jr w sollelt Ik aid of oar friend la rtod- VOL. I. ; RALEIG1T, tllUItSD AY APRIL 5. 1SGG. NO. 201. The (impl aoBoiuioameBi ot a death er marriage I H11 aot h pharf, v:i -' , parliamentary Oratory from th LoBdoe' Saturday RevSrw. ufVlioU the Bret .orator in England I" an rrecioua)y itupid ierscn onr aked Lord BrouKhani. "Lord Derby tle eecond,'' was the sell-conjcious retily. The qtterUt had, nu doubt, forgotten Henry Brougham who t'Mvtt heard in Intr date at Social Wcieure f-Angri-Mna) had puce, as the dcfetulr of Queen CanSimi and the cliaoipluit or i'arliamentiiry reform and negro emancipation, made all Eng land ring with hi fame. .Now, however, though Xord Pet by certainly doe not Maad seooutl an an orator even to LtrmmOT,iur tiie-ytr-eral opinion of Englishmen, it it not at alt o clear that the leader ..of the Tori is the first orator in the country. , The "Rupert ofdetaw," whose headlong chargea in the Common tome time threw the Liberal rank iato confusion, suffers, in the Lorda, not only from the influence of Uini, which ha taken from the timbre of hi once o ringing tones, but ha also 10, gradu al! allowing some of hia most remarkable- nvwers to rust from jlUose, partly because the atmosphere of the House of Lord 4s' too coot for hi native fire, and partly because he never find in it focman worthy of hi steel. To extinguish a pretention Duke of Axfryle try a felicitous anecdote, or to Imnter&n amiable Lord Granville, whom 'the most venomous of opponent could scarcely wish to wound, or to tease Lord Russell by stich happy epigrams as "meddle and muddle," Is only to bring into play some of the minor qualities of that elo quence, limited, perhrps, in it range, hut tart line and exciting in Its power, for facility ami ircedoiu, a it is there, nlao, that it r,aY tiiH i Anrl that in rm a rtnae -ia in th?o the conntry to its lowest depths, and whose words, fuithfully recorded and carried th every corner of their own land- and of the world, ktf pride in their great rcjircacntative assembly, and make its proceedings en ol'.a f utd'niling in terest and emulous lmitatiouaniong all civilized races of "artitiulate peaking men." : Jffr. Gladstone possesses. thev vi iirenii in an eminent dr-cree. Hir wealth of word is marvellous, and the unfaltering fluency with which they are poured forth. H is ideas are also . , , ... ..I. ...i remarkable forc!carne3, order, and cohesion. adhisnsral treatment "Miljjec.tjTiarjullt I v bs called exhaustive. ' Hisdivision are a little too mechanical, and, one cm not now hear of the regular "three courses", without a emile. A great element of hi power as an orator Is his intense subjectivity. He ao idcntifie himself With hi u'bject, be m make 'f it, as it were, cause to be conen "ed for tanqwm pro arts tt ftcu, that the derjth of hia conviction for the time being give to hi matter a force, and to hi manner an earnestness, that never fail to make an impression. But this subjectivity is also a source of weakness when it leads him to propound what teem to him political or eco nomical truths, with dogmatical authority . thai will not brook correction or dissent.. He seems to convey in ao defiant e, manner his fet tled and imperturbable assurance that any one who presume to dlffor from him must tie" wrong, and wrong with so hopeless an im!cil ity in error, that further argument would be wasted upon him, that be olten Inns to convert to bis way of thinking men whom a more per suasive and condescending 'yle of reasoning would easily " Cain" over.' It hr qnneccspary to bt how (ucceasful has been his management