7.'. 'L - t. TiiEj5KNTi:i:r:r: ii ) rj r. 4 1 L wfonduy tiealas;, OeU tt, IM4. Ta Th Wha Ow tJa, Acoot'i tlarable 'augteAb)jda mi onr booh, both fur advertising end obi subscription, wbkb w- iieeri,Bt wuichlwe hope onr fi iende win forward to u, at farthest, by tb mheen- ias;tathIiiri,- : ' -' ' Three weeks from to dy the General Assem -t bly, Just ehsrted, will nave ia tbieCity Quite Bumbcti' of both llmi, hav mora or , lea experience la kgisWon, Brt from bur knowledge, both of the old find new memUr, wloolt for a discrw,, caution, workrog sum. ' i ' 1 We lem it every way Important to th ae- ceM nd tfljciuocf pt the body that every nu hould be at bit pott at aa early day, In trar that luc eowrlerathm, th orgstiliation of both nmee my be judiWny and prompt. It effected. Fortunately, the number of . elec- tkme to be nuvl t Biali,iana i np that thea abould be dipor4 ol properly at aa mtI lr. ia order to remore every obetacU to thoughtful aad win legislation. ,' . In thi lntanee, tb work of tbe Leglalatore will be emphatically Stall ItfidJlitm-lU In terest and well being of the people, and of the State, being the chief matter of concern to the General Amembly. In feard toWatirwel poli tic, the actio of the Leglslstor kt weeeeearily onfined to. arrow limitay ;TW rejettoa or adoptioa af the eonaUtatloaal amendment p. pond by the National Congveat to the aereral tui lwUlatuna. better knowa a the How- mrA amendment, constitute the sunt total of tbe ac tio ia thi regard, demanded ,by,ih timet, IfNra except the election of a TJ. 8. km elor, wboee term eonirheacee the 4 lb of March ' ' x" i T " " The proposed wmtfluUnnll artendinent bat Deea to may uik.'u iu v u , Judge, will bem4rao4 in M WeatJunf Before tbe official ammuncement ol pear, and while under the aekaowtejlgl fojjaad pret ence of military rabi. amendinenta to tbe Con titatioa, and other euaditkmt of peabt anro- conciliation, were propounded Id the people of tblt Bute, w ttrm of eortender .necesaary to peace, accompanied hy the tacit plertgea, jrf, tlje aTenment that onr compliance with tbcee woald tecqre to at all he; pri vileget andhu of Statet ander ttie CeiMtitulioB1 ariif the pro! toctioa of the government Th! ie pratot ly aeoeptd and complied with,, f ,V?T T H Bseogniaed by the fr ,p,law aodb,fl the djartmenta of the, jernroeob at conatl--toi-nt purtajiff M Cfijfln. mmmlm tit great family of Biatea, yet denied,, la ; tbe pet- ' a .... l ...1 .1.. aont Ol our nenauvra 4 jpicrc;ii'iTra hi-j uwl riuht ' dl wnrearntaiinn. and. above alt any voiot ia changing vitally the organic law of the land in which we are moat deeply ermeerned, tbe National CgnM prpoda to fha ml fttata Leirialaturet aa amendment to tbe CuaatituUuB,-vnH at -iWwdWoV-ofl twaca and a full Kttlemrot. f the coatroveray, bat tuch terme at (t bat deemed proper to fQ ' pote to afllie Sutee opon their Baked merUa, each at muat moat deeply negtatie ana namiu ato the former tlavt Statet of thin Union, and which are dcatpned at a punishment and a lat- ins Incubut npon them, qfttr ptam m Wa a The bare tatouient of tbe propoai tioa, abould k be enough to determine at tmce the oaanbnou action of the Oeneral Aaaembly. Tbia qoeatioa hXa, however, IkxB by deaign, aad for purpotet ot decentioa, ao periiatentiy preaeea wpoa at, aa a probable rf not a certain meana of tpeedy reconciliation, that, yielding ta the praa. " aura of Mhope ; diferretl," tome have teemed ready to abandon thtfir manhood and tbe tacred right ol freedom altogether, and to crouch low enough to bear any burden, however Ignominl oua, lor the take of quiet from the turmoil and ' agitation of tbe time. ' Alatt uch hava not ; even the poor pledge ot tjnlet, whea they hat f' 1 I .1.1 1 Ul m But thank Heaven, the General Aaaembly of North Carolina, id 1889, It not made of tuck ataflr. 