1 1 t miii ii. m Pitp"" rv e-. ,u If .. - i THE DAILY SENrTINEI I Editori. SEATOJf GALES. - llttar, February 3, M. ftiE as.Tiset, is Ususd r mooing (Suai . JJ ctptad) Jle ,.tf.L,.;;..,.,,. fat Dairy, r 7"". " : . M : : ; , '. .. - tt avestte, . -. t-y . -- f tr ,- ..M-wotii : :;":.. i . - ,. eui.w"kr see year - . . f r ,. . ym . s , 0terM ere to?riWy in a4van.es.- The Week) ead Seesi-weeklf will be issoed ebotil tke trst ef January. Moncj mev 1 sent at lr tb Red Roavl euodeetor or lie Eipre Com- X Tie Bank of the Bute. We bete heretofore expressed our regret t the haste with which the House dUpoel ol tlie Mil from the Finance Committee, allowing the feanka of the Btata to Invest their available eU in National Bank. It was a ruost impor tant proposition ; one wlf ich ttnU the srirretion of the Governor, end we believe the public 1 reas 1MW, and supported by a etife report from bis Committee. The object at the bill were tiiple. First, hi UoeYth Bank, If tlicjr Jndt.;ed best, to invest tkeir available assett in National Banks for'ihe tonefit of ell their creditor; eeoritlljy fr the tenant of the PtU end other rtockholder, and eJUirdlf. te Increase the circktioi f Batik Md goreronient currency for the benefit of the people. All three pt tbeee oiyecte Vere more Kkel end more cswIt to be accomplished tfcie wey, than eny other. To defeR the plan, M the beet method of defeating thr'e of tlieoe bjeete. TbeaWtti of the NBeuke were lying Wle, aJTordlnir benefit to no one tofbree the at paying tije ereditore, or eating a dollar to the . Eetool Fond; the widow, orphaoe and othm iBtereeted in the-4fock. Perhtpe. eone of the HwerfIrW " X mat dbjection eould tie urged against the I pi t Them www tort two? one, tht it would im pelf the obligation of contnu te; the other, tlmt the) plB(inight frore teeffieWt TW fatter te without forrei," il'lue'liaveMmMtrfj") WMde, it wa bound to prove mote profitable than any other to all partiee, and the fact fully 'oetlfy the expectation of Ite euerfeding well All the National Banke are making Aioney anti . aome are doing well. The venmd objection '.. aaasot lie against the plan. If the charter of the Bank bad nearly eipired or1 1 her had vio- fated them, in that Cane and In that caae only, It ' appear ta nt, the Legietatoie would be jimtilla-V- hi oppoeing the echeni Or forcing them into BluidtUn. The State 1 under heeyy oblige tiona to the Bank. " TMr preent condition 1 ; Merely owing to the requirement pt the Bute ajd her, and it would era tliere ie atrong Bkoraltf not legal obligation reating ujwn the Lrgtoator to favor them all in it power. ! Look at the facta aa tliey ere; The.Bankowe " l,000,000 in round ntimbem,and have '(00,000 to epecle. That would give 10 cent in the dol far to every creditor, leaving nothing for the etockholdtra. Taking aeveral of the principal , Bauke together, thoe who could moat hoperul " Yj engage la thi plan, their allowing would be better. Perbapa thoac Bank h (he beet condi ttom could pey 80 cenU In the dollar ; perhapt o;7TThoe w1M'a their Ubility lo pay their debt, could anfcly , and with better proepect of ewcem, enter Into the '..;ptaK 'I Let t ' 1900,000 in gold Twiit eecure - rly t,oo1OO0 in t. ft, m tmLbmlfJo - , le rthinveeted. In iiauking. ' , u The V. B. lionda would pay annually 170,000 lattereet from the government, aud the ue ol the laveetment in Banking would pay all expemee, avnd nt the lcet 180,000 more. The intenwt on $800,000 per aaiiain, would only be, at 6 per ' eot tiS,000, "while, the annwd income of the j faveetmeot to be di8tributel foMhe payment of their debt, would be ftl 30,000. The nu tatanding otee of the Bnk could all be called in and 4poited on eertlflcate in the Bank,' and tlifc usual income divided out pro rtu to the cred . J'tor,-': - " T- ...- , Tku ecbain doieenut looa like luipauiug the bligatlon of eontracta. Ho far from it,ttpay ' the debt annually a the Bank are able, and af ford large neip to ine ammiunuj The Salem fro, iu asensi bis article on the nbject,ay: Doe thi Uok like impawiug the nMigation of the bank to the depesitor and bill holders I Xnetaed of impairing, it i increasing tho mean f the bank to discharge tneir iiaiuuttct, ana wivinc the neoole e rood currency. K A Let n go little further and look into the vreecnt o outigauone.of the bank to cttdcem their i er.rculatlon, Did ot the peoplcM the Statethrougb their picWt js gislsture, at us session in May, lHl, tolore Xortb Carolina attemnted to Secede, enact law requiring the bank, (under a provision of their churtsr to furnish the Bute with