. 1 r :. . Tjljj SENTINEL. frlday EvitalBf, July T,' It C 'CITY 'AND' STATE ITEMS. ' .Kw3AwlnBumTTI antf : wwul coarse 01 nocture u urn unucw vuiej; h iu -tola. Rknmond. will cwiudm or ibe 1st oi October. , WinitapcW tteotio to thai annouocenieft in anotuer column. paUism, Jouee Co., lure wa bsnd wipe- am awedLis lute lard, A-jf i. Wa would direct attention 4oth advertise- """TSarttif A. Ar McSiOUiMi and Bona, Carriage Hsnafartureri, Fsyettevtue, n. u. From B per- i,-,l'niiKiitAnc with the member of thfofirm. W'" T , ' t aad petaoaaj knowledge 4 tth excellence of their' .work, -.we can confidently jrecomtnead tketn tad it to the confldeooe ud patronage of the rHlt. XUeir manuiActttrea, in style, ttnisn. ' aad durability, are not surpassed. Let en courage bom labor ud skill. . HEfTmsTALt'i WAtc-Doo,Thi efficien cy of this invention, advertised ud heretofore. referred to in oar columns, wm fully ud uc- cewfully tested; last night, on the pmmisee of Oo.V'WortlM rwq aepreawioM nevuig been ef let eommitted on the Governor'! corn field, the apparatus ,wi placed lt Bight ia nroDcr Mutton, and about t o'clock the "dor barked. Witlt -4 .tremsndou vim, arousing the neighborhood with the explosion. Upon htr ' toning to the spot, the alarmed and astonished thief was discovered making traeka la the dis uses, with a rapidity that evidenced bis Arm conviction hat all the dogs of the f laige were at his heel,, ft is a grW lovcntioB, sure, and may be inspected at the store of Pulliam, Joaee 9Vt ,.-. ' ' "' Tun Concbbt To-Nwht. We have so often called attention to the subject, that our citbenl, we hope, are in no danger of forgetting that the grand Musical Soiree, tor the benefit ot the La dies' Memorial Association, takes plaoe, to-night, v t the Chel of the Institution for the Deaf, Dumb and Blind.1 Tls ladies, aader the gen eral direction of the efficient. President of the s.iut(atifla hurt faeen Indefatigable la their txcrtloas to render the occasion a most nttrae-1 tivn one.' 'Besides the imposing displatof na- tire musical talent that may be expected, they 1 are secured the oo-operauon ol sir. jueo. w neat, of whose rare and tHrilUaaiaootnpUsiuaant- as e,"Pianlst-m 'haWtrpeatedly -irpekenj 1lr, Whest, In Jced, has probably ntf stipsrior as a ate4ij ' present in this country, ,( His rendition "Dixie," -anirdaro as all from to eeaoi4aiInlnXtrsBlS tobe6rth. atOBC to eaATiearer.'lW more thaii the "price of admis-J . Tkw Chapel has been beautifully decorated, and "fir arranReinent adopted, which Indies J knew so well how to invent, to make the errrt ! lag pass off pleasantly. ""'n A bore erery other eooaideration, let ns re- netnber the sacrad object to which the pr j, ce.l of tike Concert are t derotsd j ., , The price of idinission bse been fixed as fol- w4":riftgteckiM "f r; Taintty tickets', 9 eta each person ; Children AO cents. Bottrrorwn at S w'clock j Concert to begin at We subloln lb programme: ' f t PROGRAMME. 1 Kekicuoos iron . n X i norua, www , a .Ireamlng," ' 1 Fostef . 1 1 'Wild flowers." Jf, fl 4 "Home, sweet Home." 1 Hen. - 8 (tonoert An. ' i ' 7 Dying Camtlle. v ... e , , , , r-r - . 5 J PART It . - f v i rn,;,,. VerdL "Bweet stilrlt. iSear my prayer Wallace, 1 , - Orsnd March from Twist". Gounod. $ 4 Duett, 'Rreiting breew. ! 'Oloefc S Valse brillante. Chopin. 'meMwdenicome," :., 7 -piivu i-.. whet ''tin: CnABt-W Erxts has been appointed f, - M. at Qrore P. 0 Chatham C K. Cvnnd the ' office has been ' W cipeAtion for some time. 'J, f Dcumd. The friends of Trinity College will be pleased to seam that Bar. Dr. Crarsn .has declined the Presidency of SooU UniTersi 1 ty, in Texas, and, that he will remain in his present position. . 1 f " ' ' "l" v -. Jlcn.Draa.