'J,'-:-:",--'---' ':'. The present condition of the monetary affair of the people, and th maintenance of the pub tic credit both of the people and of the Bute, Will claim a large thtre of the attention of the Legialatnre. Other matter relating to the fu ture dtvclopnicht of the State, the revlniot oj the law, and iotereat of great penonal and pub lic ooaoera relating to public achitoU, Ac, will eagroaa murk oi tbe time and attention! of the , body. - We trust that a wi prudence and fore cant will mark lie entire action, aad that it lctwr will greatly promote the lotereete of onr entire people. Thi Baltiwobb iMBRooua Tbo examln- tioa of th Baltimore Commissioner wa ra sumed on Saturday at Annsiyjli. Their ooua ael waived the objection and pleat regarding tbo jurisdiction In the ease, and submitted to trial. Several wltneste were examined ahowtng th bad character of the amployeet of the Com missioners, and th partisan character of their appointment and acta. The trial wwtwrwm' da& Bovi not f?iFT awuoujcl iifimi tioa to hasten it bonctuaion, to decide oa UU Innocence or guilt of th Comnuawioaera as ooa u It- wa eiJcut tohiffl, wid to da fcUdUtf in the eaaa Immediatelyiaiid fully.!' j 'y,'JH ' T - . ' UM. )i 1 i ''-i' U. Baowaijio'a fetter oa the tat ' pflh eonntry, and in oppotilioa , to the ; adoption of the Constitutional Amendment, put at real the bundre sloric that the frtsiileot renounce cr yield the1 polit y be ha been advocating, aad adopt that of jongre, la deference to tbe re sult of the late election. According to Mr. Browning, th President (land firm, and de airctlttobeaonnderttood, , ,, l, i ( ;j, . Cuvinir a File. , ' The StoAdttrUj auue djyi iiince, annonnOed, aitli nieoacio empbaaM. that it faa carofully "flUPe copy itf iba StMind, in which we bad eouatelled the people ol North Carolina, wider o drvontatitnce TolunUrily toaoa'pt the How ard aiaca)diaeaC Tbiie aa aaneecanry preeaa tioa upon the part of Mr. lloldcn. We expect to ttptat that flrke often, Certain l whenerrer we abail tbiak if necemry. We adinoniah oar neighbor that we hare aereral filet ol bia paper ''carefully" laid iIe,--e, for inaUace: The Hit la which, when a nanjidatt tor OoreraorMlr. Ihddea acclatert the whole JpBLMIrlhl oliiia loyal, end it- which la poUitbedfbe cer fiflcate be frare Battte, Heck Co., Land Ageata, to U effect that Northern men would be welcome aad well-treated in th Slate: - I ; la which, when defeated for Governor, he de clared tbi the people of North Carolina were "aunt to bo tli aaaoclate In the Union of the myal people oi Ohio and Penoaylvanla, and in which, day alter day, be be miirepruented tbe condition of public aeeitiment and publihed th nknt damaging, perverted and libelliou reflec tion npon iU loyalty ; ' la which be 'advlaed the Convention to accept the Howard amendment U iuhant of it adop tion fcy Congrea, thereby proving that he wat thea in favor of it on It merit, though be now pfoleeto adtocatok only "aa the beat we caa v" -. r..' There it file of tb tbiM which we will b particularly pleated to beep very "carefully," Mrj Uoldew wiH pot hi opinion on pa(er a to liat the Radical loader, whom be ia follow- Mng to blindly aud ImrilkitJy, In'teod to pn.p.we ae meir MuMdm. are aaauml by tbe bigbeit authority among them, that the ratifi cation of the Howard amendment will tut be aoflirVmt, in itaelf, to aecur our rcpreatintation la Cengrea. If, therefore, the Radical have reaolved to Impoee additional condition, why, do tliy not announce boldly, and at once, the lu they Intend to make, ao that the country may andentand' what J to be required t Such aoourae o their part, a, tbe ruling power of th nauoa, u ono- auk to the people of the North and the fjcwbv'To the peojite of the North, ttlat weir verdict may be bad npon the neeeMity ai.d wlnhan of the rtquiremenU to be made, aad to the people of the Sooth, that they may either accept or reject the condition ofrered. ;'''VoarJlew, Mr H rife away and we'll It tbem.j 'ToVttiay aay perhnp, that yon do not know tlie deaign of theae men ; but man who knowi tb pbrpoaetof the Red Btring, without being an actual nitrnW tbe eoret organiaa tioa, tan at leant tell aa aomething of the inten tion Of bia Radical elllea, thoagb not yet for maty, erbap1 admitted to their cooflduoce aad flalt, p,,,-, i.iV :,. I "' " - 1 " Tba Itoaowail (Wlacbwtrl Cemetarj. - fttoaewall Cemetery wa dedicated "at i" Fa.jim Tbamdny bwtj-itr enea!f tea tbouaand people from variou point in tli valtef of Tiritlnia. The remain ot ' General T. Anhhyand Captain pick Aabby, aad of Colon la Maraball and Thompaon, were tnuufttrred and buri6d under the auipicMot tbe Maaonlo Lodge of the valley,- after which an oration wa delivered b ex Goveraor Henry A. WU. ' Tke whole BiwMOdlng were conducted with great ilecVum, and are Mpreasnted to have been of tbe feieat aalemn and Impmwlve char acter.; TU Executive Committee talubitted a full report of tbetr operation tbu farrora which, we anaka th following extract VWt art alile to report to day that in nine month lioce tbe 3d. day nt laxt