money when. ver eaMsd on to loan tbe Btate large amounts, '" which Wat done by the bank Isauing their own tiills, nnder an etpres agreement, enacted Intel svat be rwjuired to reerh, their bills until ttw "T Cute should pay back to tfte banks every dollar tt had borrowed. Thi contract of tlie State with tbe bank, was the enniraei of the people, . -the bill bolder and depositors, with the; banks, jjuat they should not be, required to redeem (hear LilU until all the money borrowed by the filiate wa refunded. How tlie ran aVrant al lowing the banks o use this specie in asway te ' f urnun the peopfa wjth currency and touring im some 11 or U per sent of interest lor the Use stod benefit of the bill holders and depositors, fee construed into an est Impairing the obllgs f iol of contract I let the State fy the bank . (he million he owe them, snd tttey will be Able and wadv to redeem 'every dollar of their circulation. The cry of tt tying a rr debt U '" rrpreteffc- -The baok -werecompcld"t luM thU money to the Stnte, aad are not re ponsiMs for any bad ue which may have been Thc bank were cotnprtl)pd"t made oi tu i ,.4 JJt A borrow mo ley of B, and pur it to bad pasj doe that release A from hi obligation to par Wi lo B every dollar he borrowtl t By no mean. ' , M'e Itofie there i enough juotira and good W4te iu the Le(;ilature, lo awiat the Governor in. Inn nonteenorta to repair, iu eooie degree, the rum troUgiit upon i by tiiie war. i- ' iii.' The following Nreaotutiona and propoaitioi tiatelicen auuiuitted, the former by the majoi tt and the tatter by the minority of the joint miwKiim of -JfinMW rf ! ipilitte( in regard to the indebtedneae of die fitate. Bofji were acrotnpanled by able reports, for which we regreifce have not apace : Tlie majority mbmitted the following: REHOIXTIOXS'DEf LAHINO WHAT DEBTS AISK VAUD AND NOT VALID UNDER TIIE OUDINACNE, 0F THE.CONVEN TION. WiiKKfcAf, The convention, be an ordinance rHtifi(di the lth of (i-tber YstM, declared and ordained that all debt aud obligation. created and incurred bythe 8tat in1 aid oft the late reliellion, aivout, anil no Ueneral Aswmb1) of the State ahall have power to assume or pro vide for the payment of the mime : and vhtrrai, by the firxt aertiiin ol the aame ordinance it in declared and ordained that it shall lie the duty of the General Awembly of the Htate, as soon hs practicable, to provide fur the payment of all debt and obligatioui created or incurred by the ftate, otherwise than in aid of the late reliel lion : ami irhrrtiu, before providing for the pav meat of debts and obligations of the State, it in neueiiaary to acertain and dtUrn what debts uti.l obligations of the Mlnte are void and what are not void, under tbe iiiu ordinance .1. linmhtil, thtrtfirrr, That all debts and oh- ligations creted"br iiii iirred by the State of North Carolina, by the inane of lwmd, (except certain rati road bonds hereinafter named) trcai urv note and loans from the banks and indi vidua), between the 80th day of May, 1801 and the lstdnv of Ms v. IWfl-V andnowoutstaud ing Ui ttie amount ol 116,008,405, as fully set forth in the treasurer report to the convention ol 1805. be. and the aame are herel.v declared to be void under the said ordinance. II. ItrtulTfd. That all dulit and obligations created or incurred by the (Mate, between tba 80th duv of May, lHtlJ, and the 1st day of May 1HH5, for military clothing, arm and munition 4t wM.tfait'OiUUon, pay, salarlt-a .and., wages or onioera, agents and employee in tbe military aervics of the state, lie, and the same are bere- bv declarerl to be void under the said ordinance .. . UL. Mooted, That all the debts and obtiw- tionaof the Htatc, creati-d or incurred priof to tlw IWth d;iv of HiiV, 1801, jmd consulting .of iKindu to the amount of ,74,oOO, and the eon rmnn due thereupon not having been, incurred w sidnftbe rrbcllirm, lie: and the same are de clared to be valid, and the faith of the State it pledged to their naytnent by the said ordinance.. TV, lUtuhiM. Thut the followincr bond utd forailrmd7iur)ose, since the 10th day of Jliiy, laOl, to wit : lor the witnuni'ton, Char lotte and Butherford Itailroad, M0, 000; for the Chatham Itailroad, 249,000; lor the West ern lUilKoad, t'200,000 : lor tbe Western N. C. IfailrcHid, 1230,000, are debt and obligations ol the State; incurred not in aid of the rebellion and are declared to be valid under as id .onlU nance. V. JUtulr, That the unpaid salaries and ar rearagesof salaries and feee of the civil officers ot the State, which aocrued between the 20th day of May, 1861, and