- Messrs. Brings, Dodd A-Diokt hars their machinery to full operation lor pla V Blsg.suJ ae engaged in, building, and fur nUb ing any .article . buee jniieryworage ' ywww.mecblcnvr THn CBOPS.Tbocr weesc tolee in some sections, hare, beeq suffurlng sererely from the late hest and drought In the neigh borhood of Henderson, GranTille Co., N. C, the drought has been rerj severe. -V , - . ; t , - -y. ,1 ,r. SuoxiNQ Tobacco. We are indebted to our friends Cowper 3s Moore, for a packsge tottx- eclknt smoking tobacco. They, bare it - hand In quantities, Bmckbbbwes. We saw yesterday, sayt Ue , Norfolk nrjmiaa, landed from the Seaboard linA Roanoke Road, about BO barrels of iWed , hltttkberrkajlThey were from Western1 Jtons Carolina, per North Carolina Central and IUI: sigh & Gaston Railroads, and boand for Boston. "Wenerf saw the like, Biire M 7 K. tumeliody is Vwnke out there. It may be fire Tankeef whoew be inay-berhr is"np to thing or two,? for we are told they ffring great price... The liquor-refiners, pie-makers,., are is tlie market for tttem." ThkTIah oa bridfre. orer the Treat river at vwUrn has been1 coudomneir as unsafe for, tru'ins to pass over, and will be immediately re .uUf '. --";. '.; - Tie Cmmtrrial says -.' tliis will not interfere t the present with passenger traflic, however, a Mr. Whitford, rreeidant of the Bond, b v ,i jUi i:,t h :' . mads amngsmeaU to loevs a train ea tl side to run between tM river and Moreheed. Pnsnengers wilUnr1 deposited and taken at the end of the bridge on both sides, but will be re- o.wred to walk over, , , v,- , ' 1 b bridge is ' rotUn, temporary strncturej huu oy UMuJiBrnsidn out 4 ihc poorest kind of aap tlmWu ,U wa Rportftd autafe, sotus monttu Hace, to the late PresUsnt of the road. At n aieetine held in the town hi nillabom? to send delegates to the District Convention, to ov neiu m me atv oi itmeigu, the following Dr. Charles J. Preeland, as Secretary of the meet ing.1"- .... : Hon. Jwlah Turner, being called upon to ex plain ins oojeet at me - aweuag, rose aaU said; The purpose Of the meeting was to send delei gate to the Qoakerdty, on the 14th of August aest, men nnu utere 10 autermiue ana settle tb comprehensive question, whether the American people shall be governed: by she free principles of n written Constitution, or the despotism s laid down ud enforced by a successful ud tri; . The obWct of ihe Philadeluhia Convention conimenikd itself to the intellieence and Pstrt otism of every man who - pretemlod to any con cent for the public welfare and the porpetuatlon The peophy wearied m'Uk waiting for Cob gross to restore peace, tranquility and represent mnv.iuu HflW na HRfJUKTIlB rilUBM. have determined to take their own affairs into their own handsand do iwbat U an willing " I... A- Por his own part he preferred this grand move' should be left alone with the Northern people. The Northern despots of party have but one1 argument against the Philadelphia Coaveattonj Treason and traitors., thev sav. will be than; If we absent ourselves tram the Convention wa draw their fire w rob them of their thnnderi But it may be said thia is harmless theatrical thunder. , Bo It is to us ; but it kills every man north who speaks s word of hor or comfort to the Sonth. Already a Cabinet Minister basse ceded, or rather resigned, and one reason given for resigning is that the President favors the Philadelphia Convention ; in other words, be4 cause the Preaidunt allows and encourages the people to assemble and discuss political r lions. What a reason for his resiirnationl U it for the broad brims and shad coats of VYlh Peon's city, that the Secession Minister is not President, - If he were President, the Pbilv adelphia Convention might be ailionrned with grapeud canister. U wal now too late to art goe the expediency ot sending delegates from 1 we Donin n toe rnuadeipniaunnveotum. tie regarded the question as settled; it only re- w,..:-- .. j - i ' - umuvu w ftu euu uuc .uvn lieu. . . v Mt. TBrnes spoke ot the despotism of part as a more to be endured tbsa the despotism ot Monarchy. - He feared ww would have to endure' the despotism of the present party for an indent Bite period ; at all events until the Northern people cbsnged the complexion of Congress by their action at the polls, Mf. Turner concluded! by offering the following resolutions ! Reaolvedj 1st That wa, portion of the peo ple of Orange eoonty have seeex with approba tion the proposition to bold s Convention in the oHyof Philadelphia on the 14th ot August nsxt, to promote the policy of the President of the failed States in restoring all the, States to representatioa in Congress, and the enjoyment of their rights under the Constitution, ud will unite wrta oar fellow citizens IB otber parts of North Carolina in . sencliwr detetrates. to. said Convention. " ' 1 j Resolved. 