i-Z---. - --- ' ' ' ' yi- 4 -7- : A; ,1-- r - rufiriAlT V- Q rTT M Rl,'- ar' ''& mtm1 'fi Tr - i4J AfttZSVWKt ITit I2Avf9 HI ft UAILll O&iJ lliXriJj. , H r.,.A , , rj H i "71 1 ill 1 U ' 1 F ' AdfcU.MneaiouWiUrtMtUn:Jir I , terms or bCBscwpnos. JL'l AL il ilJ iL KJ' U ..1 i i JUL JL 1 i LLli . JLJ 0 1 ' 22 J0"0: iSI. J -r, Sundar, on the follower, : ',. , , ., , -i lL., 1- . , . J" ? . -,-T - M"W .1 -f a. special fcd. wil ehrgeao:icollr rerlquarJ lur eacbJnssrticB. I Paneral ttotice will be chartred at advertliemenU. FEBRUARY 6, 1866 Th simple announcement of a death or siarrlag wtn aotb"cngeiT ';77'ra7rT ' " k?r KMicjt tbe il at our frit-ndi la tittad- j.itr rlrculttidn:' i VOL. I. RALEIGH TU I 'lno " '. I WOVLD HATHKR BB 1UUHT TBAH BB PR.E8IOEIIT" Henrr CUy ' J" Si:i! Boiicii. BBffor I risA rannlhl ... S-00 I ..''. , I ; ; , m i' ... i 1 i " . ' '1 L . . ' . ' . m -r 'i n ' m . -. r.- i .7.; 7.'.' r, 7. M J .f,,, , .,.i-M..-,.f lMi., t ,A '' " : i ' r ; : r-" : : 1,1,11 , -II luuniui, - - I Fr )m tlio K V. We'rop"Utin wid Bw-ord. fetter from Major Jack Downing. Wasui.noton, January 1, 1S68. Dkeu Jkkmks : I lisve arriv sale nnd noun in these digrfo, hjivo r:connitcreil tlio ru rounlin somewhat, have nipt with Preiilnt Johnsiog, a time or two, and I and he have laid oat work cuufft'or a sjjotl, so. Jci:wtyon.need not expect moat home for a month or aith a marter. " , You rcmcmher, Jej:mc, wliro I "yusl to at lnd ( ougreaa here reghir, Ginoral Jucknon wan iwudunt, aud I and the gineral then thought times w spurious and mankind ui iirtin, I and the pneral ctcUwiinwl wc would take chnree of the government in good yernctt, and I i!m! to bitorv to prove that we left the couotryjn aa liai'uy a condition aa it waa poaa , ililo for o free people to be. Some bow, aince me eno w bii-iu .i,,i....f..,..., . Iiave weenetl intatrwrnowttot-frmn fiabhe Tif' j fairs; have uit Congress, moved to Pennsylva nv, took o ataviri close at home, but ncethfr tte Kate of vei-M nor distance from the aoet of Kovemment lias rendered me insensible ot iriy eonntry'a honor and : prosperity. 8o, reedin the papers, I saw Sir. Johnsing, the present Execu tive was havin a lively time with the radu-ala .in CQiinress, and I fell that it was my duty trt give op my retirement for the public good, and come up here to aid Mr. Johnsing in aUminis terin Uia government as 1 did Ginoral 3ackson, one of Uia illustrious pnM.eseasor. Bo, Jeemes. I am hr), and Jlr. Johnsing h dismissed liis Cabinet racetin, and has to-daj held a long con sultation with me on public marters in- the White lluuc; in fact, Mr. Johnsing accnw to have a liking lor me and I tor him, and I think I and he an administcr'tbe government success fully, at least we ha?e determined to make the effort. To-day we hold our first Cabinet meet in. .. Iid you ever see Mr. Johnsing Ho is a firyt hale, hearty old man of about .60 years, fond of eood eatin and good drinkin, dresses - - in store crose, and-cusses li k txf)-r I b"pe tp brake Mm frorn Jpw3J$bx?nR -t At onr meetin to-lay saya be " Majer, I want vour oninion about tncMunrocloctnn, tle Mux imillion question, the Frwlmn'a Buro and the Unances, lor 1 must aeciue inese ijuesiiuus uim, rtei couutiy demanrh aomej..eteitejolgtifiB.;'f tTioni. sa,d T arn a people's man, and must aatia- " fj the priblic.