'.THE SENTINEL. 3 VS. E. FILL, Proprietor. gPECIAL NOTICE. ( - MR. U 11. K ELLOISQ, bav'ng iwtfred fr.,p par grm, th. oIimib i hree,ftr be eoudarted ( the name of E VT A MO WHIlBft t. We kereny tender onr thanka .to the Citi- ronage, . . . EELLOGU WHEEZES CO., DEESSGOODS, CALICOES, &c.i TS bavejan opened a entire HEW HfOCK, em bracing GBEXAWSE MU8LIKS, GINGHAMS Ate -AL8C- r 3000 Yards Calicoes Latest file , ' . - t . . ' ' i will of wtaW'Ii will be oId, -henp Call early and secure Bargains, EDWARD WHEELER & CO., i may 83-8m ; WK, H.PETEHS. WAHOK. fciCED. KOUFOLK, MAV lit, 1S0. n.. K,l.,.-'ny1 h.va takaa an OfTifm. Ka.itfCom . . wit Nurfolk. aed will haraaftar detota thamaalrui 10 t)) 1 GEKEBAI, COMKlSSIOar. gHIPPUTG, FOaWAEDIKO Eusnsrisa. ' Wa roUie our .panifiaa WrlflOa anflWbrfoa Wamr htrrat, PortunoutU, for th W-mjia o( atur ehandnaand Probata t all kid. Wa liar eoa BKtuia F'tb th tahoard R"id to tha , f r Wbatr, ihrelir a ata anablnd to taoatra and da H f nidaoa fra of rHrg 1or drarafr. ' Cjnie, f Marohaadtaa of , all kiada. and Va(, m well M ofdura lor Cotton, tava, Naval Storm, and etbar nrodueta, rmMlr aoJIntad. IJTHS & JIEKIX WE REEEB TO FKARKH, TKEVHrtrVT . (Jo., Llvm-pool. Bl'LIH'K ai Kt)HfcHTHlS. Ltaarpuol. WILKINSON, tV(IOf) at Co,, 111. fax, K. U. JMJWI.KV, C) NKB and Co , Ka Vor. IlAKHKI.Iy and NAhlf. Nn fork. JtW. VHtS!)rr and WIN, Portland, Ifaloa, KOWI1 K HfrKlZand Co Kavanuah. ' h. Af. MK'tRITT Saw Vrloam. - 1A AC K. 1 1 H NTZ aad Cw., Charlaato. JtlUS WA.Hi.t. Aairocta, Oa. i HAMUKI. HAHKI C'liartrtrw;, O.a. r S-tLUAM. JuAtS ami Co. June 0-8 J C E CREAM 11AEE, 1 ' .- jt - - XV THE REAR OP FEANKXIN'8 COS' , PECTIOSEBT XSTAELISHMEKT. Tha nlmmbar hat Sttad as aiea Hall, tut Ladiaa aoJ Oantlowanj, wbera the caa ba aupplieJ with ICE CIIKAM, CAKES, ICED LEMONADE ICED 60I5A WATER, A. FamilM ho doairc K'N f KKAH by Ilia quart ertilia will ba Uiiiua, i! aiiuii notioa w givea. t retuHBbi truta. t. t. rrxTni:ss. Ualniidi.H. C.Jloaaw WHoliinKton IItrltt Third Honnd, Riaaaoka Clrouit, 'i'a-bwro, ' Williamitnt) ' Waiiiiiirtoa) . I'1ynuuth "v M(Utunikott !Nia ' Kb?Uia , " , ; ttrauviiia . Ilrlld.lDUB ' At inith'a, ,. Jan Inrhuro, July Willian a Cbapai " Wulnnua . " llvmi)utlf " Via Kiold road Craak . " Hhama An(. ToUx " Tiuy' Chpt 7, 14, It, Id, I'J US, 4. II, I'.' IH, in n arran Miaoyurova as, 3 1 ho Kntrnrlwi will dIsmi runv Mr addtBM ia Kittialha hi)nii(t N. 0. vtL iiOtittEJf.P. K. Jaiutifflw. OR St EE. Th larga and Cvinniodiuua 8ttila, known aa KUAE'd IiyEBY & SALE STABLES. ' Tba uudflrfritttid ofTitra for aftla ttia abnva Slablaa, rootainmir 9 Malta. Camaaa llou.a ltintl mat. ; Woilmvf water, t Hlina larga liar lolt and Cora Jtnotfia wiltt loar"Bti lHt, all vuder kk0 aociwura Any na wiiltiir to fiif"Hta la tlia abova bu.irwM, will find tlu. a tara oppori umty, it belnif oa of tha bmt c.l'l 'r l.iverv r la r Htwa lu nnrtn Ca-a- lma. Will ba aold a bareala, if nittt'iloa b mail. mmatuiitwir, my tiait bmug aaoii aa to raauor m unbla to tva tba rquirod altiMniR. AH th Siui-K aa4 VakiolM will l aold wiut or Willi out tba MaIiUm. 