I: 7- '$ HE J3 E N T I N E L .7 Wedneeatar. EveulngJ pt. 5, CIXV -AINU STATE IT131H. Saw AvitiTii(KnPi.-Tlt Philanthropic fruit J of the University vim 'in collect nfbr-k niAlion relative to their ilmiini ami mwibeij wlto nfcrticipateil in the late war. jVFf invite ttn- ' ihtt Hie (riindu unil relative of thue whoTcll !nrr-rfrir,tnmvtnr-iiitTtffMr rwnr:' selves, will contribute the desired fact at ouoe.' Towle will- W hi iujxirUnt uctiu o,l Saturday next, to tlie announcement ix whkh, iu another onliiniil, we call the attention of tht public. - ' , '.. '. ,. Parties interested arc referred to Court adver tisements from Oate. . Creech dmVm a (taking display ia our ool- uinns thl evening. Ho ia inj receipt of an Im mense stock ot the moit desirable Fall iiarxirta t'ons, and t one of our mint liberal' and enter prising merchant. Give bint a call See card of Mr. Walter, Piano-tuner for the celebrated factory ot Knalw A Co. We are re quested by Mr. Wheat to eay that lie takes great pleaur in calling the attention of Wt friend to Mr. Walter' advertisement. Mr. Walter, the. best Piano-tuner in Baltimore, waa ijnt out by Wtii, Kuatx) & Co.,, with tbe Cuv CJi t piano iltut tUat gentluiuou liave tendered Mr. Wheat for bis Concert bore. Every one who bsta piano should, avail biiiiaelf of thia rare opportunity of having it put- ia perfect order, by a reliable person who thoroughly understands bis business. - - L II. Rogere, Commissioner, oilers for aale, under decree ot Court, tbe tract of land near R.ileijrh, on which flinton Franklin, dee'd., lust residod. Attention (and especially of those engaged . in tbe manufacture of Coaches, haruos and sd dlea,) i called to tbe advertisement of Mucken- lie Brother, K. 223, fialtiinure Street, Balti uiore, in to-day's Isstte ot 'our paper,, ; By the deatb of tlie senior partner, Mr. Tho. Mackea tie, (who established tbe business a long ago' a 18 J5,) bia worthy sad enterprising eons, who were aiwociatetl itb him in business, 'now rep resent tbe firm of Mackenzie Brothers. Thoae of our 'people, who deal in their Hue ot, goods, will find the same course of honorable dealing, which clnnacteri!d Wie father, practiced by the sons, who n"V succeed him, , v,j'V? "''. The Messrs. McKIiuumih . announce an arrival of fashionable Hata and Cap, and men 'a bead gaar of every description and style. . , Gold NH'tiu'li- lint : A auitable reward will be paid to (tbe Under, who. may leave them at this ollice. ; ;.....'v i,:..' , . , . Tns IIkhoic Dkap. Tho following ia" liat ot the Ooiifethr.aK oldleri, luiricd in and near thia city, Imwu natiiea have itot heretofore lieen pq Wished irf thi paper; '. '.i ! MKAKMS. ltllt MonDKCAl't. - ! Alex Partiit, 2nd S i rk-pt tX 17 SaiMl t'H.fMT, Ma 1ft, tt5. ' ' . 18 ltobt F HartaBeUl, e K, Otlt Ga, May ... 22nd MS. ; 19 3 KawK'iM A, 17th NT C. W H JoliBton.ce U 17Ui K C. - 9( W t 8tepben, eo U. HM N . j Bi J M tryf Ut N O, Apt 24th '03. . . : ., At CITT CKMKTKRT. ! - i John lUthltrme, SSihN ('. ' ' . 'f 4 Aldriip, !U( N t. , ft Mney nrr,Vi)ih X C 6U W LXiomau. 54 , K.-id. 57 Lt Chad M. tealf. , Miaa. April 12th tW. v SH T J Donnahop, i II,Col(b't LegCavOa, April 12th ;! . , . :,' as Wm rtniitli, 'la. N ') Turijir. ' IS III HA. t-HICK OARDKK, IS KALCIOH. ; , 1 J P Floyd, AI . April Uth '63. ' Kr VAHrMtiiuvn, among quite a number onlv one marked : Allen Jones, oo 1, 44th H V, Allen Jonc, oo I, 44th V, Auril 2 ith '62. One rexas otneer, mined near nr. jjovejoj m ItuUigh, whoe mme could be found on the grove, who was hung by Kilpatrtca s men, ai r to ins aignuy ana umy mi em";, the t trcup!iti.m s ot Raleigh by Sherman's the magnitude of the sufTenngs which he has arm v, whose name has never been ascertained. I borne with so much ; patience and heroic forU ti.U fl.,;i .1,. km t ti th.xx. hnrled near I tnde. General MiI.KS baa lieen unfortunate, to grve or trout frien'M. Any person, Knowing the rmtnin of anv not inarkeil, will confer fa vor by Informing any officer of the Ladies' Me morml Asisocitilion, . ' ? ' Tun Bail ImukKv Thia ta tlie title of new " . daily paper juat imitied in tbi city by Meaara. . Moore & Keith. Jas. H. More, Eq., late Clerk to the '8taU Convention, ia the Editor.The proprietor are worthy men and will eert them '. aolve to merit public patronage. The Editor, la