the 1st day of Jlal, ISO. 5, are debts and obligations of the State, iu. curred not in aid of tbe rebellion, and are valid unriur saHl ordinance. . VI. Retoktd, That the debt and obligation of all counties, town and other corporations of the State, created or Incurred between tbe zotn day of )laf, 1801, and the 1st day of May. 1869, so far a they ptay be made thet subject otclsiht against tne btate, be, and tuey are, declared lie void under tfat taid ordinance;. The minority close their report a follow : With these view, w nibmit our coueluaioa upon the whole iulijoet, in I series -of proposi tion. - 1st, The convention ha not assumed to repu diate or declare Invalid any part of the subsjxt- lug obligations or tne State, 2nd, The ordinance announce a rule of gen eral law, eifective without rucogni tion, by which the public; liability was to lie determined. 8rl. A Btate, neitberltt convention o(r by legislative action, is competent to annul or im pair the obligation of it own contracts, or the cuntracu ul it citlicn. ....... 4th. Tbe ordinance commands pavraent of the entire public debt, not incurred in and ot the war. .. - ' 5th. The Convention poaseuoa, and ha Exer cised the power to prohibit pay men of any demand npon the Ktate, voil and under the principle enunciated in the ordinance.. - 6th. Tlie Ueneral Assembly cannot, bor doe public policy require, toe extension ot tbe pro hibition to objects beyond the limitation cvn- tained In the ordinance. Tth. DilHcultie on applying the rule do Jus tily deferring, but do not Justify or authorize the lodiscnminate retoction of claims. 8th. The application ol the rule, determining the validity ot the public liabilities, U M Judi rtitt'irninnew; ajtfd'Viv' fagisltv wnUiawMsly lo far as i necessary to ascertain and provide for their pay men v 1 the Veto MetsAge." We appropriate considerable space bAlay to the able message of Preilen Johhi6tojBr turning tbe rreedmenv Bureau BUT without nis (ignature. . The document is so marked by so briety, clearness of argument nd juetne ?f conclusion, sad Vithal ao fully accords whh tbe teaching of the fkthers' oP tha Jlepublic, that one in reading it almost Imagine he ie listen ing to the messages -of some of tbe earlier Presi dents. If we do not wholly mistake the temper of the Northern people, the honest masses every where will endorse it, A.8 honor to Anparw Joii.ssoy. The circumstsnces tinder which he take the step eminently point to biin as the man , for the times indicate firmncaV. of par- pose seldom exhibited, and that fce-i to prdve the hrsakwaU against tb radical wave hib dash madly against the ConslituUon. Let the people every where sustain the President, by the most careful avoidance of everything which would weaken him. before the, masses of ha North, and by the prompt adoption of policy which will give him all the moral eopport pos sible, V:': : .. :. . ..' , ;.. ,. ;. " The message will tear re-reading and Careftd pondering. ,; YseTERDAT. Both branches of ths Legisla ture adjourned at I ill. ia honor to the memo ry of George Washington, a did also tbe Coun- frjrftouTt f A inaft-wodieuce met at thetJanitTWlarT tm?Tir,jjre7yejiriffJwjfX you Housejo listen to the Heading of Washington' Fitewell Address., by R. C. Bjdgar, Eea, Th Kstlonal ig wee displiyed from building sc- cupied by the military. - ; ; , . ; h t CE.VERAliASSEXBLT. " , SENATE. i. " 'Tiil'MDaT, Ftll. 22. Tlie Senate was called to order at"10 o'clock, A. M. ' ' V- ' Prayer by the Rev. Dr. Mason of the Eftiaeo pal liitrch, : l The Journal of yceterday wa read and ap pro mi. ?4Wt.-4rom1iie. Cmitnilte .on'Hh iir" to whom was referred a bill Intend I Tha diciarv." the lith section. 118th chapter of the revised rode, reported that ihey have considered the same. - and recommend that it do not paaa. 1 M. Carter, from the same,' reported back " the bill io conaolidate the N. C. Railroal and the Atlantic N. C. Railroad, with a recommendation that ltfdo.pass. MK Howard from the same reported the fol lowing bills. A bill to lie entitled "An. Act" to prevent prosecutions in certain cases. A bill to repeal sec. Krd; chap. 8Hh. of an act passed at .the first session ot 1800 '61,-entitled an act ' diminish costs in equity sales tor partition, hit! for the relief of certain Frecdmen. Itecor mending that they do not pas. A bill to repe that part of sec. Snd Isnd chap. lHth of the lie vised Code .which relates to bonds on marriage licences recommending its passage. mrreteirKD busikkXs. The bill to establish a scale of depreciation of Confederate currency, under