7: t Till: SI2XTIXEL. Thursday i: nlng, .itur. IS, lafltf. T" IHV AND 4TATK ITJG,i)lS. Nkw AnvpuTT?rMETH.i-W, ILCrow c-ff-r large reward lor a fine dark bay dorse, stolen from lila ctutfliaUtt night, i . G. Rroiiiell, Asst. Assessor of Eici. Tjj.c, . gives noice of official appointment. ' J f.-Sue Cuurt adverlimcut &vtn Caldwell coim- . , . " N-c new imiaii at aontumeemeut - by OH.r JKt-son & Co., Boston. - '' S -; j '.V , Tbs Vote on the Constitution. ! . " J' We art in pussi-tiion of oih-M return from 49 counties of ,tlie 't'ttc, in which the ta Rejection 13,847 '10,443 , Ratification .r ' ,, Maj. fur Rijuetion 2.604 , Iti addition, e have unofficial return Jroiu.. 11 Counties, Which loot lip ft ln'tjirily of 109 gainst Ratification,' '-. I We shall publish the entire official tote, aoon U If received. Ttie sheriff liavy now, but a fw dav in which to make their return.'' Iah wAcciwir Jut flrc.tniDencinj. t wrk .iff the Ural edition of the fitntiutl, t.n yesterday, i our prea broke dowu. TUi will -fAWUnt! to fin i nur wenloAi snlfserirK-ra lortlieroilitre to rt-peive Ihclr paper at the. puni tiue The sum can no H yrtveiitcd the early delivery of tbe paper to opr 'ity mWritier, We hnpcm similar accident 1 irwSH n.it .gain ocenr ;J ! l ' " J ) j k :f - Kicvr'MiMTAHtr CoMUKWiow.The War Te "' partnicnt lnut isaitcil an order convening a pe eial military commission, ot mhjili Oen. T., II. ' Ruger is President, ami t'apt. J. II.' Wation i Imle Advocate, to meet in this city, on the IStli iimtimf, for the trial ;of tucli cases an my l brought lM-rre it. ' ' ' - i ,i ' '! . :' ' Tint IhiiROT f,Ni Tax.--We are glad W le ' able to state that tbe collection of Uie direct, land Tai has been i)pendud In thift State. Tbe Standard publislic the fullowing instriicttoM ; t the acting Secretary ofj.lij! TreAnrtry, directed to It. II. Ivingsbury, Esq , t Oxford t j 1 WAsntsoTon CtTif'An", 10th., 1864. ' ' R. II. KisnHiirHY, ftr,ri, JV. C. The coHer , tion of tbe Pirvet Land Ti hat teen aitspend , k tc in North Carotin'!.' ' ! V WM. K. CHANDLER, ' ' " ', " Ae'inj St(rUtry TrtniHrjj. " , 4 ' '- ! r i Lkcturk ' as OKoi.oor.-IW. W. 0, Kerr State Oeoloijist, has consented to dtlirer Lee- -j - tuns nn Oeoloffy before the LTeom in HalUbAry, vn tliee pihp fll the ZOtU liiNt.i ft.DOi'CiitiHKKe'K.The Wilmington. fArtI r tuVntions aim Inncholr acoidint that occurred in New "tiatior county on Vondae last. Ihei, facts am to thf lollowiiiRC ffcr-t : , ., m' " "Th dinmbli'r or Mr. CorUtt.-alKtut Pre " '"year old, wlnise t'liristinn name was. Serena Elifnlftli, ., alxiut 9 o'clock in the tort-AiMin, piTtormln oie task allotiml to.- bcr by tu r mother, and in attcrnptinK to puss tht'oagb the 'doorway killvd by tlm li-H'liarfe of s n In the band ufnyoutU of twelve vears, nnitiud - V. FranriifAtfTiMlrf, son tt Mr. Olicdiuli Abut-nndi-r. The emttenta of the ftn entered tbe liead of the iintortnnate child jnat above tbe nirk, caiifiiifr a wound wbiuli piinlticHl inMan tancona lit it h, , ' The bid in whoso hand hu gijn wa-t beh at " Dim limn of itnilia-.hBrm. ftH 4-nii'd in raimnr and b ttinst the: Iminnw tall fteiUJirfW Jhe cp, in riir i-o ttt it " iin:un3i4r. - n . nwi ': called at the h in order to prevail upon the , irutherf tlie' di-eeaiwd t 'accompany 1iitt t l the field , to iiind rows, Ttie aei-ideiit, ot wbii'h bu wa the innMrttvea(ie, . Jfrieved lfil i lad dti'ply, and itdnjew him almost to miwlrteas 1 to thiuk that be bud caused the death nf.bii ' - Tbe 'deceased wn a nwint iatereMing and; iift-tellw-ltul child, nud hr aorrowlnl fata has east trhiowovur Uia bl eontmunlty.-"1! ' r C . - ' ' - -' i -' ' AKOmoisAt Iuh.v Two little brotberaf in j (bin city were ijuietly sitting nearthei mother'f1 foet, mine tiiiiiea'o, durirtg a thunder ft orin, -'. when the elder, whose name was liolrt'rt, MnK aomtiwbat alarmed, brnked up in liia mother' face and siiiil s' , ; 1 "Mai how doe thn jod Lrd make llfjlit ' fting?" His liltte" brother, tunned Eddie, biel ing entirely safe under hi mother's protection, (liiiekly repliel,Woru his mother eonld answer; ' . . . ' J - 1 - m - "VV. JioDOie, 1 soecui mt nam muci ; i , .J, ' .-. i -wo, 'y J '") Startling Developmentr as to the Conspi racy against Mr- pari. .