7 77',. ,;V:;v4. 7 '..v.'.-. '; ''(''' v7 - 7 77:7x- -77' ;-;7 -L v 7:57-:": "y-YnY-. .;..YYY'7 ' TtTE HA TTV SENT! N k, Z W': aAdrimlM)iii-aU occuprtg ptot iort than 10 Un itf tniati. .wLa mr; ;i. . . ewsssva aAV" wnwKmr; m, m Q Oft TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. ' i . In i ltv uo u.oo .. , it.no 7 i- . m ar. - ,--t. r r w w , m m a mm mm. .. . m mm '' mm . m m - w m m : . m .: m m -. m mm 1 - i i jw ntttiin - - ....... I; ,- !,... y,..., .. -., ,. . . . . . ..t-- 1 ....... t -r-. , -. ,v,.,.. - . J.W i - per HixmoBthi, , - jtj our . Ireutatfoa. . r i NEWS BY THE MAILS. - WtaMngtoa ITewt tn'd Gossip.. ' .. ., KATIOKil. DKBT. " The Secretary of the Treaaury haa received one thousand '"dollars in tww-ten-foity bonds, with seventy-six eoupons attached U-eaX-h, fo aid in the payment of our national financial obligation.. The donation waa willed to the United SUtes for that purpose. - ' 1 iMBcosrnjicm ' The ordnance department in Richmond ban been discontinued. Horesftor aU req'UHitjons and ordnance property to be turned into' the Government wUI be sent direct to the arsenal at. Fojfreas Monroe.1 - . ' TUB TAHDOK SKEKERft. Applications for pardons at tbs: Attwttfy 0BfI's office cOHteta very slowJThe Presi dent is granting very fuw. On the 2ffth,Tweh- ' ty-nuie pardons were granted to Alabamians, and oa the 30th, four were granted to Misaissip- pians. t W'oV MASCFCTCniS AHD PnopUCTIONS. By the terms ot the 83d section oti tm revo ntie law, the tax on iitanufrtures and products are to be paid within tvB days from the '20th day of each month, or -onor efoie a day to be prescribed bj tUe Cotuuiiiwioner, and for kilgra to pay within the prcacribed time the tax payer is liable to a penalty of ten per centum othe amount of the tax. The Commissioner haskj ciiled that this penalty must be collected in all . . ' x.'. i i: .1.1- .1 cases wnen a lax payer un uwrao iiauie lucre to, as the collector haa no discretion in the uiaU ter; put, in order to avoid all occasion tor dis satisfaction, collectors arc, advised to issue notes. to persons assessed, immediately upon , the re eeiot ot the list, informing them of their liuliil pared lor tins purpose, u must oe umiini uy understood, however, that as this notice Is not required by the terms of the law, but is entirely gratuitous oa the part pf the revenue officers, no person can claim sa exemption irom tne pe nalty bf-virtue of tike non-receipt of the mrticf If "the 'atltfefjnruat paid.wrthm -the present! time, tliiMllector will Mue almai (torm Z) itt-theJr1rianner-prgftbed--4y amttoa - 8H, - and proceed to collect . the amount, With therpenalty ana costs, ty outwaiiit. 'r-- - "-itt-i IMPOST ANT TBBAHUBl DBCI8ION. . Tha Secretary of the Treasury some days ago received an application from a YVestern Nation al Bank, asking that the deposits ot , Govern ment disbursing officers be exempt from taxa tion. Th matter having been nfcrred to (len eral Spinner, he gave an opinion to-day that tl dusponitatif the disbursing oflicfls tftlie United States wttti JNationat ttanks acsrgnated as depositories are subject to tax like other de posits that are subject to taxation. - The ground upon which he bases this is, that the banks have the benefit of such deposits, tha same as individual deposits, and therclorej ought- to be -taxed ia the saina njHiirier. L. ; s ' ' ' . TBB TOLCMTKKIM. The Secretary of War and Lieutenant Gene ral Grant are daily in receipt of letters from volunteers, askina that tbey be dischargwl from thaervio4wmediatfily, alleging: that there re-1 . I .i.. Li: ; t ' mains HO nccessiiy iur. uimi xucuur ukiciiiuhi J1XSTORATIOS " O tOST 'TifXS TO SOOTHBUS ..