v..1". ; .1- I - V ' wat-df ena-at w '. ear W I. I DAI L O E IN T INK L TiwaMi OmcaVr-The ofi" ( Tele graphic Company has been rertoreil to tW office f the Southern Jbxpres company. ' . . - . .. . CoIrWr H. Harriaua i candidate fur rf election to the Mayoralty. Comrkd TooP.-8ome of tlie colored troop tUtioned at Fort Macon and It vicinity, we learn, hare been wry onmauageaMti and aatvl diet like in thoir department both at. Beaufort and Moreltead: City. , Bviadartliem hitve treated the deroncclrar-iwoplfr on- the BtHik badlv, andTn onroTTftore iustuncea haye. out- nured the peraon .or person" of white girl.. iotne of them bar e been apprehended ahd im prisoned for trial, nu we lean tnai en uen. Ruger'i learning the fafta, he at oncegvre peremptory orders that , tney stioulU not be per mitted to leavetlia fraJtrWA jearaHhatObe people of that fiction are extremely anxious for their removal. Advertisements. We eall attention to Rer. - fl. W. Deems' notice of the Southern Hepatic Pill. Furniture for tale to-day by Bukcr, -Cowper ft Co, Alto, two young ladlot want aituationa as leacnera. Bee card of Brenijrer, Kellogg A Co., bankers. and broken, Greensboro', Measra. Branson and Farrar offer a Tariety of Books and Stationeryfor sale. T. H. Selby, Esq., ha a house and lot to rent ; t ; ' :' ; ir ; Bee cards of Messrs. Karris and P. Overbj and jYATtJvcrliy.'canrtirratea fur -Cuuuws4qo.- .'.-timimUbmM Vrkiiws, JaausryYj , 0rarriojW H.-WntDKit: The following well anthentirated Instructions were given ut.Uen. T. John H. Winder, whiM he was the. Coiifi!def .::.mU:f!maebmrii.!&Wim. ot. .rncmers.; l hey manifest wtl clearly his disiiosition to recipro cate and ' encourage the kindly treatment of prisoner54 and jwothcr proof of the nwndncity ot those no are so angencroaHiy ana sniuueives' ly attemptiiig to convict the dfenceleas people --Tf the'-Soirth-bwWitiw fia tUe cowiuit- . tiriir of which they would have shrunk as slmd- iderinBly aa tba teonle nf tlii;Jtorih-Agait t(ie charge ol ail tnese unreienung joes, tue Bouth, thougli sue Dc'not pernuitua 10 speaK now, will yet have opportunity to vindicate ber etft - That she will do to completely, and that iVhe.wjUeonsign her traducera to the contempt '"'"and scorn of mankind, we have nottbe shadow ot a doubt : . x EKADQDAKTRRt,' C. B. M. Pmtox, E. M i ; . . Columbia, 8. C, Jan. 81, 1HCJ. f Captaim Si'.' 1 am instructed by General 1 Winder to request that yon grant permission to Captain MiC'hesney, a prisoner of war now in your custody, to visit Mr. Feaster, at her resi dence, near the market- The General has relia ble infoniiation thaTThis Ofltcer haKon inny occasions, been very kind to our people. Von will put bint on his honor, sot to say or do any thing against thia oouirtfjrand to return at such , hour aslie may designate, say 10 o'clock.) Mrs. I Feaster wishes him to come thia evening. . ' Respectfully, " ,; . , " , , your ob't eerv - , . W. 8. Wwdeb, A. A. G. kmnnmiirkt. c Rome tef)i)le take an In terest in ttar-gasing, 'and all that tort of thing; we confess, In advance, that we do not, but through a pure apirit of accommodation, we irian and publish the following in reirard to the Sun, and Moon and their anticipated doing -d linns' the vear 1868 1 There will be Sve eclipse ; tnree 01 me sun and two of the moonV In accordance with the astronomical programme, these eclipse will be ushered in by a partial eclipse of the sun, March 18, 188ft. This eclipse will be invisible, both in the United State and Euiwpe, ; Tat will be followed by a total eclipse of the moon, March 80, 1888, Tisible throughout theUnited State. The moon will enter Penumbra at 8 o'clock 18 min. P. M., will enter (Shadow at 9 o'clock 19 -.csunJffasliiiigtoi phase from 10 to 12 14 ; will emerge from Sha dow at 1 Strand from Penumbra at 1 80. Tba principal advantage of thia eclipse will be the uncommon facilities it will afford id. aensation - reporter for the exercise of the most gorgeous power of imaginative description. ..Another partial acltpae of the tun .will lake place April 15, 18W. Viuiblo only is Aut- tralia. ' u ' ' " . A socond total eclspse of the noon will take place September 24, 1886. Tb eclipse will be visible Only on the Pacific cost, commencing at fi n ' . J A .i V I ...4.1 Daa r ranciscofc . r. m.9maA ujioi - at 5.9. The moon will set, on this occasion, In , total eclipse Mother rather original feature of the fovmie?