-? y :''. . " , .. ' . - . ' '. ' 'T:-sr'n: . " , rr- :-- : - : , . ' . . , . , . : A- THE DAILY, SENTINEL. - AdrartiMaaiit owapTing not aiore tha IS Dajar ttfiailnle' tj which ooaklitoes a teoarat iTJf. E. PELL, State PrUietv I later tioa $l.0 IA 1.00 3.00 . S.S0 S weak : rasoBth motKb "'"-'. r bas te.M IS. . OK (SUBSCRIPTION. ' ; . The BmriHrt i pnhliibed erery ootuId a mrh MiwiB- . Par lo montlii, . - . H.0 nn, Oo.th, " '. ,: oionthi, -vi',-. 00 w, collrH th 1(J (t Mf fr!dl la titnd- I WOVLB BATHER BB BlUflT TUA BJB FBE8IDE IIT Berf CI. one:ii Boticas, andea. SpMlaYlrWfaBi :brgtdCndol!r'rfr square for rarh iirrrtioa, ; faaerm.1 notice, will ba charged at advertiaemeatB, Tb simpla annuencamoot ot a death of awrtag VOL. L RALEIGH, MONDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 1866 iNO. 162. it! not cbargad. " " 1 " i ' La.,, ,r.,. a. ' ,, .?-.. . VA--5 ''I. - .. ' It wjk I . - - . -.' V . .. .... . -.-mm -aw, - . . I null Mi-rtB.in.il ! Ti fin- n IAMBS A. MOORS MWPEH4 MOOBE. A.CCTJOS & CQMSII83ION MERCHANTS, ryettevill Street, i 0vfvit4 PtvOuFM prug Btart, tjiT ,t'! .J fclo1 of vr.dl-n4 pood njr I i-wiiDrton. Cmmli f Amition. WUI W1. W Jitate," i V " " " ' 'v': OoliandSilwr Coin, State Bond; - . Stodcj, and - Bank Jfotet, OOWPE& MOORE. M.I3, 130, C FOB 8.1LC. , jn. ss, 14o, tf. ; fob t.lLE. TlISi tw BKwkt, Oal B.lta, mij a) u4 uiM. ' - :- tOWrKIl MOOR. Ja.23, 133,11. - TOIL 8.1L.E. ' Win hy euaor bgtd, 4 Pf. OitioV Caral. j , - , ; sr ;CyffPi!R MOORE. . ..- TOR 81LE. A LOT fflaanbni Applx, Born by th r r.l at N t ork (Ml, Rod Iron, Hu and Cpf, . f,ll.r., FOB SALE. G OTTOS Y. C"'10 Btin. r.rj ! lion. BicrT. Wagoo UtBWt, -l and 8.tU, Rtint 4 Mora. Cot , 6aa 84fllf aa Bf ill. a ". Darha ( Baia Ha, tf..Ma 4 M00EBi - FOB SALE. '' , ; , LAW aal il7VHea a. 'r el.ta Wara, Oa - eri ttt. tf ' Oil. fc aaa, al haw Taik eaat, "oia U .ht. Baitoa., 8.t, S'W tea Ma-fciBaai Wuk.o 8 -a p. wy k.ap, by iha kg, Wl,a at Oaa aha-.U if". Vy- k'" .li COi'KRM0ORi. Jaa.SS, 139, til , ' i i 1 1 -' 1 rnn nPVT on HALE. Ti ll 1 1 r.mUica la tbi i-y f Kalgb, U .Va. . . r 1 . . . I Alaa. Iw B : . m a r " .i t ' a ow 1 m. lilnaiai aa aK, -. ,.--: ',-.:..,.: Jao.tS, 139, tt iaa nriaaiptl atrvat. 19- COWPaR MOURB. i Old Kick WilUanif Whlakey. V l Aat. t r Hhk WiHiM Baa, araara pra ptrai it fa alat Ika ahora pepalar braa t rt, HEIfRT K BXYAN, ATTO&NKT a'BD COONSBlLOR 41 tAW, . llKMUaHWt, trs. 20 -nB-aa. " " V' i paix-twg. .' . IL. X. CLAWSON, UOOSE.SION ASD .' OEU AMZST AX PAJJJTEE, , ..(, r - - . , . , , Imitator of awy tsriaty of :MrbIe and Wood. Oildinfc Ckai and Woad, and Japan Tin . OffloeSignM . ' ' , iUacaWJ to vrd.-, Iib iw-iUiaaa mi dxpatcli. THASKKDLtoiat friends for taa vary pat r.Mie I bxa 'OPaivtHt, hnpa by naraimtting a artinm In merit a o mtinuuoca of tha aaH. oa third fl'r of Xorth UrHaa Book tura BuiUiBg. . ,: . i , Feb I, M7. in. a Daxcr, . ; , ,. f TarU jrw, S. C. UW of Bootiatti Ntttt, NC DAJftT, IIT3IAS & CO., : TT s OCT WAty"ra';;"i-8nwt j Commission1 ;Ierchant, ' gala of all klnda of Sratien tntoMj, ' - H9WI fca.iavanAaaai vi it -rT WlUt4 Laborer to the South. - TW l.t.. a iutmi uia ,f WarraotoB K. O..OAS b feaad with vkara ba wiB ba ciaaaad te aarva kit . aid riaada. s , , A!) prodaooatlgad to aa. anil maat wltb ptwnpl awppisg aiUolloa uy too lonowiuf agoma W. H. McRABT CO., C "Wilmington, K. G WniTTORD, DUX CO., . Nwrxm, GEO. H. BROWN & CO, . WaAhington, " -iKKSUHlU. NorfoUc,V. j WABAXXTO.T rEJf ALE COLLEGE. 