. -..-. .. '..' - -vA,. ,T:; ... ..' . .---.x . . . -. ........ . ,y: -'-...-- ., ..;:,v..L- U , X --J ' C lljfy''Jr'l"l'!ll ' ppmBsW THE D'AILT SENTINEL. tlVi:iITISIt"G IMTCttl AdTtrti)pnti occupying not nort this 19 linn of minion tpo witch coastitueg tnmr : ' WE. E. PELL, Stale Printer, TEltMS. OF SL'BSClUPTION. Tks StKTiXittt i fiublijtmiJ. every lusrninjf ei ejil Sntcldy, on tin following ifrmi ; . 1-60 1 month . io '; loo. month 19.00 '; 190 a ----- - jo,oo loo :. .oo 9 90 " "for one ip-obllT, - - , - $1.00 t&i two. nontb,' ' - - - 109 Special Boticej. BnA,r . i,;.! -m l. Tiiree luoalhl, - 3.00 . ii inontiui, . . , .,. OiOOj oargd ondollr pw lo.unre for ch iottrtlon. Y Ifuneriit ootlfr will h.liiri4 ...(;.... VOL. I. RALEIGH, TUESDAY, JANUARY 9, 186(5 1 0t A The 4llBP!e onnonnOnMOt ieh or nttrrluo will n bt chard. 1 JL Jl.JU.-JL r K7 JUJi .M JJL JL 1 i .UJ JLJo ' '-" j f-y vlr tulicit U fii of our fni).ls ia extend- NEWS BV Till! MVILS. ' Washington Kew X TUB HEXtCAS MlNIfTEK ;V- W vfiiN'uTos, Jq. 8. It appears that bu erro- noous stiiteinent i ij cirRillution 4n reference ti flcnor BomeM, th Muxiftun MiniittW, on the mj rn.iun of Itic Nuw Year' visit, to ; tlw exut!re mansion, "flo far from, the diplomatic cqpg twviiTg ignredJtii,,e( was curraniljepprtciU it 1b mow known that ho not only agreeably con- w rth.tlie -iiwrte ivhose (toremnient. gnd.ttia fltttute orifflnallv framwjjto kevj) me.n have not, but also with l f Uos whose in gaTPrT , now rffaSpu,' secure tiiir-fiW .vem.nt OTTCfoiwrt Maximilian's gov- jolni The anM penaltied onca linpoeed for cninient. The Spanish ltopuhlies,- s t Micvod aidinft men to escaiw to freedom are to be Inl and also Prustsm are Included in tlie former fw try3nj? to keep fa-giaTery thot who uissi-j . uiqcic. . , , , - The publication oflke here has just issued the correspondence of Mr. Romero, the Mexican Re publican Minuter, with riixrretary Seward, in re iurion to the decree .of Maxiuiillian, ordering all Mexicans .found in amis opposed U himsell, to be treated as . banditti and executed. Mr. Jomero argue at l"nfth ajfainHt the injustice suflfHWuuy of tlie decree, l'ullinr as it doira, he claims, jipon rejrulaftfllficer and soldiers of tlie armV, all classed as puorrillas by Maximilian. "On the 18th 'of October last," says Mr. Itiiinc ro, Gencrnls prtega and 8ahuar, and Cols. Iiar., Paracho, Villa, tionpes, Fere, M(Iuea aJia Mill ans, five licutonant colonels, eight commandants, rrmi a iiotitstt-ttUftlitmtj aiUcers,.iKfixe,ub. T 1 .. I X I J 1 A I. I' 1 A' I id the town of Santa Anna, State of Michoacan, us appears from the official dispatch sent to the liKimti h m nf to rhi. usurper, ol wnicn l enclose copy in r rencn. :T!i tlro. - gntMr arwy-'Of 4bb.icpab4ie diuaa. ai education and prol'vssion, juid j.had foultt tor the inch'pcnd-nce of their country from tlie tirue the-French first landed in Mexico. These distinguished Mexicans were executed in ccor-, dance with tlie atiovemtmtirmed Woody- decree ot the nsurer of Mexico, arid I have hiforma liOT, of theHmth of whidirtnijisppny ther U no doubt, that two irenerars and lieutenant colo- ..nck were barbarausly jBacriflccd in JiwrjBt vio . Ulion of tlia lau-s of ar-juul cer-pruuuple of justice." ; ... "w Mt Seward, on the 3d of Xowmber addressed a letter to our minister at Paris, savins : "I am directed bythe lesictentta reqiiw y0tf lo ask tne serious anontwn 01 iu rencn government tthe military proceeaK n -Wti vj W OKtrl nrave Jicxicans, taKen ycsjitive wniio aunenng in war 10 ineir own repuuuean government, are denied rights wb.icb.ihe la of nations invaria bly accords to pritomers of war." And on the 28th of the same month Mr. Seward addressed another letter toMr.