:7;l 4ri ' T . It ; ; ,t II k s l; NT i xr.L. Friday Evenlits, Auj. 17, 164. -. ICITY AND" ATE ITEMS. 7 ?riiNe' Atvr.Kr'ir'KMK.r. Pulliuiu, Jone Jfc Co.,oi!tra choice raiiily of the finest aim and upgiH'a. i " , Tlie name firm will sell forty share of NC ..'' it K- toek. ,;''"'.-f j-.hia Itarneaj treilet of the ' Board of 'tiu.tees, offer for Rule the Wilson Ffccule Seiu- fruity pwprrty; ft will be-aoldj at pnhlie ' turn, on -the 14th proa. ' 1 50 reward for the recorety of a korae elolen on the night of the 31st ult. , -.'' , t JtrK-""VfllklD, Cto,' let! 130 barrel of . nice white corn at $ I ?5 per bushel, i , 1 ftusntR Cot ficu Xn. 8.; Fribxd or T- a8Noav-We learn that Council, with the : above title, wm formed t this city last night, The Council wa organised by Muj. D. 8. Hill, , ' Louiaburg, an officer' of Petligrew Council, No. U ! at Ltmlatmrg: "Jtbit following officer were eleef lor pi ndor Council : El-PresiiUtit, 'jj'Josiatt J.mc. President, IU W", Beat; Associate " President, J.' II. Moore ; Secretary, j. 0. U w "TUrria j Finnic ial 8ucretarjr, Jem Joue reaa- S c ure. Wta. II. Cunin'iiu; Conductor. JonnArov 't strong; Assistant 'Conductor, J. Y. AYilaon ; In- " Hide Sentinel. A. Ilafdie; Outside Sentinel, W. , . ! H. flpencer ; Chaplain, Kef. 11. T.' Hudson. r There U certainly room for the energetic lalxirs ' " of this Association, and we 'ih It, much suc I ft a . , ce. "si'r. i,Ti- ;t . t j i J'f Tub Yonc-We have now official ruturus " flout 56 Counties, in which the vol stands: For Rejects"" u.tft v. " Ratification. . . .-. , . . . ; . ; ..18.159 ... I '. Mj.rity tor Rejection ... .i. . 2.187 ' We shall hereafter only give official return. ' When the full tote la received and the' leault ascertained, we shall give the vote of the entire tateby Counties, " J ,..( , ,; . -Lt v Litkkart Board. Governor Worth . bat jnmmoncd the Board of Literature to meet in u tliis Citv, on Thursday, the 23rd. inst.' , Ii'iiiaw Tobacoo. We are indebted .to B. F. !MorriH & Son, Durham', for large pack- . age of their splendid SpanUh flavonnl Snicking ; ToliaM!o, which we do not beaftatt to commend ' to the public aa tltn mot ati pcrior article we have ever used. A tew pufTa will amoothe ''fhe '"'"ikied brow of care" at all hour. , Meaart Motrin Son are very extensively engaged in the manafacturc and will fill -order to an amount. . , i, -r- f.-' c k- A "". ' ; ; r 1 Tur lUt.smii Exciiakob Ilojt'Ki. haa teeai re opened by Mr. J, M Rtair, and i aid by ,? , traveler to be in U rejet moUaUnaiiiu ,: tion. Mr. B. ii an arcomplMied botlit, and ' with hiaCfty aix rK)ni refitted anil regarnlshed, and a table grooniug with luxurlea of tbe aeaaon, mukea himself deaervedjy lpnlr. The AUk Carofinim will aUay be found ia hia reading ronm.fVomeiV South Carolinian, ' Wk bkoreT to learn that tbo venerable nioth ' ter of Oov. Worth is lying at the point of death at her residence in Gudford. Go v, Worth lett ' on the train this afternoon, to be with, her in her "'fclMa momenta. 1 ' ; - KORf CliAoUHX IS tm CotiVKST(OS. Hon. Nathaniel Hoyden wa chuirman if the INortll Caroliun delegation ! tho PhiladolpWa Convention.- Holt. Wm. A. Graham Va m of the Committee on Ranlutlon ; Hon. no. A. Cilmer one of the vice Piealdenta ; and W. A. - .Wright, Fq., one of the Committee on ergan- jzation. - ' - 1 " ' ". ! ' ' Capt. Tbai.' Wcc' Kttaoit.-'A, Dil worth, Esq" of thi place, has been appointed Agent of the r Bureau in Greensboro, ee Capt. Teal, rwbo re centlv reaiKned. Mr. Dilworth ia well known - ... .((. J LA 1. . " in this community, aua win no uouui iub avocevtabto officer.