FHK SENTINKIx. SMturdaj- i;vctil, Aug. 1 IttO. 7i j i v and sTvrfc items 7 Naw AnTBRTiHKMaKT. $1,000 reward m of fered for lite apprehension of tUu villain, who, on the Pili. tnst., murdered Mr. Jnu. A. Cutchin, mt Whiuker ' Station, Edgtfoiube Co. The Nathiuai "X'ttblULIiig CoT.TCtTiuwnU, V, - advertite foij agent Ui canvass fur Pahney'a 'Life ami Campaigns of Stonewall Jackson," the tt.n.JiirJ biography f the hnuiurtal , ''r- -."'ii .7 . , - ' Cot. j uo;sF.Sanihr, of Sruitfithld, w'tlie to employ a private Tutor. With commendable feeling tie expresses a preference for any msviiu- ecl Confederata soldier, who may bare tha re quisite qualifications. . ' " ' ' Pulliam, Jones & Co. eiuce Uieir rcmova' are increasing their attractive stock, Seeacrer- al announcement. , P. F, Pescud, in view ofthe pmnlmlty of chiller, announce valuable specific for that dread disease. . Tub Vote. Wo have" now official return from 59 Counties, in which (He vote stands: ; For Reluct iri 15.607' J Kaliricallon. .;; ......... . ilnjority tor Hejection... , . t'um.KK! Ctioi.Kiit I Tint inaccessibility ot this city by tin imti.il mo. leu of travel liy which our seaport town anil citisuna are visited by-vpidwule-i, doc not render it posi tively certain tht Raleigh will be wholly ex empt from the approach of Cholera. That dreadYul' uialady hits readied Kichmcnd, aud it It now oiOy a day's tisvel between that city and this. It ia; at least, prudent to suggest th imnie ate cleaning 'and liming the city the removal and burial of letid, poisonous matter, and a very "'general' report among our people to proper diet and the uaeNrif cholera remedies on the first in- dications of cbolic and diamines. ' Melons and unsound fruit; and indigestible vegetable food, should lie dispened"WB-r-mor jwodeotly used. "A word to the wise," &. ' Arhivai.s t tb8 VamioBoi'OB Horar, . Aug. 17th. Wtu. Thompson, Pittsboro, N. A. JL Derby, Philadelphia, tv; Taylor, Oxford, N. C., W. C. Means,.' Concord, 3J. C, E. IV . Blogg.t Biltiiuor.J, Mil, 8. Wotf Petersburg, V., J. C. Raymond, Chester, S.C., O. W. Green, Philadelphia. - IloKsa StsaUKi. The Salisbury Burner truly i) s that this crime is iow reduced to science. " It nieution sVveral glaring thefts in this .ine in that vicinity lately. Hardly a day passe that our column do not contain adver tisement offeriiig reward tor stolen animals. . DaiKD F lie it. The Prttt states that E. A. Vogler, E(.y of Salem, baa shippwi North over 600 barrels dried blackberries, ttvi season, ahiout . 100,000 ponnrk i m4 although t lie apple crop was considered pretty oiueh a tailure, he hM also hip)ed, and bason hand, up to this time, over 80,009 pound dried apple, being over 204)0 bu8heKand tbey are still coming in faster than half a down men can pack theui. The dried frait UadtLhalJS-rtsTSly Icen a giVat blessing to tl. pwple of Forsyth these hard times. " l " lIoMiiiint. We regret to lesrn that a fatal ' shooting snVir wtureil between Mr. James Mc KuMon and Mr. Ih4 Tatsof Morgauton, K. C.; . on Tuesday Jat, which resulting In the killing or Mr. Tate by Mr. M Eesn. Mr. Tate was brother- in-law to sir. McKesson, and it is aaid. thai family matters were tb cause of the diflS- culty. which terminttled so unfortunately, f Tu Ckop. An intelligent geVOhmaa ff, Urrus infants us thai the corncroi, in that sec tion, Is almoot literally bunied Ujv He says b:s Informatiou i, that sm h also is the ca.se In Soul b Carolina, Ueurgia, AlaUma aod Mrs.-tiirppi. , Ethiopiaii Tiltahekniso.- Some ' t"' nes are told of the "B. 9. influcmSfe ol the Bureau," both in the literary, military, and re ligioua way. A friemi w rites, from a county not fur ofl. that a Fce1man's association baa len established in hia Be'tghbrhrmd, whicll partakes, in its opratioas, of Iwth a military and religions character; they doing a good deal of hyminit ari.l exhorting, while they are inna tered alut npder the command of so-called t.olonc t, Csptains, Lietitenants, 8erg.