bi sttlutatyviaVa : .. . ' . -i ,- . "The rvatona Wtjrflueucel in commen cing theublication. oT.. paper are theae : We believwl there waa an opening lor a email, cheap, well conducted cswd-pauer in the State; , a imoer that, lavinff aside tliV political wrang- bug that cUaractcriwi a large dumber of thoae' , already in ciruultttioa, aliould give a lynopala M local and gwicral ncwn and naeful miacellaneooa jelling ; we Ijeliered a paper of thia aort would mect'with a fair share of pubtic patronage and afford a fair eompenaation to fl publishers,' v The paper i neatly printed on a small sized sheet, ami wish the proprietors good sue- ce. " .v . '- c-- Ba BaU, Oi.UBs. We noticed, some Uma aai'-e, tlie getting tip of a Club of this sort lb this city. The t'l ab is pretty full, we believe; and the wrt U a munlv end rational one. K We Senrn tlmt OtTit cliftts lare forming id tbe .stute. II these clubs are strictly cooouea to the nbjocU aimed t by the movers of tht, they will do g.Ml The Club in this city meeta for out door exercise late in the evening, after the huint-s' of tbe day is over. But it they should, like most amusements, encroach upon bu.inens duties, tbey will prove serious inju ry. Work, work, is the order of the day, now, tor all, young and old, white and black. , The future dntiny of tho South, for weal or woe, lianj'S niM.a tlje nbouMers of the vwling n. InUllect, energy, fx utility aud Lard labor will raise the South, and nothing else am. MtsTkaKO Oct. Col. C'tlley, who i& been die Adjutant . Genera of Gen. Robinson, baa loeen relieved and muttered out of service. lie n weir spokes m uy tns superior ana by all who know him, , We learn that an order has been issued to master out all who are connected with, tlie volunteer service of the t, 8. Arntv. ,Z'-y .:'', ... z Fihs( SuEairr. We are pleased to announce that Reuben King, Esq., tbe old Sheriff of Rot 1 mm, 44U finO. .SUeritT ia the State- whtha4 wiTt&Twmttienuirfsnefr"- IUrsktt James 8. flsYrington Esq.,' U a candidate for the House ot Commons from Iliir- ttetl County"." "If ia opposed to repudiation. Gnu. Coiis-roN'a Military Academy will open its exercises on the 1st. of October, The course of study is very full snd complete, and will ex tend over five years. , The estimated expenses fov tbe present aessioik, commencing 1st. ot Oo toiler, 186il, and ending the last Saturday in June, 1887, amount to7 only $363. 'Boi'tbkrn Poni-KLAiJi W'Aia.r A company soar Auj'usto, Oa., is now manufacturing beau tiful, speclnu'na of xirtelain ware. Specimens have been sent to Wut. Johnston, Esq., of Char lotte, President or 0. A S. C. ll. Road, 4c who pnmounixn them very flue. J. A. Rosiinuo, Esij., of Ireilcll,, is announced as a candidate for re-election to the House of Commons. ; Mr. Rosebra made an excellent rep resentative lu the last Legis'sturs. A. M. Bogle, Eq., and Prof, J. Henry Hill, are tbe candidate for the District of Iredell, Alexander and Wilkes, for the Bute Senate. Besides Mr. Rosebro, Messrs. J. H. Stevenson, Dr. TIL tL Parks and Col. Chat. R, Jones are candidates 'fur the Uouse of Commnns from Iredell. - -? -? ; FtMsr Balb Shipped. Tlia first bale of N. C, cotton brought to Wilmington was shipped to Boston, on yesterday morning. Grand Jaii, DauvBHT. A bold aud during flight of prisoners from tlw ICewbern jail was accomplished jon Monday, morning. Ten offend ers, confined lor burglary, larceny, &c, Biiceed ed in making their escape. Only one ot them has turn re-captured. ' " s Founimiv Bt!NT.--On Thursday night butt, dry and Machine Shop of Mr. J. M. Howie, in ID1S Miwn, anu ot:i'iri.uo unmci wuiu lie tun ed all the buildings connected with the . estab lishment were consumed, together with tools, machinery, patterns, &c Mr. Howie is a skill ful and industrloas mechanic, and his loss is a severe one. We hope the fympathy of tbe community will be shown him in a substantial manner.