r 7: - THE DAILY SENTINEL! 1W N Jili THE SENTINEL. TT" J ..w.n. e. b'ELL, tuate rrinier. Titiu nvts: f nut tm.ie tLr W Jin J of Bunion tvpc ahull .. iiM I Inn- rti.m " f i no ' ' TCUM30FSUC3OSPTKMT.' ,'. "JTrttomsia. i pubUhed ever evening except I t o in I., ti i ; ! 1.:r.) 1 vtumlV Sunday, oil th fiiUovnng term : " ? i ! 9 auiHitn 'i -i ; -t For one month, .... . tl.M For two month, - . - . - . 1.00 1 "I WOl'tD BATHKK BB RIGHT THAR BB MWIDEBT." rf Clj, wei a a.ifi Three mouth,, . ' - . - - 3.00 Mil months, . r - - - S,00 ' Weekly ffenlinel, one yoar ..... 4,00 Special noticfn, under a hX ill b rhar- ged on dollar prr Brjuar fur Bih insertion. Funeral tiotieu will t eliarireil a ailrrtirninta. iT W w ilicit th aid of our friends is extending I VOL. I. RALEIGH, TUESDAY -EVENING, AUGUST 7 18((L NQJM7. TheairnplostinouneerneiiVuf dia'Si or B.arrikj, ur eitctilauoa. 7 if . A IT "". " T MljLf SfNTI THE SHOWMAN'S COUSTSHTP. BT ARTEMUiJ WARD. Thar was effectine ties which mad me han- Ver axter Betav. Her father' farm lined urn : I heir eowt and ottr'n Bqnched their thirst at the aame siiring ; our old niarea both had tan in their forreds : the measles broke out in both families at nearlT tho aame period ; oar pa rente Betsy's aart nito) elept, every ttunaay, in l,.nu lmi ), nahor niuvl j th ime mcetinit bouse, and tM BaDer nea to lODserra -now " " uwwwim i It was a sublime Ufht, itt the Spring of the1 tear, to see our several mothers (Uetsya and mine) with their powns pinned op so they couldn t site em, etlectlottatel' man soap to o ether and abtisin the'iiabers. Altho I hankered after the affsrahuns I dar sent tell her ot the fire which was rag'm in my bu2um. ra try to aoit duc my luntr wouiai kewolllip tip agin the roof Ot my UlOUte & Stick ' thar like death to a deaert African or a country ... 1 . t!. - in 1. . u. j S""" ) " " ."' - flail acin a barn door. Twaaecalm (till Bite in June, All was huabt and nary teffer disturbed the natur I eel silens. I sot with Btsy Jane on the fence of her lather's pantur. We'd binrompin throo the! wootis pullm Bowers and anvintne wooacuuc W'al we sot thar on the fence. swinsin our fret , two and fro, blushin as red as the "baldinswille 1 skool bonus when it waa fust painted, and look - ' ' inff TJ simple I make no doubt.' My left arm ockepled in ballunsin myself on the fence, while j is . i i i i .... k my nw we. wuu m,mK'j """, 1 ereara Hum wu "Betay, you're a Ganelle." . -. . , i ' I though tuat air putty nne. i wattea to see tt wnnkl tiaan linnn br Tt arl. what eB.vt rt would nave upon ner. it eyi- tiennj uiu , j ' "You're a Sheep !" - fiei I "Betsy Jane, I think very mnchly of ,-. ' S"11, ... .i "I don't believe a word you sayso tbere DOW ' come !" with which obaerTatum she, hitched wif from me ' , ., . LiU.'-.. U.i. m a.ii " rl T "I wish thar was aja.lera to my sole, aed 1, 0 luai J'1 fuiu acc win. w. iuj ' Thar sure enouco in nere, ' sen i, stnaen my burmm. "to bile all the corn bei and turnips " i,,i,m.l Vcranviiina umi the rrilti-r In the tiabcrbofid. Vcrsnvmns ana tne cniwr She bowed her head down and ommenst s - h.vrin tlie striues of her sun bonnet. ; - ' Then draw in herself up to her full bite ehe .astl :- . . ! won't listen to your nonaena any longer. ' Jest say strate out what you're drivin at. If you mean