Of ... . m the public resource, or now irequenny no nas taken a Parliamentary nvjoritj almost bj storm and gained from all quarter the uppwrt ol Bieasnre wuicn nave picvium?:j urcu ti-uucu by many with disfavor, x Bat nevertheh' we do not comidcr bi Budget speeches, a a rule, the best of his oratorical efforts, and the " city tAwbA it them out in ordftr to have the lint and fullest exposition of hit intended poli cy generally Complain of weariues at the cloe. Thejr wora4ifieVon the whole, with Sir George Lewi, wretched rp-a!;er at he was ; but Mr. Goachea, whenever in the rulnestof time he beeome Mr. Gladstone' Chancellor of the Ex chequer, will be just- the man for thea,-r Hr. Gladstone may called, we "thinly tbe Tennyson of finance ; for he brings to hi public exposi tion of it not only the power of bis reason, bnt also the resources of his imagination, and clothe thm tiilib a twsnfr of diction and richnws of "-ItuttrettenwM la not the less true that a simpler treatment!. would generally be more effective : that the sub ordinate parta of the subject are sometimes de velooed with too much diiTuscness. and that thmWwatrWt3fcillv is Tery good. Hi voice, if not powerful, in clear and judiciously modulated, nit enuncla- vi tWB. .diaiinct, tho'tVgS-itaturiiV , and unaffe-ted, and his gesture, thoogh sparingly nsed and not - vemarkably graceful, easy and approprlale. vi ' 'Mr. Disraeli ha few,-if any. point -of con 1actj and many of contrast witli his great an tagonist, great defect a an orator in tite Want of that Mbjectivity of which Mr. G!ad- , atone ha rather too much. .That Mr. Disraeli t to never iDeftroe.t it would be unjust and ab- nrd to thiiik, and that there are msay princi ple of public policy which he advocate from .conviction is very probable. But thtf appcar- ofteo saK' veAa'diai nSrlMted' and impartial aditor the impression that, hi word-- are not S' s mock the sign of hi inward idtaa, at at tempts, tometlmes painful and not quite sue ful, f give expression to opinions that are rog,rHnft" for utterance in the minds of others; tint bl srvMl-itirf SofJrrrwtisrl'iB Ibftiks. t i r. -.- --, , "at rarber what others may li kje to heat, or he -ay wish them US believe. We have bo donU, I however, that this hesitation U often afftctedV and w have remarked it at lime when it reein- N Jd etrefully designed to. give more, effect to keea invective or biting sarcasrA, ' On' compa iTer.rare occsaiona, when there i orae greati personal Interest in tfie debate, or when the Pfcnliar characteristic of an opponent have led itn pon tome happy vein of humor, it is t&y plsrt to bear him. His mauner, so languid nd listless, become warm nnd animaied, hi taCe I lit on ajtllll a o-lnnt nf tf.rtmi'A Mlnmnil ki word come out frwiy arid with a brisker tophaai. anrj tbe unhappy wight upon whom ' ? PWfor th time a It were, an anatomi sed demonstration, wrigele nncomfortahTy in f r" & add bj lu avidtat nibUity under the Aperatioii, 4i th peyiral amusement. Kot Ion a?n, the Timt reminded us of the contusion causea in Lord A.rrclCeU s Lainnet by the sort of moral psoriasis with which Loid Russell berarae afflicted in consequence of one of Mr. PWraeii's allie. The incident illus trate what we have just been saying, and is wnrtu recniiinir. Wiiea Lord Aberdeen lorined hi Coalition Ministry. Lord John of course could not be left ont, and yet was not able to mKe up his tninnfor the acffpTSncc of any siih.ir.lioate office: It was arranged, then, that fttf time at least, he should hare a seat in the caiiinot without office. But a man of so active a