Ilfill THE SENTINEL ITM, E. PELL. Stat.) Printer. au.i:ktii rate. Atlvortltc.ent, occupying not Baotr rM.e HUJU 10 Hoc, TERMS OF SSCRIPTION. ' ' ' intoa tjf1 .BH'h cotnuiue fttirf I Inaertioo $I.M t wk The Stitt it pnblujhod erery atralaga. eept Sunday, following terne : month. - ,- ...-. 106 a.00 BtBf S ' U.OO Jo ,e " 10.01 '- 4 m - r0f two iwmtha, - . . . .ool. , Ml WOULD BATHER BB BIGHT THAH BB PKDEIIT."-Ben CIa,. S-0 A . I ' Ybre , V Six aontha, " Special aotlce. .ndrr a MclaI bead win k. ; b.ooI ehrg4.a. dollar nor iquar. lot ta k Interllon. -VOlx-fr ruaoraj notice will bockamd a adveriieemrn't. THE DAILY SENTINEL; . J J A ti b V.a A a lj : .ll ' i'j -f ' I- ' i I . I ' ' .,1 - - t Tkin7iimowBi;(irlt srt 8Atllef ftiair&aV will not ho eharged. .... -...i , .yr. .,s. ,... " m 1. ' i ..I. la our etreulatfon. , . - W.IL R. 8. TICKER, r HAVE JEST PIIRCJIAIBD AN . OTAIER BEAUTIFUL STOCK LADIES, GEKTS, MISSES AID BOYS , -.. DRESS GOODS, - . - . HATS, SHOES, &o.r At tii verT LOWEST prion be for tin LATE .d dan riM ia Gold ud Cotton, ftim OuwU hT SEEK ....rn V.i 1 ' ...i k. K.Ut BECEIVED, and i tana arl.cVaa eaaaot b. boogl't ia New York witliis IS0.1 Twenty per wot. of the " .', . .-' " rnSTfor. . . " i ' J All Good, b, the yard aa,. lTKd withm the . , ,i . I ... 4. u w.l LAM r.ta. .rm - r-j 7 . .. .. : nnnw ..i u I b.MW wV - - - ; . . .... I U:S8 tba Uoaa Ibat wart pougnt aariy in ma .pnng . t ,L . ., I abd we are aeterminaa iaine puiouuu ji . the advaniajc of oar parchaeee, VY ca AFVORD to fell yon . ; .. . nm tanas wxi? ASD WE WILL DO IT AS WE BUT AID SELL FOB CASH. WE OFFEP Id.lUHI Yde. keaatifal Eogluk aad Anenoaa Caltcoe 15 to 9So. aw Vrewh Orrandvae tad printed Jacoaet tOo to Tie. S,0IIO ' Heat tad boyl Summer CMtuner, Kan kinett aodCottonadM.- , 1 000 Ladiet And Hiui Whit, end Bltck Derby i,uv w I and Sundown Ilata. AMPalraboeelBdiatlbd MlnaM, Mete aad Boye. I W. II. R. S. TUCKER. May 80-tf pCRE AGAIX8T ACCIDENTS ism PIONKBKC. YHIIMIB(i THE SOTJTIIEIlPf '. ACCIDENT INSURANCE COMPANY, . LYNCHBURG, nUQINIA, hove ovricic, ia hiain . AUTHORIZED CAPITAL $1,000,000. insCbes against all accidents. ... .. . ,. t B.K.. f.k. f.II .rooaet I "aNrL"rAVLL inenrea te oaee oi r - i if ditabW for. period. KOT EXCETcBISO TWENTY-SIX WEEE8, R" k m erjui with ft3 aoav aU ioaiiMt Puuciti ll wltj J torn- peiaaUoq eaob wk,mT obtword for 3 per aa- inn.. ' j .... TanDoIlurt premium will tocur - Site ompr.titioe own weea. ;" ',. "." ecnroe a roiioy tor j,"n., wn.. w ---y tation Fifty IMIItr aeearet . full Policy for f romoea- SHORT TIME POLICIES, (tW.fli FOB TBS CENTS.)- traveUrtmty obtain at tbo BOH Ui nj;rs . 169 Mai. Btreet, Ly-chb.r-, V... in death from aoctdeBt,"3 Md too of injur 1 ver week. The Stock ofthi' i Company i.rliy aotiw iprweated W . Ulreotory widely aril uidub. ix. . .1... w.