' 7 . 7r 1 "SBB i Jlonday i:i culuj, Au 37, IS66. . . Kw AovKmisKMKKT8. B. P. Williamson & C'o I'aveui'ville Suert, present an attractive tiill to tUe public, This it. one of the roost staunch, reliable anil enterprising., firms in tlie , State, Bin! they vffer niwurptis-'ed inducements to the tratV. - 1 - - t 1VatHn'a Fhotogrnphic Gallery is one of the Tintuns" if our city, gee bis fresh annoutfce- . KPrin 1..,.-.... ii,.,. .. " x ' IW.U, . v.vw mau nvc, w ., , , . ' Mira, AyN.and JsaMcEimmon will con tinue, to conduct tunwrintile business sa long carried on ly their kte estimable father. We wish tlie young gentlemen the snine meas ure' of success which attended him while living. They will soon have on hand choice stock of good, and will doubtless use their bctty' .. tians to please the public. -r Phillips IUpoaTs of Law and Equity cast, argued and determined in the Snpreni Court, at the late June Term,' have just been issued from the pre of Nichols, Gorman & Neathery. liev. Dn. SAM8ox.-We are gratified to learn that this dlBtinguishcdyDivine, President of Co lumbian College, Washington, D, C, will de liver his lecture on hia travel In Palestine, in this City, on Friday and Saturday evening next, for ?he benefit of the poor. The place and hour w ill be announced hereafter. Our citizens may expect a pleasant entertainment. v i Honsa Stiaiiso. While' horse ftcaliner i not io common in this region aa a few luoutlis ago, horse theives have becomemore choice than formerly. The horses recently stolen frota Col. Carrj of the army, and from Mr. Crow, of this city, and from Mr. Webb, the President ot the "N. C. R. It, of Ilillslmro, were not common animals. We are sorry to leara that none of them have been recovered yet. RpintTS op Tvrhkntis. We observed a cnnsWralilc numlier of waggons, the past week,' bringing luv spirits of turpentine and virgin dip rosin, for ahipment North. A num ler of distilleries are in operation in the South ern .part of this County, where the long l(,f pine is quite abundant. We hope that species of trade will pay better than was at one time indicated. : . Kkvi vl..- Rev. J. 11. Bobbin has been bold ' Ing a sr-rios of meetings at Holland's church, alKiiit ten mile South of this city, "for the past I week. Smiie IS or SO made a profession of re - liglmi and a number connected themselves with the Methodist Church. It was a season of re frenhlng to the Chtireh. iwnne furty pernons wore admitted to member ' ship iti the Baptist Church.., lit Mt. Moriah, in . this county, by" lisptimtt on jesterday. ' ; 1 In'this city, we regret to say,' there i but ' little religions interest manifested in thechurch cs, A unn; the colored jxsople thw 1 at least noise enough kept np in different part of the city, every night, to dreturh th rest and quiet of those ho do mt parthiipate. If they would give the public more signs of piety in their tern- pew, ttiligf ncc jn uusmess, lervor oi spini, uu in their daily Walk and conversation, it would aectiro far moro confidence and satisfactionj to the coinmunily, than can possibly be produce, ly their bite noisy meeting. I ' :7- ;', -fi- v Coi J, S. STcnntTlii oflieer is npwt we be lievu, Chief Quarter Mastfer of Uie Army in thU State and bus Ken promoted to the rank of Lt. " Col. His iH-ndrjuarters have been in this city for somo time. Wehuveknown Col. Stubbs from the time the army entered thia city, and wa take plensure in saying that he has shown himself at all times an obliging and efficient officer. He is one of the few liiaimrsing officers of the gov crnmcut, whohftsln retained in it service irw the beginning, and who has steadily risen ' , by promotion snrt in the confidence of the gov ernment and the people.' He is a man of i ens husinesadevotitig himself, at all times, ft (b dutUt hit v(!u, polite and attentive, but el ect and punctilious in matU-m of business. Wo observfd.in psssing thVothcr day, theominou notice in his office, "no funds;" but thl "fii no scaaoifof the Coloueh Ho w ill soon : have that matter flxeih .tl-r, -' ' -; : " ' Fur tit BeoiinoL a ' '' :-' v.; lUl.Elon, Ang. 