February, w nave OuUectea the remain or I.tyt deaa . trnus numberlea iocalitie, tncloaed them ia tui table eonln and given thera decent burial to conae crated irround and within a protcctinir enclo- turtL ; Theae dead hava been aollected from aa area of fifteen mile radiu about thi town, at aa expenditure of time, labor and moaey readily imaginable. Ia tbe removal, every precaution bat been taken to obtain all the iniuruiatian potud bit about every man, tn b embodied in a per manent record. In interring tbem every grave fta been narked by a numoar correaponiung to iu plant ia tbe reeora, ao a to prevent any mi take of Identity, whould even head board be deatroyed or dufaced. Th whole number now buried bar it .4v4. follow: North Carolina 447 I Arkanaa 20 Yirginlt fi4 J Maryland. , Georgia . S8 I Texaa S South Carolina 148 Kentucky l Alabama1 r it-)t i . 7 I Delaware 1 Louisiana . Unknown dead 813 Whose aamaa, -are known but ao vbeir Btate 83. tfimiarinpl 60 Florida S8 Tenneeata I 18 Bo. Jarraaaoa Dxruv-Tua 'Mimiseirn rCllftfiAT6aUL lal0 olio WlBTff ffJaMjltltlOtsal WCfl unanimously adopted by the Legialatar of Miat Irnippl a few day lncej il;;'s ' i " Jtttatui, That this body desire to exnrei in etTeraon Da via their deepest ymialhv. their protound rt-)ect, their combined personal at- ucineM,' ana lueir eauunnfr rememiirane of his virtue aa a man. ami of ibnae crest onali. tie of mind and heart which, la the cabinet and field, la power and misfortune, bare marked hi eveutlul lite, and which, from hi priaoa bouej eall kxtbanw fecetre, at their band, tba same ackaow lodgement of love and regard that they did when be breathed the air of freedom, i UtmJd, That the member of th Hon look upon tbe confinement of Mr. Iarlsaa8tate prisoner and without judicial power continued bow nearly eighteen month, aa unwarrantable by the Constitution and tbe law, and ia the nam of common humanity , tbey arge bia IwaMdiate mloaae, or at leaat that tpeedy trial which every a4,hMjrjht.teM enaatn for his cnaduct ,. M,Zd, That this Hrmse m deairou that kla member pf the MjitlppLBr ahouU.! one proceed to Virginia and ac Li rely engage ia tht defense of Mr. Davu, with a view to his re lease ; andt that far ucb purpose tt l prepared to mak the BeeewSary appropriations. , f ! , mlud,frthfr, That thi House present to tne people of Misslwippi the iubjectof provi ding fof th family ot Mr. Davis by such general and tiberal -contribution Irora everv county a will insure tw bia win wnd cfaildneu !bat pmU ion for life which hiaemineat service, hi dvo tioa to hi State hi aell' sacrifice hit great merit' and great misfortune to imperatively demand, and which lor Mississippi now to refuse wilt how her and her too alike degenerate. - ' Grp Cnlturt and Frail Tree. Th anpeiWity of tbe climate and toil of onr Eastern Countiua for theculture of the grape end for wine making hat long beeav knowor Tbeucceaeful axperimeata which have been made ia that region, for more than a century, and repealed often during that period, hare fully nettled that qneatioa. But tbe exbteaco of aa abundance- of klave tabor, Bad the Mperiot fertility of the toil In tbe production of corn aadbtber marketable articiea, made the met of living to eaay and abwntant, that turn ptt- i fiirt been diipri W deVote'My'lfiuTiHS' ear to th productioa of tba grape or wiaa in 1wr warket7ri - "'" '",v ' Now that cmr tyatem of lixr is changed, and a greater demand baa been created for the di viaiou of labor in agricultural paraaita, wa are glad to find our people turning their atten tion to grape and wine-raiaini'. W obeerve that, la.aeveral eountira, aaaociation have been fitrnied, having for tlieir olyecta thi, among other hranchee of industry. The grape, in every variety, may be proituced In the Kaatern couiitiea in grer7qunlity,"ii the mot ordinary laadlthealdition ofauth K-rtilizen a may m easily olitaineil. It emu ration neel bot neueaaarily" interfere with other crop designed for home coaMmpthrn- nr tor market ...Perhap no article caa be produced wbnae reaulta may be o profitable at ao mII expeowe. It I particularly adapted, wt judge, to th labors of whit peraona, many of whom con Id -1M be ao pntAtably eoiployod on other farm labor. Tbe great deuderatmm M to leant, first, what ia tbe character of your toil, and what it need to product the grape ;' what ape ciea are moat deairabl and profitably how It (iinuld be culti vated aad managed, aad then