-4- the'daily sentinel 1 1 :' AdrerUaenieuM ccnimg Kot Biote tlin iCliof ix Biewa-typa vtttcn eosMiiuet f aur J W3I. E. PLLSUtte Prtiiler. t laaerilou"" fl. 1 . , IJ0 1 WMke 1 jBOOUl - , 1 moniti r .( 1&.00 JO. 00 TEKMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. Th 6"tib. U published every moraine eept jjunday, oo th following term ! . Far en month, . - $1.00 For two, mouths, " - - -Thre month,' . - B.04) till months, - ' f 1.00 frjf W tolicit th kid of our friends la itad of our circulation. . - ' . ,,...v ,3.00 . WOl'W UAtHlH H HU.Hr THAN BB PBKMkOB Hearrf Ctajr. - i " SiwJial aeuwlsej.a-tpecbd aeaaV-wW h tbargsd oadollar par squat lor; each inMrtloe. , . Funeral aotlcr will be char (fed as advert !neunnt. Ths simple anaouuccinent at death er marring will etw. ha Aarpwd, - - 7 VOL. I. RALEII, SATURDAY, MARCH 10 I8GG NO I7f. mm t" -1 - ' : - if - i ' , 4 .-4-: f Hs) Th AAamiion f TenneeIinority , . AA- - Keport Id the House of Representative a Monday, after the joint resolution admitting Tennessee upon certain conditions, had been luhmitfed by tBe majority "of the Becvufruotio Commit tee, Mr,.Hocnivot' -New Jersey, uroea mJ iub luitiud the loliowing minurity report f i r v i'd tit ihjum of ittprtmiiUitMt .- . Th sub scriber begs leave to submit to the House a minority report against the joint resolution re ported trout toe Ljiuiuiittte oo Uooouatrui.tiott, to admit the btate of'i'eaueasee lata the L'moo oo an equal footing who the Wire States," end to iho-w to ttie House the following reason : r'irttt. That Tennesseee in now atlU ha beta t nil tune sinue Uor adinisaiuB into the Union, one of tue United State ot America, utl coo sequently fviigrew aiiiulting her into and u tii.tri.ing her to eiterciae the (unction of a State within tins Union, iuut he baaed ujxhi the idea that she hue Ufa during the war, and ia now, tcgnlly out ot the Union or at leant ia for alf practical ptirpo. " boL'ouil o btate cau, by any act of i( peo ple, be withdrawn-lroni the Union without the consent ot every'ollier State. " ' Third. The people of Hie State of Tehuewnw, by virtue of au oramanca of eceiuuT claimed tlierigUt to withdraw front the Union, and to enforce her pretended right, placed a portion of her people m a state of insurrection and rebel lion audi lint the United Stale ; while the Gov- ernmsiit Tf ttw Cattfcd StaU.Uiini,4a. Htte Irom tiie L'nioo ; and to nettle the ques tion,' portion" of the p('pie of Tenneaaee, wun went, engaged with the United State la con ' Diet of aruu. Tlmt conllict decided that the claim of the people -of Tonneaaee had no foBnd ation in law, or lit fact and the attempted Government, prevented and consequently the. destruction or the constitutional ..retatinpi of 'l enneaaee iithin thel'nioB va prevented and tlifl State Kept in the Union. Fourth. '1 uere ia n-aoh thing at a State be ing in the Union, and jtoeeeeaing the right of local anil ffomestic tcgislatiohj wiUioutJtMe ab.- " 0lu'fefTgtir tb dciiiunii repieeentation in Uon grew, because the Constitution ia baaed npon tne e)uality of the kttates. Fitth. l uis Joint resolution doe not admit the members irom Tenneaeee tb take their seau in this body, upon their qualifying by bath ac cording to-'Jaw. , rhxto. There is no question in the minds of the Committee as to tue loyalty of the members elect from Tennessee, and therefore upon the fact that the State of Tennessee U now one of the United States of America, within the Union, the Kepreeentativea ought to have the oath of ottinu n them at once, by the Speaker, and they be admitted members of this House. And. therefore, we recommend as a substitute for the said ioiot resolution, and