11. II. K0WE, Tarlxwo', N. C. June SOxlSw F on SALE. fii.nl U ut tba C faar Bank. 1 la dwel'.iiijt baa ruiinia, Ifa plana la em-tl, a Kumiea who a romt, and aa Ollif a oa tha No? lb Kaat Ceravr, with Una .turaa. ' , f fix Balance 13 and JOmimthn, I'VLLUM, JOSE9 A CO. June 27-lf F OR iI,E. . r-T.iliK Hol'SK. Pweilii lii'tf llouaa aoJ kit ta CittJfcV;!4, hrttatld JtM'k Apj.ly to MMMAIIO!, n ALE ACAU1MIY, YvAKIiENTON, N; C. JS0. E. DT7CGES, A. H Principal . Pall Sessiorf will hegik Monday . July 16th, 18C0. TEKMS. riaanioa Ilif bar Matfiamatiua ' $i:,.m Knrlixh llraar.baa . ,"v VuW forfv btx.l Koom S,M limtid turludia waoiiu.ir. lVIi Ite , par mf nth l; 4 1 Ua nlii'va t-hanrw ara in srld payaoia iiali la dr " baianca ! (lvol ilautoa. . .yiUialSia , J. B. IICKT Granville Co., N. C E. II. HUNTER. : WITH COXIXT. Hl'NTElt, General CommMoa Merchants Ha, M Hia ,, riramaiki V-. We ara located at the lermlnua of the ha board A Roenua. H, K.. WUara weAre at alt Hbm i reedi bm to r. iiv. eouii; amenta of Produce, hi etcnae .-..4r Uti order, and forward eoode 7 Liberalatf viacee aiade oh aobeiguUrtriiCA. ' tbotgee ov-derate. (jLhrtxit ehipmeoUmade Ui Liverpool or eey Eoropeaa to ! W. LAMiteriPreeidei.. a' K.J. fi AiUeruJiiijaiii.JJiBL 1L A OvK. CpMwai4 W. E. ell, llililo BcnUoei. ' . April4-3re JEST RECEIVED! AT NO. 41. FAIETTiyiLLE STREET. Plain an P!ta4 Ceateri, ' . Painted aid Ornamented Toilette Bate, Kir. Proof Tea vm, . llandeome Tea Traye, J. BROWN, . - - WitU Hart A Lbwm. Rnkttjh April 3S-tf gODAWATEKl SODA WATEIil ! A FAMOtJM FOUNTAIN Ta fall aparallaa at WM. SIMPSON'S, Fayetteville Bt, April 90-tf ' OSBOSNE k BAEBJX6EB, ATTORNEYS AT tiW April 27-tl0t-w2ni l.aiK )A1.K. Kbub Cotton, at rtod ritaa, Nh t 14. V PUtXIAM, J0NE8 A CO. May 8-tf - ' , - ' ' KORTII CAROLINA U. R. COM ENUlMBItH & BUPEKISTEHDMT'i QHTICK, Cohpast Suopa, June 7, 1808. , chajtox op Tmx . raaa4 aftr J una UHh, 1864, Tralna iB raa m M (oa:r - GOI WEST. Mill, TnaM. liaava 0llboro' " B)ttit(k Uillauuro' ('',"(!nanbora Halinburr 3,45 6,if8 " 7,40 " 10 10 ' l'J.35 a, . , Amvaat Cbarlotla I'tnoaT as AocoHMODaTioa. Laava Ooldaboru' iliibburo' " - Oraanabont' HalKbtiry Ajrlra at Cbarlotta I2.W1 r K. 4 . Ml a . 8,27 " l,Wr. , 6. " ,l0 "atlkHS'alili? Leava CbarUta Kali.burr M CJreautwro' Ilillabora' " Ka.eiKb Arriva at Ooidaboro' t Vaiioar ab Laara Chariot " Hitlubary n ' (Ireanafboro . " IlitUbunt' Kalili Arriva at Ooldnboro' , 11.15 . a. l.iMa.a. , ' 4,19 " ' 6 .it " 8,t 11,80 ' AoooaMoDATioN a. a. ,.'4 " " l.lOr. a. 5,'J5 .45 h 3.15 a., Mall Tram coonacta at Rltgh with Kaloieh (ifwlaa Tram, for tha Vortk. At tioldaboro' with Wilnmirlou Waldoo. and Allantio 4t M. C. Trainai Aoooainiodathia Train ram daijjr. iRwdaya axorpt. aoj ooaaaotiafr' witD vrumiaKioa m waidua irama, Tliara la ao HuadaT Train amiia; Hort h from Waldoa to Vortauouth i paaMmirar