-ants and Corporals. The writer aays that "on Sunday week, they were marching in solemn procession through B- -4 grove, ofliwrs to tire fnmf, and a goolly hatch-vf femaU freejmen bringing op the rear, imitating, as well s they might, the martial strut of tba heme ia front, when the Freedman in cdmmand sung out "eh f V Instant ly every gd hoisted her dress', and step ped out statelier and stronger tban"'ever:w"C. JIad the astounding developments of profli gacy and corruption in the matter of the con spiracy to Implicate Mr. Davis in the assassina tion of President ton oln. Such villainy ia enough to maks one blush for our common ho , nisniiy, Jfo other a(?e, and no other country, have wtnesscd any thing ; approaching fi" IB moral tttrocltj,-5-i . i x: ; fi . i t 5 STATE 6F OUTII CAKOLIXA. ) BuirroRT CocsiT Cocbt, Jrsn Tenar, 1306. . JohnL. Pelly, Adro'rof 1 ; John S. Young, I Petit w U Sri inn r: ... - I e to pap deltt. H-lrsof John 8. Young, j , - I ' The netili'm ti that JolB R. minf, a Mxldvut tt aaid cuniitv, died inteittate in im, teavrnft no j. r-pprtirn-, Idil wiM of s W m th tnrn of Wjflt A JniMoii said 0"U!ilv. and in.lt led ; that lim li.iuii ara " " oi.steiwn but npp"M'd to resiiik" out of tlis Mate, and out of the t inted KtsH'S ; and pravi that tlie Itenl msv.be a-Ml to partus debts: ills Iwirs aie ,-m,-,J t. ai st next tsfifl of wod Court, lo t hJd at Vasiitnition. mmv and Wat sftifiwaiil, tm 3rd. Mm , rfav in tv iiunilwr neat, snd ii-r to said netiu-m, i ' or a ilT.y! pre rr ill Us given Kut them. ' 1-r oader t the Court. , HU.lAMS.fOIlWN,Oerk. Aug- l-wS i or the Judiciary Committee In the . - Citoe fr.tlr. )Mtl. FEESH EXP0STTEES-H01T DISGEACED EY02T0 BXDZ3IPII0N. v tCrrjio8ili-at if the ivm Vork H-vraUl. : WUhisoios Cut, Aug. 6, 186A rrompicd ty the proiouna interest tb case ' has excited, I have made diligent efforts to team more of the conspiracy agatutt Mr. Davis "and th underhanded prueedingt of the Judiciary Commutes. i . The conduct of the committee, leaving out of coniuuerarion lis reluwu ro stiow one of Its members access to th - records before it, wss rrpK'bensibla to a dtgree whha no htnguatf in my vocabulary is strong etuwh to properly characterize and denoum-e. It was ordered by the House to inquire and determine whether there existed probable eti6 fc believe Mr. Davis and others gnitty of inciting, concerting or procuring the assassination of President Lin coln; but Instead of seeking evidence to enable tnera to form a imchhUou beluf on the sub ject, the leading member iimi in the be ginning that there was probable rause for tlie belief, and contented themselves with ransack ing the (so-called) relml archives, tl Bureau of aiiuuiry juiiu e anu i iree s siy, ror evmence lo. sustain it, or rather to trive it color. ; Not onlv did they not inquire into thetubjucu but they 'absolutely fctiised to do so. . .Vitneei ol inU griiy sud bii,'U m-ial stand ing, were offered tlie cotnuiijjteu. vim would testify to a knowledge that f ersl proiositions had been made to Air. Davis r the kidnapping and killing of President l:iln and, his t'al.i- net, and tlint lie prompter ssd indignantly ta itoocatliem. liut the cfiiaitteeditl not want and would not have anf och wttnevsts. It is true thef examined t f JwU and Company, who acKnowieIgel lli:f iter hatl beta suborned for the Uureaii t Mili y Justice, hot they did been placed in such a so only liecansie they I bOJitiott that lhey co Bldc s, ' ttie confessii not, larcd not refuse. f these men that their fabricated for them by original statemcuts wt a lkulicat K'tvnt of t tend to vindicate U ifoverwnent aid not avis. Tbey made a srraml flourish ot tnfrets over letters to Mr. Davis by three men ied Barmore, Durlism and Alston, propesing ins characters of the J r assassination of lead rth, because endorse meets were found thefi referring them to the so called rt-lx-l Secre V of War, but they re tuseil tp receive any lanatory evidence on rison, private Secreta the subject. - toung ry UrMr. Davis, whohade on the letter of aibuhi toe voiiomeiiii reierreo, by dinction of the Pi lent, to the Ifonorable Secretary of War," w jrepaied to testify that' Mr. Davis never saw card of the letter until alter the endorsemeni as marie, and that be did not in any sense rove tlie proposition it contained ; that be 0 DavU) was often flood ed with letters,' and t W hen they came to his (Harrison's) hands fo rusal aud examination, as they frequently (I l itliout being seen by the President, he, sc under general instruc tions, made endorse ts on such as