s&iAbi THIS SENTINEL. Tuesday Evening, Auk. tit istftt. CITY AMI) STATE ITEMS. Kaw ABvBBTisKMBMm. Jf, W. Pugfa, Gaston, will Mil 500 tmsbeW of arn, at (1,35 per buah el. if eurl appl icatloa m mule. : Tke capital "ii7117rintf61ifltolr of Charlotte his Una increased to $350,000, ' S announcement. '"' " ( ' ; ' : : ' ' IL, F. Morn & ftm Durham's, are still manufacturing their genuine 8pauish flavored Durham Smoking Todieceo.-a splendid article. Harness stolen ami $10 reward; Dr. F.J, The Election. RvTirtCATtOX, RUKCTION. Mjrrt'i Mania , 71' . . f. 1U Jones 23 114 Clenvel.nd . , . 27S 81 Wilkes . : v 870 i iOtt , Rutherford- 7S 48 Granville t)5inj. Duplin , ' '" 4.0tnaj. Davie . 13S ' IBB ;Konufurt . ' : 14S : Johnston 441 ; 150 Pitt 51 ' 347 Washington , ' " IS '" ' 24.7 - ' Northampton . .', 6 ' '.. U67 . Yadkin , .... i . 8i Buncombe ' 8i . 21 ' 1 Caswell. ' . 137 . i ' " MS ..... jr. ft 4. '1 i .1 1 . " ' - '..?.,. ' " S J . . 11.707 , 14.838 - . . 11.797 .i ,. Mnjorily for Rejection, 2.871 Thirty-three Counties yet to be heard from The Iloluton Female College, at Ashville, hat 80 pnpils and other are coming in. Loulsburg Female College, we learn, has 130 students. Rev. T. M. Jones la President . ; , Kittrell's Spring Institute, in charge oi Rev C. B. Rlddiek, we lcaro, is rapidly filling op. Blackberries. We are informed by Mr. J, A. Turrentine, Conductor ob the N. 0. Railroad, that be had on his train, on Thursday night, one hundred and duty mm barrels of dried black berries, shipped from High Point to New Tork t Ieidkli. Co. J. It,. Stevenson, Esq., J. A, Roscbro, Esq., CoL Clial R. Jones, and Drift. H. Parks are announced as - candidates for the Commons in Iredell Co. , A. M. Bogle, Esq., is announced s canttidaie'Tor the'flcnste.l Tua Asbville Netn urges wool growers to purchase the Teiel sheep or Monton Flandrins. The Tcxel yields a lUece of ten pounds. The 173 lbs. The work has beeo resumed on the Cineln natti, Cumberland Gap and Charleston Rail Road at Mmristpwh, Tenn. ! A j The AjhevilleivVui proposes to revivs the Buncombe Cot B f Agricultural Society. We hope every County In the State will do so, and that the State Agricultural Society will be re vived also.: , 7...L ' '. h t r'.V :i- ; A uoi.ii BUgge' Weighing 6 poiinds, worth $1,400, w recently hmnd in the Gold Mine Branch, in Tuion County; irt tlits Statc TiiKjCorroa of the Salisbury Old NurthBtal w'Hfl absent lor a few days, m1r during his absence, that paper will publfsh Govi Graliam' address on the late Hon. G. E. Badger. i ilM, Wmr.Kt., in .'charge ul the rreeduniu'l Bureau at Newber'tt, h;is been relieve!, and Col. a Moore, late at Salislnry,takes his place. From what we have heard, the change will be quite a relief to the people of that section. VuKDuarSome negroes entered. lb store of Mr. 3. H. Cutchin, at Whitakera tura-rat on the WilmingUn and Weldoa railroad, on the 9th lost., and Iwutally murdered hiui by stri king him on the head with a hammer. After the deed was accomplished the door was locked, and no discovery of the affair was made until morning, ', The object seems jto have been plun der, as several hundred dollars were stolen. A aegro by the nsme af Virgil is now under arrest ia Weldon, charged with being implicated in this borriMe tragedy. - Sad Aixiw-KT. We 'learn from the Weldon BUit that a verynnfortuna,te accident occurred at Nag's Iload, InNthia State, during last week. Clayton Richardson and AIobjso Greaves, who were doing business for Mr. Jacobs, Proprietor of the Alexins House, at the above named place, wore sleeping in the same room in the Btore-hooM. During the night Greaves, in his sleep, got up out of his W, exclaiming "robbers ! robbers !" snd, sciVing Mr. Richard - son, who was uleep, by the throat, choked him vigorously. Mt; Richardm cried out, "Alono is that youH artd, receiving no answer, he raised ki pistol snd Bad its contents at thjheadof . the friend, but suppowd robber. The ball took effect, and Mr. Greaves ' fell jnscnsible to the ' towriidS;ow io a er'lfesl condition, his life being altnnst deepair e,f.r --:- --------VV'-f