2nd. That delemtes ba aooointed by the Ckairiuaa ol thia meeting, to - meet int Raleiirb With the dcletrates from other counties ol the district, to appoint suitable delegates to said Philadelphia i.'ooveation.s x ,... .; Resolved, 8rd. That the proceedinge of this! meeting be handed to the liillsborougb Recor-i der for publication, ud that the Releigh Send mI ud other papers favorable to the sentiments thus expressed be requested to publish the me. , - .- Mr. Nash said-it was important that we shouhl be Kpreaented by our first ud beat men ; to that snd he moved that Hon. Wm. . A. Jra bam tlw Recommended to she, district' conven- Uon aa'a delegate for the Stat at large. Dr Freelud moved to amend bv addioii the names ot Hon. William Eaton, 3r4 linn. John M. Morei neaa and uoa. Jotin a. uumer. 'ine question being taken on the motion of Mr. HmU, amend-4 ed as proposed by Dr. f reelttml, it waa unani mously adopted. n - i j The meeting then adjourned $iudU, r ' Delegates ajroinbd to attend the district Convention id II. deigh : . " ; fki., Thomas Webb, Major John A. Graham, It. F. Morris, William K. Patterson,' N.P.-Uall, Juhn A. Turrcntine, Thomas II. Hughes, Henry N. Brown, Allen Brown, Iloo. Barn uel F. l'liil lips, lion. Josiah lurner, Paul C. Cameron, esq. - . . ' i JAME9 P. CLARK, CAar'n Cbari.es J. J'bbbland, Bte'p. . , j I .'t,.. xnJese.""-,. r- . It seems that tlis Speaker oi the lower Hons in the Legislature ot Tennessee has refused to certify that the eonstltDtional amendment has' been ratifledby the; body ovot which be pre4 sides. He cannot agree that there waa a pro-; pet quorum present and voting on the measure.' We are glaa to see that this Speaker haa so much decency 4nd honesty The Radicals, bow-; ever, wilt manage to do without his certificste.' A two-thirds vote of Cpngresa caa, enre all lr regularities. ' Asothkb Pat At DoBt! A" despatch from Mobile, of the lth. says: "T.J. Chandler this morning at daylight fought a dnel wHh L. Hol coml. At theisecond Are, Chsndlcr received a ball through the chest, living about twenty five minutes. Holcombe was formerly a sol dier ia th Federal army, and Chandler ia the Confederate arniy. The difllcultf originated la disputing whether Columbia, South Carobna, waa burned by General Sherman's order by orders of Confederste Generals.1; ; tu invmtor of the PrnsaUu needle ni had a tmncr smse of the beauty of Bomenclaforer- when he called his destructive wespea by it German aamewhich fc&AJimMfwelrx; Tbe name alone must have bronght terror to the soul of august Von Benedek. Aa Angnsta(Ga;)Begressfii brought a suit against a colored man tor breach of promise marriage It's the first suit of tbe kind ow re toM that Btot. V 1 j." , A mining company have strut k oilcar De catur, Alabama. ... - X ' v " A Bureau Is neK'(I in Massachusetts. Chil dren there do not get enough to ea, and their .v. bum anas' in their ca&.AU. IQVilSbl f"m " - - O . 4.( y j Ths usn who can make his owa fire, black his owb boots, carry bis own wood, hoe his own gardea. pay his owa debt, and live without .ia or tobacco, aeed ask bo favor of him who wine or tobacco, need ask bo law rides in S coach and lour. - .. . i FIRST EDITION. jf I ' Our Friday Hat-Blag DespsUriie. . - .' - I?BW Yobk, July 28, P. M.' Coupon of 1803 f 106. Da. ol 'M 103,.- "Oold l,49i. ' i . ' Cotton . has aa active tendency Hpwards.J Hales of o,(M0 bales at 38 a 38. Low grade of flousteadyJJUigh grades fewer. Souther $9,40 a $150. Wheat advancing. " Kales of 4Q.0O0 bushels. 'ork closed Luoyanl ai laril Leevy.- Bugar steady. Coflue Cms, ' ? Congress, ProraotioB of 8herm nJldPo ter,eaatot PattersoB, of Teuetsoo, sot yst Admitted, At. ; WasmsoTOH, July SO., P. M. Sbb atb. When the credentials of Mr. Pat terson, of Tennessee, were read, Mr. Sumner moved their reference to the Judiciary Commit tee, with instructions to enquire whether , lis oould take1 the oath. Sumner said that he was B Judge under the Confederate government, and tuereture disqnaliBed.; After considerable uit- cuMion, the motion was agreed to. , ; ! 