arnyiug at Waldoa oa that day eaa to isimadiaUly tnroaga na t'atmraburg and X. WILKES, June 3 Eng. 4a aap't yORTII Ad DAMEJL, YIOIINGTON.N.C. 0ESTEBAL COKMISSIOH ft SHXPPIffd UEBCBASTSt Ajtcnls Tor Coodspecd 4 Plcrson'g JNfKW YOKK STEADISIIir ElXES, (SAILING WEEKLY,) AND JOX AS SMITITS USE OF SAlIr V IXG TESSELSt GOODS, thlppad br tha abova Kbm, oaaifroad to Aaot (KW,W, It, B., ana W. aV M. K. K , wiU bofinwardod, firaaot abara for Coninlarinaja.' Dia pM:h aad kwaat rataa gawaatacd ta aU aaaaa. -A L S O AGENTS FOB CAPS FEAR LINK Of BIYEB BTKAMF.K3. New aids whael I row glatnr, GOT, WOETB " 8ter " , A. P. BCBT. Wilraingtaii.'Mfty Jt-lm gEEJCtT ECEISII CLASSICAL tCIIOOL. . . 5 MELVILLE, ALAMAXCK Co, Jf. C, . 5 Kilei Wert of KebueirUla, ea the V. CI Sail Road, ' rimcirAiii1 '(- f . BEV. At F. Wtftos D. T, JuiiJi Wlt,"-U.V, Jr., . 0. (lurinariy ol Milioo, H.C-) Th3lt, 8iHnf tbif lailitutioa will tiiamuu oa 1 hnradajF, July HHab , and mtioua wcaka. ur tlioa who may wit mh tu Mndy tba AameM lAaa'aaraa, faeililiM will tw affWdd vr ubtammc a IhitruHKh aad prariieal Kntrbh Jtdanalwa. for ai. enlarc, cotaiiiitit full informalloB, apply to aithar of u fn?iaia. v - ; - . Wilmltiertoa nmal, Kawbcra Coaiaaareial akd nid Kwih S'aia. tWwbary, enpy oaa moath aad ml tail to Pimaiiiaia. QOUKSUORO I CHAEE COLLEGE. Tba FALL 8BNMO.V will h-t u a Muaday, tba th of Auffiut, and continua 2M wawka. Hrd tt per wak ia mrnewy. Tnitiott fiom I3 to tf. Exiraa aqnally moderaia, fnnlrwuua thnroayh. OuvaroniMit mid and paraaial. Fur faniiar wforwa tiaa addraaa -, i KEV. H. MILTON FROST. A M, Gfid.buro, Juaa 47 Sw" B. W. CoxAirr, Portsmouth, Va.,' TIN WARE I At Ho. 44, Fayetteville Street WE have w band a tor- rWk af ITS W ABE, of ear owe menataoUire, for eewhnleeel and I retail. With tLutT A Lawu. Raleigh, May 15-tf 7 J I'MT RECEIVED. 7 T, Laguayra end Rio Cojfaa, DAVIS A JONES. May lS-tf )IPrKK,lHOl'ln AVOBAII. pla, Oinger.Hoda, ' May Uf 1C8T RECEIVED. . s Salphar, Copperaa, Extract f Iewood and Indigo. DAVIS & JONES. Mayiati THE PRACTICAL BI SIXES.H COI LEGE FOR VOIXG MCV C0BNEB Of BALT1MOBE AKD C11AKLEB bT&, . Baltimore, Mo, Tina Inntitulina waa rairulilrly aharterad in I8"4, and la now tlia laatl (Iibk Bo.iaiiM Colbtee of the oonutry Kary ' youna fniut dexiroua m oblaiii a tlioroaKB PHACTI. ALBUhINK8 K L'CATIOM in tba abort eat reaiaaablg time and at the Iraat pnaMble etpeona, liouid take a Mioroaifft twin of rraetieal Iiwtrae tiua at tbu lo.lLlntBW. Kw temte of tutlinn and foil artloulara, write lor ou IfK" Iilnatratxd tndufie oarnat, whkh will b tunl by retura mail, free l pnarxa with inauiitin nt our iliriMitlr EuKiayed Bank tlotaa axed on tti I'racticul UfpHitmentnl tha Collern. rtddraaK K. LOrtlEtt. 