mind, and who was beside the leader of the Lower House, was sure to have a ereat dbal of not merely private correspondence, and after a wlule, an othce was taken tor him in Lancas ter Pisco, near Somerset House. This was an opportunity for Mr. Disraeli, who very soon took occasion to deplore most feelingly in the uonse trie equivocal ana incongruous position which (tittesman ot the noble Lord's great eminence and serineee occupied in the new ad ministration. He nwlly could not imagine what the norle Lord iatie were. He had heard of an dice being taken for him Id Lan caster PlaCu. Poriinps the noble Lord had been appointed toll-keeper of Waterloo bridge. The House was convulsed with merriment; but Lord John took the matter so seriously that a new distribution of government offiow had to be made at once, with great Indifference to the convenience ot the parties displaced, and the Presidency of the Council was the salve with which the wounded dignity of the Great Un employed was bealed. In tfic same nigh rank with Mr. Gladstone and Mr. Disraeli, as a jHiblic speaker, Mr. Bright bn undoubtedly a right to be-p!aoedk. He doc l)!4jaSt.nead.S i j.frlit;ajil!ir ta, out hi style of oratory, either there or at puUicrae the su'lccjt mailer of bis speeches, U as worthy of adinlra- ani(tia!8. As distinguished from Mr, Old stone, Mr. Bl ight' bent efforts have rhpre ot Do- most heme power and concentration than ofCi- i unre. tere. nt-rvou. and in masculine clotliinar. pore, ten, nervous, and in masculine cluthing, enrncit thoughts, vigorous and telling word. He ill) not alwBy or often cany the House with him, becniise be too frequently shock the wrongest prejudice and most deeply-root ed convictions ot the majority ; bnt it las near erf cmiM divest themselves of personal antipa thies, theVwomd l)e forced to own that no one smiiiig them be.ttrr deserves the palm of elo- J oiiencc. Benaratinir the three trreat men we bifTisHt' wffl ?elsf-f5r henraemistlwire;; are perba a doien memters, Sucn'as Bir'Roun dell Palmer, Sir Hugh Cairus, Mr. Roebuck, Mr. Whiteside, Mr. Hnnman, Mr. Lowe, and otlicrs, whom we would place in tbe second rank. Lord Stanley, though a first class statesman, can scarcely he considered an orator at ajl, not merely ir m Ins physical detect,(wnicn we may obaerye in psssing he would better overcome by cultiva ting the lower notes of hi voice.) but also from the too philosophical and didactic tone of hi speeches. After,- s 11 . these there come a "mob of gentlemen wlio'epeak with ease," but our subject does not, for tho present, admit of fur ther illuttration. s; . ; ; PEOFe. F. TJ. MlCKICE, ; 0KEE2tSU0R0,H.C.; Bepetra!ly Infirm t.e pablln, that b bit opened . M I' I c SToRttla Oreeubore. llavtna racalva-l tli betnd imwt eotnplat eel lei'tiou of tnnrio. he is prvrmrtHf to H.l ai y ' ordvis which mat be n t i htin. j na se'eoiion euunii-n oi t SEW KO.V(M AM) B XI.LADa with Piem. nr OuiiM I m.n... iLiii mL. j-ttri. 'ir-sr? ua- inttT-T K 8. 8 H "T IrjIIES, M AZUKKAn. R'ALTZEH, -LMKLOMIKfctf twui" ftwit tiD t. wii.h ritnuat VAKlAllUSi 'VEHTCK8. UKX of O' tBAS. and Is kUiLiI KB bv toe beat aa moat pnalar (m n.i-n, auoli-uiUi.il'", limiii-n Musm, ttalli,Maofc, Uevaib"ff'. Crs -er, Wtii-,'"4d."""; I vstfcBrlOR feXtRCISh BOOKS sod PIANO rOHl'S fttMtm n..i- v- . CfMal-naeaiif Ui-w Wsoie sent free no applies! (na.f Mu-ki t VV luuil, a.jp.a beiuK Iwo.i-iiM ior. very f.'rfr. lK'a. J'irauca at adistavee will gnd tha 'cfittVeyane Vi'thji oT Xuna aad txpsnse in b mining u;ijjlle A iij 'il n4o or Itnoks w.U basaktb ii mo rtrt-ipt of tba Market