consideration, tin1 motion of Mr. Aycock, the vote by which. this bill had been amended, that Is, by substituting the minority for the majority report, was recon sidered. Mr. Bvnum offi-red a substitute for the cafe of the minority report, which was adopted and ordered to l printed. .Mr. Carter introduced a resolution proposing to send a message to the House, uuorming them that the 8"nate will, adiouni to-dkv at 13 o'clock, a mark of profound respect to the memory of Ueo, Washington, the rather ot Inn country, Adopted. Mr. Bullock introduced a bill to be entitled in act for establisbinc a college tor the educa tion of teachers and minis ten of the gospel of the colored race. Referred to the committee on Education. Mr. Bvnum introduced a bill to compensate judges acting under an ordinance of the Con vention, which was referred to the committee on the Judiciary A mewape from the House transmitting the following': a resolution tnCfrrrrfrg ometar T9 pent in the Clerks OfBce. authorizing the clerk to put smd papers in order, and making an an propriatioiof $.W for- the- accomplishment l Mid work, also a rewdntion to read as billows: JfcWi, The tienatu contiurring that a jowt select committee le mixed consisting of four on the wart of the House and two on the part of the Senate to take into consideration the policy arid practicability of establishing a National Bank in the State of North Carou'na; to aid tlie State in its Financial operation and to supply the people thereof with a healthy currency, based npoh a mortiraire of -real estate on the part of individuals aiid the hypothecation of srocK on tne part oi tne. state, in oraer to raise a utHcient fund fVirthe establishment of said Bank, and that said committee report by bill or otherwise, which was adopted; and Messrs. car ter and Covington, designated- a tbe second branch of tlie committee. The hour of 12 o'clock having arrived the senate aitjournea. HOUSE OF COMMONS. Tm:DAV, Feb. 22ni. The House was called to order at 10 o'clock' AM Prayer by Rev. R. 8. Muson of tbe Episcopal Church The Journal of yesterday was read and ap proved, Sundry reports were made from standing com mittee which will be noticed in detail hereaf ter. A massage was received from the Senate trans mitting the bill regulating salaries and fees, with amend nient,8king concurrence! The House refined to concur. Mr. McDonald, introduced a resolution that the House tdiotirn until 10 o'clock to-morrow in respect to the memory of George Washing ton. The Hound relused to adimim. ' Mr. Allison introduced a resolution to raise a jointaeleot committee to consider and repbrt relative to the policv and practicability or es tablishing a National Bank in the State of North Carolina. Adopted, and sent to the Sen tL futconcurrence, Mr. GIdncv, a resolution In fafor.of Jame L and W. 8. Alexander. Mr. Lucas, a hill to amend an act concerning Justice of the Peace. (Relate merely to Bladen county.) Referred. Mr. Hutchison, inn to incorporate me May or and Board ot Aldermen of the city of Char lotte, Mr. Wangh, a resolution that from and after to-dav the House will consider no additional recommendation for appointment of Justice of the Peace. - Lies over one day under rule. PHTINIKHKD BrBIXRMI ' The House proceeded to consider the unfin Uhed business, viz : a bill to authorize the. ex change of the stock held by the fit ate of; N orth frnlis'Heimesswfarasls i . . , v . o . . . . i . . i . . . Imnds of the Stnte, or the interest thereon now due. and for other purposes. ' ' 1 j : Mr.-CaUlwell il4GIKCSJB'l!n .tusing tb. passage ot th bill. v . , Mr. Dargan pprjosed it.at length. .! Tbe question reriirring, the bill did not pea its aooond. iwiw..,,,. .: . ' Mr. Wauirh intnxliKwl the following resolu tion which was adopted : "Rftntrtd. That Hia ExcelleneAherrrerli- or, "be resiiectfully reuuesied to inform the Gen eral Assembly, what (If any thing) remain to be done, in closing the business engaged in by the State, for producing salt, during the recent war, arid whether any action, lor thaf purpose, be required upon the part ot this Assembly." ' 1 . V" . ON CALKnDAa. : I A bill to amend the charter of the Sulphur Springs camp uronnu-Jn Cleaveland county and a bill to authorize the construction of a Ton Bridgo.over Pasqudfitak River, passed their tnd. end Sra, readings. spsciAi. oaDm. At H o'clock M. the House proceeded to con- ider the special order : vix : a bill concerning assignments. . The bill passed its Snd. reeding. ( A tneaeain wea received trom the Senate an (Kintilna that tiisi bo-lv would adiourn