f .oc TEKM3 OF BCBSCRIPTIOX.. io.ua 15.0 Tba 8eni Ptlih4 ever- Mmiil a, atvt (louday, WUiiif tarsal s t 1 arooassonu,- - w v - - x $M fur two months, ".".?.( J--Ms. ae.iia ' U 8pe?ia aettoea, aadrr a 'tpeetai kssd, will ha uksrged aadeitar per aqoar rer. ears' Inaseltnn. Fsnsral aoticeawil) bsrharevat aaadvettisemeola. ' ptf We solicit Ik kill a( ear (Heads la tztsad- lag ear cirealaiioa. f ... tv , "... . VOL. I. 7 R'AL'EIGH, TUESDAY, FEBRUAItY 2f, I8CC v . ; ;7 I0,iGD. The tiiapls Mooaaseowut of a dsalh or marrUr wilt aot be ebsrged.r TUB IHESIIKT' PEEC'II. WArHIINUTON'S Blimi DAT IH" KEDKRAL C APITAL. Til 8 Immense Popular Demonstration for th Union, -t . jrenote4-itwn--Tor I presume I have the right to address you to tba committee) , K.y. conducted nii organiaed this moot' (a go far. I havs to tender my aiucsrs (hank for the compiow-" piHutwiina tuvj usv .nifcsted in their personal and res to myself, tad in tbe resolutions the; have .adopted, (At this noint a flreinao'a procession attracted tbe attention of a portion of the crowd, and created uch a disturbance that the President (it una- bi to proceed tor several minutes. Mr. Fen dsll chairman of the committee, iu vain en deavured to restore order, Ilea. ' Ureen Clay fcuith tlien took the stand, and succeeded iu asking himself Heard, Sand in briniring the, ema-d to something like silence.) Tbe i'resi deal proceed"! : Kcllnw-eitiwns, I was about U tender my thanks to the committee Who waited spuume and presented me with the resolutions . adopted no luut (n " icwjiuihhu?, as i un derstand, complimentary to tne policy pursued br thin Administration suite ft eaiue into pow . r. I am fte to a; to you, tin Uiif oceaai in, that it is extremely smmring to me to know, ' that to larse a tortioii of my follow. ritinma approve ami eo(hri t hit lity a that haa been (AupliKine.) TuaC polu-r haa wen one which -we internied to Ktor tbe eloriooa Union of tbrae Blutea tn tbvir oiifHnhl relatiana. to the apptaaac.) " :- - j. -e-'.i'sisEr?." WAHINTON8 DAY " Thi ati'int to dny ai-i'tiliarly. appropri ate for auc'h k uianitt"taiiirir-the daj liiat uave. i- . i.:... ..,.. tA Vi,;. "!.. .7... tbe Kather-ot' hit) Countrj-roj' Jiln- who atod at that ix'riod, wl.in nil tHeie Statea entered " hrtirthrplHiJooiudenKiTh prwcseiiin again aiKH-et-vied hi treating utliclent (liatirrban-e lo nwke the Prwua-at UHabletolw heard.) -The lVHiuli nt-gid hamoirrTly re Mtrked, "Don't iutertorn with ihim, they are riiilrti and alwaya ore right." lie prooeedetl : tliSi day, I aiy, t peculiarly appropriate to endorse the rntotiou of the I'niou of tlteae HtHt, foundwJ by the Father ot liia Country.. " WatdiiiVgtott. those name tliia city hrani, i embalmed in the nenrtt of all who love ! "oyernmeut. (A vice, "So i Andrew JphiiiHm.") WaahingUm, tho, ia the lanKuac nf one of hia enloiriati. wa 'jrat in peace, tint in War, tint in the lieata of bia roantrjiiien." -No people tan claiittbitn, no nation can appropriate hhuj Ilia riputatioa and love rfre comineiisurule with the ;ivilited worki, with; ail tho wIm love freeern ment. 1 have iwi iitly visited the annotation which ia dirirtnif- itaeffotta to the coipletion of the iiioimuKiit eri-cted to liia metory. 1 waa proud to nwet them, and ao far aa ; nuld tb give tboin my humble influence and patron X a mnunit.'Mt beliir -em-ted tu hi who foundixl tlie Govern incut alniiMt within latonea throw of,t4iu afxit from wbii h I addreaa rou.-r-Letit lie wmiphrted.! (t'heera.) Let tlupled- tea whii'h all thew; MlaU-a, awiaiiona aid porationa have placed in that monumit of tbeir faith In and )ve for thia Uuion M pre- 'ervod. Ixst it lie completed. And in tunran- . naction let tne refer to tbe tnott upon tbe atone teat from my own Stnt-Ji4 blew her (a yoice, "nd. Waaa you") a State which hue ; etruKgTcd for tbe preservation ottba I'sin is the field knd in the councils ef t ha nation, now itruKKlinK n einl'srniMiiMuit in eoaeqaence. of the Fnterruption that hn taken plae with the Federal Government ffrowinfr out d the rebel lion, but atruglinK to renew hr nttlona with ' tbe bovemnit lit, and take hut atam where alie haa atood aince 17SW. '(Cheering.) Let ma, I aay, repeat the aentiment inacriliedupon the atone aent here to be piaced in thatinnumeat of freedom, and in comtiM-moratioa eWaahing. ton. I atand by that aentiment, and e la now WiliinS t atand b, it It waa the vntloient enunciated- y the iinmortiat Andrewfackaon, The Federal Uiiioii, 4 .'Jiftwt bo prowred." - Warn it uoaaiiilc Cut that old man, whon aUtue ia now U-fiire me, ajod picture DeUHeraa, -in the Capitol, to bo callml forth, or were; poaai Lle tor na to communicate, with the ilWtrtona dsedWid, Mco"111 informed of or nule to ttfnhfg yfjasj;j ,e old man wotti tura mtwllirin. .and tronaoil. the over ia bw'Kni' (Laughter ana cneer , at Voutd rtiw, and,iahak off the habilia..of tbe tomb, atand erect, and extending biaJoug, - bony Anuer, -wtmld xcitVate. tke acntiuiej Jhe once ipflkeThaaUJiiUiaJtv be raaerveL" . : ii K.vVM ..' 