.Eaatwn .- TibJ !SU. 2E, Hath.: Km 4w 110 1. it ILUls u,tt uu I SI' if. J KtMl r. jio Raw Bon Ioluaie;. ,fta . .m:.-. - ,..ia Man' ataadiea 2:COWPEBA MOORE. ""l uitVFM eelehreted stWtJT Ann k$?"7Sa MACHIKKj manufactured at Hj53 55 Mbiaaa la sucefal op. lJ A MrHAKRElT So U, 1(1. ttv 1 ALEX.' W. WMELU - . , , . H l.liufci.ii . CO, Wholesale and Eetail Dealer in Staple and Fancy D17 Goods, 113 8v snore Sfreel,- " PETERSBCBG, VA, . uur friend" in Nortli Carolina wilt tie ' Lead irfttiPtly fi)rvdil Mftrchnrita toe accommodated upon inter"' v- Feb 17, -1m .T. SORWeoo, 1st of Warren ton, N. 0. SSAFEU & NORWOOD, ominission Merchants, jo. 5 Wtt.b Sratrr, YORK. .meM f Cow, Toharco, Kara) SiirfS: Gri nnd till othrr Southern ' " Wtfcf KnMted OrJr frcB Mrehnti. Mnitrr, Plan- 'n laj nkt pruBp'. mi 4 IndiTidaml aCiJKS TO " . 1 jj auf. ted. flwusborn, S C ; K LJiur, .MM R!ei!i ai Mli R R ! Mcllwin, Soa ''. .... Johno, Martin 4 Tinhlll, i I 7-if. OiVIO BAIIROW, 1 WITH siaple and Fancy Dry Goods, cM f Bnliray,) "JfEAV TORlv. ,rk I?, M, J aJV4i T. DWIs. - CMUUtQ-JONK, Jli. DAVIS & JONES, GEOCEES, ' MTTIOX 4 CO.M31IS8IOX MERilWNT8, r, ?G Fayetteville Street, . rftl.EIOU. If. V., fSI'r iwtinllr na band a very Urce surply tu - FAJIIf.V OBOCKOIKM, maiattiig el . Bun, lard, -n-'"'"-"- v Flour, Meal, (Corn, Copperas, Buckwheat, Cheese, Pickled Oytterm, Chamoame. Ale Porter, Bladder Snufl; ,) T Soda and Butter Crackers, Tea Cakes, Percussion Cape, Salt, Fish. &.. &. -AL80- f o4 and Wilow Ware, 1 Hardware, , Powder and Shot, SoafiofallkiitfU, farming Implement of all descriptions, &e We itiwtltaily toluit cogtiftDmnta ef . Cotton, Cotton Tarns, Iron, &c, ' ' 'a4 ;" , , COUNTUY ntODCCE. al wi;amestK (ha rxwlv purmnul mf prompt vAVis me ivne . fA. '-' BJ I Z, BB9IZER KELLOGG & CO., selloog . Brwakiziai, v BANKEE8, BE0K1ES, ISSUftANCE AGENTS, !""' ' ,alKiiS0K0, K. C. ; GO'.B AXO 6ILTSR. KXCHASOK. XBANS. Sw. tttoeks ul Bondi booibt sod o 4 s Kmiia rwsWsd sablsot to sigfcc ehcks aj with Cttiwcifta, mad a all aMtibl aointa. M tnsiut all basiatu aroatptlyaBd 00 natsoa. tbknst. ' jaas, 3m THOMIAS .&-C0., - "Mf, . jjanktrs,- Ko, 176 B ALTUIOEE STREET, ! BfLIUIOIlS,llD . WI107 AKD 8 ELI., 0!T ..IE aUs tarns, alt tt ditto iR,:,i..i- 11 - SOOTHr i BANKNOTES, .SOUTHERN 8TATR JND8. ' COMPOUND LHTERESX NOTES, GOLD AND 81LTEIL -; V &h, Saudi, a., af oar awa Mariiat, a Ooaiait 1 nraoa ( and that tt Kaw York and Pitla-, wpbia iVroafh rsli&bl, eorrupoadrata. , U CfcC(fo, withproatps rataxai, a all m aloia.t Bortlgoiiii. and West, . (rold Cinwy, f aof aaovat, Ijytaiitaaw, Haw rk,, rbitadalphia, Koslon " SMtlaa gHiM yffuWw Carrwwy, Jab- 'L-t on uiirproB. uimv' y,; , Bawtbrn Baak Hataa. A " ' , ? . (t, gn, ThirtiM, ,ifferii ,i,.V Oaa-Taar CtrUScataa. ...Wvr-'4M;tt-nT , ? fa n" ; ji , "A'iCM"''' . i jii.lsslaiipa1.4,tl'''- ':.Saw York. : jUOOOMAV A MERRILL, f mission ATerchaut. !vWSIew Street, Xew l'orh. -y ; TC? Am pajti4itkiTo m a ks tahces oh JMigninasts lastora w S" racalft flf bills ef l.'M'SaawBU C wrirHl U aayarad by Plra a4 - li,l,'""'8laf otbarwiaa diraotcd." . e '" S ida' amagadWRt wtth-Mr. 1.-W, jy. hM'.s'abi, itumas 3UVJajtJtkb...t. t"a in ail ua hmew'Hil M ffsm Wa aaUaUtba patraaaoa af kls friaads. aataataud aoa wjtb Ua arm af Boaaatt, "ai.ua, iau. . . . . DAILY SENTINEL. ttediiesclaf,' Fbrnarr tl, 1866. CITY A tVT) STATE tTTrMS. Naw Adtertibkhemt. TOoseVwha -di Icslre Evergreens go tr the Carter House this room Tng and buy cheap.' , . Bridge builders have a good chano offered for building the Clarendon Bridge at Fayetto- ine ftoud-ijoicTera 01 Tiwr"TrnimBgtJOB -too: Msnchestr Rait Road, 'are called upon to correspond with Mr. Drane, the President, or with Messrs. Jump A Co., Nejr York. Mr. A. W. Lawrence ha, two yokels, of ni; Petersburg Iron Works offer great- induce ments See advertisement. The Stockholders of tl; Chatham Rail Road Company are notified that the