( - f Nkw Vouk, AttKiHt liThe Herald furn '' iihe eturtliiift development jrespectius tlie '!onKpira.y to implivftte ieftetmm I'avia in the IJiHuiln miwinatinn. It print letter from j Caldwell, one of the perjurers, applyinff for inonPT ami a letter from Judgc-Advocate-tiem-r-a,l Holt to Cimovcr, another of the peainps, in rhicn twe Juilge guys lie nas fteiu me money. Tbe Ifmttd prints other ', documents showing 4 tbe connpifticy to be one, of the most infamom Wla V. 1', Vum. AAetrtiMsr. . character, and one that demamlsoflicial investi -".r--!1- ; yt gfttion. - - vr- ' ; ',, ... " AXE ARRIVALS. ' , I f . A I'hKoan KATKl'osmoii. The franticcorj rilTf f.rT'-i Wl.'-ijrn 4 nfArtr, '.. respondent of the New York Tribune tclegrahps XliLi JjxV I IjO L A.Jiy l from this eitv to that pnper as follows i f'TTT.TTWTT'TCr TtflflTei - - j 4 - general rueriu:tn w ie;iii, wu cajw.. rctiu-a to-night. Two Confederate fhg have been raised, and the city is n their posrsioB. Governor Wella is a pri-oner in their liamft.'f Think tiovertior Well a prisoner in tin f mum U U l!,innrtl.l,. ( - nnf.vliTat fl-.fr I li,l lhee-im-indent fft this information trout the tffie. infiTi be jj-.t other itfni of -interr - rr with Win tie bas(ippliorj bis Radical tcienus ' A Norn'-'nn woman one hundred aiid fiv iirsfild. and wventT eiht of her deAftnd.uilii re on the road to I'tah. The old woumn dti J... 1, ... ;.f.Ali..if nl 'tof tifl'f tl,r ffai,'1 f,i Bngbant. -Ex. ;' ' .''..' , I . ."Joe in dear." raid a fond wife to bcr huf rnd, nho followed the piaeat'ory profe-.irw d the binks of the Newfoundland, "do fix uir. little you look so slovenly, Oh, whatian am fl S o ' - " 1! drowned looking so. ( 4 Jj A younrter, while perusing acuspier "el: ta.iurnr.ig lot). nwtiier.inipjire.il u iuei"-'p in those ..tjg to do sums on ;th ground f j . . , . . r.. . j :r .1. -i - wrM ocx t.vf n .1 that he tia i been reaamg tjj pa-nse, - Ana uie sons 01 man multiplied il-d It . on tne lace ot carta.1 r ., . .... 4 , t'ur tjis 8uimI, -, y . Kr. Eavii.- , - A fiiifid ritt: - . : t . j ..: : "I ri'U'ive, uue daja-inr, a letti-r frrnn a lady ot Ibtltiiixvre to tt bote ininSlwv 1 bare teen indebted for mudi J)o;ituMe kindntw, xtAn ilcd tan Ur the fke i)C Wy 'oUl grey toat, which noble oiiitunn jier b(ttUera altio wore i She ):u lately w Mr. DavU-at Fortrvaa Slon- roe. I aend you whut she sayt of him, ct)ied rerkitim fiDiu her lcttvr. It was not of course. mitent tntwBoert, -and wait written carelessly r write to a trieiul ( but it JfUe a touching picture of tte mmliti" and ulrrinpi ot him who tins lnvn jK-r.x uicvti U may lx, eten unto death, lor the act of oa. alb I'ublisli tbeiti r not. as von think best. His name should be kept contnt!j! .4&if twthat wa may not lw; guilty nf the dialpipor of forgetting that the late kinder of o'us groat cause i taclurin the treatment of a febtiv that e may give him all that W now can our te;derest sympathii's and laoet enrnrst praveis for his lifu and didiver nre ' w - -v. ; i;- nwt-t KXTRACT. ' . " '" '(ne uf my trlBiv tlvia Bawmcr, Has to For tresa Monoxv . 1 ilft'it iih .Vr. Duvia, and nn-i-r iimll uiy life waa I so imprest! ami touclied a I wfta that day. The heroium- with whU'h he tn-ars bis variud- stifferin''! bncom- plaininri 1 1 liave tiever een auch piiii-nee in 41! tey'litViWnW' It is impossible lie can live nmebdongc'rl be knows it, and ta onlj anxious to live (i bia trial, . A he says, bU txiouti.in woubnot le.tbe greateat U? . VRememtier, I do not wiU lo be exetuU'd, Out tbntia fiu' frnm ln-inif the Keatost vil j I lo not wish them to tell their story to posterity.; 1 will vindicate soy own honor, and tnat ot my people. ; He apokeof "his army" with tears in hi eye. and wuti trreat eittiuwam, eaywiar tuat yjittorv I tlid npt retfl-d sw'h fttiiiy m bU. ' t gave mm lime mementiaa iroin smiie o tn army, it tM;Hei uiui xutHKUngiy. v s T esn'l IriiKt mrsetf fo enter into this aiiblei1! in I sliatlwrtfe psgts if du. s I havrf come away with a reverence for the man, and a true low fiirliiuf. HS WasWUeumgly kind to Me; eaiil I wd done him good, and made me promise Jofome ajfalir."A."":i:f u. ! .. , fde is so weak that he I foreed to lie down most of his time, and fcacarcely the shadow of what I once knew. : , ., . Ilia reli-nous faith is sublime, and it seemed to me, as if everything earthly, about the man, had been suhlitped away and nothing left but what was spiritual, VI lie ellnrt be malu to cn tertaia ftsvas JaL add at times his smile was so bright, it at nrd to realize his bopek-s fate a lr as this worl is conoprpuci ;' uut as we drove awvy, thehoieless bmk, ontjif