7: it FIIE DAILY SENTINEll nam Tni: SENTINEL. n. V.. IELL, State l'rlnter. t4 m i ' i 1 . i j1 . . 1 i I ADVKUTIMNU KUDS. A(lvfrii(u.m,iita wocpyiiijj tvtl nuw Unu 10 Kn ot million jft which onatitnt a aoniir ; TEltMd OF BUBCmPTlON. The grrrcsu. i published every evening xcept guntUy, tte following loruu ! far on month, ... - . - $1.00 For two months, . - - 8.00 gil Satll. r - - rii't - - - Sim genu-Weekly Sentinel tine year, ..- - , bfiD . " i month. 2,50 Weekly ikutUiol, one year - .- ' - 8,00 t Inm-rtiivn " 4 - I work fl.Od t week l.fiO I month ' S d i montlia il.rv) $ a.mfi t S.D01 1 f 5.V rvt-ii '..l i o J'.l0 7 l WOUIO RiTHCK AH RIUIIT THAU BE lT. Henry ly. Hpecial notice, nnder a special head, will b char- i-'LSS--hSnl iW 4AiaJrt evU llis.irli.ai ---.-J.7 Funeral nouin will be clntM. t aa advw urfmno.r Tli eiiuple annonno, jiieiit It a doath er marrisKe Will iul l'1!.;,, r'T i i .. i. i mrt... Vork lL RALEIGH, SATURDAY EVENING, SEPTEMBER ' 22, .1800. NO. 40. JUJ '7 ' DRY. GOODS! ' THE I AT EST AUIUVALSM WHEELER & CO. SO. 91, FAVETTEVILLE ST., NOW OFFER TIJKIU PATttoSS AND THE FUJUJO GO'EIIAIXV, A riNE ASHOttTMENT OF IT'ull and "Winter floods. Tut Monk luw been l-iuv.fullr selected in KEW YOIiK, Itf M'. SAML. II. YOUNG, a Merchant of w.'ll known taale aud eperioui, an. I comprises a full aawirtmentof DRESS G OODS of the latest aiylc, cuiismUiig iu part of ' i FBE2JCH AJTir ENGLISH MERIJfOES, ... . ' . COMMON AND ALL WOOL DELALNES, Wool Plaid, and other Goods suitable fur Cliililren. Alpatt-u, Rep ami Poplins, BLACK AST) FANCY DRESS SILKS, PRINTS a large assortmuot ; Entirely new styles Slid wiU b eold or love at any other Hwlt can ajford U tell Htm. Bleached and Brown MliecUng, Shirtings and drill? , atjiriec much below old figure. ALL WOOL AND DOA1KSTIO" FLANNELS, Ifoetery, Liaon Goods, ThIiic. tmoiii, Laimoral ai:d ilo.p tikiitH, Drcskiut (shawls, HoodB, Nubiaa, Hearts Ac. Kihhuus, ilrea t rirumiiign and e otiotiB, Gloves, Gaunt letts, Bell-, JJui kiwi, ami a gri at variety of fancy ar ticle. II A T S ! For Ladies, Missis and Children, u liie ltt atyiei Sprehjl Attcnllon Is Called lo Our Work of CLOTHS, HATI-NETTS, Mn and Buy' wi ar. JEAN.S Ac.-, shoe s TCc bavfl a flno aKuiilmtnl i f Lsc'.ieo, Hiawa and lliildrpu'd hhutM. Also forlliiu Eoy wear. , . .";7; : s7 , ' WHKKLKU Sc CO., , ai.Fuyettevllle ft., Rcptl7-tf KEW, rnr.eri axd desibahix oos AT THE CHEAP STORE OJP L.E "IIEARTT, I AGENT. A ((rsat ixirtlMi of tuoin to hand, conaiating of BKTWSGOOT'R in &rt at variolic. ,Ny DOMESTIC GOOD&v A Fj asui b-ic il ?( x-ilua, Sngliah Long doth, to. - iioes, r.' A Uiyo fitwk from the factory of ifILE8 80S and other nu&xra. - r "..; , itATS, ; For Latin;, GctiU, and Ciildren. . . . . . ! - CLOAK OF THE LATEST STYLES., ,. "Ciro-crif, Crofkcrjr Wftrc, Tho atm-k ha.inf Ut'O puHiai. with each and other advantsgra shall be wld to mit the tiino. BLpt 13-Jw , . - . ' n Xk ira Win and 1 Annan for Altar 4mJ UeUcinal I TiMirMM'tL. Jufd rcrpiTed. i ' , PL'LLIAM, JONEa & CO. . apt la-tf. . . vv v FOr.TT Shares of N. C. It RStwk. rt'LLlAM, iQSti & CO. Aug, J7 tf - ' - BSiiaiei'KTii'it. rp!rt Central Aanofialion will h'ild ita nest acoaifll - -A with the 4 ti -h at r'rcrmsfri itht; cmttim'nmi ott TOl KXAMC.Vr AXU U.iLU A , Tonmamwotwiil fc hiild t Tnwnwillft, Oranvflla Ux. Co., K. C, on the 3Sth. et.er nctt. lea KftiifUt fr.n XiW-th Carolina will enter and an ' equal nnmbtr frin Vir?iiia are erdiallr tnnted to eonynd f'r Ue hmjr ut crowning the Queen on the vetr arilTijf Omiw. Wine, .nd t jonnrn auit- J able lr the eonntrr tr!!