ii THE DAILY SBNTIJitf Vfc. M.. KtLL 8EAT03" OAl W-ditetr, Jwiuwy ,81, IMML OtTB TEEMS.- 1"H nyo r4 i' i'wut'4 tef y y-f innf Eon 4.iveectitf ' t,f.).t-ing jt " i eatts, , - .. r "o nHMith .yr'.V- - .? 9A Kt'x. e.t jE.irf.t,.x.- , Weekl -, ,, 'V: i: Out term r Inva-mhlx-.-i''ad,a Weekly and Sei weekly will be? "raised jf SS Srai uj January. rVir.pry reey bs eent n1 ,y tilt Rit flood ei&.4iMUtf the Express Cnwf' i. . ";''-f,;v-;';;'y3'L''"' 'cO??.::,.'. '?-!:-?.-? v.;. Cotton Culture. The kingly eliaracter of CotJon, though niucl ridiculed and taned during the war, and de eland to be without claim, recent devcloproeptt seem "likely io demonstrate to the satisfaction ol all objectors. w-: ;r 4. ' : ;,?"?' It had beconia jo ewntiil an element in thi cromere of the worytd, that our Southern polit est ecMomist, especially, ha'cd great' rtliunee up it potency, in delaying if not totally pre-n-nting the Ute disastrous and unery..waf j Had both the Nort h and th South taken 'coun iel from tb teaching of the thoughtful states man and polilicul economist, that untsjirard.ca tastropbe would never have come. " Bat never reason when tt.-ey irij 1 Sia't or efazy, Ji " aowturo&oaQbarCoitoiifcai kitisjthet H In great meeeure ruled the eommerceuf tle wcrld. yet the King .wae Impotent ht-n the natioi . bttame drtinlt jth funslli lui no the one hand. and fevered nicltcsitat on tlie o.ther., i The ealtwlatioa l. at pre ot, that the rapii; Jtf cotton Urr fTiTptJMhr jtBrwin JieT hH, that fjt etime the uexterop 1egini to cowh Li, the price mut lfl jrjpurid. Tjr. ojio, fo'fp'li lie ftemsd upon knowfl- we, anil ." may jMwsihlylie'rorrect If eo, tl e midst oi the ti)t!ti!e iVtt ty our pwiplff in fgeM'tif b j fnore, lma nut thl rjw-n to tlyiir rntrrprfM! a dftorhlih prutiiui rjMift Twhujo if mmh trt th.nraljle -.Ijjii4 - "the lt'j.S tI Jl duf t. LuUiiU.-l.ia4l4h W-4n4- may bei(M'!('t nt tele e the fintt of Muy, with the profiwot rii a cimk! eroj Korlii'rjjjfjroijiwi TiiuTu ui Wlii rhut we uieketbs enggUO. to hw, tliirt fTtn m', and through the next utt Mdte pttrpotienf mektng t crop, "Good lend ure-rtiH ahnriiTiint In flie FtnteT M mil of it will pmttiWr fiIotc nltiyatlon,; for the wnntuTcapital and hend. Young nie thm'l'ore, Lo find .it difficult to find employ, went in mercantile or otlH'jbtisincM, nlght en gsjfe uriful!y In planting, U they hare diUll- titnl crediita olAiiin capital and tabor. - Thejirospeet, towevef, of the high prioe of cation Ug:et a very iroportent diffieoltywhicb .. . If ml j wnn t nrly ? v niny Brine. , The failure lo tultivate hrendatuff f &c, lufficiunt for tbe use of every farm, would L, be tto,n4cdl!y(Kria'o.im jcarceJy iuwHine Mtch tte of procrxrity In the culture of cotton, at would obviate the ne ceruity for the production of food riflk-icnt for home conattmplion. WbereTer it baa been tried, , it hut been found to work badly in tbe course of fw year. Our nufcKeition, however, in regard to th culture of cotton, arc only made for the preaciit a a meant of peetiy teeovery from our prt aent tbriftlewcondition. Tbe future. wnMnf. aa (I.- 'not prunifc to our wind, that the cultuwrfoet; ton eancver be broULdituointhe8ooh,tiiil the past. The kneU of African aJaveryip thei" South, in our judf mcnt,dniid cotton aa King. onaaKInir Tbe plant wlirof courte lie cultivated, but never -again. w it .ld the jrwp0rijlofiw wieldcdoyer thccouiuicrceof th? world. 'Cotton, rice atl wgaf lw)UiirTfc1ffecU-t"tUfc' litliur In order to their cheap and,plcntilul pitxluction. nenceLw regard the defttruction. of etavcry, a tbe cw-uin precuntot of decline in the pntduc tion of co ton, rice and tugnr in tbe SouUiern Etatea,..;...,..; 7MJ':V'- 1 - '--:'--'-ps:atktl; Th nub't-fc of 1 hi city, ltv cat a eoiiy of th Mcond edi v tt of tltit popt-Iar Ht-ttH Carq it a book. !i to t ! op in b-ticr yl than tbe 'firrt, and too, for the uk r f it BCioiiiplighi ' i u'ter, will.uiertwubatfH-l tttl - W bav fion the dtma publttbrrt a ml 1 work by Cpt. J. C O" g1 In; a hrief hut graphir arti.tint 01 tti. tt l.5JgrJiJte4sr -.