Jk -7 7. 7 7 A -.X,r 7: V 1. -- 1 SEXTIXEL. : HondaiY march , 1896. Kb" Adtebti9wiest.-Wc call attention .,. ;ttaLchftff 01 schedule on the Wilmington "ind WeMon Railroad. . , , , , Wortli 6 Daniel, Wilmington, announce th6m elve as Agent of tbe new line ot Steamship offers auperior Inducement roahipier. U. P. Williamaon ft Co., announce theniaelve a Aeent for tuo sale of Portable Grist Mills. y A R. Boruiu. of Norfolk, Vs., advertises Lan- Mstn-'a Cotton, fcecd Planter, an admirable in tendon, and a Korth Carolina intention at that, Mitchell and Allen are the agent in thii State. W. Robert Andrews propose to acll off hi valuable and select stock at ew York cost, ex nettsts added. . . . It will be seen that the Pbilomatbesian Socie ty, of Wake Forest College, contemplate col lecting and preserving memorial of tnwr gal 4nt brethren who fell in the late struggle. This ii a most commendable movement, and reflects credit upon the living, while it will tend to keep fresh and green the memories of the neroic dead. Si-rMioa Cocbt. The Spring Term of Vtih Suuerior Cttiiti was held last week, hia Honor, Judge Fowfe, proeiding. No btuincs of importance was transacted. Tho charge of ' the Judge t the Grand Jury is spoken of in terms of high commendation. This is the week of Johnson Court, and the term for Wake Count; will be held next week. Board of Tkaob. The mcrclfknts at)d busi sets men of Newborn are taking steps for the organization of a Board of Trade. A meeting for the purpose was held on the 23rd, ami a Conf- mittee appointed to report uy-iaws ana rmcs tor the government of the Board. The Committee Diwsway, Hunt, W. 8. Walker, JouUlT Tiddy, Tlatmer ndTjlor, . - Wa Lkarx, from the Danville l'iu4, that T. XrbonataaV E.,--8eBator ftoi CaaweU, kaa re signed his scat a stirh. Mr. Donttlio mmlo a -wjefweiRer Cuahlottb and 8. C. R. R. The Charlotte i, 'ftsMtlejittt irctot Co Wm, Johnston, the Pres ident of this Road, ihat Ithe work of rebuild ing is in rapid process of completion. The bridge across the Catawba will be ready for the trains to pass over by the 10th of 'May, and the satire track re-laid to Columbia thus making the connection with Charleston perfect. It justly adds ; "Col. Johnston is probably one of the very best Railroad Presidents in the country, and to his effort, intelligcntlydirected, is due the excellent financial condition of this road, and its rapid and satisfactory reconstruc tion," s. r- :., : r .'.. ' . I. f ' . . t ea. a - 1 WrxKiNOTOK Markets, 23nD.$ales to day of 163 bbls. Turpentine at $10 for yellow dip, 8riRiT TcnPEKTtME One small lot changed hiuU at 60 cost gallon for white in country packages. , - , . No aales in. Rosin or Cotton." J , Tab Salesof 168bbls.atfl'50f?bbl. Pitch A lot of 50 bbls. sold at 3 73 ? bbl. Journal. NwniB4UjuiiTs;.!rd. Owing to unfa vorable advices from the North, the Cotton ma ket has a downward tendency. Very bttle offering, and buyer are holding on In hopes, bf Scioto he P ff- J , of only nine (9) bales, at prices raging tfom uz 98o.-for goodjmlddltng nary. S880o. for ardi- Sriarr Ttntrsarraa None offering and pri ce merely nominal. No sale to report since wrlsits - Htr"- , '' ' Cbtoe TBPEirmfB Receipts thi week have exceeded those of the previous week, and price have been fully maintained; notwithstanding the decline in Navel Store North. We note - sale of about W bbla. Dip at .4.75; 228 bbl. Bcrape at 2.758.00. Roeiuia No le to report Quotations nom inal. Tim. ' ' . ; 4 - v Fbtebmgb il ark its 23rcU Thcf o ,ha been more doing In-TObacco the past fewdays, and price yerterdijt sd to-day were aome better, with more animation In the market CoTTOB.i Market dull 'and price arc again -low. Weftootoa prime might bring ft little more. The Factories here have all stopped work except one. . ' Corns. Market dull We quote small lot Fixc. Keep dull at 94&13c:, according e;nIity. V ' . , . J f , JLWgtAT. W cannother of any ale.j Gold.