the retire process of wine-making. Having learned theae, few may hesitate to embark in it la the middle ted upper oountfe, as a means, especially, of supplying the lack of the labor formerly employed, we are Inclined to think our people can find nothing rars profitable than fruit raising. Apple and peacbee should form th staple of th ercharda culvivated. Every farmer should have an orchard. Tbe growing demand btf dried fruitv a welL a the many 1 use to which fruit may be applied, promise a very satisfactory income to Ihe'fruilj' aiaer. Kved the lilackberry has become a large article of comaseree, end this demand for fruit I not likely to be anon lesseae), Tliea will only need iht care of white' persons, when other crofit will not ao mack require their attention. They he produced on ordinary worn land and require only timely and light culture. Th beat varieties of fruit tree, aad direct Uma bow tbey abould be cultivated, caa alway be ob taiaml from Messrs.. West brook A Albright of Grecashomngh, and of Messrs, ADaa A Johnson, of Richmond, whose' notice are frequently found in tbe tkntimti Tea Ei.acrioa for member of Cciflgresa ap pears' to hare Iteen treated with ; sovereign in difference by tbo voter of Tex. At Galveston many of the principal eitieen were not aware an election wa to torn off or had to take pi ac. In two prectneta th poll Vrre not opened. At Houston, one tilth of the regular vote was polled. 4 At San Antonio, nly 104 out of 1800 tetj were cut, sad ton lewbero. r . ' Tub This Legislatareha oppropriated 3, 000, or so mock ot that sum aa may be aoeea rv, for conTerlne tbe tvmalna of Gen. Albert "Sidney Johnston from Neat Orlea to Austia for interment m tne state cemetery, a com mitteenf one jfrom th Benat and two from tba House was appointed to etrpvrrated the retnov Bam Ball Ricijmokd, Oct it, A match gam nf baa ball lietween tbe National CluK of Washington, and Unionjeiub, of this city, took place thi fternooa on tba Fair irround. It wa witness ed by a tare assemblage of spectators. Tbe core resulted ia one haadaad and forty-three for tue jsatlonalt and elevea fur tba Union. , a Tlie Rev. Mr. Gramaer, aa Episcopal clergy man, or lisitimore, u reported to nav nad a vary narrow escape from an awful death, in Switzerland, a few day co. The mul oa which h wa riding went over a frightful preo ipio aad was dashed to piece. Mr. G rammer caught bold of tbe limb of a' tree, and , was avetL-JT. r. Qtssrwr. r ., , Gen, O. O. Howard, la a recent Lecture ' de livered ia Newark, N. J., on "Cbriatiaa Daty to th South,1' aid "The actual reiatios of tba North to tbe Sooth I that of tbe conqueror to tba conquered. Bom preferred using mi idee terms, but thia i tht actual ttata of the eaaa." H tboreopon arroe that aomething more tbaa "mairueninsity" ia required, and that "strict ex- actiona" are proper, Thi it "Cbrbrtian" truly I Mts. Bebeeea Baylor gave birth to a child t Martinsville, Ohio, Monday night, cat It throat with a knife, pqt it under aa old house, and confesecd th deed .directly afterward. , A man, who waa atolea from Jackson. Michi- Ban. thirty year aeo, when a mere boy. haa just returned to bis parents, who tn a lifetime bad ppoed him dead. .- A w counterfeit 100 MU on the Ohio Na UonaV Jlank of CindDnatl ha mal it appear ance at Columboa. ' ' v-.. The Russian ladie are wearing t he Americas color prettily arranged about their boaneta and dree trimming. . ... . . V " If the United State were a densely wopohv ted aa England, they would have over (KX),000 000 lobabitaata. , 'i - - : When flower are full nf heaven dewa, they alway hug their head; bat hold their the higher the more they recei Tbe Raleigh Arnrmel think there will hot be Over twenty Radicala in tbe Aaaembly. rVa are glad that, it i ao, warta.., But, alae 1 that thera should bewty Radicala elected ia a Soutlieni Sute.