12; T II 12 wa, e. ei.e, i . u.i:. ) Editor. ISEATOV Monday, T, laOO. .- TrVlS. THE Skitm. i'"'d everv momtnjr (Sua- n,iv"i:M i l.ia Ji hi tin; fouimiug ralaaa; -, it IIMH&,. ...... im ,. " oes iiKiuth, ................... . 100 myvtbs .v p si ofl- 1 rVnii-VVg kly, per year, ... . t : ... . ft 00 . V;Uit jvr year, ,,...-,.. '. - a o urUrrii art iiivwlublv iu advance. Martiary may lie sent us by the Knit' Hiatal conductor or the Expre C'owpiuiK . j,i...4 . ; gi " ii i . n i 1 a. - rr - Gron Deception. Bu fc Jjf.cui- uiff r ;at4Hnl U read published at Washington by Forney, arid tlii'.y aiuy not be fully swart of the grossnemi arf llis deception which that paper pitlni ''IT upon its patrons at the North, first column" is always tilled wall letter signed Oe&muMl written by tho Editor him self. ' In it iwiue of the 2int !'., "Occasional" tho apeak of the rOTit report tit' lhe TUta- structiua Commi'.tf, containing projKisitiims firthe degradation aritl di:triK:tiiin of eleven titatca itf thin Uuua ; 'If I wire iiMiiiillcil ttt fj'll tou how ninilt . vuriutk; am from all tmrt of tin Unvin, North and Houth, "contritnitiMl to tliut r-Mrt the fruiti til cfmi(ntKtii mtfction ana vm exiwrw ence, inoludinsf in tbt cta!iigue the first jurwta, , eolilim, pablii'it amt Christiaim, yon-, would ettat-'h to it nhriiiMt ninrred iL'!iilli-ni;. Du- . rinjt yft!r(lT. I wafernui with tnmr. m thutte citixvns, mni it was ariitifyiiiff t note how hopeful tli?y were tlmt the report would nieei- tne upproval or l'tWrM Johnson, Ac. ' M'bolire tlictse putriotu; wvu of the (loutlij who h contributed to, or who, appro? e, the iiioMtrotM prtipixittU of tliin fctKirt t Whet Forth taralinUm (we pek of the ieopleof -"i- JSte4 tawwAf'tiim "tir S"rStoruUort of lux relnrtw--t-tlt-I"eilt!ml ; OiiWWMgBf''ga' i Jut priiiclpJi',) hnn Ixicn- isonaulted M to thin . . Wat it any of hr tuuqicriniitwl to Cuagretw, the agrnte appointed by the Iegiiilattira and : the people In tlio sevend dintrlcti to repr eitiion .who would be coromUsiomwt by the - pnplo trr espn-ss Ihcir om, or dwlde on their )nti'nwtl Kvcry one in the liaiat dfttroe no. - jrlntrd WTtfj public w-iiliiurnt niiid public un in thU 6tU will t once nwer, Jft; nor de we believe tlmt any ih:Ii spprovnl hm been ex- promed by a single individual In any Bute of the Botith, who would 1 L'kt;tel by hit State or ditrkt to give their voice or hit owh on the .1 . . I. .. 9 t .t M . ' . . i ijiHnuon invmyoi in me n'pon oi nits um ndttee. But the arch deceiv.er prtend to con fldrw-e and wwrcy. Ho U not jwmitted to b'll.whd thoM jiicn are. Why-ntl l'he re port It before the public. Why not let ua know who arc it author t Hhituk the Committee are not; mk't It hiay he In part. They are not 'from all pnrtt of the Union, North an South but from Uie North only. If thry have t i a ..'t.-.. i. .. i A oa?e uwi .iwMsinncfl or mire otin approrai frnmany 'firt jurlutt, poldicrx, publiciutt and I'hrwtiutV' of any Hupcctttlihj niiiult or char. MtUtrt of the South, why sot give the authority which would "attach to the report a tacrtHi alg- nilk anne" I Why mit name the author M well their iiounstU I Until tbU it done, Mteh eftVin will lie re piirded at but the empty iMajwiingt of Forney't vanity: in BfWliitjj; an intimacy w i th great meu, and an attempt to dect-lve by the (hImj pre teniae that the rejrU'f tbU Committee hut any re B)'tn!il mippurt or ttuietlon at the South, - We rejoice to taw, a we have heretofore tta ted, that the President and Cabinet,. Including Mr. Btanton, Secretary of War, and excluding, peril 11 1 , 31r. Harlnn, have Mi their facet agnint j'iU ra'poit, and in luvorof the, PreuSdenft plan of reconntruction. - Pilch mbrkcry of the South at the report rnmenilii bIkk.-M the x-nsi bilitiaat of cvftn the pitilct "MiniHter of War.' In Radicai. Co.sTKMl't.jiTion.'dloloyalty has become tynonyniout with hostility to 1 the nj irroca and oiipomtioa to me ta nnine of negro - cnfj&nthisi ineiil tu.tjualtty. VVlien flicy.waitt s tnthowthe imfitniiiaf the Sou them white for reprc'entutfon In. Congrtiiat anal rettoration - -- ttr tW y-wawh-giwtiwamw-'lif f reaf inent towaraU the frwdmen, and when.thcy caU not Cud genuine c3! they t.itiuKurat them, which abawert their purposes eijnallya well. Tle raXiUttttUruiH2 tf twu'lMtaaTa.ktbttjttfiaJai ' ralcUi',aff'PtiiTarua-y anj ilia crew, a rare .ly opportunity ir tb Mkitrtisai 4 tbaar vocation in thin lin..; JS'ow it U boldly, and, we have lit tle doubt, 'truthfully, charged by the presa of that City, that the inrcn Jiurismo were committed or piocuri'd by partin who are desirous of arriy iif the two racet agnimt euch other and who are interested lu (nuking Uat'iiiwny for tlije Radical, and we are glml to see that the authorities and citif.'