'v '.tH:tjrrBnTa ,jioTi Aaa'aoBtaulJlT" N But we e Aid wirttcee what iaa traha nee hU day. We remember what he dr u, 183S, when treason, treachery, and infldeUf to the Government and Constitution of the Vhed Ht&tM th atalked torth. It wa hia power sd influence that went forth then and eruahedha treawm in it infancy. It waa then atnpped, at ' only f a time. The apirit continued 4 Un wen DieB 1 liuaflected to the Government , Mi North and South., We had peculiar inetRuti of which aome eomplained and to which etui . were altaphod One nnrtion of our COUDtrVBa advocated that inirtitutioiiTn tbe South, anot roppoaedit in tbe North, and it reaulted t mrfi'i.A . Out In the South reao ad tba pwiat nii-hLtheT . were prepared tj diaaolve the Government of the InitedBtat toaeeuraand preaerve their v'pecaliar Qt4 sQaatia auUtlei4 i Wa find that power tioo." ; And m -what I way aay on tide oceanW aafuoied apof awpf 1 erMl of $ I want to be understood. There waa asothe B W)tt ettraordlnary character. What are they? portion of ear countrymen who were opposed ttH- njvoirnoSAltt ACTtpM or TUa dicau tnia pecnliar inatitution in too South, and who v . ' , . .. t.K. ., -went to thVettreme of Mg willing to break : '' sU . , , ""r P' the GoycrtjhWnt to "ge tr . .--(Ap-l We And that Gorermocuta kan lB revolBtion- plause.) I am talking to you to-day in the com as oa phrase, and assume to be nothing but a eUiwn, and one wLo has been fighting for the Constitntioa and to preaerye, the Govern meat Thene two parties have been arrayed against 'each ether; and I stand before you to-day, af I did in the Sonet in I80, in the presence of those rho weremakinir wiron the OaistituUon, sod who wanted to Kiksrapt the- Uovemmew, to denounee, aa I did than in my - place, thss who ware ao er'aged as traitors. I have never ceased to repeat, and as fin- aa efforts eoaht go to catrr. out. the sentiments 1 thear Bttored. vtCWa.) ia coNSriTBMT araiin aainuT dihi nii!: I remarked, that there wera two parties, tine tor cVatroyinif the government to prerve ainvc- Hatid the othot. br breaking up the govern- oothpliahrd were different, it ia true, so fur its slavery, is concerned, Met they j,T,Hl ' ' thing, and that was the breaking, lip of the government. They agreed ia tbe dtt rue I icn of J J . 1 . . m.1 .1.: 1 r 1 1 lam government., uie precise wing woicii 1 nn fttwaya stood up to opoae. W hot her the di unionist comes from tbe South or frui the North. I ataad aow whew I dut thcn, t vm- dirate the union of those State and the t:uii tutioo of the country. (Applause The re liellioa, er treason, manifmteil itaelf in f t South : I stood up by the government. I s;ii( kl was for the Union with slavery or ' I was tor HieX'nion without slaver?. In either aliorna- tiva I waa for the government and tbe Cou.lit tioa. ' ' . , TH aPIRIT TOWaKD TB aouTiL , Tba Oovexnnuint haa stretched forth iU atroni; arm, and, with it plivn'ual itower, haa put' (fllln treaaon in the Held ; ye, tlie (Lotion ol country which haf arrayed itaelf aguinvt the Governineut baa been put down by the Govern ment itaell. Now what bad -we aaid V people? We laid "no comprouuae ; we cmi aet tla thi (juention with tbe South in eight and forty boura." "How f" 'Difrttand your armies, ackiowlcdKs the Oonati till ton of the Unirwi Sutea, obey tbe law. and the whole. ijueittioii is aettled." Well, their armiea have le u tlinMnil ecl i tliey come forward now, in jk spirit of mnp naniwity, and t ay, . "w were mistaken J we ceaaion and diaaolve tbia I nx-n : li that we have failed, and, having traccil this thih to its logii al and physical conaerpiencea ant , rtulta, wa now atfain xtime forward and a-kiiowle.i re the ins a aatf 4mitgilAmiia fhr jT'W Miiiiitinn airiT the annnimarir tvf-4!Mh--W- IChwra.i I aaV tliewheti vol have complied f with the Conatitntrrmr vrhen you ti ave....ytejde i to tho law. wtieir TVawk lwl)i your alleu; ence to the Government, t am ready to oiieutlu: dooraof the Union and restore you trr your idd relatione to the ttoVernment of our ittbera.-- LENIKMCf 4M0 roUOIVKKESS TIIK Tnntt POLICY. Who. I ask, has suffered more for lira Union hn I t I ahull not now relieat the min x or siiffenngi inuicted upon me tut it is not tlie way to deal with a whole people in tne spirit nl revenge. 