-m ..I..,, in, ..rnj, ua, win ne i lu-reaica m in prruial, We rt-tllret, during the war, that th pi ii-ttau jft'rtritinir i,iiU oi fart vuhrf batilra, which w aw pub iahtd m?rr iron tue pen u J. c, Cot.Ma, now of this cur. The Kaik " , Onrtaatle'a n th ii il, drew frmn Mr . all, the gtieijil rwri.l JLscnt of -the-Ktwfi r.i th ru-tm'r at Ni'wS'rn, leitfra to ihe Etitors. a marine a. t1 a lb fault of tlie f lure ef the new( aper dt li ol li alt 4 . tl tvirflaeirr, r agent, Ke., nut that sootl ... pnrtion tj'it .aht-ei,le-hi lhrpat.lrhr, wb' rn1lng clerk er fnq'ieiid very tur lea in directing paper and ' lead p. nod whiib WrBt4 eail defaeed. and b'm a, paper iennntdlivtind, Wr are e d w wrote - thrmr'rele.it-fiitina it oVn t lil it , si e, the ath'nief three I rra r- awaka tn tb -ir dirty. ani hrea'iikr they rem'nd b ot tr owi de ih qiiency.. W at ee or dered that ha tietti. l ahould herealier be directed in ik W h p our Cfatemptirs'rie jteerallyu the I Xr. Ge. T. J. Jackson' having been for torn Utue in irpiniwud in Richmond it will be n socotntnudatlon to hex friend aad correapon dmts to ta: that letter will sow reach her adtUnwed tj tbe care ol J. P. Irw in, q., Cba i- C. ..... . ?. a. p U.U.. u, .4. uui ! . 1 ju.jl-,1 1 r ' A Book for ?very lawyer. - W art mnch indebted to John Livingston, Esq., f tle New TdMs fcy for nicely' bound copy of "t!jeOf(-Sl lireftory and lew P-S tcr lurtbo United &tg,Tr' the yew i ?hfcfc be U editoe d paUl '"'- ' - It b'a work which every lawyer ftou1d. have cartTenieot for reference It eonWm Ale na; (Mt Cnited'gtetee, tl .. it h deeiantd to contsia fiHymrwUXoBime tn?t tome nave nten man ah In the Boothern Htatea twicrialhr. f pre "TCthtTtarinuitt he hitonipk-te, and It lieooine 'lie Hrofifision to furnish Mr. Liviiti.ton itn tli ietrfal t .cornet future eiJitiont ff (lie irork. : ' We find, from averycurHoryexatninatian. the olloHingfntprcstingfacU; There w given in W worktba name and rwridene of 29,14? 'awjera in the I'nited btatea and territories tue eT these an; titacr c n tie benehi ba ttirt-d of diel, and the cditor flxce tb nnro her of practjeipg hlwyeri in the Cnitei 6tate, at the present time, u far as hfc hua learnea. at !STI. la tbecitv of N'tw York, alone, ther ire t,lm lawyer, and he ban given their nanief md tlw So. of the utreete at which each lawyer nmy tte found- . In Jfortb Carolina be give 338 lawyer a tbe number, which we judge fall 'irt of flic trutb. . There are number of er ror in relation Ur the lawyer of thia fetate, which we Jiojeome member of the profwion will enable the editor to'eomtt in future. ' lis; ifive the followiug a the number in all the State and Terrltotiet: . J 1-Allma 386. Arkaittx l&.1.aliforrjU 77i Connentieut 8S6,Dclawar 77, Florida 78, Oeor ii 503, Illinois 1SQ5; Indian 1283, Iowa 849, KfliiM. 13. Kentucky 0I, Louiuiana 104. Malue 600, Maryland -683,. Mwwftchuwtta 1296, Michigan 777, Minnennta, 80S, Mbdasippi 90S, MUamitl 71 Keveda 40. Kew. IIarophire 807, 'ew icr'yi4t5, Nw York ; C'BNorth Cawu na 850. Obiu S043, Oregon 106, Penneylvenie M30. Rhode Mand 117, ftouth Carolina 405, fewwwftil,-firwttyT!'t. termoni Stitf, Vir;irri 971,- Wesfe Virginia ?9, Wwoon- ma 1 1 f-J.(irk i w?Jl gottin up : it is published ly at f 1 A apt-clinch ropy Can be m-t-n trt ottf eStee rrjr all twlro floiire ft.' The Horn Question Again. A miii''rr tit in-imtj. t'avintf -U4 ihme ht Tiimiili'if h rti-ni tvkpn frrmi tliiii lir ihn xtiUct.. "1! S!"'i "i not knuaiK bow to projpoii Ut (wni the prnpr cnur,o;lu rrfip-u ilif mtw-to irr,- Hrrffer ttt re6ilrt-d tJ l.,r(i li)Kinr in rrply j . . UAiVAiiTeM DPATitraT or, I t NllHTH Uol !H. 1 - I!alI(h N. C , Jan 2S. Io8. j . CovtaNoa Ri-ferring to your letter , of -lhi (inif, m lelntiittt to unbrandi'd animtU Inkm lr m "he ht Wera and now in poeiiit rif.thi rfillic'ine I'MiurriL I nm diriK-ii-d hv th attm toithtj( C nial Jo Itifurm yoi, thnt Qtntrti-r tnnftera will h"IJ In tbt-ir !en all t'tcli amtpala umii iba rUiptant ran fiirwartl t-ithrM-Ui-adnuertrr affidavit and ach ith-e aildnnite tliey urn, hititi-t ft ih,tnti! their cliitna, J I hnre ilia limirtrtn be, vera rrtpeeifull;. tour F.ae llncy'a nrmlirnt aartant, J A.CAMPURLL, ! A. A Gciirrtil. fiillia t'.iwIli-r.i'T, Joktihw Worth, JJurrr- nurof !, C, ItaletKli N.C. . AH peroii In ptt aaion of burae or mule Feln fully, muat hare aitnie evhh-nee rulnlattiia tlnj tlifir victim, la a! tIicriore, in winch lit aiinal in (blr Hwraitn hare been.clultii ed ''J ! government, th port from whom th I "n'n,ftl- !ke-houU pruiWtW evitienea; fcetf it b Hislr own afBdavlt or evidenwi ol - fif iind nd hnir 11 wijomeBw, Jy'eta.iw mo viunty .uurt, jumioeoi in "euiji- or N'ttnry Piihlie, atid, if ptaihlf, wbtnia lb' (.uiily.ariit-Htwtrrnd"baOT'Plri b.