7' 7. :m.A.w,.,,y,..,,. '. :'- ..-a; 2 THE SENTINEL. Friday Evening, Jane 90, ISM.' n CITY AND STATJTEMS. J Stw-ABTmTiBSKEirM. P; Williamson A4Co, are prepared, at the North State Brat Iron Works, to gum mm, repair mill iron .i-".-elw .!' MbJ" OH m&miiKi m,s,xwnm-'" The, tame firm offcf for wle fine jouBg"PliiL Brown" Stllio. ' ' -'"".; g Co, wtu oommence on U llta ptox. The Fall Session of the Classical and Math ematical School of W. C. Doub, 4 mile East of Kaleigh, will comnJfenoe on the 16 th. prox. Sea Card of Kader, Blgga Co, General Commission Merchants, NorfuIk,,i-an old and excellent firm, every way reliable. With them is MJ. J M. Mayo, of Edgecombe. Robt. B. Boiling, of Fauquier Co Va., ea tiona the public against negotiating for certain North Carolina and Virginia Bonds. ". ' Pulllaio, Jones & Co., are In receipt of Java Coffee, and other luxuries. J ' The third session ot Mr. Jno, T. WotubU's School will commenoa on the 12th. prox. . ; 1 The adjourned general meeting of the Stock holder! "of the Chatham Railroad Company will be held in thia City ontha 19 th. prox. The lata Eon. George Z. Badger. 1 At a, xiurxuia of the Judge of the Supreme Court, and the mem ben of the bar in attea dauce thereon, held at the Court room of the Court, on Thursday, the 30th. inst,, the follow ing proceeding wera had.: On motion ot B. F. Moore, Esq., Chief Jus tice Pearson was chosen to preside oyer tha meeting, and Thomas Bragg waa appointed 'Secretary. ... . Mr. Moore stated that the object of -the meet-, ing was to pay soma tribute of respect to tha memory of the Hon. George E. Badger, lata a practitioner ' of this bar, and moved that committee of three be appointed by the Chair man to report resolutions; which motion was adopted, and the Ron, John n, Bryan, Judge Battle and B. F. Moore were appointed. Tha committee retired, and, soon after re turning, by Mr. Bryan reported the following resolutions; . , llrtolttd, That we deeply- deplore the loss which our country baa austainad in the death of the Hon. George E. Badger. Itemhed, That in the character of the de ceased were concentrated many exalted virtues and attainments, which rendered him a most excellent and useful citinen and venerable man. ' IUwlvtd, That we regard hie example in all tha various relations of life as of inestimable value to the youth of our country. As a man "he Was firm, upright and honorable ; as a Chris tain linmhle and sincere : at a statesman, pure. a4.1e awHiimmit as a lawyer, kanwl, pstfeuad and ingenuous ; be enjoyed in an eminent decree the confidence and respect of this Court, where his memory will be long cherished and honor ed. ; ! .(From the Petersburg Index) -Sonthern Iaaafactures Venable't Snuff f ini Fine Cut Factory. . , ' -y, , .The true jreconstructioniits" ot tha South are no the men who are falsing their time in lamentations oxer their poverty and defeat ; itiQ leas the men who am taxing their ingenui ty to discover new bonds, gusrantore and testa mh btch to wpply the defects of a form of (Correspondence of the Baltimore Sua.) The Proposed National Union Convention, rrospeotive Adjoanuntiit of Congreti, ; Illness of KrWajkburna., ' - ' I ' ' - WaSHUwruA, June 28. ( Tha rail for a National Union Convention, embracing delegations iron all the etts and this District, is bow formal! v made by the Na tional I'nioa C!ub,ith tha jmdnrseiiulnt nf COnarrcAtiva ttrniiMuan Son.tnra That it mill short of divinely inspired. ,Wbn a conflagra- boa buries tha proceeds ot years, of toil in a areas of owIwtbwi, thsirtsmairlirliot'lsi wno wastes his days ip. lamentation over the 1 wreck of his fortune, nor he who spends hial fortune, nor ha who spends his tiia in critici sing the defects of (he aystsin by which he at tained the wealth and power so suddenly swept from his hande." 