which all light lil ti;tel, nfri ,,wwhu, .su'tt, loetite way in Which h(j tiifawl and walked into bis pruton, nearly liroke my heart. s ' j - Thr tJl Bt-rross IS Ditto The bcs in formed Inpoliiieai matter in Ohio olerve the tame -eidl tlurt Hjruceded the election in 1802, wtien (J'f lb'puhlicans carried five membera to the De!e'ts!ou!tee.n, Tlic rjiiarrel lxtvre'n the Prent'e friend ami the military leaders HI thstfl'we frosted feeling that entirely de strote(ihe itopiiWicaiis and the Republican Oontrir-s. There is the same general want of ehnM1" in those who have been trying ti reirrfle affsirsi itv. V -i'lte Uepullicana will, we presume, carry tbe thit ('onKreinat- ditricta in the western re seri. -It iIm earry any eotigrwincn outside if Kit territory it will be after the closest con-e-t)tid by llteir k"I 'uek. .. . . 'lliTe is iniieh in the sign of tlie time to in dielit a Waterloft defeat t' tbe Badicals, 'not onljin Ohio, but in all the Northern ritatn.-Vhf-)ini,nre tljut very ,A(W of tbe Jacobin wi f r(uf)iuft,tii)i!ougr44-f ieutnuti iAV y '"t,l ! H ' H f f ' i - v Queen, Eaima in Washinfc-toa. , ' Wasimkotow , A ugust 1 3. teen Emma nf the Hanwudi Jalands arrived hi this euiilosr on tbe five i. n. train from IS' York. Quite aeniwd ki)..asacmbled at th leput, attracted by the aunouncomuiit; of 1'xpectedi arrival.) , - ft irriAij fof her it'and suite were In attend ar , which tqok her t),Williard' Hotel, vi jiere s tmenl had been engaged for them i by oi r ot'.tba presidontf ( . Honora'de Htnry S isberry, seeing Hecretnry or Htaft in tho al e p nf ,Mn toward,- waa,in? attewlnnce at the hi 1 to receive and welcome Iter. Thie evening uli was serenaded by the band of tlus Twelfth re ncut As she was mnch fatigued by , hi t jo iey, she (lid not this evening reeeive visitors, bi it is nnbrstood the I'lrsidetit and (tahim-t "Si othnf high ntllciiils a'nd proiniuenC citirens w wait upon her end welcome her to tb&bo p lilies ot the national metrojKilis to-morrow. K. DocicitRY iti fanAirTU making ef f i to bring ont den. Alfred Dockery aa a can d it for UovcTnori We ixdicve Gen. Dockery 'vt once a candidate for the otHcc. If we ; re- ; n jlier Tinhtly tit Stmulurj was pullihd , a edited at that time by it present eiir e or. " He no donbt consider himself a trntli I manand doubtless wtiut he aabl duruic; i campaiirn at Jiraan and Dockery m ont.id- ixliabhi. This Iwinff the rase, we advise thc (tor ot The fitnmUird to revise bis film, and nee, irding to tlie sta'e nenf they contain, 'len. Ickery is a fit and proper tuao to. Uivate, to omoe ox wuvcrmar of the Htate, Urttm- if I'utriut. v ' , ' , The-Triliw has a lut of -new ft' Jikinir.-I Bliith is fiiriiilied bft" one who served vrith - rintho rebel army fhrgloiit tlie war.n How !ng Is it since the 1 ribune condvmnod frsnk lir for applying kimilar affectionate, term t UOI LEVARU TRAIL HOOP SKIRTS. - - TrOYCN TRAIL If OOPS. ''."' i FATR.V 81ZE TILTEREES8. BOULEVARD: f k mt" "ml" n())t fcfpRTS urn 1i in tlie tuy. . 4 - A(t. 15-lf W, II. It. fl. TttCKER CO. HUNTS ! PRINTS IT ENGLISH AKD AMERICAS ' PRISTS ' -t,' 4 14 1 . , - SiGLISH AKD AMERICAS PEES , .... ,. 4 - . - NEW ri'lit HA?F.S FOR TflU FALI-, Nl ' 1 ... ' . " '.' .''' Y. II. R. . Tnrker Co. u- s- '' ';:;;"""; ; f- AllL l7t:Mf M,tF1t X(UT 4 ; . Tt'CKE'B ro. J wdJ wlj (w((jl m,.rte n.t- f, ihe i(f ,.f r Men. Waw-a )Uv ) l ii-u, will t in (ior thisk. !-t n.n- t. iifuj-vr than cuer, , W. 1, &M. n. TUCKER & CO. Aug. 13 tf riltST KDITION. Onr Thuradti)' nornln-r leinH44iri ' . ...--'-rs ; . v t ,.- THE PHIXALXLPHIA CONTJJSTIOII. jjn.. t vLi.tspiiinA''H I rrrrji. EI.EUKJL.If lit OH THE IMtr. I.TI -l ; '.'.;.Y3! J33 .'.,1'uu.nki.iutiJir i,aM-A4Hr4, P-At The t'limniil U-e on vredtntiaU repurted! In la- lue t'oiuiiulb'e ' vredenliata reiturtea in t- ., - 4 ,. i . . ., , t i r t- -i , i. i s tlie IrnlAft? with the e..ii!s1 Ytxht,M)CBit vor of the admishm of (,n, Trostiy V 1alnc ., . ' ,,. . '' . . . - '-dcleiration-. ' ' I of U Ihe fet.nd ( ... . . ... ' . linl : that nmarntali(M in ('(rtiirrew aiii I deleatloji'. A letter from Srr VWIaiidigbon w'1 rd uiuid much apptattNr. ' After jtlatiu thnt the tibin delegation had puc-4 fes'iliitifHi jchilor, sing hiai as a duly elected ilelegate, hi patrio tism and fltnofef ttf 'represent lii( coiirljBentii, and declarinir thoir readiness to aland by; him 4' the amertfoii ot 'iai'iw' i.jt)uj4,. should he think proper , to prevent nimsolf to the Convention, be s.nys. ."VieUlinjj my ' n deliberate conviction f duty and vfsht t the 'almtwt unaiiiiiioiistfipuuou'andiUsHreof jrfe'ftiln. whose w ifal.mi. -J.nndin-.