-rr tli-n. Ruer at theenrtieit period, p llil monthly, Jaaued from theprcMof Meeer. Van fcrie, Hotton & fo. New York, and edi ted by C. Chauncy llurr, Eaq., ia very popular in the Booth, at4 ha much real merit Wt learn thatourrownwomun,Mr. Win. J. Clarke h engaged To i dnutribute'regulnrly tp it pa- git. It w jutJlislieri nt -JO'l Jiaau; street, H yenr or 23 eta. per number. Sultatription Mil be rcccivel in tliia -city ut the store of Clarke Oroihera, on tlargett atrect v Death of 14. Col Coolidg The Jllvwti.g Oi eral Oidof wu iaaued ya"dy (mat- Muwqaamrr. ; i- halJlOH, ,. C. Jaury iaj, 18C0. 1 Gkkkrai. Oaoa, -- - - "t 7, 1 . n- paioiui uatr orro noon th llniimn, diifir (teiitral of ai.iinuni.tit in i ,ik...m ... 1uh r ol ibia eommaiid lb death of ttrarvt kru ,iit tyuiual K II. Uoolg, Surgaoa V. S. A., M.uicai t ire tor tf nil U.pn.uet.t, who mu i itauriiy U li morning t ball pasifi o'cluvk. j e. .K) i WW,! on of I lie old.it jurvebaa of me It )j.r Arint, b irinjf ,r(d In Ujd M 'dicl r mtirw taau "Twenty fix year. inMit Uraui ilia Country has eat a, taiu.fui a. d d.vni patriot i bi. profession one ot it ab e-, most mt an ;oi uatMra j his fmi y a luting huatwud and f hr, and bis lriud Oe wliuoe .ntort they will aver rer as ibe highest typa mm - "vutv-wiHuca jreaiieiaan, A a mik ot r. pct tu tu tua-sf of tb in- caMia tgj ;rt,f W U I menvfff writl mturi- eiii bmjiko oi aioumo g for tbirtj day. Kj Coiaibaud if ttret M-jvr Gooe.al hcou - , 1- A. CrV.MPBt-.LL, - MiimktiU AJjtlOMt CtMtraL AM'.saourt tiarwr annonnred ihnrt tU "u - who crop oi trasennarte eountv yielded 15,0- 0 gals." .I he next week the editor came oiu wnu a -erratum for - read wineV. ".. - ;' . , ... . . . i ' i m e. e ' i " i Tut Cat oitGaj.: Xieari? rba"triaJ al "" w. -late i Umlvdrat army ra6j wiih If murder in ,h.iin6 eten Lno KiMitr ho had j.nd th 'O.nledemi, .T, .... uwruiM, eee -.p,iii4 15,,ni,0 un fridiiT latC 'Iba teauuione ia U.-I.u I U rai elareert aad. it i Uil..!-!,. -Tn VI assumed. -''- - - - i I JGEXEUAL ASE3IBLV. ; " ' 6EXATB. ' ;.. t j TcxerAT, an. S3. . The Senate w-aa called to order at 11 o'clot k Prayer by the Bev; Mr. UardU, of the JPresbV tenant qurcn. '.. 7, q'fer Joumat of yarterdar was ifea "jrrlJtwnn t'rum thcConututtce on ftA llin PrvvUtmiul fAlMmibltltnpr I ot mandWtowmw4thJrtdtici3frte clary reported .back the bill "fb" continue in f- ,ttilAp.ittout4to4tmlnutntg offereHrWrlqrt vnttm-s cltwlinir all the im-oruorattsJ towna of tbe State, Bitla, &c, of the title following were intro duced and inferred or ntherwhe ordered, k fol-lowa,io-wit: Mr, Gash, a bill to compel County and Suri. crCourt tlerk and (.'U-rk and Masttera in Equi ty. whodonot livel towjna,, to keep dt-putiea reairlcnt within the corporations, &c . Referred to JndiefarT'Committcc Hr. llm, if JtutljerfitrtL t bill to attach the county of litcbeii to the 8th Judicial circuit, init for other purpoae. Referred to Committee on Judiciary. ; , - f Mr. Bynuin, a liill tocontinu&.in ollice Clcrka ant Maitcranntil their ucccafr ihall be ap poihtefl, Reft-rred to Committee on Judiciary. ' Thi" Houne trill to extend the time for collecting taxe came np, and on motion of Mr. COwlea, tin- ulo wure auapendea and tue tnlj paaseu ih final riailind anil wa ordureil to be enr--lld The House bill to incorpoiate the Minister Re-ll-r Society for the Eastern Baptwt Aiwociation, wasBictl.' . Sir, Aycocfc uhinitted a reconiniendiition of tmdrycitizena of Wayne County, an Juatice of tlie feace-toreaut U)iinty, which waagreea to, and trnnsmittotl to the HuiiKe of Commons. . On motion of Mr. Jonee, of AVake, the list of majrutrattw for uw county of w ake, wae taken from the table and concurred in. : On motion of tlie aamethe liat of waxhitrate for l'erqiman County was taken from tbe tattle, wnemlcd and-transmitted to the House for con currence. . , - A menBuge-from the nouse trammiitting cv- erai adoitionai name as jiuKicti ot tne i taie for Rnndolph.andAliim8nce counties, was con ey rreil in. A nicijt waa also rc-ccivj-d tranMiiitting a tcriea of of reaolutiona, pnoirig a joint tu Iwt rontntHtee owo owth pM f the Semite; aufl three on th part f the House, upon the auhject of