THE DAILY gENTINEll W. E. PELL, Btata Prlater. eTOM3 OF SUBSCRIPTION. , . The Sewus Is publlshea story swalni - pt Seaday.aa blowing tern J, f Of two Bionthe, " ' thwsWK .,;. ai nonthi, "'. . $1.00 1.00 a-OS 1.00 7"iit ttf -our mean nroww f cur cirufilti EXTRACT . . , , mon the speixu of ... .,. Hon. Hotttgomery Blair, Trederlck, Utti, Jane 16tA. 1868.' v'- rluinicterietio trait in this attainder . .mfeiifimenU marks -ttaoricin. It 1 I.. f.m & ttodv of iecialaton who eiclude th wnresentation from the Slates entitled Uit wToTtW-who ere aoet affected by it, and r.. h it BfoTidef continued exoliwioB, that thev may themselves establish a party monopo- If in toe iegimuuu ui j - " " .L. h.a cxtendfd- ninnonollrs ot . trade and manufactory which this heiue "or conquest oer the South, ia ita political aspect, it deign ed to perpetuate ; and to effort it they offer in . !L. i.riu, t the mass of the people of the ,-.... m ualat In nuttins ob their fetter. If ,.-a.,fhrn ravmlai Ml make a hoc&tomb of all the men who have ever been honored with their confidence, or who hare been honored by the confidence ot i be National Government, by be ias called to office, high or low, from the South, .? la aHheaioa to the article proiteaad In ciudintr them from, their right of elitribility under the Government, tfcea Congreas will postpone a levy of taxes on the ronwctive StateaT consenting to the immolation of that creatbody ofcltie who have in all past tome gam and are now moat favored with their Jove 7d confidence. It it really a very little sacri . .i . ft.,lili make in aurrenderinff the 1 right of taxing these for tea years, if, at -m time, thev Ret ft riddance of all the statesmen, orator., and ." n J?VvnT who live ia the south, in the halls of Congrea. i..ut ..11 nnnakler tbla aa A auaraBty .11 the urivileiica. bounties, drawbacks, and indirect taxation which they may maiataia or mpose hereafter on ft people who etirreder the? strength and submit to .tar bribe I Besides, they know tbsMf the South should refuse take the bribe, M t again the bribe tended, it wiU tap representation in Congress, which to the main desideratum they have In view; end ia thie ...nI,t kM to extort taies from a Mople nt represented, and from amoae; whom tCPexcludeUx -gatherer, by th. Impowtioaof an oath they have contrived on purpose to -an oaiu J , -,To from aaauminir the d,Tv Do' theyTxi to nd rftiaen. froi iutllr0o!riwfnrm thl. ftinctloat New or uKru 7 r: v tll0.x.mDie of pid &.nd.7army with her Uxath, r"?'i, the South to abt ia thu duty.