87. Mkb. Editohs -la connection with yoor notice of the new Store and Hall we are build ing, we would suggest that the1 young men of our Citv, aimiteur performers, uiight form Bnnd, Glee-club, or Orchestra, for the purpose of aiding on all occasions when the Hall ia to he occupied, as'well as tor their own amuse-' ment. This hint is mcretv thrown out, in order thitt they amy perfect their arrangement by the time the Hall shall be completed. N Thankful for your very handsome notioea of the building and of ourselves, we are retjr re tfully your, , f!ov. IoRr.iiKAT We are pained to learn, frn Vprivate source, thai the trip of this emi nent citizen of the State, to the P-eckbridge Alum Spring, Va.,has no 6en attended with the lieoeficial eflucU desired nd anticipated. His robust health and vigorous constitution " seemed," I tew wet ks when ; w taw htm, au-.ntv at all iiufuuired bv Ai that time - vti. f.'-wprw tifrlTitlir-a I urns ft uFuaiiw MiMsao, am we can bnt hope that the recent change in the Umperatnre of the weather will etTect a oedy and fvrablfi change in hia, condition. The psit season has lvii the most trj ing one upon jmtwiis of flwhy, fulfi habit, we have ever - known.'-': The Senior speaks from experience. '.;v , .. - ' L " , j . NKWBKR!tjyWe learn from the Time that in that city, as well as our own, improvement is the order of the day. That paper mentions a number of uewbtiiluing in process of erection. '.) . i . , i Hekkt Wajrr, Esq., isaiinoutwe.J'as.a can- didate for the SUte Senate ia the county of Davidson. , . ." .WlujiikotUji. The Local of the Journal give an amusing account of , the of the new Collector of Cuatonn at that point. By the way, the new Collector, if we mistake noywas appointed in opposition to-he remon strances ol the citizens of W ilimngton, and- In the place of a gentleman recommended by the Governor ft that office. ,': i - I. Pretty Editor of Itkhmoml. . . t th Watrlmttn, la in t ' 4 GE5EEA1 HEWS. ' il. Clement Davernoia, one of the eiliton ofj La Liherte, recently published in hi paper ait article with the English caption of "Go Head;" ne meanuo A Head." Jules Jamn, In a cent ftmiUeton, aaid s ."A horse la horse 1 My kingdom for horse I to use Samuel Johnson's language. O rare Sam Johnson V . The last fashionable novelty is Paris is the "Gaufre bonnet" A correspondent say : 'The fair sex, not content with the nunibcrless ridicu lous forma which their bonnets have already assumed, have invented another in form ot a (javfn (a small biscuit,) the strings of which are oroaptented with representations of sll the instruments made us Ol by pastry cooks to make this much esteemed delicacy." TheniUry and destitution of some ot the poor unfortunate negroes in this city is enough tar-sicken the heart. Ignorant and tattered mothers,' with children in their arm, little children with but a rag around them to protect them from the air, walk the streets during the lose hoursof the night until, bowed down w ith exhaustion, they sink In soma dark, damp alley, and sleep, and dream, perhaps, of what U and of what was.- (Ay.) Oaaette. y . Two discharged soldiers iT Richmond, Vir ginia, are now undergoing a terra of one year's imprisonment tr attempting to excite a riot among the negroes by urging them to resist the punishment of stripes awarded for larceny. They'were fined five hundred dollars and senten ced to imprisonment, but Governor Pierpont remitted the latter portion of the punishment. They were, however, compelled to serve a term in default of paying the tine, Wt see in one of our exchanges the proposi tion gravely made to rua at the next Presiden tial election Benjamin F. Hutler, of Massachu setts, for President, and Wm. G. Brovnlow, of Tennessee, for Vice-President. The one to rep resent the courage, military skill and honesty of New England; the other, the piety, truth and decency of the Southern loyalists. Um. Ob. . Hep. I Tue Charleston pRisoKKHs. The Abbeville Banner announce that Hon. A Burt, one ot the counsel of Messrs. Keyes, Slower and Byrooni, has received a dispatch from Washington, sta ting that the recent removal of those gentlemen to the Dry Tortuga for life vat madt without ikkukdg or tmttum of tht Prmdmt; and , that Mr. Johnson immediately directed an order to be issued for their transfer to Fort Delaware. 