rnviiiing all the law and ordinance pawied by the aevi-rtd fegiBlatttrc and Conven tiona of the State, since the day of February, 1 80 1 , andfiirthr to take itrwtsTdpTsttrfrf I he propriety of boldirgCoiinty Court ont int-ach Mjullr of the Siitieruir t'otirta a will give anewlv rc- trit fin affnTatfi-r. or auch otlur plan a they may approve. The tcwdutiorie were eoncuryedJ. In, and iltsare Slorclieaij -and Leach, of Davul- son, yiimjIBi9tsd.uMm-rhmmik--thi" committee. ' ; The bill to limit the numln-r of JusllciaLiTJiAll. trrmrywrBTITanTra elie, waa laid un the table. The Ml! to authorize the hoidiua an election for Cotnmlsaionera of the town of Goldattoro. itml ftir Htlier pnrt)oe, came tin. and on motion of Mr.- Ayeot-k, tbe rule were auapended and the bill paed ita final reading. The hill to continue in office the Proviaional CoromiMioneiaofLincolnton. and other town. came up and wasao amended a to iitcludp. tbe nwnoi MitiHitoro', fcoutitwrg, Mitton, Kchana ville and otbera, and on motion of Mr. Bvnum. the rule were euaiiendcd and the bill naeaed its nnni rcniiing. . . 1 be lHL autborfme tho Public Treasurer to ell rtnhlie Vmperty win taken im on its itccond ' Thi Houe resolution authorizing the mihlica tion of 200 copies of tlie- .T'easurer't report for tue use oune t reasurer, passea waaecdnil read iog. Mr. 'oIea, after explanation, tproposed the reconsideration of the vote, by which tlie Hat of majrtatratc for Yadkin county hud been concur red in. Thi nitttfcr occasioned considerable debate. -As tbe question was a new one, the chair before giving an opinion, suggested tlie propriety oi ita discuaaion. v Messrs. Ferebeeand Morehead ar- guetl tltat the easj! was not teyond the tench of theHcnate. Itesars. Wilaonand Leach, of Da vidson, argued that the cafe had been settled, and that further action was. estopped by the p- puiuiuiciifc nereuiiora mauc ' . . The chair, held that the appointment had laitt WHOtwenantteorttier-enafc, and that the motion was out of brch5r.... ' Mr-jGow-lf Apptnlcd from the" deeiaion pfic" cns;r, ami I he appeal Wat not sustained. Mr. William moved a reenndderatfon of the t. 1. : - v. . i. . i , . . .- iw "j huicb ine tiecretoa oi ine cnair had oet-a wsiamea, ami trie vote was reconsidered. On motion, the Senate adjourned to 11 o'clock to-morrow. , 5 HOUSE OF COMMONS. " ; x - Ti'Esdav, Jan. 83. " The Hone" was ealletl to order at 10 o'clock a. m. . Prayer by Rev. N, Church. B. Cobb, of the Baptist Tlie jonrual of yta-tcrday wa ,rcad xand p- irvnrru. KEfOBTaOH t'OMMtTTEM. Mr. Webb, from tlie Committee on Military AfTairs, reported back a reeolulioiv introduced during tbe Inat t-HMion,rijlaUvt-airrmg tlie miritta Tnf trre-'Stafe.Vand asked a discharge uoui na luruier conaiueTatlon. uomtnittee ii& charged. , Mr. Manly., from the.. Judiciarv f"onimiit rrHneii back "a bill to reorganize the irovcrn- mem oi inn town oi jncwx-rn j' amt -"a bill for the further orcrtnbatiojjf tie State ArnmMlt " HwiMnumtKflM I. : . - . . . aiuruuilH ilia. , . : Mr. Fttircloth IntmInwl a rMnlnlt. rt tu . -...v... ..j a joint committee to revise all lawa and ordi- nanceapasRea-Sjncn, tna nday :rtf f FebTtiary leflf; and also to take into consideration h uuis nn.iuuyii ic-tataoiiaumcni oi nie courts. AOOpiefl. v" - Mr. Smith of Hertford, a resolntion ntlrt. ing the Secretary of State to have certaia of tb puiitto recora tranecrtoed, re-ladexed and re bound, appronriatinlr SO0 dollar Cirthi. A,,. n.,r.j .c j..;. ' , iwiGUM.Hi ,u, v.oiuuulu?xj on rtoaocc. BmtopcCTIOS OF BIXX. : - Mr. Murrilh a bin to reatora the tneirfAs 'of Conrtl ef Fleaa and Qtiarter session In umiun wimiy. rieierrea to me Judiciary Com mittee. -'. ',. . ".. 1 . ' Mr. MaM, a WU, to enforcei the eiecrrtinn r umuwta. ntjiorrwi lo ine JU.Hriarr rnnnli tee. - j .WH.UMV . I Mr. Foater, a hilt to lneorrwmt t, - v,u wiiuag vnipiy, m rranklin connty Referrr-d to Ihe fnmmii,.. J - . .. . . . w , ,u vufjjorauona; sir. HoUStftfl. a hill to inmnvmi. rwn j Cemetry io Guilford connte ulw Mr. Flvthe. a btll to amenA tnt. .i ... vised Cxle entitled -Roads shd Ferriea." Ti .! "e eUarter of the " " fcuiauwn vity-. - Mr. Loe, biii tg uVtar. tWrtew jurtic. o the peace., quorum fiwtte tnH Min-j. rurfonv-To the African patriot. SF ttSd tlTofWlv. 