-?ymm?rv t" i. ) fl A third partial eclipse of the aun, will take) GrpieiiktoktlandJt1808.'l The eclipse will ' . -be invisible at WashingUin, lut visible at far ' o north as the Americo-Ilussian possessions, and x In the major part of Europe. ' - ' JThis complete the programme of eclipse for the year, tmless some nw amendment 1 to the ' - . Coastltutloa should bt ttarted, in which case, of course, copious addition will be made to - the programme f-r-. 'tTTi;'- :- " . ' Btsamsiiip Lmrn to Baltimoiub. ,We invile the attention of merchant, shipper and trarel ' era to this cheap and expeilitious route to snd , from all polnta North. The splendid and com modiou (teamshin EM Knightl, the pioneer of " . the line, will tail for Baltimore on Thursday4 1. nHtBing.- Travlra going to:.,New.york, . and, v desirous ef stopping in Baltimore and "hiladel- , phia, would do well to avail themselves of the uperior advantage offered by tbi route. ' A .Ju- ' - r General Grant propose ending ttaff ofBoers c to the principal military department a toon a ... x th holiday are over, to tee what further reduc- -- tion of troop and material of war can be made in the several localities. The, working of Jhe Qxartcrmajiter's Department is likely to receive xespecial attentio.wita a view to Icswiing c. j ptnse.' .-.; ' . ..'':.,"..'. ..... ': i ArteoitjttWard and wife were found d4. at thei residence in Worcester, Mannathusrtt, on 1 FridVy morning Ust, from the effect of inha! ingcoal ga. ' -.'J'-'-tr o r j bj ;'. i. '"("- , Tlie LouisiRiia National flunk of New Or , . - reanr, capifat f lM mxi, hii been nfhoriJil ', -by the Comptroller of five Cutrcncy. The to- ' , tai circulntion of national bank ia 23771-1 ,111 A wwv ytvuav, .i i The Wathington correspondent of the "We, York ''Commecil, thus writes i concerning the dispensation of fecutive paper i , ..'Secretary" BcwardTTn hi Auburn speech, -laid down tlie doctrine that loyal men 'must mistain the 'Administration, and there are indi cation that those holding Federal' office will be expected to atand by .the President More, than this, Congressmen who" oppose' the Ad ministration must not expect that their friend and protege are to be permitted to retain fat olBce while loyal supporters of the Executive policy have friend "out .in theVild." Already there have been otne significant change at Ban Francisco, at New Orleans, and at other points, nor. are any new appointment' being made ex cept pi men who stood by the Preaident,''-,nd KboW protector in , Cbngresa- stand by the President policy.' Thia can but produce! an effect on Capitol' UH1, as it ha in yew past, and it it already hinted thai the: loyal Tennes eennt will receive their scat before ", a great while, a evidence that Congress desires to atand by the President" ' Beceipts at Baltimore of Southern Product. The tirst arriral from the South after the close of the war, (beyond what had been the army lines.) was about the latter eud of April, when the little summer mma Dunn, from Kicnmond. came into port with cargo of tobacco and cotton. Since that period, up to the Close of bustnew yesterday," there ha been received at tlii port by iteamera and vessel (,238 bale of mond, 1,608 bale from Savannah, 1,1 ?8 bale front different poin' in North Carolina, 761 bale from Norfolk, 418 bale from Perembtm:, and 323 bales from Charleston. Of tobacco the receipt hare been J 7,51 8 packages, 0,554 boxes, and 1,78.0 c,- manutacttired, and 3,928 hogs heads tear, received from lUplimnna, I'etersrinrg, Frederick lurif and Aorta Carolina, v-ine re- ceipUof naval store have been 8,382 barrel an! l :. i - j : i i l- turpentine, from North and South Carolina, Florida jind Virginia. The trade tn flaxstted has been quite large!,' 3,206 barrels and bags having been received from Richnkond and Nor folk. Borne 800 barrels and casks nc came from Savannah and Charleston, and 11.578 buslv- tV Of ' w heat1 aitttaKft,..buflh.f 