-Bicelow, in which he save : .''With rcfcrencto my diopstch of the 3d inst. it is now tnv painl'vil duty to acquaint you thai ii. i lUHb I iiiformationinia been received irom the minister j of the re-miblicajD ' government ot Mexico, ac credited Jo tlii government, to the tiffect that the sanguinary policy referred to in tho alxrve namedciispatch has actually been ,!nantrurutrd by tlie execution of several distihjKUlshed olii ceitif the Liberal forces, who bad been ur prised and captured by the Imperialists at San- ta Anna Amatian, namely ; Generals Ortega and Salazar, and Colonels Diaz, Parada, Villa, Go-' idea, Perez, Milchia, and Viljonos five lieuten ant colonels; eight commariderv1"! nam- ber of subordinate olticers. , It devolve upon me to instruct you aaiii lo call the serious at tention of the lmrK-nal crovernntent to this sunV ject, and Mr. Drouyn L'hny that . these reports have been Received" with much concent by , toe - goveTmnent of the raited Statjcs. " If. upon Investigalion, they snontd prove, a mere is too strong grouna tor jttetieving, mat they are well founded, we cannot suffer ourselves , to doubt that no far as the government oi Franca ia concerned,' it can never countenance pToceed- trigrwhteh are so repugnant to theenlinwaHf I modem civilization and the instinct of human nature; Mr. Bicrelow, under date of Paris, Xovember 30, write to Mr. Seward af follows : f Sir 31. Drouyn D'Lhuy has referred to the representa tions I had made in regard to the shooting of the Mexican prisoners taken in war, and also tb thecase f Madame De ltoj-bide. 'Why,' he said, ' do you not go to president Juarex t . ? Wo - are not the gorennnent of Mexico t and trotj do -"m&6TntBail6Wl U aach.r' ! . " We had M V go td Mexico with an army to secure important interests, but we re hot re sfnsililefo'rmiitnali or bitfgrmnmeirtrHe" is accountable, a to any other government, if be I violated ita right, and you have, th same re- aource that we h4"--v-,.;: - , , ' 1 . Mr. Seward, under date of Dec. 10th, inform Mr. Romero that the latter s dispatch and it ac- 4 companwrienta, lor which h tender. Ms"tbtrn1ts7 have Veceived the consideration to which they werejuHly entitled by.tiit government. 4 -,, j ' TDB FREKDMEN IS OLKEAD. i I enatoF Trumbulti' Wst- iBrcv days, gave notice ot ms intention to uitroduce , . Kilt w1,l.k h haa'ainrw riiviiWI 1nfA.n mnA ' wfi ...hrrtitthem to the Senate to-mormVZ - une o utem " F"" 1 Freedmeit' Burea, and the other i to Brotect all persona in the United States in their civil I . i A 1-. .-..-. s? at. . w :... puwers . lit. , fn(f , 6 0tUer . U Protect I right and furnish the- mean of thoir vindica-1 Uon. The firet provide that ill th iusurrec- tkn9ryv6Ustrict7;lieTe,- by State law or Custom, .iT.?i J..i,Ji.U .A wkijL'aa.J . any of thecivdnght belonging to white persons are denied to negroes! or mulattoes, br whenmhey are subjected to diSurent pttnishment than is prescrioea tor wmies, ino omcera ana agents ot. Ik. wwm.. tt..!.. ai,.ii Ju.. . !l .S.. L!l... lL. .i!.. . i.1 . " ,'dlscrtnUH im ' all eases which affect such necrroea ormula& ja.ii a- .vnauww .u"..M w. ruwi - -tclhrnjr and lmpisonment, througll the courts of the Freedmen it Bureau, all person who shall sub ject negrjjpjrjnulito, in consequence of his race oi color, to sny otiier diifwent punishment "thn ia Drescribeil fir white Bersonsl or shall denyhimnnir civil rights which belong-to theif,ifc white race. , "The judicial power weucised by the Freedmen Bureau is to cease whenever the : States where it U' exercised are fully restored in an ineir constitutional relations to the XiDioh; The other bill is of a permanent character, to ppty io,a part. or tne Ltte1 Btates. It de el" that the inhabitants- n&f every race and color, without regard to former lvery, hoil have the. same right to make, sue and enforce . , mi vjueni ; purcnase acea, Hold and convey real and personal property-to enjoy full and equal ..peneiitof all laws, and the aecuritVof . "persoa and property j aLLbe, atdjjieati 4ik puisdssV J ment, paias 9ld isenaltie, Ay"W, regulation o tttstom to lh cWrwynotwithstanctlric. 