-eayf i,?Sr. Johnsing;," JrtB re-1 mind me of tout ifreat and illustrious preue- scssor, Gineral Jackson. You put sarehing qmstionstoyour, Cabinet, but t must answer liker Mr. Van Buren : Fro(n all the lites betode me. aa far as von have gone in your admimstra- trution, you are obviously rite. On these ques tions, paddle your conhoo in the same way, and you'll get there before long. " Get where ?" says Mr. Jonnsing. ; To the end of the row ; to the place where the sun ahines; where peace rains; where all the people of this enuntry and Slexi co shall clap their hands, biff, and be happy to gether. " Do you really think so T' says Mr. Johnsing. Poh honor, I do, says I. "Give iis your hand, Majer," says Mr. Johnsing. "Lord send you mav be rite, Majer, my dear feller. I have put my band to the merchine, and I'll run her or bust ; and I'll run it as I think fit, not as Sumner and Thad, Steven wish to dictate, It is no bisness of thcrn, as I am aware of, and I shall not submit to their- medlirt with my department of the irovernment I hold that I am a co-ordinary department of the government, and that Congress is,anothcr, I cannot control Congress in their duty, and Congress jiannot control me ; and I do not intend that a few radical Senators shall presume to do more with me than the hle of Congress put together has a riUto do. So, "Majer, for the future, I mean to paddle my, qonnod, s you aay, and ydO'Bitty always have a seat by my side, and Congress may paddle thern. We will see who'll get here I first. Majer," says he, " this Munro doctrin is the salvashioS of the country at this time, and I'll tell yon how. II we enforce the Munro " doctrin, as we shall do, Maximillion .ittojtet Mftiiko in dnpbte quick time, adrin , he goes, the Prencli Aod Orstrians will have to leave with him. And then; what, Major f Why then. Maior. Mexiko will have to pay n for en - fnrritv the Mijnroe doetria-. And what shall I charg I The answer is"readv. The session of the four Northern States of Mexiko, Shewawa, Coiwhula, Bonor and tower Californy to the United State. Then all of the niggers of the South and Ql the JSortb, anrt of the JEast. and of the West will be sent to these States. I will otace ang Trard f moldiers over them" to r . i i. i i i , i i r . preserve oruer, ana invue anu aiu intra in lurm ing for themselves a government and passing laws. This will be the outlet from the States, for this class-of our population. Then will I settled forever the question of nigger suffrage and negro rites, tnd they will be allowed to work out their desrtny ,1b tJJSt genial and . rich count rv : to have their own schools and chnreh- e ; to pas their own laws j to prosper and be bappy, or to uo wanted ana come to extinction, as Heaven may decree. Then the nigger bnro. jwV sggr era la,, aniljejulAgJi.juay. all he ditpensod witn," Bay i, Mr. jonnsing, wiu - ws eomedutof allAlHs- fNor sir; Maximitl- " parte cannot risk ' He Cfluld -iuelsk into ' Mexiko. while butwar was i&rogreirii Bopiii that this 'government would crumble to ruin in the vortex of revolution, and hopln that no nower would survive to call hirato account ; jot when he oe oar Union., lestored, and Lee and Grant, Johnston and Sherman, Kirby bmitn - and Canby shakin hands and makin friend, he '1 will givordar4o hU, meo to pack eh 1st -and . , , be off. He eant ftte us united f rw . would boot and strip Off hi pinchbeck crows at one min. We shall have no wor, but wt shall get the lonr t vus niKgrs w uts m. . oay ' I Mr. Johnsing, eo mote it be,!nd o it mout be. If Bonaparte is a mrt - ought to U, Bet eom wat willrl will etami-hy" joa fcro' "thick andthm, and we'll run taefcbip or Sut like r sad General jaexson ynseq yj no,r: Buy I Mr Johnsing, what ns Decorna ot air. pew. j ai . v,a ttt ffnnVtA Kf. Kara hJ Mr. r""Sewardisafitnoy man. He was Secretary 6f State lor Mr. Lincum, and they bad . some agte . nent with Bonaparte if he would hold off from i the Confederate we would hold off from Mexi- kt, hihf in AVanmyts-I aint Linmm. aad " - "f aiathoand by fjacvm'tlwerct bargain. So t '""'told Mr. Seward I woqJdu enforce. the Monro -&tr Krtn. and itrbetran to crv and to aav he had - pstin ia his stummbck and was afeerd he had .y - wortrisi'to 1 told, him to take, hollerday tell I V "' could settle the lexikn ouestion. aad so be "went to eoe. After the French leave Mexiko, I aat-thinkre f thivin-th Sftaek -e-f dabay the English out of Jamaika, and the niggers out 'of Hayti. Maje what do fun thmk of that t-' Says I, Mr. Johnsing, that woma Do a .r(,finii tliinfT if thftv did not ulead the statute of limitations on you; they have iield these islands so long Munro's eiaim may oe out 01 date. "That may be tnie, said the Prcaidont, but tW Munro doctrine when property .read, means nothing more nor less than this Atueii kans must rule Amffrika, and if these rulers aint Amerikan ; and if these islands is o part of Amcrika, then in course these rulers mns ecsctle and we Americans" must take pnsession arid rule." THrit is good logic and good statesman ship Mr. Johnsing. "Do you think so Majer, says he ? Then I will it Majer aay be, .I'm afli'erd the Southern people dont love me. '1yt I am a friend of them, and. oetween us i u ivn ytu now my views alxrotjour flnanoea Just atthis pint in our meeting. The' South shall have matin. t mv hands. I tell vou. f Maior, conte- . .. ... . . i . . i. . i. .i . . -1 rtenteany, wrrtAmxmxaa-tmrmi-rm- nn- i set the niggers free; Wirt was contrary. w me Constitusionl ; it was dishonest ; it was roguish, and the day i coming when the wnltca mates will have to provide money to pay for all ther niggSrs, and for all the silver spoons nd watchea anil jewelrv, and blanket and sheep arid bogs and horse and cows and every thing else stolen and burnt during the war, and this though it increases the debt will render ita ptiy ment more certain. When the niggers and ther stolen propertvl paid for the Southern people will have their pockets full of money or bonds, ar.d TOm contribute their part of the debt and will not find it to their interest to repudiate. So it w ill be good policy in the government to pay honestly these detits. If the people get sober and honest they will have to pay them, and the people of the Sooth ought to make out fa t' lists of their slaves and other property stolen by the armies of the United States.' Says I, Mr. Johnsing, why donf the liadicals want the Southern men in Congress. "Vy, Majer, says the President, the'reaaon is obvious, tho Tadfcnhi -ir utt rogwe -rrdrtw4--- y kaosy ;ifgmA& cnv.v$kM Jte,M!? J. ing rogues and oowards they do not wlsli tse Southern member in Congress becanse they know the Southern men will charge tneir ras- calitv on themin their teetn ana tney win nave to take it like Sumner did hi caning, so they think it important Jor the South tolje rcprr- sen ted; I vit veto every meaeort either ttneos, HtutionaTor uneaiial and unjuatT" Says T,TSr, President, you make me think of ild Hicory in hispahniestdavrj he knew bow to take-he bull by the horns, and when he did tako him by the horns the pull knowed twas no use to resist." i .' ... v Savs I. Mr. President, what do you tmnx oi Marsachusit f if you dont wish to answer thi question just whistle. ' -. "Saya no, my dear Major, you ask I me a tite question, lot i will make a clean breast of it. - HarsachnsiU is hy Oflds me meanest oiaie in ura worid: it ha been a disturber of onrneaoe evej stnee the day of Woshington. There can be no peace with . her. I TVtstr tne wnoio craw, with her eod fish and Puritans Father aoct ru ritan children and Puritan preachers and Purl in teachers, were stink to never, sue orougm on this war and then instead of sending Her Puritan young men into the Hte, she opened re cruiting office in Virginny ftr run away nig gers. She did send her Butler, and such a rouge a the world never saw walked and strutr ted when Bntler led hi army far from danger, as Grant days. , ", "If Marsachusit were sunk to trie nottom oi the sea we might hope for peace under my plan nf reconstruction. You remerolwr my plan.