annual meeting will' be held the 1st of March, in'this city, a ' - The Dtnly Keut, Goldsboroa goodjiaper notifies the public in our columns of its success and inducements. CdirstT Jail. The County Jail baring be come entirely insecure,. the military autbbritiee surrendered the building to the County Court, on yesterday. . " Mail Hate. There p regular mail hack now running rrom Mornsrine to rittanoro, on Mondays and Thursdays, There is also a back from Pittsboro to Kgypt, running three times a week, on Monduys, Wednesdays and Fridays. Col. Oeo. Burshvhead ot the Cherokee Indian tribe In this iStale 'passed tlirough Wilmington a day or two ago on his way to Washington. lie resides in Macon Co., and the object of bis visit to Washington rotates to lands sold to 'the government !ome years ago. The TniAL. The trial oftbentgroescharged with the killing of Mr. Pickett, Is still progress ing ut Wilmington. Mr. Cannou lestilied on (lie fourth day. So new facts elicited. ItctMe Goni;. Tlie severe ralnWeadaj umt hiH-ji tbijuiagcJ, llie bridgc.n tht countrv considerably. Wo learn thatthe Railroad bridge on Jfeusc River liae been swept away again. Consequently transportation will be interrupted a-faiii with Ooldbort iand. thexust .. The ailvcrtiscmcnt Irom.Hox 20t. (Hfod, iniMlmlssaNf. ' ' - - - - . - " ' . GENERAL HEWS. It is reported that the President denies hav ing ordered recent milititry seizures of Southern Methodist churches. , Xot a WATEn-Hvt1. At Willonghby's Point, the tt,shermcn ut the 'form of AV. K. Tay lor, Eso,., at ten o'clock on Wednesday night, spread their net with care and hauled to the shore upwards of eighty rock fish, averaging about seventy pounds. In England the Queen hus offered to confer a title on Lady Palmerston, with' remainder to the Right lion. William Cowpor, a son barn prior to her marrisgo ith Lord Palmerston. The offer ha beea declined. - The Reconstruction Committee has taken s great amount of evidenco unfavorable to the admission of reprwrotatircs from the Southern (state. There is a generat displeasure in Washington at Mr. Bancroft's attacks on certain foreign gov ernments, in presence of their representatives as invited guests of the nation. ' Collectixo Aoancr. Mr. E. IL Britton, formerly, the Editor of the Daily Bulletin in this place, is now located to Charleston, 8. C, as a collecting agent. He effers his services to, the public as a collecting agent for mercantile houses or individuals who may have claims un adjusted in South Carolina, Georgia or North Carolina. Char.Ikm. the circulation of the leading papers UuFaris is as follows: Bied, 45.000; MmiUur, 0,000; Pntrie, 16,000; Prette, lSjOOO; Opinion Ration afo, 14,800; OotutUutiontL, 13,18; Matt, 9,106. A yentH nf seventy -seven was 'damaged'' by a inrv in Ohio the other dav to the tune of 3. 000, for not keeping his promise with a maidenr of forty-three; - I Negro suffrage and equality resolqtions have been introduced inHerltfaTireiieBTasure. Res olutions urging the punishment of Southern leaders have been reported against The Charleston Owrferststee-that the direct land ta Wider the act of 1881, already collected in South Carolina, exceeds the apportionment required to be paid by that State by nearly two hundred thousand dollars, r . A Miss Btebbins, of Chickasaw conrityl lowa,'' has received an appointment as Notary Public for that county.-- 8ho is the first female ever having received such a commission, and is rep resented M emiuently.competent At a reception in. asuingiou-a rrpnner says there were-present "warriors and naval heroes. WUotte-faHMr mwiaei,;.amea3men and jurists, twenty of whom at least are candi date for the Presidency.'' ' .:.' The wife 0 a Republican Congressman com plained recently ot the crowding of negroes in toe Congressional BaUery. Consequently the negroes were put in a separate place, and Gree ley is making an outcry about tt. r ' , The government it ts said, intends to remove the Indians from Kansas to the Indian Territo ry, and will purchase theVwesteni half of the r 1. uanM.djm rAw 4ttaf hiimiM ' 1 . Assistant Secretary of the Treasury, Cliandlor, it is reported, will make great disclosures of cotton frauds inho South, upon his r turn to' Washington.