I 7 r yj4 VIITTY SEN.TUlfc..' .n AlAAd m tJ;Muiay, April a, jt, , ... ff 4 ""fwrt,1' .JHlyfot t" ij 01 1 Bui j -Trial' tfMtJnylCeg. ' fTTTfYJipJ-f f fr ThiTIMONTy ? " l'.:."tniRTT-FIT'T DAT. . i fcli iVBFEfny?i April 8S, 1800. ''"' Edward "Ci i Yeltomley, warn: Livoa Jn Pitt County, N. C. Wti U..Coi.C3Ui iv.-C. Ite . went; was in command ot the troops at Sulis.hu- ry, tu? eight or ten dayi, -utfrt. rvltetvd by Cohl iloko. luese were ciaw Troops, a niail por tion of the stockttde vros put up alter 1 arrived ; no platform when I got Uurt.. 'Xhtt fence was nade of pladka, tor 10 feet liigli( placed per i pendicularly and close together, uavku to cross piece.- t did not consider it very ultr ifcilib A fetr men might have knocked i ttrottgh rit., I think eight or tea men might 'haia puahsd tiotvn- nay portion by their weight. Aiy iui- - pression is,, thtlhij planks, were nuitod on the Outside ; thai ttntpotul and scantling aim wad 'J on the inaiik, I never ckjimlatct it thoroughly ; it looked Ii'm: ;m old wu'ii.- , ; I issued an order to post aentiueis outside tb il'raVall, The witness pointed out on map the po aition of hit regiment and the other cotuinanUi.1 ."Oiftejnorning, it waa reported to me that twr men escaped alter' the outside line bad been ' posted, and On another occasion three prisoners '"' got out "thr6ugh the1 ditch that ran Jrow the tM sinks through the field llieso last were taken, i - Tha two who escaped were firod at '"by a evnii nel, but ran away, i After rain, a man could ; dig under the wail without much diliiculty. , r 1 nt tOl Salisbury 'about the lftih. of Octo .. , jcf'ind otf iSnd. of ' Npveialier, got a. tUuty daya' aiek cleave. When I returned, the regi .'Bent wa encamped in tlie wooUd, on the otiu-r aidg U the crick. Major G w anted to hate a company encamped oppoaite the water-gate 1 "'declined to doit. v. V. '"' '.' : -a My officer told mo that he made the three Tt He did.no trtDort it to Maior uee. tw U wae diliicult mutter to get wood hauled XO pur cainp. i; n e uuy m """"" - we went there, but W first the Quartcrnwater of wy regtmeut complaineL )1 beatd Capt. Uiiod- i .fljt'ilJtr.cliifntlyiiaSiiiftoiiii'' Hii in f- teen taken away from tin), ..',.,,'.' ; . . : e 1 heard that aoldier of my couuuand shot Xieut. Davis. 3rfnj: tJoE hact bo power to tin- lough him. He could beonly furlouiilWd in.tbe ujual. wxJL lawJa fflmmtuiil of tin. rwwHt "'"""nit that time; no auch furlough wciit through me. """ if he had been furlouL'hed I ahduKLrenWiaber vfral otticert-f and citlier went to due or ani y. for the officer of the day at the time of , tho oc V enrrence, who belonged to my regimtot. Hi M f ttatetnetrt Corroborated what I had beard, that this acntinel had ahot a prisoner that had cna 1 the dead line. 1 think the officer of the day iiff for the dead Tine. It waa iiiortant thut . the tiriaofierg ahould not get near the wan. MaJ. Gee represented to me that ho baa men digging well night nd duyv ; He bad the idea i , of enlarging the prison, to the creek. - I heard a , conwrantion .(between hiut aut tictu lartin ,' about directing the creek M to have a au eu . of watiT ran throuirh the orison. I, afterwards thooffbt it could not be done. It would hare ralrMi Ann liionililfl nutliiv and lenirth of time. Prinnnr of war were allowed to go to the creek - j jf tor water bout one-fourth of a iuii., ,'fhey wF mtrnnir alimtr tllie whole road goiufz nud .-4 retnrninff. Crooi 80 to VrOfftSS eonaOiht. 