- no. fa, si,re and of- fared to dt alera at rerytiw i-rire. fjr rh, " i A RIVES & PROCTOR, SUCCESSOR TO tr, JS. F. RIVES, WHOLESALE & RETAIL BRl'CfilSTS, ;., " : ... lt Mirromeie t., Irierfcrf, T., I. OFFER totiie FU trade a eomi1ete atock of erery thiii usually kppt in a ftret claae lntg Hintee, . , Ciiah, or C. O. 0. order ."licitod and promptly flllpd'at tho rerr l'vwrt market ratua. Mr.'T. V. CkkrmiS., f(.niirtr with (lee. B. Jonea ft tki., ia with and will lx pVased to aerTe bia friwitt. ' Sept S-3nu 1 ' ' ' ; " CHAXCii: OF SCIIE01XE. F.aihiu A Gahtoh Raji. Eu.tD Comfixt, ) -crtmTKsii!ST' Ornci!, - Sept. 7th. WU6. ) 0 M and aftor Handay, Sopt. 9th.," IK), traiua on the lUikictn an. I ttaet.n u. tf. iu ran aa louowa : Mad train loarrs Italeigb, 6 15 A. M. Arrivoa'at Woldon' ' ' 11.45, P. M. Mail Train loaves Weldoa t li.WI, A. M. Arrive at Raleigh L , 6.M, P. M. I'might trains leave Raleigh at S IS, A. M. Arrivta at Weldon ., P. M. Freight traiua kavee-Weldun at iM, A. M. Hrrive at Balcigh 4.1S, P. M. Mail u aim eoiuuMit. Kwth and 8ath. with N. . It R., P. ft W. . It. an l 8, A B. R. It. ' 21 miuuUii for breakfaat at Frankluttou. niinutcn for dinner at Kiltrcll's. W.G.LEWIS, ft. pt 7-tf. V' 4 . !; 8upt. Standard and Prngfeaa copy. W. II. II. TrxsKU, H. 8. Tivkkk, T. MiOek. W.l.iir.S.TUt'KEU&C0., NKSW VAXuTu ; WINTEll. STOCK OF STAPLE XSl l'.VSt'T IMlVCOttBS, HATS, SHOES, NOTIONS, , &r. "tit J. re now receiving a large and varied Stock of all kinds of LADIES UUES GOODS, Bleached Domestics, t'nble.vhcd do., 6-1, 8-t and 10-4 Khocting.i Canibrice and Linena, Balmoral r-kirto, Hosiery, V KEW STYLE HATS. HairTVork, t , Eonneta, Jet OruamrnUi Glovea Triihniing, ntbbon Streamer Kibbona,, 8ah lUbbina, Black and Colored Helta. Dreea But tons, Belt Buckle, Bugle Trtmraiiiga, Velvet Trim ming, Cm e TriuuiuKa, linen Damaaka, Towela. Linen Diaper. Cotton Diaper, Blanket. Kacqne and Opera Flannel, Wilte English and Welch do., Carpet ing, Veh Bg labia Cover., I -vT AND A large etoek of Shoea and Oaitera; in fact every ar ticlo uaually kept In AJio. llhry goods Storc- II ATS t HATS ! I HATS!!! 'ShoM T 81iooi ! t Shoei! ! t . , , ' , Suspender, KaUEote, 1 , Cravati, Collan and -Handkerchief, Our stock will be kept npta one of oiiy Arm i jfc. .v. in tL. niarkt-L Riul buv UOlU) G00D8LOW, and w aeU them OUSAP .Vi . ; .,-' , .s W.IMiHSTIItHElialO We are preparing to aeU to eoantrv merehmt. at a SMALL advance, or we will -buy Blocks of gootU ol any deacnptiint on comimaelon. W. H. k It. 8. TUCKER A CO. Raleigh, St'pt. 7-la- , - - -v - jySTJtECEITEp AT M. ROSENBAUM'S, In additionV Lia large aiid wull aelacted FALL DEY GOODS, . , CaMliucres, Cloth, Gent' readfmade Clt!iln,' A.C, rise L T O I Ladiee' and cbil lren's immud aud .qntrunmed HAfSof the latest fj! EIBE0S3, FLOWERS, LACES, &o. N(MV OPENING, it f - ft ,T" b .3II33E3'AND CniLMtEN'S'SHOEa la Ctrcat Variety. 