'y,$iti "KviV f ' It ia rather he who at once addresses himself to the task of KjlHaiiling; tlio, before the em bers are cold, begins to clear away the rubbish, and, unappalled by tli calamity -which has be fallen him, plana tha rat oration ot bis fortunes on a acalevbf greater breadth, and by tha exer cise of greater zeal, industry and enterprise than This ia the true restoration, and it applies no and that it will da much towards ttw oHrct of rentorinir the. iutcirritv and harnmnvof the 4 JtP.ion,. coufcknUy .beiifedSJa&a6Sua.-A- , jiany pi tli interests seeking lustier protoc ,tion against foreign irbmpetitcon are disappoint el"t Wr. -MorTiirs bill H makes soio duties almost prbhiliifory, but does not thwugh the whole list - The principle npon which the bill ia founded invokes tha ultimate prohibition of tlie importation of any articles that can compete with domestic production or manufacture. " There ia evidence on every hand of the desire of Congress to adjourn.' The committees are finishing up their Ixiainees, and both Houses are clearing their calendars of a number ot uuiiu portant bills. The tariff and Ux bills, and the bill for reorganizing the army, arc the only im portant measures yet to be disposed ot The military committee of both houses were engaged to-day tn perfecting a new army bill which will be acceptable to both houses. Gen. Grant is very anxious for the passage of some bill in- "ViT1 c,;oP1iM'kan(intlirid' fwiing the regular arwatthis session. ones. Toe true mends or, toa oouta ara the men who, undismayed by the private and pub lic wreck around them, have plunged at once into toe labor of reconstructing tbe prostrated material interests of the country, ana have laid amid the smoking mint of a wasted land the broad foundations of future prosperity. - Where these men are found they deserve tbe substantial sympathy and support of their fek low-citizens and of the press, and it becomes a public duty to extend to them every encour agement which lies within the power of the citizen or the lawful province of the- State. Entertaining these views, we propose fhart) time, to time to call attention in these columns to the labor of such of our citizens as have ad dressed themselves to tha task of developing tba material resources of tbe State, by the ap plication of capital, snd skill to manufacturing pursuits. :" .:.--."...-'..-r,rt..i About six months ago,' James f. VeosMe, Esq., of this city, resolved to establish, la Pe tersburg, a large Snuff and Fine Cut Chewing Tobacco Manufactory, superior in the complete ness of its machinery and the perfection of its arrangement to anything heretofore aeen at tbe South, and equal to any establishment btotmt of it ' The progress so far made demonstrates that in this resolve he is destined to succeed. ilia advantages consist chiefly in the fact that be is in the heart of tbe market for the choicest! L tobacco manufactured on tbe globe ; that he is at a point ot easy and rapid communication with the great fields of first class production, and at a point of easy access to the foreign and domestic eonwiner. Able, also, to command an ample force of intelligent white labor,' he felt encouraged to aupply himself with the most perfect machinery that tbe ingenuity of inveu- . . . K . .i r. . . . - - 1, - - tors nan appueu 10 i uiauuiwtuic mw Bepresentative K. B. Washbume, of Illinois, was taken suddenly ill with congestion of the Ever during the proceedings of tile Home yes terday, ll fainted away, and was taken to tba residence of Gun. Grant, where he uow lies dangerously ill, i i 1 tha Constitutional Amendment ' New IliviK, June 28. The Connecticut State Senate ratified the constitutional amend ment at midnight last flight, ' The AWisaoI. JmUlligmm aaya; "The on looked tor and damaging messaga of the Presi dent scatters to the winds the report that hit been industriously circulated by the marplots to restore the Union, to the effect that the Presi dent and Congress wet again 4 harmonious.' " t 0S5EBAI NEWS. ! 