preamble, that the House at once adopt the fol lowing resolution, ot one ot the like character, to wit : - '.' ' Retained, By the House ot Representatives, that the representatives elect to Congress from th State of Tennessee be, and they are hereby- admitted to take their seats in the Mouse as members thereof, npon their taking the oath prescribed by law. - . A. J. Roobbb. Representative Orider concurred In the min ority report. (CorrwooDdenne of tb Baltimore a.) Th Committee. Report on Teanesaee IU Sorpriaing Character and Certainty of it Being" Maintained. iT v Washikotom, March 7. -. LTl?5uEJ,rfparedI.fci .fflin6.rportft(im.the "Committee on Keconatruction of a very radical character, the public could hardly believe that - the committee would undertake to place Ten nessee and all the other so-called "seceded States" out of th Union. -.The majority report will undoubtedly be maintained. The joint resolution which requires that Tennessee should acknowledge heraelf out of the Union, and to Ijtt a suppliant for redmissirm npr)n the term which Congress imposes, will command, no doubt, ej.two-tnirda-jrotel in both Houses uf CoBgresa. Tennessee may assent tcv it and rali- . fy it. Ho representative will Tennessee have till she ratihes that decree, v The President will hare to act on this joint resolution, just as oer- lainly as he had to act upon the bill admit- ' ting 14 as. His veto will amount to nothing. Houses upon the measure. i Many of th Republican member, are very desirou dT bringing the session to-an early close after admitting' Tennessee, and perhaps Arkansas, and passing tb appropriation bills. Other say that the country will not assent to AO .)lMMin' 'sJ 'by-wigrsss while lb liahw remains n its preaent agitated x and critical situation. '' " ' ' ThePresitleut ttWday sent to the Senate the paper relative W the organisation of Provia- tonal GvveroinenU for til late rebellion State and tb correspondence with the Governors. The correspondence ( exceedingly voluminous, nd though much of it has already been pub . lished, there is ,yet much of great interest.. A The Joint Besofution for he Admiation of - --i Tiiiimim - ' ...i ,: :.,.f; From the KemallBtellijener:l4l-.. ' The people have not risen too coos. Let them understand that a denperata combination : - of powerful partisan, who, with extraordinary audacity dominate over ajmajorityw both Houses of Congress, and against whose machi nation for th ovettbow of dyil liberty we "' bav so earnestly warned' th so vereign people, Ii.m at Jhncrth. with the bead lees desperation ! of discomfihing tyranny, framed an open pro i iect for the lorma! dismtfmbermint -tf the L'nion. TK.Vort ef the maiority of the joint Com mittee ot Keconstroction, conclude with a joint resolution, in which tb people f Bute o( the Union are declared "to be in e condition to eirercise the funcUon of State within this Union," and are yet by the self am resolution 1 excluiied from that Union! . ' This resolution ha not yet been acted oh by either House. It is to be called up "at an ear l. rlfiv" I it t pas - both-Utiuae I Thl aanufinre uiotueotinn a have ever befall-,' en th American pwipic, u u jweec, vnm H will be apeejUly, Jor -those wbe wipport it -r.Twell know Kttk hat indignant disepprutiatioo,. Xz mil Union men in the cuunir; .would rvbuke U - tfm fw wiatuguoaV- A HighlyJmportaJitEiimor Southera 8en ton Summoned UWaiMng-ton. "IoU," the Wahingtoh correspondent of Jjhe Baltiinore Sua, under date of the tth-instant, . , -. . f. ; , . A highly important rumor ha just reached me freui a source entitled to consideration, to the effect that the President baa summoned to this