; f v. .' . - 9 D CITY AND STATE ITEMS, Eastern Mail. Owing to the carrying away of th Necsa rivtr bridge between this city nd Goldsboro ly tie frehet, we have been without an Eastern mail for sererafcdayt, This will ac count to tur subscriber for lb a failure of the SetUiiuL. ,.' . ,,' . ' SelIisg at Cost. Sfcli it the general Mar city of money, we believe good told more rapid 1y before; at full price than now at cost. Our merchants howeer, realiy.offer goods at Coal price. f . ; i , TmsiTY Colleob. TLi icxtitation it will be teen, oped it! next tion uuder the auspice ol iU old J resident, Her. Dr. Craven, on the 11th of January. The faculty of the institution bat been rcoitfnniacd and it offers inducement to BludtmU. -. f Our 'friend Carraway it will be eeen, Icaves-i Raleigh, much to the regret of.hu mend. Mr, Brown succeed bini in the store of II art k Lewi. ." It will be teen that the exercise of the next tecnion of the North Carolina Institution for -the lleaf and Dumb and the Blind, will commence on Sloudrfy" next. See various notices among our new adve'rti. met. is, which we bare not space to refer to speci ally. V;, The notice to us to insert Got. Ifoldea's pro clamation in reference to the vote opon the ordi nances of the Convention, came too late to pat it in type for this Usue. It will appear to-morrow. - , RALEIGH MONEY MARKET. . Gorrnud Wy 6 JOHN G. VILLI AH S d CO A liruktn and JJtaltr in AVcAaaf. Bimxe Ratss. N.C. Sunk Sotm Charlotte 30, Miners Planters - 8s, and Lexit.glon 80. Bank of li. 0., Cap. Fear, 38. Farmer's, Ho. AlurcUantsSO. lfoxboro85. Wades lo.'o 25. lhoinifsvilie ,S0; Wilmington S3) Com, tuorce 3; Washington,' Fayetteviil, Clarendon, Yunc.cyvilie, 14; UreeueboW' iutoal, JO. Virginia Buuk Notes, average, 25 huuth Croliu do do 10 """ Ofi.igii'- ass "'tis : rT,rn,ff . Com uioid $1 44 ; Silver 1 40. ii Old Nor lb Carolina, 69; North Csro- lii.it j.aiiioad coupoa. 65, .."? i; .. .Norm Carolina, , 'Kin coupon at- U. i.ii New York selling at premium. Uh Money Market. K.'isiil Back of Karlh Ma. ' 1 IJuying Rata. i.e. BiSK BOTES. - iPalt-f-CittMi-'Fili ' t Sauk of Wadaabor. Ciiarlotto, J Wilmington, - Washington, 14 Yaacnyvilla, 24 Commercial, Wi mint'n V ?&ruiir, dreonnburo, 8 ilreenaboro Mutual, . JO Commerce, !,- liureodon, Fa'Bitv illo, ,' ' Lt!i(ri''Vi. ' ' is. Cmo'itta, " Koiu'o, ' " 'I uouMerille, H 14 0 It M Merchants, Nnwborns, Si SOiMiners flantcr, M Virginia 4Juk notes, BTerage, ftmtii Carolina "'.' 21 18 Geoitfi : Cow-CoM, ; silver 1,38. v.': .Curve l.'M kiorth Carolina, qOVortH Caro lit'ia IUil Hon-.! Coupon, 9.V iiiM)i-Nin th Carolina tis, nine eoupon on,7. EieLimsc m New Vork selling at J premium. RAtEIOH.MAHKBT.' Kmi.td i! i.,rr,.tcd by JG!!DAJf WOMlilE, On nr and CUKmnib . Marthunt fr tXt vf Country Prode: ' Dec. 19, 1865. Flora f -'!), ;y. i. uti a riuperfioe, btiperline, . -Couk jt bu.-tiel, liAooi ,it poumi, dull, 12 00 to 00 00 11 00 10 60 1 00 21 to to to to to 11 60 11 00 Laho ju r ) ouu.), - 36 Bunn j" r ii'iiud, dull . 