- Buying price .1.M;T selling Jd I1.S0. Sa via. Buying price 11.20 Lift. Msxican dollars tl.49. Va. Saw Bill. 80. . K. UBajw Bills. fi(R50. ; wiling do WA, La Aet to retffilate tb tern of tbp Siipreme Court avnd for other iu - Be tt oKttd ky the GofJ AiMinUr, rf tb Maf Hitih CaroliBa.aad it is henbj (Moted by M aatkurily of til same, a foUowvt- , . ". L TbAt tha twax of tb SapraaM, Cartf shall UhDic bald ia U Cily f Jt leig twir ia Mh 7.aei 'aiagftbseoa4 stoadky s. f Juaary tm ImimI of tUa tsrau sow pratoribed by law. r a. CfMMas dfttMedibff ia aaid Court, whieb ba diaeoaiBid, ia enawqiWM of tb failur mt tlx w bom as? 01 tu naisr tanas, sasq M nia seMdMtb docket by tbatlwk. , to. t. Tb B.liaifon of tbis aot ia aoma.t'aw. raw aablkbsd ia tb. City of itehigb, for sis twrrt. va WMfcs altar iw ntiioaiioa, tbaUb doanod aotioa bs aartiM, ibeir Akbu aad AUoraoy. aSsL4 lbatsba bo ia tan, ham ea4 afur b ItbalOUi. dayofalamh A.K fm: ' ' ' ....j.fj-. K PHILLIPS 8 H.C. ' C Hftl.wtEin a. a lift 1 y of llarob A. Tt'. AttoevneriflMM . S2S?C5SyJJ& rcstoredte the roll of the Souths prr proof ot coBtinncd royalty throophont the war. Ail pensioner tnus rwtorwl will now re ceive their pension from the date of their last payment on the former certirlcatcB. without in- torrnption. By direction of the Secretary of ud iuienyr, pajmem ior me per,ioa rrom tne 18th Aueust. 1861. to the date of coinntotinrr ytoot f4eylty rwWwtended while wweHmg- iuo iipioion oi Aiiomey-ucnerai tspeeo, which ha been adopted by the Department, At an informal conference of Southern Hena- tor now in Washington, it waa agreed that Sen ator Stewart's resolution docs not represent the wishes of the Southern neonle. Thev diirr mi further amendments to the Constitution - Octraoks ts TeknKssek. The Nashville paper are full of new item pointing to creat social disturbances and lawlessness throughout lennesaee. in rayetteville a lady was dragged from her horse and horribly treated by aome unnnown person, in (jDattanooea a wmte crirl was ahot while cooking supper in one of the camp, in tne Jackson WHm or tUe 10th inst We wso And the tollowinjr : "On last Saturday night la negro staggered up to Mr. John Fry and torn rum t.nat ne was subbed to tbe heart and fell dead. We learned on yesterday of 'another muraer, wnere a neirro boy was knocked in the neaa oy anotner negro and instantly killed. ESCAPE or xiSAD WSNTBK OTEPHKNS. It 1 stated in two letters received m New York that Head Centre Stephens escaped safclv in a fishing smack, and is now on his way to America. Bishop Soule is reported to be itnnrovinsr' in health, but it is hardly probable that he will be able to attend the. session of the General Con ference. A North Carolina merchant named Andrew Adams was recently garroted on Lower Market street, Cincinnati, and robbed of about $1,000. ue says more were nve or six person engaged in the affair. AS SCAKTV AS THR GEOHOIA COSTUME. A Wl$Wer tume of a belle at a recent baft, says : "Miss R., with ihat repugnance to ostentation in dress which i-o peculiar 4o .fcer ee.t, -wa attired. In a simple white late collar., listened With a neat pearl button solitaire. " ' General Wade Hampton recently visited Co lumbia, South Carolina. He was inexcellent health and spirits, and stated that the. negroes were working well on his plantation In Louisi ana. voiooui iTeiu n liuama, eral's office, whose name the war. in connection with the official order of the Army of the Potomac, having become deranircd, his friends in Maine have consigned him to tho Asylum at Augusta, which waa en dowed by his rather. , ' The Latest Wrinkle in Fashionable Circles among the Northern belles is the wearing of small beUs attached to their Joutm gloves, tor "party costume. As they tinkle upon the prome- ade or in tne dance, tuey remind us ol a stanza in "Mother