1 - v. . ..... r Other provision of the bill make it t criminal ollenco lor any permn unuor color or Ibw, or custom, to (ieprivs of any of his eqnul civil righta and immnnititu, (flven the Unitoct Btntet l ourw exclusive jurisdiction of the cnocs ot all pentnaa thus diJiorinunated arrainRt and of all offi-nect committed against the priso iers of the act; makeii it the Uuiy or tho iiiilicml auluuri tiw of the United. States; aided, if neewsary. by the uiilitftry forces, to excute the tmin and provide all tne machinery tor making ttve Ijjii effeetivet Nearly all the provfsiona of thebid I lujritive nave act are tncorjorateti info tnw din, .i have just lwineU theretrom. WW. J. BiKll. rt'LlIKI COWPBB, W B J'lHSI. BAKEB, C0WPEK 4i ( 0., AUCTION AND COMMISSION x 3kIorchantrf, raTErsT(LLit irmt " ' ftAL,EIGU. W. C. linttSELL tl, KI"3 OF PROIU'CE AND IT too.ii of bj ite.criptioo oa ICamaiii'i-iB or i Aactiua. WiM. collt ill clim nd iD.ilriiloml debt.. Ite-p on boi far !, and will boy ko4 nil HoM ru dUrsr Cl and Bank ot. DM is m . I Hi if if R pnitPKR c(i I . .., .. : Rlclb. December 11 U tl. , Ior Balo LBA j fat IIiwm or M ijix, aad- IIar Cut- . BAKEtt, COWPER & CO. BaUlgb, Daesmbw J-li9 tf- ; J For Sale. L AW sad If isecilsMnui Bonkt, te. . UAKER. COWPEK & CO. Dtaetster li 10Wt .' ' " ''":'? 'V- Eofi. Sale. a haNDSOMS TravelliBi Baisu, In. Eugrieb Bug.r, a "Muiurd, Spaa Cotton, China, 0t tbudrbn's ant, BAKEB, COWPEft k CO. December 15-1 00-tf For Sale. - tNTitrnn vtirriii ti .. l . i w. t o-.. U lbin Ct'A.a UUIIVl) ouiir TWIVJT, CIHV'in f4J V.v.W. lea, at D...la H.hl mwA Qil..B Vo.. 1IM M HII, VIB BHf gBHVM BWWB BB.'HWWlwa WB,a-I December 19-109-tf. For Sale. BOWIES AND PITCHERS, PLATES, TEA P0T9, ngar DilbBS, Egg tnps aad t amblers, Ovens sud.Zpsaad.satr Lide, and tbr box. Mqnorlce. ; 4 " B AKEii, CO WPER & CO.' December II lit tf ; , . , : ' . . ; ...V"";": . v,. . COTTOS r A I . COTTCMI FAB 91. 1 1 . rtOTou want a first ratb cottos farm U in ooe mUeof Hale.gh, N. 0 1 If r- do, ll on. - BAEKK. COWPSB A CO. ; Balelgh, Deeember 2M19-tfi ;, y , ; ' i i - i " ' '.' I I, i i ' i i ' NEW Y0RK Qosb.o a d Gray sea, Vs. Bn eheap to eloe eonsirament - " : BAKER, COWPEE & CO Dee ft lofctf '::':' . 1 . . ; TWO pOMPBTKST Y1U89' 1.ADIF8 DESIRB BITIJ v -hobs as teaenera ar ataaiOi raiaitns, urawliig, amajui tDg;un nrancDet genetiiy, . y , ; BAKkH, COWPKet A CO. January 6, lM6-l-24-tf. s .. . ,,', roSTSALE H" ATS AND CAPS, nilSOEa; liff AND DR Orton Cml-atlv Biterri.- r . - ,,iv- . . ia rw r. iv, w iirun ts vtr. - -t-rr. rv " KotlCfr - - ' . x rriHB NBXT SBBS105 OF TUB NORTH CAROLI 1 ,,io.titn,rtoa tor tb . Deed and Dumb and the mud wilt eommeno oa Monday, Janaary 1st, 18ft. Tarents'a'Bd friend. f pupils will please nd them la promptly. For torn dmissioa. As., apply to yy'j . PALMER, Prineipal De29.11. lm. in rJuT aa r sale. A WBDNFSDAYi TBB i4TH OF J NL'ARY, I g ICI1 I .ka 1 AfK.Sk Cab aa a an nlanlalinm lea. Ua. ti. n0OBty, lying Mi tb Boaaok Riv.r, bo HillVerry on said riv.r, aad six fr tof WooAriil. tn B.rtU County, eonts ... CMBt. ,-te Boanok. ltiv.r. throe mi .. AWW, M mum a.J ii-buibwivsi ut yi from Hill's-ferry on Mid river, aad six from tb vll ntsiaing 09 acres, more or iess j 0 aeres eleared and well adap te to tn. growta 8r.Bottoworn,.wa.at, e. x , . . eottoa crop ea tb plantation th a.xlytar, a there ,, apomtrntok ?ody made, to manure nearly 109 Mrs. Tb piaauttm aiad In lsi,43,6 pounds 0f lint eottoo. and t,W bushels of er : sod, with proper mnagmwtwiti uo xiaww-a. o.w.r tor i Imkt wemt. 