40 Cuivrnt1" I'ung,) ' , 25 Koof 1' r linen, , ' 30 Chk3b r tail, per pound, AprLKrt greeu, pfr bushel, 00 - Pisaohks Urit'd, per bushel, 2 60 l'oTAT!iif-Ir'eh, per bushel, 75 PoTAiotfi Svtei-t, 1 00 Osij , r b.isln.4, 1 50 Uku on hoot, per pound, i retail, ' 12J Fbksh PohKptr pound, (retail) 15 to to to to to to to i to to to to to to to' 25 JO 20 20 35 60 00 25 SO 20 60 Ukau pertusliei, (street price), 1 25 Com it jK-r po ind, (retail 45 tSuoAB Crushed, per pound 35 White Coiu'o, j 30 . , Light Brown, Psas red 4c white, per bushel, 1 00 to FoDosB Per ewu 1 25 to 1 1 1 Oats in sheaf, ,. . rl to )!a uewcrop, per ewt., "75 to 1'osacoo per pound, (nutnufac- tured), 20 to Cottos insle, per cwt, 82 to Corron Ya per bunch, 3 60 to,.' I!!8wax per pound,' 15 to Rahj e'eau cotton, per pound Laa jjerlicad, o retail, por pound, . JJ to Sait per sack t hunbty C75, to FlAlS0 -pef)buihel', ' iy' to Naii ij.Hru'nd, by th keg, . 10 to Poac fur B'icon, 10 to i Tubnim per bushel 80 to V tniuA a Ketail, prr gallon, liAaStiAPlttUtii, per pound, , ') ka Ureen and lljavk.jr p'd 2 60 to Soda Ketail per jrtjuiid, 20 to J.lac tf t'fcppek jer peuuJ, 00 60 85 00 03 9 SO 7 75 1 69 12J 1 00 1 20 J 3 00 45 60 N. C. Mutual Fire Insurance Company. HPlUAKSUiit MEB'L'lXa OV IBB MkMBtUS of tt iioftb iCiTulms Muta&l s'irs JniUr.uc Cumpnuy w.li be beU io tbi City on ih 9.1) dy of Jtnunry, lifA. , U. B, BWllll, . ta4esH,nUMibar 2 lit-lirpii, ' 43! ) C. 6" FOR SALE. OX MON" DAT TH2 STH OF JASCART KEXT, I :l m 1 t-J th t:;!ml bidder rot."K s. e. bsds, old sixes. Mongbij t-v tin ef'wte of 'Mil Elisabeth H .. . fal to fake pi at. 13 o'clock before th tax 8f Julia O. Wiiilaw t ('""-u WM.i43ttlUER,Kju lU!!,, OtcJMw. ' HATHV lijjKjr ELECTED PKKIDKtfT OF O in ( olleite, mi the lat setisr l' . ard ef liuXe-j, I iv cWiic, tiiat tb scbw.it wi I b ijo i t the o-uii tsir. in Jaiiuwr, 1SC. Aa aer twfaieiit, Kitiii!( J nil frticlr, wil ibi'y p ' , fvnt. AJirs ai t Olia. Irrltl CwuotT, A. O. JA.MJT.S tottt'IiiQATi:, l'nlit. ' l!ee -Si-US-tt. , 'j, ' " , : A Few lmpoifuut fact in Brtaid to the hoathera Iltpatie Pitu. 1 Thy ar prspsrsJ lrom U boUnu.lity of Mad loin by U uovi.r, aew ao kgd uiuutor ( b. Utspel, aad ar st. 3 Xhej have ksea known for yesrs ,r,a tested by thoaasBtl in th t,tb, ai4 ar tfrmil) mdftd t tin dittttiiet of thit tlmuif. ,i Uuntra . r pMtuns are knuwu to" have ca core4 b Uua. . 1 'itttj are aot neamuiended by tb proprietor fur everjtauig, hot oniy tor gunuti waica aits iroia disorlr4 iir. 6 itirxtiua and certificates accompany ssch box, aad ibii:(iinct t trout weit kuitwa and tto.l twetabie ikdiirsdaaM CorcMpoadsBlt tecoaimnil tbem a good for Liver Iiiimm, ClIiIi snd J'ir, Pneunioaia, Jauu aioa, Djtpcpsta, liuhuus lever, Milltoos hhwuia tuia, Wf i, 1'iuriiiy. Urjtcbuii, Coxivoauss, bit rliettaiiJilD).aU Cub.aiopUoo. T 6Si KiiUeui4 to tha the nr of tbest Piil kas bttva to lb cm n suduiJ saviog vf (tout to ,.. I Sums 1'i.y.i-ijm ef the hljjbcit aUnJtng pro crib tbeta IC.ir puiii.ts, ai hasiluds ut kuxs kv ba sold u roiaUr i rnotaioiior. tut sale by tin iMugjt.ta. Directions a eoatpakymg ib box. Stat u toy pan f tas Vul tea 4 a d.deu. Ad irr.s, ' " GEORGE W. DEEMS, dec 23-1 iy, Biiltiuiore, j. u. tiuwroiia, ' EaLEIQU, N.C.. Office Over F. Ascr Drug Store, ; 1KF0KMS the citUen of Raleigh and surround, ingcouniie that he has opened an otliceat the sbovs well known ktuud, and i. prepared to cluaose, extract and nil, and to insert artificial Teeth, from one to an entire sot, on the most improved priu oiples ef practice - 11 respectfully solielU ft har of pnblie paironaf. . aug 14, tlt Jan. jSTOTICE. BY VIRICK-OF A DKCRKS OF tua COURT OF Plens and Quarter Knaiiun of Craveu couaty, Ijouiber Tiui,"lf66, I will tell, at Public BnU, to tbe hifheH biloer, u the J4tli dy f f Janunry next, KOYPT PLASTATiON, blongln w the JCstat of Bnj. V. liiddle, decad, coi,tinniti l,:ii ers. It is nitattad