- i -. , , - ..j i V.i. l . i. . ikuafiHre. anneal with ooa fidenea to the good will and patronage of thowtb. pabllr. oriiciBi. COL. MAURICE 8. LANOHOHNE, "ret ioeJ Tnt" (JEM XJOHN B tiiKIa,oiveoTKie. GES L IIAKRYT HATS, of Lo.laiaaa, VV-Prvt . LIH IKN PEYTOS tra Stentarf. . ' ( W. LATH M. otr COL. HENRY K PEYTON, 6eri i(pff. DlRRClORll . Jnh. K McHnniel, . - Menrie Laaghora William 1) Miller, . , , "''lH '7i,,k Geo. M Sucker. .l'bi!mD?,l Stenhe. T Peter., Chat.M Bltekford, ; , G W Latham. Lwcleo Peyto. WLtti.Mi. cowpnt fc MOORK. Agent. - . Jab Utf aiigu,.x,.v.1. s ELECT EXCLISII A CLASSICAL a HllOOk ' MELVILLE, ALAMANCE Co.C. 5 Kilea Wet of Jlebanefville, on th IT. ft ' BaJlBoad. , . PBiNCIP ALU 7 s : " RKV; ALEX. WILSON, B. D. ,;, v ; V ; , ; ,. (loraMrly of Milto, JW.C) The3lt. Bekion of tlii Iottrtutio. will ! 'i'k.iul.v. Jot iwa, aao - ---r- Tbatwday. J.ty Wh, tad .r . i Kor ,h. who may w-r , to . u, . J . ' . . L. ... il . Ik. A lU-lfBl Urruer. forHlitie. will be eff.wded for eU... . . thorough aad practical Englieir to"'"""r T "T vinwrw, eoataining ibu luiviuie, -rrv r the Pnnciptlt , I ' '-''I wi. .. f 'i' ir U. ff,Atnn..rr.t ed Old i ttminjrvoe tjvrew, . r . . - : . ( . Nwlb S'ate,Sa)Ubury,oopy.oo ntoath and W "M to Priocipal. . . I rtoRji coax I Btv a onaeigmmaL ' d tloeoout. J.-Jf- UTC0PORD, ' Uarvett Street.- "'i " . . Tk DESIRABLE IaJT of J ro, "-. . v-r a A edotbr. wbittoc th City, wtfd 1 COII VIII k4 poaioaof Mr. IVwrngW.. . PP " i. an. . hk, to.l;r fami!.-. ' V A. j. i r-idtT.'?. i' hM. d . lare- a .'" .lWMrMir - ... WbU Comthet we aref eeir-1 ,bi. ullti - PoniiU at buj .eirfry, one . rp w. .e Jnneot -''-MEDICINES. Irnaieiiti, Bruihea, Medical Biut die Baft, Cae and Cbetl's ' Toilet articles, Perfumer jr, ' . IVinHAW CilmuM mwtA . PUEE SALAD OIL AKD LICORICE ABD TONQTTA BEAKS, . I If WUOLECASBS; V- and the mest Popular Bemcdles, FOB LALL DISEASES, EXTEB.S AL AIDxj ' TTTTUITIEBAL AT -j ' PESCuD'S DRUG STORE. Bflnr d.mroui of nerarimr a cnm Rm.Mn t of I TION, VISITORS. nd all friawia ad arquaia. tMOM who , , . . .orpliu. aai a.d iuppli. of iawli I ..... . k. ....!... HtUlabUUU LIK,ar.mirt I or aad in their maawraa I oordi'aU invited to call. dame, aed make aa E.XCHANOK. The. mot aatit- Irlnrr Inrteraiaeiita will he ttirtfl i jEZjSaiZrL eillM L .aVfollowia nra. tioa. rf 1 wb. . m.,, expert to c kaow otberewno are uabi to nnrr, hoM But lail to I enearaa Mottle of tau VAMOlmDIABBHEUA Bt-1 BCp Wbich i. rarded for lUor IS veara by BianT la tlii eoMimuwtT ae . anAf fur that and kindVa, diwaeea. Af-. kuudaU ef WVi d efAfrt Aaw atca nred with dMI'ito 4U eU. Aftsr , fW(rt msB. Iparinit., be baa .tMSe.Ud lapreparinge COTIOS, tUe eonetitaent parta of whwb I a diaeolved ta Koae water, vbiea vim oae or two aapltone hae never failed ta cure ia riiaf tbe moet obatiaata form of Camp Jtckaai Simeiar t' l tamtaki dtMaeee Piioe SS. lie abw leminde tb reader that thie te the Reaaoa for Howiac Turmtm