- First the Munm dnctrino in full, the acquisition of four State of Mextksfcr the nigger the placing of the national debt on a firm basia hy paying tor tne nigge" anu "iner ntuim k1"""". anrj making it. the inferest of all section to respect the debt, and then general amnesty and pardon to all person in the United Btate. "And then will be ushered In a political mil leMttm vMeh jriU-Jaat, Jw-ajw nd agcto oome." Say Mr. President rejoice that I have lived to hold thi CabineV nieetin. '1 do not yet give up the republic. Iand yon will ritfr the oid ahip yet. I and Geaeral Jackson never d'spalred, ana we never laiiea to icicn bottom, no matter how deep the water was we' passed through ; and now, Mr. President. I fool certain If you will pll with me, wewtll come out at the little end ot tne nom an me at last, and the Uitton will be restored and public esnn- fldr reiwrtated.- -tt t Ravs he. "Majer, mves as your hand again, I am yoorn and you are mine, so come let u take I a drink." - At that be polled out or a cloftct a lontr two-torv black bottle, full .of com whie-1 Key, ana wain out. vus wnt4r, wo month, he took such a sockdollagcr as a Ton-j ncssean only can stana nntter,--ano 1- reiieroct soot And so our first Cabinet meetin broke op harmorxMHia. -t-xi--.p', d:-tri ' j Jeeroca. l nope you wiu aao.w ti wwr v inqtiirin fnenas, an4 tell um I am ooin aa wcti, last nera itmn i onr till cletli, Jack Downing, "Ex-Major DownTngviire'" JlrlllHlia, ToJir. jeeme Uuoeannon,- if of Pensilvany, which l.have been lino, thar about thirty Tears myel . - Ex-Major, Aa ' S"S Iommitted to tell you that I and the 'resident have appointed oie the Cheermoo of OurCmnet,na t&rt weehMrmeetTrecKwcn ly, Jnneitaioetlii wehaU titaeu tmporant atstent m-ith iB eooa. I may Rive you th Lniatsj"i't vf Yeare,' '". " J. D. I T " -Zx-aajeroiOt' XcemeeJ , 4aytteTjIto Street, Baleigh, V. C,' Amm vob t th O 8th," a Woatsra ItBDiro-' floihtni? laov. - , . ,i s a i,i,t. With Habt Lw7t, ' 44 rayotnTillogtroot. , WAKKEXTOX JTETIALE COLLEGE. ' " ' if. T tWAAanrreair jfge. t Htr $tits Bresios 7wii Wodooaday, January Il'h, 18 -. Biaisioi 1 Aa.pl faeiliuea afforded fat thorough edaoetloa. ' far lreBlare, addrees M, r A a U AM. - ia ll, 7" A CARD. TUB 8U88'BIB-a UX BE fOURD WITH Hurl 4 L.wn, No UfjUiAt A tt. H r- rptMj loitB b.tod ouiumr audi lh pub in, to tt'x.tiiT ortraent of HARD t RK, CO f LERY and U0V8& EDKNtillINU tfOODS ow la tare. J.ROWN. Rtlsih, Jaa'y lW-Hs 3m. 44 FAYETTEVILLE STREET, '." BALEtOH, N. C. W iuTiijoil ucadoe of panbaseri W ar largs ad iatncsUof stek of t KiioellABeoaa Hardware, Wooden "Ware, Willow "Ware, "". Croclery Ware, ' GlaislWare, -Chln!Wtwr ' ' Pot and Hollow Ware. Stone Ware,"" Tin Ware, Iron and Steel Baggy Material, Bridle, Saddle, Harnett, ; Collar, &e., lamp Lantern, Oil, Paints, Varniahet and Braihea , -a L;j3,o- FAMILY Cflfc'OOEltl ES. Io f"t, for anything In tbt Honse-Keeplnj; Line 44 Fayettoville 8troot, '! w nnmvv mmr, . ji -M t II ' Hi ' 1 iilii Tifli'i .w... , With Habt & Lswrn The Parisian Monarch Dethroned! ! ! - - THE- WORLD- OF FASHION - AT FAnBISS&LACITSj SEIKCTISO IHEIB OTJTHT FRaat THBIR frwh arrivals of GooJi, toniUtlng oi New Broadcloth, j Beaver Clotha, Cassimeret, . Head y-made Clothing, .j , - Hati and Caps, , i Splendid OTerooatt, fjollart, ' Cratat,- . , Qlovet, ls . . Hosiery, YaUset, Handlte.ro hi eft cVe ev , 4a, Ac p9- Call aad Inspsol Ooodt aa earsssat. Fine Merchant Tailoring li idll oirri -4 oat. hat (a a larswr bast thsa ovsr - bsfor atuaipUd la th Boath. " An Entire Suit of Clothe ' made up, at uay momtnt, e 13 kourt' neliee. Thtit O oJi ars allatw, thy fcavsaaplsadld Cut ter, ad HMdltaaa whom wtrk