71 IB SPBINfl BK9SI;r TtU SEOT?1 1 Wadaaaaay.iaaaary tib, Aatpla faellliiat affordad fur a tboroaah aJneatloa, rartrran.a44raaa - B-. PARHAJf., rfaa 11, U, U. -.A - . (ml ." TitroarrB, o. rtvecrrav , Ofqj.nil.ori), 5 a , Of Alaaaaoa, 0. Fancetto & Bro., "COMiTXSSIOJI : ASP" FOSVVAEDINO y! P n r c b a si d k 1 ; e n t ir . ' GESTJUL "PRODUCE DEALERS. - Opp!.J( aat Uoaa-, , . , ; ..: :- KEWBE&N. N.C. . ., VZ-r .i rtrrs. - : D A I LY SENTINEL. Blonduf, Iebrnarj- 10, 1R66. j , i- Fi lbs Jjcotiliei Scaling Debt. Messrs. Editoes.: la bouio remarks nndef the abovo heading, you My, 'but it' tlio pwer ckhU, it ta t err certain, that the acaio reiwttca by tha committoe at the full acvtion or thu Leg- imaiure, wouiu uo great innisiice, ii iopti!"iii I beg leave to aubmk a few remarki dtll'ering materially from the viewa ai act tortu by you. You oontend that the mistake of the committee is that they havo recommended tauter, too high. contend that If any mUtttke is made it is in the fact the figure are too low. You Bay "it u a question by no means free front doubt, whether a Stata1 evstrtirthe power ofa Cob Ten- tion can establish t scale for the reduction of debts, In the . face of the Inhibition, that "no State shall pass any law impairing the obliga tion of contracts. And forther on you ask, "what then i to be. done"? You propose to put it in the power of the County Courts. hoes a County Court hare taoro power than a Convention that created the cjourt I Docs the creature, hare more power than .tho creafo-? If a Convention have no power to "establish a scale fujr the reduction of debta," can it confer that power" on a County Court t Can it confer that which it hat not i - But I agree with you in doubting the power of a Convention to ira pair the obligation of contracts. But has not Qw Convention already. 4su Uiai.KILw.ii. out refused to pay individuals .money- borrowed froin thrtS Tjmtt 'n' istpplynaa.fublia, wett as private contracts i . gha, ha .jilMadY not ohTy 1 tapatred trat imriitrtytteted-- tracts. Mio nas tmpairca tier contract wuu indiViduflU who loaned her money from their hard earnings and it ia a total loss. And ' hav ing repudiated part of her debt, yott would be surrised, Mr. Editors, (q know the number of people who are in favour of a still further rrpu dtatitw." Three fewetha of the pwplo,in..thii and adjoining counties are fn favour pf a "clean sweep" inasmuch aa the Convention has put the ball in motion. They any there is no half way ground.",- " WhoUi hog or none. i ney were opposed at nrst to meq dliug with repudiation, but siuce it has bc- fn, let itgo through, if the State won't pay hu iinnt nawTl. and B cannot nav C and so on ad infinitum, And ao lot all Keep what they have got and begin anew. Then law-suite, contention ahd financial strife would beat an end. Those who do not owe anything and have a large amount owing them, say they are in for the utilitarian principle that if a total repudi ation tll aoiflliorate the conditlon-of the great eat number, they are for it. As law passed du ring the war ia of no effect, contracts made in pursuance thereof ought to have no effect. That men who the people (that is, the State) refused to pay, are not now willitfg to tie heavily taxed, to pay.into the treasury money to be paid out to other men, who had no greater amount of patriotism Ky loaning the State than they them elves bad. Those who owe nothing and have nothing owing them, are willing to " wi)ie out ' to get rid oi taxation to pay retropective deU. Such ia the reasoning of the people, and unless a great reaction takes place, tlicy will make it an hnua in the next canvass and vote accord int- tyr -These are tle peopU'i view, -i J am discuft ting, or