at 12 o'clock Si ia honor of the memory of Washing ton. ' .' . On motioa of Mr. Smith, of Columbus, the Rouse afao adjourned until JO o'clock A.' M. to-morrow. -a-X. ' i :, Wntm i rm Fatkiib or rue Codxtbv f In a recent case before thi Mayor Court of tbe city e-f Richmond. Henry A Wise appeared. In tbeeourse of his argument, looking nt tlie Mayor, as only Henry AWle can look, be bare in your midst therpUoranuliat; but O ! God, where, where is me jxjrwMJuirM f ' He who never gave . dollar for the benefit of the clergy should die without benefit of clergy. Tie S&bbatL , I The following has been sent n (or publica tion, which we cheerfully giye, believing that (Sabbath breaking and swearing make the, land mourn. Large numbers of persona scarcely know any thing of the rest of the gabbath.and a still larger number know Mithing of the blessed influences ot the wuridii which i due Jehovah, on that holy duv. Jvwry work on Hsviour very clearly decides, that what i nee. nrily mtreiful is necessary and proper to be done on that day: The following resolutions were passed hj tlie firat Quarterly Conference of Duplin circuit, held at Magnolia, Feb. 18th 1S6. Whkkkas, We are positively commanded by Almighty God to "remember tbe Sabbath day to keep it holy," therefore , HtikArnt, That it is .our solemn and impera tive duty, as professing christians and good cit izens, to reverence and observe properly the "day of the Lord," by refraining trom the per formance of all ordinary business except works of mercy and necessity, and to lalior by pre cept and example to cbnvince all men of the utiiity ami blessedness of the holy Habbuth. liemhrA. That the running of trains, stcam- l.imts and stages. Ac. on the various line of tmvel in our countrv. is a creat snd crvine sin : inasmuch as it prevents tens of thousands of our citizens from attendance upon the worship of God. tends to the public demoralization of all classes of mir people, and flatlj violates the command of Heaven. Jlrutlrtrf, Ths.t we earnestly spieal to all Christians and good citizens to speak out con slantly and loudly against this fiiartul desecra tion of "God's holy day," and that wc appeal to all in authoritv over Us and to all the Hail Road Companies and Corporations and individual who are guilty ot thi sin, to lay tneae great matters to heart. L. S. BURKHEAD, P. B. B. B. Cdi.bretii, ixey. New Books. We are indebied to Messrs. W. BT Smith & Co., for a copy of a new edition of "Mosses from a rolling stone," by Mrs. Mary Bayard Clarke' of this city. Tlie work has been before. AU public stiuia. ,tim, ..JThis edition is gotten up neatljp snd the price is reduced to II. Also, the First Reader of a series "of work gotten up for Schools. This series js yerj good and adopted to children. " Messrs. Sterling and Albright of Greensboro' continue the "publication of ichoolT book. Their scries of speller and readers are now in pretty gCnerat use, and they arc" deserving patronage. V e are indebted to tnem tor seve ral of their excellent publications. education is ths sorTn. Among many liberal contributions from the citizens of Balti more for colleges and other educational purpo se in the 8outh, may tie mentioned $1,000 for the college In Uoklsboro , Pi. C. This sum. it is laid, will he sufficient to entirely reittrnish the building, all the articles for which are to be purchased in Baltimore, by Ilcv. 8. Frost, under whose auspices the collections were made. Butt. Sun, Uth in. There i a mistake about this, we judge. It will require about $4,000 to place the College in a condition to be used ; which sum we hope Mr. Frost will soon obtain. Ed. SkntineL. The Diplomatic Trouble ever Bancroft Oration. From all that we hear, it seems that the ex traordinar; attack made by Mr. Bancroft, in his speech of the 12th instant, have excited much indignation among tlie diplomatists Washington. The Austrian Minister apoeors to nave ueen tee nrst to protest onicially, and In tue most uecuieii manner, it will he remem nereu tnat Air. nancrolt. in two dillerent passa ges of bis discourse, called the EmpWdr Maxi milian, brother of the Emperor of Austria, "the Austrian adventurer. Weare assured that on the evening of the 12th the Austrian Minister sought an interview with the Secretary of State on this subject, and expressed to him, without reserve, the pslnlul impression produced upon mm uy iiim iiyuruniB rpiinet,. autnug tnat ne felt the insult the more as it had taken plabe in the midst of a solemnity to which he had been expressly invited by the Presidents of both houses aa well