- Oibeniboro' Pairiot. ' . We believe Mr. Dilworth Uan old resident of Jreensloro'if not a native Tliis U a move 'i . mcnt in the riaht direction. A citizen, feared v up among the black' and the whifee of the ' South, is the right kind of man, if tie has other requisite, to perform the duty of looking alter the IutrMra nt tne coiorea pnjjumuim. How is Ww-gos. Tbo Newljern STiwi learn that quite a disturbance occurred in the town of Wilson hint week: From the account, if P penrs that an affray took place Iwtween some white and negroea, in which one or two of the latter weie severely wounded. ... : . ."a uiii val at tu YAKBonotoa IIoiss; AD- gist IHth., 18C0. L. C Jonta, Fayetteville, N, C . C. B. Mallett, Fayetteville, N. C, C. P. Mai lett,Jr..Favetteville, N. C Jno. Endy, Grecn- boro. N. C. J. F. Wright, Tarboro, N. C.Sam ihI Jordan. Abavillo, N. V.t Dr. T. IL Scott, Nash Co., N. CMiaaUnr Bcott, Naah Co., N. C. Miss Pattie Freeman, Nash Co. 24. C, R R Bridgera, N. C, S. Clayton, Baltimore; Md., Gen. Phil. Hawkins, N. C, S. Itcwnburg, Petersburg, Vn. '' . AtorsT 16. Mrs. Dr. Moore, child and wr Vant. Mist Mary 8-llers,,Mi Sarah Pcllere, B; A Jailers, rompMiT t;liV, N. C; ) B, Batch elor, .Warmiton ; apt. J at Gregory, Petera bursr, Va; Ii. K Gundy, lloydton, V ; 9. R pjil'ajand I.a.ly, Fayet'tvllle,-N. V. T 1 ' 1 rixrtwPEU l.NsrnfMKNTS,-liirre loiiowing in the Ammded Act to provide InteixiaOky enue." &a:, in regard to onstamped iuitrnmcntt . i bai been haedcl tm for publication, and will be ' of general interet to our readers. The extract - is a "true copy" from the recent law;. 'fa all casts where the prtf ha not affixed the aump requirfcl'.by law upon any instraiueat: . made, signed, or isue4. at a time when and t -' ,t a p'ace wbpre no collection litrict was e- ' - tablisliett, it shall be lawful for him or them, or uy party having ao interest tuerein, to aiSx the , proper stamp thereto, or if the original be lost, to a copy thereof; and the' instrtmcnt or copy to which th proper stamp has been thus affixed prior to tlte first Jay of January, one thousand eidit hundred and aixty-aevco, and the record tbireof, shall be as valid tn all intents and pur pose a If etaunped by tbe collector in manner ierablefore provided. But to right acquired in good faith Kiore lh stamping of ucb in strument or copy thereof, and tlio recording tUtrutf, as kenia provided, if such '.record be requirtd by, law, shall in any manuer le affected by sucli stamping aa aforesaid." Skaboabq !io Roasokk R. It We are pleas ed to leara aa - w do from the Norfolk i)jjr &xl, that'thii road jidiinjfa Very uncoura. ging buatnesa." The company is under'fery" elBcleBt"BT5Bagf iiiiTit gp.i'trtalf ly tt the; tttsrt" to prosperity. V,;'?';' I The St am Kts T wis . paased through Inch. burg the oflier day bound Borthwarj ; whereoo newspaper men grow funny. Oaje sty tha be ing practical unionistSyit ia supposed they were making their way to tba Philadelphia. Conren tiou,,. Another states they came by) the same in. And another, that they seemed aa much attached to each other as ever. ' Tbc accolnt f tli New Orleans riot ha a startling and melancholy interest to these who look beneath the aurfuea. Just is the trembling of the earth or the eruption of flumes tells of -the interior Bre deep buried . from eternity in l lie bosom ni the loin-, so itiese aclases of ragethirtoing for blood,, show liow strangely Operative aro the oppositions of rise, I rain for funaUc has hiatory shed it philosoplUe light on the past. In vain has the antagonism of races produced its' startling- eliecu through all the tide of time. To no purpose did 8t, Do mingo run red Villi "blood, o cruelly shad, be cause of. the tepulsioa of fotorar tto fwatica f scorn to aquare tlicic-'heorics to human suture they try to bend hiffian nature; to their theo ries. They make m JjMojiraoco for time or cir cuWiiaiice heir caijof prtigrea must advance, though ameared at ewry revolution of its wheel With fbe Kfcd .t' lmn aacritice. Purauing their darling dreanJjf negro equality at all hazard, they have mi-tted the