related to matters within fh cope of other branches of the government, lying them, as by direc tion of the President! the heads of the aonro- prittle departments at he did this iji the case or Alston i lettenuiom us Doing seen by Mr, Davis at all, ambt tha same tiling was done in tha cam, of Hiam's letter; but' the committee, althoogliMitied of the fact that these endorsements il be explained in this uiminer, and knoatf hat they could not be rweived ill courtoftice as evidence against Mr. Davis without ing first shown that be knew and ajiproveiljcootenU of the letters, and directed the ersement to be made, re fused to examine lli'u ; refused absolutely to imjuir Into tbct, lest ; they should be deprived of alt grouijid excuse for reorting that there waa pri le cause to believe Mr. Davis accessory to t -uu!sinstion. It cannot be objited that Har was a rebel," for the committee 'examinci icr '"rebel" agists, one ot whom, James A. es, the nVsjority report declares was 'in d an anwilling witness,' "still devoted to the so of rebellion," but "a inanot trulh" thaniJli nothing more derng- abiry could lie eaidfwing Harrison. But the Commit! I not want witnces who could throw abhorred tlie truth. on the sul'jcct thev most important paritoJ Kirt is an unmitigated. X ginph in the mr.jnri sliamelul Imj a lie pable and transparent 10, way escape from it. conspiracy to convict I witnesses, and tlist confessed before the that the sutlioig cat The exposure of Davis by uienna of two of the witnessi comiuittcethat thej IJieen suliorned by an agent of tin govern to swear falsely for the Bureau of Military ce, forced Mr. Bontwell to admit in his rea iat serernl of thW wit nesaea, on bting br before tha committee. retracted entirely latement made tor tlie Judge Advocate t al, aud declared that their testimony, sin originally, waa false in every, partieuliif.t the rejmrt continues (snd hero is the Insist they (the wilnesses) fniled to state ajdticcuients or considera tiims which tii the coinuiitteft a reason , a'le explanationlift course they Jsn1 pur sued, and the cofee are not at this time able to sfty whetK prtginal statements of these witnesses sfe orfalw," leaving It open to conjecture, arjact rating in some 'quai-J ters the lnlereni meonginai staiementa oi these persons, MU the report declare, hi'tr- nionie in everyjrtant partienlar witli facts deiived from dints and other trustworthy sources,, were td that the witnesses have Since been briljtbe friends ol Dsvis to re tract.' Why, iwitnessea declared to (lis committee that wenr promised anrr that they received unis of money for making the false affidn .the Bureau of MiliUry Justice, and y committee caiwot. iSHja. auch Inducem l Considerations" reason able explinaf tha course they (tha wit nesses) had I." Campbell further de-, dared that, ii 1 being inthe "rebel" ser vice, aa he b nally sworn, ,he lived ex clusively in ra aurinst the war, working . at bit trade, ""S.J snu ne gave ine namt and adilrt crsons for-w hom he bad "worked, and -r who knew him well and .saw him dsi g that period. The com mittee prom 'patched an agent with him to New Yor took him in yrttmet tf th ptrmrti he h x, when he was at once Wfyff afftj he ebMmetl to be liefore the commit i yet tue majoruy oi mat anpient I1 a.oaaoic io say wi.einer nis I OrlinJa.r,.uuh MuliuJ original it mm-nws'nt -r..T wi . r rr That Caifnd Sncvd were suborned, as thev confe! re tne committee, sml were employed ti r others, knd paid bandnome- ly for t:iei tv, tlie rpUowfng correypon- dcnee w ui culty, will e procured with much difl li beyond a doubt The first letter is di to "ban ford Conover, Esq., 'Wathingu - - '' " ' 6t. Ai.bam, N'ov. 10, 1SC5. Wki.do Mb. Co IW,tr $ I thouuhi ive ju!f parbd with the' party do "to reirettt -Lamar.- I la trsine and swear all tht is m ill E i wauKd ; ".acea hi prif e at pretty Ligh fiL"ire. li t ;l,0ti0, and say he won't sell bisj xoutold n.c not to go above f 1,510, but thcJ't'fjt told mo 8(t.r aril that cccsary I could j;o tn htwJiv num. even this W f.ir lnlw the mark. M'hat tut I do J I hate wntteu lA JhJ,j how tlie matter aUuds, and I hoe you will urge him to come to tue terms. Jin k is a good fi-llovr, and we Can (Ivpi'iidiOn him without fear, and he lue taculty liars need luoiit, nullity good memory. I hope to receive a meosage troip you 10 morrow, tettiug me to striks tlie tmram.