E7 aoiltjs:iir4i THE DAILY SENTINEL. WiL' E. PZU Editor and Proprietor. The Siktwu. il pablisheel ever BeraiBg ei ept Sunday. TERMS: ,' for ob month, ,$M" For two monthi, - . itOO Three montb, '00 Jix montbi, 5 M 1ST W toUcIt t)i kill of war friends U Mtenl ng our eircBlation. J EWS BY THE HAILS. VTAsHixoToif, Dee. IS i-Tbi dUvaibg of tfcw black ttoopi in Missis-tippi arise, probably, from the tear of double, bow (bat the holiday are rapid y approaching, , It u a fact that women acd thildieu are now in the Northern State, whose borne are in the South, but prefer to remain where they are until the dreaded CbrUtttUtimea. h avn nagged. r, r- ' . " r The fear of trouble are stronger ia Mississippi than in any other State, though ia certain por tion of Alabama erkm uisjrivtng exist v,Vhan Gen. Canby muwrd out the black in -1ojjiiiiaria recently, be ordered them all to be flfaarmed, and thi action, I am informed, was f iaw-d almost olely on the fear that a eollision might occur, should the aegroe be rjermitud to , retain their arm. -,.J'- . What-Gov, Humphrey ha done in Mississippi, i -it no more than Gen. Canby ha done, thong in H,the one Cs it wa by Government action and in the other by th State. There i no esion of Congree to-dsy, both I1oqss having adj mrned yesterday nntQ Mon- day. , - ., . .. r - ' WssBiNOTos, Dec, 15. The departure for - t:ufP Wednesday of h ohlef crtary of the French Legation i connected with th de "! i tail of the fcleiioam quwition, and growing popa ' Jar ytnpiithy wit the Liberal cause In Mexico, e,!, together with the appointment of General Lo gan, ha kd to a communication between Count . Mimiholon and the State Department, which r eulted in sending a message to the French Em peror for deBnite instruction. , ' It J aaid the withdrawal d the Frenoh " lega tion from Wahhington will take place in case of the townal appointment of an United State Min ' ' ; siefTo The Meiican wpublia. - WHiKTos,Dee. 15,1806 The two thirty' vote in the House jesterday1 adopted th origi- l,Bt STCTrMTrsolutiiwii'i -regarded a settling ' the question of admitting Southern claimant for sea'ts. Tbry will not get In this winter. Th Trident expressed himself thi morning a dis eppointed by this radical "te. ' Ad.llllonal If ews by the City of Boston. TU City of Boston, when fairly at sea off Queens town, was vrThaultd by a British mtn-ef-war in srsi ch of the Fenian "Iliad Centre Stephen. Her officers went oo'boatd and detained th vessel for hours. Stephens not tber. but th City of Boston esrritd out a very active eoisn delegatjo ti the brotherh-od in America, bound, it issa ; f Chicago, Huffalo and St Louis. It ws thought 1 Uublin iht Stephen had reached France. 4 Eng,. land wa worriea and alarmed, and the Fenian or gnnizatio wa extending nd becoming solidified in Ireland, i -. ' " ' - The first 'contrsdiction to the list of British " ty blockade runnert appear In the London Time of of the 29th nit ' Messrs. 0."W. j- W. Ossy writ in sv that thev were "never interested iKthe ex tent of ne shilling either as owners of block ners or a eliippe of goods to th Sonth. Great eati-faction is everywhere expressed that Queen Victoria will open tbe.Bext session of Parli- anient, in person. Tbe London correspondent of the jVanchester G uardian saysjthi ia a spontaneous sot " on t be part of her Jtfajesty. and might bav happen v ed sooner had less ebstrnctlr importunity beenns- d in c lain quarter. Tbe Bankruptcy BUI. The bill introduced into the House ' of Repra. - . --wntstwea.jr'ft-tb Utfc form system oi bankruptcy throughout the United States, provides i J..' t,..K'-:J' - !.' :-.