city the Senator elect from all the reorgan ized Southern State lately ia revolt The re port may be prematura. ' But several of these Senators are now here, and have been requested by the President to remain. That he may hav occasion to confer with all of them, after the events of yesterday, is not improbable. The majority of the Committee on Recon struction have come to the conclusion, In effect, that no one of the eleven lately rebellious States shall be represented in this Congress. This is in conformity with the assertion ot the most trusted leader of the Congressional majority. . Fouiegrauate Cotton Seed. , A LABOR "lplT of PmTaoat Coltua tmi it tors, sad for ale by DAVIS A JOKES Jlare S, n. V (bunce for Gkm1 lnvetnenia. KVKKAL &oww and Lets ia the City f Balaii 'k LJ fur sale. Ala. Wak Cooaty Land. Anplv to Blackltig, . : ' . . lak, -;-)" Wrmpplii Pprf V - ( s tetter Pnprf,r f pelllag Bosks, aV, For sal by rz -;. -.zJUItUMSXt, WtUBUMjt,'ab. I, tt V4' "' PAIXTING. "- BOU8B,810If AKD 0ES PAHTTEU, ' x Imitator of every variety ef Harble and Weed. Gilding on 01ai and Wood, and Japan Tin . offiooSigni, Kueatad to nrdst, with aMtaea and dispatch. ' THANKFUL te my frleoda ft the very liberal pat mwMra I have rseeivad, bop by uaremitting trtitma te.awrlt a eoatiaaaaee of th aaaw. MT Shop oa third four of North Canutes tui tfuudiBg. Bsok WATCIIES, JEWELRY, DUMOSDj, 4c ; .. MUSICAL IK8TBUMKST8, - f 811verware,IIronxea, T ' . i i:xm WORTH OVKJI '!,;.!,! a.;'f All to be sold at Five Dollar each, without r -regard to valu, f,f"-f . AND NOT TO BB PAID tpUL VntO fti Anew uhat yea are I rictirttf 1 WfQOOtDM, WwWadwmnM JL UU a ted anions; the patrons at Iarbla dk Co., dnriaic the moatb of Janaarv, stead eommeets by the Press, speakinf ef 4a-flVm in tlis maoteempllaMBtary inanmr i " A mnet inrfnatrioaa and Broarjeroae bnaea,"--rJhippemburh. Fa., tint, aaf. " Oire all who deal with, thorn pertoet astiefae. tioa.' Dunkirk. N. T., Journal, " Enjoy a hiKb rep. Luiaiion for honorable deaiina aad -the-eaaltty of skeir goooa " Nnw Palts, M. I: 7'mee. " ferreetiy relia ble and will do all tney prooMsa. ayaea n. I. Vtl ad f7oa; daallnir Uf. Btsad msk lor soaeety aad .fair -FnbkillN. T. Jourtuil. "Hoaorabl. aad fair doallns; men." Waplabm M. J. Jnumal. V Oue f the oldert aad moat reliabto Irms i baafaras." . Caanjiharte M. kai. " Keep tboir word aad sot noo.rrably by tlirir patrooa." Lyoaa It. T. Pre. , .Jfm lid Onld Baatme .Watch .. .V.' ewtsyM WW Melfi Cad Gold Watb ' ' 2M) to M - l-Lde1'Kim4e4 WasrdH-4 t l-to 9tst SIM Diamond Clrmtor Ladies' gets ' 3 to?m 1,000 Diamond Sulhatre Kiasr ! 7e8S0 l.tKin -Heavy Silvor Hanllaf Walshes 74 to IS 1 ,f Opes face Wlvar Watrhee :: SO to JS 1 ,000 Bilver and Mahoraay HasMal Boxaa 100 to SI0 1 ,000 Hilver INaiua; SeU 1. 7S t XW 1 .500 Sil ver Tea 8la, aorrlplota" 4t te W S 000 gilvef Urns aad 8alvere 7S u it I.OO0 ftTa Chamber Kevnlvon 75lo3KI 1.500 Patent Kinelo Barret Piatol SS to 7!i 3.011 Mammoth Photoeraob AlbsLSA 15 to SO -Site 1110 ' 14 to 5 ' KItotiM te A , . to in - itr tte 75 18 U 24 ' 5 U X t i W to ti 1. 3.W0 Clart Iamnnd Kitaa .V. "JW iAdie Oval UraaeleU - ' ' j Gold Chain, of different deatawar ' 8.500 rld Thimblee, ehaaed - - 1 (ft .000 Siswit aad Plats Gold Rinj 1 , IB Oi'fl G.Btlemen'e f4earf Plas Mfie tioeerets. 