door to violence at New Orleans, ai Jcaosed the Wood of the ig norant Instrument their pajwioni to flow. Whilst weprofoidly regret tbe outburst of fanatic rage, amtf ould earnestly eounael ail persons at the 8oi, and elsewhere in our coun try, to abstain frJ force and religiously respect tbe laws, we cantf hut condemn in the atrong eat torrnT flic nf wful and reckleas course of the Radical eon ator in inrokins the avencv of dead convoJion to establish their policy. They undertake! fraud, under Circumstances of the moat aj-ivated character",, with the most violent thtta, to subvert the institution of the Stateltncfert party despotism resting on negro suffrof The melancholy conaequeo c4 of their mrtl might have been foreseen. The nucMroil tha difference of races at the South rqircIh handled with the most er qoixite delicacf If it is handled roughly tha saitaest result past nia-ory may be looked for as natural fiucncc. s . ; An effort isfde in certain quarter to throw blame upon tf 'resident. The President' de spntch requirj the"civilauthoritie" to be sua taincd. Theresident could do nothing .eh& It is hia dutvi suHtnin tbe law and the existing Civil inatituth of the country. Tbe attack of the mob' on p Convention waa not the work of the.civil Ihoritlcs," but done in apite of mem i lie pvc, vT-iji-oHruitnif bue civil power. tmrtectcd thsonvention, and those who were killed were led by the mob in pite of the policei-JapK tJnltiligencer. GK.vi;K.vi,lnt.l. -A correjsiKtndeni 'of the Ijc-ujivillc)', wrjtiajf from Toronto, Cans de, eaye:-f' '. "vv t - s ; ! ' ' ., "General y arrived. here a few tluy since, from llalils' i which route be bad come from Cuba and M :o. He looks a well as whea I aw him con plating the dome of the- Capi tol from Frn Klair's latra in July, j'804. not withsUndin s extensive travel by horseback, from Lynch! ; t Galveston, and thence, by vessel, to M' and here, as stated. ' It will be grtitifyini tlioae who take aa ' interest ia tbe truth of lory Us know that General Early has written rrativenf hia nperationa during tlio last yeai the war, including his services with Gen. I. army from the Rnpidan to the James, and campaign into Maryland and in tbe ifhcnani valley againae' Bheridao. Hia manuscript strly ready tqr . the pre, and will make, osi ve of aisna, ait octavo pamph let of a lxn I hundred page. Gen. Early, declining tdke It a source) of profit, will pib hsb it at bin expense, as a contnhutlon to history. Ill cwte a senaatioa, and will be very read JVEBY Cit SHOUbp BE MJPl'UED WITH RSON'S.NEW BOOK, mvM'TiTtrv 1m aiftist .i,iAk rwu TT. THOUS j COPIES, will soon be sold, a lie member than new work exeel in mny important features tli ihor previont work, tha "mar or Price tl.t receipt of which "Tha Jubilate will bssent xr 'I. Choirs supplied at 112 a dozen. i.ivr itmosi m t , ei,iti.iif. ' Aog. 14- - boatnn. ,,,, ' ft ... I 1 . K 91 IE f 1 , . i ., . w . . ana Vir Smlh of Jamps M. Towlos, PC'LLIAM, JONES & CO, , Aug. 1 1 tOtRlKKTAT RtFI'ai.OSrKINNld t-'icrht at of Viruinii. bavins chUeni;ed the am Dnrom Nurtli CaroliBa, ao4 th ciilk.li(i8 having bircptprt, the ruling irill take phwe on SPwidsr tflcd. !. ' J ' x" 11m1'4 usual priK on aiH'h an occasion, th PruTirMtf rs. a prua tu the ehampiu, "AM ELr-OAkKULE.- - - i On tli ecninR, tacre will be a ( Coronation Ball, i ' girtten ijihe most apVikltit style. i Iwt H, entennft tl List,' will not ! eharpred board ff and twarne tur a wek piaewdmg Uie Tournai . . ' . j ' " ." , K, T. PAXSCJN. , An;; d , T LATEST AGONY BE YARD TRAIL HOOP 8KIKTe uyex iraiL nbops i EXTRA SIZE TILTEREEN8 AND BOULEVARD .'.". '.' ; uwl compleM stork of HtXlP1 8KIUTS "; V. ft. i B. ). Tt'CKEK CO, In w tiicj IINTSIEKINTS!! EJflJI A5D AMESICAN PEISTS: I --'--.--- -''' ''- PURCHASES FOR THE f ALL. Y, II. A Tucker V io. . . - ' ' .J - . -.'