1 The Senate confirmed Mnj. Gen,' Sherman as Lieutenant General, fi Grant, promoted, and I tear Admiral Porter as Vice Admira!, euw Far Mgnt, promoted.. Xi ! UoiWB.Tb Presideat sent a message, ia closing a communication from Secretary Seward ia reference to the application to the British Minister for the release of the Fenians j also as to the discbarge of those indicted In , the Unt ied State. .The matter MVwl referred to the Attorney General, and if la' probable that ,tty B) BOt;br ranted. i f. i 1 1 1 M A resolution was passed employing MissMin- nte Ream to execute a life-size statue of Lincoln, for which she is to receive 110.000. ) A bill waa passed, granting lands to a com pany to baild a railroad from Missouri and. Ar kansas to the Pacific, about the line of the 85th Pr1l1' if .V rf ' ' ? ' , ;::. The Boose made awards to,th captors of Booth ud Harold, giving Col. Conger f 13,000 and cutting down detective Baker to 3,70.-f Stevpns said tht Baker had mds,more rapney out ot the war than fny one else, and be was dis posed to giving him any thing. iMt; t ' j Ranks' resolution, ' modifying tlis neutrality laws, was passed by an unanimous rote. 1 Sallroai Bridge Destroyed. The Philadelf .. phiar Cka7tution,Cht)lerB.1i ' . J , PaiLADKLTHIA, July 6. j The great Railroad bridge oyer the 'Busqn buna river, at Havre De Grace, Was destroyed by a tornado last night Loss $1,000,000. I The bnllding for the accommodation of ths National Union Convention Is being construct ed on the corner of Bread ud Wallace streets It will be of monstrous sirs, r ; 4 j Three eases of cholera oocnrfsd to-day. n Tko Freedmea's Bureau, Ac. " , .. . WaaatnotoB, July M. i A board of officer has beea appointed by tbe Commlssioaer of tbe Freed xe'ii)aii fur the purpose of revising the regulstion fur Its government, to meet the requirement of the recent art, extending Its ' operations tor two year. .. - , ' --'' j Gen. TillaoB, Sprague ud Gregory consti tototUbpard.i .OI. iltu.4i, j ' The. Seeretary oi State gars a. dinner party to-day' td the Tennessee delegation Amonj ihers present sresa Gov. Sharkey ,'ef Mis., and Gov. Parson, ol Alabama.' i y n .t.... If' ) - Oar Nmurn DsMtMttrke. 4 ' ' latest Karket ud Financial Jteport. Hbw YoBK,July67,M. - Gold fl.ftOt. Sterling dull, sight 10. y Wool quiet, , ..No Vlt.lM Jfll v Southern flour anchinged. " Wheat lati eenfi hicher. I Beef steady. Pork lower. meas Laid quiet ' M I- I 31.81,-f . Cos pons of 5107K Doof t4 1103,. ' Do of '03 10C. Ten-forties 08. Treasurer tlOa) 10?i Wbv Mb. Davis I Not Tbibb.Nsw Jersey Ms, Newark, N. X ia iU number tor this month, very ably set fcrth the tessoa why th trial of Ex-Prssident Dsvis is postponed.- Spesklng of secession, it says i "Tiii very her y which they (the Radicals) sow seek to pnnisl as treason, ae they hsv already crushed it out by force of arms, has beea a cardinal principle ia tbe political profowion ud laith of the very men who are nrging this prosecution ; they bsvs acted upon it, ud urged action' epoa it time and again, and they bare never repudiated it for themselves, bo matter bow much thty may reprobate it in their political enemies." R SALE. ' K. C. B. Road I par eaat Baada. : PILLIAM, JONES A CO. JulySS-tf ' t. GEXU UlSE'w SCHOOL FOR CONCORD, N..C. Tba Badoad Baauna af Ibis tlebeul will Maday,apt.3rd. Id- Tba Kriaeipai t neipal wW as aasittad by a jraSaala Of ttlS I ! d 9 I ITaivand'yoi Va.- - ;5. W r'iraalar auulr to " JAMES IL July 2tm.-rf.. ;r .... LANE, A. M. 1 Prinelpst a -ri t- D OABDI'O AXt IA M IIOOL FOB TOl'MO LADIES. UMILTT BJahlawwBId, Ma,ImMs. Witssa M. Casv, t principAto. f Haa.Uf i Je fa". J1 i Tba Pa Staalwe Ifcafiaa ns Stoda .pi IT I8B4 - Hiara ifa aatahh.ba.eat ta ISM th ba aaaa wt know la tbe fabl aa aaaaatiaily , ( r A Bouthera Eom School. TIs artaoipate still dapaad far patraaaaa spaa lbi -.lI. ftinaSi. - Fareinalaf ar atkar latonaatM aWtbars frieada. ddran, - dalyJlawat Boa Srti. Baitiaaare Md, : X.-, - i tSI jj t n Crwsad. Powdarad aad Offra Snjar. W.7l-tf . . - , . , DAVU JOKE! ; -. 1 - v"; v MAnniED, .; At tbe residence of Rev. K. IL D. Wtloa, Greensboro', K. C on the ! 17th. insU, by Kev. Wm. Barrlnsrer. ilr. ' John IUxkk. of llslilax. N. C, and Mis JiinriB Obkoort, daughlet, of iter, w, uregory, aeceasco. ' Kear Greentboro'. on tha 18th inL. bv Rev. IL T. IlndMa, Capt Jomb Wbabton, of Guil- loro, and Hiss Pattib Colv of Oreensuoro', daugliter ot Dr. J. L. Cole; T , 1 At Front Street KM. Church, Wilmington, on Tuesday evening, 84th inst., by Rev. Si H. uaiiy, cspt. orobub a. atkiks, so .JtlSS. B. B'BjiB, daughter of Mr. ft W. Beery. 