'OtraRie (Jla ' I I'OO Gold Pass and Gold Uol.lere " 10.01 0 HoU 8tade aad Mloevs Bateotis 4. Stiver Oablata aad Driakiee Uane t.OUH Mi Tea, l abia aad ttosettapeaa S.oOfl Hats Tea, Table sad Uaaaert Porks 10 to 5 6 Sot T-a, Table and UaMrt Kaiva ' lit. J,5"0 Kevelvinc Silver Car tors . v. ' .. tb to Ji 2 11 Silver Cake and Krait Baaketa ' Si to 75 12 Vie Wine Uoldara and other artifilee , 4 to 75 To immediately dinpoee o' the abov ma)riiiflcBt slmk, certificate, naming trt articles are plawd ia MaJed eaveloper and well misid. Jlulderaara eo ti tled to the hrtielos earned ea their eortificaia apo pavmewt of (5, wkotlier It be a beautiful Wafob, or Miisiea! Bir a-orth $5011, or a Plaia Gold KiOK, worth fa. Tfeo retura of any ef oar eartifloata entitlas yo te the article earned uisnoa. apoa paymeat. irrespee tivwof its worth aad aa m aruda valaed Uee thaa 5 t. earned oa any certificate, it WiUaiowee be aeea thai this Is r ' r-0 rt I.wtserr, bwi a'stralahS-forwaHl, l;tlt saaa Traaewcttwa, whirh way W aartieis)a ted I VH f It aaoei raetldiaaMT " T, . -if Aay ea wiahiag t iaveet ia th abov. eater priao caa reearv eaoirrte Mv-k of a half dosrB eart.in, atr., Bailing anrne if tb abov arsktle. by ewdi.a; a sis-Aped envelope bearing; their eodreee. Certificate sot to bo paid Car aaieM fully saTUfVerory. We do this that ait may heme vieoed of oar meoetity aad tb f er-uiseaeae of oar sale. Can earor address, - - ' fAKHISSUa dk tA., Feb tft, 1, Breadway, M.T.v . ' "' " " '' 'v ." . ; TTO SEED I'ORUttELt IIFTEKM SaadrMl baahals of Cotton aesd. for sale, They are fnn the erap of tb bwt a.oa eword, aad ef aa impruved variety. , 1 . W. A 1 I L,tk. 4 Roeky Mount, Edgeaonbem.. H. C CoiTeo. 10 aad Jav Ooffe Mr sal by . -AKIlXAait. jruiBt,p 1, s,h - FITZHUGH, WILXTZB, ft CO., COMMISSION r MEECIIANTS, . ir tb sale of ! 'ottoB, Tebarte, -St - " " .Si aadsue lee ' PurciMaae of lIrkstilie. ALSO At ft the ! sad rnreeaaaef 7 HKAI. IJISTATi:, &o.t , - v ' " and for Proeiirlng WMte I jbor rtr the ftoiaiii. JVos. 40 4n4 48 HhMdimff, A'w- Kort. L H KlTZHt'(Jll,latof Keetwrky. f - W- U WII.MKIt, Uuot hilaleluW-' ,, THUS. C OAI.E laie.rf Nurfolk. GRAHAM UHL'lUieS.Uteutm.Lwiie rak!,lf.lm ' Old .lck Williams Whiskey. A Afoats for Niek WillUmr A "Bon, e are pre pared te faraiia the above popular bread of Whiskey, by the barrel or keg. Address ardert the " " ' - COWPKa .A MOORt. HETmYR. BRYAN, AtTORMKY AND C0UN8K1.L0H AT LAW, KKMUUKal. k.C Deo.' Ilg-8eu r. t . .v-Vr BLASTIXC POWBCB AT AtVCTIOX, WILL be kM at TWIm Aar-tins en Saturday the Kith hat. IttXIIU JlloatiDlf Fewer ia ItW lb.. ateaV'."';-t'i'fV JAMita It, TOWUKa, Agsnt. Barak e-7ialw. - , , A. A. WH.I.AI1II, formet I) ef uhiajUn, Jf. C.t Utt a trrssm fore', K.' C, . ' Wam.KSALB DIE AMR IW Groceries sad General Mercliandlzr), Ho. to 'North Water atraet, ' " """ '"WipTOGTOKa.V Rev. 0. H. WileT, Superiatendeot Pablle Sobooll tot the StaU,ttraero, M. C. Jane H. Lindj, )., Caskier Bask ef Cape rear ' 4reenbor. . Rev. W. Pell, Bilitor of Sftimrl, Raleigh. Joseph Potts, q , Waehlngton, H C. Mwsrs. Jaaiei O'mer A Ron, Biltimora. . Musrsv bswtay, Csraer A Co., Mtw Verk. WUmUftea, Jaa(, 1J7, (m. ' Personal attentwa aHves to the sal or alilpmeatof . , Cotton, Katal Store, &c AH prodnpataiwirned tn mo for shipment . to Mewrs Dowiur, C'irnan fc to. Mew Yotk, will be bmarad frnas the pir4 ot alilDmeni-paniaa advuung aw as auoe a the goods are sent forward. 1IEBOHANDIZE flvod aad forwarded with promptneaa and af mod- rau enarg as. A fall supply of M ! GHOC K 11 1 E 8 , kept fmetantly ra store, wkieb wiH be sold si lew ft-, area for oaab. ,.!..- A(mit lor the sal of Marvia tc Co. 'a eolebrsted WIKB H BUBMLAB-PBOOeV SAVaTI, with 'WarviB'i Patart Powdor proof Looks key wsiffbiBg only one quarter of an ouneo. The Rates are wam-Md f re from darupaese, sad are sold at manufacturer s pneea, ana will be forwarded ibniash WilminKtOB witbOBt euarite tor store or toraanli&g 75 Sales ef Cotto,n Tarn, and 4-4 Brown v 6hee,tin; . . it,s for r. Address, ! Jaaaarv Se. 12. ftm A. A WILT.ARD, Wilwrngtoa, N. C Z.