1, jjrj wwn. re ceived from Virginia and iNorth Carolina, tie sides the above, immhM quantities of (hingles, (ttrwiS-WWA'Ntlr this market Tniin" ttiSTtveWfTTorth Carolina and Virginia, all of which have found ready marketA-iff iinorw tnm, 8f. ' j. A Feurfdl Story of Hydrophobia Death of Six Children from the Aiut or a Bitten The Madiwm (Wis.) Journal relate the fol lowing faauitoTrrr':'i r Borne MX or seven year aim mad doer went through-tin) village ol W atef too, Jettt rnon con- tv.andtiita mmitx;ror animal. Ainonir others it snapped at the leg of a cow belonging to Mr. Bubcock. The animal was examined, but no mark could be found, and it was tuppoeed that it escaped being bitten. The animal was after wards sold to a man bv the name of Garrison, who used her milk very freely, a did two of hi children. Home of the neiglibors. Included Air. Drew' familv. " were also- supplied with the milk of this cow, - At different timeiduring the time line the cow was bitten there" has been nexplicable and fatal aicknexa .among those using her milk, and two children of Mr. Garri son's, two of Mr. Drew', and two others ha ve Intnl. tUUA.kgtttwirLgm atrnnv. Mr. Garrison ha also- been attacked at tinwa with sniUnu. The mvster of thia Rfck- ncM wa solved by the death, with every ym torn of bvdropbobiav a short time ago, and, in HoeiiyswTO mattnestliaia neew latent ever since. , The caoe is a singular one, anu worthy the attention Of scientific men.. Bkkchkb o THtj Rbbb. The Itev, Henry Ward Beec-hcr delivered an address on rcoon- ttruction at Troy, New York, the other even ing, and i reported by tlie Tune (Republican) a saying r -,, ,..; Those flashe of Southern Kntiment, bitter editorial and tossing head, are not. surprising when! we think of the scourge, that has swept oyer tlieUi thtt a proud, spint ha been obliged 1 to contest aeicat ai me nana ot men luey ue- spited that their property, ba been wept away -their ton clam they reduced from ar fluenos to beggary. : When I think of this, the wonder that they are a temperate as they arv Considering their fearful defeat .and hu miliated position, I think they have behaved well. It may not be" fashionable, btkl hotter them or tht fteltng theyuiilit," : , : Aa.EIoo.nent Extract, . The following beauliful extract is from a peech delivered by the Hob. Alexaailer White, in the Alabama State Convention : ,t The Bonnie Blue'Fhur noionjrer refloct tba light of the morning aunbeam, or kisses with ita silken fohls the genial breeze ot ourSmtlern cl!rrnr.'-ThaTrd that-waved mf the fipry rrest of a hundred battle fields, and the heart that for the love they ..bore it so often defied danger and death, no longer rally around it. Another banner wave in triumph over itloeU and prostrate folds, but proud memorie and glorious recollections cluster around K Sir, I will retrain, rne oouin neeas no euiogy, ( ue faithful record of her achievement will encircle be-bT6'w witfi ghy brlght'and enduriiii as the tliailem that crowna the night of her cloudless tkie. The scene of Marathon and Plata have been re-enacted in the New W orld Without the beneficent result which flowed from thoie bat tle field of freedom, Mad our country lie pros trate at the feet of the conqueror. ' s But' 'dearer to me it h in thU'bourof her humiliation than waa she in the day aud hour of hef, pride and her power. Each blood stained field, each track of devastation, each new made grave of-ber ton fallen in the defence, each mu tilated form of the confederate oiiieruer widow't tear, her orphan' cry are but towtany cords that bind me to her In the midst of her desolutlim, and draw my affections closer around my ttricWn country. W&il raise my Tftlce or lilt my band iramst her, may tlie thunder rive -iw-hor- tnd. ,3MMitltv.lJAlamaB- all elae, I will be true to her. Thongh all others!. may prove leuiuiene, a mil im tmyuiui obiju aim when, in obedience to the great command, "Dust to dust," my heart ahall return to that earth from whence it I prang, it shall sink Into her Ihv sonr- ith the proud cxmacJniuirtt'ts iliat it. never knew one beat not in unison; witn the honor, the interest, the glory f fny country," j Er.BATi.J-A down east