--4 of judgment, j and ince.ritv and purity of motive, I tuny, nut iue tion. to the end that there aftirtlf l ; n i 'prijteit, even, from any tpiaiU-r, .(any 4Utrvrted qiieKtion or disiurbing clement in the fbotiveh- tion, to lunrit li:triitivny or binder in any! wny ltho result t thvcauxvof tonslituupnal litinn r . . i . ..,. ...... . :, . ' . i .. uime iinerty, iwnicu'snaiii s ir trmn'lla UelitwraUiHia,; fpf jnbafa'r from the)tltil delegation, and decline taking a scat in thC. vefttion. I am profmindly consciimj thafj the sanctity and insynilu.U'ut tha interests invilvel in the present political rauras are too Imiai'ime not t deimind a sanritlee of every piM-inal' con -gideradott Jo the trgiv on the issue of ajiich, a I solemnly believe, rest Ihe present peacf and ultimate eiistviwe ot fref? ltepnblian go-ern neutn ihUconrinen'.t- In eoncluidon, lie tjrust the proceedings will W harmonious) the ai-tipn wise, and tbnt tbe airturt will be crowried'fwith triumph."-11 " : - --' -' : The t'l.lhfwit. .h-sp.ttj k wa received tnun tbe PreaiUent : ,, -H J , ....,-;.' ..,,-s.y., 1. 1 .... ' ,...,(; 4 : .fWAamjMwiMfe Aug.. .1.4. jtW, 4 il Broirniny mid .4, 11'. JtawMlr I thank ' you for your dueling and encouraging despatch. Tlie. finger (if Gmi is unerring and .witi gaidej yon safely through. The - poopl must le trusted, and the country' wftl V't-eltoled. 1M ffajlh i unKoaken in ultimate "success. . .. M (nl,) ii.AilVKtW4JPJlXS0S".. The Convention adjourned until to-niorrow, 10 o'clock, wliea tle Committee on resolutions will report, Senator Cowan i chairman of the fcemmitt,;,;)! JIMU I 1 : i -Froa Mexico. . New yoKh Aua. p, P.M. ' By thesteuiner .lAfrfy, from Havant, later Mexican advices are in, The statement .that the Empererbad re formed his ministry is' cor rect. In a letter to the Trefidcnt of theJ old ihinii,try, thanking Mm fur t his service-, Maicf. nuliau explaiii that the change is made to ae. cure unity anil tite pacification o! ' the country, and say it is in harmony with the mission of the Kmpresf), and duiuonstratea that the gov ernment acts in ncrord with itsglorioua allii'S. He then appeal for harmony action anmng the people to sustain him. I 1 Foreigner bare been authorized' t't'jifnt snd protect thtinstlics, hen the poliea giyca insuf fieient uiit '' ! G Herri II :is aw Mm the? onntry, romniitling many di'jri'duiiips, , i , . Kortliera Jlarlret. Naw Yoiik. Anrr. 1.1. P. If. .'Cohi Iwrj. Fiit fwentic?.' $10J. Hsven tUirtii flOS... Tun-ffHtiea I01). 1 ' w Cotton steady. Kale of tYW bale nt ai36 for mldilliiig,t i M.i", ! 1 , Tloor firmer tnt Hi ml hern,; Wheal lajct. Utu-r. ' "' ' 1 . l-ard dull it 1812.,' arocerha dull., ' ' Tuipentiun dull, fla70. J Rosin' urn-hanged. . '.;. FardontkFrwdiuia't Bare&a. WasuiSoton', Aug, P, M, Very few pardons' are applied for and incb only granted by the President a come under the 0,(K)0 elaufic.' Heveral of that class In Alabama and firorgi tverte pardoiu-d to day. Maj. Kldridpc,' on the staff of Gen. Howard, 1iu made a report lukhe latter of hi per ami observations of the werklng of tbe liyreiu in Aiabama and Uuorgiu.. II a say that more ra tions are b.-ing issued to the people than Is t a necifiwry aud recommiiuds dirontiuuaiWT,; Ry th Cable--Yesterday European New. '. r -'V ' Panta, Aug. ISNimmi. , It !i reported, t.Ml.ir, on -Mod authority, that the French. Uovccuuiciil tins abiwulonisil the idea of extending the frontier if France by the! an nexation of cerlsiu ..(ilfJmnn ptoviuct ..o'nj the Rhine. ( .-'t 11 : : ' j ; . Rai is. Ang. 1 J, P. H A council of State is holding m ittir)g in this capital, and cngig.i in tUa eonsideind.q ot the re-anaexatiou of the State in Houiliern Cermany fo the Gernina Ctinfederution. 1 ' - - - Toxo-xfj Aug 15, No. ls'i'fi.r1 money V. 9'. 6-nJ t . o' nu- ' Con -lis ie quoted di. mi..it. ,m: .ai.riais.t-. .-ft ijr. . -- .- v The folloalng r the' ullicial quottionn the Stock ExchangB atthaifCb-M! of tniiiiri-, Consols 97 f'V wuicyv 3''.:, f .i .. ---r-'-r I-ivRtr(ir,,'Aug.:-i5, Pr -Jf.'- Cotton mark-t firm J .ri:( rather higher. f?ales to-day 13,000 bales -middling' uplands at 1SJ peiM:. s 'Bieadstuirs firm. r V ... ' Southern M-rketa, &c v -.New Out.: ass, Aug. 13. , Cotton firmer,- ' f ?' of 4100 N'r- lo mid dliosa at 32S.!ia. ; " i Eixty'dcalh froin choltra in tbe lst 24 hour. - Our Anrrnoial nesputrliea. 