-. At any rate, let ma know how to Ai't as soon a possible. Trulv vfi -- - WttXlAM Campuki.l. . , , Xsw.York, jiareU 5, H0A. Wb. Conovku : Ikar Mr I hsve Ihho trying to see you for several itsys, iut hear tl(t yon are out ol town. Ishart leave this at station A., that you may get it as soon as you K4urn. -1 am in gnat need ol more money, my lat investment did not pay, and I aru dead broke, and so is fSncvcl. T&4 JifJgt tnl.I me when I lait ssw him to com municate with him only through you, .and I don't Hike to write him : hot I Must have money inafewdnya. Get bltn to send me f 500, foV nothing less will be of anyi use to me. 1 wih I could mt in bulk all I am to receive, and 1 hen 1 Could get into s&l'.-f business:- but I suiinw von are aif airatd tlist tl you sliouw give me til HIT ' hsndsat once, I should not lm found continue the war, if the allies withdraw 'dm in most wanted, j don't like to be stwpec ing it noccssary to the trumuUUt r oi'bir mpire ut anything is better than belay pow, SO -j w v , , ., ,.,. ! when m tdd. bu I w ill tukc what I can ifrt r but of tioiirse not less than $300. Don't keep. me waiting hgaiu W Cod's Hike, for I olniil hardly be aWe to mm Click fil u4l cigars till 1 hear fiun you. ' ' 'I7rnly j-oum, V. CAMrngi.i.. Wan I)KFATMf?N-rV )" Washington, JC., Mandi 17, IMild. Mb. 8. CoNovmi - ; -' Jhitr Mr Since aiftjnj? joii and enro4nn urau :iti-.ii(ie.i(.i, i have received a letter trnm V HiuiU i tu winrli I replied this morning, ijuert- tioning the funds remitted to ju for himself ami lit. Nievel, and axking liim to tee yoit. He does not, however, know precisely whent to find you, andI presume you have not his address, which is the Whitney House, corner of 1 wclllh street and Broadway, 1 kofn you viUtfae tht j - if rum iMfWff w turn kyih jbomwx tit lily, oe seems uyoe greatly IB nvmU Very respect fully, your olwdieut servant, , J. Hoi.t, Judg Advocate Ueneral. : ' The followln;; letter Is directed to "Sanford Conover, Emj.. Post Omce, station F, New York city." i ' AsroB Ifoisg, April, 17, ISC.1. Dkab Conovkr I chuic' ia but evening, and have been all day endcavirin to tlnd you. That villain Campbell tr divulged the -wliols arraiiL-emcnt lo Mr. Dsvis's friend, and IIL il possible,, be pushed Uloia t'ie coumiitte. . bttn tt,t im to awint van ' u aettinir hiiri sweet again.'ifO that he will jutand lj hie story, or else keep nut of the way. ' It, rnMtl w don at any eott. I am prep-trvl teith tA iteet'il. Old 279 and Nk 8 wr. at beadnuarttrs tha day Iwfo.-e yesterdnV, and are turiout, V shall is irttt rewarded if we save their bacon. It must be done. .Call the moment you receive' this. I shall wait tilt vou come, for I can do nothing without you, I bai t also written to your old address. Ai ever, yours, J JI. Tire McMfuia AealanrJui draws the fallowin? striking portrait of an trcwhila Seccssionint, turned ultra-Radical, who basjut been elected to the Legislature of Arkausas : "He tore tha war this creature was as 1 .ill nf nctit as a ilutcliman is or carrot and cabbages. He waa s belligrnent as a hedge hog. When ever the usme of Yankee was mentioned in bis presence, he clenched his fist and grated Ids teeth. He couldn't smoke a cigar, a tbera was danger of bis Igniting and goina off in aiwinta- neous combustion. Hated upon vinegar and i gunpowder. .Yankee blood be wanted and nothing but Yankee blood would satisfy his J capacious nisw. lie swelled lumseir up into another Jack rut Umnt K n.i.an, and ha seem c io iiuna n t .'-...y "When be drank the rivers unto him flowed, When he eat the mountains less'ninggrowed, When he sneecad whirlwind round did roll. Artd when he moved the, earth ouaked from 1 il to' note. i"lT tt -it zrj.