-'.'"" ' '- tugar. " 1 - RElflSF.D andCub. KuKr fwMleby i A. A. W1LLABD. , WllmlnntoB, Feb 9, l.tf. '.,Jt KOBT1I C AUOLIA BAIL. ItOAU. Change of Time. r , . rAN0 AFTSa HON DAY, JAM. ITU, lUt KJ trams will ran a follows : Ooing West ' Mail Train. 10 rsi' B 00 " FrtigfU Train - IS A II s 00 11.3 J Pit LavQaldborA,' - Kaleigh. ' Billsboro, t ' Green. bcire, ' 4ll.,!! Arrive atChadott, , 8 f0 1.00 A. II Going EatV. Mut 7a. Freight Train Leave Chariotu. . iu 4 00 P M , 4.80 A M 5. Salisbury , 1 o b u Grwnsbore..; 10 00 " ' ' 1350 PH Baligh, I'.i iH "- 846 ' Arrivt0oldsboro,v 7.45 " 1140 A H . Vail Train eonneots at Ralelfrh with the R. a U. R. Trains fur ths North ; at Uoldabore with th A. fc B. C. and W. A W ft; Bd.'j at Oieensbon with th Piedmont R. R., aad runs daily. Krcight Train has a Passeaifer Car aUaehad for the aeeomraodetloa of paaaanger sad van daily, Sunday xeptd. K. WlLK.r.8. . i. . 1 , Engineer and SupcrtBtandcnt, 'JaatI, 129, Sm. 1 - tniAXGir of BALKI01I t 0A8Tf?f rAU.a0AT) CO., ? It. -iBaWak. . C Peb IStb. lam. ft N aad afUrMouday, K.b. ma, thob, trataa wU V ran as t folliiwei Pasaen(rtTrilD Inaves Raleigh, 41 A M I do IJW PM . Arrive, at Waldos, Lrvtm Wtrto- i" "f t Arrives a. Malt'teh.' s do Praisrht and Aoooiainodatiim Traia leave R.If fpn oa Monday. tVadnoitd y.i.ad Pnd ai7.bu A hi, and arirrs ar Weldoa 6.tH f M. - ' This tralnleaves Kalib from the Raleigh aad Ga toe Depot ra the Northern part of the ttty. Preiitht and Aeonmnwdaiioa 'I ra a leaves VA'eldoa ea Taeedays1 bandaya and Rstarday at 5 00 A M, and arrivea at Kahnch 4 00 P M. ' By tin. clianit. in Hie t'amoDKer Train, ermaaotlnB sre mad with the neauoaVl a'jj Ko.a.e Uktl Hoed as wall aa by the appar ronta via MwiMmMid. Way pa.waer caa bo areommiKlatad by the PreiKht and Acevlumodalion Traut if th.y tUink prop er tu d ao , f - : Vv UrttHfk Uckttt t any of th principal eittrs North, apply at the ofa in Ka1Vh, -f - - ALUHkT jonitHow, 1 ,-r-- - Ova. BopanatewdeBi. - vS Pebl7,l,3in , - Cuba Molasses. IK hogsheads sad barrels, for aal by .. A. A, WILLARD. WlJriiiUm;TT,lJ.f- - r -A FOU18CG RKALF.1 KI.ERRtTEI 9 e J 9 8 c f a U t m -3 8 h 'a mm 3D .8 , 1 mmmt ' fSICIHTH. "''v: IACH HOOP BBINt CO.M POrirD Of TWO P. J f.otlT Temsered Hinale Bprlncs, braided tightly and Srraly together, ad ts edea, lormie oa heop, aad makiof th Mroaj aad moat .faciei., the Ufkt mi and moet (famele jrtay mado. ,r . . j, Xkey will But bead or break like th tWpViNt. but will always pnUrv their ptrm aad .fv'l ', in alt . -.,. , . , ; Crowded Aseantblagee, A r Churches, A Theatre,'" ;. For Promenade i or HoueeDre, Ib fa.t, tkey are snpariar ..aUthrojM" Comfort, ... n Economy, . . : .J-Hghtnm vn4-l- -- , DurabjHty. "Itntr for Bradley' Duplex Eiliptie or Double Spring Por sals eeerywW. . ASanulaatared emluilrely by the sol owners of the patent, - Wests, Bradley & fary, Vt Poakrr aad It aad 81 Sf, N. York.' A1SfliiiWf&enf"ot' ly 0 Bead, ana for sat In a treat variety or sites, By W?H & R 8. TUCKER, KKLLOOO, WHEKLKR & CO , A. KLINE, ' RANDALL MANX, And all other Merchant who sail Pirt Class Skirts Ib this City and Uiriaghoat ths Sontbora btate.. . Jan 9, llT.kms. '. o. a. ritaur JOB Jl'DOB, 1 1 I . I NWNI raasLCT, J a. BKxar (a vans . Q. 0. PARSLEY & CO. , " ; Iniporteri , Commission Merchants, 1 wiLiti$GTox. ir e: 1 gollclt Couslcuueuta tbr Sal or blpateatai Oottna, 1 . . ' Cotton Yarna, ''( ' " Domeitio, Naval Store,' t ! ' And etber ' ; C 0 U H T R T PEODUCS. Hav always I Store, aad are rseelvlnf sonstant ly, soBsignmeats. for sal at lowest market rata, of Onnny Bagging, Gunny Bag, Bale Bope, Ke Fork, Baoon Side and