- Doei he auppose that Pennsylvania and JV 5';' irf the ariieme of entoreingt atioaw hoJui VpreaenUtionf Will. the great ation wiiu r tbeir pwduc tiona down their .trama tUugh the channel f the Miap. f the South, and carry with : til" their kindred affect on., gen--ted bv Tace and interest, enter Into a coa Srac, to W d oatraciae thort iawhoa. roritv they are moatly deeply concerned t Cyknow that the hlghly-gifteJ Ptat lD? 7, ,.ih.hom tiia constitutional and aa a coirtequence, to tuffcr baniahment and ai " ": Hv. where thev are to be connacauo. - fren- H,8?rrTL;, daoB.,heart and Und. ia ff & iSbS. aid thei Detween i , - ,he altm Xt w&ica con - , nkrtv J,,,, mi. the E,rt" 1r I"" rh. orotoCvPfC the South, tral Sutnn--" - o4 weedWiitU importance of the ! T,!' and wttEht to dictate to It In ttew li 1813 the South wa. .till It. aupport, Lftta lit. atraffito. fo the --f; . u;..-". In the Jackaoa era, ana held th. balance of the 2 IfTwV not onti. th, yg-J-g-J tn. interesui t -- .j Hnchr we iauii.i ; . annarture from li- alternative wnicn,.-rr- nf upon tue ".'nsUntrta - at least, should redeem 11 iruu ' !Z2.r, T .hioh it anoealed, upon the w w urged ' , dia - . a a. Mdk y marie I ntutuor tU.neia anu arV7 - . N,w T-:itlUT. Bag nfiff tile N DTOVWiWU - . , j ..s an.1 iDSUbUliVH ys - .:su AM nri IB MAItti Nor Is It fanaticism. ; U a". -- arice eomblned la tba .-ottowi ' . i !.:. in tue luiiup :Jlul," . lana iuw. ,r 7,-.. ... ". ,mmittie uurnmes a dictatoremp u v--r that bss made tftese imhwi, " , ."""""n f Carantie. ia Tu the nto which the minority State, liava es SuShad ?iThe Aapa of . CustituUon agaui rtUtxict in the United State. r vv there aot can.lidates for I'resid: ana . uere bo im v . wlU of ,-res unv - " - 'r , " , xfcere . witt . 7.r- : North and Souih, ptedged . . tntr, mttM to represea : , x a at tn wnrefleB :..A.;n ti as an.rflTB CM CTCI ? -I T u:. ' If a maiority of the peofle rrV.?r;k Bfiidato. and . minority .. .' . Me for a candidate to r- r rinilllAltUU " " a, ,aT.:aL4hal.:. tnent, which means nmwi v""r.-'il'lhon V-f joici BOBl),e4 ttW of the South from the lmon, anUl th. utD? Giiui? f HAyu.oi IUiaaa, V Pra f. Cnt canb. reflected to Congress, and bring a LlJABBT T J oJ J.,u!a elecon of a President under ,i t jiv. LATH . ifW-aw . . . tSyvernt,to enforca ahe c0 mtOB, ... ..... t .v.. nvMiiKinnisra nro-1 . cive eBtct to tne wui i "'V"" J ,V,h,l Soaace.1 bj this Coos, to lth.,uflde, yelas of the Go-ertnint I comnuttcd a-l -" .-'r -aJamm j.-- J tbfr-t- I a n a it l ji V r n t ; T0L7J. Stevens and Tii 'Caucus Jnnto would inalat thatthoir law prevailed ever, the Constitution, and so we stigma nave two rrcuueaia wu wr trtn the Mexican carrer. .-v . -,v - v.-i . Th. nation must percciv that our Romp Congress is hatching aa tmbryo revolution, and by bringing in the national debt aa stake ia thmr constitutional amendment, seek to embark the capitalist in their causa. " Tne capitalists will, If they are wise, rely on the Constitution as it is, the laws a thry are, and the public fn!U aa it ia nliirhted. rather than oa the Una- wing of Tbaddcus Stevens and his revolutiona ry 'coadjutors, lotweaaieiy u meats. - k.