gettin hiu lied, I'm ih !! I konsulured that air -nuffX'r all practical 1 we perceeded immejitly to the . uarnon's and was made 1 that mle. i m r- .v. - ,.j li ; i, , .j .j ' " ' "Hixiil aa lli niinc sliadM prxTSiL . ' ' Th mown Ukta np the wimilidiia tale, , U . And luginW U tKe li"t'iii"K earth itciieata iba story ot her birth ; " "' Aud ail th stara that ronud hi-r burn, And ail the jiUtifta in their turn, . I iiiuirio tba tiihria aa they roll. And anread the truth froui P"l to piild,, ' W tiat tlnioKti, in auli'tiin aij. m-fl. U . "' '" tt.ivB roatiil tJiiadnik tneal rial ball ; V. Uat tli"ii;h no ral i)i; nur avnmd. Aiming their radiant ovba 1 fonud ; lu riia..n ear lhv all n-joite, 4 And uiwr fnnh a nUioua voice.. K.ireier Miming iby ahitia, . ,- -' ' "' ' 'J iie hand U.ai made ua is divu. ..- . y ...mi tome thtrne yerses shine like the ' " " stars. Ther shine out of a greRt deep calm. . When be turns to Jlcaveu, a fauna: n come -over that roan's mind, and his face lights tip from it with a plory of thanks snd prayer. Jits sense of rolW'tt stirs turotiKU ni wuum tieiujr. t" Ju the IwKU, in the town, kKiking at the birds in the trees, at the children ta the streets, in ' the morning or in the N moonlight, oyer bis " "books in his own rornn, ia happy party at conntrv merry-mttkitif? or a tons assembly, , good-wiil and peace to God's creatures, and Uv and awe of liira who made them, fill bis ' -V.ir1ioart and sliine from his kind face. If; hvrift's life was die most wretched, I think Ad ". lijn' was one of the most enviable. A life - prosperous and tteatitiftil, a calm death, an fmmenie tame and affection afterwards for his ' happy and spotless niii.e.TAar-cray; Tbe Plunder of 61iermn'i March. ' There Is no ertiniatina the desoaltlon which a tficantto army sprea.is in. its hostile march .. .. . ,. iwn nnrlor tha disc.luline f t most con:ientiotis and elevated leader- Thel " Slates the colnal marcti ot piieriiiitu wiii - J its Inevitable calamities of fire and death, with all the crimes and abominations which us!y '- iwi.m in such n.aws ol men engenders, lre " ' jnuKh coBdeinued by theit cXinijuerors, for the .1 bittrk denunciations which tlrey hsve aomeUmc ipvnke.!, l,ileii!irtir!jr muler their calamities, nam the Northern pi"plo. We have, on the tmutraiT, oili-n iitlii'.'rea at llR'ir jisuow e anu i ltnr siierice and efiw.-ialty have we thus leit as ol'en n ep'f'iiuens o'i the trophies so abounding -in'thiscitv, brotsht hither by Sherman's return- Jnp; victnrioiw trmiivt, hart fallen under enr ob- aervation. .Vf. iMrilrjeer, .' i. ' Oi a W a ' An Indlnna pror "dares" anybody "to beat ' tlie lUil.ral nomination for tonifress in, that State. Ktmrof the candidates are Mnjor-Ocr-erala. N.lody ever hesrd ol any of them ex cept AVailil-uru, who lives in history by reason of the eont.'iituiite having captured his trous ers at Meirphia. " fit"' ir.i AT N xc:m cost. CONSISTING (r LlJtf K HILK HAS i'Lr.S, KLAtla SILK LACE I'OIMS. lace uxavi axis Lisr.s" xfsrrr.3, Ac, TEI3I3 A CHArCS TO SAVE PECTISS . TOiOII2.CZ2iT, Caii t on,- tr.,1 rr.vur a fnn-.tnr Fiir-r'ei Kew i oi k Cot. Anif. 1 at A R R II. F OR AI K- gatianor, Arct laULa'd is roi sua To t - ,t pajLU3L j,o;g & c0 , STATE OF NORTtt'CAROUSf A, Caswkix Cocrtt. i; , ) Iir ths Codbt or Eo,rmr, Srwua Tkm, A. D. TUe Bank of Yanceyvilla . 