if THE DAILY SENTINEL. ffjl. E, PELL, State Tr Inter TERMS OF BLBSCIUITIOK. ' Tb Sitio U pobliiottl vr uniting ex- jrot Sunday, 0B Wtowfaf termi : for two mouths, '-a.t)p TbrM Boathi, ... i . S.W Hiitnootbt, . - 6.00 -.-.; We solielt Um aid ol our friead to nUnil- iaf ur eirtfnlatioav . . - , -,. j , '. , Foe the SentincL , Epidemio Cholera. MKsaas. Editors : I have read, with Intitr , tha nimmunication in tcviliiv's Seutinel. rieneA "CtAwspondent," vpotf tho 'sulijeet of Euulemic Cholera; aiul 1 like Hie writer's views nd approve of litem generally, particularly those advanced upon the uittwtioo of foot! anil nourishment. Fearing, however, that your "Correspondent," from the conclusion of his article, may not favof the lfadinp pulilic with another communication on this, subject, I shall endeavor to further ventilate it; but with what soccee, let -other determine . To ssert that this or that thing, or any par ticular artieta ot food, ia wholesome, without a -Tfa6 wTcttge (ft thocomlilioB of llie ponim and his daily habits for whom it i intended, reminds oneot sailor pronouncing the wind fair, with out knowinff to what port the vessel is bound. Certainly, the very boat opinion, an regards the wbolesomenfss of an aliment, In the case of any particular individual, ia comprised in the annwer of the facetious I)r. Mawlevillo, who, when asked by the ladies of the court, whether tliia or that aijtic.hr of diet were wholesome, asked whether they liked it, anil it agreed with them ? If so, it wa wholeaome. ; So, also, your "Correspondent's" remark upon the subjects of sewer and drains, the removal of all filth from the town, of every description whatsoever, and the free and judicious use of lime, as a health-preserving a(ent, in all ten cmotitrr, and on all grounds rwpliri lis to be puri fied, are too important to beoithor forgotten by (lie individuals, or overlooked by the public au thorities f city. ThesufrRestiiin, too, that tt might be weH (vt tim uruucuU autUontitia tf this city to lay in an abundunt aiipply of lime fa.tliauMihf tiiR rit.izon. -Rellincr it to tlloae WHO arc ante u I'ov,- nou i.n i. iii'to " '""are; 1ynil" ATI t(MI8i adr IfcWTO Wl' -. . . ii ..tl ... : IH)l uneomlHlonttiiy reilullluu; 111 nil iv freely and wiscly--is in every way worthy o'fcoo- dideration. ,' ' 4 ' ' 1 Tttit I must not tresspass fm the pper-iWt4e uf the health (SriiirtiiisMonerw, lately apjiotntoii ,S VJ UM...t.P. ...... ..... will soon be favored with t heir report In rel N adopt.l and enlorced in this city, in view of the approach ami prevalence of epidemic t hol ' era. Coming, aa It will, from thone who cccu py a higher, and therefore, of course, a better Vtandpoint, and who enjoy the advantage of ' more enlightened circumBtances, It should have, at it doubtless will have, an educational influ ence. Idonotniftan by this, it should kaoh the peoplttWw three It's, ttatling, riMgfnml although ftTr rtututjltt jwt rum that these at tuinmenU will htiyely increane the present -ftilnet and mnrlrt value of their jiosscsiior. The education to which I reft, as an all-important influence in proper sanitary meamires and pro grtut, ia that which (would consist in exhibiting ' to all classes of society the practical evidences of the attainability and of the advantages of a bet ter, as well as hightr, civilization ; ah ciiucjitional influence which would teach the lowest classes, iiv the enforcement of sanitary laws and exam ples, as well aa by prttqitt, to know cleanliness from dirt, decency from gronnfM, bnman pro prietyfrom brutuk ul-lntknmnt ; aneduca timia'l influence which' will teach them to feel the comfort aa well as the profit of sanitary ob servances, and thus, at least, make them bpply their jnstineta of aelf-p.reseTvation to the delib erate avoidance of disease. , Thus, it will be seen, that proper sanitary measure reaches, or, at least, is , intended to reach every per sonthe professional