'as ska mT1 tti sattM laael ha had twtt . ' . J. J.... ...I.... . Kir the naat two veari. A verr Brest ad.anUae :, ., , ... . , . j..,. I bleb this farm has, is It eoareni.ne. to trans pur taiion, being only one mil to a good landing va the j riter, where there ia a regular line f staatn-rs ts No-rfolk weekly) la addition tn the bure, this it tb only rivetl fan la tbis portion of the eounry tbst baa ere wood eneugb, oreaiatiy ror as t tber i aa abatsdano herw, aad timber ef almost svery kind, eypress, oak, hickory, aahe f nm, Aei Lumbar deal an would do w.ll to .lamina tbe bvl before tb .day, Tber r beut 409 or 909 aere n this tiaetsa- oleared, whiek'sffvrds a tna rang fvr bogs, and a free aoeeM Co aamberlen a res ol onwitivaum lanat render it vry preatable for tb reismg.f e,it)e, unite. An. - -:. ''' : The mtprevements eoftiit of a gia boaa and -ot to raw, vrae's teaae, .eotne eogi fur x or It laborers, eora hero a. An. . At lb same time and plaae, I shall Mil 360 or 301 harrell. of cum,, .fodder. mnle. aaira, nor, rarmmc nnnaua, an . forma for the lend " tl.iid cxsU. Uie ba'aooe far two equal taataJmeat, p7hlfpetir!y ia 11 aad )( months, an-dv4itl withti.ld ,eali) pajnient.. ota-i For teprihbi propertji; eish,-' vx Tor any fartke partieuiart, addrau'tb tabseribsr a Kutoid, Hattfaw muny, N. e. - -'';?,-, H- P. C. CLARK. ' Jaa 9, 19994JS-td.. I - j-; ts , T, . :yir uttcatL . UKO. AIXSH T. J Wholesale iKfalers 1 In Jj.HD "W A. K E, a l'OLLO CX S TBERT, NEW PBS, N. C. ' .'. H AVE IS SI0Ha,AND OFFEK f QR SALE -1 dei AiflJ.Llcs, - . VV iaut iliujor, " ' ' iiiO gross Serews, ' , ' . S04 don Kuitci d Fsrks, - tbH lidivaTatttl kslvsi, - .,. - : 1K' doscn Tsper, CroM Cat, Will g and Bu , Uai Filts. A full assortment of CARPENTERS', , C(X)PES, MACniNISTS', blacksmiths'. -turpentine, sauleiis'tools, u which w invit psr icuUr stK-nlioo. " A ISO - I0 itti (torn fibres, Id iftti Baggy and nagaa Kiais, 109 setts uugfj ad Wscon Spokt., In .itti Baicvv and Wagon Iluba sad AsIm, H L.llot and Genu' Ssddloi, Brldlas, Usrnsss, 99 Bag 6htj - --flnd, Crf Cut and ClreolrSwa, Laatbrr and Habbtr Bsltinj, . Har and 8bet I-oa and LbmI, ' Tin and ilullow War. . ' . NA 'Wftttfiv si nil aiti ftut.aiiLtr Msaivlii 1 rioogh8, bhovds, ' .. tlW Axo,. Forks, : Straw Cultors, Cora. Snellen, &. SOLI AGENTS BOH THB CKUtaaATCO QVEEX0t TUB SOXmB" COOKSTOYB. ALSO ' . f ' AGENTS ros PAIBBAK'8 PLATFORM COCKIER SCALES, I - r , - AUD - ' EVAN'S & WATfONS UELEUUATE1) FIUE BUULAH-FEOOF SAFE3, whlek we sell at atsaalMtarer's prices. N.irb.rn.N. C, 0t, if, 1899 9t In,. THOMAS & CO., - , Bankers. -yo, nKBAlTLttOlE STREET, . BALTIMORE, MD ';, N WE BUT AND SELL. OJT TUB JI08T FAVOR abl toriaa, all the different GOVERNMENT SECURITIES, SOUTHERN BANK NOTES, 50UTHE1UN Hi ATK UOMJS, COMPOUND INTEREST NOTES, UJUU AiSJW Dlli V ' i$irf, Bondt, Ac , ef oar own market, oa Commis sion, -in person and tbos of New lork aad Phila delphia through roliable eorrespondent. . if". Cotlntimu, with prompt r turn a, on all a eaaaib; points. "North, 8oittk and Waet, , Driii Gote or Currrmty UtsI; f any amount very heat rates, en New York, Philadelphia, Bostoa or Richmond. ' v-- ;.- ' - 1 A How nlereet on J9.uo.lt of Sold r Carrmnr. sua. Jeet ts ebeek at sight,. ; ... , JOS UAJID FOB BAUL .t3i,tlli.Bmtkn9ni Nete.- ' 9'0 0 . Sevkk I birti. ftdUrereat series ! , 9)9 OiM Fivs-TwentiM, Vi,'S9aad 'ti isenes 9.9 00 On Year Certificates- , Nov 19 84-tf JAH. 1. EDNEYp aM t . msr - ,-r tomiiiission fflmuani, . NO. 476 BROADWAY, NEW "tpaKi -: Ojttca ti Gnat Amtricam F . .ii'ul.4 m tats water fross xreater d. ntka i to throw it faruer bv hoe t to foron ft to ra.a. 'iWSLitAVl? J!SS -MIJ'litjg,i4BjBI et ui.iuaoe. axi h it, dOHBsPOWERS, lfaaafutarar. 4S1 Bast t0tb-BtTt. ' Tb American Wind MI L OaHeV Wngines, Brick Bletaiora, Hjd'opulu, Hoeo, Rubber ad Latbr ttoitinr, braes II Pine. Choline. Bibbs. Planoe Miiou. e alwjs'.b tssll, 119, tf JOHN F. FOAM, AND AOBMT FOR NEAR OLD fJo V tf 1",Y ARC KBWBKRN It C. : ' I "'vy.f'' .'.