bart and another'-genttenian, (name" ot reaftui bcred) have bought the Major J. V. wimdnVa mountmn farm, with a vij-w of goinjf into the dairy business ttremn. This is an encouraging sign, ani we w'-'h the gentlemen great success. -AkttilU X(ir-.i i "QrKKir Emma." The New Yorkers are do ing tb;ir bet to entertain the Queen ofthe . Sandwich Wands, now in that city. She was wailed on by many of the leading gentlemen and todies ofthe city, on Ttinnsilay. including' Commodore Ringu'Od, of the nary, Homee Oreclcy, Rev. Drs. D.x, of Trinity Church, snd Vinfon, and others.' Piirin:; tUo ilfty ehe visit ed SU L-ikt-'n llo-i.'.tiil and other similar inxti tutions. It Mi.l she will set out on Monday for Washington, ud on her return spend a few daya is Baltimore. -J-. ' .' I V ARfcKTox. H. C asi. 1 1. Dkar SwiTiNBu lJvi! noticed jour call. I will sodeavor to (five you a brict account of the ceremonies that took place at Jones' Springs en the 8th. inst At about WJ o'clock in tlte morning, people IwtfiM A tun. . inlik.tka kntJ ! fmm mil ma. lions, untUtbe crowd became very large. Gens. TTuti and Ifitebugh Lee, having arrived at Urn Springs early in the day, , most of - ottuens ought an- intrwrncllon to them througU the Committee. Tuese gentlemen occupied the parlor of the bote! for that purpose, and the, greetings which they met from the citizens of the old North State were of such m nature as alone coold eomo from kret hers who had suf fered in the. name cause.1 r; Ateleven o'clock, the vast concourse began to more In procession front the hotvt to the Imrial ground, which movement consumed , nearly a Salf q )fturs,.On tho ground, by those famil iar with gatherings, it was estimated that there were from 1,400 to I600 persons present. Tlie Rev. Dr. Hodgea opened the ceremonies by reading' an appropriate selection from the Prayer Book, and then offering tip prtyer to the Most High. The Doctor then introduced James Barron Hope, Est)., Editor ot the Norfolk Day IM; the Poet of the occasion, who arose and delivered one of the tnosblegant, feeling and Soul-stirring poems that ew.dl upon sny ear, occupying about thirty minutes in its delivery. The Impression upon the vast auditory present W' grave indued. , Never were people's sym pathies so enchained and held spell ixrand for so long period ; and not a word nor a gesture of the poet was lost by that crowd of eager listen ers. In using my weak language to convey my we ideas ot Mr. Hope's magnificent effort, I Know I caq convey to your readers but a taint conception of the reality. Thee audience were Charmed, indeed : and I telt that, to have been )resent on the oceasibnwsf truly to have en oyed sn oasis in the dull, tramp through the desert of life." . ' ' ' ' Alter the poem, the Rev. Mr: Soloman closed the ceremonies by prayer, and the procession nisde its way back to the Hotel. . In justice to mine host of the Springs, I can not omit to make mention of the reception Which he gave the large crowd of gentlemen end ladies who lingered , at the hotel for the balance of the day. Major Hope, of the Vsr borough hotel, in jour till, certainly deserves Well of the puWic as caterer. I consider him ."'master1 of Tiis business in thst lios, and bis splendid table and polite and t urteout assistants and attentive servants beer tneuot in the assertion, i s ; , ' By the way, we 'were much gratified by a conversation with the Major, in which he a urcd us that, on our next visit io the Capital of our State, we v would find -his hotel newly Irigged off with spabking new furniture and Other lute and improved f fining." Major Hope "knows bow to keep a bote" truly, tor he keeps op with the times. Success to Lira, ibe Tarlwrough: and the Sentinel. Dont yon ARRIVALS IAT JONES SPRINGS, AUG. 8, 1363. Gen. W II F Lee, flen. G W C Lee, Virginia: Gen. W R Cox, N C Gen. . Wharton ; James BttWm Hnk Norfolk. Va : Col. W J Green. Col ThoeL Jones, Ot Wm II Cheek, Warren Cant T W Battlet Elgeoombe, N C ; Capt Wm T Alston, Warrenton, N C; ReV( Dr. Hodges t Re? Til Pritchard,' Petersburg," Va ; Win T Alston, Richard T