editor, in a jeompH- meuUry notice on a valiant general, was .made, by the omiiKtion of a jsinrlfl kttvta-lll Jiiin battle Hired fcteran.4) The poor man ha tened to make amends In his next issrfe by stat ing that it was his intention to have denominat ed the hero"a lottti scarred veteran." This k equal to th Iuhlio editor, wbo thns corrected a tvpographiral error : In our p.iper of vetter diiv, for "her Once, Duke of IVvonphirc, rvad hi Grace, the Due lies of Devonshire." I The fientuikf Lvlhiiura will cn into an elect iM for yitd btuicsenator on the twcn tv-fUUt inttaat. ,v - , ' - Uf tke.AairririiH Trletraph laMr- ' ForeigBArriTaX ''-J. r; , i-:C'j. "i.T:''" '.: WAsatKeToKvVanrf The stcnuicr , Bernuin arrived at JjwC-'yr1 to-day " frm Boutb'mtipton , on the 20th. Her newt is unimportant ? . K - - Cotton unclumged, ' Rosin cteady, BpLit pf TnrpcnttqsmaUjalcS, 9 SO.'t ft.Mi.. -1 ' The cattle plague is increasing. - . ,j .'. .. '' . ' jsaiw m ' ' Hon. Henry. Winter Davi died in Baltimore on eatnrday last. t. . ' WAKHisoToK, Jan, L-r-It, Jba erroneously been stated thtitFrance-and the United State hive arrived A an undcrstandin'g respecting the wuuuravvai oi rreocn troos irom Mexico, a - thoftj-h it is known in diplomatic circle that Najjoleon is solicitious on the subject, Maximil ian not having paid the money promised bf the ireaiy ior meir continuance in Alexico. The Wiubi IV.--y- rm m vi'jn 'n.Mm Ul l,Sr MUST aeipnia uuytr, write to that Journal as fol- low ' The rumor I gave yon hwt tumnwr, with ref erence to a seat on the Supreme Court Bench fjr Judge Sharkey, was yesterday revived, In point Of capacity, Sbarkeydias few equal, while in point pf dignity it jwoulit be difficulty for any judge to surpass him. That the South will have the vacant teat you may act down a cer Fifteen mfllion dollar worth of Government cotton in Alabama alone la unaccounted for. At bis rssidsBet-ia Warron fooary, of Paaosjonla, pa riiday ajomlog, Deo. . Jk, nt Tsoaas Bs PLDaaaa, Eiq , aged 4J yaars, Iraring a widow aad tro abildras. Ha bad oaro4 a aaato for rigid isUg-rtry-aad aeonproiiihg voiaeity wliirb fat-joraoas Bjuy. Ia all tba ralatioas ef lita, ia his domaati's irda. ia ki toeial laiaraoarw, aad la tba diaobargo oforery da y aiaeitiian. ba wab all-th . kiodnaaa, hospitality sad aprigbtaoit ob'ald reqairo. His Ufa was eirraplary aad froo froaa eaaiaao or roproaoh,'' aira-Wdi'rnfttrt try alt won' fcwtam"-- li Yo hr1hrWaV with Vitsamsiita, nti tk fttlowlBj from Cap. W. V. Dart, of PeMnbirf, VtrjiiUBj- . ..: .. ,.. - . --z : ' Sjmp tliy fur t)i Bfferlo prompt mi to etrtify tbst nnt nuVwu mrffvnae in tfaa lajt ttMrm of UrtHajotua, throwing uf htstur sad blooti 1b lrn qunuiHi w rum. lri troBiUn. m maek u, Uat Uier ni so tsadHtat prajsiip.iua aaad fur HI (acorary; lngsrdad kia-H gad aa d. if r fllff Of th -VFtfal.' BBHW I k k EltliTUVUV Uh Pit Tic l'ttta, t ttwaitbt that Ii aold trv au ... lunui do dub i vtiuuut aujr aopa of saoaaas ouir. avar, 1 gava (b in down la a .hurl time. to Bay graa au.prtaa, tli.r. mn cliang. for tU tat. tar. ' I au,tioad (iriof tbaai to kiss aatll bo baeama a perfaeily aouod aa4 11a i mow auaading to bit irk with as aiaub ftrsngtb and vigor ai boarar did. Witb bis auo,' aad aba, 1 ka aaaa aad heard of tba good tftt ul tii PiUa, I do aaaai sraatly resoai od Ibaoj as lbs Boat Uiailjr aiMlkiBb I kava av aooBOtaaad. 4,4. x- Va. koi alo,ty tba Sragglita. DlroeUoaiaa conpacylng aaek box : 8tol to say part of tba Ul taj Sutas lot II a doaaa. AdJrass, I GEORGE W. DEEMS, janfi-lm Baltimore. MJ. A I'KOC'L.t.HATIO.V By Hi Excellency, Jonathan Worth, Got- em or of North Carnlina . Wb- TU wi U-nDfir . , wyr,m, " " T - ernor of Korth Canflina, with the concurrence and advice of the Council of State, 1 do deem it absolutely necessary that the General Assembly of this Stat be convened before the time ap pointed for it meeting: 'Now, thereore, I do hereby issue tbi Buy proclamation, notifying and : requesting the member of the Genera) Asuembly of North Caro lina to meet in special session, at the Capitol, in the city of Halelgh, on Thursday the 18th day of this month. Given under my baud, and attested by tlie .