tnsn and tli merchant, ' tlm artizjm ami . the laliorer, the rich and x ' the poor, and ia unlike much of the lejria latioa and reform of the present day.s It aims at the establishment of no" nbsftwl'lirim iplo, with no practical, definite bearing or applies tion; and, therefore, rests tipon no yWioaary 1 theory, conceived in the closet or study of some ,. impracticable enthusiast or htfislator, to. be preWmlctlly carried ont and executed by smart, v desl-fnlng knaves, whride the hobby with their own purposes and for their own taient. It does not se-k to overturn nor upturn any ; social, political or rclipoiutimeutTr- iiwti- tution; nor to abrogate any constitutioniil of Stat ute law; It therefore interferes with nb. man's proper rifrhta, pecuniary, social, political or rli- pious, and it, therefore, lo take thm-atHey - 1" arc; hmks opon man as it flnds him ; allows him toenjoy the institutions with which heis favour ed ; ministers to his comfort in every way, nd qite Aim th moan ot Ihing longer, and of 'np ing ma wkd ht dot lit. There is iff tMs no transcendentalism or other ism or ology, Jo l.;,.K ..w. oAniUmiii Mn nlitcct : sllliouull it far transcrmla. .i todinnitohyjit;,.ptacti ' ' Tmivennit bcncfttis ; smnethifms "f .:;-.ir:i;'.." .the. (tfiy;s--.. .r.- x .!.. w.-JV,.....r..v...Tti..!......,..M...rf the corporation council, or . lucre citizen f it. niT... .ni n!lnii'tinn to the . imme-1 Uiate adoiiion and enforewmeht of snch meas-un-s, for every man, in every station of life in tlik City, has h direct interest in their success. Mort; than that, every person should do all in his power, and every one can do something, to cstab " . lisli, promote ahd maintain them .; emleavoring to remove anl reform any sanitary evils that - - may exist cithi-r on his own premises or in Ids , own person or habits, and rthewe of his family and neighlxirhood ; and any ,li eftort, wisely ? direcftsd, will increase the amount of hi own 1 ' individual eiijoysnefit, while it adds ta the ag Kf'W'Meenjiivment ,'of the whole City,-f-and tlius may I accsmiplislieil the liitfli and praisvwnr' . v-'tby objwts, for w.hich this sanitary movement was undertaken ami bctrtin. ' " I'lIILO-Ct'lBRKSPOSnrHT; " , YA LI ABLE TOW. LOT ' v. IN Ji.VLEItSU v FOU KAL12 AT AtTCriOJN o's frf-lay My4lti IKW.-l will nV f'r !, at . ;4em. Iht -1nnW M owimm! hy m tha burnt nar, Kyptiill Street, taM kvim in th pUn tit IteCllJ mb in. i TheSuetMvi will tnka pise tli p, Bt wtilctl tlin tArim will b msdu known.. HA Ml. ROWLAM., '-AsS'Klil , , Oil KALE. t.oltu, tllit let I lota t.i unit fTrmrra for flKrf im wrk, r.hp r ch"vpr tuaw Jr. an utni'li bvitv. !elr i ' J. C. k ttTTI,K Hl.e Kw. Al.ltK'..T JOHN'S) uV. Klili. April 9t flfl1 Knp't K.'A G B. k. Co :HlH yoL. i. Important from Washington. RRPOHT FROM TFIE RKCONSTRUCTIOK COMMITTKR-TIIETEUM8 CPOX WRICU TUB rJOUTIlKRN STATES ARE TO BE ADMiT I E i ANOT1I EU AMENDMENT TO THE CONSTITUTIQS-W1IO ARE TO HE FORUVER DISFRANCHISED, &. vVAsnrxoTos, April 28, Tho Joint Commit tee on Reconstruction, after a session of some four hours to-day, at which all the memliers of the t'ommtttee wer) prctuflt, agreed to rejiort on Monday next the following propositions: A joint resolution proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the United Stntwt. .;:.; Repres'ntatives of the United States of Amer ica in Congress assembled, two-thirds of loth Houses Wrticurring, that the following article lie proposed to" the Legislatures of the several States as ait amendment to the Constitution of the UniUnl States, which, when ratified by three fourths of said Legislatures, shall lie valid as part of the Constitution, namely ; Aincl.K Section 1. No State shall makeorcuforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immu nities of citiensof tho United States, nor shall any 8tto deprive any person of life,' lilierty or property without due procesa of law, nor de ny to any person) within ita