-' J- ' ' 1. That th District Courts of the Uaitd 8tates shall be constituted court of bankruptcy, nd that they shall have original jurisdiction (n their respective district in all matter and proceedings 1 in bankruptcy. . It also provide in w several Circuit Court f.the Uoited State within and , . for ti district where th proceeding4 bank. ruptcy ehall be pending, hall haw a general n perintendence and junediction ot all ease ana Question arising under thi act. 2. Provision is made for th appointment of Register in bankruptcy, to ist th Judg of tbe District Court in the performance ot bisoa- ties nndcr thi 8t, TTi Register must b lawver. and must irive bond to tb United States If must alo be able to subicribe th oathr of office approved bt Congres in July, 1862. Tbe duties of the Register in bankruptcy r clearly marked out for him, t length, in th bill. 3. An ppel may be taken from th Distriot to the Circuit Court i nil case ; but no appeal . aball'be allowed in tny c . from Oi Diftriot and Circuit Court nnles it is claimed, and notic . giren thereof to the Clerk of th District Court, to be entered with tbe record of the proceeding! and alo to the assignee or creditor, as the cas may be, or to the dcfealed party in equity, with ' in ten day after the decision appealed from. No at1 r writ of error haU l aUowea tn any cnee from tbe Circuit Court to the Suprem Court of the United State, unless tb matter in flicpote Jn uch case shall exceed two tbourand dollar. ' ": ' " 4, The bill seta forth at length how to com. mrnce and eontina proceeding mnder it in tbe eoiir . designated. It also direcU the maaoer of ' nrnkinz assignments, 1 and defines the duties of the ausie'iei the exsmination of lankrapts, asd the dUfribBtioB of the bankrupt estate. " " " 5. Ii provide certain peualtie against banks ropts who shall, after proceedings, bav been couimenoeiL- sewete, destroy, or parCwith any " part ofbis prop.erty, with the Intent to prevent it from coming into the band of the assignee. It ftaaa8evre pD'it git nj ccf"wbo f alall ukebfil' frunvpartle. ktmtw-rtt any VOL, I. ; ' NEW GOODS. : New Jam Opened! 3fakt$ JVfjw (0 th Old A CRKrCHAAS JlTST BETURKED FROM t the 'Hortb, vber. k. tu toght bU smub ,pr f , !.-f . -ia ; , ; . : i ' STAPLE AND FANCY DUT GOODS, , Kbrsouia; las varlwt Xsw StylM f th Season, t f.lbSrwitb baite' Cloaks, Loun 6liw , Creak fust Bliawts, Ladioi and MiMf' Uoods, Lslis and Mi. SM' Jtoop ttkirts, tadiWMl-mM. B.lswsJ fetww, UeM's atoels ao4 febocs. Dors, Vths aad Cbl Ires'i Boots an j gboM F.ltHau, th..rhy tb Dauber, tb Planter's wids brim, and other stylas thi Men's war. Boys, Youilu and Chtldreu'f Hats. Wood and Willow Ware, wekor and ttlass Wsn,'ad a supo rior lot of Famllv Wrorsriss. f 'it's ' ? : fake av stork alturaUiert t havs od atnene tin largvstaad mot desirab . and eenplsts jtcks of BUple and Jaaev l)rv VKoads in m. vity. - JJow, aJlow to say that I bought my Soodf to sell, aud thsy mast and shall U sold j bat t don't xpMt to take a pie of poetry ia no. band aud a full grows hnrobuir tn th. other and climb up to th oloodi and h ot tbe birds of Paradis. and fntly bring then down with a placard stack on th.ir k ks, M Sailing out at Coat! selling out st eoiit V ,. Ko, 1 deal ID BO nea Busaeug. I seep no sum a inn oi God. ' I keen no tim.-worn. h.lf-rubb.di' dfaw.l or dusty Goodn- ituit so thick yoa nan rub it off wlthaknis. Jly floods ar aU new. ana or gsoa stvles. and I lokad to sell tbem as low as anybody that bought goeds with tbeip.UMion ef paying for thsm, and lbs ata that sold tbe goads to th. ma that don t intend to par for tbem, is a fool and ina.man that lolls th. ii a rascal. Now thin is plain talK, but 'tis no S'tp of ths tongue. I mean what I sy, and ay what I mean. 1 bav llva Bar ana toia gooai h.r for twenty years. I sxpsat t rsaaia kere. i pay my taxes to support Jtnttituuops 01 in 1117, Coy 11 it and th. State. I eipoet to continue to do m I raiipMtfuUy k iy old euttumera, my old frieadt and new ones to call and exaftin. my Hock. I wit deal with you ion and treat