,31. Corross Old .lorth Carolina. 60: Worth Caro una Hall Kosa Coupons, 8A. iMHo jiorth Uarnima t)s. nin coupons on.7l. ionang en new 1 on telling at f premium. T J. M1TCUKI.L, . 0K0. AtlEN, I 31hciliell Si Allen, : MTiolesale Dealers In T POtLOCK STREET, 11 AVI IS "TORI, AND OfFKa FOR SALE RAX.SIOU M1HKBT. Rtmttd awl avrwas y JORDAN WOMBLK, Or r wid (,imuuuu jnmm or U- t4 e C'Mrry Veeliws. ' ; Dec. 18, 1865, Flops family, 13 00 Kxtra Superflna, II 00 Huperfiue, lo 60 Coat per bushel, 80 bicos per pound, dull, ... 12 Lard- per pound, It itcTTia per pound, dull 40 Chioxms (Spring,) 15 Kous per dossn, 15 CvaisB retail, per pound, . '-. Am. green, per bushel, r 00 PaiCUs dried, per bushel, J 60 Potatoss Irimh, per bushel, 60 Potatobs tiweet, 75 UNtoit per bushel, I 60 basr on boot, per ponad, . I - retail, . . t2j FatsH PohK per pound, (reulll 16 Mill-per bushel, (street price), 1 00 Uorrs per pound, (retail 45 Sueaa Crushed, per pound ' : ' 35 , Wbtte Uoffee, c 9(1 , Light Brown, t Common Brown. Pus red and whits, per outhel, T5 Ponoxa-er cwt r. tt t 7- Oartia beaf, t lUr -uewcrop, per ewt., Jj Tobacco per pound, (manufae Jackto A letter has beed lat 1 received by tb memWn of tt,e Second Bap i-t Church ia Richmond, frwta tb KW; J. L. il.'L'uny, of A'.tbama, declining the pastorate of the church which was tendered bim Unit atitc,' RCPDDUTIOH IN MlgDISSIPPI. Th (Mi.s ) Clarion say : On Monday last the most aweening repudia ting resolution ever presorted lo a deliberate as sembly was adopted bv tho Senate, It declares that debt against the Stat, whether on aecwunt of salaries of ( ffioers. Treasury notes, 'change bill or otherwise, originating between the (lib day f January, IbCl. and the 16tb day of Octo ber, 1861; sod th Treasurer of the Mate ia hereby directed not to pay any warrant or claim bused upon any each demand : and all receivers bf public moneys are hireby forbidden Jta receive any suou warrant or demand for due to the gift. ... v..':' , I, 1 11 ' ' ' I'.'? ''" ''--.-'-'-GroaotA .si!iATofts. Ia Georgia ihcro am a number of n a nips mentioned for United State Senator. Th winet prominent are Henry K. Jackeofl, Herschel V Julinsjn, atid Provisional Governor Jamea Johnson. Luems J. Gartrell and Jame S. Seward are also spoken of. The choice -uf th Le-iilnture. would certainly fall almoet unanimously on Howell Cobb for one of th senator, but be refuted to bo candidal. (,'enrgt t'fgtstotloV It jl(l to tbe Fi'cedmen Iravlslhal Govcruor Juhnsoo Ask to be - Relieved. , . , ., MiLLMievvaLK, Ga . Dc. 11. The Sentte 1 lias paed a 1-ili reuUting contracts between ma-trr tnd eertnnt If for ovpr one month it must be iu writing ; work hour to be from sin- j riirt to uiitt, aiiJ nervunt to 1 responsible for damnglng the mns'er a property ; Was forfeited by leavinu before the expirntiou of contract, Tho employer iniiV dittchsriie l'.r dntoljedience, drunk- cnu, imniorHliiy, want of respect or for. ieav- ; in-service, entiomg servants away, oinxluinean- ors to he poiiiKbalile wiH a liiie ot jJoot), or uu-Dri-onment for four iiiontlis. - I b House retuwd t coneitier me reaoluliim fixing a day for lite