- .. - - ' BIT TUOAlCOVTflg BLWIWII1'" W.n.B. 8.Tl'CKE8. ' , HATE J VST PURCHASED AN BEAUTIFUL STOCK LADIES, GENTS, KISSES AH BOYS ".- '-'ilEESS GOODS, HATS, SHOES, &o.? I At Us Vary LOJVE&T arioa, hafwa the l B ... n-iA ..Jl. ri.nawlihuBIlll " . . RECEIVED, aal tit tana articles aanaot be tieafUM " ' , ao ia Hew Tork within Wj Twaely f eaa.! n COST af ours. , , , AH Quods by tba yard have advanced witbin tha LA8T WEEK from 1 to 10 oU par yard, i . o(kt than, wbaa they warOOWH aa saaak LESS tbaa tboaa that were bought aalj la tba epna 1 and art ara j.i.,tuj il.. nuhlloRn ALL HAVE 1 th adveaUts af aar parflhaaaa. a asU yoe - WeeaiAPrOROtel ASD WE WILL DO IT AS WE BUY AST) SELL TOa (CASH. WE OF.F1SII Ida. baaatifal Ealtk aad AaiarieaB CaHcoas ii ! lie.' . it, it 1 ' 1.000 " Fraarb Organdiaa aad a. . prlalad Jaconet 1 ' -f JMetoTSe A t.SMt -r ' Maaa aad boys Baaiaaar t' awe. Baa-1 kiaatU aad Potloaadaa. t. .1.' -r... 1.009 Udias aad Miaaas Wbrla aad Black Varay aad Boadowa Hata. j i t S ,00(1 PairaheJLadiaa aad Mtaaoa. Haas aad Bots. .W. M. L T TUCKEa. May 80-tf INSURE ACIUST ACCIDKNT9 i iff. it i J - ' ,Sr MTHK riojvKBRCd: or tub eou m, TIIK WOUTIIE11I tr ACCIDENT INSURANCE COMPANY, t ' . YWXCHBUKO, VIRGINIA, noma asaica. taaMAiaa,. AUTH0EI2ED CAPITAL $1,000,000, INSURES AGAINST ALL ACCIDENTS rrHvl.. lb. Uaow . t Poliey arth. fall.masut ia tiasa of doatn. ana oo,poa- - - disabled for a period. . . NOT EXCEEDI5G TWKNTT45IX.WEEBSK O..IUI Aetsearv P"ss far J ,W.oa eaeb weak, aaav ba ebtaaad far A3 par n..ll.ra oraaiiera will sec or. 2.l". ?. f J... ..h .k. TwantfOae iuar. CIO raaim.""-" " ,fc a- waoklV er' iffl VXSXr . r.u F-key fctmw. IV aomnauMtiu sack week. -if,B FOB TEH CENTS.) TraTrf. r. .y obt-a at la - 'HVTV, -'rj J-Ilj ...aasatB am Al I u , ... waMuttviRaT IB CdadVB vi kj.l.naaBBd Ol Ulf lRuai.iw -a -- - , M SdLM. aa4 ca-of UJarv li Mrweak. . - .,,,). . Sastk Ta. .. - -I)lfWuy .t, I . -. .h.f.a. uioaal was m aad fawaorj aa- .--- .7 ', ,h. a..ihao. i,iroo, t. tba good wm a. 1 pauUc. . , . oimcTosli a,rM.t4U !" William u ort 1 'ft - .rbh,m U Wanrkk ftW Lathaa.. mooKB Aira, . JSJUt " v. . oivk'i.i:i cocyry n. c. ,, w(K,d Tha I. t t . ..;a ajriil nariB' ua vw a JuiT .! tr iafVib sf a wak. psrabl V; ('Iia, toip.i , s'-h, s . - . 1( - 1 Bea.dw.ta s -r- . 7Sne I.O.W ,uii iia - - jii, "', , rrmcipaAa, Jus27.dt '. r ' . ' fjill tBB. ' I ' ... u 1 Ik'nUllUNK nejrisHWJrMt IJLl . , "p ; 7 X I WOULD BATHE Bl K1GBT THAW BE rBr.IDEBT, Beary Clay, THE RALEIGH NATIONAL EA.K ' or , ' - NORTH CAROLINA, aLtioa,.' o. " , : f - CXmo STATU PIPOSITO&I 4 HXiSCUL AOISt ; ; " Aalkariae Beatember I3ut. !. t ; , DIRECTOfesf Oea. W. Swepsoa, W . C. P, M riaaall . . Jos. 8. Caaaoa, Via Prm'L Ja. W. HaUsr, W. B. Oallea, CssAtar, Tkls Baak Is aew tar aaa Waasaestoa et Baak- IIsM 4aMMsM - KifW'fe- : - ' 1 . 