Y SENTINEL. 73L Z. PELI, ?repritor. ' g asKSJU 1-AX-1 I -i 'L- i" ' ' xctr, ibesii avu dkiraule AT THE CHEAP STORE OF JLErfUEAlllT, - AGENT, . DKEftf ooora ta sHSHu -, - - D03IESTIC GOOPS. - TTRt tMtnnlTrdn. English ing Cloths, . . .... i . SIlOlES, A Large tftort from the, Factory of MILES A SON ., and other mim . tar Led, brim In. aad Children. CLOAKS OP TUB LATEST STYLES. . Crocerle, Crockery. Ware, Ve. . Th atork having; Wn purobaaed with eaajt end liter ntTaauf hH be txbl li uil U tunes, twpt JJIHw . , , , ..' H - ' ' EAEDOLPH MACOJT COLLEGE, V I E ,GIEXA. ?.? 4 , facihti. REV, IMl. J. a mJiCKWtlX, X. U., Profcr in Kolioul a Ctaemwtry d4 Katunt Poiiaaopfaf. iw will klua aet a I'reMikut doUI a pernwiuint ai poiitluuut ia mada, b:U iS ba.doiw at ,a aariy '(Uv. ' ' ' rf " ' 0. H. P. COBPKEW, A. M., I'rfwr in ScImvjI rf Ani'wnt Ijiriif iagi-a. . ItlCHAliK . Jtj.NES, A, M.J Prrfeaa to School rf ; MaUu'miitM. i tH.S t.i T I.AOARDE, A. B., ProfeMfir ih School of MWa Lan uagea, . ' . . . Arng(!miiia am roaila By which atmlonta who are unjroriHl tor tha rtrla claaama mj ba tiutraotaJ ia tha prunarr brancUaa, Tim uMtkou will bttirin bat Hntradar (llSth) Ai- ttaibor, uut aonuooa trty waaka, ur tsa lunar " t aaiia, pilla half in adraiwa aod Uta other half tha Brat of k'eimmcf following, Hi : Jiur i uiuub aim (ttttet --utit-(i rmw, aoeoruing , w ina - uutMr af aubouia attamM, alwut. lawttt AU oilx-r eipojuwa, Itielading board (aboatilAO), fntl, littiiW. ta,nilawrauf paohatnoiMijraad ' miuit, boeanut icail;JiiljJ1,Jjjtsi,t,jjilC0 90 ArranKnwnt are iii4 to trsnpt atndnnta front ' IiiiiK"y Uarxjt, m tha Maleijr b HaUrouL wbilat aon ff nn lr.. IVjaouka ijtaunn, on tha lilchnond aod ' laiila Kilrit, on M"niva, Wednaatlajra aod t'ri- IT. and the Wolf Trap Iwit, m M aama road, on 'I aewlava, 1 huradara and Hatnrdafa. Aibli caa, Ikirtha pVaaant. S- '' ' "' ' ' ' yfX. A. 8SIITIT, Prot't pro tern.: Aug. 2 JtwthtOct of Birl or Truateaa. BAIST CECIUA'8 DAY ; - . :' A CANTATA. ' ! Tranilated from tfii Dutch. 1 Th Mutlo by J. R Ton Bret. . Picr Clutb, 11.23 ; Papar, 11.00. v Sc-nt poat-paid. , ;:; ' ' v . OLfVAtM ITJ f ., PublUlMra, t - ' ( . i 77 WuhJnytoo 8t., Boaton.; Rapt U-lo . THAXSrEK PIP STOCIt. riMlK ouileniifrriad, axecstor of WUlUm & Wlaa, da A aaaaad, Uu of tba County of Uartfurd, li. C. ivaa notioa that ha will apply to tba Circuit Court of Uia Corpora twm of Nortulk City, Va., at tha tarm bald ait atior tba atpiratuia of two mouth from (ba laat pnUii auimoftbia notioa, aaroqairad by law, for an (Hilrr dirat'titiR tbatranafar to him of tba atock tn aid eorporauua, bcloiiauig to bia tvatatur aadaUad ing m U- fiao,. at 12 H . . ; '- " " Ea'rof W.J1. Waa, MurfraaaLura, C Sept. IMfe i - B t Tlrtna af la nrdrv of Wab Connty Court. Aa runt l'erni. 1. I ahall acU to tha hiKhat bidder. an a Credit of iH tuontba, a trait of Land containing abont, Two Hundred Arrea, rauliinot to tlia wiibrw'a dower) where Hlnton Frank' bn laat reud before bia death. Haiil land Ilea m ilia A rent t nrrf toul. au ntilea from Ualt ixh. Mala t talt plai a mj Uw Drainbwa, oaturiUy, the 1. 1J. IlOOEna, Cooimiaaloaar. COTTO.V CIW, Ko. 1. .TV mint, aa a anmobi. one of tha eolnhretod 4S RA W X (ilN.-i, lmuat:fritd by Clnmona, Ilrown ., af Coluniiiua, litto, 'i iwwe lima are ao wull known . throUKhout tlia Month, that tliay twed aa certirliwtH to reuonitncnd Uifta. 