---') great teal of the State, at office, In t-. a. V ltaleigh, thi the 8ro day of January ) A. I). 1806, and in the year of our in- depence the ninetieth. , ; Jjy the Wn. it I By the Governor ;' ' ' ; y . " " sr!r JONATHAN WORTH. Baolet, rriv. Sec.' - ' ... : tHf7AIl the daily; paper in the State copy three times, and wdcklie twice, and tend bill to the Executive office. ' 123-8L CltiMieal atul Mathematical School. - - -M vuta Eatttf Seleigk, V rr0K KBXT S18SI0N OF THIS SCHOOL WILL I etiaiB-an lb 1Mb i t Janaarv, lif t, . B ard tit tar Bioatb. Taitloa tit not aaaiioa. Lights axtra, . -,. Addrots tba Principal at llslaigb. -KM. 0. D0DB,Prtaeltat. Pot ft 10 tw. . ' '"oonr.iwev (Of Tarboro, K. C.) (Laio of Seotlaad Rook, K. C.) .M,VB4I,".: (LaU of Warreotos. IT. C.) r daxcy, mmajt t co; Comailaaloa and Purcbaalngj Merchants., i Wo M ao Brasar, Bw Taaa. ' HATIlva KB-UMED OUR OLD BUBIKISS, WI eta praoarad to raoaira all bUda of Pro- daoa, aad lo aka parabaaas of floods aad tappita for oar trloads. :-- '."....."' . Dr. JOHN ARRINUTON, lata of Warns toa. M. O, oai ba f mod w.m as, wbao as will bs plaaaal lo aarVa kls old frlaadt. -v - ruawtaBia AaaaVs! W fl. KcR Bt a CO., Whsilogtoa If. 0k - Ht UHKH dkDILL, Kuwkara, . 0 . HBORdKU.llKliWN, Wa.hlBgUB,.0. 6MITHA UKO .Morfulk. Vs. v. I -. '. a. s. Area, i - Htv toswooo, latoot Warrtatoa, . 0. lata 9f Potenbiirg, Ta. 1 SIlAlfEI & NORWOOD, ' Coiiiinission Merchants, No'. 5 Watb Stbt, NEW YORK. Coimijnmeni$ Cotton, Tobarco, Naval Starts urtunt awl fill otiuf Southern .., ) lyoducts soiiated. i ' ':: Ordar fraa M arabasta. MaMfaetaror. Plaa, tat adHibra arill raoaira proatpt m4 ladlvidaal sttaBlwav ; i ' ,. - i j.-.-. . V - v - ktrig to ..- ' -Gov 1 M Morhrd, OraaBibnro, HP: 1 Lasttior. Praaidant Hfcik sod (lanoa R B,f McDwaiaa, 8ns Co, Iloaaani aad J 'hntna, Martia A TaaaabiM, PrUmharjf, Yi E A Vogirr, E.., fcalaoj, 5 Ci R'P KicrliBidsuB, ltiKkutrbai Ce, K C; Oaiaioar Bleat, l rsb.io, KC Wilkes, fajnrlatoadaai 0 TT 'v-r : -; RAXXiaa JM0NET MARKET. ' ., Corraatad dM'fa im JUH.V (,. It ULiA CO .1:1- Bnktn m4 Dtlrrt ao Aotmyvf . ,- VVVUI IUTBIB. i ; J-':' If. C. Bank JVot Chartotio 2H, MUrf k PUaior '80, abd UiiBgida 28. Bank of Uf. V:, i CajrtreirVTJS. ranaar', t3i atercbaat o. Iloibvro K. U ailea- oore JO.' Ibomwvilit S Vilmiunl jo vi) r Uoln. bi BMsniHgiva, . r itrBw iiit, viaroauua. laacoyviiia, ia; irwantporo jiutuat, liH. Virgiola Bank fiotfs, svtrsg... ' ' c iWuYMrolia do - dd '5,' -.tioorgia do " djw ''--r . Com-Go11 fl 41 : Sitter I 38. toprom--Old Korth CaroliDa&0; Korih flfo- ub jtaiiroaq eoopooi, ?a .. ( - Bonoa. Nortb Carolina, -aa, Nia - ceaiasfll t- lathed. 7. i ' Eicbaag on Now York selling at premium. Saltiji Kational M f lt tar?!k " f ' O. KOTSS. " . ' ; Bank of Capa Paar, ' . Bask of Wsdaakoro -; Charlotte, KS v Wi'mingtoa, ' " Coatawpaa. ., ... WahiaU, Clanadoa, 13 Payetlovillei, lit t- - Yanrfryvilla i flnivimiirriiil. Wi taint'a yr Uilii-::- armWVBreriatiara' " H. Caroliaa, M 'RoHo'0, - Tbonaavilla, 16 liroaBiboro Mutual, I)J Morebanta, (lewlwraa, Minors 4 I'lauipri, is Virginia Bank aolet, average, ftraUi Carolina ' ' M 21 IS Oaorgia jirthrrr:4Sr silver 1,9- Coi eo-a-Old torth Oaroliaa. 60! North loaro- lisa Bail Koad Ceupuiis, 8. rwsiiw norta tiaroiisa es. ata eoupons on,i jsieaaage MUe I urk selling at Jjirennuia , RALBIOH MARkCT K-i-4 aad oonaotacf i JQHIiJM WOilliLS, 8n- oar aad- aiatVioa Mnlml for ill Mi mf Country lYtflur. Jan. S I8f6. FifSca family, u 11 H) lo 00 00 It 60 11 00 Kxtra BuporHoa, Superfioo, ' It 00 10 10 1 00 n 16 . 40 ia -tr- 0oajr--pr baahsl, Baoo per Bound, dull, Lasb per poand, oVrTia-rperpoaad, Caioiaas (Spring,) Pooaperdoion, - UJs-prUil, iter poumt, Arrii) -green, par busholf Paacaaa dried, per'hustiel, Potato Irish, per butarl, 1 20 2ft ,' 30 so to ft 00 "TliO TJ 1 (iO -1 rt- to 3 69 Ti lt 9 I PoTJToaa Swoec 1- 34 tlsioss par bushel, - Bssr on boot; per poand, lo to 10 P ru, "20 30 Fasia Poa( per poand, (retail) li to Maair peritonei,- fstnrt price: ! r-r - t Corra per pound, tata4 - - 44----SuBAa Crashed, per pound - 3 to -r"--Whit Cufioor -"Lirriai - ' Light llrowa, ' CooimoB Brown, -40 00 It 10 Pais red A white, per bushel, FoSoga per cwt. 