-'v " estates. ( i . :i ? ; i One of the greatest smbarraasments resulting to property owners in the South by the late war Is the loss of a vast amount of puiicrs reiatig to the titles of land, and which in the occupa tion of their country aeats by the Federal forces Tery 'genenilly suifered destrm tion by fire or " other cause. To obviate the difficulty iiowpre vaillng in - many localities, in the transfer of laads with reasonable (ShOTrof title, theGen cral Land Ollice has. entered its agents through' out the Southerq States tofrefiiHy . collect all vestiges and remnants of the records of their office and forward them to the commissioner at Washington, that pew plats and other ar chive pertaining to the funds may be supplied as far as possible. New maps are also being got ' p with all possible dispatch. It is well known that at the time of tha invasion of toe South " snany adventurers attached to the army secured many valuable paper and records relative lo certain Jarge estates, in the hope of owners of- ieriag heavy rewards for theiKrestoratioa, ikfter ! the close of the war. It is the hope of the Cwn Bkissioner of Public Lands to be able to furnish o much of the missing dsU as- to prevent par ties to the theft gaining by the documents tbey bow withhold in expectation of s bribe. - .... BIMME,-,:v':;'..:.;p'v.' , , Seaimea, the commander of the Alabama, has ' not yet been removed to tb Old Capitol, but is ennfined at the Navr Yard ik a room adjoining lhrehapel.vTh-rwo i4ii eH-ate.f J -J tne WnliJing, ami awy commrHUMy junuau ed,with bed, ao& and table, and it is also car , peted. The marine lit the yard avre charged .withh custody. At pentrj.to aonsUntly on - duty at the door of the room, wldle outside the building, nnder. the 'windows of the room, another sentry is stationed. No one is allowed , to spsak to or hold intercourse with him except one arentroman. who holds a pass from the Navy - DdnartmenL imdcratood to be his counsel.: He spends most of hii t Ui. Jm- ! Iini. ' hifiMra"."" hw-t aotoislaarodaad walJ adap. l 1 - : , " " bimsomeot bis favont books. I broiiifht with bint some His meals are brought from restaurant near by, and paid ior by the government. Undpr the Circumstanoes heis quite cheerful,-but seems to be anxious that the trial shall take place paedily.. . . . 1 The London Times. , Tv It ti Stated that this h-adlng InWnid of the world circidates about sixty thousand copies daily, a num&er lafgxceedcd, we believe, by at least om American dsl r. It was estab lished January 1st, 1785, .by' John WaMerl; ia -1803, his sonf John Walter, Jr., soccecded to the management, tad 1897 he in turn' was fol lowed by his son, John Walter, the third, the present pMblMier. ' Thu- TMet has secured its ImmMiu Influmrai tit 'Miwv merit, nci nnu v and enterprte), and no eonfiriijftjtW-J nesa, following, instead or ftaaingj pHiiiic svn--timent. Tfyicldsitairoprtetors s-im prfifitnf ""ui f.'a(uuo a year. jra presim wniorm John iielanewho has associated with him -' Mowbray Mmi thelusioiB inaafeer. Both -of theBCKentlcman areinrrslted to the rjgPH i Hinuip ut lire parter. -w utiaiiu . uo is ren(jy . ' the chief of the concern, goei mmllipntti sorlt-ty, where he is generally-received. It is said of him, in the' fashionable, world, that 'these drawing room infiueuces have their effect npon turn, and , (hat tha Timet deal mors leniently now with J.0(f . . Vv v.;1,, . ''."I WOUCD R4THIR BB BlUHT THAR BB rESIWEMT."-Herj Clay. . ;:i v .!-;:; :: . rY, J - : .0 I . -, ,,,.;. , .; , , ' ' :. l ty ,..,,,. , ? - , 1 - . -;- VOL. I V tie n tad folliflu of opper-tendom than in former ilay,-wlB-tUe-ditr could lose noth ing by aa bonest' iniU pendcnce. Mr. Delans to alwsyt in the habit, during tha life of Lord Palmetston, boa watU-nt of inijorUnC Wfre K.4'..rA ihjt 'lun.. nf viitintf turn tttwmrv ntirht when be wan in town, for tlie uuriM if ob-1 'taininj; Jfrnm him conttdential information a to tle profwifile cimrao of the Government Tbi enalil&l the Timrt to give to public tentiment, apparently, the lead, bile, in fact, it was but following a course already laid down.' t hat been, in truth f late yearn, th Ooireranient organ. Bcide s host of reportera, thera are 'numerous department, with a ub-dit)r at tha head of ewli. wa I iaia.. . TObAsn cawrsa, ti a. josas. Y BAKE8, COWPER & C0 AUCTION AND COMMISSION JIerchants, JrATtTTSTlI.lt stsbst, SALEI QII, If. O.' mitt sell ait Kin. o PR0tcci and 11 cooda nf aav doseristiva oa Connis toa ok- at Aae toB. Wijl ootloatalloUinaMd (B liridnsl S.bu, k-a b hod for !. and will v Bad Mil SoU aad - FOR SALE. - IHINB BUCK WHBAT AND fA MILT FlOtlR. BAK8U, COWFEB & CO. lUJ.Ijk. pMMStBortl 114-tf. Por Bale. O OR is BITT WU BEL AND tKAD HAENISS O ("t II or or Mala.