Arrinrton, 8 P Arlington, Allred Autton, Jr., Hiss Bettie Carr, Miss Jennie - aw kins. Mi- Hart, Mrs iw Hawkins, Mrs: a Jonca, sliss teise 4 ones, Miss bailie Jones, Jno 1 Jenee, Alan S Jones, Geo, Field, Miss Bettie Field, E A Cheek, Jr, U A Harris, Wig A K Falbn, vi Wm N J Nicholson. Wm A K Williams, Joe E Drake, N R Jones, Henry Wii liauu, Miss Lena Redwood, Misa Alice Jones, Wsrrenton, NC; Miss Mollie White, J II R Plummer, Jno T White, Mrs Tbos Carroll, and two children, Warren to; 3 Ha vent. Miss Wright, Miss Daves, Hilliardston, NC; Rich'd Elmondon, Hiehmond. Va A 8 Rbafer, New York : A H Andrews, Ming B N Ijine. Miss L Jmics. Miss Ella Andrews, Granville "Co ; Jss B McCtiltoch, J, Andrew White." Miss Kate White, Miss J L Green, J F T Young, Peters-, tiy, Halifax ; J J Young and Ladv, Henderson ; A II A Wiilisms, NasU'Co ; Jno V Cawthorne, Mrs Cawthorne and two daughters, J H Foster, Misa Alice Somorville, Warrenton ; Miss Tittle, Tennessee; Miss Wood, Edenton; Mr Porter, Clarksvilk Vat A L Norfieet, Henderson, N C ; Mine 8ue Pescud, P APescud, Raleigh; I N Clegg, Chathsm Co. ? , , . , . Dkath or A' G. Fostkr, Eq. It Is with feelings of sadness and deep regret that we re- i Cord the death of this distinguished gentleman, j tribute ot respect to wnose memory we pub lished In our last, ' It was our good fortune to have known Mr. Foster long and well, and we Can truly say that we have never. known a more honest and npright man in our life. Few men possessed a clearer bead, and none a more hon- est heart.. We have often thought that he was ftiA must talpnlfwt . man in m'hortl hia Bstiva county ever gave birth, . Bred to the law, be sofin rose to eminence!' at tne Bar, ana tr he had not retired earl v he would undoubtedly have reached the highest distinction ofthe pro fession. , in Mygnnai character ne was open, Iran-, sincere ana muuiy.ana none woma soon er have scorned a mean action, lie was a plac able eaeiny and a strong friend a high toned and chivalrous gentleman. v Faults he nrobablv : had. and who of us has not But, in the Ian- I ireage of Usjly, in memory of Henry the IV, of t ranee, we wouul eay, p- ; :. ,! .. . f , y , y f His failings be they covered o'er by bis tomb, And perennial laurels above bis ashes bloom.'' ; rr,rj tl o.-.. 1 i , x : - " ? ' i t uw j.ivria ohh. ; A Son Akswb Tt'wtr.ra Awat Wbath. It is said that recently, ia a sleeping car com. !ng from the West, a man in one of the berth! became greatly annoyed by the crying of an in fant and the etfurts of its father lo pacify it A The irate individual at last shouted out ; " Whs', the devil is the matter with that young one f And soOn ''ai : "Where is the mother of that The Memorial Eiercises at Joaes child, that she is not here to pacify it .! AlrtVWiu CossrtTreree this the poor gentleman in charge of the child stejiped op. to the berth, and said r "Sir, the nwtUcr of. thai 'child if in ..her eofBn in the bag cage car r The gtomuler immediately arose snd compelled the fatberto retire to his berth, I nd fVow thirtflme-tM tnorg took orphan under bis own eare. '-. Despatches from Memphis state that a regi ment of colored troops ia Helena, Ark., bad en gaged In a general riot at that p'acs on Tues day, firing oil tlio white citizens, snd swearing they wooid take pqa-ion of the town, General Julin A. I''an, who was noaiinaled for Con '.Tea from the 5at ofj Illinois at large by the liepuhih-an State CofltVention, recently, at f,irinf."!iifld, delivered a v;ery l'ensnhy spenrb on tbe ix canoa. He called the President all sorts of nanu s, and laid dun a new pUin of restoration policy, lie opsed the refneitl of the "iron -c! 1 1 t,t;tiith," and' favored the di bneiiisemerjt of sU t iel oiScials, and a repre sentation 1-a-is on tlie .actual voting pOul. ion. . ", '." - ,- , .'v ,. SECOND EDITION. TK L,K5Ti A PHii 1- Our Tuesday Morning lclrhes, , Latest Per the AUantio Cable, t- - I.noon, Aug. 13 V T1 nu UHweea Italy, and Austria, 813l-fBrel oa 8atuixla liwt has bcea ru- I aewetf for our weckt, ' f -' 1 ; . , , . -:,7 -. ItvsKroL, Aug. 13. The Cotton market ,cliuM firm, tyics, (o-dy 2,000 bales middling uplands at. 13 pi nv. ... , Consuls 87J C money. 