ensena nvw'w ' i - ' nil r rniMiiMniiiii i ti iwnmii iim iMiMi n I . ' THE, J)AILY.SENtlNEL. W n. JC. PELL, State rriater. TEIISI3 OF SCBSeiUPTIOS. F'tf two month. ; , . ... 1.00 "I WOUi.l BATHBB BB BIOHT THAW BE FBEMDE T,M BeBrf Clay, 8ieriiil etlf, jfeder a special bead, will be tbsrgrd ondollar persqusr lor esib inseHiua. Puoeral notices will be charged as sJrrrtiieajcnU. i Tue SlutptraaruMuicemeat ot a death or ir.arriaga will not ;ia).bAiwd.a . .. " Httnoatht, k , :. --!. -" -90 fgjT cHicM. tk aid o( onr frioadi ia txtmd- VOL. I. RALEIGH, MONDAY, JANUARY 29, I8GG NO. 144. t)! oar c!rceltion. y -w -7T, . , . ti U f- I! U ' . II , t A l Yi II -H r ifl I i ii r ri.... Debftt in Congreu on th Treedmen't Ba rean and Hegro BuflTBgo. .. . WiamMnroN. Jan. S3.:' JitT-Tbt bill to nlarir lb powert If ih. KreediDou'a Bnnaa ww called ap. Mr, SulburT said Tha bill under onidera tioa propose to enlarge the powers of the Freed- sea iurea . v uwti - fqllr. I think I can deaionatrala mathematically that this bill gie to 'be President of the United Siateti and to (hose entrusted with the discharge of these dutiea, me power oi peuunig ai least two hundred and fifty millions of dollars. It can uot be the intention of the friends of the bill that snob normoosyepe!lur shall be incurred j bat wa are to look at what may be Jiie resalt of this Korean going. w vpw. uvu, m hwchid (,.! t exoense mat be, and we are not to con. aider that those entrusted wi'b the discharge of (hose duties will not incur in s expense. Mr Sattlebury then renewed the diff-reiit eoe lions of the bill, allying that it gate patronage to a dangerous extent to the President,! as welt H incurred Immense expense ppon the country. Il prwideil fur an a(?o f the Burenu in eery county. There were sixteen hundred and seven t fight eiontiw it) the United btaiei. . Ia rj one of these an "gem at fifteen tundr4d.4 ar a ymr wnaid eotne to two millions fire hun dred and fuorteen titouwnd dollars. t-trea'j two clerks of AsdsistsMlN-nimiwiiimers at twelve hundred dollars a year, wott'd eoa eiKbty-six .t,.i.nl four hundred dollars, and three ihba sand two hunarwl aiid fortf-fwu clerk fif tfgenrni- io addition to all this, making a total for om rers alone of Siren millions three hundred and fourteen thuand two hundred dollars. t v , ' He aevitwed the cnurse of t' a Republican par ly since ircafraWrpwrefta 4 ent fonottion oi me coumry wnu m oonuitnin before the election of M LimxJn, iJ . be! iered legislation olthf chsrsoler now under confident tioft Wiuld reu. Wt theeetW el-Uie lJemolfa t party and Democrat io nmjoritifs in both Houses of Corigreaa. : "All lie wonld asy lo 'ifce Democratic partjr was for It to atand firmly by Ma. Feeaenden. of Maine. Mid tte .Senator from De swarehad Slid thai a continue ce in the kind of measurea now under consideration would Very goon put the Democratic party in possession of both H .lls of Congress. He did not know that he should hesitate lo do what ha believed to be right and proper, even la view of such a calami ty aa the accosaioa of the Democratic party. If he really believed that such a consumma tion waa really to some ahoat, he did not know but hemiuhl hesitate a little, dreading the er I so muoli, but be did aot apprehend any such re-. ' suit waa uear at band aa that u ought to in fluence hi action in mea-uree that ha thouxht 'pf operand j'lst. l' loMk-at-ba-aondiuua in which we find eareetva at the clnee of a great war, brought npoa oa by thel Democratic party. The great maul of the Democratic party, the leading portion of it, waa tba Southern p tion. I do aot say that all the Democrats were la favor of bringing on tba war. I acknowledge that a very great portion or them bave proved themselves to be good and true patriots aa gsod and trus friends of tho country as any set ef man but i do say that tba support which the DamodTBtie trartr Cave to tba Suutn in all its meaaureiiof arerewion was a degree of n:our agemant