-, His loss is at least ten thiMisand dol larsno Insurance. Besides he Was seriously Injured by being burnt in the feet. CWio Jkmoerot. - - - . . i Thb Utuiuant- and Commissioners ot the town of JaliBburj' offer fl.OOO reward for the apprehension and conviction of the incendiary who fired the dwelling of Maj. J. C. Turner, on the morning of the 27th, nit. The Commanding General at Fortreas Mon- It baa already been announced that General Mn.u will within a short time be removed from command at Fortress Monroe, and that be will tie succeeded by .General Huaron, formerly of the Third United States Artillery. In U62, General, then Major, Bubton was la command of Fort Delaware j and while he carried out strictly and conscientiously all. rules necessary t tbe safe-keeping of the Confederate prisoners there, he treated them with a consistent kind ness and liberality, which caused his removal to be deeply and generally regretted. . , ,v; ' Tbe appointment of General Bi'BToa to com mand at Fortress Monroe will be entirely aatis factory and acceptable to every magnanimoua ana ctiantftble man ; ana it iscCTtam uia uimer 1 UanetM JMIMO a ciiarge mr. Aavia win in vreaiou wn u uuuan u sav the least, durin the bow that Mr. Davis has beenjynder bis control. s Ue may be satinfltxl with his own conduct, lt il true; but thia aelt satisfactfoa will ia all probability be the only reward that he will receive, unless a day should unhappily arrive when all remembrance of gen erous emotions and enlarged ideas shall be swal lowed up in the swelling tide of northern radi calism. 7 , -,. :. " . . ( ' Two Atlantic CaWea. It seems we are to have two Atlantic cables, and that right away. The Great Eastern has actually succeeded in, fishing op the broken ca ble M laat year, which has been spliced to a new cable, aud by this time there are two work ing tctegrph wife between the old aud the new Worlds. The despatch we have received doeaaot sy whether or not the brokeo cable ha1 Imma tttoA hut W. AnMtlmJI it mllflt haVAM been found all right, or else it would not have. Imb paid out again after the splice was effect ed. . 4 . ; With two good working . calrfea we presume the charges' for tclegratihi between the two Continents will soon be materially reduced, and the Yalue of the lines to the public thus made far greater than it is possible f them to be at the present high fates, v , Considered merely as a mecbaural feat, this fishing up of the broken cable from the bottom of the ocean is certainly a marvel. It outdoes fiction. Jf. T. World, ' , Rolden,ofN. C, and Hamilton, of Texas, ikts'of ths awst 'cerulean hue of "Loyalty," 1 sworiUiAUl ultra.'.'Huulhe tu" ous dec.laimcrs agatnst tlie Hortn, ami tor ngni lugeveryliody i and Everything, north ut the Potomac., As there w,ere diennsonists once, so are they disnuionists' ikW. .yfA-ur Aevi, The Southern Presbyterian Church contains ten Syn.xjs, forty-six Presbyteries and nearly ninety thousand' commnnicants. , ' A brido lor the young prince "imjwrial ol France is already sought. QAAA jn-a. of f,.r Mm, W.nneo sod t'bil U IX l in-,- ii! (- in (Mors liiis ws.-k. t-ai-r tnsa H- .i ,. W. II. & ll 3. TUCKER CO. : Aug. Ii-tf N ' FIRST EDITION.' 'i:KtJli:Gll APiiK.'. 'A Owr lm-sdny Morning DUpHtche-St Karkett and Financial " " iV ' . . K EW YoK, Sept 4, P. M. Gold tltl. Sixea H ens $10S. rM" '' Ftour heavy, f 9.73 t ts.ts Mr uitneta. galea 12S barrel. i'orn Ho S cents belter. Lard dull. Whiskey quiet, sales 3000 bales at S3 to 35. steady. Molasses firm. Cotton sctive Sugar and Coffee The Black Convantioa. J Phii.adki.pbia, Sep 4, P M. i A resolution was introduced ia the Conven tion to-day, that there can be no permanent peace or security for loyal ' men af the Bonth without negro suffrage, which was referred, after an angry discussion. ; ' '' ? A Maryland nK-mbe said," ws want no such fite-brauds iu the Convention. . . . By the Atlantic Cablt B'W.iB,8ept 4V:' " louiit Bismarck refuses to receive tlie depu tation from North Schleswig, with a petition for the realoratiott ot their government to Den mark. Tbe armistice Ixtween Saxony aad Prutuiia has expired by limitation. Peace is an settled biHween the two countries, and hostili ties, it is thought, way occur, v s ? f ' The Prussian Chamber of Deputies have passed the government indemnity bill by a large major Hy. ; .. : V ,.' 