-ns of our sisti'r City are taking the 'proper tepa to Unv their reprobation of the act, and their A -mpathy with the colored people in their hm Tlie Common Council hat ajtlereai a ra wind of 1-1,000 lof the apprchchnbiti: ftiiit con. Vi:tion of the uiify jmrtien, end bc citii?n N'bsve contriliuk"! nearly $1,000 townnla tlie work a-f re buiiding the churche. We think it probabb-Mhtit m i'tU. r Fiarney; pHiH""-paif Vtevent. wat:!ibcrttrihiite a eiif to tliU work of i lnrity. Tlie ui'4ro V ill riml out who IijH been, and k, liU. true frb-b't, when thai-excitwuent. (leiiiMim find iniM ltii-a of the hour nhufl bavcf bcn aiwai.l:ite J. ;- ' " I Tit a Cask op M m. (? ..:. nio'cairroapmndi'ittf"' . ..... f tt tne .i-w lorn iiinn, who servinin.iiiies r n Sb idinmi and Unlli rf.ui. sn-a a.f tln.ia' caw, tii.it "the cbbim-j givi-a unaU fthtH to- l xeulpnla lii.tn to criminate Muj. (Uf In tlie atraKUliiSi coiuiiiit ta-d at aSuibDrv.w , f iii.n et V. i iii New oik, nn . ( aitl.iii .KtaMul at .'II a:riif.s the 4th., nt ! J: Ix-Gor. Ilolden'i Pcsitioct We do not rejok at the dtiwofail of any one, and it ia alwayt pitawtujto gl,ve doe cratlit to tbmmndiopiniont or corns pition whitl alay t any tint I sxauuioll by our opponent: It is, therefore, with pleasure that w direct the attention of our readers b the opinirsltlrTJ by Ex -Gov. HoldiCT'fh tftes'luian aad Fatl'erton. In opposition ') the cont.inti;mrn of fA-ws-. ; . T- .f.T"" T. i btlie rrceoruen uurtwa in mis rsiaie, us giva-n I iv .v . . ' a. 7a t .1... 2 IT T.I ny in a? rorreaijion.at-ni to nw-ii)w iw fwrww in to-day' basue.' We are the uware mt i fiatl t this, became the of the hlthmr ha to the cotttinuance of the Burpau, 11 'lliit ,!?ia'nip'f.aiia rirv tWapirit of th Ex. clasion' that oor people bare become; more toy al and nxwe ihinmLioai ibc' hl.ir.;ir perlyt What doe be now thitils aif continuing , the military I He ha been" ttronely In &?or ul it Un tif'rc ;lia Itaiuiiuglit Utter of it re cently f - V could hope that a radical, 1, cn: tire, change ha taken plat in ui view. We hope that be it ready to do justice to tlte. people ol North Carolina now that be tympalVise, more with the Prcnident and ! with the ibwlb ca!; yet bit article on llic report' af the Uec;n Btnictinn Committee lookt tr(Hty at if lie eu; dwe the Kadical nru We hope lie 5 not ready to ttand alonejn tho gottth in it dc fi nre. Moreover, V k-ara that the Govei iior id coming dctq) concerned for the condition of the dear iet)ifc He expatiate, it in fanid, nuwt pir eouly on l'he ttreet , upon the poverty of the iettr fmiltw their inability to pny their debt, and we flndertatand iiwaxlnij warmer ami warmer la fiivor of the tterri;ptidiition of all debt, both public and private' III that em? It will be reJollected that he it was, "who rgei the President strongly to demand, the repudia tion of the State war" debt, lest tome of lb few Union men in the - State, who never wavered, should have to puy a little of it. It cannot be potwiblc, therefore, that be advocati the repu diation of all jiwt and loyal debtH, lxati the ""best gof ef hliieji ftu ilVorTFXaVti'ij the etrrtriiTrilinn(lfl"UiSin"Tlic poret of- any peo pie on earth. It turely cannot b ao.?' : ' Got. Worth at Warfitngton,. . We commend to tlie. attention ol our neighlior, the MwidiTil, and to all wTio have Iwerr disposed' to attribuUi kiat JbiluMa toEx-(lov, IloUen, at W'eslilrtfiiUow bintcrcttngTrih, We may aow, w ith out impropriety. My that the 1129 rMftltiont whieh Ofla; Wh iii(btrrnt hit entrance, were not only for warded to Wash ington ina week after, but we learn that in three or four weekt they bad all paiuaed throiiglt tho bandt of the projier officers of the Attorney General1! office, ratady lor the action of the Pres. ident M any pntitioiig- on file wWtyjrmnttn n ded tiy -uv. ttolilen rortuxpeuMion, At they were generally of tlie tatue chwHca of pertaont, at thoee which had twwn reeniiimenk'd for pardon by him; it caccurred" td Oor. Worth thut they thould all Ijo tra-aUsal alike, and tharenVe be ro- ctinimendeaj tlieir pardon, ;. Ii I'reuiihmt Jaibn tain and the friend of hit pailicy have read the Slamhtrd tot the laet three niontha, they cannot be in doubt whkli u the bent UniVan nmn, the moiit "iinmiHtjiknlily loyul man," ami tlie U't friend of the Praanialent and hit policy, tlov Worth Or Ex -Go. Holdam. Ik ad the telegram : WatHWavroR. Mav 3 The Prenblent hat or da-red prdainta Im! twilled to all North Caroli- nmnt who nan application or papilloma am file, directed them to W completed and tent to the paHltiamcra. 