jurisdiction the equal protection of t he laws. " - - See. 2. lieprcsentatives shall lie apportioned among 4hc several States which may Je inclu ded i this Union according to their respective numljers, counting tho whole numW of pcr- l)ut w henever In any State the elective franchise shall be denied to anv portion of its mule cili- or other crimes, the basis of represeirtattou in mid States shall be reduced in the proportion to which t he number of such male citixens shall LcMLlothc.iluk.miBilii.t .of, jualaciiizrjitJuot less than 21iiim-ul agii 8ce, 3. Until the 4t.h day of July, 1870, all peraoror w-ho voluntartty adherel to the late in-siin-ect'uih. ifiviiiL' it aid and comfort, shall be .exetuifetV from '.'the riglfito 'vote 'fiiMiK'iufiet'ii'of Congress, and for electors-tor 1'resx lent and Vice President of the United Mate. ' ' Sec. 4. Neither the United 1 States nor any State shall assume or pay any debt or obligation already inc urred, or which may henjufter be in curred, in aid of insurrection or of war against the United States, or any claim fu compensa tion, for loss of involuntary service, or labor. Sec, a. The ( ingress shall Have power to ea- iiiree Jiy apnsimriate legisTaTion the- provisions of this article, -" 'f A Hill to provide for the restoration of the Slates lately in insurrection to their full polit ical tights. '. " WllEtWAS, It is expedient that the States lately in insuYrection should, at the earliest day consistent with the future peace and safety of the Union, lie restored to full participation in all po litical rights, and whereas, the Congress did, by joint resolution, propose for ratification to tho Legislature of the several States" as an amendment to the Constitution of the United States an article in the following words, to wit : (The Constitutional article is hero inserted.) Now, therefore,"- " Ik ilkraaefi", etr., That whenever the alwre recited ftliiendment shall have lioonnie, part of the Constitution, ai)d any State lately in insur rection shall have ratified tha same and shall have modified its Constitution and laws in con fortiiHy therewith, the Senators mid Represen tatives fronr-sueh State, if found Jluly elected and qualified, may, having taken the reiinired oaths of omv 'bo-dinttl into Congress as Sllch. . , . . Bkc- 2. And U it further tiuulcd. That when any State latelv iu insurreetion shall have rati fied tlw3forcgoing proposed amendment to the Constitution, any part of the direct tax under the act of August 5th.. lttttl, which may remain duo and unpaid in such State, may lie assumed and paid by such Slate, and the payment there of, on proKT assurances from such Statej to be given- to tho .Secretary - of the treasury of the United States, may be inwtpuned for a jn-riod not exceeding ten years from and after the pas sage of this act. , , , ' A bill ituclaring certain person; ineligible oHice Uliiler tnc governmcni oi ia' nimn Suites; ' ; ' , y ' TU it enarthi, Ac, That no pi win "shall be el igible to any office under the government if the rnHedWatca who is included in any of tlwfol- lowing cliissair namelr : First The President anil Vice I'resiili-nt of the. Confwlerate States of JLuttiddUkjoUmAjLl mtflee' w,)t.eagBritiiit.tlwX'"nfIfte .tjiLAiiM!riea..oitlhidLJ.' ThlTil Ileasi pi Department of the United States, ofticers of the army and navy of tiw United Slates, and all persons educated at the MiliUry or Navid Aead emv of the United States, Judges of the Courts of the Uuitod States, and meiwliers of either House of the 35th CVmWssftf theUni tol States, who gave,aid or coilitori.fo the late rebellion. Fourth. Those who acted as ollicers of the !) federate fitates of Aniericji, sM-calleiL Bbo,ve the gnwlBsof Colonel in the amy or Master in the navy, and anv nmr who, a Governor of eitlier of the so-called Confolcrate States, gav aid or comfort to the lata reliellion. Fifth; Those who have treated offlccru, or soldiers, or