'j. j ( :,T 6 - ' ' pABISScjt ' The Austrian army is luting placed on a peace footing. " " Tlie CircaHHians are again fighting the Prus sians. ' ' i ?i i -ai.i- t Msrtiuis l'Monctier,snd not Montholon.ls the new Minister of foreign affairs. LivKBroot,, SepL 4. M. The cotton market opeund dull. - Estimsted sales to-day 0,000 bales. , ; ,4i ,Ixiiinim,' Sept. 4, M. Consols 88J for money. Five-twenties Beast Butler nominated for Congress- x Btston, Sept 4, P. M. Gen. Ibuler has lieen nominated for Congress, and ha accepted, for the 15tb (lintrict. Telegram from Mid-Ocean. NawYunaSept4., P. M. The lolloping dispatch was received to-day, iH-lievtuVto be the lirat instance in which any nHH4Hre liaa litti-B (miiI IYimh mid-ocen and 'thence Ui America : "On board the U rent Eastern Atlattic Ocean, S-pt. 4th, JSCtf.- To H.J). Cralg,GeDeral Agent of the Asoeiaied Pn w. Nevf rk: W'e have rweivel telegrams Irom Lotulon,ssyin(f there ia serious out break in Canada. Please advise me accurately by Cable, via Heart 'a Content and Valentin, in regaHlttbe same. We ex pect to arrive at Heart's Content on Saturday next.' Alt is going on well, ... 1 , (Signed ' ' -CYRC8 W. FlELfi. - ', (, - .,i, Southern Harketa. &c. Mobii.b, Sept 4, P. M. v Sales of Cittin, to day, 50 hsles middlings, nominally at :I0 cents. 4-'i Ui '.- Naw Oki.bans Sept 4, P. M. j Cotton easier. Kales of 850 bales low mid dling at 31 Gold1.44. " - J ' Commodore Iiouaseau, formaly U, 8. A.; sod Afterwards of the C. S. A., died here to-day. Oil' Afternoon lklaMttrha ' Latest Financial. ; " "I - " " Jim-, Tom, Bept. 8, V. J Gold $1.46). Kxrbangtv 1 f i t ' w flf n 4 4J"t r ' From Europe." ' " ' I.irxhPO Sept., 4, P. M. ' Cotton dull aud declined i., Middlings, 13di galea of 5,000 bales. Bremlatufls generally firm er. Provisions unchanged. "' ' , "V" - . 5 , ' ?k.-" -: w: ?v. I ' Consols' 8U Fl TOi'. .-.' f , BKHt.tM, Sellt. 4, P. M. ' 5 A treaty of peace is cunuluded bet wera Prn sis and Hease DarmstatH. ' H i. ViKtiiaa Sept. 4 P. M. A flairs with Saxuny assume a warlike aspeet. The Saxon troops have been withdrawn from the Hungarian frontier, and ' the army ia being provisioned. The treaty oi peace between Aus tria and Prussia Muds tbe former not to inter fere. "i ; v j " ' " ' South German journals charge Auitria with 8 breach ol the treaty with Bavaria, in waking peace without tbe consent of the hittee.'x' . Vermont Electione. t Nkw Tom a, Sept. 4, M. r ' Dillingham Is re -elected Governor by an in creased majority. - ' In tlie 3rd. Congressional District there Is no choice letwe'n two Republican candidates. lo the Other t wo D'wtrita, Republicana are -. - .KOTICE. - alllK'flrmofjAMKHMi-KTMMON. 0S having been viHHit-vt hr tlie of. Jsma McKnn un, Br., tli tninHM will xt eHletl berwsnw awliT the nsme Slid style of - ? & J. McKIMMOS, Tbanklna w frlejnU snd tbe nubile gsuersllr for tli nalriHimii. so liliersllr sxtonded Im nalriHimii. so lilmrsllr sxtwoded t the bt firwi. renpertfiilly sak s enntiuusiH-s (4 ths to ths new. . s f il'f . ' - I'rittUuuiiK, bj Hlriit aHsiitiuii td Irtnliien", to Bn oar atiu"t entions to rdesse, t AK- McKIMMON, ' ' J.tcKUM0y. ; Ang. 87-Sm , v V , ; . s ..- MITrATIO.X sVANTtW. A kenrher e Manr. dVitirca a situation. . A prMiHSi ID some ItTgt- si-bint prt-inrrea, dim m Wmhl swpt s aitnstina in s pnvsU (tnnlr. ' Hbeiss grlutiof one ; tlie n4 Siboola ta lb 8t.su, siw'i aa irlvo lbs bent rries. Address we Editors of 'the " ..U "rlept -lw. -. - - ' HffXTl.NKL. ':"wrFk4yyitiB E. H. !i E 8 TEEM k X , ; ; - - y . ; I'RACTIOAL- ii :-i ' -J ' j 'MILMVI1ICIIT llAITnA!V, , Ma. f09 Baah sswsi.Vji ' " HICIIONI. VA. Wdl !.- l'FJkS'8 snd eontrai't for to IICIl.Ii INU lt ill.lJ in h cor and wrtrr. - ' c UEFEKE.NCE.S, ., M-Mt-a. Tl!"tt ft Tim.: Buliu, A ?.. f'itest-r A rlad. ol an tmiond. Vs.; b - lird '., Mu ctieuter, Vs.; J. b. ln r.j , iui lummd. .; M. U. UrSTMl, Fsq.. I- !, VyviU, N. C. ,'1t 2-soiit - ' ' : . ; . " ' i fv'" : THE FBISIDENT'S TOUH,' ?pecli of tfia Preident aV,Kiaaiir ; ' After dnresimbwtbttK for the licwrl f sad cordial reception which had lieen accorded biu J he procceUetl'to ttiseuss lue points at Kiae ne tweea himself aad Cnagreo. He said be hiwl been x'U9d, together with vatious other mim lers of the admiiiuttrittivin.of Wiftg a ttltor'ti his party. Whvl' lie had W eonscbHisuess of having betrayed either tbe people or tho party which nominated him. Wiien it wan first pro- I rention for tha Vtro-l'rrwidenrT. he had nonnf-' time be considered I Scnatorhi) i.f die 1'iiitcvJ f states tuny euiai in point oi iionor witn tue office ol Vlce-I'residcnt.liut be ' dctcnnlncd to accept the nomination and was duly elected.