1 . i ; - - ; . ; ' ; TL Great Coavcntiot. The' Declaration of ',-.. , Principle . - - - l'lULvotLrm . A"j,'. 10, M. 'j Ttii I'oirvcKtion met at tOAiVlock- this Biorn j iny.' 'The Wigwam rruwdvd t it utmost ,ca- j Hfliltv half tbf Hintii iwe lAdW " v- J , v, .- . . ... .. &uator Cowan, IVihb lb U unwittet on lietKk biimMBd adilix'iiii; pjventd ; avvderiaratt u of principle, which was. utuuiw-mity and enthusl aticJir adoptl. J ,rrT ' ' - It dirlsrea that thci w.ir lim pmiul .lini-l the autlmrity of thn t'onttitntloh atpl Kin prcirved and ' uiiim paired ; that n-mentlio in t'otijrre and in the Electoral jCpJle-w, J tho right of eviry Siute, which jut;iiUerCin)'. nor the. general hvmment haTe ariv; mwer t deny ; that Con griwaliaano jkiwut over Iks. eUx-tiv tr;iiu hi!-, but tbat right bclwig ta, t-itch Ptat; lliat no Btiite ha the right to withdraw from the Ipion ; thai an all Consrttutjoiiid'anuMtdtiiciilts ajl Ihe St;ite have an viMul rijtlit to. vote; that btvery. I ahcdlitied. ant lorevet '-prohibited tlini the niilloeal aett la aacred and the CnUdfratu. .Wbt invalid; recogMies pvvmw.t: for thj? m-t-J vices of Federal sobtler aiid the del due. by j '- ihtratitiNn In ni,t ih..W ii 3. ' V 4. 1 ..i ' inrnont litem and lUelr otplmns, Au, and. endurw's Piwideitt Jiihn(i:i.f.r his tedlitde ! rot jontoHhe Constitution, law t and liitcrfcwof i thecouuliv. Senator D.iollttle, in )iis openTu addrexMj Said that ihi; Convention "was one of the greatest cVi'tita of the age. It vas ttie first "National Convention in six years, and niealiwhiUi jthere had fjceiVrJliKKl, agony aud ler.' . Hut, tpiank tiwl 1 tiere 1 the assurance ' thaiall is jieace agaliC, II the , people nt thn v hwlu country could -e the fraternal filling here there would be no stru ggle at tbe polls this fill. Let n be untiring Irt hilr evertions from this time 'until the eleetiwai U)pt ha t)i ix Cngrea shall secure to tbe States the sacred right 'of Vtro- j Utiiljilijl. Jt-k,.tt '.h,t knlii stcireil ;' and when (hsf is restored, we Jihiill enter upon af' hlgbfr airl ftobler carcir among the nation of the earth than has ever yet lieen occupied by any govornmeot (Great applause,.) The address wa ; prepared byv Raymond of NcwTork, and was Vad by hlnf. " ! The Executive and Financial Coin in It (co were then announce.., " j Among the Vice-Prenident are J. Wd Crock enbrougli.of V11.; Jno. A pjlnier.. pf,N. C, Judge Randall, Florida, Judge Warding, p. C, Febbttts, Arkaneaa, Bennett, Texas, Hmfeiton, Alabama, and WlJawny Tennessee, " , (hw-, (jrahftin, of N. C, I one or th Coiatnit tee on Resolution. v Also, Cyuch, Mass., I)lxon, Connecticut, Raymond X. V. Ciglcr, lon Johnson,, Md Cerry, H. 'C, Long. Ion, ;AI., Vearger, Miss., Ray, trf Lfihitiana, and otiiers. .- 4 v: tateit Market, tun f- ', N.w InffB, Aug. Ifl.lll. uoia )ij 1. i -i a u : Ftchange nominal, . . f- ' ; t Cotton more active, 3lrifl. ilLAIJ- lSl.. t)U)ft, ,a , . (Mtiior mi.Fiftii, ti.v.n ; . ALEXH CIUCG AXD WESS0.Y ' (Ft)RMKRLV ALEXIS BIUOO .fc-WARRfcN.y . : ... : .... .,. i" MIIOLIWAWI DI1A1 dCIW t BOOTS. SHOES, AKD LEATHER," , 1 .1 ISo. 11 Diy St, ' M)lf VOBK. The above Ikwi-i, mith shfUt ltiirliiin ill the xtvle of lirm, )iiu- I- i ll nuhiidi. .1 iivnr r ,vere, m' well movii tht-ouulKiut Urn Nnllh. aiui tsnu kivo itn mix toon r a 111 my uImhiUj. tluj mil, be IJ tn -titifi clHewrv- : i . Th liiimt of all th r-m-rl.t law rmum In North Carolina, flom Um earllmt fwn.i.t b die prewat 'r. Is auw iinarlv riuuly for I'm. kinilnr. II. mill nmhiit of slwut t-UU iwaes, luelaitri th. tM of , r..- J h UKfH lis Ikoii so avrsiiae. Ibsti it nn b- xxnift in ' voinine, or lu two, aonoliiK i'l the milt owe of lit )iiirlMmir, ,: ... t.. .,,. ... , : t The coHt ui uihhufU(SS liu txn nrruitl-ir Distil wan I-sjU.1. in mmwitiiieaiin f 4liv h"k biiif luj-rt-r. Siwi is is lUMcf-ruuufMi mac utv aiiiiior eaiiiM-l fntni 10 rusryfj luttw than tla to h vijutia. nr voiiiiafjt th Lw. and full for tlm h.iml.v noluutn lu la mill ou or bfr the itulivrrv i tint VfSHiiiea rvwtifl.r. i Im wors. riuiiiuaeiHiiit,4i4 nmeM fiMfrn nu.tur wiU ess hill little mure 111 ourrvnes, . Uuui M toriaorlv eharjjf d in jt.iM 'ifcjtj npinaltnl lx lite agrt (jido of Ireih ll snil Joiiiw rufij'Hi., i When a pir. linn.tr wiit su hit"! lfv-d eo))f, lie will m slut to kktonh-r l ihts m4. l iii rn mil lx an a-bhttoual mm ufi fJoUkr t'lr atieli eoiiv. i ts tisre cotf-!iU"t ti ael-ss ajL.