flection of Uiu;d fo'uitea 1 Senator br a vote of 90 to fG. l'rrisionl Governor Johnson sent a telegram Ivt nj;;ht to Waxhing'on akm te be relieved, and anking that the tJov, rnof elc-ct, Jeiikm, b allowed lo take fct vmnv. 1 . to red). Corros in bale, per ewt., ' ' ' Corro Ysaa per bunch, -BxaswAXper pound,. - KAOS- t lean cotton, per rou Laa -per bead retail, pot penad. Salt per sack 4 bushel ruAissiD per busel. Maiia ner pound, by tbe keg, - Pnax for Bacoa. - Tubhip per bushel t5CP 20 -ao. 3 60 10 to i 00 Oft to 11 60 to- ' 11 0 to 1 00 t ' M to : 80 to 80 to 80 t. I . 86 to 1 60 to ; 8 . to -U ' to 80 to a to , 10 to 30 to j SO to ' I 10 to ' 60 to 00 to ,. , ao to 1 00 -to 1 16 to ,1 to ! 1 00 to '' 60 to ; 85 to , I 8, to ; " . -6J to ll to 60 to t 20 to 1 DO to 126 to IA to 00 For Sale. "VTEW TORE" Ooshsa as i Grsysra, Ta. Butler AM ohssp to elo enilrnoenk. liAKElt, COWPER. & CO. Dee IS 1 tf j ' J. u tU.".f . wn ' ! Arch'd loans, Carrctt & Co.. Manufaetitrs and Wbo'eials Dealers ia CLOTHING, Z1 CHAMBERS STREET, , Nearly oppoilu Nw Citv Ball. ; II t N HT 1 fOBTER, ' C W. OAHKETf, , : VTX. H. WHlTgJlgAD, ; K. YCliii, la tb Alhtma House. Uf. Bmilb of tboctaw, ba inttoduced a bill to prohibit (he marriage, &c, b tweea the white sad black racer luler-uisrri ige is made felony by th bill, puuiababl by imprison ment ior the while j and branding and whipping for the Begroe. Other disreputable eounectiutis be tween the raessuet th whites to a fine ofene thousand dollars, and imprisonment in the county Jail for twelv monthlt. 1 be other pirtiea 10 tbe crime ar to roen "one iiuaured msuos on in or her bar back." : - , Th CoNt:avATive KieetrBui.CA. Penstois lfoa:lta,t WisconiB, antl UtXiijC-TiC t:auect.cut, wilt be among the first in the J-at U niake sjm er U. Cs oppowtig the Hauc pmposltioa lor a j ot t com mute ol fifteen au the quetioo of reconstmctton. It may be added her tlu.t the lmbiished statement that juiut rvMiution of that nature tequiie t:isig natuieeftue rrcsiden ta entirely erroDeoua. pu, Carre. G.'a. ... A Sat Affair. 1 We undcts .nd that Jas, A.tonofMr, AM Cow an, c tine to bis death in a t ery sad aud deplorable waydnj bcf.ire yo Wvd.iy.. Th l'l ng-d aitout sis years, wss uaweil.anl hi fa: her adiniiiiiterei to hitu a soull (jn 'tititf if pi-it, sod ItKHn the eaiel Coutaiutog toe remainder in his iowh. left. bim a!oa fof a short time. When he returned he j found th child in the act of swal1oing mor. 1 Medical at'endance wm procured, but in del tUni of nil reiue-iies, he died in t, 11 or twelve hours. Pi 11-les lwpdT Nw Toax. For S.ilc. AW an4Miella""M f..ka. e 1 HA.KliK, COWl'Kll & CO. December 1 5-1 09-If Jt 4ossa Assorted Locks, . ' 1W psirs Biagas, i , il l gross Surtwi, 80 d s Kairei sad Torki, )S44ea Poekut kuives, - 101 da Taper, Cross Cut, Mill F and 0- . : ; , i lard FiUa, , ' --- --A full assartaiaot of - CAItrENTEPvvS', ' . r ' COOPEHS', . : . MACHINISTS, ' " . , , JtLACIvSMITIIS. ' . , . . TL'UrKXTlNE, , -'' -.--;'-'.f..ii..J. A .,, I PAl'LEItS' TOOLS, t which w luviU 'parileular atWaiioa, . . ". .. -A L 8 0 ' ":'.. 10 kega Horss Bhees, ' . j ' ItO kegs Cat and Wroagbt Ntl't, ... . 