- Alto, Itstas, and Holt Cor JEUKERrCOWPEB &CO. - RaUlch, Dalw W US tf- For Sale. I AW and Mlfssllanomit Sookt. . " - - . 1SAKEU. COWFER k CO. Dumber IS I00-U For: 5?alc. n RANDSOMK TravslllBi Bitk!, Sn Kngllia & Montsrd, Bpaa Cotwo, Cbioo, Cba., Ovfar, Caildroa a U.m. BAKER, COWPES -0 PeeembW lO-tOO-tf ' - . - - - ; For Sale. SItVBH!RCrT BMkti,flifvr Waltwi, Spooss and Forks. Lir.o Ponch IWI aod BilT Knf- stamt i (. N KAKKB. COWPJtlt W. lteemkrlB-taO4t;-.' . .' For Ssilc. BnWIE AND PITCHERS, PtATFS. TEAPOTS, Pasr Dnks Eic( vapt aad TaaikUra Ovaaa aud Tom sad oxtra Lifts, aad thro boxoa LiqQorio. J, f ISA rifilf, CUWJPJiit & CU. - OTTOS F ARM t i COTTON FARM 1 1 ' ra yoo w Ast first rati cottos farm iJ ia oa BiIorKii(, N. 0 f - If yoa do, nil cn -:!'.V.V- rS v IMKKK, COWPKR A CO. Raleigh, December lB-tft2t',i . 'lf&l'- Foralc.4: NEW T0RK Goiha bb Grays a, Vi Shsa So Jo oornirom.nt,. ' ' Ut - JSA1S.C.H, CuWrEB CO. Det6-let If , -.."---r- vi- TWO C0MPETF.NT T0UNO LADIES DESIRK flTU tk.m a Teackeri of Mu.io. PaiiMtaiiC Drawtav. Freack, anjl UN JSnffiih briwli4 "'" 1 i JSAaKn. ConrHH A CO. Jaaosry 5, lBd-l4-t, . j?0K SALE. ! HAT,8 AND CAPS, Ht88 WI5E, AND p. tit! Carmlnalir BitUn, 3 .. B A K K K, COWPER CO. - Pjasigh. Jan t, III.aL THB JntXTfiRSSr!! OF THE NORTH QAR0LI ti InttitaUoB tor tb Dost aad liumk aad th Blicd.KilLAuamw.e4 0B Jleaday. Jaausry is, lSS. Paraol and frfoada of aaplli will pla ttad iha tn proBip. For tsrataf a'iBilttiopt Aey. ajply to m&i&79i&Z??-1!. 11 '''111 s J. f AU1 fcillr rrineipal-- OS WBDNSiDAY, TBB Wtfl OF JANTJAllT, ISSS, I sht vtit for fa's, mj pUatatioa ia Ber ti County, tvina; ob th Roaaok Rior, thn aii from Bill's rkrry oa aaid rim, and six frtm. tk tII .an of Wosdrtila in Herti Cooolv, ontinio tout ted to th ftrowtb of oottnu. oro, wbeatt Ae.., . -: ,,k .r. ... ,,, . 1..,. - - - - j ' f i . ; . n eottoa crop oa tk p amotion th aoit yar, kUin is eosipost aouta ready sua, I bum aosriy -rei. Tu p anta'ioa Dixie in IStt, ;i,tpoaadt of lint soitoa, aad 4.S00 aoskoit jf ora I and, sritk proper maoagtmont, will do (rt dai ltur ior th J licit year, as to boh u coiu.b ipa sat asa ran ror th .past two years: a vrr great aataouKO wbt'k ibis fans has, is it soDTenience to tnutpoil taiion. busing oa'y one mile to a (0' 4 lnumgB the river, Wbsrs ibsra ir- T'Xh-Kn--af Norfolk wekly. ' It Blition to' tk ab.jr,. ibis j th nnlyViier form in. tbia portioo of th seaaty tbat bas tn aWd Boagb, oaTooiantiy for ( tber is as sbnoiisneo bfr. aad timber of almost arery kiud, rv press. k. hlekery, asbe fan, Ae. ' Liunberdrat era asd do .! to saaiia tastlMjfora th day ofsa'o... , , -'.' :vj '..V'' '. - , ib'r are sbout 'nfl or SS srresoB tbn tfset sa eleared, which affLrds a a-tf fir hoirs, and a frao acetew lo nnm'br's wr of Bna!li ai4 loads rakl it very prokhib. for tb raliaiag fatll, win, As. r- v. 1, : ; v.!' tKt'-ni . Tb ioTuwrsoienU ?.Bit of i fra eo- -s-ti nsf ss Ubovero. cor bra k.' At tb aaw Hot aad plaeo, I shall sell IcHl or Ms k.frel of eon, foddsr, LilSal, btfS, bouil fsrmuif uton.ils, Ae ' , BS . . l. . I . ub. i .. i. ..h I i. a h'mnm im two .qanj ln.ulioouts, py,b fapetiv f ia I) aad WJSttB.thSI r d lit) v tkbeid satil poymiOiU aiadd For t)b periiisI p-oprl.. k. " ? L -Fr anv flrikr perurq or., addrasa lbs, iubseriber at EDB: MB'iisa e. oj, f- '. RALEIGH MONDAY, JANUARY 8, I8CG V . T. 1. MITCHCl.Ii, y axo. aixbh Y Mitchell Allien, Whftlcsale Dealers in -x EC AltTDWA. EE, 82 P OIL ON SIS EST, ATE IX STORE, ANDOFFBR FOB BALI ,V f dotea Anurted loeka, lstt pairs Hingoi, " tvtTOSs'Serows,, i OS dvsn KbIvm arid Forks, loSdusc Pocket koir,. ,ltt daaoa Taper, 0r Cat, Mill 8aa aad Bas- . tard FUs. . X '1 - A full sasoftnisBt pf CARPENTERS' rjoorEf S', ' MACHINTSTS. I j . BLACKS M1.TITS', TURPENTINE, ; 8ADLEBS' TOOLS, . la wbkh w luviU far Uulu attoatloa. 