1 - ' m The President will maks k proposed trip to Chicago in the car built especially for President Lincoln. He will arrive in New York at noon oa Wednesday, and will review the Frst Divis ion of the National Guard in the afternoon. The freedom of the city will be tendered him by the City Council, and action ia being taken oy toe mercbantt or tbe city to participate in the ceremonits ol his reception. . He will be ac companied by all the member of the Cabinet and their families. . Lamb, when lie was rebuked for coming into business, at the India House, so very late fat the morning, replied, "Yon know I always go away veryearlyin the afternoon." And to the anx ious passenger's query on entering a crowded omnibus : "All lull inside V be replied, "I don't know how Hi with tbe rest of the passen gers, bui that' last piece of oyster pie did the business for me." , , , , . Gen. Grant will not accompany the President on hia western tour. He pleads the pressure of official duty ia connection with tbe re-organization of the army, ' 1 ' , In the Congressional election to come off thia fall, there are about fifty districts in which the tadicals aow representing them were elected by very small majorities. It is in these that the conservative will put forth their chief efforts. The Columbus, Georgia, papers express ur prise and alarm that the freed men of that city are drilling by night in battalion movement, while the white would not be allowed such privileges. "-, Tbe Mexican General Caravaial cronounnes Santa Anna Ma Dead Duck" or a J-'orney No. . - . ' " Napoleon and Maximilian, it is said, talk dai ly over the cable. : . Seeeuioa ia Massachusetts. Front the National itelliKeneer. WasiunqtoM, D.C.Aug. 17, 18G8. Editor of Xational InlMigttuxr : Sib : The question as to the right of a Slate to secede from the Union having been settled by "the logic of events," aa is now enunciated a a fundamental principle by the National Union Convention at Philadelphia, I aw reminded that old Massachusetts, my native State, once threat ened to secede ia the event of the annexation of Texas, and actually did pass some kind of an ordinance to that enect, which she has never re pealed. Now, inasmuch as those Southern States which passed similar ' ordinances have repealed tbe same, ought not Massachusetts to do likewise t I want to , visit my old native State occasionally, but believing ia the doctrine that "no Stat or combination of States have the right to withdraw from tbe Union, Of to ex clude through their action in Congress, or Other wise, any other State or States from the Union," and that Hhe Union of these States is perpet nal," Ijcannot, without doing violence1 to my own feelings, visit my native State so long ss she has secession from the Union inscribed apon her statute books. Will not the Old Bay State repeal her ordinance of secession and come back into the Union, artd receive the samA forgive ness which 'has been granted to her erring Southern sisters, who foolishly followed her aa hadeAampki...:-.. :. . , A. J. H,r STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA,') BxACronr Cocxtv Copkt, Jusa TaB,lS684 j John L. Pelly, Adm r of John S. Young, ' , e. Heirs of Juhn 8. Younsr.. Petition to rU Imd to pay dtitt. TbepetitloQ states tliv Job Hi max. a rasulrnt ot Mid connty, dird itIt in bo prr- stnta) profit-ny, butseiaut uf a Ua la tittf vmanf WMh ijiKt fca: County, aiti uti,Ued ; tht him hetn are ui kuiKO i'K fniMl l rwnin wS ft Hie Ht.le, mix! out of lue I niu il HUU' ; nrt prays Uiat U UnJ may be soiitl t y bui il'lt : lt htsm era axHiWd to si'iar st aott t-iin t will Court, to be lu ld s WMlun'taHi, t-ount y and Hdw afomtaki, en ibd. Muu ,by in tw (U'iuleT neL, snt ainwer to wii.t er s d-r. yramlm sill tie given agsuwt Uh-iu. iljr order (f tic Court. tt ii.