7 THE SENTINEL. i WX & FELL, 1 ' SJ.AIOS GALES, tor iv i neyiaet mat tner were tHvn-6omiatant ed their lire : but it wis considered arood foort la this State, in 1864 and 1805, to ihoot and hanir Union men. under order from Richmond : and Ralck'b. Oar neiirhbors of the Sentinel sppruved alt thin. The Junior siritatcd nd fflK SmTUitiuiei7 warning ( Jay i"ptd at in felhiww; re.io; . For taliy, per year, ; . - $1 - - '- '-' "'- i M .cBi!i...:.-. v.. ..' ITKT two month ,,-.'. , f 00 Beset-Weekly per year, v-i -V,-;. :'-. ,v-' I Si Weekly per year, ';-.. '-...- ;..- ;. t .0 r r-- j . . ... . . , aoaln uiiinitmiwuiiiv on your iri, i WdmijJng.Tn rKeermv Ingnt- tpa- TKaTcniTnSlieT WITH! ttmmr-ot Trimmer -fa Justim In ilf, tU -itoL,,. .,. ounce the peace men at home fa North tarolj 7 , . , . . , , J,m.1.i . fM4tu.l ben wri people"bflny BTTtrTJ: Oar terra are inva-inMr in edtene. The Werkly lad Stenti-weekly will V isel about the first f 'Jan-nary. Money mar be sent at ' by the Kaatiioad emuiuetnr. r the Express, Cow panic. '...,-;,.: . . , -sjjl 1-Ji .. i. J-xai ..in. p ii a m Pirrtof April. ; .' On this day, we shall reluctantly discontinue . the Sentinel to all who hare At paid. We do BOt do this beetui we doubtilie Integrity of any one, or because we'thiuk our friend will not pay us,. but we""are compelled to this course from slieer . necessity, Ever tiring we use we .' are compelled to pay the ea for f henccTwe are ' obliged to dojinidncea strictly onjhjt tath prin rfyle, after the 814 day of.thrjiresewt inonthJ.. j.; We tlndlnat, from baste or ot1iMUi, cr ton hare occurred on our mait (took. In all case we4re glad to rectify error,' If any cr rur, occur, write u at once, and w will correct it promptly. ,l . - - Hon. 'A. H. Jone. "We clrlttlly admit to our columns, to day, the dffirnce of Mr. June, in njply to the cliafjjci made ginitt liim In DiutriJt, to which we t alluded aome day njro. W will not do fnja. tlce to Mr. Jone or any one ele. We rewired our Jnfomiatfon" Irwlimrtly from Twrron from the WeM ho wur d4ncd reliaLlt, ariduence felt it our duty to rull attention to it. We are glad he don let the charge end he i justly e- ,yere npon tj)t person yho clandestinely obtain- '" l"'Wand tlirn mirejmsented him. 1 lie Confederacy ia dead, and iliere ! no pro priety In the chntrasta which men, who call - 4hmMlre Union int'nf are'to fondijif . waking . . It expenac, towhinir the erd of arbltia- theracMUre of the Coniederato gorernmcnt, " and 'iblVtiMmi' invito -wftlirian'lwiiriiM urea, yet the actor ure no more UWu to the charge of tyranny and inhumanity," than will be found in the history of ail (roremmcnbi tin a time of war under military rnle. Thoe ho re to fuud of ventilating the charge of'tyranny . aKut thoee to whom they are oppoacd, will alway find the (ante apirit exhibited by them- ' acire anaer uraiiar circumauncti. v . Major Oee'i Trial' ' Till trial ban, to far, occupied twenty day. The time hat been taken op by the prosecution, and the teutiinony in behalf of the government baa not yet been closed. JU Court adjourned on Monday last, to be resumed on Monday next It is understood that the recess is occasioned by - tlie absence of witnesses Lit the prosecution, The Judge Advocate hat exhibited great in dimtry and pertoverance in the protecution. If MaJ. Co kgoilty of the charge allrged, v (which bi high character duet not allow T to believe,) be will not fail of being convicted from - any delinquency on the part ot the Judge Ad vocate. Our time fcu lieen ao occupied otlier- wjtl. bve-Bt,4ea -aU to &lsm up . the testimony ; hence, we are not prepared Jto prcut an vpmronuuiy at totiteeviucnce bronglit ugninst Maj. Oee. We are, however, inclined to the opiuton, that there layet lacking any clear pTuof of inteaihmal guOt. en . jhejpftrt of .tha ruwd, Great tufrerlng on the part of the pria otrni it palpsbloV- We, remember that, during tlie period of their stay at SSTIbbury, their con UUion excited much anxiety In the mind of the Executive of the State, tit welfatwith othert; but it was unavoidable, The condition of