Shonldara, ' Sugar, Cofiee, MolaAMi, ,'i Flour, .Batter, Cheese, , , Irian Fotatoea Onion. Cracker, Mackerel, . .; .. .. j , v Pickled Herring, . , . , . -Smoked Herring, . . . Codllah, IN ail, I . Powder, Shot, ' Window Ola. Taint. Linseed, Kerosene, Tanner', and Lubricating Oil, In 6-vaL oan ft bbla. W Wakey, : - 1 Jamaica Bnm and Gin ' -''' Soap, Candles, . . !. Starch, Salt, lima, fte., 4c., fto. OL AGCNTI FOB UPrei anaJrrrf rXlTf. v - AOiTaroa DUPONrS IOVVXElT. L 'tOO Bbds Sow Crop Malasaas, dirot ;trea Cardeaaa. daily espeoted. Te arrive during February or Uareh A ..' ; S.fKlO Bag 0vff diraat from Rio Janeiro, . )0 Ilhx Saj.r.iir.otlftiot PwtoAleo.,,-.. TaBfl-tlli-Sm. . - i .. -. t attdlrs, a I r A BOXES " Adamantine" for ssle by A A. WIll.ABO.' Wilmington, Peb S,l,tf a n uninaruea ma ir, arantd In take rbarganf a xVamall eia.u; i hoolV fn tlwi 'Hitle Korth tarwilaa, rio hufedaeHlllani with board, rill ba .naranlud Address, with roleeaoos, tedimaiah, A a., ' ,,M- C,H WGraeBbor, H. 0 Peb M, lfiR. J s ' 1 8WEPSCN, MENDENHALL & CO., ' ' GENERAL ' - nrxAtiartiMw rone, ;- - PARTICULAR ATTKJT.WH GITJUf TO A - tb sal of t otwa. Cottoa Yarn. Coktoa Cloth. Karat Stores, L at aad Mann'setnred Tobaooa, A.. Ll-xral a.h advaams- made ea eoa.igamaal la kaad, Order, sollettsd for tb parrksn of Ooods. t it&TAtt emu anmntt to aa art eorerrd bw If iHranct at torn u thipped. pa eff fori Koati, and from all ta typing twit tkruuyh to item York, a? htUur aicx oj thtpmrnt u renew J r r Jtjjr Contirnmenl wlieited. "Teal ' " ' 4 Tno. J. Srxtka, Charlotte, ' . ; f- N U I)AsirtWoTH, ' CoTBrainy Shop,," S.'Gr M'tArmr, No Hv. Robert B Swai-uox, ,A " a 0. W, ftwapaoM, . ,. '11 Liver, N C C. P. Man den ball, i. QreenaUro, . . 0(W lhM . ' THOM AS fc GO., , A - Bankers. .. .Ho. 178 BALTIJtoaS Sl'ECT, - - -1 BAlriMOHE, af Wn BM ARD 'SKht, OH If OH ilOSX FAV0B alile Wrn, alt t4iirr,nl GOVEUNMKNT SKCUaiTlKS. , .SOUTHERN' BANK KOTEfl, kSOUTHKRN STATE JiON PA, , COMPOUND INTCISKSTKOTES, GOLD AND B1LV i:)4 Stork, Uomdt, .,, efnar en a marliev ea t'omaiU siun, In pi,B 1 and thate of New ud I'Uila delphia thrnogTr'reyable sorrtapoMdeiiU. , Mnkt itictiini, with prompt returns, on ills eitbt poiatt, Jforth, K.iulh and Wet Xraw rfd er Oarncy 7rV., f any aaiouut, ery boat ratwj oa tiewyorkPhlladelpbia, Bostoa W Riobwuad. Jffma aorrMlee) Drjmitn o(?r.Ww (Wma, luk ;fmn ao ooeea ai etgnk ' I OS HAND fOR MALI. .1,reo Snntkera Bank Hetoe. IOll 0 Reran thirilot, IditToreni series ' . Pin-Tweatias, f'V4 aad ' kn.nrs.f ' IkS.UOH On. VwC.-rudtaUi.. flvv I So If HENSHAf&"TlIOnBUaN COMMISSION & SHIPPING 'livirnr t vic , M0REHCAU .0ITT(,. q, . f (KSTKRAb AHRNTR P0R 811!PPISJ AVD 7f FarwardjoXoum, Tar)ent)iis, Ko.in ahl all kiadaot Woodeor J'ri - ifrom aaatbr Bad aii.derate sbarges. Ws hav rKlr neaas jiaekaii from Moroh.ad City to New York. iwiiutlai.jHcll4.-: 1 4 .- Wfl. & Slrtil. nan IloaT BtnU." A IX Hnldnrs of the Bwd. of Die Wiiininirt.m ua a; ttMt'-hrwtirr Kntlmiid Cfimpnny, trmeh' tJntvitiria, ai meoettfully reqnietndto make ttie ti.oiro. kanWH, essnt'tt a. pomihle, to tlienndi.i'MisHn't, r M Jn.up a u .'af-antairi tla4iHitany,-Nin'Aorkr, mving rtana and sunibor of bol.d. held by tlitm nauoutiveiy, that the Company may eonfor with them en matrrs rila. aw'trr tiiwlr ttiuii'ast. .i.m-.r : - HENRY M. DIIANR, " Praaldant Wilminirton an'l Manohe.ier Railroad Toin pany, Wilminirtoa ti.V. Peb 'U,l4, od lit , v ... .. . v TCiNliirinMiiDai!i)i)Li. i It Hsnov.B St., , I BALTtXOK. - i f Cau ses Puns, - " ancw rotr. T COMMISSION MKRCIIANTB," ro tb( tAtc er ' " Cottaa Yarn, Meeting and Oansbargs, vVe .and Waolea tioeds. " i Btriuxoc : . Cbas. P. Mallet, P.O., -Cbas. B. Mallett, K.r 8aa.W. Williams A Co., ' Jan H. Lindsay, Bsq., fpel Tlfll. Fayettev lllo Payattet tllo. r (Ireenabor. , )reenehora. Jama Bloaa, Kaq., Thomas R. Tata. Km., Vbartott. R. Miekls, Ii , Caebmr Ualoa Bank, ' - 0otnbr t-4-ly. Baltimore. , . Bacttn. K AAA POUNDS ef Shoaldar, might a4 dry, UVVV.ale by A. A. WI.I.A1U. Wilmington. Feb . 