wttl sompar ravnr. hi; witi any xwuted la Barop Or la this oouatry. Ja i Ue-Sm, a a yttcsrra, "oi Ur.afboro. H 0. e. l BS, ; Of Alamaiio, il 0. Faucette & Bro., COMMISSION AN'D'PORWABDWO Parchaslaff AgcntSt ; , AND GENERAL PRODUCE DEALERS. ' A "?.,.? V ' J. . .. NEVVBEBNN.C. . . Dtcamber 181IO-8iast .; , A. - PROaPECTIS " 0 TUB m" f THI TiRBT OrTjaSOAK' I HILI. J eomnroBo tha pablieatleh, I tb Pity of Bal- tiinnr. ftf B BAAHlhlv . , v . - Tkf i ft rrtiblieatioB of this character BOW 1. sued Jfc' th st. NjorJLi!iniilielasing sit . tli wnr bus Jo. a a wg portion oi vua -yonpia oi too eoantry withali'rrr fprB;ltlvsj, x ;TiivaoM"w'"""T'J - ' - t Literature, Art, Hetiowa, Selentlfleapers and Oeueral Beadinir, Bbd we shall Bumbor Btnang its coatribator ioum of lb Drat Ittarary toon of tho 8apt. with Blhtrs from th north and fram Loadou Bad Pari, 1 1 - ' - All matter not original will fee rf atly alseU4 ironi th Bwat aa4 ht o( the EBfrlish. t.tw3k ad Qoruas rablleattsBS laadk K3irors wiil iran a jjbBifl.ftii-t fcai Una1 wita JiiTa' rnuw ssagaiiate mi thBfWtrjn - . ' ' - As it BBt iiapovta, w bar UbtUhad tb CoaatoruuT npo bo) 8lioaal baa.r hop. mi it tit oiaaa f ifaotral literature alunj uod wit! b BiuSuabe4 fj soy prt or Uo,u what- T H wiSt bvB:ld f TObrerftt hl T Wt of th 1 eoaatry iijkib rep vn iQHowlnj HingU Copio. for otjs yoar, ,x .4 (Ht FiviOopie fof oa vwar, a, , 18 00 Ta oopta for oae year, ., SI Ot fjgr Xh Cenatsroava will h gnrall dliVrib. uted among the Marebant aad. PlaaMrt af tb Snth. asd w Will add, tor their raiormatioa, a few d(aUsment, at moderat rates " . IT UWaldeditstwo will be md to bosk- aeller and Bawodealer. '--J5wepppMiiihtf tbVl proptu A tepdtng M rked eopy t th aodenrigneigL will r ive a eopy of th Biagiaa." tddr V .' - s si-. pa LEON CO., V f r.0,BM9tKBaitiir.'Ii" - The Kortb Carolina Presbyterian will U b4 I fayUMilU( oas WUnlay, lb lad elf J salary nel. CooStlvnilv rtlrinion tti hearty support which mm bavs lriofui rcinl, w aoUall tuocavur to render the l'pr mors attractive, toth in sppear-' usee ami intir, Uia it tt t'tr tn-n. iarnt a -i- .thrr pa aioi nptiiM in the areoinplichmiiai of litis purposr. With th pting wy efold things, a aew t pi rit of actiTl'.i'.taergyTindenUrprtse, has ba inluted into verydrptmrntof svoalav Ibonglit ad ba sins. Why nhould aoi H. tjbureh, alno, partsk of hrrtp-oMH'tvnaoinoXf - why should she, of 4I ib sRtnrie bruughr to br .with saofc tr mtadoas ttro apon ths eiiUsiiua of th rwt time, he inrtHoisnt, IWjrcard it almutt hojlrta in lb working out of Ber own rkrstiny ! To arouH (ho eHurcS I the importimce and ni ensiiy . f wuik;uf"unccing, resilera, tirtirts a ergy in the service of her M inter Sad Head j thi hall be our Brut aal ehit'frsl aim In Hi is w and assiftunee. We are not, alone.' lufScleut for thee tldngs. Our brethren mast help u in every way ) by enatiibutionf fram til own stare Of. thought and study; by tsalont eo.eperati a ia a eomtaoa eaa$', tor (lie bi-aefit of all, by utoodiog our eir eulatoe ibroofhaut all our b nler, and thuigiv ing us the mraiit ! thsopportuaity o' porloiuiing well Uiu work lo which ws have sonsreraud. all that we hv, sud ill we hop r lor ot sarth. ' TERMS: . :..:..,.. 7.1 Subscription fot ens year, ' f t 00 " six months, , a 00 Address H.FCLT.KR, KTitor of ths H. C. Presbyterian. Jan 18, 135, tf o. u. rsi,rr i- i: O. PABSLIf , ja. joe. j0do, iNav sivtn. O. G. PAHSELEY & CO. Importers Co rii in jislon jMrfiants t gollclt Couslnneuts for S-te or Shipment il Cottn, ottae3tBj- Ntral Stores, ' ' Ad ethwr - ------ ' - COUNT BY PBODtfCE. rS Bav alwiyi ia Stori sod art rciing eoniUat ly, oonsignunaU, for sals at lowost market rata, of Gunny Bagjiny, Gunny Bags, ny Bait Bope, Mess Poifk, ' Bacon Bidet and Shoulders, , ' ' Sugar, Coffee, Molasses, : s-Flour,- ButUr, cnettt, Irish Potatoes, Onio&i Crackers, Mackerel,' ' " - PioklecCHcrring, - Smoked Herring.