going-jiawJo. dlicnaLtlie sealing of debts, unoui runner uigresiuiin, i minis a can convince you beyond reasonable doubt, that thm cold basis" and not the "article ba- sTs,"rs right-'And before I procVl further.l .ill atatji thaL in advocatinsr either side of the question, I am not actuated by selfish motives as I hare aa mueh owing me a I owe; ao I Am not an port Judge. I make this ' statement a I know tome persons erroneously think that people argue this question according a they are owing or being owed. Now to the point, - ' In the Srst place, tne plan ot sewing cicdis by the article basis" would lead to innuuier llfi And neTer-endinsr and ruinous lawsuits. If the Legislature were to adopt no uniform rule, debts would have to be settled by filing bills of injunction in. conjt or ;J5quity, whwn wouia lead to vast expense, troable and waste of tiipe, and the partie perhaps not aathtfled,- If --kit -to the Xourrty Courts,' nd the Court- were to ap point arbitratora, U would lead to the same r aulL exceot that it would go further, and in nine cases but of ten appeals would be taken, and the rv.iirt docket would always oe uuca wun sniu of debtrr'rrhereaA the faegihtturwill adnpt-L: an uniform rule, all parties will aokj hy looking the date of the note or account, ana wen at k'etaWIn!fr1rrWW rMeeATeiactlv whatbehaa to pay, Thus no dispute, iaaauitJ pr inepnveriience would ari, for every roan wouia anow w urn. uujuau w wwt by thatthjere ia noappeaL . ; ,j. . : Tho above plat all will admitv -4 the-st Convenient and simple way of settling debt& Now, I will give my reasons lor saying that it S not Only lue mosveipeuiuni auu unt Buujjic, bat the right, just and equitable way. 1 - I contend that gold or specie during the war did not have or rather had more than its rela tive value.' For example, aborse supposed to be worth K before tho war was put up for sale when Confederate, money wa selling 80 for 1, tha borsa wa bid off at &900. ; That would make tha borsa worth In pcia acdording "to theeommitte'aacal f30.; ow tnat. woks, ar 6rst view, all wrong, a Bnti let usiock at both tideaot the question. Was it tot, a faitaale 1 Did not tb seller knowXtha ttjoney was worth M lbr f I Wat ftot ttorjt thao,ny other per son would pay! II the soiler took the cash be reCCtVeu Woat i 4USl wwm vi vtuanumn. n krut ha oonld aaoartain thia fact by coo- verting it into gold. If the seller wa willing ty take $30 worth, of Ckmfcdoralp aianey then, L.a t an richt to ask for mors wbsj paid in fvtvrtt , Soppow b M pufc Jiim up . to b' paid NfoV; in apecie. The botso would bavo brought about thirty ' dollar because the- bidder would . have . taken bia pencil and commenced llgarlng, and would have com e .hM. iocnioa that eltewhera t30' worth rv..rlaratA mnne or tOOO. would bur a simi 1.. hnraa. Do roit snnnoee he would have paid $90 in apeclefor tha torso, which specie was worth $3,700, which would buy three I Cor taioly not, be wdnld bara taken tha $3,700 ITi fconirht three horse instead of one. So in prirat aaleav A bora or any other article passe from one man to another tor just . $30 r,rth of $onKhing, and a note given . , Th m know, and undotnd the value ot Confederate mOney ; now acoirdina to your own bowing, haatheLegialatur or County Court u tad pot Bjor value on the Confederate money than was agreed upon, and ay, "Mr, Debtor you must pay to Mr. Cred itor Esq., $90 in good money, although the bar gain between you was that yon were to pay $30 or its worth in an article (we will regard Con federate money as an articlo of commerce in order to illustrate morfi .forcibly,) called con- lederatc money, or any other name you may. give it, though its value is $30." In short the buyer puts down two piles of moneyis'the one having $U0 in specie the other $000 In Cnnfed grate, money, both exactly eqivalent in value, U(i says, "take your choice." The seller say, "I will take your note as I. do not now need the money." Very well, now cornea the rub. .The buyer takes the horse and run the risk of its being taken for the army, and runs the further risk eertiiMg of paying the $30, and perhant the $iK)0 in good Confederate money should the Confederacy bo established. ' The seller runs no risk at all, for he has his note snugly put away and is certain of getting $30, which ever way tho scale may turn, and if the Confed eracy be established he would get $900 in good money. So you Sue alt the risk is in favor oi the creditor and against the debtor. And in regard to money lent or merchandise sold, the same rule works. All the risk of loosing the proper ty teugliVwith money borrowed, is with the debtor, for .tho creditor is safe any way the scalo may tunf safe in sotting the $30 In spe cie bargained for on the one band, Or $900 in good money on theflther. Gold was worth five. or six times more during the' war, than before, or since it close. - Thirty dollars then, was worth more would biiv more thah "$W,' ft grasped gold so tightly that it ivas rarely-seen, thmighfrw MtterwM jier pound, i cliiikeus, the same fn specie, now "they IffeWlt-.l ing live or six times as nigh, and far more plen tit'ul. . I wilt grant that th 'gokI basis" ,U an--, parcatly hard in some-cases, but look on both sides. Look at it as it might hac bten. And while it looks hard to make a man take $30 for a horse, worth befor th mar, $90, on the one 1 hand, It loSkTwaaJTf" hard ta wmrwl-w-man-f to pay f 'x lor a horse wnen tuo f uo converted into Confcderalo money, would have gotten three, and especially when the bargain was to take $30 or it worth in tomething or whatever other you may call it. In settling these debta. we must not look upon gold at its ante beuum value, but at its real worth at the time the con tract was made. In other words, we must first fimf'out the real, intrinsic value of gold, before we price aay article-. For these and other fa vorable reasons, I think the sold basis is the right and only Just Way of settling debt. THO. ak. DAVIS. . KIMBKO iOKIA, JK. 0AVIS & JONESi yi-.. OB0CESS, :y AUCTION A COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 28 Fayetteville Street, J atALEIGU, N. ., JKI'P eoaatantly aa bead a vary lari tvpply FIA.MILVY GKOCEKIKS, : Bacon, Lard, . ; -. Flour, Meal, Corn, Copperaa, Bnckwheat. Cheeae, Pickled Oyrtera, Chamoaen. Ale Portsr, Bladder Snnft, ioda and Butter Cracker, ' : Tea Caket, Peronjaion Cap, i ': "''."'- i ry Salt, Fiah, 4o., Ae. . :;;- -AL.30- . Wood and Wilow Ware, , Hardware, J x Powder and 6hoV ' I- Soaps of all kind Farming Implements of all descriptions, fte w t leapecllailv tolu-u mnaiajarBraia ul .. , Cotton, Cotton Yarns, Iron, fte., :;'. "..!.- , '.- - and .- COUISTBYPRODUCE. - AH4MtKbaw84a abaOraoalra peroral and pnqnpl. AttautiftB. , ' DA V.li JtKE(t. Feb 1, 147, 3m. cbamis j.sACta. . . is, " eiABLsa . aasa taifria,fi.a dtoai.itiM ;.ti'-'Aaii' . uMtfiiiu au m - . Orofgdats Glassware, Vial Bottles, JarsvAe, . SI CAR. SODA. Sit SODA. WRaJLAIIBV!,!, ana MAar Ckawfaaia B Faintii Oils( 01ne Exkractof Logwood, Castil Soap, .,'", o..,i;iii 34 . CfltaLM trr - '"'- a Xyaliimiis, itik.. ' ..-'.'