0 ksgs iters 8hns, . li kg Cat aad Wtoafbt Ksl's, lat Ktu Buitay aad Wafoa Rims, - I St att Hvttr ad Wavoa Beokr 10 Mttt Barer aad W.oo Hahs sad Allot, 1st tadlM .at Statf gaddios, BrldlM, Uarasss, ..-.-. tYkIpi. Collars, A. atS.ro0t'Ja'?-!-Si..a --.-- Haad, CroM Cat aaa Cirealat Bawa, ' . . ltaataor and Mr BoUms Barttd Bhootl-oaaBd Iad, -4. " Xia aad Hollow War. '.'' ' ' ' " W tiav owl ar Btntiy reivta( - Plnurrhs Shnls. -UocjvAxw4 Forks, i '.'.v...' . t BtrswAJnttrs, Corn SheJIers, & H.e .ciitrr ros trs etustiTta AOKMTa Wl BACK'S PLATFORM A COUNTER 80 ALBS, . AND ' ' E V A N' S ,t W A T S ON 8 LEBRATElV FI11E k " "r -MAiiA ijUJGLAUPROOF SAFES, wbleh sell at SBB'astarer's ptiaaa, Newborn, N. 0, 0t, tr, 1SU tt la..! ' THOMAB&CO., Bunkers, , ', 1 So, 178 BALTUIOXZ STRETT, B LTIM0KE, BID . WE HPT AND BEM 01 THR MOBT FAV0R abl Wnas, all thdiffernt - , , GOVERNMENT SECURITIES,. " " SOUTHERN JtANK NOTES, SOUTHERN STATE UOS03, ,: COMI'OUND INTEREST NOTES, GOLD AND SILVER.' " dkxit. 8omf. Ae . of our on market oa Cnnnts- aioa, in person and tbos of Nw Tork aad Phlla dalpaia tbiwighreliabi oorreepondonto. - Jfeibs VulUtttrmt, with prixnat relarni, a all a esasiblpiau, Miitlh, Couth sad Wash . v Draw Qold or Currwem );, ..f aav amoant. very Sett rate, oa Now Vora, Philadelphia, liostoa orKkuoxiod. " j , . . ii... J llo sterol oa Drootiltt at Gaidar Cum: mb. Jeot to cboek at sight. - ON H ABTD FOR SAXBt 1n,fO0 Roatbeni Bank Nnlef. 1 flUOtit Keren T b iftles, differaat series " !,( Five-Twontte ! sad 'St iSsBts.T " tJI tot On Year CerttlieaUs. . Mt It at-tf Couiniksion Merchant,-" r t'C&ci ." Ms ChAmerictm Pump, " " : A NEW AND WELL TRIED INVENTION, wwsatod to reus water froa creeter diptbi; to throw it farther by bos i t fore it U matw dill an by hnd tbaa any etber paap. Th beet iararaadV as;li.st tr. , ' - ? JOHN POWERS, MaaeraetBiw, , .v:.".:.i...rI.;..i:i4SI It,!th..Btft...i- Th Aaaraa Wind Mi l. Oardes BdcIbm. Brisk Blerolors, Bydropalta, Ho, Bobber aad Leather Beltiaa, Urass H" PipM, Cvaaliaaa, Bibbs, Pianos Keledeeae, ., always a haad d tS, lit, U JOnN F. TOAIlDr COSMISSIOX. ACCilOX AXD F0HWA11DIM3 : MEIi CHANT, , "ANP AOBNT POR1- t filing - bt- ttm$ $a sWr, ' If EAR OLD COCMTr WI1ARF J'ZWMfiS XS, , , . Kraap.arcaa, ;s ' i A T isrktws, Pnsidwt Baak f CiamM, Kw- hsrat lrWJ Hawkins, au Pres't of R iSlR; tloa N Boydoai Pre tr t; B It PaHsbaryt Col Wa Jobnstoa. Fros t CkarloU A 8 V B R, Chrlott Ron 1 hi Morehead Oraensboroi Rev Dr Dwbs. Ra- aigk aad Rov W K Pel), i tor of XmHitti at Raleigh. Fxc hango 1 1 otcl, , r;RALEIpiI,xN. C, '.r lj, '4i, 1! 3HniorESTABt.t5HMENT 4 AS BEEN RE OPEN L d this Jay aader tbBaaafBat f Babea sllae, -n , let of Kin. Km, a geatleBaa Wall known r r his taet ana sjooa aaagBat. . tt wtir sa thuroegh.lv furnihd and Itted ap for. the aesoBB. dailnaof tk aabiie. The former Btraa f tb bono aad all who favof ut with a eil ar intend Ibat va rj thing Bfilr to don " render the eaafortahl. v RUib, leaBary i-tll-las. Th .WPmins-toa bispateh,' ioldsbwr News, NewbeH Tintesr drsbor Patriot, Battel ary tta sett. Chariolte IkBoera and fdersbarff'tades will pwaaa Assort t Maw skd-aMdhii th poeprtetev. - GEO r. Dill, amniUelon auU Kerwardlss Mrrchsnts AND AdKNT FOR hiCRRAT? M. 0. JTEAhf fair Lisa, arha4 iiitj, i::'.:. .!. . -. ..... . Wlider's Pfttent Salamander Safes, WITH WltBER'3 PATENT POWDER AND BUR- : LAR-PRO0FJu0CJtS. ( "" B. a. Wilder dk to, - PATBNTKES AND MaNCFACTURERS OF THE BEST FIRE PROOF SAFE IN TOE ..- WORLD ! 