1 Know mere Aas ueen a great oeai sa14jabout the exercise of .the pardoning power so far as tbe Eieeutivets concotjul. There ia ao one who hss labored harder to have the principal, intelligent, wwacious traitors brought to iustioe. to have the law vindicated, and the great fact vindicated that treason ia a .erime, than I who stand Iwfore you to-day. Yet while conscious, intelligent traitors are to lc ouiiished. should whole MlaUs, euinwunil i and people be made to submit to and IwiHln nunuli at death f I have, nerbaits. aa nim-h hostility and as inuch resentment as a man ought to have, lut we snouui couioriu our ae tion and our conduct to the etample of Him who founded our holy religion mn ttiai i would likes this to it, or bring any comparison, lor I aia not going to detain you long. Hut, ovntlemen. I came' into .power under the Con stitution a the country and by tho approbation ol tba ueoule. And what did I find I I found liht uiillmna uf uteple who wore ia Uu t ernr r - l .l i- demnea under to lew, anu too jiuiij death. Under the idea of revenge and rebut . " .. . . i i . i. .. ..... ment the wera to ba anuihilated and deatroyed. 0, how dftfemit this front the maniple set. by. the hul founder rf, ocjBtigion, whoaa diviue arm touches the horizon and embraces the whole Mjtte77iYee,iis)w4Mfeu8de4this great scheme, eanse into tba world and found our . race con- denied under the' law, and the sentence wan death. What 1 was Uis eiample t Instead of nutting the world or a nation to death. He went forth wittf grace and attssted by His blond (jid Uia wounds that Ha would die and let the na tion live . Let there repent, and let them c knJfflediri! Uisir allrianca s let tMn tiecorae loyal and willing supporters and defenders of our glorious "stripes and stars" and the Constitu tion of ear country; let their leaders, the coa scioua, IntelHgent traitor, suffer tbe nonalty of the law, but for the great mass, who have been forced Into this rel)eilion and mislolby their laatbsrsj.! say, leniency, kindness, trust and con fldenctEnthualaBtfe cboert.J ;- ftf But, my conntrymea, after having pn&ied tliwjiigh sJsntaHtosViaiid afo'l"-lKnU'!lf. aa I liave1 ttiouglf tuenxroak a great dcal aTiout aiiii r. it now tlauehtori-wbeu 1 look back ill rough tba bettla-flelds.and tee many of these brave men,' ha whoaa company I waa. In -snaai ities where the contest wss most difficult and doubt- IJidm-l' 'eninltat'hsntlsj1 'hssy nrnrcey - I nasaed away; oeiore ine uioou aueu uaa acawrr congealed, what do ws tUtdf Tha JeucHion ( put dowa by tha etrong aim of the government in tba leld ; but is that tbe only way in which wa can have rebellioa i I Dey tuuggiea. lor we breaking ttp of Jtouf government imt before they IT scarcely out of the battle Beld, awl be frrt our bya , Uw -pHie 4 their bomsa, to renew toe Uet of arrecuon and love, we Bnd ourselves almost in the jniiM of another rebellion. '. (Applausa.) The war to suppress one rebellion was to prevent the eop- iiaration of til States, to prevent them from flyingoff, and. thereby chsngtng the character hfjuta government,' aaa wrasnnug um power. Sow what is tha struggle I , There hj arj at tempt to concentrate the power of the govern ment In . the bsnds of the tew, and thereby bring- Nnt eonaoiidattol; which is equally dangereUS and OOJCCUOOainri aeparamm. leiL can ha' changed, witnoui going inn uie Lttte field " Sometimes revolutions, the most tsastrod to the people, are elected without i .shedding of tilwotL ; the auiwtaace 01 gov anient mar be taken away, w bile the form and smIow is stili aiherpd to, ' Sow, what are the tempts f Wba bring proposed f Wefiud tt, in fact, b an irreoiMil)e, central tilree I to, nearly all the hirers nf uoverTimciii are asiited, without cvni consul ting the hila tiyir ierUve deparunetiia of Uovemweni. T aud by n resolutioa rf ported by comadt teetpoa whom all the legislative power of the Guyaacot haa been eoalerred, that great prisv- ctplv in.tju; Ciin.titulum, whiim authorizes and CniHier cacli liiaiH-h of the leywlstive do- partount, tliir-HiUitu and ll.iune of lii'pn-w-nta tive. to tin. the induce of the el tion and quel. iiicuttoit id iu iimii tiuMtibunt, haaiwen virtually tnken M;ty from. iIumc departments of Goviiru nii'iit, nu.l euU tred upou a oouiniittee. .who Htust-reptHt li fom the can ncr under tho Con- lillirum, and aljjw liKanbera duly cleated to ike their avals. 11 v tliinirulc they aasuuio that there inuvt if . Inn paascjl, that there must lie rec;iutiut m. twiiiei I to a Stala in tho Union, with nil iU . iiw:ticnl retiitioiM ruatored, before the riiiiolive Iihumis of Centirosa,- uudur tbe Constitution ltl in k'e of the alia timi and uualilicati'iih U' iU owu iuemlicra. What poi tiou ia that I You he been atrugyiing for foUr jog:'.', to put ttoan tlie ruliuriioa. loll denied iu toe U'rtiiiii'ui i of thu struggle tliat any State hud (he right to go out ; vuu aaid that thev bad neither riyiit nor power., The issue has been made, and it hull been, settled that a Statu has neither tlie rijht nor the power t go outuf the Liiuiii ; and ,licn vwu have act tied that by the Ciccnni'c aad unUlnry xiwer ot the Govern luent, and by the public judgiuniit, you . turn round uml avum ttcit they are out, aul ahull ngt uounr iu. "'t LrfiHItter and cheers.) I 1119 own rxiuct. I m t rst a say- to you, as ynur ExofHtti v, iliut 1 um not prepared to tiikv any suck) post tion. I iiil in the !tnal, Iu" the very iucep tim of the iSellion, that States had no rijrlit to gnout . Th ipHtton ha lawn settled, ami I eanot inn round ihw, anil give the no tltmrt tii all I profew to.