't In MiiliibtsrAlaliamarinl tllo 10th irl Jnlv. Dr. CaARi.cs A. Mm-uiu, formerly of Chapel uiu, n.ic, in tbe 28tn yearol bis age. I a ramlly at the South Shel4 an V-YC Wttfconl Tim, ' "; 7 ' tk. -1. . .j n ..!.). i-..' W ti Aat M. ma. nn: "1 Mi the KOOtilEKM HKPATIC ia my faaiNy fesra, mnS itwrn my whiw n awoawa, nt mirif$ rxs wreeM. i a nliiUt iwrvMt arirl wlM kS kn a lent mean umiowm tat aoaxiBiMiwa wttnuot rwwvtac anv whw. - A (moot n bar ilrtmuty 1 tu taecrwt ! ry ta Hepatic Thy Vm gtvm rfiss; m fret ion, ana i m ki woii.fwirrry mum p (An. A niiniltr cbm eeamj among wy Mirvaul Mi AlaSatMb fa Mva ea4 lung tliasanas I Saw prrfrtt miarnrr ia inrm Viw sals by tba Drsirkials. Diraetiuas am-ojnuaay and l Baal ta any pan of Ika U aites ntulaa far f t aarSesaSi 44raa; - - ' . ; ) Ur.UUUB W. JJ.KMl, July 10 If Baltimore, Md." la M sittt Ui ths fonadar of a aa Madieai RvS- la I Tito qaaatitariaaa, wboaa vast totarsst tattm aaiaabla tba atiMnach and paraly a tba auwela, naat fiva praaaiteMa to ta waa attie raataras kaalth aa4 appaiMa; with Irota oaa ta ttra ahia aiiisorSiaary PilU, and carat) tha meat viralaat anTH wilti a IMS or u of bta vnaderful SuQ all basbaK Balva, IIims twe rraat auauiSes of tba Oocturara fsat aaparaadia; all thaaimantypadaaatniDMaf that day. fcxtraurdia iy. fciuswaiaary aava epaaed ths earas by Havaial's Pilia aad Hal a y eyaa at tba put) ha to tha taaffiniaaey of tba (as aallodj raaiadtaa af -it ban, and upoa w tiii-h paapla ban a ka blindly depaadad. MatTKiara iHaara wo af tlia laaatbat araaivattuwad by Uwdnaab, aad of wblea vary box tall tabaa eraataa an ahaelnta eaeaaoily fcf aaalW. Vta er lw vt Maafiar filta aattkna ta plaoa tba bweh ta pa (act oriir. tuna tba aUMMteh, araataaa sppatita, aad saadar tha apkita tifht and baeyaat t Tkara ia aa fnutoa, and an raactiua ta tbe ftiraa oaa.lipatioa. If tba liver laaffeotad, tt foao tiaaa an raitatad ; aad if tba aarvaaa ayataaa ia faabl k is iavitcaraiad This laat soaiily mabaa tha saatt kiinaa vary dasirabis for Ua waau of daltaate famalac IJIoaanw aad araolivadiaaaaas are litafallv aitiaiatah- ad by tba diaaatactaat powar of MaftRial's Halve. Ia fact, it ia bare aamnoad tkat Sf agatal-a BllloaM. vaawaiia aad Ittarraw fiita aara .wbara ai otbarafail. H liile forHnrna. SeaW,CbilMiB. C1S aad ail abraioaaef lhaakia Maiatal'a Balaa is ia fftlliblat Hold byJ.Mtoatsh.41 Ifultaa 8traat, aW fork, aad all lruKamu. at si&ata. Bar has, aVM by ail bragRists la ltoisigb, . -.w RALEIGH MONEY MARKET. CORRECTED BY JOH WIIXIAMSl IS A COH BROKERS, RALEIGH, N. C. nuCS or KOBTB CABOLIKA BAHK MOTM, Bank pt IT. C, (Gold H) (Silver SO) 0. & BS a cap Fear.- v. .tm'.r. n .snnw i chariotto.u. ; !..:r?2;Z$'Vvl:.n Lexington at Graham. .,.'., Jl , f , Itoxboroogh 85 44 Wsdssboroueh....i.iti....i.i.'J ll Thomssville. . . ............. 85 lie.. xs ll " WUmlngtoaiA-f.VJi.V t'ommeree. S tWashlrigtoi V ... ;n Tsneevville. m. Miners' and Planters' Bank.. .... Farmers' Bank, Greensliorougu. , Commercial Bank, Wllmlneton , . . ' ' ' 44. r Merchants' Bm kr, Newbera.,, . , Oreensborouih Mutual. ... .... Virginia Bank Notes,' lont .. f. : .... f 25 South Carolina " , vv. 18 Georgia ; 1 w " ' ..?....'''. I... 80 Gold, i t w 4. .1 15 Silver j. ..,.'.: 185 Old Coo poos. . ... , ...69 North Carolina Railroad Coupons'. ... . . .1 Wl Old Sixes 81 Exchange on New Tork......4. ......... , RALEIOH NATIONAL BANK OP NORTH CAROLINA, ' -norrka kayk-. c. nt.nk rotb. Bank of Cape Fear ,'.'.,:,;..' 1 " Charlotte. ;. . ......... Commerce i ' Clarendon ,v . " :Fyottevill.Vv. .k:t i. f. " ijexington . . . . N, " North Carolina? " Ihixboro...... - " Tkonisjiville. :! " Wadesboro... Wilmingbm Washington Ysnceyville. . . , Commercial Wilmington,,, Farmers Oreenslioro ....... Miners' Mid Planters'. . . Virginia Bank notes, average. South Carolina ' r Georgia ' "' Gold ....4t ItS 188 Silver..... Old North Carolina Coupons. ... . , North Carolina Railroad Coupons. . North Caro'ina 6's, ten Coiifions on Kxchange on New York, . " 60 81 f -.. .., JARD, LARU LARU. SarsDU. Niea Lard ia hrrb and liall l.rrab. 5 Barrab) Fiima Mm Ptb. - . " - laat laaaivad by ' N- - B. P. WILLIAMSON St CO. July 24 tf . ' , , ' ' SALE. TKV ABLE ! fiaa Cat Cliawipa T".li'.