7 ' :-r ' aa4 Bllrer Cula, DaatascU Baaaaaga, aa Uniua gtataa, Bute aa leaal baawuta aaa UaametaotyitMMat aa taattMrt mrerab'a aama. UnpoiiUi rxlT4 aa aararal atuauna aic te skaaMaaaMsf ktMlaaa aaaa aa4trM. Oa laaUaaa aiawa at alt aolats in tae Bums af aarta Caieliaa , -j , ,. ,-,;'. -Iy- SCHOOL FOB XOVSQ L4DIEB. MRS. tiACT wnr P arf fc yf ladMe. oa th I6tk of ialy. at h raaMaaea. aorta a4 Uia Iaad'atioa for U Iwl Pass aad the Bha4 4ui!laBt toaohar, Iit aava urociuea is m in- i "?t-.;uwjLS!: 'ZlJnyi N Moral lrtii Aiwwataad MudaraLauaafa, aad Maxwaa tliafiami, ... , .. , , , TaHioa.aaMinertwrnt wanks. SJMW. tayaalj ia aorraaay,' ball la advaaae- . Maaia aad M.wlora Laa((oi, aatra. Staleigb, M. , U. Jao 'otiiaw. . ......i iffrit ,y ,..( i Mad.lra,hrryaaa'IartWla, ' i'loviaa aad Bt. kalalie Claret. May la tf . iy:r;;-l)AViaft J0NEH. I'ST RECEIVED. , , "Old Kab Brdy" ' ' ' -i-L'ST BECKITED, V McKardar'eeiinbralad Ala, May U-tf . JUST BECTIVEP. , . Orashad. Powlare. aaa May U-tf. i t t. DAVM A J0Sli.a JUST BECEIlKl. Cartoranl hack Bloom prtai . -yuj 14 td , . . DAVId JONES. ILST BECEIVED. . , , Ooldae Svruf Portlaad Byiap. ' Rnsar Hoow Moll May 14-lf DAVIS A 40XE8. i- TkASOXIt.fca;iswiA, d i. aaidoanv whirb baa baaa unaoraaafal lrio tw4a vaars wi'l opaa Ita aaatMMioa oa owaioaMlwTy k.althfU """V"":.." - . a a b.ii BMI ISO HWIB'l'l T. ----------- j raad. Bcrd In. I2 60 to I3 wlliioat w ihlaaj. Taiuie w" . w i ' ''j .... inL.. II,. bast. of Pliiloanphioal Ap- Bison" - ; j nuatuwitb saoaraa oi u,ra, - r'-r foraar .Use ?.. ; . Jeae 1SH. i ' ' j :-' sroa a. aouats, .; -, oa. a. HTcswm, lUlelgl,. C. "Warronton, N. C. E0GIS3 &BATCHEL0R. . .. .ATTORNEYS AT LAW, , ; ' 1 ' Malclaa.N. - Btaadard ad Pror" leopy. JEVGOOPBI STl!iL THEY C03IE J I JEt RECEIVED, BY EXPEESS,-- - . . ,.'aA. dkr, - , . ' AN OTHER LOT OK MOZAMBIQCES,- 4IE HANDSOMEST OF TUE SEASON, AT . XCBCECH S. Raleijh, June-85 Iw - - . . a .. I ALA3KIOTo WbiUUoraiaBiora war rire. . JAMES M, TOaXES, .. Agent Jane Uot UfAtX. 1 tn Tobscoo by rhj Bjs ynvvm a.a ' , 5. ftlAUi.a.a vr.'"" --', - Jun.l4-ti pU)TOCBAPII8 aTU.NGERit aadethan. vutuag ,w r. " Tr';U" .....M.orwnttnth!! families, Ihl; "".a KHOTK,BAPII br WATrilia AM. biw." : ' , . af lb Call ts (Ntrwrr, ""T' (rt. for aaaDAAv ita to. i i.m. . , .1 Ja.iw irr km ... 1 ufefiB U)TSfaA68, Il tad. uooi eairlio '1 " . . . ,ftvr.4 A CO. Jue 23 t Wbolosale Grocer. rjim SALE. fJ. rVrdaby A1 HU.lib'.JOM.S CO. yaelotf 6,U0 WTraeaiaad oe ni,nwt &0 Barralt Loek- . . -.