sailors of the army or navy of the United State. aptiireil during the late war, otherwise than fiittv- prisunrrs of war. T" ' The Committee removed the iiiimu'Uon ofw .e'recy so far as the alve proposition anscon cerne.d.and petmittnl eopU l be furniskTV to the Pre. Itrtytmdi rsf'wf that th vMufo lliem wastwi lv1 against three. , A it tsknown that Senator Johnson and Representative tlri der and Ki;er9 only voted in the negative, the affirmative must be. Senators, Fessender, Orimes, Harris. Howard ami William, and I.'in'titiitiv-e Stevens, Wahbunie, of Iltinois, Morrill, Ilingliaiu.Coiikting, Bout wii and Iow. in.HniPHSTHE AIIT TOY. xi n;s to i unto e. I tl KV, I'"" nlentiee iossiwaw to tli eiunir n..ba w Xwlh C:ie;tbt.'i ldi'io to ilia manvV-aiKitnl atylm f l!i iirvi)li. that ni m luhkirg lt nwtl t-ooifnl of ail i'lrpa, ' .. ;,' P0EC2LAI3', . or A'fcf r- They a fln a irmry (irMiliu(r- Call a4 trxMi--inwT J. W. WATSOS, Kaleiir:Apnl i-Jottf il WpytpjR Atlir r BE mitUT RALEIGH, TIIUKSDAW MAY 0, 18CG, STKIVE T PLCASt'. FAKRIS V LACK. MSJICIHHT TAILORS C CLOTIIEliS, r,ii,i, Surrrt, RlrlKt N. C. Have Jn-t rAeeived ttieir Hpriiiirtwk -f CLOTHS, v r-. ! CASSTMERKS, . VKST1NOS, READY MADE , CLOTHING, HATS, ' ' CAPS,. SHIUTS, COLLARS, J ' : CRAVATS, AN IK O KXTI.EM EN'S Fl'RN'ISIUN'O GOODS. I Thee ttoode were porehaaed st low rates fur ioil, and will b sold at priom which will enable u u livg ati'l let oar pal rone live. if yu waiiirme rreneii l imnn i.n ;aiuinierea call at FAKKIS8& LACK 8. It yon want Bo Onrmaa or Ainericaa Uonda, .. - ITAKKItWai LACK'S: If jo want (rood Ready Made C!thfiig, rail at AttKISH ei LACK 8 It yo wait Cheap Ckitblnar. caUat FAKRISH It LACK'S It yo want good Clothing nade in good Kl vie. call at ' . FAUKISH At LACK'S W say aotliin: of our 8TVLK AND TA8TK aa we prefer that oar work shinild MHiak tor a and not we ahonld apeak for oar work. We rotor any one dei ing iuformatin on this point to oar patron. We do not aay we have tnir good limn any on eUe, and thai we will ih lower than any one elee, bet W do any wa hare a good aloes, anil are reeeiviilg weekly sttneasiiina thereto. W will any fiirlher thai w bav boneht theaeiooda and intend to elt them. ' ff Vho want bargains. (HVE US A CALU - Ci fttrtCt (re; BaTOnrrtiiwrit- r -tnkm tir w ehang fto-ftoiwta, . V -JTMiWtSif AT1 -It t. MOAStr - i 8ontixTsotT'iOrrica, Apdl fth. Iifi. Ths Pabli ar iittiirmnd that tli vpuml nvr litis lj:adtoiwLhf?. "i-?!.!1'! eUMis etsiwrtiinni urt mtwls wiln sntrsms ewntt Wnrtit f wmiih rum- To lislumn1, and ithr Cittas Nurih, llis ffwa i s tow u ty y her ftrat and tinw quirk. TimiUifK Ili'SBtn to all limewl innrttl li out II refers- Nnrlelk d oy ."WnamorB, mm tu t rrtucuuu .;iiir ia tha North Went, via ltnhiimira It Ohio Unit mud lllfKK elwnksd Ihnmcli. TniHIiipiH-r vary great iiMluecmeBU are ft"reil, II is tli quiekeet, th. rt.and NehAp as liy any other mule. Freiifht is hiped I limoxb withuat hreakinf balk from Char iot! to Norfolk. Th connactiou at Mnrlolk with Hurwnor Ormn Strttnnra eouunend tlilj rout to Jill wtamiled in ahipinna;. ' : ; EaleiKh, April e-Wt-l m r 8up'T. Wlldcr's Patent Salamander Safes, WITH WIUDER'3 PATENT POWDSH AND BTJR-QLAK-PKOOr LOCKS. B. J3. WIL0EH CO.. v PATENTEES AND MANUFACTUB.KK3 OP TI1K BEST FIKK PROOF SAFE IN THE ' WORLD f I JkWELBKS'sal BaHKKRS' SAFES mad to Or- . der, Lined with Hardened Bteel. U0UHS AND PLATS SAFES, t 0 THIS CELEBRATED SAFE was swnrtUd tb I SOLD MKDAL, at th World's Fair i London, la UM. ...,.-.,'..