17. 8, 6 ttl's 6S,, Illi nois Central shares 76.r. Erie ttfc ' '"- v Northern Marktti and Fin,jcUL -. . . ' Nw Von, Aug. 13, V. Mr Gob$i,4J. ft-0's ot 'M $107. Do. of'ei $1001. J 10-40's $99I. Cotton quiet " Sales of 1,200 bales middling 843. . r , Flour more steatly at $D,50d$IS for 'South ern. Wheat 35 cU. better. ' Bi-cf quiet Pork dull; sales of ,RO0 bids. aleaa at $.11,61. Lard heavy. , 1 , Sugar firm; Muscovatlo lOJlll. ' Turpentine 6 73. Rosin quiet at $;1(&$9, j t ' i ii. . tv- - r- The Phikdelphla Convention. Piur.ADri.rHiA, Aug. 1 J, P, M. ? Upwards of 800 delegates have' arrive!. amcfig the most prominent of whom are Thnr- lo Weed, . Dean Richmond, secretaries Ran dall and . Browning, Gen. Steedman, Cor nelius )Vendcll, Fernanda Wood Mr. yUondig hsm, Uon. Orr, Perry end ; Sharkey, A O. P. Nicholson and Sensto Guthrie., . , '. f j ' , There is considerable excitement about the admission of Vallandigham, "Wood and other peace democrats. There is no reason, however, to doubt that all troubles will be adjusted to night. Fernando Wood wilt decline to go into the Convention if necotsary ,to bar raony, ' J Programme as yet unknown, but no third party will be formed.'' The Convention will probably adopt a series of resolutions endorsing the policy of the President , and debouncing Congress, and sjnaddrcs will bei issued to the country, which will embody the principles set forth in the Call. " ' i R. C. Wtnthrop, of Mas:lnr Gen. Di will probably preside. ' , , , . From Earop. ' ': . Londos, Aug. ll. Napoleon demands from Prussia the rectifica tion j?ithe French frontier by , ite extension to J the Rhine, s It was marked pnor to its distur bance in 1814. The military end naval-preparations, which are being carried on in France, induce tbo belief that the Emperor will make war. if liis.demend is not complied with. The great aiiiitcmt'iiMi-PsWttJ , - I The United States squadron had bad a great imperial and popular reception in Russia, The Czir visited the vessels at Cronstadt and dined the chief officers, toasting the "uninterrupted prosperity of the United States." Turkey has reduced her army of obeervatidn on the Danube. t ' '; ' Military Changea; ' :. .f IVahhisutok. Aucr. 13. Gen. W. S. Rosecrsns, Brig. Gen. ijn the reru- lar army, having tendered bis resignation. Ma). Gen. D. E. Sickles, U, 8. Volunteers, it is un derstood, will be nominated to the vacancy. - , J , ;-f 'i"f'i - " Southern Market Cholera. , , ; ' i Nnw Oiu.bahs, Arlg. 18. Cotton easier. Sales of 400 I tales oi low mid dlings'at 838:1. ' ' 1 ! I , " i y Gold $1.47. it-".. Bank Sterling 58(350. New York Exchange discount. ..'i ',. i:-i. V'. ' Cholera deaths for the 48 hours ending this morning, fifty. - - - , i' v i . i . --. - Our Alter sean IspsiUhes, t Latest Markets From Europe. . i ) Nw Yoaa, Ang. 14, M. , Gold $1,40. Exchange nominal, $100.! . Wool quiet. Cotton .unchanged.. .,1 ( ' i A sjiecial to the UerMt dated Brussels, 12th, says that there i great exciteweut ia .Vienna, and 483 persons are to he tried for high treason. Crowds in the streets bailed the Empuroi with wice to abdicsle. " '" The Austrian MinisW of Finance had re signed. '' The Great Conveation. f - .'".!.' : . : PuaaDtxrwia, Aug. 14 The trains last niht snd this morning were heavily laden with deWgatcs and visitors to the t Convention. mf the hotels are overflow. Ing. ';; . Tbe reception rooms of th? Executive Com mittee have been thronged with delegates regie teringtbelr names.. , - i ' . I ' .Every Stale and Territory is represented, The harmonious fcelmgof yesterday is etill more marked to day, . A Ge!ti,ia!. 't lie late Jodge Taltbard, in a case tried at the Bris tol ,(Englnnd) Assist, shortly before his sndlca death,-thus vdeflncd the character of a gentle-maatl-T' ' r ' ''' '", j Theevideoce nroved thst the defendant, while not speak to me ; I era a gentleman, and yon are a tradesman. ' ' :.'HUeatleman."aitl the learned jtid,' ,"i a terra which d- not apply to any station. The maii of rank who dejorthiinc!f with dignity anJ candor, and the. tradesman who discharges tbe duties f life witii honor and integrity, are alike entitled to it ; nay the humbleat artixn, who fulfills the obligations cat upon him with virtue and honor, s more etitbxl to the nsme of gentleman Mian the man iiio could indulge in HilWwfve and ribald remark, bowev.