you right, If I AanH eU you goods as cheap as you eaa buy th. santa cla of goods olMwhers I don't expect you to buy. Call at ths . mith building, houM furmerly oerupisd by Creaeh Libhrord, MwobanU sad iioaen. Raleigh, Kov. 29 M-tft t WESLEYAN FEMALE: COLLEGE . MVHFREGSBORO, C. fTIHK KXERCI8K3 OF THI IN8IITDT1OS X WERK SMumwi tb (rat Wednesday or 0to a.r iaa uuu.r ioiiwwidb ' - - . Prailder t and Prof. Mnr. Phil. R.v. John Williams, A. M , Prof. Lat Lang, snd Iiltarataru. Wat M Jones, A. M .Prof. Nat Bet. and Xatu. I prof Mod. Lane, and Hosio. , Miss Salli M Cross, Asst. la higher Lang, and Ua'h.a sties. MisM,UiButball, Music .Steward. Th. buildinc has beea renovated Snd necenary npplie obUin.d for th accommodate n of a large number of pupils. OnargM as befora th war. " Tbkms, Br senioa of twenty weeks, payable in currency, one-half in adrane th rsmaiuder at th end f tb. session : V ., -jj ' "" Eaetlsh BranchM. Its Anei.olaad Modtrn Lraeruiire. Hti, 4 1 eo Afusle-Piue aad 0U-ah, JL Uss of Piano, t . e-"f Wuitar, . :,. .: v.u I" Dra " ' roldery, Wax work, eaesvs ( 108 12 00 OlFtdnttmr. Painting m past! md watoraelor, bckool-roem axpaas ,-, --, - t Li.tiv.ri.. and u of appsrMus, Bcird,lneldinrv7ihing, , , . .. ,. t 56 Tb bUfs win bs iilled at an earty data, JorAdltloiial itoruiation.-addrcM : JOtm YV1LU1AM9, i ratdnnt ( no rr) W. Y. College, -. Murfrboro, tf""C, e W. S. H.8MI11I, Prefldcnt Board of Trust... Applleatton tar tb chair wfll b received. 1 S , Be. -10Mjanl. ; ii idSa 1 U .'i. OFFICK CHATHAM RAILROAD CO., 1 ! '. , iBi,aiBHMUeo, 8tb,l?A, ; Sale of-. WEEEtrJl.UMOWS, AC. CARTS. At PAGE'S, WAKE CO , A. V. v TiritsnAf TI1K tMO OF JAsTJART, iM. I 1 will be sold st Aaetloa at Pages Stathm, 'ks eouuiyr' V a muw" r .- T I,. '.CABTS, ' 5 ti . " 4 wnpur. mtnnn. r '.'it ......t: -j' . -LOT OF TOOLS, A(5 ... . ... -.ALSO :i " A 1o 'nf -valuabla Mulua. aad vropsrty f tie k.tt. mim Xtllvnail llntlMIIT. Farmsrs will i w.ll to lay inasnppiy. iermi, e months eiedlt , Deduction r per oi. for essa. . , . JV. 1, JJAlTLlii, s -D. G. CONN, Agent. - - , Be. 11-lM law tds. - ' - u- ' - - , OFFICE CHATHAM RAILROAD CO., , 1 BtLSioBt D.o. lh, Sale of triaoxs. cams. da. at UATirooo, CUA TJIAM COUNTY, A. C. fH WEDSESBAt Tttfi 27TII DECtTMBER, I6, V will b. sold at 41 notion, nay weua, voaiuam m., N.JC, a larg number 01 - , WAG0H3, , .- CART3, , HARSBSS, . ?, ' . . WBEEL-B ARROW . . v BH0VKL9.A0 Also. Property of lb Chatham Railroad Company, Farmers wlU do will to Isy a rr'F- lei months ersdit Dsdaetioa ef Wi ft h., IVesidunt. 0. tf.-CONN, Agettl. Be. 11 IOi-lsw tds. , ar ..n..nn. . W. ALSslOHI Wcstbi bole Albright WEOLESALI ASD RETAIL DIALERS IS ' ORAPK VlNtS. : EVERGREENS, - , . - - FLOWERS gbrulbwy, and Vegetable and Flot Seed, , WASIIINCTOX STUEE T, Greensboro, fl. C - mJt farOrebsrds and Bwsf Treesbf s kind, foe flardin. wtth a oif variety of small fruits, etc, . List ot rtee ft to applicaiitj, tireeniBero, uee. - im. pi. - Classical 'flnl-JIatlicraallcal Sf hoo . OXFORD, K.C. ".r"; ""' rtni 5EXI gKifi'jS OF, J. H. IlCHXEIl JL- Classical and Mathematical t!iwl, V'l couieaence tH Scond Monday ia Jnnvrj. 111 "I WOVI.O RATHKIl IB KIUHT TU1S BE PKESUOK NT."-Hnrf riaj RALEIGH, TUESDAY, DECi:MBEIl ID, ,1803.; Kifcr'8 Patent ; Sftiitmiifler Hh WUH WIbPER'3 PATEXT POWPKK A STD EVU- tilLAR PROOF IfKS, 11 r m " ' - , It. O. TTILTOER CO., PATENTKEl ASD MANHFACTPRERS OF THE BLS'tJ-'liy': PUOOF AJ2 IN THE if- . J i WOItLU?! JtWEURS'aud BANKERS' HAFES mad to Or- r, Unud with Hardoaad 8b-I. spt art s tries. - O THIS CKIK3KATED 8AFK wa awarded tb OdLl) MEDAL, at tb World's Pair in London. Mii?(.T'uis e-Ubrad Fir. Pranf af lu an Uugrr made and svld h tilCA C. UKKKINU, hs lleenae tn Uaba and It th.m bavins xpird. f f be 1booiidl ot Certi6oi.