Herd, aad tbet be baa a fail tap plyofrA ead mliabl. Holm hf flot Dutc, rTpu 1 op-urmp leavea and otoer 1 ras n .... . - Vi r fJ!.BVXU. June l-tf . ' - 15 O OK AND j OB P RI-N-T ING5 .v -4 BY : ": , rricnoi,, eiBJitJi nkatiibbt. , H. E. iOraer ;rnyetUtlie ? aad Hargett . StreeU, RALEIGH, JF. C. Tb effioa ooonpied by over Mmert. Bruaoa Farrai-'l Book etora being entirely too email ar.d dark for oar rapidly looraaiing batineet, we Have removed ih lr roneu fnrineriv eoeaDud bvthe State Clothing; Department, N. K Corner of Kayrtter,U mmJL u&rMtt Ht.reetB. where we are prepared to fill or i.rm far fkl SITING of everv deeoriptina in tauifan. toty maaaer, oa reasonable tarna .nd t Tory rbort aotlra. - - . ' With mod era type and fixture, hat areteee ead good workmen, oar raciiiure loraxecauoi govs print metre antarpateea in uiu eeeuoa. v , ( 4 . , SCHOOl ; v j , .cataLOWUEh. - .:(,; ;s 1 1 ' ' , SCHOOL ,,,. ' KEPOBT8, UTvlT ATIOST AUD BUSINESS CARDS. RAILROAD, . CORPORATION, AND COURT BLANKS. .' . . , BILL AND . LETTER HEADS, -BANK CHECKS, CIRCULARS. HANDBILLS,8 ? ' ' ' POSTERS, ...... ELECTION, TICKETS, CAMPAIGN DOCUMENTS, - Ac.. ' Ac, ' 4c, dtc, All kind Of BUUfv! All kindt of BOOKS for Cleikt of Court, Kegittert, .. far.i.b.d to order. , b mail will Vk..?:.., Ordert by mail will reewv. Dnwpt auemmr. fbankfafto tbe people of our nelire State forUe ,,,, uberal patroBao bertof. entendrd to at, we oaa only any that tbeir favort but arge oa to renewed eiertHm r - nH. - . , jofllf KIOHOW, - JON iUOOBM !,. I s.t , 9 , r dOll.l nsMlriisi 1 Jane l&tf QJEXERAE BISIXESS AtEXCY. . Tbadertigaad teadert bit tervicee to tbeomav I w .t -hi4ae- a lieaerai jaeiniii n.u7 ------ - .,- ..,. iim.. of ." -T- --7?" ' 7rf " 7 ,u.,. ".h. Urn WIU ina ' I . w. i;-.1B. f mW I tv or an other been -." r. .... . i.. af aa tbeir irtmMMtrul.U UtfjntutK'ownt oft acent . ' U' i"a A to ebtracter tod oualiflwitio.. b. b .utborit.d to reler to ' GEO. W.MOHUECAl,PridlBk North lro Hm Til IK. I KAHlf. KEMPP.BATTLE.Tr..rerSt.,n pAoEj Raleigh, Jane 16 tf M t : ' ' TOBCILBER9 A5ncHiTEcTj .. . . . .1.- n.. ier fiee and Quarter Set- tX heildriiff'A fiivt 1s JAIL bone eauWto tb. town of H)ifti Bid moat be .coptaid with plan eft iac. (either of brick or wood,) tb eot and nnmtlTriftffi Th. oontraetor wlfl be eipeoled t ... .inr. Rrick Jail witbi. ded t lb materSel few Hanaro. yard of tb. Coaii-liOW. J1; ITIr ' . aa. ik. .den.iiroed before the 15th. of Aag ' a ;' RICH D SMITII. ... f Ik. JatoHlfWBw. . m rnrE n A I.I-K.II dk A 1 W n I ..... .. rnHPiM'. v '' v v . i HAIL. ILujiteil, If. C. Jowb , Tk.annnalmeetiafoftbewtoetnoinerewi v- - . . . ... ... . . . .nnDT. v. Bwil--"--- : pany will be held at tb. """": J-"r" " ,t,l ' mat, g olx j, A PBITATE SCHOOL. , , W-A r -T-rLVrH Tb. o'? - "f i5 I . . . K J2t-, ,mvo ea the IStb of July low. ILTiTu " Dr.J.E C"", HUlebwro, N.lC. ; -trr;.v:--;-r. i 1 for aarticaiart ft'T , , , ' -A Car. of I ...,.,..... ...... 