- 4 tf FIRST : EDITIOX Yur rriitay .Tlornlag Itpatchc f Kafkett and 'Financial. , : 'ew YojiK,Aug. id, P. M,,"f" Five-twenliea tUOt. Ten-Ionia t23. Serctkirih tlOBi. .Gold I1.82J. t . H Cotton active at lull price, hales lot 4,ft00 baltat8tv29. 5M Flour firuier for Southern. Sales of 480 bid. at. f9W)tH -56.T Wheat StfiS cent "be'tter. Ctrn a cent lower, .-. 33.6a. Lard unchanged n niney uiiil ..larocetiea Oull ,1 urpentina nuru or south cakouxa akK iioln.- ' Tr.so. -n..i0 nsTiet-Tjiii Sf . ;;-,imCubA-:'.'V!;.f: ! ., . ; Nw Vokk. Auaw - id. P. M, Havana dale to the ISth. have tieen received per the C!nM. v ,- , i, All vessel airiviug frpra American porta arc quarantined tor twenty days, vwing to the Cholera. i t ttv , i j Tlie'aptain General has ordered all Criminals or notoriously bail characters, who have been twice or more in prison, to be. transported to th island of Fernando It reported Uiat he is so disgusted with Cubair affair aa to trmler nis ronatton.' .'-. .-,, j- Bu4ne dull 'k;.HavM'""& Jwhailgi 23(2,24 dioiint. " , ' f l,. Fire Cholera. A destructive lire occurred thi morainv. Iligemaii' drng atora on Broadway wa con siune.lt I.OS4 !Q.01)0, Boerj i Brofiilycr platers, and CosbUt !UCe rur anj 'boi.I era, aUo suilcred tf tlie amount of 35,0iJ;), Eleven easeand sit death of cholera-reported to-day, and eleven cases in Philadelphia on veaterdav. . V. 1 . i. , - - Th Philadelphia ConTention. s " , rm-AtiEi-puu, Aug. 10, P. M. ' After adopting the dorlantlion of principles the Convention a.ljouroed Wnrfu. There Will be an address Hsn.xl to the people of tlte I'ni- tcd Watea,1 t-r.ceirt rS' i r-i 4 i .1 . .... . ' . ; i, ; : . xh Bay Um. '" ! . -;' I ; i y S BxiriMORK, Au((. 16. Tlie great Steamboat oppoaition on the Ches apeake, which ha been carried oa for the paat fit teen tuonthaby tli oUI Bay line and the new O Leary line, a to day terminated by a settle ment which involve the1 oavmentto Learv and C. M. Garrison, oi Xew Vork, at tMO.OOO, and the purchase, by the old lino, of tha fUeamer ?.- Xrry 1 he old line is now in poawssion bt the Bidtlmore and Norfolk route, i Prom MeTien. .:' ' ..i": .iiNsw loumr. lft.. The JeruUr t City of Mexico corresmmdecce aya ,that fiftcfiu.citUcns .have tieen arrested, with a cohspiracy to abtluct Maximillian and hold him until he. consented to abdicate. The Santa-Anna -Ortega conspiracy is said to be formidable embracing the Arch-llishop of eaicoanq omer prpmtnrnt oitirons., ; now ministry i said to'l terj lar with the native Blexifuna. . ' tnjwpu- Auinmirrectioti recently ttnik place in the State of ra Crur, and OlM) Auntriaus sent to quell it,' with th Imperial officers, were cap tured. . 4 From Canada. rK k Navr Tors, Aug, 18.: A Toronto srwcial ear that l.O0t volunteara were sent to Fort Erie" to watch Feuiana, A part became insHboTiiinnte, and refitsed oobey orders. Inadequnte pay and bad treatment Was tbe ostensible titUM. Three gunboata arrived at J orono and others rxpectcd : - Naw Ohlafs, Aug. 18. t,ouon a ntuasuor --.Pataai ot l,!a Jale low . niliKiiing at 83H.I3. . . . . f ! , Gold f 1.49, Bank sterling 91. t - Deaths from cholera 44 in the last twenty. h nit PO ' ' i'.. nwe r ' ;i 4nr Afteniotfit Uosptttrbe. i , , ,s Latest Marketa and Financial, - " 5 Naw Yontc, Aug. 17, M. GoldfUlf. Exchange "f," j Texas wool dull at 2U3l). i ' Cotton firm. Holder demand' on cent ad vance. Middlings St 38. ' " ' i " 3' ul " j'V'v tj .vffr:Fro Naw York. i :-1 I - N aw York, Aug. 17, M. A Lomlon epecial announres, th arrival ot th ' Hed Whits and Blue," a little rmtl with a crew ot two men, 'which sailed front New Vork. ' ' t "-'' . - - ( , Aa Ottowi special says ' that , the . Canadian are prepanng for another funlan invasion. They fear that tbe Irish Pic-nio on Grand la land, to be attended by 15,000 armed Irishmen, mean mischief. , . J Ten death lron Cholera yesterday, f Tha Great Convention, Beading; of tb k , Aadresa, Pnn.ADei.rurA, Aug. 17, M. '" Matty of the tJetegntca ot the Convention left last evening, and the ba.ance will leave1 to day. . The Proceedings throughout were most har monious. Titer wanot a siugia event. to mar fne good feeling; .