-.:. KuTict. Thii eeiehra'ed Fireproof ear Is bo Ingar Bad and ivld ny bILAS C. IlKllKlNa, h i lleens to make and sell them having npind. , T theaaandt of CertiSealei from Merehanta, Ranker and lieehanief of ail trsdei. that bavJn girea In favor of thia th nly true 'ALAMAN- I . L O M ..n Aarm vtMMmlmmm thm nkaM-tka t Will 1 1 1- n) words In iu fir..r. aa full thirtv theasand ot "WILDKtt'S PATSM SALAUANDEH SAFK8," bar bee napnfaetured and old Id the Unlud Slates and, in aluiont every large Are that hit takta plan daring the lent seventeea yan, tbf Hale hare be ut)jetM le a never t Mats, ana lie ' Omntimt SUnMmdrt" ktu eeer t eteetroyeel. gafuintd MlJew Y.iik price, with tbt freight M Wilmington added... Ko eonuuiasioa charged i Wil- ingtos. ' W T nrennred t take rder for twee eclebraUd Bsfet. aile( eaa b ea at oor ooe a hw day.. Krery Mer-bant aki'Sld bat us r ttiea cneap eJndiMrSaf. , L ANDREWS 4 BARD1M, j ,i, : ConitnirUiion Merchants, (icncral Amenta for North Carolina. Offle, Ho. S.teth Water Street (t'pbtalre Wi'l Bliagt, N.O.- - ' . . t-Do. -!. ttV a. - , SALlSiBUKV UK ASH IIAI UKOKOANI7.KI let January . 1 ".. on hv-gr"Vc' men lormerly, nnder th direciion of he former tntor. W It. KKAVt.whowne utaovhief mneiewri. let and Hand Teacher in Oen Le'e army He will It aaaieted in ladlii and dinrtlo ny hie brother. K4. Keava, tender daring th entir Inte.war of (.. I luit and n.et fnvorite hftnd. vil t 4th K. C The Hand' 1 i i . . . d o. liaf nwniSSgf getner wiw tea nfw mewioere of eeveiai ui me une llnnila trained by W tl; NenvoH ewninvwlm- have movwd to-rHhfrorn ejrp ot in the tl-e-TW't4. Jow their reepertive vuoalion nni ennlinu Hi amity and practice of wnmie. i ni u.inu win on a jwri nent imtif atlon for all Htaieand fwbve Maitiona, nod will equal th k t to be found ia I he world, ll unnam ed bv thiM deirii.V a fin order oj limn aol Hiring niurie ; if not. U munt go down after thii. year. W. H. Kosvv Is alao agent tr the eolebrated lod. worth KiinrtrnHiMUaFirOTe4andwarraiited.tiihiinf and bjrbuabtheri ate, tiisLnuMt nteaaing, efiVo tiv and pofmlar Piano at into, eet(.ited by hie frinder H. It. itudwonh and Kent J..tl.ed, Kew York. t"or beginners, tnedrbrn playera, and'advanced uiueidana ,o Iraehfcw aotttoe. v...i. .. Uueis ramipoH4 and arrangd to order for Parlor, (Veheelral and lira Uttui nee bar Way k nut and nam ber of toatrnitietila . - Hsltehnry ba keen ahloeled for lik-al lleediioar. tare ftw itai nantral pwn w. . y If. H. afet hAlr of enquiry for inneieal InfonnatMin, biit Willi no view to bu-oioMW with Mr. Neave iir Itand, UlU". evWH'il l " P MISLJStttHItU MalVh IS. IKl, II . a. . SHArita, late of rctersliorg, y. t f.T, nonwoon, laic of Warrealoa. V. C. 8UAFEU tfe NORWOOD, Coi 1 1 mi ssion M c r c 1 1 n ts. No. tVWavta ftTkiirr, NEW YORK. Comynmnt tif Cotton, TiJuimh, Kapal SVorr, (irm' an'l'alljtfwr ,SnUlnr: ,' Irnlufti SuflCltrJ ' Order frm MWehant. Masieetnrre,vPIn. lera and oThem w.i)t reimr prompt ..ad tndtvldua) avnio-n. : j ' '--t . t arrra to One J M Morebtad, Oreeo.born, K Cj H bawiter, pri )ent KoV.it and (iato R K; Mi liwain. So A 'Co, linne aed J.'bnaon, Martin A Tainebtil. Petnrtbnrg, Va; K A Ve!r, ,., Si!ei. N C R r" Kirbardax, kwkinKham Ci, N C; Hjinnr 8.t Oreenahoro, HO m Wilke. Snperinteadeet N 0 a R 6 ?-., -. III THAW BB PagBlDEllT.Beari Clay. gODIATATERt V " tsoixvAvATint x t HOIJA WATER J t f 00U SPARKLIXQ SOD.V WATER. TltE FIK4T OF TUUSKAMtW! . Al Ike rilii r A.K.BAVKX 00v nUbboro' Street, Ofl door wet Kioling Hotet Ap-ill4-jirMf '-'.'. A. Ae NVILLAltD, AVI13L lALE DEALER t Gfoeerles and General MercJianillzc, FOWROra ASD ' V o n 51 1 KSitix m K u C II A NT. ' JlSjrth Water- Strt, : - WILMINGTON, N.C. ; KKrBU TO RT. C. H. Wilev, Superlnteadent PnMie Bnhoe'.a for tbe Btate, ttreenibore, M. 0. r. Jeiee U Llnd ay, Kru., Carbjer Bank uf.Cap Tr wrenboro, ' t Kv. W K P. II, EJitur t ., Raletgk. Joteph Pott, Kq , Weahtngtoa, f C. Me'ara Jame'Vi mora nen, Utltlmor. Mrs. Diiwtev, Corner (tik, New York. Wilmington, Jan I, IJJ, Sia. Permiiwlkitentioa given to th sal ot shipment of " rtmsWenX Stores, &k 7 ' All pr-Httwej eoiiani.il jpt ttieforaliipioen h)Mviija Dowli.-yrO'''riiore"'t i o ,. Xew' Vtuh, will he lnuri'd KTO'flMWWVtfIttrrreW-!ir njfvljthg m ' ef"sfIrr---!'.