-r bih his station. ' - ' . 1 jpVRALE.i. ,.i . ": .'. "' '' N' A larM snri'ly of S'tTar 'i4 Cuff-e. -it ree ir4. I'LLLUM, JONLH i CO. Atit.6tf -. . '..--.'', :: x The rirt loc Kclicvcd. , Wiir. Twrul, Efl.. MDr, V., Uvi, 'l iru anlii-ttM wUli ttu lAvvr 'uoiiAuU for two Vi lli's. SktiotHtr iwu iitsi 1 eoutil nut In. BtKa tut Irli Mile for nin iiuinttu, iKiewmlit I lHira riKirtu,tsne ithu tuiipniK hrel. I taii il ncvi ril kii!ilH..t iiu iidnu-ill "lies, iw uiinvi n ruiit f. 1 slso Ui. J tlt niill 14 (he uuiw einiiKn( !Hv-ii-nui t.ul huu nmii.t ho fwt. WW Wl fUtXI M M battti4n-l ry jMsr'. lUta I't'UK MttriU tur.t-AJlL' l'll.l,l'Kiut-ftv4.Jit..jtfm ihv l Hmuil rcnel ami miinnd in axraal lutul I as unr. ;nvj rami, i am now a wvu nmii. i . . aaki tir Ui Jru(Kiat. I'lnviMHW aecomjianv eai4) htx, Kctit to aHJr ir of Ui I'uiUJ lUte tr a a uin, AUiirea4. . iE)IMIE W. PEKMH. W. ltaltmiors; MiL Atign&t 4, lac lm -EAlEIGHMOSlt KARtET. - COItllKCTED BV JOHN ,U. AVILUAMS A 'n BjUOKERS, RALEIGH, N. C. f KICKS OF MOHTtt CASOMHA BAKK MOTKS. Bank of N. C.(Gold 95) (Silver ) O. K. 85, Caiie Fear. , 5 t'harlotte,.. Islington at Gndiam Hoxborouch ........ W'adeslHruj.'h . . . . , , -, . VA u Thorn asville.... 23 iJ in uigt on, 13 '! Commerce. Washington............ " Fayettevillo ...i.... s Clarendon ,,i . 4'' Vancevville.......: ... 11 6 0 4 17 15 13 m 5 Miner1 and Planters' Bank . .'. . Farmers Bank, OrtHrnslioroiigh., Commercial Bank. Wilmington . . Merchant Jlank, Nowwrn Oreensuorough Mutual,'. ,... . . . , Virginia Bank Notes, aliout, . ... , . South Carolina " . , ss , 18 , 80 143 18.1 K7 Georgia " ....,. Gold.,..,.....- i... Silver.. Old Coupons:,... , North Carolina Railroad Coupons.'. Old Sixes,.,...'.. Exchange on New York. ii i i RALEIOIl NATIONAL BANK OF NORTH ' ' CAROLINA.'' . J nuvisa'KATts K. c.-bask Koraa t Bank of Cape Fear . j , . ; ;-. , , S3 15 , 11 " t'liariutte. " Commerce..... U ti J : k.iiuvnuiin.,,1.,1,.,,,.1. " Fayctteville... . " Iexington . .' " , Iexiiigton at-Grahaufi . . . North Caiollna ...... .. Itoxboro Thomasville .., 8 7 10 13 88 80 !0 IS 13 4 8 13 13 80 13 83 80 ' " Wadesboro.. ....... v " Wilmington " Washington..,.. " Yancevyille...!. ,.:.-Xi Commercial Wilmington . . . ,. .. ... . , . i Farmera, Oreenabdtw . (Old) . . , . . . . ; .... , Merchants' Newbcrn , , . . . .... ,.. .., Miners' and Planters' Virginia Bank notes, average. , ... , . South Carolina" T ' . ' ............ Georgia,:, 44 : 80 Gold... ,...,,,143 Silver .............................185 Old North Carolina Conpona. . .4. .; tU.:OT. III KI'lllUM iwniiuwj nuuirii, wi Kurth. Csuxtw 4'a, ten Cnunons on . ,,,,.. 81 jr.xcuaiige on iiew lora, , . , t MAEKET EEPOET. ConneOTSD DAILY BY JORDAN WOMBLE ; s. .. a s o exit. L i Xo. 8., Jlargett Strtet. -.,, i BEEF...., ... HA CON.,,,.,,. BUTTER. ,...., BKK8WAX..... CANDLEM..-.:. 13-I5cc lb 18 20c. f fb 85030c $ lb ' ,...... 80oH lb r f.;t.i,' tO 88 W lb ; , i . , 00 $ bale, cotton: yarn. cotton r,...,c8580c) lb .T. . . ., , 80c lb CHEESE CHICKENS , OOKKEK M1RN EGOS FUKSHPOKK...V. FODDER ., FLOUIt-8tiierfine. Family.,. If IDEA Green Dry...... .spring 13(?t)35c 4 each ilO aao lb 140 130 f bush ... 1513i)r doa 12115c lb 3 00 8 25 f cwt. 10 50 V bbl . 13 60 y bbb . 1 lOcff tb 15c V lb HAY. ..1 OOfilSt 60. cwt LARD..,, , ..... 20a25c y lb MEAL. 1 40 150 y bush MULLETTS MACKEREL HERRINGS....... NAILS PEAS White. . . . Stock..'., ,., BUG All-Crushed. ,t Brown,. MOLASSES..., RAGS HODA --Cooking. , 10 00 bbl i ., 20 00 W hbi ....fkf'&lOjrbbl ..19 12,0 V tb .. 1 85ml40 bush 1)0 120 $ bush 25c lb '. 