price, . Addieestvi t - -T-:.Jr : ' r.yiKocifT, - l ' '" Orevushoro, X. C. Mamh st.jerfw- . : v ' 1866 , , 1866 . in i it. i i ,- tw ' m " m m m ma K5A A lil UT I - JITST AS WE EXPECTED- -orn NEwpur(pDicTixc 18 wuikini; hue aeharm, via r One of ottr (rm m uteli.ki.tr e- uatli in the Knrtliara Marhnit rivea u ;; nd .imtHKaa in pari.JiteiDir at' the ,tt'a N'i.,.l. Uf- a k'ftAlil-ia, tut 'rttttU Ifflfy mWUne in ptr-i We.e.re o. w rtvitrm a w vlal pet b MK'k I Lattine Dreita Qno.ht,.ennatriug f Isiaoa aad euai.ed Rilks, A1BQeri.j,.4.... uarMuinK v ki RiMi riiar.r.iKH, , ,pnW4lirHV4l.tlS, CUIKfl Jtl OVRTR, EaM)R, 4TUH l c H ASH AMERICAN . i - : -CAI.ICe)t-. i. . 1'JL.4,' iOIMKTTelJi ... I i HSSSt9e.M, . --' AftntfaTlMCa. ta hi. -raw a). . iV' swaaisV4AS.aaa.Ica AMD rVA.Xauoii Mtti.lt . r MartttSS-ffitf. , XlALEIOlI, N. C. SII K .1t.tiKTILI.AII, . .. v Blfques FnqrWr. Pkrni-t.1 Tttf, .. fc . - Aieemlttil rtitk. C Man t vj m-tt j V A B. ITCCEEB.,., Ladiko If tTj. 3AiTiiia. mi ob a, HU81tHV,ieLiVHl. dtr An. - - W. li. & R. fL TUCKER, -4tal:h, Marsh ri, 19l.tf. .' i" ' .' . Q)TiL?Jii'.Ne) niaB en VRE.sirH Hiteaiid Drew U'' 8 w &nn,tWm, ... j , , v W.iL d It S.-i'CCKK, . VW A1VU HlateXf.' UAH eV OKtt, A larre aanrtment. Cell aad examine nor fclar. f h wili piy ya, en we bare Wsght (ood very low u art will eu tnem e&eep. 1 - - . ... ... . . . ' w a a. m w-, v mn ' A rym Bv HnnH, wariai.if 'I aro4 fr aor kia4 of Afp'T " ' B. V. AVILLIAM30N CO. Marefctl. 18. U . - - - . . - A CfttlCtXTlIlAL IMPLEMENTS t a. , I Xrw Iron Alio W..ii. Ifow.Ynrk mk, Short -.Mmrlmn Mil- I'llmpirwu,.. . i New frua Aiifnirt'rt, 16 Vauibatrtw-, . , II' eioor W 4i ehtu( Track , AU ot Ih abur at iif thPT r jaUtr, aa4 win tin -ld m wall advuir ua Mow Y rk rot. . . lu HiMiiio l ll ob. v wo ki all kiula ot flowa anil Piuw Culikgi. Andot, .iiiuvvia.l'aHka, Ai m. B. P. WILLIA 1M). t CO. MareU IS!, (OS. u XOHTII CHIOII.M MtTfAL LIFE InnvHASvu tenrisv. or-uALEiaa k.c. orrtrKas. CHABLES K JOntSOM. M. D.. Prmlemt. ' IUK.M W, HfMKD. Vsre Prtaint. U. U. UATTLE, Hee eta-t. " DIKW.TOBS. CHARLKN K. .lOnXMM, KVERARD ITAIX HIKAMW HirnTKO, J AM ; lOWLES. VULl.I AM H. JONKS. Ol'KN ri.y HUkllKK CIIAK1.KH. WMi'l, JttHX 0. H ILI.lAMH. WILLIAM it. alrKLK.M. I). WILLIAM H M1L1.KK, KtMf IMlATlXh, ALiiUCt JOH.NeO.V. U. n.BATlLK. PoKien insd navabla aftM lUnlhJ of rli-i tk. nurr t,'.l ntuin n raiUia an. 1rr from Ikt vrrvfw rftfiHuto. er (!irty adnata, tuav finiu. itnii iu nnu in xHinittin wn on l.ifr VeticitM, . ,-.' All i!"irir onlr(lolll fvr the ffltw m Rnt-lrh t Mvvn S 1,7 d.lm. ' H ui(b M. C ..-A.A, WILL AMI, , .,. , . Formu 1y of Wvtkingto, X (X, lifa Gretru i boro N. C, " I '. wnOLKSAtiK DCALBB IK Crocirlcs ana tencral MerclianaiZfi," rOaWAKUIOw A5D COMMISSION MCUC1UNT, Ho. J Krth It star Street, WILMLVOtON.N.C. " : Mcnta to Rev. C. H. Wllev, Snperiataadeat TabU Bihooli for tbe auta, Umaa.buru, N. C, Jejae it iwca.aj, ,J(ia.iMa( Euik f Cap Teas Rev. W E P il. t dluw nt .-.W, Raleigh. Jmiefilj Htu.a, bifq ; W iablnton, IT 0. Me ra Janet 1 rer A Soai, BUimore. M-ar. l).ii-y, Corner A Cn.,New York. .Wliu.iugion, Jaa , 137 bl rersosal atteatioa afvea to the sal or alltpmeat of Cotton, flarai Store, &c All pmdBi-e, ciiiiniKn.-d tn aieforahionieot.toMeaara Oowley, Citniera ai 0i , Mew York,, will be taaared fioui tlie poliit nt aiiiumeut .partie advlaiog ate aa aooe mm Tnear'Hiaa aie Km inrwara, 31 ICS It Oil ANDIZE retmtved and turwsrded with prtiBptcee aad at rand. i arate cparg-e,. . A lull aujiplv of anocBniESL kept eno-lanlijr ia at we, wlikib will be eold at low flg area for nb( Acrnt lor tbe sale of Marvia k Co.' eelebrated riRat ARB BUnoliAR-PCOOf SAraTS, vltb Msrvin s rveit Powder. piot.f Ixwka ki weiirhiBK itnly iD i)nnrlerf an uunre. Tlieee Safoi era warranted free tiom ttanipnera, and are sold a eiemueeunw e uruMe,Md will ba forwarded, thrii a h Wllininrft(.m with. itit chr;e mr (titraee or forwaidiug. 