1'iimiiml, Itnllt- xaoraald. Junehn 1 1 ERM1TAGE M KSEHIKS. ALLAN &" JOHNSON. NDBflERYMES, BEKIiaMEX AND FLORISTS A. O. Baa 431, ftlcfeanawd Vs., FBUIT AKD 0RHAMEJTTAL TREES, - EferarecMi, Bowt und Flower, Garden, riii.u a.o pi.owkr mkEd WH0LK"ALE AIDBBTAIt. Drdara for Treea. for Fall Blantin, ahnnld ba eent nxin, to liuBta their delivery i a proper time. Catabxuee fturBiabed apoo applicaiioa, - Jaaa 7 3m TTILIHROnOIOH CAI-llllrl AND J.A. : TR.1rKT4TIfl war n. v. Tha abnnal Meeting of tba Htockoolden f tha Uillalmrftuilh Coal Miainjt and TraneportatioB tjm ..f wnh 'r.,lmi' will ba held at their effiea, W Beaver St.. New York, oa the rt TaUy of July next, foralatitioB ef Director., and other impor taat bawnaea. A general attaadamiw of tba Stokboldra If eariieat T1tfWlrriiiiYllar5!3 rNaw Ymk. jvoo 4 lawSt vv HO WANTS A PIANO f SEVERAL Patron, of the Conoord Female CciilPjre hare rqae.ted my aid In aetiBruig good PIANOS for their ana. Tlii. ha induo-d me to make arraaita oiesta with totna of tha bwt nanufaetorera. wlitch en able xaa to fnrn!h imtrnmeuu of tha Jirtt rfojiat ra dwead prieaa. I aaa aava aaoh parohaeer from $V to IHHI. Price liata ol the naaafauturera will ba teat to thoea who deeire thewi, to aid them ia makivf wleo bona, i - Whea aeleetlana akall have beea made tha money oaa ba eent ta me, at nay expeeaa, by tlia Movtbera Kxpreaa, and Piano will be ahipped to the Depot the parahaaer may deaiKBata. Each Piano aold will ba fully warranted. Addraea ma a Wateaville, N. V J. M. M. CALDWELL. April 27-laweui, iTJ ENEINE JWRIIAM SMOKING " TOUACCO. Tba adarajraad ia tha note proprietor of tha above earned ertiele, being the auooeaaor of tha origiual wannfaoturar. . .' Maying obtained letter, pntent for aaid artiele, ba hereby waroa ail peraona again! maBafaoturing or euamptioc to nanuiantBra anut article.. " All vendera of tha "Uenoine Durham Smoking To- baooo," Bii.l obtain it from ma directly or fruu my aiuliorUed a'genta, , , The following ara my eola anlhorlaed Agent, at pre.eni,. vmera win oa aooeur Walkei, Farrar it Co., Nawbera i North ron It Cum ninga, Wilmiagtoai H. D. Teal, Tarborot Atliton A BinariHiB, Porumouth, Va.; Adnlph llcrry, 17V Went Pratt rH.Haltimoiet Maroh, Price A Co., 91 Water or , new lora. i. R OREEN. Durhaan, Orange Co., X. C June 15 am , ' QONrECTIONARlES ' ' WTlUTTmt', - fdEOAIlS I TOU ACCO I aw:Me simpson rhveUaville Blneet. Raleieh. I. alwav. annnlied wirn r k asii v ah uik, HI ITS. HUTS, NOTION S. p.H Aits, IXIbACCO. Aa . Ao.. which ha invitee tha Eablie to eall aadshmk at. avei if they doa't want to ay. . . P. B. Tha aDarkliha-80DA FOUNT A IS Uii. riant play. ' , JjAW"OPARTNFRSIIIP. riHLLXPts JSc I1AXTX.E. Altornefs At Law ' ' BALEIOH, W.C. ' ,V 8. P. PaiLura. Chapel UiLK.C June Ha - ' . a. ' .- ' ' R It. Burnt. J. Raleigh, K. V gnOKING TOBACCO. ' IN 8TOR S ima) Bwaada food ftaiuhlM-'r.Au.A. h. Baga aad Barrela, . Alao antuall, Ixd i of Ina Chewing Tobacco, half Box-a. , ., , ' . JAMES 1L T0WLE3, JaneS7-3t 1 N - Agent. BINGHAM ffCHOOL, MEBANESV1LLE.KC. A New Tern will hik aa the Silh of Jaly Kit. For the aocomniodalioa of youne nee .hsiuM take a alauioal oooree, an Enelwh and Cimoieieial Department baa aea ergaaiied Addrern v COL. WM lilXfillAM, . , Mebaoeeviile, N. C. 1 Jaaa 141m gTRAW, STRAW, STRAW. . WASTED. Tea thwuand soanda pl. wi, . Straw, . : . . m B. P. WILLIAHSOir A CO. KaJaigb, June 57-tf .. r -i OEXEflCAL BERILT , . LffJfJirSUBASCBi W THE JETS A INOTICB. ,. iDMISIbTBATOB O" THE aatata ef tha J."jL-? Fr -? WJh,afoS5 "lb": Uaaaral Agent at preaaat hu policy for j.OUO 1 Ua .y - ia hand, rUd, U b. paido. lj:,K0W( Jaatit.