1 The Creditors of said Bank. Tbi hill to fllwl nar aa eot of Aaeembly, milled oa the 12th. of March A. O. 1 806, amitled "aa act to enable UielWuk. of thia 8.t to otoea tfcmr baaia,'' - 1 tad it i wdarad bv the Court that publication, for I w.e, o man m pap u.r..pm.. I aotirying Me orultutr el in earn ui,FnHnm thelr elwnu alB,t M,d bank bai.r. jopk ij, Lawaoa, CommiMioner appointed by this court, at Yancey villa, North C'otiaa,o jot bforth ftret day ot Juuj a u., i m , .... I PiYiirt in lii h nubiictuiiHi .hall b mad. aamlv 'Oni'jf Socliuel. HleiKti. M. WUisiuirU Jfonraal, WilmiriKtcHi & C. Hiohmoad Examiur, Kiohm4 Vs., Baltimurs Uaixtto. lialluuora. HrTlna, flaw rorB m.,t.l.,.i. M.inxur. idnrtiw, m iir. I tn Dalia. Naahailla 0elU, Law hburf k.psbii. j can, Mampui Appm Iwdjl'iiiiadalphia PaaiwylTM.aa. I W tnau THOMAS A. ,1U,UH. Llara M Said I uy in laipii A. W.1S1K1 Julyl8-dew VTALrABLE ' REAL 1 ESTATE, ,-. ;,, , '- - LOCATED IJf A5D ATJJOESTSrO tEl T0W5 07 WARBEHT05, IT, C. , TrsT) SJATP 1 VAfc EJXIJLU. I The Warranto Kemala C"i g h aw wffarad fnt aale, oa raaaoo.b tarow. I bis Cwiiaga kas kaa t I aaooaMful oncratiita. furover twalae yeara, asti. ear. t tfast ttmi, it ha nd a npatelfoa a aa loaUta- j boa 01 laaroloir, aawtia lo ooa la H V. I Xba kwatioa ia aob m to war at a fall attaadaaea i p"i'. "' 7 ,'"".'5 U"1" . .7 I eapeeialiy tb fcaateia eorviona of . C. Bad Va )j.h v;,mmMft wt)ol) anmpowedtonake talanf tnta propartjr. aaarn HBBacaarf taaay uiira f this laatitutiua aa it, sharaetar Cut a faiarh gratia of holTainp, and tba.alaral.d standard of morals iaculeatad, andertba rfv aod aBpamaioa of lu Una fr.idaat, K K Purhain, n already wall known. , , xtiaawny tnwhwhtutCl!gaia located iakaowe to baaquattu ay is tba bouth. Tbara lanow aaulfii'lenor of rlulldiiiga aa4 trttar Coapieiea attached to thia Real Kalate, to ooadnel t tw) aiwri,in, .hoL Tb. prB..'aa. ..t4iB i about BIAI I A(JKr.1ul 1.BJDU a tnntotial porttoa ol I which ta witma th vm-vorttnm. ilia, witn or fr rf in. ftinnure i, Ao..bHoiiRtBtoihasma, b pa'fbaaad with the Ua aed buiUiiat Ihia r wj) im nSrri prmalrlf for Bolj Hn sro- rtWw- io til 3rd dny ikitotwr saat, and, if But thaa sold, will bw os that day told, at poblia aactk, to tha high sat bidder. Tha Couimiltes are fullr BBthnnxsd ta sell, td wonld av that a rare Chuuca is olfarad ta anr party wiahiDg to purrihaae fiieh pmparty, aa time suftiotaol, If rrauirad, will bo giwa. Pnaaaaaioa giroa uaavati- Ainy pwraoa or party wittiuiiff m aaauiiiut t no propariy will ba ahown it ty, IS. b. rinliam, tho prcaant orre pant, or by atv on or mora of th ( ooimitlo. NATHAN MILAM JOHN BUXTON WILLIAMS 1HRAC PALMER Hear. - f Committee. HENRY B. HUNTER TMOA A. MONTUOMERY, ' Warreatoa. JuiT Cliawtd rtrabtira Indax, WilmiagtoB Iiapateh, sad MoT folk Dnr B wk. Insert twioa a week autil day of sale, and toward account to J. A. Mmitgomory, Traaaurer, yv arraoioa. fffiRE. 4AisiT;r A t V.r i 4 . a a U -"1 CCIDEHT rlOWatKHC). TM SSUTI, ,if'VfS v ' ''t i ' i . p - XI IIS HOUXIIX2MIS-, ACCIDSNT ISSURANX'S COMPANY,' . ..II f 5 ' " ' f i 1 , ' . LTSCHBURO, VIRGINIA, , : AUTHORIZED CAPITAL $1,000,000. AtlAlNST ALL ACCIDENTS. Olviag th tioldol aa ansaal Pulley for th full anoaot taavred ta eaa of aoatn, ana awniianaat wm wvva if diaatilnd it a peiiod. KOT EXCEEDIS01 TWKSTY SIX WEEKS, n.. Arxiiurm PutioiM for tVH with tt eoai- pematioa oach wook, iy be obtiuuod for A3 par aa aam, Tea Pidlars preitilnm will aaror ,,, bbb lira tit) romrwtnatiiiB a h weak. lwBtv B lioliar aeettre a Poller for '., with SJ-'ft wkly fnifn ti.. fifty fWl.ras.aaa ftt Pohey sarejimadi, .