'Tiirei passed that way without tng tliim. I have . ..lew them wsahing njhv creek ; tlwanTdid n not aeem to hurry them. - . Our nttana vr not aliundftnt- Of eliOK.' - When we firat arrived, there we got fresh bee! . for WMk or ten dava alterwarua, tm omy . every other 4wing dayalternated with or " ghutn. Very often I bad only sorghum ami ahnndanceof it-r-a very little. of it waa abundance. Mnjor Myera visited me A ftfeddbtaedVfbr thtt provisuoaa and at the J aaraa time aaid he would not Iw ahlu to give ut fresh beef much longer. He had a larj;e up . -rl jt liA acnt it otf to Lee'a itrinj be-loW the tU arrival of the priaonera, and that ha had but . tr hort notiea t their mving, ami waa unable ' m rtft Wiinnliea for them. - - - 't i r. able W purchase 1acon for my me.- '" from tha eomwiaaary. ... .Wo were authored by . ... .l a Arm nm ration and 8urh ne. On one occasion 1 enquired ot Major Xk ts n,. .nnitwrof iiriRomTS. and he told me , . that he bad reriueatejl that no more ""W iiieot, that it waa agai "'-j , tinued to arrive. , n-V -T heard hlut apeak bt'Ym. 3Iorflt'a inoflSefeu- '' cv Gee itnted .hr Vnit waaxiientlixfcac-aa " I nriaon onartermautcr, and that it wV his 4ulJ f.. WtMLtoi4t-and to articurj wute; " the prisoner that bo could not get hi.ffl 1 1 anything.' Maj. Gee had no pf. ."J do Morflt. or control over him. I think eilher 1 i - ...,t nm man IOIU uiu lie w : maite i rqivLn for 800.000 dert hn,'r V see Goodman, and: he lKl uie tut he only one mill that he couj.ruti, and then,, the Ti,i,t ... I,..' cut and haiihd Defolw lllllllCI ' " . . j - .r - ' - prettv heavy., ..; i :.. nnkB or aJu-.ur ani ammi . ' ... : At - ..II ...aiu tfor ground lor ba prison ha w eaporiatijrwr ,,cr't.rir.:, T , cmumand ot troops for thout 8 days to the rt PY'W I had no authority ever tho pnatift or UJ -r flecT Mi dutv was to grant bun Ruch dotwU . u lie iiiii:"' iu- " - a When I wto coiiimaml of the irpyrth. nrt- oneri Md angered fur wa fuaru. t "uiu - hav (rfBtda amall one Tho were U00 BVri..,...- vi i, t tirst went there l""v:: : :rar.h o to . ,L Ti.oro U t-ce some ArtA . -ft.' WIlfA I flit Wt?t , tf"" - WJVV UIVBUUK19 WlVtv " - 1 ' - l." . ..V . v - ' ' .ffnri. of; Mai. ti. apart 17 A MOW VI W w wo . . - dja,i,mtanjwl trt mv wfff-wgro th'tms-r " nnantit nlouaHtvaa thtsc.5-i to. ms- " " remember, asking the qutm. whether ivmemi-'r wm" : fc"v i . - . . , a prisoners received the tanrc ran. na, a 1 b .A I irtiit nivon the ... . . -1- -J .1. nrisnn 1 WW deal of emaciation, some looked very aej.t.a. ,noiu cheerful. ., '";, , ,r. fA l,a.l tLiit flsra. Cornel Hot;. , tlJlllUIOII M ... . ... . . . - i i t r.;. . r,.iv. h tBilttl to iruar . the priaonera. I think tho puaru was to(','r, f the number of prisoner, tuere. i saw " mmmanU rarrt tlie Amber tb-ir alwu . - lcn They rived the boards at tiutr tji.c" , o; If there 'uaJ bn H.0" c'invU41, that ptiaoo, wo(uh thejr hav suited as prisoueradidt ' . . ' i A. I don't e what then vu to prevent it The luatlmr that Hoke 'a reghnent used would out have built the stockade. CoL lloka't command cane by quads, and were ovganitcd tbSaluoury.. ,,., f Q. Was there Any excuse for not allowing prisoners to go and got u much water at tbej wamei t tna crept f ' A, unr rasa g'ETgttarX' ... 1 lie man whaahot Xit. lavi emild hrre received a fiiirloujih, upon Uaj. Cee'a noia mendation, 'without foing. throag'.i my handt, I don't know '.tut hu duf n-t rr com mend it ; think I would, have ksn, if hi had. Tli man whodul thiahotiug wai removed frpm hia poat.