-have done in the hist five Tear-- (Laughter and Bimlxune.) lean do ni t;on"fit!itnm. when tliey nave given tulhcient evidence of'thiir lovalfy and that theyi can be trusted, when they yield lelienw to tho law, tMy'eitd.tcttholU'.0'-!'''. """d of tellow hhj. and Irt mx and V hioH lie rwnvrwl. fljTtlttf tlCI'IW ) lv 5l II l olMNInN III' Nt'MNKK, STKVKNa a CO, lint tlu n, I'ewllfiiuM. us we swinir around the cirelu, I have tiilKtit trsiflirs arHttrcaotr in the 8aiti ; I opposed ttf Diiviaea, the Tooinba, the MlieMt, mni w lowg lint ot' othiira. sthwaa hauiaa 1 need Mot rupi-Mt, ami now, when I turn round 4 at the other cuiulliha line, I And Bum, I care not b'y wbatrnamu you call them, (a vote, "call them traiffira," ho alill stand . oppoaeel 10 the fijt (jnil ton .of th.linion of tlui htstes, and I aitl aKsl I ("t the preservation of this oompa,-t I am still for the rctoratui ot tliia Union ; I am still io Imor of this great tioveniinent of otir VI ' , . ,., V,1II)IIU11. ... I . .... - - A' " - P ' - and following out iu destiny.1 (AThlm wncmirageiueiit, sud in talking upon the goiog on voice, "Oivti ua the names. I A gentleman calis for the uaiuee ; well, aiipwwe I should give them. (A yoice, ,";. know theni.vj t look upon them, I n-K at it, aa President or cilixen, aa nine IropiMwed t the lam lainMila)prlnclpliM nf tiiibveriimeiit, and itelHfve they are as iiiiK'h bdnn'iiig to. prevent nc ilfcatroy llmiu a were the, men Who louiflit againtt us. (A voice, "Whiil are the names.' ) I nf 1 lialdeus gtii vcua, of IViiiiasWiioia, itreioemious applaiimi .1 I aay Charl Sumner, great applause ; IJ1 Wwuh ll rbillipH, and otheiaotthe asm are SMiwuifrtt tlieui, ;IA voice. ney.- J Hume gi?iitiemau iu the crowd aays, "Give it to Korucy." I havn Only just In sat that I do not waste mv aitimiinitlou upon dead cocks. . ItuiihUir and applause. I stand fof my country, I Uod for the Constitution, where I plat-oil iuy lei'tlrota lily advent into pfiLlic lie. THev innv trmliice.iixt. they may, slouder ne, they may vituperate ; but lot me say to you that itibaa no efl'ert uimn me. (Cheers.) And let nic say, in addition, that I do not intend to be overawed by reason or pretended iricnua, nor do I intend to Ije bullied by mv enemies. Apphtn!ie.Ttfid s cryTCsfThB jieoplelwili sus tain yoii."l , 1 . his VAiTir ix Tne TtAesai or nn oouittKyMwl, I kiKiw, ray countrymen, that it hat been in- a'udrttud and nut only iwinuatc-d but aaid di- ni tlv (the iHllriuiioii has been L'iven ill bitrh places)--thai il'ulieli a uurmtioii of power bad xn exercised two bundled years ago, in a par ti. ulnr reign, it would have Coat a Certain indi vidual Ins head, vvuut usurpation has Andrew Jolmaon f en cullfy , of I ("None !" "none n Tho iiniirpation I hsvelwen guilty of baa always Ueen BtiioiVinir'fi'stwccD the poople and tbe en- croachmcilta of jxiwer; and liecaiiseldarcd say in a coutersHtion wit u s luiiow-ciuzen ana a Hena- toritoo.that I likiiuil it amendmentsteth Consti tution oujjlit not to I ao l'rw)uent ; that their ('flirt would be (hat it would looau all its pres- try .and di;niitv;that the old lustrumen-ftould jjcpoil to aay Hi a ,ttiliv.trstt'tM'ATn ir It Sraa itmendcd. smih and mui Ii amend incnti should Ike a4ojHd. it. m arn.ifNitkn..f. pwer thaf wottldrfcwer Coiit a rmg hia bead at a . certain time. '. (Lnugldef ami applause.)" v And, io-enn-- viiyyi "l Jtli 8W mp7W -wns tx ptttlned 4h at wc wercTn tTIeoitdaf iireiMtligiiakes, that they trembled aitduiliJLniit4deid. l ea, tiierc U an cHrthijiiake cotiiiiig :tiiere is a ground swell coining of npuliu jiKtginent aad indignation. ("That's .true,r).'The;.Acrican people will speak tiy thuir instinc'bi, and tlejr will know f ho si tljitf fmndt .and who thir eneBiHav " ':.' . - U T-..rPrt"BX'"-Li-.i What "srayWoV oeeupRil I nave oe. cnpled all positidna under tliia Government, be ginning with sn. alderman and. running through 5l branches of the Lcglalatuin, (A yotce From a tailor vfi. Some gctttlemaa says I have been a tniwr; (TXeflHiRlou appl.use. Now, I used to be a taihir,-1 had the reputation of belngagood one, 'and Of'iiking rloee fltt--. 