1 Hey tcln1 all petition from that Btate rn tile Id the olliee of the Attorney uunertu, tevenu nuuiirafi in nimioer. .Tiia wttair.B tostf ond temper of tho hist is- tue of the 8lmwr& it "unmUtiikably" Jtudkal. It objeett to the term 'mallgnnt," an Applied to the Congretualonal Jaajobinaj it virtually ajiol Pcizet for their coureat of oppreasioa tnd ruin. and declaret that things are Mgctti)ijYor and worte" in North Carolina. . It publMtc ; without caitnmet aa arlkle from- ih N mthviile--Pmen jiMlifyihg the dUrranchbienteut of .a Jiugatdtutt of the pcoplo oif the State aif Teiincwwe, which fact, coupled with it. tpial-cnibinierncrit of the report of tho t3h8iriber .Co'mmitt ., ii ciin- clumve that it favor a timilnr pfVipframme of pTraajcTlptbws and irppriWtlaaTirtit Cr5injiJ tr wecntttii be astonistiwl at .anything iu thenej degenerate dayt, we thouhl be turpriiaed ut the fatuitw and blindiiest of the .Htadnrd. In its (Kntisteut pajrvraifri ftf 'ifblplRiHieo pie, it umlcrtaket bank more tkperivt than that of Sisyphus, it stone rolleal tiaclr When ever lieliad carried it to the top of the hiltA The blaiHlttrtTi atone ilt not . wily : Mb bate. J but" croitn iff to tlie earth. A rtewfpaper which aktlilwrately nilnpreent the sentimeatii of ?i p.Miple of iCortlT Carolina, in tpite of evory il- claratioo and protestation they can.ihake, nuttit be considered a i'ning the JeatlJ-wrriiiit ''of it own position and utefuliiesiA' ; -' ' " ! "briMO ia tho last ditch" it iippoel usually to be "relicr origin. 8ai it k It emanated with that old rejambabr, lirownlow, in one of Iik chariM-tcriktic docuim titn issueal in I8.1l). He . "In. our (Southern rilala, where negroes base been net at HIkt! V, in tiirm Pawe outail' ten their caiinlilkii! have been mailai woise; while the moait Wretchajal. lay amldinhito-ntclas of wrl tons to be found in the itWbern States are free uersaliisnr color.- L tlien-Tire. go ai'iibrst the cniar.cipatiam (it lvary altjt her, iwl;w. ttlt'jr" can he. teut taj Liberia, at oua.. I tji!!e Biv utioul with the fikmlta, ef t!n institution ail slavery iu tho tiiluili. ConiKetat wish tlvls qiHtltaxx I will go a inr m tliencit ni.m dying In the last ditch." j So, "the lat man and the l int al,t!;tr" en;' gettlion Is thought by inH tt ! i.f X-rlKrm r nfVla. This is . mhatakeV. N It ,..i..i.,t., i. !., r .. , . " . i th" Ex l riv.isiinal (lovrnor 1 .r r-oe ot rhsr- Brf"" '' " l' -ls' i-"hri in i'i,rt I ha war. Itan a Fikti.-T-T!ie iifhi itui u at 'hhn aie I now catching barc ju.uiiiiusaf Jinf k il,b We saw scveriil tlure, the otln-r dav, wbiah' mat ' l.ave welched 00 to SI) pounds. T i ficna 5tpd:nlan and T"u11irtiiTi TriiiTin' i ; Jreftttt squiflera ioywty. - A Cfri-armh!fit ot the Kew Yorlt Ilcrull, 1 atcoin panid Gent. Stcaduma amj Fuiler- ton HwAi miiwion ( invelii;iitiin through the o;ith, w ritt-t a U tter to thtt ppcr "from Sewbern, (nun whkh w make the- followinr extract.! The Uttr-rt of this eorrtwjtondeot are c"vtHt characterised by perfect tnttLfoliiMt &ritt may I conwdtred, iront the Dcnu-Oiiicial . .. u -..t.l a J .1.- i w4ii-f -4b4 writt tth ftffirtrof the Coift-rr miiMuin, km embodying their tcntiuMitta. - - - K(TIJhWT!l or vh rtw.-i 7" y' .-," . . . a.J;ki 1 Virglnia U ttrt.njjly a fa .,lhU;ti.,itiiriiA m-tfUotamt- NArih'nr)!ina and ror of the poM.a-ful riuratian?f the I'nion. Uyrinst Ue a.L,4hlMJlrlut'JLfiia . hntiAht fpiuiauofiKme hundred of n imiutativf cien mrf fttw opiniont bur been in the main mot' nMfltfwrtoryy Tf -have-. they alter rttnow it, but do not feel dipe.f to" nm r the oiftit' wbowbipited thetn and tltank him for iloinif it. It jn a;t in hiiiilun nature that they bflidd do no. -Jut tlrey accept the tmue aui ihchiod by tlie war, and, at one gentleman pat it, lie coma not u:K tlicm Into rriwiiion again. I, Incline to tbink that the only dsitloyal jieoplo ii lha-ee two ritalet are tome tew of the editor and politician, who have alone no lmre of the flhtinff. Th niawt loyal are Undoubtedly Hue omrer anii winners oi iue reua.