- , : - ' Jte-iirer.jFrdm the report coade to me there waa no ground fur punishing him. . Th guard, i I nndenttooAt it. warmt) tie prisoner and ho rejected the wanting and waa ahot. It wa 31. Geeduty to inveacigate it' ; till CijrVd man who ahot Davie was tmail,-atau,6 17 yetra old, thin, Jtoa hafl; a filet look, rather underaiaiHlywag rcVer ro p oiled to me a unflt fiirduty a aontiat 1, b- cause of any mental disability. . y ; .-' Bcfiiro 1 wen hemoon tttrteugh there wasino belter for the prisoners, but the; had teuts at- terwarUs. , -v -. '. - - ; Of a lame ratio of the dead Z ahould have regarded ooutinement and want of ioruiae and fholter s thr ca'tse. - - ' The ir,e of the atockade waa limttefl, 1 (Urn t know Why it vrj not enlarged The deficiency in procuring timber ana tlie acarcuy oi tiw guai-ds were good reasons againat lla being m utrged. . ' . . - Court adjourned until 10 A. M., to-day. . . GtsEKAxa Stepmas asd Ftxt.EiiTox.-We noticed, o ycsteriiay, the arrival of Ulcae gen tlemen in this eiity, on the mission npon which they were seat by the President, vu ; To inves tigate the operations of tho Freedraen's Bureau and report upon the social statu of the South ern States. They have been doubtless called upon by tjumy of our citizens, who are compe tent to give them correct and unperverted in loruiatiou as to the true state of affairs in our midat;. p I W'..t't ; u X correspondebt of Xhe New York Herald, f their,o1jiorvatiim as. ltaving ahown conclu sively, thnt-thet. ronreMWhjctMjm "'wMv'Sg anfagonism bet ween the races and outrage cpon the weaker one, arc c.wg'!ritioia of . indivulwal, canes, an4 wholly inapplicable to the people gcncrajlyJhe eorv rc?pondtmt'ai t(rohgfyurpreed tieforo hl visit with the idea that the aiitagouism between a.t.iMatwa wlcHt, ttnd hlW Pt astonialied to find ti tnt'irt abaeooei He rep- nu.iita th rrlianpCretDect and dependence of the days of slavery as Mill "etiaAng, and pic tures the native V irginians as tutori of tlit ir former slaves. tho friends and Irkdku, Si rr.ntoB Contt. ThSa t'ourt Waa held last weeki The snuunal docket waa not a. Ei Gov. Vanco waa in attendance, and, ),a AuwrU-M aavt. is obtaining an extensive practice at th bar. ; . r - Newbkks Arr.viRa. The Commercial chroni clea the arrival,, by steamer EL Cid, of a largo number of white emigranta, farm naiuw ana t,nii aertanta. intended for planters in the ftclmty anaTmiMB oTTM city, lumiwea oy Meaar. Nash & Graham. ,., 'X ' ' . .. . , i t. The Timft announces no lose than nv roh- berici. .within Jlcaa-than the Jme number of d;iv. It savs thew la-no doubt but that tliero is an orgauizod hand of thieves in , tho com mnnity. . s . . '. ' ; Gut. K. E. LEe.It is rumored that thia dia- tin"iiislied gentleman will attend mo ensuing Commcnccmcpt, in June, of the. University of N. O.' v Atlantic & N. C. H. R.-Wo augu'esUd, a r,.w .l.Va since, the propriety of the Various railroad Companies exhibiting to the public .!,..- n,.t lihnrnl tariff of freiirbu, UTilf:tiiMrtn President of the At Untie N.'C.K R.,"acrordiugly publishes the loijow in snlormattoa ! ;.. ; - , - "- ; n.'i'.Sf,lL ifrf AatYfat n. c. n. u. co..' )y.'wtrn,.N. C, April 81, HC8 , i. ttniti.ji.iNwthCarall-.lWia4 .- .!,..,, ftwipany arc oow prepareu ui T j :.h wn.oniHif.ar ntjinatcn. an onj - ami " - . . Tl,iHiv- j , . . . t .ii .l rninnMtv tnaxiias leu " ' at t., . .r . i-nMir ivmn. sukv iu nun . , " Ihewon the 26th of October M.haab.n put irorder-Uie rollitW ttotlthaa len over- . 1 . . M.iiin ativk has been ,aulcl ana rcuiruu, " a -,4,Hk ftd th macUiuoaliou aa1 tw xZ tvi oil mwl.