75 3161 OfCottOU Tarn. SJld 4-4 ET0WH- - ... . - - - r - BJiectin(f, t- fc Jala. at il iy ffaiw. bv -A.Vt.-Wif AARfV- Wllii.iejloa. V. C .Tenaarv M. 149. Am. RKriJfEDaodCubeBagarforaaWby l A. A. WILLARD. WflmiDftiio, Feb S, !, f f. Cnba IBoIuasea. IH hogshsada aud barrels, for tale by A. A. W1LLARD. Wililnti. Feb", MS. tf 1 QOKWICORlflS .-...r. ,. . '. w '' HttOO Biuhelt prim While Cockle atnr, aad for aAle- by . - , A. A WKXAkl). Maruh 9-179 tf Wilmiairtt H, C. gas" .'" '1.' .J'J'H'J1;". li'J"""U .ljV Ji-'Jiem'.t w . too Bhla, Flan, Super and Family, aow laadlaf ea4 doily t-ipjiuf For atle.br . , A" A" WHX.RI, r- Mareh 17 tf . 11 Wi!minrto i, IN. C I..... .1... Will, .a:..)! , . , I... -inieei' Uaron. ffijy?dTXTS$'iir 6CoVawT o'Trn and rTr fbt l)UUU Ie by V r Ai A- WIA.LAKD. Witoiimritie. Fb i.tr Kah Ma.tr i . . . V . f - . Cunellca, .. ' v . I r A BOXES " AdainSBtioe" for sal by 10J A. A. W IIXARD. Wilwilnetne). Feht MS tf 1 - CofTf-o.- , r 10 aad Java Coffee for sale by IK A.A. WTLLAKD. Wilmieetoa F-bS. I tf SALIsniRY Hit ASS UAD TkEOKO AMZlCp latTunvy, lS.t.a alarirarane'e M ss Tnnn ftnnn-ity.-Bnuei lliew'ttnttiinf-nT-rtT IllTHwr liM.tr, W. II NKAVK. whnwaa alen chief wiaeia rri, ramnd-Uand Tnit IteritaOp Lte'aarmy lie will be aoiaird m leadnbv ' dir.ii.a by lite brother. F.rl.4 Seave. t-,attrdMiiiK fhrt-ntiie l,r r (I--B Le a bert and en.-at lavmiip band, vis i 4th W C The Uitnd ia eiimpoaptl of tf bDet mutiiberaaf t'.e o)9 Bead to. untht-r we'll tbt bert mamhersiif aavaralwf the tee Uan4 treuud by Vi' 11, in pnmna. he bar Dvo'ttd to Hajtatm fr.iui aj( p inu Id i he iknie tw (.if hie t e r rsii-e!v V-a.i.iB n, jJiniiiinSJiie atady and prttptne f wtfn""1 Itie Bind will be a per -a-nent lBtittrti for sll Sta'eend frrte nreeemn; td, will re,aal Hia be I to lia . mail la Ine world, lfoleje, ed bv loo-e d epirtnt a fine rtir ttt Braes add Mrinf inQ'te; if sh4. It eiunt a d wn ltr liil year ' , , VV li .Nuav. i aiaiaitei.t In .he plbratnd DneV worth brnaeiorttttmaata. proved and warranted to him, end by bill) tt oth "a i aiao. the nvtat rWaflnr, pff -e, tive Aad pnpBltr Piatln n pin. ele ted by hi. frienda, H. H. U.iw .pih and Kt B dahnd, ' Turk. Fur tipfinnpra. fuel .em pwytie, eadaovaacod ikia.iHaAa, ao t -nt 1. f r ('. - ' - kla.if t tMii(d and atranred to order for Parlor, Oreueatrklaao Hraaa Bt.d fur any kind ead Silto ber ot inetrantprta --. ' ' - ' . - HAinthary ! beea eeleeted hx MtuUaJ Beatiqtier. lap ,U isPQfritt n-tptltooi .... .' ..r i ..... 'i,....... .,. 1 S. Jtj,Jie-aiftte- of enqatry fnrwiainaj iriforrastlua. bat wnn aa view to "-ri,aa ante Jir. Aeave er Hmmd met outrtMB two p 4a sUMSps. w k La ua u NEW, AXlY SPItlXO AI ICBHER GOODS IT OK lOG. "w . MTii.r- AsittAn. - MaJcm JUr tfipt 'jttfuhtr and aJuad f Um. - - A OA W haa tbe p'eMare to liil.itni lua nlj frinnda. "i aitw i teia it nra en.inmis ert! anw t-ue-imroni. aad etrery ntwt phut th tt aam aiwd. tttnt A Aaa inn Tf-,rmeJ frm a XuHk. wheie he eehat- tea wan itreel pare, ernj with ea pp. uvl, f tlie waata. oat. ni tlie larf ?' and oi.tet eonipMn pita ks oJ staple and Fancy Dry sjioods, h ever had the iilemai le offor them, either darlnc ar A large end Wntllol eaaorf meat nf Latdlea' Dreaa Good. mbraeine Ui unul mod loading