-i army. lllOVKKJiOB HOI.HC.a OS THB WTCATKIIT. General Btmujinan and Fullerton; in prote cuting tha'lr inapiirkt into the working of 'the Frwluten't Bureau in Naw-h Caiolina. have viwted l(iileih, fialitiiuryi; (i)liUlHiroiih and Newbern, w hence they proceed to Wilniinijton. At Rile))(tt they haa an intcrvkw with th)vcr nor ilililen anil the kailing ritizeiw. Governor Holdea aabl the ereat o.j(M:tion to the Bureau Court wa thut it wan a mie-man jaowa. ).K ulauta-r m i yb t be drastred mariv nilet to answer tu.nie frivaihnitchnrxepreferrcif by a negro, and fiis charge would le(iixHe I of befoieonetnnn wlm-wan tiotn Juil).g and jurora, .In the pant he.ibelievcd thta fSurcau had liecn of advantape to loth race, but it further continuance would serve no nwdul purpoue. The relationt iMftwi-cn the two raa:ea were now on thernoHttatinfaa-tory foaiting. There had been eoiiie .danger, a little time iijro, of anViutbreak at . Wilmington, pre-' venteai by neifro totdien ; but thit tear, whicli. XWj-UoJalW JtoAfeWjft WWtBWthat ..atMaljlajfatajaii 'T..I.. 1 fT-i. . I . 1. . . .c a?lt'iiiet tiiay drcailed now waa further tabbing Mild tertawiiiif nd agitation on the subject of inn iiaaw . iMHaai.ajawtt. iiiie inn t unamr:ing .ul.eatiai.y..-tett.!j... General Steadilm'a 80 far as I have seen, the people af the lmtti, thaiugh pppoHa'd to riegrn social equality, 'grant 'Mm more social privileges than we in the North A MwiHwafliAsi!iiriKr;K";l;i' knowUi3JMgm, kniw4bea-itsn)mty airf Ins hi taming Boeil eaiualitv. Iu the North tlia y don't know thit tnd can't understand it. I 1 .inn mem mo uuietaist part ot the people. induttriont, aloeile and hopeliif for the future. I tpoke to one of them, whom I had fairmerly owned, about votingv lie replied, '! don't know how to'vote, I've never been used to It 5 I dhoubi come to you." , Thecjt-relicJ General Cox, who wan present at the bita-rview, iutiinnted his coneiirrenic in that views of Governor Holden. aawaacBV -'- the citizcA! cspreiased ihemselvt! in warm terms ol eoiiiiiienilalion of the manner ii wbieh the liim-su had Iwm aalministered, but agnd that tho naicessity for Its exista-nec bad passed by. N, Hoyden, a, lawyer of large practice in the ftate, cave conclusive proof front the court re cords that before, during, and tillage the war, .l.... 1....I 1.. - .1:.'. , wiv iiraa or-A-ia. iiLrunix uu)jawniuB lowarus len iency rather than teverity in all cases in which negrtaai w.ero eajiKa'riieil. Uqe peculiarity Of ivinu t arouuian law was (itsciosaMl in theconrte ot the deacuasion. There it no penitentiary in tlie.Htute, conscqnently bnnging and whipping spjwar ia te me tutpie punisriments, and every man who is not hanged is likelv to bewhlpncal. Thit applies,. Wwevf, etuaHy to white metres to negraK-a, i lie legislature, at its recent tes- tion, maie provision! for erecting a penitentiary tnd modit'yiwg the lawt in tbi ispit Mr. Hoyilen, w ho was a thorough goiiijj Union man during the war, assured the government com tiiissioiicra, ami be wat contiriiied by the Mayor a'ld the C Mayor of tlieeity, ttuat if the Bureau were withdrawn perfect justice would be reiv uenxt to tne negro in all the cml courts. There w&souly ame instance in which he thought pub lic prejudice might influence the administration ot jiMicc, and that was in cases where a negro was chiirgeal with a criminal assault on a white woman. The tawling in this rexpeCt was so la-rrmg iiou nu-re saisaoeion was 100 ojtea taken an an cvidiiiu'w or giiilt.- - ..j . MATTKlia OS TUB MKNIl. R.id atuiAtlcrt are, however, In HbeoM North State, theyare undoubtuUy imnrovW., . There is a much greater bran. I lit of land iff cultiva Uim till Va-Jar 4lafl-tl(eee-was Inst, and with 0va,itirl nwt TOPTgf will botb probably re turn. The labor market it aaljusting -itself as tatiefactorily as in Virsriiiia. There are about thrr hundred and fifty thonsHijd.JnlB1ii..i1 tiaiitte, nTfe!aTf r8 ''caaliif calculated.. Small post mid other tiiaieases have latta-jly thinned their runks, , Between five and six thousand inllrm (tnd hulpkM ntitroes, princi nail void oee pie and children, are reeaiiving relief from the r ret tmuju s UliH6oiW mgirxw tra wprKinLf iy siiuraa nd by month I r