( ia e. vivi a. Aug. SECOND EDITION; Our Monday Sioruiuy IiMttches. By ths Ocean Cable Markets, &c "V Liverpool, Anjj. 85, P. M. Ttie cotton market rule steailv; quotations are unaltered. The sales reacted SMW jbaJes : I Middling Uplands closing at 1HH. The bread' stuus mtrxet UduU, owing to tne ravwaoie prospects for the croi price ftw foreign cere- ale have a declining tendency. Provisions ere altered.-"'-. - .j - LnDON, Aug. 13, P, M. The jjiouey .iuarket ia firm. Consols closed at suJjT. Five-twenties Wt. . ' ...yismarActBM, Ang SSP.ll It isofflciallr announced that the Emperor Francis' Jn&epii ha granted new constitution and Ministry to Hungary. ., . v Paris, Ang. 2, P. M. ' Before the treaty of peace waa algned be tween Prussia Austria, Italy and Bavaria, Aus tria unreservedly cedcd.Veiietla to Italy, The Empress Carlott will not return to Mex ico, and it is conceded that the Empire in that eeuntrv isaitnroaehinir its end. ' The tabor Convention. i, Baltimok, Aug. S9, P. M. Tlie committee appointed by the Lalior Con vention, at l!ttlt)ii)nrp, waited on the rresuteut to-day. Mr. Hinchliffo, the spokesinan, dis claimed having connection with any party. Ju a political senoc, or that the movement was for political power. Ho urged that eight hours per day for lulmr should be legalized ; that the pub lic lands should lie distributed as w w reached by the lalmrer instead of capitalists, and that the workinz men bt protectod aaainst convict 1ulor. He'asked the President's , assis tance to accomplish these measures for the work ing -men. In reply the President said : lie was opposed to the present system of convict labor, on ac count of its unjust discriminations and degra ding; innuencea : tie desired to see labor exten ded, and such always bad been his position; his whole history showed that he waa against mon opoly of the public laada ; he was tor shorten ing the hours of labor to the least number con sistent with the Interests ef sll, and the labor ing men could rely upon hia influence when it could lie given in their behalf ; they bad his sympathy and best feeling in their cause, and be hoped lliey would accomplish their objects. Markets. Nkw Yohs, Aug. 23. P. M. Flour is dull for Southern at 1015,73. Wheat dull. Com is 1 cent lower. Oats are steady. Beef steady. Pork steady ; sales of 4,S00 bbl. Mess at 183,87. Lard dull. Whis key is steady. Cotton is active,-Malos of 8,000 bale ; Middling uplands 32i(i8t) cents, Gro ceries are dull. Spirits Turpentine 07a08 cents per trallon. llosin is scarce and Arm at 12,871 a$8. Gold 1,4?. Five-twenties .I14t. Ten- forties 102 1. By the Atlantic Cable. 4.. I Nkw. yhiiK, Aug. 20, P7M. Btiecial cable disttatcliea, ttwiay, confirm the (net previously anmiuuoml in the ANciated Press dispatches of t he signing of the treaty of rcace, at t'rague, on Thursday. A Moscow dispatch' mentions the arrival there of American Naval officers, who were treated with distinguished Cousideratinn. A Dresden dispatch says that tbe King has ordered the Saxon ministry to co-operate with the Prussian authorities. The Frankfort As sembly has voted a loan of 12,000,000 of florins. A Maycnce dispntch says, that the seigo was raised on the 23rd. The Prussian troops were tat leave yesterday, (Sunday.) A Madrid telegram says that the export du ties have Ijeen suicnded for six months from every port In Cuba. , -...-, Preparation forFeoiani ' ' ' MorrTRBAt,, At). 28. Three transports, laden with ammunition and selge guns, are soon eiqweted here from Eng land. - " Our Afternoon llpntc he. .. Markets and Financial? 1 ' New York, Aug. 37, M. Gold $1.47. Kjtchango 8. . . Cotton steady, 88:ifl. " ' ' Cholersin Cincinnati - . f V ' i ''.-.- CllfCtlWATI, Aug. i7. Only eleven deaths from Cholera on yester day. jxciiAKCii: or x.c. mo.is. STATE OF N. C, TllKAtiURY DP-T, HAi.ston, June 27, 1806. Undisr (he authority ot an ordinance of the. Convention, rati fled Juna 10th. 1806, sealed pro posal will be received by the undersigned until the 1st day of November, 1808, for th exchange of the principal of any bonds issued try the State prior to the 20th. May, 1801, for certificates of stock sod other interests hsld by the Mtate in various corporations.' The principal of these s r . . r r, - Stocks in the following companies : , North Carolina Bail Hoad Co. 