-i received end forwards with bmnmti ee and at mod. ernte ehargea. , l au.piy ..t. kfA oouetantly m etoro, which will be aold It lowSg. nree for oaeh. . - Agent tor the eale of Marvin 4V Co.' oelnkratvd ttKR Att W wllh Marvin I'nleit l'owder proof I. dk koy weighing only one (uaiior of an ouho. Thee Hale ar ipirr fre trotn dninpneee:, and r aold al manufaetnrer'e prieea, and will in forwarded through Wilmitigtou without vharg lor atorag or lorwaidmg. 75 Bales of Cotton Yarn, and 4-4 Brown- JBheeting, for mI. A4dree, A. A. WILfJtRf), Wiliniagto. V, 0 Janaaivi.fi. I r.' Ilin. . ' ' , glTUATlO WATEII A YOUNfl L il)Y,.who naa( glv lh bighset po""! bler.n"reediii wellnnaljed to leaob th 1 oientaiy uid higiier Engliab biaMhe f education, denim aituRtioM Toaohor. . . i Apidieationa addiOMwd to the Editor of the! Sukti am., tanking known turine. V.oi., will rooeiv linmdi. at altontion. April g;)-tf. 1 LEAF LARIM a00 pound N. C. Lnf Mi. ' In Stor and for Sal by. ' t ; 1. DAVIS & JONES. Itattigh, April 17 If f N OKTll :AHOLl!XA IIACOJ 1 3,O0O Ibe, 1 l.niid, fir rale bv ' DAVIS Se JONES. Raleigh, April 17 If JI.Ol'K ! n.tHI r.l:B!t ' On J1CS0UKI) ItAKUELS ofrd flow in stotw .- DAVIS JONES, Raleigh, Aprrt I? If , 31 olasi:.w ! I We nYK OS hand SOU gallon! of No. I SUGAR IIOl'SK Mill. tSSKt. . DAVIS & JONES. Raleigh, April it tf . I --' Culm Ulolasc. S bngttiDnde and barreli, forest by ' - A A.WILLAKD. Wilmington. F. h '?, t48.tf , Loitou'Tnm Bfttf'ltccttiigf,- ey- CALKS fwaleby A. A. W1LLARD. HUifttKgton. r..h, t, tr.l Karon, rAAA rU"Dvf Bhoulderi, bright and dry, tat UUVU ante by . A. A. WILLAKD. WilnnagbMi. Feb )4S. tf CwHtlU T m HOXK! Adamnntin" ftw l by l0J ' ' ' ' N a. A.-wirxARtr" t ilminglon. Feb it, J 1, tf JJAMt r CAPE IE All. A (IKNntAL MHKTIWO of lh StnekbobUr of tho Hrendmt. lir.tor and Ompmyof th Dank of Cap Knar, I" b hold at their banking bone la Wil mington, on t'oraiUy, th 3rd day of May al, I Call ed toMoiiter tlie general fT.ire of lh liana, andlpar ttvularly whetlor proreedingaahall be fiiatitoled onth part of th Bankyander th aotol th (ieneral A"m toy of (! Ktet. awiUed "A Actio enable lh tlimk ol UiuHtatetei clots tnair Bsemea. - ratinra Ban Uaieta, clothir baeine, vanned M TV J. (i. bl'KK.Caehi ingta S C. April 4 ton , . . lh, Wilini Htandaf, "Hd S.th Bla'.,"S.'Jibary.nrentKiro' rnt.riot: Hnlem Preee, Faycttevitie Mewe and Kewliera Inure pnhtub till May I, and forward areonnt to tfrlneipaia ttnok M WtlaAgtHr 1 - - A' LA UU E LOT OF WL ' .'i vi " ' aiit'si wII.I.fAW) HltK, " Id te ami gall. kegajv 'l ransi v4 "I . '. ALSO . - STirrnl harr.'l. and ten and fir gailo keg of ItlT TlXrl'O Yadkin !.Hiy Wiiiekey. W bav 'o oa handCoarad'e Corn Wklekey, and Apple and Peach Mrandy. - . , . j Aiirij Htt CX)rER & MOOitE. a iluihi7iTth AT IHI.IJSIIORO'. ; WK AUK owning the floral St-ark of Freneli, Ttrv li.h.en t Aoeirtna titiod, vr oea Huipie nl to Miuloirl. at X bV"4 prkiea, , ' K0T KAEELE FEONT PEIfiES ! Money eovived on depoeit at por e-nt, fj.itdiitih )m to liiaft. iW day hiloreet f'Oift date of CTclit itcfronno evrifBi)T. V' hav never nHrfed a oro- U-et oonr Paper, (i C'. oidixr on d-p draw 3 rr eiwt 1 I . . Canwy pr apnom. ,1 IiKUWJi, IARK8 4 CO. , aiar 22, 1V, tf x , -18G6.c ATTRACTIVE FURINO STOCK FOSEIGN AND E03II3TIC .DRY GOODS. E repeetful!y rnvtte fit atten'ioo of the Trade to oar vary oeeinbl od oUoui,lik of Amerirttn and Itrltiah rney lrrs " ' ' 00, ' . V mnng whloh may be fonod the latent atplca mparlti Uu area, togethor wilk a ilensiir ayaoi tnwint 01 upernir taTATLE GOODS, " ASD W pai-tieu'arly call lh altamthwW MeirhaiU via. Iting thi oily to onr Isrg atiH'k of IO.VEITIC 001la, end tii.;ttl not toe'iytt v ate prepared lo offer xtta Induoetuunia' Our atoek 1 no mid Iroah io braoiog a gnernl neatHtiiient ot dtwiruhl tltela all roooidly purnhaeed at redueeii rate nnd will hofter. ed al ptieM to en I th trad el etr Whnteaale Woe Hoia on boeond Fhwr mho. TV, 81 tid rUi Hyoauwr Streot, . . .. , PK f gRIRl'KU, TA - wher Cap! Edward flraliatn and Mr. John atoKiieu will be glad