-" airiaxwcxs. - . A 1 JerHns, Prwsldoat Bank of Commerce, N.w. bernt Ir W J Hawkins, lit Pras'tef R 48BK; uoa ii novaea. rrea1 . oi n u a n, causnnrv: vol Wm Johnston. PrssVebariottw A S C R! R, Charlotte) "B , u M.,.t,4 (iV.n.ho. it., n, ria... it . ,r?!Wi't7OT,a 5. r igB ana Kov w r.u, Bfl'tor i AeNljae at ftalsigb A-wt MasT-lfa- -T-.II.I i ...-t.t ..inf, Exchange Hotel, RALEIGH, N. C. rTWSESIABLtiHMEHI IIAsVbBS BI-OPBN- JL d lb la Jay under th tna&agem.nt of Reuben I Wal'ae, f.i. late of Kinston, a gentleman well know fr kis tact and god mangment. : li wiU be I thoroujjbli funuih4 i4 9tu4 p ( tb aooommo-1 ds'ion of tb- puhiie. Is lrme natrons of tb bimi And all who farttr at wilh a call are aenrd4bat S ry thing will rte don bo render them swkafortabl. , ; , ' VV. II. CUNlN4iGLM;i'roprietor. - Raleigh, January l-m-lr." , . Th. Wilmington Dlepatoa, Sold.bora N.wa, j Newborn Times, UraBbor Pairiof;' Ssliatwry 6a 1 !. laiiri ot t p.mjers)t muLj,.etBbarg Iadx wall pleaat Insert 0 time and tend bill to tne proprietor. I T DILL. -TAHamtalnn Bfirl friirBardtMa. Urnti.ui. T' J AND A9BNT FOB attRRAT'S If. C.- BTBAH ..febip Lisa, Monkead City, M, C. 9- A- Wlldcr'a Patent Salamander Safes, WlTJl WILDEB'S PATENT POWDJB AXD BUB B. G. WILDEB CO.. FATESTKt'S AND M NUF ICTURERS Of THE BEST. FIRE PROOE SAFE IN TUE WORLD !- . . JWtBB6'd BaNKEBs 8AF8! nads to Or dsr, llnW wlh Bardtstd Sfc-i : , ''I-" MOVES ASD PLATS SAFES. ' !: OTITIS CHE.lKATa-D 8AFB wSwrJ.dth. I ''1.0. MlAl ai lb World' Fir la Loadoa, ia list. .-. ... . . . ' . Notioa. Ibis .i.l.ra'ed titi Proof .f la a'o lngTlUBd and auld oj StLAil 0. BEKKINU, h i mw i man. ana Mil lliiua h.rin. nnir-d. Ih.ro. and. or CortiBWu Iron Morcbsots, and Maahaoioo at tt ituW. tht kuttAa Hiv",)0 '' f this tko only tru. f ALAMAM DKB rondors it aroloa. for tb.toberib-ra U, mal ! ply word in rt4 f .rr. a full tbirty tboaaaad of "wii.UBit-8 FATBST SALAMANDER 8AFKS," bar boon oaourMturad and told ia tho fcoltod Btatra and, ia almost air.rj largaaro that baa takaa plao durinw ibt M sovootooa jr, tbms Hale bars boon to rJM ted ft, iba avani.t .hJ oo .u o "Omuu 8UaaHHrrr ana ,Mr ttm rf.roy Bafos sold at New Y prloo, with tho freight t Wilmington addod. No ooaailaaion tkargod U Wil-Bunaton.- W ar proparod to tak ordara lor Uoa otiooraua sale, ia a lt dav. aaipl.aeaabe aoea at onr ijflioa Krory Mor baat hor.Id bv una of Ibcfo cheap sad toraro Safes. , I ANDREWS & BARDLV, 1 Corninission Merohaots, OiJSoe, No, gonth Wats Street (tjo Btairn,) Wil aiatott, N. C. Pea, 4-ie.-t& tot'aiapcr-riio.sphateflf Lime, '"7 BOMB MANURE. W A RRA N T ED QENUlJ E. BIINO MADS OP TUB BKST MATERIAL AKD in tb BtostsDorov.d maiinar. It U iwiu to tie publie kjaup.rie t .or Wtbrr in tb marrrtH " wo. bit um u Apaaa xr it in Uut aighau Ursa of prai.o, and thole bor.r.d ia ita nuuruilnr. will oonUnue their Wat asWvar is advenes tb hiab .-rwiiw. .an. o ... Hqmria. - Wea-uarantaa tb. PSnrikUA i- -U .... . ed. aad reeomaepd Jt in ' preference to any other srtiflolsl maaar la the market. We eoo.idor it nearly equal to tb lost Peruvian Quaes, altaoatb Messrs, B. II. Allen A Co., tie well known mean' facturers of agricultural impleueots, saysf It: "Ws tak plaasor la stating that we hare sold I. F. Oars buiier Phoanhate of Lima f. fnu. ..... It lias given aalv sal satisfsettoa to eltr customers. W moat sbeerfully eadorae Iras, as arUel worthy of tb oouUdinoe of tb public, bb the pun-haser futty imaasfaeiBred. ' r 'W wonld state that, after eareful sxsminatloa, w beilBV this Phosr hat has beea imnroai auk -l . ...Suva ..ouriLK mi miiiakm .huu. en. mmm. year .Ine It Inirodnntlon in this market, and that t. wu! eoniuiias ts maiataia IU prueat high Stand ,iag. . "Very respeotfullv, V. ; ' II. ALLIK A06,-i-. "..'- , : '' Waier street, New Tork." Annexed pleas 9ndre.ult of my snaly.is of sam ple of yo-r Super Pho.nbaU of Lime iet with m. -Ibis boine such a BBDorior artiola la nimuawt. 