Goose ; "With rings on her finger, And boll on her toes. Ahd she shall have music I Wherever she goea." Jifstice is growing very blind. A man rot a 21 years sentence at Bangor, the other day, tor stealing $2000, but Ketchum, who stole more than $2,000,000, waa let off with tour year and a half, and haa now a good prospect of getting that trivial term abbreviated.through "executive clemency." ; "All ye blackguard that isn't lawyers, leave the Court," said tbe crier of a court in Erin. The citv of Augusta. Ga.. has imposed a tax of one thousand dollar per month on all gift enterprise. It is stated that B. F. Butler is much alarmed in view of, visit from the Rinderpest to thi A. Grawd JcaiMs. The twenty-ninth of uersary ofr Ht Peter death. On that occasion the Pone is to convene all the bishop of Chris tendom to Rome, where a grand Jubilee will be celebrated. " An order ha been Issued in NewWa closing all the colored schools and churches, to prevent the spreading of the small pox in that city. j The Alabama Legislature passed tax law of $50 per annum on newsdealer who sell sew- j paper not published in the State. 1 "I don't mis my church o much a you sup- pose," said ft young iaay to ner minister, wno bad called upon her during hor illness, "for I make Betsey sit at my window as soon a the bell begin to chime, and tell me who are going to church, and whether they have got anything new."- The' Andrew 3tiuwm'aftKinigm& idly In Washington. Pennsylvania present a bill againat the Fed eral Government of $000,000, for money expen ded by the former- in jepelliag in vasion.! 3l person inXlbnf describe the fHato- Leg islature assembled there as "Faro- Host" 'Among the debater on an agricultural ques tion, in the House, Thursday, were Mr. Grinnell, of Iowa, who own S.WKJ vneep, ana air. jtsia well, of California, who owns 18,000 acre of land. Ought to be wU posted. TheNew Orleans paper say there are in that city not let than, seventy-five thousand freed men. - It b reported tbat tb awards for the arrest of the assassination conspirator will be distrib uted next week. .: A daughter of the late James L. Petigrew, the Sooth Carolina Unionist, i giving public H. B. Chaflin 4 Co:; ha v paid UI On forty' two million dollar sale. Th i tbe lar, bumnes in the country. I, JCBT lfEl . r Boms Maata(tBn4 TOBACCO. Upon Cotton tMorted nroa AO. to ' ' i " 5 RVt EPSOM at P0LLUH . Kli(b,MfB39,lK,tf , U rsyattaTills jt, pa.ro.AL.. Will bo raootvod. bv tho aadartiened. (of faraiob- hf tbo Iosaoo Aartaa itb TOO Bgbtwood, foots, 1 foot Inoff and inaboi aaa-. ALSO. TWO faott oi r' I bosrt plaak, II hot kt by auacboo wido. aada iaat thick,-allele bo V Hvarodattb ftylaM. - ' X. ( ribllEH, Vnh 8. ISM Ra n-w if ot . QOTTl !., .v . For Sate, 1000 baMlo, doUMrad la tbW etty, ar at aoy Miatoa tb lUtegb OMtoa Stilmi: , ' ily. I. mj ab.T Hal. W. W V.. Cr-HOWAK): Btfcb,Ms.UMw F: . T i noM of Color." eVo. T WHEELER& CO. .J.3,E;"rXrr m -ctioii chetHtr'feperatw ins proviso U in tueae worda: "lTovuied. tbat i till aection lliall not go into effect until jurist nictioni in maiwr relating to pcedmen rt M imij coDimuuKi 10 me t.ouns M ims wate." s Those members who opposed this section, as I well-a thosr who- advoeatetl it emtrohH? ttaii- unm in rr jnrwmrttnrr mttnr cowiuutrH'toour Court by aome futvrt action of the govern. ern- m?nt of the United States, of' tome officer or ' departmchi iliereof, this section would be inop- j craiive. eucu action nas not been taken. All tbe remaining sections of tbe hill go into ope-' ration on the 11th April next, being thirty davs ; alter tue rise ot tne session, wmcn took place on tne l.'tn oi tula month. , Bv other sections of this act, all the statute of the State declaring Negroes, Indians and persons of mixed blood incapable of being witnesses except in casea against each other, are repealed, whereby they are retnitted to their riguts at common law. At common law, the rights of these persons te testify in all suit were the same same as the rights of white men. It follows, that on and after the 11 th of April next, Negroes, Indiana and other persons of mixed, blood will be competent witnesses In all suits and indictment, whether all or any of the parties be white or black, until the 0th. section be rendered operative by the restoration of full jurisdiction to our courts in matters relating io rreeuraen. a uji ii i tn. Mar. 3. 