'Cknut one and aO, and examine my stock bofore pnr- J t.'i . . . - .... .. ; . J chaaing eawwherw t - , . N IS Fayrifrvlll ft., next door to P. F. iW enda Drn? fitore. n'. " : . ' v 1 f"!' ' I ' ' ' -L- - NIIARDWAtte ASD iUTLERV. ""Tt T.T.TT? A TIT! 1 ftfiA v JS, UJMW xa.u.aw J.U v ut v x .jX WE ARE EECEiraCi QXTE FALL STOCK. ..Wi. S4l' fcfatCliIH.' l!tiK?f and V airgoit fire from to 1 inches wide; feud Inm, Cal and UiiHter, 8ttH, hnrxn iron; do. Hand and Tea W altera: s i 4 unking Moves : varion I'nttelin ; . ,-,. M Keg iato, t to 40 pJtntv.- H Ihe. Hoop Iroit anil 1 Inches wide. " With a general aam-ruiont of Tools and Builders' Btatenala. Aug :p-tr With ilt'Aur ft I.lami ''-.' ' ; AOTICE. ' f J milE Public Library will lie cloned ould further X notice for the purpose tif nutkuig rriirs and iuv irock of . . . , 0 T V V LADIES jirovements therein LliiUAlOAN. OB KT"Oi-'LBAItJ,' I.OB A TERM OF VEA RS.-Tle mibaeriber wbdie ; to loaae fur a term of ycara hu ulautalion near Marlboro, Pitt County. , ' The farm contain about ' 400 ACRES of improved land, well adapted to tlie growth of cot ton and OjTu. The Ucuii.i. tor ouwpoeung or ma nuring are greater than ordinary. Vegetable mould, or p "at, well rotted. Ilea In a branch for near a utile in length on onu aide of the held, overlying oiarl of eupericr richiM ne. Thia marl eoulaina,iby analyst, with other ftrlihaing eoustito-. eiita, 6 pr. H. of Cof rnMe, or Phviphtile of i.re. Tli.re areanipleltilainK for iM-lling add every ttPcdftd, purjKSee, on the pine. To the farmers of the uiiiuite couutten, ituluiitruiH, wl in yi tuuiral nwn, ho'iah to repair their t"t tnne by cotton planting, t!d pinceofteBrittre lmW lnenta. To mich nim, if ihont rapital, , I eonltl give aid the tir4 year, by furaialiing trturk, provisioua &a to-be piU for tnwof tlie erop, if desired. A none but infi.awuj, wivkinj men can oiaKa cotton uoreHfilly, none but tlioee who come Wi'3 reoomniended i.a euch need ;plv, r... ' K. JOYNKIt, Kept 17-ciHiit - ,,, , Hsi-Ihoro, Pitt Co. 'SI'ECIAL XOTICE." H. C U EST E EM AX, E. - i : PRACTICAL ' ":'-"! !tlll.l.H UIUIIT & DRAFTS,1! , Ot Bank rl, lTCII3rOTr, VA. Will prepare PLAN'S and contract for! the ItnLD I.NG OF Mil iu the city and country. REFERENCES, M.wrH. TsllKitt Bro.; Ituhain, ft Co.: Ettohger 4 Edwards of Richmond, Va.; Bo. Baird Enq., Man chester, Va.; UaviB Kiki., Richmond, 'a.j W. II. Graven,. Eso., I 1'ela, Eq., Vanevy villi', N. V. Kept 3-eod-t TJIK COLORED PEOPLE or NORTH CAROLINA. COXVEXTIOX, 1S00. Hie ?tate Ccitvention of colored men,- held in (thia city bjat Si'pteniber, a a medium through which tlie ootored citit-ne could conimnnicat their thought, piirptmes aud desires, tunned a Ktate Ijesgno, with it atuiliaric, to look after the interest of tiia Color ed People of the Ktste. The State Legislature his been memorialised in behalf of th colored people, and our petition was treated with respecta I eonsule ration. We have, aa far aa practicable, established auxiliary Leagues to promote tho cause of Education, and to look after the snrl'ering