10 setts Bugty as 4 Wajna Ktus, It stts Baggy aed Wagon Kpeksa; ". 1 satts Eugy sod Wsj(b llshs and Axles, ' lilt Ladles and 0al F.U1.., Bridles,, Vtp, Collars, Ac Jet Dtgs Phot, , ' , ' 64 kegs Powder,. . Hasd, Cross Cut an 4 Cirealargtwa, 1 I " Leather u4 llubfter Belting, ; ! Bar tad Sheet fro and Lead, 0 Tia and Hllw War. , . : . , ' r . Webarsasd ar seostiatly reeslvlag j riouglii,Shovtlit, ' lloo, Az, Fotki, " , 1 1 -Straw Cuttera, Corn Shellott, &n sottt AUKWTt vo rii crttsKArrti -QUXEXOr TUS SOUTH COOKSIOYS. " ; ' ALSO ! -.- , . .'" aotw ro ' " 1 ' i ' FAIRBASK'U PLATFORM k COCJiTK SCALES, . AND E V A K' S k WATSOKB CELEBRATED FIUI5 k ' r : : iiUuLAii-i'iiOOF safes, which w sail at ataautaoturer'a priooa. NawbtrB.K.C, Out, IT, 1864 61 1m. , . - Selling Off P - - -- " r. . . I v OUR LARGE STOCK TA1.LV Ji. V. ipuS tPllSJ ' E.-olrtX OF Till ft - imos uo lb ru t (nondaj lo Jariunt r i.ait. Tl.a jr.te of lerd it" Itt tu n t i. ,s 1 dojAK. Ad dross tit a nrtueipaJ at tHt"fi. Iee,lt Ui Sw. '.'IlUlbboro N: C SlilHarr An;In:y. rrtUK SIXTH SS5SI0S 4 month. OF T Aead-mv will k.-gtn un M tuday, the lat dy of J, ary, tireir fu.-ninhiid oc itrpl'estioa to t J. IS. WIIITK, Kuporaito.i'.ii.t: , I7i!lithnrn, !. !, li Sw. . " H .i.d r,J w II ,;. e,'P). jj i.. n- -f , , , . , i, iiflTTB-1 i , A LAHut: AN'D G liN F.HAL' STOCK '.'' . or. GOODS COST OXE OF TJ! E LA A" GEST A ND B .' STOCKS OF GOODS AV TIW STATE. WS lVlU, FELL 1 UE nSMAISDE'tt OF Of Ittif. New sod Lft'ge Ht-iek of rilspl an I 1- ry IKV 0UOld, 11 A I b, blluKS AND NOTIOX:; AT COST! . C,niDiielni Mtwilsy, Decmtxir Hfh, f r the r ansa f aikta r for bur Spring purohaVss. j Uoods ibail k sold at tttt. -. jF Sn h im or homhug ahouC what w inten t do. viro a call, aud bseoanuoed of the fact. ". W. II. & 11 S. TUCKEH. It'iKh, feeuihr IS 18-St , Drj Goods, Boots ana Shfrcs, Uzt$, ... Groceries, I Llijnors, etc y ' i M shsap a tho advertising t sell ! . - LOUISliU HO fpnB EXKHCISE3 OrTTJia rJJSTITCTI J. will bejrift oa ths second Weduasttar ta Jatmn LouUbut ia ia Franklin Counts. N O.. alos fr ia IfrankiuitoB Sta:twa, oa the Kalelb and Oat batlruaii. B -tao tha.a po nti there la a dallv stairs Ji oB.eotiBg with tratos going North aid South. , TheeoaisauBity In which ths College is located, Ruttid fur health uial raSusment. inlelliif uu c ohrititn morality. Ainarcluig pupils wil1 b treated a member f t I'rerttleM's tuoiilv. and their ei. in health and siBe, will rweiv st tet sttenti 7hsOMTs ef alutlv reautaila fiir rHi.iu,n be tteusij grate of schotamhip, high) tare tion, tharoaph sai syXtuatie. Parents are rq,u w instruct ttteir laughtara. Hot to parsae more ti on or two a lr a suuias la eoneactiaa with tha t lege eosrra. i'upiie will have seeess to a good library, and t joy the h'ueUt of loeiuras wtlk apparatus for illutt. tiag tbs ssprrnaaotal seieneea, Uovernmant uf the pnpl will b mild and parol elve, hnl Hria and deel ied. Btriotatt.uuun will ha paid ths moral sad reliio. eulttire. .