-th ba Cite tag Tubaaeo unnarkst, by tba (ini, sad Unna, , . . - July MttVi - J. ,Ut ..T-.1.. r t . mi , , l,,j nroR JiT JtO .COTTON rcAV a. TLB. - . ' tfa baa r -iv ad aa oaaxhraaMaS SS tWKiba. Baeva ra lantraetad I Kaa ! tXla at ftidaa. whic-b tha rata af KM of Haat.ftr l .'Uiha. t'"l, to b dalivacad bf tt 1 WIS. Ol (r- tliW ' It. P. A CO. ; July ' ah. I.akuuanf tlia Mar a .!! t.uHM WITfl TH libit raani af r 1 lU-s. n. 11 Kgra, lata raai- daaoa. , , , . . - ! I July 18-tf Jl I.U A Jl, ji) i M Ji -yA LI ABLE PBOPK It T fro It I JK kit Mia tbs ttarain aua- reanla: ttaa (ad Taat aat nde of thaerpact Mmll. Ilia Burtb anataraaartiaaaf tbataa. Tba iMwanM ba aid afita ar a-Uhaal taa laaa mnioumm..t aw mmm. ww..- ia la awaaaae wiU addreaa a at tbi plva . , , a. ut. 1 1. Raleigh, July M-tw I i I. .. 11 9 IB l.s.'..-. 88 vp . , , 28 S" is .....,.:.. ,. .,......8 . BA IT . . t e gELECt UOARDIXQ -M '' .AND D4T SC1IOOL, Ot4' 11 1 "'a i IV a, i . -. T - - - - - Tba MlftSKB An sad MI88 KOtXOCICwiB re wair at-aooi ea y noay, aagaas Sra.( ibub. , A ysaobaaj attaadades faeeaaSBeV-T-rtitj-: t .Circalararnrwardadaa aapjieaw., . .-"- I 'Joaa'AVIu.1ta , V ' r OELECTf EKCLISII dk CLASSICAL J.i ftC'IIOOIa. :".' - ' ' MKLVILXK. ALAMAKCS 6 KUei Vest of KebaietrHl, ea tit C, - - ' i T -f i vka .i . , abu aoao, ' .. y r si I n c 1 Plill KKT. ALKX. WlfcSOB, D. it. 1 Jims wii Miv J.. u n iforaawty S MUtoay T.C-) T ha Slat. Boaatee ar tki laatitattoa will rmmaiaana aa Thoraday, Jaly latb, aad eoaAiaaa W sraaka t t Fur tbea arbo may aot wiab ta atady tha Aaeisai Laagaafaa, faeilitiaa Win be afforded far abtaiata- a tboctNuh aad nraetieal Kostiab Edamtioa. far air. aalara. aaatainlag fall iaformalioa, apnhr m sUfcar ef laa rnaeipal. . . - y- Jaea 3&-lat Wilaiiavtoa JjoraaL Kawbara Caaiaianlal and Old none n-aia.Balubarv. eopv aaa aaaalb aad aaal lail w rnaeipais. A IV T THS Birik. f ( AMU i' THE iitiilT OF TUB ''sVOHLD.5 DR; MAOGIEL'S Tbasa l.tfa rlria ramadiaa ara aow riraa mtbUnlv w ina wwu. rar aver a aaartar at a eaasary 4 private praetie the araujaata ia tbaae 1UIFE31TL0 mL.mrl I TtavaWS aaed Wtth taecsaatest saeeaaa. Taaif atla- aioa ta not aaly ta pravaut dinaaa, bat ta sara. Tbay sasn s out us variuas maiadMS ay vuwt tba nattaat ia aaflariBf aad ra-iavifforata tba failmr tyatera, To tba agad aad laSrm a faw daaas ef tkaas vahtabis PII.L8 will peeve ta be , .. ... . t k VERI FOlAXilN OF YOITII, ! . r la avarr eaaa tbav add Saw Mta aad vltalitv. aad raatora tba waainr aaarvtas to tbalr nriatiaa atata.- Ta tba yiK aad an iddia-aed. tbay will prove saoet InvaJaaUa, aa aaaady, apaei&e.aadatatliBK aaadtehia. Uara ia a draam raaliaed, lb at Puaee-de Laun stht ftir thraa baniirsd aaara a(a. and aavar fnaad. Ua look ad far a foaaUbt that voald raators tbe add to vigor aad ssaka yaalbavai , "'i.-'Aii Kteriwl SprlnsTt - . 1 It waa la for thto day aad bear to realisafbe draam, aaa mow ia aaa gwnom laot, tnat taaguii teas mad it fain "i , v '''J i TUESK F illOtS REMEDIES Caaaat stay tba flight f yasrs, hat tbav aaa tars bask. aad hold eiouf. diesaaas that mntbt trtaaiDk vartbasgadaadthavaasa'. Let nana baaitaAe tbaa, autaataa ua lavoraoie oppurtsaHy in anars. WSaa takaaas proaonbad . . ...j.- FOB BILLIOIS DISORDERS Wotbtsr eaa ka-aseSe pradaiitive f ear thsa tkaas ruia. 1 aair anmxt aiaaia innuraea ru at aad tba aaaal aoaeomrlants at this anoat diatraaainst diaaaaaareraasavad. Tbaas raiaadlas am ssad froas IbSparaat. a .a- VPflWtSTv C A Vr a if Ti lauatawta wuuwvaua ; They will sat barm tba sasat dalieat laiaala. aad eaa be glvaa with Rood affaot ia praauribad duaa ta thsyBaagaat baba, '.'.'- i r0S CITaXEOI'S DISOEDEES i Aada1araptlm.af tbaakla.tbagALTt la s la vetaaMe. it doaa aot baal aitaraaliy aloas. bat aaa. etretae wrlb tba asaat saarebiag attoets ta ths vary , DB, MAtblEL'S riLLS. , lavariaiMr vara she fallaariatg aWasaaes, A atb ant, ' t 'J. i , 1 1 ' Binret f'eaipIaMa, ' ' " " Caairhe, 1 ' ' ' f - Cold.. ' - ' yv . tfeaat itiaaaaaa, ' -j f Cnetlvanaaa, "' ' p - - . n 'i 7. ti Uyampala, . iManbaM, .Jl A Irupay ' "' , .Il..b.lllty aver sad FanaUCaalaftta,J ft . Uaadanha. AgaaJ liiai.im.H,i" " 4 .'