-ii-n tnr Jii..i;fi 'llftt f 1 In thti .a 1., , f 1 i .,, 1't I . ,. . ..I .,,.1,...;. ... ;..;. ..il 1 aUionlem. ace miiinii. ,! foih ilire i tuuia as to how the hook sltafl lioiiiKb ae.y . . ..1 , . j . 'Ill tiiWiiifc.rjf Ji.r i.tjuUj AiJ wii' will W ronr BK'iifeti aiihonl U'-litv. N Ll HoU &, GultMt SF VTHTlRVA 11. ...L 1 I.J. f... .. '. .. Aiif. 9-2w liiieiglih. C. 'pnratt:ES' palk op vaixablk ma, ' ' f'HINKRYr I TOIIU, He,, Or1 TftK "t tCMI 8 If. IRON WOKK.' Nffff-'lk, Va llr vi-lan ot nli H lias', r-oull tn U f tlm ' Sljh wf Jlr, lf. 'y tVmr i., ffllM.J unit ifXisn". H lftt. li' il i,. t.ywfyii n iift.li- ths ar-a.nft MTlffV f Id" H W t'S ae hil jl a liliii-arr.'tM.n. ffrfa.ti -firl t ' p. iiiif, I M-T.f n Widn Sun rt tt Nor ( s. V 1 . ff.r, It, -ofttmi'ini) nt 'tl n'H.r-k .4' M. e l.- .ff. ftuv C A s.-ul a-It lr. Id w.ii. M tl III KltY "I'.OI . iVr, i,( tiff fl.-t.tHM . Rill . .-. f. r iell'frf';- t fr-rwn- PV t'-l trAtlma Wfi" ' At", nrid valiodrfi-'-.Tiri Knsruv.. Iwn or lbrj escflti-iit niMff-ii it r,ji- r.,i.i).'r nn. t.il)f- nfj othrr .y a.iiiie. .vtiM.i.lil... .!.. . ;. l'wai.'u;l -:r .rtfis. U,n. aa,i 1 aliMil ' - '',e Wi-ta Kitt tft-yr. j- - -f ,t 11 - bi.- of, ij c he ut;iui:.u.4 ii I'titMl-it.-'i rii. -0.1 'v.-k- , . i . 'Jijly H-eoilts. port Ai.i''f ".TTiiiie 1BSo.rtor. ' ' - l'l'f J.1AM. Ji'Nrx 4 CO. Autf. a f " i I, OH ft I Li! - 'j . - . - - .-'-'?. t'. fL ! ft x-r Ih.n.h . I'L LLUSr, JONES CO, July 23-tf UM)i:U Till sun.'... A NLWEia In Medicine l 1 . r'I5'H' SuA'tin-i and I'Mt s4 kJ tbet'lh' fiiK- aft wlintfitre TTHT ETV iT titW IWiiui I ivkrn of Utcur-.hU!, rrsd Uie fullmiiii;. r X t all li r.n Mifvis tVta an.l ea ba. fa'.ili in iviienef , Ilwi f.illiwun; ;,-. . A nrf turn hv tkfm )wi--.W, That on thiii, the 1 ttolltlrltl (t4I (if .Iiiuil It 111 -- nt ,nr ltnt ft,... 1hinin4 I 'J'ii HiUid(4 ml tttxty-Mi, wtmnurfv eauM- Jiwriti lllyixii Ut we, know n ii. h, n.t Ui. um amy sworn, iierwMl m follomi TJist ho is tin-jl-iwral agw for the t'niuil State, 4nil 'deian. dt'U i. th. trv.f, I iirirai Mi o n.,l'lun kuonii e HAitiiir.in i ii.iji mm! Ml, K, an, iha tlx M '"' cfi iuii-.i.-. aiw n xluiuui eiu to lliu lt i nim iH.m,H!jp. al Im. iwl. ' .""" ' " 4 ' 4AWMMf.mit L ft.'' v. - -i Naarv I'ulHie, f . . Uall Html, Nuw lok, ' " S- , ..i V " J11110 1. IHIjA. lis. MiixiiKi': t lake air fx n tn rn tua t eijr pt relief and thtt tlie awful twin in ni I whk?IlVl!ui,,iT, i V,,1?u,' -vet riic it vnuNKb. 1 Umuk-v-ai at-autand' aaain, " 'H iHirt- that . am reaUy the ti cnJ(a lluttir-. t M ,uM ;h,..,l, wriu,, iy vu, it L,,. will. lake sniiw. r' ' .' till Anim I). " 'bid is tiveerlifv that 1 was ibse!jnt(..i,T fhwn the ami with CliromeliiMThos, ami he been cewO ty '-. i Wtr.si'jitiVEY, w l,n-k, ApriU, IMS. 37 Pitt Htraet Th ttJkiii ia all Int-'tVhlinK rsfwiof aiiianrui innjiMi in an inm ruiin.irv, who, m pminuo tiwJU'. bmi 11U.1 g Itaitk that wax tUniii nn-J in lilomoiv,-; th liiell.l irt.,1 wk Hir.wn tj-minii ami on 1iim i a perf.-et shower, and he was burnt itii s.UiiIlv. ih? fi sh.nina: owurit was txivua to aioli) hiia alxs-t 't . v , y r,"T1'1 uij -,i. -(- V,.f orl . t .n 11 K-S am in ti'ikii l'iMol,r 1 1 wsabiijlij! liurat hy .4 im la Isovi mher bat i my , tru, uui t iimi a mniiiiMt sore oa nn- irg llml woni.l not heal 1 1 tried Mavjrn 1 s-irn, ud'it Bieiite week., 'Ihm 11 li triH, rlnvlx,!-n w.w nw ai jwas in iron wnrxs, Vnn Avenne. ,f , - 4. HthUr, till fleori. k Mtrt i-t, - 1 r . r 1 3 ; . L Circl frwwa f nriaaa .-Mlersi j " I ha.1 io sppnttie ; Mas.rinl'a rill, gve uie her v one, , i.f y . , - , . . , , . . 1 , , , i ..j,, "Your iU r iu.irvvtous. f ;1 -nifi.for wither box, an! kocii ikon In tlie 'll0tl',,,1 ' 1 , . . . . -.- r . : , :. ': "Dr. soiugiol has ennui my husdsiia . Uit w 1:111 vim-, ' f 1 J 1 , "f Ksv-i htirf of one of tour pins to tnv fial -r ehnters -norlios Ihe thwf hltle tliiii( got' Well lu a ' .-.. , 1.. . ... i" -"Jty Mansna of a m.nriilitft Is now cnrn!T "Ywirtiornf Mapcid'a Halve enred t nfnoiKna hi she bent. 1 rubiit :l unnin of your bulvn hi hind my am ami thn hoii left."" " -". , . .. .; " j Mond mo two boxes', 1 want on 1W jjor family.V . "1 enclose a dollar t ynnr price Is twentv-Sve cent. t.. .1 ..: .rJ ...... ....... .1 WU1.WW niHirio m eie m won 11 a amar. "rkuJ nw five buies of your pills. " "lart ni hare thre nose of yunr Halve hr return IhaveoveraoOauchegtimonali A this, but want of rp.ie funinetn nie to eonebul iv pin n a;i:t roil i:iiiii,roK J.