-: ' SHOE! TI3E POLICIES, , run, t r..i vow -n-l Traval- r may ftblala st th IIOME OFFICE, So ft) Main Hif. Lvnctbura-. vs. at tha Kaiirnaa atatio.-w and ot tho B.idrMUaad Minu, Tic ket Poll etea for on day U 13 mootln revtng, te eaaa of doatb from apoiimot, i,iw, ana 10 o wi iijurr f i.i Pot wk. ...,.. . .... 1 11 W OI'B Ol III VW"'"7 '""r w'' w ,,BD(), reprr-wiited by a luiry widaly ri i,0rah;y known ; wc,ihBTti.re, si.).m bus cvb .Idem to tl.s good will aud pot.enasHvtthoSoB'h.rt. Pl'i. - ' omrRHf. hnL. MArBK'K 8 i.KSii'lWSZ. 'Prtt'laiUTint. D u t II11IV u 2AlVllllW nl ll.rl. QjtMX HAltiiV T HVi lAiuiataaa. Vtr-Pm't. M ( IKV I'EVIMX Actum jr d tsxrtturf. O W f.ATHiW. .SAcitfr HKMJT K Pfcyio. 0-erf 1-nl. COL, ' DIBECfOlll N J ibs B M Innie! Mniwiea g. I.sBghora Wiiiiam l lr, , Ji.tiD-u siooa. Quo. U Km-kar. Abraham I Warwick (I'rvhen T Pot era, i ' h M fl lack ford, O W Lttlia'B, - I.boi-b P-ytoa. ' COWTE iitH'KE. Junal-Vtf . ataleigh.ll.C. " fHAI'J.OTTn3VILtJJ, VA ' Asiociata PruieipaU M'lLtn.; C. CAhtt, Jailf sM. UaRNfcTT, if. A., (Uaiv, Va.) Tt1 aeid S-i"n nf llsn Cahoot i!l b?: th l M""'iiy i ?fo'"hr. ar.d wiil rd Jan 3'lh. 7. 'J ' fVoar of .fi'i i " rd f o ri.m bova (, l -..vr--.' of Vrr 6 ..cr -, otliar Ciilrp. or fur t' pi' tn Hi bo:n" of nf Susrtai tntH'B it .rn ta o.TTU'tio in Li'T'wb S' n i ia and itok- 1; K." B vd ml T ';' rr inlf -.. . n. j nv-n;i' in lviie. W at',re hmj! U. I f.ir t.si'.t !ii! f t : n i p'lp i .! tmfif h: oa towf '. mrt as rthit prti;r.a!4M, W lLf.:-" C. N. I AKIt, C inr'ii'fiu , Vs., JA.VL3 M. GAP"1-LIT, M. A, i JviictK.n, U ra-rrt Co. Va. THE EALEIG3 KATISXAl BASK uonTn oahouita pwwosTATBSMPosrtoaT ruuncut lorn ltfcoH lepteaaber I3tkt lie. 1 DIRBfJToBSs . Oee. W. ewepsosi. rWt . , 0. F. Mrndsahsll, Jos. . Csaana, Yin fraa't B. W. PSI!ar, This Baak Is bow sbbb for tba araataatloo of Baak- IBf BBIlBOaS. t "... void and BUrar Cola, Domaatla Viekaaga, aa4 Oattod Btatas, Chats aa4 loeai Saearlttos koagbt aad Uaeanaat saeasy dlaaaaatad OB th si sat fararabla anaa, popositet rsoi4 aad aarordl atteatiaa paid a ih boooubib ei oaain.aa aas srma. - - Co UetloB aaads at all colsta ba taa Btata of Worth barvuoB . . i... so-lr A. NYERS. , Wtt, HYEBS. MYERS BROTHER, t (LATJS OF lALISBPRT, Jf. C SXTCCESSOSS TO BEIDQFOXtl) ft MTERS, AUCTIONEERS, . OENEBAt. Commission & 'Porwardlnfi: ; ' M E Jl C II' A NTS I, ' DOCK AJtp PEVNTEENTU STREETS; I , A X ' " A ' ' ' , . r , MI U.waNlOt VlKim. '., i , . , , 8pom! alt-Bti.ia (ivrs to th sal of Cutloa. Tobao- eo, Wbsat, Vara, and all hinds of t'oaatry fradae. Also, poramaal auostioa glvwa ta th pBrebaa of all atndiof tiooda for ataretiaul. Maaa'atarra, Vana era aad others. ) , Ws rospeetfully pal'dt lu' ooaaigtunts aad e dor i JulyS6-2awlm ' ; ti j- r MEDICAL COLLEGE QV Vllt :iis AT RICHMOND,; Thaaast Asnaal Cour of Laetar will commas ob th tat ot Uotdbar law, and eonitna natil the l.t of Maroh. H aatamar ooara win b dalirarad la IHhl, : i(-,.. .. . . Th organisatioa