Ocn. '-JLfai'a army. A!sjcwji.ff tmir " 1 , rope, anil tl.n rilln; and t lie fwiiior "t&V(tjt lue piriceeding of these meetiitgt in but paper, uaUined Mr. Davis and Gov. Vance In all their cruelties, and icmilarlv ImDlored the God of L ayJe;wTjpnrii wonWpp(t,16tn"1hTflrrrof enemies of tbc confederate govern men t,"-iM- mr4." Our neighbor, a few days ago, threatened to hoitt us.. We wers not, therefore, prejmred for the sank ind water" severity with which it serve u. Vlf our neighbor did not draw upon its imagination and itt proclivity to perversion, we should certainly have no cause' whatever to notice It. It bat forced itself into to untenable a poaition, and withal ha become so feeble in its attack, that any attempt at reply is render e l unnecessary, but for Its misrepresentation ot facta. J. ' .' .' v .-; ,k -i,1 . , ' The alxivc short extract contain several glar ing misUteuient. The Editor of the BefUinel never beard of any order from Richmond and ftali.'igU, "10 ihoot and hang Union men." Xr TTrfHfaEi...lj.Fg of tti ,fnm,trd, Orders were issued by the military authorities to srreit de Tteni Many were Rpprthemled, and many of them testified that they-wcre induced to desert by the latter-day teachings of the Standard. If any man has fxjen shot or hunff in North Caro lina, for bit-Union principle, w have not heard' of it ; nor has the Stanittrd. flcnce it is not true that the Editors of the Sentinel "approved all thl." Nor did the Junior agitate hd hold meeting in the army ift Virginia to denounce peace men or' to draw down the inob, ihe roie ami the rifle .uoon them.. He disapproved the object of the so called x-ace meetings, because'they were nieet lfis,hIcli,pronioted djjeord and division, In. tead of peace; but he considered those en gaged in t liem in mistaken and univTscTn tlieir course, but not deserviiig of punishment. The Senior did not jnihliah the proceedings of the army meetings in his paper, but an address frl'l'.'li jfe Inint'yeiT 'wait ' JylgltenTa.'gdbJl The Brhitir sustained the authorities of the de to the txtent that nil good citi.-iis were bound to do, and he specially sustained Mr. Davis and Gov. Vance in protecting the Editor of the standard, when tlnwitcned by aa excited sol xlicry Waub of his editorial course. It is known, tlmt,Lbiit for the determined purpose of the Confederate and State authorities to maintain Inviolate the freedom of the presa, tuch was the bitterness created against him in the army by his course, the Editor of thean dard could scarcely have escaped the tnnat vio lent punishment. To our personal knowledge, he owes his exemption from personal injury, to the effort of Uie TSuio authorities and those whom he now denounces, J r . As to tho Sonlor ever imploring the God of JiBttJe "to rain the ores of vengeance on alt the peace men, and on all tho enemies of the Confederate government," it it simply false.. The pent men were misled by the Standard, and we never felt vindictive towards tiern Editorial Chit-Chat The Roman Catholic Test Oath in Great Britain, which practically debarred every con ifientiou member of that sxt from any office of trust or honor under the British Government, It Is a pity that 6Wlegii1atorsaTrTi?t:Iei;nr a lesson from the enlightened liberality of this nritinh policy. Test oath are subversive of 4 the principles of free govenMent, sri encniach.- ments on the liberties of our eopla No gov ernment that boast itself Republican should I e disgraced by them. Gov, Andrew, of Mataachusctts, is improv ing, and we record the evidences of returning reason with pleasure. In a recent letter, he ad vance Ihe following cqmmendabl' sentiment : "I think that, the same body of voters in each State who 'carried it out into rebellion must bring it back again Into loyalty. Any other 'reconstruction' is dangerous anil delu sive. ... ibis is not only liberal, but it is common sense ; and, for that reason, it upsets the assump tion on which a small handful of persons to the Southern States base their peculiar and arro gant claim to the administration of our affairs. The