.;- n. M-ss-ss. ' : For Sale. , v TVV'O IhftBiAsd boahelt af Ontta 8tad, ' , Out la "U-acd barral-of CorB. , ,, One bitudind Ihoaaaad OrpraM Hhialaa. Ooa Pil It u atara Wbeal Blaamar. Apply. , , ' M.MAnOlT. . r.k,lS!.5w." ROWS IIEETI.GBV m WOBaWa bati' I 4 She-tlofa Jt ranrads eoa A tianmaaf.- n ' ' -J ' r - A 10, IXtltoa 1 sra bt tna Daara ar eaia la auasv . JAMX3 M. TOWLES, Agenk ', rab3,lM,tf ' - GEO WaDIlLr rntnmlatloD aad ForwardlBf Mrachtnt. A no aol'st1 ron murrati w. o. btas ebip Una, Morabaad Citp. BB -l4S. - ' : ADTILMTBATOB'S 2VOTICE. 1 THB NOVEMBER TERH, m$, OF THE ri 0 orlof Pla.t aai Qiarter Saaeloat fat Waaa Ingt-vB Conaty. Ikaaadar.if aad ftalilad aa Adaiia iitrttar, with tba will aoaaiad, aa tba estate af Jon athaa J Liadaay, daaaaaad. ' K -Alt wb b14 cl.imt agalart tba aetata are aatltad to areaeat tlea far payaiaat, wHbia tba tiaa pre aenied by law, ar tail avis will be plead la'bar af tretr raeoTery. ah laa.otee ta taa aaiat aa aou lid ta aaka payaect lajadlael, y I CUARLBS LATHAM l Adair, wit tea will aaseaad, Jaall.139, lawa. . , . .";. -' ,.y A CABD. ' 'HR SUBSCRIBER MIT BB fOCHb WITH " U.rl A Lm, No 44 Payattanlla raai. JJa ra- apaatfally latitat h.ta'd aoawatara and (ba pak ia. ta tuarataalira aaaorlBanl ! "ABUW tug vl I UKRTaod H0U8U rUKNUUIN UOODi aa la - n j. brown; RaM(k,Jaa'y t-U law ; . . 44 PAYETTE VILLE STREET, : ; '-'i RALEiOH, . 0. Wa laviia iaall ataala af paraksaar a aar lara and lata a.ilog iwt. ot . I Miaoellaaaou Hardware, Wooden Ware, , WUlow Ware, ; Crockery Ware,' ? "y-'t -Ola Wa I - ChlnaJWare, l Pot end Hollow Wat. 8tone Ware, r TiiCWare, i Iron and Steel Bufg7MateriX ' Bridle, t Saddles, narseea, - Collar, A,, ' Lamp Laavors OUvPalnta, r Vtrnishee and Brune. . A i c$ r . Bsmmim(immrTIftmw An i ilair imwtMuami. FASllL-Y GROCEB1B8. y: HoaMe-Keoping Liao, A - CaC a "- " - '." . 44 Fayettoville Street, With Hart k Lewis, Ral.lgb, Jao Ul, tf. OSX PAKALKT . O. PAASLCT, J B. J OUt JCtMl BBKBT SAVAOa O. G. PARSELEY & CO. Importers Commission Merchants, WILMINGTON. ' tT C. gollclt Ooiisiciianaiiu for Bala ar Bblpsteat. Cotton, ' '. ' ' ... Cotton .Yaras,i .,,,; . - .-. - - .-. Domesties, ' Nawal Star, . -J-- A other - ' ' COTlf TBT PB0DTJC1. Hata :ayl-i tr-t aad are rareI"loj eeaitaat ly. voatigDweau feraale at loaat market ralae, af Gunny Bagging, Gunny Bags, 'Bale Hope, Mess Pork, , Bacon Sides aad Shoulders, Sugar, Coffee, Mslajswa, , .' . Flour, Butter, Ckeese, ' Irisk Potatoes, Onioas, Crackers. Mackerel, Pickled Herring, 1 Smoked Herring. . .;. Codfish, Bails,. Powder, Shot, Window Glass, Paints, Linseed, Kerosene, Tanners', and Lubricating Oils, in 5-gal cans 4 bbls., Whiskey, 1 i Jamaica Bun and Din ' Soap, Candles, - ' ' 8tarch, Salt, Lime, &c, Ae., Ad. BOM AQBIITB tOt E. F. Coe's Super Phosphate of Lime. - A'lKNTS rR ' 1 . BOO UnAa Maw O ap Af .'uaeat, diraat ,f Car ea t. ta Uaip-tf- v a To arrive da-log Frary ar Ma'ah (- 3,0Oil B.ga Oof) d-rea fr Rio J.aalrr . j 00 Ha a Siga airaeKrjaPjrtaRlaa. ' Jaa." l-tWiBBj : -' ' r- General. Communion "1RD ' - ft WO 23 NORTH WATER ST. nOfSTO'MBKTS OF COT'OS. 5 AVAL STORES. V Lapher, ani uthf prodaoa for 8 ) or Slrplo. J apaatfally anitritad. LIVral adeaaeaaiears aiAda, 6flOrdn proapdy exatatad. - 7; "; pnospcrt'. ; . "- 'pBB poktiatloti af tba ? ' ''U-l JLX- 1 The North Carolina Presbyterian wilt be reavaed in Fayetttvilla, on WadaaaJay, tba JoJl"of Janoary aait.