cam- rrseu. j iia y appear to pa Kiudiy and fairly treated by Jhc planters, and ia tura eeem dig- posed to bv peaiuable and inditattriout Uvea, Ti SUtnMurd, of Saturday, not only pub lishes, without oomment, the article' from the Nashville , to which we have clstwirere al luded, but )li a communication' over the tig- nature of H laafaw," which is an insult to this Coaninunity, anal the onree't5f-whicu would havs bi-en smTicieatfyMatauifustwitbOut being dit clawnl by the signature. i "' "IwlTaa ill bird, truly, tlmt befoul its own nest." - ' It Is no 'vomterlhat (hi) president lias astein bled hit Cabinet at tuisj etraoralinary period, and evoked tha'ir views upon the present over whelming and most vital Issue, It 1 gratifying tlilit l j clear and ..i.1.afmial...siBiJc.viitlM i'resi ient agHiust the usuq tion of tha Central r;:rixtory are so fully' siwtaineas by bis conutitn tional atlvrsers. ' Klscwhere It will he seen Qiat: in view ot tba critical coiulition of our internal. niinti'sj tvcrciary Ktantun baa, unaler direction of the 1'residi-nt. iiven an important order in the behalf ot lili'-rty and! law ; and that heUstrong- i ior ."uiainins 'e ra?ioraiian policy ot the '"!' bT, bW'"- T.h? Ut ' ,"T,, "! cmsis-t.-ntly punned bv the Admia- trati.m, .aid to effect Vat whieh be it gratitied tiirat the Pn-sidetit ha convened theiCahiuet to toli, lain mwr (luterniinalioa tn the 1 prem Ires, I .a. .;i 'a.'.'twtrr. ! The MoruiiMis citnteud (lint )olygiimT is hi ! I seinr hiu e with UnJei juration ot In.lt jHii- j j abtiee, iiii h pria laiins that the pursuit of hap- I pinex aa ioaliamable riolit, - - Civil Authority Settori ,. The following ia the order referred to by at recently at having been toutd by order of tlie IPreiiideBt. It clearly dflm the extent of mil itary authority, and Mttorea all the privilege and protection ofjbe law to all citizen who bave no connection with either the army or wjf. At length, we breathe freey j T ' ; "Awitakt OttJoiBAL'e OrricK, 'Wiiaeii, May J, 1WUL WhereaainnM military commaaden are em- iMraMieal by doubtt a to the otvratirtn of the J4;aay 'of Apri) lg6fl n)KlB ,,y Unitary court tuarUai and mihtar) ouencee, to retnore auca douhta. it la erabtml br the Pmident that "Hereafter, whenever offence committed by i-iviJiana tit ti friftt wluaraa ffivtl tribunalaare I ia existence, which can try them, tbeir catara art not authorised to be, and will not be, nrongnt ra- fore military courtt-martial or eommistnona, but 1 will be cmnmltted to the proper ctvll authoritiea. This order it not applicable to camp-followers, at provided for under the 90th Article of War,' or to (n tractor and other tpecifled In teaHion 16, aa-t of July 17, 162, and tectiont 1 and 2, act of Mareh 2, 1 H(i3. Person! and offencet cognizable by the Rulet and Article! of War, and by the acta of Congrciat almve cited, will continue to be tried and nunbihed bv militarv tribunal! at prescribed liv the Kuli and Article of War and act ot Conirra!a, herein after cited, to wit : x, "SUtUfh of th$ Rnlm anaf Artiele of War. All tutlent and retainer! to the camp, and all iwritoiia wltttfiaocver terying with the armlet of the United Statet in thayfieb), though notcnlist cd aaobliem, are to m mbjoet to order, according to the ruli't and discipline of war. By orab'r of the Secretary of War. K. I. TOWNSBNO, Assistant Adjutant General." Tita'OW Aairf StaU, edited by the lion. Lewis Hanea, who, a our rearkrt well know, has perhaps the most eoniistcnt Union record of any gentleman in the State, has the follow. ing just oltst rvjations upon the report oi the Obstruction Committee : - "The whole plan of the Reconstruction Com advantage ot our paxyimary (itstrcaa, out It will, in our opinion, signally fail. It it itrange that , tbey sbouldjbe, so ch,uUltakall..iJl aht. in ter ot tlie Southern pajonio. un ttm question against them. "They are indeed strong in their attachment to the Union their fathert. They are anxious tor restoration and .jrt-axmeiliaiion tbts tfiey areferT6ctly consistent They oppos iipoii uie unaaiH til ine aonniii.ii(La.).jis m. 14. xaa ed the Sa-cessionists because they wers opposasrl to the . Union under the Constitution of our .futjterajTiBj nflW Jipt tlw IWie:sanw: they are opposed to tlie Constitution as It it. Thev regard the Presid at a 3iavbig beea per fectly consistent throughout, and they are de termined to sustain him. In