-s-'-; .; : u ! TheTtKl'EeV.'Jtser. B; itpatmk waathaflcit; native of the United Stated, who became a Catho lic bishop. He ws bore in Boston, and died bishop of the city of his birth. N : " ' " Eirwro--Th boirer of Mr. N1elers rVentn Flouring and Grist m, at Concord, explode.) one day last week, injuring the bflilding consid rrably, bqt killing no one.-Ctor. lkmotra. -' f A, Boston distiller who tried tn cheat thegor crnmitnt out of its revenue tax. has, settled the matter by the payment pf fSO.OOO.f - . f j. ) On fednesday,'the steamer Africa, tor Liver, pool, sailed from ' Boston with twmrtyiscfcn passengers and 3O,0w f specie'- CoTTOSWleaTrtronrthf ilex." that, an immense quantity ndeVailroad in- riving at that city by the Bouthside railroad, in- t If i - -.'....-i.. , . ' - j. ' '. ... 1 f For tba SsMbsL ; . Lonisburg. ' . The riniet littlcyiiiage of LouUburg la situat ed on the romamfig stream Tar river, whose crooks and benib,nd fiowry banks, divide the eastern, portion of jourJSUte. JScat cidttages, palatial rrsldcncoi, and lofty spires peering thro"tall forest trees, or smiling behind sloping lawns, rose bushes and houey suckles, characte rize the villajje. Ilills crowned with celsrs, fertile Istlds kind neighbours, and honest yeo manry, bound this nest of precious ouls. A mill stands hard by the village, whose wheel turns the wholi; dav litn?. anil trnm whrM liuv. Hiwt-awev4k4sUif.f UfekAiraishrdtbo. thriving thnttv citizens. 1U dam clear, tall and sparkling i iiold lw youthful fancy, as a lit winaturv of the roar and torrent of Viuirara.-. j..vmr vuiajre is ten mitea-rrom.anv railroad sta tion still further f rom any navigable stream. The toiwe plays, upon tlie bosom, oifihe Jar, and a pretentious steamboat troubles senfe portion of its waters, but our narrow banks iand rocky stratum deniesi us this door hf trade and traffic with tba outer world. Oh '. who has not heard of our beautiful village eaten at U hospitable byard sat under its pleasant shade, and glided over its bills in light CRrriaecs, with its Kallant J-sffldiiuid fair .Daughters, many who have, for their pleasant homes and cheerful firesides, ate indebted to the fortunate wind that wafted them to our midst. r At ono extremty of the village, on a beau tiful eminence, are the seats of learning male and female schools, whose intellectual beams throw a softening, refining Influence over the community, winch is depicted in its graceful ladies and elegant gentlemen. Over tho Female College, a large brick edifice, with spacious grounds, handsome walks, snd pretty surroundings presides the Rev. T. M. Jones, former President of the Greensboro' Fe male College. Mr. Jones' famed -talents need no tribute from my humble pen. C(lder such an experienced hand, his troop of rosy-lip, laughing girls, can climb the hill Hf science, made easy arid delightful by his gentleness and suavitv of manners. The Male Academy is in charge of! nnr highly esteemed and respected citizen, Mr. Matthew Davis, whose experience and reputation as a teacher, Mves him an over plus of scholars, from home ami abroad. Afr buv.is' school d;s not present that noise and clatter, which generally characterize village schools. I nder the most perfect discipline, his pupils ijntirn-vir bout deport themselves with a dignity And churauter which might well grace .Vfljfuv- but suiiietinies, alas ! thc"eroiA will ouW-thu exuberance of vonth will over- ffrttrr-wiw4niftt night are trai ten nv a law less nana, wuo sicai our garcs; pimil out WW,"'mf:lmm ti4Mxl morning the vilhtge