I "TTucidarrAprll 91, 180. CITY AND STATE ITEMS. , -fBipurM -evaa-nestly for Triaof Major Jni IL Gee, HV'SOI'SIB OF TEyriMoxt. - - TUlTlTT-TfllRB DAY. ' ' Mo.vdat, April 23,1868. Examination tf Captain FvqM mtUinued': " Major Gee hid no cBotcSnliaToiriSir prison ; he received those that were sent to mm by the officer commanding tire troops. He.was linwnd men from Freeman's battalion, for special ' posts, as prison officials. After the guard was mounted, the way it was to be divi ded into reliefs had to be explained to the offi cers. When the reliefs wore, divided, the. do-, flcieney in the number of the guards wa discov ered. . ' The Commandant of the prisoner cmildnot remove orjehange the Surgeons; don't know whether be could give them orders. I do not think an order in regard to the policing of the prison could have been given to the Surgeons, which they were bound' to obey that was the duty of the officer of the day. I tliiuk nothing better could have been done in regard to cleanli ness. . Think i Major' Gee bad no control over Quartermaster and Commissnry. Maj; Morfit did not recoguiM MjJ. Gee's authority over him. There was a placard on Morfit's work shops prohibiting anybody from going into them. The order was general, ftp exceptions to it. He claimed that bis department was sepa rate and distinct. He went to Danville or to - Richmond without Gee's permission. The original ground in the prison was higher toward the centre ami rocky ; it had the appear ance of being macadamised. Maj. Gee telegraphed to Richmond that if CoL Hinton's regiment and Sucad's company were Mmoved,ib psiaoners could not beseemed. "elremoratotthewlirrwpytlw'tt-aseatheTmm' beoJset)HnelvSothat each post wm extended , '''iromtd to-80" yardi" We time of the outbreak, I think. There were from 1500 to 1709 recruited at the thought it extremely disorderly. Major Turner was the nrst recruitinir officer that came. He bad authority from the War Pcpartment to re cruit ln'Danvule, au3 elsewhere, but not in Bul b-bury, Major Gee reluse! htm remission to ' "jro th pnisomFwnf-Wisfted - -rh ere w "no placard posted in the prison in ret5renee to r- ..cruitiiiiMWW were foreigners. Irishmen and Frenchmen were preferred. They wore not allowed to recruit ' Americans. - - .It was customary to parole prisoners, who "were given passes to go out. I don't know that .11 wm namled don't know any tliijtvwcrenot. taulfl The nortion of eround-iu tlie rear uts I light and soft. A man might scratch thrrtugh4 with bis Bands, aoohi uie uine mu uiu were taken awav, the sentinels on the line be tween the officers and the enlisted men saw pieces of papers attached to Btones thrown 'i ' across the Iifnv They recovered some of them ; I saw them. One was a plan, at a given signal, "'? for the chiefs of divisions and officers to lead a rising. The officers wore the regulation uniform. After the dlscoveryjof these papers, tlie officers - were removed to Danville 1 think' by Major Gee's order. ' He communicated with authori ties at Richmond. A short time after the out- break, General Winder earns to- galilry. I went into, the-prison with him,. TUtt Jiicn " crowded around him, and ho said the firing had stopped too soon, and "if they tried it strain, rfbtaman would bo left alive I think Maj. Gee and General Winder had not met before, " end the impression Gen. Winder made on him was not favorable and did .not c!innj?o upon fur- - therj acquaintanceLtyrr- Gee exproswd fins : opinion to ma. The prisoners who went out on working p ir-; ' Ves were not allowed to make purchases, but - the officers in command purchased things for them, at their discretion. Those were the or . dcrs. "I' have seen the prisoners return with i 'rolls of provisions. The reason of this was nqt to allow them to communicate, .with citifjns. In the case of a prisoner who tuade inquiry for his release, it appeared, from the paper, that Jw . xkA n.nitmi with a lawver. aim ten. wrm-a- nor asked bow he,was