-A .1 v.i,'Mi ones,, P L T JAJlLi M, TOXES. Agent. ,on17Ht s 1 I QEAND OPENING i OF NEW GOODS! IEEMEND013 DECLINE IS f KICKS SMITH'S IB THE PLACE TO Bl'l' lOtll DBY GOODS.. ONLY -THINK,'' oyes so,ooo woeih of hew goods, Pamlteeed at th, lata trade Sataa Ms Naw York, siU ba offarwi at Utm tbaa half tba aitee of tba la tue earty Bpriaf. New is year time te at MBIT, rAajlliaHIABI.B dk SKSIRAMLK AT YOUE OWN PRICE! Bead tke Sallowing Price I.SaSNaad Jadgi far Tearaarraaa ' .n-- aw yards saw etyle agaml AUk, l.Vi worth 8-M , e yards vary good Blaek Silk. 7 So, worth 11.S0 taea yards sapetb. Mark Sitk, I05 to worth 8.U h4. yards real Qreeaduse, at Me. worth ,i0. - I 30.. Baraga froai 25c. U 50 worth TSS yard.Bo.amSa.. o. t. 75 .ortk M t. -v- ' fl.W taea " Papliaabi. from 3o. W 4' , " 7Je. to SI . la.aaO' Doawstie Lavas. So. wotth W, -' I ynt ImI rab Lawa, from Ma. U 7o. " 1,M 1 .W. 10 . plaia all wool MoaiUaas, 50. worth S " small Igoras for Cblldrsa, 40s., f 71 SUM " real Freoeh Liaas Drill for gaata' Wear, &0et Tie., worth ft 0, i . 5 I0M0 M ' MpauUb Coating Uaaa, 45o. wartk l. 1000 :, :; baary Coaling tiuea ' (of boy, aad far - aaafs aaa, 3Se, wartk taa. ! " lOM magalfloeat H Franca I'oaling, r worm 19..'. "" t ' i " " I I 1 W " Laapls's Drab P Eta, 3J0 1100 " saat Bilk Neck lias, K. 75a. 10 doraa bdlas Hoea, 3&0 , wurtb 5n, ; '... .. - d0s., ' Tea MOD Faoa, froa, Sa. te B5.M eaeb, and ess thoaaaed and onaatkar artlatae ' tee tamei-eas to 4 , f r aMatioa. ' : ' ' 1 i ' y( Asaarly eall arUI aaearathe Best. Bargains, aa tkasa Goods eeaeot ba raplaead at aaytkiag like the pries aboraaamad. , I HAVE A BPLEXDID ASSORTMICS r tir Uce 'Qlntai & Wrappings; , , GHOADISI, AHD" EEUAGE SHAWLS. TUE STOCK OF BLACK VILK W ASTIaES. I b Menaplsta,Bd .balof ear owa naaauA vm-m. a, sad ,tk , . viLmrm wt eaa afford t all tbaia law, I" ; . . ... , , aT)idlngiobb, proflta. Ls,li sl fcava thi I Kutlat a,adt U trdor at S of ireeiaww a- 1 Sollars aaaa, aaa k- a . ,., ,. .. i . , .'f- I ' ' .. A J Special Atteat'o U 4 wr K0CK 01 EiabraHnf toia. 9 ard, ron-.wiaB'-iiig t o. pat yard for 41 1, S 4 aad 7H f',fi 4 :., da of that p.ias,. sl call J waaauts tl)S Gow-lt at THOJIAM HSIITirH, 1 9SBrSMar St.. rrbri, ?i.L AgplJit1itIbrat-4 r"w.oua inkMU'u k. n( Marhiaa, ackaowladgad oy a w aa u. faoiily Sawing KaeBlisata . May 19 U . A. A.lWILIiAItD, MllOIXBALE ItC.iLEK 1 ! ifjrerlf and General Merchandize, t; O m M 111 N MtHOIUNT, ,., Ba, M ot Wataf ItnaaV t: W1LMIN(JT0N,N.C. i . ...,.. BrJ to . , . . C. ll. Wil Byarlatn4wt faVlla SoaocH tot iko Main, urwniooro, ti. v. JaaaaU. Lladray, fcH,Uakl Baak f 0a tee . Uraeaibar. v - 1 W R P. II. Rdltor af MmI, BaUigk. Jawvk rout, Ki , W wkiaawa, M O. Mi-hi Jaan iat A Boaa, BHtaora.,. Nmhi. DowUj, Com., A 0a KtV Yark. WHatlBftea, jo t, iit. a. . Poinsal atuattoa (ivea to ta sale or : akipwaal o Cotton, KtTftl Stores, &. AH ur.Kio.