without which I do not beliere tba war would have occurred. ,: , That baa beea my opinion always, and I bave ao hesitation ia expressing it now. If the war was broawht npoa at by tba Sooth itself, and a result baa followed which may be grievooa to them fot tifrin of years, ii if eot for them to complain Tny invited tba war, aad drove aa into tba necessity of prowcatiog it, and if the resalt ia disastrous, ad continues "lo be oppress ive, so lar as the aeosesary measures are concern W, they bare themselves, to thank for it, and s cannot complain of tha Congress of the United States. If the Democratic party, aa a party in Its previous course ia rrsponsibie ia any degree for the condition of things that exist, it is not . for that- party, as a party, to complaio of tha measuree which may be found necessary at pre sent. "' Tbey also bave taken tba consequences of their aation to a rertaia extant, aad I think tbey ought to be silent apoa everything which tea Batumi and inevitable ; result of tha consequence for 'which thaw aa botkresponaiWa-- Mr. Me Dougail, of California, objected to tha arraignment of the Itemocratie , party. Ihe Democrats.'be said, bare been maintainers of the '"'tlB'liwia' ttsT Wffliatalcirmaitt'hf 'tha? ' iiretiblea' to the last, i They had maintained thv Uflion with, their blood and treasure. .- s -, Ml Feasenden said he made i distinction be- JWeo thejank and filaol the Democratic party and the leaders who acted in advance ol the paV "-vyf -Maay Dessoerats had shown taemeelves ' Kvert of tha country. The -great mass of tha . Democratic party fought bravely t6 support tha Government throughout in a manly and patriotic -way. Wa bear a great many threats of disrup tion of the Union party, of the overthrow we era about to experience, of the good time coming for those who are not now having tha moat agreea tie time in tha world. Perhaps it may come, it. is not for me tn say, that is will not, peihfcps the great pat ty which has control of tha country at tba present time will commit such errors that the people will get tired of it and wish for a change. Nothing is mora natoral. possession of power for a long time is spt to' make men sateless if aot ooriopt, end it is a go4 thing io a republic that tba people ca change and do change their rulers, but let me say that 1 bops tba party ia power a 111 continue there long cnogeb to sat ...tbinrs lifbt, so great t casacity for ivjl as tbors would have boa if ws bad not got into power. Ws will endeavor to svengtbeti the country if we Cannot strengthen ourselves. As good patri ots wa will do wba;ever we, can for the public good while ws'remaln in power, and will not be frightened by lb threats that wa hear made. Mr. Fesseaden then spoke of tha bill under . eonsideratioo, and i conclusion referred' to tha subject of reconstruction. Us had noticed that Some gentlemen were a little anxioos ta diseosa this matter before they had tba benefit of the (acts that tba Special Committeo might be sale to tuts, and the conclusions ta which they might ' finally come. That was a matter for every gen tleman to jadgs by himself, and for himself, hat there w.a oos thing upon which be wished to ay word. Swatqrs bare, in tbe course of do bate, chosen to Ulk a gnat deal about the poller " Of the Prs'iatkndnie"p"o'.icf f Cehgresftt" ........ J cannot and r St and why gentlemen of the eth er aide of tbe House, and geutlementif tbe asms - way of thinking oa this aide of the House, should be ao very anxious to get up the idea that tbsrs a oolUsiea of opinions between the President and Congress. Ve have all sorts of rumors, in which the wish is faher te the tliousht. One day ws bear that auch a Cabinet Hinutter la to os turned out or to reaien. and this seme. thing else ia being done i-thalt the Preoidont had said tola or th ir; that he means to ostracise peo ple who will not support his poll y 4c All such rumors are without the eltghtest loundition, ex eept tha wiab