--' By tlie Constitution tf tbecouatry he had since been made President of the ruited Stab's. Every one was familiar with the platform f the Baltimore Convention.' He would challenge any Congressman who now bittcily , dcnuuiM cd him as a traitor to lay bia finger oa any portion of that platform which he had, abaudoned. The fact was, that it waa not he, but the Rftdicar psrty.that bad deserted that platform. His present policy was identical with that ol the. Republican party a year ago. '' It had then becu proposed to restore tbe States lately in insur rection on these conditions, first, the a'toUtion of slavery by the State legislatures swond, the repudiation of the debt iucnrred in 6onduetinf4 the rebellion ; third, the ratification of the coi( stitutlnnat amendment abolishifig I:tctv.--That,waa exactly where he stood to-day. lie had also been accused of being traitor, las cause he bad vetoed the Freed men's . Bureau Bill. Tbe President then entered into a lull ex planation of tbe character of that taw, and showed that it was but a new form of slavery. He he- touched upon negr' aufl'rage, and stated that be considered .it altojp'thcr out of the constitutional power ot Congruss to, impose it as a condition of the restoration of the South era States, If it were wished that negroes, the incompetent section of the nation, who requir ed being supervised by a costly government bu reau, aluMild votu and become uwmbers of Slate Legislatures and of the Congress oi the United States, why were not those privileges first ac corded to the black men lit the North I lie re garded it as altogether unfair for the Southern States to be compelled to confer what Northern States refused to concede. Because be could not assent to the new programme of tho Repub lican party be bad been denounced vaa having deserted his party. He was free to say that he waa for no party but for Ida country and that, so iar aa ba was concerned,, party ,; might go to tbe devil, or anywhere else. It must nut be thought that his present tour was an election eering campaign. He was already , President," and had attained a share of political preferment which might satisfy the most ambitious of men. Mr. Johnson concluded by expressing his confi dence that the people would at the approaching election preserve and defend at the ballot box ths Union and the Constitution. -i. i i Tbe First loac Hllevd. m, Verrel, Emj., Mstosea; Va., ss.vs, "1 was sillieted with the JUver complaint for two vesrs, sometimes sn tsvl tkst 1 could not Us Iijkjh Jiiy V CI Ji0 for one minula. nnr MMilil I walk but a sbort diatanee without atopping to rest. I tried SiTeral Mmlsof pteti mecrf-fl etnea bat found n nu.-f. I also trlea tlie skin ot ma most ooitaient Fbysielsna bat still fuwnl etnarcitiV n wss-stlaM iadrtVd to fry yowr -Tills1 flllH kdlTl II- KHIi HEP A110 P1LU,) and fnm JH.frp.,4m I ftmnd rtlief, sntl eontitinej to mend uUl f was fff' fivtly owed. I am now s ll win.". : ' For sals br the Druggists. Dirsctinns aMotnpaiiy usebbox. fkuit tosny part qf ths b'nite4 for Ki s dosen. , A'hh'ess. ( f '' ("'.'( V if' I' ; ' ' flKOBOlt W. PEKM.-, I CI. i 1 Unltimore, Mil. " ' Aitgnat 4, lit! i A Hew and Of and Epoch in Medicine! ' la. MAaoiBListbs founder of anew Medical teiul TheqnanUtarisas,wbaas fctssswO' ilnsss ufsebU the stomseh snd pirslyM the boweln, must fir prediiee to the insa no Wstores health snd snpetit, with from Otis to two of his extntf-rcllnsry I'll!, and euros tbe niotit virulent nir.-s with s box or so ef bis wondorral siul all beSlntR S.lv, S IbW two -great siieciflos of thfklX tor sre fost supenwdiuif sll til sierMitypCKl awnrms (f the-', tiny. Kxt.liat ry uttres by Mftelels Pills hd lve tiprtie.l lb yes of the pubUe to the iM-ffi.ieiuiy of tim (wl)ed) remsdiss of otlisrs, and aptavwhirh ptile bsvese long blindly depended. 4 MsakU's Fills sr not of Dm lsxs (bat ara swallswed by Ut "', snd of hu b svery box full taken crtes sbwltite neeossity pit Swither. tins or two of Msgnlwt's I'ills sunjees Mi pises tlie bowels in perfect writer, Uim ititrlnmvU: erest sa appetite, and render the spirit ligli Sfel kaoysnt I fliers is bo gr'ipiuic', an j no reartion In the furia ut eonstipation, . If the wr is ir ttwl, il.fuuc tinns sro restored j and if the arm riem b d s ble.it la iiivignrsted. This lawt ipullty makes the suedicines very flesirshle tAr" tfi wurHs of delicate females. Ulcerous snd urv btive ill sses ifa Irterslly Sstiuguiahed by tbe disinfectant fiiwi of lAKf;'l alve... la tact, it Is amtuuwed llmt (ili.gB lei's BHIUws, BipU M4irtbv ilUuv Where all others fsit. Wbits for burns, Scalds, t'lnl-' blsins, Cuts and sll abraawiM s UiohIom, mBuls a In ia Infallible.