regard to bit poll ry there it 00 division in the Southern "States that amounts to anything; pur people are all united upon the National Union Johnson plat form, and thcr witt remain onrtBO. despite an i the efforts of the Radical to divide them. Let our people have patience; time will set every thing right," ; . la the River awd Harbor bill, now penaling bcfare Congress, there it but one item of appro priation for the Southern States. That is sev. en ty five thousand dollars to improve tlie mouth of the Mississippi river. Tbi appropriation i one demanded by the Northwestern States, or it w ould never have been made.' So that, save thit item, there u not tent to be dbiwrml under thit UU to any of th eUten StaU new kept, out by Cvngrtu! In thisianner they are ite med all participation in the Government save that of helping to support it, and to improve the Northern rivers and harbors; through taxes dropped in the Government coffers by the skin ny band ot Poverty, and wrung almost from Famine itself. The Eiot in Memphis, Mkhpbi, May 8. About thirty booses occu pied by colored, people, and all the school bouses In south Memphis, were pulled dowa or burned last night. Tea were killed during the day. Everything it quiet this morning. The Redraws uaiai u mo woams last ntght, PUt r9 BOW r Turning. , f -'X ---' HIAURIEO, OnfhefKb. alU, at the avairtenee of tho bride'. vmeo-intner, war i.ntiet.ai. n u, ky the Kt. W n hum, rriia K uisn. Jr.. to Hies Mast Kactotui deogterof the lite Dr. It T. favalsoa, a-SJW. W . Xtua N E W ADJ RTIS EaM ENTS. " PARLOR ANDXp ED ROOM PCBMTTJRB.Mat- TWtl, tKO., tin , Apuly. next door east of Rlanilrl r,an,. t amey i-m ... k ... ------ ... IKS. M. from. enssysBoso,' 2f. c. sW-'aswraaWftiVail-faf rM ubsr(berr aod tattght by OKOKOK D1XOJT, graduate of ths Dai-! ver.itjr aaf N U. - J hs communitr Is mnral snd hcaltlvy, snd that erica of btawd and Inilioa miKrorale -1 FN 'ua lurlher ii.forme'ioa, aaidwaa - li " Ja.a. a.. C. JLWILEY, MayTdttAwft Orasasboro'. H. & a artAii(aiigren ..... I will set! the above Exine. wklnb tut. k. i-m .a ny time tin apphaaal iata taa meaar at lb tVeaaMtW Offio. (Tiss.d t sarin a if taarlv W a..l,..t:... i . f ' - - "waeseaj etil-iMra ainj 0aaa mt4 ' waLU.CLNlNGGUt italeign, May 7-1 w "' I F O K A I. B , ' Pars Ili.lland Oia. ' . " : - ; - ' -" Jamlitra Ram. ' ' v1 Caitjuito Braarly for MrliaHmal pnrpMe. - - - 11 1,1 A At, W.r,4 tJO; May 7-tf - - Woblesale Grocer. e at siLt, A large tot yaary r"t flainr. " ', - . ' i A PCLLIAM, JONES ft CO. !Jfay7tf . I Wholesale Grocers. p M a.a I. B , A 8tiDrior. Vbukev Baada ha IUlMr(aa n...- ty, Tes. , I I LLI AM. J.ONES A CO. May ?-tf . - holvsaia Grocers. I ,ton D1I.E. Af ah srtiaal oljiffiey t 8paakllng Eat nburv Ale PULLIAM, JONES at CO May 1 -If GttANO (UlCTEK OP KOKTII atl-Hv-i-v-. - ..-' .. LIMA. ?--.f -H-v- Ttis EirlitawDth Ansl Cmvnestioa ttals Boatr ill he Id ia M Jalin's Hall. VV ilinifiirtaia. M. C , a tywuday tin (iirtt iy f Ju. IMM, Al I., S-Mi- KIsiMiri'inaUi Chsilin laal tattiaanli ara ranstaaaL to BflBl lasa-sifma llaeir raipa-itllv, r 1 UUD. a. VAIUl, urauu DKK K -tfayilawtd . : ' V " 9 Onoal Wftcel WriicbM, ! (aWjtl Cavriwstms. Apply to 1 ; JAMES E. ALLEN, MiyiX At thsN C tt KDpot. JADIES' ICE CREAM SALOO IIILLSBOKO' STREirr, One Door KottJL.ct-tlic- Exchange . . EoteL IK eoaaixw-tion aritlt our VAKIETT HTOHK AND 80A ttUKTAia.srs have upaaea a aauU .seal twin- mrtaiaia , for th aeeaHunwdttioa at LsdlaM as al Qxniloiuen. riwervoal (gar Lidiax. . Oonfbctlouextt, lnilt , and a4tisr VARIETIES, enastaiitly c Bund W sr atstsiminsai ti sours aeitaiaar hih air axaomas in mskiaiff our baUMM. 1 all IU daspsrtmuta, wiirtliy of BatrostK. A.U. KAVfcS S W Raleigh, May 5-eod3w 1Urh Mill aTaaatM and lai.riKO I keep eamstamlr iisnii a full aonnly of (unaiiw Gbaraiss Anksr Bras'! BOLTING (X')I IIS, fruin No ltd No. 11, itteiativ!. sad eaa uni.ly thoin la) Mill' nan m ehataa ss eaa baa baauirlal any wlisrs. I ssvs ajTMiiramati also tai tqrnisli rratnen bubo; HILL avTaJns.3 to as-dsr, asisa r..m X I.. fawt. . x , a G. LINDSAY, Maytoalu , Qrasnalwru', N. C I I EALI.VO SPBIGS, ! t BATH COUNTY, VA. Tk$teja?ats:ifATjnua in .Ut Vlf lMail llis.liil juua aasx It gives Ihs aaatairriarftsA arraiat plsare to inlor.n IBS puoiieiosx, Wlin nuairni rsaaainuiirn'ii j bite piai is pobliclaiat. wits nuerai espeeuiti ry ma p.o I anartafs, t ailrariiams hmt ina 'anna- (h-shiob wiiij Mrek aif talaaas ars Ths nrmaaiual bull lirtf! are ex1nniv ernl dabataa.. ttislravaf, whU -tMixallftll rtgWW1toMlSKei.mf..tt- abas aoaHawmodatiaHU lur .nne Raiuirea vl-l.'m 1 hv save alt beas pillule", aiiai pat is llu.n.uh rs msill as aw w. i.uaj,j!li:i.lJjaiujA ir.ujLji.iauA-i.j.w w w.iii so Ctfiiaaaaliar anal rHtiuti,lt fcnaiatu M-iii u- w-.tttal ssusroat'iba taa alr tataa as Wi .