of tboae who invent them. Mr. Fesseadea sud ha would ear to all who wished sock a state of a Hairs to coma about, not to fl ttr themselvea with auv such idea ' He had aot as yet seen tba slightest indicati a, and h did not expect to sea any. fevea sod oemg ilierd was a dtfiVrenea of ooinion. to a certain et'iettt. as to the time and manner of accomplishing a great work, which all desire to are accomplished at the earliest possible dar, did it follow, becaaee "f this difference of opinion, that there waste be, the collision that was . talked, about T He knew r.ry well that men hang aroapd the Vhtie House and endeavored to persuade the' President that those who oaiibt to be his best Meads are sot do ig tbeir best to sustain him t bat they paid t',e r resident a poor compliment bn they m'uua ted that he was aot keepiog watoh oa theea mato tare umaM '' x-r"--r-- - Thers is no oollision, said Mr.. Feamndrn, . . ear it fir much or little fur the benefit of th country The Praaideut hai done not hintt that his ftieada complain of, and bis friends bare done nothing that he can complain of. A Commander-in-Chief of the army, he had appointed Provisional Governors in (.lis S uttt, but fae-ad-m aamptxa4usjaytlunx.Wji');'i under the Constitaiitm, bebmged la Con crew t j do. In conolusion, Mr. resendn -said ns le- sired a fall restoration of tb Union as speedily as possible. He waa opposed to tha ionusttiuii sp aay el dod, o fjrin pari of the Core rum ent, ot derradinxeondni'Hisotanv'kind. it inniiu fiw uegrauw hii oouto iu any. war Dissolution sf Copartnership. TBI Ira Ksnts'ere ka-wa ai that ef 8aVr, Oowp Ce ! 4.y h-m iluoliti by stataal wimt Tka daties Ssvolvlas; ea ef lbs artaera as Oaihltref she Baak ef Cape fear, and UjxaL(U4a.UM.llt bafyre the war) lor tbe parposa of pra'itleing law, have eaaaaa this Stasia 'lea. Tbe baala'SS will be eoa tlsatd by Mr. Talattii Cewerr a4 Mr Jwu A. Meera, UtsTslleref tbe Bank ef Cape I ar, a4-r the aaate aas style. Oewp r A Moore, wbe will setUs as ths baaiaeas of Baker, Cowper A Co WSt J. BARKH, I PCtA8KJ00WPIR, - - WM.il. JUCS. Jan. 85,13a, U:- -- - - PCTAaiCI COWPKB. . - , .... JAJfES A. MOOU. COWPER 4 M00RE, -, AUCTIO ft COMMISSION MERCHANTS, jrayeuevme street, '-Xtpp1tf-fteatt"Draff titvrr, -I ItAJJClOH, It. C., WILL sell all kinds ef efdaoe aad goads ef any daeeriptioB, ea Coatsaisatoa er at Aastlua. . wul eolleet all elatait aad isd vldaat debts assise pat Mas residiag ta this airy el Ratelgb er la iba eesatj nt wate, aas wui say ana sell ea ueaiaiuwf a, ; BealEtUta, ' f . ,.. Gold and Silver Coin, . State Bonds, Stocks; and 5 v..i "!' iv ''.. Bank Vote. Ceasigaasats solicited. COWPEft at MOORI. -Jan. S3, 139, -. - 't,'vv :FOBiAlL.v.v j.: ii JD8T raeelred a few kegs ef fee Vlrrlnla Moaa. taia Baiter. Alee, for Sals, sewal Irkl a f K Terk S"ibaa aattar. CO wPKB 4 MO JRI. Jan. tS, m, tt - ' t FOIt 8 ALE. TTintE Flour aad Bunkwhaa', Oslo Satta, aaily jl . ttaraea raaa, (siarrowiar aa toe) aad seav COWPER A M00KB. Jan. 3, 139, t FOR SALE. A SCPEUOa artiels- ef Tadkla Ceaaty Rye XX Whiskey, Cbaeae, Molasses, 6ngu. Saergla Wtae, by the ease or bottle, aa Or. Ortoa's Cerai aative Bitters aad Plaatatiea Biters. --r COWPBHA M00RK. Jan. 28, 123, tC::.--"- .'':'?''-''.rOB SALE.- -'.- .:. A tOTeV Ids KoTtbara Apples, Borax by tba bar ral kt Raw York eost. Ko troa. Bats aad Caoi. Creek aryj aid Literic by tbni : Jan, 83;;i39,ti:r ; .; - . FOB'.' COTTON Tares, sy the ha e, Cottsai SbMttoa, a very, lae aorta, a seeead baad Borrv, Waroo Maraaes, wtae) aad lead Setts. Ketnl and Horae Cer- era, iba Baddies aas! Bridloa. fo, Burkam's Brno- aiosr xooaeee. vicars aaa Bans. vu"fas iaiuuaxto ; Jan. 23, 130, tt W-,- . : ... ,' J li FOB l4lE,iii;.'Jvjs' ... AW sad iMalleasssa beaAs, silver plated Ware, I Cete ard faeae, tae Bwaa. Oil, by ba ea-a, at haw York eost, Bole Leather, Bsttoae, Sxvaa, Saw ing Machinal, Washing 8ap, Vary cheap, by the box. Wool, aaa a tae One boota ire timea, btl or sb. COWPgB A M0OKB. Jan, 23, 189, tf.; , a . i V r ', FOB BEVT OB SALE. ' ATERT lae rasldeaee. ta tbe siiy of Raletgh, to rant-SIUM aeres ef lead a'Uobei. A'io, two aioa dwelllsgi.tUasted ea sale.