1 f fU an in.eV( In the welfare or b . coun $XZ!SZ Juatice. of the Peace try.the ntgc "'fe ft WaJoiounty-and atated that the, list em- ouaror.t n plajfon. Nev t,r before, in the anna . recommends by the Senator from of biatory. .;e pi! a k 1 njpoai. Wavne at I hi. collengue, Mr Faircloth. . 1 i tion, b we-of the South are ttvd.y. lpor. Mr Y& cloth, of Wavnt. on ofcted to tncuai - . - -V t-. if ji' wik-agno had any aucb t make., Thi had recommended tlie parties whoae appoint. ment w as pending. - .. , 't bm h.t omniMird bv-Mr Everalt was laid on thi" t!)l.:' ; iSa 'of Juati- H iitwOiifatlr. a list of fMntSttIajii x lof". ennty.-w reie,Tel fr m ,tlii-ut-aail nnour'4 in. " Th a bat Is-tdmillcni wjiliX'-oi nimmeni!cd by Mr Fireiolh on Sat utd ty iai-i, ! then laid O" the tatjl-. A juinLjjt Jwuic for' t! i.-oait--w-e rw-.itiiniind; -d ( it app'intmitt. Mr Melvnt t.f Hiirtimt- mtweil the anpninl- ritMi if Mitiiir. E. L. Pmhtroi. I). MfCor- mitt. A (J ' Thortit'in, Uecior McMillan, 3m It (- nr,d'-j:t for thr t-twn of Fay -tteville. - Mi j miiU and ihnr of Cum'ter'aud, oh j i-Al rrjj iti'jiA niitiiinationa an they d"Cmwl. tb liri IbBieVfcfy Hve ahwady. . , Tl; Uctue afflrroed'the nominarioi. At t liV ti o'eluck tut" II proccfrfcj to con itb'r th'pciIr4r vinj A hill in prnhibirfor J nid. dine thu dfatithiti-m 1 cprilaou li qu,! fi -ei -itfaili on ita 2nd rea'lm.' ' 1 Tbe bill wa4mndel, on mo ion of Mr' Jaw kins of Warren, h '-aubalttntinjr t'th'- UTi of Krbranr." nt-t, for Vh 11 of Febroary" a lb- ime hf-h, die ie,Bl operation of th bill shall fommpuce. .. if .lhe bill passed ita .aecond reading, ami Mr. Huti'b'na'fi moved mixpenaioa of the rulia lht it miht b put upon ita third icadinir. Mr MjAden oppisd the suspension aaid ihnt in pfirtant meHatirc Hk thi hould '0 h diipi'f 1 of a htj'rrledly.; The fople of tliia State l ed !was nitennined ihe i'lea that tby tia l ihe riftht to do tli-'V pl asad with their own. T"e pprsion of diattllm in the Stati wott'd pn- unstop tolia't-'r-drtnkiiig. Th"StHi oulil ihetrtiif gnnpli'O by S inhern diatilleries" with infrinr b-Vfrag, and moti-y. which would Ottitafi'e r"min hereto iM-flfit puf OWil-PpUv' huM 1 cilrri'd'nn't"' tBe f' e . , '. SrV-iTiiiiliiiis.of War wti said ibwre waa nouh ject hcttr able tnVar b-avy tajHtion tban spir- ituon liquors. H wuorie io,in rtowiMg scar lil aitoii of (rr;n . Corn already comtnaitd d $i ner bii4ie jn 'S, J A.n,!y,3fti,li.P!-pticf,.' risfrnf "rirerv 'wh'rim" "A- maJfur t,f ims eha'aol. r tit i mo-rntivety dttmantlrd by the neeii-situtia. condition "Our propter? TE3 li fdjgdjfjaTn erii- of liuLiiar Sun tba 'ii irirrrnFin-ai. culnvaiion ,4 etftrm ad liltaco in ma-iy aectians, lieevSSila t-d.etmp'rit leensore tor thTroppTw&iof-8T8t tllltna. Uooae cni-iirred in ro fro a the Mfiala. pro pa. ug if.ra,-iv.inmitirTw an ierm ne weether the sion of ihe General A eniWy, wnrjirfron tb 18 h of December last, was, ia itself, a eomplet -f'nn , , A bill to present "brroctioni In Catawba Riv er i" tbe eonn'y of 'dcOowell, pawed it eecnd and third? reading?-.' . " A bill for th-1 m-'re enmplote oraaniiatioo of the ."t'1'e (ftfrnm-n', and fur oilier purp.ie. -arpnt it' eetntfrendrn(f. .-, 'The amendment. t-riied by tit Judie'arv Comtnl te were adopted and ihe till tlmn ped ita several reeling A b,l to emend the ehnrter ol the town f Nf whroal'" ja;a.fdjt aeyer rejidUiKl. "?SIr."i"KnneTri fr7 1 tlieBmnniUiiiMi apnmted tn prepare a node for tb ifvernmenl ol Frtediaen -ulnnitted a report which waa' ordered lfl:b printed. The report wa aocompanied by hill . wi li tbe following liilr ahiob werereierred lo the Joint t uaiiiiittee on r tee lmn gin, I , mil enneeroitig negr,a, moiaii ana per- on o t ii . , 2. -A hill lOpnttif persons pawoitig and in- juring hpre iidjHher-4ytoek, -wtih intent teal tliem. 3. A bill to prevent wilful t restaurs on land, and stealing any kind of property therefrom. 4. A b Uto punish vagrancy. 