'J.OOO.OOO Italeigh A Gaston, R. K. Co. . 6H3.600 Atlantic & N. O. R It f. ' 11,006,000 Western N. C. 11 B. Co. '.:" $1,418,000 AUemarle Chesapeake CaoaV Co . $ &0,0u0 2nd. BosDS, secared by mortgages on the entire property of the following corporations : Wilminirton, Charlotte Jc Rutherford It II. Co. ' $2,000,000 Western (Uoallield) R. R Cu $ 000,000 Atlantic N. C. It It Co. $181,184,88 . The intereat acquired by the purchaser of the took ot any corporation will not be greater than that of the holder of tle like amount of the general stock Of the samcorporatlon. ; i 1 The stock belonging to tlie Literary Fund. . f. the stock in tits WiimiogtiM & Weldon and Wilmington 4 Manchester R. K.Co., and in vari ous banks, are not iucliideti in this advertise ment. J ;: " ' v '- ' - '" , jtids lea -.thaa r the-par value of th stocks or other intermta will not be entertained.' twatiukt will he annlied in oar- MNttf ,pstileJMupcXtl ed in exulisngn. .;.:.: ', Copies ef the law autluyriung .the exchaflffe and more detailed" lista of tbe stocks, Ac, will be forwardexl by tlie undersigned to applicants. It is made my duty to accept tb ti terfns deemed niost silvantageons to the fitaUr and the option of rejecting anv or all bids is reserved. , x KLMP P. BATTLE, jiins9-wts ' . PubKe Treasurer F Vt 8 A W.. -An"tFr 1" ef Crn snd Kt. 1TU.IAM, JyM-X4 U. Aug. 18 tf ' t pfP,Tf Mi'So!. f. R. II. WV. ' ' Pt LL1AM, JOXE3 & CO. ' Aug. 17-tf NEWS JY THE' MAILS. OomuiponoVnee of the lialtiiaure Mttn. A Proclamation ef General Amnesty. WAsnmaTos. Aui. 25,-The prospect is fair that a proclamation of general amnesty, which will embrace jelleraon usvia, will be Issued De fre November next,' It is a necessary sequence to too peace proclamation. Some of the ex ceptions In the previous amnesty have never been considered aa important, ana were always tiery tasjjt iwmo'pBd .upon application for par uon ; as, for instance, tho tun teen th excepuen. Persons worth nothing when the exception tu made may be pardoned for having made twen ty thousand dollarsla the wean time. Gchkral Howard. It is reported that the President recently had an iidcriksjdllLjilcn-, era! Howard, in w hw h he laid tiefore him some reliable accounts of abuses of the Freedmen's Bureau in the Ho villi. Intimating to him, at the same time, that his resignation would be ac cepted. After retiring, the General iu formed a friend that he could not conscientiously resign t ne feels that Ids services in preparing: election eering documents out of Southern fictions are indispensable to the Radicals. His "conscience" ia very tender. W are apprehensive that tne President will kave to lead him to .the door. These gentlemen are thick-skinned, and don't take a hint readily,. ,r ii i .. . . . - ... -. The First Uosc Hellcred. Wm. Verrv Esq., statu, V., says, "I waa antleU-il with tli liver complaint for two yean, suuetiiues sit bad that I could not lie upon my J ft stiis for on ininiifv, lyw esattkl slk but a short diatanee without topping to rest, I tried several kimU of patent mU fine but fonnd a relief. I ab tried the aXill of ths nKwtrainnit Ihrsieiaas bat alill ftunc no relief. I ras at last induced to try your Pill (TUB KOCTIJ EUN IISPAl'IC ritxa, and from Ot Jirtt Out J fimud t eiiif, and eontluud to mend anttl I wa ftr fnitjf CMtvd, I am now a well man.". Yor sale by the Drnggwta. Direction ccotniuiy esA'h box. Sent to any psrt of the United States fur ti a doaeti. AiWross. , OKOBOK W. PEEM8, CO.' ( Bsltiiuure, Md. August!, 1800-lm ' EAXIIQH M05ZY MARKET. C0RHECTED BY JOHN G. WILLIAMS A CO, BROKEHS, RALEIOU, N. C. rarcK or korth carolih bamk motes. Bank of N. C (Gold 23) (Silver 20) O. B, SS) Cape Fear... 23 13 13 28 18 28 13 t Charlotte Lexington at Graham . , Koxborough .......... Wadesborough . , . , j , , , ThofflSaville. ,.... ... .4 .. n iiiuui(m ..,, , . Commerce. ........ . 11 Washington. v. " FayetUville.,...., ,-.' " Clarendon........ " Yancevville. ...... 