$m . , '. Ajaot. FACTS WORTH REMEMBERING. JEXITA ILTE ISSTJBJJSCE CO., OK HARTFORD, . Income for tne Tear Ending Marcal8G8. Over atw.wv. AKD rLICIB Ifl88 IMK"' Waf H. CROW, 0aT Agent for tba Stale of Krth Carolina. a . OFFICE IS RALEIGH, mr lA. -B .V. nnal Aunu b,ua viii-k IarllrliMitlnff, Life, EndowJvpa, and Term I'ollcle Iaued. A Praminua mav ba paid half Cah and half S.da with 6 par oent tnterart in advance. Atlloaaea pramptly paid, Mr. J art a. Kin-jr da aead iiu May Poluiy i-jiKKi-Moiwy aout to Oan L AKt., 13 Jane. . JUO lzw. , . JJALTIMORE AND- WILMINGTON STEAMSHIP LINE!! A. 4t'9i1"l"ft''- Weekly Liu of Steameri to Baltimore ! . cosjrecTrso with stealers xo HTM, Kmi,K, - . .... HIcnnMQ,aVc. The A 1 6temliip KNIGHT I AND JAMES A. GARY I Theaa Steamer will I ve WilmtngUa and BalU more alttrnetelr every HATUKUAI, tniii running Wl'k KI.V I. IKE. Oonda ftwwarded from Balthnora wlthtmt extra horV eight or paaeage having' asp, tor State room accommodation., apply to . , ATKINSON A iSIIEI'PEBSOJf, 11 Nortu Weter Street. Wilmington, April 83-8m A C) ARID rannm mrnsrRrttlR MAT BE FOUND WITS Hart A Lawla, Wo. 44 Fayettevllla 8'iaat Be re. paetfullr Invttei hta aid eaatoaiara. aaa tna p"'"i .rt.et r hardware, cut. LERY and H0B8B FURNWHISO 800D8 ow la No. 41. FAYETTEVILLE STREET, RALEIGH, AI. C. . SPRING TRADE 18GG IABGE ADDITIONS TO OUR STOCK ...... ... OF Miscellaneous Hardware. "WOOD WARE. CROCKERY, GLASS A CHINA WARE, HOLLOW WARE, TIN WARE. SWEDES & AMERICAN IRON, STEEL, " A COHHANDIK44 BfOCK OP Bt'tSut W A - , , , VBRIAI.M. v. j,ri,j p LAMPS, LANTERNS, . LAMP WICK 8 & CHIMNEYS, , ,. KEROSENE OIL. . , WHITE LEAD & OTHER PAINTS, SPIRITS TLKI'ENTUiE, LINSEED OIL, WINDOW GLASS FROM 8 x 10 to ?0 x 86, PUTTY. J JANEXTEN3IVE STOCK OF BUILDERS JHAlt-lUALS, - v LOCKS A NAILS, . .. - - , FAMILY GROCERIES. & N HOUSR FURN1BH1NO GOODS, TWENTY CWE.1N1 BTOVKS OF VAlU - OL'8 APPROVED PATTERNS, - PLATED KNIVES, . - . . j . PORKS, TEA & DINNER SPOONS, . CM and examine our ptock, J. BROWN, WitU MART A LEWIS, . Raleigh, April 9-204-3(0. ., . IjOR BALE, i ( , Very Bra Flour, diflereat Bmnde. PULLIAM, JONES A CO. , . , JonlI-tf . , . F THE STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA Tha OeBeral Anaaal Meetine of th Htnckhnldei. nf mi. uoa win ne Beia m tue first lHday n July exiai ineir oaaxing rioaaa in uie .ttr ol Kxieign -ttr C. DEWEY, Raleigh, Jane 11 Suwtd Pmgreee pleaee copy. ' Ak, QXPORD VEnAa.ErOI.l-aTCiB. 