--w-f The address laot the fc'sVilntions) was written by Mr. Raymond.! . It is su rely the resolutions elaborated.- iMinng it reading, tor a time the moat breathless aiWnce prevailed. Th Presi dent rcqtusttd delegates and apectatorstoman ifest no sign of approval or to make other d monstratVn until the reading was completed. This secured qnit,-t until tb. riatbr arrived at the following parngrardi : "And tha ten mil lion of Americans, who live ia the South, Would b unworthy citizen tif a tre eommoawealtb, degenerate d of our beroie, aneesaora, unfit ever to become guardian of the right and princi plea lrt'qnea: ln;il to u by the fatlK-rs and founder of the topuLlic, ifltbey could acc-pt, with uncomplaining" Mlbniissbro, the humilia tion thus sought to lie Imposed upon them." Th atinrrssitlirsw beer; brykn ftnfh. -faMlw unreattaineii burst of anplanse" wlifrE Tisti-df several minutes, , , At, the conclusion of tliia 'en I tbusiasm, a demand was made tbit thcpaaaag be rcou aaiu, w litciJ ws Beniea v ami i'.ain the applause broke forth with redoubled effect. Th Press clerk gave a pl-ndid tanf;Ui t to mrmkn of, tho IVw Unt uiglit.at which Rad icals and SouiTierners fraterni.e and high hilari ty prevailed, j . , $ rM ' ' From turope, Per tha Cable. ' ' " 1 " (Lrvsnos, A114, lrt, P. M 1 Nipolrt'ikhft t cm icd f'"m bis demand for anexttn ion t'f t',e f'on r ol f-rn' Conwla il J t': ! j j '' IWnk ral reduced to b per c :;t. . , . , . . ; y . y. d.i,i..l:i'(.l., Au. li, P. M. Cotton advance r pei.nv per pound. Mi l dUogt 1 pence. Sitcl 20,'r'O baVs.. BreI--tufi. firm, it mora Dvia Kor- tun ot jiAtertluv Wits: Aira, 4vtIii.o rea.hel lint cuy ycsU-rdav mtjrnmg. from tres Jlonroe, and artir breaktHaiiog at Bar nitui' UoUI, left in the early train lcir New lit Wirren Co., a th renulenoa f W. M. Kearnev, !-(., JUhif iil (lauhlaur it Elia aiMl t-JrirCarr, A Jenih i -. . ; v ah Itltti tnfit.. narvuva utfi-ia, iy .r and ji immtua. KALKiliil MUiJSi MAJIKSX. . ape t ear CttaHott..4.3l 16 15 U ii itoxborough i.., WadeshoroHfb . ThdmasvillB ... v"4 . . Wilmington...,..,,,.,, i,,. ....... t'ommerce , i .. Washington . ,. r f ... Fayetteville. Clarendon.,.,,. V. ,,., ... Vaiieev villa .ir is 19 11 u t n 17, 13 IS VO S 23 18 Mitiet and Planter' Bank -f . , Karniera' Bank. Grecusborouirh. . : ,.i . commctviiu uanK,-iiiningtoa Murchanut BaAk,. Newbern. . , w , i. . Orcenaljprough Mutual. J. y irgiuia Batik Note, aliout ; , . South Carolina Geonna 11 . ; SO1 141 m S7 i 81 i hM ... . . . . . . ... . .. 8ilvsr. , ; . ... . , .-. .-. . ,'. -, ... OldoCouiKms - North Carolina Kailmad Coupons. (MdSixe ..,.,...; Kxchange on New, STork . v. . . RALEtOU NATIONAL BANK OK NOHTH '. ' " CAltOLINA, " BIT1NQ RATKS-M. C, HANK tiOTBtl. ' , ' BonkfCape Fear. ,........ . i!5 Luariotto. .: . is '! , otamerca M f.. ...... . II Clarendon . t 'l ')' FayetteviUe. 4 . . 4 . . . j . Ixinirton 10 " ljexingtoo at Graham, ... " North Carolina lUixboM......... " .Thpruaville.,..i. ;.:..). : - TVadeaboro : . . ' Witipington,,,...,,,., IS 80 SO fO 13 13 4 A U - iv asiitngion . " Tancevvtlls. ........ ....... ComtncrciHl Wilmington Farmer' Gtvensboro . , (Old) 13 SO 18 9) 20 Jicrcnuct , Aeabern. Miners" and PlantorsV. ,, v ,v ,,J,. . .... Virgfula Bank notes, vfrs,'u v nouui t. axon n a Georgia , , Gobi. i . Silver 80 .143 .13.1 . B7 Bt Old North ('arollna Coupon. North Carotinallnilroad Coupona. . . . , North Caro'tja 6'a, ten Coupon tm..'. Exchange on New York, J. ... ;KAEKX BEPORT Corrrctbd DAILY BY JORDAN W0MBLE ' B 0 CB It, ' l;'"v" .j. " A 6., Mirftstl Street. " BEEP ....,., 1215cr lb BAtt..'