-riiinB re Cl uiigor ro- ?c'vr:v :" v v,,n Mr?b,a.icitv toGoid- pair. -; if. I i tj t cf;vnl nmninif Order. I rthjent. aad employee,, to work Tho rate ol ftvunt, tocai tooj wu .t"": rate wita tno . wii. .'" .... from iSlorehoatl-City aiui r,ewoem, w "(" York, have been rcducea.., . . ' I ?SJ mtt.m rate flam Cliarlotle V ew Turk ia seven dollara per bale. , Kwtgnta oujwaru vuj f - f ' -" . FwsiisWi onward fooutu w- r . ... . ,u.it.rhTivKirteetlnff road. ed tree or exwww v- .r- - , ,. or he Marine insurance can b. effecbsd at per eentuol by steaoiar line. ; " ' I"1"" 1 1 ;,.vm1i mm" mi nM' soo ef - out B3 inr-m . Ik. . . , . pi,. - r-.r-ra m unriuiiLuiti. the 'tl cractstocarry -aU good. . . i. a ,..ma imI emidttlons a ,rV"L?wp-: b oomoetine tin of V. V T03lA PreaSdtut A & X. C It B. tilat - road. , i , flOa q ri(lRV.I Pl"i: - - f ., a A Wlt.L.Ai;U. WiJowaitf c- Jdhi;itt .- t'lolki - Bbk t i, aa l daily exw" kuaer and rauiy, tW . " tho 1 ' rAviLtABTl, March 9-179-lf WaaaiogtoB, ft. U A BcuinrkaMS Cae. " Dtstiar i watrm vai l.m lit Tiiwif sat fx. ToiTD ilr J'iiet frkisa. Idt!banr. V., lAuir. S, lNjiJ,yi: "I hrrmbj rertily, tiiat ! Vu atra Iwt I , I wiu UTi . tw) vita a 4ihm eommoalv ealled hBi'rt Owiiihiat, ta aia ami Wf IIBM9 n 1H DfN IMtlllM IS WfWI l UW 1 1 li.jT; a ffenenit dnbt ley rTiti4 ovr my whet r loin o mgrt A1 1 ofla lhr a(T 4h TV autiout iliaaisf nvicli up t'V tli basiater i b4 aaannaiHl harkiii ouaKb, wt lr U dltiMl aa rrt Ir.ffur tunas laiu i Ue hi Hnniifrtiait ol iu I.uuks. All ni.ho trmttniMtt (siWhI to iffuid mt relief ; it waa tlM oumihhi if mr (moiils that 1 aial t vitti it eHHnmmKfii t I w advd to a ta SOUVLlEliS Hti'AriC PILLS; arter n!a tin- lie twtmeid of T"1 "' ! hv a t apilU, I UT0 OttM HA UttSlIT art 1 Cm wu, fWf whuv a plewuit, ad oa prt'i.i auf dy with as mai-i tr.-ngU nl tivmt v I svunl J TUry ceitaiuly av WttJI nk iwrlwt cliannotmf" . ' f f t i-t Ml by tli U.a;irll. tnreetwas Mar eti bo. Sut tn siijt artf';h United Statee wr (3 nerdnaoa. Adil. i (il.UItUE W. DICFM!! Is -CO . ' Apri! 1, IW. tm : ( i s ... U , lUluoMiro. M4 COKEECTEDBY JOUJi GWUiJAilS & ; fO., BROKERS, RALEIGH, X. C. , , rnicm or kortu cauoi.ua baxk kotk. Bank Of North Carolina , . ; t ape F(r " Charlotte . .-. . . . . . . '. . . . ...... Lexlnpton at Graham'. , . Itoxlwirough M Wadeslwroith u Thomaaviilc; .-. , " 't'Biiarc2 4 . i. Washington tt ayeltenllo.,;'.,.' , " Clarendon . . , . . . " YaneevilTe Miners' aod JUnt'Ts' 11 t'ki . , . t FaMaera" H;tk, OKnalxtrtHiRh,- Commercial Bank, W Unnngton. ., . . . Merchanta' Bank,'" New ot-rn. . Gremslrouglr Mutual r. r-., . ,jr Virginia Bank ote, aont . . . . . Boutn vftfpaj, E.i ' wwm Georgia . Uoia RALEIGil CAHOLINA. . nOTIHO KATUa M. C. S BASK KOTts. BftnJtpCape Fear ... j j I r unartotte. -ttmmierix lul' 10 " : Clareohm . . . J . .. . .. 5 FaiettevlUc North Carolina. Gold Koxboro... . . .. ......... Tbomaaville. ., , , ...... SValeaboro Wilmington . .! 25 ... 23 18 .'10 Washington.. " Yancevville II tM-i'J"T mlnerc-iai Wilmington : io ( 15 Farmers' Grceuslxiro. . ...... Merchant', Nevtbcrn. ....... Miners' and Planter'. .... Virginia Bank notes, average BU...h Hamlinl . ' ' . 85 . 15 I 18 i IS . io .123 Georgia , 1 " ' ' Gold.,......'. Bilver...... Old North CarolUia Ceapons. .118 . 45 0 80 - i North Carolina Kailroad uoupona. , North Caro'wa B'a, ten Coujkhh or. . .. . Exchange on New York. ..j,.....j.ti KEWAXn .H'ir.K.s-tra.ia,a3 . hA,a ii:iti:ii:! - Da. Miooicl is tliliHiiidr ol a w Medh'al Rjr im I Tlia oiuuiiiUrUnwJ vt Interna donas .nfeeblstbe nt.miwb and pr!y tho bowels, aiast air awoadMMi to tha-maa who rat benliU nd a ... i. mnl Lj ri raotnilxrT Pilhi, ad earai the mxA vkali."t or vvith , boa or ef bis wowlMluiaea an n .iaipy .f the to oalled wih'li piiopl haw atVdW elans tli at are miifm "J " '"''"' " ' i. J , ...ii ...t ....lj mi. .i,a.iiui ooeetKitv lor arottier. Uie orawo oi i;i,- "- pr elaw tw brtwulatapo an nrp.