- i ,Ho uniform will b rsiuired for the present. F , travsganos ta dress will not be sneouragad. I'Uj will not hs permitted to contract dabts. ' Book and stationery will be furniihsd at tb C legs... . i harff will be the ism as those adopted ia t OrMiMhurs t'emale Cullsgw before ths war, vis lieanl, per soaiioo of month, exclusive of waahlng and lights, . - Tuition la regular course including Latin, KXTRA STUDIES. Maafe ea P laaa.aod UuiUrfach, -Vreoehasd Drawiug, each, .... rainuag in vtk - tu . tteoilis Work. . . , , f, The shove char Ass. t kanaid ia snaeia. ar IM,,, alunt In eurraaoy. One half in advance f. th a uimuJor at-Ui close ef th seasina. Earn pupil furalah one pair ef sheet, aud pillow ease, and t fit SO J" in f a Dae, ll-Ut'-tf. T. SL: JONES. AT G O S T ! Ki gamnao er noBMDie, We wUl ao be aadartold. Iks proof ef th pmUiag," A. - KELLCGaTWHEELER w- OLU KTAMD OF . U.rfJN(l.) Dae, ISrrl, tfl0 KT tf. , MtLLl.VU OUT AT COST. BKfKti Kgsiaoirs or makinq hoom for P'lo Uiioda, I sow oftor to tb eitliana of 1 lyh aos turruBotliiir country, ths raniaioder of ' nook, eonamltng of Ilry tionda, Bimta, tho i Oants, Ladies and Mi-s' Kaeily-matte Cloth;. Hats, Uu,uiy aad i otlnns of all hinds. At. ilOSJENUAUJI, Pomarcy's Old Stand. Kaisleh, Daoember ll-ltiT lw. Goods at Cost, . COKKIPJ-INO IN AT 0 MeTlmg; Doluiop, - - - - Alpaoca, Vt'intu, S' Stop the Thief: uf tbe 1 1 tb lost, tv dxk Clay PbH Mare; fce in U- years old, with blf rk mane asd t II, st,l a wit fomad aeliaal tha bant suiaitl ia ths eonntry. Hhe Was arwly .n.idi aar wiatnars er very low ler an animalnnt bavins' d-tula I w.ll give tlfyd4lars for the M ar d fifty dollars for th thief, th wa oarrisd n doobi, Raleigh. U-19T Jtpd. -JJOTTOH FACTORY FOR SALE. WJS WILL bKLL TUB. " BRAS If K BnOAL I f Oottt-u "aetorf", s"s s ins uf one full let f CarJibg and Spinning aiaohlnM, all ia first rata order ana as laui ma aaw, eapotla af titrning off let) itiehes Kara every Jt hars t- Toe water power is ens or In bast a a 'I moat aVrura frost aaagar of btgh water oa liia Catawba Kl .ar, is seraa miles bel iw "Cat wba H atioa" & Wfiwra North Parolioa Kail Hose, la ffiilas wast uf raltrbury, and "5 froia I bar- lotte. A firetrate fsnaf D70 uotaa, lOo uf obieh Is la eu tivatiua, will be said with th Jftrtury tf doalied. in ere at s two story awaiting boutua and store (.are, and Bseeasary numliar of etig, i to acooiutno- ate toeoperativea. f'.r partiaalaea, ckII on , CLAlili & rUWj'.LIi, Caiarb4i:tiiou,JJC. Dorembar 14, ISi-IOt-lOt, Ai tZ For Sale. j' The Jisti tiguiilic-1 h'Hl:tt divine, He Rev. Dr. rVbon, of Anshviile, breached loan immense au dieoceatth Cooper IeetuuU, in Awkorkoa I liuatlav. A. T Htvrt, the 1'7 pooU.oiIlio.ire Not York, airnwig his oth'r posiotMi, owns both the &f Nk-h .-la anii th Met.ip)!ii hott.-! the Boti"t!m of . fl4oM f'r,: !.l!ttr root!, providing liiiB wita pocket money to hvf cigara witit talid fieaMlbh. '-' ' ,,f "-.Ex-Smato C'l.-tT. 'We; " lcara ' fron tbe llldme-'ilte A'ateni Adtocatt, that 11 the pro perty of C. C Ci'ay, Jr., tiow a pri0!nrr, b bjen put in fr.:i vi coiiliwation by the Ue'tft-.l is jte Dtrti ict Att-rney. 1 be LeieLturt cf ths' iula ha petiuotiid lb I're.idtint U reiea hitu ou hi parole. 