'f ' . ''I I. 1' 't pOR BEST That DESIEABL poepetein of Mr. P A . ' ' vebiTtTJ; 7U Tgood euluvMic Pow, I (iv a immeaiaulr. I 'Bawigh,Ja. . W.TA8S. or i FXITKI) smia DSPO8IT0JT a HSAItit Apt Aalarta4 rptrr llifc, l5 .." uiKnuiunni f Om. w. w vi. c. p. M.Bttiii. DIRECTORS: 8- eB. "'t ' , .; w B.aitek, cwa.': Thu B..k b 9w u. krrt. i Bk Uali nd BllT Coin, DomMtlo luWS ' t prri,ir?" Ce laatioai uada at all uolnu la tha guiatf Norlk g. O nTATIOY WAXTHD! A YOUKa LADY, wbeeaa W. the kik-U eoi- M. wmmmmm ie.1r.jl qaal.Aed to the eta- J? LTJS? ,".r"" M f V .. : - j . vj r. ,i, Ji,.a.. ApplicaUhne addt.Md to theE; Itare ibe 8ln aaa, in.kiog katnra tnn. ., will reoei) iitimedu aU aitoatuia. A)rU U if. s ciiool ron vor. LttEK. MBS. LACY brnomirt to nnea a "M for youn ladtee. oa Uie 1Mb of Jaly. at bar render. Mwth vl tlm Inati-ntioa for the Itrnf aad Dame d Ike IMmd Oompeleot teaobert bav beet ftwaf II the dif feneat deuartneota of atadr. I laetravtioa nut be jivea in tbe fni Kngtuk liraaoher. HMhetnatiee. Meatal aid Mof fluloauphy N at oral gclwwa, Aaoient and Modern flf.tgM tud HSKieM tbe Piaan. I Tniiioa. att eeeeloa nf twefitv veekel W.llfl. D. ... t.L- ... It. If . . mAml U ilUA MiHrora JanauKe, ettra. KaJeigii, . V. Jatexv orviiw. rSTIMICElfEW. Madeira. Shorry and Port TVine.i i Itetneroier fjnamnefrae, - b'ioviae aad H. kulaba Clarnl. DAVif JONES. mti 1"t'" umr,m-mmtr4 1 1ST RECEIVED. 01d Kaeb Brandy" Puryear N, '. Wbiekay. A JONES. Hay U tf ! 1 111 HbltilltiU . HrKarder eelebrated i Uu.r.V Hemlev. Perkl .. Porter, , . . DAVIS t JONES, , Mayl4tf "1ST RECEIVE Craebed. Powdered .J, Myl4-tf. 7 JUST RECEIVE r.rt.. n4 p.k bm aotttiet. T DAVIS A J0NJi May U-tJ .J - -J- J 1ST RECE1"'- floldetfiyrap J v ; rtlenrt Svfnp- - - trHouieM. 14 tf .' , DAMS JONES. May jjoardimJoi'sei MRS, ijrrENIBE88 anwmmo'raornberf of UbeCoBveatlo. tod I other regular bu au rt.ii vax, Th. whA .JB the eity . will tad it Ooave.leot to buiuee tnd rwre board at p0 PER DAY,, , t AfrU. 8Q-tC , , , ...Aa-ACHOOL. - ff, I m., wfaieh bat Keen la eaootMful yeart wi'l open u nit eeeeloa oa.i g.,' ptao aarpaeeat tbm lo be4ti. It f titoated on E. Jt (1 k 3 M to 114 without eandlee WMbint Td bota W tom. Schoolroom w I opereuoe - -- I1IUU. Kail and .bug. T4 wood I .. .... I ',-d,iJ1 eve the benefit of Phlloeophioal A p. .1, i,lHre of, Leetare. aad be prepared I for any lK ""rZ . ar June 11 RaU N. 0. , Wairenton, W, C. Stilts & BATCLTELOR, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. 1 , , , ,lla), K. ). Janef - . Steed Prog'o. oepyy , 1 . -t . . .1 . v -l.i:. r i.' ii" 4 - lIAKBLE FRONT 1 AT IIILLSBORO. th deeat gtook of Freneb, Br I H.v -uetnaa ovweeem -.V Ife-aMA-toad pnea., ..- , , T MARBLE FROST PRICES ! i , toneiven tm oP'l "i per , toia ao- ol . q.i . u. ,.,.vu, ....I. . 