-ii ,y.' it : ta prticiyai street, ror .C0WfRM0OSE, Jan. 38, 139, tf. 0I4XtcIi vyilllams Whisker. : AI Agsals far SieJt .W Uliaau Baa. wa are lira cared ta faraisk tbe abeve Moalar braae ef waiskey, by tbe eerret er - Addiesa arders ts COWPg A MOORS XOTICE.1 v...f .i. I Witt gELt TO THE BI9HEET EIDPER, OS Tearsday, tba 1st day of February, suy koata aad lot, sitaated la tba tewa of Beadsreoa. X. C, cot talalag foar asras ef taad. A lae, at tee seams tiwe ead plaee, two eaisaprwved lots, eae eeatalaing two acre. Us slbar three aeres, with a valaabl water newer. I - ..- Alao, a yertlo ef sky koaaabold sad ktteaoe far. attars. Terms aisde kaewa ea day ef tale. . ' C. B. CHAMPI S, Beedenoa, K. 0. ; Jaa 1, 1M. tt,, ;' ; r vi Notice,',: :U.J., TBE KEXTBBSSlO.t OP THE K0RTH CAR0LI .a laetitatiea far the leaf aad itaaab aad the bliadwiil eeataeneeeg Mm lay. Jaoaary li, lif. Paaaaia aad trleadeef saaili wi ylaaie seed "-tat ta preeaptly. for tar eta f adssisiuos, Ae aply U e at Jaaieigk, H. C. - er .- v ' - . - iVT. J. PALUEE, PriaeipaL Pa 13. Ua. lsa . . . AVi.,, . ' i J o. a. tk9.xx.vt, ja. JOB JODOI, atxat sa v aos O. G. PAKSELEY & CO 1 Importers :" A Commission Merchants. golLclt Coualfnmeula far Sale er NblpmenU Cottoo, .'I...;' I , ;,VJ Ootton Yarna, ' : " ! Pomesdos, r . , . Jfaval Stotes,' , , " ' A4 ether - C0UHTET PB0DUCE. Have alaaya ia Star, aad are rseeiriac eoastaat. ly, eoBSigaaents, for sale atlawaat siarket rates, f Gunny Bagging-, Gunny Bags, ; Bale Bop, Meu Pock, Bacon Sides and ShoalJera, J .. Sugar, Coffee, Molaasea, ; Flour, Butter, Ckeeee, 7 Iriali Potatoes, Onions. Crackers, Mackerel, Pickled Herring, 4 Smoked Herring, V ,,'Codftsh, Bails,' Powder, Shot, "w Window Glaat. PainU Linseed, Xeroeene, Tanneri, and LubricaUng Oils, in C-eal eani & bbla. wmsKey, . aaaioA Bum and Out, . - Hoap, Candles, Staren, Salt, Lime, &e., &c, &. BOH AOCMTS poa Coc's Super Phosphate of Lime. - " "TlOWJVTff FDR ' ' DUPONTS POWDER. 30t lldda Mew Crop Mulasses, direct .froa ia.var.wia.avr..W.evaSfctl. Ta errire daring Pebraary or Harea i 2,000 B igs CelTae direal ftrot Rl Janeiro. SOtt Hhis Bagar direol frsi Parte Kloo. Jaa. '.-Iie-tia.., , 1'EW CO.n.1IIijlio UOl'fiE. TUB CSDEUBIONBD HaVB THIS DAT AB90 ciafed theaiaelras Sogetbar aader tbe Style aad arai ai JAS.McKlMM0N4.S0N3. . (ot the parsese of carrying aa a general Auction and Commission Buiineaa, " st tbeir eld stead, K 1 Payetterllle B treat. . Wi utlHll .wil..M..t, f r..i.. fl4M rntw Cotton .Tirai. and aa kbld slsaaEcbaadlae-aBA Vuaatry frodaew . All baaiaess aairastsd te ear ears, shall commend ear prompt stteatl'a. JAMES MCKIMMON, , A. N. McKIMMOU, JAME3McKIMM0N, Ja. Raleifk, Janaary I tlSlok x i SWEPSON, MENDENHALL& CO., GENERAL- 79 fi 111 Sr., tW W TO UK, . , I1A CIRCULAR ATTErnOS GITEN TO - the sae of Cottoa. Cottda Taras. Oottoa Cloth Harai 8trai( taar aad Mtaateetared Tut-aees, de Li "oral saab advances seeds ei ooiizamaau ia lOrieralaelUlud fat ta spvakass ef Deeds Wfall eonrinmenit to iu an ctvtredbg In ntranct as torn e shipped on all Kail Jiili. and rem tdl ikippnig ports, through fo- jVew York, wketKer tdcic . sAijrasMa itVcH& t or t& Consign meats solicited.-M - . - Thob. J 8uMaER, ( Chartptte, 1 - N C UANiEtWoaTir, -. . Com pan Shops, S O.- McRPitr, ;V v New York City, i BoBERf R. Swcpsom, ?;;- 5 W:Swep80K,S " Haw Rivers -iN C 0. P. MlNDBNKALL. Graeuuibora. ' t October St, lSoi-o tt. THOMAS-& CO.;, Bankprs,' Ko 176 BALT1J40KE STREET, b tLf niOEC, VOr WK BUT AND" BEbt. Off THE MOST FAVOR, able terms, all tbe different (JQYERNJIENTjSECORITIES.j - - : SOUTHERN STATE BONDS, ' .COMPOUND INTEREST ROTES, . v GOLD AND SILVER. Suxk, Bead, As., Of ear ewe market, ea Oonails- iiiun, in peraan j and thflae of New Xork aad Phila delphia through reliable eorrespondenia. Jfeee ColUctisn, with prosspt returas, ea all as- seutble points, Jiortb, South aad West, , Drat Void er Oarreae Dniit. ef an aaaonat. (rarybeet rates, er Sew Tork, Philadelphia, Bvstos er auointtaa, ,v AUr Jetarettea Dmrtie4 fMi Otmmnt. sab. eet ta ebeek at sigbk 05 HAlOPOR BALE. ' - V . 