1866. Congressional Proceeding. Washihotojc, March 23. & The Senate was occupied pearly all its session to-day with the case oi Gen. Stockton, involving tbe reten tion of hiii ant. Tho Committee on the Judi ciary had previously reported in bis favor, but the question at issue was whether tne incum bent could Illegally ''elected to the Senate by a plurality instead of a majority of the votes cast blJlheiQiqt rnectin2.of .the. New Jersey Legis lature." The Seriate, by 'onTmfforftr. Kfalnedt him in Ins seat ucn. Stockton is a Democrat, and haa thus triumphed over hi opponents. "J&iuftTh passed bill authorizing th Secretary of the Treasury to exchange . Treasury ; note or other obligation for bonds either at home or abroad the proceeds of which to be used only for re tiring the former.- - The -iocraaae of the public, del 4 i pjohthitecL.. Not more than ten millions of the United State bonda may be retired or can yet upon this bill. RALEIGH MONEY MARKET. CORRECTED BY JOHN G. WILLIAMS CO., BROKERS, RALEIGH, N. C. PRICES OF HORTH CAHOLI1U BK KOTX. Bank of North Carolina " Cape Fear... " Charlotte ... " Lexington at Graham " Rox borough ' Wadesborough.... " Thomasville , 18 I" "Wilmington; " Commerce. ........ i Washington " Fayettcville...;.. . Clarendon J . ...... . " Yancey ville . . r. . . . ; Miner' and Planter' Bank Farmer' Bank, Greensboronglhx.-mr..,, Commercial Bank, Wilmington . ; Merchants' Bank, Newborn Oreens borough Mutual Virginift Bank Note, about . South Carolina " Georgia : " : Goid....:.:....:.:..v Silver....... v. Old Coupons V . North Carolina Railroad Coupon. Old Sixe Exchange en New York ; ; . . . . , . ; . . . . . . '. , r 'i " ' r i 1 i " ' 7 7 15 15 10 5 15 18 SO 120 4S 77 MARKET BBP0RT Corbectkd DAILY BT JORDAN WOMBLB Grocer aud Commutio Meremnttr all hind of Country Product. APPLES-Dried $3 00 V 950 3 50 busk 12-15cc19n Green BEEF ....V... BACON Firm... . BUTTER bluestone beeswax.;.;": 18 20 lb dui M0c.IId 40c ft 80c r ft CANDLES COTTON YARN..... COTTON.......;... 40 ft 8 50 bale. ...8885c ft 86c ft CHEESE CHICKENS . -85 50e each CPS' W EJfcr.s,..i.. j -,.,. . WUttil . . . . EGGS.... 10 V oac m15ef ft rREs&pea; FODDER....... 1.... FLOUR Superfine. . . r-. .. Family, i. HIDES fircen. ... . 00 cwt .. ia 60 bbi . 18 00 V bW Vrj. ....... ..Hell. HAY LARD........ . heal: 100 V cwt. . 05o fi ft A I..... 185140 V bosh MULLETTS ..,..... 18 00 V bbl .rrr:ittu SO 00 bbl lWeilftJ MACKEREL... NAILS.... ONIONS f .,..,-.... . PEACHES Dried. . . , PEAS White. . . .... Stock... J , POTATOES-Iriah... Sweet.. BUG AR Crushed ..; . Brown...... MOLASSES ....... RAGS-Xw.. 00 bush mu ft 1 20A140 bosh .. 100-120 bnh 160 to 850 Vbnsb . . . ,y . . I 1 iS bosh .'..T -B5c ft .....18to20c ft r TO tOJOQ V ......V 8o oODATkliagTTT A-Cook T OCATlOl rt aAffmiLL WaifTBBl! jus f- . . . . Owaarsof Timbered lad. aljeeent to Rirar or Bail Kaad, wbirk tbey daeira ta Leaea ar Hall will da to oommaaicata with me. latmedietely, stating aan iOeallty. onaraora oi lunoer iu urme. b aalltv o trfimbar ativar, Cap fear, BoaJkat ar Hoaea, below Kioitoa. prelatrf dA BaJaisk. Harak J, 190,3 ; xt. B FK1BCE. ' 'i " 1 1 .' ' . BIEDICALCOLLECEOF TIBGIMA, t . at mcuMosn. rsti.ia is acnsEH saioi . REOCLAB Cminw eLetoras la thi IaetrtB . lioa will eomsjoaeo ea tbe lata of April, aad asw tieak Ibsrawaiba. At lUe ekiee of tba term, aiaaat aatioaa for tba tcraa will tab alaea. AH tba re- aaieitafaoilitiea kit bMtraetioa ere e tba aaanaaod of tba f aealtf, iaeladiaf amasa ta Hoepttal eaiaiai 3&0 bveds. 