1 - .. ,) IIOUSKJ ASD A.OIB ea uimsoro ftreel o' 4i haute twestnry, has s rooms with t" pises ia eaoh, and ose roo without if plee, The other bouse has fuc rooms with firs plane lo each all t eeawry eat haare and oa acre ef taod The uriea forth ahevs preperty vary n"i)arAta, with annaal pavments for three fourths of lbs pur etiaaaaioBay, aad interst from da(,. Tula to prop erty retained aattl all ta pareaaa aaoaey is p tin. -also-.- - jA. ": A Very Bus kou, bin rooms, au i Tuir aer-s of 4'eWEa,cowrEK&co. Ralolgh, Deoooiherlt W tljao. .lust Received, j i' stt riates, - . v,' . 400 cits ta aud Saonert, . . - ; lar Dacantors, . . , .. llar'fuiubl.ers. - .." llt bitter Uotllrs, ' . Kerueena Lainpa aud ("hlmofre, r at 4 Faysttaviria Su-evt, italelh, K. 0, by 1, x. CA ttBA W A Y, , ' , .. W lTfl 11A&T & Li, WIS. RalelEh, Soreaiber Jt .$-tf. rirtrh and Pillo Cam Linen, TaLU Clolls, ttjtliiti,-), Ifoaii tics, . ' A'anaook; iwi ami Mull Muliaa, Hoop Skiris, UJmortila, IJoot,'Jl)oe, Hat, Cap, CJotLs, tja-AtinefOSj " - s . - - I Flannrl' liobttrj, Gloves, cto, oto. These to'idi are all aw. bavins- bees t,Ur,!i. dnriutha la.t season, lif tld .un,)ttirr M.t , pahlio gojrily sr invit'rt o eall and eramit JAMES JlcKiMMOX RaUdgh, December H 10i-lwi ; t URlhl HA I ClIliliTMAfll t Fk3e your ChiUrtn, .fSweellearts, fl'uti, a Jtuabttutls., CtLL AT tH. TlltKM'rj 1.T0RI ASD EXAMI t largeat and hamisi-aett Stock of ,x, Uvuit, Toys and Coofct;onris of all drirctvt tiO.Un worth of Panoy Oodf. .nit eurtnof ud Confectioneries. $lti,ltH) worth t) Jawolgi, Poriuaery, u. iv j: cunisTMAS otFEinxc. which will b sold at th lowest prlo. CALL AND EXAMINE, - - call and f.xami:; call and examine PH. TIIEM 8 Buiitifol Stek cf T.V Gre.t in,luciutiut lo neruua i,y... ; tj whl1 -ealo. fU. liliii-V- Uecemher 14-lC8-tf. . . - Ior Sale..-, ..' . . 7" IsftlSTISO M tTtftlll.H, TYPE AVD'TIX- X , tur and a lri e sue tingle cylinder Jf-a Power free, 7 A it mehe, and aa sscaiual i-hmae hu gina. Id gJol running nrJer. Api.lrto W U CL.M.N'liilM, Agent, December IS, lf,6-l'D fj. House Let for Kerj. IIT-Itt.liti KCNI!;i AT ToAXES' AlK'Tl .If and,! vaiu.t.i,,u H,vi, turda. TWt I bar ISth, nob s rokted ti. ..;... H iaaotnii Lot on HaiuM M.ett, i ihw eitv of s ' egh. formailf tb ruweuee o( WiB) VV hn,hr beaed. l he bUMi,.B. toi ti't e'ta ol a lartre ad coicf.,ts,i,U AiLin i u . a Urge ye,4, with alt tict-eeiiaryuiti ,,,l .. an acre of rjoeiU-nt gtiruuu iMiu, caaa to tnumi. W . J "lt' M. TO'VLES, AltCi; '3rf ; B ileiKO, 1)' CeicbKr li 1 7-4if)J. J Clasaical and Kathematical School. It milt KaiU uf Udlcgh.' L .1 -aen a a the Itth f Jarr, l(i, , . B ard ; par month. Xuitiua JU par seaiicu. Light estra. ' -:. AddrsM tile Pr'ncipil at Raleigh WM. C. liVl'B, ri'ioclral. 1J1CI. O AN V K W liO H II b i hi r,rt, t i ,r T, rt ti.v,.ri) m rultM a a o 0 A -re utu i i. K ,11 It in fcil.-t cotwioc c. iitjry. t lie i, r.,H iona t-r wu an .i Li.t. .. n , t , . v tl;a oat CitMlttSo'H a..-i'' e;'fir'.-.i ,j . tonil iAn ittjt trt k-te-r v .., 4 ;:, . , .j P bt,glv-45Jk.LJj.,;i 1 1 tt.e ir , u ol 4 " i'rt.t.. t i-p.-.i . :, rn t U'U -,n. pcc;vieU.on ov-fc.jr l I t.t ot J (.i.-.rv J. L. tMNCi, ur Ceteuiber J-lJ ;-.. -