ttlae of the i A Ure aaaortmeat of , - -.: . ; Oeatlemcn's, Toutna' and BojilOooda wiun ouuiuier r rapping, ladlei. Miasiti andCJiUdreaa Trimiced Hat, new atapeari- ,1 , Ladies, Misse aad CltUdaa Hoop BkSrtir- T . .1 ; yr: .1 nL:l j7.. wutj suiki auu iiouarea Balmoral Shoet, Gaitert, Slippers Earasolt, Bonnet, Eibbona, Glove. Eoaiery, &c. &c 0Xt and Boy' Kid, Calf and Cloth Gaitera, Genta, Boy and Children'! Straw, ' ", teirhora, Braid and - : '""T Wd4 aad Willow Nlfelh Hn e ItwHnnrh Otflrar etliw -- - -- - FAMILY CiKOtXUIES, Ve. - In- tart, hi a few days my aloes wilt be nninplots. -Jinw I di.a'l preundtoeny that 1 an eltne(f.irf at New iovk prions, J any no eh t!.tnt. Nt de I ie 00 oh bowhuKuerv. Hut I ear I have ao.ri o..a tw ekeapvJ eipwtlo ail aa nl.,o, 4 ),, e-earv'-.i"atnifcJn.''.iip--aw.to paid for hia ffotidt. or evpr eiot to pa fw thm r ; etrwpted. Tepnive whil '.a, aad what I uieaa, 1 reapeotfnlly ak wiy friend, nui r n turner In null an eaaniiie m eltn-k at the old H Kniiih Baildiaenrmruf k'ayetievtUennd lln'r-n -tfpt-. A.CUCCCU. Rlelch, Mareh M.ISi, 3w . Miaadard and I'lufr-aa enpt. ' j 1IAVENS & LATHAM', WtJ'i-Mrt Alj- ORttKaVMSr t HAVMAArX ""' -reM f Nosr iii'itati,'";'.- -: HEWBEaN.H. C, Foitpit enneiffStni-ttts ttf 1 COTTOAi l'ARVX, ... , irii:i rriiriT. aad wtS five perOualar a lostiua to ti parciiaaug and ehippiha- ail hinds i.f GHAf Jf. Orders from the Weat will reraftv their prompt attentipa. -Refer to t , MITCnELi, & ALLE2T, v . ' . NevVbern, X. C. w. a GrLiCrT. PKLAfllCI COWPER, R. a Tl'CKER, lUletfrh, If. C. - . T).,VT. C. BENBOW, ISO. 6L0AX, i ' ' ' Greensboro, Jf. C. BIXRTTATE, "Charlotte K. C. BROWX A MOTT, f ----.-.--.'--6Alisb8ry, Jf. C. T. D. STOCKTON, , . : Iw. Stateaville, If.C. Ifewhani.Karrb a.IMlni.r... -,' CIlA.(aU OF TIME. BlMIiniIsniiiTiiviiiii,iinr.rt t , iiurfinititJmt't Ofirt, .'! I , jwiriKu, n, v,, jr,B 1806. 1 OWnad aflttrMosday, Fb. ISnb, train Will I un ae loiliiwa i ., . I , P kaaouetir Train lasvs TteJaigh, i 3 a M Anlvea et WeWt, ' JLiA .-.rr; nw.uve yy eiaoa , a i llip Atrjveo at Balpivh. . T"' - Fiisrht sad At"nmndsttriti Trslrlweiuvtes fcVaiph a H'tadey. VVVduPud y aad Fridaya at f.lw A At. and arnvpa.e nnitni o.mi f w, TbieUalnluavfij HaJtiab fuim the Ba!eiirb and fiu. toa lepnt m tk A'onliern pert f the Cily -Pr.-ikiht and Aninini.iliili.in Train iron WM,,n aaTaeaditya, "lbarrday attd Sutaid vys nt St M A M. and arrives ai Sale gh 4H0 P M. s J Br Wis ettane in t e riwvemr? Tinin, mnnnptinna .tniuUcWiUi, tbJSVbtrA-aV !.ltn-ka. bull U.A a w-llt'a of tH'ait(i.f r"14- It' lirmut. Way pe-teenitere a b .wemwim-idnit-d hy the Freight aad A:omm(iatiui Truia il tliuy llilnk ornit in d Mt.' . . - - . . ... , v For fArwe-jrA- ttckrt n ev rf-the wlnpinal pilw. HorUi.apply at ibeoiuiem Mah.iKii .... i,ii. Hi . i. n v . lii-a Bupnriuttrudptit A. n. Bs. Oeaeral Aa Bl. , Fob IT, lt 3m 1 ... n..,,,,,mwf II EN S H A W St Tl 1 0 1 1 1) U I ( iN COMMISSION & 8HIPPIN0 , . - V MEttCIUNTS. MoarHBAD CITT, H. 0. , (1 V5.BAt All EMS FOB CHIPPISO AHO Jf ForwanliufT CoWua, Tur'atiiie, Kosin end all kinds at floods or Fro see, Frejp ettmtmo . oderete her(s Ws have rrelx steam paentf fresS Morekead City te New Terk. . . , , , . eKw-Baalnnee en'IciUd. T4 data. i: x.