- - . . Conl'lratly relyinf on tha hearty support wbiea wa bare heratofora reeaiaed,wa shall soutavor to reader tha paper nor attraetire, both is appaar aace aad ajttier. tbaa It has e'er beta, sparing nei ther paint ar aipraea ia tha Acaompliibmeat of tbls pttrpoae. ' ''- -':"' i---' With tb paasln away of old things, a aaw aplnl Of Aftlfi'Tj rgji aad aaterpriae, bat beta tofTiaed hit arsVr a'partmeni af ','leWrlar "rtOBBtiraBt W tineat. -Why tboald net tbs Chqreh, alto, partak af tbaproarassi daaamaot t Why sbeald she, of all the aesnciea broocb ia bear wHtk nab tra- nuadeas lorn Bfoa the erri!ltti-B of Iba praaaat sism, bs lacmoieat, if gam aaa a:ioot kopahrst ia tb anrkiBC aot of bar owa dattiny f T Ta areisaa lb eborcb to tb lmporM.ad a. eaasltr ar wort or naecAAlng, reatleas, tSreHHs en ergy ia the earrica of her Mstr and Head Ikbj sbait b ear Brat aad hiefeat aios . I a this wa Bead ejtuuoee. .We ar sot, alpo. aaffloHaatf sbane tbin(. Oar brethren mitt hoip at la ertry way) by contribution front tba rewa ttorea dt taoairbt Andttody; by realnaa ao-oparatloB ta A aonanoa eaoa), tor tba bentSt of all; by extendinc oar ir cuUt oa tbroozhout all oor borders, aod thai air- inr tba araal and tba ennortaaltr af aer'oTBiini well tba work to wbfeh wa kar eoaaaaraaad U that w Ba'Bj a bu we nop tor aw ewraa, - ' ' ' : TERMS: . ".' " Sabaorlptfo fw en year, , $4 OS " , " tlx SH U. 1 - 4 OO Add-aat . - B. FULT.ER, tor of the H. C. fraaay Lariaa. Jal,lS,tf 13 ffoitisci; BRADLEY'S CELEBRATED DUPLEX ELLIPTIC EACH B00P BIINd ' OMPOiFO OP TWO rRR fa -tly T.iaiarad Nieda finrinai. kr4.Ud tlhit. aad Ir-ify io father, ad a ta ege, taraln . ae b- p af d ataktSi (be wmttt aad ait AtmikU ik. l;ki lada.tiarelt7ri'.Bl.aa They will aot baa 1 r break like the itnjh taWa7 bat will ale-ays praterre thaif aad aaaaiia' .Aapajlaall . -. . V Crowded AssemMagea, T vnnrenes, ' Taieatree, y Hailroad Cars, - rorjome.nRde,, or Hons Dress, la! faaL (bar are loaarier at all athart. aaahi Comfort. ' '. Eoonomy, Aiigauea ana t ; ; - : - - Dnrability. ' x ' Baawtr fer - - - - - W Jt.A . , a Bradley's Duplex Elliptio or Double Spring "Fortale Vrya)JUf i; ""BaAntodi'ait' rclalra!y by the Sols ownen aftbe patent, " ; . Wests, Bradlci A Cary, If Aaaaeer aad ft aad SI Sfdt Sit, Hm Fera. A fan asterteteat af tkeaa Saaarier SklrtteaB.taat ly a band, aad far sale la a great rariety af siset, by W. H R 8. TUCKER, -KKLLOOO, WQEELEK A CO , A. KLINE. RANDALL 4 MANX, Aad all atbar Marehanu wha tall FiratCttat BklrtA la tklt City and thrtackeat tka Seatkere Butat." - Coo's) Super-Phosphate of Lime, 1 ... BONE MAWVBB. ::y WARHANTlfir G ENTJIN E. BIIS0 MADB OF TUB BEST MATERIAL sRD la tba "iaaro. d Bnoar, It It iaeaaiaB to tb pablia at taprriar la aay otk-r is tba Btarkat All wbe kara aiad It aaeak of it in tba bighetl lerte af pral-e, aad tata angagad In (it Bttsafeatare taatiaae thair btt aadeavert la. ainnca tbebtgt rapatatlea whlrk it ba. aaqul ad. Waraarantaa tba Faatahata ft be wall ataBaraa. ad, aad rteoaend It IB preference ta any other artitaiat aeaara I tba aiarka., We eoo-lder 1 acarly aaaal ta tba beat Peraviaa Uaano, aitbeagb aralahadat aal' ta priiwt''. --N---i,T..,..., . Mail t B H. All-n Oi., the w-tl koown aaoa faetaiwrt of agrlcBltaral iapleaientt, tayaf l' i "We take oleainre la autina ihat aa bare - Id B F Coa'i aaper Pbutpkate "f L'aie for four yrart tt kef give aalee tal iaifatiiu ti ovr eat'eaeii. We moti eha rfall. miik it u an ariioia w-irinj ef tk eaaSleBea af tb- fab' a, aa tha parch jW n'j rely f a aeaarti ( ea artiote keoertlf aad rare ralN a.B'if .e arel. , "Wa w aid riata Miat. tflaf BHraful examinatlrrh a Mlie.e ibla Pht' bate haa baea lnpri ad rarli ra r .iara -ia t r d rl in( bin m rt.t. a- I ih tt wll! a. t a la a la'ala ... t- e, r i llk tiaa-i Bg. - Va y eu.ef'ly. . B II. A Lt. nn ' O., ".1 i 11 Ta rr l- ei e To.k ' d Faaa Oar, Ktq . , n ''Ai B-Xad p!a i1 n all flay ana y l f rr-a, lea' ra rSair P i pl' af Li I -it it-i si --fil baiaa aai-a a 'iv- zf ir' "aar '- 1 raaae' rf a B fma a M M at a J"u a"'" -' aaaf are, t.kla ai.dulad y alii a.a.i en great KMtarl ' - . ,.