very fact that they declare themselves, aa their exponent in this State, the fttinddrd, has repeatedly done, of bite, out of sympathy with the great mast of our people, would deprive their acts of that presumption of the popular concurrence, jfhich would alone give them any "reconstructive" value. - ' , Sincerity in the past Is, to men of Tioft- or, the best and surest guarantee of sincerity in the future. Those who now boast that they dissembled, during . the past four yew, may well be suspected of- dissimulation now. loud protestations, if personal interest should invite. Those who have been honest and true in former profession have no need to solicit -Tb- Kew Vork Ji'trU jsUy tbeir that one of the most formidable dangers menacing our form of Government is the broad Interpretation now buing given to the words necessary and proper" in the Constitution, in order to justify- and" 8BWal;WfWltkll ttvt- Kor the.5entinel. MeAhs. EniTons Gentlemen: My attention has bv friend iust been called to an editorial in the "lAiify eHtinHDftht 14th inst., in which I am mint grossly miarepresenred, no douJit unintcntiimaliv on vour rart, and I Mk, ritinsr Jet- "It is affirrn- ed that thi taiiie Mr. Jones has recently ad dressexl letters to the Attorney General of the -nflrwrWftl'-rt "remesenting-atat. -Utiirpation by the present Uump Conjjress. Tlie applukation of the gystem" of ihieWrcfatrori tHrm'atI'mtrai?ioW Sre toa disloyal-to -bfr-tws- ted that the whole State s disloyal, ana Unit the best thing that can lie done it to break up the civil govemment'of tha,Stiitc, tnd throw us back under a Provisional Governor declare void the elections and of course Ihe oa$hs of every man, mid begin afresh to reconstruct the State!" ' Every one of these char-fts are linse false hoods, and the affirmant, whoever he may !c, Ami T tliink I have u verv irood idea of the gentleman, bus Wilfully lnd knowingly misrep resented me. I have never, iu nil my life, writ ten or addressed a letter directly or indirectly to the' Attorney General of the United States. I have never written or uttered a single sentence or sentiment in fuvor of placing the State under a Provisional Governor, or against the progress of civil government in the Slate. All my- nets, writing", -words, and deeds stamp with infnmy the base !twl false charge that I represented the whole State us disloval. I addjciiMxl a letter to the Postmaster Gen eral, through another gentleman at Washington City, whieli a carefully seated and stamped in the presence ef witnesscK, and was sent to Ashville to be mailed, but was broken open without my consent or that of the person to whom it win addressed. What think you of such nets s Ibis i I deem it proper to state that the gentleman w ho had charge of the post office at Asliville, is not, by any means, implica ted in .this letter-breaking. I ' It was bemlihid all over this part of the coun try, that 1 had wtitten, in this same letter, to the authorities at .asliiiutnn to remove Gov. jiointeil a tiling that I had never tuongut ot -; indeed I have never uttered a word derogato ry of Gov. .Worth in any form, manner, or nil n I m, whatever. l now Miuinr partwt, iwjaraJatonit mm aelvca ,.o bms in regard to this violated letter, ... . i.' :.:. .f. .rt:: .:n. ':.: i:iJ:.i;-;ji;t iu pioviucu n't: nuuia wiiu uij; uuuiuit:. uuu let it lie publijlied verbatim, so that the communi ty may .indgo tor tlieniselves whether I have lieen wntmir letters to tlieir uaraaini and incon venience, or not, When the contents of this TiAtiVe;tAiitiai rpw-t-wj -hevJ-wiH sub mit to the nidgmenl of "Tie "people: lortable Grist MHIt.J I8GG. 8PEKC TRADE. ABLK GBlBT MlLUi. aaftariMi la Kjw Tork, ws are prepsred to receive era for, sad will far ish Uie mom st ths fotloiir r. ' ; J in. stone $&). gri.di gtoip fcu.li. per hr. C to I borss, . 18C6. 