to their old 1 1 Ueda and th Trade genorally. .. . . . IrlrlLU'Al.XE cV CO. Petorabatg, Vs., MatnUli, 4(U.ltin ... jJcj lt7aiv irSTi-oTT-"""" WHOLESALE GROOKRS, ' AND - CO M M JSSIQH- M ERGH ANTS Katev lDy iLMUt-tl !)tamr wtrvrt. -!TETKrrrr?ltj -Tte-aaliiiiiibiirw riieniBlifaMaTrdliar fvie-jt lh TK AI'K KOKTH and H(iUTII,nd to the PLAN. TKKSof VlKGtNIAaod KDUTII CAUOLLf A, la the purohae and ai of . , ,. . GROCERIES, COTTON, ' They truaf. by elriot pen mat attention to all buai. ae ooeHded to Ihetr rare, lo aeour a eoutinaano ol th tkoulldemt aa Itbvrnlly bmtowml on th Into firm of - SIrlLWAl.ET fcOX,Ai UOr.::. of wlilehour aouior wm e lg a member. . . '', ( 1 MclLWAISK A IJO. ' Roav, D Mi (lwaiks. P Porra. . . 1 -. '; 8. S. Ilaiuoiai. . ;. , Mr. KDWARDORAIUM. ol th lute fli no. of Me II wjuneaV Graham and tUinilloo Ac Graham, can b found with oa. wbor h will b pleiued lo a a hi friend. '-' Peaorabarg. a.. fb. 33. atV.4lai. f y axce, iovo v jou vstov, . - A IT Q at n E ' A T lit W, ' 11 - : . .l .1 1 I H 1.10 ' - U.rtni .nvt.i.wn ,'irHi'.in lut- ti . will irmi- tin In tl t'onru of Mnekasnbarg, Iredell, Catawba, Davideon, Mnwaa, Cabarru and liuion, and in th ketiorai sua auprmq t;oun. Claim eollootod any wher la til State. . . Mar 30 lllo tf. U) Ml AND fflLSMTOX WEEKLY LINE OF FIRST CLASS STE AMSHIPS. . S'X' .1: -i , 1 Pf"11)!!! Starlight, ' Capt Pcdrick, Washington, Capt Chlcheiter, Eebeoc Clyde, : Capt. Young. ,. PHMMtge, havlns superior Acconiino dutlous, Th i rout offer greater Inducement than any other ia the Hint. Oneoltlie shot Rleainera will alwaya btnpla Maw York sad sail weakly, or ofteaer, it loaded. Kroight eonelgned to th Agent of the flteaiiii'M or loC. O. Dudley, Agent Wilmingtoa aV Weldin Hull Road, will b fuiwai tied proii'itly. ..ami. penfw ol lectod at point of deatlnatlua, fro of oomimealoo and alleairaeharge. .- - . "' SGIIITIIK KIWVOIIK. ARTHTJR ITIABT. 73 William St., JAJflLZS HAND.1 ft Wall 8t. - r r HORACE MVBAREY. Art,. - WUmiBgton.N. C TboWILIMINOTONAi WKf.DOJf RAILROAp, having ktrgnly Inoreaeed their rollirg afn-k, are now prepared to more freight promptly ftom all tunnte. and will giv preierenro to through Hleamer freight orer all other. Two daily tialo ar now running ard freight per Steamer will al way go forward, on dny of am vat-..., . . , " ',' nrrhpr goede tw Hew V) k ehlpped hy ig CHi"1Ci'tVr line loot 01 on m , April a-'joi tin ' DAVID UtltKOtV, with -. . ZLoTir, D0REANC2 & CO '. X,. v jp-taplc and t&acj Dry Goods, Nns. 80 A 82 Lcnhanl $tr:t, (Wnt of Brodw.y.) Xh, nkvt yont. r l!, tt .w . . - ' "- KORTII CAKOI.ISi A MCTVAL LIFE InanntAinrst iiv. ' , . or lUi.Efflii v.C. -. ... ,'vri'lar-uii-W-.? CH ARLKrt V, 4'iIKHt)H. M. AK ic.o,y... . IIIUAM W. IICSTKI), t irt I'rrnlenl. : JtViLMAlTLrJ, rtrrrr'. , I , , lMKKITOIJa, ' ' CtlAKLI") R .tOIIStliX, LVKH tKt ) Al l, IIIUAM W lilSIKII, . JAM MM ToWI.Wt, W I I.I.I AM II. JONKH, .' CKVriM Itt'M'KK, CMAKI.M K kiwi'l. 4' 'UN O. WII.MAMH, W II.IJAM U wiKKK,M. U WII.LIAH KMILI.KK, KkJllJ'. HAITLK, x ALIiKlit JtMINmi.N, . li. .MA.rrj.K. v HotU lee Swnod payable ti.f d. atli. or whe the Ineurer ehall kltuiu a ettein fr?e frttm lUt rifeawl m iirrm. i'reauianae.nvnr Hurry Ootiiwa, way be pHid. half i b i.d half In prmuiin "te o f.iff IWarw. . rV "' ' - t iffio ol the eampaoy in th Hunk of Cape Feag. in Bu-.gh. - - - . All 4Hrmiftiitios f-ir the offlc in Rh-lch rht e .ilreaee.l u. K. It. BAT! Lit. H... y. klaroh H i;7 ohn. kieigh N. ! 4UV. ' J : RIO and Java'off. fir aale by j A.A.WILLAUD, W ilmingtoa, Feb 3, 1 , tf uvi:itTjifeiii(. 