( ! t",Kagg;leriPilhl and SaWo. Htnit'K.i Nftiin re'Hiln-1 1lhnut the engraved ir.nii'iini a aiotiiKi cm ii i,t or inn mgueil by lr. J MO(0rv It 1'iu tUriM !i'' Vii, to iiouuterftil which i.!!limv.j i . i . . 3 . . . Hold by llf'sii'tlii(f'tf .r in Medicines Uirminh' out the t.musil hiaica ami t n.l. at, m cfhU p.r ikis 01 ntt. , 1 nn. a tf MAiiii,s tiiM.ia.iito ntiH 1 . '." MaKglcr Fever and Ajrue I'lIN! ' SIAOGIEL S PEYER AND AGUE ;inrT-S!! ... . - IIIf'SK tttiii oi .iioili-a, knnwn llirouuhout tlm (rriKt Wiwt iH thn I'hllAd tttsle lor thfireatriiflrtiiiiary aula of (iiii.i.h. rr.VKii am a Call. ar now ihivoatrl'ly introJucti lit tin hHils forth fW4ffifia. sat .a be obtHiund nf all er-rpr--!.ijf , HrNl o)1- ilrufni-l. - ... .! 'i 0 i . - They a't as a tonic to alt flohllilati A ymimnn, t ksn is -Jo ff : ; One Nil Throe Times A Day. t)rrr mf?n!ii, nnl htuM l iund iu nvry i?tmiy t I'ltllg IM IM1rtiltrft dltll1. . .A ? i .f '"'.! To nnv hi)H' or mm wtw d'Hm utrt ijrlicvtrin (1imi A it Will be nt I roe If b in KM r( WHH rVflti lull mtm iii. (wol lKit.ii. Umr will u innji, Tli pi wo tft Hi rti.ai wjs ix:h ijqx i ' but ftn thy ( ffrftc( wrii w;tl,uutr ifutiM-t or in eonvtitrM-. kht l. U rtwlti mKirtuh Ad-lr t J, lkM;.liX, M I,, Knit on m .j ., - Nhw Void- (7rTrioNs . Wnfl'li lT-fT V KU-lffi . fuUlaWvita yi.fMrlty ) Ulr, at' PHJtiott -(t f tlfV jtlih teMMM4ftnt-i H'"l riiiuMr tiiiui4r("p tn Wiiufw hi, mUir Ti".mlil n't rnrnt rufrhil ah jr ftf 4 '- dru-rijii, and oajvnr f p-f. ili4i w (t ftVMiittij tja-rtdri, ' Afnl 2 1-4 01 ' " ' WARniSOTOV. I). C., , Th efimdur m.iMia nf th eevtnral llui.n low ni of final 'oft f ill ' u R.ili lull racmiua.it in tj m lion, w veral ol ue i'rol.a.Kii -jfiofa ih Nitiih hariug rti aiiiii. d to.-ir cIcim a. t.Kifl.i. - f..iio.v.n: . rrnfatraiory JHf.armii.iii, , hi-.t, t'l-h .- A-i. I. mi. -:i " !- - - ' - fl, -ti, - in u M.J(-i - . j,, Fa. h in oartriM nt turning d to f irniali tlm r loaf thoriwih ciam r'tiiTt tnin i-i.ici ion ; win la th auil.i ; t.ii:,i,tii.-l the. J-UT.t-(-rti i--rfri--tTtteitrr- .Ji..h..aw.il"J-ai.swJiftt.ai' P;:a.';l anam4iaM4 .ajit-ui tx.nw- t ti.t. ha;f tuiiyoi ia (fivt.n lo urphain of the war. f..ul.tia for tty. iruniKiry have al.,.t KK-..al fa.'ihl.i-a a-i-! ifiMiiiitoto- iuiarui-tion is kivcb in all l!i luiui.-iioa of TneoloxiciU i.iui:ti. n. Jf.ar furlle r iof..nn:itioa I ON.VT. HM,K'N. J. li. Au5. J bu - . l-re.lnit P. MALE. AXisjtstimwt CaM-lhte in b. liasee tvl a,' frtah aoopii of ,18, t. u.il.rl.-it A -. "I 'i.LU4Xa'ja:HAco. Aiiff-if , ,,i ,Vioii tsAi.i:. ' "''"' V - , ' -; :' Wf.liila T;up-l illxf.v ll.a Kioral ..J ' v - Xl'LLIAMj J0.NE:' 4 CO, July ,-tf ' VIUL A L 1 v i; s S I U A N C i: RALEIGH, N, c. CAPITAL & ACilTS CP THE COXTA- - srirs ErrnrsrirrEii, SILinO.OOO, iii M-mi-wtii-wrtl -now-nm TH'inTir !r..(ii- 1 IwriteH. r.y: .. . .' V ' I'd.M LTirt'T vpnf" ) itf v.t xrt, -.hiviii. ! n I l-i i.w, h 1 ,1 s 1 IIID iy, MliJ. l.NH. CO., IHHIIiilli, .V 1 1 AMU' - liiMM.KM S. IMsfl. k.M'K 111.. Vf 1'HV. AI.I 1 UK YV Jt.n Uifis 1 ini; i ((., fM'tiri'NVii i.r v A ' , Im HiloiHK yon iml jhi'i, b (.j.k;i.i . ' . : f. r. I'Ksni.. Ai:it ..ii: nun, , ron tua rKir ct-Kieor ' JLNVJ'A' ',', , I'ttermittent Fever, or t '.' ifver an(l Asjue, Re- 7 muteiu ievtr, Chill ' .4V.I Jrever, Dumb Ague, IV VvVi' ', vxrindical Head.he or . ' Jiilioui ITeadathe, and " 'ft fcuimu Fevers, ir.deed V'-- V fj firths whole laa of VlT dis. bci originating in Vfc- 1 hlli.rv Jrn---,..l caused by the Jdalaria of miasraatic conn- u iva, ,. 1 1. Elt and Asniii im not il, .,J ...,..... the niisaniMic ruHMMi. Aureal v.rwlv ..f iinni. iie fniHi u irntMion, m malaraias (Iwiri.-ix, miMmg which are Neuralgia, t-heumaru-m. limit, Jl. iila. lii? oi,n.oi.T, i.mmi,, Ijusche. I'.lniTh. Aini., l-l. iMtaiM-a. I'alnful Aih-rtHHi f the Hpl. en llvstcri.