7 3H ' ' 5 IS " Wl " l I " 39" " 5 " S 94 " Wli " ' ' " " " I'i 15 " iv ovvaxa the. i ',, ."ui..ir;t u4Um Pulleys, tor tham.Mil)h-..M'tm,t.. price - - . " - 51 ineli, f . ' 7 30 73 - - , . " "3S " -""W si. Hf, 100 ' lt ' 43 "138. Cheaper MilU, ef ! espaelty, ea be fursi.li.il if de.ired. B. V. W1LLUM80N CO. Uareh 26-193 If. I NEW LIKE OF 8TEAMMIII BE TWEES NEW l'OBK ASD WILMISGTOS.M.C. SAILING WES KLl', And Oomposed of the Following First Class (Steamships: Chas. W. Lord, (new) Capt. Geo. W. Ward, Cumberland, Uapt. J. . Jolinttone. The ntteDlioB of Shippers i. .pecially eslli d to thi libtt' An arraiiemenl ha bees perfected, by wbich Ouod. iliipp.d by this liae will he delivered at Golds-, biro the next dar after delivery from the Steamer at Wilmington. A train leave, here daily, carrying freight and making suanectioas with dally train. 041 the N. O.K. K. ' WORTH & DANIEL, Agents, WilmingWa. Agents iu New York 1 C. Goodspbed, 46 West St., C. H. PiRitsoM, 77 Sonth St. Wilioington. Hareli S6-93 Si. G T It ADE - m mvam mm ij .Hiw.gnBejMaalui uWM.: " 'f fa. . nasi hP W WSrit it TMrtber eotlBBo 71!' still farther iadaoemenU, " --- """- My preset fseiUtiee sr. Uvo.4 ibi . and no effort will b spared to plae befw. . Goods - AT THE LOWEST PRIC1, f tliatlh preeeat ssarket vtlie inD adautef sei k many nstaaeas mack below, a ire ar oeuull! resented at the large atetioa sales, when tooL. frequently sold Mack lea tkaa east Ot kmJ? tios. Taeee.wOh v -, - .. " Mauf Otber Available Faniitlea, I pledge myself to B.e te (lie beet interest ef turner.. , - . Tbs stock is aiw naek larger asd h-. ,HLJ thaa at any time trevioas, havlay added aeZya aesortmaat of norsE-Fritxisnixa flOOM, ", The number of witnesses -on behalf of the defence Is large, and, tofirr sswehaveeonversetl with them, their testimony will exculpntd MaJ, Gee from all blame. r- C::- 2:- - ': A It is Ale toCol. IlollHiid, who bos conducted ' the defence chiefly, to any that he hat exhibited singular ability in the management of the case. Hit rcadincta, hi learning in the law, -and his thorough conviction of the , innocence of hi chent, justify the real and energy with which at home, ifl i Florida, as a counseller and -adro- rato, will not sutler from hi labors iu the case of MaJ. Gee. ''' . : J: . "Wt" Ehtli See." - '' Wt would respect fully enquire of the Stun . drd, what hat become of it comapoiulent, who promised such terrible dlaclonuresover the aIjotc- portentous jsignstnre lie proclaimed his fitftonol .knowledge of the existence of a e- ..:.xrct orgnnjtioa toiiubyertJhe government, 'tod we (fare J him to come out with the facta, Yet he ia at silent as the grave. Again we re peat that, if be ha any such information, and refuse to make it known toilio proper authori- tie, ha ia himself traitor. We predict that we shall never hear front him more. - But, are .: thaU$M. t Tr.j,,. .hv -.'-n' , the Lou Bill .This bill, which was modified after it rejec tion on the 10 th inst., passed the lower' House of Congre on the S3rd. t The modified bill prohibiu the retiring of .the currency1 from cir-" culation as rapidly as the Secretary oi the Treas ury ' designed. The effect of the Secretary' plan Wk producing; panic It war exerting happy influence opoe the r u(; of greenbacks, but the contraction wa too rapid for commer cial comfort, . '' ". ,.'';. .." -" ;': (1 N. C. BoswtnrWe are glad to find that North ; Carolina old sixes are on the advance. They , had rim down btJo,w 75, hen the Legislature cauie to the mcue. After the paasage of the funding bill they b,egan to rise. Tlcy now " !.. v v eii 1. si .r a : : comniemi to it iwi e.f iv v. m nse 1 i JfW Tork r rioted at 101 J, y "It (the Confederate UogJ'tt in the dust, never gun 10 ue uniunou, ami out oi respect to the misguided but gallant men who ilietl under it IOIUS, SC." i , -, Omrwolt-ipfag-. bom the recent tune of the rtfjhaUhere vai imminent danger of the Confwlerate flag' being "again unftirled?1 tWehavehotl so many intimation wnd asscrtwe fTI-ef-therxistence of ex- tnive aecret' orgiiniaation, inimical to the government, and readwhencver opportunity hail preacnt, to assume the form of overt hoe tility, that the majority of the "strait-eoct'' readciTfijr the Standard dobtle'fully believe that the Confederacy It etilj tn existence, and it flag ready to