30,r.M SoatVera Bank Nates. J' SaOS'W Plvs-Tweaties, 7'S, 'H aad ' iaaeei f ass sup una-Tear certificates. ' ' Vet I ss-tf . Commission Merchant, v : SO. 476J BROAD W"AT, NEW YORK, 0JU4 i tkt Grtat Anuria amp, , A SBW AS . WELl TRIED ISVElrilOS, it. ar-aotad te reiats water froat treater dt nihil te tbrdw it further by boaa ta furoe it to greater dltieaoem by head tbas any other pump. The beet Inasraeee agal.'St ire. ' - ' ' - , - JOBS POWERS, Baaafaetarer, ' '- V":' : --'' 4tl East ltthXitreot. Tbe AaMrieaa Wld KM, Aardea Baclses. Brick Elerateo, Hydropsies, Bum, Rubber and Leather BoUinC, ttraas tlaee f ipes, Uuaoilags, Ritbi, Piaoos Maiadeeas, Aa,, alwaye ea aaad dee J, lis, tf riibXEl'.ItlOII M'UOOL. V THE eaareiaa u iVls'iaetitatiiai wars reaeajaiioa Monday, tbe Ifith inaU 4ood board aiay be es ttioed Id tbe vliUra kadylelatiyat raajoaabls rata. Per fartber psrtieulara addreee , (' . R.W.IA0CETIH, PriselpU. j aa 90, 117,: Im, H, pd. . o. o. rissutT FOI118G0. BRADLErs CLEBRiTED Hiuirru. nCH HOOP BEI19 COMPOSPD OP TWO PER. M .'"? iol.e Springs, braided tightly aad Brly together, ede to adia, fornint eae loop, naaieg iae arreaowi aaa most Jttxiblt, tha light a" aad Boat imtiklt spring atade. Tbey will BOthead ur hruk like tka 1.U lm... bat will always areaerre tbeir psrfrss-aad SawaJvrW Crowded Assemblages, ' unurcnea, i ,.. ; ,;, Theatres, ' '.vPi:;.. ' ;-h Railroad Cara, ' FK?romajutda. or HouaeDreat, la fast, tbev are' laperlor to all ether, eonbl aeg ... .. J Comfort, . . v. - x,suuuiuy, " " "-Xigb.tttea and Durability Bradley! Duplex Elliptic or Double Spring Jea awl a aaaiyaiiaiai Maaafaataie4-aselaaeea by the sole ewsers ef tbe pateat, Wests, Bradley tt Cary, Itl CKamhm aaa! rvsaeff 1 Bmis Su, Km fork. A full assertmeat of theea Superior Skirls eoattaat- lp ea hand, aad for sale ta a great variety of sitae, by W. II & R 8. TUCKER. ' "V" KKLLOOD, WHEELER 4 CO, A KLINE' ' v RANDALL MANN, ,'. And all ether Merchants wbe sell first Class Skirts la this City and thn.ee boat tha Beatbera 8utea. Jaa , I1T, tiaa. foe's Super-Phosphate or lime, BOBEUAKCBE. , . ffA BRAN T E D G E N U I N B, B1 EISO MADE OP THE BRST MATERIAL iBD ta tbe atnstapprovtd saaaaer. It Is reeea Beaded: to tha puhlia aa taprrlor to any other in tbe aaerhet. All wbe bave aaed it speak of it la tbe blsbest terrna of prai.a, and those engaged la Its BMiafaelBrS will eeatiaaa tbeir beat aedearers to advance ths high repetatloo whlrh it baa aequi ed. t i Vi . Weeaarautee the Pboaphata te be well ataaarae ad, aad raconaiaod it ia prefereaee ta any other artiiutal aiaaure ia tbe avartet. Wa. eoaaidee It aearly equal te -ha beat Peraviee Seeno, although arnunaa at aat (ie pnee. Meees B H. All's A 0 l. the well kaewa at ana fee In rent ef agricultural lmpleaente, sayef itt fW take plaaaare te statin tka ws have sola B. Doe's rwpsr Pkepua'f tlsae hi turns f aarsas It has gives aaire sal aatl-faotloo te ear euatoKerl. Ws eaoat cha-rfull eodo'ae it ae aa article worthy ef th. eoan leBOa ef the pabtie, aa tbe parebaser any rely anna seearli I aa article honestly aad care tellv eaaaateeiared, .- ....... "Wa w .aid state that, after careful esaejlaattsa. aa oelleve this Phes kate has beea 1b pro. ad each year aiaca its ia r ideetl. a ia this saarket, aad that it will euitlnui to at tnuin lie preeeat high staad ing. , "Vary respectfully, 1 "K II. AtiLBH A l!U., ' . ".fa IH Wa'er street, Msw Terk." . . Paiss Oos, Esst-, -f-J". ' i. .