-sirmJe Tim. ' - . Tt house at Appomattox Court Hoaae,' in which Gew. Lee enrrendered the Army of North ern Virginia, on th 9th. of April, 1WS, is offer ed tor sals by it owner, Col. McLean. - ii U .. . f'l "GB!ntRAi Gbamt will Ohxt Onrtrs. A telegram from Washlngtoa to th Hhitadetphis "Ledger" report that in aa Interview with the President oa the Maryland ' trouble General Grant stated that "he knew nothing of the mar it of tht cue, aad should, of course, obey or Biahop AUclajoa't LetteTt from Zoropa. t . (s5.ijT IXlBLIir, RKPTKMBBa 80, I860,' MtDiab Ma. tniToa : I bail hoped to hajre writlea yaw a letter nearly every week, bat now aaore-tbaa a month has elapsed, witboat my endug you atine. Tbo reason baa been, that aa aty acquaintance baa extended, my ten ant baa been abridged. I last wrote yoa, 1 be lieve, from Tnobridg Well. I found that watering-place aa extremely pleasant one, and very beneficial to my health. The water ia the beet toaie I ever tried, tbe acenery beautitnt, and tbe sir extremely pare and salubrious. The merit orb4 gwtwrwakwerf which tbey vain higMyr that fa, jaaw. f to th aablic' by Dudley. Lord Northa di rote young nobleman, in tbetthra of June L 1lttoWsaW"TeirKtWntiOT ted by U aea, tbat instead ot the prematar thi remedy, be .was, by virtu of ft, enabled to attain extreme old age. It ha tver inc been much esteemed; and greatly frequented by tbe English. Near it is one of those historical houses of which they are justly proud. - It I Pnhnrat,th Beat of tba Sidney family, toiwhom it ha belonged since tbe time of Edward VL It wa th btrth-plaotof Sir Philip, and ot Al gernon, Sidney, and is attorned with portrait of theae, frteW Kliisibetbaml Kn-dley, Lord Leicester, her favorite, of Dorothea Sidney (Waller's Sacchariisa) and of many other per sons the world will never forget It has. also pictures by the old masters, and toriont relic, piece of armor, and the like, of tbe great men whose name are associated with the place. Tbo building i a fine c4d mansion of atone, quadrangular in, form, enclosing a court, and surrtm oiled bya park, remarkable for the sine and beaaty of it oaks, ' -, Whil at Taabrldg Wells I received an invi to! ioa from a veaerable olt chfrgymaa ia Nor folk county, t meet tbe Bishop of Brisbane, at hi hoosa, aayt to tok some part la a meeting to he held hi hie Parish, la furtherance of the in terestelof tbe a w Diocese of Brithsne. I ac cepted the iavttatioa, and met the Bishop and tome fifteen or twenty clergymen of the aeigh borbood, many ot them accompanied by their wire, at thetabtoof my hospitablo friend, We bad afterward a pleasant, lively missiona ry gathering, ia which, a a representative of tbe Americaa Church, I received a most Cor-' dial welcome. -J i ' The next day I went with the Bishoji and our host to Norwich, mainly to visit the Cfatbedral, bestowing a portion of our tiat, bo waver, oa the Palace and groud of th Bishop of Nor wich, abewa o by hi sons, th Bishop nd tbe rct of hi L..farailj being .a&senVmoLJnftJM1 glance at ta Caatle and some ot the Churches. The Cathedral of Norwich would, ia almost any other country , le considered one ot it chief architectural glories. The building wa com menced as far back as A. D. 10M. The work wa carried on for centuries, and tbe aplm waa not erected wntil 1301. I en re the facts to il lustrate tbe antiquity of these grand and vene rable atoauments af Christian devotSVm. 1 The architecture is of enures, from it era, Norman. It ia 411 feet long, and 191 -wide, while the pir I 1S feet high. It will give an Ameri eat read a better idea of it aim for -him to consider that if th width of the Transept were that of Um whole building, there would be more than caoagb room ia it for twelve churches 100 kt long, by 00 wide, or for at least twenty, of the averag of such as we hav ia North Caroli na, i To stand at the western door of such a Cathedral, and cast yoor ey to it eastern ex trctnitv It like lookia down aa aventieof hiftv tree whose branches intertwine far above you in tba air. And when oa remember that the light which traam ia oa you, I grrgeou with the color of richly-painted Windows, that thickly planted aruuod yoa are the monument of saints and warrior of past ages, here the f ffilty of a (ten knight reclining in hi rinour, there th figure of s devout prelate, with his arm crossed oa hi breast, in th attitude of prayer, aad tbat hart tbey bay been lying con tory after eeatary, 'While- lb restless loom of Tim ha beaa weaving th web of human life around tatnt, otDe feel tbat a building may hav other than merely material usflt, Jhat a sa cred building may serve other purposes thsa to rurnwa room ia wnica near a sermon : that it may be itself a aenuon, a tolema and elevating sermon ia atoas, peeacliing with power to many socoeaslv geaerawons. ; Tbat day I dined with 'a country gentleman who has a handsome place, near the realdenee, llhougb aot in tba Pariah ot my kind clerical host, and as I hava aeen more perhape of Eng- iisb eoantry lire thsa nmencaa generally