1,' ZZXiZ' "witS i I groat euoBoes ' ...... ,, ;. ,-.. , wisaiagyca svery sasesss, I am, ' Beepee tally y oan, O.A.LEIBI3. . BiLTUtpai, Aagaet 9, 1899.; ' . Or Free Photphorie Aeld Hyd. 10.28 it Auhyareua Phs thftMA atil! 7.4A. lOf Bi Phosphat ofLlmai 9.10 containing of Anh; drous Phos- BRurnT aoto, . 7 . t.10. Of Neutral Phntphat of LJ 9.85 Bonttrntrrgat-majiyareu f 1 pooto AOUI. t- - - Of e-aUphat of Luo hvdrated 45.33 eontab in of uluhurio AcidVS&z HI 5n ' Of Alkaline Saltaa. Snlphntes. l.H Of Oignnlc Combostibla Matter. 5ij -enpaot or proauctng Ammoui. J 78," vi jtBimai toai ana- Sand. . Ao9 m I .... . . . - ' rroBpoono aoia sninot IB water. 1LI6V Pboepbori Aeid insolnbl In Water. a as. I , Amtnoaiav - - ., a.Tfl. ' MAxcrAcTCBSD ar EVOCn COli: Hnntor'. rpHBrSDBBSIONBo HAVM BKKN. APP0IN. w.;l wpplj th.s p,rio, fiTrttJi.., .t .n.f,.r.r,' oricM. Pat up la b.rrli pf aboat 999 pounds weights. TOO Barrel new la Store, tnd for la by 0 0 PARSLEY fa CO. ' WjlBjinctoa, V. C, Jaa. I 128-Jm. A Boarding llouso., . Mrs; 31 J. Fentfessi" Lffo.WPByetteTm Street, , raleiuh, ' ; GAN ACCOM MOD ATR FROM 11 fjO 14 MEMBZS of the Legislature with good Iwrn rooms, cbean 1 BoardiaK, and th pofltiv aasuraana the nr.tl.ir.. shall k left undone lo Mewr their personal earn fart nd eourenlence. - Thoaw Interested la seouiitig a none tor a snort time, will pleas make earlv aunll atioa. ' ... . - - ,r Raleigh, Severn ber 19 94-4at, . . rarrarrs, C racosTT. Of Oreta.biro, N C. Xf Alamance, BO. Faucuslte &xBro.y COMMISSION AND FOffWARlilNO .:':;2iBaiT2a-: rurchaslnn Agents, AND W-tSlUiAi, X'UUlJUt;lS( lliSALEJiS, uppo.it ike fJaatoa lluusr, - I NEWBEBJrNrC. PeB3br D) 119-2 ma f r 'in, f COOKE'S HOTEL. t pes, and those who sr. trawelllng and -wish eomfortabl iauarter and lod :aiio , stowat Hook'. .My terms will aa a mod.raW a. possible far th tim-s. . Yoa will always 99 oave.io at tb depot im tak. yoa Ui.kbr Cjb Bottt ia this j City ( but b sure to inijuir. for Cook.', where joe will get1 peed le-'futy, gooeT iarira;, mivtai w.Kw so drink, aad pipe amok tf yoa wish' It, I wilt be prepared to ajooommriuat 19 or 99 mesg tv.'- ..it.a .....-..l.i.a .taa.aatf..M ' I "' SS0.X.C00U, BeymmberU ) II h?I3,P2ul SlIillT, 2nM(' i hil t nn 'ir -:' 0 fl T K N I H m 23 NORTH WAtJCSST. ., -WltMIJi0T0f, H. C. noXSiaXMENTSOFfMTt-ON-, AVAl h roi.ci rospemfult, soIWmmI. Lib ral wfvo,B.. LJ. B7-umj promptly t xettod, . ' - r PRIVATE BOMlMa jl fKiM A. B BAMSATILl.A CfTJJ vODATt b quar. -. r-. . : - . . ttgnlutf bb i !ovprepared ts mnko up Olbcmpc.llo work ia g!od iule. "leg, Nov.2t.f9..(f.-.-. Dresses or do 4- e. w: cabboll, JJ0.aur, J a mrej JOSEPH l iOY & CO., I NO 139 PEARX, STHSDT, x"OIU Commission. Icrcljaii ts, yJMJPmWQ . BXBJCSX,' ' .-'.'" aasea to '' ifsssra. W; n. "A it g tVORHU. 0, B. HAKRISON, BJO., -" SK5SSBJEaatiWte!!nia Il lltmr'l fit. ;-t"f?n iw. its P, o . HAL TtMykti -xw nunc. co.ni issior jiisntrj m a roK Tnrmroa" : - ; - ....... . ........ . and Woolen Goods. j ; BUPsBBWe-f Cbsa. P. Mallet. K.n . Chapel Bill. Iriyotlevdlc, F,yeuilt tli'conioro ' fireen.liirro. Cbuiotts. Baltimore. fba. B. Mallott, ISf,i.. ' Oeo.W WiilWsA Co., Jess II Lindsay, E.q., . Junes Sloan, k.'q., Thru a R, Tat, Gs(., . It. Mmkle Cashwr Unioa Bank, , October J 4-lv. . " Select Boarding 8ouool for Young Iadieg, si rsBisa lS PHKPAnicD 10 OPtiN A ?, v V,'' h"" resitiunoo uesr baleni, N. C. ihe.oeatioa i. healthy, retired and pleasant. Arrangauenrs are beiae ui.tlo to aerur. tbssorvie of ommiuni ...l.tunii ..i i..,.;.. tf will be affo i ded for tb tulUvatuinj of tb bmrt aad minds of tbs young iadie placed under ber WMartaV-'-. tl A f P"!''1 UHmited, aFplinatloa must tavarlably b mad in advane. "gl tbe el?htof Junusrv IBSo, elous on Ib.Uinthnf Ji.n. fn. . . asi,n, 1, rttuta. Salem, Forsytlw