-i ;-.. .. - With such a monster on tho side of aecessloh. we nwreu ueiesi, n nc o uw war was tn- auguf,ted, everybody expected the boom of the cannon Would be FiT2PATiirta' constant lulla- DJ. Uvtt alter advocating secession and indu eing bis frttd snd neighbors to enlist; in the struggle, bis cHiirage ooxed out with th slime upou his. dying tnge, snd instcail of shoulder ing a niusitel lie loeked bis tail between hi legs, and like a cowardly cur slunk away. Having abandoned hiWriends and hi priuci pica, he miq. turned up to the capacity of that most despicable of all pimps, a smuggler' or Mockade-runner.. He was sptnreil on, on occasion, by the gallant boys ihitey, his cotton burned snd his Ywtliles life spared , through the earnest intercession of a pnmiraent citizen of Cross county. ' He doscrted his friends, turn. ed traitor to hi princiule, but what cared "he Since hi aiiivstacy was tlllinir his brecchfriNoook. etj During the war he amassed a (urge fort line, and a few weeka slaw he announced himself candidate for the Iegilature, and with shame and humiliation we have to amimmce he ha bivu elected. Thi result 1c iuexplic.iblo." BA1EIQH MONEY MARKET. COltltECTfitt BY JOHN tl. WILLIAMS & - C).( UUOKKRI, BAIT.IOH, W. C:- piiM Pis oV nonm cRi.rsA bank kotks. Bank oKn, Gj, (Ooil S3 (Hilvw Jii, O.rj. 3",j , , l ape rear ' " Chrlotte.'?,' .: : " liexbigtoa at (Indium . . . " liuxborotigh , 44 WadesboMtigb . , , " ' Thomssville Wilmington ! Commerce .., , , WsliiugtoB. . . , Fyetteville. . l-n 2.1 13 21 n 11 8 P 4 a " Clarendon. ... ,.i . , Yanpey Vi lie. '. , Miners' and J'lantera Bank . . : . ... . , Farmers' Bank, (Jreenahornugb . ; ,7. Commercis! li.M.k, Wklmtmnon ... 4 . , , .T 17 11 13 -30 Mercuants lisnK, ncwlwrn, t-.. .,.r. z 2.1 South Carolina :' . Oeora ' ' " . Gold..,.. 8ilver..:,v...,, ..,.,.' ld Coupons. I. . . N';rth Carolina Railroad Coupon,. Old sixes. Etchange on New York... . .. . It) . 80 113 1S.1 . f.7 . 91 .81 - HIKA.SOK iAli. t P.nt.' liw 1. I'l Hail lMrr.rli I tl'. (i'l I 1" 1 ill ( nha Sr.-r, ' Arrivina to , ! ' B. P. WILLrAM.-O:, A C'l 11 tt '.',.. Auij rmsT EDITION. Ut to. if Our haturdaj- .tlornltij llisatt hea. Krketi and rinaueki '. TI',, " r -Nk' Yoku, Aug, 17, P. M. 'ullon ad rained a. half nnt SuVanff Ann has bales middlings at SlJaSUl. ' f nldl.5(if.i. Mvea .tlOf. tVieiia $105. WourXiruiefJur S'.nUki.ri.. rVik of ,3(0 at viOvrflS.L'S. ti.-nt Sr 3 lietlef. tinner, bales of 173.000 htmhets s Corn XX steadr. roikutiii t. Kaha of l!fl , 1,1.1. M-as. at $S3"i0. . . . ... . TurjHMitine dull aHH a iiokin uiu.htuigL' From Eio Janeiro. ' " ' ' v - v Nw Ye-RK, Julv 17 p. M. ' liio Janeiro dates to the tOrh rtHtiiMit Tli Parscusyaas recrotlv bomlwrded tha unm ni the allied amy, but without doing much daut-tre- . ' ;......:;;..., i ... Peru and Chili have proffered tiieit striciV a meiliatork to tho Oriental ami Anrentiiie goveniroeuts, but no importance is attached to he proposal, .' .. i lie Allies seem to- proecoi the vsf with I out little energy. It is saiii ttist Hfazit oiibl Inmrestinr from Wasluriplon: ! 'WASHnMrnqt, Ao, IT, Ifj 3J., TijLiid. Sltrvcaa hiofcLen nMniinUMU. foiuhia l.'d.tur re-ileuiuiR- io.A'onFtsa trth lladicid lrtlia lladicid ' -t . v oiiviiiHiiin ai j.jinetmtcr, l" tin. i . t ... H is prooul.lo that all tho. iiiemlwrs ol ho Cabinet, excepting lUrlnn and t!tnton, Cencr nl tlrmit and Admiral Farragnt. will ait-onipa-ny ilie Prcsidi nt tin hU trip 'to Cliien-.i, ) It U nportrd, oil gtiod autlioiily, ihat Uen. Ilow.trd, CMmiuiw,ioiH'r of ho Fieevlmen's Bu rt uu, intends issuing an onler, w itliin a leiv days, stispen.ling the di-iriution of govermnent i-s-thins to thu destitute of tluiS,uih, thus throw nig the burden of surporm.u tlie indigent of tiolh races on the Inrul smhitie. .i i The IrHldcnt hits anlioinicd'linliL K. l'eli r. sou, of Penn., and Cbua, U. Norton, of X. Y ; L. 8. Comnussiontrs to lite Pari Exposition; 1. Col, . H. liollltii; Iim !t) anniented Gftllughrr, removed. i k -j i .1 S 5 f S i.u 'S L . "A j ; f h Northern Hews. i . r .NsiWtVoKa, Aug. 17,P. M. , Bernard, the murderer of llcnrv IjiiHrii. . executed to-day, . r . ,()- , ,.., ' , . .Itoljerts has. called tha Fenian Ctaii'rvss lo. guttier at Troy, the olrluial reports of tb lata anauian iumcs will Dt fUUmittcrt.' He SHtS that a vessel purchased for privateering by OVMafm t w)i moniiis ago, ami no lying st the Atlantic Jock, is claimed by btepluna, but, if he persists in claiming it, aa attachment will be procured aga.ast him by the Brooklyn Fenisna. "' .. '' llARifonD, Conk., kug. 17. Staik weather, thaiuurtlercr ol his mother aud sister, was hunjbcre to-day. i , '".. ClSCISSATI, Aug, 17. tiitjr sevta distlis"iniu cholera yesu-rdsy. Soulier". Marketa, From Kexico. ' ' ' 1 , New Ohlkas, Aug, 17. 