1 ...... . Mr, Stuart will deliver the anniversary address at the Dni versity of Va. on the 80th. inst, and will i Li i um.A i4 j. causes, and its conHcnuences. and tha duties which reeu It from it" ' Womtji Asgtaa won. run Ballot m . En UKU. Mr. John Stuard Mill has presented in tbe House of Commons a petition in favor Of the extension of the suffrage to female resident householders, It Was signed, lie showed, ry eleven hundred and fifty tallies belonging to the upper and middle classes, all of whom gavetheir addressee. The eicitine sad protracted trial of the Com monwealth va' AM-'iuin, Koddy, . Kain, and Hamsey, tor the murder of a man named Ilahn, which was coneiudml ' wtore tne nnoxvine ; - t i: Willi m wiitwiiii, .ana poping vy!r nsmu s tiwuit vmemmm ' wsuttoj t na MiMiriiorn t irwuiin wtrw xirvfissararrsa aaa aiti i - ' - - ., .Ms ,v..r.. ..... r-r l in a fytohed. That this fflicti,jrrieTr n1: f T three storj builUinir, 814 by 84. with a wing rence at time when our country so greatly needs the guidance and advice of her most able, illustrious and patriotic sons. . . . Jiewhed, That we respectfully tender to his .bereaved family our conrtolenca and lympatny, and that the Chairman of thia meeting commu nicate to them a copy ot these proceeding. . On motion, the resolutions were onanimonsly Onotion, ordered that tha Secretary fur nish a copy of the proceedings to the aersral newspapers of the city, and request their pub licatonf Whereupon, the -- ' TITOS. BRAGG, , , . Chairman. ' Secretary. " .".,, , ..; m SuPKBtf Count. Opinlona have been filed as follows: , tl l By Peamoh, C. 3. ia Cobb as. Cromwell, equity, from Edgecombe! bill dismissed. In Long as. Clay, in tqnity, from Parao. ; bill dis missed with costs. In Mahew Davidson, ta equity, from Iredell; declaring the rights ot the Trt Alexander ea Taylor, in equity, from Mecklenburg; decretal order to be affirm--,1 - By Battj-S, J. In Burroughs as. Jepklna, In ii. rm fWnire : bill dismissed with costs. T T-ut. Camo. in equity, from Rutherford i the devisees in fee may disposf of their Janda. In Bennick es. Bennkk, in equity, from Lincoln ; j . i..u anrl cause remanded. In cmmiiiiw'w --V- , t rtne.i.1 m. Lowe, in equity, from Lincoln ; U recta partition according to the opinion, James Kincaid's share to be equally divided among thm nartiea. . .,,.."''- i By Rbadb, J. In Hugheaes. Pipkin, from n . rmedendo to be Issued by the Supe rior Court to the County Court, directing tie appointment of the plaintiff. In State v Nntt, i J r. . . l,.drnW arrested. In Fisher . aibr fmm Cabarrus : iudjtment affirmed. In Sharps as, Bintels, from lreaeii j oru w., ai&rinad. , , . - ' - - Mr. dl aCobW, Messenger of the Na tional Express Co., "f'P1 onr k for papers in advance of the mails. 1 justice to Southern enterprise, he planned an establishment on a scale of cost and compi ness whicbr put him at ones on a T " ill - "'J". , ilnn hllilllinff. 214 bv 8' 70 by 18, furnishes him the room, and a handsome : at IS harsa oower the neeea- ssrv force, for the operation of his mill, ine machinery consists ef a powerful grinder capa ble of turning out 8000 pounds of snuff per day, aeutte. chiefly for the preparation of his celebrated Fr-.Ccr Chkwimo ToaACOo, which, with its ponderous vm whlrUng at 750 revofutions par nimute, will easily cot thousand pounds of fiao cut tobacco per day, and a complete set of tbe secondsry machinery, stem rollers, snuff mulls, packers, Ac, " . Rndinghbaelfn'",,, tn l" a. .,. tiimaelf promptly and at fair rates with tbe vast quantity ot bes, boxes both of paper aad tin, necessary lor t i!LA Wnma his- own manufacturer, TZ . . h fnrurv averv box TiS tbes-zeofamatxtotiiel.t M...lrinn sa1s HHlHl ID fcllO WUO. " ' " iy addeaheavy steel die for tba eonstractum of tin boxes, ana as he ha. a force ofcsrpen er. Lir h i. sbsolutelv independent of outside help in all the neeewary operations of ... i . . ti.a hiina TavuuniK his establisttmeni inm wo - o 1. received until it is ready to be sbiprW o is received i For the performance nf this work one hundred n nr uis ciiinuiuuv -- , and thirty to one bundre'i and fifty operatives " !,i r .luim seventv-five are females, ..1K"."r:,T. .t T h"m the teekinir at- molpher. Of an ordinary