- , T. j fctmtaiiapttit.a.d fed to o lkt and boovant ) 'iMr is an fr(f. od . ra:ti.m I Uio, booyant f Tim" ao ariutoir f,...l unmlDatK.a iriua iitwiot ", ''! rmtfflud ; ' f " oSfvooaj atom I. f-blo itiahivUroratfd Tht. lal oiwliiy aaaaos -too oiuo Mwsvori dlrabla for tt.a w. of 01 Uate om. V ana erojTtivo di. or. IttwstrytataUh. d by the diaeatuelant pn " .'. . . . J i..l M k awl fan lllllBalA. fart, tt W annnnwu ..... - -"--"J and all atmi.i.i.1(ba oafa-M - atw ia.ia SSShti- Hn-d hy I.Msooira. 4 miMJKn. J. V. od all Dnwflale,' atltVe. par, tOe. 1 Jld by j 4 !..' lull. mi" " 7" i.nPrB.l-t-HiH.r.iifli. Anl l it rjlAX f.t-TT , , , : , i 1 .ill alUHidal Ilia t:irl !""! "". " . pwdao Hie .SHU. loasdor. .1110, KiiUay jl.at.fcato.dav T..f April t.. lane the l.-t of as.e (uR JtaW.Ka l)il.l-t HHOrrlll' MHlur ' b At ri. It a ldx v ,j jjVLTITIOail AM) IIa?IlTO'V IjA31tiUIliLLlMll Weekly Iia of Steamcra toXEaltimore J J CD3J5CTIs0 WITH BTEAauctta lu, ; Si)'. 21 1 aTo5, '.vt"''," ' Nrr.K, s-( - -4' 3.. ,j To A i Bta4iiliips :.' 'AND ' X' IMI'.S A. ,AUVI 1 .. . ' .. .. . .... i i. ... Tlte "tMmcrs will Trw wtimirTow w i-n. Baere sif1i"' evi-rvi"t v 'ni,. "e - ere a.iM'""" T" v ' Im. retru ar w r.r.n.i fl .(tiJ.itwiui-4 lfl IleAiuoco- ttfci tin el. arc. ' : .... a.......e forlretittorpa.2e, snni "l"--- m..oiimidliow. apply to x - I -4 "".r - 1 1 North Water ttra I. Wilmington, April 23 t u , , ' can raiW -i u Al.rABLK rltt.r PRO a K at T ae)H MAI.M. V Qld&m., ..s,t. AWhCtVVBjsi April It tf B. P. WILLIAMSON & CO. y NAT102iAL..lUSJk,.UJf AUaMHt--t.dS-S'',V . i , u,!d ia lbs Wheat fcidMer. oa Hatnr.lay. KlXolaioo " ' "'. M-oer Co. "As lot f divided ht-. two e..c,'fwl;.t. ka 1 1 at .. ..- i!fl. mora .ad Ware H- To baa ota.provrrt.ht avl eliitib 7 !T,71.JL t l.e,..lWlil be .'i d rpKly. FTIt aedj o.a kaow. .a iyia.u. i,,,. p. McAtLIFFI'l v ' v i v, ' ,' ? A pwit of Bell, M am A ; VlaneliL C. April 8t4,-; l," '"" gOD.l WATER! HOUA WAXEll ! J -J SODAWATl'Jlltt .,- ' . ' a 4 . r. Al hti FaaaUtM cf 4 . .., A. r: RAT EX CO. n!?!twt' Sioiet, t'W,?!,'3f n'i"l!otaL """" .". 00O poaada K. C. Leaf Lattt. . ' - 1 I ! , , ; la ttif 4 fwa,e by f, iUYWdsJOXESV RWh, April IT tf - - ' " jaORTU CAROLIW JUAl j f ,... mbr,d, fur Mit bv ! TJAVl? & JOXFA ..Balsfet, April inf. - ' "t" 7j" L T- I J,UH K fl.t i! h I R' 1 ,,. f Oh lil'SDBCP BAKBEU frd Klnr i stow BaleiKh, ipiiHTtf niJvaowatsacB s,. -r ""''A pi w. M A V K ON bswt ea!lB of I V0AB Ralaij;)), April IT tf - " ,. .,. ; i .-1 i, Iff Ha l'.ircct It Mlmcltia. i niauy uf tlie f'i PeWMlKl juusmi"tf" 1 sar it will do all wa elaiin u I. I' w ffr " if tbsaiclilitM H4 laawoavor dans oot -ivttls. faetionia alla wliao e4 lb strict accordaoe with sat tBtoawa.;.;? -'''' w'" K I Tetret&Me SlciUM enewer l lias proved Itself rtwr-it pwfoot preparation Urr tlia Halt ovor ono m i r?'"-:, o pnipurtiB wliatavur. , e. .. -. ! It is aV a Uy. it atnke a tba muJ aad Blls li glaad with ftw Hlooad Hriot sniMtftf. J , It will rMM armf "" .'. ; ,rrf"1 .t'slar.' :,'".".. .''J '!V". l'..'..." 4 t ' KjE.r' urn Mil, "" ' ' .. I II I plow41d SIolr.lr.i V 1 HIUlHd &K(,llltl iUb lit-. I u MiwnitBwfii r " . nthariir. . , , . ,,. a. j f A w Malt s . ojroiaw T" r and tk Oo othr ; ; h. v, iiAi.fc '- 'rtr,,,trit ; ; ttnliua, Jl. II. T . .. c i. WIIIIbm 1. Iiavtt,td i - - ' 1,1,11 C, .xirmi n m ymiwwr." !-i JIU rfmu. ib. ti.ibd A w.Jm. A.::" : . .aad THE WCIIT Of THE WORLft A NDi'jS A: Mi PILLS I.' 