1 ; yt uiutreat ttoi dele of reoeipt. n nave aever euner. apro. nriir I'-ier U..OIO oa ..OMeu..fl. "j, II. 8. Carreav per ananm. m -..iiiiO..VJiL PARKS A.CQJ fl .!. tf hfT ECEI EBv ,J fAHGE LOTBI.UAIM, I PtLLIAM. . tie &3-lt Vf RGE LOT SI'GAtS, all grade, from JONBS CO. boletal. Groccrt. llOTOGRAPIISt 1 Iff eaaoot be tarped. I l-u ,i. . ik. t . i OJlANfr OPEMIHO OF NEW-GOODS! 7 .. Z , ,.. '7 7 TUEMENDOli DECLINE M UKU (SMITH'S" lit Till; 11. I 'E TOoMI Y VOIR I l ll,". t DRY QOODS. ONLY TliliVK, OVER 30,000 WORTH OF.HEW GOODS, Paii tiated at tb lata trade aklee in New York, will be offered at lew than half tb price of tlie tatu gowl la th. early Spring. Now ie your lima to get , . n RUvr, -rAHioiai.R v AT YOUR OWN TMCE. Head th following Pile I.Ut and Jadgoior AO yard uw ttyla figured Silk, ai.SJ worth 9-M n i . SO yard very (ed (Ink Silk, 7.'xv worth $1.50 tm yard tuperb black Bilk, 1125 to worth .M to I, fr!- -..ti OUw rtnle real Q renedme, at lie. worth 1,150. 3wt " Borage ' from to .Hie. wont) Trio yaidMotmS(n. too, to T.V. worth SO to MM ItHO' FAM t i 10 ' - goos . f SflraJ " " f opliaete, from Wa. to O , ' " T5e. to 11 Domeetis LawM.SSe. worth ,100, real Preach Lawa, from 50o. ta 17. l,S0 1 .bo. ' - ' pi ill til wool Moutlinet, 50c, worth, fl tmtil tgurot for Children, 40,, ' '' 75. real French Llnet Drill for grot wear, Wo to 75o, worth 1150. .-!. . Spaaieh CotUng LittB. 4Aa. worth $1 heavy Ceetmg Lin, far boy aad far , 'V r ' ? 1 if mor't ., 35o. worth 75o, 1YM0 magnificent -4 Freer. Coating, p worth i . , . $ Ml. T J J T i , ' i. . x i MO " Unpl. Drab D Eta. tlJO . Soon " oaat BUk Hook tl. ; 8Sa. 75. r . " r"T' t . . '. . 100 durealadiea (ee,3So , worth Mt. 7' I . I . !!- S00 " , do., " rse. . S00 ,",, 'tfr.; . 11.00, I S0M Faat, from Ao. U .0O eaoh, audi oa. thoutaad and one other aitiole too aamenra. t. matloa,' At early call will teruretb Beet Bargain, at the. Qoode etenot be replaced at anything like th price abov aamad. t, ;i i -' f' ' " t HAVE A i SPLENDID ASSORTMENT OF ' Lace Points &c Wrapping, GREVADIHE A3TD BERAGE SHAWLS. . . ; THE STOCK OF ; BLACK SILK JIAI.TLES. It row aomplot, and being our own noenaftctarera, fxooTTrwicb PalUra., w oaa tfford to tell lb em low, avoiding Jobber' orofiu. Ladlee eea aleo h tv their Maetlea madJ to ordr at a ttrlug of from In t tea dollar each, and tatltfaetlo. ghtranteed. ., , Special Attention ! called to oar stock of iBbicinom' W Xr?'j. om'nma' . ft yard fur 4 ,1 a. H aad 73c, for 4, Mk . tote l 'tbe price, 4 Mil and ettauna tb. Good at ' I, - " " TIIOIA H3tXXU', " 9 Sreaaeore'BL; Prterebwrg, Tav. , Agent for the Alebrttrd FToreooe Lok-C:titk Sew- mf Macbia. ackaowledged fcy B to t tl beit ri!y Sewing KtcoTot ll rirt!i,' "la-tfllay ArAiHNVILLAllDr Wtar ? eWwiefiir JV. C, Iof Oiwa -XrV ' nilOLESLE DEALER t 4 CrorerU's aud General Merrhanijize, y . WRWAKDtS( AND " fjti IMlNStOX niEHCIIA(VT, ' '-Tie. If K..rlk Wttar