--x-TpUIAMUOtur. WE ARK oiMHiinit the lu at H urk t,f Franah. Il'V- ljh and Apt in 4t.i In, ever e-a. g iiptia Bl n Slailaatta, at X httd prinea SOT HAEBLE FROM P2IC2S!1 . Mnnpy rpot ivitd on t.pt si; ni d l .er f-l lluld tiV jaot lit dratL ai day iiit. .pat I tun date nf r'tvtft Upfnreare ep.ryhtdA A a ltve nrvi puflT .red a en. iwaa v ut i anf n vn h-. " ' r n 'n maw o pat SelA i U. A. Cren iw nnnntn;- , : BUOW.V, I'ARES CO. . ,, lW.tf . . . . '.r..,.,-.. ;..") ' DS. WHaSOX'S 8CH08L. Jf BL Tit LS At A if Aire B CO. X C. TtT! eisrdee of tils School wre fiimti o Tti. 1st. . A aamber ef fapilr Pan yet lie ree!ve t. ' pt. iWO. Vrt0", A. M. fr arty f MWnyt K C la anwawiejinteil with tlie fcuiwiriu' ana eo tiwly eutinke'ile the' Srhosd - - For Cirealar, apply te Woi or rha ondora'rned. rOKlSGG nnAiM:i (-elebuated : ( DTTPLEX ELLIPTIC . iHT'l r-iTlliiiilMwi . 2.- V ? , mm 1 -'ffc'J.I.V 1 jffefe BHUITH." P'ACH HOOP REIH- u aPusfD OF TWO FKR i f iy -lmmn4 ial. Bprlng. braided tlfhtly aaj (ra.lr ttnether. edi la e.ie Intnl.. D.. end siakinf the ttmnt ad avtst Jfaa-iMa, IheiteAi ssTnA-savsy atatatA, ejertif ataaa.' - r-- H V Will Bnt kea 1 hreak Hire Ike ht jl always preeerve Heir frnt aad Aawe.W "e, ell f,-ii ',;...... ;f.l-.,jj.; 'J'.;- - ; luurchet, ' " .. Theatre. ' - '. . ; 1 -Eailread Cars, .""f.i ':t, , ' For Promenade i' or Howe Dreaa, jo raea, toav are sanstiar ie all atuata. eaaki Contfortr Econom j" -.TIlitiiii'llr?"''':'S''' j. ' .'- Durability. -Fwnnliej-ftlg. -..-.-.-X- BradlejLPaplex Elliptieor Double Sprlnf -v. Skirt. ,...t F. sale eeerewspre H.nuiaetorad sielaiif ely ky sae.eww ewnn or cae pateni, t.-t .;-.6. .. , 7-iV nt:. Bradlej d .Cai7Si:H:.. A fitll auenaeat nf ihets So pert ar Skirts eea.tat.l ly ea hue, an t tor le ia a rt variety ef sises, by IV II It e TUI.'KKU,' KK1.LOG0, WHhKLKK A CO, J A. KLIME, """ , :: RAM) ALL 4 MAXX. ? Aad all ether Mervbaau wae sell First Class Sktrts - i-j ""ia t.,nrt.4Hife wta pwutaare osetea. Je. . I 7 Ss ;i .. ; v ;. v. ; ,. , ,: .....; "o " .a i 'i an 1 it.0. raaiCLkf, b o. riatLst, j. ink jntxi. msaT savao O. G.. PARSLEY &. CO. Importers A Commission lerchanfs, CJsllcu CaualaukHaau Ibr Male r stbli .Ipoaonti O Cotton, 1 " Cotton Tarn, Domeetiea. Hfiaval Btorei ,iV ' .! A"d ether f COUBTE Y PEODTJCS. ? !Tae a.wava ! Hi r, aad are ratal ,,e esastaat ly, roBeifnaieat, for saU at lowest BMrke rata, f . Gunny Bagging; Gunny Baga, jisueitope, meaai'oric, i "v Baooa Siaei and Shonldera, . ' eugar, CoU'ee, Jaolaaaea, v . v.. tt..... :..a' . iuur, ilUHOl, VMCCS13, j. .. Ijaa foutoea, Onioa,- Crocker. Mackerel, Fiekled Herring, 'i .. j - Smoked Herring yVT''''t''. .,rr.;'i.Cdflli,Saiia, ' L '' ... Xowdef, Shot, v'Vf J;"'';' ;;" Window OlaaCTalnta Linaotd, Kerosene, Taanert', aad s, " . Lubricating Oil, la 6-cai can & bb!,, WhUkey, a ... , -.t Jainaica Horn and Gia Soap; CaJidlf s, BtarcH, Slt, Lime, &e., aota uVTH fok r.' r. Coo Snprr I'linsphute) of I.lme ,1 Auri.i avn i DTJ"IOX'I-S I'OWDEIt. SiMH.ids S.w C'pt ,'sar,jrt" ftav Ca )!. I A'id " . . Ajmie ;i f eaapiiitraumi i. 7,Mt at tys aire Ir is Utu etaae;r- HUO f 1 1 M.r drar Ir m P .rtv Mrs. Jew tttm - y - HIIOlXSllii; OUIKXKS . foumhMoii MrrrJwn.v Kv 14 Kttrr iu. 8tiu.et, : " kI.i:uii, jr. r. . ' Or). W. fiwf.pso", fl. TV, PriUAkV JUST KECEIVED, u : iFDTnttrt Motimri, '-r-r- -- - Prime I'artory Clie.';::::r. , I Jftickrrci la Uttls. Offirpi totetraiftiisfciiajrT I'BICFa. awKj'Ko.y a j-cluah; , 14 ryslteviile t ree- . srtk 59. 17,lf. W )T4Rlt . ... a.." -A--'. - ; . -''. ASi.la aniiita Tnrt.pnt'np te neifpprAr 40 llun.:t na htmto ('itfiit. " Htt ajasllt ta . kka k'k'vtt i a. rr-f riiu 50-ln7l f 14 FneetiavUt f , lAVII Duor, ZIJTJr, DOIRACS & CO fctftjte m Pnnry i?rr CooSs, ' Ko. go & 83 Lto"rl fiiriti, , (WltU iedwey.) j; - 1 . HW.TOBK. A, , tiOT. ,'" w. a, a,a.e ea.n.a n.i lEKOSETX & CO., ';- '"','; Pormerly BeSoMeU - & Bio,tl . (LsteWisUed in 183W.) - ,! ? 