tobacco factory, the Cleanuness anu on!t mith nil. i ftt ttiA tkoxm IH1U UIV the Fine Cut is performed b, th. nimble fingers . . . . !.i...f,,i,.M And imxmram of "ffil T,. r tiVM. contrast to the OTSViw Mother department, of Ual. employment, ,;r , Beaolved to duhu up uUv --- r Bent ancces. rather than temporary profit he FIRST EDITION. : TELEGRAPHIC. ' . ' ' Oregon Election. WanitmoTos, June?."' , A Ssn FrancUco ili.yaua from Portlmsd, t"r- ffinj E?Y iffldttl returni' of tita late election from all hut three conntle, electing thaJTnliin uulitlaie for dorernorby Htltf iiiajoiity. The Vuiniiits also elected a majority of tlie - Latest fearket XtporU NtwVona, June 20. ' Cotton, at noon, weak. Paduaof ,l,OU0 bales middling at 87 to 89. Gold 11,54. ' Exchange 101 . Wool firmer at 84 to 84. A Congress.' . . WauniKaiuN, JuiteJo. The Senate postponed the regular otiler.'wulch was the District snffrsfre bill, and eugaj(ed in the consideration of tba Niagara Ship Canal bill. ooonclusion waa reached.'' ' The Houw was engaged on the Tariff bill, but mado little projreen. ' -'if -i'" i .:",- I KarkeU - 1 ' Nkw York, June 28. Five-twenties 103,. - Gold f I.SSi. ' ' ' Seven-thirties 10ai. . . :- - ,. Flour dull. Southern 10.10(S17. Wheat dull. Sales of 13,500 busliete Chica go Spring f 3,10. While Kentucky IA30. Ca nadian t.1,25. Corn declined 18 cents. . - Beef quiet. Pork flrai,' With sales of 9,A00 barrels at 31. 50431.D5. . " Whiskey dull, ' ' ' Cotton dull. Hales of 1,000 bales at 8789. Sugar quiet. . hpirita Turjientine dull at 80 SJ. ' 1 ,, : Eonon to Confederates. ; , ?, ' h .WaaiHUQTos, JuneM. Some time sen, the House passed a resolution calling on the President to furnish 'any In tor niation in his possession, whether officers of the Government have united, In Georgia and other Southern States, in bestowing honors on living or dead Coiilcderate. . , : All the heads of Departments have sent in eetmrate repliea, which are enclosed with the President's message, each of theiu saying, in effect, that they haro no k'liowledge ot such conduct, . . ., . ,. i , " , . -j better - t. , -Brevet Lieut, Col J. D. StUlbba, lata Assistant Quartermaster at h" nMmnted to th DOiUoa f Chief Q-- termaster of th. Dement t coi.M. Rwr:: head-Quarters are .n.tbiS City. B.vrvail-rWe learn, from tbe Wilmington that an interestinir revival U progress ing Intha Fifth Street M. E. Church, in that a .,mhof wessons hare professed re- llrfn: Rev. Messrn. Peeler and Burkhead are among the laboring ministry.. s , 1 1' C a.Haimiw' FaiiUW Cmmmui aayt tjt v mi nff man. named Brewer, from Raleigh, on Toesday night, tell from" th; window of 1 board house, 00 Hancock street, in Newbern, while in a state of somnambulism. Strange to not injured in the -teast, although he fclfn distince of aome twenty . ft The i .t.u i 4i. i r..n Af nnnrM.' aroused him, and he returnedto hkroora as if aotldng had hap pened, ' ' ' ' '. r ,it ht challenffes eompeiui , . i jt iAniiiMi ss he uses a SS I S bmo-ls of the Western n. Ind supplies himself with the costliest fla- lng.x3. d P9.f eryyet itivenU-d, he y,co"ndent!yf uiw ui, i , . m , Miitained. wherever Station no lea. farorabl. ha. been accorded hlSSnuO. ' , , i.;. .nr.. kis Srintcrest. rf .bU StaU, to ., of .venues Tor !! anu i r ----new .j;. ,a who sueods hi new brancues o w" Ji - - , ,WrT. money liberally among bis v ".-.r. good faun, aesire y ; r; i j verdict nfacojU(rnL BHVlite; Ttflsdl, ua- der"the judgment of a Confederate Murt liar. Miss Braddon's nelnoTia to s be entitled "What is this Mystl-ry (",. . , v , TlH'fe'were 434 deaths in New Tork-Wst week. In Brooklyn 94 dcat ha occurred, j - ,t ,i ... The bank presidenta of Ohio hava formed an Aeasociation for mutual ae'jusintsnca and the BuiiivaMui" g"vv .'""av-Tj, f - - . Judw Jones, forowrly Jadg W tha United Statea District Court at Montgomery, AittMaiun, k.. hiw, Indicted ior treason at that place, for ac ceptinir the office of judcre of the Confederate .A Ln,im l ha uma dnrintr the vwiii) wi - c war. - e