14, If A CAHI. : ' 'PBf RTTBOCKmitR MUT BR POUKD WITH a i Hart A Lewis, N. 44 Payattevill H'mat. He r speetfully invites bis old ea.tomers end the puil, to the extensive SMHirtment of " AKDWABlt, I'Of LKRV aad tiOUel TXfUUiUlSH UOOUti aow I lor . ,- . ' N J.BU0fN. lelgh,Js'y M-MI-Ja. - 44 PAYETTEVILIJS STUEET, t BAXRI0U, JI, O. i . , t W io.U Sbeiai stuailoa of prbr aa oar larg end Ints eating slock of KiicellaneoM Hardware, s ' Wooden Ware, Willow War. '' A Crockery War, ' ' QUm Ware. - - r , China Ware, - , Pot and LfnllnnT Were StonWare, , ' Tin Ware, - : Bridie. Saddle, ' ' ; . " -- Harne,'"! ' , - v ; . s r' . Collar, ftc,':v ' ' ' w,, , " Lamp Lantern Oil, Paint, r , , TwiWiM and Brashea --v- A L v9i O ' ' JTAJMIt-Y HUCXSlZllliCH. I fast, f anything Ia th J, ,-' HouHe-Kepiilnff .Line, i - Call at . .. ' 44 Tayottovillo strwt.'"'". ' J. unotWA ' With Hart A Lt:wirt. : Raleigh, Jaa (Mil, if 1 t . i , ii u r. i z i: n, iLrjfi t a. tu. ,Pt?C:RHOh in .-. . Jii. Jilt l IZIallt. - , au-' "- INSURANCE ACKNTS, , RICP.HHDOHO, M. O, - 4 J - fvOLD' AND NeiLVRllr lXOHARfJB, .BAKK VT Noios, rtiiwtt Slid Dcu l Hdiitht and to d Drpoeits reorri sulueot to sight eheeks Wtlh th. Hanks. . .. i w. . .; ,r..: . v i j. ...-.'..a Cnliertioas made ,n at arroMlMn pfiints. . Will tranaaxt all b1ncs nromntlyand an ren.onk- bl.lerWa, ; -,vk ..,-- jaa 5, 14, f , a v.ooarrs, . Of Ure.B'Ur.1, 9 C. J C.i,rlTV,: Of Alaiasoos, S 0. FaiiceUe & Hro.? COMMISSION AND FORWARDING v itassij : - - ( P ar e has I dk Agents a , AND , ,""-4pBrile I ha Oa.toa Hs4 . ... NEW BE UN, N.Q. teiBrl4 Ua-tw. k . K. F. toe's Superriiosplmk of Lime, -WAKftAN tTbTD CENUIXf." BKINO MAP OP TITS B8iT MATERIAL AND -In the tnUpproved manner, tt I roeommeaded ! to th pahll a parlor to say etk.r in the market, v All who kara awdit speak of H la the kiKbasl tenrs af prai, and tti'aa asgawl ta its maaafavtur will wniinue their b.t eodeavora to adrana tb high 1 : i-nlMtiou whirh t baa asqubed. ' WtguaraaaM tha.l,baepbal t bs well maaafao cd, and naommasd It ta preference te any other artikoial manor in the aiarket. We eonttder It aearly tqoal to the beet Pernrlaa Auaae, alttiongh iur.lhcd at half the priW r . V,un k )t. Alt A Co., tie welt know kiaus- . fMiarcra af g,i.ultntat tnplanieBta, say f It : "W take pixanat in slating lhat bay sold t .. P. Ooa'stiuper Phuaptiate of Lime for four years It he. givou silve sal tatlrfaittioa ta our euatomers! W au.Kt rnsarniilr ando'ssita aa article worthy' uf the eonddenj of the psibiie, as th parefeaaar Bi.yxrlj upon sasurli f aa article kunestly aad cars tullv m.atifniuted. r V would Ktate tVat, after e are fill nalnattnn ws bi'!lae this I'bosnhata has heaa improted eab year nice Its Inirvuiartti n tu this market, and tli.t ' it wit) ootlK.ut lo mtintaia its present blgb stand tng, . r vHeryeaapaetfaliy, ..' "R. II. ALLKS A CO , " , r "K l Wierstr,-Jlew rrk." ' I. tesaa ta. :.. Aaa'ixi rlMU Sod remtt'CfBiy snalvjla kt aav jr..v IefVraJrpr 'PWWpfiit' of Lima leu with ma. int. being .urn superior artiais in erery raapeea, teaniiot reftaia from eongratulating yo npo suck wnuf.f)ur, which . andunbtttlly U1 meat . wltk , great eaeeoas, - " ...... . H W kUtiag yon every ewsosaa, I sax, - " v Rcspeotfully yoars, ' -- . i i r ' . tt. A. LIIBISi . r , , . Balu Aeral . lA4 r rr : : T Of ifrw rhohwrie Aoia HyA. .,. r 142"' euntaining m AcJiynrou romv. s... - - . 