awnkes, uabls to ritognuo herself, in such strange attire. As each stately landlord steps forth, and discovers he new Juue of thinpvht. wonders if he is dreaming if his vicion is clear, his miud sound,- and Tn dismay, he could not swear to his own identity. l!ut the Mayor's Court is jn our midsT. Ttipre the culpiiis are arrftlgmxt, and there each in jured iiicn, who is minns a gate, and would have the bovs minus their heads," sit scowling upon them. The law is enforced fines and banishment? "aye threatened but the poverty and disgrace of the offenders, plead mightily in th'-jr Ingulf, and after much ftimlng and pres sing they am restored to their former merit and standing. 1 The tide of war, which for four years, baa swept its waves of destruction over our fair land; Raping the very foundation of our pros- writy, and embittering every source of life and joy, aid not spare us. 1 lie teiovea mentis, aina voices, and lnendly greetings ot our noble yontlis, and worthy manhood, which wo were wont to meet In tlia streets the congregation, and around the social board, are nowhere to be seen. Their precious bonus bleach on some dis tant battle-field, or repose in unknown graves, tn a arrange land. ' Onr aoblo dead ! oar noble daad 1 1 - On tame s alernal eaaipiaK irreaad, Tlmfr silent tests are apraad And (lory tresda ith so'eniB naad, The bivoaae of tb" dead." But still, there is "life in the old land yet" Signs of resuscitation are seen In every depart ment tBe merchant, the mechanic, tho fanner and the man of letters. With renewed energy, every survivor 6f our snbdued, but heroic Com munity, have put thcif shoulder to the wheel, and I predict an earlt. auccess, which will be more cTatifvins, even than the prosperity of 1881. - Mr. Editor; I give this passing notice of onr selves, to let you know that we are still extant are a worthy tentind on the post of tim watching with intense interest the ship or Mate hoping soon to land safe and sound in the arms of tho old Union, where, under the folds of the stars andstri pes, wo may be on duty for ever. Very respectfully. Slyvania, Feb. 13, 1880. AN ACT TO AUTHORIZE THE CLERK OF THE COURT OF PLEAS AND QUARTER SESSIONS OF CHOWAN COUNTY TO QUALIFY THE SHERIFF.' ELECT . OF SAID COUNTY. , Jk it enwtedly tin Gnernl' Auembly of Uu State of North Carolina, and it it kertht tnmettd by th authority of tit tarn. That the Clerk of the Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, of Chowan County, tn the presence ot a majority of the Justices of said county, be, and he is hereby authorized to administer the oath of office to the sheriff elect of said county, and take BBds;o,fee, apgroyed by said Jnstices, re- qUireu OISiteriil m lliapii:r uuc uaiiuTO Kia five, section thirteen, of Revised Code. ''saiijiB!i.'-.Tbat- the madstratcs. wheri assemWecL.to Uke thetionds of the Aiet-i iff elect, shall have power, and are hereby au thorized to levy a tax for county purposes, acx cording to the provisions of chapter twenty eight of the Revised Code. -. - y " : 1 A nd,' P it jMhr nhrt3, Thaf jtliU act Shall , be in force from and after its ratification. ' . S.F.PHLLIP8, , v -: Hpfatff Hmtt Common. YV-'-1 "'- -- "' THOJtAS SETTLE, ' .-.f -.- . Speaker f the tkwtUk ' r i Ratifietl February t, 1866. i ,.-,. -.. - I, R. W. Best, ,8eVretrr of State, H and for the State of North Carolina, do hereby certify that the forccoinsr is a true copy of the orlgiBal bn file in this office,. "J '"V ' , Given under my nana -toe zotn osy oi t eo- fi ,fJ: -. ifrxiretfiry of sw.