-: I'ain hi the llowi-U. Coin. l'iK.i. .! tsih Htow.. h, ail nfamVb, when' oricmatiiig at ihm cause .lit n the ininyM-ut ivtv, r Nnnita tvrio.li. tJ. this "t'eai"M!.iB tli .)K.,n fnVu (m. uh1, and thus euren tUim alt ahka. Il t not ,.lv 1 i.r...,. etteetuai -.tm-lv evr ihwwrl for thia . lHf.of c.mi- ai iw, bin il la ltu . l.. i. t and lo..i-.or w tM-r-petly er... ' o hnrto ( so HriNf. fr. .in it .... .i. patiertt wticti .iiti i h.i't .i.i. . .' i. i.. . ever Iw4 the -ireaae, t'a thia tw aaul of Mv ,H,-r cure for t hiih sad .Vver r H W true ef tbia, and' 11 iniportaiice 10 Ihiwe afflicted wuh the euHit.lauit can not he mot elniit,.,i. h.,i-irB iii loeure li Fevr and AKe, that il m he liriuhfuilv asul to m a enr Wlll rrluvilv. Utw lteahwin.t,lKO, tk-it, i. - goinl aloiiuuue t aell, b ainw mi l.oiili. enrea whuU neiKhlxnlK.Kt, rieivdbjr.. C. At4 to., l..!j. V. .nj Sllhl hr , , , williami fSt llavwood. P. F. Pes.iid. Ral. igh, N. C., and Dealen generally. A'i- x -. . " J fill. ATIOI. IMOV HI'SI. x M;t- .oi.i.i-..i; 1 m WASHINGTON. !), V. Offers auuerior advantajr.a li.r . n 1, ,..: Ed'icsttoii. ... 'iheeonran of inniru, ti 11 rmhiaKS Vt nmn -wm InimrtibR, Jehl.m. Jo.i.iihiijf liink ami oin.-r j, .4,1 -koeuiif. t-oiumeie.al liw, Aruhiii,.m, t',.jTi.ii.ii. duni-e, Hpenwrisn I'cnnisiitihlpaii.t liuiti.. I'r'inw I'hNMANHHU'iatauKnt b. Jl..r--.!. Hnenivr, Ihii ' h siimi? author of tic ihi, n,, ami n 1, hr..i, ,i t, Kilitor ot tliu "Mjii.vrntn h,v to I -radical Iviotiati ni," sdojiud I.r rif iij a 1 i 1 ..! K an ilia tsuilniii nf rim. imii I ii, ul i.hum aiv hire presented f acpm itig this vahuhlc aH A he ystem of "1)1 nIM-'sh I'll ten, y. --ieiiMtl sadauih'wflilly tro;lit ht til.. J'roi.ri. u.r r...lviMi hia s)eiiiiaticiin.iii. 'inia in ihe nm.i rain dde inrt of the eoiirw. ll.-r the bi o.l. iit a..ii,. i, thnorini cal 1 kuole.lKe, Ik" iii at. 'ivim refireaentaiive H4.I.. uiil.i mi Mm .li .lu imn. -A, (, .' IxMiia i,tiu M 1110110- in iiiu t oil. i-i(. a ti.itik and check li out as hm huniu rcom..-, h.-cmniur m turn. It. iail..r. Wi..l.ul... l i ... i..i- 1.' ihw ac.iiiinialinolf.ltri. lmiM. - forum, I. anu. toniiime and nomlciiw tli.i liiso.n ..feviv tram- ii. iioii iiml tliinks for himwlf, il.. in lima ureoarnl I tf Si Dlinl oiiRinci4- Kill) . h.Jmhlnp, Kf.,d f.i ruin ai ,im tn,,,.. mil, .lie MclnlM.ri,li ti. 111 thla I in, mi ot f '.,11...,. i to the i.rnu ij.aJ citn-H, only l i. It.a.kaan.t ana . xira. ror etrculara l-iiwil- fn!l o,r,,i.i,i.i;,...- r... .... of IVumaiihii, ot in.. (',,ii,.k,, ,,,,, T),, ,' ,,) m,.n, ,lM1. .. ' . A'l IrcxK r m:. n tui p, v v Auk. a-Sih . ' , , I'n.j.rmtor. QIM Mii:- m iiooi. i' o n - Hoi', concoii n, x The hoemift h,.o.ii ,,i- it i, ,.i,i.i W1i. M-iif1riv..'it il.it: ISi . 1 lie Piiiitiinl will le a.n, li-1 hv a graduate of (lie I'll.VHr.l y of V. or '( cular npfily In . JAMI 11. LANK. A. M. July 24-fin t , I'riuctpnl. JAKItATTsi lltni l. - 1-1. II 1fllll pTTT.-fT l.l lit). VIKt.tMA. f Ti-. mli-r, .( of plait Hi m n m in tins inm.m, . .oii..ii!i,-. to one fnvhfls and til lhlir lh.lt th. I. I. n hi f oinlu, it , ,l .ill ItttlvrU 1 i . T( M vS loin r,. and tin. In pu'fb.j Biav rot Hnr.-il of ttmliinr fUf-CO'.' fi ' t.,,,1 lo.'V ..n,ooo.,ioi,a wuli a, . oil liiyn.io -.,! ,. our i.iiliolia, hn. Kim dim, i i f.,r,M, of -i.rn ..i.iiiK. Via. .... ... !.H, of IllC llllllf t'.ililllv, V. ' ' ' and s. i itUf, Mill. ' . ",h sfiee Ln ,ah ai rrU m I kalf biirala. ti hari. la t', Iiim Maa l'.,k. .Ittat IfM'Mlva.t hf It.' P. WILLIAMSON &'(;(). .1 uly 81 if ? " - ' : J.'wl ll.K- . . v . .. MtiiMinor, tiwvet White Lanl in 1 III, I. an.) IV.lha. l ie (.'tfia ..... . 'ITLLtAM, JONLil, (ii). July 27 tf Ni ALi-UN AMI NO 1H!K. T I oe M.mr "in'liLKr prCK" win sail fioiu New l i It tlua ponii, on hninrdar, Auct. llih., and III i-:, I hi Hurl at Sew itarfc. tiatardav A.. ia : it.a. lor I'r ..-lit or Paaaaio., o.U f-. " j ' ' A III i'l iilili. Ml,!, CO -,1 " i tn.l t'ouiur Wlin if, taenia ru, N, 0. Am I H i!, li.dl'U. fid H-m-l. 1'! II ill cj m A I sirs Snprrfitic Flour, ' mi.i 1 aitiily J. tn.tr, '-. V. WILLIAMSON & CO. r . wilt "i I I1 T a. t -.tNy 'i-i.eil. 1 M. J i i M S ifc ( (I. A Tr.r ;t. a lji; 1 o . A ..t- - N T s l nrrKi) ! I ili nndcnuxnvil, bsviie ..mvl a c . i :;,!.t ,.. eor.iiriR to law, htv not ato.p".l, bar . i n. w H.aUH. fii'-tOfroiif, anil wilier! !.iuiH to irianu,Y. lui'r, :l. t... u-. llunfi,.p;Liiiatitlas.aM,l - DURHAM SXCKIXa TC . ' ff at fmrhatn', N. ft ' 1 V-v V,:) ta i a;,,., .,. orilfrs from their oi I ti : f H-omi to furoifh a -" ..'... loall-lfaa'IniX '! hi i - ... , 1 obacco niFiti'iM. J,j'c.l hv ill ' v ,. 1'im SwinX An;. it-lin ... l:i. . f.;i-.u.' ! i,M.i fl, tu ii-. Il.f.,nr (.( .it,.,.,. or jir,.. v iw-r , I Ail in wiil l.f- tVit l.niulj. it. 1'. ilidihuiA MS. '. ")( )( ) I,L' ln'1-"- C",' 11(1 liuid and for eaW St U.i pt hu.-l,. !, if eaily j U'.fii..M in Mi'ir. . W.l tiiH, CllalUU, . C- 'Ang. 1H I' -