( rem Mwhants. rank r, and Siv5.if all trad, that have given in Uxor t, thi th otly tru. eAI.AMAN- DKK. rvBiler it amlrsi for thr uliribers to mnl t- ly 1 in tie Jvr. a full tMrty th"U)in r ava eaea manuiacturad and toll in th. I intad Btalf ny and, tn almnat Svary large ara that has lio place ddriiig Ihi latt s.vautma y.ro. tb ttale v niea ui iei.t f th. svirt ', and nol ll "Vti ilnmnntlrrj' A, re r hrrn 4rtWw4. 6aXs 14 atifew Yk price, wita tb freight to Wilmington added No euaiiuiiiiiiua charged in Wil mutrtoa. wesre iifi-d to ti order for ttiwe ecldbraud Safe., cataplrs eu b seen at oar (Sa in a l w dayfc Jcverv Mwhant should bav on. of tnee eneap and secure Eaf.. 5 H , ANDREWS & BARD1N, ,.,' t , , CottunWiiB JkUccimoU,. t. General A?nt for Nufth Carolina. 6ffice,N. South Wtr 8ire.t (Up biair.'.l WU mmcrtuo, K.C Davenport Female College. j Lsaoip, caMiwBi.v cot)r, 1 c. r-HB EXRCrsrS OF TH8 HfSTITrTIOS will h. reaumed on Mund tba lilili f Habrua ry. 18i;0, w ub a full euros of Innrmetrir. Tbi, iniili- tutiiB is de lghtfutly sltunbid at Lenoir, tlve mile. tfom loard button, ua tba Western ttxteiistoa." - t- t-i - : a TEE W. . .. c Board fee twenty weeks, , t dl 0 f Tuitiou tn Kng)ih branches, " SO tlO Munis and bs of Piano, SI 64 '.Irawig, . i 8 ) Painting ia Oi'. . ; ....... 20 N Latin, Ureek, French and tierman, . f -Leeh 5 9:' primary departmknt. Taition tn first eta, lit , Tuition in seoond class, ' . 16 0 ' Contingent fee to be paid byt arh - .... . , , indent, on entering tbe College, t 60 For circular, ad Jre until l,t of Febmarv. RtV. J, R. OKIFFITil. . , Ansoaville, N. 0. V 8. All of tbe above prices are to be paid in (peel or It equivalent. f ' rlee 14 urn Rma. nossE takex up. 'pAKB5 VP AT MT BOUSE OS FRIDAY MORS. - . ing 1L a small torrel' niivre. foah-d like a eo- Bcy.wth stmnll white spot on the forehead and Will OO 01 BOSU, ;, . .1" :': r, . , ' The owner cao have her by provlnv his property and paying all expentes. I live 6 miles fr'in Hal sigh.. '.- v-i- -: C. KABON. Wskn t:o.. Van. Il-l lw. , . i 7 T.AIAKV 8CHOOU Bioat Bsv.JHOS. ATKINSON, D.D, Vis.tiv Rkv. AI.KEK t fiMKUES JJ.D., Hew ir. Rsv?KNKtTBMKDlS, AmiKiaot. rtTHR 4TTI1 TERM OF THIS SCHOOL WILL COM meneeJanuary i7t.br tbOA, and eoutiuue twenty weeks. ,,-. .-- " : '. r,-..f ' " " adi ncatinn for e'tni"ion, ana ror iuh information, should be md promptly to tbe Rector. Deosmbef 1, Una ive-u. J0. KlKOi JdO. WITBLSW, Wu. I'UAT. I THE SUBSCRIBERS, l& : 0-; o mK LEAVE TO JSF0RM THEIR OLD A) friends aad tb eiit of tb iteuerally, that bavins re onenad tbelr . MARItLli AMU HTUNE WOKKS.oa th. burn!" block, at Maander'fi Old Stand, Fajelle.lHc SU tber Br now prepaicd to furnlib MONUMENTS. VAIJLTH, ' ' IlKAD STONES, ' SUM. MAUULE MA.NTLE5, Ac TTaving amioniated mtb n oa f th beet f AR VLHS IS Hi H COU3I1KV. and from tb arrange Birnts w have made, we flitter ourselves that w can furnbh sit work in eur lino as eheap as it ean be don in any Northern eity, for proof of which, call and exsmin our larg variety of assigns ana eur iui prts. . , W are elite Brepsred to furnwtB WINDOW SILLS, ' 1 - WINDOW CAPS, t , u . . v i4... ; . . - UOOIl STErS, io , &o And to een tract for all kinds ef STONKCUfJlNtJ Ayihi'ON'R MASONRY. Kifti, viiiti;l.aw to, t 1 -3. .-.. "... p.tVERS T ' I " 0lu VT tf,,ritaeat. End.. Rev. D. Vmton. D. D 1 M. Itwk. Kuri . . P. WifaiiiV.B A Co, Briggs A Dodd, ' K. P. Hattle, jfcn. iaptember M-4T !. COOKE'S HOTEL Tf at.n7 ud ' tbnr wb' 'ar ' travelling nd wlrb I eonifurtabl qoartcrs and good eatiog, Stop at i!7,(A'. . trraa wilt b. : stoderat. a tossibls forth ttmwn You will always aud eonvcyaue t Jot an b.k vou to either of tbe Howls la this City i but be ta loquir for Cooke's, where you WW et wel UiVi$, fx" w( "'"' ' dtiok,,a4 a -e to Ki!ie f 7"a ' " I will be niL-iareilo .JPeommuitat l or ber, Of btog C TC00KI, ' "feftambMLlSJ 55 tC, ""j.'