'f Oats la sheaf, Hat kswerop, per ewt., TosaCOO per pound, (maaafae- . " ture.1), CoTTO la bale, per ewL, Corroa Ya per buocb, . BwAa par pound, Rioa clean eottoa, par poaa4 Labs par bead, ratail, por paand, Salt per tack 4 bushel . Flaissid per buihal, til pw pound, by tb keg, Poat for Bacon. " i " Toaaipa per bushtl Visisab Ketail. wt gallon, 1 00 1 !& Ia TS lo to to to' to to 1 to 1 10 - 1 so 1 I 00 so 85 4 00 ') . 03 t 20 82 J 6o it - 4 'I S 60 1 , 10 io - HO 80 2 SO - to to' to to to -to to to ' to .a 1 50 , J2l -Hi . 1 00 1 to 10 I 00 - 96 40 Bab Bo Ar Retail, perponnd, i '"v.-"1 'aa. wt p Ttraa netsnrperpoBiid, 14 lac a PtrrcR per poaad. J. D. F L A N IV L' II ION i FORWARDING MERCHANT, " , Old Coanty Wbai-f, ,t ; . Foot of Cravon, Street," jntW BEKH8.1I. c. Oototer KO 69 Smua. UOt'ftti FUR RKMT. i I WILL BE.tT FOUR S00D ROOMS IN A HOU? aa yayatterills street. . apply iauaediaulv t -. A. U. UAVJbN, At Brsssoa A Farrar' Book Store. , . . . Raigh, Jan. l-ng-lw. irV"A.isrTEr). A 0O0D TANNKR, 10 TARg CHAB0B OF A X A. Toery m S tgeoocale Caaty. Bear Tarkore, N. n. A s-Bifortsbl koBao aad aoHoient lead at tacked to gat jr.'rodrnak bread, atd raiaa ateat. , ppiy tuatadiataly vita rtrereaeet, to , PR J. W. joNBJ, Tarboro, If,' a Droemher 1. 1H16 101-3ir.' , . . , UajT Siandari plea eopy, ' -: i : . lifilffllSMlTif Succeitor tb Ge. W.,Povtrt de Co ,) - ;flrami55iDii. Irrclianty ' ' Agvat for lb ala of COTTON YARNS, - k BDEKTINGS. ISniRTINOS, .J. OSNAUURCISeAo DRILLS, Consignment and Orders sul'clted. t, r 11 Paik Flaoa, Nw York. Pes 11-111 law ta. Westbi ook &, Albright. ' WBOLESil.l AND BtTAIL Pf ALIUS IX ' 0RAPK VINKS, I . ... EVERGREENS, 1 - , , FLOWERS, gkrotrWy, ajid VesetdMir and Plrrwvr fttrndi "--r WASHINGTON 8 T E E E Ti , '' - &teejbr, H. p, Biaadarl Trees for Orabaril tod Dwarf Treat 6f al ktada for 4fardene, wilb a ahoteo varteiy ef- era all fraite.eteeie.. Lias of prteas onl to applieaste, . V '. - - Ureeaitoro, tee. 1 114 lav. ptj. Dr. Wilson's Sobool. ' IHAVB A8B'CI'ATKD WITH ME PR.' JOBS WilaoBlaM Pdaaival uf Ihe MiltuB' Female trad- rat' , an iH xcopea wy arbeol a th let Frlmiry,4 lp... ir w uses graia ueJ aim trrt dnilnolloo at Ike liblrerniy o( Hortb Carol in ia rka elaea of 18, aad hat bad Mvera) Jtr aaairitBeo la teaek lag. To Bi f. iende raid Ua itub lI ea iar, ikat I kaea- aa ose wkoai I voald (ntii u Pr. W , to be taaosUud witb ta ia ay cli..ol. Far term. A;! address Rv. A. Wllsoa, P. P., IfelvilU, Alaalaar Cvhutj, N. 0. . .' Tbe 6a)teary Bnftr, fberlMte Pemonrat Slid WilaatOKtoa Joara.l a-i 1 pl.iana pvl. f0j tin and d bill la KeV. Pr. Wiliwa, 3kllvil(er , Jaaaar-ya, UfiK- - - . - OXWRD FEV ALB COLJLECE. 1 th.lHb.ff.br.r,l.th.!agoialh.UdlafT C 111 U, I C ' V O I 1 C g C. anUd byAhottraad Le-re ef h'onb CwoUaa. a-Mt Lirealara, skiMtlag tba eoorae ef raawaetloB, ragutBtloas, Arr apply t - vDwseaiker U MMIih ad. , ,Z :. , i -;. v-;..; ,"',..'.' caaaLBS i.sAkaa. ':, .' babbb . caABLaa a. iuii. Uaiifictiirtxi, bportcri td Igtnls far ' ' BUlIMORnVISDili GLASS. DrngiU Glattw are, VUl. Bottle, Jan, &a B1CAKB. 8UDA, 8AL80DA, B0 ail, ALUX, f- aad.etker Cbaiieais Painti.OilB.Olue, Extract of LogxJ. Caatils Soap, ' fee., A a. Ha. 31 ami 14 8. CktBtatST, - , .y,. - " BALlIMOKW Mil. Nov. tt-H lai. 8WEP rwncwuiit r rn la nibffVVB.IBIini.BB " VVIi -GKNKRAL- . i psam xkw runt. PARTICULAR ATTEAltiO!? GIVEN TO ' tb ! of CoUub, Coites tara, Cottoa Cloth Havai Btoroa, beat aad ataaBJetaod Totae, . LI '-oral soak advaaaas aad as aeasigaaiaals ia band Orders oilettod for Ibo r'areksM af ttood. " trjrAU eoMipnmemU to ut mn tnoertd by In. tvnmrt at totm thiwtd, n mff Rail Koad. nd from mil $himta parlt, through to A'em L-L .2 .1.' t .'- ' IT ", WIKIWI RUVM VI niVHK1B, W TWailBJA 9T WW" ' ' . s-l . . . gtsi" ContlgntMata tollciud. Tdl , Tnos J. ScMnis, Cbtriotte, N (J Dawiii, Worth, Company Shop. 3. O. MrRPHY. 1 1 New York CitT.I Robkat R. 8wcpoif. .. Q. W. RwEPsopi, . JJaw RiVor, .NO 0. F.Mkmdbnball, - Greosboro. '- October M, Ittt-lt If. . - . , - isn.