1 faaai MeiricalaUooajFrelaeaoreTlakere $106: rTDOaetrtw of Aoatoey S10' OradaaUoa . For fartber iaferaiattoa, k.-! " - " rDeaaftbafaaaity, V ;'lIat,i8S;wT;-:: . aeraMad.Ta ' SPRING GOODS" . -TStTTntnHimi-i "ct. A..H c. " opriUgf AHO &Unmr. ; Tri-T?00 flAAHO a,- raiariii r f -4 Z ' Bonnet, Shawls, Balmorals, White Good, Hoop Skirts, Hosiery, Inmcrlliiga, Edgings, LM-eeYc. Ar. A L. S C Boot, Shoe an Ilntn, - JIAKS, TWEEDS AND 8ATINLTT3, Sugar, Coffee and Tea. Bourbon Whiskey, French Brandy and Hol land Gin. ; Kaleigh JNT . O. Uareb 30-18741 jgOAHDIKa. " On i two small Families ran find Bosrd nd M' isg wh . 51. M. J. Tentre. BOARD by thednv, week er mofiili. March 21, 18-tf T 'irTCRS, 10 dot. AnorteJ dros, B: P. WILLIAMSON A CO. March 20, 187, tf. jrjBl.TIWU. 416 1 eh bolting. B. Mieli 2.', 187. If P. WILLIAMSON ft . iiokki; AXto'MCLWnol18 B P. WILLIAMSON a CO. -ra,.aTaTlm. .. A UWELMNG Moue fui retil. Apple to ts. 1 llLlAnofn 11.1, Tcb. 7TdS.r.: j nrvrt?-'W'i! iHiiiiti.M ! Ilirri. JO Half Ham-Is, iif fioperioi llr ioge. ' Jal received And or rele hr II. P. WILLIAMSON C). Marehtll, 188 If LEACHED and Brown Cotton. IS placas 4 4 Rleeohed Cotton, fl piece 4 4 Bee Brown, 3 piaeee l 4 Linen nneotiSfc, wbieb we will eell riost lvtr aim B. 1. W11X1AMBUN A UU. Marob IS 181 tf -QCBHAVf snoKINO TOBACCO, Ia 5-Ifl aad Sfl aoacd Parkairee, B. P. WILLIAMSON A CO. UarcbSO, 187. tf JA8 r. POBVI8, ISAAC f. PUBVIS, NATHAN H. CBAWrOBtl. JAS. F. pubvis, ja Bankers, No. 112 V eat Baltimore Street, Baltimore, lid' yE TRANSACT TUB , GENERAL BANKING, EXCH A NGK 12tfMEROANTILE COLLECTION, AND STOCK COMMISSION BUSINE&S ta all their several departments. We bay aad sell, and are prepared to fnrnUb at all Uatee, Oof eraaieat Bend a4 Jecujttiaa, ia.iamf to sail. .... We (Ira taenia) attention ta Colleetlont, wbieb we are prepared to make, all neeMtbt potnte, a tbe mast reaeonabl terms. Depot iw reeelvad, aad Interest allowed oa Carraal Balanoea, aeoordtng io spaeial aireement. Kav 1 --. PUBVIS A CO. I---"' I . ,'" QTTn SstEd rost baa, sc. v-, .Heiu diy.th revomb'rrtlij day of April tevt, el I,r PlaiiUiioanf Jo. Meal, deoeeeed, InlfieC'enatf 'f rikiiklia, ten milee below Lonitbnrc, I eliall tell at Peblio Aaotioa ISO bwefcrle of ( allaa Heeul. Tliee Seed a1is.',EilrIrolirli!." nnmiie'L Ard. ar of trie very beet qaetity , Tenot it.i month's oredit, with good bond , - . .tm. i T)ATf? - March tl-188-td Executor. , FOR BALE. OMEof th moat deelraWa dweilinxt u Tliomse 4U.,llCtbr W!tb two strut of lend, hnld boaaa t new line ix rooute end every coiivenieirnf pantry. rapboerda, (oad wall of wetor, out-boutet, Ace., sad will ba ald kHMm- caeh, if eeriy epplmatuei is made. Knquire of ( baa. Bnolmen. Via . Wethlna tua, M. d r , KO. 1.1.1 K, ., , ' - - ' TbowtneviJIo, X. C. MenrbS,l?i. hm.-- k Itmlea, Wagon modi llarnew PUBLIC AUCTION. AS AOEKTof th Pohlle Traaearer rf Kwih- Cr olina, I ebail tall at rnbliov aaotioa la Bosky Meant, am Tbareday, tba XHh InaUnt, SO Mnle, 11) Waa;ona and Haraeee oooip wl o U a f roperty of tba Stete of Kortb Carolina - This lot of Wales is is good wuikrMroondittoa, aad th moat of t he u ofeuperior (joellly Sile will ao I maa at 19 'hwk. A M. Tmaw. CAil.- ' -M I W. IL A VERA. Ageut of Peblio ireerarer. . March 14. 13, id - ' ' Raleigh Buodtrd. Ooldtboi Jfewe, Ttrrioro' Soalberaer, Wilminetoo Jearaal and Newborn Ttmea eopy all dT acd forward bilb to tba Pabiln Tae rarr - . - - f- T-"-.- '"'" ; ; Fresh Beat CoroIUia Kle. . , CASKS prima ojoafltV. Jdt raeelrad e KeVooa- 30 E. rnge Irocn (;naneeioa tor eaie oy . i u. a. rAKbui a ui., .. J Wllmigt,K.C. March 13. 