-.1.' '.t.viiiaaait aw haw latjoet 1 Ibeir ifjrirj U aill.i.t. il by i.intit-r who havs aV.unil rli t al iliui f.mailnu. i,f wlli Iomii ;tnat f ttna a)atubisaiji;. jnin Isiiiaai jSswb; jjifc Human fttiit)'ti uVhhH FfS a itn il.' 'V.i'iV.i' pmii-a har seraavnt 01 th ajiaapatriiaas laa ararars ana tnsir slfeeta, rafoiaiaa?t) i suaats ! a pau phia 1 10 baa had att appllaaattata 111 parftaia tar py hattaar lai Mnitra. t'are.eii, Lsdd A Cat., ItintiuiaHial, wba will alarays have a sup ply of t lis wataar fa tale. , aSaanaulaataa rraiacaMaa!His hsvai bet s lain. In fur Hot sad Caaid.Kp'aat akatHMtaver Hatha, an.) Hluufs Jlnlh and, la s.lajition ta, lata mia.a'rail avat'-ii .nn abunilaiaa apply aaf the -mrrst ffi awti.tia wntt f tiiitli-i ll bioui(lit frum a prieir is ths mi.nnlkiatia. n mi e 'lii.ant. anil at sa latvatiiai aaf a tuamntiid laia-t fcv.-r) advant'KS lias eawaiaaM ad ia t w "I waitir iu aiTasaxe lor 1 110 emu fort ol visitors. ' Thnss apii' r am dlilit fully sitnataad In Hath txianty, uirfBiiua ey me 0111 nraull al anl .uie torawiMsa-amry,anat pmcnt rltaiawlbtii allrsnii.ni at aaaaut eoaal tonny ptatte la ths maauaiaiiM aaf Virginia, oeeapyisa a fwamral imrilion ia lbs graiap uf ibiiHiral !prtnra lor e: babratad " Three miles frian ths Hot Spatsm, eiirht from ths Warm, thirl aaoa fr.am ths Bath Alutn, and tarentyit-lit rrom in noes Dilate Aiem. lin y are . easy aeraiaM by I ne Lumiai HiiniM iuv w wmnmiiiiina ta) miloaro Osiiot. and theaos by "tuirx over a Ins turnpike roaaj ttrenty-tliree niileaa ta the Rpnne. a.aioliiir rat -he route by tbs Bath Alain, ths Warm and the Hot Bertnus. and cninr ths Warm Rpa-intr Hun Main. Kva-rr part of this routs is onnnseted with hiatoi leal incid.mU 01 treat IMeraat, and Die sorBery H or nwurpaiMied boastvasd crandear .' A. Phyatoiao, etperif ae id In the at and rflVli of the waters wilt reude at tils Miiriairs. By the 1st of Jans Ihere will be a daily mail, and atailv line of atmr from Milborta to the Huiinire. The price of Baaard ail) be three dullaaa in-r dav: eilldres a ad nrvutf is proportion. A deduHios of 10 per cent, made m all billa law 40 days or ovr, The Aireat will apart so paina to render Uie places eomifinaoteaoai aarraeanie uome. aao sattsra liunaarTr. froaa his laMur aaperisnos said tho advantaes' ot ths place, tkat as-will be able a give MliafseiKat. May 0-lawSw , 8. A, POUTER, Agent.: s JITHINO IWI! rriURRTIIK MVlVf "THE POPULAR PUBLICATION COMPAKf" at tbs City at Maw VairS. bs been Tv?amlited for ths eapea tal parpnaM aat provadiat; ia a caeara. and r..H- ausaaUy faapaJaar taarat, ehaaita and intair.mint ,a.a.tiiiir aiawsr 'IDs t oanpany neve, Lu- the raitberarxw ul tbis parpaaas.dtatenuined tai follow tne Kmrliah Cu tam, of pablishing is Afasuhrrs, aar la other woida, by Instalments They will, ovary I wat waarka, present to tnear ta lawan oars, toe Bntres I retllilt.tr IMitu eiiaertAin. is sad amuaanir Thai, ia a year, sreav aaliaairihor wall possess a librarv of aUadatrd -Wanhar. tahteh -ftar ebespneaa. is uopsralelied Kaoh s amber ot ouriaaaes. eontainiat obs hundred haodnomelv sriirteat naves, will be aolri lit la,m.aab- awribers at TfcS CKN 1. ftarly Sitbas iutii,-eaa. SeatMs x btM. H in. Oar flrat publicaUoa ia aw Donutarilv. and the in. taaM ialsrttet of iisotwleais, aarivailed ia tks lliatory of Moders Bouaasos. "TB COtST Of IrlOKITSJ-CatlltTO," W lilijll wOl J) atali tailed 4a fKT Wnnitieia- " i.f Wbien Will be naaiwj stmt twowuiha. Am,.il..r Boveltiea is prepartiiaM) sis MTaa thrt-o Oaaarda. (byl he sanis author ) . ' n "tBIl Blaa," (by La gataaM W 'Tha Arab! at aa )! kis," asaws Cjalaoisr, Ac. Bo serlprloBS for each mirk will also he reoeiroal at ths aUhtin( rata Vor tlie Count of MonteOiatn au oosut Viiro OuVd.mea, 8i l-atot. lil Blas...7. ortti ArabiaBNiKhtagUoenta; Quii,,Mt,,l 31) BibkIs sambera, IU oeota. auberiiHai file. $11. All &ratmuatttiuBs to bo atldruaod to tbs rtaarv oftbe Cioiuaay, . . ,....:,-,.. , ' A. J. "BRODIE, ? i. May 4-hlw4t New York City. 1 ' a - - WILLIAM WBDDBLL, ' ALKX. W. WEDPKIX WM. WEDDELL, A CO., ';. TWlolesale and Eetail DeAleri . or Every Deajcrlptlon. ' 113 Sycamore Slrort, . PETE 8315UBG, . YA. ' ' Ordora Irom ttar frinBiit i X.ml. rr..li .in k. earefalkr tiled aaid prumHly faarwardeal. Mercii"aia reooannaOBr ssrrioan will be aorttm,ul:u-l tipvs satwoMbui tasm.,. .