permitted to do so, as tt was contrary to regulations. . f h untiniila hail onlers to Are : upon .tba inrtm nrnwds assembled near the walls ' and rWXTTne. first orderinsi flremTodiwcrsc. -rThe orders to fire were so limited. The tenos wae frail, and tlio object of the ordor prevent the crowd from rushing against flte wall w&kino It H.iwn 1 Oan't sav whethe this nr.. lr.rm nr after tlie outbreak. " By -- the word "crowd,? waa mfcuit an eaaemblaga of Hve, six or seven hundred nii-n. -,!' . It was not in the power of Major Gee to give v furloueh to the sentinel thatsliot Licntenant Davis. ". " w - ' : nf h nntbreak. there were not nuny lurCflt shots an occasional discharge of lieci P- haps not c.tb4-.WomiMV'-''w -- injron(l M.rfif iiid--not-inKnwth .. ' logcther-Maj.XSe .laintdlogIoTht's jn- 1,1111-11111,1, ! ' . a . J Maj. Gee was inclined to Interfere with his de- partment. . ' . , ,. , There was a garden at the garrison estwiU . el efore I went there, which, I understood, be longed to the. officer of the post. Idont know what were dona with the vegetables rais ed in it, think they were divided between Maj. Gee and Prison Surgeon think there was no 1, otber odlcera. 'Can't sy whether ieyweljsl for the federate ric.k 1 r or wnsonrr or war.T . Css Biammtd. I wtnt to the prison on "8ra March, l0ti bydcJfif the Secrefcijy ot War. I wastmderMaj. Gee's orders. Before , nor after prisoners of war went there, I never, of my own knowledge; knew of prisoners not being allowed to rccfiifC pjvijannft JmracitiJ ' sens. . .. " ' The raUons to the prisoners were the same as to the soldiers 1 1 flour and 1 i oi meai., I don't know that tVy received it. I never knew of pies of other provisions beinff taken from prisoner. If they had been, I tliiuk I i, would have known it. I was generally there during the day. I A few of tliose recruited men jctnmed, who 1 tn lie American! ' Tke prisonors were offered 50 to enlist , I think nothing more. Never knew of theirniemg offered any rations. I was not alway present when, the re cruiting ofTlcer went in, but when I Was, noth ing else was offered. 1 do not think the food annl.l ktfa lwn an irVturemfnt to tbf m. I think the supply of Water w su3icnt fi.rj , drinking purpies,hot for waaMflff. the want j .r , ... l a Rnieffifinii.ff if tnev bad artnaliv safferfd for wslef.' 'l" think the frnartl would hsveWn kciit on diitf, tA lit tlney "did suffer, who1 was responsible f ; V A. TUecommderof tUoops. IHsduty wo to furnish them upon requisition of com mandant of the prison, who should bar made the n-quUition, it' necessary ; that wu hit re sponsibility. , There timowiot of bamls and plenty of "water in the creek. I can't recall how olten the fruard went on dafy; Tbctmard asked for was from 250to 800 mroijMnkljMuiUi tlie riuinber of uiutket 600 or 600 to &0O or 000. never exceediuir 1200 or 1300. Ms). Gee complained of his requisitions for amount required was not supplied. Q. If they did not have one-fourth the amount vou think they did, do you think Maj. Gee did his whale duty to get them t (Objected A. I know tiiut ue ma nis waoie quty. In that case he would have been responsible ; it was, h is dut y to make requisition and it enaed there duty of the Commissary to issue thcra tions.'. , . '4 . . There was no further shelter than those tents prot itled for the r risouera. , I think the guards built shelters for themselves of rails, pieces of nlank and such things, They commenced to lit trees, on the lawn of a gentleman between a mile and a mile and a bait ot tlie prison, and I was ordered to go and stop them. Shelters could have been made tor the prisoners if the land had belonged to the government. I uon t recoiiec Major uee giving any oraers to Uifffcing the burrows in the ground. No one else about there but prisoners of war lived in that kind of burrows ; some of the troops dug a foot or two in the gttound and built a shelter over it. The burrows were comfortable in1 dry weather. The ground