'wi, ,lf jrilnir ''roaaadka-aio ow five pabllcl tB, , worid. ' ovav o ijuartor of aaam! ot phvolO prantie til untratimma me-r ; .t'UrE-45IlIXGIIXr: ... tii, liU tfco'araotost saceooai 1 WoUaabv, aua i at oly to i'revtrot dia, bat to oar. Vf mil ih f vail,. maladies hy whkb t o pt..t Uoffrii'. re4ovlrrat tb fcto tystom, To !t. ni ..d kiflm, a fcw d.esot thea valaabl. PILI.S U prfa lo, h , ( , v , r i A TERt FOISTAH OF ,T0l'TH ,yf ti'Vr Mie..t.w)f alio aw ma wi .i..ii,..". realM lb waarte i-Kie - iOTwmff aoa luianie-airi'ii hiiw v aitblo, warty. apaaiB-s aodaUrtit.r .aa-i I It VAtlUltb f.tb.WodrA . ago, aad os '' HH.ked for a (nti, that .wiuiAjiiUrtll 4'W vifr and aaak ywotu ovor . & ' . t An Eternal Bpnp i f t Was Vff fvrthi" day ud b.mr to reais m orm, ...A le .KeMl i IBO. Wl meaio wee wee vntrav vlVfirS RKMEnlES lllbijij e.v" - '. it..' Biiflil of vearr. bat theV o fore k 1 JofeBoSBas hui ei'isa lb fverbleeppunoonj ooxre. y.. . lofcao aa aooaoriiiosi'ei ."'-" 1 . 1 t'OH - imoM BlatmOEBf il (VStiwe piodartlv V' uef thaO in- I l ine. i..i - i " 'r.Ji-T.. sijii imiiie ivbuvh' S ,m m w 1 1 ntKO ttiajllUI-lOUnmneoi IH e .a,, u. . ...... , dia"'rniv.o. . inea rem-v-iee f??l f'"' ! tbo !' '' f ' " "" "" '' '" j "'? VEGETABLE COffiFUUBUS. 4t Tbev W'U or" nana tu movoenri Ullll KIVPI. H fOHl H0,R inwawtar. w-t- liw youii(Ji . -?jt-. -v." ! - KOlt ClTASE0l'STPISDKI)KK3j t And al!Mi.trtwftoeaklB.th.8Al.VK 1'" io v.lual.ki Ii ilaai ol ki extoraally alwo, : lniit.a th tt.o moat aear.iii.g,il.. W.:i.hjV!r rMotitid ' . f ii - DB.' MACGIEIS PILLS. loaortofclf o iM rllwl( Dlaenae. Bntrett'etoptailrt. ' " ' " . . . 40h.. - - yUe.tH (-, . t.d. - ' , C'heet Dr, r ..; i '; -l'i "' Coal.Veo, ' ' I , j Uyppi,- , r , , luaitliiea, . j, x ii .. t,ii )rpar. i ihibiiiitv; roaaato C'Oiiplouda, Vn' .--n tmvn ood Aa 4 ( (I . Jleeu.Miae, .f . i.: ' ! ...(... llieiavatWO. ' n " , tod see Be, ledaaamatHia. ' M 1 "', i t; - -laward wenkae, (' .,.-. tavef 4Jt.itli, ..i Icarneaaiif Hoirua, kinowaras. . V f-V : Hiemtio, bolt bjtiewm. oill : d 1 ,.v I -f Ts rv - ' " S r w I I . .. . . . a a mJec a ... -v. i- . .V . T riid, - . . .(.. .'" bkio iieaor. nr AosUoNoo BttlMWdht,t lb orfjve4 .ile mnra MAtsfMKiii. taraio at. ' ( tkatu blT. r-ST 'M by all repeli!e lli'.eirbooi ho VaitedHtateo a4 C4i-aa-t .eotibiorBot. ,. ,. , ; ....... a . .1 - , v )' Lwa. Pi kt Kaiva all sties and pi him. AO " Kmvm wd Knrks, i , . ft Usd M I'll,' ' ' Ji , Cad Iks. :. ' ' , -wa- 10 It " limit" . '" Whiitaawm K. 10 ACard, f Kitb Hlwlo Br " hitir, i'a Mil! . -IlnKm, - . L"d lUwtt HIm1, IS 1 if i' I'i.iSj IVikiDC 1 A s - ' K'K Mai bUiM, ' I M HrM . V.O L . t(in 8l Xail. K(I ' Br Inw vfitni ls, ,.! 1" i ltat;i( 1 , . , . , ' 1,1'. t l.uia Vt rlii l'lriu, M Qi'Mt'iaas wam ttnm K U Iba. Is nor aud will bo April tfltf . r vvujAtwan;w. QIX, tttfll AU MIlWKUf. C i, - 9 Ho. Holland Jie by IhooaMor bustlo, , j CIvrLa( " 1 3 -. JwKtaKani " " ' a : ?" Old tlttaoBfahola Wbukv Tlia-al oaois arpMi of aamy, JIJI ll A tH lli.f. U. kln l l.uu, . .SO i'k r) Milt, . ,i J., " flnmnd Alum Halt. '.. AMiaajoad . . ' .April 16 f . P. VY1LLUMSOS ds CO. UACOX AXLARI. IMN) " . rnarawtiita H.V.. l.ara, I autftaaa ori , . K d tbisdiiVM April lUf B. l WILLIAMSON ftjCfX ,CORX AM II Y. nxn llii.lirU Hiwauks Cra, ' ......, .VllU.ps Unl limovhv lty. ... v Aprtt 14 tf B. P. W ILLIAMSON & C(J 2" Bk!m Onltoa TaniS. K i. 1 J 1 HmM Ut,alllnH Whieh-gra wilUadl.tov.tAolowoaisV- j April 4441 M. P. WILLUMSONCOVJ GRlCTWrTR.lli IMPLCMCXTiJ t Newlroa Allanipi:arU, ' 8 Nw Ina Astol'ash Carta, , 'ji'M . . J . U Whlbairow,. . . . III Kl ore r WUu-Trusks. All of the alwiva are of th