They do "thing W a hurry In California, as witness the following programme of a "pleasant little affair" f San Juan Nevada stage robbed at S A. M. ot $3000 j reward offered at 7 A. M. ; i.i. .i,t aiI All tha mnnRV recovered at 8 D A1 . mi Inn nest at 8 P. M. : funeral of th. thieves at 8 P. M. vrt, aim a clue to much of the venom and falsehood that appear in his paper when he says. in a lata issue; --oinucr vnw o-i dissimulation his defence." , r W. welcome the news from Fortress Monroe, of the assignment of spacious and comfortable . t . (....uLnliw r,f f r nil Mrs. Jeffowon Davk By-and by.tbefaro. will bavo Urin(. ana tnea ne wm im What is tbe use-nf persisting in a cheat whereby nobody iscbested I lr. Davit Unottobetrit.t .ii ...nt. nnt ih Intent on expectation of convicting him then why is be loner . siibj aisted at tlte p'ublie -ost 1 Let us hsve an end of thesham.-Ae York -Tritons.. A good story is told of WigruHh'tH! t tha r H,. hi.ltin. fell into the vicinity of fSTrf i:, toldiers in Texas. BeiHg disiruised, he entered freely into conversatw With tbe soldiers of tbe gnard, and, In tha wuree of the conversation, asked what thay "'..T-i 7i.rf.u it the were to eatch him. "Oh. we would hang him certain,was the roj oW Ad voa would setvehlm- right "replied WiL'fall. "f f I should be with you. I have tio Sottthen. Mswfcjw, srtjKir?;' Cotton has declined two cents, Sale, ot 6011 bales of low middling at B335 centjs. ' Gold $l,50. . , , '-f Bank Sterling, 68, , ' New York Exchange, , cent premium. ' ... I CTIOM SALE. A Ilaive we m National Disease t H 0 WiHe, K?(. Prwiiti'-nl of WiimiiwlK Si WWta lUitmAil. j Aug. !, I 6 'J mm i It ktm-m lid th I r b eut lll,litii.M. ll.'Wf lliMwav b. it r-S m, ia Ana wvnra ultwimj. fitMm!lv fri-o tu-e.li.it in it ah a hmmiat f4lh IlKCaTlC fHA.S, a1 t0 m at U.m Iiaa tinn t-i a ear fa my (Aiuity ham Wmk raifiMMtUttiLh vmiuAiit urr-w, Atai'sc my ma Imimmm. tmMiy'.r tfttiijetf hwm eiawa nrar, Saa 1mmiiav4 S rai4 kiy llwtA. I mv4 iSm s aSriavahNtoi vxtii. awl mkf 1aurA la iwf krairfiniv tin. MhtMarv tiiltuii. ' KIHia AW MH ,C9 AAjr fl ot MS Vlte4 BUfttaS I AT t-l iitiAna. A4itn.i4, ; UKOROB W. MRMMvk t O . snv ai CKn rrocii i MUimiMS lDt OMIIL t thafiMlTXInr Of a ' I'll I-At StU- tenit Tha aAAMiurtAAA, wkot vs mnal . vntMablV tit AtMHIAPtt Att4 pATAtySA tll buATeln. IUU4 Km fo-0lA4 tba miA w Ai rmtirA aAltS aaI 1Ii, M lnHiM ta tara hu ai raivtliaAr IMIa. a4 euia ttia atoAt viraiaat aarAA ah a boa Mr u ul aia wnadarful and all asaitan Salva. TUma twa I mat AMirlua uttlia Ihwuj aia (at u(amAaii-it all iIia i!entv(i(t ihNifnima of tUa as. . kairaoniiuary raid liy Wi;ila filtaAai Kalv hava uhw4 Uva yet t ilia LuliUe ta Ilia tttttkoiixy l iha lae ealWI nHiin1iAn or ii tiara, ana upja ariiii-A aanplai aava au hum blind!? a pblA4l. Maorial l'Ua ara aaS a tha elAaatttAl am aaralluirvd by Ua aHiaa, aaa of a?tilia vrv bu tail laka aimim aa Aba,ttaia aaoity Utr awHUar. Uia o l f li.irf ml Pilla autUna ta plAiiallt WiwtiUiaaw feet srtlar. loaa Ilia woaisvb, neat aa apixHita, ajMt ra4a tha tpirita hhti aa4 banyauU t l,Ar at au tnvUm. and Suraaatioa la tba (win il wni'iiintloa. II Dia Hvar lAlfo l4. Ha fnaa KNia aia rawtoiad ; a U tba aatvaas tyalaia ia laabl it ta lt!Viiirai4 TbiA raat ottalily mabaa tli aiva. irtaaa viy iiiaIi' ft thAWAtilA rrf rfAlirata feaalwL Uir-vniaAanS afartiTiiiAaAaa ara litarallyaatiaeuwli l lh iii,M,ul"HAMl xr of Hak'aI a Harva. la la'l, It Is bur AnaHiaml tbat Maaatafa SSIIiaas. STAB-aitta a4 tllarrbra fllta vara w tiara all otliai.l.il. Wlitl lax Buras. HaUA.CIiillUiDA, Cuu aaiJ All Aliraaitiia of ilia tkia Kaasl'a Kataa it ia faltibla.- Hunt bvi. altAaitL, 41 iaiua Hvraat, Nnw V.nk.aad all Ih umii.tn. al 'Ji eta. M bm. ul4 br all ItraiMtAtA la ataAMga. ... ; yni 1 It. . MARKIT KIP 0ST ConmetTBD DAILY BV JORDAN WOMBLK ; a aocss, Jfo 8., Haiyttt Strttt. . ' r BEEF s.,.., IIIVm'TR tti BAOON.. .....,,. 18 Sc. V m Burncii. , 25tt3tc. y ib BiESWAX.,... 80c U Ih CANDLES 0OCCU3 V n COTTOX YAHX, r .... , . ' 8 9 V bale, CHEKSK., .'