on tbe Buatb ilJcot'Nemo rir jr, and Imma ilsts'y on th rlrr, 20 uiilea above N wbcru, and is on of tbe best farms oa th river for th pro duotion of Cotton, Cjrn, Pom. snd fiber crops uB ally grown lo this eectiun of the Ststa. A credit i f It, 1$ and 4 montU wilt be given, ed bonds with satisfactory security required. T he si will b msd at the I'arm- 8AM','L.13IDDLfi, Adm'r of beo'j. F. Bidd!e deeeiwad. De H. 112. ids. " CoiiimBloft " NO. 4TCJ BROADWAY, NEW YORK, Office of Utt Gnat American rump, KKVj AND WELL' t.HIED INVESTIO.V. varmaUd to raise water from greater diptbs; A to throw it further by hot ; to Xuroe it to ftvaiet distances by baad than any other pauip. The best insaracc ainst fi'e. -' JUHS POWERS, Manefsotorer, 4 IS East 10th-Street. -The Amerlcsa Wind MM, 8rden 'ngin, Brick Elevators, Hydropalts, Hose, Uahbr ' and Lther Beltins;, Brats Hose Pipes, Cimnliugi, Biblit, .Pianos Mslodeons, Ac aJwajl oa band - de A, il.", Tf Vl' j SlEsa, runsKi cowpsh, vi.b j uii BAKER, ( OWPLR & CO., AUCTION AND COMMISSION ZSXorcliaiits, IrATrtTEVatB iTBEKt. ' " " RALEIG II. Jf . . C . r j WrtL BULL ALL KI"D9 OF PRODCCE AKO (foods of ny description on Comiais !')! or at Auction. Will eollentalielaimsand indiriilnal dbts, ke p on hand for sl, and will buy and sell llol-t and Silver Coin and Bi k Notes. Deo 15 lt.y-3m. lincolnton Femalo Seminaryl 5 LIJJGOLXTQN NORTH CAROLINA. Rer. 8. Lauder, A. BL,' Prlnclpsl, THS Sf RIKi SE43IOX, m will begtu oa Ho, .-day, Van. 1st, and continue 20 weeks, t'onpeieot teacher I I nxaged for th sevaral dcpartuitnis j and we confidently appeal to the liberal publio for a generous patronage, . Ratis p 6asro.--BoaM, exelustm of lli;bts (payable ia edvaoe,) fM,0 Regalar Tuittos, Hi.-' (Mi, JiU.60 j cr i.b0 Piane Lessens, ta.O. j t's. of Piano, 95 00. Pupils received at any tim, and charged aecord- Inx'T.' , , . .: : . Nor. l-tl. r , , ,. ,,;,,, m - " i- " - ; ". C. J. Iredell & Co., Confectioneries, Fruits, Nuts, Cakes, Top, &o. .. At So. I FajtttmUt St., X, C, JSook AVorr,"- - -I;-.., ; 'i: : BAiaiaa, ff,o, HAYF JUfel 0PE5ED X BEACTlf CL ASSORT; meat of French ami Common Camlins, Oranges, Lemous. pplos, KaUins, Citron, Currants, bale, Oocoanuts, Water, eoJa aud ujar Crackers, Curraut Jelly, A. ' -AL.SO- A fine avsortment of French and German Toys, School riakbels, and boys' Tons, ef every style and description; is- -Ma!K,t "L friends ars respectfully Invited to call. . AH will be pleasantly received and promptly waited on. -October Sltk 1864-71-tf. , Iilllsboro X. C Military 'Academy. rrtUE 18TH 8ES8I0X . 6v mosthr OF 1HI Aesdcmy will btgia oa MtsJay, the 1st day of Ja nary, 168. Circulars furni. bed en applicat'on to : J.li. WIIITIT, , : . Superiiueacletit. Dillsboro, Dec. 1, 1SC5 lawiws. SyUftTitard will please eopy COOKE'S HOTEL' IS open, and those who are travcllirtjf' and Uh comfortable quarters and good eatittfr, stop at tooke's. lly terms will be as moderate possible Tor the tlmos, Vuu will always fled conveyance at the depot t take yoa to either of tbe iiotols io tbis Cityf bat be Sure to inquire f r Cooke's, where yoa Will (tot Joe! Myittg, txt etttixg, minmit itr to drink, and tpij to saicke if you wish it. I will be prepared to axeooamoiuta ii er it stem bars of th snproaehln Convention. 0K0. T.C00KE. Eeptember X, 184 ii it For sSalo. r AW anlMijccllanenis Boi-ks. It. - I J r 11 A rCEU, i'O i'J: ? & CO. DroeraUr 15 109-U , University of Carolina. 