1 Utj are tlia aama aa alia old Brown Om ao aturerailly apiiroritd of ., I am alaoafxnt fur tha eale of Knwry'a Unlreraal a CoII'hi iiiu and tJimdanaer. - i i Ordara aniu iU'd hit attbar at once, to aacnra gr(- tjee mem tn tnnr. r , JAMK3 M. TOWI.F.S, aVipiMia !i 1 Aj(t'nt iw, i; i,-.-. ...,.. -,'- ij.. ?, . r. JEAVKTT & N.OIIRIS, the -, ATTOUNKYH AT LAW, ' f BaMow, frloae., a4 laaara, Bwalaad, C10NTIt r TO WT.tFrT rNClJlIMEBPEOii PtltTY, WON fcf, DEBTS, A.-. v WAJIY PAST OF tSESaniSH EM- ' r J . Copin of writ and all other taooada ebtalnad. Caaaa wroaamtad tn faror of haira, legataaa, at., upon faTorabla tarma. .,? v'. ,i ,.v a, t r r CHAROEa M0DERAT1. S : ' , are Uiwated tn Qia SAtlOSit DEBT of Great Brl. taut, alone, to truat for tha , - i j i ; -, , I'Bknown Heirs, LcgiKcea, aVen a laifta )rti(jo of whom af known U be bt Aawrira Mr, Jrwm m as Attrrnr at Lav, la Envland, raprmwrrtini; tbe nnu In London, and -girea ail buat w 1 mum ht imnatrai it.itno, . I1 AU lviti'ia muit 1 aniitmwni to tlia fkietoa ofiioa, .... flcfarwweaai .. . , Inaac Tayiir. K,ao., Mi-Frhani, Ttnaton, MaML :ai i. 1. tjnaooav, V. M. Baaultua, " ' ( HAa, t . Fiilkt, Ksy., J-w urUrana, La. , .. ASK, ll-nul!!; i I.I TIE. Tl hi at hniJ a New huimlv Nn. f T ime tl ABM M. TUWXE9, oepl U-lf Agent. ' x-x.j. . . - .- . .Lttssmmsmsmmf (UIOICE AD RELIABLE MEDICINES, ;.:, PAITS, OHv 1J Stnfft, Spice, In f rttHient, BrnaUeavMedlcnl had- lle ltai;i,'Ciu and Ibtkl, Toilet article, Irfuniery, ' . Wlndatr Gltta and r PfJBE SALAD OIL AKD LICOEICE AID TOSTCUJA EEAKS, I S W II 0 IE CA S E 8, and the most Popular Remedies, , IHtEEHAL AT I PESCTJD'S DRUG STORE: I BA.KIOM, . T, I iWw dMMMMflf aer. eenaia Raina damVif tmrnxvait. a ranain armn t TIOI. V1HI rqitit. ana au u.y uwm tna iroouii lanoaa, who ta a noruJna, ad bhI ppli..f elaaa. aad othw artiel ia tbe IfUCG LlXK, ar ni'rt ftordialiv iaritad ta call, m earf.i tHir immtran 4anaa, aad ataka aa KXMIANOK Tb tnt ru fartorjr iadatvamiu will t Itpaeiai attaalwa u ll' l il'a fulluwinf propara tUiaa aad all rbo ar tvjeniir. riuvet to tffrr, m khom otbarawho are lint! t. JUv. lwttl m.t fail to ofaraa Hi4tiot ma ruifl immintit t HI P. Wntnli ia rr!d li 10 or I'i year pant by aiav la thia enua un1y a a tprepe f"T tttat i&u aiadral din. ai. M'imv kundredt itf $t'Uer aA Aim Ktt mm tiMiiMK. ba fcaa f n-dd la priariax a 1.OTI0V, tli f..lllrrt part f win t ia dMaolved la Jtutw Wtri whirva wili4ib4jtwi x aatfttoaa ha aavar faitod to ura ta tarJfip th moat otMiaata form at Uamp llrk t& frtmr'-ir Vu (liWVtttMlM P-k-M. Ua aiat amiis4- ttia tandvr that till, it tn Haiiutt for HnwiBa Tamia Kuril. ad tlmt l li. a lull nut) pijolfrrtk 'rid rri.abla. Ififa lUsa'Hil Dutch, lrpU 7a ttp Uawui aaii nfimr 7'if r '. 'JETITA LIFE I5rSl7aA?CE;C0., 0? IIARTFOKI). twuMJtl,lil. ,l.)a)0 M Incomt for tb Yar Xuding JUroh. 1868 - ri : Over ttOO.OOO. A!f 0031 fLM:IK" WKHIt lmtD. WM H. CHOW, Goa l Aiit f.a the (Mate ot North Carolina ' ' " . OFFICE IX RALEIGH, North of the Capital . Participating, Life, Endowment, and Term I'ollcleeIaaucd. , Premiug may b paid half Cnidi and half K ite with I pr eaot lataraat lu advance , ' atKCKl VKI .if tha JEraa Ufa In.urnnca Co.. f Haiiforri payaiantia full for Mr. Jtwiaa Kinnoy i. life r alloy furtive thnnffaBn oiMiarr'. tin. IruJ1'!, by tne and of W, H. C'KUW. OraaV A(t-t JNO. W HAVS . Spatial Aiimtoiairatiir. " July a 3o. JEYOtDS Tl'KDIXE WATER WHEELS REYNOLP9' PATENT SWEEPS THE FIELD;. kew mrBovEHESTa i towpBicESi"- ,t ; ; -'J, DOKSlfOTCLOO; f dATESORCOSTtlJXCMEWpRK I COMPACT rOB SHfPMEKT T 1 . , , OBEAT WATER-8AVE11 ; ... THE 0SLY WHEEL THAT EXCELS OVEBrJUOTS; . . OOLO MEDAL AWARDED BY AKEBICAM INSTITUTE FOB StT'EBIOiUTT. ... Shafting and Oaaring furniahod when inquired. , 1 : (Htnx Tti,i. aT, ' Ul TALLCOT rOTERHiUV ; h f ..