181. A MARBLE FRONT -,,J ATUILLSBORO'.. WB ABB aoNiIncAbvi oeet Slack of Franeh. Itr- litb aad Aaetiln Oood', ef ,- Baniplas erntto Stodeou, a4 I k'iad prtoee, . ; , VQT K LBSLZ TEOST PEICXSJ Moaev raeetved dapoait et par oeet. Odd eab- iet la draft, at ' deye iutanret fima data af receipt. Ketermee averybody.1 t have saver eaffered a pro- tea oa ear Peper a. o. aid etsee aepaett araw t percent le O..B. Crreny ft aanm. - ; mer, t.tf .-, . v ' t HXNEY IL ESYA1V. ; ATT0B5IT ABB COrntaEttoBXllATr, ' - BEWBEABSi, Jf.CVv hit. -U8-lni. ;: , '- NKW ' ll'RISC A3ID SI BJIKB GOODS i Mule Iter frtm regvhir end ahtiJ f' tirK A. OIIEEOH t A ti tlx bss tb pouare t hilorat Uu -d trloor'dt. ! Iii4 0iw f ii'i.iii In oM eojiniiiwis wrt nw,c. toTnr. and n- v imxiv eWiMI vintr twon.-Tmt r IimI Willi rrat fro, mid wlib an ryr mikkU t tlu-ir WCt. OD t.l (!I0 lArgrt SAII Hl.'t pi- tt t(r k 01 Sluplo miI Vnnej lry tiloodn, ho vvor I nd ih flmtnw 10 on 1 tbem.crtl.or.ta-irg or nmv UiO air - , ... A ln'f b3 bos'illlul Morlntil of Erfidrr' Drf Goods, ' , I ombrsi-.rg the newest snd lraiinf ityiy ol til A' lrr orimrat nt Gentlemen', Youths' and Boy' Goods Ladies' Snminer Wrapping Ladie, Miue and Children" Trimmed Hat, hew shapes, Ladles, Mistes and Children's Hoop Skirts, Ladies, Misses and Children's Balmoral Shoes, Goiters, Slippers, Parasols, Bonnets," Ribbons, Cloves, Hosiery, &., 6Vc Gents and Boys' Kid, Calf and Cloth Gaiters. Gents, Boys and Children's Straw, Leghorn, Braid and . Pedlar Hats for Bummer, Crockery and Glass Ware, ? Wood and Willow Wre, together with s food slook of Brit class FAMILY GltOCEItlES, Ac. ' In (net, in a fra dov my Ktiirk will be completa Now I don t prvlnnd to utj tht I am sellin guodi at New York prit'ife. I eny no eunb ttiluie. I tie 'I la no ftunli liumbufrtlrv- But.l eny I have eo.d swids se Pheap, I eipwl to anl aa vj.pp, and I my I will sell as cheap an aov Yatikoe, Jo or (tetitile. who bu poitl for lit good, or ever expecte to pay for tliem.eoei Vwe.U"lHfc teL.3 WtV y.ltaiXnWi wtmt i menu, I rp(fiiuhy k my Imduh aiki rtloninrM in rail end rxairilre my tok nt Hie old K. Hinith lluililir onrurr otlnycitcvill and Hitrirrtt Mnwte. Hdtetjt. Mirrfb IfWhr ' -t - - hlnodard and Progreai ropy. siALISBI BY BRAS BA.I - IlEOKGAKIZF.D let Jannary, l'.fi. on tsr(er tea's i, Utea Itiraxitly. under tlia direotimt uf iu luriner tutor. W. H NhA K. wlio won uleocluel niueio wrl- (er end Burnt feeidier 4Va l.ee armvi ita aulllia aeited in leiwUlnp end direction by i,ia tinHher. Kd. Jlaava Je4!f 4!HH euwa lt'.lfii', "f II; n Ie l.ei-1 and uit favoiilo Xiu.d, r,n .flu K.:C The DKXlS it fom oind of the bent meiuheieof Ilieold Hnnd. Io eethr wrl h the beft meniliem rf Revere! ol the flne Dirndl limned by VV H. Nnnve. in i-mp. wba lieva moved to Hnlletmiy frum all p in:e inlhebule tu M low their ioeieotivo vMefiotie en i poiiIidihi tbe etady end prtrllee of muie. Tine Ilund will be a perma nent inetitntion for All Slnf e and fectire oieeeMiie. and will eqnel the be t to he touad ia the world, it enf lam ed by Umse denlni K flue order ot Hrtee end Hiring mnie ; If nut . it mnrt go dowa after tliin year. W. II. Kaava U aleo agent tor the eelbrated lod worth Urae inetramente, proved and wnrmnled to liitn, and by him to ethera i aleo. tb mnil iileerinir. effe- Xtie.sn4Bopulr Piano miielo. totalled bv hie friende. It. . ilea worm ana nent uoteitua, ew rots. For bosluners, median pUyere, and advanced mnflriene, ao traeb for either. . I llucie nninpoerd and arrsnited loonier lot rerliir, Orehettral end Brett Hand u for soy kind end sum aw n ieewa.4 h eas vai t-ar. tialitbarjr h at been eel w ted for Ma-lcij liotdquar lore ior it aesirai poeitioa. K. B. Mere letters of enquiry formation! Information bat with na view to bwiinee with Nr. Mo re or Mend, mutt eonuin two pottege tt atone. March 15, IS), tt rpwo of the greatest blntlug are Ilealtb and Peace, To preserve the Drat, keep your body com Tort able, and, to enjoy the taC keep jrour wives and daughters well sup piled with pocket change, and let ... them spend Hat v 1; ISAAC OETTINGEirS, Na. 1. ryvtrllMarel, ' . JI. C. Bookstore Building, W6e bsi jtitt opened a nlc kad yell tolurUd etoeh of- DRY AXD FAXCT CIOOD- Te a Inepeolloe of wblch the pabHo It rospaetfully invited. - ...-;, Unreh 8M8S 1. , , . ' S WKPSOiy & PlILLIAiM, WHOLESALE GUOCCUS J.:.':., "." AD CommMloiLJIiiMl Ko. it FAWTTEvatl KALKIOIIS, Can. W. 6eroaf R W. Potmam, JUST RECEIVED, T' Sfaseovadtf Wlaawsisiaarsg9 .. Ultra C angara,' ' i -- '.-:.,; : Prime Factory Clieee, ' ; So. I Mackerel In Kltt. feffere W the trsde at IXTWX)TTBrrr------BVTEPSOI A I'ULLIAM, March SO, 187, tf. ; , 14 rayetteville Kiroa- 1 31 at 7.8'l gfe)B8 ,. ' t " i x bbla. gnirltt Tarnaalina ia en fret ui4r. IOOO BnnokeeKnnn Cotton. ISH nullity i Isa ardor in bales of 36Utb. bewbet aieli. ' - BWKHsnn ArnxitM. -MmfkMi1' MFeyitlerilleSt ftTATR OFKORTII CAUOLI.VA, a v t TREASURY DEPARTMEKT, ": RaUioh,-March 81, 18tW. To Holders of Coupons of North Carolina -.-'- Bonds. ".I,."' BT art of lle Gwul A otnbly of N'mlll Carolina, retid -d Slereb llUb,,!". I a-u direeied to prep ire and tell ror awhitet thee per. boHiteiJ.tlta . 'fats .1U win thtrty-foaf yer, with Oteipvie beering a. prr cent rnlet, payable Saml-aanually, ot tla 'Innomiua. tii.e of K1. a"iOb, and 1000, priaolpal and Internet an. taxable, for Its pnrpi of peying ouuiKajt nw dne and to beoome dao in lHA6.nt b .mil dae aad to tell doe in 1S By authority vjted is liie Pjibh Trea surer, I deeignai New Yiirtke ttia liw peyu.ent , i'eriieafaiitle'i. deeiroue ol efleolliig U.a VaebaHg airtboriaeainid At, will pldaee eoe.inui ic-ble to me e .ere the amount and tainrXmt nl tJie eeceiubw which I hey wieb ta ba fended, ia order that I w.av ka..w th amnber and dewiniinntioa of tue boodt whu-b will be n-j'.iitod. After I i engraver abail fernub Ihe blmnke.lli brmdi will be DUi-aVcd for b) one. wilb H tie delay Cnder advie of Ihe Atlmney Oc-nrl. Osprtte of bonda iMwad eiaoa bet uhde iff pand before, Mty rih IVil, will be funded Uf de, I l.t - of Maroh 1Mb, i, r renrfed their idwirtty H enlablielied. by being eat (rota tba bwtuit ta aif -jtrweewe, a prnvi-lon ne aaetary ea sxcuonl of the similarity ta ether CoMpeee, weaed tiwra klayat'lh. Iil ; f , . kslP P. BATTLE, - ' ,1 ' Public Treasurer. , Mareh8ifNiSV'r: ; " V Raleigh Standard -Wiin-bJefati V"nrnl, Cbarlolta IVnvierat. Omeotboeo l"trd, Kewbera Tiwae, ttril!e A ewe. oegy mroof weea lea twwerd Araitrr, -: v. Pt'StlHTI KB WOrSa A0 SIOtTM JroftBMT.' - L.' :,'' ToS'Mii' . lenifv iMo'Kti;!. I ebiwl 4T. a4 I n Im.-o A iKtMrti , M' nd.'.y Wli.' beirr Cu:-- a k k, all rtivl'I'iaeeiuiiJaiHi Kiu lieo Painxa'a, ahtr!i,aMiI .;ir.KrV rHM-.r!r in-.-Y arlir1" aeeAiry r H"a k-vie . . . - - . r- , T ansrmslt M m Jil. rnrian rgtbtargTit obe ,- ro un.:ii a lr..-n 11 uTApjiT, tTie d'rnb!o And in in em il '., whuwt ajxir.r it. tewif t in llii re miMwo ae.k f th .Maiaet hqeara, fa A .Hir rtfmtii. nti etrtj4ai r tft lione etteelied. a aoud (iiinUn. and in uM'etHt in 4iirkhla.alfhb. 1.imk. .nlllaina Miwk aenr Ibe ieeidDe f tl.a IsteT Ali'T M . Il. finui!.: - A.' 3. PAItTIX, 'aivmll le odatef3 bv- - . J.JL.TiWLE3L Mltt'll 21, !H hi Auctionear. A CAKI. a ''H crHSMtf-B MtT BB FOCSD WITS ItmAicw t, No'44 Vtyeitevtlla reet. Uirr epeetful.'y iuviut hi old eatteaert and the paMte, to ire elniietv lutvlment ef HAEDtf ARB, CCT LKl'.Ti'd HOIMK rt'iiNI IlfNU U00D8 aov ta tmre . .' J. BROWN. Btl.h,Ja'y (S-tlSJna. 44 FAYETTEVILLE STREET, I - BALsinn, n, o, W In. It tjeold altenil" of warebaeer tb ear large and tale estueg sioek f MiKllsneotis Hardware, Wooden Ware, Willow Wart, Crockery Wars, , , l v .JDlass Wars, ; . ' China Ware, Pot aad Hollow Wara, Eton Wars, i Tin Ware, - Iron and Steel Bu?ry Material, Bridles, Saddles, j Harns, ' . Collars, &o . . '., lamp laatrns Oils, Paints, ' I Tarnishes and Brnshea ; -AL8 O family tjitoorniiica, Uonsc-Kccplus! Lino. Cell et . - 44 FayettortHo trcotv- With Habt & LBvna, Balelg,,eair,l,tC , IAYmll CATIIIllTIC riLLi, sn 1 1 1 f i jr. --!. " we "'e " Imh ma) by ellecte save wa ts ika aiaeh thei en-el tbe uriiuiai y meilinnea in uh. ritfy nta eata and pletni;t Io take, but power Inl In fare. 