1 JlWILIRS'aad BANKER? SAFES Bad WOr- . r. Iilacd Bilk Hardened Buel. iROtlSB AND PLATE SAFES. (110 THIS CBtRBRATED SAFE was awarded the I OULD MEDAL, at th World's Fair bt Lakdoa. IB IO. , M . . . . . .. . noTioB. mis ribra,id Fir Proof Sf Is a UofOT aad aad svld bv SILAS C. HKRRINQ, ha Ueenae ta Bake aad sell thea harias; xpird. Tks thoaasads of CertiBeatee Iroa Mershadts, Baekera aad MeekaniB f all trades, that bavs seen five's, la favor of this tk eely bra 8ALAMAN UER." rebderi it uaUe. Sutk.uiu.UuuiLuLt. ply werdr'Vats- tUirrm. tbti IMrfj thoaaand f "WII.DBR'H fVATKKT Iltiuivnill lltCK" bar been aaaafaetand aod tolit ia the llaitod Btat aad, la alaostmry Urtr tha has take pla darias ths last HraUn ara. thee Hal karcbeea ebeotdt. th serere.t easts, aad ao aw a IS -useatw jfesvaadW? Aas seer tm dnaroyesl. Ssf sold atliew Yiik prioe, with th Tfeifht a WilaiBgtoa addtd. No oaaiasloa har(d la Wii alagtoa. Wa an pnpand t tk rdr In tbe eklebrateA Bad, ttaaplo eaa be sees at ear ode ta a law aajre. , ;. Kvry Mer kaat ibeld bar oa -of tbaas sbs aadsasaraSaf. -- -- - - r-.-W- ' ANDREW8 k BARDIN. Coaimission Merohanta, - General Agent for North Carolina. 0o, No. I Boata Water Sveet' (Op bUir,,) WU aisgtaa, B. C. : .j v, i Ds.4-it-t Cot's Supcr-rhosplute of Idrv- BOBB MANTJUB. WARRANTED O E N C I N E. BEING MADE OF THE BEST MATERIAL AND la the aostapprev.d Banner, it ia leeotaaaenrled to ths pablie as SMpacior to Bay other la lb Berkei. AU wb her seed it etwek.ef it la the kigheet Bras Pf pralie, and ttrnee enjaged la lu Baoafaelan will SOBtiaa (heir "beat endeavors id aWvaao tha high npatatioa whlrb it bas eeqeired. c Wataaeaati th Phosphate w b wsH Baaafne ad, and raootaniesd H la prafareneo Be say other artitolal Ban are in th aarkat. W oaaidr il saarly eqnal to tb beet Pcraviaa flaaas aitkoagh larsisbed at half, tk prio. , Musis. B. H. Al A Co., the wall kaowa aaaa faetorera of agrlrBltwral lapleaMiU, say of 1, - "We take pleaanr la ataliag thai we bar sold ft F. Ooe'a Baper Phosphal of Lime foe fear years It has ghtsB aair aal saUtfaeUsa to osr aeatoaers. Ws Boa ehMrfnllf nd. tt as aa artiel worthy af th 0Btdav f th pablis, aad tb panhatar Baynly-apoa eeeurtt g aa atrial hoaastly aad sere fully aanofaetared. --.v. "W weald stat thai, after aanfal aismlastloB, w beltare thie Phoai hat has beea imprered each year aiae it in roSaetiuB ia this Burbot, aad that It will ontiuB to aainuin Ha present high a tend tag, "Very reepeetfoliy, '-' . , -. "IL II. ALLEN CO.," . , " Hi Watwr atreet, New Trk I. Fbam CoaV-llsfl'''"- v :Yf . Annased p4as Dnd raaatt ofay aaalvala of sam ple of your Sapor PheaphsU of Lla left with a. This belag saab a raperior artlele la rrery napaet, I saaavt rafiaia froa aoaaratBlatiag yea a bob aaeh Baaafsataiw, ahijeh andoabtedly will Beet ; with gnat sasssas - .; Wlaniagyon Try saeosas, lam, ,- BapetfaUv yoars, " 1 ' S. A. LEIBI8 BiiTiaiBB, Aug ait 1, t&4. Ottrf Phosphorle AaM Hyol. V ' 10.28 exnlainlng or Anhydrous Phot phorio AeiiL 71. Ot Bi Phosphst ef Lima. - 8.10 aoiitsiaing of Aahj areas Pbas pkori Ail. - - 8.70. Of Neatral phosphate of Lima 8.86 containing uf Anhydrous fhos- . rphoris Acid. . 4.86. Of SalphsU f Lima hydiated. 40.8) eontiuriing of 8vluluitie-.Ai-id(Scs.l 31 20. Of Alkaliag Salts a Hulphatea. Of Orgsnie Conbnstible Matter, , . . ,'" t.ll 1.868 o.ii.able of Droilucine Ammonia. . . 8 71 ' Of A trims) Coal and Sanrl.-' w " """8.00 Phostjboris Acid soloble in Water; -Jt.t8. Pbeaphorie Acid rasolubl la Watar. ' 4 tt. ' Ammonia: - - - 8.78. -ft 'i.ii-, ?".-' . ... MAHoracTimtD r ENOCn COK. Hontor't Paint L. I. nPBB D8DKR8IUNBD HAYB BEEN APPOIW I ted Agents fur the Bta a of North Carolina, aad wtU snppl this sapef lor fertiliser ataaaBfaetarara' prise. . .K W( .: lo sp ia Barrels r ahrat 1M poands wslgkts. "iOVTWr Bnrrals w in Bz;zV asd for sale by y:rr-' ;i;,t!-;'.; O. O. rAKSLEI U CO.