of th aohoot i aomplat. aad th mesa ot illuatrau iB ampla ' Cliawal iBHtraeuoa at Howard ttrov tioapitaff tontaimog 350 bd. . Pssai St atnmtl alios $i Tlokata of sovaa Profa' aor.Mlii Prwtioal Aaatnmy flO, Ora.luatioB to. Is vtawof th pocimiary duhoaltie of th MBthra paupla, th Panatty hav doolinad to follow th North- ora Heuoola ta tnoraaaiogtu fan oftniloaiand t dBU, who anay ba aaaola to pay alt eharga ta ad vasea, will b allowad togtva agolihh Botos at tMI days, with approvod city ndorr. (or th smouat ot tti rrotaaaora f aoa. . Vor forth r tsforniatioa, or aeopy of th Catakura. awuroaa - - , v v . lu 3. J0YNE8, M. O. r ' ,c if -Itean of the Faculty. .Julj8X.iU0t 1VOTICE TO AltCIIITECTS, . v.. i a. ,, j.. 1 1- v, .i . ... - KIFTY IKJLLAR3. v- TBB alriBd will pay fur tb Wot alaa and ipaoitioatUmt (it adopiedi tor a Jail, to b trootad ia tha plaea, 1 ho building tnut hava thtao or lost monti lor th daitor a farahy, nan Bitadarnaasor room. Bdabtnra loom, aad twooella, aad will ha fealt of Dru. t. woo aaa iron, . , In aalactins th piaa, th CommiuioBers will hav particular referaooa to aooaotoy, duraiiility aad cawity. Fropoaai will bresivd till th ?ttb. of Aaruat. aad will b addrmaad to s--, , - , t JOA U. BAKER, I" . . W.P.LLOYD, iComm'rs. VTM. S, BATTLE, J x Julyl-lw - Tarboro',1-. C. JIJALE jfetMDEHT, WARRENTON. N. C. ; J30.E, LUG G 12, A, 1L Prlaelptl Fall Session will begin Kondsy . Jalj ICth.. 18C3. 7 : -. " " , TEKV8. , Claiwiet k Rlsliar Msthamalw )'.7.M Kngtiah Hrsooboa , , jutm VtwlforHrhool Koom '- Sue Board iwlndin? vaabing, tiitht Jt , par aaoatb 17 !f Th abrr eharraa ara is L'. P. eunBry, payahia bait in advatiea th balaae atloat Saaaioa. Jam in 2m , , riK' METALLIC ISCHIAL CASK. "Jii liana aaVM n " ... .u..j taBHiipj- "- "-:- Th iiaern'trnad would ratpeetfiiKy isforui th eitfc mut f Ei,.!.'i, and ir,iuniip rountrr. that h haa rom'Yvad hia plaecof buiio.a w tb fetor oppoaKo thaMaaooio Lodva, wtiar he Is proparad toaMnutae tar to order ay dt'it):taiii f oteilura at abort lis also krton hand lor rata, tisa s l.eiRratca tf attiito Hiwat f1n. i eaja ar pmfity air tigli' and IvuiutiBt'iib1. aoit Iir priMort!ng at pro aarrlRHtna 0o, or rwoomaieo'ieu to tn puunv a tha bant svuruivanted. !a a4 w -bt t.Vtf.ua kapt oa liaa4, as wao la Old' at 'of n-i'K'a. iHEitlKk'H oo lian.l, end eali. to atlona t as rm protnpuj attBudad to, I l.f..Mtt J. I.IUIlt .1. July 6-1 ui AU, LAUD, LAIH, l.ard in barret and half bAirala. Dimii 1'iiioa lint l..ik. Just re-..rT"i by " " "" T " B. P. "WILLIAM V).f A CO. ,Iu",y2itf . x Von p.iril a ban'of yr. boo W1TFI TEKt.ii T'Kim, aaar H-o. B). tt. Kognri,. la! laat- "' .... . OF NEW GOODS! TSESENOOIS DECLINE IX PEICES t f ") ' ' , ' i S"rTTrP"nrci iViJLx x xjL o IS TUB PLACE TO III V TOl'U DRY GOODS. ONLY TUirVK, 0YS $30,000 WORTH OP KSW GOODS, Parehaaed at th lat trad aalaa to Now Vor k, .will b nffarsd at laaa thaa half tb prie of Lb sam gflods la tb early Spring. Kow I your lima to get ' , NEW, rSHI0lAatl.B dk PiI8AtlLB AT Y0UE OWN 3PEICE! Jbb4 the following Prlro 1,1.1 and Jdg for Vralreai yard bow atylasgund Itilk, $I.S worth ISO .iw I i yards vary goad Blank Silk, 75c. worth f l.ftO tO yarda auparb black Silk, tlj.1 to 5 worth 458 a. 1 f , , '41 , ' yarda rl Oranadme, at ?.. worth ,I50.' '. 