- Mnbl b J. ilwutirt, 11 Pins St ., !hw Ynrk, and all DmKit, at 2S rta. M-r bot.l MITIC1V ' J Vb'sus tr a gl WIX'H.VH.' to awlitaiil r Jir Ws4grn snd Curti, . , Alan, a BI.AI KHlUTli for mMwi ftlKI r'paiiiiiK Isria tool. - j btwe wbo buvi,!. laiiOii')1 pi ..fur ri'U, , Api'ty to . , , ' . " ' . ,. ,. , fl'iiir, BVNt'M, Wilson, B-1 -x ; u fiiiorMt Mior.u; . 1 ; WE hat lost twnivsil s IwjmiIiiiiI s"Hiii-iit of MllJf' WIl'KH t.r LAIt.S sod Ml-f s Aim, dible-aufc-d iioou aud Uliuuraj o)i'hh fr (ieuls ' ' - - i A N. A I. M.KPIM'OSV Ang. SS-ti- . .. ,. i a. wcttrrii ios 1 - asniAiiK aI naiitru. 1 l. s . : teas .Vvii".. rstarTRtiu k , . - Rfpotful!v B'. Ut tl o t'J (loi)S Sbd pablta tbst UV srt slid ism.(f,i. n'tr fisSlAWAV. ' V ' BUGGIES ND ii ASlS,-i" Jt f0frtf.SnittftaOV. - Tfcotr StivS ot I'mthrr w lari's sod wij betd, ssd tliy bar funlinr. fr nissufv-lni'isg (JarilnirM, AVA, trrairrUmti any ..Mif ctsb ialnnht ia th liwatb. Vl'hsy rB farm-li , r ', fioubed, pi KB or fMjr, to ui fHi( uf parcliSMr. , ' i AHwB't warrsnttd to Ut a ri.ra-i,u-d. I'nrea a raawasb! aa any fs'toty wiio'o as.i.J ai.jtn u mad. i' ' ' i1 - ''sv Ksv stiw cm ftiiid s fnte n-nnimrl id h,v.' gia, RtHikswiiva ao4' I In riita. td van.u ti .!.. U senirtlv eirciliars rettl ItTmail, Ka apiH-nii'm. , kpai-my d-'0 prwit'p'iy. t4-.i!t iH hnt env- full llaolu.n.' v July 27-dntwlm. ' t 1 .- . V T0& BALE. TMute C n n ! 1 ill V I I - IIU.1AU, JO - f i n pti-tf , In sJtliti'Ht to bis Island U 1'1tJ stuck of iAi.Li'n'uHu.ti, .' : ' . f '; I'ttkUuierf , f 'lotlis, Cteitts' rettdf made V P I U t , T.; O T 7 I jklk-sf snd eliiliiren ti nuinwl and BiniiuiiUfHl f - . : lUTSuf the Whnt fall siykt. .':- ; RIBBONS, FLOWERS. LACE3, &0. NOW OPENING, LADIKH, MISSICS' AND CHIl.DRENS'SIIOLS i ... In srtnt Vetrlefr. , ! ! ; , , -.: , : ' (Vane one and sll, snd esuuue aiy sloek lief- jmr ' , H. ROSEN BAUM, Hm. I VsireKrvtll Mi,, taest diaw to P. f. res cuds llrug Htorew', J. . ... i' ly,;. p.. r. .., .v 'Sept. S-lw ' ' " ' IMVntSITV OF MAKYLAMK ' SCHOOL OF MEDICINE. f" - . riviKun v viyrn "uRsro ok tub school .1 of MtdK iiie in the I'nivertiitv of ttarvlsnd will eoimaeacenn Mrmdsv, the 15th. of (h tolKT,' lmil, and sill clron tlutjat. Mkii.1i, , , , .t - fau lty or riivsir. , . NATHAN It SMITH, M. D. , -v-i: , ... .- J'rofntiortf Muryrij, , kt t , W. E. A. AlIvIX, M. !., Mi. 1)., i 1'roftutir of Clitmittry and I'tafMHifji. -' 0K0R0E W. MII.TENBKRORR, M. D VoW)!; ifAMefriv ami of Jhfatet of ft'a i. . wira ainf ihiUrtn, , " . " Hf('HARI) MrSHERRV. M. D., ' I'roftmur uf IVinciylrt and fVnctics qf MeJMnt. i (IIIRISTOPIIEU JOHNSTON, M.D., J'rt.tMr b Huh nil, Dmrriifivt and ittryicnl Anatomy.. , i j,,. sAwrnVc niEw, m. n, j'roff t Materia Mnticii a.it Tkraptt'ci, ' vr.vkk Donaldson; m. , Prvftttor of J'hyiiohitfi, llygitnt-tmA . fAiri '"- 1 ' ': HsfAidiyy, f 3.VML4 U. BUTLER, il. Tx, - Ikmonttrtft of Anatomy and Aitjuvrt to tht ,: ."?' of Anatomy. . , , a.Aivn t". h.vu rii, i. 11. -. " ' " ' Aujmtt to tht VrifuMt tf Surgery. ' " VLt-JK K. CHATA Rl, Jh M. Il , Ahnr t th lrofMor ft Vtitetrii-. (, ; niEiv van nniBLR m, d.; : t ', .i.(Nicf Uf th iVwsssns- of Pratt v. l 3. It. BTRAITH, M. D,,' " " " ' Ad'uiiH to llit Profetmr f AluUriu Hedtca. M. J. DietlOSSKT, M. D,' '" Adjunct to t,f Vrqffmw of Chtmintry. , WM. T. IfOlVARD. M. IV ' j Aitutui to th prnftuor uf Vhytwlopy. t,Fi:KH, fir lb full eonriw, tlnVOO; hir Mulrleiilsliim J7..00 : tut tVsctics Anstoniv (in mi, I t NIVtlthllt fliJ.jnrU.:,'JJiia riU.uwirai e.lsb Jwhlstat, wmnMml knnsa ssTihe Ihilmifir fi.ru' mmnj, 1 allai livd to tin- JUdiml UillvKe, soil is Hand ssikd "t I l$ifUntk lt.Mii,Mi,m in Meith-ms snd iiurgery. Ita-iiif the .V,iiijim' JIdmI fur th Pit yif bslliinnru, i'im4 ..ill i' .'i m Tropus, slid either iliwlimf rx'.0irtt, iou.v Uh eoiinuntlr lH4'rad ill it ntis at II s si) inilU4iiis diHSsai hi Hit rml 'sibi. Ui-lil Jln Itu puul, tber sre sxvmsl !.iher iiurs H.j.usl, ln nmnn, infant snd In plum At innia, mm aeesssiUe to Madvnta, wbr ii.Antfmr lsre Is given bv Adjiiurta to tb vs !rim I'nifensont, snd oilier KUiiimnl J byHictiui and tinreiitis. ' - - 1 turtli.lnftH-iuslifn Is sCf.iriled tv tlia Circulars, twluelt aisy be bad from snv menahsr of tli Family, !.. . .1 kr llll AilkTf,i.n,ir,n . " M. n. nuir, ;u.ui fr.u, at, u.. ,. . .. , riean of tb t'strulty. h-pt. 8-.'M taM MHI tlf ('l.l.tCK. WAMHINOToN, p C, t Tb wmin sewibm of lbs several Deptrtments is tblKl-'oUi'Ko s ill oiwn Willi hiU Faciiltin of matnirtimi, eerttt tts t'Mifeawur fmtu ths Rouih baring re-suiiit-d Uu-'U iUo a, at Ua daUs following i j .. I'wpsrstorj llepsrtuK'iil, Heps, . I'ilh j A ii l.ni. id , , j " . " . . , li ... 1 1 w . I'Hh ' Midieal ' . f Each I'i'psrtiiieut is wnamm .1 tti fiimiah tb ninst tlmr' .null .'Una riHim utrrl rii.'l ii u ; alols tli soillmry .fm-llilt.io ai Ui f i'ib-nil LiitaJ fir geiunsl ciilturs -sre In sll renHM'ts niaiit-inatd and lit aiiin iitiHtpial led by snv Codeic tn tiu Soautrv. ' ' I Dim hsu tuilum is jfivn lo orplians if tliw sr. Ktti If nVS rt !. uvust ry have slao -.-iil fuoiliin :aiiil KialiiiUiua iiiKirui'iioH ia gtvu m all the branch of 'l'ln.i.i!u id aaleiwttonn 4-'ur . fiirlb.-r niiinliis jaddrew,. - t f ' J i , ' (f. w, 8m;iov, n. ii. - j Aug. ?-(in -s., ) -7 v f tri-nti-at, I n INFALLIBLE YEAST FOWDERa x ,'ii nlitle mt-n. who tlinMiiljly nudt'i'MUtiil llm attb O Jeet, (KKii-urrrtill gl't sruuiiiaiij' In aJi-iMK that lutllllllH auiila atli-ll S tit.ll-O'ili.lia lilltli lli-t. ajtlntit bfalili i 1.4.1 le.ii t. 'I ns f nn-itv ft. l band in MM!' MN' lrir'A(.Uill.K. TtAi PUttl-klt , il... value f - lii,-U th llniH,i'ii iilu-d ; - . , i liu.n.m, Aiw. 21, tv.H. I I b tetnd the V.-st PnwiU'ra ymi liianniacliiri. and tsn rinrtiinieril tbfin a iHrlr HiiiK'riiir to anv ;..i.hiT er.r nftfd br nit., In ail.ltiiuti t the lu-liini'Fa snd HWwtitnaa nf th.1 brt-a.1, the piwdrirs art- .ottinii icai, sa im third the lard neunllr r.-ipit4.1 will aima-i r i oi the mutiny ii.f .ihf.r l'if bread or biMi-iid, k'"t . v ti and t aa il, sr etrpllditi, f . isoi!ia A. Orb. " .. ' TliS pri of these powder p psckags la Vt eta, or Tli el. )l pnuu.1. To It had at , ft! ' K.-.nifeekonti'y M.tr, rayt-llt vijletre.'t, Jlaleit,li( JJ. i.A i . -t.,S a . s , iUi m, Am;. J1, lifts, Una ia lo ceilTlv thut-1 inv nht'd Air. Mnifattiu'a YiKfl I'littdt'i i. and litiil ih.'iu to l aupetinr to snv 1 liave ever tmod, Atirr trvmg thiu hk no bouan-i(t:pt.-r ilLb satit-iK-d n.ihunt them. . ls. 8 D Tlicai - J ( , " Un rri.s, An ?t PM 1 liv tin .1 Mr. Win, Fiuii'iuii 1 1 a.-,i r.,.l, ra and .8 ill lUm . J ft lCL r-. Lit tuiHi. . A,,-'J.,.!- t. . iuu) .nunri.i i.imi: t i .u(.s mid f.tr ! at t ?it pi.r liittul.. 1.1'Si Hill tl.ta.l. d vl hi thiltri) 'l.in and V .i AU. f. I;V. r'.i-,U-i' ami llitir. V tUlK'nl A lltSII'l., (Ait;;-. 31 V : .ft iiumi'Jii, It-1 'no i on 4ti.i: 1WI I .(1. 4". VWY rntT'i'-i (il'l . i ...1 i i ' i k t on - - . t- i. i .,, !' r: : utrn b'.tio nr. 1 . I .im p vi ir.tn-t.ioib K. RATNEIi ' '"'..'. ,!t'H 0'lCQR:AH ' ' '.'-'i ;.V '' vt V 1-5; ' v. n - ? kTMUf.0,n-..-'- n .t Vi. j 1ST It i:UV t Is Sllrui tilou! IT la s entvilv new eiinhfiA difvn-v rnathmiitrf " many tf t! iii.mii ..weitMl and rtwltnnlivs saiH la tlitvw.iA.V Afar.'''". W bav sneti eoiiri 1'.' m ita awita, ssd iaA Br ll will do all i laiin lor it that w etlar ( i,o4 iiiWAim If tks Alltlais Hair Men diiea n.4 kiv aalia favtio la all esae whm ttrti ut alnul notnit .laaoa wits atw asstrasi a . . HALIs . Vegetable Sicilian Hair Renew bss orwYad itself lo b th moal psrfwti prsparsiiu forth ilirvriT.trtd t tli pulilm, Il la s vKeUhl einwstid, and eanlaiua a Imuii osa prpriie wlistvr. 11 U . a it atnki-a al Jh roul aad (lis tb glands with sw lit snd eolnrmg niatur. It will rwlflt Uraf Hair Is lis rlgia' ! ' ' -' ' ll will kxp. ih If air frita fnlliai oal. llaaiBv tb Kvalst, al Make ia tiair sad. Ir and tlhrn. . ,r tto prna atld r ystjsg, aliuuld lau l u it. -ll U reooinniendtfd smi ntii-d by ilia Mrl Itf ratcal siiharttrt ' Ak Nr IU11 a Vi:elsbl Nirihau lnir Tiiiivw r and imks soothet MS II t II, A lit., Iltriel' N.t-I:n, N. II. ' ' IJT K.'l,l bv all liul.-..iat, Williama r JUrWiin.l and P. V Pmesd, Hab'irb, M V. rt In IMHtHHl wli'in. g o n i: t ii i s u m t: UNDEIt TIIlUN. ' A New Era In Medicine IT It tb HnfrurhiK Slid fieard rad 111 follow 'Mr Let all hn bv beu given lip 1-J liii-tora. snd spoken of as Incurable, rsd th following! a- Let sll ho ran bulievs fai'tn Slid enn hsv fslth in Tnlenee, Mad the fiilliminc Jfnoie nit men '.w Pies piwwtr, Slut en thiv tli TwentKitli day of Jon, In Ui n ar ut miv Im d, Ins Ihollaalld 1 lit 11 llll.lt. d anil liixu hn, Jmla-.lnlif ram Joseph IiavdiH-k to ioa, tviiown an aui h, snd lw.- uifl tuny sttorn, ii'pia..ii sa i..iivt- inai nn la ll." anl ..iieriil siri nl titr th 1. lined Siaii'n, and rl.M-ti-den.-iv ttif-t-B.-f, f.- pt.privti..iia ot inmli.-intia ktitiwii. sa MAtliill I.H l'll.l.M and HAIAC, and thai lite M- lowmg swrtitteatea ar vrbtiut er.pit.a to tha Iwttt or In kmmlt'.lwfl and Lofit f. JAMr-mMI'tint, tl, V' " ' ! f v btasrv PnhlK', Wall fill-set, Kew Voik. ; Jims I, 1. Ia. MAAtun.s-1 tsk atv pen to wrna veil of mv treat relinf and ll.al ln sn fnl pain in an' m l ba rlt mo at btt tliankm tyour lu.fiirino. uh, diM-titt', btiw Itiankr'tii I am that 1 run eel fi.mia shp. 1 ran Haver wiiiti it nniiiif..h, 1 th:.nk rou n.rain ail sinut,' and am iir that von r n aiif he fiinid of allauiM - ra, 1 eirtild unt Indp s-rilriiK In rrvn, and h'tp vim will not lake it siiiimi. JAM1 1 MYI H.S. 111! Avvilu t.l. This la to eertifv thai I was iWtmi jtu f..im siinv with fhr.Hiii lnaiibuia, and haw bvn cuio4..y Dr. WsKgnd's 1'illj. , . u.r.t li t. i.i, New t.'li, Aplil 7, M. W I ill lit) ... , . Tbe fiill.iwliiit 1 so iiitt i-lni iv. ! iiian.ii." phtvtd iu an li.ni f i.ini'lry, im ..-m tiat nt.n.1 11 IM illlo s rta-k 11.. it Waii i'ljll.p flr.t i (. .1. , d ill . 3 phmtiiu. 'tlie i.i. lud nun it.ui tiii.-i.-.ii a:,.r....l a i. t nn Pnm in s irf. . t hiiw.ir, am) ho sua Limit di.vtl.nl.. The fiilhiwing I'.-i'dtlt-ftt a p,hfn ti'ii.t'l'V tiunil.u eiH hi weeks sllvr the sej-nbim. , - " ' NW S..nk.Jn. It, !-'.:. Mvnsrns In Jsmb llur.lv j ( mil n li.m f. ..0 , t WMftadlv biirnt l.v hut Iimii in NivvmimI. v i .-ii ; nv hnnia healed, but had a minima tu.f i ii n.-. i. i n.i would not heal ; 1 liifl Mar.i.l s. i, im i it .nf.il m in a fuw wih-s. '1 hi in nil ti .t' . iii( ki.v ti.nl. i ;n, now ni at Javksiiir Iron ti.. I t, '.'ml imito, - 1 I'J (i.i.H.I i, btliib Kstrarl fraui I'n.Uu i.ttit-iai I had nn siiitite: Mi.Ky.itd a Puts ittvs m s ksr . ty one." . ' , . , Vour I'llla are nmt v. ..ii,j." "Ist-iut f.r siiiitl.. i -t. -in, an I keep tht m In th house," i '"I'r. Man ltd b eui.nl toy liesdaelia tint was chl'OIH.'.' "I KaTti h ilt ..f hut t.f v.'iir piHfli to my Labs far rlioli ia nun ...... 1 iu d. ai Intl.. thins .4 .)ll Iu s 'Iar,''. . . - -j '!) iiait).-a id a nmMimtr U nnw uifd," , ,LY..nr hut .if Mt.-- .'ittrtv Ive univd ,via rif ti. tiatt lit thu bead. I rni.i-.-il tnitt .if your hail l-.-Lind am. ears and th.. n.'i.-tf 1. 11. ' ' "hi ml in. t.i iMti.-i.; said on f. p.tf.r Uiniiy,' ln...W a, iMiarxi-inr prb I tniv-flva swnt, bntl.( nit..l(r-iii..i p. uh i aorth dt.lhr,'1, '. n.l in. of y.mr pilU.: ' ' ; j t - ".. t in.' Lav., thiae bo" of vour Kaiv by rettuis mall." .. ;- ,-..,r, I Lava over 200 aueh Te.Umonali ' As tbitt, but it'll i4 cpAt1 entnt-t-t nnj t.t eni'lnd ; J. MAitvilUt, M. It. v. r. it.si i At.i:T roa RiL- ; ij.ti.ioii , ; .. ' Maggie! I'ills aul Skive. V Kiillt'R.-hoit sa.i'.i.ne' without th ntrrsteif tni.t.'iiiai k sr.-ini'l oi. h .i t'T .i, ..ijvd Ly l'r. J. M.umtr.i., It I'm titi-et-t,' Ni.w i.nk., fi eiiinioifaii Klll. lt ! L l. tlV; ... . - -- - , 4 " ' " - bold bv aUi:o'(-i't!W. I.i.'bv. i i.M'., linn t hron'fh nt.t th t iijit-d hmic and Una-'i. -H Si eeni j, tmOTp... . Aujfr. U iti .... .... ; - no, coiT03PtA?,'i'T:i'": CALL AND HEi: 'I'lte Ct'lrbntlfJ I'nlt cranl .tton iit A Cotiilt'tist r, B, f. VVillianwon a 't,bav tb pirtUUt.i of n i -.nn- ti-.' lo li. t .-it- ti 1 i '.-'it .. i - . . . . ,. t .... iht.y have oept'flt-.i til n hki'-,' t,-!( i ia--i tti-.u tht) fiahBtaf a ik! itni.ii'oi 4.y -,.M-ii (j . v a.i ani.iotl rt. him-.!-" . n. vi.hh1. Uma at-d I ...hVq orA, aJti-f.l lo o -ti" "i Jk-i p ntr, tU vi y ir.ii, , r1 tt i Xby oirit "11 etie liiteruaied to tall an-J r th ti-iiiitu! ioini!t M iiioit 0t..i, t v,-t.evi Ktrt, baiticH. Kslcigb, Juiy 23-tf ' ' . . , - I .. A'na; S01w . " '