- WllalBgUa, If, C5 Jam, llSWa, J : r A rjoarding Jlouse,: Mrs.1. J t. Fentress.4 ilAN ACCOMMODATE FROM tlTOldMEXBEtS J of tb Lgislstan with goad larjt reoas, eheap Boardiac, aad th nositir saaeraitee that aotbies shall k left aadoas to sear their peraooal ssafort sod eonrmienc . Thos istehi ta ta aacarins; a boas for a short time, will pleeee aaka ear. appli atioa. - - Rabjiga. Xaeaahwr 1 td-lat.-;.- a a. i. a. wAecarve, e. r.rcerr. COMMISSIONiAND FORVVARDINCr P urehagintc Agent i, W GEJfERAla pnODUCDEALERS, Uppualta lb uattsa Haaa-t d .:,. KEW BERN,, N. 0. H : 'tp" Doesmber lfl lltt goia . J'"'',-- f COOKEfS HOTEL- IB open, aad thja wb ar trsvetHsg aad wieK eaortJl ajaarter aad .geod-tatiog, stop, at Ceke' My terras will be S aoderaw as pesstht for iks.tlasa, Tea will always tod eeaveyaaa at lb deput U takryaata either of the Hotels la this Cityl bath a or to inquire fuf Coka's,whsr yoa will rot jr -.d U4fig, gvoo! mm rmi eM(r ta driak, aadssnwet aaok if vea wis it. ' t U h prepared a aeeoBBOoata tt ST M SBa hers of tb appro sehlag Cwavwauon. " . : B0.-t.tJCKlIB, , ' SetteaVer L lJI.lttt t' '' NO.l26j aaiitsi:, General CoDarniwsion AHP ;V:.;..-lj 6 MERCHANT. NO 23 NORTH WATEH ST. ''ti WIL11IN0T0N,'H..0, -; nONsioNaENTS OFCOTf ON. TfATAI. sfntn j-U Laabw, aad that Pndao for 81 or Silppiai' mmn.ii; oinitow. juioenu aavaaaaasau aad at"0rdrs promptly exaeated. NovtS J-Ja. PRIVATE BOARDING. MRS. M. A E BAM8AT WILL ACCOMMODATE eeatleaan Biaas.as with Basis at tit per week. Resldeso Bear B. F. Moora, Esq Nash iqaara, r fronting 6h 1 also nrfparad U aska ap-' prassst or other needle work la gnoj" st) laT 7 Bslrg- Nov.EMyV do ss, w. cab sou, y ot.aor, ' a IT(I JOSEPEI HOY & CO, COMMISSIOX MERCHAATS, NO128 PaABi 8TB EBT, NfiW TOHX Commission lllerclmnts, 1 HO. 88 s?BRDTJDO BTRJCCT, KwWOrisant. i,::..V ' ' aaaaav . Msrs. W. S. ill TTJCITEK. : 0. B HARRISON, Bsa!" 7' ,;x;77'B,FM00RhVB.8a, ';.(:" eSSBtiRla'1wS It Hseov.a Sr., t Ooctaaa Pbob BALllMOtiS. ir ivha. COMMISSlOif MCttfJ HANTS ' yoa ths SAis oF."- ' Cotloa Tarn. BheeUatt sa4 .OsBrgs, -b)4 WfwlMI Ow4a.'"4 iv-'J "BJIFillttOB I - chiiTi: m-iM?wftrrKT Cha B. Mallets, Baq., - Geo. W Wiiliasas A C, Jess BL Liadsay, Jum Sloan. Beq., i Tkoaas R. Tat. Xio.. rWijbsjBTBe - Feyetteertl. -Fayette. 111. ,. Onaborv ; Oreenaboro. CharlotU. , , . K. Miekle, Bsa., Cashier UnUa Bank. Baltiaora. " Ootober ISS-ly. Select Boarding! School for Ytmof Lad tea, MRS. PEND.BR IS PREPARED 10 OPhN A Beheel furyoaag ladies, t her Twaidbae Beat balea, AT. C. Ih loeaUoa Is hwaithy, ratind and p'aasaat. Arraageaat anHia aad ta near th sOTvleas of eompetent tea Is lent, aad very' faeili ty will be afforded for tha roltiaatlon of th hearts an A aind f Aha yoaog ladiea plsosd aader bar eharg. , , ,. , . As th aaakar f sapils b liaiUd, applieatlea Bail Invariably be aad In adraaa. --Tha Srat aasaioa wl'l begin oa th tight of Jansary, tt4, closing oa thasaathof Jsne following. Korpar- wnim as9.a.r. rsauss, - ' i , ... Balsa, ForsyUta Coasty N.fl, VwweaWM.MJsjai.-S;, : v . . Yaloable Property for Sale. , T WILL 6BLL0H1 HALF OR TW 0 THIRDS Of A Mai vola.bla property, PitdaoBtSpriags la Butk Coanty, N. C, to aay aaa wb will na ids Bpoa tb prealaes and (Ire it bla atirattatie. ' 1 There is gold Bio apoa ,tk pre ia tee a wblek will psy ss wsll to work as say probably ia tba Stat. 9 parlor water power for driring aaehlaery. Cliaat aad watar aaiorpasaed, aBa larg o,atity or sop rior tiabtr, Th building sow and lU Bocoainodat 1M persons. Ih soU Is well adapt4 to tk saltan ef th grass. , fraita, and tka viae. . "y a aaa of eaargy aad eepltsl, a forian aaa be aade her ia a few fears. Addrees, . ,10. LlMDjAT, Norfolk, Vs., November 15-83-atawlat . THOS JJ1UNCE k SONS. Svessaor Street. Peksrshwrw. - TnOSTBRANCII k CO.- ft.Mals Straat, licbsosd. . " BRANCH, S0N & CO TT '""'''''AniwBtavww.r'1''1"1' B"; - Baakers asd CsMlaawi BfarohaaU.. 