be once more unfurled.!t-We are glad that the Standard at last admits, that ucti tulle, on It part, ia all feA , . i:- ' But the Standard spea'kir of the "misguided" men who died under iu bU. - NtrBife did so mucliTToF moreTldhiudel ft Editor of the Standard, ' Who else but he loaU eJ that be was the Drst to "denounce the tvran ny of Lincoln" and invite the people to arms I Who else but he tail that the solution of aft our difhYultie wa to be found in the live lot- th wiMec nt. Bge4."Uwee .legatehyjE' men to "prosecute th war, with rcnewod vigor, and whip and drive Uie enemy from oar toil f And who bur he,. at a ttill later period, im plored them "to whip and shatter the armies of Meade and Grant f t-K '7 "i yr. To have urged these gallant men to the field, where to much blood wat spilled, and to many valuable Ttve sacrificed, and1 now to torn afound and brand them as dupes, speaks bajfv. Verv . ... j...- - - bndly, tor our neighlwr. y -I Gold closed in New York, to-day, at 134. Tliere were sale of Cotton, on the 24 th, at 40 cents, t f .' s i'ntu KaiUioal InteSlgaaeM. Bemarkable Conteqnenoee ef the Absence Mij.nit, N. March 13, 1808, T T Ot Editor) taxational ImteUiymetr: i ' 1 Our people heartily endorse the President in Itia efforts to maintain the Constitution and re tore the Union. Our citirens have irone hard to wprk, and are trying to make the beat of the situation. There U no ill will existing between them and the (reed men, (who, general thing, have gone to werk, and are doing at , well at could be expected.) A an jMdence' of thi fact, I may mention that oiiN( mail are carried by a freedtiian, (the only colored contractor itt the Union.) appointed noon the rwcommeada tion of our citizens. We hare also a large freed inu't school, taught by two lree negroee whose father was a citizen of the State, (nude one hr special act of the legislature.) the most exten sive cabinet-maker in it, and a slaveowner.. All this, too, in a town that At m wr kod a Su reau ofhe it, (except one Sundav,) nor a' fwji itittmtd hrt, Toura, f, y. w. of these worth) now being made to justify the frecdmen't Bureau bill, the Civil Rights bill. the Reconstruction policy, is. clearly intended to substitute in the Constitution a supposed usefulness or propriety for the necessity express-! cd and contemplated. in that . instrument ; and which, in fact, destroys every limitation of tho power of Congress. Carry out the doctrines now freely ventilated by the unscrupulous Rad ical leaders on the floors of both ' Houses of Congress, and it follows, irresistibly, that, in stead of being hound by a Constitution, all the reserved powers of the people, or of the States, will be swallowed up at their pleasure, by that undefined discretion ; inxa word, that tho Con stitution itself, so far a respects a limitation of powers, it, by such a doctrine, completely anni hilated. N ".. i I Tho ladies of Winchester nave made another appeal in behalf of the Confederate dead .that lie upon the battle-fields of Win Chester. ' ' Tlie bodies of these brave men are acat tered over a space of ground twelve mile In mdi as ? the rude mounds of earth which cover them arc fast liecomlng trodden down by the foot of man . and beast, and ere long vert many of the rest ing places of the Southern toldicrt will become - BttcrlXHfikoown unleM thebolir aro reinoyw and proper intermeutgiven jhem. This ahould certainly be done. Tlie men who fought so bravely, and fell ao nobly, should never be for gotten by those for whom they died. Justice, gratitude, and even common humanity demand that all that ia left of the departel.ju.ou1d re cciyejlULhft can bestow.' - , In this connection, we are gratified at being able to state, that a number of.the young Indies of thi city propose giving a concert, at an early hvjj r 4he"prpose-ef assisting -the-)4riJtie design of tlieir itert of Winchester. President' Johnson and the Connecticut , ' Cam?"e - ' -, Tnat,CON!!RCTICCT KLKCTIOX. ' ' vWAatuwiMiua3,rjrThe.i w wwivn n win. me loiiowimr corTesm dencer ' -p:rpr'":r;m:::T::: Poet Ornre, Haxtpord, Conn., .March 2. 