County, N. C. 0tobr 99 99-Sms. Valaable Propert for Sale. IWW.L BELL ONK HALF OR TWO TBIRDS OF thatXvala, b e property, Piedmont Bp-tnj, iB Du.ke u., w snr man was will reside upon the preaow.. aadgle. H bis amir attent oa. TherelSji.Ji ntinj, upon th sweauae wiiak wUI r.j mm ..ii h worn as any prubai.lv in tb 6 ate. So parlor waier power for drl.iug maofainerr. Ciimtte nd water BDttresed. and a larva ..). .r ..... i rior timber. Ib, kuUdingsnewandwiU aeoatmodte IMpataoaa. . . i.,., K. -,. - . . X soil Is wall adapted to t& suitor of tb ,r.aa. s, fruits, and tb via. u.r. ia a iaw years. . Ad.ir.is, ' : .0 LIND-AY, Korfvlk-Y. 003. BRANCH 4 SONS, I" aTAitmar filrstaf Iaibv..J-" Tims rtr? A pit hw '. BRANCH, & CO., : FtaaLara and i ... i w . . . ' ngwt,-o; - U t il D." rc Note BU'ckt -and B..II, fT Int.r-t allowed o DeposiUa. ' C.dIotl..ns mau tarongboat th United States, end Sptola! at tontioa g.vea to tb redemption of Boatbeta Baiili No for Banks aeeeunt, .. 4 t. Liberal .drar.orra.rjU mad. ott nonaUaments f Cotton, T .baeoo anrl other pr.x!u.itk ft. their ror respoadsnvs in B.ltimo,., 'w York, Li,;,iTl Ereai.n and Antw.rt). ' Cottilina Bnk whloh tbn wUl furnish at t.ir rams tOwtiM wi'hlng topuMbaa, BJ Botllll. Ota, to the EBkt Do -lti tm. t'OPABWERSIIIP Nawssau, N C, Noremhar 1st, IfMH, ' WE HAVB THIS DAY FOttMKO A OOPABT noriliip under the natne and sty's of ' AVIiitford. Dill & Co., forth. farsnsiMtina of a Shipping and' tfekeral' ' CominisKion Ikvincss," la this Town, West nde Crar.a Sireot, on old Conn - .i. tyt Wharf. - - - - To th sal of Cotton, Kara Stores, TiAaccc Lum bu,. SUVes, blitr:.glet, Corn, and ellaia i. of Pr -duce I aad AlerchatidiM. sud also to tiie aa e and purchase or neai etu i ara dish otnar, bto-:ite, we wilt giv cor penooai attention. e W are Agent for Jinrry'i North Carolina Sml Weekly Lluof Steamships, 'etwees 'twt.era and I ew Xor. ana or "VUig vessels for lis tluioro Piiladelphia, and a-her port in tbe Vulted State, and for dia iSerent ports in th West Imliea1 Tim. it wH We that wo are furnisgtd h nur r.wn ... . . wun me awi. im. iuii.j. nr tlie epixn irsnapovtu- lira WJmjui an rapwi.ora- JUUl tn BUdiUOtl 1. these, tiwre ia a wek!y iin of Oc.au HteamHips on th aawermito, and a fti-weekl; tino of Kteamera liy Island rdut thronKlt Athenian so t t'btsss jwfv e net to NnrfMCJla'tim.'ra.'Phi lo phia n,4 Nw I r ; aonca werenanu an iBij.pera f.tmstin'c ibet I txsn.poraatiOB qi tuetr rreigut lo tveagrg y ,l OnSderhw'apwat traoiit. . .. . . - wi'l mk liberal den'a' a oontti'n. BMute. - " - . - r Alt letters of on art 7 or' d M ns on Cue subjrxti of fniffla, Lew,will b. promp ly sneworod "-wstfl, WBHBD,"' November ft, 1449 94 U. . . I L 0 U I s n it n 1 Bt'liL-i luii 4SsnTtTTn I ! l'l test ') iB tSic socoud WwlBesilny in Jnanarv, "i .' . . . 1 - I, ni'tyT Z a )n r'na'i "3 C, aire mile D-iwt r'eTVtHt,ro , , d.Hy'iijiMlks. unity iM BetbtH?!, s lociiad. la a. t d cit be,ltb i iviliiEiueut, luctlligMce ad turigtft m Ji-ai'v. " ' fP'ipi lint tie.kj as memberi tl tS. 1 ..-.I.. ... ,. ... . T. - , P-.t id ' "i"'1 r pkytl we!i both la ben ev . - - -t "... a, v. aV it.: lutllUiin, . .V :r"l', " '"'-j" '"" " 4 o,..iei nrjof sub.risr.hip bit-b ; U.trso. .'. will tf. to at irt ,.hiI.. !a.bnUttaLib,ijU.bI, not afoTo trnilr - iag Vaii tUliie' iB eotnectioa widths Col- .?ur": !tlBli'"1.,'f," P-HtV moralasd religion. o uni'oriu f 1 bo r, nir.il fr ta, p,CBt. Ex m 7 L " " b ,""f''B 'd. Pupils : 111 ..Mb. p. ,!, JU, P Iegfcr ""' ,.","""'Jr f -r;.hed at (bo Col h..rs i I b the .ue as thnsa sdnptod in lie , ' .'i)re rior tiioiwar, -iii oaM pnr enajjoii of t montijs, oio.u,iT,'ef w .iftimiy aim iijfnio, I.,-- . .. Tuiriun in rogu.nr ruur'e in -'iU-iiu Latin. tit SUM uai aa Piano and e.li,, . .1, . ' Fr.neb.ud Drawing, a tt I , ; ' Paiatine? la Oil, T . v fO 60 10 0 , J6-Vv',,:'-lPilil'P! t