- . Peb 17, U1 Sm '. , " ' ' . I L 44 Paareaaevillr Hi real. Raleigh, flf. f, AGENTS FOR "STEWAnrs EXTKyftry top," 1 "ftTTEEN OP THE SOUTH," ' ' ' AND , '. ", . " ?Wetent Empire" Cookirg Stove. ' - Is V- J. BROWN. April t 8W-3m With Ham 4 Lawie, S1K0.4.MH Whieh wa)'affr for as'e at rM AL.VJ, a. mall Uitof UKV HIDr ' ltVH fc Josti bala-lKh,May I tf I s. w. ret ma, a, soars, w. PUttlAM, ofOXES 4C0. ilioletale l.roccrj. and Coimii , .Tlrrcliaiiila, ,NI. Fayrllcrllie tra-t-l, Kala.jck aj, Raleiiih M. (!. May btf . " ' pi EM AHf JOWX a. (Xj No. 14 TayettevUle Sf - H V B fCO W ts alora a trauerail l,K-k if On-.., wluoli lar.ffi'ir.1 to tlie trade al tlia lnrei (.. They r.-eltul!y.JjUut tudtMs hwwths si.nhH.1' North rarailins. " ' iliaau J May I If. a.;. : pEPriCK.UKUt'IVD AtURAIf Hplee, Oingor, No la. ' V riT itrt iin u. ' Eire ia Slb. slay iVtf Ka'-ha, PL'bLIAM, JONES CO. gvnirsanei.Aki'a in kgwa- uau. Brnanns alt ituek'ia bv the dns..n May .tf PL'LU.VM, JONES CO. JIPKMIOK Sf C B4t-0.,iher.Baj. : Ploar In hbttj - . ' . ,- Btrat bliuoorgaadLondraj porter and AUL, tbsdatsea. ' PULLIAM, Jt)NES 4 to. May 3 If . ,. ... . . P!IS IIKalRV BKA HD V S.baiil.l, (w A. .- .. C' mrry f'eetoriil Peliei.atiaa 1'ia a Ajinle it Cam, ! A!an Ppatahoa and Hiirtae .' r ,v l" Strawbeary aud L-a.i Naopa . .. . '. . ,. ' PULLL.VM, JONES St CO. May3tf fi.r''jr - ij-t.r-;;t -j ...ft E 4MsV4atUiV : r Tsas - "r--r Superior Black fcHwaTis is t. th n. 1 ., PULLEAM JOXES& ft) r ,e " - . ..n. . . Z. L..f-I.fe!? Javsasd Kin Ca in 50 tb Raeka. 5 V Oraia l'enuer in small aaeka 'end ininnit ' U 44Ha-ataiaJ "rfr ..."- .-aq-- ' - TULLIAM.lvNEd & CO. May 5-tf ItOltfSAEEy....;.,,.,..-..... . Lemon, StrswSterrjr sot Kaapberry gympj vr7 alee. PULLIAM, JONES A CO. -May 5-tf J.OIf tit EE. Nails, Plttw and faintr ScaiM. I PULLIAM, JQNES & Co. May 5-tf ' t f . :;: o. on a t,E.-iv ' :.vi .-, lis, .-..-i., ' . Very cheap, exenl'ent g.aaia,bytli Box , -. PULLIAM, JONES t CO. , , May5 tf -.. ,:..-' ','". Iwt SALE.-.'; sS-M "'T7'!. V,;.'... , ' ... . iiV . v. .'':-.:.;.' 8pus Cottoa, st redneeaT t"ln, Vn. tin H. J ' ? PULLIAM. JOKES & CO. -May 5-tf i,'::!'''. --v..i'.,vj.. - . ,-.! St l.LB- A sxeel'ont arsnrlmeRt of Hal 8iiot)S anal Bjott, whieh We wiUekass tail veavtaiar to Merelian'i ' , - PULLIAM, JONES 4 CO. May 5 tf - ,7". '. ; : : LQALICO, 10CTS. PEH YABD. 7 ; BEAl'TIFl'L SPltl.NG AND SIMMEB CAL.K9KS1, jttiavrKarKivitB fitaa 'U-' jI-' V: :. r:. J. KINSEY, '" :'' i Raleigh, May Mw ':,:. ; .yK Payctteville St JJAETIMOKE AD WILMIXGTOX ''',-:;. i .. C"'., h ' V7 -i . ?rilt JaaV ;:';-,! Weekly line of Bteamera to-, Jd!imo1, ' CONKECTHS-0 WITH STEAMERS TO . I.iVBtHP4L, - ".'-.'.A:. -fV'; a RotTt5r, . ; i tit tV s-Majattttellllt . v JAMES A. afaAiKY! ' ' V These Stoameni ill Laii ve WillMtoiflM tnat Blti- inor slti-natelv every fk (J 8141, tluia forinis s revulatr WKKKLV LIME. u J a r-' sals forwsrdeat fniaa Bultiiiiors itbsai n ehatys. Koklrela-ht or paS2. haying aujrt.ior StaU room !coutWdattu&, aj'ply to , b 'V; ATKINSON at , SHEPPERSON V It North Water Btxtet. Wilmington, April 23-3in -jISSOJLETIOS.v -r ThetVpBrtneratiipof BlUe. ITaaik- A Co., It solved by niutuita'ita,-nt. , . , K. H.BaWie.Jr.. Krn . is aatliitrisstl -to whki r tha baiues of ti)e fir-". " K BATTLE, HECK t-w..; :v- Kikrlirh.S 7. .1Iyt-lar flS! iard eaapv ama'-t L. !aoou nit, ttyn II is rtaTrO! .... . (llfiKnt aj. OHM tilt! FIVK 30 iuei Cards, double frouta, wall el1"11 Mad ia fittcia. ruaiiiaiii taravr; . I - -i. -'.'.. -: ' One Drawing- KrwaNa. A llad. talroaaori 1 One lb Mi-and Sfwa-'i,ir, ts.r onior. ' f )r Lap MLt'i ilia;, flr orti.-r. , Tenoiea-y. Atl'lr.-. . ' Slavs, lr& - liaw rtirer. r. . . , ; .. a . .... .. , w i JG2IX KAslIi O'-t, ':;?tE&m'osc. - 7Sot SO Sjeamorip Street. " ;, , v pETEiiuia, va ; .' Al' k-iJia f L'fltiier T .r St : i Make's, Mr ai'iJ klHfti-.:nmr e.o.unttT on bsaiL. . Tar.BaVa8pplH-d atrKh IIMc! a the btvSuslity OS the oki tavoiattis terms. - -f 15,000 May 4-31 . ' - '"

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