- ( -.. , wua.agy Baer wa.. i.aa. . .. i-.p'rifull Jne't - VUir: ....... . li r.l Ba LtlB-B-B.l ar sat S, ISotrS - ..-T- " Of Pro P herbaria Aa -Hydf3i.te.iB3&-: eoatainivg af Auhydraat Phot. r phtr Acid. ''.,.' -. - 7.4A. ' W K Photphat of Lima. S.10 soiilaiaing oi AUBjaioui rnoe- Pbarl Aai-t. " - . I.T0. Of Ntatrai Pbo-phaleof Lime ' , 8.86 aooiaiaii'g 4.i annjurvaa acre- pkori A a id. , . d.S. Of Blphata ef Lima hydratrd" 46. i eatalt lag of -olnhaile A- iilfSoa 1 1120. Of AlkallBe Balis a Hori-haies. - - 1.11 Of Otgoai Coabastibta alalter. J.8J3 aawiBieot producing. Ammonia. - S 76. Of Animal Coal and ttnd. LOO Pl eapborio Aaidtolable ra Water. 11 IS. Pboephorie Aeid Irjaoluble In Water. 4 M. Aoiinavis , j.Tft, j , ' MAnvrArreaSD v EVOCn COE. nuntor'a Pjint L. I. TBt mtOKRsiOHBO HAVB BEEN APfOIN ta Agaott for tba 8U a ef Nortt Caro.ioa, and anil tapply lapariar rertllitar at waaafaetarirt' prlaai. . .... ......j -Paa. 4kamlaaf akaai m poandt a'ghu TOO Barrels mow hi Biore, aM for tale by - rr ' : x f ; O.O. PARSLEY It CO. WnafUgB, . 0. Jaa. Vl-lia. TWO ROOKS, ' AT . - KBS. M. J, FENTBJE53 A FEW re gentleman b ba OfJoorAoOatad nth X. grMI boarding and ktdf-iag. . Any wlthlng boad aHll p!aae tVe app'iiwtM hn. BWOlaraty No 1 Fayawarllle StreM. Jaa.V10 tnlS, : ; raah AlaiwAM Aaa. CABBAGES pea,. Banna, Onlna Road aad Belt, Lettaca, Ridiih, Egg Plant, Tf"""'" aad all other htndtnf Gat dan gaed. A large eoltertion of elimf CogKrh Floww Seed, all of oar rtaaa. anperinr qs-iltty. Oatalogsaa oa applMati-B. IWminnlt aad rHatl. , J.BOIIAN(i,KON, - : "'" i - So aWb Calrttt Stre. t ". - , -- . . ' Hahiinnre, Md.-' TrPwoar torraaatj aeeiare supplied m a-mnrni.. to aw . -',' , ''1 V- , k,400,Sw,.' l lfv a -.. - I - - y tsu. Pi-ea, i- ttAiiixouB j Mtw i-OA-r. VJH MSiOA MKUUIIANTS, i--" y-i - Nrn t aAi.s r .. -'-' ' -titti Vara, Bttet-tiaaa aad Oaaaklrga, W1 ' ,1 - .,'' ; Bad i.Ibii (Juoda. ;...,.? yi. J ' :f y .:,"- tttrMKKCESt -:""-''V'" , One P Mallat, . , Chapel DPI. PayatWTilla. FayoUerille, OraaatHera. (1 reeaabeca. Charietaa. Baltimore. '..;,' I'baa M.I .i V "e..W 1 iuiii, t (.. 'I- ' J- II tioilwj, l . 1 J -ia.. Iwaa - a-,. : 1 h..ui tt. Tulu', r at, , . - A, .Hintla. H' , l'i.tar t a'uo ' Bank ' '. . (iou.bar I 4-ly. ; " " .;-' ''.v . ARRANGEMENTS FOB i IPItlSO A'll ll'MWEIt, y- A COMI'LieTE aatmol af Bilk Uixed, Pingta W'll-d, !pd'Bi,l-j-gl(.liMario, Alpaca, Uaew-,- . ai Clutb Coata, .-, ,. . ... ' ,..-.:' - , Mulch Jalt.;v.i,,,.':';; -.. yl : Wblle Marseille and Silk Ttats, 1 ; ' a Sowral atyla Frencli Cass I mere Pant. U now aaafciaa' aadi-r tha enin-rvHoaof ,;" i I. " Out Mr. llarmnir, ; - - ia tbacity of New otk, ,. ,. -;i '-;' ;.'' there haa aerer baea a Soar Or Bore' doairahta aa '- sortmeat of '. Cienu ud Yotttb's CloUtlnc ' raJihUr-.ilin.Uila CuUl-a Wnre Mwaatltairwp. BaiaaHae liall i-Sfer ao gaitnant tlint w aasiwt warraut ia eve , y parlMMilar. Aa l.iiliartn aoali.a4it ba karafter.ih V guNia ..ff.ir.d at the flluiHing Ht-e uf r wnr 07 tott gits m cdrrTT M evrnut ba equaled in cat, w-kmanahip. Ate. ' 1fyWLf1'' y dti'w ( pn-aiaid aril wa irianoa Tie tb "trad. It emit aa i-iwliio maaufaotara, '" d woiat MlHiiren.li. If waivrcradit 10 a taw, we ' " I -naattnmany.nraetwith partiality. Tha eualrrmer ia al ' wajra bu.liid by the Haiti ay.lera, for ttiaroaaoa that Buying euatoniara are a.it, charged txtr to aaa ''.' '.'" "'l for thoae who aavar pay. 4 . Oarataoh ot Maslia (ibtrt.