4 DEALERS IN COIN, FOREION AND DOMESTIC Ssohaagts, Soatksra Bank Nous, Btocka aad BodVls.' ' . -t . . swrlatsnst allowed sa Deposits.' Colleotloaa Bad tSnagbsat th United tie tea, and sperlal at, teotioB glvas to the redemption of Soaihera Bank Note or Baaka aoeosat. .is c.ib t. Liberal edraaeanawts aade-ea aoasiraattt of Cutton, T ibssjio oi,srtjrpdoi!t.tii ih.la.t rwpoadaaU In Ba Uaore. Now York. Liroroooi. BreBOB and Antwerp. - : 11 . TSey aolil tius.ses Kota or .the verifies North Oorolln Baak wbleh thoj will urnlib at fair rae s partie wisblag ta psrekass t i ar eld aotibl wo tea t Ui Beaks. . Dm t ilU m. , COPARTSEESlilP. Nawsaae, N 0., No.mber lat, 185. TTTB HAVE THIS DAT FORMED A COPART If nerehipasder tbe asa aod sly I af : .;fWiitford;DiH for th toasaaetioa of a Shipping and Oenerel ' ia tbia Tows, West side ( rare Btreet, 0 "aid Cobs- ,v-: .-l.y;. . ";,.7ty-Waart,v, . . ... Z T thssl ef Co'ton, Nasal Store, Tobseeo. Lem ber, Stevas, Bhinglea, Cum,ad all kinla ef Pr doo aad MerebaadiH, ana s. te u sa and parvhai of Real ka a a and nteia sad ether Bteoks, w will givs tar psraoaial atteatloa, ' I r Wr Agattts for.. Marry 's North Carolina Seal Weekly Lis of thipa, helwee wbrB aad New Vorlvaod for failing Vessels for Ba tlaora, fbilsd i"Ta, and 'hr port la tb United btstes and for ditsrsal peats in tb Wet Indies Thai It will be so tbatwa ar famished by oar ess vea.aia with tbe aao pleat facilities lor the speedy Imaeport. lioa al Freight and Passenger Bui ia adduioa to Aim, then is A Weakly Ho of. 0-et ftsaaabips oa th Saat route, end a Iri-week'y .lit f uaaers by in and route tbroiixb Aibetnarte aal Cbesapest i'a aal to Norfolk, He, tint r.. Phi ado phis and' New i orh ) bcnr.a llerobentt and tibippart 0 trust lug jhe train portet.ao of tbeir freight ta as, an hi aiih oeaAijeeo on iuspeedytrau.it. . - . 7. ,A-" a wl I ssaaa liberal adraas wa aoaslga. Bant. ' " ' . r'. ' .""". All letter a. Ill Mia aad to a oa th seMt ot friKlit, r oa any ouptv av.loaaa, wiu e ptomp ly SBawered. J0 l, W ul i'FO Jal. SjEDittlB W IrtU wM.O. WttlirOstD.J'L llttl uu. - -., I Special AotlcM, "nnder a'tneeial hal, will b tsmrgwa MdoUar ftt aqasM tn -tsjen intrtioa. ' Funeral notices will be charjred as advertlsMirmts. ; . Tb simple announcement ef a drtl4 er marriH will aatHVharfred. ; . , - -! ;, - mzsm!xsemmmr ,.i i.:uiij'g;1! 's--; tO CIS BURG Tan EXERCISES OF TniS INSTITVT'OM i... daay in jlsnuarri Looi.bnrg I (n FrankliB Connie, N C, nli.e m.Ua, fr. a Frwikiintoa Station, os tb Kslsigh and (iuatta Railroad. " - I B'twaea.tH pa'kti tVere Ii a dillt 'sler lin;' toaawetllig with train cuiug North and Booth. ? - Ta ooaetnnity in wbioh tb Coll.ge ia Iwata i, U BTitad far haelth aoelal t.Sa.ai.ni . -II. kthrtatisa a iraliiy, , - . ' ... . .. ' B isrdlng pupiis will be mated aa mmb'r tt ,o , Prldat's taB.iljr. aod their phyttesi weliarv boilt la htsllh aad aieinoas, will rno.ire pt- Wt attuti.ni. Thoar f aiady nqaisila fur gra lnaii.in, will baaawoa! fra.i of orhoiarjliip, bight ionrne-.x ttos,tkoroBgh aad syaleBatie. ( arenu are reqnr.l-t 7 I Mtraet their daonhiera, aot t paras asWf.ta oa er two sstrs stadi ia eoDnertteo with vij fal ls cnbrr. . . .. PapUs will t a good library, sad en. Joy- thebmeniof KirtanswlrtnjijrsTsi.iirTortu u m king Iks stperiBsatsJ seienoea. ,. woeernautef the rap l. will h aUd tad perms-' (, bat Bra aad deelded. Btrtei atlenUoa will he psid ths aorsl aad nllglon ealtnr. ,. ,, . , . " No anlform will h r inind fof the present Es trseagano in Pes will aot ba neoaragd. ' Papti. will aot be permitted to eoatraet debt. ' Book and stationery will he furnished at tha Col. age. : . . - I barges will In th sent as tbosa adopted ia tha Onenaboro -F aaa! College before lb War, VUr " Board, per soaaloo of S Boathi, aidluatv of wssbnig aad lights, ' f SO SS Taitioa ia regular eoarss Incladiag Letin, W Stf . ttTBA STUD IKS. . - . Moat oa Piano aad Uoitsr, ewih, Fnoeh aad Drawiag, each, Pamllo la'Oit, . Need! Work. - . lu OS 2(1 0 t to Th above oharraa.'to be nab! la annate, or Ira eon i v. Blent in eorrlni.v; On. It.ir in ..i....u . ,i... .u aaiudei at ska oe ef tbe aeesiea..... huaaa papti Ah famish oa pair shoe!, and p.li .w ease, and tow. ala. .,. T.vAL,JQNES. . .ii-ififr- liillaboro N. (J. Mliltarr Aeadcuir. rJUB1TB:;BESSI0NL'.w" IW Asadear will brgia'ea Moadsy, th 1st dsv o( JaaT aaryjt.rV . : . titrealar farnlahed aa application to : ..i-7Ji. ;:... s j , 8upennte.iJtintn. fiiltaboTO, Dafl. 1, 15551 swjwi. " - I' Btaadard Wilt i.lesaa aopy , - A PI IT ATE SCHOOL. ; MISS MANOCM. will span ths sevonth seialou of hr School tr yonag ladiea, at tb rsWcnneof he Mother, Mrs. Willis P. Maneum. oa th iSih of January I St. Oat a liaited Saabor of on n lla aaa ba reeelrad. Tby will tad a horn la bar Mnthai's anily. For " parttsuian appiy w , , MTssst p. HANarw. - Flat River Oraog.Co., N. C " Nov. IS-ST'Sm .. ciashicaL.and Mlat!icmaHcai.fcliUMl TALLY IKt, N. C. npaE SPBlNdl' SESSION OF THIS SCHOOL i.p.na oa the lad holiday Is January nest. - Th pre of beard end luitlnn is ons' kttndrad dollars. Addreaa tb priaolpal at Osf.ird. Da, tt 15 S Davenport Female Colloe. . . jtSRvlB, 0ALDWSI.S COPStT. K. C . rf BE EXKRCIHF8 . OF ITHIS ISSTnTTION Will be ntttaaed oa Mosd iv, th Sflih f Fbrua- ry, 18ttl, with a lull orp of inatruotos. This lu.ti tntlon is d tgbtfully situaud at Lesutr, twelve utiles Iroa I osr it ' ttstnB on ths Wesisrn t-i toiljtoij. - YfcRM, V i Board fof twenty ike Taitioa in Engltah brauohea, , ' Ma.is and pae of Piano, v .1 Irawing. ... . - .- y Painting In 01', ... . , Latin, Uroek, 1'renoh and German, , ' i -PRIMAIT DEPARTMENT. Taitioa la Srat eisaa, TuliioB ia sseond elaal, v 8 to) Jr) so JISS to " ()Sh. tet utt HUB I'ualiBgeat to to b paid hv esfh .. . ttdont, on entering th College, I - Far clroolar, addraasnntil lat of FotrnVry. Bvju.fifiU'rnji, . , , . AuaonrilljTy. P ST All ef tba sbors Pflcatsrs to be p. id Iti.tiieTti ps us qivaiak ..!,. .. ... .. TRINITY COLLEGS, BT.C rT'HB NEXT flRSSION WILL COMMKSCi! OM I the llin ..f Jai uary. and os oa lb ic' d Tharsdsy in June, (Ths Colis,f bs been rrnrcen . 'sed, relarnUhrd, end iitmtiti pi ed ia a n e eoedrtion At presmit, baerd r!l bsi 8t n't-'" aonth la erreeSy I taitioBaed ibrepenar v?i tunl rates. A U ss peaaes to b. paid ia .ivm. A, daily hak will ran froa the Col te ta Uiy'li Puin on ths N C Ksllrod. Fur further inf .rimi.uir, ,i. dress tha Bndesf.i'uMd. 7 .. U. tiaAVBN, Pras't. ae. a-ll tm. i ' " if fitevo :it Wilaiaatoa- tumutob, KeW,i.. Tlae.'Fayttf til Nowa, Oiarn b. in Ptr ol, Clmr. lott Drraort aad Pelorabiirg InJ , oj. wnaktVr m bob lb, aao rurwa.a aae.iBi.ts t ais t lrc.it Ml MATTIt; "IXULtSfUSS 0l'kM.VOr a 8 ah mil, n alia lat day of Jinuary nei.t. at toe iaijaaee of ker Bother, one dooi below loiAe a llj tel. , . . .(7Tv . - la sVI'itloB to the Bncllib branobes. will he t.u.l.t. If deairrd, Pr.n:b, and Mu inon to P.iiio. ' naiaiu, . . 4, wee, a aii, w. . DR. W. R. JONES fVFFkRS I11S 'PROFESSIONAL BEKTICE3 TO Vt the etttseos of Kliit. KtSie ovr P. F. Peenud's Drag 8to. . ; i Csa b lound al Bight at tii ntsidoni of Rev. J. M. Atkiasra. . . ,1k. Ra;'r. WoveBber . Wtt rrta pd. '-ri " ,' istotioe. Bt VtRiUBtiB A DKCREE OFTBE COt'RT OF Ple.s boo g iirier 'SnaaioBi of Craven e"unt -, lieoeiiiltar TeiB, 1SSJ, I . sjfcll l), at PuMic i-i.'e, to tba biheJ hld ier, Ml the lb day t,t Jnnaf ir j tr.a liOXPt VLASiJUX io, bctooii U th I tl no. f a-r). . BiUdlr, dareaaed, OOMt.Hii,iii I itlll. ar.' I: Ik . Unite J eiLlhs &2Hih siil of Nena pru, mid i'rae.;.iB.ijljtj. to titer, S a ilea oiwre ifherir,. sod is eon of ts beet farms on tbe rivrr.fur ri.e pru -duotl' a of Cultofi, Ciirn, Proa, arid tthar eroa' osu ' a 1; grows la this saetlwn Kk State. ' ' A vrodit t 1, 1$ end Bi..Dti. a will bs given, anil hotida with suiial.rt.iry srcuriiy riutr.i. ISi. 'tait will b aavih si ihe ra. . :...... ,6AM"L L. BIDlLrV"" r ' ' A Jia r I ban I. F. Biddje.dea..edJ 'BaAlt t'J. MS. ' Srabi ,11...,--, ...., .. y tr. , s-vv T- wa. v- - r; , :')-: V v,- ' 7 K . , , 7 (1