poor. While we feel a deep sense of gratitude to thuee Benevolent feocietios which have done so much fur th Freedman, atill w are conacioua of the fact that w mast learn to rely noon ourselves, and the world is looking to ua for a demonatration of our capacity to perform the partbf usetui, unoiiiiieut citizens. - llie htate Xjeague is tne only recognized orgXnma tion we, as a colored people, have ; and it having per formed it dutie to the bent ot' ita ability, itvnt en joined upon ua to call another Convention, to be held in the City of Kalcich, on the flret SiearbQ in Octo ber next, the 2nd. day of the month. Lejr each county be represented a the comities are rcprsented in the Mtat Legislature. In conutie wheirVthere are Lea gne Uie oounty to be represented by the League.- I.t vh county etl iu btut nii aa (k'legntw.-- I rii. la no time to oompliment mmlH at tlie expena rif the public good. Let the peofile be inHnonced onlv by the consideration of qnabhVftiion, and let tlie dele gatus be here promptly on tb6 day appointed, tliat we may coanscl together fic tVe good or our people, and adopt such nteaeurea as yul liest promote ouriute rest. i It is earnestly do urd tint eiory eonntv be fullv represented. Ie4.gatee wiH ooKie iiinnaied to diTrnV the eu ro aes of the Onnvennun. ' ' .N BY OEDEEOF THE EXECTJTIYE EOAED. JAMFJT II. HAKP.I3, Preaiden:, JfMIit. GOOD, of Crsvcn, Vice Prenidentk V,y. H. ANDERSON. ('mpoi:ditig Hiv'v. .)(). KANDoLl'H. ol Cnvpn, ItA,wd hTj'v. JMO. MXON, of Ka Hanner, 'iteusnrcr. IXECITTIVE BOARD: : Juih UuoatAM, of Oamhernmdj '''s--J. T. Atwnom, of Mecklenburg, . . . , ;.. Wx KsiiTji, orjfwr nmiover,i. i ,."T-i-7 J. Kouet, of f'howiin, . . ' , . '' V nt. Cawmomm, of Warren, v- ' ' ' . O. W. Wiia'Hxa, sCabamia, ! . Hajiui Wae, of Franklin, Aauaiv 1'KsttiRAB. of Granville T.uwr IUbhtok, of liuth ifor.1, . Aug. 7-eowtd - ., CiOEDSBOKO FEMALE COLLEGE. THE Schohistic year will begin nlhe Int. of Octo Inr, leo4, and eouutme, without vaention, till the leh or July t?i. ' , i , . A full eur4 or experienced leacuors. - , ., , CIIAUGEA VERY1 MODERATE. , . From October to Julv GuUltborrt ia generally verv healthyfnw place uiore to. Hi moat accussihi point in tho Bute. X or vireniar, nr-.t aoorew., REV. 8. MILTON FROST, A. If. Beptt-2aWSw A VAIX'BALE COTTO.V FA RSI TitE aiibum'oer, lalo Snpnruitcndeut of tlie. Iirilhot the greatwt car has bevsn Mn-n in tint acloetirm cbanee Hotel m Italeigh, has taken the House otl ,i'n,M t, ,i j , , . 1, , A.WlI.LUiM, li-or.. on VavottoviU htnwt, next rf aS V1 ainn f'rip. ' J lave door to Dr. t ab. liny wood's, where he in now prepared to aceorumooat m asiutiiy wun uuura some 10 or 14 JtisliicM (ientlemrn of th City, or other pcrwms wiuIum hoard by tin week or month. ' , R. WALLACE. Aug. Sl-1awl3t - - - HOTEL FORREXT, IN CHARLOTTE, N 0. Tllffl valnsble prtKKWlv, eonthranu to the Dcik, and near to tue bnaiAC. pei t of the cit, has ein put in thorough repair, anil i. now oftored foe. rent to a good tenant on accommodating tniia 'Ihelitmse ha 23 good airv rii, a hu ge Dining room and lUr rown, with Veranda etmnng around tlie entire buil ding, with yard and all neeenMiry out -house. Its lo cality mint command a larire share of transient dia tom. Th house w nearly new oud ont,wuieutry ar. rnt-er1. K :H8BSt' 'V M. D..L. MOOPY.A THE FLIXTEKS' HOTEL. ISm,hoT vcr hasbe!n, nor willbe, nnder onr manaitemiit, ctoacd to tlie accoranVKlatlou -our friend awl tlis travelliiiR, public. - - ' W are prnparod to give, satisfaction to evorv fins, a 1 Capb Gant, at the Bar attached to cor Honw. LACK TEOI'LLA eept IS-lw. ,i . Proprietor. TTI B ALR Fr.lily Curn4 MuJIeta, and another X' kit ol Wuit Cor. l'l'LLIAJI, JOE1 4 n tt k l WHOLESALE1 ' A N ft E T A I L D UY (iOOD S 25 SYCAM0EE ST2EET. "The--First of tho Season. LARGE Opening of New Fall Goods, With an extensive aaaortm.nt of CAItrETS, BCGS, DKUGGBTT8 A2rt GENEBAL HOUSE-KEEPISa GOODS, and an eutirely new stock of the handuomoat DliEfi8 GOODS the market amirds. Ladica will find this th best opportunity to procure choice now style ofFALLDKESS GOODS, which I ara now opening in great arh,ty, uch as iUcutlid Eugcniaand Empr doth, Crepe Mednos, Gold accliarichly embroidored tntirely new Hiings, rh hybrilliant ilk stripes on rhene grounds i "Trata- I ceMn A'SuUf, effective Carcani, ;ith 'rich Broehes," JvLornetto, effectiv Batin Carrcatui,'' en lasting flnuh grounds,! vory costly ; "Rich Valontia, in plain chane," all new and desirable shaile, prime qnalltioa and beautiful designs, with rich Brocho; A msgniflcent aeeortment of S4TTAEE & LONG 6HAWI3 in all their new styles and coinbination, atprket Utat wiUiwtfalltopteaM. I would call apeefol attcnttn tomysfockDf ! " 1 ca.xrir irisii lim:xs, th largest In Va., or North Carolina, ennlnracbig 20,06o yards, all lionght at auction, and will be sold at prloc fafJuioin an similar quality ever oOcn d in thia mar ket. 1 have alao just received over 10,000 yard 1U i-jxiAjuvwa uwe.i, in every varicrv of nnir4U ana qnIU7, ws&gWoe ft'Sn 80,'v.i' -Mb Auk ia the largest and moet complete of tho kind that I have ever offered, and will be constantly replenished during tlie aeaaon a tlie demand reijui ran. At 4 future day I will cnUmoralo th tlinWeut lines of Goods 1 asnally keep. Ruffle it In kt, t present, that everything kept in any first-d:isi Drr-Gouds House can be found hero, In every nri,.(y, at the line ttipricf. ' " I would sy to ttiooe in want of ' ' . O A. Ill' V. T M but to be seen lo be appreciat? X so that thiis In w.nv bad bettor . GIVE US A CALL ELTORE PUUCilASIXa ELSEWHEUE. ' T I would alsouJl tlieatUalioncf las jfc'jlio lo Uw oelrirrkted Flirenee Lovk.Stitei S3-.rinj llachke. This Hachine, beui? but roramily n.tr.i luced, 1 al ready gaining for itself a hint uf fnnnU, aa onr diily sale IubEi), ' Iu aiuipTicitV and a ' PEEFECTIOJJIOI? OPEHATIOa:, recrtnmend It to all. It panseeims all tuiMst rpub- i . , v- r uu of th good standard Vaccines, with s'Ttral ua ' c portant Inipnnemeuta, mors fully, mpl.Ared In tlu "Cireulara," which I evykd fro by mail lo ir7,aaMre in apriUcatlon. ' i ,TII. 8 tJ'STII, . 23 Kvoatuur stintif. I SRoWs" OIL AND LAMPS. JtTlsT RECr.fVEr.aIargepply of llmitl, Par luai', Jtrueket, and Swinging Lame. ALSO '" The best Kerweoe Oil, Lamp Wicks slid Chimneys. .,..Jf J. UROWN. ""Win Haot is Lira n, it. ' 1. . J tilt ii if 44 Fajttteville Ptroct, Raleigh. 