a by Mr. Seward . himself. It aeeins that tbe Secretary of State, instead of seeking to extenuate Mr. Bancroft' expres sion, at once contested the Austrian Minister' right to complain of it, and that because tha, Cabinet of Vienna bad. several time declared it intention of remaining aloof from Mexican affairs. The Austrian Minister h said te have declined to accept a theory bv which the nenon of the; Prince, a a member of (he imperial fam ily or Austria, wouiu not nave been separated from hi potlticat position, and declared that he I ......).:.. . : . . i -. .. . . f uisulting expression. We are not yet aware wneiner tne untisn Minister baa omciallr nro- Mwm agauui ine axLacics nirecwa to toe policy of his government.i It is, however, certain that ne complains greatly ot tliem. and that be .re tracted his acceptation of a dinner invitation at imjmm.f!K mtiiitBl,UQiigrss oons be beard that thi dinner was given in honor of air. jfancroit. CoNPKOEBATK NoTABTLlTriS DT MxlICO. Tbe Jfnruns) Tima, of January 13th, announce tne, arrival in tue city of Mexico of Gen. J. A. Earley; C. C.-Clute and familyGeorgia; Dr. L C. Hasaell, Charleston, 8. C. : 8enor Sirhncllv and wife, dot Col, H. T. DoiieW Vinrlnin.-. The Timt av8enor Prico, Slicfby, Perkin ami n urns are wen ana aoing weu tt jt'ordova, uu are ucuguitu wun Jicxico. u . , - uen. Sheridan report that lawlessneaaXatill prevails alone- tlie Kio Urande. and a itmnn militarT force will be required to maintain nr. iw YoaiL, Febraarv 18. Letters from wl I t. II u - . - n . . . . . Liv w ""nns, uiv ia ana oin instant. state was ju.aximN.iaa i treasury Is empty, and say the. very exist nec of tbe Entrim rests m procuring a loan of one hundred miUidnaof dol. lam, negotiations for which are proereaaina- in r a i -. - .. j , This honvst eonfetsioov Was made bv n uson, oi siassacDUsetta, wutts discussinir the freedmen's bureau bill f -, f i.,v. . ;;:,, , We proclaimed libertv .'to. threeand a h.lf uiiiiiods oi tmopie- in oraer ii ore down thi rebeltloBs - W did it a a militarv snWr. W did not do because it wa riert tn dii lt "tar we'd td"1t tS'Ttetonse bTFUie eoveiiiineiit af the tailed Btate. -X V " .... , Bishop, Elliott irive notice of too nhi f the Episcopal diocese of Giaraim writK : tcsteot Episcopal Church of the United State The Baltimore CSsnference ef the Methodist Episcopal Chureli, South, which closed last night in thi city, ay the Alexandria OcuetU of Saturday, an agreeable and peculiarly har- momou session ot eigliluay,coniineu among its components more refinement, ' learning end, talent tkajn are usually exhibited in deliberative bodies of the same size. Among those in at tendance were many whose distinguished flow er of theogicel raticionatioB and ecclesiastical oratory have rendered their names as familiar as hmiawiotrr mmmrlt'Mfmmmmfmtmt whose effort in behalf ,of Methodism have aid ed greatly in the enormous increase and influ ence of that numerous denomination of Chris tians. The Conference was presided over by the venerable and able Bishop Early, and its action in establishing snd independent Confer ence, in connection with the General Confer ence of the M. E. Church, South, meets the hearty and unanimous approval of its charges. The religious relation and social associations formed by a portion of our citizens with the members of thi Conference will long be cherished among their foudest recollections. A gentleman who has beeu travelling through Mississippi is satisfied that not one cotton plant ation in ten will lie planted this year, so disor ganized is the system ot labor; and, taking that State at a criterion, that there will not be 800,000 bales of cotton raided in the United States this year. NEW-ADVERTISEMENTS. Cotton Meed, Cotton Need for ftulc' A LOT of the celebrated Dickson Cottnri Seed (frutn UtfuiBiaj Very eaily sird veiy prolific th very kiixl Inr iivlau4a anil the fitirnt rsi.p of the H. ml: Apply lo COWTEK it MOOK1C. Vb S3, 16C. tf House and Lot for Sule. "VNK HobmiSikI Lot on HiIMhto Street, soven room attached, an, one oil Halifax street, o rooin and about one ae.e of land, ttta4-h!. bVlb heitftes in ood order sad well located. AIm, a let of 8ue Yadkin County Whinkry jiof n oeived COW PER A. 1 UUOKK. Felt id, I0G, If . DISOStST, W. t. B BOSSI T. OKlHi Ciii DEItOSSETT & CO., Formerly DeEotsett & Brown. . . (Bstal.lisiie.i im ASM,. Ccneral Commission Merchants, No. e Nostri "Watrr St WILL give periHHial attention to the purchase sod tale of PriMlure of every description, and to re eei'ieK snd iurwariUng guudi. . t ab 