1 ', Tha 31 at, Sawion will open on Moadar tha ltt.li nf July 1106. Thi. achont, loca.ed in the tnidt oft aactfoa of country aoted for health and plenty, funnelling tnorouKe ... exienueu inaixncuoa in ina vanooa Be partmenta, and aaadiRirB lit awainwnta for vue oeee. otfera auaaaal abuiaatte advaataMi ai mr. vm. aosabla rates. ; ' - r . , ' " J. If . KILLS, Jane 14-Sw !xiord, K. C, OFFICE KORtHCARU!fAKlLOAr CO - . VOMFaT aor. June II, 1. f , The 8iretenth anneal meetlcrof the Block holder. af rha Berth Carolina Kail Hoad Coiepatiy will ba held ia ina towa oi ttiiieoorougli, o 'Jliaradny tha i-'lb day of Jaly next. Stockholder who cannot attend 1b nerana il'r,!... end their praiiee. ... A. SrAOO, Secretary. jBly5-t4 i t k , JJJOKEIIEAO CITY HOISE. ncxsnAW ronMiKMio. Ann flHirrixt n k u fi ' MORniEADcrrr.jf.c Continue tha Coamie.hva and SliinDiii? and For. warding of f'ottoa aed at her Prod or a and fj.wi. i or from oar Northers Ctee. Regalar eteameri toNew York. Pmmpt atleotioa eiven, i' , Mav 9.3m ' . p. watrr, -1 eeoaea w. aiu., w. wnra WH1TF6ED, DILL i CO,, 4 ' Euffiij, EecwVuig, Faaidk Wi' ' cenxaal. covHtMioi . MEE O S, KEWEERN,K.O. v Farioaal.altaatioa paid to the Mia of Produce. " ' AGENTS FOB "' ' ltf '"" ' ' ' HURRAY'S IT. C. STEAMSHIP LIHES - BMTWSXXXXWSKBXAKXr jOBK, : 1 ' '.' General Veertl Agenta. , ,'t HoremVer It 8-ly. U nderwritcrs Agency CASH AHITI, Three Million Dollar. " ' ' lawja PaOdaiaf " ' ' Fi and Marine Iksubamcs Maaa frakte b OaU Canwaay, , WegotUUe aad Baakaaa ClRTTFICATEl 01 lifltHLAirCl Area-JBAWtaa " loan a. wijluams Co., Aiut. Rai.iL, N..C., Not, 16. Bfl-tt JJelLWAINE As CO., WHOLESALE UllUiic, ; . . AJi ' COMMISSION . MERCHANTS Iko. 79, tl and 83 Sywmoro Street : PETEBBBU1WLYA. ?; Th. anh-criber. re.partfi.lly offer thetf wrvicea to ,.' u . xouTH and ROCTIl, and to tna run TEKhrf vflWlSlA-M K0RTU CABOLWA. i.the r Mvifi rwmrm - Gliu GRAIN, AC. Thevtrnrt by atrt pereoBal atteio uU boat, aai :fldaJ to their ear, to aeoara a eoal inuance o MaaSdaaW . l.lr.,Wtwl . th. late firm ol McILWAINE, BO - of which oar eenior waa aolong a member. ,. MclLWAINK At CO. Rob, n MdiwAUta, Eas Porva. a a RuiimiHi. Mr. EDWARD GRAHAM, ot the late rma of Moll, wain. Graham and HamiiltoB Oraham, ea be . .bare ka wlU be plaaead t aaa b frpetar.brg, Fab, KsU'-. ovrir. ,. aorriTv, josa a'aABBia A. A, MOFFITT. BRO. Ac CO., , . General Commiasion Kerchanti, No. 4 fiouth Water Street, ' , Wilmintrton. V. C, SirlLL give prompt Peraoaal attenihiB to tha .rale V wahipmeot of Cott., Naval Ht-ye;, OeneraJ iu. aA. An. Al.oto receiving and fotwardiag gooda. Jan. 27. m Hih DOWD eV JOHNSTON, ' ATTtaKKTI AT CAW, VHASLOTl.E, K.C. . fiaviUK BmmTiNeu ,i,wiiiHvr .ill .inv tic ia thetiOBrte af Beoklenhnrg, Irefloli, Catawba, Devideoa, Rowan. Vabarrna and Union, and ta tb federal and supreme loiinn. Claim. coHented any wherein the Stat. ": ' Mar 30-l! tf. x- ; ' IjlOat BALK-.'- 'fV,l,, ' f J. ' , ' 1 M l.y, y . An xer.tltMortmentof (Tata Rhone and Beoia, wniia wo wiucKiee not very low to Meronan'a ri'LLIAM. JONES A CO. -. May ft-tf : FreU Beat CnrolUm Rl-e. ' -' OA CAKES prim quality, ju.t received ax 8choo ar C. E. Page from CharleetoB for aale by U. U. PAISLEY & CO.. - Wilmisgtoa, N. C. ' March 13 181. !