-- .iXAMlw.''The New York 7mms,.ob- niehting upon the siourrilotia orrridiekaajfor it f difiicult to say which adjectivw better de- nrriltes them renriiries rftade by Thad. Stevcas" the other day in regarrl to theelatSye ffierjt of the Federal snd CoafixloraU dead, declares that these remark drew trnm one of the ffioet-pranj I inent brave aofl patriotic general omcers or tne war, this comment t "Such ntteranoe hsve no lono'r tlitf merit of being told and fearless. Tne pnvaM soiaicr wnouaa .tuuguv aou uicn nihcraldeI, puts sucfi rhetoric to shame. None butf cowards fcsnrrt fallen foea; and God pity the petereburf U.fnWre,rt-ou)i eonntrr If web passions are to I A Whfal oomrnent Let us have the'name'J , . ' 1 11 A. ? I I I .C. 8v tbw AnerteM Trlentpa Ca,apan(. iasesi'M-j j.."ijtu " "a '' Congreaa. J- . Wasbisotos; Fck SO. 8K.tATB.-Mr. M 11 offired" resolution to amend the Constitution by rondJring the President in elleglble to an election the second term, and supported it ia a ,erK udinin canstic terms to the President, who be said had ditvel oped a policy agreeable (u every enemy of the country. ' -. . : Mj, MTitsoa offered a wAoTiifioii littivnWair adoptedinstructing the committee on recon struction to enquire W the late rebellious Btates had confrt'rjned to the requirement of the Iresideat's reconstruction policy. 1 Mr. Davis of Kentucky, read a long argument to the Frcedmcn's bill, sustaining the veto of the President ' Mr. Turnbull followed, opposing !tlie veto The vote was taken on the vetoed bill. Ayes SO, nays IS vote insufficient to secure its pas sage. ... IIoi RK. Mr. Htovcns from the committee of reconstrjiction reported a joint resolution de claring that no Senator or Representative shall be admitted to either branch, of Congres until Congress shall have, declared said States enti tled to representation. r MrsGr)ndei obtained" i'ui.ij I -j. 1 . i' ii mittee, declaring the State of Tennessee enti tled to representation. Mr. Stevens said there was an earnest dispo sition until yesterday to enquire into the condi tion of Tennessee, to sen. whether that State was entitletl to rercsentat!on, but since there has been a change, and it is wholly out of the pow er of the committee to proceed further without surrendering tho rights of the body to the usur pations of another person. Much exoitemeut. prevailed during the proceedings. He deman ded thei foto- on th previous Question. The motion to adjourn for thi purpose ofsfaving off a vote had been prevailing all day. House still In session to-night no prospect of adjourn ment. HTk.lt. rrWfrtpsfWtojuUw nrwteof reeeseataiiiM antil declared fit by Congress, "pasWd the House to-night by 109 to 40. From New Orleans. Wahhinrtok, Fell. SO. New Orleans advices state that Gen. Crewtotdi the Rio (jrontle filliliuster had escaped from Fort Jackson. His w hereabouts are unknown. Dexter, the Treasury agent at Mobile, has en tered suit against ssvcral . military gentlemen, laying his damages at five hundred thousand dollars. , Petroleum has 'been discovered in Western Louisiana. Foreign News, Washington, Feb. 20. The steamer Monrovia has arrived at Port lands tv "V1-. The Spanish Governor, at Cadiz, has been no tified by telegraph from Spanish minister at London, of several vessels lying in the Mersey under Peruvian colors, designed to prey upon Spanish commerce. In the Spanish Chamber of Deputies, a speech was offered setting forth the increased financial dificultics and stating the necessity of balancing the revenue, as it is impossible to raise taxes. ... .y Mr. Clay, the American minister to Russia, has been entertained with' a banquet by the merchants and "corporation- of Moscow. The speeches on both sides declared that the most fraternal wishes were entertained for in creased commerce between the two nations. Few York MarkeU. Feb. 20. Cotton firm 45cts Gold The Cure li Thorough. I Keaaeib Hrue, Kq. Clerk of Columbus County Ci.art, write. Anil 8. 1853.-J " ! Ihstlie lattar part of the yer IWi 1 mnr w verily afflicted with diseased liver, and ininjr i.ulil" while la bad the pais would become eseraeiitiin that I wai compelled to set oat of the ld sad tt up nntil the pain would abaide. pnieared a law boxei of the Southern Hepatic Pill', nd the frit dde ve ma sraat relief. I coatiaaed to aa the I'ille fur two sacks, sad hove sot offered from liver diseaie eiore. I have reaom mended than) aaennlimrWaad ssvarat parenae are in wait of than.! ' fif Fr le by fli Druggieta. v Diraetloaa aceom eany awh hot.