-. - k . -f -Ho-W Liberty Street AanU; A. T. t.VR iWUte Rill R f .n Ui llf. ll.iatll, trramteviue, . i:. ' , Aug. IS-wo IMPORTERS OF AND DEALERS IX C O A ' II .a a i j j .i I A DD LEII ? h AMWKE.;xrr MACK ilN J5I K imOTIIICltH Lata Thomi Mackenzie & Son "J So, 911 Baltimore St., BAeTTIMOKE, ErTiBUtmtn im I8'-1 j t I Felloea, ' Saddle Tree, ,iiii Da, - r uog bklna, i bpokea. Sheep ikiria. Snrinra Shoe Thread, S'l y Saddler' Hair ' Enameled Leather-, Buff Leather, i "-Skirting;, Harneu Leather Canvaaa. Varalah, Carriage Bolta. TirtBoltai ' ' Moan. Wheel, , ' , - Stirrnpa, Bit, ' &a. do.. , Alao, all tbcr article apprrtalalna; l tne boilnraa. ' ; . I , X HeriL a-iim i IYRIUGN, DOni aV IIICKa - i " . BULDERS, , -" RALeroB, N. C.! BAVINO Amoi'ialed with aa Mr. W. J HI ad reflttad tp ear Maubtaaliliane, era are prepared In eoetraet fur aey kuid of work la tka building or ra aalnng Hna, W. ,h.l keep na hand DROSFn VLOORINO WKATHKR HOAKOINd Wotl.DlNflH of ml kind BKA:K.aTi:H.HAll HLINUit,aa4 l..OKi -, irilarehrnad tram tha aurroaatfnig ettatry for any o( the above aaawd Work. M a reAura nur ainrwre tnankaUoar ut-inl. aad ruatomara for tha lihwral Eatroaaga rereivea tieratufa a, aad rarpavttnlly an. eh a aoatiaaaaea of tha aama. . Hhopa aa Wert at reel, near tha Central Btilroad XayMtf. ? i 'T HOES t SHOES I SHOES U t THAT TJIBGE'BTOCK OF SHOE, Utelt'advar Uaod, baa ootna, eofiainQng uf ; . , , ' ME ITS SHOES, ' ' " : BOYS' " " , "- woMiys, -M -' . . . t . lCHILDEIS'8" The Trtf.t b over brrmFlit to thia City. . - j'd. tl-tKhrf remain iff the XuttWn alar pnrea'uf hu"'" ,U F8?'4' flnahty and Oia aa a call. VTe eaa and will eell voa eAeun. I , W. II. 4 K, 8. Tl'CKER A CO, Aii(.83.tf f . ,. ,V SHOES! SHOES!) ' AVJ,T.'' i"' id a betutifhl anenrtrnenl of Mll.Irjf rllloM f. I.Al'IK.1 and MlHritR. A leu, douuie-auied BooU knit Aiaimoral bbvea Oenta. . , A. X. A J. AleKIilMOS. Aug.mUf - .. ... ..I.: IV HO WAXTS A FIAXOt KETKKAL rtuuu of the Cwloofd Femel CehVg have wt4 Mr 4dj. , t faLtlib-ar.Tbia baatadaerd aiataBakat arraade wieau with roane of the bait maaofartnTert, which aa able ma to fura'jih Hntraavate l tha ril elm at re 4nted prieeeJ eaa av each parebaaer from I Ml to ID", rrfe beta t the maaafactnrerelwill he aunt to Hum who daaire them, to aid thm ta aitknif viae tirn. - , ' .,' When iwleelioae ehall bare beea made tha moaey i-ao be eot to a-e , at aiy expenee, by the doatbera Eipme, and a Piaao will be akipprd to the Depot tha psribaer may deie(e- Each Plane anld will be Fully warranted. AddreM me at Mafemlla, K. C. J. at. . 'j'lIE XATIOAL ISIWJT Dlll- i- TSE tOLLECE" W AS II I N e T on; D. C; Offera anpertnr adwUgaa f a tbotoagb Buatruaa Tbe omirea of Inatmctioa embraeM Ommhadon, IwportWK, Jobbtua;, Betauug, nana ana owwr not Heopliut, uwivimwi ,' , ' . ' . .i;... K,w.nui IVnniiimlill. Mid Jlneuieee lTacUm. I'ESMA.NhHlP hi taught by Henry . Hpancar, tbe bailing anthor of thia arirb-m, nd wlcbrati-d aa tbe r.'l!UT lr Ui. r.j-iu, nt. i" . " . -. . .... afiip edoptd by niarlr all Unit nlaaa Colkigaa aa the tanilard of eritidani. I uonr.! fauilitisa aiw bore for uinirinir tlun valuable art. Tha avatara of '-ULHlMWH PUAf-TK K," oiiinated and miitUmafullv tauiflit by the