1. ATI Adrer'JjivEiiciiu 01 oupymg not oiorr itiaa 1011 of of aiiuion lij wbti h con. iiuU aiiiar : 1 tjl.MUOt! - 1.1( ' t.VQ iM U.00 S.S0 f 6M 10.00 lft.0" , J0.W W.OO I Bionlb 1 mutitU - 1 week Bti,iJ ut,i.i(i, uni.r a ,'(iial tirnu, will tx Urge J 0uiIuTr 1 JilTiTTTur'i .a . T Funeral botlcej will 1 f harp-a aiaJvi-ril.to.iin. .. Til stmple annouaci int ot ot r'enth. or smmngi Will nolo tbiui'ij. 1. J n.HiM.r. w, tKHiwi, OKaHaantvx m:itotETT a co rormerly DtRouott & Erown - (Eatabllnliwi in 18,y lienerul f oinmlsslou Mmhunis, No. 0 Nontrt Watku 8t. MI.MIX(iTON,X.C., ' ' , ( W ILL givw perem.nl nttenlioo to lh pnii'haeo liad v", aaie ot PioHKof evet iin..cni.i)..a, and to nifiv!; ami lrwaithiig giMid. v. k'eb W, Ititt ilm. I .. ' thou. w. bavis. jutuino dOKKS.411. DAVIS 5c JONES, .. ' GE0CHR5, -JtUCTiWN Jfc COJIM ISSION MERC II ANTtt,- Eo. 23 Fayettevillo Street, HAf-KIGIlltr, t KKl'P vanth i n bond a vefy te.rg etipp'y of .,'-.".',' , li'AMIIjV CJItOCKItllOH, .: . enoaiatiiig ut . ... Bacon, lard, . ' , . I Flour, Keal, Corn, Copperas, 1 Buckwheat, Cheese, ' ' Pickled Oyster, . rhamnnrrn A1a Porter, Bladder Bnnfl, . b - 8oda and Butter Cracker, Tea Caket, Percussion Caps, - 1 Salt, Fish,' &c, &c. , -ALSO- Wood and Wilow Ware, , uardware, Powder and Shot, ' TaTarttrtr 'iffljUtftt'eatf atm acscriptionn, tti : w ean'HMyell meiaitfenaau Cotton, Cotton Yarns, Iron, &c, ,"' . - ..' and COUNTHY Ilt01)UCU YU-auinaguilMnt Htm raooiee aanwui said piiiniut TnntiT'Sr - iaAVIM dk dltrraKkVv teb 1 Sintt?, ' t OT'i'ofV SKKnlcATToa HKKWl! Aftnatutnf Kxtnt oaahtv rWrnnaia IlilTTliN 8Kts,l, and two yom old, : ....'-: la and for Bale by " iAV lH Ar JdnKS, March tit VKil Kalelgh, A.C. -I A VOVU or all hore Wapgona, ia good running XV order, for anle by . . March 1, l?t,tf JACOB KILL & tSO.NS, ' ! PKIKKSUURQ, VA, Manntsclurers of Cent's Clolliln, KSEP CONSTANTLY 0H HANI) A LARflK toek'of , . i DRY G00D3, CLOTHS, CASSI MERES. ',. ' BOOTS, SHOES AND Jl ATS wblok w offar low to Jobber,. Corner of Syeuaomaad Otd Street, Peteriburg, V Novetibnr SJ-lH-liui-piI. roiAAKt cowrien. . jamk a, mooiib cowro & JIOORE, AUCTION A COMMISSION JIKRCIIANTH. Fiyettevillo Street. 0peiU lruti Jh-ug Start, HAl.KKill, , c., WILT, aell al) kind of pr dne tnd gumla nf any deaerlptinn, en Coin ni-at" or at Aueiio.v V. Ill olleolall l ni- Sod ti t vi t,t dhta aira.na' put tiea raaiding luilicU ol Ululgl, ut In he gnumy of Wake, and wUl buy and a.il u Cuinuiiaa. u, Eealstato,"""1"""?'' r" .. Gold and Silver Colu, State Bond, - Stocks, and, ' , ' , ' Bank Notes. ' Cnlgunient lollcited. ." C0WPER M . w , Jim. 28. tf. . . . : OldMrk WUIIam, MliUItt ). 4 8 Agentg for Klek -William, 4 Bon, we a'i .r V pand. to farniak tfc abor nmiular bianit i Whlkey,J)y tk barrel or ke. Ad.lrraa onlura ' -----rrrrr- - CTWrH MOtlKf; IIut'kulH'ut nnI Eitrly .'urdtn ivila. auperhir Ilm'kwhoat at 7 per ci nla per p..iiinl by to i. pound. Knrlv Wa.hiivtoi. anil h u. rowfat UarrtenPeai at 3tt eeiita quart. Feb. 81. I67,t 1. llOHt'S Blltf fxla fr laiitt-. aX E lluud and LiLim II LaJtu Si Ci! A'iiL JfcrUUt- hfWt Wtf CM B'i l(trjittf itMft v.afH ,evt Arnt lot ah km Y iKikic .itty Whtxkv t a ... .1 f til HI. I.K Il,i'..l,i ee'VM., UENSHAW & THOUlHJfiC COMMISSION & SHIPPING v MEKCHAXTS,' X MOBKIIkAO 'ClTf, . C (1 BSkRAIj A0IST8 FOR UIPplKt- AM' y Forwariinjr Cotton, Turpentine, Uown t il all kW'lt Uoidi r Prtnlae. I'mnipl attention an, I asoderat ebarge. V hav tcnlr ati ain p-i !tet front Mofekead City te New Voik. .fk.I!asin, !icitud. Tl Cma D tVT roiM.TT,- TW fi:H IffliANKft-th ci ntt't sanWy.t'of 1 .Cooai.it utHi'-ere-Lawirci:!! and mUii an ii'.iHr.ii.-lilt. i.u th hurt el e, tivrmo ol tile tii-at l.ao yio and in, el thorough hu'-inee, mna in N. ) . I.n-v 1 ' 1'MmI AhU H-Ttr - COW TKU A MtitiliK. A. a. awrriv. w. . niwrrtT. J . n'i.rnn siorriTT, isuo. .i Oenferal Commission Mfichan No. 4 Hi'lltll Willff HUent, ""' 1 : '.'.' -'Wilminfrtorr.-S.fcvrt ILL give promo! IVreoimi at!..o'if.ii .i H-e le or el.ipment Of fo(lon, Navnl SV.o.fJ ItciH'tei Produro, Ao.tA. Abwtti tuoeivlna; ami '(.tw.ntilug giMvia. ' ... Ordere eollfiited and promptly fllli.' . . " V 9J Barrela of Tar, l ie.!!nt -iK'r. 1AMS A March St-r'-'tf , V Kateogh, kl. C. iL OtaMara sad riogre eopy u.

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