3ft " Barag from U!x. U .Vie. worth 7.V Owe) yard. Moiam,'iqn. V,V. to 7io, worth SO to SIM fopilsata, froin Sen, to ( ,' :t.loj. l,t0 llomaatic Lswoa.li&n, wutth Ion, real Fnaeh Laws, from Sltil. to 7n II. Wl ' I lot plain all wo'd Muuallooa, ,'Hlo. wntth.gl atMw small flgard for Cliildron, 4no., .. 74, ral PrsBoh Linen Drill for ganla( waar, itHKI S( te 75., worth i SO. Hpaniah Coatiug Uhs, f.'io. worth l 1(HMI heavy Coaling Lisas for boys and far- mar's aa, 45a, worth 7!m, mgnifiniit 6 4 French Costing, ti unrjy S. ' ' ' 4 " ' KIM Unplb's Orsb I) Kt. tXM aal 8ilk Merk ties'.' ' S.V, auoo ;jse. 10V doran ldla Jloaa, , worth Mo. . tJlW . u A ' fl(,t yf, m00 Fans, from Se, to I'l.ftO eb, and on t bow and aad on otbar artiele ton nnmaroB to :' ".' msnfipa..' .. As arly ealt will recnr tba Boat Bu gtina, as tbsa Quoit cannot b roplaeed at anythisg Ilka th priors -'- . v......) .. ....... .. ... abovaasmod. I HAVE A SPLENDID ASSORTMENT OK Lace Points k Wrappings ... GEEJTADI5E AND EERA0E SHAWLS. THE STOCK OF. BLACK SILK UlAVI'LEft. L Boweompleta.aad bilaa ear iws ni"tiHtotnrers, ' M " ' , i from FrBClt Fttrna w ean ff..fd to soil th low, avoiding .ldhbra' protin, Ii)ia ma aKo bar thlr stantlaa mad to ordnr at a i.viiin of t.. ti fi- to t 'H Special Attention U called to our slock of w wrap - ws'iiB w wji rimbia'lnif aom H 'HI yard., eoin.Hrh'-ina at T par yard for 4 l t. i I and TV. f. fi i. tltka a note ot thaa pnoaa., and ea'l a:d a mr,ina til. fl-.od4 at tiiomas w:riTir.-. 9.1 Si!tor St., aeteraBirgf V. At!i f"f IV e ecl'-hra'td '!orn mg Maehina, aikoowtedad by aU to b Fsmily Sirr Ma-h.o ib esltf xMsy 19-ti "JtLSTEES SALE! OP VALUABLE MA CHINKuY. - TOOLS, tie., OF THE "t'KN fiiALIKOX WORKS,' Korfolk, Va lly Tirtu. ot a dufd nf trnat nut, to aa un tha '.'itti of July, I h. Hy Wot I,. Pel l it aad Johsnnaa Wstaoa, paitnnr. d ing hlnM usdor th rm aaowyiaot t-a-tiu tt W, w shall rail, at puhneauotiKB, for ea.h, on lh prmniuM, lwad oa w too wleratrt,r?iirk, Ta , Kn. IS,emimiclng at o'elook.a. m , rm tha ith. Iry of Annt Bt, I, th Mlr UACHINkKV, KKL8, v. ot th xianaiva ssl enmplat tablukmBtt ksowa a "Cential lion Worka." A!o. arvaral valuali!c fttaain Fngmea, two or throo '"""i notwr iproa Biimner one Lathe, and othar valHnble aitu'lo of hkakiiid. Immtdiaulv aftar tha aala of tba iluu nlol m VMU .'V , . . .... (I , ,.. ' OFFER rOB BEST, ' For th balaae of th vr tha mrtf nivna a4 I B r.atior.a oi to said lrm Works - . i. j. oonwi.y. I ' . , WM.II,ELLI3; Trustees. July Ss-eodta. - TTALCABLEi moPEIITl' FOB ' ' - SALE. . I OWor for ala th lot. no 'whittti. f ant Mifda .uh. tad (not Mitaidf thooorporatioBlimiia.tB the North w.atora poihoB of tho tow. TUt hooa will b aold with orwuhoBi tho land adjoining. Any m wild ing te purohaaswill addrras ui at tht pi.o . Raleiph, July 2d-8w ; ...... ROSEXE OIL AND LAMPS, ' JtJST JtKCKIVKn. a larva annnl nf 1tmA P.. tna'r, atiaeket, and Swinging Laii.pa. . ,. , , ....!,.;;. n14 t 0.AL8O"'"!! j- 1 Thabart Kron Oil, Lamp Wiok snd Ohlmasye J. BROWN, . ' ' WtTat Ham A Lkwis, - . ',' - 44 Fayetteville fttrr. Raleigh. Julj88-tf .. .. , CII AKLOTTE i r.TH ALE I !V T I rS-S"a-B' ,4 in-- - : - i r The ejtailoB eommaaeaa na aha lat. ()..t.,lir un. aou eonuoB antiiaiHto, of June, 1MC7. . l'hs maalon it divided lota ram 'I'umi nt T.it wakaeh, the one commam-ing th UL. Oot. iUofl IH1 wnwi K.I II, (HII, OIf , 'I Strrlfawaj fgft TBK.vg or TWRUTT Board, tbillitlliig every axpaiu ax-opt ' whing gin,'i.rB I union ta lonesiaia tiapsrtmvtit ' - '.'j.iiO - rriniary , , .'