do, It may be well to give my impressions of It, ts- pecially aa it 1 very mochjeonflned to thi coon try. In th South w had sometbtng like It before th war. Whether it will eonrinwe under tht new order of things la doubtful. At the North, aad oa tbe Continent of Europe, men of weaitn prefer M ooogregan in citie, aad ta tn summer to resort to watering place. Host Englishm who br eatate In tha coon try preicr, on ' m oiner pann, reside on tnem, and to oom op only occasionally to town, '. Ba les they r confined to It, by the engagement of political life. Their bouse, I bterve, are built chiefly fa valley, whil our, it possible. areo hill, the difference, I think, being due to tbe Influence nf climste. We . who Miffer from heat Woolnr tbo wlada, while ia thi cooler and mart stormy region, they eek rather te shelter Uiemselvss trora taair vtolaae. ; Around the! Bouse tasv aav park of neater or leas extent according to the wealth of th proprie tor. , .Thea are covered with gram of ' tbe rich' est verdure, which is carefully tad frequently mow,' and c Which feT Bock oT eherp, end fat bahpy-lookino; cow, and oa th rrounda belonging to great hoaae, herd of dear ere en hancing that aspect' of abandanca, aad tranquil beauty, which Seem to ma th characteristic ebana ef English scenery Of course, there are ahrsys fin trees (object mock valued by the angiieoj growing singly, or in ei urn pa, and ir possible, water ia k stream, or lakelet, and, bear the bona a profits! o ot beautiful flowera, of thoae kinds such .Geranhiin, which broom all th summer-.- I may add ia passing, that nothing ia England has struck m more than th abundance and splendor of tbe flower. I ae a great adyanot la that . respect, since my former visit to thi Inaatry. Th people them eel re attribute H to the efreot of tfjeir frequent Uortkmltaral shows. Inspiring all elaase witba taste for tbie aort of decoration. So ( fffa thaoortaga of tbo laborer to the palace of th Duko, all surround tbenuelyea with flower, and area tha rsllwav ststinae a mi tManti t.. . 1 bar already said tbat tbo gram ia to tha cy, and I mar add, to the foot of th Ameri -eaa, omewbat pecnlarr Our h a pal green, theirs U l aw purplish greea.-aad irt-toaW I ao thick aad aoft tbU it yieldate th foot Eko a rich Tarkey aarpe. Thi la due pertly to a tare, aad partly to art They have, one would think; almost dairy showers, and th oil geoer ally rest oa chalk, or limestone; both being conditions very : favorable to , this sjruwth. Thea tbey keep tbe same laws not from year to year, bat rather from century tn century, wa disturbed exeept by tht head of th mower and the, pressure of th roller. On gentleman whom I recently visited told me that a lawn oa ' which I had ust been walking, had been ued for that purpose only, so far a h could leara, from tbo day af King J alia. It it tima tbaa 'V J :yi)s'" ;- A -Vf. aad eultivatioa, a well as a weeping ky, and a eelcaraoa toU, which give to England tu pe coliarly rich and beaaUlul turf. But to return to oar English country gentla aiaa, Hi houae 1 utaally of stone, bvge, often irregularly brrllt, generally old. aad th more valued lor being u, to ,tkt I ltly heard one. who was a good deal mora than a mer eonntry gentleman complain rather bitterly of his grind-father, aenaringeoKa polled down a ion ol imueotorial antiquity, to build a new on ia It ttead. Th furnitors of the houses sppears to me quit plain, compared witn tnu of neoDle of eorresDondintr wealth ia our owa enootrr.. But they always have tmi oraameat neat yv-i i.J trait of their aaeeator. and work of art exeJ euted bv eminent puntor of their own country, Xttei-LIWJ ul UXHUHMitSi himw; amrvw lag usually very larg umto. th purchaser, whether of the present or ot a past generation. They keep toe mors tervaata tbaa ia usual with us. evea with Us. eauta; fortua, aad tbey cer tainly hav th finest aad handsomest bouses I have ever mul ' ... ....'i.e.. With borne. tba.BviK ao many comfort. and with a country to prosperous, and means of intercommunication so perieci, mat a pleasant oeiety is accessible everywhere, it I ao wonder that thaEiurliah delitrht ia a country life. It- its t-t-Dity that towof Hieta ' ijr Itt mil lion know aotbing nl tree, ani grass saa ma uries, except what tbey ee in the Park and so as re of Loadon and other great cities. In deed, ia thi respect, as la many other, cloud teem to nw to Ingathering over aad beginning to darken this