-'.Us.a.r Ananed please Indraaalt "f say aaalyais af saaa- ple of ye r Saner Psosphats ef time left with ate being Sack a enpertar artiste la every reapeot, it refaa froa sescrata'atiat yea apes sack aianafaetarai aklak aailaitbtsdly;iU. Bieet .with great saeeees , , i maniac jua every saeeees, l an, " ' Respectfully- years,""-" - BexTiseKsyAasaat 1, 184. Of Free Phosphorie A old rTyL 1128 eeataiolag ef Aonyilrona fbos 4.4V Bi Passphats ef Line. - .10 eeutaiaingof Anhjdrons Pbes rhorifl Acid.i 8.70. Of Neutral Pboopbate of Lime 1.85 eoa taming ir Antiyarous rsos chot-io Aeid. .S. Of rintohats ef L)tneliTited. . contan lng or lulptiuuc aoiarsot ) 81,20. Of AljkagrSaltaec 8ut?bates. v r.tl Of Oigaaia Ctnabastible Matter. J.J68 capable of producing Anunpnia. IT. Of Animal Coal and Sand. ' ' " B OO Phowpttofie Acid soluble ia Water. 11.16. Phoephene Aetd iaseloble is Wster. 4 88. ' . ' AmmeiHa :-;:: ..l.TB."' -VSj'w MABVPAtrrasiB t f-I EVOCHCOB. Hnater'iPwnt L.1 ! i qnilB CXERW!Et HAVE BEBIT APPOIS X; tad Agents f..r the 6ta a ef Horth Oarollaa, aad will aupyty tais nparlar fertiliser at ssasaraetBrerr ,e. Pat sp.ia barralssf abunUM pc4oda welghts.T. : " TOO Barrele aata ta Stars. . and for sale by , "V ' O. a. f ARMLET t CO. WIlmtogtotti'Tf. Ow aaw t !2Mav-.... im IIAnPfiHIRE COAL.''!. . i QAROO OP 174 ToSi HAKPSHIRB COAL Dil tyazpeeted roe) Baltimore. ". '. bis eoal Is bltesiiaeas, and perhaps tbe best eoa knows for aUaat froaa, whether fur leeesaetives er etee.eabets. U is ased alsseet exelaaively by Rertbera railroad eesipaaies had tbe Canard Bieasa era. It is also represented as tbs hast bleeksaalth'S seal la tbe eeeairy.aai is very eateaslvely aaad ia trsa works for forum j, a to. It Is Soft sad friable, the toe eoei heieg as rrjd for an aa tke lamp. - - fTks aU'Btiiaef raQroad eoeipaaies, Irea works and aaaehine ahoyi, te particularly iarited s tha iaiportanee ef s trial ef this seal. " . : Tbe anderrtgned having beea apveiaied agent for tba UaetpAbtreaod BaltUaore Coai Itenpanv. will be prepared to farukih any ojsatity required, at a reaa. eaaeie price. ', Orders reepeetrully settcHeS.a .-i.i.r . - 'V ' PETER JfAUETT, ". .'"-T ' So. l Ron. Wae street. WaUgtca,7aaaarp leMM-lss. . rr Generals Cmmissioja a.-;'' V.ij;. Hfi -..jf fat fa J,, s r SHIPPING MERCHANT. JWU JNUJKTH WATEtt ST. ' . WILMISQTOH. H C. COB8IBSJIENT3 OP COT fOJf, NATAL STORES XaaBkeaas-cHBet fraduee foa. Bala.ee 8-.lpU reepeetrully solioiied. Lib.ral advaeeeaieau made. ar-yraars proaipuy ssecated. f '. :., j,.,.',;,,. vvovtt-rM-Ssss. PE1TATE BOARDING. MB?- A. SRAMSAV WILL ACCOMMODATE aentleaiaatliaaDas with aieala at tie pe weea. nesioeace sear B. . Moore, Eq.. frontioa Nash sqnsra. bds is siso prepared ts make ap Presses er do vtoer neeate wort ta good style.-.----. - keleg, Kev.Jl.ifl.tr. ' mv.MlHu, i JOS. BOT, . 4 SIVSU JOSEPH iiOY & CO-, COMMISSION MEBCnANTS. Ptq 138 FBARL STREET. NEW Trvuw Commission Merchants, U. BB rtUUHSO BTREET, ... Nyvr Orleans. aaasa ro ateaars. W.H. A A B TTJOKIR. 0. B. BARRtSON, K8Q, B,P.alO0KB,R6t)4 i W-hV-sas At JtmLiAirs4ieiimmm, AWmjk Run ixd mm-. t C03IHISwlUi M ERG II A NTS, roa tbs ana tt Cotton Yara, Bheetiats aad Oeaabwr(e, Heol - .. aad VToelsa 3se4. J ' '"";' rfcBPgRMCEeisf.4.' , ... ; - Ches. P. Mallet, Baq., , Cbas. B. Mallett, Baa, Oe.W. Williams A Ce., Jesas H. Lindsay, Es4., Chapel Hill. Payetterllle. Payettevllle. Oreeaabore, Sreenebjaro, ' Charlotte. ioa pioaa, aiq Theaaae R, Tate, Esq.,' awaioaie, aaq., (,'aaater Uetoa Jonup.ro Ann, - MERCHANT ; AMD AOBNT roa - a9tllinf - tt ttrnin ml flfsfate, If BAR OLD eODllTX WBARP RKWBKSM H.C. v-'; ' BarssBucss. ;'."-j A T Jerkins. President Bank of Doaaima. N. bent lirWJ Hawkins, lata Pree't of R Idl Bi dob a soyaea. free tef bob, r HaHsbaryi Col W Johuatoa. Prea't Charlotte A 8 C R R, Charlotte! Boa J hi Morebead dreeaaborat Kav Dr Deema. Re aigk aad Rev W g Pelt, ed'tor af Stntintl at Raleigh TUOS. BRANCH k SONS. -.i-o. .; : Byeaejer TIIOS. BRANCH Byeesjerc Streeti Petersbart sfais Btsaet. Rukiued . ... 13RANCH, SONJi 4 C0M - - Aagu.ta,0a.' Bankers aad Caaasisioa Hen. baa's. ' DEALER! 