4- ( Il tULOTTi; FEtlALE I1VSTI- Cr.iRLOTTff, X C. Toe ir'X?. e-v'iiifi commence on h. ft. Gcbiber l" Ai.il eieittimte niiitl Mb. of Jjtw. Iti7. iiot wMficM u divrded into two T.rms of Twnntr i i-.k. e.rli, th. rws eonnnem leg tk 1st. Oct. W4 nu t ii.it w-,i wa uiu. r o. ... , . IXHUNir pfcR TKH.VI 4tk? TWKNTV .'i.WKKKS,.' Jy IKidnl, mi iudiug every expeBM except ' . . washing f 10S.I (1 lull ion in Colle 1st Depart meat t 5.n0 (Primary v-ri " 4-Ju.tSii Muaui, UiKtsrn Language, Orawieg and Painting, taught by competent and thorough lnsUnotois and at iKUal prices. i-" ciie.lw .ad CataloRB enntaiiung full partico Ian address, REV. R. BVRWELL, Bim't. July Jl tfwlwtl. , ' Chatloll. N.C hewliHinTime and Wiiinmgto Dispatch pleas cop) - . i i-ne a w-ek uniil lrt-Oeloher. yALCAHLR RE tL ESTATE, LOCATED Hi AND ADJOISINQ THE TOWlfO? WAEEEUTOXN. C FOR SALIi The Wari.t.,n female CIg U kow oftVfed tut U, on reifimiible tonus. Tiib Coth g lis. be,tn in succuMtful' operation, forover twelve year, aal, dar ing tlint time, if Im. e Tiled a rup iliillon a. as laalitil tioft of lesrmui;, seeotid to hone lu N t The toeatiiui is .bob s to war. ant a fall attendance of pnpita, 'being . very aetteihta om any point, HHtieciaily the Etete'U orlloua uf 2f. C. aod Va,, t he iiu'i.tuee, un nave beeneiiinowr.d to make ale of thi property , deem it Bun.eeMsry to say mora ul tliii Iti-lilutiiiu it. tu character for a high grade of volioUrship. an d ih elevated 'ilsndud of morals inculcated, itidurt ha eye and anpervi.iua of its lata President, fe. r?Prhm, ia nlreajy well knows. Tits oeu ty iu winch this Coliegeu located Is kaown h ba cqual.lu any it) th gM,' , There is now a sutllniaiicy of Btiildiug4 aud other Coevuiwe. attached te tilts Ueat hstule, te conduct a large-iiiid 3'urj9tnrig school. Tee pruitiises1 uintvin about .IXI'V ACKKsiof Land a miieiial pn lion ot wldcli Is w'tluw the i.'i7rui,e. Tl is. wiiu nil or a pert of tbe-.luiiiuur, fto., beluiitftnir to the amos can he pusi'liuvcd wnli the laud and Uuiloiitga. T m. pro perty Ht I ufifu'ed priviHJy (or m until Weinei day tide Hid Any IX lol.er seiit, and, it aot .tlien Id, will b na that. day so d, at pubiir aneiieu, to llie high es( bidder. , -.;( . I.-... Tlie C-'toiiitUrti are lul.'y ABilnged ro sell and woold sny that a rar chance isfleied to stir party wiMiir to purclinae S44tb ;-r.,peir, ail riMuf aulHeieul, if rrijaiitid, will ha given. I'ntetsioii given tissual . - .'.'- - Auy paritoiiur p11? wldegtoeX'iiiiii.slhe propafty will be wiiowiilt by, iv, E Pa bau, t', present occh pant.ot by ivej m it murd ut lli. CoiniolitH.. , WlTIMVAttr 1M . . iii,i . t i, jt,ia.n. - i v,- ' , - JOHN BUXTON WILLIAMS HORACE I'ALMF.R Hour. I Committee. HENRY U. Hl'NTER ; THOS. A. MONTGOMERY. I VVaiToutoii, inly tl inwld . I . . Pet.tabni'g I:ni '.a, a V , 1 . 