- Cullart.Tiea, RalfHoea tad Sliow-raaa tJooaa, (a eniplto. - Bjara i.d pnlrtred H irta fw rily aad ptaiitat,iB wear n hnndi-a good a'.-inmrnt. A giMid aamtara-a4.ww Trimkar V"aiiar 1'n.brailaa oa fcaa4,-- We wi.l take inewure aad aiartefaotere Rafia fnr - iboae who diia it. at tlie h..rwt aalioe. UAUUUiO, ANDREWS 4 CO., w v ... . . fayattarllWatnaat, ' : ., W4,lm . ttaimgk, H.O.- Biacdard eopy. , .r JOUIT T. FOARD, COMMISSION. ACCilOX AND F0RWARDI5.6 : ,'. MERCHANT, AN V AOBNT FOB ScUing or tasinjj JJxal tf itii.,; JSaB OlD COUNTY ffBABf -:: y: kewberh x.o. '- ';':.' ' ". araaacaw." -' "' ; - A T erhim, Prnidoal Bank af Cofflnarea, Hew. re) 1 r w i Uawklue, late Frailer K A v a Ri Hub N BoydaV Pri t of NCR ft, fa'tabm, Oti a John.i.m Pret l Charlotte A B 0 R R. Cbarlntta Hob i M Morebaad i-ruen.boroi Rar Di Deeaa, Ra olgk aad he VV K Pelt, ei-ur af a.nnaai at RaMgk. OOI ' o- I t-Bt 8WEPS0N. "MENOENRALL & CO., i.iK.NERAL JS I'M A Hi ST.iJUMW. YOKX, ; A UT1CULAR ATTEaJTrON GIVEN TO a the la a uf t'otHo, Oottoa Tarnt, Cotton Cloth, fiTl iir.!i, , aid M inufaoiared T-Lase, Ae. iii erai a a iaoc u va coniiitnm.au ta land V . Ordart .nlielie I 'or the arebata ef Beads ' -.. t-lir AU oiiuiijnuxntt to ki art covertd bit In wrarire a uoi a diif.ptd e all Kail ixU, -intf finira an i;7-'; prU. through M A r.rt, aitAr a Ir r ti tniimtM it reerivtf jte 4 -. fiiy CoMigntaMM .wui-iur. "Si" I'liaa J Sumk, IMmikL 'Vimrii, " Mi it i-i iv, llolifHI H Mlrn I y ' y w i.Turr-r ' I' Mki.lmiai.i. T I '4:--r-'-' - r 1 NO . Lr- 'lUiiN.'iy .Sh-ttai.-Jf ' ; A. Now Vork Oity, - tlw Hrrfi Oreensboro, ! r,. ell's OP tu , : OV lilt; i'tH.T OPr .UNUiRf'WB Htll cm i fico ibe 'tU etiivn, In lbs City f bl- " lxtoriry iMiinzmo. - Tlifie i- tin 1 uh iiiiin of "'I' character aa h- ' aard -i.eb af iw Vet ,Ciir, and ..tb eioatng of iKa war baa l'-l a la (rr .tton of tha ooople af lb i - conntry wiih no lit rary -rpreriitatl. The CoaMopoura will b - dtTs'td la ? - ''"t i 15 Literatore,' Art, Hsviews," ScienUa Payers and General Beading, ; , ' aKd wt thali numl er amiM'g in tobiribotors soo ' . of hb Brat JrHrmy men of Ihs'lioat, wir otbtrs frinthe North m l Irrtm LonloRKVfi. " ...,., All mHttr nttoiigitiAl will beiorfiniiy aeireted f.om'ttitlieatit na.lirtol tba Kngiith, Freotk and On nun liullicalifKit; anil iu Emioraain rpar m f ffurt orNcxpelitt to mate It rink with lb v-rar nntT aurtimai of Ilia ounlry. ; A its niuaa faiports,- bare tb"ibd lb CosMnp.iUT upon no aeeiktatl baiia. - We bop to make It the oigna of gnicral (rirrator alonei a4 will b catnihmav V tti-)u.aAat-w. eter. . It will bt iBAlhd ts lsh'!taft,UTjpart of tha eountry apo rretipt of the following - ; tabcrlpdon t . Riogle Ccp'.et, for on yiar, . .. $A 00 ". Fhta ("opus fcirene year, ( 1 Oti Tarrvsnpirtfur on year, ' tS 00 t JT The t oauortiLrrt will ha ienarallp diitrib std araon? tha tlerehftnta and I'fsnlers of (ha "outh, ana we will add, for ttulr informalioo, a ftw , adveriiterucnia, at mo-'lerate rata, JSO" Liberal dedactiens will be warla to fceefc aelleta and newsdealer. - . ' Kswtpapars puMsshlrff this proVfocta aad : ending a maiked aopy to tbt uadcrsigBcd will r 0iv a eopy of tba ajegniine. A.4iii-e - DalXON&CCv'- -. r ', V :- P.jy. Bs SM, talfiamia, 81 ": a ii littf. 11 .'-'".-., y . ,.v--'v , jo ai,- iiuque s , 1TT0R.NET AND COL'NSKLLOR AT LAW, :' . w RErt iiKRS. ri.t; , .. v -Mavpt. .- V ... N J-:- - - - ai it v.-- I' ":r:' ' ' . aay right tott ! . '

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