6. A bill to punish erlitioua language,, ioiur recfion aid rebellion In 'the Mat. 6 A oi l to prevent entfring servants fro fi.lhihng iheti eomratis, or haib irutg them 7. A bill to secure to ayrieulturnl Ub.irer. LtBeir pay-in Juod. , - . v- b a Dttt more o e oauy io teeure n main teria ce ofytychiydrfil. and the pnymtaVi.f niieaaiin co do ro-nioiioo tn criminal cae. 9. A bill to eatabheh work honiea. or bonr o eorrecti in ln.tr teveral eouutia of the Suite. Mr. Arthworib introduced a ree-flution in favo, of Juaticeviif tbe Prfa-e who adroiniatervd le amneaty oath. (I'ropoaiug to pay them tl per diemiur toeir ericea tr im ihe ."rate Trexsun 1 Mr MeAden mrired to amend be sabatiiutiaii the word "UBiled State Tieaaury'1. tor ''Siat I .eaaory." ; --; . i'. , Mr, Aiebwortttaeceptrd the amendment On omtiiMi of Mr. Dlbr. the resolntion. u lam on tbe table. A message was received from Hi Excellency he. Uoyeriior., transmitting lhe-Tnhrf i.r il. reaurer ot tne uiiivrai v. whieii waa aent the 8ennre with a prnaoitioirto nritit l ne noaa men artjuurned an til 10 o clock, A a to-morrtiw,. -. -':.-:t:.'h 'tiiv tMii-'rii-Mie ie ,'----iv'iy.fc.t'i.,-jii,' ; .?.-'IIoiuriaiiicr . - - The Female Academy in this nhtr. wYM, a. ring ine enure period of the late war," flourished ami tore aloft the broad pejunuit of : Edncathm whilemany, if not all similar InsUtuUon in this oiauj succumoeri to tne Dresstire nt the ;nu. Mill u pursues the even tenor of it way " and bid fair jsoon to surpass jhc days of its former unequalled prosperity. - - ; . AVe team that the number of:"pupila enterine it Walla lrto ,ti '.-s essien i htnielt in excess .of .h,! ,.. ,. ted ;xthat durinir a week an avemrm f JZ nila ner H. K..T. xl j "5" ,"'v f- -- -j v icjcirai, witu me pros pect o still fVrtber large accessions. v x sne wonny rnnctpal, andhia large and com- deuce of the high estimation in which thi jcele. brated institution ia held tt-n k. " .i I-rvvs v7J ua lUBlXUCmrBl riAnn ma KAtto. u large share of patronage which the people of the entire South have heretofore bestowed, and still Kneronaiy comer. Salem J'mt. I :. " ...lA.J:.'. - The mn that swallow the inmt' p,r wiiaon,. amvea in fredericTtebuffi; Tuesday "ifiowd" Wednesday,?, ind ' left f iVednesday night without paying hi debt. Hi effect werp attacnea in tue nana or the National Ex preas,;.;i4 , . , . , Thn Washington Literary : Society of Waslrt ioiou voiiege, Lexington, tne olrtest College in Virginia, ha lost a letter from General Wash ingiton to" tho trustee of the' College, which waa taken away durine the w ar an d oeree m. turned. - . . Tha. tr.ntinjr of-pardon h .mr,,?r;i. eeed, ownia tn th PreJen basing diredted that no more aDolioarion tie UiI k... i.; ... , 1 , W- HIH, WJI m iiu-niw rarsv - 4-nil mrfBfatrgThXnimWof round a, mi itary law ,ff 'f I nieJnd - 3l ,Jbv(-ett ai4 tfa&t h baa ftiHecei io none : no oi a fwopic -w'"-..- ' - r : .. r Um n- of the noi linatkma liU-colleajrue naa mao Alter a oiomiy anu iniuw - ""-f t. lancn ann neieaten, no nijrTm.uW mv. nm (Hit. 4 i,t ttrr.Tnntiarawnea in ine nniorv. 01 m- irfsrr. tion fur 'lla severitr end continuous HghtiTB.l 'fBe"So'ufGras eJtmwIlSf "(' yTeld to upeharlll .wjt'4nv nu!iiirs. 1 he cause sue so lonuiy cneneuni and so chivalrously contended fiirds lost,and tho she vicltletl her aword with no hypocritical J.amile, but in good with, and with a candid anti magnanimous intention to reconstruct the I'nio of our fathers she cannot cry treason agiuif , her gallant Davis, anil raise a gallows as a nun "ument. to her noble dead. She cherisniw vif fond and nndyihg love her noble fallen, nd watches, with an. anxious and unslecpin'ye, the return of her heroes lhing. " While we of the South accept the riglliand of fellowship offered by the corist-rvatiein'ople of the Xorth, undar the leadership of Vfirheea, Pendleton, &c., we etiunot ignore our yt his tory. Let America have her wbo'e hi "7. md not in part. We are Americans, andrpaj, the tribute due to the memory of Washington,, Jcf ferson, Calhoun, 4c , Let uabe cwdidi anil honorable, and settle this' dimeult.j widiout crioging to the Radicals of tlie Koith, or the cowardly (lemaosnes of the ISouthAlaa 1 tlat human nature should be so depraves ; that men, who were the most enthusiastic Advocates f secession men who voted the Stifke out of tn? Cn'on, w ho were against the yanSi-c with tl most sacrilejreous oaths, .while sucoi-s seemed t crown our efforts, should now, wlsvn in advei ty, have the hoaft to persecute th agent of cause they advocated in ita incipitney to gid the favor of the voting party. It is a mean, it noblo, and cowardly act. i f Such has been the course of several journth of the South, but thank God, we can fin! amongst our friends in the North, men an! journals, which