. kwwdwasbaaaa, 1 1 l't fMy! J"pits . , Ijiwaeaaai Sninta. i hi If atii'l Svt .'gingtrona,- - V ' H . bl .1 i - t ,t . iniiiri'i i- 1 i. u. u ai L oni. niiaaan, Haaida. Hkis li tV Natiea. Nona faaalaa without tk anirravad traila mark aroiiad eaob aatar boi.aieaad bv l)U. J MAUUIKl..4 Halloa at, Maw fork, to soaatotfut wbie.a li loluoy, , t , , fy Biild by alf respeetabl Daalara la Madlid as HiMugboat tba Dsitod otatsa and t'sesdae altlls aala par baser pt . , ill l ll . v , . : : PALDABI.K tritlr VARM. SALB, ' I off my tract at bad fur sal, lyisg . Is Cularabla vhi, mm miim, vni m um vii an... flaw.- lac. -, ' - '-. t --. , I .... ,!,-i:. . Twelve Ilnadred Arc. i ' Tbraa fcaadrad of which k elwad aad la da eoa itlllna Ira- AnturatiAB. A anod tmrtitia af tha iraat. J but h rlearad and aaefaarad, la Jtne hammock fiiad, ran daring qaiia s varaabia Irai-t. Hh.i1i, It baa oa H a lam etqry traRtad dwelling, with nina rumna aad a plans kilty fvat King, dimbla kilehen, anuika boaae aavarai larga gr anariaa, wagim rheda, threa walla of l-IIU WPiflM.. -.. mm... nyuttwn. i(.'inHw Hnm. walar, ("tia of lliom tlia heat watar tB Sll that aaetiaa or rouiitrT.1 1 try ar aage traat m ina yara, aBa jts at enara in two n qua. an m.i'i wwt 1 he kmatio ta a plraaaul mia aad a Healthy aa aky ua (a a pieaa oilier rMato eartnf any oilier (Mate All tha adraalagna of thia farm nimf.ini il renara it em af tha raw really Tale- able aad deniralib. bomea ogared ft aala. tot ftirtbaf mformattoa m rrrsrd to tarm. . MA., ad. drMamaatfrilurd.tiraavllltConnly, tf V. 'July 14 lm Jll. FLEMING,! gAW MILL rlXTVREB, -'. .' FIRST CLASS SAW" MILL " FOR 8AIK, MADE BY M8S1W. TAUJOT at BRU. OF RICHMOND, VIRGINIA. : Km-inaW 5 horaa pAW-ar. " -'f ..i 1 J ttwidar Ij Ineliaa bora. Mrike3SiVeh, j . i.si.' i-l t .111 With S tome bufler. - ) TliaraUaHaelmd wlhaMtB Maebiaary for drmag VarMeaf Saw aad two- t Ireslar Bawa at tha aeme lima, and wl.mt from S to IS H toat f low bar pat day wltb p-irfcn aatoiy. ; '; i Pmnau wiaMa to uarxbaaa will ataaae applf at tba Bapartotoadaat Btoa M I'ataraharg R. K. July 17 2w . , . Petersburg It R. i ft ASBOLPII M4COX COLLEGE. ! t ha ISuard of Tro-teei bThig raaafvad la opaa tlia ' itb-aana tba IOat Tbaraday ia hptaaib.r Bait, ad bMrraed a tba l ltb. iaa-., to SMet agaia aa tba lib. uf Aaa-aat far tba parpoaa of apaoiatiag Pralaaaori ht tba a book of AaeiaaA Laagaagaa. Mathaanues, CbamMry, ate and Moral fbiiuiKipby I AnoliaaaU (n tba aevarat aoaiuoas ara bjvitod ad Iraaa tba bMaaar fraaMatd. .-, -s i i - ;.i 1 " j lla. WM. A. BMlTn, ' ; July 18-td2aWTp':.- -"-At Boydtoa. Va. T.XCCLKIOU WHEAT rAXC - t " Wa bav rweaivad a bd l tbaaa faaa vbleh wa will ba giad to aalt ionw aaaUiawra aad fanaaraaaada rata mwa. , , ,Tby r rtruagly rwooaiBjendad aaa goad aad ra liabls naebiaa, gmuif UilaMiua ia all aaaaa aad bar lag aa optriof in tha mail'at. (all aad aaa. , .. ' - . B. P. WILLIAMSON A CO. ,i July J4-t( ; - i ivoi RTII STATU 1KO A. II U ASS A T Ravlag aarurad tba aarTieea l a rnnir('Dt peraaa, srs ara w praparad to gam Hnra in tla beat atria sad aa modaraia tannr. . Wsaraalao prpu.dto furaL.ii all kiod. af eaaU biga, aid rapair Jdijj Iraaa. wrdart aaat to aa will naet aiib pwmtit ath plinn. - B. P. VYlLLlAMSiO.N- & CO. -J Raleigh, Jose 9-tf J- pier's tMirsitpurillts IS s nwcantrated itrad a ina ram i nxii, ooittmued . wiiii miiri uuriHvn tu ailtl ft W.)l.II.MIl.a W..WI. Mm LIWM'.H, AS ? Y 10 lr"rl afleetual am iM . " b. 1 ft duojme Hannpaiilla la . VtrfmtN. biH'lia ra I iNaW v 'Wff aaady is aan-lr ntt by i.r'm "ajaaj'-'-b- 'I ","M aboanBBrirnni Kirm., -" mini 1" J aaa eoiopUiuta, aad that m T-ihs- I wh,0b will aocniih llimr af iwaiaaaa wrt tu thia large claaa of ear i.ilictrd tallawiiiiaaa. liow eowpMtoly tlna enmpnaad wilt " B baa kaca preraa by aipatmaat aa aiaaT f tba arat aaa as to ba fcwad ia Ilia fullnwing aoaiplaialai Boratol, BerofBlnaatiwaUiBsa aad eVwaa, KAia lia- aaaaa. riaplaa,. Plutul-a, HUHchua, Kruptiom, Ht. Aatbsay's Viae, 'tiaiw or KryaliMlaa,, Tallar er Halt Rbaaat, BcaJd Haad, Kiarwona, nW S'raWii ar I'nma! )uaat ia axnelled from tba ayatam brtha prataagad aaa of thai Karaapartlla, aad taa paAtaat ia WW to aotiipa-aei aa iivati b. - AVauua tHtnun ara eaaatd by Hflnrfula la tlia blood aad araaAaaanaaaarad bv tlna fcxtraet ef Haraaua. 7 nUa. , J ito aat dbioard thia tavalaabla matlieiaa. tMxtaaaa, yaa bavs bewa iwpoaad anms by stwuethmir nretand. ngtwaa naraauaniia, Wbiia ji waa aot n na y bav aaad Avar's than, sad aot till tbaa.