15 toOo ) lb - 7W, V gal, , f, - He V lb . , " 80o ff lb Tlie Ditiuid of all tha reiwi U d law raaea hi North Carutiua, fnira ilia earlieui period to tlio present year, ia sow nearly ready tor the inu'ier, Jt will omiawt of ahont lata) paaes, iiiclniliriK the talilo of raaea, 4o. the book haa lieen ao arranged tliat rt ran he bonnd' in nu voltims, ur in two, aouording io the preference of th pnivhaaer. ; ,i . i - Th cai of publication has hen rrel.ir than was xpeetttd, in eina;f)ueTuv tit tli bnk bi'fng lantfer, and It ha ateerWind that the author cannot afforil to eiiarg bus than SIS for tli volume nt volumaa of tin Law, and IIU tor th f.ijttilv rnlnm to ba paid on or before tna tkiorerr o! tuo voiiuiM'a raeellvir, Xlie work, thnuxli oiitaiiuut linn h inori; nnitr, will eiwt bnt little more ia cun. neT, than , waa formerly charged m M at H eqnivaieut for Uh aggregate af lnehdi and Jimea a bwa.. ; Viiien s pnrcljaeiT aaiiw all interleaved enpv, ha ill wo atale in bia 'trihir for the wnok, . Ihers will be. an aiottioitai mice or mi noiiar lor atn-n miit. a nr.. i ... .... ..... I...V... t.l Ttv liavw fHinw.i,viii wi ati mm ariuw i v ntuym iy tl in the aala of tlie Ihirmit. aid now solicit uiimodi ate orli;r, ancompariu'd ith HreeOfaa aa to bow th book shall lie bound, Ac. . 'ih printirirof tli t 1'uty volume ill be eorn BM'w'l wiiIkiii dfiav, 1 . . ' . Nl;HtUA K)t;M.tM ANE-vTllKliy. K t Htma A tln frintors, Aog. ii ruh-ihK a. c pern siai.B. i . t:'". Whiie nmv'aiidr'rtt.'' Ss- 1'iu.nu, joncs a co. Anir. a-tf i -i jyv it ii n' n o u v . to it c o, ''Large W ef 0niin ittiham'a ftiuuinit Thaeea, pnt nt iu a, a, l'), 1-, uml jti ymiA 1. ' . , . . l ir k.U,' t -. E. J. PARtML -At Co"a!r A JiooTB1, Mllt r ! It- I'boreby apjioiut i. W I'niion my a.. Aeti f tlui ColWti.of I'.H f"f the l: l"l!',!l I;a'rn-t. 1 J-,. e. 11. i:AV,.hiierur. TtteimdcrsunWd will sti'vi si tlw fVurt lions dhily nntd M.ei.tay of A41 X!Jrt f tb uqiof of cuie-ctinfi; tha 'lax'1 abov.- re-fi rr-d t . ireeiimca fu euibra.'ml' ia lhfc 'i uttt. J. D. 1'LLLEX. Bakigb, Angnai 0-3t 1 I -f .'., ,' ,:v I',''' '... UNDEH THE SUN. A Ntw:Eia In Medicine? artX the tflinmrnr ami tHmm) rpaJ 0tvf.4W lu. . . : a" 11 all who have Wu jiveu u liyHx tom, suit sikAcb of as inenrable, resit Qua fiitUm iug. i It all wUn e l-ltiT ,fa'tj! and eau. bave faith in evident), read the fiillmtuia : iyfc.t. A'i)H all oteit by Sw )mtiU, That on tlti,: the Twwtlieth tav of Juue, in ttw rear ut cmr I.or.1, One 1 hmiaamt V.iKlit llniidrtst and Hutj-ix, pvrwtnallv eamfi J,mn-i1i Hivdiek to (tie, known u. )i, and he- xik uui.T awnro, tiepoaea S Inllowa: That Iw w the ( Krnrraj airi'ul hir llwi I nited Ntatea, and depen B-ii. im inririn, pit ure)iraiiina or meilieiuea known MACMHKLH I'HJJJ uid MLVE, an.t that tlie fol Jowinn rortitiina ar vrltua euiMtw to Uu Iwat of hw kmwletandtxdlff, I , N JAMlJ SMrrTER, ' "'L.B. . Notary tniHie, . " ,'K. Wall 8lret,ew lork. I'a. Wmxoixi--I tula mr tw Ut nt wm rj pri st rufiof and tliat the awful. iain in my side baa b'Fl me at latt thanks to vnur ttie,)ii.ii, ill, ,lii..t.M how thankful I ain tliat I ran act nnm aWp, I eaa nerep write it euoiiKh. 1 thank yon aitaiu and ajjjn, nd am aiir that vou are rtially tlo h'lvnd uf allauifr- era. , i nnini not neip wntuis to you, ua fcujw you . , jA.MF.tMT.rw, . ' " ' llAveiiaD. Tliia i to eertifv that 1 was diaehanwd from tlm snuy with tlironio Piarrhena. snd have been cured by lr. laggiol s I'lU. ' ' ....... . :i . '. J anranvtiinvt' - w lVk, April T, UBS. wiutun inmr.i, ,, it t'ltt Street Tilt filiowins ia aa inUwaKnir Monft m.n m fdoyetl m an Iron 1'imtnliy, who, In puuriuir melted row into a flask that was damp and was, eaum-d an ex- uwiin. aim niuitra iron waa Uirvwn arouiHi si'd on nm in a nerfeet alinwer. and ha aa hiirnt ilrnmirulW The fiJkiwiut; wrtittist waa Kivan to nwliyhita about ,l Wtv'jb micr ,uv WtUVIIt. . . i, , ( Tr nam ia Iftivih rfiii..lv . T m . n w v.d..,.. f wa Wly burnt by hot iron In Nuverobnr laai; my buma healed, but I bad a mnning; sor on my lug that would not heal ; I tried Majtfjiol a Halve, and it eured me in a lew wwn jnta is all true, ami any body can bow see ta at Jaokmai'a Iren ffurka, Snd Avoaue, ; , ,. . : ... - w ,., ... , , j. iiiuu, ( tl 0 .'