will disabuse the minds of th; people of sue 11. wiltul nod nialiciotis lies as hiw beon set forth by cortain papeH, that had m the magnanimity to confess defeat, and aw tbe issue like- men ; but thougUt. l.'by abtisinr their Own people, they micht win the favor the North, and be set op a rulers over their 4 fortunate countrymen. Tdey coukl notstap the pressure of pondscatiou, prison, JfcCM-bufe wA''Hii-twe gru0h'0f,,'ibey,ilieiiieiw' in union blue and with a curse on their lip for the Confederacyv tvejit aufccryiog Uniwil TJhWtt People of the'orth, can you bite confidence in such men asthosef - If thev lotwl Think not, ewiH1. wit em hid the shame : Of heiwa, nhicJh, while they dred not strikalor Won'4, mitki it rirty in them to forbar." LI in tne connc of any nation t Would the t true Uuioiiinen uf the North wish u tobe icpresented , by anv wch men I The fortunes of this great RtrjnMic nuiueu ny. tuosa men woimt soon re slUDnrreckv ed and etern!lly loaf. Tile day for weak-tneodL statesmen ha passed. The times demand) that we should have good and true men, '"men who know their duty, and knowing dare niaiduin. The North baa Itten misled in regard, to the annul, tnro evil designing men on both sides. The truest, and most loyal to the Untyrt now, are tnose wuo lonant t he Battles of the United eracy. They can be trusted, they -never i desert a cause they espouse, until it ts lost. Thw have determined tn reconatrct this Union, if th JtwrlhuiB l'Wtg"'f'1 anve Bumncr &Co." fom the Uniot battle ments, and there erect "he flag of '76, in spite of negro sum-age nfi negro equality. L aoor the leadership of Andy Johnson, the South muv. and wishes to be restored to tlie Union sesin, but God grant she may never rise ao-ain. if she has to yield to tbe demands of the twin demons. Messrs. Editors, J at if We were in the Union.: i oumnetsng nteyens-j i- write, I know w are net restored yet, nor will we be, if we depend npon these Radicals. So let its unite and do the best we tan, with the conservative men of the North- under the leadership of President Johnson. Kith. TeaiTanil souLand snatch the consrJtation from me nanus ot a maddened crow, whose advocates are ne worst traitors to the government of the United States tha could tie onceired"of. And mind you, the sentinels of eonrtitntional liberty Sr? m Ute alert.-v Vojrhee, and Peedteton have bred the signaljgun, which will msrshal, in sol ia pinnanx, irresmtjMgtije Jaue i:ni(n Atacrtca. aa.j"i--i r-ar In conclusion, Messrs. Editors, let ns forget the past, and buckle on our armor "for a renew ed conflict fo save the Union from a conaolida ted ucgro monanrhy.' Tlie countrymen ot Wash ington can bur, weep at the torn and distracted condition oi their own sunny South, whose soil ha been made red with tbe blood ot her son, from the Potomac to the Rio Grande. After con tending against the eombioed influence of the world with armies superior I number and for eign acc t s tries at will, for four long i n 1 iMoody 'VMN ,lie liad Iuam , tnMl .... ............1.1 ,,r cause she so ardently loved, so chivalrously de fended. - She presents a S)ecfaxl0 olT lolly horo tsm and Spartan devotion, unparallcleil in tho history of the worldThtiuizh defeated in her ...u, -.-v. vv. u Wv BUIieillJI F I.IIH cause: an ailmirinff world kncelaat thiahi-in,.f ner cnivalry, applauds the genius of Iter clijitsf- 4iltft .fliul. miravdB Ihk Wmm.v.IVI-- if I I I ,,T v i, n; ui ( ui in) UUOlU ucau. , ' - - J. II, Rtdgway, Jan. 23, 1888. . : v: fjyiiginiA Stay lw. - -? -The ftillowing has been propoed in tha Vir ginla LegUlatote; Mr. Joynee, from th Committee Alt rtvfwt Af euatice, to wh im were referred all the bills, tub. suiaies, ana aoeumenta relating to th Stay Law, made alengrhy re-pwt, anauinpanied by a uiii, wuma, on minion, wu Una on the Uhi enrl oraerea tn be printed. Ibe mil i satxtantially th same aa thenni ' th onginany reported in December, ee..p U doe not prohibit dead of trust giving preference in one creditor over another, and it except a l.trger number uf ee from th operation of tb law. Th main feature of thl hid ur the game a th other, tn wi : ,, - " ; I. I hs rnireth,n of the prinoip-tl U stayed on hi en iiar j , ' 2 On the 1st Jaaary, 1807. and also n lh Jt Janasrv; t8B8, ooe year', interest ia in he paia on ttie prmoipiil nf the