4tlwava iMinriiml with my cuslomera and al- l. wsys ftoa..guw.ariL t,5t T Vr: 'o Wit'lLi work.')' No-1 do not.wnpt niy pstcb,wprk:; J wauj a fnuM tttlt. ! PW we will pass ov this little fatelionsn'-ss.r'Wy fricTila may ay, Yoa are Prcaldent, and you mrrt' not talk about such thmga." .. When principles'are involved, my cflitntryoien; whfTt 'the JfrUtenca of my country la uierilM, I will at-f k I have on fonni-rftcca-ima.anif-snesk-what 1 think.' I wa saying that I had held nerlyal 'positions from an : alderman throntrll both branehea of Conirm. to Hint which I no w occupy, arid who is there that'witl Tauy AnKlrew Johntim ever raah a pled" that he did not redeem w msh' a prntnkw that-h4liI not fulfil f ' Who will tay he has ever acted otherwlw th?m Id ' fidelity to the erent niiwst Of the rCbble t Tlit-y mav talk about Cebalingeiid nsTirpatiiW, but tnri aniitfolded, WiaaTtr ftmrrican perrpta tol the witneaneev i not want oy muenuoes, oy nf direct retaarks in high places. who hat awassinstion brooding to see tbe man I in. his bosom '. exclaim, "Tlds Freaidential olwUele in-iat tie gotuwoul of the way." i make i of a -very strong expression when I say, that I have no doii 1 4 tun intention was to incite aweiwii nation, and an get tmt of the way "the' ohr-tacte" fn'in place and power. WbHhcrhy aiwi-eorialio'i or not, there are in.liviiliiul in this OoverumcHt, I doubt npt, who want to destroy our insthti tioas ami change the charnetor nf the GovVtu munt. Are they not salisiiod with one" murder we have had t Dona not the murder of Irfucidii appease the vieam,e mi wrath of the oppo nents ot this (tovenitnenl r Are'tbey etfljitofr alakedf Do they still want more blond 1 lilavo they not got honor him I cnunu; enough N t tain tlieir objects otlmrwiiMi Ui.ui by the li nd, of the assassin t (No I no ' HI ViaWS ON AMSASHIHATIOtt. . . I am not afraid of aataatiin sttackint mc where a brave ami eouragiNOU mail woui f at tack another. I only dread him when beViuKl go IU, diagmao, hla foojjsliiptuowelearf1 iHood they want, let tlieui have coursge-iouh to strike like men. I I;uow they are will ig to. wountL Nit they ere, ftirsid to stnke. (Ap piamte.) If my blood is- to 1m shed bect.isa .'I vindicate the Union and the. pit-servaU n oT this Uovennnuit in its oTurinal purity of char acter, let it lx ahed ; but when it is shed, let an altar to the Union be wirctiHt, and then, IT ills necoaary, take mo aud lay me upon it, and the Wood that now warius aiet anluiatoa mr txu tenet' shall be poured. out as a last libatioa of" tribute to the L'niou of I lie St itcs. ((ireat applause ) Hut let the opponents of tbia ( rov- ornuient reiuemlx r that when it is poured out, "tho Mood ot the martyr will bathe seed ol the church." (Cheers.) a coHVKitavnoN with atn mxcoi.n mi tATB PUKaiUKMT'a .views on Kki-BKXK.t rvrina ' Gentlemen, thia Union will irrow ; it will con ttouo -to inaivatiia in tnmh and buwctvtJuiuch it may be r-emoitted shil ctraiVrtl'ih bbmdr-- I DaWnnrrirBn "Trmgnr-now fbiw -ittdut tie aiieak. Let me thahk vou for the honor too 1iavedohu ntn. "So tar this tim ennu. nt i im-eriiejl.llet jiie.aayziiBe: other jvM4 in frf eleiiee to the amendment ot the ronatitntioii of tho United Htatoa. "W'huu I; rtltrd Wash WMiWifiM: thejpurpiwe of K-hig iihtuguratod an Vi.-i,resideiit of tfiu'tthittst tUMo, t liiuP a conversation with Mr. Lincoln. We wera talk ing about the condition, of all.iiri, aalin reterl ence to matiers in my own State;. T I statett-that n we had called a Convention, an1 bad aim uded i our fonatitiition bv atwiiisliiivir slaver iJ 4 ha state a slate not emlwaoeilin his proclnina tion; .All this nut his appTobation and gnire ammdmeuttothe Const i tut ion he said : "When the amendment to the Constitution is adop ted by three fourths ol the States wsnhall have dona all or pretty nearly all I am in favour K in amending the Constitution, If there was caie other adopted." Said I, "what is that, Mr. President F natd lie, "I nave litlioured tu ura serve this Union ; I have tolled fmir years; I have been subjected to chlumiiy and niiarepnl sen tat inn, yet my great deniro baa bwteyiiti-ltt SBryetlyiL'iiionWthiflSitStMefflT qudertlie is of t he same-UipajimjtUtotiorras they , were (adore. " ItiM, said 1 ire, ."Give it to ForTMr. 