'i"Wr penetia . trniuig pronoitiee stimulst i he vlul eolivliiiui mo body, rmnuva the olittraa. none of ile otgane, hurl I y the blood, and expel dieeee. i. They pnrgaoat the luul h union winch breed end grew diitamper, tlienalate tinegith or dieorderedorgaae lela their natural notion, and Impart a bealihy tone wnb tlrniigth tii.tiio nhiiXv yntcm Not only do tbey ear Ihe everyday ooinplaiuti ot even body, bat ales far midsble and dangorout dieeenes. While tbey prodae powerful effect, they are at tb tame tune, la dimia (had diieaa, the eIVt and beet pliytie that aaa ba anipki;ed lor tibiidreu. iiemg tugar ooatad, they ar Rleaeent In .uket and, being purely vegeteble, ara from any rk ef barm. Cures bav been mad which eurptet bolixf, were thry not ubetaatiatad by men ofturh exaltad piwinn and oharaoter, as to tat. bii Hie eepiri. f unliulli. Many eminent elergy o men and ptiytioiune Itevelt-ol their nemet to certify ta the- politic Ilia relhtbiliiiet of oar rewii diet, while oth ers have e.'iil ne the aeutan of their eon v lot ma tbat ar freparnitone enuirlbnta Immeiitely to tba relief of The Agent bah w named It pleaeed to furnish grade imr Ameiivea Almanao, nmteinlng direotioa forth bm, and emfitsite -of tiiotr ouree, of tb followtnf -omplaintei I CKtlieenetij Hi limit Ci,mi!ulnte, Bhaumatlem, D ea ty. Ileeutburn, Headache anmilg from tool eUimaeb, beutua, lml.iUjMc) 1'ijl Inaotioa of tbe bowels and pnin nntiug fierefronr, J'mio'uixiy, Loes id Appellte, ellllieeaeee wbhh leqtiiie sa avavuant atedieina. . Tbey ana, by purifying the bl'.d and tilmulaiing tba yttem.oura many rumphilntit wliit'li it would But ba I taiipneod they rould r aoli ooh as Deelneee. r artist ( HiinOniiee. Nettnbflfl and" Neivime initabiliiy, De- 1 rengenienta of the Livi and Kideayt. Uuut and oilier V kindi ed fxm.pleiuij ai inos luui hW tiau ol tne nofljr er belrui tionol ite luix ii.-rn. ' - . Dnnnt be put off by aupnnelplod dealer with other Brrnarariroe h tby meke mora pndif-ea. Iemaa4 Aries end take ao oilie a. Tba n k want tb bee id tlieie Ufurth oiii. eottliey h.. md here rU Prepared by Dr. i. 0. Area A Cua rd soid by Williams ft HaTWOod, P. F, Pescnd, Eal-J eigh, IT. C.( and Dealers generaUf. Jan 47. 14 a .". 1 " v. O.B. rARSLCT, jos tvmt, W. I o. a. fAsncr, n. BCVST AVA0S O. O; PAUSIJGl' & CO, AO Coinmission IVIerchants, -5 h wfimytsTox, r? a " rtallr.lt CntiklgiiBieut Ibr Stale ar Bbtfmnt. Cotlfrl), Cotton Ysres, , . i. Domestics, KavsI Btore. .. COVVT&X PEODUOE. ... ta a'xriyt flow, an ar receiving aesttaat ly, roMlgneests, for salt si lowest market rente, eT Gunny B&ffirintf, Gunny Bags, . ' Bale Rope, Mess Pork, Baooa Sides and Shoulders, . Sugar, Coffee, Molasses, Plow, Butter,- Caest,V - - Irish Potatoes, Onions, , Crackers, Mackerel, . 1 Pickled Herring, , . Smoked Herring, . Codflsh, IS ails, , Powder, Bhot, Window GUm, Psints, Linseed, Kerosene, Tanners', and - tubrioating Oils, la 6-sral fan ft bbla. Whiskey, Jamaica Unm and Gin . Soap, Candles, . ' ' Starch, Salt Line, fte., Are., fta. " SOLS AOKNTS FOB V ' 1 E. F. Coo Snper I'botpttate of Line. A0EKTS FOB ' f Din?OPX9 PO-WTDC1T. BOO HhJt Sew -Crop Jfulaties, ditael trern t . . CaHeart. sMr etpeoird. Te errlra duilng ftbfuary or If arrV . 3,fH)0) Bt C Je 4lreot fr" Bte Jnl BOO Hha Bagsr dirert For riiew. ' Jan. t lt-m.. ..v - .. , klorlvwbeut and Early Cardea Ies. j VKRYAbperb Bnkwhef t ar 7 per real, par nneed bv 'no i-' P"onde Kerly Wajblrnftrm aad Mae. fwwfaiOardi rwwJjtOsrdeuPoatstt'in a qoert. CftWFSB A at0. V'. Z i. W. BEST.. , Wy. ftute y.vetn b.tt Traaeuier I OwJaai '. A ' -.. .