5-i - nhorle Aoi't. mm 7.4A.. Of IU I'hosbhat of Llm. . emiWntBfoT AtilitdiuusPfio.' plmri Aenl, ' 1,1 170. Of fleotr! fiMwnbalo ut uat - roBtaimng of Anhydruus 1 hos- nhunc Aeid. . - fjf rrhWf Whtratrd'--'-t , "tiaS eoiitaiaing ef Milphari Aflcl (Moa,) 41.20. Of Alkalln altta. bKluhatca. l if Of Orgunie Cinibustibl Matter: tj- 7. ' 41.16. ' 4 8. ni,alilof praduolirg Amuisnta. ' Of Animal toai aud hand ' . -i i rrusphoiio Avid siilulil in Wster. Pkospborie Aout iusolnMe In Vi star Anumonia : i . MAoopacreaie er , ., .;.. ' KVOC1I C0H. Haiiti.r'a Pj'int L, I. , ': IlIK VaDKReluNSu flAVK BKhlf APP0IN, . te Agent fbr tb Bta of North Carolina, and SLt wirl .apply this sun.nor tarstlmsr at feaaataetunrV . ' , pruie.. ., , ' Put Bp la barrels of about Ui founds weight. , j J tH Barrel new In aHora, aaa ror ism y -. . ' . .0.0 PARStET ti CO Wllmlngtua,' 0., Jan. t-l-lm. s piiofcpEcrrri 1 ' ' OP TUB ' " oororoi.iTi2. ' 051 THB FIRST OP AKUAST Wl WILL eoma.ae tb publioauon, la U City of Dal. -tnuwre, of a oioaibly ' , ; 'X.itcxury "Mogirizinel ' Ther Is no publication of this character now is.' ' n4 Honth of New York City, and tb elosing nf tb war ha Wit a large portion ef th ooonle .( th. - noun try with a literary leuresenlsUv. , Tk Ou.MOroLir Will bs devoted to " "," ,' Llieratnr,' Art, Uev iew. Soientiflo Paper ; ' . ., ana ueueru Ateaaing, and w shall nntuber among It romrlbotor om' rflh tret literary men of tb Boutn, with other iroia th h'ortb anil from Lundou and Pari. All matUr uot.ongiual will be carefully seleab! fma th newest And brat ot tb inKll.h, Prenoh ' ; sad 'JnnanriubiiostiBf sad iuKditors will rpttr n tfrrt or pua tu mal It rank; with the vaat , rin.Tvnngaiuies 01 lue country. As lis nam Imports, w bavs ertabilsbed lb, ; ' C'usHornidi'e apoa so sectional basi. ' H e hop to uuk it tb oigau of general literature alon and will lie aninflut'i.ord by ny party or clique what- -?.' ' ;' T"'-' ; ..v , ? 1 1 Will b mallrd W subteribers fa nyjjrt ef th venal ry apoa receipt o( lh tallowing ; , - - uitrrtpilon i Hfngle Topi, forum year, tl CO Kl Copiv foron yenr, ' i IS lid V' .The t-'osMOPualTa will be Mnrally distrib. . ' ulwl among th Merchant, and 1'lanier of Jfie Xonth, and w will add, for thrlf iulminatiou, a ltw 'i adVerttacuielita, t uioilwat rli, - ' ... - ' itr Liorral diulumteu will be eaj lo hook- V r4l aad Mewmtealrr. , ' jr'r New .pan r i uhlil4ti( i4a pearr-erna ; Sti,Xuji aatke4 ei'pjp to th aadAVHigurj, rill :' Cne a .opy of lb niagatin. . Addrra " " 4 ' ' " ' DaLEOXS CU, . , "it ; Vi; p.iv au. ui halUmnra MuT I f Jaa 18, l,rf. r .KCATHr..aAT10.w II Th Parisian Konanih OethronedT ! t : 'TIIKWpBLlToi' FASHION rAiimKriiv TaAfcft's. : Sf;LrriNi tuKim otrrrrr' from tutit ; freaif arnvar I wsods, vonsUIISg t , i . . Bew Kioadclothi.. . . . a Beaver-Cloth, - . , Caiiimetc,., 4; 5 , - , . 1 ; ; u--t Jttady-uiad Clothing, , .- r-r-. LUt and Cai;,- y npleudid Overcoat,. . CoTlor, . ' - travata, ' ' N ' v ' 'Glove. " ' 1 Hosiery, ' - ' ' ' Valiwti," ' . i . v Handkerchief-. ,, A,, - ftc , to., - Ae, I d- Call aad inipact Good, and Garments. - A i Fine Merchant Tailoring - r-t - 1 still aarrWdoa, bat apoa a laraar basis than star - - - bfnr SjtteSrMed In tft. Roqrh, ' ' ' Ast XSntlre Null of .;lo(1rj 1 J ' tumiivfi, at any moment, on 13 Aours" no?.. ,f - 'iaau iuaTea7rKWJ"tr-v-hTrrwtl.i."' frut- A tar. n-.-d .Na.aieri.cn a hot work, a ;tl 4. aP, f av ..ffvnw Wwa amy au-v aay eiry.i.ti in aurw; r IB ttls eout)gr, ... Jsa lJt-Jm. ft r. ,:' - J f I t : f -f .. ' . t i - j

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