.'.. ... 'J. t II BOc f3 lb BUTTER. , . . : 580. V 1 BEESWAX...... 80c lb 1 CANDLES..,,., , 80t3i33 lb ' COT I ON YABN , 8 00 bale. COTTON .. S5(a0c tb CHEESH ,i ..... ....r.w, ,r aOeWIb , . iCIIICKEN-J..'..' spring IfttMJc each C0KFEE,..;.::.l.;.'., 80 83c V lb C0UX 140 130 bush .....,u. . Wai2i doi EGGS FKEtMI PORK.Via'.t'i Ai J.t. . ltftc 9 lb . FODDER... v..;i,..,,.00 S 25 V cwt FLOUR Rupcrflna. . . 4 . . : . . , . 10 60 V. UA ' ' Family . . .' .', 18 50 V LbL HTDES Greea. 10cV fb , , . Dry .,... v . 15c WB HA Y....M t....i WhfilCO f. cwt LAKO.',;..l.;..;....v.. atkiftarxi y tb MEAL 1 40 150 V bush ML'M.ETTS.,.,, , , lOOOVbbl MACICKUKL SOOOVbhl HERRINGS ...t naOa?bbl t NAILS 10 ISle W lb PE Aft White....' Stock.... ... SUG Alt Crushed. , ... lirowa... I MOLASSES ...... . RAGS.. ,. '..J 123140 bush l oo m -f bush 2Sc-? tb ... .... Uto20c lb t : 70c gal, ... ''.lie Tf lb SODA -,CookIn.,.. SiooR"wiRwr- Biolon fr,?m the stab'.d of t M of the suba.-nber. last ni ehL August lith. his '- '- . DARK BAY IlOHaE, r - sliaoat brown, T year old, la hands b.KJ. sluxl all round, and la fiuo ardor and splnuilid condition. i 'la above raward will he nud ou delivery at ilalviffh of U hm-M uU tun f, or 1'U'il' VulMXUii fur Ui horM only. ..... t ... -i . ,. .., ., ... i ! , - W. II. CROW. IUleigh, Aug. JfS 4e- ; , (Lin: or K-Ai-tifiii; a.c.) f W I T II ALLXIiCRV(, ASO WESSOJf, (FORMERLY ALEXIS BR.VG3 A WAREK.J 1 ' K ' - ' ! j viioli:saii ii:ajleiis V B0OT3, E0E3;Ai:D 1EATHX2, 1 To. 11 D,iy t.' Vork, Th aliova wiih s'lM abratloa in th atvl of arm, liM lrro i Viti!:iii.J .n:-r "i vtirs is well kuos-U-Uu.r.liai ll. fc.iUti. is 1 c iu.. CUSr l.in l u m:iiix s a n fi.lv ot , 4 Ui Okil.'ll Mf'ZSlli.lf . " ' i ' . ntMEwimn TIT AT IV. ft. It. a.-TlfKERACO. ill tall IliJCl) rXJM st Kti nK wiijis l,tt the uoien and ( hib i.ti. ( uesjK-r iluV'v U'tinj i in Btore W. II. 4. R. S. 1 ft U LR & Qt)r A ig 15 f not) ( in haul aft-! f't t plicau'a is nci'. s '. ti a.l p"r bj- Vlf irV p' J. w. rcon, , 0!,n, a, c. Jin. Davi oe SnnTB. The - Bait Au. l-lw fK' an c UXDtli THE SUN. A, Ntyr Ex a In' Medicine ' ' ir Let tl. 1 euuerme and Jswa'reAdtluiullow. T LtaU who have bsen up. by Doctor,. -ftutb m Mtdeaoa, re4 th tuUowinirt , 1 linens Atl mm 1v A mm mvW i'UJi am ii... LiT. .1.:. ... ......U...U u j iu ui mrw our jjuro, Vim lbousaaii Eisht Huiidtwt auti 8ity-t4jx, pcnoiully caiu Juaeph Hsyooek to me, kuuwn as such, and bo tnr duly swetru, (lapiiMd as follows'; Tha he ia tbo aole penerat Kit fitWt'iuil Ktanta, and d)wu-aen.-iii thermf, for nrpriiiu or tueiiciii knows M MAGOIKl.'S HI.Ij .,,rl S4I.VU ...J ,. n,- lwinaveriilitwtsrvrljluB eup'ivatotli iHtt of ,'.,", JiJIESSUEITEn, : -U IB. v . . Notary Publle, ' . '..,"'"" Wall Sui,.'ew lwk. i . . .' ' un,ivii6. I.a. Mi(Miti.:- I Uks it pea to writ you of toy creat relief aud that the awful fin in my aid baa Ii'lt aw at lsst-.ihanka to your medidna. Oh, doctor, how thaokfiU 1 4bi ihat.I U tut sou alwn, I can never wrua it enough. I thank you again and airain, ad am uw Utat y.m arc nwlly Uw frwnd of allsiillei- ra. , outun ma neip wruiug yt.u, aad hop yon JAJIK8 MTERfl, - Tlu i to oortifv that I lu duah.rri4- frnm tha aruiv wub CUrouie litarruuaa, aad hav Veao cared by W ILSOJf ITAKVET, . .27'i'uteuvet. Saw York, April 7t 1SGJ, Til fSoUowillK la in (nloriMl.fnv M-tnf . to,,w im. ployed in n Iron Eomnlry, wliu, in poumiR malted tlion.f Itaetnnheil iron s thrown round ami on lina in a peif.iet stiower, and he waa burnt dr-dfitllv. tuft follow .nffcertitlcju,, H,T(,U t mahybiai about eiKi't weeks fli-r tha aociUunl, 11 u un uiw nui iiiai wu usmn ana wei. oiiumi ui My name UJ4ibfsrdy; lata an Iron Founder i I uuin, 17 ut iron in jnveniuer last; mv Isims hM, but 1 had a rannmtr sora oa myhg thai wuald aoi Wal ; I tried llAKtprl Kxlre, and H enred ua m a rw w ks. j ,is is all Iras, sn.t anv holy can ' "! w'-t'b if, rtcrKAj xa avnns. " 4 !