1 Genera! ComlssSon SltrcJiaotsi, " ; ' North Watkk St, -. - ' VILJil.NUTOX,N.C, ; TyilA lve penutnat at.aikw t the parch n4 " 'V . " "I PitKi every de.cript,, (id r-J etiiv'p end hf wnram ianl. ' ... ; -r- Feb a m. fltn. THO, W." tAT1V KtVBBO dUdS, JU. i DAVIS X JONES, AUCTIOX A MERCIIAST8, .JTo,, 28 rayctteiille Street, -li JKEP eonatasilj ewbad a very leis sappy OllOClilUK.!, A '.as . ; aaaeisiiiia et . - Bacon. Lard, ;" r V L i Tlur, Mealj Corn, Ccppcraa, JJucHwhcat, Checi, , . '. Pickled Oyater. ;!,- . (tamn.. St. V Porter, Bladder Simtr. 1 - ' : ; Boda and Butter Cracker, ; X. " :V, Tea Cake, Percuaaion Cap,' ' ' -s ALSO- -- Wood and Wilow Ware, , ., nf&lng Irhplemcnu of allteicripabnCii-' -ww iMH"'mt eWai4VOlkAtWa-W(.tA ,a, Cotton,. Cotton Tarn Jtoa,&vul - ana Ail oonatKUwaBts sbaU reenive ppnmmi and nnum 1! ' i-Oaf. a a- jca ' -r.r-i A. A. aorrtvv,' . w a. i irm. .aa Vaia wor-riTT,nno.t co.,. General Commiaaion . iterchant,..!!.!.. i'is, Ao.4Kiilh Wnttn inirnat,. '. rT1 ; ' ;!" :"' ''f f,r;,vH'Wiliniagion, 17. C'V'j ir:-: triIXelvaprrimnt Param,, nttBU,h a wti,4 ta Vf or ehiltme t ef riitt.ia i ' rrodnca, Aa., Ao, A'aetu leeeitu.ir aua (vode. " : rdtittfr iiapnSSiprly WUiu01, , ' "T! '-":- dee), nf , 4e. etai - .y ... -... . . ... I ........ JACOB KIJ.L & S0.S, ' .: '..W-FlHiaBttwHO, tA, ' ' . . : MaatactuRm of tent' ihoibtn ljtKP CONoTAlfliT biAii'VA lA;T7rr .V tek of ; CLOTHS, CASSIMERE3. - BOOTS. bllOES AND HATSf I vrhleh w fr JwJo Juhbrjt! i86 0. ATTRACTIVE 61'RIXO 6T0CX i..ir7..i. . - of a".;,; wmc'dsiDoimno'.:n- gEY-aopps.: tfit iw-pprtfunV thvtt Ilia aiinnioa of the Tied " ! to oar veiy deiralle aid eiioloe .tuok ef America tt and Itrlilob Fancy Drtss . (ea;, swiner which may be f..i, th 4t-ut style istnprM awKis,taiilbw wlih aa ajiu-naiva) aieiirbueal of -rnpeiwr ;;";"' , : rfOTIONS OJ? Alal KIOTJ. We p iriirM'arly cnTJ Hi stlenll.i- cf Hi rn.'iiirte HIuk ti.is vlty ttt ttnr larpp tik t.f . J OXL KSXJ C O OB S, - Jl Ktrd haiiat m;i in ar t-nt ww wnr -prf piswd m ofT-r am'm it ownmnitni urirnwil l Met ami tirali ai.t hmtii u a K'-aatal (nwurtmeiit i aYeirabki ti.. .ta nit ertttnilv uitei ted i rt-diinnd mips ami !,o ,.ft-,,r. ed at piinea in pu t Ilia trade et cr Wi,il.nte Va- .1ih vu xaeimii Vlmt ol i-tn, IV, a nt J rtienm re rat i rRtRi;ii. a , whrra Cap. 1 1 ward Oralip.in and Mr. J.-'m MrVnt will bngiatl to bp th.ir )ld .iid and the 'i'rtile enei atty . - -t. IT-1 ' L.'' " WfclMTAIXK 4 CO. rU'lAakl COWrHCK. JAMi; A. AtooRlt 1 .V t()WPI.S t 3I00RK, AUCTION A COMMISSION 5IKnCIIAXT3, : 'V'-: rdyetteville Street, - 0fU J'tnetutt JJrug iXet, ' , KAI-KIOU, K. C., . ...,v Witt ell ill llud of pr dine and -'. nf any dapi-riptloB-, on CobihiUiI.ib er at Aui--iui. ill enlle- t ell e a t a id I.hI r" Iui d. bn eanit par. tie r al lii ( 1 1 tbe ally St Kaltigh or in .ha t iuaiy Wake, an I will key and lelt ua CuuiiaUai a, ) Real EUte, -- s ; : , ;: Gold and Silrer Coin, V . State-Sunds, " : :. ; Btotikt,. and , .p; Exax ITotei,..;. COWrKB at M00R8. , . Csnt,ir.Bjanu aolltlUd. :. y Ja. in, is!, tf. ;;V IKK INSURA1.CE, eer,,.Bi,Bg) fajaupnnipe retwpnMT. 10 A. 110 BftOAItWAl X T. V'Vi FIRST CLASS COMTAST k'. a a II ctriiii, i. ooo.ooo. ': f BurplM-twer f 4C0.OO0. OSna ia Bank t-l (Jape Fear,ke..ih, -' l- - . ."a-ATTlLE, - Marpti-17 iaviaw4w. - . A;t. Standard eopy u i a week fr fnar weeke. Jn Clp4T.h'"' ,,..v.,.'-.:- Je BUe eeveral pieaaa f Jne Bleak and Drab viotba.va CoBaifBBipBt 1 . . , . -AJJJiSJLTOWLrS, i . u :; ,-..- t. ajjex ymsos, d. r. yr. r., eeadhr. ft. - v . jaatee. iet u V t".ei ev eyt e - 1 . - J!' Q 'WW Mltrl,l pan.