iU-nuir. irW riuirtli v. ilj.. hiif i. ..j. . s OU aaiadar.at the--rf,n-- 1.,..,. . furnisk tn, pat, a, lhiH laT- V ' 2 ' els. - .; v-.sf.mi. T. M. JONES. UULi&aro 5.C JIUlUrr AeadPinr. rlK lTII PK-gJO.N ..9;. !). OF taU ae. mv wijl b 1a m K nlWi fe luttLtj'aT ia. n..v, Itor). Cu rtUers faraitbed on irpllcation to i ' j. u WITTTE7 ' , , . , Kuperintebdeut.' Ilil'tbo'o,, Def. I, 1885 Uwiws, tiudra will pi.. iL-Bi Si- y A PRIVATE SCHOOL' ' MISfJ MAKOrM wiltsp.n the s.v.nlb s.filouof ner bouomI lor roun laillu.: at .ha Oaly a l.roitod noroberof puP:i on be rewired. IU will 9id a houjs ia hot Wolhsi' tamiiv. In pariiaulars apply . . MISS!! P.MAXGrM. Flat Kivcr Oranga Co., N. C. Knv. U tlT-3ra Classical and Mathematical ' ALLY i. S. ' School, JI,B BPKIrTtt PESStOS OF TfiI3i"6CnO. ,. iprnt oa lb. tnd Monday la January n.it, ' . Tb pr,. of board and la lion is en buadnd dollars. Addnts tbs principal at ()sfod. T. J. HORNER, X 'noclpaj. De.-i U 14 3w Davenport Female College. AHU1B, eALBwau'eotrirf T, . 0. 'MIBIE.MICI!FH 0? 'Tn'S.lVSTITrTION .7 ."ai'i '",!,'td ua MonJ.,, tbe aia,f F.bru y. Ib86,iwii a lull a-irps ..f inetraetors. Thie lnsti. tuti t i s Ii. i ijjhtfuily situated at Lenoir, twalv mUe lm I'a btatioa oa th-We.!raxtenW. . "'T -'' TERMS. ' " ',' Board for t wen It we.ka. ' " 4 09 r ;. 99 U-' 91 99, ' 9 l ! J09 ' ' 9 eo V oitiod jn Enslisil.bjsnciesl: u-,w in. uae oi 'iauo. 'i brawinf j - -'; i .... Patniiofln Ql, vj- Latin, nreek, Frmea snl Gc'rmaa, lj ' UCb, ,:, .' .' i Plil'MAllT DBPABTMSNtT Tnijloa In ifrst las, : Tuiiioa in second elaaa. ,.. : .r f ; ; jut 19 99 . - .iiatiage.)! wdes, B enttn s- eiloneffen iT" F; clrculAr,dJr.MBnil 1st of Febraarr, i. irrwtv rev;?, ss'wBirmn.1" ' F S. All Of iiie.abjTe rrilCSata tn ba natrl t .aat. ' I or it eijulfalent, . : cea 14 lOoSma. TIUNITY pOLIXGIi. H. C. ... . 'rllE NgXI SKSSIOS WIL1 COMMEECS ON I thellth of J, .ry ,m u ote'oa tb stcot-d TtiursJat in Jurt. Th Cul.ok bai been Morgan.' ', r.iurni.h. d, an f it vry way pl d in a prop, .reotditi-.a At pr.e.M, bord wiU be U li pit Biuttth lu eirreru.) ( tuition a"4 ether expenses at t'je l!?."i-I"a ' .Jl" WW H Pi'l in dvaaa. A V-1iai-k w'11 rn'. froji tee o,s to II tarU Point- nibN C llailruad. fit furrhur inf.ir-mation, sd drs t,hr unori ned."- ' .8. CRAVUN, 1'rts't, iH-o 2i'.N-'-rtn. - n mI JRJ rum 'ton D spsioh. Newern Itmtra. FsyctUtiile.r , Oronmboro Patriot, Char lot a Drmiutntt snd Peter.bure Illd.Z. tf.ri, ataalrl. - on. U'onth, eo I, forwa-d atieoutit to sn at Trinity ! ''" . . b. a riM MATIIli MXOH litslflS 0PK.MJ ivL sB'hrti.l inths l'taay of'j .ntiaory next at t .I.NU i.V of J.uuarv next, at the . bieia.no of luir niwuter, t.ne utitr,b.lu ;ooke'i llo- i-In sd ttrm totb. Boghisb bra-iclss, wt!l be taneM, fdertred, Fnnob. and sin ieitc tii Piano. rtloigb,. t Oe !ll ll Bw. x DR. V. JJ 3t)SES 0FERB PIPBOFiiJIOSAl. BCKVICK3 TO tb eitlssns of RalsUli. . - : ,. rta-. . . ....... I. m. i. .. .. Ofli-e oner P d', Drue Store Can be louud ai Juijbt at iUa rttsidrrif il. Atninsi i), - . t : Ris! N'lvemlier I. IBUi T3 Sinj pd nf: Bov. J. t-NOTIOiE. YTnmrr-nr j dh- icu nFTnc idthX cf l. lo's iti Uj ttar ri-kiM.-Ha of fVa,ven e..i.i. Ie.hr 1 .ib,.1ni, I will ,..!!, at Put lie .,, u ' tti b hei bid isef, u it.v Mill dy . f J-utiit--r vt. A-til.PT I LAN f AT ON. btio.'in ta tn. kstau of It. ij. F Buld.r, uy!a.i, ..i. titM. tn 1 ac rs It ia .It'isttd oa the ptm k W of Nauae rir, ad I'iias ta-tly t. rt er, j m.l.-j iiiv( N-weia,- arid is. un n I'll, ti c iitryis ou t.".(. ri"r Jor ihjt pri. omwa-R vI C hi " , t; th. !'... ar d the, eroiii urns' jtl.JUn I'' ri. r .... i n j .1 ur.o hint. A etceuvrfli, l ".d ; mooit s wul be g lr". ,'"Vr.d b-i" w;tli ihe sol v , , y? ...j S AM'L V lilfJiLii'., Ada't off.! Xtewli, lii, bis. . EidJlo, deoeucuVV. V I.

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