4 0 n 15 18 80 - 25 18 20 143 m 67 81 81 ; Miners' and Planters' Bank. . . . . . . Farmers' Bank, Groensborouirh... Commercial Bank, Wilmington . . . , Merchants Bank, Hewbern ....... Greenshorongh Mutual, w; .... ... Virginia Bank Motes, about...... South Carolina " Georgia " Gold.,- Wlver.. ........................ Old Coupons .. ........ North Carolina Iluilroad Coupons OldBixea , Exchange on New Ytrk. . . 'i. , I; 1 f ItA LEIGH NATIONAL BANK OF NORTII . . -( "l; , 'CAROLINA . BUVIN8 RATES- X. 0. BARS MOTES. BaukofCape Fear...... .. 25 , " Charlotte.... ... 18 " Commerce, .. ., ................. . If ' Clarendon ,. S w Fsyetteville, . . . ,. . , 7 " Lexinirton ..... .X 10 " Lexington at Graham, 18 North Carolina 86 " Boxboro 80 " Thomasviile. . ...... v 20 " Wadoalioro 13 " Wilmington 12 " Washington.., 4 . " Yaneeyville 8 Commercial Wilmington , 13 Farmers' Greensboro , , (Old) 18 Merchants'. NeWbern,.,, ........... 80 Miners' and Planters'. . .. 13 Virginia Bank notes, average.,...., ,...., 83 South Carolina 20 Georgia " 1 ., .. ,J. . .... . 80 Gold.......... .142 Silver. ... , ..........;..... . 183 Old North Carolina Coupons. 87 North Carolina Railroad Coupons. 00 North Caro'KM 6's, ten Coupous on... . . . ... 81 Exchange on New York, J. MARKET EEP0RT v , Coriibctio DAILY BY JORDAN WOMBIJt , a no cis h, . f x AO, o., Jiargett tnrttt. BEKF. . 12 15cc lb BACON BUTTER.... UEKHWAX.l CANDLES.., . 18 20c.. V h 25 30c )Tt . - 3(Ns if lb . 30ft!l3 V B COTTON YARN C)TTON....t. CH KKSE :''' J CHICKEN!)..., COFFEE ...... 8 00 V bale. ...... 2X03OCJ!" lb ....... 80o y n spring -f3(n23o each i...... 80 8,'te. f lb ,.,....140 130 V bush CORN EGOH v l512iV dot FRESH PORK,.... FODDER f FLOUlt-SiicrBi.e Family...,..,. HIDES Green .......... V -. T- 11AY.... LAkD.i.k,, ........... MEAL..'., v.. MCLLKTTft MACKEREL HERRI.N03. NAII.........i.. ....... PEA-WhiU.... ...... Ptork,.i. .,. '.j.,,. gfJOAR-CruslHfd; .". . . Ilrown MOLA8SES- f(... 2 00 2 28 V ewt 10 80 W bid ,., 13 80 V bU.l ... 18c y Tb 00 I GO V cwt , 20(ft23o y fb 1 40 130 y bush iooo y bM , .. 20 oo y bbi rKcMOy bbl ..io i2io y n ' ...I 33(140 bush I 00 iW y bush - SJScy ft . . 13 to20c y B 10c y gal, ac y & . ODA-Jmh liai.EIUH O.tSTO.1 KAII. sstote., PtiPKiiiXTESDE.sT'sOrrn e, I B(Bia, 34. C, Aug. 23rJi 1 . J TBE slientkw of siiipir is esllej i the Ort BlTliroitKli lX Ight Air Line, wWr liissow in full n1 Imweifiil oj rtii from V'W V.frk. roHtiti, i'hiU't-hiina m inirouon., to ..himlns, 8. .,. X A lt. H. K., K. ft. K. B., S. (I K,;B., and " t. C (I. Ii., carrymi; frfifdits Swill ml K-'iiUi with gr. sn-r djipnti h uil lowur rU than tor ntiM-r Mt. At'iukio is psrik-nUrly et1d to s4wrttiBl of C. 1. AJUii, freiirkl sgi'i.t of tiiui nrL W. O.LiWlH. Cn. Pnpt. Au!. M-tf K. h 'J. ii. ll. CO. bisuUiuril suit ftvtm copy till tttuL g O Mi E T II 1 M CI N K W UNDEt THE SUN. A New Era In Medicine f Lrt the KufTerinK and DwssrJ.resJ th follow ing. ar-4r and spokea of a uumrable, read lbs following-. ssr Let all srho eta hehov faeU and can bavs Tarm-nryt,U'n, read lbs tollonian : A'sote aS mm fry lht' pVrumtt, That on this, ll Twntith day of Iniw. ia tbe vetr of oar Lord, On Th.Hud tUxht Hiuilred aul ttlt)'41ix, jwnnita'Jy eauio Jw;h Htrdocti to me, known t u. h, and be-. uia aiHj tworn, dpnar as follown: 'inat M Is Xlt ante avnoral rent for tho L iulnd 8UU-it, and dopeii- orarn-t inrrrof, ror nreiwraunns or ainueim suowa at MAUUltl.H PILLdVnd tiALVK. tud Uitt th f,i4- Iowihk certitU'ttes are Verbatim eopi. to the bft of nw tnowirag ana eriipi. . , - 7fAME8SMEm:H, L'tC' - -I , Notary 1'ul.lu-, .. . 1 Wall Street, Sew i.wk. ; Junsl, iwe. Da. Mumiim. I Uk aiv pea to wriM-yua of my ffrrst n li. f and that ths swfui pain in any sids baa It-ft nis at last tbaokt to your nwdieiiw. Oh, d(wUw, how thankful 1 tin thtt I eaa ntt sons sleep. 