vory hast qaallly. and will U wild at a maall advanc oa Now Tort oimt. f Ja additla to tb abyvs wa koap all kiada of Plow md Plow Catmit., R((Mus-buuv, t iim Hare.M8l,l6a.tf - e . e ' - pkipSIAM uli'i:. R A CaM'lOO fts Pwwmmi HI". " L" 5U H. r, WltUAMSOM CO. Uarnhl.rn.tf Km mil hd wilmixstos T W-l V-X n rilSHT CLA8R TEAMHir. .AVt I'll - T- Starlight, Capt Pedrlok, Washington, '" ' " Copt Chichetter, n.awa. f.Wdo. ' 1 Cant Younir. IaB Utttrliig auporlor Accommo. mioni,ti Tlila route nff'w areatar ladaotownta thao any other latboHtat On f th alwv Si earners will always b aj.in Kw Yerk'ood soil weekly, or oftener, il 'wiihl ofiltfliraeA to t"iet'or;'to """ tV,,V. Uodley, Attot wuionunuo nnu.. U i .! I I. u f. .. m. '!.. nntmnllv. aad SlM)Ba K ' lJ i n..ln f daitlaaUuB. froi ouaaoaisoio aad ail sxua eharg. i' teijiTt tn nmvt vomk. AIlTrnni IT! ART. 73 William St,, . JAME3JIANI). lit Wall 8t.,' - , WiUntnrjtoa.lt. C.- Wfw-Tt .iMIKflTOft TWEl flOt Rttta rtAD kMM kt- oolv loore aad ttwir r.ill i ft't-k,. ojo. nrcproiJlim.vo fr.iaht pr..o.Mib ''"' '' f""'l . j ii ; ... i.. .... I., il an ti Hinvfi-r IfY'if11 ...liiMlii.. r Teru dailv iraioa a auwaoeie ni-d frewl.t per Utoaoior will Woy o forward, oa day uf arrival..-. w a--,. :w . ni'ler e.l In Nw Tork sbiptd by Thlar Kpre Ham t of Wo Ct. ii- '.:!;'-. t 5; April ' " ",. C itXAXSE TlilB MLOOI. With "riniwd, diwdorrd n vHiated lt. yo r .- -.' 'tt -wea fcO.H out w I'luipl.". er for w nieiiw eulire d.rv.e. O-' R S .u .HiLfelr kaiU -yu "i,.a itTrtr.d rtill V fli' mrtliihe. lu 'y"0 eannm .htr g ml lu-abb wbi e i,Wd a im aie, Avao't S.a.riink piirve oH ttieoe wprwi ood atlll'O- i.i...t... . ..lat IM"flttsk bh'iium. rawM-i A v.g'M il. veetie- ea 1. . ..i.j .j i...iL.miiii mliM'l. a.o eaoM-o om "'"7 7 " - l...i. K,w.AtjuI. iifJtniUKlittoifii. TT ' 1 - ' tSiMlW.ih.roi.i' ' .. Riill..'1rvela-f-t. hat.w-e.M.aS.b urn. rTTi . T.' U - I nHia.t. aeuvity th hi.h it lie. - .H'O Hir.?,g. "Tf, ' .i, laid , IM l-ah Mr W (oWed by IVim-.t kr '' J"? ,rf (Nihra MUWii.a ,"1T. . iL. . eiite eoetat. Lula. tiaun Bl. iaei' w, i.-j - . - - 1 T .. . .. . ... .it.-.. iiii.H.rliia i , .. h,f-Bi..f" eH p",l"l't" ili(irjolitnat baa M'uoed rrirjrl JLie.iUai of Oer.aiM.iU. wBMlb IwliOldtali ' Jl' "" o" nimeen..- : .. . j.ji i.. 1...... id I he emrkrf, sw i , f. J, .1 .nk imberitwooad 4oS Mill w raU TUI TRAUtt; r mm ;f,;..p.H,..d ' W e..r.L." an f lt eopptj the e k that we . HW t.. the be- alters lv wok we kn.r lift o-o.doeo, aed w ba r- to be ,Nv It 4. by lb. avotaal panaer of tk .. . j J.w.t.il tiv ant bwiy. Wbeftl fee opnp h, - Xiharry f-ffiil is aooerrorwJlv koow. to ir'liue., Cro.p, llmotihilie, Isanptowt llllTopU '; aod vae ra-l.f -f t u.-wj.t.v.i'i'atl. ' . as. M : am.ir Kiriiwroio vuino, v" i. ii..ii ,i rifwitim ui" riw " . ' " . eoiul k. lb. 1-r.ejar. d by !H C A A C., Kuwait, Wililai 8c Hjoo4, 1. T. Petctid, Eal eteh,H. C, and Dralert generally. . r 0. 1L1., - - JiOttTU CARULIS A ACEICULIUHAL BOUSS ' ' ' . AKI t il FvU,th rrf, A"nrr-, " ' r w til' a lis aad earrfnlijf s-Vwted t "r aivoax.1. Ftrmeri', . " ' ' . Millert.. ' ruiUiytt', JSecbanici, tnd . v i Hooielreepot-a' Too!, A OTBn Hardwara f'""" . . ATioultaraUinplmeuta. i -' Leat!f a4 Rubber BoHittg Kop . r :. Saddlery, . - r- Iron, , ', Stoel, At. to. 4 tu fmb. st koft avtuv, as) kind uf " . Kftohintry or Catting. " :. Agats lor R, Eo ft Co. ' Circular Bawt, Fairbuik't Scales, . - . . Evani A Wton'i Firo . and Burglar Proof Bafet, whlck wa sad at aiaaafantaraN prior. Wa lat-iu Mitlealu atlaatiot to oar stuek aad frol l,iafldeiit that our fiuiilitiM and sparirana will oaabla Sll 1 UHtr IU11rMlf MUI4VUlPO( III UIVUMIIV. ' . J.a. 30, 14i,U. A. A. WILL AUD. IfWmtilftf Wmhington, A'. G, tat of Grttm .... . . WIIOLr.SALK . OK ALCK I Groceries and General Aiercluntllxrv . .