. SOolb CHICKENS ....A. .siirinif l.VViie acb lWalt.4- COHtf EOtlS fkesiipous'. KOOIlKU.,.,...,., FLOlilt-Suirnne.. Family.... HIDES Oreen Dry HAY ,. LARD WF.AL MULLETTS M At'KKRFTi. 1IERHIN0H...'., feik.... .... POTATOES Irish .. Sweet. BUG AH Crushed... llniwn.... MOLASSESr-J ItAOrt SODA Couking.... .. 111 1 . . l IUK.GS I)OI)l 5 ; - .liLiLUtHS, ..; lUl.HiH, N. C. II AVI.VQ tMintid ,ih nj Mr. W. J. Ill 'aft, sail rrbiUiii n tinr MarlnUA'n'iia, w aia i garr4 a en(rn-t tat ana lad ul wnk ia tha buiM.i.)t at ra Ainar Una. ' ' 1 w.hii kwn u4 Mtv:ss!-n Ft.tionnn, KATHHt illMUMSll NiiLI.IiIMIH nt ailticil bKAt a.MK.-'AMt JllJNUS.aaa UnOKit. tlKt.ra avlii ilad froua Uia wnwuUwt naaalrV fcaj-' any im tbim bimJ arrk. w a rt ura nr im-ara tl M la.iur Ii ahAV n"aAI.Hv."i'a ArtT'ftia brair-ljt iu.ui i4 b.iMuiiira, and raaeiiiBliy -i n a eiatiaiiAH(a of tl. aaiiia. n.VS aa W at SMrant, ta tha t-'aatral Biilroait L HO ii:tc tb ,..,.140 150 V biiah ..... im'inw "...illioalflolB fb ..too 23 y cwt 10 60 -Kbbl ..iit n oo r bbii lOb'V lb J.-kir lh .9 OJSS V cwt ... SOdUSo V lb . 1 40 150 V bush .. 14 00 V bl.l 20 00 W bol .lpf bMt T.T' Tl" s.i p 1 kf tntsn . . i oo-iao v buh 1 50 to S 50 f l t)uh .... ISO V bush, 8iVr lb 15 totlOc lb . ?5c, V gali 30 V lb l IT" Its roVct I. ninteuloitsl Ji IT Is as Aatiraly saw aeivalige lAftrrrt' wanhlalni maav Kia mutt rmwnrlui aad raatoiativa asrau ta Vtrl'tiU ti.jfU-ia. A li.va .ucli uuiia i.imia tn Ha marita, abiI are SS ara It will 4w all aa claiot 'or it tliat wa otTar ta t ,ooo m:wAi) ' If t a Klrlilaa Stair Maaaarar 4ia sot (ivAMltt laetbHi ia All iiaaaa wSaa aaad ia UiiH aaourtiaaoA aitb aar luAtratHiu&A. llAMia VeeetaWa Sicilian Hair Een.ver has wftirad ttaelf tn 'ja tlia miwt twirfrat uaparatiaa Mtlis Hair atat uiTnrad to tlia putihe. It la a vKiHable (iouipoaii4, anil aoataiaa aa talari' OA BropArUAA WllAtAVor. It Ia but a Uva. it alnkaA at tlia root and fills tba glaada with saw kfs aud eobrt( mattor. , Is will raatara tiro? It air ta Ita arlglaa) t-alar. ' ' ' - r -. -'' t...-,:,r, It will fce lb Hal fraaa ralliaf aat. II elaaaara Ik acalp aa aaaihaa laa Half Sail, laalraaa aaS allk.a. laa ailaa4i. Ilatr-Urraataa. No praia via or ymin. Alionld Ian to aaa It, aalkarlir. fir Ak for lUIl t VfatsWs AioilUa Hair BfOAW AT ted tA ooMltKr ' - , ' i-A- M, f. tSALI, at rrasrlalat ; ia.l.ua, N. U. fW HiM bv an nrrlta. Wlllla and e. V fMoud. Kateiirh , N . C, K.b. lft.IMi.An4 tfiVm. , ' It ta rooumiDestiaa and uiU by lbs ra !Ht4lcal IIajha at llajwoaa IIOK'E AMI UEIJAIILi: SATURDAY, JUNB 80, 1866. . avrtl. ntc nfH.n al Tnwlaa' Aaptli aodComalM, loa swora. (ntala ta eommnea at in o olaoa. I . a .nii.M.n. nf aooa H KM1UK15 a HOtJaK- noliU AKTICI-E. anntlMina. rmrt, ol ISuraau, Tahlta, Chairs, BedAtaadA, faatkar Vada, ataUnaaaA, IjOOAIlia; uia.a, aavfc . i i ira Cmkma atoA aad Astsrss aamulaU, aa ethar conkioK BWr.tiii. . . ,. , . 1 ir.L.t ni. ma iMAUraam rraAaar. I Bar I nod Hrown Sur. iu.saaaMIjt to suit famb lioi.and otltor tlrwotiaa. ' ...v A M uf Menabdlis to olnss coniiKnmeui. Taanad Hbaa Akiaa, - " ' aitviKw KlAdaA. t d Cnw Cat Saw Sad rtf-hat ffnaila. t r A June 28-St- JAM US M, TOWLEfl, . .. . - , Auctioneer. IVOTICK TO T1IU IIKHTtMlft iSf CKKDITOItS Of? PATRICK UkSHV t WINSTON DECEASED, LATE OF KALEIOII , J. ... ;-J- - --I - Alt Mraona liidabM sod thoas whs bava. eUims AAAiual tha lAta P. U. WiMt are rnaptAd te esli as tlia uAdArlKd fur aeltluieot or iutoint of tns aaniA with ia tlia tlraavrAorita4 by tUlaw Alsf aotljativAtit ta AnltoitAd. , ,f, . ,, l. rwiviii'i J,.i!l.al Admr, f a- si nnrttTKl tl."' . CLASSICAL A MATHEMATICAL BCnoOI OXFORD, KC. THK NEXT bKlOW at J. U ltomaia lA.lf al aad MaAhnnaiiiiAl tinh'wl will opaa tha lot Bay Aoirbat, laans't af tba saa. aionuay m ' firit annoanrnd. , , . Oifittd. N. 0.. June 80-dAw2w . . EALIIGSKOSET MAEKET. CORRECTED BY JOHN 0. WILLIAM 8 A ' CO., BROKERS, RALEIGH, N. 0. J ; - -;:. .'. v---. . .i. -: ; - :. . 4 t. ' . '' rWCBk 0 KORTH 0AEOLIWA BANK KOTS. ' ( Bank of North Carolina. . , ..