Street, ' ' WILMINGTON, N.C. ' -7T rTsi ' " 4 . C. 8. WUev, Stpertateadent Pablt Bektoli fat, tb but, tireemberv, M. 0. jeteeH Lladiar, Ittt., Cukier Bank of Ctp Fear Kor. W. K Pn,Vditr.fafi Raltigk. I.epk Potta, irylVeebingtoe, N. 0, Me'ere. Jewel t raw A Seat, ValttmoMi. '' ' Meter.. DeeUy, Corner A OeNew York. , Wilmwfto. Jaa . IH, a. , - t i . PeraoMi alioMiua giveaM tbo talt ar ablpmeat of , ... Cotton, JfAYal Storot, Al! produc. eowuitned to at fur ihipmeat, to Mteara Dowloy, Cornel. t t o , New York, will be Ineuwd ham tu. piM t ebipewet partiet advialnf m. a too. at tbegood are teat torward. ... . . . M KUCHA 3N.I X 35 N received aud lorwaidcd wit b prmiiptaee aad at mod rate ebantct. i A fall upplyfj . . t' i' n ' , . (iHOOKUIUM, kept (Mwetamiy a ttur, Ohiob will be aold at low fig. .re for caeh. ,'.. . AeA fur tb. tale of Marvia a Co.'t celebrated Hal AND MUHWA.AK.PROOV HAVKS, with Marvin I Patert Powder prtHif L rkt key weighing only one quarter of aa ouui-e. Three (Ufo are worrmied fro. fraa dampMee, aad ar told .1 manufacturer prion, tnd will hi forwarded tkronyh Witmiugtn. without ehtrgt lor itortge or loraardiag. T4 Bales of Cotton Tarn,' And 4-4 Brovn . ' Sheetiny," for ).: Addraw, u A. A WILLARD. " , . . h Winning 0 , ' Jaaaary S6, lB,tm C oRiit'OHr:: Buebeli trtme tVhUe Com 1 Store, and foT eala by- A. A. tt'lLLARIi, ,' Maroh 179 tf '' WiluiingUia N. C. -f... -. .i ST"""" 't. -'" "; 'y piavk! t-aran ." y "' '''' fM Sblt. Fine, Boner .Hi Ptmily. now Itr.'iiinr Wr-dny'Mpemjmr , . . , ,i .A A, WILLARD, . Maroh B-lTJli Wilmington, N, Cw CuIma SIoIiMara. f N hogtbMd aad barralt, for tat by 1 t ?:.. ' A.A. WlLLAKD. Warning Ui. Peb 9, 148, 1 . , i i 4 ' Cotton Taru and rihct llug. ' Wf BALES for tale by ' '7 lt) A. A. WILLARD. Wilmington, Teb 148, tt , . tlacon. CAAA POUSD8 of Shoulder., bright and drv, for 0UUUtlby . A. A. WluLAttl). - WilmlngtMi. Pb 9 148. tf fl'lIE EJirillB Mil 111 OLE MA , . -r CIILE. !.,., ' IS acknowledged to be. by all odit. tb bet ghiORt. Maebme at Awortoa With only um . rvwta )., m aooo Elegant febltiglet 1 1" par how an elly mod Tbo maebioa tt "built llrelr of Iron, very compect .nd allr traMiMHted, It woikt Vmum, Htv and Box Srarf nd out of the earn, number of boll of timber, oae thud more Rhine lea arainedt tao D Ooa bv tl. Sewing Machlnee. All tb tao duet It ttved by tu toijilre aau.oee wwim miinKivt. ABHAM RPQUA " " " General Agent, 141 Broadway, ISew Voik JHy uneeio lIRGI.MAt- Bl'CKIfaiA?rf , f lHtl ir COl ttT. Edmund W. flnbard tnd Willie J. Kppea.eiti'Oior ot Henna u eppo. aeoeaeea me in me r.muiiiie w. Hubard and Serab A bu wife, and Willie J, Kope, n tnetr own nni. and tn tame n imuna w IlluOeri trcttee for Mary M. Botlitg Plainiifit, - V!0t . William H. Chtppell tnd all other Hit creditor ot , tbe eteleef Marth. B. Kppet deceaoed, whe aa oitiod i John W, Kppet fell W. kppet, Philip A. Moiling