not more damp than ground ordinarily is . Q. If this timber could have been obtained, aud was not, who was responsible t A. The post quartermaster. He rurnisnea ar ticles to the prison quartermaster. I do not re collect seeing Maj. Morfit's orders. Here the Judge Advocate showed to- witness' book of hospital records, containing wliat purported to be a copy of Morfit's orders. Fjit'esume this is a true copy. Maj. Gee "notified the department at Rich mond of a eencral want of quartermaster ar ticles in 'the prison, when the prisoners of war came, and afterward. . V ' ' The Court adionrned until 10 oVrloek, A.-H.V tomorrow. Carvlimaik, at Wilson, offer a newspaper office for a weekly for sale at a low figure. Press We invite attention to tlie Card of Conant Hunter, General Commission Merchant, Porta-aKrtnti-Tar-TMs-ts WMrrembtenorentcF prising firm, and we take ; pleasure In commend;! ing it to the public patronage ana confidence. A meeting of tho Btockhohlcrs of the Peace ISifturerts "caTTetf foTitnesday, May 2nd. City Charteb Elbctioh. Ou'rcitixeni voted yesterday upon the acceptance or rejection of the new City Charter. The vote stood : For acceptance, 63; for rejection, 150. ' The eloc- ttoff-wnTffSuctecr with" Bntiefflenl: Revival. The revival interest continues in the Bnptist Churcly Many have already con nected themselves with the Church and others urn atill aeekiiiD' salvation. O v ' , The interest in the Methodist Church U grow ing. TUe congregation is large ana serious, ana several are earnestly enquiring after Christy Four persons connected themselves with the Church on Sabbath last. Suokiso Tobacco. W are indebted to our friend KinseyT.fbr an excellent article of Smo king tobacco, which he offers on moderate term. He will close it out tow by tho barrel. ' We regret to learn that E. H. Overton, Esq., Agcut of tfee R. & Gaston Rail Road, at Kit trell's, died at his homo on Saturday .hist Ho waa a good and naoful citizen. v -; '.Tie RaU Road Hotel at KittreH's we learn, has changed hands. Dr, Gi W. Blacknall, late one of tho proprietors of Kittrcll's Springs, has purchased the Hotel from Wm. T. Collins, Esq., forS000. ;, ' ; ' Rkv. N. F. Rkid. We are glad to learn that this gentleman has -arrived at his home in Thoraasville, and that he is rapidly regaining his health, i He found the climate of Kjw Orleans w eRemting, l'tcc 'm attack of Nm,mSi!m- jpet him to murn honie1: ; -:: - PEHso!tAfc-Thev Newhera Tim wji that the Hon. R. S. Dounell is very tick iu Washing- ton, X. C. :'- NEflno MovbmesW. We understand that tlie negro camp at Roanoke Island is about to lie broken no. and alsotbt opposite Newbern, It W:j-wwnrlmt jm bwu iuiii; tuliy tkg Owf 1 Wa T . . . - A . il arn now feeding in idleness to work for their this port for ICoanolte island on ounaay last, ehartcrcda bring away eight hundred net;mes from that camp, and the purpoeeia to distribute tliem oyer thfl district of country from , which they originally came. A similar proceeding will lead to the clearing out of the Newbeni camp. 1 nis is an ngni. ri no ieeiiog oi me n?groe at the common expense Is nothing less than olLennir a oremium lor luieoaaB. inn i nUMv of work to be bad. The nejrroest as well aa tbB whites, will have to work tor a living, and the sooner they realise the fact, the better for all concerned. JfevnernjmmirnM , A . A Wa Expected. . ? , , Exaetljt M we foretold, tbe Radical insist that if there aw no loyal white men who can take the test oath here, the negroes should be aimointnd to often. - .Forney says that (he Poit-niVter-0eneral will find no difHculty with tb. They can take tlie oath without a scra wl. . pOT-liAna. It ia sure, nevertheless, that the colored people were s hot tot axseession as anv among us, and they autea me pnwecunon of the war as readily as the whites.