'r sident, . what aniemimunt lo yitat refer. bit lis said he thought there should) lie an amendment added, to the Constitution widely would comiiel all tlie State to send their Sen ators and Ih'presoutativea to the Congress of idea was in, hla inind that Tt is a part of the doctrine of auisaion to break un the Govern- nrniuviit by Statist withdrawing their Sen iUs and llepreaentatiToa from Congress, and, there fore, he dial rod a cornd Uutionnl amvmlint nt to compel them to be taut. How now drf the matter stsnd i in the t;onstitutim of mo coun try eVbu that portion of it which provhWa fori the amendment of tha organic law. says that no State, without Its foustuj slisll sbe, idepriyod ol tta reprcsiHitsiiim, . x ., ?..,,; a. Pl. roR BOtiTtlKMI KKPRtsmTATIO. ' And now what do we find f We findilit po" sitlon that the Slate, ahull not bo represented, that we may Impose taxes, that w may send our tax-gatherers o every nyloji and porthirtfwf a State, that the people are (o )w oppmescd with taxns, but when they come here, to partiiiiate In tho legislation of tlie -country, they! are met at the dooa, and told " ho ; you must puy taxes, vou must law the bttrdens of the GoweroiiM nl. but. TOO must not psrticipiil.i irt' the lcgibigfn of the country, which is to; fllTec t jroii for alt time." I.thisjn,tr ("N.vno. Then T sny let na tylmit Into tneeoitm-ilaof Hte jvtfion those but-yoo must not psrticipiil.i in' the lygihitiop who m-koowleilge their nilciJincc to thai! eminent, and swear to HutHmi-t the Constitution arr-riatlt tiiakcanoditieirticc il a mimii n noi toy- lJiut you may. adopt wpaU'ver. test oats you hoosi! to uroye their hiVHltv Hint is a matter. nf. 3ietatt ifr eKteM-camitd iig Jet hit: i 1 miniimaijy joval, owiiinjrTriK-:)!-! hour of peril and of meI.Jiid J. nut witliii to trust thetn. ' khowhaririirito hot uuah an much iriHiprtiuice to thn piuu.iple as I V', but ne nitnciple we carried tiirnitj'h the Ife yoln-" tiofl was that there should I im ta.vatloft with fmtitifiB"iUatioji.toad .tajLai i;riiKble 1h1iJ lown as nindsmentai by our t 'Uivra. if it was o-ikI tlienrtt Is trood now. It It was a rtvie to. stand (iy then, It Is a ruhV to statvl by no' li a liindsmeiiial principle that srinnid l IMsreci to as wng af mm iruTemiiifrnt ftiats, f - MB nunoWJ TBS fONSTITOTlos. I know it waa said by aome during the I lion that our Ctmstilutimi had been rollel trip as a picca lit Jiarcbuient, and l-iid aivgy y;thn ia tha tiine,of war and reUilutn W wa lao onatitution.. . WiMtt wv antiw that soinetloi4 tnit the very great necessity nf the ease, fruiii a ffwaTeworiMncTl'-ire oTistTturrisirnrt thinirs la order to preserve Ihe Constitiitioai it self. ; Bot, if while the reMlion) Wss t'W-l on the Constitution wss rolled up as a part liiiient ; if it was violated in aome tiarSicnlars o ta,ve; the Governmont, there may nsyV iieen srm -' .umi i'A -tottttfV It Ytiit awtar itml tii now the war ia nyef. wcSwuhI wiiltttn; Constitution i and lt the time 4tn come to tane tne vonsHtinroit uowh, unroitr it, rjea It, aim un'teraiinei pniv ihiihip. hhw.iii haw saveil- tlie Ooyerninenf' to 'tlolntlna th OinstitutioB la war,' votj, can mty' 'siirtL ft lii peace by preserving the Constitution, and the only way to reserrelt is by a strfct sdhepuc to the Constitution of our fatbits la noW rrefolded, It mast now: betead andTid eM-t lorfr by fbeA menean people. -1 jonte lrre,'tii-feiy( ae tar as I can. Iu makiog tbsse remarkis, to inM UicaU tba Constttuuotv and to aeve it, ur rl does teem to me. lutl bsiross-luneiit altar eu- w , , . Croat jiiitt'tit, is ftntpoaatl, aland to-day; re pam,-Frmr"a l can, to rwirt, thewn eistrnach mcnta iipon tlie t'oiii-tiliilion am Government Now tbst we huve im-u., let us cnlorse th CoiKtitilticai . let tie litre under ami by Its tiro v ikionaj let it W piUbhrd s- kit it be printed ii blaing chrii'acb'rA.as if it were ia tha beav Hut. pmictimtcd with atari, that all may read nd undnralandl let ns i-uniault tbat uiairtiinenl T ani todigcat ita 1 proviHMt nnderstan X tliem ttuultuytatiiliisu: id'i U ts them. I tall ths opluiriiw ot this Gi)vctni"t, I care not from what quarter Ihev roiiw, woetlar (row thtiKaat, West. North nr"liiitli,'yiin wh ariieeaired in urn woric ..i iin-nKKKt u the Govvrni ieiit br pun nnmciiis i in i;oiitnuti.h that ae prln . . ... . . . . . . . cipies ot jre gonrnment am deeply routwt li file- American hwrt All the Dowers' eoutliinnd I c-i're hot of what rhtirtcler .they are, cannot destroy t.uut gr-t lustrumi nt that gr art chart of frvlom. They WHY KW-m to aoceend for- a twmJiut theirTtTr.ftiipi will ha' tutili.' They migril as weft umlevtakitto Jock Hp tlte wind tu-chain the was, ol the ocean, aud con lie them to lilnifo They m cy think now it can lie ttorn' nya. toii. urreiit rt'Miltilioo : bttt wlion it is SuhinitttHl fri tin imnltlaf ludgnieht an I to the popular wilt, tliey wiu mid thst- titer might as well MiuiWt tkvt iiitr.tdne a tusoluttoa to in peal the la'.v jif gr-ivitv aa to keep (Ilia Unit"' from liein't; retord, T ..''""' . f. J. r- - THU .PHoflK , "HI I.eCtllK TMSiowraTIOII, It in Tu; .Mtiont n-t. feasible to real at the : this o-reat kawbTgjitvitAV which binds all to a eoiiWttonTsl centre," tlint f,ht la of gravity : which will rw tmitit r nc.