1 Cot bin stiffer. , PhIos of 2,200 bale low ti:i.l. dliugs 82,7.11. , . Hold $1 40. ' j Cholera deaths yesterday twer.ty seven. 1 Advice from the Bio Grando n-jiort a politi cal rcvolutiuu in MaUniora. rcsultin in ih overthrow aud flight of CaijivaJ, and inHal- ment oi me ju.irei government, ,1s o ns fif ine orpruperry, ' ...... ur Afternoon Dlspatehe. latest Marieta and Financial - Taw Youk, Aug 18, M. Oold 11,49, Kxchange nominal, ?171.- ifht OaOl. ... ' RiVhr fis'il Ontten du Cotton dull st 84 i30t.. i .J;"',', .. ' From Cincinnati.' V 1 ! ! i v CtsctauaTi, Aug, I;. M. fi The City Coanell have Just eleclod Cha j; Wclstach Mayor. tt ,L, A. Harris, rodincd. ' There were 64 deaths from, rbylcra on jester- " .... -. ! ! t r is ,t ? ')Mj'! .. ThclPretidont and tea Great Convention- , -t Emphatic: Utteranct. I ' ' WashinOioji, Aug. 18, mA The President. In an iutervlew with tlui New Ilamp'ihir delegation, said, in rcf erence to the great Ctinvciithm and his future nolicv i W kv now a poliev sn.1 Tirinciole recorr. '' " .am iiown dv tue inoat inteiiivnnt able anil patriotic body tif men Convened since the days of the ' Declaration ot Independence. A rrtwnition f thi ihtttfu nr,d tii,il,i WOCLD BK BKQCIRED OR THO.K WilO RECEIVE OFFICE AND P AT HON A (1 E FiiO.vl TUK60VEKMIEAT. , , It waa a duty lu Administration, owed to Itself, that atrength and power should be iiten to those who inniuuin th piincipUa deelared by thai great oody of national men wbi tnet at Philadelphia r , ' -i TIi rirst mo Utllctcd. U-uv.Verr.il !.- Vlui.mi.ft: V. ...... ..l....m..i.i Slli thu Liver c.u.i..itiiit fcirtwo ri am, aomeLmrea so tmii llmt 1 eonlil n..t hi tinni mv a-it w.le f.ir onir HiuiiHu. jii wmlil 1 walk hut a nh-e'l iliKliiHe wilhrmt lonih vit. 1 m,.fl aev. ral k.ithnrfil4nl me.I -eillijn leitfiMlfiil IW Mief. 1 ai... lluni the "kill of tllf uuwt emiiiMil ltmih'iaiis but ami t.'Hini nt re li. f 1 I'll t.lft.i.l irutiliH... In ti-v "V.'.i.v I'.lt. ll'lfl Ail "I'D t-ii m.i Airv t il.l.s.l aiHl ,f,v,. j mnf'.u,i'7t.awiH''iii.inm.n io numn nnta i was ir. refVy riir, -t I Fitfri a well jinn." ii sale hv tho l)fifri':.. Inrowtion ac-timpsny each boa. Mont to submit of inn tmtadi Mte fjr .l UB. : ..hlim. N. , - , f t W. 1)1 1 M CO. ' - italiuii'ir, Mil, Auguat 4, lWif, Jul a. ( , , . RALF.I0I1 NATIONAL- Eiiilf NOBTH V ' ' XAnOUA." BCTIHQ ATfc ;,. t. kAfcaawr.a. Bank of Cape Fcur ... .rv.,.,.,..; 23 v.uanon. ....... ',i '-j , , ,, " , Commerce, . . ., , , C'lartudoB utii s . " Fsynttcville-: ;...,' . .. . " Ltaintiton , , .i. 16 11 ,3 .. T .. 10 ..IT ill) Jjl Al.If ''III Hi Urail.llil, . , i. , North Candma. " ttn-I.iii-.i .' 'I I " , 'I'himiaav.ilt:. I " VV ndeslMin,. . ' WiitiiiiiL'lon. Washiuxtvn i Ysncevvillo. . id .. 4 . Jt . 12 . n no .. n , ) . 2") .1 "i t ' t (min:mnl niinimj Farmers' tircenabnro . ;ton . , . .. (Old) MiTtliMnts', el.eni. Itinera" snd I'liiiitnis'.., . Virginia li.fik mitt, nvcritfe wmth ( snilm'i - : : (feon-ia 1 ' - -' 4 ooi.i..."; . Rilver... ,.. Old North Caroi.nn Coupons North Carolius Ji.iiirosJ Cunpoua.. North Curo'ij 6's, tm Coupon) ou, Liel.ai.-e oa New Yoik, J. . 67 ; .. f 1 klj O 51 E T II I x i: u ,. UM)KIi Till: syN. A'Ntw'Eia In Medicine - libls. I -HLet-H tiiiffi i my sml wTOHhrfottne-- in.. mr l au -nava- Uwn iVei up by Doctor, aud spolea of incursbio, resit Ui AiUuwi'ii)f. "r trt.sH who esiKlio f'ls snl rui hsve faith tar evntenw, fcij iU ia;.,;t,g .- " Ti.iiehriv irf Jnn ta ilw vcr of our Ixvl, On IhooMml l.j,ht.Himtfri.J and. hixtv-Sot, pcmmsllv cn J,;A tiajriioeb to nw, knn as aucfi. Slid m dul w,.rn, duxjrd thmt : Thai tm is the wU Rwirral .Kiit bi, th Imted WU, ii.t d.-iwu- tZ ,1rtJ,U,,,r " vwtiia i-opir to llio best- - K. ' ' Nmsi v I'i,W:e, ' - Wall Mtcvet, New erk, .. J , June I, lit. Mamum.:-.! take aiv pe to write vu of m. (rr.-.te.,.'rnatl.tii1ewfi,l u mvyW.l hw. i fl -llisiiks to v.wr tin, n. fa. (id, d tor. iwer nl It euuKh. I llisnk t.i tcain E. simtn. ""'" w ii"iMrre realty the fika.1 of all suit. Her- - Vk;' szi,m-umnM J'w j j .,..,, .' JASirastyiins, J I' .. Hi! A ...... 'll . Tlusm loeeitify IM I (i. lmr(;e,l fmra tha ij.iv ,u i hr.mi.