aad Marr M. hit wile. Krtnrn Kppet, inn. t. rag an. name nit wua, aa. An u. t-P' pe-iienuani.e. . . IN CHANCERY. By . decree mad ra ihl eeuee at the April term of tbe birouit. tjourtof Heohiaabam liHM, tbo follow Ing aooount and rnquirlee were directed t lit A. aceount t be rendered by the plaintiff, Ed mund W. Uukard Bad Willie J K.ppet, of th. Irtiene actum a eiecutor of Martha B. Limhu, with a Uet of th aeMta remaining ia their band, Kir tlie payment 01 acute, d. A . Bccooiii of lb TIcTiTe "I1TI outni aiKl.nir tnd BPBld, du. by thetel.l Marth B Ei'Pi, dr..a.(i. id, Wbat properly, real and rl. be riiiim!o th band, of tli beire. devow and legateee ot alter .aid Martha B. Eppee, deteeed. nailer lb divteioe ia the bill men! ioned f the V.lh. Kelinmrv, l-t, wiib tb vainee thereof, aad wbera and in wlo poiumMioa is. . ; .. : ' BUCKINGHAM C. B, COMMItibJOMCRriOFKIt'E A JUf Ur.lfioo. The partle and Q perw.nt iotereeled la tli bev. meniiuao. .eoree aia n,rri, nntinm mat t nave p' rented ta law oiue or It. V, roc k, at Kuntiiii tm Court IIowm. aud T Boeder, trie tie day of Jttlv INott, a the time aad pleee Utr takoi. Hi actouat and mk log the enqmriet thereby directed i aad M pereone who beve claim, tKtii'itt t.!i eel at of th taid Jf artn. B Eppee are hereby werced to lu jr their Itiiu belore e Oa r be Lire lb mid day,- Willi tli riuect. tuniwt "t'lie taaia v , OLOHGE D. SAUNDERS, t-y- CiMuHiUtiottei irt4 liaaiitry, j . i ' X inruit L'uiirt of Buckingham, JUM 13 1W4W .. v : . . il ' YyAlmE I I OUEST COLLEfci" ' T:.,FAf.l. 8i:.S.-ilOMf iLie loeiilutiaa will e menoeoa Frirlxr, July Villi. Arreoitm.ole titawl to foear. m waote oi ei min ute i every firene. ; Tn . teybl ia rrrecy. tr. du. It ad vtuc. 1, pee aeeeioB oi JO week, ta CoU-irite Vepaftiiieat ,r ff 4", ' jleaiioitc 7: t ...... . &it.. . Kent - -' 3, bnrd nor month ftabl fare! ' ' 13. " A AJli'uuiitof Mt unf enel no I line, etniib'e -wtH- e f allowed oa ail peyuieeu eiede bv l middieorf Aura... Trie erpeaee of the Trm, liK-luinf wwbia, fuel, hhie. AC, M e,crd $100, tot 1 JUaiieiuiu, and gild, fur Collegiau, wadset . . UII.I.UI HIHAI.I.. . I I. bxiretaryof baeuliy. Foreetville, K C. Mey?l?io I Recorder copy for 3 oiunMi. pOR St I.E. Tb nOrSH k LOT. ..!h of the Cepe Pear Bank. ocenpied. by 11 A. ttidham, Ee. Ihe dww'nii lluoer uaeorreMoa, Br p!oe la aea aa Uitic na to keatvotnw of h I" '"t Kitcbeo woe two nma PLLLUMkJ0.JC3 a to. Jane H it . ItCltOiaSETT Jk CO .' 4 v--y0nrrrly; DR6tMtt ft Btoini. ' ' . ( hutahliahetl in 1 839.) , General Commission Merchant, '- - WIUUN0TON;N.C. WILL (,l. pimal atUatio. t the paroba. and Vi alf Product of tver deeoriMk.. aad ta r.. i . . w m everv oelvg aad forwarding touda. im, oo, na. T1IIH. W. DATIa. ' i ! , i KIMBHO JOBttA, t. DAVIS & JONES, OROCEHS, . . , . AUCTION A COMMISSION MERCHANTS, So. 88 FayettoYllle Street, ' - aAI-EIQil, W, gi., . I I EEP