land, now to beautiful, ao free, so prosperous. Tbe agriculture! eiameat it dwind ling ia proportion to the general population. Londosfaad th ethof citie ar (welling out ia very direction, ao as to threaten to , onvr the whole eonntry. Now th population of a great oity is, I believe, in eyety respect, Inferior to that ot the eonntry. Tbey are smaller, feebler bve lee Mem endtfrmg Courage, and at the am time are more p$ waate aad excitable. t believe mat aa sngitea army wouta aot o am at formidable to that ot another aatioa, a H wa at Creey, at Blenheim, or at Waterloo. An urbarTpcuUfloaU attaajam time, mote unruly thaaa rural oa.' .i,i ... ,. , Th Hyde park riot last aummer indicated pretty plainly th law We temper of a London rao, and th timid policy of the ministry, who really gav up foy' merhl day,th property of theigovernment into th hand of thepopulace, aogumd lllfor Uwiotara Uaaquility of th great metropolis, . T"" i-'", -." " . ' But I matt bow clo thi hmg kttar. ''". '. Tonr truly, Tboka Atswsox. VI V ADTHTIliaiKTl . w o ' m . -ww ' . " 1 a, " vaioasie kaiaaprvyra uii I T IOWA, artBOOKHir A WD nKinesOTi,' FOB hi m, or tows taehsaesw tor Lawa or ether Pre- fry a tsetbCavlta,l ' ' ' 1 ties sboro, H. C. t3ra) Tlaiea. , THBEB THOUSAND CATAWBA AND ISABELLA Orape Vines, te gond bearing etmditim, tnt sale, at twsany-ars ssassissns n war awe tnraerea. Ls tkas osm ramtrsd, tarty seats saasw i iu u-Appry t i . !! 1 .-.r WIIXIAM ORIMFil, 0t-w Balsigb, M.C. s w " " " .1 "") " Jaaar M. Tmwloa, J.I i . ' HI :ii.'v . - - I,-- Grtenl cemmisaloa Mertnant, " AUcrrioiviCKii, AND AGENT POR THE BALE OF - i . . ,. AgrlcuttarwJ Impleaaasila, FcvUllxears, 1,11 I v I I kUM . Ml ,1 . I :.. M..ti?....nreif f-v. .e ft.): i-.. 1 ' I .-(,, - Mi t OLB ITAgB, KaUal MABKBT, j ) ! i l it n!k J I , - , HAimoHr, isr. a Bsvbuj greatly enkrgs my 'war reams,!! pared looftV inereassa fasOiaea to my em fHeade aad lbs pablie genetally. ' Odtaa-tf , A HAKOX AID TA1TJABLI DwTXUIQ . I H0U8I LOT! JOE SAO ; P WARKENTOH, NORTH GAJWLtNJL . rsotT.TAMOw, - "' I As1 Worres Oomi af By virtae er aaeeraeauaak the abars tanse, at Fatf Trrwj 1, of the Oosut of Xqnity lor W aires Oosstr, I shall osVa- f mim, a tits Court Hews donr ks the Town of WsrraBssa, ea s ersdit of twalre months en the Uth. day of Dsesaber asst. tlx large endsom modimss Bonse aad the Lets bsiooirine Ibssett, te the Town of Wamnton, adjemingtlie lands of John x. nuuame ana otnere, nemg sn fTsmlssa ea which Harrwid lUtoa, astmasil fotntarly, resided te aid Town. Bond with apjeeved etewitjf wtli as re- asa, taaasw swUHfawjIt D ROSfET V Ct , ' -TAJJIJ8IIEI 1 830. 8DIPPLN9 :.TOWMIS8I . i j-wj.xfi i.vv . t. . .; ..... -'. lmingtoiwc:: Liberal cash adraneesmads aa aBmgmaBl to as, venrsaut . .. . , v ... Jul WIISM, 1 yvrfj r xr-z-vurr ,r!l' AAlJUITi JL- aJtVXV l a .5' n flsttun fts-irsrded to them fres ef aimmuJin. arsMMaasdewwaahipasettotseai Boss es ipt ef pratwr waeBMK .)-. , n, .,- ,nil.a , Chives on fialm pngmmtU tttthtaBg mass. I r ) Of A Masle Book rr tba Vnii j -IEIIIIY CHIMES" v i ' ,t;u z'vuxrjA , " aw t VXtfMRSjLUr.APiUTTEP TO tM TBS BEST. rpflM aew boot of Mr. L O. Fatarsoe's km already X mst with a sals sltegsthar Mpr!kptod sod ssnhed.ias tjsrst AsmAVssli saittoe, a a atoesmd ZVrJTF1' sssiwaesa.Brtajm,tast th . Mprre Cwenns will as burned it. . asesSat Klements, that AUraet aad aWtate the At wmaas of Cliilitrea, Il nnos ar aot oid sad baae win sons' throats s. doses hoohahaL iimw uwl Hr"UB, Adantsit So aU fsra, and Ahve with Kir Bjittlt o Tuaea. mum ta ssiwis wonyakfl s oaan. aaswmta rages ea spplieauon, j i -- - OLIVER DITSON ft CO., -i IMlabsvs, m Washtegtasi SU ikwtua. . iOt!-as , . ....,,. t 1 I 1 ' ' J'Lttdle' takg aad jjihAwkr BshnersiaiirKAa " ' "" : v.: .--...s .) T. COOUf'tN cLOTiiniat TURTrsostvst a aew impprr of tba latest 8trWa, aad at very low i'nrea.1 J eall partH-olar a, ten tie te mj stock or liver Goats, wiuch I wiil sell tr-Bxie, ... : ;f t -h a verv I V.. IXTEHXAL KEVEXrE ' I WILL be at my Offloe", nixt dwrtoB. p Willi.! ! s.4 o'. Btore, twit Monday and TuiUi HeveunsorWakeenaDty., vi."rnl I hope thstiiLfnim whom Taies are due wfL.n and pay, aa 1 d t wish to ha euiuiwki tn suiW TJr! 10 per esut from any ; wlni'U I am bound to du if r,7T aut iaBDtaaadeatmatbnM. "pay W. IL WITJ.ttM Baldyh, Oct. 7- . lepnty CuiWfc,,, THTEHK, HOI-I AM OW hi dstlr ThTT tbsnistih jrf..UiOY8TK!W. ' '1 . ' . W. BOIlfcKX ANPKEWR. Oetr-JiHL. Wholwiato and IteUU Or,iS "TTti an I vy v'jy.t I as a eanjitiaU a Krt KxTtts rai.!7 Allant Doorkeeper to tba House of Common. WK are authorised to announce THI. atar,hf this City, as a oandidats b.' Assiatant Doorkeeper to the aext Huase of Coiam,. 