100, bin. JjJelLlrVAIXK & CO., WHOLESALE GROCERS, -COMMlMttlEPCfMTS. Xo. f9, 81 and 83 Sjeiunorc Street, PETERSBURG, VA. The suhenrier respeetfollv ofr,.r iheir srviOjs to the TUADK NOKTH and KOl'TH. snd to I he 1'LAN TKHSof VIRGINIA snd JiOllTH CAKOl.IS A, ie the pureliasssiid sl ot GROCERIES, COTTON, TOBACCO, GRAIN, &c. Tbeytrnst, bv strict pernonal attention to all bust sees eosnded to.tlieir onre, to eeoure s eonfinaanee ol ths eontiiteuRe so liberally bestim ed on the into firm of SlelLWAI.NE, SO A CO., of which our seuiur was so lone; inembrr. M' ll.WAIXE It CO. Kosv n McIlwixs, Fsass Poin. S. 8. Vaisoass. Mr. EDWARD OR AH AM. of the Isle firms of Molt wsise It Grabauf and Hamilton & Uranain, can h found with as, wLeie lie will be pleued to see hia iriewoa. PeUr.brr. Va.. Feb. SKI, lJ- (Jan. TIIE SKNTINEL.! Publiahed Daily, Senu-Weeklyand Weekly, B A!, EI Q II o. WM. E. PELL y, iiupuriur nitu oiaic Dnn-I.. .i r,.. Printer, r Win. K. l'oll At, Neat on GnloH. rpHK gtsrisSL is aa independent newspaper a warm snpporterot tha Union ami ttie Constitution, of Andrew Joiin-n, onr meitnaniniou. President and hii i policy , and devoted especially to the reenneratioa and prosperity ot the Mouth aad of North Carolina. It labors lo oromote harmonr irood rli .. ...... I riffhta aaonf all tb states, bnt will rebuke all un. founded eiprewians afsiuat the (oyaltr and integnly rflthsSonthjernMiople ' Special attention will b paid to ths new sad mar ket departments. , a Fsll nmeeedine's of the Tirislai B end .11 (innn. Its eiiealalioale beliar.d to be .,.rin ... i. ik. mate; u aoVMi.ljr(psa.aus larite aad rmwias rt.. T. i i . fhe Daily and Weekly e innw lsssd-tb Semi. Weekh-. will immt.II I ihqrt 'tii TERMS: ueny Bentmel, is adraooe, per year. r60 " . . v . " 6 aionths. SfH) ' ., T svats,-- SSOh Weekly, lryear. SOO e Imiaitlis, 1 .10 E. II. POCiCEa Vanufactarer and molesale Dealer in ' XI1V WA.UE, BILUBORO, N. C. aneorioa or nercsanrs invited, and order solicited Wwa-rTe good Tiaaers. A pplv to. nj addr. . , v. IS. it, TOGUE, Fefc IR, le-tea. . ; Hlllsbo7. C. PERUVIAN GUANO. ; HESSSS. JCoZLWAUrS co., ' - 7 PETERSBURG, VA. ' Br-O" wf-wss ths Plfier. of Hertb CareUoai that tksv Bars aaaoadxl l MMrh, . .... OOl'IXE PERUVIAN OTJANO. wkiek Ihey will sell at presewi at 0 per toa, ratmbsTf, Ta... Feax.M, If&dlss. -Stasdard plsaae eoby. . 7 .', ' DESIRARLE RESIDEXCE, . ' - F6HRENT. THE pr.oii.es recently occupied by tbe lata Mrs. Wnf. H. Haywood. Sr., on Newbera or eel. Tha lot. eowtatalar abaat im im. a.. - jjftr:L. boum with i ni thee with Ins place tnl asual sat baildisn.Snd aensaas with two. nod r. eStceva 'lilireew wita1yi-,Wflh ohwie u-au saf aoarm, aad a well of tseel eat wa ter. ' . . .' Pitaawwdesi (ivea Iwimediae-ly, -seep r the nffW waive win m imi T T tniaia ej tile tb weSVral Aasaubly. , CUakl leeeeK sesMSi J fcMAtT. FtkSS,lfa Iw.ad PETCRSni KG IRO AVORRj, ALL kinds f Wronijlit aoj Cast work, does at W -. oollre.'- . " ' '' ' .. Plough snd PlouSli Oastirits. of sll bIvIm IL,. . in qiuiulities. tu suit prehase?s. Comwluiea tw rhaiilsaud farniws will bear is mind teat sll ssrAni. r.altnuil wprk ui uisile of llto bnt umteriil awl waT ranted. . .. , T... . Tlie nt.teiitlnn.ol iIUIwrlnlitssn other lieslkwla our a.'riineni of l"s'twni, t)(e larctst looih of BaL 1 trmo'o, and itwiil be Woili your while to rail atHtat " ' amine t lnm liel'oru yoW el-baiei ; wa- will do vow wMkr.tifeiiaiPj-sita.TOiaJss paliert'M to Kuil yourwifthes, if our ows oaaaot be sud : StJitionary sn-1 Portable Raw-Mill Kcg-inee Baas oomplrK!, an,t- warrnutd vk tossrkmamtiis as -Mtorisi. Hardware wierelianta sappSd arttb Oveu Hj, Kpnlori, Amhii.ltn, Gntt-i, Ac I -x U'liik tij; Urawiuifn and letiigna made, of Eoftaai fill irnik aud olio.r MuHnnttry. Sonif diraetiost- i will m-oiI vou a HkI of latrrns. ,' T. ALIMION.SE JACKSOS '.. . . - .. , . - "Pwn.le 4- Wll. A tlan. littll Itoad Bond., ALL Holder, of I Maitrltf!tr lin f I Ire llnnd. of the Wtlirimnoe .i ailroad (Wpaay, North Canil ' art rwwpr'fllnlly ii HMHied to mnke thofselviw ksewa ae KiM.n tin (kmiJiI--, lo the undiKi;ned, or It. K. Jaiaa ii Co.. set-tils of the I'omi Kny, N?w York, iviii(elaj nod tiuiiibf r ot houdKliohl by them reiipecliTelf , taat lh ('oiup.o miiy loafer wtihlhein cm ttiatten'ral. tin to lhm- inter.-it. I1F.XBY M. DRANE, Preidnt Vi!inin)rl..n'uiid SI lueheeter Rnlhoad Ooa- I'hov. Wi loincton. N. C Krb'Jl, Itil. 