18B8 I To Prmdtnt Mium. v Bib: I am now eniraireJl in nubliclv ili.. tins the election of James . English aa enli. date for Governor of Connecticut, a gentlemae who ia openly committed to the support of your inw un ucieuee .oi uie KZ(1 oi unhrimre apeech, and of vonr policy of reconstruction, ia opposition to the PisnnionuiU of Connecticut I am opposing the election of Gen. Joseph B Ifcwley, who openly disapproved of your veto and of your 22nd of Febniarv aneech. and ,1a. cline to support your pdUcy as opposed to the radical majority In Congress. - If my political action! not satisfactory to you, I beg you to receive my resignation a postmaster of this city., ' I hav.he honor to be, i ":-' TOOr obedient servant ? (Signed) E. S. CutrKiiWnv : Th President ha returned tfii to Mr. ru. land, indorsed as follows : ; 4 . i . , , Tow political action in upholding an mmu. tires sad policy is spproved. . Your resignation! is therefore not accepted, hut is, herewith re turned. . '' r:"J w (Signed). ' - " Aimtf JottKsoir. ixecatlve Mansion, March 2. ' eiHieuvors to gei-ine.-iesi oaui so mociincu as to admit the people of this Statu to the revenue and poet offices, and so as to become mail con tractors, Ac, but. niy holiest efforts met with opposition from quarters where I least expect ed it. I am still in favor of modifying the oath. Tliere are thousands of men who cannot take the oath, from the fact that they were compell ed from circumstances to acts that bar them, as it now stands, but -I am not in favor of being without mails, because we cannot get the "test path" removed, especially when the regulations can be complied with. I era doing all that I can to promote the interests of my constituents. Kand, as to my ability, it is for the people of this aistnrt to juiige, a large majority ot whom ore loyal and will judge and act for themselves. Ar furl ion of the State i really more loyal than the Mountain Dittriet. The people ol this .Mountain liistnit proved the tact by electing a II T..-A, i.. ' l. ' u. a. aiuutB iu v uiiixras uiio llo nun oeeui loyal all the time, before,- during and since the war, and one who will work for the best inter ests of the people, with the same devotion and firmness that he has shown for the interests of the Union. Talk aliout ability ; the people of me Mountain iiisinci nave not yet lorgotten, that the leaders who brought them to ruin claimed to lie men of great - ability,-and they will not foricut soon that common sense, hones. ty of purpose, and fidelity to the Union of their fathers, i the best ability with which their public servants can be supplied. . They don't want such us violate the law of the land bv plunderinu sealed letters. Thcv don't want such as will eopy thjeni, knowing irach to be th factr4 iliy ft t wiitoch will murcpreseut ihe wnter ot encli violated letters, nor will they nave mem: we win close ty aumomsning all such, that they should reiliemlier that tliey are not now living in the days of the so-called uinteileracy, when such things could be done by certain parties With impunity. Breaking s which nnii suunped letter is a pcnitenjtiary crime in the United States. The public sljrj ALEXANDER, II. JONES. :.. On theiuUtrn of Senator Howard (who went home to attend the funeral of his wife,) that ectionf the Joint Committee on. Reconstruc tion, of, which he is Chairman, will ubuiit -the testimony taken Concerning Virginia, North Carolina and South; Carolina. This will include the evidence of General Lec. li'j.'i V'V Jefferson Daris. y.'tv" This Eentlemsa still remains under the. m rigid' course 'of imprisonment adopted shortly after his incarceratioa. which has not bnn r. laxed in the slightest. In the evening and oc casionally during the daytime, he may lie seen walking srunnd the iwrapet la chanre of the officer of the day and a file of sobiiersr Verv few see him, as, ia his dailv walk h i. taken to the most obscure portion of the fort ress, ami, on returning, is conducts! Stumediate Iv to his cell by a plauk walk which lb lielcony of CSarroil Hall with the naraneL NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. if SI VI LI E At A MA A'CE C 0. 