! -4 : i : ' 'Jt us Oeoriek Htrt. - Katrwci frswa fariawa l.ciivrai ':- : I had aoamwtib) : Uairsiera Pills trava rne a hamr. tyou." . . " "YonrPillaW marvelous. ';' '. '"'H... 'l aend for aniline Kit nA Vium IK,tm In it... house.. ...''.... "X. ...'': i ,':. "Dr. Maciriel haa cured mv tiaulaetia tluk w.a chronio.' , . , ,'., " "leave half of mis of vtmr nilla to mv lah fur enolers morbus, Tha dear tittle thine sot wcU in a day." '. ' "My nsnses of s morning $ now cured.". '' toor box Of Mavirfpl'a Ralra mri nut nt nniana h th head. I ruliU d anme of ynur rtaivs behind my am snd die notee kft." i'Bend me two boxes; I want on for a poor family." " 1 nehe a dtdl.r ! vmir tiriiw ia twnntv.AvA euta: bttt the ntiMHeina torn ta worth a dollar.'1 ' .Usealsaetve boxes of your pills." ,! ' ' "It m hav three boxes of vonr Halve bv return mail." t -t ! : .,- .- ;. -" i I hare over 200 such Testimonala A tliie, bnt waut of. apse eomnela m to eonchids , t i. MAtiOtKL, M. II. . P. r PERCI D AEVT FOR K4lr v - Muggiel'a Pilli and Salve. '' Kt)TirE.i-Non genufiie' without'' tlie eiieraved trade ii tark amimrl eaeb pot or box, "ittnrd by llr. 1. JIUmtim, It Vmt Htreel, New York, to counUirfuit Which ia felony. i j rkiid by all reapeetabU? Dealerain Mmltciiifis thronKh flnt tli (imtsd flIe and iiaiiaila-t celila per box or pot. Aug. ,-tf ' - MACIOIKI.'i CIIII.I.SJ Afftt rajftn s . eli.i,at ...' Maj&kTii Fever and Ajue rills! -. MAGGIL'S?EVEH AND AGUE IirX-B!. 1IIKHK faiB'iun mnuidiMi, kunwo thrBnithuiit tha grant Weal t tin t'olled Mataa for their aitraoViimary earaa of ' - - t - ciiiixn, ri:i:u am Ata i: ara Bw tliortiBgtily iBtrodaead ifl th RLat rt Korth CrliD.and eao b obtaiuad of all f ntarn,in(, Brut eiaaa drBirgt.ta. i- Thy ait aa a touio t all dahiiiiAted yt,.ai, a. ka isliwo of One PHI Three Timet A Day.' b(or nala, ami aliould h found iu avarr innuly rM aiding is imaaniMHi di.liO'U. Tw any akaptie tr an wu.j diaia aol iwlifv iu Ihr.a marvolloB preit ir itiea, . A ni Will be sent Trie If h ia Bot eiirrnj with ota and atit. aiora tliaa twn bnaen.Bo ehar; will b mad. Tli pt.ua ul tha 1'ilia is high ay . . (rk'J I'KH liOX i' btrtsathay we 4 per'! ettra wilhyut troutila or is aiiwrcnieiira, tha eliarp in ratwifthla r.nrtn;'h. Aihirw J. MAllllLly N II. : 43 k'ullim Hi :" "''""' - : ' ' N"W Yoik. .V'CAtjOKa; ' ; - Witr ttfrritty fti.tl uu ird yourfw vn v ? in1 fy lifl'rf 0M1M1(I t1tH f hflVA lllwl OQ ppro ft AfltM ritriif tnfrWiot in W ifir tun, liir wmch (rmitjlit i' i 414 i' . . -f Q0j.t'.VIIIA!ft0t,l.li.K, , WAXMINtiTOX, I). C, The cotmnir a,nlon of the wfernl IVnnrlnienla nf thm'iilli'Kc iII'hii-o with full raAtiltieaof imttrtictiou, serural oi tta 1'rofiMKorH fi"m th Kmtb having re sumed llii ir chili a, at the dales fulinwuiR : rrefiarauiry iA-panniimt, ri pt, 1'Jtb Aeaikiuia'sl . ... " If.ih li , " Oetrt. lOih Kat-h lB'.art.uniit is oreainm-il (0 fiimi-dl the moat ttiwHiKh chin M"tn iiiatritetion; alula ilia siltllinrv fa4 intica at the ridcriU t.apittil fnr cn-iiiii-al niituit. vr m art r'"p;ewi Btntrrpiai 4 h au4uai.l aa ;.t iit t.iiH'Ko in fit wmtLry. Ohm bait tuition ia (fieen to orpiiana of tho war. Htuib ola for the luiiuvtry have !. a)i'Cil fucihtica artd ri" l'inma timirueti'm ia iv-rt in all the hron'-hns of Tlicdojiealr .education, F ruithi r iiJiuuintioB sdibeaa, , O, W. AJISU, I. TV Aiij;. 7-ltrt 1 ' I rreaith-ut. Ai'ftiiiaid.inc'f itc'tew in 'thint. J'..,c snil b ficMh aui'l'iy 4 Jed. ,,iiiiinrg A Aig'ctf ffLUAV. joyr.s & id. Mm mix. i.irt TaxHi'lae, bvt'i It irt .. . l'l'LLIAM. JOXli'Si CO. July 13 tf (. ' - . 7 IJCSC3UT'S. ACiENCY, RALEIGH, N. C. CAPITAX A ASSETS OF TIIE COXPA- KIES EEPEESEUriD.