eoattwtly i bead a very krg mpply ATAJiIILiY aitOCEXlIES, v ootUMtia Baeon. Laxd,. ., .. . Tiour, Meal, Cora. Copperas, - ' - r- Buckwheat, Cheeae, - i v -t - - Pickled Oysters, Chainpttfiit, Ale Porter, Bladder BnniT. Sod and Butter CrackerA ' '' ' ' Tea Cakes, FenraMioa Caps, , , . - 8alt,FUh,e.,o,7 'V-ALmSO- ; Wood aad Wilow Wart, Hardware, -; i i -v Powder and Shot, - Boapsbf all kinds, - -Fanning; Implements of all descriptions, 4t -Wt,rpecllullyoliit oomignmonuef Cotton, Cotton Yarns, Iron, A. ,v 1 ud ' COUNTRY imQiaxusxL. Ail no, tlenlint AD BOBeLrauiMt (hall rwwlva nrmal ei ,.. '.'"""a. UAbta a, Jmitaj. . Febl- 9ml7. TO.V BROTHERS. v ;i Vo 33 Conrtlandt Si, New York. ' 1 IirPORTEES t JOBBERS Of FANCY GOODS, - 11 NOTIONS, - i . f.s i ' ' TRrMMINQS, . ' ' ' ' t cuuEiir,- " ',- , , . ' V ' : HOSIERY, . . v. FURNI3HIN0 0O0DA '"" ' . WOOLEN GOODS. " ' JEWELRY, ' " -yy HRE WORKA Jt Ann am, dooDativ tbeh Liirca. W bar gnallr enlarged oar kea. .ad aw otTw eawnf tb. Sneet atnek I III i, eity With r kinc etperleoo cheep Iteot.CaU parohaew, w offer aa. tra luduceinent . . . t . jr Capt. J. A. hARNTTT. of . C.. i. wilk a mm. erilly, and will attend ta aelectliex of ordert. i i Dene m( oar nametwut caaUmiert for tbeir uaet Iberal palrimare, we bop for a (umiiauaue promiewg promiewg a en eaeea 10 givaiau nattelactioB, June Mm , , x , i ' COOL SPARKLING SODA' WATER ' : bread, caio:3,.';: , ' cosFECTioscny, ., "V , , AT, , FENTllESS'S BIOSE, r , , No. lerareticvllla St., THBSl'BSCHIBKK kaepd conetanlly oa hand a variety of (rood Dung, for bie cuetotuctt, and Hi cab. bo. Call aad try. . . , J, B. FRANKLIN. June 1-1 in ,. Af.K. tleorei. ahiwili, 4 ouartuu wide true P..k 90 dayt aegotiahlt pMre, I'lLLlAM, JO.NES CO, June 11-ti V v. . DU. WILSOXU SCECOL Xkl TtttMALAjiA SCK CO. Jf. C. THE eterrieet of thi flcboot were returned oa Fob. A number of pupil c yet l received. DR. JKO. i. WILrt f aeeocttt mS. A. M . for. triv of tliltoa W. C . i tww aeeociated wiib tb. Sabacril.- and M ttvly enitad it the Siihoot for Cueuiar, apply te kim or th anderel-ned. " ' " ' ALEX WILSON, D. D. . Aitr.27, oir.pd, . ., . --, , - QOTTo.w akoi OTTOt ecao !l , AflrialiitoY Ettra elity Pomgrtiat. COTOS ' fc.t.1), o and two. year old, . la Bun Mid for Site by 7 ItAtXH JONES. 1 March 2tl'J9tf 'A. Malel.b. , C Ilouees and Lou for Sule. O' vg Ifoueetaod Lot on ff :-llbro riireet, eevee room tlebe4. .mione oa tieiiUl hlreet. a roooi, aed about one ao' 01 lend aUaied. hoeiKii in mM rder d well bld. ' 'A m 1 Of fin TtdliS rftefr'W. r.f Iffef ' CUVtl'fcB A AiifOhK. PebI' JpoXT rOUtiLT. 7, Tket flt'tl I!LlNKt the e-reeteat v.,)i.r, Ca.atyefHoer. Leeert aad otbere, are g'Kle Bp i. ttia beat :. bvoaa el tn btt Lewyeie and iuo tkuronrh beaieeea atee ia S C l.e'ire M o head. April 14-tf COWPtit ft JIOOUE. -rvm sale. rnaw ootoco ny i"e d. i ' PiuiAJi, joxr i a rr, .Jane llrH pi' ' ': V