( : J. H.VltDV, v - . tifrOeorick Htiv4. J "X had ao appetit ;Mrtfli'ni Pili gata m hear- J Vila?, "f ?F 4$ T J': Y T -f A f .0 :l Tur fill, ivto ma-A(lMU.v'" " ' "Isfmd.ftw auulbnr but, uJ h;1 tlie at'' in the V'Dr thrum Maggm! ha etitwl wiy hnadaeh thst'wa ouie,' i VI (av balf of on of yonr pills to my bnt for cluai-r innrhu. '1 ha dt htUo thing got aell nia "My natiiKia of a morning U now enred. lOlir bol Of Mair irtHCli R&1va .Mirnd niA of uniu. la the head. I rubbed soma of vour Halve behlud mv . 'Bind me to boiesj 1 want out or poor fauulja.' " eueloae a dollar ; jciur price Is twenty-flv cant. uut i iinut..ue w m is syrw a uouar Hnd me five lxe of your pills," It hi htv thrn boxn of jour Bilva by return , , Z bavt over 200 loch TetUmonali ' ' As this, but want of spae eompcls bo to cinolnd , , , t. JJAtlOH-L, Jl. O. p. r, vr.M:vo aci7t roit nv- ritiii.ron i'." ' Mareiej'8 PiU and 8alVa. . NuTIt.E.-rNvm eenuin without the engraved tratlaiiMrk around each (U r but, siftund tv l)r. J. &U001K1, 11 i'ui Htieut, Jiew loik, to eonntrfcit wld.'h t" fl'wi,, . -' - i t i t Bold by slliesieetbll)cWTiiiModiinesthrDBRh. ut tho Cmled hlstos: ami taaniii ,at cenls par box or poi.i . lag. 8-tf . i " j 'e At Af.IKI.si :tf ,. A.tfw rrr Mantlcr FfTcr and Axae rilU! - MAG3IEL'3 FEYEtt AND AGUE t THKSK tanic.n i'nHl, koww ikmii limit t (rent Wt ! tlx Uuii) jlts tur tD. if HAtrioiK'.innri ciiiLL rr.vcn ad a.ie arwniia tliooi'ly fnirHliin4 ia thi Kiale l S'nrtli 0 irxiitM r4 k, uhmlDad of si I vMrpr-iii( tie el Mtdruciftiis - "a' i... , Tosjr t-ioic to all 4bilitAtd ysuan, U- kaa 1 dosaa of. . ' ..-,., One Fill Three Times A Day. bfAr mtvula, ml h'oM b lUmuii tit vrv fumfljp r wninif ii Hi)JwiiiiTir aiwiiriv T Anv trpfi ttr tint vh.itit But hkfvm In Him insrvt'UUt V't rvi' ita, . A poxlU he it-nt Tree tfhetsnft ciift.it With in, id til i.ir lima two bo,. art ctiargK will h in1-. 1 n pru s of pill, lhi(,h sy Iw'-S KIt UOX t batthv r a psrfoet ear witliout trnnbli) ot lu eosvf-nittit.A. ihs ehAiirn i i-i,."h!f. riLUMa, , Addra- J, JlAUOIKb-M 0 ,4ii 'vhori hi slew York. ' ftff aiinast rw'itlf!eH ' I jut uvprHi(i Ditto. ru itifrit' n W iv!, hr ttiu h imubit fct(J la;j-Qif f tif,nMi of ml fifxt sritu tlri4f ttrti liori Vf vr fit p?t1 Jlf-M r rT'titt(( &nkmt$. April Sl-4m , " r ' WASHING fOS, D. Ths c-im.iiK wwKioo of th ai.vftral Di-osrlin, ni fjf .luist oiior" wiU ojji u wilti toll muliii,..l uistr i' lion, aavarsl rf it l'roiier fioin th Mon'.h hsring re luinod tocir eiwirs. at tbeua.1 followms;! - 1 r. pti-.y L .jtintvitt, w rl.j.i. l.'ih , Acft'loiiucai , v . . ii - I . jv , ,, , .. " -, . (Wo. . loth . Mi.tlii-sl ' J . " -.. ' . IVb t' ;tArt"Wti4s of ?iiil.it toTtii-ttisft fha it ti'tr.!j.'o t-iitfti i t iri.'iMi-tron : wiott Hie auic'rv TwilitA. si tli" I'eil.-rat I aoe.l for Ki'tieraJ ciiitiit.. sr. in sil rwt -ia uiwoi piM;l sail in wmie uneoua!- Lied hi SH5 ' ..tf in Itiu coiioti v. 1 One Kn ruuiuu l. k.u tu oi ;I,iw, of l on .r. Biti'l. nr f'tr lbs muimtiv have .. ap. ial t.rilito'S sc. I n'.i"iilou Iiiatrucii.ro ia xiven m ail tho braui-loia ut i io.l :i.l etlu-atiou. i jr Xiinlicr lniTflinyA eo'tti - Q. . r?AM:j.V, I). II. 7 1m . Preaidi.-ut. Y 0 f! A I. E A Ki'i u 11 if '' o ) ' i -r ll'. 'M'l Sill a fli-ali f i'4".v of Jew. F. t.fii j , ... j i cm ji j i ,j y ,t ((,. f.lbil a;,iutl 4'ii(iiia, ,-Jalj IStf,. PI LLIAM, JO.NPK i CO. W j.V 1 iM'..sct;ds. 'IKi: & 1. 1 Y i: I S b V 11 A XCE ? AGENCY, ' K AL E I G II , IT. c.: CAPITAL & ASIT3 CF illE COXPAv i sn.3saooo, : E,b.lw tlHJ jwJoW.tt, -u:i vHM .,,.1 A. iK, is J Vsi C0S -tt.trrJ 1 1 t f I JV.rri t: . - I ii.V IN I. m ! v. I l-rtf !,... ....I i '. t i'. P. lxscru, A(fvut. Aug. 2-2a1w . . ... . , r. I a. m . v l,tTAiLL'.i i Ptn tiT" Ita KtfVcl ia Jilrnculotmi .'