'IMilS JSriTL"TI05 WAS OPPSKP FOR THE racvptiva v etodents on the PJ.b if IcbtB'y, llti, aod iu eteceis'ss bve rr ben H pftJ.J darioc H'S 'ntifvrnirif snvcntf yrs. -Its K.i'OUy oniu f Pre Went nd t,n Pro- fiMitt 0'Jj tf-etr fa.treeiioBs;- rnrtur Lacewttg. Ph iloaop b j ,. Kathent'atiei; to ifiita-iet and Law-'-'' ' ' . : lh expenses, exelasive of text hook, fee 'rln of twenty weeVs. are at present ffia 1 J to S-'.'J. The nmt term will bcni" J ury I2;h, p. r further partJeolar ppi t tbe lion. J'srid L. ?i, L. L. President, Chspd Itllf, C . '. itt-l.'7-ft. ' ' .'"' '. ' "A ' "V ' '' 9 T0"XS! TOYS 11 T0IS11! s . to a emusTXAS, AT a J. IUEDELL & CO S, No I F.yettevili Street, RaletgS Jf C. Ralaigh, Docember 1 110-lw. , OJkfOKU FCW ILli con. kg i:. qiHB. Soil! SESSION WILL OPKJi OS MOSDAY, A the Hth of Fsbraary, tn Hie mni6ceot building wcted by the liiaud Lodge of North Carolina. For Circulars. huwin tbe eourse vf iustraotloa, terms, regruUUoas, Ae , auply t i J. 11. MILLS, Oxford, N. C. December 18 Ui-letlaw pd. , : - , CgiSlK J IAKla. W. lAllk .CAt.K . SAKBB' '. IkndEtetri bipjrtETs and : l$i for- BALTIMORE WINDOW CLASS. Dnigiita Glassware, Vials. Bottles, Jars, &e, II CARS. SODA, SAL SODA, BORAX AIXH, . and other Chemicals. Paints, Oils, Gluo," Extract of Logwood, Castile Soup, ke &. Ke. 31 anb 34 6. Chailm St., . BALIIMRE, MD. Kov.- je.S tin. SWEPSON. MENDENHALL & CO., GENERAL msm msmm It FEARL ST., SEW YOSIC, pAKTICHLAR ATTENTION GIVEN TO - the sale of Cotton, Cotton Yarns, Co" ton Cloth, NnVal Stores, Lat and Manufsetured Tobacco, Ac. biKeral cak advaaeea mad oa eousigpment In hand. ... . Order solicited for th purchase of floods. , , &&"-Atl vmignmentM io ut are torerrd by' la timiHce as oo a ltt)itd. on all Jiail !oiifo, and from all thipptntf port, thrmtih to A'ei 1'urA', whether adok of 'eUipment it receive J or not. . gy""Cons!gnment solicited, Tuoa. J. Sdmseh, Danikt. Wottni, S. G. JIlrphv, Robert IX. Swepsox, H. W. SWKPSON, October i, lo5-6S tf.'t .Charlotte, NO Company Shops, " New York City, Haw Uivcr; rswsb'oro:" NC J, De FLANNKIl, SION i FORWARDING MEECHAJSTT, Old County Wharf, Foot of Craven Street. :'..:.: SEW BERXs &...C. ..r .. October 30-0D-8mo. O Q H M l S S 1 0 N M "K It C II A N TS, No. B Soutb William Stbkkt. NEW YORK. Liberal aJ varices made on consignments. Represented by COL. T. FOSTER. Exchaliga IIplol, . 73.1m .V, ..." Raleigh, N. C. COMMISSION, Al'n;lO ANO KOItWAilDC MERCHANT, AND AOENT FOR " sStlling 2ftasinj tfslalt, - WEAK OLD COUNTY WHARF XEWBERI K.C. - AT ie t ..-.rKBKC:.': '': erVins. Presidout Rank of Commerce, New berni Dr W J IlAwkins, latji ,Pre't of R II H Ri lion N Boydcn, Pros' of S 0 .R R, Salisbury t 'Col Wm JobnMon. Pree't Charlotte 4 8 O R R, t'barloite; Hon J M Moreboad UrenshjTo; Rev Dr Deeine, Ka eik and Rev W K Pell, ed1 tor of ttitt at Kaloigb. Oct. aa-71-tr. V : Wake Forest College rrUK EXEHCI.' S Ol' THIS COLLEGE wifl be tjumed on friil.y, the 1 3th cf January, ISM. Biudi-tumCll (trades Acadeesie as Well as Collegiate will he alin'tted. , For oirculars eonuln tag partiewlar. address . RKV.. W. ROVALL, SeoseUry of Fa-ulty, 1 Forestvilla, A. C. November !8 05-6w. Winston's Reports. f AW Reports, June Term, 1881, $i 25 U K(ulty " ' ' T Lw " - ". rffsTTerms-" - I 21 Kiiaitv " Iiocembvr " " li " 1M ANSON & FARRAR. Rsleig'b, Kov 25.8J-tf. ns.V a ) rtj-err, .": J. o. rsvcavr, ', -lS'OfOrtnboro, Stir OfAlatasae. SO. Faucetle & BrQe, commissionJand jxuvyARPmo; Purchasing Agents, OENERAt; PRODTJCE DKKllS, ' Opposite the Gaston Houeo, ' KKWCEUN, N.C. December 18 UO Sui. . . 