- , Codflth, Bail. " - ' Powder, Shot, Window Glass, Paints, Linseed, Kerosene, Tanners', and Lubricating Oils, in 5-gaL cans A bbla, Whiskey, -Lu ( -t,. , .. Jamaioa Bum and Gin, t '-: Soap, 'Candles, v-'-'t--' . ;-('v-,-" i ' ! Starch, Salt, Lime, fte., Ac., fto, t. ww ot .to v. ".; Coc' Super Ptaoephate of (Joie, aocnti ra (.:.- DUPONT9 POWDER Sob Hhds Smm Crop Moltuu, dirost Jftoat : (trni, dil ospaatsd. i "" To irrlvs daring Fbrory or M'ch t-: 'r 3,6(10 Bigs OosT"dlrwet fv-m Rift Janlfro, SUO Bu s 8aerdimtfra fort tttoo. - 8WEPS0N, MENDENHALL CO., , ':';.:I--t'w:';i-0EERAL:.:'. C;- t. Air., jvjf w rang. . 1 PARTICULAR ATTEJl ION GIVEN TO t " rth t . of Ooata, CotwS Tros,r C.ttoa (Sort Smrmi Suraa. laaa' Bod Maaaoaturad Toi-Moo, t liL fl aaih adraooat mad a aooiigoiaiQU in hold. ' "x ; Ordors aolleiud ff th furchaaa of floodi tVT'AU wui'jitnml to ' Or covered by Ji tMroite at soon at thinned, ea all kail Roatk, and from all tkipynq port; through to Ae Tork, elA" atjotoa o) tklpment it nctittt sv hot ' ISgr4 Ooolljnments aoliciwd, Tnoa'J Soxvia, ' Charlotte, ' N 0 vWrrn rB7;7,-'7qCrTgtpsrry Stiffs; New rork City. RoptaT li Bwereo G. Vv. RwiPBOit. tT'lI'MillDKRHAttr tv Oetobar 16. tf. Haw Hirer; ' Greensboro," N C ComrriiioiAi r,- am SHlPPtra.EKCHANT; " y wiLMiNoToar, y. o. -17 rr G0SSruXil!NT3 OF COTTOa, KATAL T0&S, LBnher, ao vthaf Prodaeo tit Bale or flipping, mpaKifitt'y auiif ti4.' " Lrt adVkneaateota Ba4. " jaar-0rdr prjptly owad.'' v - ,::.;W!tJ4 f I'XaftWl-lB 1 11 ) ' ' i t UlMolatton of CoptartDer-sMlp, VwvaS tm, heratofofo kaoer a Ska f Baker, A Voirpt A OB has this h-wa , dissolved by antaal oBeoa. JThe dutto deeolaiae; OB oao of the partaeraei Oohier cl IhaBauk of Cap tear, aad the saaarat of too other to JMrfolk (s Miidanee I hefor tha war) Jor tlae purpeae of pratlelag li ihar e4 this dieeolotiow. Th baaiaeea will ! will ho hsUawod by Mr. Pataahl eowpet aad ate Jm A. Moot, late Taller of th &Mf (Hp trmr, endar th saadeyie at Oop-r Au-Moure. h will . . li., r ' M m i u ii .us HUljifH vi uuw. , . ..til. n . . .. . . . ' - WM i'TSAKtlH. r- r ' FCLA6Kt(KWPB. : WU u Mora . nKADLEIl CELEBKATED ' DUPLEX ELLIPTIC " 9 a a n TCXTH. EACH HOOP BBlvfl OwPOSPO OF TWO PEK t tly T.n.wd HpHiiro, brldd ttittty ad trad wvsths'i wd i to ) I t nine ht oe aad sisklag tlittrow aad mt JhmiU, tkK;i( m aad aaMtfaxaMt frimf au4. , wi I a ittxat j h-k Irk tho tmoli ri hot will alwats prtiorvo H.olf tr.j ud (i 7P " Crowded Assemblage, , , unurcnes, : - Theatres, Bailroad Cart, For Promenade or House Dress, In fact, thsy wr sapsrior u all 'otbars, eoaibl g Comfort, Economy, Lightness and v Durability. Enaalt for . BradleyTlrexiaflpile tot sate Mo-yKiir. Mtaafaotand xclulrly by th sols owasrs of th paUnt, Wests, Braftlej 4 Carj, 'A Tatt aitortmin t Of thM i BaiSsrtoTSktttresBstBW-- ijr a. hjtad.aB for sal tn a grt Trity i !, oy ' ; KKLLOQft.AVQEELEK k CO . - : A. KLINE. RANDALL A MANN, Aad alleUir Msrehaou who IIFiraCTit SktrU I this Oity aad thHagboat th BouthsrO 8tui, JSB , 4J,SBM , . . "? loe's Boper-Pnosphate or Lime, - -. (. . -o i. -' ' iw ... .. .''