1 1 1 M .y I ipatrh and Nor. fulk DT B ik, insert t.whw n wiu-k until rl.iv el'sih-, aed towiu-'i aecuuul. to J. A. .Mor.tgo.nety, Treasarer, VVilircnlotv. '. .. ... INFALLIBLE YEAST P0WD2R9. S ieiiJtij men, who tUoroual.lv nnXcrstaud the nb jcot, cuucitrwith proat nuaiiuiuly iu aayuig thai nothing ewrrti sni-h debHorious uillueuee i"vmt heriith j hut bread. The remedy Is at hand in H HP--ill, INFALLIBLE VEAhTPOVDEltH, the value of which In thus eertiiiod t n.M.nnK, Aug. U,IWIL T have r sVTtTieTea Towders you manufacture and can reeoniiumid them as vastly upnrnir to any other evor nwd bv mo. In addition to the lightlies and swe tni' of the bread, tlie powder er iwoiiwiii esl, s. io--tiunl th iard uenaliy nxiuired will auswnr m tin making of sdtber loaf ,breal or biacuit. Fur pshtncM and calu D tliey aro exoellent. i , - v ( ' Vttowtt A. 0. v 'llie iir n of these powder tier ptcksge Is 25 ct. or 75 cts. uvar nounik inwwi ai iva, wimsM k.iiiecii'nM oiv w, i ujviwTiue Dirue i.anjin, n, Daixioh. Ang. S:t, lwil. TlilS 1st to eei (if , that I have tlnid Mr. Minpaon'f YeBst PirtI-Ti aud fi'i-. thi'in t !. sojMnor to any lis re ever nsod, Aftor living them uiwt no honxe keeper will be aatikitvd wuhuut them. . Mil. H. IJK lUuutsos. . I-1" " - i -' -v . ' i "liArnnM, Anw. . mist I hsve tiled M.'. Win. Simuauu s teaet Poedersaud flud them mi v n 1. jU M. ouKn. Aa. SI 11. , . l , ,t "V, i ' li!..VLTT, VAX T'M.T & , co in si issio n MERCHANTS, I9 tVATCR aflllfT, Ai ikV.i it. r- vkht, I tvJv 1 Cu.is. H. P.K,irrr: Js. C. Va I s.i t, , t . . tub ih, N. C. Lils,ri,l advance to i'miiicn A U,,irs. , All enriaipiimnuts to n mvnritl Vrv iTisnrancrt. - hept It-Jtm .1" - i ltnpilunt t WhwtHiiitwi'r. , Jf'HT rncelvcd anothur' snpp'T of BmitIis' Saw I' w,..lint .r iaiiuvin tone for VMicat, : . ALt-O, Allen ar.d NowUe well kuowa FotliliiAer,-. All we lv ti sei'tire ttnor trcnnrid hw is a UiaL Pricti of Btfitrh s--l.m for '.'Kaoli,, aod uxikhukui. i ' J Allen ami Needle' IrX Aitt sliei for the pnrclias of So. 1 Peruvian Gnairo. 0n til bust trrm . . j -i.,' . ' . . L, ., , JAMES M.TOWIXa, :!.fpt Il-tf " V: Ageut. SV.VlSN'TV-nVE DOLLAlW UEWARrW-Brr.lta J.d ou the nuiit of the nth. ti'V- a .IiEUKI) MAN, by th.c Ciime lit ALUli'.D, fortiunv Ih property of Foa tof t'lcbonor, ol" Iraiiktin Cimntv. t'i nit in 'gif, u it suit tt h ut, lu uu-lwa high, w.lt mad and rk r-loreit ' 1 I nj sri. Uie aturre reward for hi apisrtdieuaioa gad dm ry to tue by tlw 4tu. ?londiiv im h oil. i'W.H I'll f.0M, Klierifl" 1 jWr4..jt.4..!if-K o of itihaatnti t'tjojitys " PRINTS ITKIXTSl! ITtZtUA A'JD J5I2RICA-3 PRIXT3; it :: 3f.j-:T!iE fall.,. YY. I!. ii.-K. Tuikef & Co, A. 13 If fn ic ii .i i ' J. I - !i :.' i i V air, ! pri -'flig ttieir i. S.Wi to nytl9-.l Christ H.'ircr-iw tin -it r I'CLLLV.M, JUXia ft CO. G RQ C E R S COflJlIvSIOV StEKCHANTS', I0 l in Syriimoro St., "" PETERSBURGrf , VA. H. C. liOmNAN, COMMISSION MEUCIIANT ' ' , . GO VEEITOE TEEET, RICHMOND, VA. Wf cnntlnn to do a General flmcorir and Commw. ln IlnstueM. at our old stati.l, KW aud 111 hnanuir , tHiwat, Petraburg, Va. . - . . . : i Cmisignmruts or Tobaem, Ctdtoti, Wn. Wheat and . aU tountrv Produce w.ll have our IHroi,al attcnlioii and the hnrheat nisiket mu . i,t.in.,i , . AUTolwliTH i.e. Do.s.NAN, lhehmon. L Will be, -forwarded free of Charue. ' M "' ... lOrdrra for t'lo4 lies pitmiof flTh-J and shipped. JOTICE - Esiuilcinl attention 1 invited to onr stock of HT ., . . -'-", ... ,UIUI IHU riiiita, said