Prnifieti, roaeiTea bia ,y-il .itt hti.m. Tlila in tbe mixit ralaable part rif the entirae, Htm the attlrtMit apptuM hie thaorvU eal kuowb-dira. Ha buya and aulla rpreanttive iW. malwa out Bt. draJU, xuwatea, arc- oe- fijlieire monev iu the CtMKttm-i Dank, and ctwrna li out ae inn i"'""" in turn, KetaiW, Wbolwtala, K.rasr, Banker, be auti aniturea a aiwwuxige uuauiwaa ioriu, ' tu eM,u.m antl eixKU-nw Uh nvt.a-y w every bm antiiai and thmka for bimnelf. He ia thna tirenared f.ir a. t baaiiwwa. . Kail arhoaarahtpv good for veriew at any time, with life Meiubentlup in Uiu Union of Collegia eaU'iidiug tthe iwineipaj eHiea, only MS, Buob. and aUtbiewrv extra. ', ;" " ' " eintalara giving full infaniatKm, fur apeeunana of 1'immanaliil. of t"a College eurroucy and tnerehan- diae. .. V . Adilreaa - - . ; i , HKXBV N. COrP. A. U. Aag.-u. Pipriatot. "tTTK have tiiw da fratned and antrad InloCopart- M iwrabip, aador tba Vim and tttyle of MILLIIISEIt & MOSES, F0& THE PTJEPOSE OF COSDUCTIHQ A 4; J0BBIKO, ti & cay goods business . IN XII E NEW AND iPACL ova iimi.iirv No. til main Street. BilCHNONav, On tba LltU. of noutembcr we will ba prepared to Mtr to the Trade a alet atotk of i . FALL A WISTEH DRY GOODS. Our faellitiaa and long eiperience in tie bnaineaa Warrant ua to tbe aaaartn that we ran and will make ft ta tba interact of nieroharita to earohaae of ua. Ordara for gooda will ba faithfully and promptly ra jwndedto. . , ' mums Miiitior.n, ALFRED MOSES, , i Lata KibiMiaKS A Bao'a. VOTICE TO PARTIES OF RE. COHU. w:-.-r.r , t" -7. STATE OF HORTH CAROLINA," ) t , ' WAEB UotJBTT. , 8u)rior Court of Lav and Equity, Spring 7Vrm, ItHJB, On irolii-a. It l ordered by tha Coart, that the Clerk giro a. alee th ough tha stamiari Sntinel and l'rogrtt newipapere.pab'lxhed ia thatHly of Raleigh and alao at four or more public plaree ta the Ceunty af Wake, to an aaruei nt Keaora who nave aiura pen ing la the oapenor unurt ot eato l,ianry, en tueir wttneeree, tn appear at the . neat f all Term af ta Coart. rn ba held at IheUnart H"Ue, In Raleigh thwjtra, Afrndow aOr Ut ftmrtk IWey a HrmUm- r. l not prepared to try uieir oaeee. . . , Partie having an Connnel are aotified to eniploy'oa or before the day aloraaaid, or their aaita will ba tried without Unun.el. ; J. N. BCXTING. Clerk. j Rileiuh. July3tawtd. . -v '! w.l'Jn df F trnriT; Adanuintihe Candlea in Klba. Bnua aad a freab atipply of Jeff, Edinburg Ale. J'LJUiiXAJil, ju.iw ui. Aug. e-tr WATSOX'S'PIIOTOGRAPH GALLERY. PEICES LOWES THAU EVIB.! THE ART IMPROVING ORF T REDl'CTIOS IS THE PIIICE8 OF AMBRO- I'lX, Ferreot vpea, and the larger au Pliotograiiha. ItlKCELAIN piotnrea made with all tba beauty of an tvorv pamtmi i P UUTOUBAi' of every ai it anil atyle, plain or erdored. ( all and examine eTieeunena. and vim will be emma- oed that there la no nee going beyond liaH a'b. to gut k 1m u. liiMi.. . ' V . Aug. S7-tf J. W. WATSON.' "pOB BALK. - ' ' 1 . 4 - 1 Mill'" A large bhi ply of Hugar and tkift e, loai reetve. A ngv. a-ir v COTTO.fISS. ' HP TT T7 . ITPTVT TT f "rVT T7 f- i GEORGIA COT TON GINS Etnorj'i Cotton fain wltn Condenaer, I'. ; Eafiectoa, ,;;.;. RAILWAY HORSE TOWERS Lffep norse Powers, CAST IZOGIX Vmill EEGMEUTi COTTON PRESSES, ay pbesses," ; : 1 4 1 EUBBES ASD LEATHER BExTIMO. Poyn Shellers AMrASeW- STRAW CUTTERS, , ouiiiiok, J( AMES SHOVELS ASD SPADES, . OITine Alee ; and roll aoanrtajent of AgrinltaraJ Implemeata and Hardwaraaf every kaMt. . .: , , . - I bead lor t atalogne. - . I