.BOIIB MiVIIBB. ! W A B RAN TED Q Ie N U 1 N E, BEIbTO MAD1 OF tBB BKSf S ATIWtn ARB la tha atostBDBmad aaanar, It to rMoaauBdad to th BBblls aa aaparior to ajoy other ,1b th warkot All who bar a tad it aooak af It la th higbaat toray of pratv Bad thM o(ar it MaauraotBr will oatiBM taalr ba doarn tor sdvsacw h Mg-h ropBtatio which it ha aoauitod. . W a-uaraatoo th Phosphat to b wH BBBufo od, aad roooaiaiaad It 1 praferoae to1 say otaor artillelal ataaaro ia th Btarkot, W ooaiidar It aoarly oqual to tt boot Paruvlaa Qaaa, althosgb tantthadat half tHoprioa. , tj-',,..; fit . , Mas' B U. AU'B A Co., th wU knawa bbb faottirtra of axrlcalural iBtplaaisirt, aay of It . -Wa tabs Bloaaurs In stain, that at bav aol C, V Oo'aBlar PhaiphsAoof Iiisjafot four yaora It ha gtvaa aoiv sad atlfaUoa to or watoaMr. W stoat ohoarfullf aodo-aa it aj aa artist worthy of th. oBldaBo of tha publie, aa th parohaaar ay raly apoa aaourlt aa artiela koaoatly aad ear follr BiaBtiUetoraa, .. "W would ataas that, aftar arfl xaoiInaoB, wa boiiov thi Phosohah has ba imnrotod aeh yt iae itl-iatrodBotioa In thi aiiurhot, aad that it will arattaaa t aaiatata It pmaat kl(h atand iB. j, Vr roapoatfully, 1 - L". ". at. t.i "v.t ' m7ittrWtu ttn Sow Tork." . jifaA.:CftB, ABd plsaa ladfaltof say aaalyiia of a ,d f y f Nupar Phoaphat of Ll loft with a Ibis Miag suoh ao par tor arue'a la vry rospaot, t eainat tf'tB frotaooairraioiatiBt yw apoa ub Kaaufaatar, whiob addoabwdly wiil Boot . with (retsueea j . . Wiifttog f ia rarp uoeaa. t . .. jit,p1otfuily ar BAt,T4VB, Aks 1, UM, - 10.28 Of Free Pbophori Acid ftyd. ontainli) or annorou rnoa phtrio Aeid Of Bi Phosphate f Um. - - eoktaiatng ol Auhjdrou Pbex : phori Aeid. Of Notral I'hphal "f Llm containing yf ABhjJrou fbo- paon d. ... , ,. tV r-alnbat of Lttn liyd.ated 7.d- .! a.70. t.li 46.1 enntai. ingof ulphaihs A-ldtfosi J! 50. ' 07 ATur.oVaTi." Soit.rae.v rm Of OiKtBie Coatbasttbl Matior. . J.-iid uibl ol yoaitoing atunioat. a f 6. Of Aoimnl Coal aud Haad. .. - .. ,00 PiilH;tKrel(la..Uibli.B Wrn , .J1.', f boepttono Aenl IDSoluol In ater. 4 Ho. Autaouw - 8.78. MAWcVArTDtSB v ; ". - - '- EVOOII COJ? Hdnter't Pjint L I. rnHB USDBtiafII WAVK BSSIf APfOiy 1 Ataotafoa th dla eef ! Oof ta, aad awtanpyr IB I ts pwtx rem nvuj. atat; ars ar Wil- n - Bp -tn verrrrt ot -Buntx woo poootir -wengntv : m - too Barrel ww la Store. ; ; a. B4(eraih7 . (. . nl . u u niiutiuw, J WCnsrHt--C., Uk: 1 14-m. .r " -L-"- ' I rUAPIIIKE COAL. -7tAB0I it JBAl'fciW !, VV ly expoeUd -rest Baltlaors. hi eual i bltvalBoaa, aad perhabt tb bait el aofa iof ateaa purpose, whether foe leeoaotirea or stoamBoata. It U a alaon exelBitaely hp northera teUto eoaswle ao th Canard bteaa era. It I ale repr a toe Best Maekaaith eeai ta th eoeatry, aai Is very itoeelvely oeed I trea erark for fori Irk. oao. It I eft"ad friable, th la eoeu beisf as tod for aa a th lamp. The attrail'io of railr oad compos lee, tron watha asd aehtB shnpa, Is trtleolrly tavlted to lit taperhaao f trial of this ooaj. ' ThBBadsrainod baviax beea apoolated Btree th Haapablrteod BeJUaor Cftai Cea paey, w-.ll b ptepared to far etah o J o,nntig) required, at a reae- eoal prio,!-----, t, -ii . Orders lejotoitulty M)ll4.1 '- " ' ---- . ' PETT.R VAT.T TrP ' 1 il.;He. it Nerter Woeer tnet. wwiM, datrBary itvus-la. .FOR 18CU W. jood'sab, . A. F. Msaiia J. kltuiuippl. - ' Now Tork. - tiOOOMAX 4c MEIiltllX, - .,.V GENERAL . CouraisHiou ? Alerchnnts. 99 Sew iStreeiXew York. '' .. i at A Ka PHHfAWKlt-TO MAV1 A&TABCBf 0JT ' i.asifBBMate r,or a rsoslptof hill f wii. I- i-. ,,-; - All echi!KpnrBt (d will h ecvond by FU- aad ttriti Iraii or Kh othorwiu. otreeted. " w havt at ai fr-'gt with llr.AiW. I iiuris, latt t'ul.iic 'lre'r.f f N. fi, by whioh be. bwoaiM I amatl ia all li-o bailona acnl aa frost lt htaw , IVa aallelt io patnmagw f his friaada. Ua U But ei od Bear with th trot f VoaBott,' V. Ptt m f9.r jf.w York. )) . l--..i- j -V- --r-r '- , . ' I" ; -s. " '.' . - "K " - ltnportuut hatle. tM-Irtwiilil TtryrrrrsBtg; nt fiiur B3tt of WV f f il.'u, X. C , ..o ti. 3lat of JjtBUary all th ainrk, oicpa, V.v ot tlio Autrtta atat, imldl( I'l.i no to 12,' tm uuuda ut uoar lUcon, ud U(l barrw Ml (UT... .:''.';,,.,.