-a, iiiHjitMwd tn iMfnraliiuinrnt.toMMara I Dewfey.UwaahvttCa. SI aw V aril, will ba toarad fraui i bo b.iui at tiiusut pan:,, adTMiuir ih aa ,iiae a 'uogooua ar ui itH-woru. M M O II A. Tf. I 85 IU raralaad aad fnrwardad Wilk pnwipUMaa aad at a erato rkarfoa. : .,.." , . ' fa A fall aupoiy ol. OltOOEUIKH, it I kept twMtantly ia ttera, whtoh will ba svld'st Inw f . oroo iar aaohi . - 1 i i Aaaut luruia sala of Marrta m. lo. a aibrat IRI ARB BlTBttt.AB.FROOB' SACKS, ttb lfania'a Petert Powdar arsof I- ks kaf Mifkinf aarr aaaartar of aa aaam. 1 aaaa BaloS ara rmnUrd froa Itoua dainpuM, aad ara ,ld al manofartarar'a arioaa, aad will ba furwardd thn.aak YV lira tari oa auboat a oats lv ,toraj, at mraiag. 75 Balei of Cotton Tarn, and 4-4 Brown-1 Sheeting, a . it t inn far sale. ' WltinlH(U.o, W. Jaaaarf SS, !... CtRIltlBNII ' : ' ; aiaaa Babl prima White Core la Wufo, aa4 lerteaie ay . niuoAiu., at area -liKj :. . i nunHgiAi v. v. pi,tRl'Mtt ! a Bbla rina, Bupar knd Fsmity, now landing a..,ptWtl...rnu7 Maroh B-174 tr '' Wilmington, N. C, ,'";-. CuImi nolasaes. v P'"1 f.'lwuD: wumlagtoa, ao a, no, h Cotton Yarn nndl Sbactlngs. astJiaaaaaalHf " - "'''l' 7K , A. A, WIIXABD, Wilminguia, roi, no, u. IlavooB. rT AAA POUNDS af BhealdafS. bright aad dry.laf UUUVsalak '.b ltd. If A. A. WILLAUU. Wilasiatrtoa T UE EMPIUK Bill SOLE HA ,...- , C111AC. IU aokmiwl.dffii ta ba. hv all, the baat Bhlogls Btaahn ta Aasartea ' Wllb oaly oaa Boats svwsa aoo Elcfaisi Bhlaaiei awhoorar.aa.llr made ; Tba aahlaa is ema. I.-.). ..r u.M v., 1, uiinnAAt and aavitr traaiMirtad. It work, Vsssaai, Drives and Bui H-rv and out of tha same auiaoor of bnhasf .W, aaa third mors aiilnglM ara mda thaaeaa ba dons by tha wib Mablno. AH tba taw dat is sated by th Kmplra and goee late taa ai.mgioa. . . . , -i .- - AI1HAM BKUUA ' , Gn.ral Agoat, ill Broadaray, N York i Hayurasia v , - '...ciKcci'r.cotruT. ' Kdrnaad W. Tlabard and Willi J. Kppat,ai,'ai.s ef Nsrtiia B, Kjipss. dwwaoul , tha m KJmnjid W. Hanard ana aaroo an it wiia, ann vru , rip, ia thoir own rid lit, and tha aama Edmund WIIubard, treat for Mary at Bolluirit'suu, Witliaia II, n..pH and all oll.r.f ll.a arit.u-a nf thaattotanf Maiiha II. Kppot r,.mdi John W. Atnuoa Kllta W. b.iia, Fhilip A. Uo.lmir aad Vary M. bit traari Kppa. Juba 0 Pago and Nolua boj wiia, and Ann I. Jbp pa IHfendault. " . . . INCHANCrBT. BaderBidalatril eaiaslha April larmt.fl tne vtroan. voor w iwntwraw., ,w mww 1.. .M,uH, .maI n.i,iltlM w.ra lirftl.rl i 1st. Aa eiwaint in ur rMHinrro nr ina piainiint, .