debt, and also im .. . -. . - -i - an intereti in a-re on tn 11 January. ikKB. o. 1 he' Vistula of limitation i auetMaded wiiiki una mw j in CMOS. ' i Lll. ..... L . . a, una e am w in joroe, oreaitor may . , , L : I . I. - t js- . .. , tu juuioeuie uoieineu will Dim real eate. I'v; . y.r. T Thb Salx or BA5SI50 Hocen. Tho Bale nt ine oanamg ttwise on corner or Craten and Pollock street took place yesterday, under ih. ubuiiw v. i jsyrwtt aucticjnecr,. ann jjf McLean, of the bouse i-t Hitlbert A Mer.." became the purchaser nt U,07S,lfn a gold basis. Tbi a consitlered t very fair price for the property and will no doubt form .ri,. guide in filing prices in the future. ftctWn NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. v Cotton Seed for Sale. A S fw-et-f f Joia r.U.awae ,1 karalMf XJL bti:f nttuaMsvi triiil. T j araK,. .i ruiiavo war- f odetw tAom u,d i, rw. V fr rW.,v, r1" WT. Wt ly S'iSI.4. &ef-fJta . .' '. - iQtSVU 1 OATI3, Dlrert Importation. j .QVLUBdinf pea Bri U t, !tt froai c: 1,7s,, lili li hiiaht B erop'CudeDM ItolilM. . o i. r e, ".. - .i - ,-, . - 37 b r.H "..'.'.' V Ord.r., apB'f by th path, will ba F'vtly fiiloil at lownt ui.rkel !,. ' 0. U. PR"Lsr A co ia WUBugW,N,J. an. 8. 140, lw-isst, w. . KELLIG AT COSiTM . KElLOGGrWHIELEE & CO., AT THE OLD STAND OF 8. II. YOUNG, '. 21 t'ayetUritU Stnut, - ' ARK SKLLISO OFF THBIR XNTIRS STOCK t ' New' York Cot. Ore Oooda and Cwlicoo AT COST! Hut, Boots and Sfeoen, . -Groceries and Cigar, I AT COST I v- - Fine Old Brandy, Gla aad Whiskey, m auperlor Old Bourbon . Wlihkey, y ' Fer Oiiloa or Barrel .. . , , Dal"antl tlie pnblle ganrU, will 14 It ihili in'ermii toeall aad eitnlie ear eteek. KELLOGG, "WHEELER 4 Ca RfeiBf Hi-tV, wr t t ft HART fc LEWIS, 44 rayettetriUe Btreet, Ealeitjh, H. C. " Luii.i-iii.cjrrrTAaiji.to-ea'ia'ai uinTL'f4P L'li1 fii rrinfl iit iiwvKWlWmw ,a STBW4RT S 'Rtlan.t.. T p," " Q of th . avn''aw'"rraiifbrn it,.! ,i- ... bwtm. J BRO (t - With H art A Lewis, Jan V, 139 tf. 44 aaeticvi i, rH, FIFTY DOLLARS REWARD. STOLtsi fruia . H am i Hal igh, aia day -'ibt laet, k -ra It bad big, y era d. bramleil TJ i n bla . ft a- milder, 4 V th r ghi mdeo hiseaea Mi uil k,a been el'kea. 't ia .f puny kail horl, .1. p- ,J wJU - f nive r-'w-rt w li be ai-ra fi tae ,ppr k-a- en ..f ibetbHef .,,, er lireaty Ire dultar fa ,on,e 4 live ' l.i . I k,l-i -h T.i 'btef'O k ,uai ,fUlB NillMilw r?""'-"'?- - --.' OR9 T MUKDsCAL R.'aeb. N C.JIS I , le Hoose and Lot for Rent.-- FOR the r iu on i.r f t e ye i Aw. I tif hiei I., w tea I r.iB.rlj re Ideit, alib eee aa keif r tee -era, e ( ..u,. atuebed, atom en sail wt ef tb C.p ioI ve giot re..a U tbe beat aad laisb u( Bail llns ppat-t Anpye --V:s - 8 H L Ja. " Ralcigh, Jan,t;8, 139, Iw. WARREXTOX JFE3IALE COLLEGE. yrARRSicrott, k. c." I H"JSP?IS(? SSSf ILL OS I Wedaes.ley, Jnr. Si k, lata Aa.pl fiH ie ffa4 fra tkernatk ed-ieatlo. F etieaUra addren JtV.-lAttHAll. FotrLtaie. .""-T ?? FT kae, for eererat year say rw. aaorWred I. ia Christ I Cbnrek, (tpia.a a) Releigh - A p. ",,'- - '" i. Jamas vittSrAD. Jan. 88, 139, 2t, pd. ; . Calico at 30 Cent per Yard. 4 N 0 r H kt K arr al of the i keep prist, jet re. x caiyad by lb, Boathwa JCxpr,e)paay. v - - " - J.KISKT. Raleigh, Jan 23, 130t St - , J GREAT SE;SATIO.V It - Tho- Parisian Monarch Dethroned! ! K THE WORLD OP FASniON SSLKCTIXH T lEt OUTflr IKOH i TflCIR : treh arrleel nt U-iedi, aUtiag el New Broadcloth, 1,. Beaver CXothf, v? t -;;------"" Cassimeres, Rendv-mnda f!lnthtne 31 .Hati and Capa, . s gnlnndid fhrarAAata Collan, , . '"-V OlOTea, - . ; ' Hosiery, v Valises, " . , J v Handkerchief c, - so.,- c., .. 4a. - 0afl and laapeet Ooeda aad emat.v Fine Merfbant Tntinrlntr t itll tsrrl d ea. b e a tr(r feuii li t&aa avaf fcifira elleeisteil i ll e ,v An Entire Kult otr Clottliea ' ad up, . at any momeni, en 18 hourt , nelict. ThtU 0 xt r all a.w, they bar a splendid Ct r. aaa IteedtMaa ..m. Mb .111 . ably wit- ay exeeated la Earoevot ia tbi ennwtre. XOTICE. i 1 PPUeATI0IllKIMPST0 THII. l alieen,lAesM. foe a Aet t leee-po-r i (He -Corofi'ee ijutat j4 iaSaras, i' mnd TV eel ' Company ., t ,, ' 1 , t, la, pi " 6E0 W. D ILL . M- Commlnlnii and Kirwaritin Mrrrhant. lA SO AOalUJ fOR VUKRAT-S H. 6. STXAM V Eblp l-raa, Jlork4 Oiu, M. C Jaa. l-UO-laa. . . . . a. V

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