- However, that is an indifferent matter. , We imply wish to call attention to xthe extreme rancour em bodied in Forney's suggestion. We, believe that no Northern State baa yet filled its offioes with netrroesL and this proposition is the vary r quintesenea of malice and insolence. TbwRee- retary oi tlie senate is a pw;r iwn m uv wonla.doubtlea ba very well displaced by some African brother. Will, Uowever niacg nis sain, cannot tiave so black a heart aa John W.1 for- i,cy. rpr yornev i becominff i insuflcrable In Uii . L.. - c . i .. i.l- t.. ttrfi'iuic. - - - - ' 1 . - . i . a n . frm utiiip i,i mu mm EC i o t. is in nSated wit tne uiea inai ne ia so inMsmificnHt mtml'erof thGovernment. and s fh.rintof Plate daaUea alone, Be, t tie By r,r.rtr. hnK assumes an air, and crie, "VTiat a dust sr raise V Richmond Etamintr, , tA Remarkable Cns Drstiss is waira ras i-ntm mt Taa sas In VOLVSBMr. Ptitk PrkiDoa,' Ptrburn, Vs., Aug. S6, 14i3.1 MJ 1st karobv eartity, tliat t VM laat aaa, I was alHiald wiu a umm OOUHouuIr ulle h IlruM Coiaiilunt, tb pm ami wvasoeas la to Dresn nDUDaa 10 oewM sn laui i oc el (wo mrd: 1 luaadmit dUficultv in brata- ( t f rawal mm ity mitiim tr my wsuw y tli HebS TTIejIPOiS'l'mufe'j Mrknii cuugU, wuua disucaawl at icroat- lr. (oar Ume dunac.ua .iiliiaas..aad Hamarrbsae ol tb Lugs. All viIipl1 UvMiMtit taiM to affofd fn tf ; it wm tit opiuioo lit t fneiidi that 1 natt dia with (b eantnimuina i I wiu adir4 ta tb 60L7UEKN HtPATtC P1U.S, attsr wine thrM boiB...Uii:l.k.i;coritu U 4,wlte-Kiitii bitwK iis ttfwuni of pfreft leallk ; 1 bv a goad pptiM, Dav Mount u neT 1 was. swep ssoaa aaa plcataat, sn-i eaa parfottn aay da'y with aa snaeh straacta n4 vigor aa I avardid. Taay earlainly kava aeiad Hka a perfect charm ea mei'1 . For asla by tb Dt turgisti. OirartioM aeeorn nany eah b.yk. 8ut'taBj part of (h Uaita4 Biatas tor 3 nar deaaa. Aadrau, OEOJiGB W, DEr MS It CO . ApriU.IM. Im - - - Usltitaura, Md, RALEIGH MONEY MARKET. I CORRECTED BT JOHN O. WILLIAMS & . - CO., BROKERS, RALEIGH, N, a 4 PRICES or OBTH CAJ10I.HIA MARK KOTSS. Bank of Jforth Carolina. U . .......... Cane Fear. M Charlotte..... " Lexington at Graham. , , , " lioxlKrough .......... . " Wades borough .if ,..,, u Thomasvillo . ...i " , WiImio3toe- " Commerce . . i . A'. ; :. . V " Washington..,,. v " Fayettevillo. . . " Clarendon . ...., " yaneevville'. ,.. Minert'ana Plarrtenf' Bank r'-,, 4 Farnie'rs' Bank, Oreciislwrough . . .'. . '. . . Commercial Bank, W ilniiiigUin Merchants' Bank, Kewbcrn., . 7 . 8 . 5 . 13 . 1 . 10 . M . S . 81 . 18 . 20 123 ITff . 4a . 73 Greensboro ngh Mutual.-.. ,'. , . Virginia Bank JNotes, altouti South Carolina i'iy.a:v;.t . Georgia , I Qnld l.a;"!l.' 1 '.' Bitver:: XM4Xupou4 North t arollna Ritilfo. t CVrtipons , Exchange on N5W York. . i IiALEIGlI JSATJOAAL BAA K. MS JnOUTJi '..'... CAROLINA. BttmO ItATKS K. C. BAHC OTES. fiank-of Oape- Fear .. . . &0 It 6 6 (. barlrtt to. ...... .. .......... . . Commrrce Clarendon . . . " Fayettevfllo. xenngton North Carolina Gold.. as 25 " Roxboro u Thomasvillo.......... " Wadeslioro.. ......... . Wilmington Washington........... Tnccfre:nr;:?Trr' Commercial Wilmington ..... Farmers' Greensboro, ........ Merchants'," NeWbern , ...... Miners' and Planters'. .... Virginia Bank notes, average. South-Carolina . , " ' Georgia .-. ,', " . Gold ". 1& 10 10 6 10 IS ai 13 19 18 10 193f! Silver, . . ' ............ V.,,,. : ... Old North Carolina Coupons . '. I i ..... A , North Carolina Railroad Coupons. A. 110 45 90 80 North Caro'ui 6'a, ten Coupons on. Exchange on New York. , . MARKET REPORT Coiibkctbd DAILY BY JORDAN WOMBLE ' , 'GROCER,. . . Aft. 8., Jlurfttt Htrcet. APPLES-Drietl... . . 2 00 V 250 Green, . . . . .. 9 50 & busk BEEF. ... BACON...,, , BUTTER..... v.. . BLUE8TONE . A... . .. 19-15ccn 18(320nluii 40c. "lh .1... 40c, ft .... 80C r lb ... 0 ft BEESWAX.. ...... CANDLES......... COTTON YARN... COTTON CHEESE ... 8 80 bale. ... . a Doc y lb CHICKENS COFFEK. . , .... SS50o each ' 8-e a lb CORN ,..120 125 y bush EGGS..... FKESlIPOKK..,.. FODDER...,..;... wy doa ..12iS15cJj, tt .3 25 a CO V ewt. FLOUR Bnierfine. ,...10 60 V bbl ..., 13 00 W bbl Family... BIDE Orerni . . .