- Seat to aay part of tin Uaited atates tor J pat doses. A4draaa ! Feb ft, 151, Im lUltiioora. MJ. EALEIOH MONEY MARKET. CORRECTED BY JOHN OX WILLIAMS A : jn- mAnea o tt vrnxt iff n men or hobtb cakouka aajta xotks. Bank 6f Not.h Carolinai- 80 Cape Fear. T; Charlotte. ... . . . , .. . . Lexington at Graham . Rbxboroogha. Wadesbo rough .r . ; . Thomasville . Wilmington ... . Commerce. .......... Washington., Fayetteville. Clarendon...... .Aris i!!'-r-4b ..... it 10 io ..... ; . .. 9 y.'A "8 Yanceyyille. . . . ... . , ... . . Sliners ana riantcrs mm..., u Farmers' Barik,Grvermborough...i,..r.i.. 18 Commerciul Bank Wilmington. . . .i . . . . 10 MerehanU' Bank. Ncwbern.Tr.-i . . '. i. . .V M 20 Oreensborooch Mutual.. 5.7 VlrgiWaTJank Note, abont. Bout Carolina S3 . 20 183 Hilver . . .i;t..m .f Old Coupons. ... . M. ...... 40 North' Carolina Ttaflroad Coupons . , , r 00 Old Sixes. X, t . .... ?T Exchange on Jtew York e. yiiii, ...... r . . ' JOHN HUGHES, ' AITORSrr AKO COtTKSBLLOB At LAW, Liverpool ,elt.- ' ' -.q PACKS Oroaod Alois Sakaa eaie'a . "; '',:. r ftXEfpWlSS0kk: w.W !( i s lav - - - - TE l-ufmr; i The Tariaian Ho. .kljethronedjfl! TJE WORLD OF FASHIO!? . CSLCTIN9 THStk OITKIT FtOV THEIR kj friHh arrivals afQaoda, coofi.Hloj at New Broadcloths, : , Bearer Cloths, Caasimerea, J' 2 ! Eeady-made Clothing, '; . Hata and Capa, -,.,'-:' Y ,Y,.-r...' 8pledio. OvercoaU, Collara, ..-' 7 rr- ' CtwitaV':6 --. ,,, .- 4 .1 , Gloves, '. ' ' "-' "' " Eoaier, -';'.'l;.V-'i - Valise t, - . ''- Eandkerehiefi ere., fte., ' e., Oct, pf Call aad laipeet Oaadi sad Oaratanta. r Fine Merchant Tailoring y still earri-d oa. bat apoa a Uraar k(a teas aver An Kntlro Suit of Clotlio made mm, mt any moment' ts II hort' notiet. 1 Their OnS, are ail aa'w the have a splendid Cat. 4er. and 'Needtamaa wheae werk will earn bare fa off ably with say exaeated la, Europe or "in Ibis eauntry,; jaa nr. tu. ......:.,....'. its tfect la Miraculous. IT is Sa entirely aew eientiflf dlioorrry, romblalnv ll(.otli49WrtMj..,nd Jtnratlvo agenlf la thavtfrt'Mt sraVii. - ' yre tis-m nwm eaaanaaca V uetu, am tie. to tax 1t win da all wr claim tor ii that wa tttr ' . ... 01,000 HEWAUD',' if IVeMlciliaa Hair Rewawardoea nutKivsaalla fiwttioo in all eaaeawba used iaatrtct aecordanf with oar lntnictioB. . ' . . . r. IIALtVt Vegetable Sioilian Hair Eeuewer baa proved Nself tn '0 Ilia most perfert preparatW lr tne utr ever eirarea to ids puoiw. It ie a vegetable eompouud. and eoniaiu so loiuil one uroDerues whatever. It la not a Dy. it strikes at the roots sntl Dlla the lanae with sew ma aaa coloring mailer. Bit Will leeier Cray Ilalr I lta ailalBal Calar. ., II will heap Iba Hair froae fallUg aal. II eleaaere Ibta aeal, aad aaakaw lbs Hair eafl, Iwalraaa. mmi ellhea. Ilea epleadld Balr-Dreeeiaa. Ko aaraoa aid or voaaa. henld tail to use It. ' x It la raoommeaded ana used by the arei Ulrdlcal aaiaartiy. rr Aek for Bafl's Teretable Sidlian Raw Braaw Sr sad take another. at.- r. HALL a iea rraarlasara. Kaehua. N. H. CWrVld by eU PraceW. Williaaw sc. liaywovd ana V.W Femad. Kalelsh.M. " ' Feb. Id 16.,-eod dr. Wi8m. . . ipLOWSI .PLOWS I X PIOWI 1 1 1 M Hamaal W. Collie. Co Cast Steal Plows. M Oriffiag m. Co.'s No SO plews. ,.7S .t.4.-ata u op ,6. jdo :. . ,).. Si do da da 18 da 54 Self Bharpnsrs I ' 55 Xo 0 plows .' : 59 No 1)2 Elliott At. M X It . , . do , , so Noittf do' ; HMU flow B'dta-all aiaaa. - Wa keep enBataatly oa band all axt-a rutloe fur the abova,Plmrs. - We would aepacislly oall tba atUat"a efear firmer to lha ftnt tamed plow oa tine art, which can beaeea at oar store oa r ayetteville 8irert. v B P. WILLIAMSON CO. Feb H, iM.tf. ..,.,.,..,,,. OATlOZEN No. 10 " Wuitlimore's" A Csrdijaat "raeaivad,- 'B. P. WILLIAMSON A CO. Fab 15, 159, tf. ' , : s ., BED SaEETf. 