- l'.airt..j.4, awUawWa mm! lv I'r. , 'eit-l 9 l illtf. N r, A,il 7, Ki . jj; 4t $UH,U . The fuUnwIn is an ltMula. .... r2.ll2,'.,'n.I."un'lr?,,l,u ! Irmrf meltert y.jrt.ian. It, VA i ii . i f b-n inw rmni.mr, l v,iw unn 19 tiovenilMVlasl; mv aeuid aid bsal ,1 t'te. .Mautru'l's n- and ' It enn-a -..,...,.. -,,,. turn is au true, i)d snTlxslyeaji Hili.,nia it 1..L. . .. I ..... i .' V - . .... w. v. v ,. -iihi,, jjir, Avenue. ' ' ; ' , ' : ' i. HAiti'Y, ...... y . . . 119 liwmji SIKel. ., KairactfroM farloa f.rllrrsc , "J Jiwl no sppetlte ; MijujI's JIMs ga.. m a hoar. ." i. t 's , .. TM f ills-ar mM'vfc.H r . : . hm1N?"','iV'r "0,llt' na twP ih"a t" ... ,(, u cm-iHi. inr (Milsciul lliat a ' hair fit ii cf teur hills t mv ta'h f.w Jhnler nipihts, iu dotr UiUo iluup Rut welt ia , "Sli' nansc i of tnoruiug u now nr4. "i .. 'T?"'' "f ?t(fl!r Salv cored m ef ni.sa in L.f. . SVi I1 r 'm tiIv -hshind eiy iash tm; !5?o4 tn t!o hfixe ; I wai ont for poor family "i I .ic !o a 6nil,.t , ymir pre h twenty f.t0 ctnt BKHttem to me la wueik a drdlsr."' Imi in 0! 'fnd me flv fc jxo of ynr pil!," iimntibrMbi,f jvir Ph by return IhavetTcr 200i'ich Ttioonali i. . ...... -i . .... . our, out nant oi spaca enrniis t.m to c.in.'lide J. UMjUUtL, JL il. i-. a. I1.M I B AGEXC FO K.4L- i:iar,rou ' Kafrgiol'i Pilli and Salve. mnii,ji.-Ko (tennln i aitheiit the ueraed ..........ii,,,.!, a,i,UI wijneu iv ir. J ea.'h l. blireet, hJd by all nwmHsbl Ileak-w in Mndlrlna tlironul, out tl mud state and UAaad-t 25 ctuti p. hux or iKit " Aug. ll-tf nwaufiiKi. cm i.i.i AHu ire r it rii,i,i ... MiigKlcs Fever ?na Agiie l'ins! MAGatEI.8 FIvES AND A0TJE THKSB Uniiiu" femeitiM, knnwn thrfiuuheul ih (raai W earv of at Uu-i'Mltd lle frtbir(iriiriJiiirt ! , CHILLS IXTCR A.vO ACH E awnowtcn.-iniirnryiiiiroiiucjdia ttia fiut ol Korth voniiina. aim eu va onaiafd nf all i-nlrpfj,nK ii , etuadnuraiats. . . , .,- .... 1 a luum lo all dnliijiui.d ,fpHi, a- IIH IU U.WtWII ' ' ? . One Three Times A ht'.ra tnnnla, ami ali.iulil h h.un I lit ftv, i'lin m unnioiiftiHi diMneia IfdJ'. j nuiHtv lit Tu aiivaliii'if' ur una w i.i .(iK-a iif l.iii-vma il. Utarvaln.ua rp rlli.. , . ;'(-!, . , . . - A K Will be scut f tvci If he hi s.nf (inmrt with . an mm mwtlf . a i bov nueliarffawill It il8. Th bum ul t.i, P la ht,(li mv vizit no i hal lliy a nerieef f.nr tlmi.( tn.iihi, , MRVKMri e 'hi. rlive- ta fionln (u,Hrh Afldm.. J. MAI4(ilhL JI II , A I Vul, , si , 1 .(' HdwVilt OAUTiON, Wsleb aaivu y sul au'.rd yuiiiviM vUd svauwt ei'iiniuileila I live jn. nii,r.A...) tmna euswsiivit is Wifwimm, lir n,i. L tl nSI'j a.ii.i .1.1.1, anu eiwiaH t'n'.'l.ai ..i uviv tl , , II. kll tin fii-vw im a.Mi4iur m irnvoniiit d.-tin,. April ii-iin ; . QwJ.lMUIAJtf -M.I.e, n .WA5UIX0T0X !'('.. Tll-e CHlU-e fl il'.lll f lt.n u.nril I thist-.liec nl M-B witb tuil Faeullini e'rliiion i,t severs i.r i'i lT..(.'ii-ir In-.m til" siimc'i tb'-ir c.airv, at t ti title t l'if ,..tr-t-r i...' :o:ii..it, "t jnrtiitK'i.,. s I'ii bavuuj in. dl'IB tv t-lk P"l Xaiw v .l".h.l t'.a. ii l. i.-ii'tjit lhiir..iili i in..., ri Of 1'iUi J4 - f St or; it. ir 0 t ' f'lruisb. t!. in.wi f;li'l!lti. 1-at !h.( l'.-.liri '.. I V,. i ui II) WI..I. II.. .u frre11rlr'ratarnnnftiil'ltaii.t :..:." r::. y- Inil l,v anv il'-sc i in lrir.iii:iii-v. i.'mb hir.f lii i' urn in i'i. en to orji'iai a t t'.A . ' tA'-lllll. r.ii.v'ma in in muiwii v iiae a,, rci. ntut riatiut-ona iiiMnn ii'di in .i'..n ui: tl oi l m-fiii(;.ci irnj.i.' ir iii..(nr aoiireiM, ..... t. . O. W. UAMMOV H. ?). Aiir. 7-! i friuudi'iit.' snd s fresh ''J. A (0. J 7 0 B A. L t A'laini'ntiiie r4!-?. aiipp't J. I!. t'll'lbr I All? 1-lf rftftl v. nil: " " "'" "' iiip lira tin, tails. hi an x- ji(wlff. iliemilloilirimaailluiinaaroundsnd on i.im in a n4ft.ot ahwvn r, and ho biinit dreadliillv. i , J",i'a'l,'l,u r,vn t"BbyhuiiAlMut eilfut week after tlie tceUVtut, i Hiin!Turj' Ju'y 18 tf '.ue, I1 Ii .-rul I'I'MIAM, jnvj A CO. i - - x J PKci;j)' FIKE &iIFL l!k I" II A N fl I - AGEXCY, , KALEIGII, IT. c. CAPITAL & AC5IT3 CF IKS COliPA- yn3 riFrrsiNnr, Sn.:j50.ooo. y iM( III t T. vnru.iuf is-; I'iKHiKi in i.n Kiv.i i.v, l. ;-. , ft"). tl , lUriHIC V Ai.) r.V VA. 41 l"J.ljiSUliK ISO. CO., Hf-t)T'l'sVliXK ur inJiiruiKti. ani'phel(n pi.!i-ji . Ageut. AYEIl'g. AIK Cl'H I', rv tub sPKkDV et na or , of Intermittent Fever, or ever ni Ague, Be uttcnt Ftiver n,.n Cm -v.i iy Jtover, Bimh Asrn vB- .s nodical Jlcad.tclia or A 1 ''iom Headache, and IXtX-"' i''liou I'evert, indeed -- VV n f'rtha whola class of , V VJ u.spase originating i-i V,S-J otliary deiaegemcnt, canjiadbjtha XhMaria cf iniaamatio coun- tfct " " "J ,1" ,m,v mw.,en.