fi' v MITCHELL. ALLEN A CO. SeptHttt x '? Newbem, N. C. IS i A N T) MACHINE .SHOP II CHAiLOTTI, I. C. MARTIX at CO., Hawmg rod taeer nwka from atowerrillo, Gaatoa ewaaty, ta C auwea aad Charlotte, raapectfally ttform thaw -old aabiM geaarally, thet they ae paaed a FonnJfjLJuM.J at tbaalaVavy Yard tut, ia the City of Charlotte, wbaie iay an araparad ta makaau aoru wi . CASTING 8 U ftteam Kagiaea Milk, facioriae. Water Wbeole, Caaa Milbi, Karwtrag implemaetv. As,, e BIPAIXIHO.: - PirtieuUr atteatloe will be paid ta repairing of all kiade. 1 ' -' All work than ba doaa la tba very nieeet Style, fat. the beat malarial Bead. . ' ' . M. MARTTX, OIIN WILKES. July 2-t '' M AA. JAMES M . MAYO, OF EDGECOMBE Co. W I T H KADEIt BIGGS & CO., O E W E It A L Commission Merchants, KADEH BIGGS, Jr fBIOGS. I . IkOftrOLK, VA. Si eri-,1 eiierithm paid to the eale ot jCOTTOX out all kind, at COUMTKY PKODU B. LLBEEAL ADVANCES 0NC05SIGN BAGatNO aad ROPE rarnUbed at leweat Priaaa, payable ia COTTOK, Juae ara . Market DESK, PLVIRSEB e CO, . ,.. . i ' .t:,;.,.-. N0.4IROK FRONT, SYCAMORE STREET riTiaaia, it. AGENTS FOB TEE SALE 07H.L EM0E Y ft Son' Patent Improved Unireraal : COTTON "GINS, With CoBdeeeer aad C leaner, for band or boree power Beat Stratebed ard Cea.er.ted y LEATHER BELTING. IXDIA UUBBER BELTING AND GUM PACKIXG. : Hoe aad Co.V ealebrated Circular .awe.: ": Boat Prwaeb Barrand KiHipua Mill fttniie. Bed Aaeihor Bread Bultlng Clotba aaiMk'e Patent Caet Steel Plowa.made b the cele brated Colliae end Co. biOemere Patent Feed Cuttel for nay. Straw ar iora maiaa.1 -.-f. . Hiawla Blade Mraw.Cnttere and Corn Khelwri. fair bank 'a Cerebrated Pbuform aad Coaater Healea avriii'o1.talnVdfna" Igenrr 6r the aala of ft" L. Emery aad Sone Patent Improved Univenal ' ! MCOMOE GEIS, -tvf Ear kaad or kerae power, witn Coadea.er aad Clean er. wa are araparad to take ordera ear tae aama. Thaaa uina era tba beat la aa aad hv ueln th Coadenaer aad , Cleaaer the Cottoa produced will doarrflea rail for two or ft-ree rente per pound mure innipia gmaea ay moer mammae. PitrtU aeediag Oiu fort h Pall' aae had better Bead ia their erdere ta aa at area, that arranirementu may ba rte U r their prompt neHvarr. W ahall havaaaajipk-a at, 40 and jpO le , Giae m .lore for ex Ml.II.I.m IW W IOW UBT Catabigaaa and PneeLi.ln aent oa applleatloa. Wa ahall ba Mowing oar atock of tJ rOEEIQS HAEDWAEE. Direct frnm the maaafaolarer af Bnmpe. ia time fur ear rail Trade, eoneiating of Fine and Heavy Hard ware, Catlery aad (Ina. Soma of oai Ona will be vary fine quality. , -, la addition la oar atock of Foreiga Oood. we aba 1 keep oa hand a good aaenrtmeat of American Hard ware and Carriage Material, inch Hub. Spoke oime. obbim, a I lee ana tapnngaaaa saantery Hard ware, Tha attention at aar friaad aad the publie generally DUNN, PLlMMER A CO., No. 4 Iron Front, Sycamore itreet, , July 18 2m , . Petereburg, Va. BALEIGIf .ATOI BAIL BOAD CO 1 1 " Scp-aiirraiiDBHti Orrice, J '.Rauiioa:, N. Aug. SSrd. 1869. f THE attention of ahippere k railed tavtha " Great Tbrous-h Freight Air Line. whirh la now m ftill and anoonaafnl Operation., from wr.i , jwaiuai, a aiiaaeniina ana iiniumnra, an C. R. K., and C. A B. C. B. B., carrying freighte North miu cwwiui woo ir meter euaxiatcn ano lower reto uimn anv ra haM mnl. - - r ' v Attontioa ta particularly celled to advertiaement of v. . aura, ireigni agent or una rail, , .,e-ni. W.aLEWIS.Oen.BnIrl. a itg. b-u 1 bTa o. a R. CO, Standard