.gial.us muaie: si.uliiri uanomwaa. Urawine and Painiim. bK lit by i'omi)tiit and Ihormiih Inatiimiiua ami i him ptiuiia.'- - ' '.v . For eirualar and Catalogs mntalsmg full paitieo. lar addrata. . r . RKV. U- BUR WELL. Sup't. July Saawtoell. , CharlotU, N.C, Nswhara Tlmea and Wilmim-lfin Duivatuh nlaaaa m.. iiii..u.-...l ...iin.1 . ... . ... r ""I a wTwa Minn vi'HM,r, J. L. BAILEY, . .- J. G. MAETIN, Lai JbiIk So, mior, '" l.atAnii . VuUttollMBAhqty .. . , North Carolina, BAILEY & 3IARTIN, Attomos A Conosrllorsst law. v - f AND - ti solicitous iar chakceht. .. AS21JCV1LLE, JV, f, WILL praolia la tha eosatin of Manna, Jaokaoa, Ilaywood, Tiwuylvania, HiiiiB,llio, t aaeay aod Buiioouibs. t , Jl'jKBAII,gtV,Sts.AVairntt. 1 '-; 1 ,j J ,..,( ,1 !.!, - I ' H ILL opn th AiMt MotnUv In ,lulr exit. Fa for ack ooataa aavanty fir dollaraonu hall ia adraaoa. ' Text Books for County Court Conrsa Black toti's tmm-otirli', iU'e en Kat Pro. prity, Feama if Koooiliidera, Hamlia ob toa aid Tfnst, and 1'uilor a txanulor, anii.lavieed Cod. Text Books for Superior Court Course. tttrpltaoaon Pleading. Chilly on Plaadlng, Adams oa r iimty. fttiuth on - Cuniraota, tjoopar a :Kqiiity Plaadmn. Hra-hia on KmIouc, b.-Iwu . Kai 1'iiua. aiu.vitit, tuty t zuriv - nOAItl)IV. X AY KCIIOOL IJ I OK VOI XO LADir.. HtniLTtl.t TUttttrE, Hlila,r Md, Ma. kbM. Wiimiir M. Ciar, In, , , Maa. Cl f. Jea t'njm. f Ttt Fall aaa'liw tifrtm oa Monday g,it.t. 17 I Slid, Ktne its eatnhlifbrnwiit tn IRI-J thi. h.. hn wll known to tha pnhiie m a(rntially " A Southern Home School. Tt tirlwionbi atiM o,-rnd for rH1'oiiv Moon tlialr tl.n.tbis tifti-'ta, . For eireuli.ra or rihnr iatrin.iion July VWfiafn bx 4ft. itallimor Mrt. ?OII.SAjE. VEf H! F. S flw Cut Ci awit.eTc t'wro - th bt Cluiwiiij l.ilnui'ij tti Un iket, by tha 0r., j and X 'W'l f.LIAJT, JONES is t'O. July 83 tf ; LACilllOlt WHEAT I'a. W hava r-ea.v-t Uii of the- v l,i h w w-h i gUd totooui n 'tiioirta ar.'t I'-fOJO-a or, muOe- rnt' loon. -! - ' . 1 ' ' ' . Thriir- .Un 'v ri-i-nmn i-n-i-tl mt soot a. -I ra- Itahla oowini , ivin r it-fe'i'ti n M ai,d having hii lip -t'if 1 t r-a rniiilr! l-iil rnd . Ui. T. W iW.lASI.SON & to. July 2 if - yo coiToaptAi'ins axo othiss CALL AiM SEE The tVUitnUtti IniMrsl Cotton ln flkv ont1one.er. .unf M t""(-K'l h l,"l'r uj tl-I Iprlu R. t)'t thf-y hftv nf rwi!S J tti nmh r,(f Armr tn'fitfl wild" -Hit pnu(tfi mni tnttttiuwetttts-r,, iv w.uHi th. v nf ilrlr!'-t til trt'd - t f tB tt t'UI ,t1 tiii'l C"ii't'n Pfr. '( tt t-lf hJi''j il-n i pi -(, up viTt n.odc fafft'tni - 'lhrvnivi n!l f r t i w intc re to rw.il sri.i .lb vftv. f ut n ' ; i . l i4 J. ! t4 1 1 . iH'''tn I' UfttU? hi'?-, iiiifii'lt." - 1 JiU.t; stfiu jr.tr "J -r-r . -ww . v. ill ;ks p. carad : - or re Mr. VV". hitJ.ij;'.', wtl' A tin VH ! f K( J r- V H ! l;i H m iv Mot l'i Kf ( -;1 M rt a. I k nid I i ,l l l (i'l' v f .i ft'lf t?- iibilV' t.lHt"l W'H Is ,H H I Jl .e- T? t t' tl(f Il 1 J t it"'"' ( ItTT.'i,'' t' it k"4 l "(., ,i it f n' I ' - fwi n,nt'-. f . 19 F'i-X (or .-..I ti(K t'o r-t iijait, tip! iUj 16 tf. 