- ' " . i, . ,.- , v., h, j. nno and Adamantine Caadlea, t , Pear' Harcb. , " ' ' ., .DAVIS ft JONES. May 13 tf . OTICE. Omft or tbi A. ab K. C. R. 8. C xriKr 1 1 JiwaB,iBX, 18o6. "f: The Annual Meetisr rf the ktu.khr.M.n..r .t.. . lanlic aad North Caroline Railroad Company will be June 5 til ,, , pTMidetit A. A: W. C, U. H Co. RALEIGH AND GASTON R. It. CO., CENERAt, StTKHISTERDKS-r'g OPFtrK ' ) lUTA-uur, N. C:, June t IMA ' f 5 1 . CHANGE CP TDtE, . ;. '. ' " Ob aaid after TburniUy Jaw 71Mdi. .-A. Trains will Bun, aa PoUowt on the ' BA1EIGH:& GAST03T BAIL ROAD- Mail Traia going Forth leave Releitrh 8 15 A !H " " " , " arttve etWoldua, l.fKI p. m! ' r' Hoots irava Weld,, II. mi A M arnvo at Kaleiga, 4 KI P. M. -Worth leave RaJe'rtu fi.i0 A M " arrive at Weirloo, 5.tH) P M 1 Sonth leave Weidoa, 4 l.l A M v ; aniva at Ruleisrh, 3 15 P If ALBEU JOHNSON, - GeoL BupC Freight Jane 1 3at ' V'"' "'T"WW'?SX r CRNBULU KIACH AXD mm. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, w-. loaiiiKiiLxni CettoQ Yarn, ; Eheetingt and Omaburet.' Wool and Woolen Gooda. ' ... niriRaKcia i ChaaP Mallet. P..r. " : H!hM B Hnllett, E))., ; fOo W William. A Co., I deeae II Liudeay, k. '- Jaea tfhMto, kin., , Chapel Bin. FayetteviHe. Fayettevrlla. J reon. horn. breeaebora, Thome 11 Tata, .tq.,. . Cbarlotta, K. MK-kie,Ei., Cai.ior VJaing ' Bank, Baltimore. October g 48 ly, f , ' v . ' TOABD.TlEOtMEti & 'tO'Tr- WHOLESALE TOUACCO HOUSE ' ; . - f..r .AKD-- ' . .wf ,' OENERAL ," ' . CmmisNin IMerchanls: y . v. ATIJkJITA, UA. i , Quick SuU$ an& Prompt Jletitrm tntuh. ' When daalrud a. nareful niaw anger will areemplt. kipmenta over the broken .ectloi.K of the Railroad. 11. O. WIAH!. Howaw Bill,. C. H. L. W ILSON Olin, N, C. J. f. FOAKU. Newhwn, N. C. JO M't'OS'AlJGUEY,fc.librT, C. March 13, 181, 3ua PUTS B MAM.KtT. JALLGTU HOFFMAN. CIKKHAI. OH'SIWH N nERCBANTa, Ho, 23 ffl, Water St. - W ll.iTtlTOr, K.O. April 8-199 6m ... ORBAICI 7 mj , 1 't.lhKI Bamile,'lilt- Flint" Corn, . ; .tH . tf. C. Cat tlortmg. . . . ' Fauuly k do. 1 (Kliir.Ah.UHU., 10,(100 pi,Biid N. C. cured Bat. . -i Apply to, . . M. Mctf AHOW, - way SO If HulifM, N. C. . QOTT'ON GINS, MANtTACTURED BY U. I.CIIOAW,BROWff aVCO, Wi - ! - . COLCMBTJe, A. . f WE bavo received tlia niHnulitotureol.Cottoa Qim in tbia city, and will be prepared U fill ordera by let June avxl, Aa we ehall not be, aa heretofore, repre sented by traveling agnate, parttra wmhing oorbiM,. wiU coaler a tnvor by .ending in their ordera at aa ' early day. .Aa owing to tha demand, we .hall he able to aeep a atfKik ia the hand of onr kHal agenta, a. it waa onr practice before tha war. All hsiiM . t rami action it being now reduced to rata, oar aale, will be made en tha beak of rauo' v say. Our Gun ara too well known to require any upeciel notice or couiniendalioa wa