-enre.TNur r PHILADELPHIA. ASvoa i act. I it oRtei tr NEW V0Ki'-T 0TOf4. ApOaCtS THC WVtNTO", ' r"g;rftAK.PLMErlU.OJ'RESA.UMB Tkaas tBeaatioaa stead avBfevad a lb "Vest" -bv 4tie aniMt tialnern gcieatille and Hirrgieal Boaletiet ef tbe world, the inventor kavinc beoo booorod with tba aataV.f SMX ttULI AMU BILVKK-MSDALS (or IW rfia" inaiuding the Ureal Medals of tlie world a Cihlbitloa ia Luadva and Maw York : also ba most Honorary Report of tbe great Boeiatf af cinrirount or fans, giving bis Fsteita plaeaaboraths BNULI'H AND FHiNCH. - , lr. ralner rtrei oaraoBal altaatloa to tba batlaeii or ail profession, aide by atea of ta boat qaailfica iioBsanacreatmiaiuarleae He la anaelaJlv ocojmli- aioaed bj ihe ttoraraaieBa, aad bat die patrosaga of the promineBt Ofleert of the Anav sad Vavv. Bis Majnr-Menerals and mora tbaa a thoasaad lessdis tiogaiihed oA an and Midlers bate wen tb PAL tU Ifflitud oo actlra datv. while ttlll craater anai bora of talneijt aivl'aBS are, by their aid. Bllina In. ponaoi poBinona, aaa eneowany aoaoaal their mil furtono- ' . .. v Advioa aad Pamphlrts Gratis. - To avoid th imooeitlaa of Piratical CoDrltta. arnlv Bly ta PH. PALVlia, aaAbcre d tree led, or to hi , UKO. H. TAILOR, Newbani, N. C. Das. i-U'-tf. Selling at Cost ! ' f 2 0,000 WOBTff OP xmr OOODS. " BOBSiRtina of ................. . MERINOS, DELAINES, ' ALPACCA8. rOPLLNS. KNGLISII 4 FRESCU CALI0OK3, CURTAIN CALICO, FRENCH WKD IIDK'FS A COLLARS, ', imiiUina, j AfJiiB, 40, AO. :.'-AL S O- BLACK AND COLORED SILKS, LAr DIES' HATS, OIL CIbOT-HIlA , DIES' SHOES, HOSIERY, Ao. . A vsry largo assortaioat af KEAUT.MADB CLOTUINC Mai s fit to tdt. Psdias' CLOAK), rrota 17 to til. ' ' ' -A L. S C- ,f0 CiaAS-..tt to 141 per thoasaad. 4 - fc-tV Tba atteatloa of eoaatnt aterefaaaU Is sailed to ttua adurtuameBt, a they aaa eapply theaiselvei I wi.u govue M nflv iora eosi. GOLDSTEIN it, WILSONS' " : ' AT 1. 0. PALMIfeVB Bior. BALSiaa. v. Mth, llat-M tt . ' Scliiiiff Off OUR LARGE STOCK or Dr; Goods. Boots 'anil Shoes, Hats, Groceries,, - - --- , Liquors, etc ; etc. a aheap as (io advtrttilag ta taD , yl:-;' -i M " I K a. rer o o s t i N geaajoa or BOSMasa. w will sot k andereold. uj - Th proof af lit paddlag," AS. KELLOGG "WHEELER It CO., (OU etTARD Or M. H. TOVktO.) Pas, Urd, 1M1 in tr., .Wanted, Bt A TOUNfl LAP!, A 4IAPATI-OI t, P. C.llee, who baa bad two years' i ax perieaoe la teaebiBg tba BaglUk braaehee aad Muete, a itaa llua la a private family. . TartiaioaiaU givoa aad Itqalred. Adilreiikftaiaiediateir, A M 1SS L 'UrooBibero, V. 0; BuideV! ' Peoeaberri,'l(--ll tt. . , : f fl, C. Mutual Ire Insurance Companf. rpitfj ANNttAt MSKTISfl OF TI1K MKXBRR8 ofHie N-rlb Crliae Mutual FirWiir-Bee f!iM'kanv Brill ba bald la tbia tjite en Jeaaary, 16. , , tt. g, biti i a. JJet'r. 1 0-fHt-tfl li VI H if toT'WWIifVf tti.Ts1 I IWIBkA I f etaAeAdkrPboaittbai It 1174 ffaa WARREifTO'S" JtAiteit Toji '.iri c I HI KXKRCISI8 OF TOIt STvTBTION ILL A be lotaaied ea tbo aet Wedftday, tbe 2ib of January. , aad cool in ae twenty veeka. V oenartmenu will na andrr tie Irjtruotia afteaobertof ability aad exporieoe. v Boarders furaiih lights towels aad one pair of tbeat. For etrcalart, apply t j . -- , K. S. PARDAM, rre't. . .aa WJIWlw, f4.'.: ',.- 1 Select Male School. , IS WAHREJT COTNTT, 5. C. HAVIS4 BSCttKD TBE SERVICE? OF A aoapetaat laseher, t aa )irepared to retire U to aiy faaiily a pupil., a few aove. Kxernims .m peaee Jaaaary Bth, IM.- ... ! ' rlti ptr 8 in a T aiy r. t Cltaaio. ' . . - . KUajeatary, . 1 ,) Board, ex-lailve of Hebte, 6 it Tb abovooa a.Meota heai T.,r,A.. l.r ia advaaoo, Addraea - ..''. . JlEKa CH AS. H.-COQh' loe -IK tw - , Hllteli.,N, Ensllsb and tlasskal School. I WILL OrEN MT S2H00L KXT 6KSH10S IJj tbe School Uoues N.ib fqu.re. I prom to tarh all afthe k,.l,.l, ru.i..t -. itlinioSrSraB-eael Tkrdiaii7 fousnf irS?'Se lee. .. .. : mioTiva aiotth frea. Jaaaary lit to Jans Ul It-t. . v. , .j, . i -JVme aer Aeerea Teaty-I v dolfari, payueois' otitbty. ... . itaraawi ftmr1hom I o'elwk A M to t P M. -Ia addttioa to tbe regal. r ttadler, I will devote a abort lime each da; to Wifj, mtrdn, or tbe pbyil, devalupmaotof tba pnpils. - -t ., - W, UAL. HARRISON, i Ralela;b, Peoaaber 11-114-tw. . . The Bingham School. , McaASsariLLi:, w. 0. TIB HBXT 8E8sr05 BEQUff MARCH ftll, ltd, aad eoatiaaa lorty mnkd For terra, ad- WJ1. KIKUUAM. ' Ir-M tletjaa, Uebaaeavdia, H. 0. fHelett Sehool, Mra.K.IITCIIf5LL AKDMR8. t Ij'. flR ANT.i rropoe reeelvlng lota tt.ir faiirf;' U .uill.; ' a few yoang ladies. 