-: "V ' Dry..... . 1 1. "vi ft. XI AT J s jl S-A- . A s LARD.. 00(29 85 y j CWtJ 20(a25o a lb MKAL i a m y bush MULLKTT&v I a UO tl lllll MACKEREL.,..,. HERRlNtJS.,.:,. NAILS ONIONS ..20 00 V bbl oo y bw .. 12jo f t 00 W, bush PKACHF.-Dried v.ltJf?$I5 lb . 1 25110 bush it? A a Xi'k! T0D-I20 V buh POTATOES Irish... UOtoSflO V liUbh bweet.. I 25 bnsh. fillGAB CreHeL.- urown..... MOLAB3ES . 60 to 100 ? Rut, RAGS tJODA Cookintr S0o v ti i E' k L " r A ew am c;ni Erocn ix MEDICilVE! v ) t; Koi4 ! tba louid.tr ul a pew "Modlnat v tern I Te qoiotitariuiia. who vt iuiornitl dua eafoable tlie et.KtiU'" aaii paotijrsa tba bowtK aBr giro prarde'a to tharaaa who retoree aitaiiir aaa "puetita. ilb from ona to two of hie rs ranrdiaary i.iu Andrankaiba must viruiaat anrw witb bos or J arf feia-"a4aifuM4 aU baaliaa WV-TiM'! .rwt apertatie oi too ir..r are iiHipwiin, llx a'waotrped aneininu of tba day. XKitraordiaary caraa by liMgial e Pilleaad Hlra bava opaaad ike ,yM of tbe fublia to the iwGioieiiry of tba leo aaliud reanaoiae or ., n up w n long bliidly d"pnld. M.ggral'a PUa ara as of tbe elajwtbat araewallowed by ibadoaea; and of whieb every b' fall lakoa rs a-.b,"la'.oi'y ' aaothrr. Oia or two f Mgil'e Pit suoicee lo nlaM the boarale ta pa fwt order, Uiao tba eunaaHi, raU ea ap-nHiia, aad trader tba r.iriia iiglil -aad boTautl tra ia aoariping, and oraetia tbe form u eaa'ir auiai.vA ta-4wr ia affwtad. iU fan" tkne are rettmtd ; and if the aMvoa ,y-tm it fefbto it ia ivigor"'d Till" lat Jjaalby nmkee 1'ie nx-b-tsaaj wry datbable for Hie wantaf of daltxata feaiaiae, Uk-otoO" and aratiliva dUaaeos ora litotally astisgaiatM i by ihadineabctant power of Maggiol a Hulva. la fit. tt b bcre anaoonoed Ibal Ulaacial'a Millewa. -.1. -.a Btiarrhea Pllta Bar Wiiare ll otbete tail. Wbile l. Barae. (inaldfc.Cliillilaiae. Cil- and all aliraMone of tha akin M agaWl'a If aire ia (a- fallibla. rbvd by 4, MiMHt, 41 r altoa Ku-et-t, New York and all DraggWa, ht 'lb eta. par V.i, f'o'.d bj all DftirH ht IU.tllU- i V . . - April litf .. i - J : T AX LlaTl a !ti .u, J .1 ihd tlnatl If . in Ktriiiih'. "a Wd- aJwiaV the IWh. fbaaday th-. rridy lat. IMardav Kid of Af'1- to "' k1 t"l",,, Klilrjet, sedor tba htote rreeaa . v x J'uai-luai atteauatK-a ep"-w-. pi.lTVVLv.Sr April ll 2Wt4 OD4 WATEKt ' SODA WriSK J t . SODA WATEll t tsriiiXLKc-itmA-TriTEi THB riRT er the ska s .-As lha Vaaatataa mt . j.v . . "J"r'r""".""-X B. BATES CO. .:' Hil y' Wraat. . Uaa ,dt wa US atrwiya lXAal. "A'prilH-aw-tl 1 LEAF LABDt tM paaada N. O. Laaf Laid, , ! la Dtor aid for Snla bv :- . 1 DAVIS & JOSES afei-t., April iT-tf ' IVORTIl C lBOLl-A BCO . t v. u ' i 1S,M lbs., m kaad, for al bv DAVIS ft JONES, KalaiKh.Aprd 17 If , ... pLOVKlrL.at'ISI Vs.(K!l , Oa UCSDKEO BABUEbS nfinad Fl.mr la Mora DAVIS & JONES. Kalrigh, ipiil 17 tf M OLASSESM if-' I rU'ttAR hAVK ON h! of No. - . DAVIS & JONESt. Halaigh, April IM( 5 rtTrrwAi 4a A waavMif lha iniiat ooworlul wt raaturativ aaonu ja.tUa mfHablt-JuMfduMf. - - r Wa liiiva iiaeh oauH'iaa nr n hiimiu,- ann ia m aro It will do all wa elaim 'or It ti at wa offer -i if troa)lclla Hair Haacwar doaa aot five satis- factlna ia all oiuea whaa ami ia striet aetwrdaaci wilk oar iuatructiuiuu Xf-- ':':' n-sX':- vt j Vegetable Sicilian Half Eenewer j has proved Itsalf tn '- tlia most parfact praparatli 2 lur tna ulr svar orruraa tj ina pu'mo an nranaruna wbatavar. 1 J i i It ia not a iy, it jrtrrkas at tha roota aad Alls th glands with Bed. ilfaaad coloring msttar. . j I will wrmtmrw inr aaair Cater. . , .',;, ,n J twill liarw (ha Hair rraaa falllaa aaui i II claaaars laa aaala. aad Mahaa ika llallr aft, laairaas allkaa, i ' SI la a alradld llalr-lpMaia.