- mend W. Uubard aad W illi. J r,pM f ta.iruaw kni iidu mm ,in'iitui, of Mortl.sH. K.., rlMwax-d, with a 1m, of thr a.Ait mwitimuii la their nana. tha paTOiaatef dMa. id. Aa ia aoronnt of tha dbt. tllll and 1 noirf. dna h Uraaaid Martha . arla, aa 3d. What pmperiy, raal and mrwaal, bat gona into, (I,, h. o.l. of tha boir. dvi and h-irairi-t of ilia ..ia Mnrtiia H. Kooa. daAmuwd. t.dar lb ditiaioa I tha ktil auwliuawd of tha l.'tb. Vhiaar, IIKrt, witb tha aaluat th.rewf, and wharaaad ia wtto.s puuiMm t'CKisonAM fj. n. cob si rssioK t. m omce; , . ... , " aAT ItT. ,. kwwa Tha parties aad 1 parsoaa intM.d ia tha a dMAtrM A... llftfetlV KlrilU'-a I ' t rmwm umnt-d IK. taw rMr ..f r ... tir lllir... k , ...n aad TuawIkt. II." I 'hi. y 01 f ih.j; m. ..,,1 lAnum l.,t tnliiua tl. acai.i. j L..kM.,iiAMuulr)M tborni.T 1irotrdr and all I prara who hava elaun agaias, "V olaiHW bafora pwaiw baloVa tus aald day, with tha a.da is wpt"rt ta.of , fjl'.nlCK V. .Vt,!M"l If, , - ' ('ouimiaaionrr in t'lmmvry.s .." !" .Mrr'uit Ciifirt ef Uwkhigharft, Jwral8la4w v - 11 - v v Alii; I'Oltr.MT COLLKGE, . ''Tbe'e'lll-i' RF--IS af tba liwlilnlioa will tw to meat tba want ol lnA oraT.ry im- Ttit .tf'nnA,p.rni. in immw y ao tin. iu ad. aatif mkwi,ijia.", w , 0llirets i)pprnnul 1 a 1 Alem. I " "'. , . Waaai Brnt ' ' ' '' " ii' l.,rit r ML.nlb fr. , I I. ' A ditroanl "I 1" (r nl r.lV IhMt ebarirn, will () llowl oa nil pavm.olt V U. atiudwirf Aair.V I no ! of 'ha t1-"" l"l"'IC wa.lnl.C, lul lu-iiU r.. aard eat escard Sin, lot A.'adaatw, aad ti HI. La- .li'Kit, Kadi ' ' . W II I.IAM KOVAI.L. ' hVftaryot M-lty. . .'xt . .. .,. -t tf , f ,rmtvi is. 0 M.r rioRl (ORvlfORUll I ka,a a coatignmckt Vi l'ij torsi be w ar ditif. J J, I.JTCHr"f. SJsseit. f AairflMiBats cwcupyir tot hiort the lofln- OT aataioa type wsirk eoatuuicf a aqr.awi I laaarUoa l.M I waeliS r . 10.00 t ts PS 10 0. I ftioath ' t saooit ) S . t : i.e. . J 60 S. 00 . S.M t wk Bialat aetleaa, walar a aveeial ka, iU ka cban4 one dollar par (qoara lor aa b Intartiuo. f anarsl aoltcVlll k rhsrf d a, a WernwrntTi s. "ytf lltbVte aiiUouiiiameui of a 3tlli iu Sitiam WUtftot be charged, . , ,: O K JOB PRINTING ; ,: MiCaei.s.MHMsM ai sKtTUfHV. , Iferaat raylvllla aad ilr(tl ntraala, KM.KJOU, X C. - ' " Tba affina aMuiiril hv at ovo Mi, tliain A. ITarrar'f ttK)b.tora bj(f niii.l l..o fi'.Ml a.d daik fuf aarraiU!if U)oi-aati.i buwnwiia, ws na, rc.ti.fwd la the iarire riKtm, M mvrlf fMvrnptod hf lha Utata Ctnthii.c tloparliaaa,,' N. K. Curaar af k'urMtoviiie n4 alarrotl WrMi, wkora wa era imMmt u en or. dara for PRIN I'lNii ol mrry tlM.rtti.B ta a aM,faa lory aiaaaar, raaaoaabla tanns aad at vary ahml ",n eotW WiU aaodaratraaa aad Bituraa, favk araajus aad anad vmrkiaaa aar faotlitlaa kwaaaila( ml priai i mf an aaaiirpaaMd la Una awtwa. 100K8. , ... school , . , , . , t'ATALOOrF. M llOOL ' - KEPORTS. ISVITATIOS, ASD EUSI5XS3 CAHEi BAH - ltOAP, CUltl'OH ATION, ,AM rofKT r ' - . v BLANKS, ."'