2V. C. HK flXi-rriwte' - , tliia Sebool w ;ru resumed oa Feb. A namher of pupils en yet b received'; ' " ' -DK. jW W1I.SOS, A M., f.H-r.erl of Hilton N. C -Is now BMoi'Wvtitd with the Snbtufibe. and ae tivelj( eu;a)ed l the MobaoL ... . ; s, . V',-17-,tjt trirlr aply to him or the andcriigned. t ALEX. WILSON, D. D. ' Mar. 27, eofSw.., pd. : . 7 .""'' ".. ,jj. 1 ' i i,-" :t; ; . v 'the cakoliw times( H . i H''cKJaWtB, .. .''. 5 i' . "' DAILY A TIU PIIILOMATHESIAN HALL, ) VVakb Fobkst Cou-kob, N. C. ) March 84th, 1880. At a Meeting of the Philomathetian Socie ty, March 23rd, 1886, the FoUowing Ketolutiont were Adopted. I'i iriKMW MBgeb4ete I taith.-.tba.-,lliiiJ.- mates, a larf number of the member, or tin. A mo elation have laid down tlieir livus, is obedience to th call of tlieir onuntrv : and have, by Ih.lr self-denial. their devotion to principle, and their oonstancy in the Uimr of trial, earned a plaoe among the heroe and martyrs of.hitoryv therefore. ' fryow, Vb wilt everlewk.UiiKeiaoijiMif , oor gallant brethrea wbe have fallen in defeneeof their home., their altar., and their flrealde. of tb land they lov.d, and the liberties they inherited; sad thai we will anauluouely collect, and record in a book, entitled the "Memorial,' each satlientm .keteber, biographical not icee, and other reminieoeaces, of oar lamented r.woeiatei, as shall be alike inU-reating to . living. au aaaaraiue imjui ueea., ..: , - JjCTojCTi-ftijAiaTOBiotioayCjtiiisubjiwit lli tiveawnd friend, of th deoeased be,' and tbey are ' hereby Tpqnegted. to eemmvnieate to a anv informa- fiuo'iii their' JjoMeajot, or' - wWifir 'taWI'seTaaer that the meintient of tnetlociety throagaout. the coun try are earnestly solicited to interest Ihenuelvee in collmairp and forwarding material, for the "Memo rial." - F. P. HOBGOOD, ) II. A. FOOTE, Com. CM, SEA WELL, V ; March, 2C.93. ' Biblical Uecorder will pleas eopy four times, Riohmond Daily Examiner twice, lUligiou. Herald twice, and forward account, to the Sentinel office. WILHIUTO:V & WELDOW RAIL. ROAD. Orricc Cmsr Eroikbkb ani Sip't., ) , I WrmiHOTOK, Mar. 22, 1866, " CHANGE OF SCEDULE. OS and after the 25th inst, THAIN8 will roa over this road a follows i MAIL AND PASSENGER TRAINS, Leave Wilmington dsily at 30 P. M. Arrive at Oolmboro' at... .....3 46 A.M. Arrive at eldoa at 9 45 A. M. Leave Weldoa daily at...'. ,1 8! P. M. Arrive at Gold.boro" at ......,.T H f. M. Arrive at Wilmiogtoa at I 5A.M. FREIGHT AND PASSENGER TRAINS, Leave Wilmington daily except Sunday. a,..6 A. M. Arrive at Ooldabore' at... I 30 P M Arrive at Weldon at.. ... g p.j. Leave Weldon daily except Snndays at...... 6 A M. Arrive at Gold.boro' at 18 47p at Arrive at Wilmigtan W:-;Trr;Ts;;i-;-.VsJ 45P, t The Mail train make ole oonneetute. tlirough to New York and Charle.toa by inland nail Bay routes also with Kaleigh sad GastoB trains. Trains lenvr Oold.bore at 4 A M., and 5 P M.. go ing West, and 8 I A. M.,'going Gut, Train, from the West arrtre at Ooldaeoro' at lit l A. M, and 43 Ainiju un a w K . wr. SI. a n i j ill. . . i, t ,-,--- .i. "5 7 S"""" groceries win 0 earned by these daily Freight trains, and close connection, will "o maae wita trains oa the St. U. Kailroad, daily ex. cept Snndaya. Good, by steamers will be sent for ward the day after tbey ar reeeived into th Ware hoone. Neeitr charge by thi. train, which we hop our patrons, old as well as new. Will notice, - . . We do not underbid oar neighbors, but work as low a any, and will deliver as promptly a. the beat, and eiStme for loss or dacaag will be adjosted at once, if V " ..nma.iM.wai..iaiB,, . S, L. FREMONTJ v Engineer and Supeiintcndent, March 36-13 lm. - Among them the moot elegant 4atin Damtik, ' Laee and Katlin Cutainf, WineCloULt,. -PiaMa4TakU-(hm4 Stair linen,- M - - Table Linen, apsDoIlii. Tmls.Crui -A'C8:0- H I T E GK) 0 D S, M wUUib I kaa always kept good ttoek.1. Mj.'v phrt with everything the market afurte. Batiaeat very hsddaom stock' of needlework, -. Edgingn, iatertingt, Laee