(Gold 25) O. B. fi Cape Fear...... " Charlotte..., .....i. ........ , " Lexington atOmliaui.K.t.,t , " HuxUiniUH'1 i WadeslKirouh Thomasville ... 1 ' Wilmington I, Ouimeree . . , Waaliuitnon. Fayetteville..,.. (lurendoit. .p t ' Yanoeyville Miners' and i'lantero' Jlank Farmers' Hank, GreenslMinniilh. . . . . Commercial Biinki WUmlnton MerchanU' Hwik, NewU'rn. Oreeniiliorounh Mutual. Virginia Bank u, fti'oni . . v i . . South (krolina , " ....r.... Georgia .. . K Gold, -,' ! Silver. . '. . . ......'..... w ....... . Old Coupons...., north. Carolina iiaiiron. wuwua..... OldSUe.. Erfehanjje on New x ork tt . 17 . 17 . 13 . 80 . S . 85 . 1 . M 115 140 . 01 . ft MEDICINES, PAIVTS, Oils, KlultV, Kpiees, i; klrumciilA, ItruAlit s, IHetllrHl Mud. die Huns, rr - '..-.l..-."-1rf OW.Jlla Mat ' .; 'iv MliB IAtikl)olA73lAnicuAicl am d " TosauA beans, I N WHO LK V A 8 B 8, nd the most ropiilar Reracdic,t FOE ALL I1SEA5E3, EXTEESAL A5.D ISTERSAL AT PESCUD'S DRUG STORE. MAI.BIUH, ft. C. lt..ino d.ntriitii of tffiiil a eeHAtn Smnitrt af (IKr.KN HAI KU, ' MKMUtKSOIf I HK lONVKN- ION. V1HI lOlM.aad aU mj lilasaA ana aciioaib- tanoAA, wlm Ii taAnrtilA.adtiat pillAol stadl- elttAA. auU oliiar Alltolea ta uia i'HU Ll.n,m'n eoidiallv tnvild w eH or end Ia lhair kaHaora ama. aad aiakd an I Xt liAMih.. lua atatt aatiA- AJ'toty liidarauttiBt will ba t'tl-i'ttd. " HuavtAi AitAiiliiia i eAlii-d to tha fjil!iilmt praoara- tlooa and, All wlio ara t0fri. t tojr,1 or kmia? olIii-lAwi.l er tialuo In ini-, abonld Bt tail l Aaearaa lnli (if bis ITA Ml ID 1)1 ARKHKHA ! Utir. Wbirh ta rijnlel (hi HIm ia jtaai-a paw dt many lu llm euaiu.unily sa s ftjir for tliat s4 kindrail iitAw. ImAWi ' ierl a4 lkri AM tnrti 'A m AowI'imia Mi t. Allor a srat at e(M)ilinat. ua nan taevaroaa itiplaAtl'i;a l.ltTlOM, bliaiilMlluul Jiartt mi anioa la diaawliVlv1'J " aier, ami u w n n 'iw l"w ilum baa Buret failed to aora ww nHWl ilnlimt fiiria t Cami Jlck and Aoawur t'a (OaroaA dlaaaaaA frina A. llm tha amitida tUA rAr mat una or tua for Kowlna- 'y .ri A'urd. Siid tbal lia baa a lull p ply ol fink A rlialil. sraia '"ira riui i.-....,. v f ,t. HSWA ' a in. aa ..rrioor.d laaebar. nnalia4 . . i. .1.. ... Vnvli.h kraorhaA. IMim. ItualA OS J ba iaoA). fAlBima la oiiaaa ara a- """ . lav. loair s aKualina as t-aokort atthar a aabiw " aaliaAl ar Nfivat Iwolly. .far.ar. RALEIGH NATIONAL BANK JF NORTH , CAROLINA. HUVtaO KATSja B. ft A ,11'rl'Ha. Rank of Ci Fear '. :.. A.i i .i.,,i,i to. rvtiiiina' at the end of the rot aouua ii"' i - o . . i aa ii awi i to Tlia JvtJiU enttndr WAS. not Auopefteil, f Hw and Tits Wil was therefore lost, but it is worth 1 JuM I.IUliiniT now. v ' - I - rA Ulcgrsm from Mobile announce, that aii I gCIIOQL FU BOl Austrian olticer aa arriveu . , " tr. nodltions In tbe ABstrlai. ar- r. .-Confederates. It is thouBht that quit "V .i..:i ,u. Ituthorfordton, h. 0, number will avail themselve of the opport tty to plunge again into tbe eseiting scenes of nity war, A fashionable party lately arrived at Newp .it rith W pounrts oi ipspKtv TJ. TlaXtl T. - , FHINClPAt. ... . ., - , - , . , , , , , IlKV. T At. O. UACT, . Tl.. ef tla BcIkhh wtu pa i . t ...A . .Mh Jala INtdL .. v " y-i-r ;r tj .v. . k.iiaakAfavi n . t Erv aon ajiu oauMaw.yii-a.. - -f I v-anoers uii-, """' forColl.ArbuioAA. i ' I t.-n:liaiiU'. N' '""'n. tweeti rwesws. Tu..,s. --o.--.j- ' ManterV. Taroia aa .T'"" -.,' " " liu.u Uaab nrUtt. asaVaiM. IVKILU Van Him i . . t Uailotta. ....... Cmuwirce....... ( 'larnndnn Fayetteville.. tl .'. IexinitoB Korth Carolina RimlxtM. 1 'lioinaaville. ... , Wililoro. ...... vV'iltiiintrton , Waaliitilft""! Yaii'Kvville. . . Cmamercial tt ilinintf'1". perous. .. vi-. -Ava Corr-w Bi oou Tns i rtop ' . .,.' 