(,....., ' iUli-ax County, Jtin. 2i, Ml, ld, pdU i.V; ... a. w caaanit,." oi. or, atrvsa JOSEPH I.0Y & CO-, 10 VI MISSION Jl IvCCUAMS, NO IU PEAB JTatEET. NEW YORK. l ummm ft a&, i. Commission Merchants, MO. 38 PBEDEDO STBEET, ' .... NtwOrUan. ' " 1 " aaa Maura. W. U. it 8. TUCKBR, - ,' : . 0. B. I1ARK1S0N, h.Bit ' B. f. WOOHK, KSQ., -s : .---.i- lAunwe.H'.C Oft. lTth, 1S6J 41-to. - f - M.,W..wr.J- .-.- . " Truxwn .RiirH i& mnnrn' ' lIlAoV.a 8t.,' t T CoLLao Pt.tc. BAiTMOMB. i sAwroxr. dJOM ailSSlOif MEUCUAiNTS, roa ia salx or v. . CoUou YarBiStaeeUafi tadBUXjiUri.tML . ' aad Woolea Good. Chat. P. MUt Is, 1 Chapal nill. Chaa. B. Mailatt, k" FayatUvilla. -- Boo.W. WiiliaBis A Co, FayotUvill. ' Joss H. Liadaay, Saa,., . : '.. ttrBbw: Jaatos aioaa, Mao,., , , tlraoaaboro, Thoataa K. Tat, Kaq ' Charlottav K. htiahlo, Xaa., Oaahiar Fnloa i Bonk, - , , ,- . Baltimore. -OetoW S-4S-Iy. , ojozzz? r. foaiidT mw&m. mm asbforwirdim f. K-xkit b : AO b it t pea",,; if GAR OLD CODMTV W H A t F ';i-aTaiok ''I , v"t A T Jartlna, Weaaldaat Baak f 600901 are, Mo t vt W 4 Uawktas, lot J-rea't of a AvaSf Hon N Boydea. Pret'lof W 0 K F, Sallahnry CoJ Wa Johnatoa. Proa't CharlotU A 1011, Charlottai 1Iob J il Jlorahosd Ufwaaborot Rat Dr Ira, IU.' oifh aad Kev W Ji Pall, ad' lor of iVult . at Balelgk.-: 0t SO-lll-BIB '! . . " : TIIOS. BRANCH 4 SONS, t. Byoaaore Street. Paten bara TUOS. BIIANC1I & CO., - " - MaiB.Btrt, Blkamad. - . branch, mm t C0M :, ; -. . Auguita, Ua. , Banker end t;vmmiioa Herchaata. . , DCALBE9 I COin, rOREIOlT AH1TD0MEST10 Bxehaagwa, BoBthera, lUak iotee, BteekJ aad Buod IuUrsat allowad ea Dspoatte. Colleetlsw Bad tarougBoat th t'altad But, and (BMiaA eaettoe if"" te the rodoaptie of Boathera Baak Bute for BAuhV Boeeant. . tea. Liberal advaooaiaaat node e oBsigaBU of Vuttofl, T ibeeeo end ether produot so thaltaor-. paal ttr Boltiaera, tf(w York, Liverpool, Breaea sad Aotwerp,. , , . . Xhey hold W,oe Rota r th various North OerolTo Baakawhieh they will furalah a: feir rates t parties Blading to p aiohae u tap old aocottahl eetety thsBapk Sea t-ti-imu ".i.iroPlitleVEBSBIP... .. ' Kbwbbbk, N C , Ka-embar 1st, . fa HAVE 1HIS iAj FOKMEO A COPAKT Boripetnlr tha aama aid slyl of Whiirortl. Dill & Co., for th traiiiioB of Shlpplox aad SBerel lathtS TOWo, o e.t iiue i rataa (Street, eld oa. ty irttBTt.- T thaa of o Um, Ka-al Shire. Tob.to. Lata " heev aee.'fehi..4(--. ift. Bad atlt MB4f -feed ' aad MenbandiM add Blaot the e aod pure here of Bvat t d -tare aud J4h Block e. w will 1 giro tur ptraonat atteatioo. v - t .v "tun Aifua tur atBrra k konh Carniioa. Rail Weekiy.. Uimof UMM0litptj ktweea fcowbern d w kok oxiaV Jyi NiJmg Vauel fr Baltiaora. Liiado p ia, nu4 u hr o-..;ia lu its L'citi Stta f inrrtr jarjia r vufirw iTsv i-trr.V"" 'i ao f wiil tie eu UMetart luraiahel by our owa vewet with th amplest faei,iti tur th rpeedy tretxporta. . Uaa ol treti.t and l eaao. tn : list la additioa to i tbae, there is a woes y .ilo f tr.v,i Kteamihlna ea i ' n' toe amme mote, and a tn-cckiy tme i f ,kt.nMin by rntaaa runt iormrt Atfcetnarte as Chetapeaa Cm-- Halt Aortoik, Btdtiaovar -I'titaeVphis-and ew- lark beau Jieirhaat aud Pbit j.er i eatrarilug tb traoevortatloa of their fretjrTit t . tutnialit - eoehdeaoBiBB ttt poty orstnit. " 1- ' : e w wi l moke hberat adraaee a ae!-s- ' aaittj. --. -. - - - All letter addrerfted e on th sublet ef fnight, at oa say otbejr bqeiaaa, wti) be prORt.' enewerod. -, - vf - y- -. JtittNK wuirroHD, .. . wm.o. wiiiuuao. ruber J,is M aa . riXLEKEicu smrooiv i ixisont, ' f t XjaE axereWosof this Unitarian rr roaaaed Monday, th Uth last.. Uoed hoard B ba ot taiaed Ik th villas aad vieiaity at euoaelie rare for farther particular, ad lreaa '" ; I. W. T A f CJPTTEr, f ilceipal"" ea r. i, t t,- vf U,.t ; 'A- ' lib '-rV 1 4 V-W 5- Ail wan si', Am, ct, pa. - -

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