by Umuouiseur tu beh finest Impor -ALSO- i'lITnllv"1- T'"7 PrV'i'in-OiM-don. pal w.. ....... ui auni'Mrtrtir prim genuine IIAHLUU hi the Gountrv; OLD poil' rur ul",i "l'!?"1"!, M "' 'eWrM! ht. Juliai! l I.AKL1, and (hard, Dupuyft Co. COGNAC BRAN DY. genuine, of the Y Ullage of lhot, verv sniwnor aiidwfe to atlmmister at th (tick bed of dearest .UUrt A L 8 O Pure Old JAMAICA ItCM and II0IXAKD GlSt fot Hale to the trade by. T Ag.I7-tf PtLLlAM,,OI,EflftCO. C R DniBUS. Ut G. WORTir. nrn t nvwvv (Late of Wilmington, N. C.) DIBBLE. -WORTH SCO.' ' Commission 'Merchants, 18i PEARL STREET, XEW YORK. rronmt nersonal sltentmn in s.l. nt r.., v.. t Stores and General Produce, with onicU nmn!. Ang.ttl-am . JATE ARRIVALS. THE LATEST AGONY "rilTEREEffKOOPS, ' IlorLEYARD TRAIL HOOP SKIRTS. "WOVEN TRAIL HOOI'S. EXTtl.V SIZE TILTEREEN3 . AND IIOL'LEVARI) : , fcS In fact Hie iuwt complot Btwk of Hoop HKIRTsl In tiwctty," i . U. A tt. tt.lltJvLliftCO. i AUg. W-lf . TT -l--- - " r, ! AGENTS T7 ANTED FOR THE. LIFE AND CAMPAUiNS OF . GENERAL STOXEUALL1 JACK. ' ; Si ruiir. R. L rbN-t!V, I. p., or Va. ; The and.ird Biot'rsjihy f the Iimnoi tsfl Hero.- . Tlw only edition auitiori.a'd hv h;n wi.tow, ami pub hehed tor hAr Miciiuiiarv lwm til. U lm autlior a mi,. aonal friend and f'tmf of Mistt of tlicl bnslisn Wimiu-r. . VV want an Agent In every eonntv, Hnnd for ctrcn- ' lars aud see our uiruia, and whut the Pros aaysol th wors. Address NATIONAL PUMIUHINO CO. - - Ciintrt 7tn and Hum htn., tMc.iiiuond, Va. . Aug. IMWwiau i . TTft SlJY CLOTII IIOFSE,;! fti:),.rtsJ' H:Hi, t'.isrr tf 4 llorle. mm Mltlir ' Wlreels (Kkiminu Fioon)' . . ' COMMERCIAL COI.f)l'OE Ul'lLDIXG, 7- 1LVI.XISIOI110, ?IL T !HEiun4i'inignd are now oiS-rtng a fli st-elms New J. ette'k, (at liiNcsalo onlv ) of r orciirn and Dome to Clofil-, Caioiieres, hartilieis, 'iwe"le. itilri Cloths and all rsOnes hckiniring to Ml A 8 aod lti)i a - VtKAlt.. IVom hmir pxiicrieiHi,, and ir-rnii an'Mitfe-.,- miiiiis with Kiirop.mu Ata. and American lactones wo tirottiiio aeooKiiuodaliotis eipiul to tlie oldest ami lMieteiiUtiiifciiiHl Houses in tii ti'aile, i , We soU (It an luvpcr-iltm f our Ciootl, An etaiuiuatlimtncnr no 4lihitatioii to purchase. fair d-hiu5 and prompt attention to orders uivg, I relied on. - Fri.I.EItTON & WEST. . Vpixt. I). Fvillrhtuw, ) lute .. with IIamu.tos, H.il. WtJlf, f , ( EABTfcB & Co. Bept U-3m. ' ; . y TO PLANTERS, GiWKiH AA , ...... . A , COTTON DEALERS, Tiwl sftIvkiI a large lot of Roiie and Bainrirn which ff ut oilered oil accommodating 1 ernis. Ato,Sufiir, toft e Ti Molasw-a 8vrupt rail. Corn and loni itlliaw, JONES & CO. lisal, V acpt 13-tf just r e emv G K PA FKEWlr Tf tf HAT". ' - - f ; ; V BRIfMHnToV, aliow's That?" TARK, and all latest si vies W.vil Intj, for ti.cn ani youth, aud LAl'Sof every riwn;.i,oti. A. N. & J. . MelilMMON. . Pcpt 5-tr if:ciis.!i. I VOrVt I'd!.', of giiod fun; lcrt. X'lriJK'rt.v-lhiH.'hiNli K!!ti i' u 1 K Hi pnvsta fjAiii ten h tlie r.oiil nt 1 Tel. '.'II sod oi pilli b hrauohi I t, 5i-i-.. Slid ;nc v.I;;.ii-i. i.snu. Ai-i.iv to ini. M. I. l i ( LU'.". Jm t wt huruiawutoo Couuty, IciUi vaiuun Si Aug.4L Pctenibrtrg; Va. btpt. lo-iiwdv(