-. ,:-:.:'.' t i'l ).-.., ,,. ? TT Is a es'irslr new teSoniiiifl diwuvrry ib'uiti j. mi,jr f th nw.ai ihiwwiui nd HMUimliiM aicuuu I tlmr.lr,.,:V 4iui,f,.M. . 7 . We b'ivs urii e.Miti i(.mw o it kM,ii, ... sara it will d all ( Ui , tt .i ., ,r. , 1 ,000 II i nv'Aini - iftVeMttlilaw Itwlr iVH,.vd.Nis ..(, h,: raetmatn all eiwws wnsa asod ui suiot acennUne. with em inirtractHin.. Veeetabla Sicilian ITair 1? basprnvod ilsolf loj.il,. ,w,f,r, Brouavatio wriii usir tvAr offered to Hie iul,lm. ? It is a vih oiniuuii ami Voiin ha S pn.parues wlislsvnr. Ii is a.M a ly it sink., t tha root. uj gl), tlw (lds with aw Ills abd eolorih mUer. . II will nsMN U4f Hair la it. riglwa Celwr. will hwrai Ik. M.lr frttnt raltlM'a ' llcltiaisweaika sei.il. aad . i . ..... art, latins. ..d .hi,... Ufa a pKiarfM Ilalr.lt K pin ..Id tw yoniiK. .Inotld imi t,MIe . II U rairomiorudod Mil lUad liu .1,. a . . aaihamr. nr A.k iw Hun i Vavai.tii. I. i. vaiidtnks imoihi ow H. t. II A 1. 1, AV .. -. MP tMd bv all l)riii.i.i.i. Nuliua. M. It. Wilhame at llawwd B'I f. Y. P...( ud. K.alrlvli.N r. io-ll. and At w.'.'ui. TE MTIOVtl, lAiOV IIt'81. LMt ( oixcta: . WARIIlNfif OS. D. (!. OlTera aiinsriar Alv.i.,ry.. r . ,i ., . EJ'icatlou." " " .-orwiKB, tiusl.iv., ih course of hitrtH-tl,.n enilnsr.,, f,.!miii..i Imnortitw. JobUne. lta.il,nn ii ..,i. -. den -e, n,w.ire. n pBll-T,.,',,; . . ' V,'"n- ii.Ml,Mlllt.,.l,i I,, i,... .. 7 " -seii.v. lesilmg autl.or.if (hi. s,..m. a ,d -el .hr.!" t ilt, Alitor of tli. "Mum.,,- . . '!. ' . ' " t " ,n, slop siloed hv ,.e.,i.v if, a'ei- . T tuiittrd of erilicisin. t'nn,.i.l r, - . rnt,tr.r,,1,i,rmt ,.,,,, J , ,, fU Iho svatem of Jil .stM i i. ! , i i.' ., ,. . . . . . a.d..ne..fUMv l.nsht ,h. I j'V, , ' ""3 h.S SK lf,l tllltl,l, J l. , , , , ' . ' " of t eourae. Hera 11... i... . - . ' part i k.u..it,iKe. ii. y. 1 "' u"- mdw. m.k. outn.t... diafts. .;,... i . i" bok it out as lu. hn.in... . . -l ."'' latu.n.K.wiJ.r lVh,d,.d,; K..rw., .i.'r, i'.'h'i,..'"",! soon atnirea k,iMKB ,,f Imso,. ., f, i, J, . to Amiraa. ihI eonih-uaii the iuM.-v uf c .-ri par run a.uioUr.lii, i,rid for re ifo MmulMirnlito in tin. r,.:., to the pi in. ipal . o:,lt ; . , lui(5 ma. ' ' ' !"... hsa.ul auiii lor eirciilsrs iririnir ft.ti (,..., of tVumADsuip, of the t'oJu t djIO. nti mi, f ,r .f.i inviris . sii'l men tj.u- Addivrs M'VN.COIP, A. M. . . i'roprieivr. oi:i.. :i,tM . ii oo (, ron i i -t., O X 0 O.R I) j N. c. Tti8e- ' t "- M.'tsv p., t'h- P r l .M I. 1 . I i.' i -Mi i i,vi art, i evmmane I o Hi li.vri ,y .(..fadai,. flh. i'ir sj ilv to - JAME3H.LASF. A. if, lm PrincipaL JAUIt ITTSJIOTCL,. PLn-IWEnc-i, YUlfHSIi. ,iMDi!purehawtIthlul..iei.tnfl:.it Gnnmona i l.o.i!, w aiuioun..o to o.ir trends and tha . t,it t io house wm b e,uili),ii m U rvapw I. MlttiT CLASS llOTtL, , ioi I toe tj-arellin, p;,1,lie may rt. a,r,d of flndit.a aoawetend"ryii.it t co to oiw patrons' PiHt Ti!Vi.tM.fretv..oH. Va, ) J.iiis t in,, of Urotuviiu) t.UuUtv, J'4. A'ii(, 3-liu , , .. JR. LAUD, LA IlII, "..Iw. V,., j.aM labar.!, .d half b.,rral. .1 Harn l. P ima Ale., P.-ik: Juit ivc.ivatl by . t . k ' T 1 t ' - A 1 III!. Ot ip( t T ii . ina July 2 hxcLird hi i i',l and 2oihs. rCLLT.VM, & CO. Evtpri'N A v Tor.K. : v I ! t k-. '1 bh.rnt'iAV. j "w :.R. r.ir " i 1 'tnn Sew . 11th., ,.1 v Aili;t.. IS, l lie i?stnt r 'l -i ' I T"T for t-i:! p,,i'. will leave tins p ut i, i 1-orlV :'d or I ap ) '. I'll. I, A O , l I . . initv i ,'iai-f .N l ir. .. c aiarnvt '1 hf llii.l'O fir-iirj? io ii f?wt!0',l,V. 11.11" I siirm-d. tia'i I VI, JlHV,: ii, vl Hill t-al; ll ,..., I 6'. s - lVutlt.v t, st I ii.oi tut ir (.'i.i i". io turn !i -ii. S'l.l t f l.'.M iu...r. and pruuH-i to turn ttti a et art e.,., iv- to n., ' ni,il tms s-jie, or any where . a!1 Eiuhsius, Aug, li-lm- ,, - 4

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