7, 0ot2-td , ... j ,. ;;T I will reoelrepropoaSls the reiit of bit farm. i. : Pitt County, for ths nextynsr. . ' TUine farms ar -itwulve uUsa above the tuwn ,i WashiugUtu, N. O. and diridsd by J'ar Krrr -nJL hare been cultivated this fear by Col Wluithwcr tpc ana. Aoarese, - m-r-r ttt- . - , , WILLIAM QRISIES, , ' tyvAiiiiarw atui 4v;w ljtti u uuruaU Ua VXlluliUii' J J rt.il I., a.. , -m AO BOXES MAC '8 Adamantine Candlea, in Kllh Boxes Abo te flh Cartons. These are ths bestCsmUes knows to the trade. Pl'LLIAM, JONES ft CO. I.MIIGO. UJ . . , TtCadder, and other bre8tnrrs, now in Blora.' . XIX . . . . , 1'ULLIAM, JONtH CO Out tl-W Wlwdesals Oruears! -Ift BALBtS HBtVirST COTTON B)AU- XV gm, anmsess tunas none ; new ta tttiirs PULLL 1.1AM, Jl , JONES ft CO. Wholesale Orocsra. Oct J7-tf CONCRNTRATCO I.TK.-an arti.le of groat sxoelUMHW ill domnatic eromimy. - . ' 4 PL'LLIAM, JONES ft CO ' Oct87-tf Wboletalt Orumni, Corn, Com Heal and Family Flour. PULLIAM, JONES ft CO. Wholesale Oroeera, Vf ,f, i W. fayetteviUe. tTr.t i TJaT b-anilv wAauima nr jv iCO. 0ot7-tf Wholesale Qroeersi 2000 fictr-tf mivrHBS svPBBiott aria Cotton, assortoi numbers, now is Mlon. PULLIAMJONESACO. .Wholesals Oroeen. r"Lt( acPKRIOEt tTI,tTIi X.b s-Coil Chewing Tub -co; Carolina BvlW Suuff; Kine Cut Hublinie Chewing Tobaveo ; Just arrived, ' n , PULLIAM, JONES ft CO. -Oct OT-tf Wholesale Onierrt. Important to Tbo People, r a. w. FRArs, DEALER IN PURIITCRE. West Side FayetteviUe Street, Am te MiMtr' Jewelry Store, and opj-otitt tit -W avam,-,., t ,-St ,w-itva IOvitea Attention from City and Country to his larp-e had sleKant stock of foraittns, on hand and to tr ims, consisting of complete chamber Setts, Mattrts sesof various designs and qualities, suitable for Cot tage or Palace. Uia supply of HDt'AH, PAKLOIl, CftlDia KOOlt and 01'M CHA1118, fte AeZ notexoeliodin the HUte. ' --t . FNDERTAKIKO.- ,Jf ; f Ho reaneetfliny announces that he has tildcd to his otlier boainoaa, that of undertaking, aad is now lesdr to supply those who may require them, Coffins of any desired quality. He has ths best material (Vr wuoti wenk, elaborate silrer plain mountings, nlanne, etc.. and a hew HEAItHE, of modern, pattern and Mulsh. Be ia therefore te eondiUnn to fUniiah tTervtliuiir re tr ,. .. quisite Rir mneral oeesnon and will attend to aU order for his (ervicee, ia Uiisl line, with promptitude. .. . Oct H7-3m. r ' J FOB SALE,' '"' ' FT1HE ftnest PONT HOUSE to tlie Stat, 1 year old A i next Spring Safe and Sound. OctaS-Sw ; , , .. W. H. CUOW. . TEX DOLLARS BEwXfiDI - STOLKN. on the night r)f the Kth. Ihst., ftn black MoCLr.LrN8AIDLE,braa-mouuted, quil ted patmt-laather seat. - , . lbs shors reward will be paid its recovery and for f vtdenoa te eonviet tht thief. Apply at : 1 Tills OFFICE. Baleigh, Pot at-t m DAVi3jom ';; firocers. and Commission Merchants, TT hata jaet rotnrned from the North with t T T largo and complete assortment of Oreceriua, Whwh ws offer to the pablie, at wholesale and retail, JefMswe Trice tor Cab or Col-' to.:. j Tks stock oonsisU, te part, ss foUowt : t ' n.r w autsi au gmdse of XFFTF,J,Ta,Ijigi,TraandBio, 1 ,' sflU Is-17K1 li 1 Jl. Hi ' -V waaaa MHl ItlsX'it 1 VML r ; bYlilP and Mnlassea. IT BAOC-W, o - JT ' - i rum tiRAF iJtRiy, h: - v y : j f f . Aair.ii DL,- and Beof-Tongues, , v n. X. f ACXAT Beef. ' Cod-nsh, Haekerel and Harrinn Pri nka : Better aad Chaeae. 4ne swwrimeat of Cigars, - Stareh, Copaoras, Alius, Salt fet, best Durham Smolisn Tolmotw, Ac. ,! v A food saortnietii sr.naa nJ ! Bekwhe.VW I TVIXES AKD LIQUORS nf the boot bnmUi. " Bagging and Bop. Kerosene Oifc iffliot No. I to . TttifVtommWM-aTX MWWaT'iVi H-i I "fir Y1r ' Tn .",V?f aiaexmg.-- :t;-3-; rmi)eetfuUybris tnepnMie to eall and ex 'I HASOMC. ' " TlBiiih ArnrTAFT's Omtx ) , - llujtms. lint ikiK i.vl KUV 01 ,U", K2 WiIHJ E . t IT., sod Ae- v WU nfM io wis aun.toy evtnnr, tbe third nr Tv. elorkfur ths trtnnnrtion 'of nrhl,n.inM- aa ma? be sntmutted to Hw-ir nnn.iA.r., . - ThsOfhesvsofsnboriliiui 1.1 ,JJ.'i''?i"i PT? P't'er oVloffates to be aiipntutMl, in obedience to the omatituuo aad awar wa) regulauoaa of th tirand fwt.- ' '. W ILL! A If T. BAIN, , uwdard ani Enterprls oopy. .. , , V, fW -'