-.;'..: ' v ' sin pormra.itiu "r y,iuua, imhiiw ih w mm . It ia reramaiaadaa sa aaed by tba Slral Olrdlcal aalkarlir. ItT Ak for Ht!ls TeKtabla Nell ina flair Eaoaif er and taka aoolliar-. J - K P. UAI.I, aV 4 0 Froarirlara, i akua, M. II t r .U br all ' JrratfRltl.. tua i' i .l'mumd, Ualsinh, N 'ai. lli-lltiuwMt StwiVin. ' WHUaAs At Uajrwood Auusn Ttf run mi . ;.:,..,:, .... AND s THE LIGHT OF THE WORLD. ; jyn: MAGGIE IAS ! PILLS AND SALVj;. Th?a blff giviaa; ramadiaa r bow pivea pabliriy Ia lha world. V x nw aqakrter.uf a eaatary lif privata prantfasa tba logradiaats ia tbaaa .-. LIFEIVIXG PILUM ; Hava ba iad wltb tket raataatsarcaas. Tbah irila aioa u pot na'y U pravaat diaaaaa, bat to ears. Tbay ari h ( ul tlia vaiious naladiaa by which t'.e patiant lanilTaiinit id la-invigoraw tba failing ryitcm. To His head and icflnn a few doses of tbeas valnsbla PlbUH will pmva lo Ua , ,. . , , . . A TEEI rOUNTAIS Of T01I1T, j P.,liaaartaaaa llieyaddaaw lila and,viWlil,ad reMtnraibawsiiinffaaarfriaS lo tbair prinhua alala. To I lia yoatiK "! iU fTJ lk'T will -fioxa- taoat Invaluabla. t a raadv. Decide, aaa atarlloa Badiviaa. tiara ia a daat raaiiaad, tliat Ponoa da Laoa auutrht for M bnartrwl jara ago, and aever foaad. U kadifrd ir a fonataia that woald rastora lb old to vigor and ka jwasharay ..v,M'V. j An EterBat-fiprlBg iy ft ws tttfnrtM day and koarto raallss lha dr-aw, and aliowlaanegbinoaafset, that magie tiiat made It fair. . : V: TIIMSK FAMOUS REMEDIES f'annot atar th flirbt of vaan. bat tbT eaa fores 4 bai k,mam.iuM,MkMA.. 4ie-: UV ia'a4a orvrtlia egftd and tba young. Lai ftaa tiwHiuta triaa. but wise (be favorable opportsnity tba offarej When takra aa prtieribad ... AxtHikc eaa ka mora pradaetfaa af wra ibaa tbaaa Mite, 'i'beir altn'iat mngie itiliaare is fell at oat s ; and tlia Mi-unJ io'irmilnte ol toil rroe1, di.tramlog dii.aw am r. movel. ?'e raaedioe are made from tlie f Rroflt ".!. VEGETABLE COXPOUSDS, . , TH'y will BM harm tha BUMt delioata female, aad rati lie icivott aith good eft'eot ta preaeribad doeaa a tbe yoaagwd baba. U r. i FOB CITAXEOl'S DISORDERS ; AdIUiniioB,of the tkla. the HALVE at moat b -valnalile 1 1 does not heal eitarnalry skmayba pen. elratra with tha to out eoareliicg efftiote- to Aha yvry fi.oftTia vlll - " r DIL lUCO'lEL'S PILLS. . Wy..r4N.a.r..,.w,..Di.- Antlima,' '.- T X Ituwoi CooiiiaiDts, . . " . Onafee. . . ' r...d, Cheat DiaeM, CoellTenaai.l I)y panels. PI (larrbms, "! llropar, - lebiimv. ' 1 I'tniilw fj.rtntileinle, lteadaflie, ' I. li(ityi.loa, V " ... InHneasa, Kever and Agar Iiillarnatalion, ; Inward weaknw, ' " f Liver Gcnplajnf, Jewnee of rtptrit4, - " (-- ' : Kll'CWI'fOI, - liheumniinn, ' .( 8iit bheatq. - ' Saide, , . v i hkia Due aaa.. laailrr. Howe reaaiba withaatMba anr'aved )ra.iAmarfcarooadoabpotrbo,eigad by I.H J. M .'iiH-.L. rnkoa i., Jiew Vark, euti feit whieb l felony. . ( . . V ' ' 1 ST 'M by al rpelMa I)elra in .Bedirinr-e 'ii'.f.'Su iT, ' raited hl.-a and Cnadaa-at ta i-reitt pa' bojorpet. - . i - t fvM,-avv7""T yr lAsKM.t I Miraculous. .H I v t . ..; i 1 VI l,. ViK-kat Kl at) staaa aad priow, Sft , Kuiva aaa rirStf ' iw Fiif. , ; . , . I'ad iWka ' JL1 I WliilMmor Ku. Id A(nl, t;r A -..- t.ltVaali.ia, v. IS ' " Hro,r!!. . ! Hoadaai 4 ' II !! 8hrnb nra ICffif fa't M'llt t at ar4lVkW 3Q I Si aftalati, aW.j, ' " 1. l K"CS Mala Shww. 9 Hera t 1 ' ii LSa. Hm 8lu.Viii. l4i Bitf Iroa aMxttrd ineY , , , , yw lltl..(tTa hw. - -t Sjroi ' I. ma W rajiiuj Tvina, 40 (5riadlMa "wiirra fmn U iW lb. Jn ti.iraand will ba M ! April Ififf , B. P W1LI.IAMSOS It CO. '1 Dot. H. lUud Oia or lha aaf ktll , ' a fk.ver Iaf - , - f , Jiimawa Ka.a ' ' , tf l Obi MtfW!alm1 Wbi'bv Tkaie SuMt ar pur an at tl.a "' a.ilitr Apitlit.- It. 1-. WILLIAMSON CO. . LimiA "i o salt. "" ' HW llbla. iincklaaa i.ium, , . . .VI ,ai'k f laa Stlt, . , , ( . S!i - . Ground Alnni Salt.. ' ' '' '"' ATI is r M-dor. , April t tf , B P. WlLUAMSttS atCO. BACO AI I, A UP Kllin LU D.ulit Haona Ki.Im. 1500 ' I'MAtaarfiiiaN.C; Lsrd, la Kaxsaad Btrrals ' Rw'd tbiadaval -i -.". - -..n ?..u April IU( , W PWIIJOAMSON & CO, JOIW n IIA,.7T,, , 1 J'-;-' WM naalirU Roaaahe Cm ' " ' M' .WrsHaaliMMtbvUaa. 