-,i - 'Ci" - f ' Select School 1 ilSl'Mr'WTCHELL, ASD V ii-CZ 5. ORAVT, 1 ProtibVe tecituif 'lefV their filfiiiy,' t'"''' a tew y 'K ladw.' "'iei" mule known ' .ple t, tBithr w rti.rwi. Tbe next SVioa wUl c- t K.."ie Jnnry lilk, 1H66. B.,1, JCw. li-rt-tJ. CJ P TJ np'?"T WJ TIWLI,'RIACH AND wm.: I necv Kr - ' f T Coicrni" Pi. ,, ti A 17 JMUHS. ( , KW iOUK., ,Ct)MIlsM()f MUKCllAVr.S ' roa tu At-K or : i . ' 1 ' Cotton Yarn, Kheeiiaa and Osuabnrg, tool , wad Wttolea Uodq , , . , ' - . RCrKRKNCKS 1 Chas. P, Mallet, Kn., , , rbapuUIi!. Chas. B, Mallctt, Hni. . 1'ayencvilU. i TerW. WilliSmTi & t o., ' Tvt.'Uix-r'e. j J II. Ltndeay, Kq., . ',- .. t rnslnr. James ftloan. t Unnitiioro, , Thomas R. Tatu. Kv, ' ' ' '' Cbartnitu. t.-i R,aiit'kle, Kq , Ciller Uakinr 1-! . , .: Rank, ..-,- n.. '...'SaJiimunb October Hs-ly. ' ,." ' - " i coPAUTNErnir. Jf swssita, N O ,' NnTemVr'Nt, 11 VE HATK TII! DAT FOR MFD A "COPtUT- I T aershtp under tbe name aet eirlc r - f K 3 Whitfonl Dill & Co., y. i ; (i. if.i-ij ! T a, for the transaction of a SliiDjmig and General in this Towe, West side. rrvri piroct, U fcun. f theiale of Cotton, Kavbl 8ture, Tobacco. Lorn bar, Stavas, Shingles, O.'rn.aod all Hnn'j ef produon and Merchaudisa, and lse to ho , aud jmri-hme r Heal . and f ute and other buwks, we mil ire eur personal attenlitifi. ' . " j. We ar. Agents, for .liuny's North fbMliaa rnl Weekly Line of rtcui.,hipii, botween bowijfrn and r York, and for hat'iiig Vessels' lor ' UH'tiiuorss fkilkde phis, and o'her ports in Ibo t'uitod Hata and for different. port in tJie ;We. ,ndits. ftTh) ft win be Seen that we are luruitied liy our own ve!S with the amplest faeiiftiet fnrebe epeady tHMvenwi-, Uqn of Freigbt krd Passaegeif iiut (ii ailitnioo to tbene, there is a weekly line ul Ocean (uumfbiiw on the'sam. route, abd a tri-weck'y Hieof fteamer ly inland route the. ash AihemarU Mid i)hri Ca nal to Nortolk, Ha'tu'rr. Pbl;le'ibi;,nd eavl ork 1 bence Merchants and Bhibper ttr(iiitf il tranaportation of their freight to uh, can r.y uiiJi sunitiiencaon Usspoiuiy tran'tr. - --r S-SU W wi'l make liberal Buvancci (tt cnrnigav meats. - .:r '' ' -v , w . w 1 All letters add'esned to u on the subject, nf frewbt, or on auy other buainco. wilt be pronip-iv annwered. 1 -L r. ,.3 idottit . wjtir'oiiii, I . . " ' ." ,. wKOHtfRW. DILL, . ''' ' " WM. C. VtiUHOHD. , Kuvember t, 185 tf. v- w ni ,, ; llORE (aOODS . ' i V ' . At i- '-'. d i 44 Paycttovillo street 1 ! RALEKiir, N. c. I if ADDITION ' TO OUR-LARflR 8TOCTT OP It 4KU AH Ii and llt)f!h f 1 It MjtJII Mi tOtl)W, we have rovotved knot her lot of ; BUG iJY M ATKHIATj ' " ' " : . Hlmt, Spokes, Hubs, Knaibclleil Cloths,' Dash and Collar Leather, Bands, Clips, Shafts, Ac.'- - V. 1 -ALSO i4 V Rogers A Brother's Celebrated " besiy plated on Albatta." Spoons and Fdrts. ' ' ' Wright, Brother A Co ' sak ef Umbrella. " , Bed Screws, Bednread Joints, tfubi, jiuckere, Tmvi, Waiurs, Deer Mats. Ivelborspvrs. JUreiiBiSt.iiruslion, Gpittooni. ; " A new Washing Macblue, 'Well Rackets, Wheels aa4 Hop. ) u-: t-v i jtw-t--i-- ; , Conductors, Puaebes, Sell Card for BatlRuaU Car,, Coupliugs. Ae. ' . i'.i.' ' Paints, Varniahct and Oils, Keroacns Oil, I,min, Cbtmueyiknd Wbks. " ). Cenking btoves uf lbs bss. patloros. - , i ' t Pocket and Tuble tuti.ry in preat vitri !yand ; Irons, bhorels and Toniji, PotA, Ovens, "Piihlsrl Esltiea, Ae, . . -v ,.i in.o o.i m t " ; " , . . P,T.CAHIt.VWAT, . ' GO-Sm. . . With IUrt A Lkwii,''- II A JIT & LEVIS, It It MASTJTACTCTIEIIS AO TJIAtXJ, ipy s t ft ... -i) : .im.j dt COITER AI nil hliT IKtiN.- .. COOKIMrSTOVKS, . ' ' A!tIl- '-'. - t. t IIARDWAJIE OP ALL DKSCRIPTIOXS. MIDDLX BTREPV' Ju - . 1 A Boarding IIouso.,J Mrs. M. J I4intrcss, Ka IS Fajottevilte fiixeet, . , . , , RALJOUii, , ,, (HAS ACOfrM MODATI FROM 1ITO It r, KtJK4 J of tbe Le(fllture with Rood l.iro robins, cheap 1 orlin-. nd-tb TJMritiv rrr)Ttce that nothing ttuH bo Uft undone to se-or )lier pcrannal eorntort and eourcnicace. Thou fntcro.tfd in n'rurmi a Bime for a short Utue, will plane make ear'y a.,h cation. ' Kaieigb, Kovetnberll M-ds.