'J a rise Bade known oo appliot ' ttoa by letter or otfcrwt.e. The test kMIob towaieaee Jaaaary ltlh, 18ff. - -;- Obawal UilU Hov. IMI tf. HENRY It.' BUY AW. r..- --"AtTORMHV ANP COUNSEtLOtt AT LAW, - . - WKH'BEHlefi, K.C, - ".".:"-:'; : :.-. - PfOi-2 118-8m. A llappr New Year to all in CUSTOMERS, y J C:,' ONB.M ERCII AS r ADVERT ISEg "HIGH Pl . reaknuked in the head." annihu m.1 .n,.o,... tuat they are " selling nf) at eoet," An But my iiiuua is, OntlN..l tmatl proit." '. . . IH00 baa brought aie rallou, whirh Iaa Mil at 14 eente per yard, aad a hanJiume prolil. If yua whuM -tsoBviaua, sail aad eiamias Biy gnodi krre veil . poreha-o eln where. J. KINtltli'. Kaleigb, January J Ill-it, rrica or Hobtii Stat I bom A Bat Witi, Raleigh. N it. n.. -i ic.i . r HAVING' BKBN AlTOI.NTiSD AUKNt TO olos op tie hanlnees of Hbiy, vrilUameiia A kereb; ftotify all crodrtnn to preaoat- -thatr" slaima, and all debturs to the trio lo ovoie forward aad aottia. All Ibo teraOBal effeeta r rka . wilt km ul.l r... ' oatk at Aaotina, Thurrday, Jaaairy I4lb, lsfto, at the offloo of this Company In RoloiKb. " U f, W 1L.1i LA 51 SON, Agent PoeSl, Ut.lltjaa: ; r ' " OtU If. ?. e-s wm IAI.E. OW MOffPAT Tn 8TH Of JANUARY It EXT. I will ta I to the highest bidder FOUR K. 0. BONDS. OLD SIXES. ' belonging to the eetate of t fat Ulia Glisibmb Uiatoa. ,8ale ta take claao at 111 a'sloek k.r..r. eflotAfJokaU Williams A Co, A eredil of twelvs . tooatb will be ! ih. purcbaaor. WM.la.llIIitSft.Xa. Ralelgh, Peo.JVlw. . . . . ' FOB SALE. C8T AHRIVXP PSR fSTEAM gHIP tOUISA At00R, . IM barrets axtra Btalo Plow. ' 10 Hasks Liverpool Salt. .: zuy eaies Aorta ItlVor llay. OE0. W. DIM. Jaa. I-UIMw. WANTED. . - INFOBMATIOS-WILLIM ItKERR (A 8fJ,pir R left KiebBwad for hie borne in Alabama, on tbo lvtb of laet March;, fa bad he.l'b Anv inr,irit,,, la regard to Hat will bt Hi aak fully ractlmd by tie i : distressed paroot.;.,.;,,..-... ...;,;.;.. . ,..,-v. -.:--.:,.. ,n ... ji --W-. P. RIESB,' ... A 1V0. 1 COTTON PLANTATION r For Lease or Kent, WITH TENABLB LAND BCFFfCIEST Ffi". railing 4( or bale of Cotton ; iar;e dwoU liag hoaea, gin koaao and all other aeewrr lo I t. Inge, aitaaied 11 Uee from Chirli ltr, and 2 Bill' A float BarrtthBrgBtatloa, . C. Mail Road. Tba aoieseary atalea, stork, Ae, for tbe plan will ke sold ta the lestoe. Apply to , J. L. MonEnEAD, - , Cbarloit, N. C. Jaa; I-ISl-in. -fr-.-- Pioneer of t$ tea me r - ' '' - oa : . Baltimore, PhiJadilphfa, New York ami " Jsoston, via Albemarle ami Oant. ' . Omul. N C THB C0MMOPI0U8 BTRAMKRS PIONIJCB and lloniaaodoro a 4 ante, will leave New- bars lor Norfolk co TUJKSOAr vt eack k at ti'oluOA A M, ooooeoting witb the different iln of IteameM fof the Sore named point. OB and after the tret day of Peeooaber aekt they wilt leave oil T4a'ad--fV'o-afTaeb..ek, kta,g-fi - weekly trips. Shipper of Goods will receive eer raeiiity aad aoooatuiodatioa for thelreniportntln of tbe saaaa, aa amtageineota have beta saie wiib tte different eonpa-lee to forward goed lo this li ;e,tit low ralee an witboet delay. Ifaoh of tboieeUameia are eapabie of earryiaf ' - ' oagk tbo aaaal, withoat diiftcolty. a th'Y wcr be lit eipree.iy foe tb trade. Thry are rtitod' up With 8TA TS JtOOMS amd MSjttHi capable of c. eosiBiodatiag thirty-Ire paaeesgen. Rrery attention Will k paid to tbo ooaafort pf pMenger, who wiiJ. Bat be ml-jeot to Alia. iouinoe iff tim(r-r 't other Teel, but will be takes through, dnwt w '..li eu teherre. . . ,. i- f ;. ".The tlle of tke steamers are liberally m -plied with the beat tba Market atforde. Familiea traviint; a-ill lad It to their toter-it to Uka tt n iir.e, ai u,r will thereby eacape the dancer aad taaomfort of a sea roato, aad tbeWangue of railroad traral. Oa Uie lttb ef Peeeoiner oral, n t tiu-uu i of the JinexaaTeott It, ttie teBier Ht'meu wil. lie put I ibe r--H;, ni tn weeaiy tripa win oe u. l ffit fieigtl or ! re apply to ybufor.i, tlll A .. 1 IMVJP WILLIili?, V I 1 ,i,"f:, . . - ' -' .-4