0 For Sale. K'EW TORIT 0fce nd Orsysca, Va. Bo eliesji to rlo'e iirnunt. JJAKElt, CUWrEli & CO. at. MAiirn sciiooju : BALKtUH, X, C. Eiorr Bcv. Iff. ATKIVSOV, I). It, VUUor. ftsv. AtDEH t SMKuKS D.D., Rector. ,o . R.v. iil-.N J.KIT .Mkbi3, Assislaat. - rwiH!t4?rriTEEM OF THIS SCHOOL WILL COM- mcBta Janaary 17 in, lcofi, sua eontiaa twenty wekf-. Ap li( stion for a lro'iiea, sad for full ib formation, tboold be nude pn nip'.Sy to the Rector. Doee.tw 1 a,l M-xL . . ... FOIa SALE. V IHVK BUCK WBKAT A5 FAMILY PLOTS. liAKEU, COWiVEItt W. ' teVVjj'a, PeowubtrZl-ltt'tt . . ; For Sale, O IT0CSH3 AND LOIS on KilUboru Ptreet-one j boas two story, has six toaal with 6r place ia acn, and oa rooj withnat Sr plaee. Th other house 1 as four rooms with Ore piece ia aah U ae. rey out bonne and one acre of land. Tbe price for tbe abere property t' vej Kcdsrate, with annual paytuentrfor tbra fourths cf the pur-, chase money, aod interest ftoea date. Title te prop-' erty retained until all the parchas money is paid. ' ALSO A very fin house, sin rooms, and fear acre ef rroaod atuohed BAKER, COWrER i CO. Raleigh, December 1 IfO-rtljaa. - 0. W.WJKSTBHOOK, . W. LlklOMT Wcstbi ook & Albriglit, WIIOLESAL! AND RKTAIL DltALShg IS ft ft i . -.wra wi5 ; u : & & a D D 1 CKAPE VISES. EVERGREENS, FLOWERS,. t f hrubberv, and Yesetabla and Flewer Seed, WASHINGTON' STREET, OreeusboroeN. C. Standard Trees for Orchards and Dwarf Trees f 1 kinds fur (Jar.l.iie, with a e no ice variety of small fruits, etc., eta. List of pries teat t applicants, Krti. -. . U-eenshnro, Deo. t-lf'4-lai. pit. A OFFICE CHATHAM RAILROAD CO., ) R'Ltioa, Dee. th, 186J. J Hale of WA OOSR. CA R IS. f C.i AT II A YTV00D, VHATUAVCOUXTr, tf.C. ON WK1aKSDaY IIIK 27TI1 DECEMBER, 1D85, will be sold at auction, Uaywovd. Chatbaa Co., i. O, a large number iif WA00XS. CARTS, AiAUSESS. VVUEEL-BAROWn, BOVKLS.IO. Alo, Properly of th Chatham Railroad Company. Farmers will do welt to isy 1 a tupply Terms, t tnvutu credit. Deduction uf A per met. for etsh, . v K. 1'. ItATTLE, . rreBideoL ' D. G. CONN, Agent. Deo. II M-law tde. ' " ' 4) HANDS0MB Travelling Basket. Ine English hi MunUril, Bpua Cotton, China, Cheese, bugar, Children's Hose. ' ' DMemlier Tf4WW. Classical and Mathematical School. J4 tnilet t)t vf Rattiffk. rpHE NEXT 818310.1 OP TUI8 SCHOOL WILL 1 eoaanjeme on the 16th of January, 1816, lizard tit per month. Tuition J0 per 'session. Li(tbis extra. . Addrees the Principal at Halelgh. WM. 0. D00B, PrlneipaL De 13 10ft S. For Hale. LY ES FRCir Bfkobvilver. Walta, ftpaoa O aud Forks, lar. e I'uncn nowi ann r iver nKg- StHIIU. . Deuiberl5-ll)0-tf. UAR.K:t,COWPElt 4tCU, ,e.MT.10.000lUi7 ' 1689 CUfSlNUl s1. . PlllLADELPIUA. ASTOR PlACt, I , 1 CU f. ft ST. j NEW YORK. 1 BOSTON. abcso rut ,iveMroii B.FRANK.PALMEn.LL.0.PnSU.A.UM8,Ct Tbese inventions stand approved as th "best" by the niiit eminent Scientific and Surgical Societies ef the world, tbe inventor having been honored with tbe ward of Pi f 1 Y O O LD AN D 81 L ' F M E D A L8 (or "Plrst Pri ") including tbe Ureal Medal of ttie World's Kxblhition in London sod New York also the most Honorary Report of th great Society of enrgcon of Paris, giving kit Pate at place above th kiNUI.KH AKD PnaSNCH. lie p uier gives personal attention to th business of bis profession, aided by men pf the best qoalilka. tlontndrrestestsperlnee. He is specially Oommls