and Progree copy till forbid. HI LL, ATKIXftOV aV CO.," 9.S RtlTIMnRC fit Baltimore, Maryland m.a In. rtnpirrva trryTf a i wrvTui-iw anlved by the death of BaaiL B Horauta. The undur aignea wui etga Hte najne of I tie firm In liquidation l'eraona imU uted to the Arm will plcaaa awka ir inv whwwni, wimi uie uniKrworneri, , JtOHI'. HULL, ....... . . a THUS. W. ATKINSON. "J ' - ' v j i -. i " "i aAiwta raatwawa. iiAi Tiaow, im acrr., ten. , The flrra af HOPKItfa A CO ia Uv Aij.i Thoae ulebd to tbe Arm will please make prompt The bnatneea of tba flra wifl ba aattlad by HULL. awltoanoaa, lent, la., Ma Tha andrirrted have thia dav Airmeil a rw. aeraliip tinder thaetyle of HULL, ATHIJJ80K A CO. fVw the rmrpnee of eondacting the Wancruix D,, Ooona Joaaiaa Btcwwawa, at tba aid etand. Kn. mm ou-naua htbkkt, rorniariy ooenptea by Horaraa, Hull A ATumoif. and wnr. (Mantle h nw 7 ..v., wiii.iv .ii. win wrvu w wirgB aaoea or ruit.c.iiJi ANb DOMESTIC DRY dK.L to which theak tbe n.uou wn. J,mpv VIl.TWrW. , miera aiiu nave oar seat aMuotum.- . ii.t 3 a; '1 """i. j Wta of Himkina, Hull A iia. w.nmim . . . Atkinann. , , t. Haa. Hiva bvaaaf IHaAkaaAor''' I Wat. I. Bvu. ' "v ., ;;..4 ' Addrnaa. . . .. -, TAAJca 5ati. HULL, ATKINSON A CO. BaXTfMoai fTBEa-r, ' tl i ,, i. BalUmora. Jil i In i li Hi m a j , ',llM , , ,1, XOTICE. ' 8rptt-Sw A ' hr- lfod BTECHAmC to make and repair J.. Waartmoa arl Cartw. . , . ... - ....... Alao. a BLACKSMITH Av x.klw , wnj farm took. Taoaa wb barn fanubea tnfernirL -TV) mi BOBT. BTSTM," vTOeOa. awDt - aj. c. aanreaa W H I T F CR D , DILL A tO., J utaaai.Jcoatiia) ' newbern, k. c p.rn-oaf atuntioa paid to tb.eala af Prodnea ' AOT8 IO MliRBA I'M tt. V. 81KAMKUIPl.lNt BSTWtSSt MWSIKS t AA"' YOHS. Korea. bar tt M-ly. yAt E, BOW D aV -JOUXSTOX ' ITTORHSm at a. AW, VHAKI.OTI.E, .V V. ' Having eveneiataVI f baiiualwaa Ing.eibxr. will piae ties in the t'onrta M Her klenburgi lr ell, Catawba, Davidmu Uuwan, Cabarrna aim Vurti, ami inllie t'ederal ami Supren.e ( nnrle. ' Claime eolieeied nny a here ia the Mala. ' MarSOIWU,: A. TYILEY A CO. BAXKEES, FAYETTE VI LLE N. C Dealer In I nt-urrent Money. Oold and Sliver, Ace., Collections Made, DEPOSITS RECEIVED. July 19-tf I l!K'S METALLIC BIRIAL CASES. lEKfJEUSlGED km ia wniatiiiitlyott hand. ia iimatiiiitly on band, METALLIC BUKIAL for aaln, aaln,. iuk'a Celebr ta. Tbeae cane aro perfectly air tight and taileetrnim ble. and for Droteotuic and trreaervina: the dead, are rccommeniled to tbe public aa the beat ever invented, line and Walnut Cofflna keut on handand made to A HEARHE kept on hand, and call to attend Fnn- arab) promptlv attended to. HENRY I. BROWN. Oppoeile tbe Maaonie Lodge, Ralpifih, Aug. 28-lm BROWN Ac CHl'LER Oeneral Commlaalon Merehnntl 93 BEAVER ST- HEW YOEK. JN0. :P0TT8 BB0 WN, LATE OF BROWN, DkROSSETT A CO., Eitabliahed in ET. York in 1846V BICHD. M. (1'YIER, , OFGEORGIA, , Liberal ailvanoea made on Oonaignmeuta. Aag.23-3taw.tti 8000 Sack Salt. . TOB HALE, at tm, delievercd at Wilmington and a Meiuon Aait noau. lemiecaan. WORTH 4 DANIEL. V Atigf. 81-Iw 1. J ::Wilmington, N. C. - Agency Virginia Penitentiary,' i 1211, Cary SLjEiohmond, FOB SALE, PENITENTIARY OOODB, Axe. Shoca, Rrrtoin, Carta, Wagona, Carpeta, Aa... uannnM.--tured of the eery 6eaf niateriala. Ordera accompanied hy the caah respectfully adicited. and promuur at- Uji ... . - . 7 i . - . - - - r rr -!.' - 1 ' JOnX B. CARY, Aug. iS 8law2m Oe. Ag't, ...TO THE DET GOODS DEALERS ' ': ' - 1 or tub ; ' i .'