1 eon iwrvr write it uwgh. 1 tlitnk you ipsiu and antiu, and am sun that yua rt rrtHr too fnvndof tllaulnir rn. 1 eonld nui tWlp writuig io yim, and bops yon will nut take it amiaa. JAMFS ITVF.HS, 1M Avenue D. . This is to certify that I waa ditebsrsad from th army with Chronic Intrrhcet, and hare eea WHJBON BARVkV, New tors, April T, JHtli ' , 27 Pitt 8tiet , The followins; la an interesting aw of a man m- Iiloyml in an Iron Fonndrv, who, in poufinff nwltod nw lito a Maak tlitt was damp and wet, canted a ex ploi iiU, Ths melted troa wa thrown around and on him in a perfxet showur, and ho wss burnt dradfullv. Th following nertitlpsts was arveu tonwby bin shout ilit weeks aftor the luvnt, , -. , rr .';"";''.. NwT(wk,Ja. ll.tm Mr name it Jtoob Iltrily ; 1 am an Iron FiiuihU ; I wta litdly bnrtit hv hot iron hi Novoiubw last ; my burns hl d, but f bail s rininiiijr sore on my l. g that would ni.l hrtl ; I triid M,'un 1 Htlve, and it f- m In a few wm-kt. Tint it all tint, and any body rau now ami ai at Javkaous iron Work, ml Aronnn. ' i. IIAKUV, 111 QtHiriuk Htnxt Extract fartaat Latter I "I bad no apputile j MKKiel't Tills Rave ta a bear att.'' ty "Tour Tills are msrvelinu.' ' ' " - "I sh4 for amutbr box, and kwp Uuna in th house." "Dr. Manniol has rnred my bradache that waa ehronie." "I frar half of nns of yonr pills to my bati for ebokira uiorbaa Xbs dar bttla thing got wU in a "My nauats of t aiorning Is now nred." - , "Voor bov of Mtfrirlri's Rshrs enrod ns of nnian In ths head, t rubbed torn of your Balv behind my ears and the maw kft," x .. "8nd ne two baxes j I want m ft a poor family." "1 f iiclowi a dollar i your prh is twenty.flv ent, bat ths medicine to nw ia worth a dollar.'1 , . . "Bond M flva boxes of yoar pill.- "Let m have ihree boxes of yonr Hairs by return I hm oef 800 inch TeitimonaU X A thia, tmt wsnt spsoe compel me eonclnd i. MAUOIKL, M. Dv p. r, , vr.hci o AGEvr ron rs r.ioii, ioh Kagffiel'i Pills and Salve, NtrTICK. None gnnlne withont th sntfrtved ti'aibmiark aronnd ruh potnt box, signod by l'r. i. Mitmirx, 11 Vint Htrwt, b'ew lork, to soiinterfmt wliM'h is ftilony. , Mold br sliritepeetalihilli'ab-rslnMedidnestbrongb-i out the fJniU d'f tales and t'aimls- at iti cents per box or pot. . Aug. Vlf . IO-iWAfl & JOIISTO, GU 0 0 E It B , :' AND COMMISSION MtKCHANTB, ! "' ' ' . , . 100 c. 111 ycaraor ft PiyrERSBUKGr, VA. H. O. DONNANi C0iniI88I6N MEUCHAXT - ! GOVKENOa STREET, RICHMOND, VA. W enntinrt to do a (Innwal firoiry and Onninii kioa BiiatiuHtt, at our old ataud, 1UV ami lit Hyuamors ttlrwt, Petoralmrg, Vs. , v t'otmiKiiniKiU of Tolieoco, Cotton, Corn, V1iHtt and all Country Produoe ., ill have our wrwntul sttvstion and the biitbiMt niarkxt prk'oa olilnmeilv All TobaiHio fi M. !. IMi.NNAN, JiithiJMii.r will bo fiirwerrtcd free of ('harK. Unbnw ffirtJre'is pronM'tIv B'lid and hiM.l. i ..' tKlNjiAHAiOliNhiOA'. Ang.T-m. ' -'. v: ; J ... JOHN H. PAJiOt, JOHN U. HVM A N , or Taasoaa, H. C. or rimji!n Ns", K. 0. JOSEPH Ii; II YM AN, u.v;: : ltg 0f TMborO, Jt C. '"'' - " GeaHtral C'epitttlaalon JI rrrrittHts, Tor tit stla of all kltutt of Roulbra prodnro and purtshawu of OeiH-rai UervtiandiiHi, x No Cedar )., . , nwtvr voRK, ' Ang. if - '' " . Ciior.H! faiioi:tt wiocitff t TlUt L1IWS rtTfH'lt Of KIMFK, Ulely a.her tit4,ha uui,.n(iniatjug.i!f .J. , ; EOYS womejts : ; " 1 - CHILD ?,OT- The 1 xri'i t l.n ever wmnght to thw !itv. ttnr t'ol l i. I nkli ri'tnaios In tlia Nortlii'rn Mar ki'li. and ki oa ii.tnn If t"J a to ipial.ty and prwe of KomV. Hnf M-iHvil- M tf-tM ajt!l;ll?.;!l Tm vhrap, . . V. 11. & i;. H. TL't'UKIt & CO. ;A..2.2atf ' )lff pro. f .w. Men, Voraen ! tliil- UlfVf droB,4fi'W la Atwre tin wwk, CUiij.'r " w. u. & it. s. Tucicnn a to. Aug. lVtf - "if -v, 'r.' .-'i; : . i p. - iTl rZ 1 -.A.'. .... a...:....-. -i.t i Kf Hi i:ilVrt Is Jtl.lrarulotisi IT is aa ifiittrely aw nwfb diiirtivrry fombname inanw iOit uioat lMiwer(ui,iaad rrvtmallve avtta ia tti'(fi.W Siaii . Wt aava Hurt roiili tcnt la its swiritt, and art ta srt it will do all w fUnn tor il Ibat we offnr If ttSlMiiaa Hair K.Mtrr doeaaot (lvttatis faction la allourt wl.ct turd it iuu1 scoordtnoc with our IBalrsctiona.. , : IIALX.H ' v Vegetable) Sicilian Hair Benewer has proved Itself to be th tnott (wrfaet preparatiea ,w iii. ., v.m niiniFu to on puuiir, ' It ia a vevetable mmnoaad. anil eoataiaa a intmt SB praperutv whstaver. , . ' lt ant a I)y, it strike at th root aa4 Ails th (laada with sew lift and coloring matter. I will raalarw Oray Ilalr f lit rlalaar Calwtr. , , . l wilt hats lib Ilalr tVaas ralliag aat ItelHtm tha aralw. aad taabet laa Ilalr saft, laalraka aatf allhra. It a iBteadiSI Hair-trataia.