-' -w-wre , WROI.RIII.I TI BKTlItt 1W U L O T H I N As , ' '-. -5 'j .tJW)T) MIOM,MTrtPfi' WATCHC3AN3 JEWELRY, BEST IJIPOIITED WDJE3 & BRAXDIE3, . sun tmttoss or st.t tes ' " Comer of FayetteTin n4 Hajrjjet &ti., . tin. RALEf.in,??. C , ' valuawls axu DEiiiiLim., i.u.? r.uiy -vw THR SffTII DAT f)W Phur.v t n;t m I I acrlbers wi U at auction, for rab,Jb on too Uarie rear iviTer at xaywvwii .m-m mim Bridge formetiy stoad, :lnr!Hi-.Ti H',n. lb Lind e boi! si Us of ths Kt,r, l'ier, nd w:it. ever ii left of tb pforer'y.., Tb sa! wI be ma-) oath. tpt entiditbu thst f!i rorsli'aer it te tuit l anew, deubia rK'ejrri br. ,,. leriiyb vf wbtsb "Ul b sis bond'fi feet thire , ' TUk ede is very doirb) to t.fj ' 1, -'nK te ne-c?iry eaii'l f t lite wort: be doaev Truro is -bfdg"jaow on tb nveir , Jbe lr4itnwn.i of tti. n y ia this toeWmtlatcd wovk, so near a U- ia te lare uatket town, tfcBit Jrov. )ri-li n-roturnracve, . ,'. -: :tuos.-jioi.vmi-;l. v- J. 'i. iillEL'ai.UL), ' Xvr.llM ts, run 1 1 1 1 vv um, , . KlIVATE BOARDING. i Mn U. A. K RAMSAY WILL ACCOMMODATE Untteniu llxaanaHS wna menia at Xtu wr week.- KesldeBv near U. F. Moor, (., fronting Nash Urt. ' . f tilic is also prepartd. t 'niaks Bp Creates ; in Other needle work in po-4 stjle, , Jlav. 21-t)9-tf. ' :-" ' i i.-..l mi m, , ,, A. oaaaui.1,,. . joi.aor, J B. SIVSS COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 125; PEARL STREET, NBW YOIUZ. Commission iMcrchanis, , ,. . NO. 35 TERDIDO 8T5XET, , ... .... New Orloaoe., , " - t N I !..K..C Mesnrs. W. H. it Jt TUCKER, . " ' C. B. HthRlSttN. KsiJ., ' ' , :'- JfcF. saOgtUt, KHQw " " ." . si - ,-, ,. .'i , :, Rausibs.K, C. Octtnb,rtj Bi-jia. , : Select Boardin School for Young Indie, ,1RS. PK.NDSR IpiPARKD TC rjPKIT A 1L eclioul for young, lad iva, at ber reaidniic. near rulm, . C. ibe lucati.ia Is healthy, relirad and p eaauui. trnugomonts ar twinir ntHde te mire Hie services of couiptot assistants, and every far i 1 1 tywillb. afforded for the cultivaUoa of tli. hearts and winds uf the yeuag ladl.s nlaoed under bar ibkrge. . -, . : . ,., t . As the number of pupl's tsIlmiUd,ipHeatittB wast jnrwjubly bo mail, in adunoe, Ths Bret s,ain wi Ibegut o Uie eight of January, tS, eloaingOB the tenth uf June lollowing. Korpvr tiiulas, address ' - ' J4R8. M. F. PKSDKIt, ,'-:, : Ll-'g 8alBi, forayth Cuuuty, JN. C. October SO A tins.. i j r ,,, William K. JJarhaiu ATTOamTl AND OOUNSEULpn AT LAW '--.'. ..,AI asusisH, .c. , WILL PRACTICK IN THE SEVKRAL' ffOCRTS of Wake, Franklin'. Kaab, and Johnston Conn. tuis, and iu the rtupreine Oenrt of North Carolina tpecini attentiok wiu be give to I eBirtaaciaif and Offlce.' Pi actios generally, and to th soulesjiant snd celiectinn of claims. " ' ' . t jVOioe n Fayetlenli Street, No. 4b. 'I ucl ?i r:i-tf. Yalaablc Propert for Sale. ' I "Wilt BBIXONB HALF OR TWO TIIIRDS OF that tIu b e property, Piedmont Hp'ingt ia Bucks County, N, C, to sey bisa who wilt reside ujioa tb pveniiars ana give it uts .nure attvnt en. i 1 bare Is a g dd mia noa tb nremise which will pay as well to work as any probably In tb biat. Ka panor waiar power for driung machinery. Climate aadwatar anwrpassed, and a large quantity of in be rior tiMber, The kiiildlBgs new and tsiU aaeuamudata Ibll persons. .1 , - . ' . , 'lli anil is well adapted to tb oultnrS of tb "grass es. Iruit. aad th vta. ' t i: ti . ., Ky a mau of eaargy aad capital, a furtan esa be mad here lu a fow year. Address, : .. s . O. LISDr Al, Norfolk, Vs, -. Jtorber 99 M-StawJia ,(, , , , , , DENTIST RY , . J.S.'MIOriATID OFFERS HIS PROPKKSIOMl PBRVICPfl TO the cttxena (if Oolrlsboro' and vluinity. Havint; bad ti Ik-en years? etperiunee ts the eity vf Ricbmnnd. Vs. i Ice's confident of boitig able to ;ivsatiiaa(iu Id all who may favor hiui with llicir patronage. . i Artllloral laotb InswrMd from one to an em Ire soit, uu (ioltl, bilvor. or the Vulcanita lias. Aitraeiln.t, J illiiifr, and all other etaliwBi performed le the beat Uiuiimr. ... r tl er.lera left with Mr. D. C. CarTinKton.tJuldllK.ro. ur Dr A. t. Telfair, KuilUilleld, wlU be proioptiy at. wnded to, Aiutdsburo, MJta. . .; .