.c! -t .,-; .. 1. f ,- HOCTH AND SODTHWKiT. We rcapectfuUy announce to Uia trade that we are not opening our FALL STOCK of STAPLE AND FANCY DRY OOODR. ; ; ; and notions fob isos, v; v andbeind ia receipt of large Invoioea directly from the nrat hand of European and American manufae tnrera, we flatiur oumilvea we can meet the wiehee ui onr pairori ana cusumiem upon THE MOST LIUERAL TERMS, and offer to their ecb-etion fuAlineaia all classeaaf I good, preaenting all tbe stylca and qualitiea for tlia appnavcning aeaaoa in aa targe an aaaortmcnt aa ran oe unna anywiierc, , BOCTH OF THE CITY OF SEW YOKK ' Wa In vita Atta,iii t.Ati,.l,F ....1 .11 ,1 wa are detei mined to be in advance of tbe market in cue erawarnu roceip or good. -. - ' J. STEEXBOCK aCO., Late of Saa Antonio, Texas, f v No. 1213 akd 1215 MAIN STREET. Sept 13-2iu r:tu4ca,1jM-..K r 1 1UH firm of JAMES HcEDMON A BON8 tiavjqg mon, Sr., th bnaiaea will ba eondnotcd hereafter . ... .wars Aicaiiu. wauer ins aame ana eiyie oi : in sA. J. KcKIMIIOB'. Ihtnkina onr friondaad the vmhlia n- . tha pktronage ee liberally cxtanded to the old Pirm. w reepectf ully aak a.ounuuuaoo of tba mmm to the , Prom lain g, by atrict attention to busineaa. iA naa Our atteoai eiertiooa to pleaae. - , uwa , A. N. McELMMON . w. a AlcKIMMON. a. waiTToaa, mm w. aiu., i amwdaaajf,a,""""lB t Con ma a Plk-b. MA.1 JMOMK. COMNISSICf MEKCIIANT8, n " VoaTar aAti or Av.-, . . Cotton Tarn, Sheeting - and Oanaburga Wool and Woolen Cooda. i Cbaa P Mallet, s . ChaeB Balhrtt, Kaq, Ueo W Williama A Co., Jeaae H Lindaay, Enf. JameeBloaB, Eq., Thomaa RTnte. Era . Chapal Bill. , PayeUeville, k'ayett.vilk. Urawaabora. Oreenttbora. ' Charlotta. 7 aWMwblev aMf. Cabia liaiai ' ., .. Bai. . .. OctolwrStSry. BaltiBMira, TJ!K IlilKieiULAIlOSAL BASK -L- NORTH OAnOUITA, CSIIKUSIATKS DEEO8U0ET A FIKAKCIAL AOtST Aaihuiiird Neptembrr 13th, la0a. ' 1)1 KKCTOBHi Ore, W. .Swepeon. fru't CP. Mewtenhall, J.l: S. CVnni.B, I ice I'rtt t B. W. PallUm. f W B Ooliek. CaaAaV. , ,. i nil Hank ia na upea fr tha traataattaa af Beak. ini; biminolit Hold and Silver Coin, Domettle X. change, aad United rSlatea, Slat and local 8eearitia boojbt aad old I'nenrrent money dlaeounted oa th moat favorable tana. Depoaitea received aad ear fal aiaaatiaa pat to the account af koalne men aad Irma. ' Co lection made at all polata la Ike Btata af Verlb Carolina ! a. . a . STATE OP ORTIl CAUOLLYA. $400 REWARD. A. PHOCLAJIATION. By HiExceUency, J05ATHAI W0ETH, GOVERNOR OF NORTH CAROLINA. Whmea it haa been repreaented to ate that J08EPH bUOU, late of tha County of W ake la aaid mate, stand charged with the murder of one W, L. Fort, late of aaid connty and Btata, and that th aaid Hugu is a fugitive from jitatioa and ba aaeaped be. ynnd the limit of the State ; Mow, THKgaroBX, in order that th aaid Bngg mar lie arrvsti-d and brought to trial, for tlia aaid alleged irinnlcr, I Johatb Wobth, Oovernor of aaid 8taU, do ieane thia my prorlamatiou, oflerlng tba reward of FOI B HLTiDREIi 1XUXAR8 ft hia appn-henaloa and delivery to the HheriiT of aaid Conntv of Wake. la witn eaa thereof, Hia EioeUoiuT, Jon. ( I g tuar Worth, Oovernor of aaid Btata, kaa ) ' ( hereto aet hia hand and canaad ilia Orvet ww Meal of theHtateto ba affixed. Hione, at the City of Raleigh, thia tba -9I&. day of August A. D. im. ' Hv the Oovernor : JONATHAN WOBTH. Wm. H. Baoj-et, Private Secretary. .4 i DESCRIPTION. ,,, , ", Joseph Svoo is renrcacnied