and Smoreiaerlm thi Stock of -LADIES' DRESS COOSs, Mast be seen to be appreciated, I therefor Isnl. dl teas impeclioa, aad is catering ao w.Q tor Um nK I woald aeaar the g.ntlemea they kav et nets i gotten, Th aasortaMnt of Cloths, Casslmeres, AKD . Fxtrnlsblnff Cttexlt CeaeraBy, I eomplete,' an it is hoped tho. ia wait ef gMsb t this class will tot fail to giv as s salt " To tli Merchants of " - " Virginia' and Korth Carolina, who ksv so'libersllv patronised u Iks past sasM, I return say moet grateful thank., Sad settee ly edit, assnring tbeat they will led ear gees. low price as sny hone Ifortk or Boatk. .. :TE0MA8 SXITH, V M Ryeaows StrMt, .: Comer of Bask, Pekrssrg.Ta. ;4V?"it a charm., v.ix i , One of vu ineiaisK constantly IB tn Korth.rn Mark JUgree.ta4vamage.ui purchaaiog ail the Uea in k aahioa. at the rtml i.m Ji.. ktavf 18 Pt'RLIMIED WKr.Ki.v: And furauhrd to eubecrilHT. npou tiiilowa- T . i Temaei ... , x' : Pailt .Tikes, one yeai, six months. llimi m.-.ntlia no a I 8 186G . 1S66 SPRING STOCK. JTST AS WE EXPECTED. 1 ( , OCR SEW PLAM OF COXDICTIAO RUSIXESS Jimr4, ..U.'vivee late tiiMpei- We are now MAtwfaa mA.HK..v. q.l. f - j Dree Good; oonsutugef Blsck and colored Silk. ntozAinattrrRS, t umnnaninK, -,. srame ( hamjh, RVAIKUV Bll'Sl.lsia, , CHINTI JSCASKT KHGUaiT, VKK N C II AND AMERICAN fi -, CALICOS .. rvri.innrTSt, ma.,,.. ' nanrwan, ' ARSKNTINKa At - ' " TAattiTANS . Aitss NARK ftiai.iKi. :r w, ii. 4k r, s. ticker, Marc23401-tf. RALEIGlt, N. C. gii.ac n.RTia,t.Aa, 1 .Kk:;'1 :,.- Bajquos, ftsnnes; Parasols, F.n, 4 , fcc, .. beaaUml stock. " - March 83 19.tl . W.H.4.R. S.TTCKEK. -Ibaveeeeared the Agtncyferth.Sute.ef Thjl sad North Carolina, far theeeje ef t , i TLOREXCE SEYTTVa MACBWK. It te ndobtdIy the beet Family sewing K1" " xiateaee. i Head the fallowing reeammeBdaBsnvr - -les. ' III SimrHrit tni Ortat Ktnftef Wfi. ' lt."m..ir ienr liferent Stitcket. r 1 - Double Lock, Doable Knot. , .' .' . " rd. '" r. 9-rPA Uotiam. enereled bvaatlr'"' lag a thamb ertf, enabling th eperator H rmt . .. ... i.o .-a ..-aJeaetef worxtome rigniov iu m sua, self fsatemng tb end of ssams. ;v.,.t.::,'r;.r''.V:',!-!' Tie Ferfiet fixuh a .asaleanai aaa - v . th maeklM I mad. ; J , : , Tkt RnpiiUt fU Wtrkimf, ad tb. ulllf work doa. ' ' '' ' s Sttf '-AijnHit Tentun. , . ' . It saake U .. ' .. ' Clelrtktxl Itaaatlo tltB. WVbW. : Tm-Wntiat Times, one year, '.- -, ; .. - , H.,, , gix months, ."-; thrte month TUB WEERXT . JfEtVS. 'oontaining twenty eight rolueui., a traoiirnpt of the Datlf Timti, is pub'uh ed everv Ttttav, at ,3 per snnnm. C'lnba of tea ar more, -i 5U year, and a (sij.y to tbs getfer-ap of a eluk gratia. . . TEUMSOP ADVERTISING. . th te tailvd ffn-werkly Tibk. one aiinara ,.. line er tea.) tl ! Srat mwirtiun ai.4 io nenu fur each aabeqnnt ittaeitie. A muonabla dedactio made lor auvcriiBwneniB itiaenea rov a njugr period than ODV Advertieemeat. ineetted ia the WirKLt Si.we at at' per .near lm e.-a lneen ton . All Itlten aa baainnM with either Uie aba v pa bit Catlou. should be ddrn,.4 ia . , . r NVAlUAUAHEIU'tON, . , Cbariotte, N. cl " March f VH If. , . LD,E2 HTAa, oaitsrs, not, . H681El.y,stGU)Vlh, etc.. ' v. , . ... : w. IL 4 IC S. TUCKER. , -Jcigo, jusron J, l?l,l. -j .j . 1 . ;,. G atITE.K!llslwS riNB 9WT rSKjiCH Hal and Dree Hate, Co Saoee, Oaitera, Ar., are. ' W . U. & IU. S. TUCKER, March 23 101-tf a. 1- ' - .i1 jjoir A.artt n ttATa t tneit, A large aaaortmaat. Call aad examine ear 6teck. It will pay yon, ae we hare bought good very low ad will sell them cheap. - - ' BlarCHCT lvi H , W. U. atK. S. TUCKEU. z. T A It c m . ATTORNEY AT LAW, , T, Charlotte, M. C." ' ' WILL prketw la lb 6th Circuit, aad I th r.d eral aad Suprtow Cowrte at Balewk. March JI, 191, t. r THE' BEST! ""lOOK BEFORE TOff BVTlt rjTOe thing i.eettled keye ebti I , a 1.1 ma taaeer t wauling erwiae awam. " . -H which U bay, Tk aTaVOktatltCB leU,'' ll eeed oely te b seen U U appreciated ' AGEXTft tVAJTTEDj 4 U every Iowa la Virgtoe d Forth f arohaai Warck Ui.tf j . V ' ' , -

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