19 COIN, P0REI3X ASD D0ME3TIC Eiahaages, Soatbera Baak Sous, Bucks aad Bonds., . , Interval allowed ea Deaaslaes. fJnllMttim aiade tsroncbeat tbe Uoltad Btatee, and special at toettoe givea te the redVajptioa ef Soatbera Bank Motee-for Beaks' seeennt. tm. Libernl .diuea.nu atade oa eoaslrnnent of Qettoa, I .haoae end ether prodaeu a thelc ear respondents la Baltimore, liew York. Liverpool Branca aad Aatwera. - ,-. Tbev bold 1US eeS Boia af the u.. v.v eorottea Banks which thaywUI faratth at tslr ra-ei ta pa'tiee wishing te anrekass ts i ay eld act otlakle aotee te the Banks -,r .h.,. COPAEIAEESniP. -Sswssaw.-lfr:, ItoTiaabariat, Ttt " WB BAVE THIS OAT PORMKO A C0PAB.T aersbipandertbeaaaiaaad stvleef - i , Whitford, Dill & Co.r far ths traasaetiea ef a Bhlpplng aad 0 an arai ; Coiximission. Businessi la this Tewa, West aide Craven S treat, oa old Coua- ty nnart. . - - , Te the sale ef Cotton. Naval BtonaV Titua T her, Btavea,8bisglesv Cera, aad all kinds ef Preduoa sad klerebaadlsa, aad also ta tba aata aad bureham U . I .. A . . . ... . v eiaar wieesa, we will give ear personal attention. . . , .. Ws are Areata for slurry's Kortk Carolina Stall Weeklv Ltaeef Bteaaiahips, between Mewhera aad New Tork. aad for Bali iug Veseels fwr Baltlaere, Phitads Pbia, aad a' her ports ta the Baited States aad for differeat pens In the Weal ladies Tbas it will be seas that we are furaitbed by our ewa wMeets with the aasplMt facilities for the speedy Iran a porta ties of Freight and Paueegers But la kdilitio to these, thers las weekly Una ef fjcees Steemsbff aoa tbe sasas reate, aad a trl-waek ly liae ef Bteamcrt by ialaad real tbroash AlbeMarle aad Cbesapeaae Ca aal te Berfclk, Beluaiare, 1bilade'pbt aad- How Xork bioes aterebaata and Shippers autruaUng tba traaapertatioa af tbeir freight tu as, aaa re V with nndeaee ea Iu speedy tranait. . VaV We wil stake liberal edveaeee ea eoailssv isau. t .... ,. f - All leturs Udrossod te as ea the subleet ef fail s L r oa say ether baaiae'f, will b premr-tly aoawered. I ... ,f. u . .......... .... euun ar. eBllTUfll, dHOHtlE W. MLL, , WM.C. WaiTPORI), Bereaiber , U M tcss ' a, s PseearTs, ' t t. rsecsrva, ' . Of Oretaaboro, N C. Of Alanenoe, S a Faucette te IJro., COMMISSION I AND ."FORWARDING PnrphtilnifAjffinti!, GXrNT;RAL: I'RODPCE5 DEALERS, ' srhwiemea,a.laa Ika - fl.ad . - ..: . . VIT""" as isaiigi ..JBSVTslVOs NEWBESN, N.C- : . Seswl.UMsf. - A P EIVATE SCH00L. MrSS. KQC. wUI epea the seveath seeeloa her Bohool lor munt L.li.. k. ..r Mother. Mrs Willi, p M,ngu the Hth at . 0ly aliaitel a'eathn t pupUa can he neelrad. rbeywlliaada heaiela he ilotbee's lamlly. fW' Mrticalara apply te, ... , v - . ,MISSM,p.stANGtrif. Kov. I...Taa, . DatenpoTi Tcmale Cwlice: rlSS EXERWER oTthIB lKSTITCTIOBf r.iSi . ?,UrT, Kuil,i'J- as Ith ef Pebrua. .1 ' U,h ? 1" "F t itntroctora. Ibis bsett. tatiun is de ishtfully eituatrd et Lenoir, twelve aalles trem Icard a siatioa oa tba Wealera Estenaloa. TERMS. Board for twenty wctai, gj sjf Tuition ia Engliah branches, (OSS Mutio aud use ef Piano, 1J '. drawing, ' 1 S ' Paiatiog Is 01'. , jo g Latin, ureek, French aad Oermaa, primary dcpartment. , Taitlea la tret elaee, ' ' . it IS . Tuition la second eleai, , - 1SS --- Contingent fee to be paid by each ' tudeat, ea enteibtg the College, f M For Circular, addraeeaatH Itl ef Pebn ary, - , BKV, J, R, ORIPlTy. 1 - A soavIUs. tu -B. Alleftheabevsprinssarek as said la specie er he eewrvaisstar . u... .daw U lDASma TRIHITT COLLZQE, S. C. - THE aTBXT BK8SI05 WTLIi COMHENiJl OS -ihsltaldtf JsknUarsVee mm A dL. - A rfs.- I , " ' as wssw vai lUw BTSM. tTBSejg WaMt.asas.;0eels4a..:a . nsd, refurcisb'sVAad lituu, tl.-d i . arceeditioa. At preeeat, board will be Blest par month Is currency i tnitionand other asaenses at tke nanal jatl,ll.axpeaen b.rdia advaaBe.