2 .,, Mr. E M. JfJX31 VU'i"- ,. ita appearance oa ms P'H"7 j .k. h,u urinff remaraa i ""- , flTtian tba Curramooad"'A of tba Saw , V4 paid y respwrla to Gov. Holl -, and in Ul !' , t ... t i wiln lieua, rww hat whera na , haa : . .... t. . and in the Vire ana the facta ia connerHioa i L'..iiMn&a r, txirt. t Zl ced ss statitTK -tha Kreedmea's Bureau touTdCdd with -they s,uld have T1. .... .Lu.. .rkar-lfKiiio- the sentence. nroviaion hadl dratituU' n-fyT- I the refers made to him nPP" ' . iM..ruii remark embol- t negro ,Irtrin, -4 the po- UiatV all Tk IfAnae) AX mnMtB. K. I J! Tb. of this seooot win wg-a f '"'""7' Hilve . artiird A lliomukb iahh rer rrva, nir.r i... Vur.aliaraarii' ii'A'". 'io-.e 25 Iw KDWARD CANTWLL," . Otfi.nl. N. C: m;ti:ni:i. t s 11 f f s fio . '34 . ' . ., .ri.,1 tlus Other OSV tn,at '-.,,, ,1,. the Stamp - wd .t Hjajaj.w-.rjO .ajr led toaa intident narratintt the docility t4 ' Lil iHu.tr.tinc the Csct with "then 1 moj.! " ?.J .oiiiiff. Iiecause. like my & JWbe agriT aolH-Ua-my opinion !" l'fm.tters he' cn with n.e jesm, sod )bst i boulddoallover tie Bonih. h.vinft suJTiHent eluc.tion to """V Detidence ofthottsbt : snd yet it is . bett A LAKliB MjTM'CAU!, a!i ia.1m, eaafAtoVI oabU . Ant ... , . n UU.UI.'"" '' a v.., Jnn 23-tf ' Wholesale Grocers. roil ft .MX. niscr-r ; wune i" i r nJ tIwt th,y are ss tru-iing not i ith inile- er for ) as tney .. . . j. v.. ..4 R., io-t rWd. 1 I. ... v. --.-r rr-TJvUAAHQX.. i m i: 1861. weweut towaf tha -Stamp Act . v t ..o nwitlv murdered in C'ov- you can ua ao eago for 13- T ' .. are. v t CT nx-i;4 itrnniABl 14 Uarreli Lock 'Vhe Lafsff?e House in New York ba - A na ovuw -""' a ,uew. - . . . i'. ..........'' rth l'tilina t'oiilH'tlit, . . . NnriU Citrnlms Railroad Coupons... North Ciifo'iii 6 . " t-ou.ms "n. Sxcliaoxe on New York, . . 10 .14 ,1.W yira tin liutrk. I'rrrlt Ip it'P Irtrtd And otbAr 1 ara. a r P. F. I'tStJl D. June lllf . J Tha ai.liittiAd lAadafs biA WfceA to tba cum unity ai hoioA and at-fwid a. a iaeral biiin.i Axant H will au.od diMKffliiy to iha i'i AllrlAiaw, tha aotUlOA;. ABO i-loatrf ill an a. . . ... ... bnyins and anllm ol any Audaviy aj-uie nt p". r ta .r aoy ollmr bmaa IB Ibr4.ila 1.1 Wliwb t'll-A raaaotaiirtidjapam, rwkitlbraVb"l 11 lhair itrnAt to antiOKt t tlia Bini oil ol aa '"AA'tooliAiAtlarSnd uAlineat.oitA as l A.itliori.wf to rlr to . . : v , II. ill. 'I IIIIS FHAtilJ. . l,t.O. W. AKlKUfctAI, Piwudaut Hunk .luilli HA Ilalt igh, June 10 U bOTICB.-'-.. -.y;-- Theot.Arttliin of MUa at Wiliisnw tiavlBs; b..a diwolvad by aiotaai c.nwi.t , il.e ui.d-i mao aiva M..iAtoUiAdbl.Altl.A In la ia i And attio. fciiuar of tliAiawiil "va r'ipi " do al i4l.AraiHA BnAt for wifdiae osi .li a M..iia 1 ' . , ALHil.il WILLIAMS Ra!ii(i, Jaaa53w j Jtri I VKt KOSTIItnX KLC( K U E. ' OR. WILTIIMtlt-OI aV HAKUf.LT r A aulB-M-iit aopiiiy will b koj.l rs..attt', an hand to nal Ail deiruuiuA ol t.mi-i n. u. . KlblsLHM. ' ni ny 1 7 lm . - ; ; . rno ill tvuy.fi A - Auimii V oft iiiivr, .i i. i.iruiw iHi E t iiTof 31 aT, rarwailr ln.tltA M'. fatiS'iHftoa, ad opooatta tba law IHdAor"" ' h,'" H ? "",B,ort- .1,1. liWtl.t.lt and o!ba b.mA. and a iatva ,.K,.-tal.l. '"! ! '' Itivatu.a, r..M.Krtl tflV A innil- "I..' ,. . , - Wb.a ff-' 4 ' ' i W. WW ASS. i in Mi 1.1 t tiLS'i y M. . Tba fall HaAwbai win nteia tba tiiirfll WdocjAy a. Jufa AHA oeollftAA iM naqe, to wit : Julie 27-ot ' , 'I' .:i k. aa nuKlnia! a A PAA oa ao'auao ia aa Icrtitn na 4 butb arad."' SAb-rlw AjVAi.tAKea. iVreiioniArAeouKKiniig IT1" ,'r'r , ' JsasUIn ' v'':" 1 ' fly ouW of llAX "orl. ''" ", J 4 '"""" aiaaa fctt.a IJWuly l tBillA. ., BtO.oaaia luvl'.Ad lor builnmK a Br cn. iaw bonaa aiaara, ta fia town ol ll.:ii" , . f fiji, I ida waat aa r.i.v' e "- - , .')!! l ath'rtriAi I ii'.,ia a !" l-aadia a tl. vsiuft. AaKUAV injf, (Hltliaj ol urea m Ouini)iI.Hrtt, 1 ti cHABtot Wt ha Sip f thaoi.i lwtAry hniAi.l. yanla of ll.a l;o!l-niw-. in. . " "' Ad.ir-. the Bol-w'Std. b.l.jr Iba. I.ah.oi . f J" o lwii. -r K1CH I It. 8NITII. tr,Ba ol ma Coatt. ri i i: is ti.i iiii (jutoii - It 1 1 ly UO.tU tIlM. x ltAtkiuil, N. C, Jane 6, IbCS Tb- A'laaai 1!rtlil-rf ibr Stook H'-'dAra otllil l'. ray w,.i na b.l t , it.a'V.!i .. t fia topaay, aa ikarsday ilk July, l-M. at II VAKO,' A Jua 13 d Trvas, A Sec'y.

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