sioned by lbs llovVinment. and has tbs patronage ef the prominent Officers of th Army and Savy. Sis Major-il.nerals and more than thousand less die tingu'sbed ottUsra and soldiers have worn th PAL at aR IJ V Hi on a- tive duty, while still greater sues, bers of eminent eivl ana are, by their aid, filling iss. portent positions, and eSeepiaily eoeoeal thai fortniica'- . " . .'," ' . Advice and PsmphWts Ortls. To avoid tbe iuipoeitioa of Piratical Copyist, apply rn y to UK, 1'AbMS.R, as above SirecUd, or to his Agent, GEO. II. TAYLOR, Newborn, N. C. Deo 6-lS'-tf. v . Selling at Cost ! S3 0,000 WOUTU OP SET GOODS, I : eoueisting ef .' MERINOS, DELAINES, ALPACCAS, l'OPLINS, ENGLISH & FRENCH CALICOES, v CURTAIN CALICO, FRENCH W'KD IIDK'PS & COLLARS, UUriONS, TAl'ES, &o, 4o. -ALSO-BLACK AND COLORED SILKS, LA DIES' HATS, OIL CLOTHS, LA- J)lEi'.&UOES,ilOSlEltr,io, . .. ' ' A tt'f large assortment of "hf-- hl'.A DY-MADH CLOTIHMU. . hui.s Si9 to J4, Lsdits CLOAKS", from ST to S1J. r i 13 d ' JO,C00 CIA to til per thousand. 'lli. Tbe attention of eonntry merchant is failed to this adwrtircuieiit, as tb.y can supply theiasehvt with goods at New Vork eoat. . GOLKSTEIN & WILgONS . AT J. C. PALMER'S S'ur. SAMMfj, Kv. 2tb, ! tt 1 . "' I. . WBtTroBti, eanno w. PiLt,, W. c. wi-rrtti. ' WD1TF0RD,: DILL & CO., . ' .:. rni;pa, testify Farwirdiiij d "' ' (ICSBtitab COMattHUO' MERCI-IAJsTTS; Personal attoition paid to tbe sal of Producev ' A ('JOTS pott sVfiritrtAY'ft i. c. (1ir.4miiipi.irj ; .' tilCTWKKS' SEWHEkX KBIT YOtlK. (JfOeral Vessel Agculd. v' KovemW S9 98 ly, , , Tho Eicgharn School' M.:ASSVILL.K, W. O. mtiS !CXT BESSI0. RKtilSJ MA&CQ TTt, JL l0'(, aaa eoauoues lory wsees. rt terms, si ft WM. LIN'UJIAM. a te ir-s8-tisijn. Mb auesvtile, K. C. . nosio' our1 itosia win rVUE SUESi'ElBKUS HAVE GOT th'ir Koln Oil facl.ty saln in operation, and ate prepared to eaecutu eit orders with ditpatek. They weald sail the attoatiun. of , J BoutheraEailroad Co, ad Tanners, j. partleafarly to this Oil, esteaiive'y used by thesa Lurie( the wer.;' A small quantity f LARIX, TALLOW OH SPKttM OIL, added to th raAned liOSlN OlE, ' - reader It o,ual to th bent r'petcs for Lmbrieating I'urywt or far ttother, at a cost of ens third Of tbe price of lh latter. Their Tanner's Oil I warranted free iron Ksptba. Thli Oil I alio ex tensively need for I'AJNTIXO IS ALL COLORS, and foirn a nor olid and durable coating than Aitasead. It leeepeeUily reeomaiauded for all euiia eeatxposed to th weather. All orders aidreseed to tbe undersigned w ill raeelv proa pi atwuuou. MAUTIN Si HALLETT, DssJ -!. Wiloaing on, N C. . For tSalc. Carringo, Ilorsos Ilnr ncss ! 'PnE UNDERSIGNED WILL PELL A bargain in tbe abov named, and also following article : 1 Iron Ffa. .flood as when first neJe. 1 Cow, giving two gallons of milk, and hat a calf. barrs.le ut good lour All ol the above will be sold cheep bv early appll eatiua. The Csrriag and Harooss is ens of the best ia tbe elty nf ILIeifjh, with Bpring Cutkinus, and costing origlualiy uea, - - - - WM. U. CROW. laleigh, Decembsr V-lf- l?ioiiocr'Xaiiu ofSteaxnorH OB Dammart, lihihlhiitt jftw Yolk an Jioston, via Albtmarlrt and (7ui- peake fiiftu. ' rpilB COMMODIOUS STBAKEBS llOKl-:r.R I and C outmost ore AIbi, will Isare Mew. bre for Norfolk on TlHSUA Y of eats. k at S e'elee A M, eouneeting with the diflerent iluee of ateameis for tbe above-named points. On aud after tbe krel day of Deoatuber nest they will Uave oa Tueslay