150 pair Bleaehed Cottoa Sheets. . lite plaid Coaatarpaeea ia Korea B. P. WILLIAMSON A CO Feb IS, 15S, tt" -i'W SnEETlKO. -r.-r-T-.-- 5B4LESU30O0 yards 4 4 Sheetine; arHylng St B P. WlLLlAMSOif A CO. .FeblMSMf - r . - - u. ,,, . . iOAPAMO fJADLEf. 2S buses AdioHintine landlee, - - , -1 . ttt da Brawn Heap, ':,, 54 dosaa Faoey u. very aloe, ia ateraat . 11. r.XWILLIAMlNU.H lU, V15,l5,tf V A.s A.a.a ya-a a. i.a.a w-i (A B0XK4of thiaeelebrmted Hanfr, daily exported Ol.a . V. W1LUAMHO! A CO. gim CAfsTIXOS. ALlrkiada of Plow aad Mill Caatiaf t, furnished, ap oa ihurt nolioaat our Fnendry. - - . i, w "v , i. WILLIAMSON 4 CO. Pekl5,L3!t.tf ;: . . ' VI.aE. K BASKETS Cbamnaeaa Wine, la laiWait B. r, WU.UAMoONA CO. Fab 15.1,f C1XE etared EO TOBAX. : Q K BOXES Msmjfacti Tobaoco, from eomuioa eWVtstair, WStoraat , , -vi- 3 3, p, WILLIAMSON A CO ebllS.Uf,tf ' " , V . llCOTCIM',V-;'':'i Q C DOZEN bItiiiti Wa'1prlr Wtola; IB ew store at - . J JTab f5150ftf B. P. WILLIAMSON t30. s . srxl"NTLn SCALES.- StfrJlEX Oawaaar eValea, n rarra at ' t y , B. P. WHJUAM80N A CO. ., rabis, U9 u : : - cony v oR 1 1 cxmx 1 1 1 , 500: , BC8BIXS fr. arrlv4or to-day at ' n r. wUiUiMHun a cu. Feb 13.1SB.M ItatOn. : ' KAAA FOCNDS of Shooldara, bright aad dry. fcr aJVVVsslewy lTIOMI ml m u ii.aa vri Wllmuigwm, fee 2, 148, tf Ta Wlvrrwnr, llrtiaj, Aj-' 4 ;f ' . , : . ' ':'. ' -T: wow ores 0HE1OIXI0H D0LLAE3 1 1 ' - All to he sold at l ive Dollar each, without regard te tarue, AltIB NOT fe BE PAID rB VaUl vim jlviBi.- trhat mu are to ricrit!! 1 T "i'I LI d Silvttr Watrhee were diulrib. A i tjij vte mou)t ( peiruas nd Pirklaas' eV Va. dnHuaf the montli ef Jsuuary,, IHuti. . i.ead iiimn.ent l.v llir. l'rM. .ptiklnif af the Una l tba me-t itnoiUiieatrv. aiunnri ' A meat' industrious " iid-Jn;Hii?TWr .aaf, (fiv all wtio ctaal with them iwrfart atlelaa. ti.in.' lluxktrk. K. , Jmtrnal .1 Ktijof f bbxb rev utatioa Itw hunmsble deaiiap and tba uu I'.y of I lieu f K.H.d" Xowl'alt. N. Y.. Tiif. " Perfortly rolia hb. and will ia all tley pwr.iM.." Nyack N. T. Crry . ' J t. K'ncil lilvh f.sr hoaeety aouV dear, dealing." t'iBhkillN. V. Journal. " Houoreble ed fair dsalini; iwn,"-Mtapletoa N. T, Jimmat. "Una ol lti nMiut nnd miMl reliahln nmii In buiioeea." . Cani j iirte N V ttodsi. " Keep I heir word sad aaa hwavtably bv tbrir psii..n." Lyoru N. Y. fim A" K..lid"tildlluntinu Walehes, a:MSita5w M .to Caerd Uold Watebea , S50 to tka) ' ' 5H0 Ladiei' Ennntelwl Wairhea I'lfltoil '4H rtiaaW flmrtrr LadHM' Sets 3D" to 71)0 - I ,Wn Iliamnnd H.ilitaira Rio(r : T5ta50 '' 1 ,iw Ilpflvv Kilrer Ilurrtir-g Walehes " 75 to 150 1 ,10 Opea f see Hilver Weloliee 90 to TS I Utt bilver and Hnhaay MiMloal Boaas lKlsaSue . l.WS) SJvor Iiiains Hod 75 ta 35tt I .AtSl Silver T aa, rompl.te ' S.WKI Hilver Uiu aad Halvars , S,IK! Bovenhsmber Krvnlvera ' S.Msr Patent Hingis Barrel Pistols W.tSKI Itlrbly KrainSd (HI Paiutias 'J.yni Klegaiit Har1 Opera Glaeiee U.Otitt M'imiiiorh PhottigraiiU Albums . d.iaaj C'laatalU'amoad ttlaaw 4. 'J ago. Ladies' Oval Braratete ..Vm (inld Cluinmif difTeieot dealraa 3.5'HI tii. id T'Miiihlee. aliaeed Id i fsignrt end Plnln Uold Kinirn lil.lt' fl O ntlemcn'i Searf Pint I'J Seal llrftool ea snd Ear lirojis , IV tl tlold L kele, (li.uhle glsiia lilt OA (l..ld !' aad Gold (tolilera 5UaVSI 7iteI5S 15 to Sou vita T 75 ta Till a ta TS 15 to M si to 1110 -14 to i to .ia,M i t ,7i ,lH 50 5 to 35 . 