- -.'81150.000, Ed " Mknting Hefll know an(li.iilr ttM't rrt t-r, Mi TrAi.. T.tKK tvn t o HKtKihl.VN IJf'E INM'RAMT i l'Utt M, FluK tMd. t: )l HilM. AlLANTIi! " UtiiiOKl VV. INM HWt'K ft) (IV THW i I I IV .ii.' vi Jt ) 1 1 liMON t IliK IN S. l''), Mv 'TlSVll.l T VA - tut uilia-iu.ti.in u,i p-4n-i. a ai'f.! tn I . i r. e'.rKsoro, " tW lie Effect la Miraculous; j , . IT la SB antuwly Saw M'lenMfi t dixrurary t omhining wiaav of Hi liKmt tutwatrtu! auJ rt.. ( r,UH. ia thewufBluWa ti , e W fcaVS aypt. e.mS.lanna 111 itiuiaiil, ami a.aan aar it wid do all eiajin tor ll that wa vfl'ar t 9 1 ,000 It IJWAIt u if tl MtvilUa tsalr ttrBrarrr (i,. at K,re aatif faetiua ib all eaaea wlia aiwd intinol aotwtianea with ear uwtrubtitat. e - , ; II.ll.I!4 "',:' tegeUMa Sicilian Hair Ecnewer ha nrovnd lu.ilf u 'it th WHMt (wrfet preuaratlos lur th Hair vr oSani tn tb nubile. It ia a vagatable eamputiBd. aud oontaina an mlnil oil nmpartio wliaiavar. ll Ml t t)ya. It llnkM ll Ilia mil. an.1 '!. II.. glands with aw lii. aad eolorlng mailer. II will rraiar lray glair I Ha (atar fwlsr. ' " ' ' ' It wilt h th ll.lr fraaa falllas ll alaaaara ha aala aa.k.. , 1.. 11... a ft, laalraaa aa allkra. Ilaa ailaai llalr-ltrraaiaa " pnKiB old r yvaiiir, aiionld tan io a. M. ' It ia rWeuaaawadad aud uaail hv tha 11.JI.".-. Ibariiv. c; - , . (7 Ak (ttrllaH a Vauatabla Ki.iii;.. 11. n . ar sad tak miniliHr 1 at. r. 111.1. t:Q,, Praprlrlara ' .. - Paulina, N. H. (JT IMS bv all rrm.iKl(. wn jl 11.. 1 andP.F. P.eud,kalolh.N C. "ab, lH-IW atnl wiMf 1 IN'STItt'CTION BOOKH AND MCKtO .-..-. ,. ruB - '-v.- CABIHET 0EGAN, MELODtON, EIC. Sandal's Melodeon lnatrn4or. f'u.ii.ii vi..- menta of Mnnie bunreiwa, ami t ln.ii e Muki... i in. ;.ww-sitnoa nw in ntiat,in. u-awai in''iw Popular Honga, l'aaiia and ilvtun 'l ui,.., II m " arhart'a Ab lodeim. I lin..p,i.i.v .... 1. Studiea, with i'hoii Vocal and liiatriiMienUI Mime, Anterlrsn IMtool fortliIe.aleim, fl .10 ' IMiKlel Mtih)dw)ii Inati'uctor, Hi Winner s (hiiila fur iha Cahnii i ni l..,, 1 u. ir 1,. strneuw.'wijh Hleet Popular Miiwe, '(.. " uiiiiM a tiuine ior 1110 ai, ic.i, mi, 71 Welmieon without a MmIw, lit F I,. VI, it,. 75 Wootlhtirv's sltdwlenn Instructor, 1". ' ' tlreen and While sleltalan liiainiclor TJ. Howe'a Ml.xiwon fnatrtictiw. So The Neraidiiiw. A milli,,ii.,n .,1 V,,..,.. r ., ,i .1 . dei, Heiaiihine and Meed (nys'i, ?'. Kent piaitHMil, n mealut pi'h. IIIVKKIUT.im At IO, Pat.ll.hwra A11g.s u . . . , . i:,,!,,ii. G WL l. ami:') kc 11 00 1, ! o ., . .: ; HOI . CONCOUI), X. '. , Ttl Kacottd HanMlun nt llm, Si.!.....! u .n . MiMdaV,S.il '.t d. IK -ili Tba I'ttni itial will ha a..,.i,l 1,; ...... . . ., ... ., . . - " ii'.ii". i' ti ilia Unirsrai y m Va r ur t.ucuiar apj ly In 4 ' - JAMKHH. LANE.'A.-M. '' July 24 lm ;-, ... ,. l-riitc'lpal. T Parties haviev ekiiii acnitut tu I ,..... -.,i., ..r N. t!., for Brtnim fume' In d pnm to I'lili. March, J.ti ar rrqunalrd to .i,i'cni ilia 5,111,1,, in ),. u, t' t!i Hoard t,i Mipfni.in.j at Iha llove'1,,.1 4 i-ihca un .IMfilnv Alia""! It'll Hi I'l u clock, A M. ' Ity rder ol t'o- Ii.rd, ' ' " ' W. E. AX DKIiSON', ' July 3D Id - - Becreury. ' . JAKIi ATI it UOTi:i,, 1 1 I'i IiSUUiU. VHUilNlA. " v: , Having pnrebwMxi th fiitifrent of ptatt A Snnimma x 10 linn li'.u-a, aniiDuiica I., our ft land ami ti public that Ilia boua wtil be ronduelvd in ail rei.pe. ta ." rmiTciA.niHii:!, . su t t'l.j tiavcjlntfj puhlie tria.v n.t ssauied of Hiiding y,i ,i ,.a md '.mMi r.uVe wi,i,(,i(M,aa ani, n, and w eatuttd s t iry,m,i Wi-ktmw" . onr Wtrona .1' ' . - KAMlaM'KVfc.SaacO. Hi Htaveita, of reteralnM-ir, V. 1om t,.a, ut UieavUle touuty. Vs. , ! Auk. a-liu ,u utiicii cVotici: i-ci-ii nav.Bg eiaimaaa-aiiMt tb euanty of Wiki !. t'.nn,.rwr.l,n.l preaaut Hiuio to I ho Coinnnltits ut rman. ., onur b..i..r the I5tli, f ,,,.( ,. ' H. II. Will i A!, 1.1! July S0-dlwlw, 8cct'y Com. l'lnance," JAUI, MHO, LI. SjMniba. ) ll . a fji'd In barrala and half hatra!a l l V,iu Ji .lvi'lttVN ' J out tn July St tf Hwparwr, ha Tia lyia. a r. Williamson & Co. etW!.:i-Ur in libta d S.'bs. - ri u.mr, ioxt & .-.- July 27 -tr ( HM TO V; mi.!, ITTtri! t?K , liau-UHt ,,,. f ,1 Big erop ot umu.V AK, . . 1 , .1- N tWiii-.UN ANOiifcW luliK. 'iheRtoamer "WTI'I.CY I'.!' til -..! f- To.'k for tin pr.mt, fii s.iti w.'.i leave tiaa prt fur 2'W tor I'rui.Jit or I'a-.'i I .v , i'.r -N. (.'. An,;. C ;.,t F l.i 'Lit. ) -U.ii.'. ,j f.art' N hnperuii & xtr .1 i-mi, . id liaU' UurrcU pnuic 1 auilj t !,.ni " ' Ai'iivu, to ' 1L P. WILLIAMSON Jt CO f Vr2; s"-1. if 1 i A: ,,l' V"