aod rri'ay of eh.we.k, auk lug seui wsekly trips, riblppers of Woods will recedes every facility and aaaaiaaiodeHow t..r tke-tisnt'f-clati'a tbe sassa, a arrangement bars beea made with the different eoinp-iea to forward goods to this line at tow rates aod without delay. Each of tbe.e steamer r capable ef carrying 250 TOSS, OF fREIGUT, ' through the canal without difficulty,' as they were built etir'lr tor the trad. TScy ar fitted up with 'ATA HOOMX and Hk'RTII.1 epable of a, eoaimodating thirty-five passenger. Ereiy attention will be paid te tbe comfort of passengors, who will not be subject to tbe Incoeveulance of transfer to ether vse.als, but will he taken through direct with, euteharge. Tk table of th steam.rs ar lihsrally supplied with tk best the market att'orde. Fanaiiiee traveling will lad It to tbeir interest to take ti.is Una, a tfeay Jilt-thrae)S-eiiiiit th dantjer and discomfort of a ea route, and tbe fatigue ef railroad travel. O th 1Mb of Decuibr nest, if tbe business of the line warrant! it, tbe steamer it'iVfioais will be put ea ths rout, tnd tri weekly trips will be made. gov freight or paseag apply to V'bttfrd, Dill A Co Newbsrn, NO. DAVID WILLIAMS, VoW.i,. November 28-tU-tf. - Selling OiV OUTw LAftGE STOCK or Dry Goods, - Boots and Shoes, Hats, r--r (Jrocerlcs, Liquors, etc, etc., heap a tnose adxertlsing to set) AT COS T ! No gammon or Bunseose. W will not h undersold, "lhe proof of the padding," A. ' KELL06QaVVHEELEl & CO., (OLD tsXAJkO OF . K. 101 . D., 13rd; 188ili'7 tf. T6TTiACT0Ri,F0R SAUi3. - WM WILL tbLL . I'll " l K AM IE SU0AL Cotton factory"j isV sting of" one fti'l Set of Carding and Spinniug ioaihiu, al; in 6retraeorde and as good as new, capitis of turning off IV bboebeilarn every Jt b urs Tuei water power Is one ef tbe best sad most si.ru; truoi -UMiig'r uf bisk wataroqlhe Catawba R i er, is sexeel mile below t3t.wb ri'alion'en Wir honh t'amlioa Bail S-sad, I miles itl,tf al-ebery, and Sft from Ciar lotto. A flr.trate farm of 19 ucres. 03 of alitch Is la cultivation, will be sold wifb the Sactory ir daslrett. There ar twu story dwclliair hou.. aud tor house, aod necessary number of vlUg " to accooiuia. date U operatives. F-rt part'oular". n il - ' . . - CLARK & 1'OVVELIi, : . CaawbaPta.lvn, N C. : Tlerembet 14, 18'.5.U'8 !Ot. - .1 ust Received, gfS sett Plat 4I9 setts C-ipt and Saucers, Par 1'ecentns, .Bar TumwUra,' , 1 liar Biltcra R.il,tl, ' jr .tco Lamps aad Cbimncvs, ' ... aa r...i.i !!.. u .'.V i ir..l.f..k k n . ty 1). T. CAURAWAY,r r i.rni Uaiu' a lewis. Raleigh, November 14 i.MC" Fov Sale. B1WLE3 A S I) P1TC It KR:1, PLAT ES, TBA POTS, fuer Dslo. F.'-'g Vups aud Tumblors, Atvent Bad Tops atej extra Lot. ii thr.a b .xs L'uoiics, ;AKKi,covri;iiAt;o. Deecmberll 114 tf . Select .School' M1S M. MITCllK-.L AJTriB b. E S. OB ANT, Propose reviving tub tVir fatbily, si lui iii, a few youog ladits. 1 arms nude kuown oa applies. UB by Utter ir olticrwis. tUa nvxt stMiou wUl tf.m.Rce dauaity l!t It. . Ckapel Utit Jif.' 11 t tf. ' ; '. T. 3. MITCHELL, ' " ' V-'. "C0. Alt,.N Mitchell & Allen,' I Whalcsalc Dealers In II A. K IDIV AE IS, 3J POLLOCK STREET, . KEWBEIiX, N.C.. .... 7JAVE ISJTjJGlI, ASD OFF Eft FOR SALE- lildotea Assorted Locks, 10(10 pairs Binges, SCO gross Screws, -SO doses Knives and Forks, .', . 16i.dien Poeket knives, : . ' ' .. 