-e of th-saiamatie i1,m. A Rreat var.e.v f tli.rder .ieh aio K..,iij1m,, 1,1 e,.u,m, ti(1( ,',," ' S Mhn,me,, l..ha. he, ,., ( at,trW is ,"a i 1 1 p.tali.nm'.,i.n,l4H.,,m ,,, r(! i ;.1 . t-'wunv iu on tin) tittwutitftif t , 13 , Ui t)iif vai. 1 jNt "tt ttB' L'Vlh "k (!. Itl'liH flli. .IW...1,, l. ..." , V ,', "' menu ..f li.n.l. 0f a,..l il ..... , i -, JM'III tilt! OflWMJ. I eni- f. r,iJ. r 'i v m,,r,.(e. is pm- "'.V' , nM ci Hf'ir its u., aud tt, v'.T f..r 1 hill, and 1. ? It is ir t(1 tll all(l . 1 I;.l t o.er cstmiaud. bo m,; is ,t u.emi 1 ll . r Afruetaat M n.sv be irwl.fni'v Mui J ' ., tarn remedy. t,u l eem.Uib. , hit a il svdd t,'y C Lmu,I1 Yam & 1aywood, P. p. T :cni Hal- Ag. t -'Jin ty)i list vnavi-A ru raa i.omkik! L.'i.l.i t... .... saiu. nu 4b;- from North taroW.n.1 ".TiXn - .Biciii or in; i . h,,.. ..o i . t'n thesanic eeunin;, titer wlllh V Coronation Ball, k go'.u;n np in ths u.t m.Ii a,vn Sv!,. The KiukIiIs, enfifit.i,' tli Um,' .11 n ha l.mt board for and W,l tM w. L ,.1.?.," ,e l Aug, 13 td "lXfMAUiK Hull:!., ' laj. it u.nt.li, x c I, , . 've ,h PWaiir (.. i. :.;.rt th.. tiawl!,r r,,,!,. U.Utuiiruiii,.;.,,v, fnel.,1.. I l(, ,. .,!,., s.iuicd Iho mallA,.-eWft ,J t' 'h"Vl spared tu pain. , , kp ,nw , ,,, , , , ... tU prumlaea, and sumdvinu n. li....' . - i. . ? aiiMewsMtry furniture' eatii. '-. v , wo sr deleniuned to I ... I... i . r. .. - t . . rtA.tl ..... ... - 9 i.. (uiu.rb inn onlrona. aud m.,: n.. iHmIkUv.iis 1(1 in hi all reflects win a c.a.a HETCOPOIITAV rTrr should be. - to luw th ph.ssut-of a, r.-m th tmblifi im u..r luruwr psirou, we iinim 1 lo Cl.ll Slid (jtio J. m. mm, 'tel, Aehviij.-, H. C. Iswofth EaE! II Aiir. t-lm XTFU V.VPV in. !-- ThfeRUtiimer "IiT r.r it iu-. t- Tork fur Una t... .. 1 i. U f .'.Mil N.-IV . Aiiet, ll.h., an I 4tur.iy Anjtt. li, fill bsvo thi ivrl forfVew v., . rrei-iit ur lv '.., f-...,! f,, Vw.ii'i ot.r, T IT i, ro . Aug. 8-2w 1 t'i tuny Wh.irf, tit ixirn, N. C. lhmlerl .. .I. i,.xi Z... ,1 '.pvricht a. eoriiinij Ui iw, f-tr,..K. M.ii !,., .,,.;;, ,; "wry ..1 H..1..U. I..., ..... .. ' all t i .lVtMU DUJIIIAM S2ICX150 TOBACCO, ' -' al Ii N. C -"'he M li pi. 'until to rmvlve r.l I. ..... ...!. ...l.i e'.:. - I 1" '' "" .'I.I I. I, 12.14 K...I oi. ... ..... - 1 i'i nirni-ii a iiennmt art iniii ii.i.'fi.ir to nim.. 1 .... ........ ... .mi, rtinii. at, ;.i iH.iiiihu'iiir,..l ur tli-m iii .-. " e!. All fti-'ir lir.in.l. li. V l'l V-&t40N. 1 JM.ltV CUOIit f,II,)l l,V f,L ppU, fl VilTIl EVr.U.sON'8 NEW IltlDir n iitui -Asiuuiii w,iu,.,.i'' , ",'.,"',N- 1 ill. w ' I ' f I , A I f,. TS li 'ut Ji. ,t nr. t a.,.... I.u hi ii rth" I n ii. im.iiL ,., I,, . ,,,,, I ., n . . I . ' '""" OH I .M!1)H I'll.. fl li, on nwlpf uf ahuh III tl "T l,n r .1 i i .. . , I EH' M.llt T 1.1 r.Hl,l I i.n.,, .' I . . "". ' 1, ,iua, 'a,' ' a i ' ' - m (iil""er. jjttli:i nicrvr. , , '. ,Pr m Noul, "t'l . m Tii. .ii it . , . . -' , '" '" !"'' "1 UJ Ilia IVtiHent V...I.- " ''' sly .r tn.'bie.h.r. It ..Ji I !. ti....u h-M, Ua ii srranjted that it ea tT bound I., ...,e v.i.u.ii-, or u, tw.:., .v,mlig to the p.tfer" if i iMi Tpvmi! tuner, ,-vrtfute ilvj Uru't ilU ( if R.H( I lrf.lin -4,1 itftl tJJt) "urcaiiiMii aii'ii.1 t.i u. aM i r.ir fh i:;,,,, :rr ",r?u',,(: i.n ' i' i iittt ! i-r it j t r.i niou - . . u f.r 1 i'he l II, e i n- nt tu.) voiuuH rep.ictt.ie '"""" 01 'if a :...'ie mailer u ii tuir,i,,-v Una tu,w! t''uai I ' the spnigaia of , : .'iVlit lint . , ' H'lari" 1 (;l -. b' -i'ii .:.. ,i. ii a I : arillxo irr t - .un i .. Ivi, .- . 1 , n int.- 1 it f'-TT li II! Li !e I T'i .' Ill ti" fc..ll.- i-i li . i f.5l...UU.'..r aj.-..'fii:j, ,: . I " K rL-:i. ii- I-..,.,. I 'ti... t.rif. of t!. Hi. i.'. J v't. .'t .!. !-.--.IVUuI.Ij Auk. 3-2 tirirJ!v-n'' as t?i '; nr--" r;y. rt'l'KltS N.C. Ji.tiu:.. Ti. ii.--t At. ne VViM-i r... N" ' -i i ST.'iIU.'lV .... i i ;; r At;, 7-1.1 .' n.ai'.K, 1 1 in .V.. n. r. M-.M f"-.Tci',y.sj.i Whitai COBS snd 11m. ( l i t ri im . , .. aiul An; (,,, '.""iitij. '.