5 to 35 10 to 75 5 to Si it tn lata as 10 to vi to to Hi 5 to 5to ti I ft 0 t) Meti Ntn'tiiaiidsleeve Hutlota 5 tm Silver Oiibleta aad Dilnkina Cot- 5 ismi Keta TfS, Tnhle and l)ert Ppoom .! ra. Tsblaanrl prsteit F .'kl S.et-0 beta T a.l'ab a aadLleeeert A lives .iist HevclrintKilvrfVtote 2.5t Silver Cnke and Kiait lketa ' I 5.0 Wine Hold re sad other artieiea to n lu imir.ertinti-ly tliMe o hH above wiaumnoeat tnok, MrtlfieaUn snrlnr the arllrl. are pUe.d ia waled euvelciiie- and .aelt a.fpl. Ilnldnrs are eetts tied to the artielvf astned oa tliclr certifteste apoa nnvinc-nt f $a whetlinr tt be a beaatiful WaUih, or a Mnaio.il Bus w.ntli g.'iOO. rir a plain Wold Uinf, worth STi. The rotutn of any of our cerlittfintee enltllea yoa 111 the anient nauied'thareott, upon payment, irraapeo tiveof its worth, and a no artietk valued lees tbaa i n nsmed oaany eertilteste.rt will at onoa be saaa thai this I ' - . . . Je I.attrrr, bits eiralc,i.rarwara. Valtl ate Tra.arlla, wklrfc mUT wAalaae . , I led la rrca ty the wtl rIIdlaT -'-ev-ir.- l-er nay one wiiinnn in invest la lha aoava enter. prise ran reciltve ,a eampla psnknire of a halfdueeeN rertifleatra,. nsmihg some of the above artieiea, by . !: a'A!it!a..meluu. buarivg their aridree. CertlAeates not to be paid Kir unless fully attxfsetri'y. V' rlii fhi M.st s umj benmvinee.l ol ouriiBoertta and the getuimaass of oar's!"1. Call on or Address, - PARKINSON & CO.. Dit lfT3'C( t)tENT.10.0007Vt;iVJ V kb4 tHf sitmr r. . . PIIILADI3LP1IIA. stor ptsct. I oact.N sTjt NEW VORKr I BOSTON, J aooacsa rt MveMTsa - E.FRANK.faMER.U.O.PRESU..UMB.Ct Tbaaa iavaatleas stand approved as lbs "beet" by tba moet rnlaest ulsatlSo aad Barftaal Saatatlas a . lha world, the Investor ievkni baa keaerad with tba sward of FITV OoLD AND BtLVKK MKDALS (a Flrit Prts ") lacludnf the UreSt Mi dale af tba World'l Kihlblle a ta Loadca ad New Terki alee he moat llonrary hepon af tba fffaat Boelery at urireoiii of Paris, f'rl" his fata Is alaaasbavstbs 1 rNUI.I H AND FnkNCll. , Dr fa mar gives peraenat sttonMea Ia4ba fcaeiaass of bll ft lanoa, aided by man ef tba brsteaitlea tloaa and yraatestaspericaaa, Me ii specially mmia lonad by lha laevernueiit and baa tba pair aeee ef tba prsmlnedt 0(Roer- af tlia A 'my aad. Nary.- ftlx Major Omers'i end mora tbaaa lb mead Wh die Uafta'sbad oOt art and aulilwrs bavs woru Iks PAb' sift HUBS oa aetlvadaly hila Hill greater nam- bara af eminent eiyl aaa are, by their aid, tUiag ua pi ruat poiitioas, sad eteeiaa.iy eeneeal tasir me- fiirlana ' ' - . . ,-. Ad'I'S and Pampbleta Ontls. ' .. : - Toaveid tbalmpuiitioa of Piratifal Copy lets, aprty a'y to PR. PALsiAH, as above direoled, ay e kss , UliU 11 TAXLUU, , '.: ; Newbera, W. a : Ds. S-10-t.tf. , ; ' "T- i a ' r '", . o. PAasLtf, It 77 r I oh jeuot, I I RIM snavsAVAoa O. G. PAUSELEY & CO. Commission Dlercliants, Lrv WILilWOTOK N C. . ga licit Cnsl(iiuauts for Hale er Mlpmentt. Cotton X arna, :m-rx- -v. . . -- . - j s Dotnetio,Y " Naval StJtca, ' Ad atber cS3 : COTJSTEY PE0DUCE. . Bave always Is Store aad are raoelvln eoaitank.' - t ly, eeatiraeteou, Tor sato at toweet market raua, e( Onnny Bagging, Onnny Bagi, . Bale Eope, Mess Fork, . , - , ' .Sog&r, Coffee, Molasses, v T -H..-.rionr, JBntter cjieede r eaaai, mat !, mlMm a,,,!, Tedala . finfOBa Cfnckeri, Kackerel, , , ,v . r Piokled Herring,: ' - , Smoked Herring, , fc ? ' ' ' : Codfish, Saili, f .. rs-t-y-'- Powder. Bhot, ;.-t ' Window Olasfc PainU Linseed, Kerosene, Tanncri", and ; Inhrioating Oils, in 5-gai, cane & hhla., Whiskej',1 t y. :: - :: -'r-:. . : . Jamaica Earn and Gin t , Soap, Candles, - - .. ' Starch, Salt, Lime, '-V. 1' IOU AOtRTI KR n;:,.,, E. F. CfMS'a Super rnosphulf or Lime. ; 30O Bhds - Naw Crop, UolasSas, dirket ;frem Cardeats. dailv azpeotad. " v -To errlvu during Febwary at Mark !.V 3,000 Bii Ceffaa direct from Rio Janeiro' wf j BOO Hhnf Bsgar direct from Ports Riso. ' - -Jaa. MMuSm.: .--- - '--,--' A". II. D. WILSON, life, Fire and Marine Iniurance Agent, "AND. Broker, GREENSBORO, K. C CFKCIAL ATTKXnON gfrea tn fiUmg orders from atoekhnloera ana uabUira ot Uaince, wha whh.M prejiara to meet their ri va habUillea, a as 11, i, id, pa 8 JT- oe- 1 I i f r i n ;' ot thiaofficen tenuexi tor smpmni w 'u. I 7-, fl: