f ' r i " . iWfcfo A 1 L Y S E N T I N L. 7 THE SENTINE Twa. 13. PELL, f tte Printer. Anvt:nTisii asa-s-S'si AdnwtHwnnnna TERMS OK SUBSCRIPTION. of minion type which eansUtutc square A"sjnn 1 ft 00 J week J 50 1 60 1 month 9 lo no J 1, ' , 00 S uontus I i no " 4 - - S0 JwJk ' tS Bpecial notices, nndor a siiecial bead, will be char ged on dollar per sqnsr for each Insertion. Funeral notices wdl be.rhsrged as adrertiaementa. i StirrtwH. Is (published very svemng except Bunday, 11.00 foe twe HKmths, 100 S.00 6,00 ,00 f WOUtD BaTHItR Bis lUBTTHAX BB PRESIDENT." Bear Clay, rhrM BMtlU, - " git Booth, - "-., gead-Weekly Sent) nel on jw, - v.. ' . - .awollM, i VOL. II. RALEIGII THURSDAY 1EVENING, SEPTE3IBER 20. I860. The sunple annonnremput of a death or marrii.e ' a;,H.ait Wa bn.al.' I) A 7T nn:rRvTlfv! 1 ' 1 ' . "la. IH . AM ' II II , IH k3 1' ' ' 1 " if W" .li-.-J Ut I Z. 1 ' . ' . , i 1. I ir,.n-y ly.ii.-i-. - T t M .,. , , f - ' ' -'' r ' , . f .A J" goatk Ctaa&u.- Tlie following occur in the message of the Gosor" ot Boutb Carolina, to the General An temhly no ' in session st Columbia : In lie ot the circuinstanoe urronnding us when it is remembered that the Stats has just emerged from 'ong - ntl disatroo war, in wbicb not only her ton but ber resource were prodigally bestowed that our bank have all wa destroyed tbat more than three hundred UlVulOHS , I" vjn tj iivvv wvit jiiuuHotni : ihkt all the fountains for credit and property hare been broken up that our sytemr"f labor baa boeti thoroughly disorganized that tuu re freshing and revmlylng suowers uare been withheld from s parched and exhausted soil, snd that want, u not faiuioe, will keep gbastly vig Us in m&nsion and in liorel ; when it is reuicm iiered tbat nearly all ot the uierchant of the Hut bre been ahle to compromise tlteir tn- Irbtedness to Northern creditors on roost liber .1 form, surelr. the creditor class' will wactice forbtarsnci'liml gtv tlteii' debtor till further indulgence. Ucompeuxl to eniorce collections, they should, in tbe same iir and liberal spirit, ' make nompiwniaos with debtor so as not to drive thctn and thdr tamiliwi from home kin ilrod and friend,.., '-,. , . ; , ". The existing eml-arrussuieota growing out of theindebtednesaor the country will, like other evil, produce benencml results. Debtors will find It to their interest to make tttial adjust ...n't nt thuir dlita. even thouirh thev are com. pelled to surrender their property, i. As long as their debt remain, Interest will be accumula- tinis. to culminate in more disastrous bankrupt cy. If thuy urrender lheir prtiperty now to cred itors, they can resume tueir occupation and labor with cheerfulness, knowing that its Btnceedswill sooner 'or later re-build their bmken itortune. , The debtor who desires t compromise with his creditors lias the means f compelling the reriest ghylouk to accept fair term or exclude him in all share of bis estate by assignment, giving liberal creditor the preference, or by voluntary confeassioa ot ludgment. Bvlievine that no itay law can be passed era bracing antecedent debt, that will not conflict with that clause of the constitution of the Uni ted States which declare that "na Statt shall pss any law Impairing the obligation of con tracts." I respectfully recommend for your consideration, for the rcliif of debtors Ut. That imprisonment lor debt on ' mesne and Hnsl process be slmlUbed, except in case of fraud : ud thm as a punishment for tlie.crime, rathi than as ametuis of enforcing payment of the debt. itd. Tbat n oots be taken against defend ant either for the officers of the court or for the attorney. . 3d. That tlie insolvent debtor lawa . De so extended a that any debtor may,, by petition, after dtte notice, summon all his creditor, and upon assigning his estate and effects for their benefit, be discharged from alt other liability, not only to suing, but to all other Credits. Be ing thus relieved from the incubus resting on t a i.i i- :U : nun, itie fionest and euierpriHin usuwr wiiigu to work with alacrity and prove himself a use ful member of society." Btampi on Deeds. The PeWsburg Index has been favored by a tnena witn tne Kiliowtng letter. Jt Is in rela tion to a matter that intercais all citizen who are bolder f pr otherwise parties to deeds, tlie records ot wtch nave oeen destroyed du ring the wsr,,- , It will be seen that deeds ejwultd before Oc tober 1st, 1802, require new stamps. This ha been frequently published, but want of informs. tion respecting it.is .still the cause of trouble ana expense . Thbabuhv Dkpartment, Okkicb ov Intkrnal Rkvkrc, Washlnglon, Sept nth, 1SU8. Sir :l reply to your letter of the 4th inst., that the first Internal Revenue Act took effect, so far as related t stamp duties, October 1st, 1808. ' Instrument: 'executed ' and delivered prior to that date, though they may be record eUafterwards, are not chargeable with stamp dntic. r Any instrunient issued after the above date, , without tbaproper stamps, may be presented to tlie eollertor .';y the parties, or any person in terested, in order to have the. requisite stamp affixed i nd ancelk'd. Such, an instrument issued at a time when,, and in a place where no collection district was established, may be stamjied by the party who issued it, or by any party having an interest- thervin, at any time ' prior to January 1st, 1867. i When originsli are lost the necessary stamp may be affixed to cop ies duly proven. ' . Very respectfully, ' ! E. A. Roi.i.iss, Comm'r. Mr, 3. A. Prtrksoh, Petersburg Vs, 1 Tin President Offer Himself , Victim. At bis reception in Baltimore, on Saturday evening,' the President, in the course of bis speech, wmmI tlta following language t - r-ri"-r'''!H'wl'ng th. par donlng power. . If I hare erred, I have erred on mercy s side, and have been prompted by con scientious convictions, and I shall ask the tar- don of no one for doing it. There is no satis fying on portion ot our people," Tbey don't want peace, .They want the war to continue, ; and, iu this connection, it has been said that I wis; an obstacle in their way, and wu to be put out of the way. Who have suffered more than I have f Then surely if I, who have suffered much, can forgive, those who have suffered, none ibould do likewise. (Laughter.) There areJ yet some who desire the spilling of more clood. If it is necessary ',to save the nation from th spill ing of more blood and trcssu reif nothings but blood will slake their thirst if blood wilt please tbem and save my countri then erect an altar, ni if they want a victim here he stands. ' Upon it, and my blood shall b poured out for mj country' cause. (Cheers and crie of "No, ' nerer At What ft one m&nVenmn&rpd to th great destinies of this vast country f (A voice "You are equal to ten thousand me.") Let tbem take it, and my dying admonition will be that "the blood of the martyr is the seed of the cbMrch." ' '- , ; " ., While a convict in the Pennsylvania peniten .tiary was using the most blasphemous language, cUrsing everylwily, cursing Christ, cursing God, and prououncinjr Hod the tithor of all in, and ridiculing the Bible, he was suddenly struck J down with apoplexy, and remained unconscious cntil he died. i ' . i St. F. RITES, Jt. B 9 XA.FB.OCTOE.X.O. RIVES & PROCTOll, - Sl CtTESSORS TO Dr. X. F. KITES, WHOLESALE & RETAIL BBUG6ISTS, I f ree Frtrnkara, T OKl'EH to the Fall trade a ootnuWle stock ofTry thinn nasally kent iu a first cUaa lmitf Hoase. Cah or C. U. D. orders solicited and promptly Riled st tne vonr lowtwt msraei rau. Mr. T. V. CAStI'l)i:iXs formerly with Geo. B. Jon Co., is jritli iu and wljl bs pWsaed to aervs his menus. , C II WGE OF SCHEDULE., lULWna Oahtom ftu. Koas OsscpAjir, UrveuMiiaxx' Omoe, i ; eVpt.7th, Itm. J rtni fter Hniid , 8f pi. 9th, lfie, trains on tha lUleixh and uitn It. It. wm ran as follows Mail train lesves ItslsiKh, CIS A. M. " Arrive at Wslikm , - ' ., t. M. ; Mail Xi .ln leaM Weldon at 11.00, A. M. ArrivM at RaklKh- 6M, P.M. Freight train loavea Raleigh at ft. 15, A. M. Ariire at WelOon 1 .o, P. M. f ri-inht trains leave Weldon st -100, A. M. Hmtvil at KaleiL'h ,; A1A. P. M. Mail trains connect, Vorth snd South, with N. C. K B.j V. & W. It. 11. aiul 8. ft K. K. R. in minutes for breakfast at t'ranklintoa. 'ii niiuute for diiuiw at Kittrell s - , . W. O. LEWIS, Sept 7-tf. Geo. Supt Standard snd FrogruM eopy. W. H.H. Trraoa, . . H. Tooasa, ' T. BcOnt W. H.tt K. 8. TICKER A C0H NKW FALL & WUVTKR. STOCK OF y STAPLE AND FAXCT DB Y lUOODS, IIAT3, ; SILOES, NOTIONS, Ac , &c XTR are now recurving a large aud rsried Stock of f all mud of LADIUS I) UK "St GOQDH, ft i Bleached Domestics. Unbleached do.. 6-4. -A and lo Mieeuug , taunca auu Aaneus, Aauuonu earns, uosisry, NEW STYLE HATS. ; Hair Work, V , Bonnsta, Jet Ornaments, (Moves, Trimming, . Ribboos, '. ; Streamer Ribbons, r ;-' tons, Belt Buckles, Bugle Trimmings, VelTet Trim- E ings, Urape 'mmmtngs, Linen imiuaau, ioweia, inen Diaper, Cotton Diaper, Blankets, Kacque and Opers Flannels, Whit English snd Welch do., Carpet ing, velvet Hugs, j auit uovsvs, i 'OTP' A large stock of Shoe snd Gaiters; in fact every ar ticle ususUy kept u Kv 1 Dry goods Store. HATS I HATS it HATS!!! Shoe f Shoet 1 1 Shoe III V . - 8upendert, HalfHose, i .. y,, &a?atA Collari and , EandkerchietX Our itncV wSI lie kent 'nD. a one of our firm is al- irara in the market, and buys UOOD OOUDH LOW, snd we sell them CHEAP. , . ;. w, n. vm a. TUCKER v tp. w. mrM imuinM ia at41 to nsustrv neeehants at 4 SMALL advance, or w will bay stocks of goods of sny description , on eounusaion., Vi H . JU 1 TCOKXR 4 CO. Raleigh, gept. 'T t JUST RECEIVED AT m: rosenbaxjm's la addition to his issgs snd well selected stock of FALL DBV GOODS, , Caaalnioree, Cloths, (Jrnts' ready made ' Clethlaf, Ve.,Vc., , i riliE(LOT OF Ladies' aud clulilren's - trimmed ami untrinunsd HATS of th Utest fall styles. , .. , KIBB05S5,' FLOWEES, IACES, o. , NOW OPENING, LAJJIES, XIHSES'AND CUfLOREJfS' SHOES - In OrtMit Varleljr, 4 . ' Come one snd all, and examine my stock before pur- chasing eleewltere. - t JIOSESBAUM, ! ryetivtllist., next door to F. F. Pssi ends Drag Store., Sept S-Iw . , ' '.; HARDWAKE AD CFTLEnV. FALL TRAl)E 1866. . WE AJLE RECEITLirG OTJE FALL STOCK. itweeo iron, taet ana rjiuaer, nteei, otaa iron : dos. Hand snd Tea Waiters ; Cooking 8to.es ; vsrions Patterns ; 1 ' -t 6 KeRsNailto0 penny. IflOO lbs. Hoof lromi and i j inches wide. With a general assortment of Took and Builders' materials. , ... . ., , H r-V - J. BROWX, -Aug-tf ithHAatftliWW. XOTICE. ntHB Pnblie Library will be closed until farther X notice lor in. p provements thereu notice for lbs purpose of making repairs, and im LAU. JiABlAX. apt. U-lw A TALO A LEr t OTTO- F4 FOR BEST OR WEASE-ii' Wf tfatoSiMa anooro. ann couutv. . i .a t. Tlie farm contains about -40O ACttES ot hnproved land, well sdaotedta tit srrowth id sot- ton snd eon. The faculties fur compooimg ei w Veitetable mould, or Beat, wail aJ lies fa branch frir near a uiife iu tengtn tin one) aide is? the field, overlying marl of snpensr riehneM- This marl contains, by analysis. M other fertilising mnatiia enle, ir, tt.qf ikmrolyf, ar MumiiU cf Thre are ample bnildinw fbr dwlhn( ao every neeunu purpose, on tne place. ( , ,. To the farniers of t he middle eoantles. fo-wuJ. working, preuHicaX mt who wiab to repair their for tunes by cotton planting, this placeofier car iadnee ments. To mh men. if without capital, I eould give aid the firxt year, by famishing stuck, provtMuns oo., 10 m psia sar an tae crop, u aeeirwl. As none but tndMtriuu, teoWmf smb aa ssaks cotton succcaenuly, none but UiOM'Vatt euasa wo reconiim nU I se u h need apply, ' 1 JOTTKtt, SeptlT-estMt .-.'( Marlboro; Pitt Co. WEWBEHN COTTO"V EICHAE. KKWBEBSL'N. CSEilUMBlltir JOUi, U9C4, i7 I Have tnsde arrsnirenHmU which will enable me to atlvanea in Casa, ia any sxtelnt, oa the present crop of Cotton, oa very fair snd iibsrsl team so Saw I'lanters. I propose to, keep an open policy of laasw ranee to cover Cotton by insurance as aoon t it is de dehvered at the Kaiiroad Depot, provided the owner will notify me they wish nV 1 would particular!; call the attention of my customst to tb importance of having their , f t , Cotton In Good Shlpplnf Order, t would also advis tbsm to keen sswuraWS far a possible, tha different trade, and to diatiuctlv mark each bale with their name or Initials ; also, to send me immediately after deiivering it at the Depot, the Hailroad Agent's receipt for is, IwiU w , , MAKE LIBEEAl p ASH ADVANCES ; , on all Cotton, wbetlier ft I to be soldia Newbers or tobssuippsa. - ft r I hsT mads every, arrangemaut to sell or ship Cot ton to the very beat advantage, and assure aiy cus tomers that everything shall be don to sdrsnoe their interest... .t l .iw ! A full snpply of : ,:.., J r,h 1 s.a .?iitinri-- Cotton Bagging, and Bop, Genuine Georgia uoiton uina,jiunff, uia -t" Caatiact,' 4, -,; kept sonstantfv on hand at West' prices. 5' ' flols sgent for W. G. CLEMONS' BllOWKCCrB GEORGIA COTTON OfNH. - - - t i , WILLIAM II. OLIVEtU sept 17-3t , ; - wif.ivinr JAS. L. HATHA iVA ASiD UTLET (Formerlv HATHAWAY ft Co., Importers of HOLAft ' ar.3 aau DUVLut, wwaungion, . 14 ." Shipping and CommlIon Iferchnnff, ; 171 PEARL BTEEET, 'EW tOB?, . " ' , W solicit aonrirnmenta ei Cotton. Naval atneea. Sheetings, Yarns, Tooaoeo, and other Southern Pro duets, to the sale of which our nromnt oersoaal atten tion will be given. Ws will msk liberal advances upon receipt of Iovoioe and Bill f Ladtog. i- All If esv cliandine and lroduo shipped to us for sal are in sured from point of shipment, with or .without ad- rice. Invoices should alwavs aocompsny each mo ment. . inO'f 'il iti I llM.9 ' oiiJ Both of us having had over twenty years' experience in busmen in the Mouth, and our X L. HATUAWAK thrM Tears m Sum tnra. wn fel enfinilAot mem Aan a- cur full prices lor ear mends wh will fsvor US with their eonsignment. ' sy t Bins To Kemp P. Battle, Public Treairarsr of 5. U. and W. H. A K. o. Tucker, Balcirh, . V. ., JAM. L. HATHA WAX, " - n 31. K. T7TLET; AofiMMnv ?hii'ii:j Mi l . w i II E O O B O IS .J p-t t - :,1 .!ry, , , i . MINING AND j MANUFACTURING COM- 1 ; V:J ,'i '"iHt Xr ! r" r " ,i;.f W ;!', PANTJTeva "(' n , i .'ii'i si.' I i-.'iw f '-wvf On Deep River, Chatham Co.. N. C. s ;J OFFBB FOB KALB AT AUCTlbN! .... ..v . -.l ' . jv' Irf K- fcM Their entire t9Ianu0aetHrinc Etab lkbinent,Incladinf Urlat Mill, Ve sVe. The Gores Mirilew and SraiiUfanturinr rVmhsnv will sett at public anetioo, on the premstsa, Um 27th. inataiit, their valaabls . . , in - Pl. t,WM inoisr .WORKS , , , t iSD.iiwv,'iel,f"-(ti ,t! Yi-f.. T Ti t ffhtWsWJRw'-i e itusted on Deep River, 10 nuins west of Raleigh, sad Rules of lVtebornV the county seat of Chatham county. The Mill is nowrn operation, grinding wheat and Oor. 1 r , i 1 ' i , ! The Water rower is unsiwyioesea, being capable. or ui spp'icstion of 900 bors power, if necessary. ThMa!htner. arnhruvte A.rv v.mptv mu Ain Sm. class Machine rjbwps, socb a lHanrii,'"jt5s, tlill- ing oaouinea, trip tqa ump Aianamers, iop news, As., Ac., completo for a.akuig Bailrosd Cars, of can be easily converted into a flrst-class Agricultural lUmat&Brft"- -i'' t Then are 37 Oaukia awl targe KtaMeS en tli prom ises, and amp) acooranxMlattoaw Set. labors sod teams. '" , k; . .:-tiH f p. , J he Factory la situated 1ft the midiit of roal and Iroti neila, Imawilntely on the- fiver, which aWmia tranaportation at tntiing ooat. , - inexnauatioie uopper atuies, ot supenox sjusiny. are within mites of ths shop, and it may be added mat u eoumry anjacem aoounos in .msgniiun( disc forest of Pine and Oak. reel or nne and Uatt. . ,.. . r , x ., , At the same time, will He sold 1 n - . , 'hMs SO Ton of Pl Iron. A" - to suVlitiow to Meamooat risvlgstitn from Wilming ton to the Factory door; a Railroad ia now in- prooees of construction from fcaieigh to the (rorga tiosnpaay's Factory. , ,," . v i,., . ... i .. -1 i Oar Agent,' on fh premises, will show tha propsr ty to any ods wishing to examine it. ' tvetters of snquiry may b addreessd to Col. f, M. HECK. Wsmctoo, Ji. C, r to P.T. JiOUWOOD, PeteTabnrg Va. , ' m . i . v ,. i ?' JTsfHTOt,- Fride-Iit1a' , F. T. NORWOOAshexetory, Petersbarg. . a . SPECIAL KOTICE."; 'PT-Ai jniLiwmaiT v aRAFTSSIAIV, t1 fi-VJ Ki S t He. wOO BsSk (, ., , j, l,, -I4Si,.J RICHMOND, VA. . Wffl pr PLANS sad contract for the BCILD LNO Ult MILUi m tb euy sad eoamry. - i t x ; REFERENCES, ' " ' ' Kessr. Talbott ft Bre.j BohSTH, Co.; Ktteflgsr ft Edwards, of liichmond. Vs.; Bo. Baird Eeq, Maa eheetor, Va.; I. K. Davis Laq., Bichmood. Va.j W. B, Orarea, Ksq., L. Feis, Lsq., f ancsyrille, N. C. ept -d-t . i' . - TIIO M AS SMITII, WHOLfiSALE ... .- BET11L AND D RY GOOD 8 25 ITdAKOSX 8TB.EXT. t'tTho First of the Season.' L A B Gr E V Opening of New FaU oods, t. ., , .: r ..-V- viV Ui .-- , . .t J) ' , , .,.-- With an exteattv sssertiaoai of CARPETS. BUM. DBC0GETT8 AND OENEBAIV ' HOTJSE-KEEPTKQ 0O008, sad aa sntirely new stock of th t-.r-drmtnf DBE8S QOOD8 th market afford. ,' ' " , LJie will and this the best opportunity to proears ebois new atyke at FALL DBES8 OOODS, which I am aow; epwnlng ia great variety, inch a tpUndid Xugeula and Emprsss Oc'Crspsa, Keriage, OokV anelit, richly smbroidsrsd-an entirely new thing. rich, brUliaut Ck strips oa stico rroends ;7Van. eowt !'&!, sffectivs Oareaug, with rich Breohe,' 'Xoraetto, nectir Batia Carrsatux," ea lasting flniAh grouadsvery costly j "Rich TalMtta, U pUin ehsns," aUnewead deairahl shades, prime a,naliUe and heaatirirt lgaa, with rich Broohaa, , i ! A msgniAeent assortment of ' , . , it i i ;.' . SaiTARX A LOffG SHAWLS in sB their new style and combinations, at prim Out 0t aofofl tepJsase, I would sail special attenttoa to my stack wf ' .' ' ' ' 1 w t' ' "St u& f V ' ? f 4 '' 1 '"f 1 ' t CEXUIAE IBISU , LIXEAS, '" Ivj i.i ' ' i.i)'... j- n , . eu v A j .1 '4.'- J ' i ' ' ' ' the largest In Vs., or North Carolina, embraefng S0,00n yards, all boaglii at suction, and will be sold at pries fhr beiow any imtlar rwoiirr ever effured m this mar ket. I have ! just received over JK), 000 yard of rARTALops ooodb, In every variety of amah and jnahty. varjinj in price fro 0e, to gj... Tht, atack is tks largest awlaMat eompleto of tits kind thstl hares srsr offered, sod win bs constantly1 replenished during th season as th demand requires, '',-,, ,-.. , At fcitur day I wUl enumeraU ths difbreat line of Oeeds I amtsily keep, ' ftuffic H to say, at present, tliat Sverythuuj kept In any first -das Jy -Goods Beuss can be found hers, in aver variety, at the ana. sfpnesa, j u'., . , ,-i '!,.! i t. vr i ii i I would say to those to waul of 11 ' lj ' " 1 ' I . - K ' O A'liP ETS f I , nr Hi - ,w "i ! ii r i ? M f It Uat tluratot llM 4sa takoa faHb aelectioa of th boat color so loet fabrics, and they have bt to b toea to be apareotstod, so that tltosa la warn bad better . . , v i ' v .4 , -u i . ' ..- i le .' OIVB US A CALL BEFORE PCKCT1ASIN0 r. ..J . ELSEWHERE. t1? 1,1 t?'"i. -! - --it4 4would also call th attention of ths ptdilia to the ,1J f ll( . '-1 celebrated , Ploreno, LoelCSUtca Sewing Maebina. , This aUohine, being bat recently 'tatrodoced, el ready gaiiiing for tself host of ienOatM pur daily sales testify. It unpUcitj and .,. ,- ,.-, .- , I l"lp' i "fv tf i,l ? o , v PEEFECTIOS 107 OPElATIOffl reoometend It to tlL It posse sees B th beet quU. tie of th good standard Ifscblne, with evcrai Im portant improvsments, bm fully srpiained to the "Clrcalars," wbicb I Mad free by mafl to any sddresa on rpUcation. '! ''r ''' ; . , ; , -f( V i , r'n'twa sniTsv, I ! f ' ! . 1,1 ' "" 25 Bycamors street, Aug.iJ-tf T,. Pbrfj V. JEHOSENE Oil, AND LAMPS. JUST RECEIVED, s large mpply of loar, Braeket, ad ewingiag Lsa,u.' Head, Par ' ; ALSO i Ts beat Ksrcsen Oil, Lamp Wirks snd Chimaeya With Habt Jt tjwia, ii Fayetteville Sfreet,"lwleigh. IIARLOTTE FEMALE IX STL .TFTE, CSARLOTTB, JT. C. , ' TJi next session commences na be Int. October i. aan ooraeaM satll Jlitta. or Jan. ISW. The saeaioa is divided in). I ma Tmi. rfT.i, sreeks each. Us eoe commencing tbs lit. Oct, 1H68 al the other thelitb r'ab. 17. , , Kxra-fraKa fir tibh r TwiitTi . wtial, ,-, , v Board, Isdadisg erery espease eieept ! .' Taltlos la Collsgfat Departraeot f H1S.O Priwapv mLa , ' a-in iw aaia, aseocniiaagaages, Drawing and Paiatiuat, taorltt ty eempeUat aad thorough JastructvtS and at aaaal prices. - for eircalar sd L'atalogua oostaiaing fall partlea- REV. & BUR WELL, SupV ' JHlytsawtcett, Charlotte, M. C. Newbsra Tims aad Wilminrtaa DIsDStcb alaas eopy Slime a week antll l.t. October. 1 yALVABLE HEAL ESTATE, : H W ' ..',','1 ;'. y.' -J f ,-j.v ' 4 h 4 j ! LOCATED IS ASH ADJOIULSQ TEX TOWS OP WAHaiHION, . a - , for sAtE. : : : Tbs Warrsnto Pesials College Is now offered for sate, oa rsaaoaabl term. Tbis Coilrgs hss been ia saeeessfai operation, ficver twve years, sad, dur ing that lime, it hss erd a repstatioa a aa lastitar tic of learning, second to aees is N C. The looetioe U sarli as to war. ant s fall aiteadsnea of papile, being very aoces'ible from any point, eepeonlly the Eaatoi s portions of N C. and Va.' The CoasmiUee, wbe hare bm wn powered te mak sals e'thla property, deem it Baneeeery te aay mors of this Iaatitatioa. aa its eharaeter for a high grade of seholvabip.aad ihe elevated standard of morals laeaioatsd, andertlis sy aad eaperviaioa of iu late rre.ia.st, a a. rarnain, la already wall ksewa. Ths aoci.tr is which this Cslhun ia u knw. to be .caa.1 te any ia th bouth, ' , Tker i aow a ssfflcisaey of Bnildiags as Mker Coareoi.noea sttsohed to this Beel hiatal, to conduct a large ewd flosriahing school. TN-premises oont.ln about 1XVK ACUKtief Land a m.teiial port low ol which is wit his the Cerperatu. This, with mtl or a pair of tins faralture. As., belosgieg to tha in me,1 aaa he pairbaaeal with ths land andbnllrtlnga. Thla nra party will I efferad prvnUlf for sals autil hVtdmnf 4f the 3rd day October neat, aad, if not thea sld. win ne tu say una, at pnonc aacuon, to th High Ths Commutes are full authorised to aall. anal would say that a rare ehaads is offered ia an nartv wishisa' to parchsas sack nmnertv. as Umm aufnoiont. if rag aired, will bs fives. Paaasaaioa vivae immrJL any peraoser party wiahlag t saaailss Uis property trill be thowe It hy, ft: K Pa ham, the preaaut vecu pnt, or by aay ). at more of Die Committee, 1 1 ,j NATHAN MILAM JOHN BUXTON WILLIAMS HORACE PALMER ttenr. Committoe. HKNBY 15. twm Ell TllOi A. MONTGOMERY, Warrantna, July t iiinrtd Peteisbarg Iniiar, Wiliniagtoa Diapatch aad Kor folk Day Book, inasrt twins s week until day of sale, and toward accounts to 4. A. Monlgonuiry, Tr rv arraaios. . ISFALLIBLS EAST P0WDEES. Sctentlflc men, who thoroughly understand ths sub ject, concur with great unanimity in sarin: that nothing exerts sucb a deleterious Influence atrainat health aa bad bread. Tlie remedy is st hand ia SIM1 UN'S INFALLIBLE l'BAnT POV DEMS, the value of which is tlins certified i , ' , ' iUuniB, Ang. St, Vm. .. I hsv tested ths least Powders you manufacture and can recoaimead tat as vastlv swwrler to aa other ever used by me. In sddiUun to the lightness and sweetness of tha bread, tlie powders are economi cal, a one-third the lard usually required will answer la the making of either loaf bread pr biscuit fit pastries snd cake they are excellent. j jjv- if- iaWaruV'Oaa.' The Drice of these nowders ocr nackaira ia Sit eta! nr T5 cts. per pound. To be bad at Wan, Maapscja'a uoniecuoiiary btor, fayotumll Btrwit, Bsicigb, N. '- e '' .i'aaJ 1 41 aoa Thi ia to certify that f have nt 11,' iim, w . n i i - , . . ' - - iww rvauwi aim n riu tuem to oe supenis; to any I have ever need. After trving them oho no house keeper wdl be sa tutted without them. t i t '-'''! Bsiitoa:, Ang. , ISO. X hare tried Mr. Wn. Riniosim a irant I'ow.Ur. ami ftod tlism vary good. ' L.M. Ttti kKn. Aug. at n. (-.!' , y i,.-. BENNETT, VAN PELT 4 CO COMMISSION MEIICIIAesTS, 'Y-.IMI WATKh' HTKKRT, ' , ' 1 MEW youK, J ' ' J Autcn R. BitKn-r. Cain. If. fiEsnrrt. Ja. fj. Van PaiA', J nltw Jtaleigb, K. O. . Liberal advances to41aut4ir ft rUiippars. ; All conaignnuiuts to ns ejvered by lusnrsnc. , ftript ls-oat Intporiant to Wucitt Cirowrrs, ( JCST reoervod another snpplv of Bsmrh' Raw Bona Phoephste of I,lm, in time for Wheat. ALHO, Alton and Jieadloa' wsll known Vertiiiser.-a-All ws sak to secure thi if" general us ia a tr.al. , , Fries of Hangh's to f. J jb., and espouse. ' , . ABea and N4le aw. - - Agent also for the pun-has of No. 1 Peru visa Ouaoo, on the beat terms , . . ... JAMJE8 M. T0WLES, Sept U-tf . Agent. TWENTT-FTTE DOLLARS BEWiRT). Broke JaO sa the night of the Mo. Hept. a h'LGBO MAN, by th name of ALr 11 LO, formerly tne property of t es ta a Michenor. of iranklin Connty. Bald negro Is sbont f feet, 10 inches high, well made and dark colored. I wiU give th above reward for hie aprmhstissoa and delivery to si by the 41 b. Monday in liaot - W. H. Ct LXAjM, feheruT ftopt U-J Of Johnston County. TEINTSlPIUOTSn XVQLISH AND iMEEICAS PRISTS: , j NEW PURCHASES FOR TnE FALLffv; XT. II. Ac H. S. Tucker V Co. Aarr-.15.tr 4 ; - ' " " , TOR nAI.P..-.Prehly Coruea Mullet, and asothtt A lot oi w nit turn. , - i . , , . , t - I'ULLIAffl; J0NC3 & ca Bcptn-tt 4 . T)O.VYAX sV JOIISTOX, .. 1 O It O C E II Sv f - ' - AND ; ' COTIMISSIOX , MEUCIIANIS, .109 V 111 Sjeantore Sln PElRSBUIia, VA. COMMISSIOVlikBCANT G0VEB.N0B STEEET, ' v " RICHMOND, VA. ,. W con tin ne to da a fl...i n : ' - slon Businesa. at our old stand, lOSsAdm BveaisnM owees, reteranurg, Va. ; 1"'nnl!!iu' Torsicco, Cotton, Corn, Wheat and all Country Produce will have euTperaonal attention n?tf .B1'h" ""'ke Price oblamed. ' fbrcWor lMkm U fUJ " .... .. ,:.. .or. urooenos promptly fill.d rs ,l,(piWll InafJa, ".OIiaiOJ.. jy O T 1 C E . - r-apeicial attention isinritod to oar stock of T anrfdSAUX CHAMPAU.NK wTETin uiru til Pirn .d b, Couuotwear. to to ths fluirt lm,. . -AL8Q- 1 " " tek?1!. Tery W'-';IffOord'on.psl.' 5ir iyfTrTTS'f'! PSfL ""l only strictly prinis TiOlfOHT.puns ! eebiest: 8U Julian i'a rilAVinnijiu AViaaw.. . " vwU d ef acareat a wiMiBt -ALSO.- , , . -r , Aug. 17-tf rULLIAJf, JOKES ft CO. a B. DIBBLE, B. 0. W0BTH. OEa 11. Br.WET . (Lato of WUmington, N. a ; DIBBLE.; WORTH i CO.! ,'. Commission' Mere hint s,V 188 PEARL STREET, MW rOBK.1 . ' Store and General Produce, with nii " Aug. 81-8m ,'.'. jati arrivals. ' ! THE LATEST AGON Y TlLTEREEJr HOOPS," - BOULEVARD TRAIL HOOP SKIRTS. , t.'t WOVEN TRAIL HOOPS. 1 - EXTRA SIZE TILTEREENS i AND BOULEVARD : In fact th moat comnleta atocb nr Brmo ntrinTd la U City,, . ' , . .... w- H.K.8.TUCKEnC0; ! Aug. 1J-U v .AGEHTS WASTED FOR TOE LIFB ANimSIPAIGXS OF v OEWERAL .t (STONEWALL JACK .' ; -' Br Paor. a L. Dabitst, D, P., ot T. ' ' " ' Tlie AtoaiaVird Blocrrsnbv of the Tmmorl.1 W.m " Ths only edition sulhoriiAd by his wi.low, and pnlv liahed f her peenmarr benefit. The author a per. snual friend and CKuof KtaaTnftheCl.rialisn Soldier. ws want an Agent in syery ominl v. Keml for eirei Isrs snd see our terms, snd what the Prees ears of tns fiwk. . , i . - ,,. ,.. .Addres NATtONAL lUBUsniNO CO. - 1 : - - rVmar Ilk .nil i .Jn SLtm U ik......l V. ' ,i Ang. l8-dwn , '' -.,, - - ' rfc w cloth liorsE, ; u a, 19, raar ( t kartoe aad tlaKiaMra ' r i . airawts (XicoJiD Ftooa) ' - . COMMElVciAL COLLEGE BUILDING, -! HAITIMOIIF ra. ,, , ..(l,4, I'' rp'IE UnderiuVned are now offering flrst-claa New $ A atixik, (at slioleaalc only) of fore if n and Ionies t.e Cloths, OawumsKM, hat 1 1 net a, 'le. ,1a. Iialitn-" t intha and all r'abrius bukuiging to MEN'S snd llol H' WEAIt. From long jtperu;oi:e and from airaiiifiv meats with European Atfta. and American Ja, t.nea we prumien aocntinmadaUnna eqnsl to tlie oldest snd besieetabliiihed liouses in the trade. fVe solicit au Inspection ofourtaood. ' An eisininstlon inenra no olilietion tn tmr, Fair dealing sod prompt attention to orders msy le rehedou,. ), ,.,( , .. - ,- . 'f , FULLERTON 4 WEST. Tnos,T). Ftrf.tKRTOS, late with HaaiLtoN, , ti. .hit. yr - t EAiTEa dt Co. ;.nVptlVam..v.vi .;,ii-: j.v.l --;-. ., TOPLATEBS, Cil.VXEBS A.U f ; i COHOT DEALERS, f ' " Jaat (rrived large lot of Bop aad Bagging which is offered on accommiaune Terma. Alan Sur.r Cofle, Tea, Uotosae ayrrrp, Bait, Cora and Cora' ayes., 1 1,,, PULUAM, 40XE3 A CO. siidU-tf : J- V T- B E 3 CITE D . OEKTa EBEXCH FELT PATS. "BBieirroxr"-"" Hofi i Tliat ? PABK. and SB latest etvh-s Wool Rata. far man .ml youths, and CAPS of every descritmnn. . I . A vM a. vr. vttis-LT ,ajaa-Av. . tfitt.ijs.iiu.y, rVptStt x TE.tCIIEUS. TWO TOrNO ladies, of good family, educated st Halem, North Carolina, ih iiiatiiua aa tesctiera in private fauiiiioa or puliiic HiwtiuHiona. 'J,,-y ran tench tha Itngluth branches, Muaic. and the runi'M of rYacbnd Latin. Aowly lo Mrs. M. E, lK.L. L1PH, Ja-lfo, Nisrtliampiun Couoty, 'oth Car, v ti V Y -1 Tf X

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