'v T "i O O K JOB JPRIIT T 1 1 i O NICIIOL, CHMt. dk NEATH Kit V. Coraw Payttvi!ia aod Haigatt 8t.t, RALEIGH, y. c. Tba fctTira erupted by u. over Mmrrt Braiwos A Farrar Ht.k .Inf. biiK eiui.elr too .mall ai i dark for our rapidly uirrsit.g hn.inoa.. w bar ramovad to tea latira roouiia tomorlw o.wi.,,,.rf i.- Clothing liapattmmt, S K Corner of l'.tam. A Harr-M hir..., whw.a. prn,ar.a ,nil w. dar. for PKI M'l.NG o v,y d,.r.jt,tl., ,B t,. j),iTJ,,r a reaaoaahl term sud at vatf abort With moderstypa snd fltarea. fait or..,.. ...1 good work m.n, our faoUHiaa f..r aaacailng good print inrni otwaiuaaMd lu ihu ' BOOKS, ' BCUOOL CATAtOOrKt. Ml IIOOL BEP0BT3, ESTITATIOJi AXD BtrsiSrC3 CASI3. RAILROAD, JOKrORATIO.T. I AND COI KT BLANKS, . UII.L AND LETTER HEADS, liANK CHEl ES, CIItCLI.AKS, HANDBILLS, PO.sTEIis, , , ALl.fi ION. 'IiriiE'M, ' CAMPAIGN ' ' DfCL'iiLNT5, c, c, Ac, Se ,ic All kind of BOOKS f.w r.,l. ,.r i '.. i, ' at,, furntohad to onier. Ordara by mall willmealra pruoipt aiifiilioa. Thankful to Ih tmoula ol our nxiiv. r., tl.. ry littaral n.trwmB horifr .i.j.,.i.Ii ... eaa only say that th.u Uvor bat uga aa to rsad johs Krcrtnit, J"fl-N t: (!i. X W JiJi.N It. f,A 1 1 1 y.iiT. jBis-tr , 1. ataoMBT, ww. t. Btaoc&nT. . eaaa a a atm. BCROSSETT A(o , . Formerly EeSossctt & Irown. . (KaUllIifhcd in IK'J,) t , No, 6 JS'uuni Watkh Pr., WILMINGTON", Jf.C,,: TyiLL tiv (wonal attentloB (e th purrhan and . i ' of I'iooui a of avery ae-i ).;., u, and to r. eatv'ae and fnrwaiuiof guoiin. 1 "ab Hi, Kili. em. TLAXTIC IIOTrr IU.II I OUT, r5 tARGgJXD iOMMODWVS by opeaad forth f.-r.-t.ii0 ,f Vi.nora no the iiia of July villi nf inrniiiun f(ia All who vn.b to ati.iy tha in i.V tl.f ; , .-, AMI HA'J'JI, and s cnuifiuiaut hmma rnnt b.-itV ll.aai. elwaia ihuiliiaio. - ..Popmpnitor Uga lve to iiil'ioin sll yho vuit thin flu. . ttitt!H r IS c I r -(, that oo effort t willbeapared to tnal thssr t-f-.v, agrbl end plaaaant. Hirt Mintsr ttouta will ala-ayt ba in raadioo.., for sailw.g or f.Mim i eurniona . Ekcurklon l it for on fa to !niplM-d tnv s... I rifn nill ha l.an...j P,.kly,hy Ih An-iii v. , ., Ai...u'a N V. U. tt, at tjold.uoio,' . . i , , ' t. a. nnANoni, JulyB3.10t I'topntMr, jjcal, w.s , -j:.il 1W fiaibfl1sBic Vttga.it VtHn M3ftl I list Iikhsiv.; iv JJ. I. WILLIAMSON A CO, July 31 tf .ton ittx a ia Eie, CIO PCLLIAM, JONES 4 CO, -I' WtyVVJC Stont l,.Mv!on Porti-r Jn.l BTrirwJ i lhU.M, JONES CO, July SI tf OTICE. TilK WATCH DOfl, or Hlrp'inir Bisn'a ftUi,d, on hibltion at our Wora, and lor bale at It,vel,iur' PULLIAM, JONES & CO. July 20 2t (;U'E IXAtt II A Ma. a ara rxrlonmad by th Ctnliinr ottb Balrigh ii in tin til, and at I'CLUAM, JONE3 & CO. iiy 20 tl iN4 TATE & URAU MOKUb. 4 tha a. iMi-a. or a eoropofrr.t poron, i- r-l 10 guru aw ia U tul nvla tlMlll... ' ' " . w .r? ii t ft . oH (in m.f , W ftf fti:s ; hi 4 r(i t . n ortt to rsralib all kinds of east- i lr nwt v!i promrtt. ILLLU;;-uN trWifl9. 4 ca IWoSjjh, Jitr.e v f H- F-ial S tn I'. ii 'r'lStni tda yet i t : lMftMH, lit. t t.se all bi 1-, 'J ( IT It Jli if I .a a! 1 ry per fit 1 fp.H,n-nt ? Mufiift fin p!afs-"i,' J' )..' ! f 'i . I f n, t . I l Iff fir' ?M-T pail If' 1....V.O. !. . .t-r, !" ', 2 T!ik . .-,. 1 . 1.1 u. 11. JKr. V. July 21 U.,tl II. W. 7IILLl:it. 13 NOT a - E2JT July 50 at B Orin ', i n Hoiritu tf'-' ' i ilrOMiu p1 I dUi .1 tl s$ H Ai.r"'