'o.l l .t ciiiNra: OP TIME. itAi.r.iGu a o tvSKiN railroad co., j Haleigh. N. C. Feb 1MU. I8M, 'l . OX ami (ifurJUind.iy, Kol. l'.Hh," 1866, train til rH S (o l.tWM : . i Poeeea-rTraio leaves K4ligh, 4!WA1 Anivoe at Wrldus, 1 .ISO- do leaves Wel.hm , 1 .311 M 1 Airiven ni llah iirh, 8 31) as Fn iiflit aud Aicoiomodatton Trsin leaves Kslslrk l on M-'iidays. W. iIu.-mI ye aad Fridays at 7.W4M,aa' HlTIVfC a This ii-Kinl-avr. Knltiuli from the Ralejgh tsdOti. f ion Dwpot in iIia Nonherii part of the City, Fi-t-ii;!!! arid AV"imn"dation Train leaves Wilde' mi TueKdav , 'I hnttdays and Saturday! ati.OeAM. and an ivo. ul KiileiXh 4 l I'M. llv this chano in te I'asenjfe Train, eomerHoSi are mad; with llifi Seaboard a d Roanoke Kail Boss a. wHHie by ttit-opeilutiuo vi.i, Riohinond. ' $ Way psfwin;". runNho at-.i-oininodated by ths Freight and AceSMiinodaliiui'TrsIn 'if lh thhk Ma ' erldn. Al.BI'HT JOU.N8QH, . Feb 17, P I. 3m tit-n. ISuperiateedeaL 11 V( II.iIpr ttvit 4 4 RhHliuf4ijirt rt-celvedoteat -- i.fjnmfitiT. - : n : Al. Coil tn Tnj hv t1i huH nrvilft it t. JAili;;3 ii. TOWiES, Agent ri'tiv i.i it XOUTII CAROLINA KAI Change of Time. OT ATD' ATTffTt SrTUXT; JAW. TTlt, trains will rua as follows:. I . Going Wett Jui Tratn. Fmghl Trei,' Leave Goldbcro, " Hsleieh. ' llillsblro. ' (ireen.b'ro, " ealiskury, ' Arrive at Charlotte, 6.10 r M 9 00 " 11.48 2 10AM v.oo 9.60 " 4 IS All 9.00 n.is pm ' ": 4 40 - V13 - . ! 100 AM; Going East. , , Mail Train. Freight Trail Leave Cliarlolte, '' Salisbury, " Oteensboro, " Ilillsboro, " lUlet(?h, 8 00 P M 4 SO AM fl 05 " 10 00 1.20, A M 4 80 " T.46 " 8 40 --4164 Pat 6.00 t 8 46 -13.40 A M Arrives! Guldsboro. T.46 " . .. 1 ..40 A tf '; Mail-Train connects nt Itnleigh with Ibe K. A tf, , II. Trains for ill North ; nt GoMsboro witk ths A. ft N. C. snd W. ft W R. Bds; at Oreeosbor with1 the Piedmont R. (t., and runs daily, FreiKl't Train has a Paxsener CsraUashsdftr the aecommodtion of passenger aad mas dairy, Sunday sieepied. F WI1.KE8, Engineer and Soperintsnaeat. Ii snll, 129,3m. AURANtJEMENTS FOR . rpttiu n firm her. A COMI'I.trTE sworlment of Hilk Mlied, Risrl Milled. Drap d'Kte, Kngllih Merino, Alpaos, Lnes aad Cloth Costa. . MnlHi htiHe. White Marseilles and ftllk Vel, . " Newest style . ' :.' rrciu li Cnsslmcro I'tuils, aii now tonkin,? nndrr the uporvi)ion of , Otur Ir. Uni-tUng-, fS the cltjf of Mew lorku . fhere has nevor bees s floorer more dsairsbl ,. eortment of i Oenls nnl Youth C'lAlhlnsr ' eihibitd is tills City, than we are now retting sp. W shall lTr no garment that we cannot warrant la ere. ry particnlar. As hitherto in shall tt he hr..fW the goods offered at the Clothisg .Stotsof ... ..-l IIAROI.VO, ANDKGWS tb CO., - esnnot be equaled lo cut. warkmas.liip. Ao. Uurlerai. are -ali on ilclivery of poort,ard wllliss', . insiano be ch -nired. It ooetieus eiisti lu'wiaanfnetgr. ', sad we mast sell for cash. -f f we if Ive credit to s few, we i nunmroany.orani with partiality, 'lhenastomerisal way, benefited by the cash system, for the reason thal paying; customer, nre not obaigad extra to snake p for tuirse who never pay. -ttiirws'BrasllM aii8rs.rCnar. Ties. Helf-Boee . ead 8bow4 Oood.' i wmtds. j : ". Illaok Btd 40lorl lint, tor cltv and hlaetafinn wesf 1MnV'KafadffmtlfV good assortment ef linnka, Vsliaesand I nilovllirs on hand. , We wi?l 'taker ineiiKnres and mannfn.tn eilt, far tho Who derite'tr. at llie saoiV.I s..tu!e. l ". HARElIJfG, ANDREWS A CO. i'ayeltevilleStreet, re, 1M,T ."T'u' Jkaislgb, K.C. " J Hiandard eopy- SWEPSON, MENOENHALL & CO., ' ' - - - .;k.nkral- --, '-r- ? phahu nr., as w roKX. - PARTICULAR ATTEJTIOX GIVEN TO - the sale of Cott m, Cotton Yarns, Cottoa Cloth, -Naval Stores,. Lea" and Mtsaf seta red Tobacco, tt, lilral eask alrsaeei mad aa eonsignBsat la Orders (oliclted for ths 1 urchaee of 0oods. ' t&"A!l emuignmentt to m are toetrtd bf If tnraeta toon tut dapped, ) aSJlaii Jiotdt, and from all thipptag. forti, throng 4 York, tchethtr afric 0 thrpm-nt u reetivtJ tt''. t& Coosign men la solicited. Thos J. StynsER, DAimnWoifU. Gliariotte, .? ( - N, C Company SBop. 3. G. Mi-rHTy r- Robkbt E. 8wKpfbif, l. V. SWEP80SJ, - - C. PjMs.VDisSBALi, ' Oetobfr S6, !&- 'ni. Xewjotk Cilj, 1 '' Hair River; . N 0 GreenKboro," " a. AJ aorrrrv. ; w. . errrr. ' j-rmt st'tiesnt .'Oenefal Commission Merchants, ' . j52L'!5! 5. ww Ktiwt, -V . - f ' V 'Hi'b bun, a. TrrM:. v n . ' . . .-- WILL Kiri prompt Persona a shipm- t of Cvnnn, Produce, Ac, Aa Also la roes Bar atleiMivs to ths (aM t 1 ., Pavel Stereo. General 1 1 receirine- aad Tofwardisr r A LROAD. ifwe soiioit.t sad prottptlr iTs' - " '. X .' , X .0 . t. v : - ,TT ''ij . , Y . '.. ..,..-,,' .., : ' 1-,:.- v

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