-, ".' ''... " 33taa iaa2aiw3uv 'CJoiibral Commiysioii J SHIPPING-MERCHANT. K0 23 NORTH VATEa ST. . - WILMInT0Jf, K. C. . . i COSKlOSIBJiTS OF COTT0!f, NAVAL PTORTtl, Lnoioor, aud other Produce for tUle r Mjipniog, reaj ecifuliy solicited. Liberal ad? aseementa niado. jMTOrdars prumpUy seen tad. ' Nov IS 13 Jms. A PRIVATE .SCHOOL, MiSS V AMJ I'M. will epm lher-nlh eiaio ef bet fictiool for young India,, at the rcstdeiir of bar M did, Mr. Willi P.Maagum, ea the Iib of Janatrr la, ,,, , t .... ,..!.. . , Ocly a limited anmber of pupils can b saeelvaitrr Tkw-wrtf find k Bnrue In ber Slolne.'s littnily, JTut pMtKuiara arpljf ! :'" s , - M15HM-P. MANGl'M. ! , " ' " ' "' ' FUt Hirer Oram Co., N. C J J,Xov. U 874ia 'v " t " 1 . B. P. WILLIAM'S GO.: , Aicrinr::in, , . : . FOUWAR'JtN'Q AND COMMISSION . . MKH0II ANT8, - t rAYgTTBVlLI.K hTHSKT, ; ,-. . ULKlulH, M.0 ' . ' Juns , J. v- .. v. ,. L; 11 Pra,'' 1 Vt'at.ioa's Xcvr r:iol(,rrarS. Gallery. rp jK SIJOSOHIBKRTAKFS THIS MKTII01) OF jL Inforrsing tha eitiaeas of Kortb Car ilioa, that be ka iMieu.ly taken, reaovated aed rafitted th Uarery toruroly eecupled by JC. Hunt, wnere he la prcfirei t' Bake all kinds of pictures in bit line, from lb smalt, at mialature t tifa sis Portrait la oil. t on shall bav a eicaaa fur sending weik la bi line out of tlie,Blte to be den A eell ia aolio- itd. v - ' J. W. WAIS0J?, - tUleih.Oiitiiber4-l-XJu , . - v .-j. :Zr-7- DiVWV E. JONES .':."'. ' i ATFER3 JU.-i PROFESSIONAL bERTICKS TO V tb cttiti-nr1 6f Kaleigh, " ' '- US.ee e.er P. F. Ptacud's Drsg : . cn be found at night at th re.id. nce lit Rev, J, M. A t ii'.".n. .: . , . iU'e'njb, Jforeuiberf, 18 tS Sta-pl. ' " ' ; wit wr-vrr "lIIE tlTS PISIDSNCS OF A. M. tEWI3-A I h.rn. sod "m'orta.i'ie boua, wtUi eight r-.ow.a aiTl si naitoiuent diuiiijf room, bilcheO.'arrvaut and eistrriss bonne, atWe, and ail Besary nt beusea, Ba4t'iu sairs of land, eoataining large fardea, abU jmrte-y of cboic fruit trs, baadeom o.tW -gr.ite and weit kt' watoT ti wreiwi-es.-.-.stp'y t tlakear, C-jpr C, or "W. M. JO Agmt. p.Ui-b, Nore'mber 21-W tf, of nu-iui-s tj-p. hub cjd?U.os finer ! t Insertion. a s 4 P. 1 'f ! OO - 1.60 J H) 3.W S.00 S 50 1 wHi . I woutb. I moa'hl 3 " $ , 1 ' .14 Ji). V- ?,ec;!Al noiiicft, under a Br'1' bc'M ' ' 1 Cbsvgeii OndolUr per squar ttrirtb ircrli(.n. : Fanfral notices will be cliarfrl'J. ssi3vs-rtiWei ' The Simrils aunounceaient oi a dtatb or umrin will mi be charged. . v J ti, A. JURIIAM. W. K. JBArAi. t eir i) , ;, .t ' ! "i l. riMt , rrf.ii A J ! Mi i! I''"'. V, Wl.'JJ--"''i A.XJCTIOIsr t" . . " ' AND Commission" JvLorehniit' XALEIOfl, N. O. Tn rXDERSTiIXED HAVB ASSOClATt ' tbrlrr in busineis, and hare estabivbed ' KVaiOX AN1 C0Sltsit)Y HoUMJ AU M! ' AtitNl'Y ' t the sale and parcbaa uf all kiads ef projnj, ewileetmg eisims, A a. V One of tb tn being a prscticing lawyer. w:U fj'v t teptt-advcw; sxaiutn and. edjiaet tillce, traw fa vcvaivcc and attend to proloinal butiwr If' " fnlly.both iu and out of tb Court w sfTTI be l,;un I at our olfloe on Fsyuttuvill Sir, on dr bo C. M. Farrisk' bun. , . . t J.Q. A. )5AniIAM. ' " ' - W. K. VAUUAIU. Rslelgb, October t 17-it. IMKlii I,AKw ' at 41 FAYETTEV1LT V BT. D BESS I SO COMBS At U rAYETTEVILLTJ ST. The CfcHilrca noi 'forsoltca. Tr0uu PnOM it cms TO , " 41 FAYKTTEVILLE ST. GEJtrKH Pt'ltHAM MOKINO TO' IIAtX'O, t '41 PAYETTEVILLE ST. YA'nO''vC'ASN 'UTTV,ETO. - , k , 4 FA Y JiTT E V 1 L I, IS ST. T)FRSONS VISTTINtt RALTSIQtT, AS Tf ELL A3 1 eitisrne, Sr Invited to citl in at tt FeyetleriUe (Street and saa the r,r,'cf ot v" ? rlic: 1), T. I'AIUIAWAV. With Hart it Lewis. ROelgb, October 9. 