-ie Mute-c, und replace them; in their reintia. All tliine conspiruries nnd ma. All that is ante-1 i- time until the Amertcan pt-oplwran gi t to k-nwsv what' is going on. I would tlie w liolorXiiiefic.-iii people collhi lie '- semidod here- -dav, voU arp.V I wish We had aa-atttpbrtjttKHMy capisiiious aUiiftA-to-htthl these thirty million fir inVD!e.1bat twt emi d I bnhrTfjmTr-vrifm4UMwght that is-gtiuig4 f.. ............;. il. . .......t ... .1 I ill to prvserrc Hie Conatitution tf their fathers, thev wnSlt-rSSntir ltrtrnirm-irrmrrrh ijiirit is nisMitofcted in breaking up tbia great nilnWpteof free goveri.Huent, Vcsl, wfi'ea tllev tttW,ifJUift.jMIV "3 i'j 'iihnitan(l a no is i or au.i who agninst iiiein, li you could make them iierform the part of gladiitton. in tlie Ant lilt you would find tha enemiua of the country crushud and helpless,' I THU raulLK., I hays detained you longer than I interulod rlto nn."l W' are in a oniat atrinrtl I m fyoitr instrument. Who la there ! have aot toil- tailored for I Where it the man or wu- iuh, either in public or --private life, who has mi always received uiy alUutloo tfi timet J'urdnn the egotism, they aay that man johnaoQ i a lucky man : that no man can defeat me. llwiH tell you what constitutes good luck. . It Uuioiiig right, and being for tbepeopttrftsTat 11 waai utstiuiis iroouiuc. rmnuiuow arotlior Ik) people, will find out and nndoratand who is tjulijvho lajigaiatTHlhe. I hava - beiin placed In aa many trying positlens as any mor tat man was ever placed in, but, not far, I have not aesenejJ tuo people, and I Iwltovu they will not deaertAie, WhartfJitciple hay I violat ed I ' What sentiment .)ave I saervt d front !- ian tney pyt tlieir Btiger-utw.n tt f Have ynu heard thejif point oat any discrepancy I Have von Ireapd tiiemailotc my predecessor, who full a martyr W utrcouTStts.tuae"air going m imwiiiou or in conirauieiion to atr Hung flint 1 iisva done t ' The viry p'ilicf wfejcb f sDi pur- skiing now and puratu-d under uitxlministra Jin, was Iwing puii.ui.il Jiy hint when that in sfnituidu fMvl.lemie saw fit to rwjiovo him, tfjtst, to t.-r- world than this. Where ia tBiire one urtneipie adoptiil by hltn, in refcr- eiice to thia -mtralioh, tliat I have departed frotnt ("None ! ti.aif!") The war,' then, is aot slntply iiponim btifupnrr tny predweiwiir, I have ti-ierl to do my duty, x' I know that some people It llii-ir Jiinl.Misy have made the -remiirk that the AVhtto- Ibeiait . is Pnhlent, 7 Juat let aie sap'that the charnis ff the Whito Itoitau, and all that sort ot tlnmmery, haa leas iiifliti-nce with niH than with tliuse who are talking nbout it, - Tbe little"! eat or wear diMra Hot amount to much. - That required to atialain hie and my little fiifnily ii very tittle, Sir I am not feedinir tuaiiv, Wihugh Jil me tw of ronwngtilnity or affinity I uiii akin to everylHiilv'. ' 'Iiie conscious asfi) tton if -havititr pt-rtoruied my duty tu my Poyiitry i-i all the nunid I have,1- )M , tn n.tvr, twru." L . . , . - , ' Mien, in coucimiu, let me nir-friiH.UKt' tnl- col i r hi.', tli in ;4 ol u;lMtiietl liiuea. Io iro with in m .nimnlm-i louud tflo i iMitituito t.t' Our Tftrf" -t ii?fm.tt4.W, m4,JXm fasaadw ar.Aluvited lt-ruurt, to uitiUrit,iielvnud tuotajitf tain it?) prM i'ifiv X"Valiiii'-i .tlia ffnatu ttttuiA .u pur .tlhkV IsJUtgU the hutvuristlirai'' "r -n 1 1 pobu -Uittiutiail., . i' t u Hand by 3TboMtt last t !fo wim fl tlu. nil; lit and tempest cii the aowiHI.CHll,-.':.,, rrj,,' '" " Accept niy thaiiks fof the indiilgrjwe-ffon have uiicn file' ill liiaUji;; th tLjirihpiWaiteifto remarks I Imvti nude on tiiia iMCnaion, Irt us gilforaanL for-liiiigiinj pat end liaiMiigKi the toture, and III to nvior mir muntrvT tMia 4"g ifl lists w ho rules on -high aud ia the tsuth ikw, 'hut we haivt nur I aim writ tie reattireil, aud that w. wdl kaw hcm, waa-otily-4) earth, nut tapi'jJ.iUji with the United States, and g"Ki will, I tltstnk you, my- omntrvinen, fisr tlte re pe."J. yon bavi-tiKiniAntcrl j'm litis oct iition. M'Uen your WHi'nfrv i pone, if vnn are alainf rhaB -maT-hirik-iwt itii-'l yriH fin t the Imttiltaf. divhiiiul, 'vrh'iiiwU'.d.s before vou, weepingN Over lis (Itiul iliilution 4,;. t . . j wiTtt -f7b an a tc u A"i . a."' '4, '"W' .-li " . - I it'll I H It M ' OM MI SB 13 M MiS TJ A. ST S )-.--;- . lHeMr.-k'.siiaiMaW 'a tort ten t ni' UisAcfii ls "lt uw robacco. Clean, tie. 'VNO."l03 WfiT IxiIIMABOSTIcUKfr, ' . ii.ii i" ln,iii4BT0a- 3 fin.iii4BT0a- BAl.TIKOItK, HD. iff W. . ORirrtu, a. n. tiiiTlL A. eAff.eJKAAAUXIJaf Skealdew, Wright aai dr.. I JeXIKla ' - voa tuc sai.i or . .. , Cotton Yarn. fcheetHts smt laabarra. v ; aad tveolta needs. ' - rt. a u,ii.i .'-' 'i 1 ni.i.iTftti. CtJ B,Kuli.H. a.u ; w uv. i l j v. FajraneiuTe. ' f. " n I l i v. i jolta-a,i, jUrvorthir t llihMl.n, Chartutla, - i Jm MI(hui, gae.., TUqb. K. Tatu, Ka, ' , K KK-hla, tin . Cn.k.w tatia - . i BalUw-we.' Ostnhst !