., mix at ' ' ' '. lkitkh nKAm, 1 ' ;' . BANK CHECKS, . , CI Uf I I.AKS, . . . HASlmi.LS, . . ' IMHTEHi, ' ' ! ' ; s ' EI.KOTloy,' ' ' - ' , . t TICKETS, . i." j,v, CAMl'Aiaf . x (- .... IiOCl'UKNTS, , Ac.,' &., Ae., ' Ao,, Ac, " ' All kln.1. of BO(.)K fur Claikt of Oarts, Ki!Mars, ' Ate., furat'hed to erilor. . lirdora or tuati arillrooaiva prttiMl allomioa. Thankful to tha aannla af oar aattva Moia fvt iha 'i vara libotml aoifiiniura hralit.fa ait4enl.d IA n. wa eao unly say that lltair favor, but urj. aa to raaowad, ', - . '-' JOHN f. (HIKMtlf;' ' ; , joua B.AbA'iiikkV. JaaW-tf.. 1 ,.-.. ! 1, Msoutr, ' v a. L n aunur, ' annua sa,h.' ' , PrttOr.TT V CO., ; formerly DeEoisett & Brown,, ' (lviiulliAlii In W,) General Conimlislon MiTdiants, No. Nohtb Watkb Br., WILMINQTON, N.C Wll.t. prMt atioatioa ta tha parvha,e aad ala l 1'xxioiwuf , dsonptjua, aad la re Oatvag and ft irwanimg ginKl. VekiH.Aaa.eak i , f (,,.. i ' if-., Lvov imoTiir.RS. ... - . ... t " I ' " ' M. ! l 'W' f So. 33 Conrtlandt St.', Ww Tor. 1 " ' IUP0KTOS 4 J0UI1ES Ol" lAirct goods,' " NOTIONS, ' , , , TRIMMINGS, " - S tx- , , ; CUTLEIIT,. , , - " ' E0SIEEY, ' " - - v FURNISIlINa COOPS. ' " ' ' " WOOLEN GOODS. ! ', ' ' ., , - - , - JEWEI.RT,' 'nilEWOHRS. v AIVD ALL OOODIIIt TIIEM M3K. W have eraatlv aalarsnd aar haax and .If . on, of tba Aiiaot sLwhs 1 elij. .! '"r tfwrioaoa, ,'hoap Beat, Ca.h puiclttMt, wa efTt-r l,a Inauoamanta C!t. i. A. MKilT,lI n. V., II WHS at porni. aontljr, aad will aitond to teiaoti.'ot f araar 'I hunhiBf r aumaniat ouiomrt w thair patt tiborai pal r.iK, a a hi., for a uoaimaaiie iiij4iniii( ia all aaaas ta gtr full satlatartion. jl00 I lia : , , . ' ' i -, ,1 , :. . fJOOIl' BPAIIKIjIHU- SODA WAlTill . ' BREAD, CAKE3, COSrECTIOXIIUV, Aa., . EEXTEKSS'S BTOUK, x 14 rayeuetlllo t TrfEBtfBSCHrBEIt kaW aowrtanlly on band a varitty af good thing, lor kn esttoUM.ii, and tha pah. Fa" ttifw AeMHlisf I ,UBwtPi wid, low fr CmM Wawst taoerfilinbial OBtra. JUUV li U LWiaj, w'a-v w v'a . . . . w aitr ! a. " ' ."V vie i rn i ala ma sres CO. JT. 0,' eawoii f tlit S:koaw rf,u.od aa Ftb. it. AN A kambat ' p-itii, ran yl i.t rwitt.i. ?.. Jai). VfllJ-oSi, I. H, t.n..rlir af Millo N t. , is now u.,'i,t.i a-i'a taa'nn"trr:i.a,' ana as ( hirnird la tna 1 a for tuoaiar, af P' f n1 . ALKX. "Vll.SiiN, IX I). ata.Se?.aaaA.4 --. - Q0tTon '! l BfcKB :t A"ief Kstra enajity fnaifgranala UHITO BK hi), una and two jrt of. ,. ia ttioia and lf 7 ; ' ' DiH" A JfNr-'S. Varcb 84 IW a C gCLKCT ItOIUII AND DA V SCl!OOfM: Ulllsbofo' -j' c. Tl.a U .,,,1 MIS. KtHXOVK w;J re... n r ,y.Ao u-t J J, 1S a a.f'w' - 1'iruuiar. I..iwrdd UB Spp.lutAloB. ,

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