- dully back will ma froa, the rli... i. tii.i. n.i.. ' a tbe N O. Railroad. lor farther Info sl Ins. saj. dreas the uad.rai.asd. - B. tSAV US, Pree't. . uecje-ng-iaa. . . .. - "'Baa,WlsMSrPlrBlTtfiWattkf.,V' - Tinae, PayeUe.itla Naw, Oraaa. here patriot, Char telle DemoeratABd Petertburg Index, copy weekly.' ana month, and forward accounts to sas at Trlaily College. I S.0, Korlh C'urollaa Map for 106. rVH Bakscrtbefhas, after tea years ef toll sad ex. perleeee, prepared Ikil m mmd btautijnl stay, -frost aew eagravi ts, with all tke new C .unties, Rail Roads, feet OBoee. With knadreda af additioaa aad eorrectloas, Slate border views, likeaesa of Pres. tdent Juhnsoa, Andrew Jaekioa, f. K. polk, Oovs, Swain, Orahaoi, Vance, Ac, altogether present lag a snpeth Map, worthy ef iba State aad a plaay.4S everyh enaebold, vastly superior ts any thing ia Ibil line taBalsh.aadbaatyf.....-,, , Thir 4)p Is entirely front new engravings, aad Is treat improvement aa Cook .'a A P....'. eld Mas..; .... B.ware er fJorthern haatbarsaad iatposttioas. Thl. Map Is now ready for prlnUne;. AranU wanted ia all part, of tbe bte'e. '' Baiters who Will coot sad eotiea thia advertlae. steal, will be entiUed t s proof coot af tbe Man. he - ending paper tease. . rr et or the Map, e feet by 4, handsoately palaud and prinud ia tha beat style at tba low price of $i per copy. - SAMfcltL PBARCK, - . 8 . - liUisbere, N. 0. Jan. 88-139-lm. . , niTV ItOLL.tRe, RKWAIID. s TOi.a t fruut at... M auiu. in Hi ,.k. on H.i.,rf.. eiabl last, .rv hrae tt bande kirk S ... d, braed-a U Hn his I. ft .keuldar. eod at .k. rifht side et bis neeH. II. i tail has bees alnked. Ha its. snug puny kl' hor.e and paee cy well. Tae abeve. r.w.M wilt be i ea tt the eppr b.a. stoaei tbs ibiaf aa tt twenty are dollars fo the bbrsd d. livered tn , a In Kali,h Tbs thief to-k alio a Mc '-tlm atdeaa4 Bridle. i , am W lWstI0AI. Raleifk, If. C, Jan JJ, t , Iw pd. K-K DR. W. R.X JONES ' 0PER' Tlia PROfKSstoSAI. -BKRTICES TO Ibecltisena ef K.isijjh. V vutre ever r . ree ud t Prug Store Can be found et night at lbs reeideace ef Rev. J. I Atnlnsra A . Sslg Noveotbert IS i Ji Ira ad. ' .- eatabas s.saa --w.utsr.easABi a, suss. OrKiitAQlajiwrXicBotU JartvAo, . Lai C4EB, SODA, SAL SODA, B0R1JL AIDf, ' V " ana otttar rN.Hiioals " ' Paints, Oilsa GIu6 Eatract of Logwood, Caeiile Soopj fco sVe. So, il ano 34 8. Csaai.se St- . f BALtlMORB, Mil, . Uoslruble IxtCHtloa for at I'll) t Hun. H4 VIS 9 IiBIKRMlSED TO EiNOAQB IN OTH er buaiaeat; which will raouire ell tim m.mi atteatiea. I of.r aa excel ent looatioa la tbe village ef C'eataoasville, Davidtua Ce, N. C. with a 1ms erection, to any teanectahle phyicla wbe is not n rsrsaasently located, Tke location eaa be securaiT V tbe purcbae ef .aa elesantly arranged brick ef tea with iwoVema, and tha Int npns which it ts la. eated, wbieh I will StU for tm eaeb, 1 bare, alto, a stock of medicines ea headtthkh 1 will dirpoae of. A rood dwalliug. hours can be purebaeed coavitBlcnt to tbe effioe if deairad. The viilare has a flanriahing school, sBords a pteaeant residaaee, and is situated IS a Sua sgr'.caltaret region, two Biles from the Yad- ' iia iwery H attles wort el rjaieea. aad le acrth ef -Leslagton. . For farther vVticu'ere, sddreas . . J. X, H.OUT1IIT, 3. D., ' ' Xare of II. A. Lemlv. Eaa.. Baiem. S. CL Jaa If. -14. 8tpd ' ' Select Se&ool MIS M. MITCHELL. AND HKS. X. N. OB ANT, Prepoee reeeivui( lute thair family, as pe-pila, a few yoaag ladles. 'Jerms Bade kuowa ea applica tion by letter or etherwlae. The neat eeeaion will eosMnenre Janaary lita, 1M. . Chapel uui, ajov. Ii si it, j COOk'E'8 HOTEL ' IS open, aad (boss wis -are travelling and wish -eoeifurtabte quarters aid geed eatitfg, U.p at Cooke's. My terras Will be as aiudarate as poeaible for tba tlsaaa. foa WlUaiwaye Sod eonveyanee at -tba depot to take yea te either ef the Hotels ia this. . Citjl bat b epea .iaJlilr .Cooke's, where yon . will et pbee! to4fif, feeal allay, eMaertU eralar te drink, and nsiie aaauksU yea wish it. . I will be prepared te aecommadate lb or It atea). bars of tks approaeciiig OonTantiorn , ,. . 1 sex. t. coon. aytasjbet t, IHI -. ItWf.'itW'.l 1