1tttttt Ainvinit dmly ' Aill H-if . a P. WILLLVMSON & CO., j7AniiL wi 'K; r?rr:r SIRMk "na-kina Mill-," """'' !, plf-.. -ns, Leilli, liMi lu ttiaiU(irftt mi , AiurU, U t ; M U, P, TIW ASL90S & fO. fAuxs An u;ti.! '.N BalasColloa Yarns, ft . 44 Urowa Hi.aatlpgi JA Whieb am willsoil law Ia rloee ooniiirninnt. -ApriTT4-tr B. lWILLlAMSON & CO. :U.aIw.WAaWWaoau Kaar Yarataaaka barw 1 New Iron Alia Dainii Carta, , 1 UNawIma Asia Paab Carls, !'I f ---1 15 Wneelbatrowa, s r i lUHloraor WarahoaaaTraoks. ' ' i All at tlie above am of the vary beat quality, a4 will be aold at a eraai) advaaoa oa Maw York soel, la adttitio la tba abova wa keep all kinds of Plows and Plow Castings, Rpadea, Hhovals, forks, Alias, dtfl. WIM,IAM!0,N 00; Mwoh l8l.IU6.tf ruvsMAjr BLI E. Kft Caas IW lbs Praanaa Btna 1'. W1UJAM80N A CO. MerM,l?l.;tf; V v i v kaXsk'the Ulood. f With corrupt, diaordsrM or vittsted Itluod, yoa are r y aioa an vwvr. it mar Darn y- out ia Piaioiaa. or anrM..ar la aomo aotlva dieeaaa, er It ' may marair mvwp fuu n- ajMia, aopmaaaa ana cooa i.ir walhiBiP'ff it -yow eanntfr bava ood naaltb will a roar blood iinpare. Aran R4aiAPaiLi.ia Sbeaa ieaparitias ana atiHis- lataa lb afmaavl m uil aigoroaa aoatoe, reetoring tbe haallh aud eipeU'" dieae. Ilvneai It rapidly earoo a varlotyaf complaint wblrb are 'aauae.l by linpaiity of tba blood, auoh aa fkrof ula, or Ktnga' Kvil, Tamo, L'ltia, tioree, Kroptlone, Pimples Ulolohee, lluii. w, Aiitbony'tKire, Koeeor Kryniprlne, Tetter or Halt KIiciiim, tluald IIad, .King Wotiih I'aaeer er Cao"ra Timior, 8ore Kyee, k'emale liuea.ru. ,noh aa Jtxtaall'Ri, Iriegnlanty, Bnppraoiua,, Whgaa, Skarility, alto Sypliilia nr Veneroal Diiwaaaa, Llvar Coniplint. and lloart Iiaaaaeaf Try. Ayar's Harea parllla, and sea lor jui" tna enrpamng aciivny wi'b wliwu b ebwnsae tlx blwd and ara tUiiaa ordors. ttyio'4 n- Vniff iiumm ihannlilia nava aaaa ailaiaa aa ktega bet ilea, praMadtag to giro a oner of fcuraot a Baraaparilia for one dollar. Moat of tbaaa bars baea fraade a poo thatftik. for they ant only ooatola lillla, I if u. Harunarilla. bat aftea a imratlT tirooartiee whatever, Uanco.bittardiaappoinimant baeful'owad Hie n of the varioaa astraote of ttanapanlta wbioh lead the inarket, aatil the ram a itaeif baa baeana synonym a, witb Imoneilloa ai.d aliaat Slill wa earl tuieootnpound "Baf apariila," and Intoad to lum.ly aih a ramrdr aa nbali raame tha name frorn (he lad f oblrT-wiArb Taataauoa'it. Wai-aa anfy-twanrf the stoa.tbat winorloaiu tba baM allarativa wi.iob w know bHT I prNlM, aad wa aaa rMiMt w li u u k t - tt. Miut ST.'JumI l.i ul tha blood yrt ltovered by aay body. j I Ayaratitwrry Pe!twnl la ao aoiraraatly knows loaur pj ary i.illiar raniady iuribs tare of Conghe. Colit, li.Haeaaa Uwa,eeaaaa, CruBp, Itruaoiiilla, attiot C.onipli a. and lor tba felinf f Onuiii,t.e Pall tnte In advanced Utisf ba fea, liiat.lt IS Um bora tOTaooaal tba armWe i4 torn tMna n Tb world know. them. . i PrapaH) y Da. T.1X Aria A Cv wll, . aMl ao,d by Willimlaicra I .ll V, r rualM a,ieral1u. . ' ApnW, IWi lira ,st WEEKLY LINK OF V. SI I i e.u 6tarll3ht,r WashtBlTtW a Eebecca Clyde, Capf. TtsiilsX. C.tpt Cbicheiter, wapf, lottng, liiNaagf, liHvliiff aiiperir A mmo- . ..tr. f..-Ti ' Ti.;.Li otf.-r 'mealier iiidiceintnU Ibaa any utliat ii, nii. ' t nvl abwve Ktraavere will alwaye k. . ia Xc w Vek aaal a4 weakly, of olteoar, if binned. ' . . "reijbl oV'4l t tha Arif of the ftteainara or i., l li- IWijll Wilia.neto VYaldoa Kail U iad, will to a-aitli-d pr,.plly, aad eipmea ool brtrd'ai point r diiinalioa, i eiMif ayt"11''"" alleiracuaig. AiltNra.M gWt8K. AETrnTn i'VUT, 73 VTilU&m St, JA&E3 IIASX), llv Wall 6t . : ) - i -'" ' - Uiiuiigtoa K. C Tl. WlLIMIXdtO.V A Wlfl.nOX HAII.K0AO liAvii r ! iflr iwM J thur n-iii' g et-x k, are now to ..m frfij'bt rnoti Bom all pointe ad wiH iva la-wnm t- alirueya taiaor Uetjfiil .-all atber Tw..di'yfi!"M ai imiw running freiyhl r RleaMwrwill ul K f waid. on day af arrival.-. i f -' t . tr. rtntr tiiMverii,.