(, njf. li,! J?. V. iW SuntT-Phosiihate o; Lime, es iff t or W A JR R A N T K 0 i U R N U I H fSJ'. i '"i v. h -h ; t.r BSISU ItAbt Of TH ki CKST JKATtUI.lL W la tsa wustanBruvid MMk it la iteimaMiiiiJ ' te tks psklifl as p.rln t say nitir is ths etarast. all hs kavs aaa It tpaak f d in tb kirluut terms sf . ersUs, an 4 IS-'aa vfltfaiJ iu lis ett'ialtetui-a wTi ' ' ; J -J ' ' ' ' n i il sentUiae tlair et esdasvara la- Mranse the Has - ravautioa til-S it h ieiBi'U. . j , , , j,, t.. wsruarastM Ik fswoiliaia M ba wll eiaaufae- ' s4, ae nsmatiiS tt la eMMtanns t any ethur I milnl salal ataaare t tks siarkst t Ws s.sjlar a 'vretia slaaas. aiikeaasi -' IsraUbsa at bair tks irlr. Myss H. Alls Tli., tl awll banwa naaa- . fsstarm af kertcaltarai Istptswdiiiis, uy oIK- "Wi tats aiaaaars la slatine bars s M K ' t..flw'4aM VsjMakaie. sfr.Lie fia. Hkaa gtvw suira aal Milintatpm t oar put..ta.r. Waateatskaarfidlt sSl-sUaa av eVtlt-ls wiwtlur f tkaevalabaes ef Iks askl'a, as ti ifwehasay etsy ra'y Stira laourujau artiala biihtl ah 4 ear , iuiiv nsauiasiatSHS, :.-:re wooia Mas 'kat. afr-erfni iKalloa, s bellsv tkli Phni-ha fcaa ,ha In,).-., ad aa. h1 sariattr la'radsi tlns ta Mr iurket, see rhai i. in i . . y ..... ...... wiu aeauuet t satiaiaia ii.ril jstsca aiiss lag.-...J "Vary vaooi-elfullt., . ' "K II Aid FT tn," tt--.-. VJSe, 1st Wiar titl, Hair foikf W .1... .f fc' I. Fasss; Cos, Kse.., AvnxMt ) iaaiMMiU f wa.aaalvds tvf sassa.,. tlf vssrDasw Phaii'kata sf l.ha lll with am. TSIt bis( suek a airiur '"' la svary n$fmU X aat ii4a Ivuia uitiffiaralatiarf .teat atum auak-i xsaafaStats, ekloa asdusbtfaiy lll BHt with ireat.aaestaa. it ,1 ..''.' .,l(; .h-hx la r . Wiakiaf yaa etsrr ikiw, i. . . , i. ' " Kiintully ystl, 7 - .- . - . tt.a LSIBMi Bi.n's.!VarBH. 1M. . Of firm Fhohorio Ald 11) il. " enataiAlntt of AnliytrvH fhos- phtiris Aoid. , t , , Of Bi fkosphata ef Lime. . ,n4Vv-.iin 9!, jf-. ?iY ' eulitsiaing nf Anhjiiioat Phos- p nests aenij 1.IQ, Of tfouTrsI fku-ptialsuf Lime , P, . . M smitaiuief of aahiiiiius rbns ekorio Aaid. li,ifAlaUwei Jk-8 eentniaiHg nf rtutphmts 4kliHos 1 11.20. .". i Of Alkallaattallsaa Sulpkalsa-.' c , f " 1.11 Of Oigaaie C'uaikustible Mutter. ' - ' tg&M aaiiahls uf prudtN-iiia anunuuia. X Td. Of Anlaial Coal and Manil . v. , 00 Pbsapkeris A cut sotoW m Wakm' 1 lift Fkoaplisiis Aeid iuawluhis ia Water.. $ 8. " Aniutania . , I.Jtt, KVOCH rOK. Unntor's 1'iint t. X'r 2 rpaaUtSliKRalONIII) HAVg BKkrV APHOlrTt aV'.ses Agaet rr tk Nl Nutth tire! tea, east wiua0"y i" u)iorlriilii,.r at asteatt' : .'. ,. w t- ' stiaiaotarsrSj lJS aa. is ksrvfls sf abat HI keaads w.(gbss.1o , .., ', '." Hnrralsuew -fa iire,., :ii saa far sal kjr 'j . ; - . ' f G TAflSi T.TH CO. Vi'siBigVia. S. Q., Jan. 4 t.n.tai. , f, r G enertil CrnmiHson." 'And' ' ' I SHIPPING MERCHANT - MO 23 NOIITH WATEH ST, . ' -f Vtwilmimitos, mo. COTMOJrHSNT-io eotrof, navat. Torll!,!l mmt, ana ir Prsilaa rf tl' aiteple ' rwftlally aal awed.. Lik- ral sdveiiaifsts maua. 1 0rd ptu tally tta.slwl. - Kav -evK4 -4Kftvjrti v V count -nes.i b i ut,l:cniiun; rs I. tu I ot buix tiravlSi ef a raua lily .. j . - ---- Tkr t ae rmhlieatinii nf thia rlintatlcr nsf;jf- IuUratiir, Art, Kcvkwt,' oionlifloTaperf .". . aad Genoral Ecadiu, . and ws akstl rtnoW w-,j; us fiaotdiulers some ut lb arst Itinraiy iua t ilia hbum, with eiSieia trei IliS Norlli eu I Irnrs Lniten nn.t t'Xini. - All wltr notuirttiiial will li i-irrriilly a'leotn rreia tl't Br west nAlw! t thai rtiuiti-fc. frenuti aad 'trr man publu sleiss I aud il Kdnois will rpare e su..ri rr nuenu in luai it rnlf suit the v,n riarr msjraaine ef fh 'C'lwlry, ' 1 " ' e As Ilk etsse tninsrll, kevi etskrrilirl -Jth t taiMiir iiars apoa "a seuoua4 bmosw-We W lf ataka it tks egaa ol s-i'rsl lilciaiiiiealire: ami I tll 1. .L.n.M ktf Mi. .... .li .' ' i " -- -( - v r v. .i-t Wbat- i;.U sjsiti bvotailed '? eiib-enWra ' aay part eenairy apanree-ifit nf 0 Iniusjtn . Y hult't-t:tiln.t- -ftli KiBl ITopies, for en yew, r-. $4 oyy -r If ivs ftrt-s f er yvar, - 1 H hi TaenpistWne,yrbr. ' '- ' . Su ! t tVVh, oaatornwTa win fs st ifraltydiauntkr aleti swi'Blt tbe Mrreliantf and Clniiilris ol rV Soiiik, Sea we WHl ad.t, fe IbKicahitaettiuB, a h'w adertnoiirla. at isaji rate rale ,i , . . t.J , jvsT hiharaidsdsiiiju will ha ,si1 le hoekr allra aad nswsdcalrrs. fsr"Nsr.wpsrsnuhlihl'g this f.r.Mt.rl'a1,l eoi,t a aseiaru euj.! iho undn-MffBed, win eeivs a ropy ef Ik agaairv. Aitiej ; ii. ,i ... jiaj ixox C 1 r -f. t.' to xsa), llsltiieeref sttL j li. nt.tf - - r -- " llBC. . a tfwvw ,aia tv A A WiU.A&U Vikcukgtwa, t, 144, tf .-.NS--i!-!3Si N.- '. :1: ' J -v ' i.' K "

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