8-tt , A Rare Opportunity. JS WIH TO SKLL tDit TOV.ACC0 FACT0U" VV aid M in the town ef Meckill., Hart Co.. V. , lugetber with a capital sab of Macbiuery. vis r Two iJyilraulkk Pumps, ene entirely new, and two Ilvdraiilieu freaaee, one for shnpciiing and on for prilling tn boxca, three sets 1ft inch lrou fbapvneri. that work 4 intiips ee.cn, sna tne ot patcut tainers fnr escli.snd sis bok Retainers with a eamplelw set of shrouds Snd bands with other machinery scii ary for doing large buainoa The Itetainera run en Rail Koad, eonvetitently arranged. ' ' . ;- . ,,-rALSO ,-, : 'fwnty tbouaand pontuis An leaf Clacco. Also on lnre ft. -re tioiies n t4l wuo goott cellar, Warehouse end Stable. ' This pMp.tte beln; loes'ca In tb beart f a fins hacc ptrow Mg district, ertnrs inducement to pur- cbMsra but seldom met with CAIN & 15ROWN, MotksTilie, N. C. Dec 9 1fM-wnt, ' ' , TUOS. BBAXCII L SONS, ' f yeauiorb btfeet, Petersburg. TII0S. BRANCH & CO., n Mitla ii I riot, Iticbmuad. -' BRANCH, SONS & CO., Aaga.t, iia. " tlnnkprs and 4:uinmioion Merchant". B SALE ft? Itt'OI-N', Ft Kiulioves, Suutberu FOR Eld V ANDPOM1.STK7 tu il.jk Sous, feui.k and Used.5 '',. ; . fW Inters! sllowed Deposits. Ponectloae ads kbroBgboUt tb t'nited fjtutes, and spertnl at. lomton gieen to tbe rdi wdion of Suutbern Sank irS for rtenr, aeeou'ib. i rjL. Lilierul euvanucMtonta nade on cwi,rnienta uf t'oitou, 'liibacce and 0r products til thir ror r)lindei.t ia Pa'tiiuor, New York, Ltiverool, Kreraen ntl Atwur. .,- , ,y. The bold eliiU.tn t IS ..Us of tb Vsritu oriri. ruiiM i . j it K a wbUu tbey will furiiUh at lair r '' to pa'tlo wi l.ing to purchass to I ay old oi;bli te te tr llsuk. , Dset-bii 3u, Lincolnton Fcmab Sera'nnry. , ' LINCOLN J ON KOltXii CAUOLLN A. ! : lie. vtK ; Juuiiderv A M- Princll 1MK SPblXvl BKSfMoN, lf-fts, will begin eu JKon L uay, Jaa. tat, and 'Btiaue it) weeks. t'o:oti-, ' f taeebers ai envKKKd for tbe several dcparLuniKi ; fuii wa euntiduBtly ap).al to the liberal pubiiu i r a j;ni roue ptrooire. . tr :. t llaeaa pfio.-ioarc, stieiotiv ti iii,t fpsxile to adiona.,) f u,uiif Kejmr Tuition, kit. Il. t.il.i't! i r a.S.io j Pun Lessuua, tis.tt.-; Ui if VI...;, lt:0. uii.s rtorlred at aoy time, and clurod t,, ;.:.! i- No. 18-tlJ. . Sale ! vswrn'U oAV.TUK-urfi Dr-cr.'. r.?. wr J wi'l II at t' lato resident of Ur. It. 1,. . rscr, "ton Ul mi'Ii or Kt't, fu -j , n the Kj..i .'i i i Uaalon R It., to the htheai bidder ! "Jfti fat h"gs, US eiu boj. " all sheep. " le hmses snd mu'es, smrrris tara 3 excrik: ' Brood btaru.1" ' ' -i k yoke "n. i- i Jhd tte. bh'.. eera, 40,001) lb eat. - : ,v Iu 6..0 ba foddar. a lot of shucks a'l teas. Ti baal.ola wheat. . . . . - , 1(1 b'rrla, fsini y floor. , I wb..t reapers i'I J wln-nt t'irif,!icr. ''ft fau Btili, fi'iu nig bnplcuicutB, ,' ' 1 houfoboid and fiiclicn fiiro'uiiro, Ic.iSs. fials to eoianwnce at 1 2 o'clock aud eonttou bri." all Is sold T'cims cnh. ; i ; '.... it. t. arujlnutox, WsTre'a. ceonty, So. Jgtb, IS8&. . -i Dee. k-lfrMda." " . ' -, :-. ; .. ' : :Jot!co to Ucrchauts ! T lIEv-WHiiOUIW-KS 11AVR 11 M arraasemeot ' to' bav a refit'.ar'lir, ,, f , , Ing veaaelirj. kte-weenj .Itatetm a4- w t' w - H.C',11- etarr lu,mtwer.y. Mci-cohm ! -.t . yj purebastr.K iroods tnr iatimtH, en t so t'i th- ertiaty f Kot;,,,; t!i. :a tbrexfb . diap '!'!'. , d tbw' n k j t' 1 1. .p t:, .., . . tail M by spplj ins in . ...:! . .' JiU-,?:-t,L A IT.IT",'- K f Wstnr Sirtet, IVii'Bti::;;.'::, 0. " Afro Aets for i j .riwad'a J.;'f -, I A tent la Pnimor i I'. A. J'-.,. . I 1-vM-u ..

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