10 desea Taper, Cross Cut, Mill Saw tnd Baft tard File. -,:.,.,.: A full assort nient of CAHrENTRRS'a COOl'F.HS', MACniNISTS', BLACKSMITHS', " . TURPENTINE, ABB . SADLEUS'TOOLS, to which w iavlt pantcular attention. . A L HO IO kegs florae he, K0 keb'S Cat and Wrought Kails, loo satis Baggy and Wages Kims, ' HO setts Bu-jty end Wagon Spokes, '.' '''. 10 sett Baggy and Wages Bubs aod Axle, 104 Ladies aad Oents' Saddles, Bridles, Usrnets, . Whips, Collais, A. S" Bags Hbot, 8f heps Powder, Hand, Croas Cut and Circular ?aw, Leather aod Rubber Belting, Jtar ad Sheet ! aad Lead, i Tib d Jiollvw Ware. We have end are eonttiatly receiving riouifhs, Shtrjrd, Hoc, Axct, Forks, . Straw Cutters, Corn' SboUerft, Aa. OI.B ACIM1 SOB THI CKI.XBBATXO -QUiltXOt TJIB SOUTH COOKSTOTEl , - , " :- - . ALSO : .. ... i - .. AtiXWI tt - '. ". FAIRBASK'S PLATFORM A COUNTER SCALES, , . - AND - . "' ' 12 V A -JT 8 & WATS ON si CEIsE D RATED FOIE ':' -r 15 UOLAU-l'liOOF SAFES, which we sell at manuiaoturor's pries. " Sewher, N..C, Oct., 17, 188 St Sna. a ".' ; Z ' "I '. r ( , r-- . i . V . : f . ! k - -'-.J.,.'.., . : .-, " . I - al . . ,' J. A. THURSTON, VtdStatvlof Henry Porter t FayetlwUlU Sim ?. a a wirin wot rs A 4V Assails 13 f CI V. EISA 6BLT(1ED TO VA"ATH BIS STORE O.t B th lit of January, offers for sal hi entire btock AT COST; eoasistlng of every variety of BOOT:) AND SII0E3, .RUBBERS, DR0GAN3, r SHOE FINDINGS, &o., Ao. . If svlng pnrehased his stock direct from th Manu facsnrer lor Cash, will sull eheaper than others ea. i Call and se f.r yourself, tta Kaielgb, Dae l-ldl-t!Jao. THOMAS & CO.. Bankers, No. 173 BALTIMORE STUHTX, ,. Baltimore, md w E BCT AND SKLL, 03f TUB .MOST FAV0H able terms, all the different GOVERNMENT. SECURITIES, SOUTH EJIN BANK NOTES, SOUTHERN STATE BONDS, , COMPOUND INTEREST NOTE. GOLD AND SILVER. . ,Wls, Bond's, Ao , of our own market, on Ccinmi. siou, in person 1 and tbosa of New York aad Phila delphia through reliable correspondent. . Jf4e f?iofr., with prompt returns, on !! ecssibis points, Worth,oth aod West. i'rorf tVufii or Currttu-tf AW, let anv amotrut, vtry hurt ratas, on New York, Philadelphia, Boston or lliubuiond, . : Alt nlre.lo Ptpotltn efQutiar Carrewcv. suW Joot to ebeuk at tight. .. J ON HARD FOR SALE. ' tSf09 Fm. thorn Bank Kotos. SitOO'd He.en Thirtios, dillWenleerles 1 Si.li O'lO Piva Twenties, 'i S,'(M and '84 ia.ucs SoS UuU Due Your Certikuata. Hot 18 Uj If School fir Cojs. ' Wr. 1R. LACY, Primal rjnHB EXERCISES OF THIS SCHOOL WILL ES . resomed at tue achuol-rams, north uf th InstU tinbm fur the Deaf and Dumb, on the first lburo,y la J ea nary. Kmry effort will he mad to give boys a tburnugai prvparaU'a tzt V- gt tr for baines, and te sicura pruftauni'y in each d pertinent of etudy. Terms made known upon sipplicatton to tbe Pria elpl. Pa;roi!iit ba'f in advanee. te.mtoi, twenty. Weiks. 18 SawtJjanpA For Sale. Sl'ttmORDorbstii and P or.ewatl Smoking T. t,wo la two pound boxes, t lrg linions by the barrel. . A lara ijuSnttty of Flnnr, earlons brands. Pao.m Bidca, ipiaoutloa Slttere. Phewlng Tbaoo, r8'f Cigr aod Kails. UAK kit, COWPEtt A Ct. Deaimber 15, lft'-lO'J tL 50 ; Reward ! itORAK STOLEN. 130M Tl!R SIAliLE OV TII3 fl'I'-Cn! ) oiilcs t"Utliel of Kalcirli. on ti e acd kvak Fvt KWad, a the uiti. of li . sUnt.a iorrtl marr, 1 or 1 h.u .s in. bci faC'thia mane and tail,- thfewof kor feet wu (f rt.od all i l, and aioves vrnfi a vry ,b. WU litt' st'9 in tie t$ h t f-r' lc ' ile w t Ra'iatgk, at watch place lb i ! ,; l,tral reward will be given I. r bur tvttt.M

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