believe they are. unit vai led in the ehirf point (if eicelltm-e which go to imi.e Bp aenponor mambiaa, namely i tiptrd fig iitnin and revd ItrmpJr. Our DOLiiLE CYLO'DER 01X8 will be found uperinr to the single cylinder', wbrn parliix have tiin.li or good water power, to give them the nece aary apeed. loalt OHei when tine oaa be done, we reuummend then ia preb.ree to the aiogle cylinder. It, 1 owe ver, indifferent or tmmjfrnr! power u arrd, they will not do a. well a lie eiirulo Om Meaera. DaUOBSET A CO., Wi init-'lon, X. C, are onr general agenta for th Hleteof North Carolma. W, O LKkOEB. BROWS A tU "i .lam ban, tiiCApiil 114 'otj.- -' Wa will give priwnpt attttntton to order, for the above eelebrated Clin, from any part of live Mtttte. The price ui nve aollare f per nnw at the. rectory, and Bvo 'M'f " r t eneli Un will only be charged to parcliWwr DaROhSEr &Co!n Wiltuiiigton, N. C. May U-2w2ui rrtHOMA BMAfifi, .; ATTOEIiEYi ATI LAW, My8-8m. -t? ' " n 'Mi,,,,,, ,,,,;,, . . rtiLtuB, ' w, jours, , ro. w. awro(. PI LLIA31 , JONES 4C0. Wliolemle Grorera and Comnilaalwa "' Mti'4 ' ' MerehiiRit. S Wa 14. rareltevllle fcirewi, Balrigb , f. s . Raleigh N. C. May 1 tf ' (ART A LEWIS, ; 44 Fayeurville Atrvel, Maleigb.N. r, 4 AGENTS FOR i ,' sTJetVAitrii jrxTExsioir top," . t "airEEH" OP TEE SOTJIH,- ' "Western Empire" Cooking Store J. ISROWN. April 9 SOi-Sm , , . With Hart & Lkwis Ji'OIl SALE,, r, for . plaattttifHt wrk, e cheap ur cheaper than Iron wi much belter. Apolv t ' - J. C. H LITTLE. Store Keeper. " , . ' " - ALIIEkT JOHNSUlf, Raleiub, April 9 tf fn l up't 11. it O K. B. -. atandard and Pi ogreea copy tf. MPOHTAKT JO VAKtieRs A rg,AN- Teas, Uavlng tnede arraniremeniji wtihth.t.t mr,nfr. tnrv in Baltimnr. and other ulum In. fnreuli at their pitcea. with tr asportation only added on ehort notice, the meet improved H(H!--h POWEI3M Wheat TilKEbUlXOrAEKlXUMILU, Colhia tii-i, Cot ton Plowa, Corp Cultivator, Marrowa and Plow o' all kind.. ' . JAMKSM. TOWLEH, . Jano S-tf . Ageat. AgOCTIIERN INTENTION t "WATCH DOO OR SLEEPING MAN'S FRO- , TECTOH." " The beet, meet aiaiple aad leateipeuive ALARM or Berglar'a OUST ever introduced to the Public. 8lto and County Riehte for pale, on reaeoaahie teroiaV AircBta wanted for every ertion of the eutia- iiy ' (- For farther particular,, arfflreio.N ... - M. C.A 0. W. fJEPTISSTAIX, , May 31 Saw tf ' . Ki-field, Ji. 8. n season, n .n.s -r -;r ' Aldl Vayeliarilla irrrl. ' v . . Patent I' e Creain Froeaeri, ' Water Cholera, " : 1 . i ' ' 1 Oval nitd H.miid Wire Ti.h Covera, , jWeedin Hnea aad Trace Cbaiaa. , !' !1 Ton Caettngn, r J' ' i 1 ! . I , , 3, BKOW'S. , Baloigb June tf ' Wiib Hiar L vu- S ELECT SCII OOI The next eeeaiea will beitia oa the reeved VLmiJ m JaSy. .. , Addreea, , f , Jna7-tla Priueijal A" 1NO WANTED. Wanta4..tn rent, by Ilia month' or year, a r PIANO. fr which a liberal price will " be paid. . A Seven tViave l'ia prtrred. 1 Appltn tha tUlIVUSOFlUBot'.Mi.-'r.u. June 31 21 , r