-''.'.' No parana old ur yountr. alutuid liol lo i It. Il it reroaunaadad anil Htd hv ! ittrdtral aaiaariir. n Auk for Hl'l'a Veyailbl tf aid take tool lirr II V It ti l. M t, l'ieprl-an ' . al.na,N.. fW ItJil b all fliaifiiiale. Wllliama At lU.wnni aad t. V: tWad. NaJoieh, K, C . e J. m tn..,KI wlVm. : BANOIPH JIACOIT COLLEGE, VIE UlAiA, faciitV. RKV. Ph. J. C. liLAt'KWKIX. A. M., Probisw In Hchool of ('hrmmtrv and Natural l'bilotoi.tj. he will lw sot as i'nHiilt'iit until a ntMtnaiiniit at- poiutnM iit it mado, wbwb will b done at aa arly 6'. H. P. COltl'REW, A. M., Prof.". in Hchool of Anriont Lanpuagfti. ltltUtAKU W. JOSEa, A M., Prof, w In "A-hnol ct . Mathematics, , - - . - KltNKMT IGAItDE, A B., Pruf.ea.ir in fVhoul of tloili-rn Lsngnait, Arrangenieutt tr Biaile by whl,h atti.l.-ntt who ere unprepared fur th rKulr elatm-t niay be tnabuctad ia ih primary branrlica. Tlie swMton will begin last ThureiUr (Mth) Hvp. temlwr, and continue forty weuks, or tea lunar ttinnth ' ' Taaiw, narabl half ia adraao and th other half th Arat of tebrnary follitwiiig, via : For Tnitioa and other CouVga f., according to tho DUIIUWt IH T:iHHIIt Bt-TlinOtia, SOOUt- f JU UU All other erponwt, inelnding hoeni (ahotit ItO)), raai. nguit, c.,etoniiuv ul puukut nuai.'y siol onwlt, need not uxewd , ; 110 00 ArrsiiinmliU are niaile to traiwrwirt atinb.nta from Rlilawar 1i ook on the Huli-k-h lu.lr.,) ln).i . veytncie litvot ItoaiKike Hiawm, ti Ilia lliclimoud end anmue iiauroaii, on Aionoava, nuilin'winva ami Iri days, and the Wolf "1'rap lnfot, on the aim road, ou . .t8lays, Thnradav and halurdsrs. AdiJi'e,fnrthe prewut, " v i WM. A SMITH, IWt protctn. lnr 0 4 Oi.n t1.tA, e 1 I . ? nr . TTTE 1it tlii day formed and entrd inloCopart 1 1 norsiup, under Die iirm and Myle of rILLniSKK & 3IOSES, FOE THE PURPOSE OF COHDUCTOrQ A JOBBIXQ, nnv nnnnn nrTcminnn oni UUULId pUtMi, ixtiii: mi:av and m'.vci. OUlH IIUILDINO No. Ill niilo Mtrect. HIIIIKIUXU, On th l?lh. of Bepti iiilif r we will Iw prepared to offer to th Trade . hvt etock of - FALL & WINTER DRY 0001)3. . Our tairilitie tnd bnig cxpe'rlonoe in tlm bnainek warrant us tu Hit anM'i'tiou that we iranandwiu nttk it to ths iiil.tr. Mi, of mtiroiiaitte Uk intri'iiaMii of iim. . Urdars f go-i.lt will b faithfully and proinptly re sponded tu, JlOHKn MILLIIISEH, AlJh'KKI) MOSKS. Ilo Mii.i,nik.R & It no's An;,'. !1 3Uwlm THE OEQAHlffANUAL 5 ron tub tsg or ? " Aiiiiitt-iir and t liurch 1'oruHilttcew. r niUiiiinn I)irsliim ami Inform at ion tn Paat, d---.i'Oiie of pnr.'haniua tlrgiui, and lo enable lr ttaoiMta lorncUfy ( i)ilierniK ami other aiutple caxtial- without thesiMiitsnra of hmlih-r ;ialo, A lilil i If ((II.Mi- (H' TIIKUKUAN.siid ttt.MAl.hO.N UH cosritiiiTiuN. . . , i-tmv. nzsnfXtauiMix, u. a. - , tf Trinity Collide, Kngland. W .h an Al'l'FMHX, routainlng RomarVa on tho nw n iIm-Head Orran aa a sulmtiiiite. lilnatrateat woh ,.11 l'.ngraving of th Urgan in th thmton Untie t'.-ik-i- 75 1 ynt. Hnt poet-psid. ' r: Ol MI h Ml rati 4t , Pttblieher. "Au. ;'t i , button. - ' I, fjll VNI' TOVRNAMr'ST AKIJ IHU.UThe Grand a 'ton- niu. lit ami liail bretofi t annonnoed to r.-w" ..It ,m tiny Mlh. of rH-fiK-niiiHr. at JtlNKS' ill I" "'11, 11 .11 1 .-I. oiiiii v, 10 win pour pMiaivttv on 1 1 i.l,tv. fin- itnt. niMtm.t. I ..'n mm.. iiii-m h-i ln.en wade tu. trader tlie rviiu.'ii aura, n-n iiimI.I. liyhlful. , v jno.91. uoni, A"?- 21 t.l I'j:v,.:v.,.r. 1-()H P I NT, -I'titd t.e tt. Jannsrv," T,ths rf.-n- ami l...t, lai.-lv iK-iifkJ by Aim. Vrni.k t Wihsm, i til- It III HI nu i..f - . A,pv!y to Tf T. RLETXlft. w ui,Ji.'l i-Ujif Lmwm, . Aur. ii-tt. PJNTS!,PJUiTSJ! EXGLISII ASU'-'ASCESICAS " fWSTS : . NEW PI'ItCHASEM 1(U Til K FALL. ' Vt II, A II, S. f utkir Aim, A'i;r. tS-tf' I'ort aai-i:. -. "" 7-V-7 Whit COIdt sad IXOITt. I'lUUJl, JO.NES Ct). Ang. S-tf