- will kaew tha a it laaa af BaraaparlUa. tor auiaate parlU an ai raaaiaaaaaa n earaa, wa raier yua to Ayar a Aaaariaaa AlmaMe.wbkb tba agaaUbaWasaiad will faraiab gratia ta ail wba eall fat U. ..'- , Araa'a CivaaBTia Pilu. fia- tba eura af f Inaliva. aaaa. Jaaadiaa. DraaaDaia- ladiraatuia. Tlnniu Foal Btoaaaob. 1I daetiariiaa, kbauntalifai, Heart baiaariaing from Diaordarad Hlomacb, l'an or Udr bid laaetioa of tha Howela. Flatulaaev. Lorn uf Ansa- tila, Lirar Coiaplaiot, Irouy, Wotuia, Ouat, jaa- . rnlgla, aad for a iiaar Ml. ' Tbay ar aagar eoatad, aa that tha moat senaliira aaa take tbeaa ph-aaaallTi aad I hay - an Ilia bant ApsrieeA ia tba,woilU fur ail tba pm p.. a family rtoDarad b Ua. J. O Aria A to.. Ij..ii af .. aadaaidbf- ; ,., William A- Esnrool P. F. Psscud. Hal- ifk, V. C, and Dealers generally. Ttf A0ibi.h cnii.i.a AN as WRVaiat Hagglers Fever and Asrue nils f - ) KAOQIEL'I FXYES AND AGUS . - T p. tamoaa rameJIaa. knnwa tiiriiushunt tba great Waat at taa Uaitad Bunas for tkeiraxtratftdiaary Saras of . s a ...-t . CHI LLS, FE VER AXO AC I E araaow ihoroaghry tatrodaead is tlia Btata o( Kort h Carouse, aad aaa ba sbtaatad of all satotprbnagi Brat el aaa drnggiats. l aay aot aa atooio to all debilitated syttsms, ta kaB to. doses of -. .. One nil Three Time's A Day." bofar atoab, aad shoold bs fomi kt avary lain Ilr lo ading ia toiaamatie dtatrieu. . ' Ta sav skaptie or oa who duaa but balirva la tbaaa starvalloua prapvaiioaa, , w-; ., A Rot WIU ba teat rrce-. i if bait aat earad wltb en and ant atora tttss fwo boaaa.aa abarga will ba nada. The nrtoa of lbs PiUs 1, PEIl IlOXf bat aa tbay ara a parfaet eara wllbaat troahla ar ia aoeveaieaoa, tba ehartfe ia reaaooatile aoom-h. Addraasd. SlAUUiHU, M. b'altoa H. ' . now yotk. OATJTIOlSra Watek aarrowlv aad aaard voaraolva vifilaatlv againat eoaatarfaits. I bava Juk aupprauad a auto ruiaa saaatorfalt to Wiaooeam, altar nmeh troubl aaa espaaa - rurotiaae ol only flrat alaa grsgglats aad aavar of aaddlan ar travaling daahra. atpruBAaapi.-ljjjaj ,.,:... ;. , , nEOERSO. COM.rGIATE IN ..; ariTiiTi.' FRED. .A. FETTKR A tf. Onnaanted fur ai aars with tba UjilVJiBSlTI OF KOHIII CAHO Jf A sa Tutor bavinr lali.a eharra of Ihii lo.nla. tia, propoaas to epaa it on Monday Anpaat Alt. l na aaitM ataaaical aaa baglmbeniiraaofinilraellnn will ba givaa, bis aim batng to baild np a thoroughly goadaohwnl ia tbia aaighbiirbnoit, and to pr.pnra bora bar-tha ardiaary butinoaa of lift, or bir eaiwrinv wiih aradltanr af our bjuathara Univaiailiea , , 1 alt Aid far aaaiim of 110 waaki llialf IS a,l v.nUl Frtowy daparhnaat (narranerl. s m mi t Higher Kagbsb -:,.-- -,iif fiS.fMI : Vlaaaioal. V ' ,r g umiiI nrJNObHNOJf M Walt kaowa aa liatnir a Wliha and plaaaant loeality. Board aaa ba ebtaiood m nimla- rat torans. It ia important that stndanto nbould aatar at ths opening of Ihaaa-amn. - . F tortbar partwulara addraaa Mr," I" KTTEH at Bandarann, thaavillaConnly. ' - kK'kkiVCl.--Tbai'aoaltyofUia Uairaraily of July S0ataww - v, .... Patorabarc Index. Norfulk Viitima. Wil.oa faro- Hnlaa and Tarboro goatbaraari iaaart aaeb t amount of (J sad forward bilU U Uiisodioa. THE . LOVE It M OV (IOOI) iiitf:ti. . ". - I OroM "Woreratar't l)i Hnji Taaat.'' J. UliOWN, . With Haht b Lswis, Raleigh, July 14 tfv , , , ' RAPPLVO PAPER. I aa gcan.s uf foreat Mill. Wrautiii'g pannr. s Una srtiebi. , . p. P. WIIXIAM30N & CO. July Mf 1 BEltTi ONI BATJT of s boasa aad lot. af i aoraa. and flna gardea, for tba balaaoaof tba yaar. To pnrtlo rant aaa ava mnma, aapararna or paaaaif a. A good MIWJH UUW,ad soma lurmturs, for tala Sltba aaaaa utaoe. - TOUJAaf, JONES 4 CO. July 14 tf UWWfAAlStI.Wa I OFFER FOB BALK, sav faanilv taaidenea to Baieigb, wbara l Sew livs aa anvurai hainlaonio building lota ra tlia aamaaaighborliaod. I alto offer for tale, my Farm of 230 Acres. Lying wilbia owamilaof tha eity hsiuav 1 will aril lb sbava proparty low.. ,., .., ., K. KAVNKR. t Julyldlw- . p "V VILET at CO. i B1XKEES, flTETIEVILlE IS. (V gtisd silter, Ac, Collections Made, DEPOSITS ; R E C E I V K 1. ' ' July 18-tf. ' - j OR SALE.; ptnuTsrpaatia, brtha lian.i. , . PULUAM, J0.NK3 A CO. July 19-tt t . : , '

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