- - : row MISSION mi: It CHANT, ' . la'M irtt eWiTiTi;'"s,' . WILMINGTON, K. X ItXPSH Ttt lov.TSnr.CWil, 8upariBidol PahUll'hool( tHti. f thaOtata, tiraraOMro, n . v. Jaeee U ItoAeoy n Af4 atktr tank f Cap Ttar .tBmaabor. ' a. W ft YfW. PJltetaf tfselwef, HWA. . -vtlWth fetta, X.q', tfeeUmtW., N 0 Uvara Jaa(U rear A Boaa, B.Htmor. Htaars. Uawley, Coraer A Ou., Naw Trk. WUailBiioa, eaal, Uf. aa. Peronoal atteatioa iva to tho ml or shipment of Cotton, Haval Stortt, &c Alt prwlae, oqnai.iraadto m for aliip iieiit, tu &!'!- OuwtPy;tiittteiS Alt;, Seo folk, oil) be luaured bun th pwi.1 el ahinaieiivpvuea advuiajw aa aooo a tlitnod r ot torwad. M WClt O It A NDI5? 12 roooived aad forwarea with prontptuoas aad at wud. rat ehariies, ) A toll sapply eC 1 : .i , o n o o k i ia , kept eoaetantly la atom, wklok will be cold at low ere inf oaau. A trot lor tho sal of Marvla fc C.'a olebrat1 VlBtt AM O aaUttaLAU-PROOV AVK8, Kh, Marvla a fatal t Pooder proof lA ktkoy weighing: oo'r ODa i' laiter of aa oaare, Tueeehafee ar wmrrnnui fro liem damps, md are utd at MMhwlmt i erteee, ed will b forwarded thrAuli ' WilmlBKto whhuot oliarja h storair ut hnrwiudiay. 75 Balet of Cotton Yarn, and 4-4 Jrown- . . Sheeting, forsnf.' Adilmaa, , A. A. WILLAKD, WllUIIBt,N. C JanoarvSS. lil.Am. nALEIOH AD JATO It. It, VO 5 RuFBBtMTiWDnitT'a Omit, 'li i Ualbioii, N. 0., April t 1 804. J TVoiim rvn m ftllom ; PaaaenKOrTralalev Rilelh So A. M, Arrive at Welii:Tl ti - ' .- Weldoo l.rtflp. M, x - Airlva atltaWgb .: P M. V.vli-M A. Anxntniondati.iB TVelna Laavo ItalFiuh. oo MiiBdaya. Wdaedayai.d k'riday at, T. "A. M. v Antooat Wokliet. S.0tt (. a). ! Waidoa oa Tassdays, Tbaradaya r.d (utur day, at fl'M! A. M. , ... , Arriv at RaUlvb 4 t. at. ". ALBEKT J0UNiN. AfuOWtf 0h pt Mtaudardard liifrw ooey till lorbid. N We ll at er low flgore a aewspaper eftro lor wekly, ppo S4i. Tu preaa and toatertal a oew, bavin baa a aaed Io a'l aly at'-at usty . oav . , . ' . - idtireT HXAhMS AI LH'MII.V'l, - h-dlto a -Jl.irtU tri.,ii.w ; Wii... N C . & W, Covart,. 5v; f. HVSTKn, Portsmouth, Ya., , Oranville Co., N. C. : iTi t? iTiTX'nnri? I'- MJl- A te. A. a l. JLJ.a 'jtTOXAXT IIUXTIIi, '; i.:..: (lencfal t'ommUsIon Mt rd;'MH . lo,;'a 1Bj W. farbowiii, fa.,' We II Iwa'ti. ei II .5 t.4tio,U "! tti SaioOOtrd ft mufci. It It . wlir.,ii at air tin.. t, r. rti- Mtatrra roootewwi:rw3FBe'rFf nai'oC IIioha dlse' A".. HI rd..r and f.-rwurd (r'da t.lha'al advoxove oiarl no oiHaaiiramebt' .. t'liatces at d.to Ilirrel ahipmenta i.l teLlvip.w1(H any Eot o OlMt. . : . " S ' ' Krrta 1 0 i R. W. Iaottor, lr.ldeut U A ( It a is . a... -. ah-, a, u a o. ; a W I? am i,u , inin tfiififtT. nRlK. A ojb, w sv.vf.i auu " - -ty I it(l it Aov- . ... . . -ir 44 VoroMfOille SUroel, etolelh,l. '. "N , AGENTd FOR ' "ST&WASTS EXTbXSIOX T6r," , , "qmss or THE SOUTH," -"-'y-'-r- . AKD """.7":; "Western Smplr Cookin Etove. ' J. UROWS. April Jf4-3m - With Baut & Luwra. t l F1TKA MALuKTr -ahl rvMt: MALLETT & H0FFI.5AN. ' CKNatatAt. fOfltlMalOSI )IKKtlltKT. Ho. 23 H. Water Et. 1 v J ' wit.ati.'vtiTO'v, x, c. - r A pril 8190-gnT1 . LAItUC LOT OF OI.O mCtt, Wla.tAA.Vt tVllleKt v, 1 lea aod v nlro Krs. iut reee'iv at t;i' jf - , . a.. I' i.fv. general baire'a andtnn.i t five V' krfa ef iilT TIN'. 1 TadkmCont WbbaV. W have a m, ,B band Cooraa s v.om nniaaey, aoooppi ano reocb AprTul4-tfNv; t'OOI'IS A n. ;-r'..' ''V 1 . t. .ijir. - iytlMatiW1-