-ii-eiii'l laju.t p. ..a, pi dipatrh order gooaa ms l aoiinxo ari..t r-ipreee line f,t-of Wall M, - Aji:l t -vl 1 s . VUf TRAM., I V1 . ; I . to ... CL . t. UTTCHiu,, sao. ium, i cittian . , . kORrU CAKOUSA ' ,, AGSICTJLTU RAL HOUSE ' HAllDVV.M t K HTOI 1 1. Minuai, illix Si to., S'J iW4 iiivit, AVtreern, A". V, Wattf Strett, ' Yitmingtm, " Ilk. i ; 'in.';''!; ;r men, Killers, . Builder', i Mochanica', and ' KauseyMin'ra' Tool. AKO OTttxn ? ! Ear4war AgTlcalturallmpIementa ' ' leatLer and Unbber Beltlna; ; ' - . 8addlery, Bteel, fte,. &o, awi saa titnii.b at i.lnl iinlica, any kind of Uacl iaory or Cattinga ... . Agaais lur &. Ho4Co.'CiroularBawa, . Falrbaak'a Bcalea, i- i -v ' Iraat ft Watto&'i Fix ' and Burglar Proof Bafe. whlah wa aatl at ataanfaeiarari' prion,' Wa luTlla parltoular atiaatui to oar Hook and feol osafldaatikatanr raoilittaaaadaxpwUnoa will aoabla aa to olfcr saiianot uiiaoainaMs to parchaaar. Jaa. 30. Hi.lf. r A. X AYILLAUD. afWwts Waihitgto Jf. C. lot tf Omni " ' M HOLE aLe DE I LEtt"l ji Grorerirs and (Je n-ralJmlliiilie, COMMISSION M V H C II A N T. Ke. S Norlk Water Blreet "TtTntisrafw.Nrd. Kami to t ki. f I Raav OVHt- W ilaai tlapaduleuilaiit rotllfgoVoolt r0f" k.fi...- i, .L .1 i 3m B Lina,sy, Aia., gaahirr Riaar fCp Faat Ra. W 8 Pell, Rdltor of Raleigh, aaapk Paataj. ia ywmwaT.(w, N "C.-11 : Metan. JaaatU rear A gaaa, Bltiraors. . Haters. Bawley, Corner A Co,tlaw York, , WllatlBrtOB, Jaa t,lT. tm. ' i s ,rf-..i; --' I, , . 1 ,1..:-' Parsoasl aiiaation riraato the asla or abtpataat of Cotton, XTaral Store, fto. All produce, anoairaud to me for ehlpmant, to M.wr Bawlayi-tiOTBW t'8--flew YDrSwtij ta innurad"" feaa tba piSM l aliiuaiaat partiee advialncats aa sooa as tbaKoodeata aaat forward. MK.HOUANDIZi: rwaelvad and orwardad with prouptnasa and at Med. erate ehargea, , A 'H '"i-piy of; " I OUOOK11ITJH kept eoneUatly la stars, which wiU be eohl st low fig. araeforoaab, . t Agmii (or the sal of Marvla k C.'e ealebrated tristlt AW HCKOLiAU-PROOtv AraTS. with Marvin S Pal art lViwdartirnof rbk. weighing oaly eiw-auartxr of aa oonoa. Tiiaaa Nf are ttnrranttd frea liom daiiiiinaM, aud are sold at manufaolnrer'i in icon, ami will lit f!u nL.d ihruMU.-- Wilniiiigtun wilboul ehaige b itorage or forwardtag. 78 Bale of Cotton Tarn, aad 4-4 Bi own- ,.t ;3 j-;8hw6tlnir.-i for sale. Addraas. , A. A. WILLARD, WilmiagtoB.M. 0 JansaryM. 113, 8m. . Uaron. 5000 POl'N8 of gbaaljera, bright and dry, fr ale h IV A- A- WlLAtill. Wllminnun, Vih 9 I M If 'I..... ., . C'allldlC, BOTM " Aitatnanitao" far aja bv A. A. v'lt.t.at.'li 150 W-imiliidioii, Fob i, l IH.tf , X M JO ad lVi A Coffee. Java Coffee for eale kr ." II : . A-A rVILLAUIV Will ntmegto rto. Feb , IM tf near. f lEl'IKKD aad Cub. Ragar for tale by lb A. A. WILLARD. Wilmington, Feb 3, 14. tf. ' r...- Cubs nolassot, . - ' H aagabeads aad barraU, fur eale by y A. A. WlLl-AUK- -Wrlmlogtoa. fab". 141. tf --' - - , RrrlrOKItlf- 4 So IlaebrU Bfiiae While flora la xt.xe. and for Sate by A. A VUiXllfH. Mara I73tf - WllniKu.a . r. P. i.wtRl vi, oi' mi aW-H Bbht- fiat liapee a4-aewhrj1 ner"ttiHf " at. j a.uiy espejttng, oraie tiy . Diarnn Ml fd-il" Wilminwtnn. N C. ; .('olloii ltiru uutl ttlMTtiitss. Dales fot ! .v t : 1 i) A. A. WIM.ARn. Wllailngioa Fb V t W, If. 11 Airr v mavis 4 rayaitavllla Biraal, Ralaigh, N. ', AGENTS FOn STgH'ARrx EXTEXST0X TOP," v "auEESc? the south," and r- . - "Western Empire Cocltlj:? Sieve. J. UROlVN.r.---April 9 2tU-3irt , With Hart & Lewis. rimsa nAt.t.irr. cnARi.it norrv4. 'UlM; I HOFFMAN. ocuasiAi. enlisi aiKtti iiamtw. So. 23 TS. Water ft..- :J , aS II.WIlVOTO'V. f. r. April t l 0ict IfTIHVi 10 dot. Artti HTM, : " B. P. WILMAJWW A CO. I March 20, 1M, LAKUE MT OI.H ' WlCat IM.IA"ia ItnllHtT ; la tea and if gallon kf, lart r ueJ 1 ALSO - f Several birrefs Mid fen tad five gs' of lil r. e5-,' oa li itch TIM 9 Vadkin Cun'v vsiiisaey ne band Coara Cava Whi-sey, at4 Apphi liranily. Aptdlt-tf coons a 3ioor,. ,.---

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