to be about 20 veara of age 5 fuel, 8 or 7 incbea high dark hir bin eyoa, riiiinu met-tuu upenoaa dlgbuy Incltuad to turn up florid complexion baa ratber a down hxik-ja convenwtirm drawa out bia word long and load weare o. 0 ahoce, and generally black oloLboa. .. ; Aug. xr u HILLSBOROEOII MILITARY ACADEMY. The exercir,e nf thin well known limitation, fbandad by the late Col. C. C. Tew. will bereeamed on the lr.. - dry f tWnhW aSifrffn Je'rfrja directum of taa. It K COLSTON, a graduate, and for flfteea yaare, (up mthe entnmencement f the war) a Profeaaor of tka Va , Military IaeUtuta. r T ' .. . .. -t - Tbe oeune of imtrnctioa will ba tuck aa ta make the Academy a great . . P0LYTECH1S-IC SCHOOL, ' " ' aachool i t tlienretical and applied cenca ia which language and literature will alao receive a fullehara uf attention. The diacipline and hwtractioa will be up"B a enmplete military batin. (ien'l. Cotton' long experienca and exteaalve aa. qnaiatance enable him tn anura th pablio, that ha aillaecuretlieaervire of Prnleaaor af dlitisgauaed ability ae thewant of the echool leqaire them, and he rojflr eotlv reliea uooa tka li bare) aatrnwaa- ui hi old friend and companion ia arm, tbroagboat V. u. ana tun wnole Boutn. ' . Appliratk-m for admiarioa meat be aieda aa aaila aa practicable, lo tba Huperintandeat, and accom panied hy tMtimoriale of good moral character. Ch i-ui.r. cuniBiuiag inn itiitirmation arm fee lease lea few day. For these, and all further particular, p PlT to 6EK B-E. COLSTOM. HilLborough N. C. ' -. ' miiefini.iiueii, niiiaooroue n aiitirarw aeumv...' July 81-8Uw2m, ' ! ; ' .4 PETER MALLKTT. CHAaxaa lomui. MALLETT S.HOFFMAN: nsNBRAi 4'onniaaionf nERrif antb. No. 23 K. Water SU - : . WII.MIiafire-I, c. April 8-l9-6m . . :i '' " "., . '-!': ! ' '"i . w. put liam, w. jour, , 1 a ao. wr. awiraoa. v UlLIA JT, JONES 4C0. Wboleaale Grocer and Comnlwloa '" Merchant. r 1 Na 14. Faretirrllle Mrcaa. tTalelwai HJ. If. '. BaleighM. C.May It' 'V ."'i JOHN S. D A N C Y , JOHS E HI MAS, or Tabsobo, N. p. or Sootxaub Nice, N. 0. .TOSEPII n. HI3IAN, - x Late of Ttrboro, H C. - " - ' DAIVCT, HTM AM att'O., -General Commlloa. Merchant, For tba aale of aS kind of ftouthara produce nd Lpnwta&iEeri Mwbjjhv --- ' Cedar at.,-'.1 . v. I.i.'ir , : . J. ;-.,., a RIW ' t RrrEnturai Him. flmrtm tlnwr.l Hark and W. 8. Battle. Eaa.. Tarbom i Hnri. R. R. llndgea, W. A W. R.R.; Gen. W. Q. Lewie, B. O. B. Col. W. H. J(ihllim Va., V,l,..l... . V Linoolntua. , ' , Ahg. KS-tf W v " . ., , . jt)wjaa. , yi . . ... i., . ADAMAVrrVECAVDTFI ' ' HUPKltlOHCT AIlK-T U'lvv J nOTiTinw r-uL-iinv ti.-i.-,. ww. Extra DtTF., PI LLIAM,V JONES A CO Aug.l-tf T?IRSTNATIO!,AL BAKU or e- . , CIIABLOTTE. , - At. AA .:0Fifi A.PIT A L . lliis Bank bavins' riaealnwi .iul. tha Comptroller of tbe Currency to' im reae tbe Capital HtOelt, . .. ;, ...... ,,..;.: . -;. y . , ..." ;.f J.. .......... ..... . - ; k-1 i At a mct-ung el titc Board of Directors held rm the 7th. inatant, it waa ordered (hit tlia Capital fltnrk of tba Fn-M Kational Bank of Charlotte beincreaaed to th nm of Two Hundred and Fifty Tfcoueand lloiiara, and that ailvertiaement be made atwordiugly. Hooka of Hubacrtptiori are now open at the Bank. iwKnpu LI7 i , , , THUS. W. fiKWEV -..iar. Aug. 14-wt ' ! - JjHR SAL f CURRANTS hv ti e Barrel. . , Fine Layer RAIbLSti. and RW F.FT OIT Jna received, .,-,i ; H Haat via 6t' . PULLLiM. JONES A CO. . Aug. i7 3m V - ADg. a-u . ..... i i 1 1 I ft .-') A"